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Chat Log - 2018 08 31 -Bebbux

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Aug 31 18:38:33 EDT 2018 ====

[Master] getting food and drink

[Master] setting things up

[Master] you know the drill

[Master] hope everyone saw the note about the Bonus Game on the 15th,

[Master] hope everyone can be there most if it please let me know your plans

[Master] so I can work the encounters during Wedding Crashers properly

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

TMO has joined the game on Fri Aug 31 18:56:55 EDT 2018

TMO is receiving the map ground floor...

TMO has received the map ground floor.

[TMO] yo

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Hey there

[Master] How is life there?

mharm-15549 has joined the game on Fri Aug 31 19:11:35 EDT 2018

mharm-15549 is receiving the map ground floor...

mharm-15549 has received the map ground floor.

[mharm-15549] what about a bonus game now?

[Master] the Birthday Game

[Master] will be on September 15th

[mharm-15549] ah

[mharm-15549] one moment

[Master] we talked about it back in June

[mharm-15549] should be good

[mharm-15549] let you know if that changes

[mharm-15549] what time we starting on sat?

[mharm-15549] oh and Hi TMO!

[mharm-15549] where are my manners

JohnAA has joined the game on Fri Aug 31 19:13:21 EDT 2018

JohnAA is receiving the map ground floor...

JohnAA has received the map ground floor.

Mario-yoga has joined the game on Fri Aug 31 19:13:23 EDT 2018

Mario-yoga is receiving the map ground floor...

[mharm-15549] Hey John

[mharm-15549] And Mario!

Mario-yoga has received the map ground floor.

[JohnAA] Hello all

[Mario-yoga] G'Day Mates!

[mharm-15549] Out of curiosity Mario, why is your device named Yoga?

[Master] and Congrats to Mario for being the farthest away person to log in

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

[mharm-15549] OOH

[mharm-15549] Where you at Mario?

[Master] it is the yoga surface

[mharm-15549] I have to beat this record

[JohnAA] good luck Michael

[mharm-15549] Jokes on you, I’ll go to the arctic

[mharm-15549] :)

[mharm-15549] and use thirty dollars a minute satellite internet

[mharm-15549] lol

[Mario-yoga] yay! 40000 xp bonus pts for distance!

[JohnAA] get a good signal there?

[Master] HAH

[Master] and HAH

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Aug 31 19:16:17 EDT 2018

Lisa is receiving the map ground floor...

[Mario-yoga] a bit slow, but it functions well

[Master] so Lisa solved

[Master] and there she is

[JohnAA] Hi Lisa

[Mario-yoga] today is Homs BDay, Happy 50th!

Lisa has received the map ground floor.

[Mario-yoga] Homp's BDay

[Master] Lisa solved the problem of why people were being kicked out last week

[Master] and tell him Happy Birthday from all of us

[Master] and thank you for the chance to log in

[Lisa] Hello everyone!

[mharm-15549] Hi Lisa!

[Lisa] No, I did not solve it.

[Master] How long will you be here Mario?

[mharm-15549] and why was that bob?

[Lisa] I identified it

[Mario-yoga] Hi Lisa!

[mharm-15549] well it’s a good start :)

[Mario-yoga] I will be off an off for at least an hour or so

[mharm-15549] we'll make sure you don't die

[mharm-15549] actually

[mharm-15549] I can't promise that

[mharm-15549] but we'll try

[mharm-15549] :)

[Master] OK so them let us get started pronto

[Lisa] lol

[Master] Indigo is up front

[Master] who is with him? Kel?

[Mario-yoga] sure

[Master] and what light source for the humans?

[mharm-15549] speaking of seeing

[mharm-15549] grabbing my glasses

[mharm-15549] one moment

[Lisa] Mario, you are playing from Australia?

[Mario-yoga] I am!

[JohnAA] what map should I be seeing?

[Lisa] That is dedication!

[Master] Indigo moved 1'07".

[Lisa] How are things down under? :)

[Master] Indigo moved 2'05".

[Master] Kel moved 3'11".

JohnAA is receiving the map Caverns of the Crescent Moon...

JohnAA has received the map Caverns of the Crescent Moon.

[Mario-yoga] pretty awesome, went to a wildlife preserve, pet a koala, and practically held a kanga

[Mario-yoga] incredible

[Master] nice Mario

[Indigo (Lisa)] (wow!)

[Master] still in Sydney right?

[JohnAA] I would like Qui Fon next

[JohnAA] and just to be clear, based on map orientation the castle is to the right?

[Master] left

[Mario-yoga] ya, whole time in Sydney, Penrith, just west

[Indigo (Lisa)] (and Indigo and Ilero should be carrying their light items)

[Master] Tebhoundrin moved 4'07".

[Master] so next would be Neith and Mercy?

[Master] Kel and Tebhoundrin moved 3'07".

Indigo (Lisa) looks back "It's pretty dark in here"

[Master] [QuiFon Ruminell]] moved 9'00".

[mharm-15549] Actually kind of wondering where I am

[mharm-15549] sorry

[Master] Mercy follows Neith of Inholt.

Indigo (Lisa) takes out his belt buckle light and puts it on

[Indigo (Lisa)] Lots of passages. Guess we just choose one

[Master] the lines on the floor are gradients going up

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] so no surprising the snails I guess

[Indigo (Lisa)] Qui, do you have any premonitions on which direction we should go?

[Master] to be clear Foto stayed back at the Castle

[Master] along with Miranda

[Master] Or did Foto come this time?

[Mario-yoga] (do we have healing?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Miranda was at the river with us - she just went back by herself?)

[Master] AHH

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (WHAT?)

[Master] ok sorry

[Master] so Miranda is here and Foto is not

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (OK)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] (Should have given the kid to him for safekeeping :) )

[Mario-yoga] (if we find a snail shell, I’m sure we can make a coo carrier for her)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] LOL

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] Indigo, I have been too long above ground but if the castle is that way, we should go that way eventually

[QuiFon Ruminell]] (JohnAA) points left

Mario-yoga nods

[Mario-yoga] makes sense

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] Just not the first turn, that is never right, or left rather

[Master] (video I shared this morning.... not appropriate for the moment except that it is depressing)


QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (are we supposed to be depressed?)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] risky click of the day bob

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I better not regret this

Indigo (Lisa) scratches his head "So we go straight first and then start turning corners?"

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] well. Bob. now I hate my life. good job

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (I was pretty sure someone stayed behind but Miranda was ready to head straight for the caves before the wolves took over)

[Master] time is correct and yes you are standing in the entrance to a cave

[Master] talking

[Master] talking

[Master] echo

[Master] echo

[Master] echo

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Well, since mercy is attached to me

Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) Slings her in her papoose on my back

[QuiFon Ruminell]] (JohnAA) gets bearing

[Master] Carissa will be in just does not know an ETA

Indigo (Lisa) starts walking up the straight path

[Master] but just tempted her with four unknown passages and people wandering around blindly

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 22'07".

[QuiFon Ruminell]] (JohnAA) nods and points straight

[Master] and no Spring tonight

[Master] she said to stay lost for another hour please

[Master] LOL

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] well sounds like her

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (no promises)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (that is easily accomplished I think)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol)

Indigo (Lisa) points "look! There's something that way"

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] [QuiFon Ruminell]] moved 31'01".

Indigo (Lisa) heads to the thing to the right

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 12'02".

[Mario-yoga] Kel and Tebhoundrin moved 27'05".

[Indigo (Lisa)] (looks like a well?)

Mario-yoga keep an eye on the other passages

[QuiFon Ruminell]] (JohnAA) waves people in and around the crossways and points outwards

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Indigo has no obs)

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] Neith of Inholt and Mercy moved 28'03".

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] [Miranda Paige]] moved 16'05".

[Indigo (Lisa)] (oh maybe he does! ;) )

[Indigo (Lisa)] A well!

Indigo (Lisa) walks over and looks down

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Indigo (Lisa)] HELLLLOOOOO!!!!!!

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] Shh!

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

Shurkural (TMO)] What're we looking at?

Indigo (Lisa) looks back, "What?"

[Indigo (Lisa)] A well, Shur.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Someone used to come in here all the time and get water

Shurkural (TMO)] Who puts a well underground?

[Indigo (Lisa)] I dunno.

[Master] Indigo can make a surprise check

[QuiFon Ruminell]] (JohnAA) whispers Dwarfs for one

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] well, maybe they were really thirsty

[Master] d12

[Indigo (Lisa)] Roll #1: (d12) [1d12=3] 3

[Indigo (Lisa)] (a snail leaps out of the well on his one foot!)

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (let me ask, are we looking for trouble?)

[Master] OK so Qui and Kel can see Indigo walk towards the well and suddenly a swirl of water rises up and SNAPS around Indigo and SUCKS him into the well

[Indigo (Lisa)] (when are we not?)

[Master] Indigo moved 8'03".

[Indigo (Lisa)] AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] INDIGO!

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] well, Neith cannot swim

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] and has a kid on her back

Shurkural (TMO)]

Kel (Mario-yoga) runs to see what happened

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] Kel and Tebhoundrin moved 20'07".

[Master] STOP Kel

[Master] Kel and Tebhoundrin moved 17'03".

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] sorry!

[Master] So

[Master] Indigo gets YANKED into the well

[Master] the caves go dark without his light

[Master] those who cannot see in the dark are now blind

[Master] unable to see anything

TMO has edited [Ilero]]'s effects.

[Master] those that CAN see in the dark are blinded for X number of rounds

Shurkural (TMO)] (when there's a chance to react, Ilero has his glowing cloak clasp he can pull out)

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (do we have to adjust we see in the dark or just go?)

[Master] and yes Ilero can do that first thing next round

[Indigo (Lisa)] (and don't fear the reaper just came out of my shuffle)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Can Neith cast?

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] (yikes, bad omen)

[Master] that link needs to go in

[Master] so NOW I will start combat

[Master] and then you can roll Init

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (Opps Lisa, want me to read that Omen for you?)

[Master] and I will tell you what you can do when you get to your spot

[Master] Combat has begun!

[Master] ROUND: 0

[Master (to GM only)] Indigo: Initiative: ((d10+10+-2)-10) [1d10=8] 6 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=6] 16

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] [QuiFon Ruminell]]: Initiative: (d10+10++0) [1d10=2] 12

Shurkural (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=10] 18

Shurkural (TMO)] [Shurkural]]: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=7] 17

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] Kel: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=9] 17

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] [Miranda Paige]]: Initiative: (d10+10++0) [1d10=8] 18

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (indigo get Int?)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] (Qui Fon, hold your turn? Neith will cast light)

[Master] ROUND: 1

[Master (to GM only)] INIT: 6 GOING: Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] (is there a point of indigo rolling?)

[Master] Indigo rolls his con check to hold his breath

[Master] can you get to the dice panel?

[Indigo (Lisa) (to GM only)] Indigo: CON check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Master] good

[Indigo (Lisa)] (rolled to you only?)

[Indigo (Lisa) (to GM only)] Indigo: Initiative: ((d10+10+-2)-10) [1d10=7] 5 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Master (to GM only)] Initiative changed from 6 to 5.

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (funny funny)

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (cause we don't know)

[Master] I got his Init and his holding breath

[Indigo (Lisa)]

[Master (to Lisa only)] he can hold his breath till round 5 then on round 6 he starts making checks to see if he drowns


[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: [QuiFon Ruminell]]

[Master] Qui is blinded still

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] (This reminds me of the watcher from Lord of the Rings)

[Indigo (Lisa) (to Master only)] thanks

Carissa has joined the game on Fri Aug 31 19:43:11 EDT 2018

Carissa is receiving the map ground floor...


Carissa has received the map ground floor.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (hi Carissa!)

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] Kel: Attack: Teb, one handed: ((14-(d20+3))-1-1-1) [1d20=3] 5 [MODIFIED (-1)]

[Carissa] (Shh don't tell family I'm here!)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Hi Carissa!

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] [QuiFon Ruminell]] casts a spell against : Choose Future: "My next attack, initiative or saving throw roll can be rolled twice, and I take the best one."

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Neith of Inholt

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] forget that, trying to say hi

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] (Hi Carissa!)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt casts a spell against : Light - Priest: I create a 20' radius globe of light which lights the way for (6+7) 13 turns.

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (Hello Carissa)

[Carissa] (Also hi! Don't die)

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: [Shurkural]]

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Um

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] bob

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] ?

[Master] SO first what did Neith cast on ?

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] The ground

[Master] OK

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] but I was doing something else

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I assume I can at least arm myself?

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] or did that take the whole turn

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Attack: Shepard's Crook:: is now ARMED.

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] okay pass turn

Shurkural (TMO)] Attack: Bastard Sword, silver; two hands:: is now ARMED.

Shurkural (TMO)] hold action

[Master] no you cannot do anything but cast a spell in one round

[Master] you cannot pick up a weapon etc.

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] kk I’ll unarm myself

[Master] and there is the circle of light that Neith cast

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Attack: Shepard's Crook:: is NO LONGER ARMED.

[Master] and what you can see in it

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] no movement either?

[Master] Carissa, Hello and will put you on the map when the next round starts

[Master] correct

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] kk

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: Kel

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] Attack: Teb, one handed:: is now ARMED.

