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News & Updates

Current Story Arc : Blood Mother Era - - 25-05-289 SGR

Anticipated Next Scene: Evil Tide is completed and the group sets out on the morning of the 25th to sail eastwards out of Buthole.

Adventuring Area: The Island Kingdoms - Borinquen

Next missed session : ???

Dates Players will miss :

Recent developments in the campaign

The group is now a set of mature adventurers and starting a new Era full of anticipation

Recent updates to the web site

RSS Feed to add to your favorite news feeds, including your bot in Discord.

There is a download link of the most current DSWorld file for people grab on the Campaign World page.

There is a page detailing the Dragonslayer Training Plans that is the defacto listing of the characters in the campaign at the moment, with their levels and future plans for training.

Continuing Interactions: