Betrayal / Rules


Object of the Game: Explore the house and make your explorer stronger until the Haunt begins. After that, your goal is to complete your side's victory conditions first, either as a traitor or a hero.

Official WoTC Errata & FAQ

  1. Characters
    1. Traits
      • Each explorer has 4 Traits: 2 Physical: Might, Speed; and 2 Mental: Knowledge and Sanity.
      • Many things within the game can affect your traits up and down. When an effect increases or decreases a trait, the marker moves up or down as many spaces as the effect says. For example, Zoe Ingstrom's starting Might is 3. If an effect increases her Might by 2, the marker moves up 2 spaces, raising her Might to a 4.
      • Each trait has a maximum value, which can't be exceeded.
      • Each trait has a minimum value, dropping below this value means the explorer has died. Explorers can not die before the Haunt has been revealed.
    2. Damage
      • Many things can deal damage to your explorer. When you take Physical damage, you can divide it between Might and Speed as you choose. Your marker moves 1 space for each point of damage you assign to that Trait.
      • Mental damage works just the same as Physical damage, but for Sanity and Knowledge.
  2. Actions
    • you can do as many of the following actions as you want, in any order
    • Move
      • Your explorer can move a number of rooms up to your Speed. You can do actions after a partial move, and then move the remainder of your moves afterwards.
    • Discover a new room
      • Moving through an unexplored doorway adds a randomly drawn room. Many rooms cause you to draw an Item, Effect or Omen card, or some other unique effect.
      • If a game effect makes you draw a card for any reason, you must stop moving for the rest of your turn.
    • Use item and omen cards
      • For each item, only one of the following actions each turn
        • Use, Trade, Drop, Steal, Pick up.
    • Attempt a die roll
      • Dice in Betrayal are a standard 6-sided die, but with results from 0-2.
      • Die Roller:
        • I will be using 1d3-1 for each die you need to roll. e.g.: 4 dice is 4d3-4.
    • Make an attack (once during your turn after the haunt starts)
      • Once during your turn, you can attack an opponent in the same room. When you make an attack, roll a number of dice equal to your Might. Your opponent does the same. Whoever rolls higher inflicts physical damage to their opponent equal to the difference of the two rolls.
      • Some items or effects let you attack using other traits. These attacks work the same, just using the different trait instead of Might.
  3. The Haunt
    • Omen Roll: Each turn an Omen is drawn, I will make an Omen Roll. An Omen Roll is 6 dice (6d3-6 on the die roller site). If the total is less than the total number of Omens drawn, the Haunt has begun.
    • The Traitor: The Room and the Omen drawn will determine which Haunt we are playing. It will also tell who the Traitor for this game is. It may not be player who revealed the Haunt.
      • New Powers: The Traitor gains new powers
        1. You can use any beneficial text on a room while ignoring any harmful text.
        2. You can choose not to be affected by an event card or the Bite omen card.
        3. After you finish your turn, you move and attack with all of the monsters, if any.
    • Monsters
      • Monsters move differently: At the start of a monster's turn, roll a number of dice equal to its Speed. The result is the number of spaces that monster can move that turn. For groups of the same type, just roll once for the whole group.
      • Most monsters can't be killed: If a monster would take any damage, it is stunned and misses its next turn.
      • Like the traitor, monsters can ignore any harmful text on a room tile. A monster still slides to the Basement Landing when it moves onto the Coal Chute. It can pass through the Revolving Wall without rolling. Monsters can freely move up or down from the Coal Chute and Collapsed Room, and they can climb up to the Gallery. However, monsters cannot benefit from text on a room tile that increases a trait (such as the Larder or Gymnasium).
      • Monsters can use the special movement options described on cards (such as the Secret Stairs and Secret Passage).
      • Monsters can't explore new rooms.
      • Monsters can't carry items (unless the haunt says otherwise). If a monster is allowed to carry items is stunned, it drops all items. The monster can't pick up the items until it has a turn in which it is no longer stunned.
      • If a monster gets stuck in the basement with no way to reach the heroes, on the traitor's turn that player may search the room tiles for the Stairs From Basement tile and place it next to any open basement doorway. This rule doesn't apply if the haunt allows monsters to explore new rooms.
    • Both the Traitor and the Heroes will have separate goals that may not be known to the other side.