[Master] SO now Kel is standing in a bit of light

[Master] cannot see out of it

[Master] can see only darkness where Indigo disappeared

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] (how long until the ultra-vision kicks in? now that the light spell is active)

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] check

[Master] never

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] moves to the edge of the circle of light, facing the well

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] "To quote"

[Master] Kel and Tebhoundrin moved 4'01".

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] You can see objects beyond the darkness

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] holds action

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] it is just shadowy

[Master] That is casting Darkness Michael the reverse of the spell Light

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Ill paste the description

[Master] the light only goes out 20 feet

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] his spell causes a luminous glow within 20 feet of the spell's center. The area of light thus caused is equal in brightness to torchlight. Objects in darkness beyond this sphere can be seen, at best, as vague and shadowy shapes

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] (do we a cone of light from indigo coming up from the well?

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] (do we see*)

[Master] no light from the well

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (you can see magic light from a distance but the light stops so it does not bounce off objects beyond)

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] (none at all?)

Shurkural (TMO)] (the light spell doesn't cast light outside of its sphere?

[Master] yes to John and TMO

[Master] yes to Mario

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] (so something is covering the indigo light source...)

Shurkural (TMO)] (I didn't realize it)

[Master] you can make that guess

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] an opaque blob)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I mean if you want I’ll take it down, but no one without ultra-vision etc. will be able to do anything

[Master] but you are starting into the dark right now Kel

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] (k)

[Master] and no one is saying that Michael

[Master] or ONLY Kel and Qui could do things

[Master] so Kel is done?

Shurkural (TMO)] (light is better than none)

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] (if the light spell was cast further into the well area, it would light that area)

[Master] yes

[Master] but you have to see it to cast on it

[Master] so Michael did the right thing

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] (Thought it was bigger than the scale I was seeing otherwise I would have :) )

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] if Kel moved to the darkness, how long until the ultra-vision kicks in?)

[Master] at least one round


[Kel (Mario-yoga)] (well the light isn’t moving, so Kell will move to the darkness, just a few feet in)

[Master] The abrupt change from bright light to darkness or the reverse takes one full round for the character to recover from and is considered Surprised for that round.

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] (k)

[Master] Kel and Tebhoundrin moved 1'09".

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: [Miranda Paige]]

[Miranda Paige]] (JohnAA) makes her way into the light

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] [Miranda Paige]] moved 8'06".

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: [Ilero]]

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] [Miranda Paige]] moved 1'10".

[Ilero]] (TMO) pulls his cloak clasp out of its pocket, lighting up more area.

[Master] ROUND: 2

[Master] Carissa you can roll Init for the pack

[Master] John you can roll for Eddie

[QuiFon Ruminell]] (JohnAA) blinks

[Carissa] (Uhh what's going on? Sorry half not paying attention yet because can't)

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] Eddie: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=3] 13

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] Hey ! What is happening!

Carissa is receiving the map Caverns of the Crescent Moon...

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] someone can take in character 10 seconds to describe what is going on

Carissa has received the map Caverns of the Crescent Moon.

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] Inigo grabbed by water into well

[Carissa] (Wow this internet is slow. One sec)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (brb)

[Carissa] Galad: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=5] 15

[Carissa] Anor: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=9] 19

[Carissa] Ithil: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=4] 14

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] It's really dark water. We cannot see his light!

[Lisa] I am away from the keyboard.

[Carissa] (So we're looking for Indigo and attacking water?)

[Carissa] (Rolled but might have to step away in a minute)

Ilero (TMO)] (not attacking yet, getting ready to)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Attack later, rescue Indigo now

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] since he's drowning

[Carissa] (Do we know how far down it goes yet?)

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (at this point, we don't know)

[Carissa] (And just roll wolves not shi?)

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (sure Sji)

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (sure shi)

[Carissa] (brb)

[Master (to GM only)] INIT: 5 GOING: Indigo

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: [QuiFon Ruminell]]

[Master] yes Shi

[Master] will roll for her

[Master] Shi'Nynze: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=6] 16

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (so can I see anything)

[Master] fixing what you can see from the light coming from Ilero

[QuiFon Ruminell]] (JohnAA) runs to where he thinks the well is and tries to grab Indigo blindly

(JohnAA)] [QuiFon Ruminell]] moved 16'04".

[Master] [QuiFon Ruminell]] moved 7'08".

[Master] make a Dex check for Qui

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] [QuiFon Ruminell]]: BAL check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL FAILED against 9!!

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (missed it by that much

[Master] are you rerolling based on the spell?

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] (lol)

[Lisa] I am back at the keyboard.

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (was hopping to use that for the attack, thinking)

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (no not using for this roll)

[Master] OK

[Master] make a con check roll only to me

[Master] [QuiFon Ruminell]] moved 3'08".

[Master] SPLASH

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA) (to GM only)] [QuiFon Ruminell]]: CON check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Master (to JohnAA only)] Qui can hold his breath till round 6 then will be making checks to see if he drowns each round

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Eddie

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA) (to Master only)] CAN I reach out for indigo?

Carissa has left the game on Fri Aug 31 20:07:15 EDT 2018

Ilero (TMO)] (well, this will be interesting when Bran returns to an empty castle)

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA) (to Master only)] or the wall?

[Master (to JohnAA only)] no cannot see anything to grab onto

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA) (to Master only)] blindly grabbing?

[Master (to JohnAA only)] will check that later but there is zero chance to grab a wall, might grab Indigo

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] test

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA) (to GM only)] [QuiFon Ruminell]]: Attack: Unarmed: (18-(d20+1)) [1d20=13] 4

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA) (to GM only)] [QuiFon Ruminell]]: Attack: Unarmed: (18-(d20+1)) [1d20=3] 14

[Master] Lord Branadarus: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=7] 17

Ilero (TMO)] (I'm here)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] thanks

[Master] waiting on John with Eddie

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] Eddie moved 29'04".

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Ithil

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Galad

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Neith of Inholt

[Master] Michael?

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] So, I can't see the well

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I'm here

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Justing thinking

[Master] no you cannot

[Master] that is good

[Master] grins

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Do I know the general area?

[Master] no

[Master] you got here 4 minutes ago

[Master] 2 minutes in Indigo disappeared

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] So I didn't see the well at all

[Master] nope

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Di I see which passage Indigo ran down?

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] at least

[Master] he walked and yes the one where Kel is at the entrance of

[Indigo (Lisa)] (he pointed where he was going)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] So, is everyone going to get triggered if I run to Kel and cast light again?

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I really need to see the well here

[Master] word of advice you can hold action

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I will, but I don't want Lisa mad at me

[Master] and hope that Ilero goes past you with his light source

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I'm trying to save her character here

[Master] to light up things for you

[Master] if you move you cannot cast

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Alright

[Master] so you can move this round and do nothing else

[Master] OR hold

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Shi'Nynze

[Master] to see what happens

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I held

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: Kel

Ilero (TMO)] (naturally enough the dude with the high dex and light source rolled the worst init)

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] so is Kel still not using Ultra vision because of the second light source?)

[Master] Kel saw Qui go past heard the splash

[Master] yes to TMO

[Master] the well is in darkness

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (like Kel has been so graceful)

[Master] until Ilero gets farther in to light it up

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (he can hold too)

[Master] I agree, grins, Kel has fallen into water just like a dwarf does (qui)

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] move forward tie a rope to my waist, and toss the other end to the party

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] not move forward, but tie a rope

[Master] you can move OR tie the rope

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] what I would recommend

[Master] not both

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] tie a rope

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] pls

[Master] ok

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: [Shurkural]]

[Master] rope use for Kel?

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA) (to Mario-yoga only)] you are the anchor

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA) (to Mario-yoga only)] and the wench

[Kel (Mario-yoga) (to JohnAA only)] ha! didn’t think of that!

[Master] TMO?

Shurkural (TMO)] What's going on?

Shurkural (TMO)] [Shurkural]] moved 14'07".

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: Lord Branadarus

[Master] Lord Branadarus moved 50'03".

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] WHAT IN THE HELLS!!!!!

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: [Miranda Paige]]

[Indigo (Lisa)] (no that is the next trip!)

[Master] HAH

Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) Branadarus, help!

Carissa has joined the game on Fri Aug 31 20:17:48 EDT 2018

Carissa is receiving the map Caverns of the Crescent Moon...

Carissa has received the map Caverns of the Crescent Moon.

[Master] Miranda is up

[JohnAA] [Miranda Paige]] targets Lord Branadarus. Distance: 9'04"

[Master] then Carissa can go

[JohnAA] [Miranda Paige]] targets Kel. Distance: 13'01"

[Carissa] (Ugh dangit I was thinking so but not yet...brb again)

[Carissa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Carissa] I am away from the keyboard.

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] [Miranda Paige]] casts a spell against Kel, Lord Branadarus: Water Breathing: I can breathe for (6) 6 hours and can divide that time among as many other recipients as I wish to a minimum of 30 minutes per recipient.

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: [Ilero]]

[JohnAA] I am back at the keyboard.

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (3 hrs. each)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Great Spell John!

[Master] is that a touch spell John?

Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) Fingers Crossed :() Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (oh you had to ask)

[Master] due diligence

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] I guess I have to move this round

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] [Miranda Paige]] moved 12'06".

[Master] and can tell them what you are going to do

[Master] so they wait

Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) Fingers Crossed :()>>ic<< Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] I can help you breather, please wait here

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (These two listen to me?)

Carissa has left the game on Fri Aug 31 20:21:11 EDT 2018

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (they have their own respective bosses)

Ilero (TMO)] (let me know when you're ready for me)

[Master] we will see

[Master] and yes to TMO go

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]] moved 17'05".

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]] moved 24'04".

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]] moved 29'04".

[Ilero]] (TMO) shines the light into the cavern to see what's going on.

Ilero (TMO)] Attack: Hand of Reaching:: is now ARMED.

Ilero (TMO)] (does he see anything?)

[Master] There is a well

[Master] no sign of Indigo or Qui

Ilero (TMO)] (well well well)

[Master] he still has movement left

[Master] how low can you go

Ilero (TMO)] (is the well a raised cylinder, or flush with the ground like a pool?)

[Master] flush

[Master] no rim

Ilero (TMO)] (drat)

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (it's drawn like there is a rim, with double lines)

[Master] those are drops down

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]] moved 3'11".

[Ilero]] (TMO) drops the light source on the ground and moves forward carefully, flush against the wall to make room for others.

[Master] INIT: 19 GOING: Anor

[Master] ROUND: 3

[Master (to GM only)] INIT: 5 GOING: Indigo

[Master (to GM only)] INIT: 12 GOING: [QuiFon Ruminell]]

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Eddie

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] Eddie moved 13'01".

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (guards Miranda's back)

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Ithil

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Galad

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Neith of Inholt

Miranda Paige (JohnAA) (to Master only)] we can do nothing in the water? Just holding breath, floating?

[Master (to JohnAA only)] surrounded by water, bound up tight waiting to die

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] well the thing is

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] we now can see

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I’m trying to figure out how to proceed

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I have a kid on my back

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (now you got it)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] but I can hold the end of the rope to help the diver who is going to rescue their asses

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] (at this point john I’m almost ready to throw her in lol)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] So is that something you all would like me to do ?

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] hold the rope?

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] or I can see what else I can do

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] alright. then I guess I'll hold the rope

Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) Grips rope

Ilero (TMO)] (unless you have a better idea, helping Kel is fine)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Well, I don't have water breathing yet unless John gave that to me

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Otherwise I'd just jump in

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] with my end of the rope

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] so...

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Shi'Nynze

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: Kel

[Master] ==== Player Icon browsing has been ENABLED. ====

[Master] ==== Player Icon browsing has been DISABLED. ====

[Master] Miranda has NOT cast on him yet

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] (ok, catch up: is Kel tied up? can he water breathe?)

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] perfect

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I’ve got at least part of the rope[e

[Master] is tied to a rope is waiting for Miranda then can take his turn

[Master] or go without the breathing

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] (its three rounds that Indigo is underwater, we may be reaching critical timing for him now)

[Master] tick tick tick

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (at this point, we don't know)

[Master] did he make his Con check?

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (but he is an Admiral)

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] Kel moves to the edge of the well, since it can now be seen

[Master] if Kel moves then Miranda cannot cast on him

[Master] up to you

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] (suggestions all?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol - con check was GM only - why are you asking us?)

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (Hold)

Ilero (TMO)] (hold action until after casting - he knows she's going to cast after all)

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] (Kel can def go in, if the rope is held)

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] (ok)

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] Holds action

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: [Shurkural]]

[Indigo (Lisa)] (does an admiral go down with the ship like a captain?)

[Shurkural]] (TMO) rushes up and grabs onto the rope end with Neith.

Shurkural (TMO)] [Shurkural]] moved 14'10".

Shurkural (TMO)] (goes down with the fleet)

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] (yes, but from behind a desk)

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: Lord Branadarus

[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol Mario!)

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] MIRANDA CAST THAT DAMN SPELL NOW!!!!!!!

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: [Miranda Paige]]

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

Shurkural (TMO)] (brb)

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

[Miranda Paige]] (JohnAA) casts

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (ant me to reroll?)

