Betrayal / Game001





    • Father Rhinehardt discovers the Library, hears disquieting voices.
    • Brandon and Madame Zostra follow the Father into the Library
    • Flash runs upstairs into the Conservatory, is knocked down when the wind blows a window in at him, but takes no damage.
    • Father Rhinehardt goes into the Kitchen, finds a friendly dog. (Omen #1)
    • Brandon runs across the hallway, falls into the Coal Chute and down into the Basement.
    • Madame Zostra crosses the hall and goes into the Game Room, discovers a Secret Staircase leading into the Basement. She sees an apparition of 3 hanged men there.
    • Flash goes out onto the Balcony, finds a Mask. (Omen #2)
    • Father Rhinehardt goes to the Game Room
    • Brandon enters the Statuary Corridor and the batteries in his flashlight go out.
    • Madame Zostra searches the Storeroom and finds a lucky rabbit's foot.
    • Flash heads to the Tower, and the whole room is whisked to the other side of the house.
    • Father Rhinehardt opens the stuck door into the Charred Room, and finds a Girl trapped within. (Omen #3)
    • Brandon fumbles his way in the dark and discovers the stairs out of the Basement.
    • Madame Zostra discovers a large underground lake. Mist boils off the walls and floods the basement. Faces in the mist cause Madame Zostra and Brandon Jaspers to doubt their sanity.
    • Flash goes back through the door he just walked through and enters a different hallway than before... Turning left, he enters a Research Laboratory. A Burning Man charges into the room, shrieking and wailing. He falls to the ground, but his flaming skull rolls across the floor and sets Flash's pants leg on fire. By the time Flash has put the fire out, no sign of the burning man remains. Flash is rather upset.
    • Father Rhinehardt goes through a dusty hallway and into the Ballroom. A mysterious groundskeeper charges at him with shovel upraised, but vanishes just short of him, leaving behind only muddy footprints. Father Rhinehardt discovers a small vial of smelling salts in one of the bootprints.
    • Brandon turns around and starts trying to find his way to Madame Zostra to get some new batteries.
    • Worried as well, Madame Zostra turns and tries to find Brandon, finally locating him in the darkened Statuary Corridor.
    • Still stunned from his last adventure, Flash stumbles through the next doorway and into the attic. A Hideous Shriek fills the entire house. Flash is further stunned by the loud blast.
    • Father Rhinehardt leaves the Ballroom and enters the Garden. While exploring he falls through a hidden door and onto the Mystic Slide, which dumps him in the Furnace Room in the basement. The Furnace Room is very hot, and while trying to escape, the Father takes some small burns and finds a battered old Ring with an incomprensible inscription. (Omen #4)
    • Brandon gets new batteries from Madame Zostra.
    • Madame Zostra leaves and explores behind the last door off the Landing and discovers a giant Vault door! After a brief scare from a bit of cold seaweed stuck to her leg from the Underground Lake, she manages to crack the door open, using a bit of luck. All she finds, however, is a medical bag with a shot of Adrenaline and an old Revolver.
    • Flash stumbles and staggers his way back downstairs, where it's hopefully safer.
    • Father Rhinehardt escapes from the Furnace and finds himself in an old Operating Laboratory. A darkening Shadow falls across him, and chills his soul, but he shrugs it off through faith.
    • Brandon goes through the Furnace room and discovers the Mystic Elevator. Entering it, the doors close on the Furnace room, and reopen facing the Laboratory.
    • Madame Zostra starts to head upstairs.
    • Flash takes a brief break in one of the Library's chairs.
    • Father Rhinehardt discovers the Organ Room. His brief moment of pleasant recollections of past days is seriously disturbed by the discovery of a pair of skeletons, apparently a mother and son, sitting in the pews. A quick search for ID turns up nothing but a Sacrificial Dagger.
    • Brandon scoots past the Father in the Organ Room and discovers a home gymnasium. In one of the cubbyholes he discovers a ancient Medallion.
    • Madame Zostra changes her mind about leaving the Basement and turns and goes back down.
    • Flash leaves the library, and takes the Secret Stairs down into the Basement and makes his way to the Organ Room.
    • Father Rhinehardt leaves the Organ Room and enters the Gymnasium.
    • Brandon leaves the Gymnasium now that it's not empty and discovers a maze of gloomy Catacombs. In a niche nearby is an old Spirit Board. In many more niches nearby are stacks of dead bodies
    • HAUNT BEGINS: Stacked Like Cordwood; Madame Zostra is related to an ancient unkillable serial killer named Crimson Jack and has lured her companions here tonight so that he can add them to his collection of corpses. The Heroes must find a weapon capable of killing Crimson Jack well enough that they can escape.
    • Flash goes to the gym and gives Father Rhinehardt the mysterious mask he found upstairs, then rushes at Madame Zostra in an attempt to take her down quickly. Madame Zostra manages to sidestep and trip him as he charges, and he hits the ground hard.
    • Father Rhinehardt discovers a clue about how to attack Crimson Jack, then moves to face Madame Zostra. He argues very persuasively with her, but she isn't swayed one bit. (Sanity attack using the Ring)
    • Brandon tags along with the Father and notices something more they need to know, then jumps on Madame Zostra and tries to bear her down under his weight. She is knocked into a wall, briefly winding her.
    • Madame Zostra jabs the syringe of Adrenaline into a vein and hammers Brandon in the face, sending him flying to the floor.
    • Crimson Jack enters the Underground Lake with everyone else. He pounces on the downed Flash and finishes him off with a brutal series of attacks.
    • Father Rhinehardt finds a third insight into defeating Crimson Jack, and then dons the Mask given to him by the deceased Flash. He gives Madame Zostra a stern lecture that seems to leave her stunned.
    • Brandon gets back up and tries to jump on Madame Zostra again, but gets his neck snapped for his troubles, leaving Father Jack to face Madame Zostra and Crimson Jack alone. But before he dies, he gives the Father another clue as his dying words.
    • Madame Zostra backs out of the room and into the Underground Landing. She pulls out her Revolver and pulls the trigger, grazing Father Rhinehardt with the bullet.
    • Crimson Jack advances on Father Rhinehardt and attacks, knocking him back a few steps.
    • Armed with the knowledge, finally, of how to use the Sacrificial Dagger to slay Crimson Jack, Father Rhinehardt mutters a quick prayer and stabs Crimson Jack, knowing his hands will forever be stained with blood. Crimson Jack reaches for Father Rhinehardt's throat with an insane grin on his face, but wavers and fades just as his hands start to close.

Crimson Jack has been defeated and dispelled, at the cost of Flash and Brandon's lives. His portrait has vanished from the picture in the hall, but he will return, some day. Madame Zostra flees into the night, vowing vengeance.