ADAmpD2 / Mine

Klooge Files

This is the current def file we are using as of Jun 29 08

New changes as of 2018 06 17 from TMO

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    This is a game system definition file for kLoOge.Werks v2.0.

    If you don't know what you're doing, or you're not willing to render your
    installation of kLoOge.Werks completely inoperable, LEAVE NOW!!!

    For those brave souls remaining, some rules:

	1.  NEVER modify a game definition file that you received as part of
	    the program distribution or downloaded yourself.  Instead, make
	    a copy of such a file and modify THAT.  In this way if you mess
	    something up, you'll have a starting point to return to.

	2.  If you create a modified (or from scratch) game definition file
	    that you think will enhance the program or be of some benefit to
	    others, then, please, let us know about it!  Post a message on
	    the forum, upload it to a public group, email it to
	    us so we can have a look at it, whatever.  Just don't keep it
	    to yourself.  Build the community and the community could end up
	    improving your gaming as well.

    Those are the rules.  Obey them and prosper, disregard them at your own

    What is a "game definition file?"  A "game definition file" is a file
    (big surprise) that defines the rules of play and data organization of
    character sheets.  Additionally, it governs how character sheets are
    arranged for display and what kinds of user interface elements are used
    to store the sheet's data.

    Every game system is different and we've tried to make our game definition
    system flexible enough to handle almost all of them.  How this flexibility
    is realized depends on the code below.  Some of it will make sense, but
    a lot of it won't at first.  If you have questions, ask them on the forum
    and we will try to answer them quickly and accurately.

    Since there will never likely be formal documentation of this data format,
    the only way to clear up questions is to ask.  We hope to put answers into
    a FAQ, but that will take time.

Version History
		1.0 original 2nd Edition Def fil that ships with Klooge
		2.0 Major modification by Fritz to include several things from the 
			1st Ed Def file created on the klooge boards by Eric
			-includes split stats, consumable magic items, etc. 
		2.0.1 minor changes to container section, 
				additional REM commenting in areas
				added tag to total coins in container section

		2.0.2 added calander modifications
		2.0.3 added weapon listing and corrected Description File corrections for skills and 			weapons
		2.0.4 added in Open Locked doors
		2.0.5 added in Group & Subgroup for Skills to make it easier for character creation
		2.1.0 Marco's changes
		2.1.1 correct Icon sizes, add in min light radius, remove ravenloft fields from character sheet
		2.1.2 add in default minimums to level, saves, init, armor
		2.1.3 first attempt at improved weapon section
		2.1.4 add in casting subtley and more weapon detail, defaults to atk and dmg adjustments
            2.1.5 Fixed attack and damage modifiers to weapon section
		2.1.6 minor Init fix, add Knockdown target, fix data file locations

This version is 2.1.6 last modified on 06/29/2008

    <id>2nd Edition D&D(tm)2.mine sand4</id>
	    <!-- Round duration in seconds -->
	    <!-- Identical initiatives are weighted by the value in this field -->
	<!-- For randomizing hit points, let the program know where to look
	     for some information about what default to use -->
		<!-- Standard Icon sizes are
			T =   .75
			S =  1.75
			M =  2.5
			L =  5.0
			H = 10.0
			G = 20.0

		This number is also used in the Knockdown rules


	    <day>Day 1 Trall</day>
	    <day>Day 2 Trall ___ de</day>
	    <day>Day 3 Lad ___ de</day>
	    <day>Day 4 Ced ___ de</day>
	    <day>Day 5 Be ___ de</day>
	    <day>Day 6 Pen ___ de</day>
	    <day>Day 7 Mid ___ de</day>
	    <day>Day 8 Ko ___ de</day>
	    <day>Day 9 See ___ de</day>
	    <day>Day 10 Fin ___ de</day>
	    <day>Day 11 Trall ___ tre</day>
	    <day>Day 12 Lad ___ tre</day>
	    <day>Day 13 Ced ___ tre</day>
	    <day>Day 14 Be ___ tre</day>
	    <day>Day 15 Pen ___ tre</day>
	    <day>Day 16 Mid ___ tre</day>
	    <day>Day 17 Ko ___ tre</day>
	    <day>Day 18 See ___ tre</day>
	    <day>Day 19 Fin ___ tre</day>
	    <day>Day 20 Trall ___ se</day>
	    <day>Day 21 Lad ___ se</day>
	    <day>Day 22 Ced ___ se</day>
	    <day>Day 23 Be ___ se</day>
	    <day>Day 24 Pen ___ se</day>
	    <day>Day 25 Mid ___ se</day>
	    <day>Day 26 Ko ___ se</day>
	    <day>Day 27 See ___ se</day>
	    <day>Day 28 Fin ___ se</day>
		<name>Din {Mid Spring}</name>
		<name>Sow {Late Spring}</name>
		<name>Lec {Early Summer}</name>
		<name>Ze {Mid Summer}</name>
		<name>Sin {Late Summer}</name>
		<name>Spe {Early Fall}</name>
		<name>Bel {Mid Fall}</name>
		<name>Eap {Late Fall}</name>
		<name>Ohm {Early Winter}</name>
		<name>Fey {Mid Winter}</name>
		<name>Kye {Late Winter}</name>
		<name>Man {Early Spring}</name>