[Master] no need

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: [Ilero]]

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] HOLD THE ROPE KEL!!!!!

[Master] Lord Branadarus moved 20'10".

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] SPLASH

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Kel can make a Muscle check

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] What the..!!

Shurkural (TMO)] (let me know when ready for me)

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] Kel: MUSC check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Master] WOW

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] nice

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] holy cow that was close

Ilero (TMO)] (if it were a strength contest that's the perfect roll)

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (what TMO said)

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] (right?!)

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (uh oh, BOB is thinking)

[Master] Lord Branadarus targets Indigo. Distance: 1'08"

[Master] Lord Branadarus: Attack: Thorn: ((12-(d20+2))+2) [1d20=2] 10 [MODIFIED (+2)]. MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 1).

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (guess not)

[Master] Lord Branadarus: Attack: Thorn: ((12-(d20+2))+2) [1d20=17] -5 [MODIFIED (+2)]. HITS Indigo (AC FINAL: 1)!!!

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (WHo do you love)

[Master] and now Ilero can go

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (I like that spelling best)

[Ilero]] (TMO) drops down onto his belly and peeks over the edge to see if he can see anything to pull up with the Hand. Also ready to dodge if attacked.

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]] moved 7'11".

Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] [Ilero]]: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] [Ilero]]: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (sometimes it seems like the best times are saving party members)

Ilero (TMO)] (alertness + observation rolled secretly)

[Master] and Ilero stares deep into the depths of dark water

[Master] no light down there

[Master] he can see the rope disappear down into the water and that is all

Ilero (TMO)] (not even Indigo's light?)

[Master] no

Ilero (TMO)] (ok, Ilero will be ready to pull up if he sees anything)

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] (maybe there is an elbow pipe that leads sideways)

[Master] INIT: 19 GOING: Anor

[Master] ROUND: 4

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (Indigo is unseen beacon)

[Master] INIT: 5 GOING: Indigo

Ilero (TMO)] (always possible)

[Master] Indigo feels himself being torn in two directions

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: CON check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Master] He can recognize human hands on him

[Master] and the watery envelope

[Indigo (Lisa)] (they became visible)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I swear if we end up pulling the upper half of indigo up and nothing else, ima vomit

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] ;)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (he is still under water though?)

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] (fair dinkum)

Ilero (TMO)] (it's a new frontier for Indigo! He's graduated from being swallowed by animals to being swallowed by elements!)

[Master] Yes

[Indigo (Lisa)] (LOL)

[Master] LOL to Mario

[Master] and to TMO

[Master] so Indigo cannot breath yet

Indigo (Lisa) struggles to free himself and rise to the surface

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (also good for Kel)

[Master] Indigo can make a swimming check

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Swimming check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 16!!

[Master] and Carissa's family does not understand the urgency of the situation, I am trying to convince her to let me talk to them

[Indigo (Lisa)] (jeez!)

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (this is the first room)

Shurkural (TMO)] lol

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] (lol)

[Master (to GM only)] INIT: 12 GOING: [QuiFon Ruminell]]

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Eddie

Eddie (JohnAA) sniffs the air

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Ithil

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Galad

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Neith of Inholt

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I guess just still holding on for dear life :)

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Shi'Nynze

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: Kel

[Master] Neith of Inholt and Mercy moved 14'02".

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] buckling in to hold up the oaf

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: [Shurkural]]

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Oh

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] bob unless you will let me make a muscle check or something

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I didn't think about that

Shurkural (TMO)] (does it look like Kel and Neith are strong enough on their own? Shur is currently helping, but if those two are enough there's something else she can do)

[Master] she can guess yes, Kel and Tiberius are about almost equal

[Master] grins

Shurkural (TMO)] (alright, she's been hanging around Ilero too much)

Shurkural (TMO)] Attack: Dagger/Dirk:: is now ARMED.

Shurkural (TMO)] Attack: Bastard Sword, silver; two hands:: is NO LONGER ARMED.

Shurkural (TMO)] [Shurkural]] moved 26'02".

[Shurkural]] (TMO) dives in headfirst

Shurkural (TMO)] [Shurkural]]: Swimming check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Eddie (JohnAA)] (yea Way too much)

[Master] [QuiFon Ruminell]] targets [Shurkural]]. Distance: 0'09"

[Master] [QuiFon Ruminell]]: Attack: Unarmed: (18-(d20+1)) [1d20=8] 9. MISSES [Shurkural]] (AC FINAL: 7).

[Master] [QuiFon Ruminell]]: Attack: Unarmed: (18-(d20+1)) [1d20=8] 9. MISSES [Shurkural]] (AC FINAL: 7).

Ilero (TMO)] (does her armor count for grab attacks?)

[Master] yes

Ilero (TMO)] (ok)

[Master] and she is about to sink

Ilero (TMO)] (it's only leatherish)

[Master] grins

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: Lord Branadarus

[JohnAA] (Wet Leather Now)

[Master] Lord Branadarus moved 6'10".

[Master] Indigo moved 12'01".

[Branwyn (TMO)] can she try to grab anyone?

[Branwyn (TMO)] .... what?

[JohnAA] (sure, just not here)

[Master] Indigo comes TOSSED up over the edge

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] Bran, you've changed

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Lord Branadarus moved 8'03".

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: [Miranda Paige]]

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] [Miranda Paige]] moved 7'11".

[JohnAA] All targets for [Miranda Paige]] removed.

[JohnAA] [Miranda Paige]] targets Indigo. Distance: 0'05"

Shurkural (TMO)] (internet is slow tonight)

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] [Miranda Paige]]: Healing check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: [Ilero]]

Ilero (TMO)] (can Ilero see anything to start pulling on? He's holding that action if not)

[Master] he can see Shur

[Master] and Tiberius

[Ilero]] (TMO) tries to grab her ankle so he can pull)

[Master] and he goes last so no point in holding action

[TMO] [Ilero]] targets [Shurkural]]. Distance: 2'06"

[Master] and make that to hit

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Attack: Hand of Reaching: ((15-(d20+0))-1) [1d20=5] 9 [MODIFIED (-1)]. MISSES [Shurkural]] (AC FINAL: 7).

Ilero (TMO)] (one of those nights)

[Master] INIT: 19 GOING: Anor

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] (can Kel pull Ty up? He didn’t do anything this round)

Miranda Paige (JohnAA) (to Master only)] I guess Indigo is mostly ok

[Master] Kel can try

[Master] but he already brought up Tiberius with Indigo

[Master] and Tiberius dove back in

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] aha, thx

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (greedy fisher elf)

[Master] Indigo is on the ground gasping

[Master] ROUND: 5

[Master] INIT: 5 GOING: Indigo

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (Ty makes good bait)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (so Branadarus saved Indigo?)

[Master] and this round Indigo would have maybe drowned

[Master] but he is on the ground instead

Indigo (Lisa) cough , cough

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] thank god

[Master] and Tiberius is in the well with Shur and Qui

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] Whew

[Indigo (Lisa)] What ... happened? So ... dark

Indigo (Lisa) coughs

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: [QuiFon Ruminell]]

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] so why did he jump back in the well?

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Eddie

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Ithil

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Galad

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Neith of Inholt

[Master] Michael?

(JohnAA) (to GM only)] [QuiFon Ruminell]]: Detect Approximate Depth Underground check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] glitching

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] one sec

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] map

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Aug 31 21:00:04 EDT 2018 ====

mharm-15549 has joined the game on Fri Aug 31 21:01:38 EDT 2018

mharm-15549 is receiving the map Caverns of the Crescent Moon...

mharm-15549 has received the map Caverns of the Crescent Moon.

Mario-yoga has joined the game on Fri Aug 31 21:01:48 EDT 2018

Mario-yoga is receiving the map Caverns of the Crescent Moon...

Mario-yoga has received the map Caverns of the Crescent Moon.

[mharm-15549] test

[Mario-yoga] test

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] okay

[Mario-yoga] were back

[Master] everything crashed

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] so my last chat had some stuff

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] but it's not important

[Master] had to restart everything here

[Master] Neith is up

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I just said I was pulling Indigo further back and trying to be ready just in case anyone else needed help

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] then I passed turn

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Is that still okay?

[Master] yes

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Shi'Nynze

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: Kel

[Mario-yoga] (so what’s left? who's in the well?)

[Master] Tiberius Shur and Qui who has been down the longest

[Mario-yoga] Ty! rab the others, ill pull you all out!

[Mario-yoga] holds action, and the rope

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: [Shurkural]]

[Master] letting them log in

[Master] Lisa is trying

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] sorry for the crash :)

[Master] not your fault

[Master] not sure what happened Klooge just stopped and shut down

[Master] still waiting

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] do you want to restart again?

[Master] no

[Master] not yet

[Master] everything good for you Mario?

[Master] TMO is rebooting he could not even get to speed test

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] yikes

[Mario-yoga] ya, I’m good

[Master] how is the weather for you?

[Mario-yoga] bobby, what’s another word for trivet? the art you put on the table to protect it?

[Master] thinking

[Mario-yoga] chilly mornings, but warm during the day, had a bit of rain yesterday, but in shorts all day

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Going to Sydney Opera House?

[Mario-yoga] yes! I’ve been before, but my wife hasn’t. That and the Bridge Walk, you walk over the main bridge

[Mario-yoga] did that too, but doing at twilight w my wife and my bud

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] That sounds awesome!

[Mario-yoga] and then going to Katoomba to the Three sisters mountains

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I happy for you :)

[Mario-yoga] and a lot of drinking

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] lol

[Mario-yoga] thank you Michael!!

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] how about breakfast potatoes???

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I hear they go great together

[Mario-yoga] potatoes seem the same, but we did have Pavlova

[Mario-yoga] a merengue base with fruit on top

[Mario-yoga] incredibly delish

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] oh my god

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] your making me hungry

[Mario-yoga] we just on a brisket and gonna ill that tonight

[Mario-yoga] it’s my bid's 50th today

[Mario-yoga] oddly, haven’t started drinking yet...

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] you’ll get there :)

[Master] OK so I am going to restart sorry guys

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] NP

[Master] no one else can log in

[Mario-yoga] ok, brb

[Master] be right back up

mharm-15549 has left the game on Fri Aug 31 21:19:01 EDT 2018

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Aug 31 21:19:34 EDT 2018 ====

mharm-15549 has joined the game on Fri Aug 31 21:19:59 EDT 2018

mharm-15549 is receiving the map Caverns of the Crescent Moon...

mharm-15549 has received the map Caverns of the Crescent Moon.

TMO has joined the game on Fri Aug 31 21:20:12 EDT 2018

TMO is receiving the map Caverns of the Crescent Moon...

TMO has received the map Caverns of the Crescent Moon.

Carissa has joined the game on Fri Aug 31 21:20:47 EDT 2018

Carissa is receiving the map Caverns of the Crescent Moon...

Carissa has received the map Caverns of the Crescent Moon.

[Master] so TMO you are up

[TMO] (oh good, it connected this time)

[Master] Lisa is restarting

Mario-yoga has joined the game on Fri Aug 31 21:20:56 EDT 2018

Mario-yoga is receiving the map Caverns of the Crescent Moon...

[TMO] (did you break all of us?)

Mario-yoga has received the map Caverns of the Crescent Moon.

[Carissa] (Yay wasn't my connection)

[mharm-15549] nah, klooge it just acting up :)

[Master] but Shur can go

[Master] while the others log in

[TMO] (can she see anyone to grab?)

[Carissa] (Everyone still alive?)

[Master] Qui was right next to her trying to grab her

[Shurkural]] (TMO) grabs at Qui

[Mario-yoga] back

[TMO] [Shurkural]] targets [QuiFon Ruminell]]. Distance: 0'09"

Shurkural (TMO)] [Shurkural]]: Attack: Fist: (14-(d20+0)) [1d20=10] 4. HITS [QuiFon Ruminell]] (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

Shurkural (TMO)] (can she start swimming up, or next round?)

[Master] next round

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: Lord Branadarus

[Master] Lord Branadarus targets [QuiFon Ruminell]]. Distance: 0'06"

[Master] Lord Branadarus: Attack: Thorn: ((12-(d20+2))+2) [1d20=15] -3 [MODIFIED (+2)]. HITS [QuiFon Ruminell]] (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Master] Lord Branadarus: MUSC check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

JohnAA has joined the game on Fri Aug 31 21:24:26 EDT 2018

JohnAA is receiving the map Caverns of the Crescent Moon...

JohnAA has received the map Caverns of the Crescent Moon.

[Master] [Shurkural]] moved 3'09".

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: [Miranda Paige]]

[JohnAA] [Miranda Paige]] no longer targets Indigo.

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] Please step away from the well

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: [Ilero]]

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Ilero]] (TMO) heps pull everyone out of the water.

Ilero (TMO)] (he's a Good Hepper)

[Carissa] (Heap them over)

[Master] [Shurkural]] moved 3'11".

Ilero (TMO)] (hep hep)

[Master] Lord Branadarus moved 6'08".

[Master] INIT: 19 GOING: Anor

[Master] ROUND: 6

[Master] Combat has finished.

