Main / PlayerCommunication

Player Communication

This page is for news, announcements, game discussions, and issues that might have previously gone into emails. Anyone can start a topic or add to one already started. Please type four dashes after your name and before starting your message so it is easy for everyone to see each person’s contributions.

Archives: 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019 - 2020 - 2021 - 2022 - 2023 - 2024

2024-11-18 BOB

For Wendy but everyone.

I always want people to be healthy, to be part of the game because they enjoy it, they want to be here, not because they feel they have to be here.

I have the time set from 7 PM to Midnight Eastern to give everyone a wide space to play in. For those like Sharif who make it in very late, or those on the east coast who make it in near the start, everyone should feel they can contribute as they feel they want to. It is always good to let people know when you need a break, etc. Duck away during the middle and come back later, or the next session.

Wendy 11/17/2024

Hey guys! I had to sleep and think on this for a while, but I think I'm gonna be trying some new routines for myself in terms of joining future sessions. Long story short, I've been getting migraines more often recently, and when I do I feel nauseous and my ears ring. Which sucks. I don't like that my body's reacting this way. But I'm thinking that I'll start setting time for longer breaks or maybe reduce my screen time and log off an hour or two earlier. I'll still be doing summaries to the best of my ability, so no one should have to worry about that, but if I need help I'll let you guys know!

I feel a little bad that I'm doing this when we're opening up this fun new era, but I can't have as much fun with you guys when my body feels all outta whack. Thanks for understanding! I'll see you all next week + Welcome Back, Spring!