Betrayal / Game004


  1. Madame Zostra
  2. Brandon Jaspers
  3. Zoe Ingstrom
  1. Father Rhinehardt
  1. Bite (Rhinehardt)
  2. Medallion (Zostra)
  3. Mask (Zoe)
  4. Skull (Zoe)
  5. Spirit Board (Brandon); Special Haunt rules;
  1. [Haunt 1]=2 pts of damage to the Victim;
  2. [Haunt 2]=2 pts of damage to the Victim;
  3. [Haunt 3]=0 pts of damage to the Victim;
  4. [Haunt 4]=6 pts of damage to the Victim;
  5. [Haunt 5]=6 pts of damage to the Victim;

Up until now, it had been a pretty typical week at summer camp. The kids went fishing, caught turtles, picked apples, wandered the woods, all the normal things. But now two of the kids had gone missing after a compass-following challenge, and the counselors were spread all throughout the woods searching for them. Two of the counselors walked together, Father Rhinehardt and "Madame" Zostra (as she was popularly known to the kids), following a promising trail they'd discovered behind some bushes. As the sun dropped below the horizon, an ancient-looking building became visible through the trees. The two adults looked at each skeptically at each other. As far as they knew, there were no ruins or buildings within miles of the camp. And yet, here it was. As they approached the front door, the kids, Brandon and Zoe, came running out from some bushes, crying with joy at finally being found. It took a few minutes, but Rhinehardt and Zostra managed to calm the children down. "Since everyone's okay, let's take a look inside and see who built this and how old it is?" A simple push is all it took to swing the door open to reveal the darkness beyond...

    • Father Rhinehardt takes the lead, easing his way into the abandoned building. It seems structurally sound, not likely to collapse on their heads. He turns through the doorway on his left into what appears to be an old dining room. He starts to move around the room, but stops when he hears a low growl. Before he can react, something charges at him and attempts to bite his shin. But he's able to yank his leg back so that all it gets is a bite of his pants, and then a swift kick sends whatever it is flying into the next room. Father Rhinehardt can hear it as it runs away.
    • Madame Zostra moves down the hall past Father Rhinehardt and looks into the next door on the left. A decrepit and dusty corridor is all she can see, but there's a doorway that looks interesting at the other end. She glances back to make sure the children are still okay before moving. As she walks, each footstep is met by a creak or a groan from the floorboards beneath her. As she reaches the other end of the hallway, a board finally fails and snaps beneath her, sending her crashing through the floor into the room below in a cloud of dust and debris. After lying there stunned for a moment, she manages to sit up and take stock of her situation. Checking herself for injuries reveals a good scratch down one of her legs, but nothing too serious. A glance upward shows her the ceiling is too far away to reach. And, finally, looking around she sees she's in a kitchen of some sorts. As she stands up she notices a thin black box buried in the debris underneath her. Apparently it had been hidden in the flooring between the two rooms. She carefully opens it and gasps in surprise. Lying inside on a fine lining of fur is a beautifully worked bronze medallion with a pentagram inscribed on it. Slowly, she extracts the medallion from the box and slips it over her head.
      • Room :: Creaky Hallway; No card drawn, moves to next room:
      • Room :: Collapsed Room; Speed check 5+ to avoid falling; [Speed 3]=4; Falls through to new basement room; Take 1 die Physical damage [=1]; Please choose whether you want it on Speed or Might (Might).
      • Room :: Kitchen; draw Omen
      • Omen :: Medallion; You are immune to the effects of the Pentagram Chamber, Crypt, and Graveyard.
      • Haunt :: [Haunt 6]=8; Haunt doesn't begin;
    • Zoe looks at Brandon, watching the stunned look on his face. This place seems, at least to her, to have overwhelmed him a little. It only takes a second for the excitement of the old house to overwhelm her curiosity though, and with a giggle, Zoe skips happily down the hallway to the stairs and climbs up. She goes through the first door she sees and enters a room that looks like it had a fire. All the walls are blackened and sooty, and the floor looks charred and maybe weak in places. On one wall, looking a little burnt, but still whole, hangs a glittery New Orleans style mask. It looks too cute to pass up, and Zoe can just reach it if she stands on her tiptoes. She looks at it for a moment, then turns and puts it on her stuffed bear.
