Dragonslayer-Games / Scene1

Notes on a story

Scene 1

A heavy quick rapping on the door broke her concentration and the quill skittered across the page trailing green ink. She frowned and took in a breath to calm herself down. Two pages today ruined by distractions. All she wanted was peace and quiet to write, to be left alone to put thoughts to page and hopefully create something lasting. She stood up from the desk and turned to walk towards the door when it burst open on its own accord.

"Miss Branwyn, I must speak with you at once." the man dressed in the doublet demanded. Her jaw tightened at the word but something in his tone checked her retort. "Gerard is dead, killed, a dagger to the back" he blurted out. Branwyn paused only for a second, "Did you call the healer? did you look for Koorin? are you sure?" before pushing past him and out the door, "Medero, where is he, where did this happen?" looking back when the stricken man did not move to follow. "Medero, there might still be time, where is Gerard?". Medero shook his head, "Miss Branwyn I held his body in my arms, he is dead, it must have happened this morning before breakfast." He visibly steeled himself. Collecting himself he said "I moved the body to my own rooms and came to speak with you right away. I need your help." Branwyn interrupted, "of course, we will do anything we can to make this right, We will find who did this and bring them to the Queen's Justice" Medero shook his head stiffly, "no Miss Branwyn, that is also the problem." Medero took a deep breath and glanced around the room. Spotting a tall tankard on the table he reached to take a drink. Branwyn quickly moved forward, taking the tankard from his hand and replacing it with a wine skin from a side table. "Sorry, this is ink, I am sure it will not help you but drink some of this Gallimurfee Red left over from the feast last night."

Medero took a long swallow and closed his eyes for a moment. "I have possibly worse news Miss Branwyn" His stricken look making Branwyn wonder what could be worse than losing an oldest son. "Missus Mosskin is missing too." He bit his lips and clenched his jaw looking at Branwyn in distress.

"Wilhelmina is missing? You mean you do not know where she is?" Branwyn tried to clear the situation in her head; obviously the Estate Chamberlain would know what the Missus's schedule would be. "Where is she supposed to be and when did you see her last? what about her servants?" Medero opened his mouth wide and took in a deep breath. "I know that the night watchman reported nothing unusual; only a couple of the guests from last night's feast sleeping on the battlements. Missus Mosskin's chambermaid brought in hot water as normal just after first light and prepared the bed as Missus Mosskin refreshed herself. Her lady in waiting reports helping the Missus get dressed for the day and then going on ahead to the main hall to help layout the meal." Medero looked calmer as he was reciting the story placing each part in order. "When Missus was not prompt about arriving at the table Gisella went up to ask what was wrong and the Missus was not in her chambers. Gisella came to me after breakfast was finished to ask me if I knew where the Missus was and I told her to send Gerard up to Missus Mosskin's chambers to double check and for Gisella out to the battlements to see if the Missus was taking a walk and was drawn into a conversation with the guards." Then Medero's mouth tightened again. "When Gerard did not return quickly I went up after him. It would be just like him to carry on a conversation about what is happening in the stables with the Missus of the Estate." Branwyn gave a reflexive smile for the small boy that so many of the castle folk knew and spent time telling tales to then frowned at such a life cut far too short. Branwyn pushed Medero to take another swallow of wine before continuing.

"I went up the north tower stairs and at the first landing the door to the Missus' chambers was open. I took one step inside and saw Gerard laying face down on the carpet with a dagger in his back. I dropped to my knees to see if he was moving and he was cold." Medero looked up at the ceiling and then back at Branwyn. "I quickly went through the rest of the Missus's chambers and there was no sign of her or of a struggle. I picked up Gerard and moved him down to my rooms below and left him there. I did not know where else to turn or who to seek for advice. I cannot tell the Lord his daughter is missing without..." he trailed off in a whisper "or finding my son in her chambers"

Branwyn finished for him, "Murdered"

