Agopt / Akah
Akah of House Uthehorum
- STR: 14
- DEX: 14
- CON: 11
- INT: 8
- WIS: 11
- CHA: 16
Personality | Alignment: LN (Law: +8; Good: -7; Drive: +6)
- +6: Privileged;
- +4: Greed; Unfairness; Solitude; Flair; Vindictive; Forthcoming; Mercy; Moderation; Physical;
- +3: Calm; Camaraderie; Negligence; Perfidy; Distracted; Mirth; Familiarity; Obedience; Rationality; Urban;
- x4: zeal/lethargy
- Akah is privileged, but low on intelligence, so he probably inherited it. Or in this case, he's part of a House.
- Greedy, unfair, physical, vindictive - Sounds like a bully
- High Charisma- has a group of bully boys that tag along
- How can I have this bully interfere with the PCs?
- Temple of Sabnaf? owes House of Uthehorum a lot of money for services. The cleric needs the party to go visit the Mummy Sabnaf? to get the funds to pay it.
- If they can't pay it, Uthehorum can claim the Temple building.