      • Room :: Charred Room
      • Omen :: Mask; Once during your turn, you can attempt a Sanity roll to use the Mask. 4+ = You can put on or take off the Mask. If you put it on, +2 Knowledge, -2 Sanity. If you take it off, -2 Knowledge, +2 Sanity.
      • Haunt :: [Haunt 6]=4; Haunt doesn't begin;
    • Father Rhinehardt carefully follows the whatever-it-was that attacked him through the Creaky Hallway, on guard against another attack. There was a lot of additional noise down this way just a minute ago, and he wants to make sure there's no danger for his companions. He pauses at the intersection and looks both ways, but sees nothing unusual, so he continues moving forward. The room he enters is lined with raised platforms full of dirt and weeds. It looks like it used to be an indoor garden at one point. Huddled in one corner are two skeletons, the bones dark with moisture and accumulated dust and dirt. The tattered remnants of clothing on them point to this being a mother and child. The good Father moves to kneel next to them, no sign of distress on his face, only sadness. A quick search shows no ID, and they've obviously been here for a long time. Lying on the ground next to them is an old felt pouch. Looking inside reveals 3 dark ivory dice. Father Rhinehardt stands and gives a quick prayer over the bodies, then covers them decently with an old tarp that was lying nearby.
      • Room :: Gardens
      • Event :: Skeletons; [1 die Mental dmg]=0; Searching the bodies: [Sanity 6]=8 -> Draw an Item card. Remove the Skeletons token.
      • Item :: Dark Dice; Once per turn, you can roll 3 dice: 6=Move to location of any non-traitor explorer; 5=Move one other explorer in same room into adjacent room; 4=Gain 1 in Physical trait; 3=Immediately move into an adjacent room (no movement cost); 2=Gain 1 in Mental trait; 1=Draw an Event card; 0=Reduce all of your traits to the lowest value above the skull symbol and discard the Dark Dice; (decided not to roll now)
    • Madame Zostra makes her way out of the kitchen and into the next room. This one appears to be a Storeroom of some sort, with boxes and bags stacked on a bunch of shelves. Most of the stuff is commonplace or junk, rotten food, and the like. But on one shelf she finds a medical kit. A quick look confirms that most of the items inside are still sealed tight and usable.
      • Room :: Storeroom
      • Item :: Medical Kit; Once during your turn, you can attempt a Knowledge roll to heal yourself or another adventurer in the same room. 8+: Heal up to 3 pts physical; 6-7: Heal up to 2 pts physical; 4-5: Heal 1 pt physical; 0-3: Nothing happens. (Do you want to use it now?)
    • Brandon breaks free from his momentary paralysis, and decides to explore the room right next to him. It appears to be a Game Room of some sort, with some smaller tables and chairs, and some game boards and random pieces scattered about. As he looks around, he sees movement out of the corner of his eye and turns to stare. Three men have appeared off to the side, hanging from frayed ropes. They stare at Brandon with cold, dead eyes, swinging silently from an invisible beam. Then they fade into dust that falls to the ground, and Brandon starts to choke.
    • Finding nothing else even remotely interesting in the well charred, and quite dirty room, Zoe plops her masked bear on her shoulders and proceeds to explore into the next room, trying delicately to not get Mr. Bear dirty, despite his missing eye and many years of outdoor play in his history, including swimming at the lake last summer. The room she enters appears to be some sort of doctor's office. Or it used to be one maybe. Everything's all messed up. As Zoe walks around the room, she feels her foot come down on something, feels like it's a person. Before she can move, it rolls out from under her, knocking her down. Then she hears a giggling voice run away from her into the darkness.
      • Room :: Research Laboratory
      • Event :: Whoops!; Shuffle all your Item cards and discard one at random;
    • Father Rhinehardt steps through the next doorway and into very familiar territory. A small family chapel fills this room, with worn benches scattered about, a lectern, and even an ancient-looking organ. Experimentally he runs his fingertips over the keys before pushing one at random. An exceedingly loud and piercing shriek fills the air, proving that the organ is in no fit shape to be played. Elsewhere throughout the house, the others jump, startled, at the unexpected noise. Brandon gasps in surprise and takes another lungful of dust, causing him to resume choking.