Branwyn took a deep breath and thought for a moment. "Medero, sit down and let us think this through first before we go speak with Lord Mosskin." She took the wine skin from Medero and took a drink herself. She wrinkled her nose as she swallowed, much better last night in the camaraderie of friends rather than the cold day this had become. "Medero I want you to think first before answering. Did you send Gerard up to the Missus's Chambers? Or did Gisella?" Medero paused and nodded, "I sent Gisella to have him go up, Gerard was not at breakfast." Medero stopped, "that is not like him he is always with the cooks and maids to sneak a bite or three" Branwyn nodded, "and when Gisella returned did she say anything about Gerard?" Medero quickly shook his head, "I have not seen Gisella since I sent her to look on the battlements". Branwyn brightened at that, "So it is possible that the Missus is there and Gisella has found her." Medero gave a horrified start and bolted to the door. "We have to go find Gisella!" Branwyn held out a hand, "wait Medero we need to know what to ask when we find her. First we need to think of the timing of this. We know that the chamber maid brought up the bath?" Medero nodded confidently. "How do we know that?" "She was in the kitchen helping with breakfast when she told me that the Missus was up and about." "Very good, so then Gisella, when did you see her this morning?" Medero paused to think, "I saw her when I was leaving the kitchen and going up to the Lord's chamber to ensure he was being looked after. She was going up the north tower as I went to the south hall."

Branwyn spoke slowly and carefully; this would not be the time to plant ideas before they knew what happened. "So was Giselle at breakfast in the hall?" Medero nodded, "Yes she was at the..." he paused, "No she was not at her spot at the head table. The Missus's chair and Gisella's chair were both empty." Medero paused and concentrated, "I noticed that the Missus was not at the table and when I turned to ask Gisella about her absence I saw Gisella near the door to the hall. That is when I asked her to go look up on the battlements and to send Gerard to the chambers." He looked at Branwyn, "I guess I thought he would get too involved on the battlements with the guards and get distracted from his task. Maybe if I had sent him there instead."

Branwyn shook her head, "You said the body was cold, that you thought it was before breakfast" Medero nodded and his fingers clenched at the memory. "If Gerard was already cold he could not have gone up after breakfast, so either Gisella never saw him to send him or worse. Gisella knew where he was the entire time breakfast was being served."

Branwyn stood up suddenly, "Now we need to act, we need to find Gisella now" With a swish of skirts Branwyn pushed through the door of her study and out into the foyer of her tower's first floor. Medero quickly followed behind.

Striding quickly towards Lord Mosskin's keep Branwyn wished she had her riding leathers on instead of this flouncy skirt. If she had not planned on meeting with the woman's guild that afternoon she could have been more sensibly dressed. Walking across the open space between the village and the keep her eyes scanned the top of the walls to look for any blonde tresses. "Medero, where is Captain Tikmok?" Medero responded without taking his own eyes off from searching along the battlements, "Captain Tikmok went out on a patrol with Indigo. I believe they were out by the old Widow Washburn place. There was a rumor of some Gypsies camping out there." Branwyn nodded to herself knowing that Indigo would enjoy an afternoon of conversation with Captain Tikmok. Indigo always liked seeing the old orchard and it was unlikely they would return before nightfall. There would be no help from them today.

Passing through the open gates of the keep Medero turned to Branwyn, "I had thought about closing these but it seems a little late now. Whoever must be long gone and keeping things normal might help." Branwyn nodded skeptically; she knew from experience that hiding in plain sight was a surprisingly successful strategy. "Acting swiftly is best but we should still have time to see anything that was left behind." Medero looked at Branwyn startled "what was left behind?" he asked. Branwyn suppressed a sigh, "We want to look in the Missus's chambers to see if her abductors left anything behind. There might be something that will help us find where they came from or where they are taking her." Medero came to a stop in the courtyard, ignoring the cursing of the porters who had to make a quick detour around the pair. "Miss Branwyn, on my way to find you I told a serving girl to go clean the carpet and the Missus's chambers. I told her there had been an accident." Branwyn clenched her jaw and started to count to ten. At five she gave up and spun away to stalk towards the tower entrance. "Gisella better be on the battlements" she growled through gritted teeth. Medro hurried forward to catch up with Branwyn.

