Dragonslayer-Games / EconomicSocialAndPoliticalBuildingBlocks

Lordez 17


(Note: You may not build more than 3 Economic Establishment of the same kind)



Merchant: A Merchant is a powerful businessman, designer, craftsman, builder, engineer or originator that can use his wealth and creativity to positively support the Economy of your region.

Missions the agent is able to perform:

Missions with (4 out of 6) Initial Chances of Success: Design and build a basic or status economic establishment.

Missions with (3 out of 6) Initial Chances of Success: Design and build a complex economic establishment. Cultivate and trade a new tradable good.

Missions with (2 out of 6) Initial Chances of Success: Design and build a unique establishment. Positively affect economic viability of an estate’s resource.

Missions with (1 out of 6) Initial Chances of Success: Forge trade rights agreement with a foreign land.

Scholar: A Scholar can be a teacher, politician, philosopher, or academic that uses his influence to positively influence people in your favour or in the favour of a cause you are promoting.

Missions the agent is able to perform:

Missions with (4 out of 6) Initial Chances of Success:

Influence a population for a character or cause’s favour. Influence an agent or retinue character for a character or cause’s favour.

Missions with (3 out of 6) Initial Chances of Success:

Influence a character of noble status for a character or cause’s favour.

Missions with (2 out of 6) Initial Chances of Success:

Influence a character of royal status for a character or cause’s favour. Increase the political stability of the Kingdom.

Agents II: Negative Agents

Spies: Spies are usually able to get you all the secret information you want about any Comte or King. Spies also have the ability of kidnapping other agents, characters, or Comtes.

Missions the agent is able to perform:

Missions with (4 out of 6) Initial Chances of Success: Discover the Social/Political statistics of any Estate. Discover the Social/Economic statistics of any Estate. Discover the Economic/Political statistics of any Estate. Discover the identity information of any character.

Missions with (3 out of 6) Initial Chances of Success: Kidnap an agent reactive character.

Missions with (2 out of 6) Initial Chances of Success: Kidnap a reactive character with noble status. Spread rumors with an Estate to inspire a rebellion. Spread rumors to inspire the trial of a reactive character with noble or agent status for treason.

Missions with (1 out of 6) Initial Chances of Success: Kidnap an active character. Kidnap a reactive character with royal status. Spread rumors within the country to inspire a civil war. Spread rumors to inspire the trial of an active character or a character with royal status for treason.

Assassins: Assassins have the ability to kill off game characters or cause them physical harm. They also can cause damage to economic establishments thus affecting the Economy. If the Economy goes down, so does everything else with it.

Missions the agent is able to perform:

Missions with (3 out of 6) Initial Chances of Success:

Cause physical harm to a reactive character. Assassination of an agent reactive character. Destruction/obstruction of a basic economic establishment.

Missions with (2 out of 6) Initial Chances of Success:

Cause physical harm to an active character. Assassination of a reactive character with noble status. Destruction/obstruction of a Complex economic establishment.

Missions with (1 out of 6) Initial Chances of Success:

Cause physical harm to a reactive character with royal status. Assassination of an active character. Assassination of a reactive character with royal status. Negatively affecting economic viability of an estate’s resource.

If the agents (other than the Emissary) succeed in their missions, it will affect the social, economic or political points of the target Comte or Comtesse and give the agent a better chance of success in future missions.

Negative Agents that fail are discovered by the target Comte or Comtesse. They will be killed and the Comte may discover who sent the agent. There will be a 1 out of 2 chance that Comtes discovers who sent an agent if the agent fails.

Positive Agents that fail disappear into an air of obscurity. When choosing an agent for a mission you may create your own mission, as long as it is plausible, and may ask me for its chances of success. You may be as creative as you want with agents.


Military Units

You require a Blacksmith to hire the following units:
Spearmen (Cost: 2) Desert Archers (Cost: 3) 
Attack: 1Defense: 2Attack: 2Defense: 2
You require an Archery Range to hire the following units:
Nubian Spearmen (Cost: 4) Ghazi Infantry (Cost: 4)
Attack: 3Defense: 3Attack: 2Defense: 4
You require a Horse Breeder + Blacksmith to hire the following units:
Berber Knights (Cost: 5) Ghulam Knights (Cost: 5)
Attack: 5Defense: 1Attack: 4Defense: 2
You require Siege Works to hire the following units:
Catapult (Cost: 2) Siege Engine (Cost: 3)
Attack: 2Defense: 1Attack: 3Defense: 1