      • Room :: Chapel;
      • Event :: Hideous Shriek; Each explorer must make a Sanity roll:
      • Father Rhinehardt gains 1 Sanity from Chapel;
    • Madame Zostra pauses to patch up her leg with the Medical Kit. Feeling better, she makes her way back through the Basement Landing, looking for a way out. The next room she finds changes her mind though. It's a huge Vault door, locked shut. Who knows what kind of valuables might be inside? She experiments around, looking for a key or way to open it. Her hopes rise when a panel of the wall opens up under her fingers, but when she sees it's just a ladder leading up to the main floors of the house she abandons it. She can always take the passage later, after she opens this thing.
      • Medical Kit :: [Knowledge 4]=6; Heal up to 2 pts Physical damage; 1 pt Might regained.
      • Room :: Vault; Knowledge Roll 6+ to open; [Knowledge 4]=3-> Failure;
      • Event :: Secret Passage; [3 dice]=5; Passage links to existing Upper floor room; [1d3]=1 -> Research Laboratory;
    • Brandon moves forward through the doorway ahead of him. A long corridor opens up before him, dark except where the light from his flashlight falls. Statues and busts and paintings line the walls, throwing deformed shadows that seemed to leap and caper as he moves his light back and forth. Unknown to him, down in the Basement, at this very moment, a thick choking mist rolls through the rooms, one at a time. Madame Zostra looks up from her study of the Vault as it pours through the open door. Her eyes widen as she sees it, for it seems as if the Mist is full of disembodied faces and moaning heads pouring into the room toward her.
      • Room :: Statuary Corridor
      • Event :: Mists From The Walls; Every character in the Basement must make a Sanity check;
    • Zoe turns to track the sound of giggling in the darkness, and tries to follow where it leads. As she holds onto Mr. Bear with one hand, she reaches up and pushes open the door with the other. She walks out onto a Balcony. She can see the open air over the railing on one side of her. Some leaves have blown into the Balcony, piling up in corners and around a planter stand. Something white glints through a gap in the leaf pile. Zoe goes over and brushes away the leaves to see what it is. She gasps when she sees she's found a skull. But, wait, it's too small, right? Real human skulls are bigger than this. Although it doesn't feel like plastic, maybe clay or something? She looks down at Mr. Bear with his mask, then back to the skull, then grins. A few minutes later, Mr. Bear is looking stylish with his skull helmet and Mardi Gras mask.
      • Room :: Balcony
      • Omen :: Skull; If you take Mental Damage, you may take it all as Physical instead;
      • Haunt :: [Haunt 6]=5; Haunt not revealed;
    • Madame Zostra retreats to a corner of the room, away from the swirling mists. She can feel her heart pounding in her chest as presses herself as tightly into the corner as she can. After a few moments, the mist seems to fade, the cacaphony of moaning voices fading with it. She starts to relax a bit as it goes, and then grabs at the wall as her legs start to give out beneath her. In her brief moment of panic she grabs at the frame of a picture on the wall next to her. As her grasp pulls the picture away from the wall a bit, her eye is caught by something odd looking behind it. She turns and lifts the picture off the wall, revealing a hidden button. Her fingers tremble as she reaches to push it, and her heart soars with excitement when she hears the tumblers of the Vault door release. She wastes no time in going into the Vault to see what treasures await her. Most of the shelves inside are empty, which isn't too surprising for an old abandoned house. But there is a thin ornate box on one of the shelves, with a silver-chased candle sitting on top. She sets the candle aside and opens the clasp of the box, not sure what she'll find inside...
      • [Knowledge 4]=6; Vault has been opened;
      • Item :: Sacrificial Dagger; +3 dice to Might Attack rolls, but only after making a Knowledge check: 6+: No effect; 3-5: Lose 1 from a mental trait; 0-2: The dagger twists in your hand! Take 2 dice of physical damage. You can't attack this turn.
      • Item :: Candle; If you draw an event card, roll 1 additional die (max of 8) for that event's trait rolls; If you have the Bell, Book and Candle, gain 2 in each trait. Lose 2 from each trait when you lose one of these items.
    • Brandon walks through the corridor and through the door at the other side. This door leads onto a Patio. There's a nice view of the night sky over the railing, and the fresh air blowing in his face is refreshing after the stuffiness of the corridor. Brandon spends a few moments just wandering around and poking into corners. It should be relaxing, but ... it isn't. Something about this room is odd, and he can't tell what it is. There's something poking at the back of his brain, but it won't come forward. He racks his brain trying to see what it is that's wrong, and it's driving him nuts that he can't figure it out.