The door at the base of the tower was open with a guard leaning against the door frame casually watching the traffic moving through the courtyard. As her eyes caught Medero heading towards her she straightened up. Looking at the angry glare in the woman's eyes next to him she took a step back. Who ever had made Branwyn the Mysterious that angry might survive till nightfall but she was not going to be taking bets on it. The guard nodded to the Estate Chamberlain he came to the doorway. Medero opened his mouth to speak but Branwyn cut him off. "Have you seen Gisella or Gerard this morning?" she snapped out without warning. The Guard glanced at Medero before answering, "Not since early when the gates first opened. Gisella left on and errand for Missus Mosskin. She must be fetching something large, she took an extra horse and a large bag of something bulky over the back of her horse. I have not seen Gerard today though." She looked at Medero, do you think he is playing on the battlements again?" Medero swallowed hard as his face started to sag. Branwyn cut him off again before he could speak. "We will have to go look inside if Gisella is gone already." Branwyn turned quickly kicking at the length of her her skirts in frustration as she starting heading towards the main hall. Medero offered up a quiet "thank you" and followed Branwyn back across the courtyard. The guard called out "The visitors from the feast have all cleared out as well this morning we should have everything back to normal this afternoon" Medero gave a quick wave of thanks for the report and walked quietly alongside of Branwyn.

After several steps Branwyn let out a sigh, “I am sorry Medero, this looks worse and worse by the minute. We should visit your chambers and see Gerard to try and find any clues that might still be left.” Medero mechanically nodded, “That is why I came to you right away. I have heard Indigo's tell the story about the time you solved that mystery and found the murderer in Loosend. He makes it sound as if you just thought about the problem and it solved itself. “ Branwyn gave a soft sad chuckle, “Indigo was as much a part of that investigation as anyone. He has a knack for talking to people, to get them to talk to him. Sadly it seems all the people involved in this have fled now.” Stopping at the large double doors to the main hall Branwyn gave Medro's shoulder a squeeze, “We will get to the bottom of this, I promise.”

The doors opened up as two servants came out their arms full of tapestries. Branwyn winced at the sight then entered the hall. Then she came to a stop when a commanding voice said “STOP”. Branwyn glanced at Medero then took one more step into the room. “Miss Mosskin,” Branwyn said clearly attempting her brightest tone of voice. “How nice to see you this morning. I want to tell you again how sorry...” Brawnyn was cut off by stabbing finger and quick retort from Miss Mosskin. “YOU and your little fire tricks. You and your “oh if you insist”. You should know better! You could have burned down half the keep! Look at this now!” Miss Mosskin spun around imperiously gesturing at the walls of the main hall. Branwyn dutifully looked at the tattered and burned remains of the handful of tapestries that were still left hanging at the end of the hall. “The north end looks very good still” Branwyn commented on before seeing the servants there starting to pull down the tapestries in that end of the hall. Miss Mosskin glared at Branwyn, “You will replace each and everyone of these tapestries out of your own funds. I can forgive one mistake. I can find it in my heart to forgive you for a second time. BUT A THIRD TIME YOU SET FIRE TO THE.... “ Miss Mosskin cut her self off as her voice crept louder and louder. Taking a deep breath she paused then continued. “I understand that everyone wanted to see your famous fire trick. I warned you the last time that you needed to take better care. I am glad that there was no permanent damage. I will admit that it might not entirely be your fault but I will not keep replacing these tapestries.” Giving Medero a stern look, “Medero I expect you to have the seamstress in my chambers this afternoon for the fitting on my new dress. When you have the weavers start on the new tapestries please tell me. I am going to my husband's study now. “

Miss Mosskin turned regally away and walked out the side door to the stairs. Medero turned to Branwyn and quietly said “That went well. She was not nearly as angry as I thought she would be.” Branwyn grimaced “If that otter hadn't of bit me this would not have happened. Why in the world would someone bring an otter to a feast. Have they not heard of how you are expected to behave in civilization?” Medero calmly replied, “He was an excellent singer, and I am not going to upset him and tell him to leave his pet outside.” Branwyn knew how stubborn artists could be but Sarengar had to be talked to about this, it was totally unacceptable behavior.

"At least everyone will be busy with the clean up and will not notice our investigation" Branwyn said. “Let's go up to Wilhelmina's chambers first then we will go to your own rooms.”