News & Updates
Current Story Arc : Blood Mother Era - - 25-05-289 SGR
Anticipated Next Scene: Evil Tide is completed and the group sets out on the morning of the 25th to sail eastwards out of Buthole.
Adventuring Area: The Island Kingdoms - Borinquen
Next missed session : ???
Dates Players will miss :
Recent developments in the campaign
The group is now a set of mature adventurers and starting a new Era full of anticipation
Recent updates to the web site
- Recent Changes
(check here for a list of recently changed pages)
- Recent Changes
RSS Feed to add to your favorite news feeds, including your bot in Discord.
There is a download link of the most current DSWorld file for people grab on the Campaign World page.
There is a page detailing the Dragonslayer Training Plans that is the defacto listing of the characters in the campaign at the moment, with their levels and future plans for training.
Continuing Interactions:
- DragonFen Conversations - July 24, 2023, at 02:32 PM EST, by BOB
- Travels of the Ironweed clan {Wisewoman Thistle stories} - March 31, 2025, at 06:07 PM EST, by
- Recovering Doeskin - April 12, 2019, at 05:31 PM EST, by BOB
- the attempts to reclaim the Doeskin Estate
- Conversation with Brer - May 30, 2023, at 12:24 AM EST, by TMO
- Brer Necholas and N'laea on a hillside
- Blackwater Family Excursion - January 12, 2024, at 12:44 PM EST, by TMO
- potential adventure back to Blackwater to investigate rumors regarding the Sauscha family