      • Room :: Patio
      • Event :: Something Hidden: May attempt a Knowledge roll; 4+: gain an item; 0-3: Lose 1 Sanity; Player decides to try; [Knowledge 3]=3-> Lose 1 Sanity;
    • Zoe skips on through the next door and into the bedroom, carrying Mr. Bear in his neat skull-helmet in one hand. Suddenly she drops to the floor, visions pouring through her head like a waking dream. She catches glimpses of many things, most of them too brief to tell what they were. They clear after a moment, and she pulls herself to her feet. That was weird. She looks around curiously. Everything feels ... odd, now. Like a bad case of deja vu, like she knew what was going to happen, but didn't recognize it until afterwards.
      • Room :: Bedroom
      • Event :: It Is Meant To Be; Player may look at the top 3 cards of any stack and put them back in any order, or - roll 4 dice and save the result to use at any time later in the game instead of rolling. Player chooses roll=4.
    • Father Rhinehardt finishes his prayers and turns to leave the room. He walks back to the hallway intersection, but a quick look to his right reveals the broken floorboards, so he goes left instead and into the Foyer.
    • Madame Zostra leaves the Vault carrying her new treasures. At the Basement Landing she turns right and enters a long Dusty Hallway. She notices there aren't any other tracks through the dust on the floor, and she continues straight on through the doorway opposite her. This door leads into what appears to be a family Crypt. And although she feels very weird walking among the bodies and bones of people long dead, there's something about the room that's almost ... calming, in a strange sort of way.
      • Room :: Dusty Hallway
      • Room :: Crypt; If you end your turn in this room, take 1 point of Mental Damage; Madame Zostra is immune due to the Medallion;
      • Event :: A Moment of Hope; Something feels strangely right about this room. Something is resisting the evil of the house. Place the Blessing token in this room (I have to create this first). Each hero rolls 1 additional die (max of 8) on all trait rolls while in this room.
    • Brandon enters a room piled high with stacks of boxes, bags, and random junk. Things are stacked up randomly, leaning against the wall, nearly covering some of the doors. Brandon wanders aimlessly, poking and prodding and looking underneath for anything interesting. In one drawer he comes across a board covered with letters and numbers, and a triangle-shaped pointer. As he looks at it, the pointer slides across the board, maybe dislodged by his finding it. It slides across the board and stops at the B. But then it reverses direction before Brandon's startled eyes and slides over to the U. It doesn't stop there, and moves across the board all on its own. R, I, E, D, A, L, I, V, E. With that, suddenly, it's like a film drops from everyone's minds, and they all remember what *really* happened before they entered this building. There weren't two missing kids, there were three, the other being Brandon's little sister. Zoe must have done something to make everyone forget her. And now she's trapped somewhere in this house, and you have to find her before she runs out of time!
      • Room :: Junk Room; When exiting, attempt a Might roll of 3+; If you fail, lose 1 Speed, but continue moving.
      • Omen :: Spirit Board; Cannot be traded, given away, or dropped; May be used once during each turn until the burial room has been found; Discard this card when the burial room has been found. Sanity roll: 0-2: No Effect; 3-4: Move any explorer 3 spaces; 5-6: Heal the buried person 2 dice; 7+: The traitor must announce the burial room;
      • Haunt :: [Haunt roll]=3; Haunt revealed: Buried Alive
    • Father Rhinehardt turns back and heads toward where he last saw Madame Zostra. Maybe she'd have found something by now. As he crosses the hallway toward where she went, he can see that the floor has apparently caved in. He cautiously walks up to the edge and peers down. It doesn't look like Zostra's footsteps in the dust continue on the other side of the hole, either. He calls down the hold, "Zostra, are you okay?", but there's no answer. Carefully, he sits down on the lip of the hole and lowers his feet into it. Then he scoots around and slowly starts to lever himself down into it. But he's not as young as he used to be, and his arms give out and his grip slips and he falls roughly to the floor below. Father Rhinehardt groans as he stands up in the rubble. He can feel the scrapes and tears across his chest and arms, but it doesn't look like he's too badly hurt. He looks around him to see where he landed. It looks like he dropped to the bottom of the stairs out of the basement. He turns and limps into the basement room next to him and starts to search for Brandon's little sister.