[Carissa] (Mann missed the fun)

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)]

[Mario-yoga] unties rope, coils it again

[Master] [Miranda Paige]], [QuiFon Ruminell]], Lord Branadarus, [Ilero]] and [Shurkural]] moved 3'03".

[Miranda Paige]] (JohnAA) checks on everyone, Qui first

[Master] Indigo moved 3'10".

[Master] Time of Day: 02:32 PM. Day 13 Ced ___ tre, Eap {Late Fall} 13th, 345 SKR.

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)]

Ilero (TMO)] T'at was fun.

[Master] so the first ten minutes in the Caverns of the Crescent Moon are done

Ilero (TMO)] What happen?

[Carissa] (LOL)

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] Were we looking for trouble or did trouble find us?

[Mario-yoga] Indigo, what grabbed you?

[Mario-yoga] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] Indigo, what grabbed you?

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (you mean WHo?)

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] no, he's back in the castle

[Carissa] (no Lisa yet?)

[Master] she is trying

[Master] she did a full hard restart

[Master] she said to keep on going

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] Well that was, well a well

[Carissa] (water under the bridge, then. so...)

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] [QuiFon Ruminell]] moved 3'01".

[JohnAA] [QuiFon Ruminell]] no longer targets [Shurkural]].

[Master] Shi'Nynze moved 20'08".

[Master] Galad moved 30'10".

[Master] Anor moved 34'07".

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] [QuiFon Ruminell]] moved 19'00".

[Master] Ithil moved 14'09".

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Aug 31 21:32:35 EDT 2018

Lisa is receiving the map Caverns of the Crescent Moon...

Ilero (TMO)] (brb)

Lisa has received the map Caverns of the Crescent Moon.

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] Ilero, do you think you can lead, I fear the traps may be worse than the creatures here

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (too slow)

[Lisa] well that took forever - like I fell down a well or something

[Carissa] (lol)

[Master] to remind everyone the lines on the floor are elevations as the tunnels rise

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (long road back from nowhere)

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (how far below the level of the castle did we start?)

[Master] a few thousand feet

[Master] hundred

[Master] sorry

[Carissa] (elevators in a tunnel..?)

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] (like cutes and ladders)

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] chutes

[Carissa] (brutes?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol!)

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] (lol, it’s the time change)

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] (or just another typing session for me)

[JohnAA] (and being upside down)

[Master] so you have five tunnels there, one to the well, one the way you came in and three unknowns

[JohnAA] I am back at the keyboard.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Curtain No 3?)

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Carissa] (well no to the well so to the unknowns?)

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] I still think straight

[Master] but what way should you go?

[Carissa] (top left)

[Master] so who wants to move there?

[Ilero]] (TMO) picks up his light again.

[Master] go on and start walking, grins

Ilero (TMO)] Hye go first?

[mharm-15549] whatever we choose, we go together

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] [QuiFon Ruminell]] moved 5'05".

[Carissa] (si)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Sure

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] (ladies and gentlemen, I think I am out for this week, before we get moving again

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] okay Mario

Ilero (TMO)] (enough fun already?)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] :(

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (ttfn)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] we'll miss you

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] next week, we board at 9 pm your time, so I will log in from the airport

[Indigo (Lisa)] (ok - have fun rest of the trip!)

[Master] grins

[Master] going to make Lisa be creative next time

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] (stay alive, it’s a cave out there)

[Master] log on from the airplane

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] (I will try that too!)

[Master] HAH

[Master] go have fun

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (elevation record?)

[Carissa] (night Mario!)

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] (then I can be the highest altitude log in too!)

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (and Attitude)

[Kel (Mario-yoga)] ok, bye all!!

[Master] [Ilero]] moved 2'06".

Mario-yoga has left the game on Fri Aug 31 21:40:30 EDT 2018

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] [Miranda Paige]] moved 10'05".

Ilero (TMO)] (are the lines steps or elevation changes?)

[Master] Lord Branadarus moved 16'01".

[Carissa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] [Shurkural]] moved 12'09".

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (funny how it looks like a snail)

[Master] just elevation changes

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] Indigo moved 10'05".

[JohnAA] [Ilero]] no longer targets [Shurkural]].

[JohnAA] [Shurkural]] no longer targets [QuiFon Ruminell]].

Ilero (TMO)] (down or up?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (down?)

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] Lord Branadarus moved 5'09".

[Master] Kel and Tebhoundrin moved 2'05".

[Master] up

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] Apparently not so straight

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (sorry thought it was a choice; just trying to catch up :P)

[Ilero]] (TMO) stealths up to the corner and looks around the edge.

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]] moved 11'10".

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] [QuiFon Ruminell]] moved 8'10".

Ilero (TMO)]

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]] moved 25'08".

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (nice)

[Master] so to refresh everyone

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] [QuiFon Ruminell]] moved 15'11".

[Master] as Ilero moves forward it gets dark behind him

[Master] except for where Indigo is

Ilero (TMO)] (y'all might want to keep up. ;) )

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (we moving together, just using Ilero as a marker?

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) goes to catch up

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) keeping wolves close

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] [Miranda Paige]] moved 27'10".

[Master] Eddie, Neith of Inholt, Shi'Nynze, Mercy, Lord Branadarus, Anor, Indigo, Ithil, Galad and [Shurkural]] moved 22'10".

[Master] Kel and Tebhoundrin moved 20'11".

Ilero (TMO)] (if you actually watch all of that video, keep your eye on Kevin Kline throughout)

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]] moved 19'00".

[Master] so which way Ilero?

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] [QuiFon Ruminell]] moved 19'06".

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]] moved 10'06".

Ilero (TMO)] (smaller passage first)

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] [QuiFon Ruminell]] moved 14'06".

[QuiFon Ruminell]] (JohnAA) whispers wait

[Ilero]] (TMO) pauses

[QuiFon Ruminell]] (JohnAA) point up and to left

[Ilero]] (TMO) looks where he's pointing.

Ilero (TMO)] (do you mean up the left passage? Or up on the ceiling?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (he's short so probably normal up means normal height? :P)

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (slope up)

Ilero (TMO)] (so left passage?)

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]] moved 1'06".

[Ilero]] (TMO) looks up that passage.

[Ilero]] (TMO) whispers, "You want go t'is way instead?"

[QuiFon Ruminell]] (JohnAA) look for passage to castle)

[QuiFon Ruminell]] (JohnAA) nods

[Ilero]] (TMO) shrugs.

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]] moved 19'01".

[Master] ok

[Master] you should have everyone move up how you want to be

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] [QuiFon Ruminell]] moved 7'09".

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] [Miranda Paige]] moved 46'05".

[Master] now that you have multiple passages behind you too

Ilero (TMO)] [Shurkural]] moved 30'00".

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze moved 7'09".

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Anor moved 27'00".

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Ithil moved 34'00".

Ilero (TMO)] Attack: Bastard Sword, silver; one hand:: is now ARMED.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Galad moved 3'02".

Ilero (TMO)] Attack: Hand of Reaching:: is now ARMED.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Galad moved 9'11".

[Master] and yes scale is right

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze moved 3'03".

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Ithil moved 6'03".

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Anor moved 4'01".

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Sorry small screen hard to move done now)

[Master] Michael? Lisa you good?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I don't mind being in the back)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] think so

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] Eddie moved 37'07".

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (way in the back?)

[Master] [Ilero]] moved 22'09".

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] [QuiFon Ruminell]] moved 17'04".

[Master] Stirge #18, Stirge #20, Stirge #19, Stirge #22, Stirge #21, Stirge #25, Stirge #24, Stirge #23, Stirge #28, Stirge #27, Stirge #26 and Stirge #29 moved 84'10".

[Master] Stirge #18 targets [Ilero]]. Distance: 4'02"

[Ilero]] (TMO) backs up

Ilero (TMO)] quickly

[Master] Stirge #20 moved 3'00".

[Master] Stirge #21 moved 4'06".

[Master] Stirge #21 targets [Ilero]]. Distance: 1'06"

[Master] Stirge #26 moved 5'04".

[Master] Stirge #26 targets [Ilero]]. Distance: 1'09"

[Master] Stirge #23 moved 8'06".

[Master] Stirge #23 targets [Ilero]]. Distance: 1'02"

[Master] Ilero can make a surprise check, d12

Ilero (TMO)] (TMO laughs)

Ilero (TMO)] (1d12) [1d12=5] 5

[Master] alertness will help

[Master] and that is good so he gets his full AC then

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[Master] but they attack first

[Master] Stirge #21: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=6] 11. MISSES [Ilero]] (AC FINAL: 5).

[Master] Stirge #20 moved 1'07".

[Master] Stirge #20 targets [Ilero]]. Distance: 0'05"

[Master] Stirge #20: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=9] 8. MISSES [Ilero]] (AC FINAL: 5).

[Master] Stirge #26: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=6] 11. MISSES [Ilero]] (AC FINAL: 5).

[Ilero]] (TMO) ducks and dodges

[Master] Stirge #18: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=19] -2. HITS [Ilero]] (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

Ilero (TMO)] and weaves

[Master] Stirge #18 moved 3'02".

[Master] Stirge #18 follows [Ilero]].

[Master] Stirge #23: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=12] 5. HITS [Ilero]] (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[Master] Stirge #23 follows [Ilero]].

[Master] Stirge #18: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=3] 3 added to: [Ilero]]

[Master] Stirge #18: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=1] 1 added to: [Ilero]]

[Master] [Ilero]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 43 (-4) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] Combat has begun!

[Master] ROUND: 0

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Initiative: ((d10+10+-2)-10) [1d10=9] 7 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=10] 20

[Master] Stirge #18: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=6] 16

[Master] Stirge #19: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=3] 13

[Master] Stirge #20: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=6] 16

[Master] Stirge #21: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=9] 19

[Master] Stirge #22: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=7] 17

[Master] Stirge #23: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=5] 15

[Master] Stirge #24: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=4] 14

[Master] Stirge #25: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=2] 12

[Master] Stirge #26: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=9] 19

[Master] Stirge #27: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=10] 20

[Master] Stirge #28: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=4] 14

[Master] Stirge #29: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=8] 18

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] [QuiFon Ruminell]]: Initiative: (d10+10++0) [1d10=4] 14

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=2] 10

Ilero (TMO)] [Shurkural]]: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=7] 17

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] [Miranda Paige]]: Initiative: (d10+10++0) [1d10=10] 20

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Anor: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=10] 20

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] Eddie: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=10] 20

[Master] ROUND: 1

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Ithil: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=6] 16

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Galad: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=6] 16

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=10] 20

[Master] INIT: 7 GOING: Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] (he doesn't know anything is wrong does he?)

[Master] jus heard Ilero yelp

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (that could be anything)

Ilero (TMO)] (stubbed his toe on the ottoman)

Indigo (Lisa) hearing the yell he jogs up to see if there is another well

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 59'06".

[Master] INIT: 10 GOING: [Ilero]]

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] lol

[Ilero]] (TMO) calls back, not too loudly, "Stirge!"

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Indigo doesn't have enough mvmt this rd. to help attack)

[Ilero]] (TMO) tumbles to keep from being bit by any more, but this means he can't attack, only dodge.

[Master] he does have two latched onto him

[Master] but can dodge all the others

Ilero (TMO)] yes

TMO has edited [Ilero]]'s effects.

[Master] including all the others flying out there

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Stirge #25

[Master] Stirge #25 moved 34'04".

[Master] Stirge #25 targets [QuiFon Ruminell]]. Distance: 0'02"

[Master] Stirge #25: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=16] 1. HITS [QuiFon Ruminell]] (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Master] Stirge #25: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=3] 3 added to: [QuiFon Ruminell]]

[Master] Stirge #25 follows [QuiFon Ruminell]].

[Master] [QuiFon Ruminell]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 31 (-3) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Stirge #19

[Master] Stirge #19 moved 24'01".

[Master] Stirge #19 targets [Ilero]]. Distance: 0'06"

[Master] Stirge #19: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)-2) [1d20=17] -2 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (-2)]. HITS [Ilero]] (AC FINAL: 1)!!!

[Master] Stirge #19: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=1] 1 added to: [Ilero]]

Ilero (TMO)] (here I am, selflessly acting as a distraction to all the Giant Mosquitos, and you go and get bit first thing. UNGRATEFUL)

[Master] Stirge #19 follows [Ilero]].

[Master] [Ilero]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 42 (-1) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: [QuiFon Ruminell]]

[Master] thank you for fixing Flanking TMO

Ilero (TMO)] (hehe)

Ilero (TMO)] (dammit)

[Master] grins

[JohnAA] [QuiFon Ruminell]] targets Stirge #25. Distance: 0'02"

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (lol)

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] [QuiFon Ruminell]]: Attack: Cestus: (18-(d20+1)) [1d20=20] -3. HITS Stirge #25 (AC FINAL: 8)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] [QuiFon Ruminell]]: Attack: Cestus: (18-(d20+1)) [1d20=11] 6. HITS Stirge #25 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] [QuiFon Ruminell]]: Damage v SM: Cestus: ((1d4)+2) [1d4=2] 4 [MODIFIED (+2)] added to: Stirge #25

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] [QuiFon Ruminell]]: Damage v SM: Cestus: ((1d4)+2) [1d4=3] 5 [MODIFIED (+2)] added to: Stirge #25

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Stirge #24

[Master] Stirge #25's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 0 (-9) - Disabled

[Master] Stirge #24 moved 44'10".

