Main / FAQ


1 Who runs this place?

BOB is the gamemaster for the Dragonslayers Campaign. I have run a weekly gaming session for the past thirty or so years.

2 How do I contact this BOB?

Click on my name anywhere you see it. BOB as I am known on the various message boards, Robert if I am in trouble.

3 So who is in this game?

Check out the Roll Call section for a complete list of the players through the years. We normally have 4-6 regularly attending players.

4 Can anyone play in this game?

Yes and No. Yes we always are on the lookout for new players, and we have had many visitors over the years. Currently we are not looking at recruiting for a new player, but please feel free to look in on a Friday night if you wish. We play just about every Friday from 7 Pm to Midnight EST.

5 So I have to fly to your house?

While most of our players through the years came from people who lived near me our game is now run through the Internet using a program called Fantasy Grounds. This way anyone who wants can participate. I have found in recent years that several people like to read our stories here on the site even if they don't actively participate on Friday Nights. To log in and play with us visit the Fantasy Grounds Unity page and download the latest Free Demo version.

6 What sort of game is this?

I run what I call version 2.mine. This is an Advanced Dungeons and Dragons game with the base rule set starting with the 2nd Edition books that came out in the late 1980's.

Seriously, what game system are you using?

I know there are other newer versions and other rule sets that are much more popular. I have occasionally looked at other systems to see if there are any tweaks I like. I have made many modifications through the years to these rules; adding and deleting as I find fits our style of play. I do not see any need at this time to move to a different game system.

7 So what is up with this website? where are the bells and whistles?

I prefer the simple layout we have here. Our game is mostly text based, with the traditional maps and combat scenes. There are occasionally other files we use and those are in the various areas. With the wiki layout all of our players can add comments and information to help build the history of our game.

8 If I want to find something how do I do that?

There is a search function in the header and footer for each page. There is also a Site Map that will display a list of top links. Because this is a wiki and we are compiling an oral history of sorts here, it is often much more fun to just explore through the links and see what you can find.

9 I want to catch up on what is happening in the game how do I do that?

The best way to know what is happening is to check the News & Updates page. There you will find the list of Recent Changes on the site. You can also find a link to the current Dragonslayer Era and the current Story Arc which will give you links to all the In Character and Out of Character threads as well as links to all the chat logs.