    • Madame Zostra is shocked by the new memories being revealed. Immediately she begins to search the Crypt, looking for any sign of Brandon's lost little sister. She bustles around the room, looking behind and around the various crypts, but is so shocked and distracted that she can't seem to focus on her search, and she knows it. She's just going to have to keep looking until she knows she's checked every spot in this dank pit.
      • Search :: [Knowledge 4]=2; Failed.
      • Crypt :: Ending your turn in this room causes you to take 1 Mental Damage; Madame Zostra is immune to this effect due to the Medallion;
    • Brandon looks around the room. There's nothing more useful in this room. He's got to get out of here and go looking for his little sister. He scrambles easily over one of the junk piles toward the nearest door. Throwing the door open, he runs into a huge library. Seriously, it looks bigger than the library in town back home. Can't even see another way out through all the shelves around him. After he runs around the room for a bit, he finally spies a door. Running toward it, he hopes it leads back to something useful, instead of all these useless books. He rips the door open and plunges through, only to slam straight into the wall 3 feet in front of him. Brandon bounces hard, and stumbles a bit before landing on the floor. He shakes his head, trying to clear the cobwebs. He hit the wall hard enough he's a bit woozy, but it doesn't feel like he actually broke anything, just shaken up. Blindly, he reaches up for something to help pull him up off the floor. His hand grabs a towel hanging from a hook and pulls... there's a click, and the floor and the back of the closet turn in a circle, pivoting Brandon into another room. Brandon stares dumbfounded back at the wall, then the room around him, and back at the wall again. He puts out his hand again, and grabs onto the railing of the nearest pew, and uses it to help him stand up. He's still seeing double from that impact with the wall, and he stumbles into one of the aisles, only barely keeping his balance. One step, two, then three, and he manages to slow his pace, when he feels his leg brush something sticky. Then another, and another, until his hands and arms start running into them too. Spider webs, lots of them! This isn't just a single spider, this is the web from a whole colony, and he's rapidly getting tangled in them. Brandon starts to panic, but after a moment, he stops and takes a deep breath. Instead of thrashing frantically around, he starts to step backwards, back toward freedom. Each time a web strand starts to pull at him, trying to keep him trapped, he plucks it loose from his clothes with his fingers, patiently freeing himself 1 strand at a time. Finally, he stands in the aisle, free once more.
      • [Might 4]=6 => Exited Junk Room safely
      • Room :: Library
      • Event :: Closet Door; Brandon chooses to open it; [Closet 2]=2 => Draw an Event card;
      • Event :: Revolving Wall; Put a new room on, move to that room
      • Room :: Organ Room
      • Event :: Webs; [Might 4]=5 => Break free; gain 1 Might
    • Zoe growls to herself. Somehow those doodooheads broke her spell and now they remember Emily. She probably hasn't had time to die like she was supposed to yet. Clearly she's going to have to stop them from finding her. Still holding Mr. Bear by the paw in one hand, she turns back to the Secret Door in the Research Lab. It leads down into the Basement, she knows. She props Mr. Bear on her shoulders and turns to climb down the hidden ladder. If someone had been in the Lab watching, they would have seen a very eerie sight of the bear wearing a skull helmet and Mardi Gras mask climbing down a ladder. She emerges in the Vault in the Basement with her flashlight off. Quietly she scampers through the door and onto the Basement Landing. She can see Father Rhinehardt just a few feet away looking around with his light. Suddenly he freezes, seeing something move nearby. His eyes widen as the vision of a mask-wearing skull seems to float in the darkness just beyond his light.
    • [Haunt 1]=2 pts of damage to the Victim
    • Father Rhinehardt leaps forward and attempts to smash the floating skull with his flashlight. Zoe shrieks and ducks, nearly dropping Mr. Bear as she does. Father Rhinehardt can see her clearly now in his light as she stands there, clutching her masked and helmeted bear protectively in front of her and glaring at him with madness in her eyes.
    • Madame Zostra notices Father Rhinehardt outside, but pays little attention to him as she continues to search this room for any sign of the missing girl. After several minutes of thorough searching, she is finally certain that Emily is not here.
    • Brandon runs south through the rooms to that room with the hole in the floor he'd glimpsed earlier. As limber as the boy is, it doesn't take much for him to shimmy over the side and drop down, although he does suffer a scratch down one arm doing it. The room he drops down into a small room with a single door over on one side. The whole room jerks once, yanking the floor out from under his feet. He gets back up and opens the door ... to the Organ Room. How did he wind up right back where he started from!?!