	<!-- The following represents what the GM sees at all times and what
	     players see when "Show full detail" has been turned on.  Some
	     fields, however, will not appear to a client if the "Show
	     condition" flag has been turned off.  Which is which should be
	     apparent based on the tags used.  Feel free to modify/restrict
	     fields as you see fit, of course.
		    <pre-roll>Initiative: {d10$INIT}</pre-roll>
	<!--  If you'd like some information to be available to players when
	      "Show Full Detail" is turned off, then uncomment the following
	      block and add the fields you'd them to see.
	    <label>Lightly Wounded</label>
	    <label>Moderately Wounded</label>
	    <label>Heavily Wounded</label>
	    <label>Massively Wounded</label>
	    <tooltip>Attack / Damage</tooltip>
            <!--  It seems that this button is almost never used.  If you miss
                  it, feel free to uncomment this block and put it back.
		<button-label>Attack of Opportunity</button-label>
		<pre-roll>[Attack of Opportunity]&nbsp;</pre-roll>
		<button-label>Max Roll</button-label>
		<pre-roll><b>[MAX ROLL] </b></pre-roll>
		<tooltip>Maximize the result in the roll.</tooltip>
		<!-- There *is* no value, so it must be excluded -->
		<pre-roll><b>[+2] </b></pre-roll>
		<tooltip>Add a "+2" to the next roll.</tooltip>
		<!-- There *is* no value, so it must be excluded -->
		<pre-roll><b>[-2] </b></pre-roll>
		<tooltip>Add a "-2" to the next roll.</tooltip>
		<!-- There *is* no value, so it must be excluded -->
		<pre-roll><b>[Half] </b></pre-roll>
		<tooltip>Halve the next roll.</tooltip>
		<!-- There *is* no value, so it must be excluded -->
		<pre-roll><b>[Double] </b></pre-roll>
		<tooltip>Double the result of the next roll.</tooltip>
		    <pre-roll>Initiative: {d10$INIT}</pre-roll>
		    <!-- There *is* no value, so it must be excluded -->
		    <!-- This creates a button in the dice panel that does not
			 have a corresponding interface element on the character
			 sheet.  We use these for special-purpose situations, like
			 attacks of opportunity. -->
		    <pre-roll>Grapple: {d20$GM}</pre-roll>
	    <name>Ability Checks</name>
	    <tooltip>Ability Checks</tooltip>
	    <name>Saving Throws</name>
	    <tooltip>Saving Throws</tooltip>
	    <tooltip>Proficiency checks</tooltip>
	    <name>Magic Items</name>
	    <tooltip>Magic Items</tooltip>
	    <tool-tip>Custom Expressions</tool-tip>
		<name>Personal Information</name>
		    <name>Date of Birth:</name>

		    <name>Hit Dice:</name>
		    <name>Next Level:</name>
		    <name>Next LevelC1:</name>
		    <name>Next LevelC2:</name>
		    <name>Next LevelC3:</name>

