Dragonslayer-Games / ZuhairIbnAl-RaziOfJaen

Jaen: - Lordez

Religion: 60% Christian; 20% Muslim; 20% Jewish.
Piety: Highly Religious.
Mineral Deposits: Silver, Gold & Copper
Land Fertility: Somewhat Fertile
Tradable Goods: Wool
Building Infrastructure: Highly Developed.
Political Stability: Low

King Zuhair ibn Al-Razi of Jaen

Age: Young
Ethnicity: Arab Mix
Piety: Moderate Muslim
Kingdom: Jaen

Virtue: Ambitious: Your ambition seems to have no end at a young age and you seem to have bigger plans for Jaen and the Al-Razi dynasty.
Vice: Atheist: You would not be able to recognise a Mosque even if you walked into one. You generally do not believe that Allah exists and your piety & interest in religious matters is greatly decreased as a result.

Wife: Princess Hafsa of Jaen
Age: Young
Title: Princess
Religion: Muslim
Ethnicity: Arab Muslim
Marital Status: Married (King Zuhair ibn Al-Razi)
Virtue: Loyal: She is extremely loyal to her Religion, Kingdom, and husband. She is willing to work fiercely to further the cause of her religion and family as a result.
Vice: Rude: She has no tact in her speech or action and carries herself as a Princess so very poorly. Her social conduct may be unacceptable to many and her rude behaviour may create enemies for her very easily.

Emails: Letters 1 - see page for responses and info Letter to wife 1 - for another attempt to calm her and respond after visit of Asma


Children: Daughter by Hafsa Zaynab (method 5 combining 1 & 3)

Wife: Princess Khawla of Al-Mohads?
Age: Very Young
Title: Princess
Religion: Muslim
Ethnicity: Berber Muslim
Marital Status: Married (King Zuhair ibn Al-Razi)

Virtue: Kind-hearted: She has a very gentle approach to life and everything it contains. She has the ability to put everyone around her at ease and is easily loved by even the most vindictive of people.

Vice: Gambler: She has been known to gamble all the money she can afford away. Her gambling habits have put a considerable strain on Jaen’s economy. -1 economic point to maintain her habit.