Main / Adventures
This is a way to cross reference the various story arcs and adventures that have happened over the years. These are listed here in alphabetical order.
- Dragonslayer Eras looks at Dragonslayer history in chronological order
- There is also a Historical Time Line of known events in the Campaign World
Helpful Adventure Links
- Party Pack This helps us keep track of what the group of adventurers is carrying with them at the moment
- Watches This is the standard plan for watches when most or all players are in
- Current Skiff Configuration Normal set up for traveling through the swamps of Drillian on skiffs
- Dragonslayer Training Plans This is the defacto listing of all the characters currently in the campaign
Story Arcs
- Adventures in the Wastes
- After Shave
- Alia Valebat
- Athenĉum
- β-ice
- Bag of Clouds
- Barber for Hire
- Bard's Keep {Hardwood Episode}
- Bebbux
- Beer Run
- The Bigger They Are
- Birthday Game 2010
- Birthday Game 2011
- Birthday Game 2012
- Birthday Game 2013
- Birthday Game 2014
- Birthday Game 2015
- Birthday Game 2016
- Birthday Game 2017
- Birthday Game 2018
- Birthday Game 2019
- Birthday Game 2020
- Birthday Game 2021
- Birthday Game 2022
- Birthday Game 2023
- Blood Mother
- Blood Trail
- BOB's Birthday Game
- Book Marked
- Born in Fire
- Brandorn Building Contract
- Briocht {Hardwood Episode}
- Building Dragon Fen
- Burst of Building
- Celtic Burial Mounds
- Chaos Dungeon
- Chathandar's Bane
- City Excursions
- Claiming Skull Church
- Cloak Check
- Complicated Emotions
- Cosmological Quandaries
- Court of Thanes
- Crystal Castle
- Dark Tower of Calibar {Brandorn Building Contract}
- Dead Dread Pirates
- Deep Dark Dangerous
- Desperate Old Men
- Digging Deeper
- Diplomatic Entanglements
- The Dragon! The Dragon! The Dragon! - Mike's Guest Dm
- Earth Tones {The Wandering Years}
- Eignin Okkar
- Elementary
- The Enemy of my Enemy
- Ethereal Haunted Ruins
- Everyone Knows
- Eye of Pain {Hardwood Episode}
- Father Knows Best
- Flower Power
- Fool Me Twice
- For the Love of Mist
- Founding Greenborough
- Galatea
- Green Acres
- Graduation
- Harwood Episode
- Home Stories
- House Affairs
- House Hunters {Hardwood Episode}
- In Search of Adventure
- Into the Woods
- Intermediate Era
- Island Kingdom Adventures
- Island Time
- Isle of the Abbey
- Kapirimtiya Adventures
- Khamsa's Folly
- Kylias Keep
- Lady of the Mists {The Wandering Years}
- Local Adventures
- Long live the King
- The Magic of Music
- Melody {Brandorn Building Contract}
- Memorial Dungeon
- Merchants of the Free Range
- Mightier than the Sword
- Mindflayer Invasion
- The Missing Island
- Missing Muse - Carissa Braun Guest DM
- Mist Wars
- Mistress on the Mere {The Wandering Years}
- Mushroom Man
- My Lady's Mirror {The Wandering Years}
- My Shoes!!!
- Norjak
- Official Visits
- Ophioglossum
- Orcs with Pointy Ears
- Overdue Fines
- Pagmalia
- Phoenix Era
- Pirate Queens
- Prelude to Blood
- Rebuilding Adventures
- Recovering Doeskin
- A River Runs Through It
- Rivers Bend Stories
- Rum Runner
- Say it with Flowers
- Sea Devils
- Searching for Alexandria
- Setting Up Home
- Shades of Darkness {Brandorn Building Contract}
- Shards of the Day {Hardwood Episode}
- She Said Yes!
- Six Griffons Lodge - John Anstett Guest DM
- Skull Church
- Spider Lady Dungeon
- Storm Riders {The Wandering Years}
- Stopping Your Own: John's Guest DM
- Stretching Their Legs
- Stronghold Building
- Student Loans
- Sweet Wall of Death {Hardwood Episode}
- Tallows Deep
- Tattermalion
- Taxes are evil
- Team Building
- Tenth Anniversary Game
- Thedd Era
- Third Time is Tradition
- To Bite the Moon
- Trade Wars
- Treasure vault of Kasil
- The Trouble with Trillochs
- Thirtieth Anniversary Game
- Twentieth Anniversary Game
- Twenty-fifth Anniversary Game
- The Wandering Years
- War by Art
- The Wayward/Wandering Wood {The Wandering Years}
- Wedding Crashers
- Were did she go?
- What do you call an undead elf?
- Whelk Tower
- Who What Were
- Winter Tapestry {Kylia's Keep}
- Witch Hunters
- With Friends Like These
- The Year as Kings Adventurers
Character Stories
Here are some story arcs by players that might span several adventures or just be character experiences told in story form.