[Master] Stirge #24 targets [QuiFon Ruminell]]. Distance: 0'06"

[Master] Stirge #24: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=13] 4. HITS [QuiFon Ruminell]] (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Master] Stirge #24: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=2] 2 added to: [QuiFon Ruminell]]

[Master] Stirge #24 follows [QuiFon Ruminell]].

[Master] [QuiFon Ruminell]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 29 (-2) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Stirge #28

[Master] Stirge #28 moved 49'01".

[Master] Stirge #28 targets [QuiFon Ruminell]]. Distance: 1'04"

[Master] Stirge #28: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=17] 0. HITS [QuiFon Ruminell]] (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Master] Stirge #28: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=1] 1 added to: [QuiFon Ruminell]]

[Master] [QuiFon Ruminell]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 28 (-1) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] Stirge #28 follows [QuiFon Ruminell]].

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Stirge #23

[Master] Stirge #23: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=1] 1 added to: [Ilero]]

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Ithil

[Master] [Ilero]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 41 (-1) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Stirge #20

[Master] Stirge #20: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=11] 6. MISSES [Ilero]] (AC FINAL: 1).

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Stirge #18

[Master] Stirge #18: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=1] 1 added to: [Ilero]]

[Master] [Ilero]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 40 (-1) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Galad

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: [Shurkural]]

[Shurkural]] (TMO) follows Miranda and Shi up the passage when they move. She's not going to leave the casters unprotected.

[TMO] [Shurkural]] follows [Miranda Paige]].

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: Stirge #22

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Fair and appreciated)

[Master] Stirge #22 moved 47'07".

[Master] Stirge #22 targets [QuiFon Ruminell]]. Distance: 0'03"

[Master] Stirge #22: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=1] 16. MISSES [QuiFon Ruminell]] (AC FINAL: 6).

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Stirge #29

[Master] Stirge #29 moved 44'07".

[Master] Stirge #29 targets [QuiFon Ruminell]]. Distance: 0'11"

[Master] Stirge #29: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)-2) [1d20=19] -4 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (-2)]. HITS [QuiFon Ruminell]] (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Master] Stirge #29: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=3] 3 added to: [QuiFon Ruminell]]

[Master] Stirge #29 follows [QuiFon Ruminell]].

[Master] [QuiFon Ruminell]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 25 (-3) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] INIT: 19 GOING: Stirge #26

[Master] Stirge #26: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)-2) [1d20=7] 8 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (-2)]. MISSES [Ilero]] (AC FINAL: 1).

[Master] INIT: 19 GOING: Stirge #21

[Master] Stirge #21: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=6] 11. MISSES [Ilero]] (AC FINAL: 1).

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: Eddie

Shurkural (TMO)] (for the most part, dodging is working)

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] Eddie moved 9'07".

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: Neith of Inholt

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] one sec

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt and Mercy moved 56'07".

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Attack: Shepard's Crook:: is now ARMED.

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: Stirge #27

[Master] Stirge #27 moved 24'00".

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: [Miranda Paige]]

[JohnAA] [Miranda Paige]] targets Stirge #29. Distance: 26'10"

[JohnAA] [Miranda Paige]] targets Stirge #22. Distance: 28'09"

[JohnAA] [Miranda Paige]] targets Stirge #28. Distance: 28'09"

(JohnAA)] [Miranda Paige]] casts a spell against Stirge #28, Stirge #22, Stirge #29: Magic Missile: Three Magical bolts shoot forth, doing ((1d4+1)+(1d4+1)+(1d4+1)) [1d4=2; 1d4=1; 1d4=3] 9 points of damage. The caster fires forth 1 at first level and an additional one for every second level after that until he fires 5 at 9th level.

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: Anor

Ilero (TMO)] (blast 'em!)

[Master] one each?

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (yes)

[Master] Stirge #28's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 6 (-3) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] Stirge #29's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 7 (-2) - Lightly Wounded

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Anor moved 2'08".

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: Shi'Nynze

[Master] Stirge #22's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 5 (-4) - Moderately Wounded

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze moved 12'03".

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (called shot?)

[Master] would have to be

[Carissa] Shi'Nynze targets Stirge #24. Distance: 29'07"

[Carissa] Shi'Nynze targets Stirge #22. Distance: 25'11"

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Attack: Ellidors Bow called shot:: is now ARMED.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Attack: Ellidors Bow called shot: ((18-(d20))-4-1+4-2-1) [1d20=13] 1 [MODIFIED (-1)]. HITS Stirge #22 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Attack: Arrow, Ellidors Bow: ((18-(d20+0))-4) [1d20=1] 13 [MODIFIED (-4)]. MISSES Stirge #22 (AC FINAL: 8).

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Damage v SM: Arrow; Flight: ((1d6)+1) [1d6=3] 4 [MODIFIED (+1)] added to: Stirge #22

[Master] Stirge #22's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 1 (-4) - Massively Wounded

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Attack: Ellidors Bow called shot: ((18-(d20))-4-1+4-2-1) [1d20=11] 3 [MODIFIED (-1)]. HITS Stirge #22 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Damage v SM: Arrow; Flight: ((1d6)+1) [1d6=1] 2 [MODIFIED (+1)] added to: Stirge #22

[Master] ROUND: 2

[Indigo (Lisa)] (can anyone move down the tunnel now? or is it ranged weapons only from the back?)

[Master] Stirge #22's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -1 (-2) - Dying

Centipede #4 (Master) rustle rustle

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (where's Kel? :P)

[Master] Lord Branadarus: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=5] 15

[Master] INIT: 7 GOING: Indigo

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (down under)

[Master] HAH

[Indigo (Lisa)] (answer question before I step on Mercy)

[Master] sorry missed question and yes you can move up the tunnel

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Mercy is attached to my back

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] don't worry about her

[Master] just going to be in the middle of the combat

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] yeah

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] gotta start em early

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 13'08".

[Lisa] Indigo targets [QuiFon Ruminell]]. Distance: 1'05"

[Lisa] Indigo no longer targets [QuiFon Ruminell]].

[Lisa] Indigo targets Stirge #29. Distance: 0'09"

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: (+13-(d20+1)) [1d20=4] 8. HITS Stirge #29 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=3] 6 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Stirge #29

[Master] Stirge #29's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 1 (-6) - Massively Wounded

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Short Sword: (+13-(d20+1)) [1d20=13] -1. HITS Stirge #29 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Short Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=3] 6 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Stirge #29

[Master] Stirge #29's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -5 (-6) - Dying

[Lisa] Indigo targets Stirge #28. Distance: 2'07"

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: (+13-(d20+1)) [1d20=20] -8. HITS Stirge #28 (AC FINAL: 8)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=2] 5 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Stirge #28

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: (+13-(d20+1)) [1d20=11] 1. HITS Stirge #28 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=5] 8 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Stirge #28

[Master] INIT: 10 GOING: [Ilero]]

[Master] WAIT

[Indigo (Lisa)] (having worst trouble targeting)

[Master] did you do those as called shots?

[Master] not on the dice,

[Indigo (Lisa)] (no did not announce - sigh)

[Master] OK

[Master] you can do it as a called shot

[Master] called shot

[Indigo (Lisa)] (so I killed Qui?)

[Master] I am ok with that we caught it in time

[Master] no

[Master] just did not hit as often

[Master] Stirge #29's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 1 (6) - Massively Wounded

[Master] Stirge #29 targets [QuiFon Ruminell]]. Distance: 0'11"

[Master] Stirge #29: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=7] 17

[Master] Initiative changed from 18 to 17.

[Master] OK so that is all updated now

[Master] Stirge #28's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -7 (-13) - Dying

[Indigo (Lisa)] (sorry)

[Master] [QuiFon Ruminell]] follows [QuiFon Ruminell]].

[Master] and now Ilero

[Master] can make an alertness check

Ilero (TMO)] (did it take?)

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

Ilero (TMO)] (my mouse might be joining the L key)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (haha aww)

[Master] So Ilero is surrounded by Stirges, some pined into him sucking on him but he spots out of the corner of his eye some giant centipedes stirring in the rubbish on the edge of the light

Ilero (TMO)] Where Kel when need him?

[Master] Centipede #8: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=3] 13

[Master] Centipede #12: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=7] 17

[Master] Centipede #1: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=1] 11

[Master] Centipede #4: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=2] 12

[Master] Centipede #7: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=6] 16

[Master] Centipede #5: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=7] 17

[Master] and he can complete his actions now

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] jeeze maybe the well will eat them?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (His absence is im-peding our movement)

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] Neith of Inholt and Mercy moved 1'00".

Ilero (TMO)] (while tumbling can he move from his location as well?)

[Master] no

[Master] as you debate how to get out of this I am getting water

[Master] brb

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (You can just move?)

Ilero (TMO)] (yes, and attack, which is what he's going to do.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (No useful spells over here I can find)

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (who else believes in the in and out method?)

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] that is why you have twins John

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (::smacks Bob::)

Ilero (TMO)] (Ilero is going to move back down the passage away from the centipedes. He wants to attack one that is not attached to him with the Hand.)

Ilero (TMO)] (which one is a valid target?)

[Master] Qui? grins

[Master] #21

[TMO] [Ilero]] targets Stirge #21. Distance: 1'06"

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]], Stirge #19, Stirge #18 and Stirge #23 moved 10'11".

[Master] Stirge #26 moved 6'07".

[Master] Stirge #20 moved 9'05".

[Master] Stirge #21 moved 12'05".

Ilero (TMO)] (well, that would have told me)

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Attack: Hand of Reaching: ((15-(d20+0))-1) [1d20=15] -1 [MODIFIED (-1)]. HITS Stirge #21 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Damage v SM: Hand of Reaching: (1d8+1) [1d8=8] 9 added to: Stirge #21

[Master] Stirge #21's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 0 (-9) - Disabled

Ilero (TMO)] More puppets!

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (woot)

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Centipede #1

[Master] Centipede #1 moved 50'06".

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Centipede #4

[Master] Centipede #4 moved 53'00".

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Stirge #19

[Master] Stirge #19: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=2] 2 added to: [Ilero]]

[Master] [Ilero]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 38 (-2) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Centipede #8

[Master] Centipede #8 moved 35'02".

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: [QuiFon Ruminell]]

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] [QuiFon Ruminell]], Stirge #25, Stirge #24 and Stirge #29 moved 17'02".

[Master] Mercy moved 3'00".

Ilero (TMO)] (I'm going to have to put the kids to bed soonish - if it's before the fight is over, will you allow someone else to control my two?)

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (called Shot)

[JohnAA] [QuiFon Ruminell]] targets Stirge #24. Distance: 0'06"

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] [QuiFon Ruminell]]: Attack: Cestus: (18-(d20+1)) [1d20=5] 12. MISSES Stirge #24 (AC FINAL: 8).

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Stirge #24

[Master] up to you and who ever

[Master] Stirge #24: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=1] 1 added to: [QuiFon Ruminell]]

[Master] [QuiFon Ruminell]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 24 (-1) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Stirge #23

[Master] Stirge #23: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=3] 3 added to: [Ilero]]

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (screen too small so can't help there TMO, sorry)

[Master] [Ilero]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 35 (-3) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Lord Branadarus

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (just tell Bob what his characters do)

[Master] Lord Branadarus moved 60'07".

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (also trying to split time with family convincing them I'm listening :) )

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (Uh hu)

[Master] That is how I talk about using Augmented Reality, draw a new TV screen over the other one that Nyrma is watching, watch my football game. .... YES!!!! oh yeah that is a nice color dear.... DAMN it oh sorry I just do not like that type of plant

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (LOL)

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Galad

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Galad moved 1'04".

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Stirge #18

[Master] Stirge #18: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=1] 1 added to: [Ilero]]

[Master] [Ilero]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 34 (-1) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Stirge #20

[Master] Stirge #20: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=6] 11. MISSES [Ilero]] (AC FINAL: 1).

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Ithil

mharm-15549 has left the game on Fri Aug 31 22:37:04 EDT 2018

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Centipede #7

[Master] Centipede #7 moved 42'04".

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: Centipede #12

[Master] Centipede #12 moved 50'05".

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: [Shurkural]]

Shurkural (TMO)] [Shurkural]] moved 23'05".

[TMO] [Shurkural]] targets Stirge #29. Distance: 3'00"

[TMO] [Shurkural]] targets Stirge #24. Distance: 4'06"

Shurkural (TMO)] (called shot)

[Master] Galad moved 10'02".

Shurkural (TMO)] (3 attacks every 2 rounds with it)

[Master] Ithil moved 9'01".

Shurkural (TMO)] Attack: Bastard Sword, silver; one hand:: is NO LONGER ARMED.

Shurkural (TMO)] Attack: Bastard Sword, silver; two hands:: is now ARMED.

