Animal-Horse / Tricks

Customizing Horses: Table 12

Specific Tricks

All war horses, riding horses, and wild horses can be taught 2-8 specific tricks, plus one for each point of the animal's Intelligence. Draft horses, mules, ponies, and the like can learn only 1-4 tricks. The number of tricks any animal may learn is determined only once, and that number is the maximum number of tricks the animal can ever learn. Learning to carry baggage or a rider does not count as a specific trick; it is considered to be separate training.

1Kicks/bites in battleThe horse assists the rider in combat by lashing out with its front hooves and biting during each combat round.
2Tramples enemyWhen charging into combat, the horse deliberately rams into enemies and attempts to trample them beneath its hooves. Enemies under attack must make a Dexterity check or suffer double the damage a normal hoof attack (i.e., both hooves) would do. The horse may trample only one man-sized or smaller enemy per round. This attack form cannot be used in the same round that the horse is using its kick/bite attack mode.
3Directed with kneesAll war horses must be trained to respond to knee pressure, which allows the rider to use both a weapon and a shield while maneuvering the animal.
4Alerts master of dangerThe horse neighs, snorts, and generally makes a ruckus to alert its master to the approach of enemies, a spreading fire, etc.
5Responds to callThe horse comes to its master when its name is called, when it's whistled for, or when summoned in any other manner, as long as it is within hearing distance.
6Stops on commandThe horse comes to an immediate halt when commanded to do so.
7Climbs stairs/steep inclineThe horse is capable of climbing up stairs or steep inclines as long as there is adequate footing. The rider must make a Dexterity check at +2 on the die roll to remain in his seat.
8Walks backwardThis trick is useful on narrow mountain paths and the like.
9Walks sideways/reverseThis trick can be employed in crowd control to sweep compact groups of people out of the way, using the horse's bulk.
10Knows way homeAt night, or when carrying a weary or injured rider, this horse can take its passenger home if given control of the reigns.
11Protects masterThe horse guards a fallen or injured rider until help arrives, and it attacks all enemies who threaten its charge.
12Fetches on commandThe horse can be sent to fetch a particular item it is familiar with.
13CountsThe animal can accurately count, using its hoofs to stamp out answers to simple addition and subtraction problems that are given to it.
14Rears on commandThis is a very impressive trick to be used when leading armies or just before riding out of town.
15Lies down when orderedThis trick is useful for injured characters trying to reach equipment or climb back into the saddle after a fall.
16Keeps silent on commandThe horse uses as much stealth as possible when ordered to remain quiet, walking slowly and avoiding any vocalization for a full turn.
17JumpsA horse trained to jump properly adds 1' to the maximum height and 2' to the maximum length it is normally allowed to jump.
18PirouettesThe horse can turn in place in a circular motion that is useful to a character caught in a tight place or who wishes to whirl the animal about to face an approaching enemy.
19PiaffesThis is the ability to perform a spectacular elevated trot in place-impressive to behold.
20Finds waterThe horse can lead its master to fresh water if there is any to be found nearby.