		<name>Class Levels</name>
		    <name>Character Level:</name>
		<name>Ability Scores</name>
			<button-label>STR (${V})</button-label>
			<pre-roll>STR check:&nbsp;</pre-roll>
		    <name>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Exceptional STR:</name>
				<button-label>STAM (${V})</button-label>
				<pre-roll>STAM check:&nbsp;</pre-roll>
		    <name>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Weight Allowance:</name>
				<button-label>MUSC (${V})</button-label>
				<pre-roll>MUSC check:&nbsp;</pre-roll>
		    <name>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Attack Adjust:</name>
		    <name>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Damage Adjust:</name>
		    <name>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Max Press:</name>
		    <name>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Open Doors:</name>
			<raw-label>Open Doors</raw-label>
			<button-label>Open Doors (${V})</button-label>
			<pre-roll>Open Doors check:&nbsp;</pre-roll>
		    <name>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Open Locked Doors:</name>
			<raw-label>Open Locked Doors</raw-label>
			<button-label>Open Locked Doors (${V})</button-label>
			<pre-roll>Open Locked Doors check:&nbsp;</pre-roll>
		    <name>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bend Bars/Lift Gate:</name>
			<raw-label>Bend Bars/Lift Gate</raw-label>
			<button-label>Bend Bars/Lift Gate (${V})</button-label>
			<pre-roll>Bend Bars/Lift Gate check:&nbsp;</pre-roll>
			<button-label>DEX (${V})</button-label>
			<pre-roll>DEX check:&nbsp;</pre-roll>
			<button-label>AIM (${V})</button-label>
			<pre-roll>AIM check:&nbsp;</pre-roll>
		    <name>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Missile Attack Adjust:</name>
			<button-label>BAL (${V})</button-label>
			<pre-roll>BAL check:&nbsp;</pre-roll>
		    <name>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Reaction Adjust:</name>
		    <name>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Defensive Adjust:</name>
			<button-label>CON (${V})</button-label>
			<pre-roll>CON check:&nbsp;</pre-roll>
			<button-label>HEL (${V})</button-label>
			<pre-roll>HEL check:&nbsp;</pre-roll>
		    <name>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;System Shock:</name>
			<raw-label>System Shock</raw-label>
			<button-label>System Shock (${V})</button-label>
			<pre-roll>System Shock check:&nbsp;</pre-roll>
		    <name>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Poison Save:</name>
			<button-label>FIT (${V})</button-label>
			<pre-roll>FIT check:&nbsp;</pre-roll>
		    <name>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hit Point Adjust:</name>
		    <name>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Resurrection Survival:</name>
			<raw-label>Resurrection Survival</raw-label>
			<button-label>Resurrection Survival (${V})</button-label>
			<pre-roll>Resurrection Survival check:&nbsp;</pre-roll>
			<button-label>INT (${V})</button-label>
			<pre-roll>INT check:&nbsp;</pre-roll>
			<button-label>REA (${V})</button-label>
			<pre-roll>REA check:&nbsp;</pre-roll>
		    <name>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Max Spell Level:</name>
		    <name>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Max Spells/Level:</name>
		    <name>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Illusion Immunity:</name>
			<button-label>KNO (${V})</button-label>
			<pre-roll>KNO check:&nbsp;</pre-roll>
		    <name>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Add'l Languages:</name>
		    <name>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;% Chance Learn Spell:</name>
			<raw-label>% Chance Learn Spell</raw-label>
			<button-label>% Learn Spell (${V})</button-label>
			<pre-roll>Learn Spell check:&nbsp;</pre-roll>
			<button-label>WIS (${V})</button-label>
			<pre-roll>WIS check:&nbsp;</pre-roll>
			<button-label>INU (${V})</button-label>
			<pre-roll>INU check:&nbsp;</pre-roll>
		    <name>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bonus Spells:</name>
		    <name>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Chance of Spell Failure:</name>
			<raw-label>Spell Failure</raw-label>
			<button-label>Spell Failure (${V})</button-label>
			<pre-roll>Spell Failure check:&nbsp;</pre-roll>
			<button-label>WIL (${V})</button-label>
			<pre-roll>WIL check:&nbsp;</pre-roll>
		    <name>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Magical Defense Adjust:</name>

