PmWikiZhTw / PmWikiZhTwStandalone




PmWiki PHP PHP()PmWiki - Microsoft WindowsPHP
pmwikiserv.php - PHPPHP( Unix PHP)

(read-only mirror) wget(special link conversions)

Microsoft Windows

  1. DownloadPmWiki
  2. server.zipserverserverPmWikiPHPPHP
  3. serverpmwikiserv.bat
  4. windowsstarted...ready for requestsserver
  5. http://localhost/wiki -- PmWiki


Apple OS X

Wiki on a stick?

Unix systems

I ran into 2 problems the first time I tried this:

  1. Clicking on the batch file opens a command window. The first few times I did this the window filled with text that scrolled so fast I couldn't see what it was saying. Turning off Skype stopped that problem. As described below, this is a conflict on port 80, and you can disable port 80 use in Skype prefs.
  2. Once the darn thing was running, there was no way to stop it. The command window was completely unresponsive and I didn't really want to kill PHP.EXE in the Task Manager. Type Control-C in the command window to bring up a "Terminate batch job?" dialog. Neil Herber?

While using this recipe I got two problems:

Please, be aware that the standalone version is not totally functional because of the server configuration. You may run into problems arising from directory names not being recognized by the server. Also, setting WikiFarms doesn't seem to work properly with the minimal server configuration. Be sure to check the readme included with it.

I was able to get this to work, but I had to add the following lines to pmwikiserv.php. As explained on the comments on the PHP site, this tweak is a way of getting around the "unable to bind, address already in use" error (that I was getting). I'm not sure exactly what negative effects this tweak might have; if anybody has an idea about that, please fill us in. These lines go right BEFORE the line, socket_bind($AcceptSocket, $ip, $port);

# reuse socket tweak
  if (!socket_set_option($AcceptSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1)) {
    echo socket_strerror(socket_last_error($sock));

I also might add, I was able to get this thing to work on my flash drive, no problem. Just follow the instructions above, and you've got a localized portable PmWiki installation. Just keep in mind that, from computer to computer, there are probably different settings related to servers, and it's possible you could have problems on one machine and not another. - JonHaupt?

I am having trouble running on a shared drive at work. PM Wiki ran fine in standalone mode on my hard drive. I exited it by killing the dos window. I copied the installation over to a shared drive and found it working when called from a DOS command prompt. When I click the batch file \server\pmwikiserv.bat from Windows, (with no servers running) I get a lovely flash on the screen but no wiki. Methinks (wethinks?) the path is not setting correctly in Windows. Help? OBTW. My mappage of the drive will be different than my co-worker's, the path can not be hard-coded. - CongaMike

Update: I fixed (kludged) the problem by hard coding the path statement in the pmwikiserver batch file - CongaMike

I thought the action above corrected the problem and I no longer needed the local copy. Windows would not let me delete it due to file sharing issues. I exited PM Wiki, deleted the local copy, and tried to run the shared copy. Voila! All is well! Sorry to trouble you. - CongaMike

Sometimes the server won't work, because the port 80 that the server uses is already taken. A common reason for this is if you have Skype running. To fix this problem go to Skype Tools > Options > Connection and uncheck "use port 80 and 443 as alternatives for incomming connections". You might have to restart Skype in order for the changes to take effect.
The same problem occurs also with other servers used, like the ones below. Anno?

Win32 bundle; Applied the recipe successfully, however the PHP http server sometimes seems unable to cope with a large number of simultaneous requests (e.g. GUIButtons images). stderr says socket_write() unable to write to socket [0]: <localized WinSock message here: closed by remote host>. - RasqualTwilight

$ScriptUrl = 'http://localhost/pmwiki/pmwiki.php';
$PubDirUrl = 'http://localhost/pmwiki/pub';
  • run Z:/path_to_/UniformServer/Server_Start.bat
  • et voila !

I tried using on my Windows XP machine. I unzipped PmWiki to a folder on my local machine. I unzipped into that folder. I executed pmwikiserv.bat. When I tried to use my web browser to http://localhost/wiki, I got a page stating "No input file specified." I can't find mention of this problem in the PmWiki. Can anyone help me out on this? ---Michael Galvin Oops. I just figured out what I did wrong. I created a directory on my machine, I called PmWiki. I nzipped pmwiki-latest to that directory, into a directory under "PmWiki" called "pmwiki-1.2.27". I then unzipped into "PmWiki". What I should have done was to unzip it into pmwiki-1.2.27. Now all is well and works fine. I'll leave this comment in this page in case someone else makes the same darned mistake. ---Michael Galvin

:Jolly good thing... I just did the same thing, and I would have given up and gone to bed if I hadn't seen your post! Perhaps some rewording of the instruxions would be in order!!!

I'm trying to run pmwikiserv.php and got message like this:

PHP Warning:  dl() [<a href='function.dl'>function.dl</a>]: 
Unable to load dynamic library 
- /usr/local/Php-5.2.0/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/php_sockets.dll: 
cannot open shared object file: 
No such file or directory in /root/spot/webserver/htdocs/tww/server/pmwikiserv.php on line 76
PHP Fatal error:  
Call to undefined function socket_create() in /root/spot/webserver/htdocs/tww/server/pmwikiserv.php on line 77

What does it mean?


I've been trying to use pmwikiserv.php, and have got it running, but it doesn't seem to work properly:

Any thoughts?

Many thanks, Rowland (2007-10-01)

If you wish to distribute your copy of PmWiki on a CD, you can give a try hua?

Another option is Web Server for CD running on Win, Mac OS X and Linux - currently the only option for creating single CD that will work on 3 platforms. Derek?

I'm trying to set up and test this on a Windows XP PC with PHP, apache, etc, but for use on a PC without them. I get

PHP Warning:  Unknown(): (null): Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613, debug=0, thread-safety=1
PHP    compiled with module API=20020429, debug=0, thread-safety=1
These options need to match in Unknown on line 0

Any suggestions for how to get it to work would be appreciated.

tia, Simon

Hello, I'm using XP Home OS. I'm trying to use the stand alone version and i followed instructions. I unzpped pmwiki to pmwiki-2.1.27, then unzipped server to pmwiki-2.1.27 then executed the batch file named "pmwikeserv" and when it runs I get a command promt that says "c:\pmwiki-2.1.27\server>echo off" then a few seconds later i get a pop up box that says;

"Unknown(): (null): Unable to initialize module Module compiled with module API=20060613, debug=0, thread-safety=1 PHP compiled with module API=20020429, debug=0, thread-safety=1"

Can someone please explain to me how to fix this? Sterling


I had this same problem when I tried to run a standalone wiki on a machine that already had one set up on an Apache web server. To fix this, I moved the PHP file (originally in Program Files) and its contents to the desktop. Now the standalone one works, but the one running off Apache doesn't. I'm not sure if they can both run at the same, but this issue definitely has something to do with PHP and not the wiki itself.

Configuration note

It's worth to know that some configuration can be put in a separate configuration file pmwikiserv.conf you should create in the server/ directory. This allows e.g. for easy configuration of the port on which the server will reside. An example from my disk is:

$Listen = "";
print "Listening port used: $Listen\n";

which allows me to browse local PmWiki at http://localhost:7777/wiki when port 80 is occupied by a firewall configuration page. MateuszCzaplinski?