      • Room :: Collapsed Room; I read the rules (shock!) and found I've been doing this room wrong - only the first person to fall through draws a room card, every other person does not have to roll Speed to avoid falling in, and they drop into the same room. To stay consistent, I will keep using this room as I've done so far, and fix it in later games. [Physical Dmg 1]=1 pt of Physical Damage; Speed or Might?
      • Room :: Mystic Elevator; [2 dice]=2; Ground floor; 8 open doors, starting from top left; [1d8]=6; Open door to left of Organ Room;
    • Zoe's fingers grasp Mr. Bear's legs like claws while she glares malevolently at the good Father for a few seconds. She has to protect her dying possession from these big meanies. If they find it, she won't die like she's supposed to! She screams with insane fury and jumps at Father Rhinehardt, swinging Mr. Bear furiously at his face. Father Rhinehardt jerks his head back at the last second, narrowly avoiding a broken nose.
    • [Haunt 2]=2; The Victim takes 2 pts of damage;
    • Father Rhinehardt is torn over what to do now that he's face to face with Zoe. On the one hand, she's apparently at least an attempted murderer, and there's no telling if she's done anything like this before or not. On the other hand, she's just a little girl, swinging a stuffed teddy bear at his head. How could a girl so young be really that evil?
      • Away from table
    • Madame Zostra pays little attention to the goings-on in the hallway. She moves from the Crypt and into the Hallway, and searches for any evidence of the missing girl. Unfortunately, she's unable to say for sure that the girl isn't here, just that she hasn't found any sign yet.
    • Brandon waits in the strange elevator until the doors close again. There's a swift jerk, and then the doors open again. Peering out, he can see a dark room. In the middle of the room, he sees Zoe trying to whale on Father Rhinehardt with .. a teddy bear?
    • In a way that only the most dedicated psychopath can, Zoe's attention doesn't waiver. Her bear, held tightly by his back legs, begins to fly once again through the air at the "decrepit old man" standing in front of her, the wild grin on Zoe's face almost echoed in the mask that still clings to the bear's head.
    • [Haunt 3]=0 pts of damage to the Victim;
    • Madame Zostra edges into the Basement Landing, carefully staying out of the way of the scuffle going on in the middle of the room. No matter what the girl has done, the main thing is to find Brandon's sister. Unfortunately, Zoe has to spend too much energy dodging that silly little bear, and can't tell for sure if she's trapped in here or not.
    • Brandon steps out of the elevator and into the Basement Landing, carefully watching Zoe trying to beat of Father Rhinehardt. He's still carrying that Spirit Board, the one that told him about his sister. He pulls it out and looks at it. Maybe it can help again? He moves over to a corner and squats down, and starts playing with the Board. At first there's nothing, but then suddenly the placard begins moving across the board of its own free will again. "Z.. O.. E.." *pause* "R.. U.. N.." And with a sudden shriek, Zoe flees from the room, trailing her stuffed bear behind her. She races past Madame Zostra and up the stairs and out of sight.
      • Spirit Board :: [Sanity 3]=4; Move one Explorer 3 spaces. (Zoe, to upstairs);
    • Finding herself standing in the Foyer with little understanding as to how she got there, Zoe stops, looks at Mr. Bear and mutters something under her breath. "He's got the board! How did he find that? I hid it!" She launches herself back down the stairs with a vengeance. A new target in her sights. That boy, that annoying boy with the board. DIE!!!
    • Madame Zostra tries her best to ignore the screaming flailing children and search the room for Brandon's sister, but she's had too many years of camp counselor training, and she winds up getting extremely distracted and flustered by the fracas. She really has no idea if this room is clear or not.
    • Brandon defends himself from the screaming girl, blocking the first couple of skull-bear swings, until finally he takes a swing at her with the Spirit Board, hitting her on the kneecap.
    • Zoe shrieks and jumps on Brandon again. "You give me that back, you big bully!" But Brandon is able to easily step aside and push her down onto the ground. She hits hard with a cry of pain and rolls away. She glares daggers at Brandon as she staggers back to her feet.

  • Zoe giggles evilly. "There's no way she can still be alive now! You're too late!" Somehow this whole exercise has made her a little peckish. Time for a late dinner... with dessert.