		    <name>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Spell Immunity:</name>
			<button-label>CHR (${V})</button-label>
			<pre-roll>CHR check:&nbsp;</pre-roll>
			<button-label>LED (${V})</button-label>
			<pre-roll>LED check:&nbsp;</pre-roll>
		    <name>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Loyalty Adjust:</name>
		    <name>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Max # of Henchmen:</name>
			<button-label>APR (${V})</button-label>
			<pre-roll>APR check:&nbsp;</pre-roll>
		    <name>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Reaction Adjust:</name>
		<name>Temporary Modifiers</name>
		    <name>Armor Class:</name>
		    <name>Current Hit Points:</name>
		    <name>Max Hit Points:</name>
		    <name>Paralysis, Poison or Death Save:</name>
		    <name>Rod, Staff or Wand Save:</name>
		    <name>Petrification/Polymorph Save:</name>
		    <name>Breath Weapon Save:</name>
		    <name>Magical Spell Save:</name>

		    <name>Magic Resistance:</name>
		<name>Saving Throws</name>
		    <name>Paralysis, Poison or Death:</name>

			<exclude-value/>			<raw-label>Paralysis, Poison or Death</raw-label>
			<button-label>Paralysis, Poison or Death (${V})</button-label>
			<pre-roll>Paralysis, Poison or Death save:&nbsp;</pre-roll>

		    <name>Rod, Staff or Wand:</name>

			<exclude-value/>			<raw-label>Rod, Staff or Wand</raw-label>
			<button-label>Rod, Staff or Wand (${V})</button-label>
			<pre-roll>Rod, Staff or Wand save:&nbsp;</pre-roll>
		    <name>Petrification or Polymorph:</name>

			<exclude-value/>			<raw-label>Petrification or Polymorph</raw-label>
			<button-label>Petrification or Polymorph (${V})</button-label>
			<pre-roll>Petrification or Polymorph save:&nbsp;</pre-roll>
		    <name>Breath Weapon:</name>

			<exclude-value/>			<raw-label>Breath Weapon</raw-label>
			<button-label>Breath Weapon (${V})</button-label>
			<pre-roll>Breath Weapon save:&nbsp;</pre-roll>
		    <name>Magical Spell:</name>

			<exclude-value/>			<raw-label>Magical Spell</raw-label>
			<button-label>Magical Spell (${V})</button-label>
			<pre-roll>Magical Spell save:&nbsp;</pre-roll>


		<name>Misc. Attributes</name>
		    <name>Icon Size:</name>
		    <name>Light Radius:</name>
		<name>Sound File:</name>
		    <name>Audio Files</name>
		    <name>Current Hit Points:</name>
		    <name>Max Hit Points:</name>
		    <name>Melee THAC0:</name>

		    <name>Knockdown Roll:</name>


		    <name>Initiative {not sure why this is here}:</name>












			<button-label>Initiative (${V})</button-label>








		    <name>Initiative (modifier):</name>

			<button-label>Initiative (${V})</button-label>



		    <name>Natural AC:</name>
		    <name>&nbsp;Armor Bonus:</name>
		    <name>&nbsp;Shield Bonus:</name>
		    <name>&nbsp;DEX Bonus:</name>
		    <name>&nbsp;Magic Bonus:</name>
		    <name>AC FINAL:</name>
		    <name>Magic Resistance:</name>
		<name>Racial Abilities</name>
	    <name>Weapon Proficiencies</name>
		    <name>Initial Slots:</name>
		    <name>Add'l Slots/Level:</name>
		    <name>Non-proficient Penalty:</name>
		    <name>Proficiency Name</name>
			<name>Non-Weapon Proficiencies</name>
					<name>Add'l Slots/Level:</name>
						<button-label>${PROF_NAME} (${NW_ATTRIB}${V})</button-label>
						<pre-roll>${PROF_NAME} check:&nbsp;</pre-roll>

	    <name>Class Skills</name>
		    <name>Character Points</name>

	    <name>Skills/Detections (d100/% based)</name>
		    <name>Total (% - w/modifier)</name>
			<button-label>${d100SKILL_NAME} (${V}%)</button-label>
			<pre-roll>${d100SKILL_NAME} check:</pre-roll>







		    <name>Kind of Weapon</name>



		    <name>Range S/M/L</name>

		    <name># Atks</name>

		    <name>Ability Adj</name>
		    <name>Racial Adj</name>
		    <name>Skill Adj</name>
		    <name>Profic Adj</name>
		    <name>Magical Adj</name>

		    <name>Atk Adj</name>
			<raw-label>Attack${#}: ${W_NAME}</raw-label>
			<static-label>Attack: ${W_NAME}:</static-label>
			<button-label>${#} (${V}) REM=${W_NUM}</button-label>
			<pre-roll>Attack${#}: ${W_NAME}:&nbsp;</pre-roll>
			<!-- When entering data into the character sheet,
			     the value of the "Type" field is used to
			     determine which THAC0 to use (either THAC0 or
			     MTHAC0) to calculate a hit.  This puts a lot
			     of dependency on the use to enter data correctly,
			     but since calculating hits in 2nd Edition is
			     basically flawed (in my opinion), there isn't
			     too much we can do about it.  So, the user must
			     specify "$THAC0" or "$MTHAC0" as the type for
			     hits to work.