Shurkural (TMO)] [Shurkural]]: [-4] Attack: Bastard Sword, silver; two hands: (((14-(d20+0))-1)-4) [1d20=3] 6 [MODIFIED (-4, -1)]. HITS Stirge #29 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Master] keep still Qui, she might shave your beard

Shurkural (TMO)] (that should be a miss - I used the wrong 4 penalty box)

[Master] Then you will be hard to tell the difference from Kel

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (a close shave)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (haha)

mharm-15549 has joined the game on Fri Aug 31 22:40:47 EDT 2018

mharm-15549 is receiving the map Caverns of the Crescent Moon...

mharm-15549 has received the map Caverns of the Crescent Moon.

[Master] done TMO?

Shurkural (TMO)] (yes)

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: Stirge #29

Shurkural (TMO)] (I was waiting for a comment)

Shurkural (TMO)] (if any)

[Master] Stirge #29 moved 3'01".

[Master] Stirge #29 targets Anor. Distance: 2'11"

[Master] Stirge #29 targets Eddie. Distance: 3'05"

[Master] Stirge #29 targets [Shurkural]]. Distance: 0'04"

Shurkural (TMO)] (sorry)

[Master] Stirge #29: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=8] 9. MISSES [Shurkural]] (AC FINAL: 7).

[mharm-15549] goddamit one sec

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: Centipede #5

[mharm-15549] effing klooge

[Master] Centipede #5 moved 51'04".

[Master] INIT: 19 GOING: Stirge #26

[Master] Stirge #26: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)-2) [1d20=3] 12 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (-2)]. MISSES [Ilero]] (AC FINAL: 1).

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: Eddie

[JohnAA] Eddie targets Stirge #29. Distance: 3'05"

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] Eddie: Attack: Bite: (15-(d20+0)) [1d20=20] -5. HITS Stirge #29 (AC FINAL: 8)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] Eddie: Attack: Bite: (15-(d20+0)) [1d20=13] 2. HITS Stirge #29 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

Shurkural (TMO)] (who wants my chars? Ilero attacks with Hand, Shur called shot with 2H Bastard Sword, 3 attacks every 2 rounds)

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] Eddie: Damage v SM: Bite: (2d4) [2d4=1,2] 3 added to: Stirge #29

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] Eddie: Damage v SM: Bite: (2d4) [2d4=2,2] 4 added to: Stirge #29

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: Neith of Inholt

[Master] Stirge #29's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -6 (-7) - Dying

[mharm-15549] okay

[mharm-15549] one sec

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt and Mercy moved 2'00".

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt and Mercy moved 3'08".

[mharm-15549] Neith of Inholt targets Stirge #24. Distance: 1'01"

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt: Attack: Shepard's Crook: (18-(d20+1)) [1d20=5] 12. MISSES Stirge #24 (AC FINAL: 8).

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: Stirge #27

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[TMO] (oh yes, and on his turn, Ilero calls out "Centipedes!"

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt: Attack: Shepard's Crook: (18-(d20+1)) [1d20=6] 11. MISSES Stirge #24 (AC FINAL: 8).

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt: Attack: Shepard's Crook: (18-(d20+1)) [1d20=13] 4. HITS Stirge #24 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] Stirge #27: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=20] -3

[Master] Stirge #27 moved 2'00".

[Master] Stirge #27 moved 4'03".

[Master] Stirge #27 targets [Ilero]]. Distance: 0'01"

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] igonre that

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] klooge is acting all gankuy

[Master] Stirge #27: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=6] 11. MISSES [Ilero]] (AC FINAL: 1).

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: [Miranda Paige]]

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (she can't see Ilero yet correct?

[Master] right

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] 53

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] [Miranda Paige]] and [Shurkural]] moved 6'04".

[Master] now Michael is speaking in tongues

[Master] or in math

[Master] not sure which

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] Where is that fool?

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: Anor

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] Oh crap

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] [Miranda Paige]] and [Shurkural]] moved 3'02".

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (is #29 out of the picture?)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) (to Master only)] such lag it’s hard to type. sorry about numbers

Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) might try reboot again

[Master] yes

[Master] and no worries Michael

[Master] just hang out and will help out as needed

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (#24 good to hit called?)

[Master] yes

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: Shi'Nynze

[Carissa] Shi'Nynze no longer targets Stirge #24.

[Master] [Shurkural]] moved 6'10".

[Carissa] Shi'Nynze targets Stirge #24. Distance: 12'07"

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Attack: Ellidors Bow called shot: ((18-(d20))-4-1+4-2-1) [1d20=14] 0 [MODIFIED (-1)]. HITS Stirge #24 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Attack: Ellidors Bow called shot: ((18-(d20))-4-1+4-2-1) [1d20=15] -1 [MODIFIED (-1)]. HITS Stirge #24 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Damage v SM: Arrow; Flight: ((1d6)+1) [1d6=1] 2 [MODIFIED (+1)] added to: Stirge #24

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Damage v SM: Arrow; Flight: ((1d6)+1) [1d6=5] 6 [MODIFIED (+1)] added to: Stirge #24

[Master] ROUND: 3

[Master] Stirge #24's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 1 (-8) - Massively Wounded

[Master] INIT: 7 GOING: Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 12'00".

[Lisa] Indigo targets Stirge #27. Distance: 1'07"

[Indigo (Lisa)] (called shot)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((+13-(d20+1))-4) [1d20=5] 3 [MODIFIED (-4)]. HITS Stirge #27 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=4] 7 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Stirge #27

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Short Sword: (+13-(d20+1)) [1d20=17] -5. HITS Stirge #27 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Short Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=3] 6 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Stirge #27

[Master] Stirge #27's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -4 (-13) - Dying

[Indigo (Lisa)] (put -4 in dice panel)

[Lisa] Indigo targets Stirge #19. Distance: 2'04"

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: (+13-(d20+1)) [1d20=6] 6. HITS Stirge #19 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=1] 4 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Stirge #19

[Master] INIT: 10 GOING: [Ilero]]

[Master] Stirge #19's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 5 (-4) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] Lisa that is you for TMO's characters this round

Ilero (Lisa)] Centipedes!!!

[Lisa] [Ilero]] targets Stirge #19. Distance: 0'06"

Ilero (Lisa)] [Ilero]]: Attack: Hand of Reaching: ((15-(d20+0))-1) [1d20=10] 4 [MODIFIED (-1)]. HITS Stirge #19 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

Ilero (Lisa)] [Ilero]]: Damage v SM: Hand of Reaching: (1d8+1) [1d8=3] 4 added to: Stirge #19

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Centipede #1

[Master] Stirge #19's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 1 (-4) - Massively Wounded

[Master] Centipede #1 moved 5'01".

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Centipede #4

[Master] Centipede #4 moved 19'10".

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Stirge #19

[Master] Stirge #19 moved 25'09".

[Master] Stirge #19 no longer targets [Ilero]].

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Centipede #8

[Master] Centipede #8 moved 15'02".

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: [QuiFon Ruminell]]

[Lisa] Indigo no longer targets Stirge #19.

[Lisa] [Ilero]] no longer targets Stirge #19.

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] [QuiFon Ruminell]] casts a spell against Stirge #24: Chant: "For as long as I chant, friends in a 30' radius receive a +1 to attack, damage and save rolls while enemies receive a -1 to the same rolls."

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Stirge #24

[Master] Stirge #24 moved 46'02".

[Master] Stirge #24 no longer targets [QuiFon Ruminell]].

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Stirge #23

[Master] Stirge #23: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=2] 2 added to: [Ilero]]

[Master] [Ilero]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 32 (-2) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Lord Branadarus

[Master] Lord Branadarus moved 10'00".

[Master] Lord Branadarus targets Stirge #20. Distance: 4'06"

[Master] Lord Branadarus targets Stirge #18. Distance: 3'02"

[Master] Lord Branadarus targets Stirge #23. Distance: 2'07"

[Master] Lord Branadarus targets Stirge #26. Distance: 4'11"

[Master] Lord Branadarus targets [Ilero]]. Distance: 0'02"

[Master] Lord Branadarus: Attack: Thorn: ((12-(d20+2))+2) [1d20=10] 2 [MODIFIED (+2)]. MISSES [Ilero]] (AC FINAL: 1).

[Master] Lord Branadarus: Attack: Thorn: ((12-(d20+2))+2) [1d20=3] 9 [MODIFIED (+2)]. MISSES [Ilero]] (AC FINAL: 1).

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Galad

[Master] grabs at Ilero but misses

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Stirge #18

[Master] Stirge #18: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=1] 1 added to: [Ilero]]

[Master] [Ilero]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 31 (-1) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Stirge #20

[Master] Stirge #20 moved 19'07".

[Master] Stirge #20 no longer targets [Ilero]].

[Master] Stirge #20 moved 28'00".

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Ithil

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Centipede #7

[Master] Centipede #7 moved 16'07".

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: Centipede #12

[Master] Centipede #12 moved 23'04".

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: [Shurkural]]

Shurkural (Lisa)] [Shurkural]] moved 21'07".

Shurkural (Lisa)] (can she get in to hit those in the back or should she do something else?)

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (who you asking?)

[Master] grins

Shurkural (Lisa)] I guess Bob - she would have to squeeze between Ti and Indigo and go around Ilero to get those)

[Master] Shur cannot get past Indigo and Tiberius

[Master] but she can attack the ones on Ilero anyway

[Master] he is tumbling

[Master] so the called shot and his tumbling penalty

Shurkural (Lisa)] (so those 3 are on him - ok)

[Lisa] [Shurkural]] targets Stirge #26. Distance: 5'02"

Shurkural (Lisa)] Now just hold still, sugar

Shurkural (Lisa)] [Shurkural]]: Attack: Bastard Sword, silver; two hands: (((14-(d20+0))-1)-4) [1d20=9] 0 [MODIFIED (-4, -1)]. HITS Stirge #26 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

Shurkural (Lisa)] [Shurkural]]: Damage v SM: Bastard Sword, silver; two hands: ((2d4)+1) [2d4=1,2] 4 [MODIFIED (+1)] added to: Stirge #26

[Master] Stirge #26's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 5 (-4) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: Centipede #5

[Master] Centipede #5 moved 7'00".

[Master] Centipede #5 targets Lord Branadarus. Distance: 2'09"

[Master] Centipede #5 targets Indigo. Distance: 2'11"

[Master] Centipede #5 targets [Ilero]]. Distance: 0'00"

[Master] Centipede #5 targets [Shurkural]]. Distance: 2'06"

[Master] Centipede #5: Attack: Natural Attack: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=17] 3. MISSES [Ilero]] (AC FINAL: 1).

[Master] INIT: 19 GOING: Stirge #26

[Master] Stirge #26 moved 26'08".

[Master] Stirge #26 no longer targets [Ilero]].

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: Eddie

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: Neith of Inholt

[Indigo (Lisa)] (grrr might have been better to have done my plan b)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (was going to throw dead stirges at centipede)

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (you mean Ilero's puppets?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yes - he can make more)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Maybe they'll attack the fleeing ones?) [Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] sorry

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I’m trying

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] to move

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] bob I’m sorry but can you please move my icon up to the fray up top

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] my cursor isn't even responding

[Master] Neith of Inholt and Mercy moved 16'03".

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (I'm afray not)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] trying to target one sec

[mharm-15549] Neith of Inholt targets Stirge #27. Distance: 5'05"

[mharm-15549] Neith of Inholt targets Stirge #18. Distance: 7'11"

[Master] there are not any you can attack from there

[Master] without hitting someone else

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: [Miranda Paige]]

[Master] but you can hold and hope about a centipede making it through, grins

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] yes

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (can she see the centipede?)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) (to Master only)] sorry, I’m doing best I can

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549) (to Master only)] don't know what's up

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (or is it all a ball of bodies?)

[Master] no worries Michael

[Master] ball of bodies no centipede visible from that side

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (what I wouldn't give for a lightning bolt right now)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] LOL. Gotta be out in the open. :)

[Miranda Paige]] (JohnAA) waves "Get out of the way I can't see"

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Also it would electrify all of our guys too :)

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: Anor

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: Shi'Nynze

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (holding casting)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Guess Shi can't see anything living to hit?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Hard to tell on screen)

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (yea but combat would be over)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Oh maybe #18?)

[Lisa] Indigo targets Centipede #5. Distance: 2'11"

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Can Shi see #18 or #23 or is Tiberius in the way?)

[Lisa] Indigo targets Stirge #18. Distance: 5'03"

[Master] is on Ilero so yes

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Er. Next question: can she shoot them if they're on him?)

[Master] yes with the called shot

[Carissa] [Miranda Paige]] targets Stirge #23. Distance: 37'01"

[Carissa] [Miranda Paige]] targets Stirge #18. Distance: 37'07"

[Carissa] [Miranda Paige]] targets [Miranda Paige]]. Distance: 0'00"

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (whoops one sec)

[Carissa] Shi'Nynze targets Stirge #23. Distance: 40'02"

[Carissa] Shi'Nynze targets Stirge #18. Distance: 40'09"

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (When I think of you, I target myself)

[Carissa] Shi'Nynze no longer targets Stirge #24.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Attack: Ellidors Bow called shot: ((18-(d20))-4-1+4-2-1) [1d20=17] -3 [MODIFIED (-1)]. HITS Stirge #23 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Attack: Ellidors Bow called shot: ((18-(d20))-4-1+4-2-1) [1d20=5] 9 [MODIFIED (-1)]. MISSES Stirge #23 (AC FINAL: 8).