		    <name>Ability Adj</name>
		    <name>Racial Adj</name>
		    <name>Skill Adj</name>
		    <name>Profic Adj</name>
		    <name>Magical Adj</name>

		    <name>Damage Adj</name>

		    <name>Damage v SM</name>
			<raw-label>Damage${#} v SM: ${W_NAME}</raw-label>
			<static-label>Damage${#}: ${W_NAME}:&nbsp;</static-label>
			<button-label>Damage${#} v SM ${W_NAME}</button-label>
			<pre-roll>Damage${#} v SM: ${W_NAME}:&nbsp;</pre-roll>
		    <name>Damage v L</name>
			<raw-label>Damage${#} v L: ${W_NAME}</raw-label>
			<static-label>Damage${#} v L: ${W_NAME}:&nbsp;</static-label>
			<button-label>Damage${#} v L ${W_NAME}</button-label>
			<pre-roll>Damage${#} v L: ${W_NAME}:&nbsp;</pre-roll>
		    <name>Atk Snd</name>
		    <name>Dmg Snd</name>
		    <name>Atk FX</name>
		    <name>Dmg FX</name>
	    <name>Magic Item Summary</name>
	    <name>Consumable Magic Items</name>
			<button-label>${MI_NAME} (REM=${R})</button-label>
		    <name>Cost per Use</name>
	    </multi-list>	</section>


	    <name>Carrying Capacity</name>
		    <name>Max Weight/Volume</name>

		<name>Encumbrance Totals</name>
		    <name>Magic Items:</name>

		    <name>Total Weight:</name>
		    <name>Base Weight Allowed:</name>
		    <name>Strength Adjustment:</name>
		    <name>Total Weight Allowed:</name>
	    <name>Magical Abilities</name>
		Setting up daily spells is one of the most tedious processes
		that you can do in the program.  As a result, there is now
		this section.  What this does is add a special UI element to
		the character sheet that opens a dialog that allows you to
		quickly set up a character's spells.
		<label>Setup Spells</label>
		    "spell-level-source" tells the program where to look for
		    spell level information.  You supply the ID of the table
		    to look in and the columns that contain the pertinent
		    information.  You need at least what is defined below, or

		    else totals will not be computed correctly.
		    "spell-source" is where the actual spells come from.
		    Everything is required for proper functioning.  Note that
		    the "desc-id" field is used as a tooltip in the program's
		    interface to tell you what the spell does, without taking
		    up unnecessary space on the screen.
		    <name>Spell Level/Power</name>
		    <name>Cast Level</name>
			<raw-label>Spell: ${SPELL_NAME}</raw-label>
			<button-label>${SPELL_NAME} (LVL=${SPELL_CAST_LEVEL} REM=${R})</button-label>

			<!-- An "applied-effect" is an effect to be applied
			     to the targeted icon(s) when the expression
			     is evaluated.  This effect must be defined in
			     the GM's global list of effects.

			<!-- Some expressions end up containing more than one
			     dice clause (spells are a good example of
			     this).  As a result, the program can be confused
			     about which clause within the expression to
			     use for damage (for example).  To get around this
			     problem, we have the "actionable-def" tag.

			     Within this tag, you define the total number of
			     expressions you expect there to be under normal
			     circumstances.  For this definition, that's
			     three (one for the spell, one for the spell's
			     DC and one for the spell failure check).

			     Next, you define which expression of this total
			     should be used as the "important" one.  This should
			     be the one that comes from the data (as opposed
			     to being defined here, as the DC and failure ones

			     When the program parses the expression, it will
			     check to see if the total is met.  If not, then
			     no damage will be deducted.  If so, then the
			     result from the indicated expression will be used.


		    <name># Memorized</name>


		<name>Custom Expressions</name>