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Damage v SM: Arrow; Flight: ((1d6)+1) [1d6=1] 2 [MODIFIED (+1)] added to: Stirge #23

[Master] lol at John

[Master] ROUND: 4

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (lol)

[Master] Stirge #23's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 7 (-2) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] INIT: 7 GOING: Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 1'06".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: (+13-(d20+1)) [1d20=3] 9. HITS Centipede #5 (AC FINAL: 9)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=3] 6 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Centipede #5

[Master] Centipede #5's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -4 (-6) - Dying

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Short Sword: (+13-(d20+1)) [1d20=15] -3. HITS Stirge #18 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Short Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=5] 8 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Stirge #18

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: (+13-(d20+1)) [1d20=2] 10. MISSES Stirge #18 (AC FINAL: 8).

[Master] Stirge #18's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 1 (-8) - Massively Wounded

[Master] INIT: 10 GOING: [Ilero]]

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lisa] [Ilero]] targets Stirge #18. Distance: 0'06"

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (what timing)

Ilero (Lisa)] [Ilero]]: Attack: Hand of Reaching: ((15-(d20+0))-1) [1d20=3] 11 [MODIFIED (-1)]. MISSES Stirge #18 (AC FINAL: 8).

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Centipede #1

[Master] Centipede #1 moved 20'02".

[Master] Centipede #1 targets Lord Branadarus. Distance: 3'07"

[Master] Centipede #1 targets Indigo. Distance: 3'02"

[Master] Centipede #1 targets [Ilero]]. Distance: 1'00"

[Master] Centipede #1 targets [Shurkural]]. Distance: 3'10"

[TMO] (how dare you miss. :P)

[Master] Centipede #1: Attack: Natural Attack: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=10] 10. MISSES [Ilero]] (AC FINAL: 1).

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Centipede #4

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Stirge #19

[Master] Stirge #19 moved 26'00".

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Centipede #8

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: [QuiFon Ruminell]]

Ilero (Lisa)] (sorry :( )

[TMO] (heehee - thanks for filling in for me)

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (Still casting, end of this round for bonus?)

[Master] yes

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Stirge #24

[Master] Stirge #24 moved 33'04".

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Stirge #23

[Master] Stirge #23 moved 42'10".

[Master] Stirge #23 no longer targets [Ilero]].

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Lord Branadarus

[TMO] (one heck of a bottleneck there)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (yup)

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] FOWARD!!!!

Lord Branadarus (Master) pushes Ilero

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Galad

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Stirge #18

[TMO] (excuse me?)

[Master] Stirge #18 moved 77'00".

[Master] Stirge #18 no longer targets [Ilero]].

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Stirge #20

[Indigo (Lisa)] (into the den of centipedes where it's safe)

[Master] Stirge #20 moved 20'10".

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Ithil

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Centipede #7

[Master] Eddie moved 3'10".

[Master] Galad moved 7'11".

[Master] Ithil moved 7'05".

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: Centipede #12

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: [Shurkural]]

[TMO] (can she go straight through between Indigo and Ilero?)

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] no

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] not enough room

[Master] not enough room

[TMO] (wasn't sure. She’ll follow when there's space then. - hold)

[Master] INIT: 19 GOING: Stirge #26

[Master] Stirge #26 moved 16'10".

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: Eddie

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: Neith of Inholt

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] Neith of Inholt and Mercy moved 1'02".

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I still don't think I can really do anything

[JohnAA] All targets for [Miranda Paige]] removed.

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] I'll hold again?

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] The problem is that there is a literal wall of muscle between me and them

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] lol

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: [Miranda Paige]]

[TMO] (and an Ilero)

[Lisa] Indigo no longer targets Stirge #18.

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (holding casting, looking to see if anyone gets Pair of eyes)

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: Anor

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] (sorry guys, but I’m going to have to go in about five min. Is there anything else I can do to help???)

[Master] as of right now there is one centipede right at the entrance to the cavern

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (offer Mercy up to the Centipede gods)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Anor moved 1'07".

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: Shi'Nynze

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] LOL

[Master] and Ilero Shur Tiberius and Indigo are blocking the entrance

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] (Hopefully we can kill it and then Neith can heal

[Master] ROUND: 5

[Master] INIT: 7 GOING: Indigo

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (wait wait sorry)

[Master] Indigo targets Centipede #1. Distance: 3'02"

[Master] no one to attack for Shi

[Master] but yes you can go

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 7'09".

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (just noticed but going to move her up is all)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze moved 1'02".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: (+13-(d20+1)) [1d20=13] -1. HITS Centipede #1 (AC FINAL: 9)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=3] 6 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Centipede #1

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Short Sword: (+13-(d20+1)) [1d20=20] -8. HITS Centipede #1 (AC FINAL: 9)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Short Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=1] 4 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Centipede #1

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: (+13-(d20+1)) [1d20=19] -7. HITS Centipede #1 (AC FINAL: 9)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=2] 5 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Centipede #1

[Master] INIT: 10 GOING: [Ilero]]

[Master] Centipede #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -13 (-15) - Dead

[Indigo (Lisa)] (making that one an example for all the other centipedes)

[Master] Combat has finished.

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] lol

Ilero (TMO)] (are the centipedes out in the... never mind

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] okay who needs health

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (guess it worked?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (seriously? we have a whole room to clear)

[Master] Just wait

Ilero (TMO)] (that's not ominous)

Ilero (TMO)] (not at all)

[Master] there is a whole room there of centipedes and stirges

[Master] but you are blocking the exit

[Master] as of right now

[Master] you cannot take time to do healing with Orison

[Master] but if you want to cast a spell or two if you really think it is needed right now

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] final call for cure wounds before I leave

[Master] OR you can come up with a plan for this

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] who wants it most

Ilero (TMO)] Ilero is -16

[Master] you are now 20 minutes into the Caverns of the Crescent Moon

[Master] Time of Day: 02:47 PM. Day 13 Ced ___ tre, Eap {Late Fall} 13th, 345 SKR.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Shi has no healing. Up to Neith and Miranda if wanted)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (and it isn't even midnight in the cavern...)

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (We want to have two fighter blocking and fighting with Priests and mages backing them up)


Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (We can always back up)

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (just need to get Ilero out of there)

[mharm-15549] Neith of Inholt targets [Ilero]]. Distance: 4'08"

Ilero (TMO)] (if we put Indigo and Branadarus front line, with Shur as backup, they should be able to kill them all as they come at us one at a time)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt casts a spell against [Ilero]]: Cure Light Wounds: You're healed (-1d8) [1d8=5] -5 points.

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Neith of Inholt casts a spell against [Ilero]]: Cure Light Wounds: You're healed (-1d8) [1d8=6] -6 points.

Ilero (TMO)] (just stay at the bottleneck)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Okay I’m outie

[Master] IF they come at you but so far they have all retreated

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (If you're hear next week, I'd save some Michael)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Yep

[Master] [Ilero]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 42 (11) - Lightly Wounded

Ilero (TMO)] (thanks, cya)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Just healing up your main fighter

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] Love you all

[Master] have a great night

Ilero (TMO)] (that's just sad...)

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] See you next week!

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Goodnight!)

[Master] see you on the 15thBOB September 01, 2018, at 12:40 AM EST

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (then bow persons pick them off

[Neith of Inholt (mharm-15549)] YES

mharm-15549 has left the game on Fri Aug 31 23:24:32 EDT 2018

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] Let's regroup people, if you can

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] What do you see Indigo?

Ilero (TMO)] Hif t'ey all run away, t'ink it safe walk in?

[Master] Neith of Inholt and Mercy moved 84'09".

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] Then that is the last thing we should do Ilero

[Indigo (Lisa)] This open area is huge! There are centipedes and stirges scattered all over!

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Might be more in there, too.

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] [Miranda Paige]] and [Shurkural]] moved 31'07".

[Ilero]] (TMO) looks at the floor. What is covering it?

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] Let me see

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] [Miranda Paige]] and [Shurkural]] moved 3'09".

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] [Shurkural]] moved 32'07".

[Master] looks like trash mostly just inderminant stuff

[Indigo (Lisa)] (the stuff in the center is debris and rocks?)

[Master] observation

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] Hey Shi, want some target practice?

Indigo (Lisa) squints hard

Ilero (TMO)] (phoo(

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze moved 17'02".

[Master] some organic some not

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (Sweet)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Could be fun.

[Ilero]] (TMO) tries to figure out what the organic is. Waste or bodies?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (unless we are throwing them can we get the carcasses removed please?)

[Master] Shi says that some of it must be trees and branches that got dragged in here some how

[Master] but most is guano or something else

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (We should throw them)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (k)

[Master] you tell me what you are doing with them

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Hmm, some nice twigs. Wonder where from...

Ilero (TMO)] Go back, look at other passage?

[QuiFon Ruminell]] (JohnAA) picks up dead stirg and hands to Ilero

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] Throw or keep, it's up to you

[Indigo (Lisa)] But Ilero, they know we're here. Won't they just follow us out?

[TMO] [Ilero]] targets Centipede #4. Distance: 25'03"

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Attack: Knife, hurled: (15-(d20)+4) [1d20=2] 17 [MODIFIED BY RANGE INCREMENT (+4)]. MISSES Centipede #4 (AC FINAL: 9).

[Ilero]] (TMO) throws the stirge at a centipede.

[TMO] [Ilero]] no longer targets Centipede #4.

[Master] skitters along the floor

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] smash the bugs smash the bugs smash the bugs

[Master] Centipede #4 moved 3'01".

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Distance shots?)

[Master] Stirge #21 moved 34'04".

[Master] Centipede #4 moved 1'00".

[Master] moves to eat it

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (ooh nice)

Ilero (TMO)] (so if we go out there, dozens could come at us?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] I can't see if there are passages beyond this or if it's a big dead end

[Master] one ten a hundred, who knows

[Indigo (Lisa)] (can someone create a wall?)

Ilero (TMO)] Hokay... hye t'ink it best go look ot'er caves first.

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] would be nice to know if anyone passed this way recently

[Indigo (Lisa)] (block them in? how high is ceiling?)

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) nods in agreement

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Shur see any signs of recent passage?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (tracking?)

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] Wait you want to go look for more trouble when we already have some right here?

Shurkural (TMO)] Let me up there, I'll take a look.

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] [Miranda Paige]] and [Shurkural]] moved 9'03".

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] Stop following me

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] [Miranda Paige]] and [Shurkural]] moved 2'02".

[Master] grins

[Master] I am here all night I do not need to go back to work until Wed

Shurkural (TMO)] (thought I turned that off already)

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (I tried)

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] ( I work from Home so....)

Shurkural (TMO)] (I can't turn it off either)

[Master] [Miranda Paige]] and [Shurkural]] moved 2'11".

[Master] [Shurkural]] moved 9'10".

[Shurkural]] (TMO) is getting lost in Miranda's eyes and can't tear herself away...

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (I am stuck on Miranda cause Miranda's stuck on me)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (haha)

Shurkural (TMO)] [Shurkural]]: Tracking check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Master (to TMO only)] Shur spots several foot prints that tracked across some sort of slime like trail

[Shurkural]] (TMO) frowns. "Huh... that's weird."

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] What?

[Shurkural]] (TMO) points into the room at a few locations. "Footprint.. footprint.. footprint. See 'em?"

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] Large Step?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Um, not really, but if you say so...

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] are they still in pairs?

Shurkural (TMO)] No, normal, but do you see that bit of shiny around them? It looks like a slug or snail trail, but big. And the trails overlap.

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) frowns confused

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] So there might actually be some snail creature hybrid...?

Shurkural (TMO)] (is there a roll Shur can make to make a guess what it is?)

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] riding it like a scooter

[Master] DLFJDF

[Master] Or it could be someone walked over snail tracks

[Master] grrr this is an old glitch, everything is right justified now for me

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Pftt simplest explanation? Who likes those?)

[Master] but it comes out left justified in the chat

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Ooh had that happen it sucks never found out how to trigger it to undo it)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Good place to stop?)

[Master] no I am go on

[Master] it is up to you

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] seems odd they track together, I still say partners of sorts

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Fam went to bed, I'm free now so I can go for a little longer, too :P )

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] and I suggest you take some shots bow people, but we can come back if you wish

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (but I am good with stopping, what is 10 min gonna do)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Toss a few more stirges out to distract them while we shoot?

[Master] skeet shooting

[Master] PULL

Ilero (TMO)] Hye t'ink best look in ot'er passages first. Might find way 'round.

[Indigo (Lisa)] We should throw all of them in there

[Indigo (Lisa)] The stirges came out before just because they wanted to

[Indigo (Lisa)] They can come out again

[Master] anyone can make a wisdom check now

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] The mystery of the snail is this way, but maybe there is even more fun elsewhere

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: WIS check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] [Miranda Paige]]: WIS check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 16!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: WIS check: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (apparently Miranda is over thinking again)

[Master] Indigo and Shi can both come to the same conclusion, that the Stirges were alerted to the light entering the cavern and the centipedes were altered to the blood of dead stirges and bleeding Ilero

[Indigo (Lisa)] We should throw all the dead ones in and only have one light source instead of two

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] And patch up and bleeding wounds for now.

Miranda Paige (JohnAA)] (if only we could stop Ilero from bleeding)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Some of us can't see in the dark so we need something

[Indigo (Lisa)] But we're asking the stirges to come back

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] We are making ourselves unintentional targets...

Ilero (TMO)] Ilero alerts insects

[Master] there is a story out there about a wizard who went into circle logic, he wanted to age as slowly as possible so he thought rocks don't wear out very fast, so he turned himself to stone

[QuiFon Ruminell]] (JohnAA) collects Dead Stirges to front of party)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (say that three times fast)

Ilero (TMO)] that that that

[Indigo (Lisa)] Shi, Kel, the wolves and I can stay in the back and the rest of you take the light to the front

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (lol)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Maybe that will help?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (How well do wolves see in the dark?)

[Master] not

[Ilero]] (TMO) steps aside to let Branadarus walk in front of him.

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) smiles, "The wolves will have to walk within the light, but if they're close we can do that."

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]] moved 2'01".

[Indigo (Lisa)] (wolves hunt at night don't they?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Thought so)

[Master] outside under the moons and stars

[Master] not inside of caves

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Okay fair)

QuiFon Ruminell (JohnAA)] (low light not no light)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Details details)

[Indigo (Lisa)] We'll I'm not hurt and can stay in back and yell if stirges come back

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] And we'll be close to help.

Indigo (Lisa) gathers the rest of the dead stirges and throws them as far as he can into the cavern room

[Master] move where you want to be

[Master] and THWACK

[JohnAA] sorry I think it is time for me to go

[Master] THUD

[Master] THUD

[Master] hits a centipede with one

[JohnAA] way oast my bed time

[JohnAA] past

[JohnAA] too

Indigo (Lisa) laughs

Ilero (TMO)] (night)

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) smiles

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Goodnight John!)

[JohnAA] ttfn

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Night!)

JohnAA has left the game on Fri Aug 31 23:53:26 EDT 2018

[Indigo (Lisa)] Maybe that will keep the centipedes full

[Master] Stirge #27 moved 17'09".

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Or fill them enough to slow them...

[Indigo (Lisa)] Why don't the stirges and the centipedes try to eat each other?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Maybe whoever goes through here feeds them?

[Indigo (Lisa)] That would solve a lot of problems

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] Stirges fly and Centipedes scurry

Ilero (TMO)] T'ey might, but hye bet centipedes not good food for stirge and back.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] So let us move, hurry hurry?

Ilero (TMO)] hurry hurry

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] Wish Branwyn was here, one good fireball and we would be done

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] she would like to have the space to do that

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]] moved 34'01".

[Indigo (Lisa)] That's too bad. I would like to see them attacking each other instead of us

[Ilero]] (TMO) dashes out with his light

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] If only I could get used to this Mist...

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) sighs

[Master] Centipede #8 moved 15'09".

[Master] Centipede #8 targets [Ilero]]. Distance: 0'02"

Indigo (Lisa) puts his belt buckle away and follows at the rear of the group

[Master] Centipede #4 moved 19'09".

[Master] Centipede #4 targets [Ilero]]. Distance: 0'06"

[Master] Centipede #7 moved 16'01".

[Master] Centipede #7 targets [Ilero]]. Distance: 1'01"

[Indigo (Lisa)] (hey! he ran THAT way????)

Ilero (TMO)] (so much for the dead bodies distracting them)

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] Ilero gets to go first

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Wrong way!!

Ilero (TMO)] (figures)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (thought he wanted the other passage??)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] You're still bleeding!

Ilero (TMO)] (Ii guess I didn't realize which way you threw the bait)

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] so did I but I am ok with it

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] grins

[Ilero]] (TMO) jumps over the centipedes and runs back to the hallway as fast as he can.

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] Let go after him

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]] moved 33'08".

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) backs up as he nears

Indigo (Lisa) shakes his head

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] OH

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] BOOOOO

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze moved 3'10".

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] where is your adventure

[Ilero]] (TMO) gives Branadarus a look.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Think you might have just gotten them mad

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Are they following?)

Ilero (TMO)] Room huge. Hye not see ot'er side.

[Indigo (Lisa)] We better go ahead back

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Try that other tunnel right there.

Indigo (Lisa) nods

[Master] Centipede #7 moved 15'06".

[Ilero]] (TMO) refrains from saying it was the one he wanted to try in the first place, because he's all modest like that.

[Master] Lord Branadarus moved 4'10".

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]] moved 15'06".

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Um...

[Master] Indigo moved 8'01".

[Ilero]] (TMO) scoots away from the centipedes.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze moved 19'04".

[Master] [QuiFon Ruminell]] and Stirge #25 moved 64'04".

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Anor moved 5'11".

[Master] Eddie moved 61'07".

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) moves back to join wolves

[Master] [Miranda Paige]] moved 80'02".

Ilero (TMO)] (why is stirge 25 following us still?)

[Master] Stirge #28 moved 2'10".

Indigo (Lisa) stays in the back and looks over his shoulder every minute or so

[Master] Stirge #22 moved 22'00".

[Master] Stirge #28 moved 21'05".

[Master] [Ilero]] moved 21'02".

[Master] Stirge #29 moved 17'02".

Lord Branadarus (Master) THUNk as the stirge Ilero tosses behind him hits Tiberius

[Master] Lord Branadarus moved 6'07".

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] Hey Hey

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] No puppet shows today

[Master] [Shurkural]] moved 10'04".

[Master] Indigo moved 10'11".

[Ilero]] (TMO) raises an eyebrow and shrugs. "Where your sense adventure?"

[Master] [Ilero]] moved 3'05".

[Master] Lord Branadarus moved 11'10".

[Master] [Shurkural]] moved 15'06".

[Master] Indigo moved 10'11".


Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]] moved 13'03".

[Master] Lord Branadarus moved 3'08".

Ilero (TMO)] (sad that I couldn't even remember the proper lyrics)

Ilero (TMO)] (any creepy crawlies visible?)

[Master] nothing

[Master] some loose rocks

[Ilero]] (TMO) waves the others forward.

Ilero (TMO)] (It's a trap!)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Anything?

[Master] [Ilero]] moved 5'01".

[Master] [Shurkural]] moved 19'11".

[Ilero]] (TMO) shakes his head and moves forward.

[Master] Shi'Nynze moved 19'01".

[Master] Anor moved 18'03".

[Master] Ithil moved 17'08".

[Master] Galad moved 18'07".

[Master] Lord Branadarus moved 6'01".

[Master] Indigo moved 8'10".

[Master] [Ilero]] moved 9'03".

[Master] [Ilero]] moved 4'06".

[Master] [Shurkural]], Shi'Nynze, Lord Branadarus, Anor, Indigo, Ithil and Galad moved 8'08".

[Master] Galad moved 1'11".

[Master] Lord Branadarus moved 1'09".

[Master] Indigo moved 3'11".

[Indigo (Lisa)] (it's like we're travelling through someone's digestive system)

[Master] [Ilero]] moved 10'07".

[Master] [Shurkural]], Shi'Nynze, Lord Branadarus, Anor, Indigo, Ithil and Galad moved 11'01".

Ilero (TMO)] (very gruesome. good job!)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (LOL)

Ilero (TMO)] (onward!)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (lol)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (we can stomach going a little farther)

[Master] sorry all my comebacks are scatological

Ilero (TMO)] (we'll just run to the end until we're all pooped out)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (hahaha!)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (any comebacks I have are in the shitter)

[Master] [Ilero]], Shi'Nynze, Lord Branadarus, Anor, Indigo, Ithil, Galad and [Shurkural]] moved 7'10".

[Master] Indigo moved 9'10".

[Master] [Ilero]] moved 11'08".

Ilero (TMO)]

[Master] Stirge #15, Stirge #16, Stirge #14, Stirge #17, Stirge #10, Stirge #13, Stirge #12 and Stirge #11 moved 30'04".

Ilero (TMO)] Ahh, not again

[Master] Stirge #14, Stirge #16, Stirge #12 and Stirge #11 moved 32'09".

[Master] Stirge #14 targets [Ilero]]. Distance: 2'10"

[Master] Stirge #11 moved 4'06".

[Master] Stirge #11 targets [Ilero]]. Distance: 0'10"

[Master] Stirge #16 targets [Ilero]]. Distance: 0'04"

[Master] Stirge #13, Stirge #17 and Stirge #10 moved 69'08".

[Master] Stirge #13 moved 84'00".

[Master] Stirge #13 targets Shi'Nynze. Distance: 2'02"

[Master] Stirge #13 targets Lord Branadarus. Distance: 3'11"

[Master] Stirge #13 targets Anor. Distance: 1'01"

[Master] Stirge #13 targets Ithil. Distance: 3'03"

[Master] Stirge #13 targets Galad. Distance: 0'09"

[Master] Stirge #13 targets [Shurkural]]. Distance: 5'01"

[Master] Stirge #10 moved 10'03".

[Master] Stirge #10 targets Shi'Nynze. Distance: 2'07"

[Master] Stirge #10 targets Lord Branadarus. Distance: 1'05"

[Master] Stirge #10 targets Anor. Distance: 0'03"

[Master] Stirge #10 targets Ithil. Distance: 0'01"

[Master] Stirge #10 targets Galad. Distance: 1'05"

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Again?

[Master] Stirge #15 moved 60'01".

[Master] Stirge #15 targets Shi'Nynze. Distance: 3'10"

[Master] Stirge #15 targets [Shurkural]]. Distance: 0'05"

[Master] Stirge #12 targets [Ilero]]. Distance: 0'08"

[Master] Stirge #16: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=10] 20

[Master] Stirge #16: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)-2) [1d20=16] -1 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (-2)]. HITS [Ilero]] (AC FINAL: 1)!!!

[Master] Stirge #12: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=4] 13. MISSES [Ilero]] (AC FINAL: 1).

[Master] Stirge #11: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)-2) [1d20=10] 5 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (-2)]. MISSES [Ilero]] (AC FINAL: 1).

[Master] Stirge #14: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=8] 9. MISSES [Ilero]] (AC FINAL: 1).

[Master] Stirge #16: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=2] 2 added to: [Ilero]]

[Indigo (Lisa)] I think this is what the Steward meant about the people that did come back being disappointed

[Master] Stirge #16 follows [Ilero]].

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (yup)

[Master] [Ilero]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 40 (-2) - Lightly Wounded

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Anyone have anti-stirge spray?)

[Master] Stirge #10: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=20] -3. HITS Ithil (AC FINAL: 5)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[Master] Stirge #10: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=3] 14. MISSES Ithil (AC FINAL: 5).

[Master] Stirge #10: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=1] 1 added to: Ithil

[Master] Stirge #10 follows Ithil.

[Master] Stirge #17: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=3] 14

[Master] Stirge #17 moved 1'09".

[Master] Stirge #17 moved 3'03".

[Master] Stirge #17 targets Shi'Nynze. Distance: 1'04"

[Master] Stirge #17 targets Lord Branadarus. Distance: 5'02"

[Master] Stirge #17 targets Anor. Distance: 0'07"

[Master] Stirge #17 targets Ithil. Distance: 0'00"

[Master] Stirge #17 targets Galad. Distance: 3'03"

[Master] Stirge #17: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)-2) [1d20=7] 8 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (-2)]. MISSES Ithil (AC FINAL: 5).

[Master] Stirge #15: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=8] 9. MISSES [Shurkural]] (AC FINAL: 7).

[Master] Stirge #13: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=15] 2. HITS Galad (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[Master] Stirge #13: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=3] 3 added to: Galad

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shoo!

[Master] Stirge #13 follows Galad.

[Master] Galad's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 0 (-3) - Disabled

[Master] Ithil's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 9 (-1) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] Combat has begun!

[Master] ROUND: 0

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Not the pup!)

[Master] Stirge #10: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=9] 19

[Master] Stirge #11: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=2] 12

[Master] Stirge #12: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=4] 14

[Master] Stirge #13: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=1] 11

[Master] Stirge #14: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=6] 16

[Master] Stirge #15: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=4] 14

[Master] Stirge #16: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=10] 20

[Master] Stirge #17: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=2] 12

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Initiative: ((d10+10+-2)-10) [1d10=1] -1 [MODIFIED (-10)]

Ilero (TMO)] [Shurkural]]: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=2] 12

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=8] 16

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Galad: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=6] 16

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=4] 14

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Anor: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=5] 15

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Ithil: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=7] 17

[Master] Lord Branadarus: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=2] 12

[Master] INIT: -1 GOING: Indigo

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Should have gone to bed....)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 12'09".

[Lisa] Indigo targets Stirge #10. Distance: 2'06"

Ilero (TMO)] (this is all your fault!)

[Lisa] Indigo targets Stirge #13. Distance: 3'01"

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((+13-(d20+1))-4) [1d20=15] -7 [MODIFIED (-4)]. HITS Stirge #10 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=3] 6 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Stirge #10

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Short Sword: (+13-(d20+1)) [1d20=11] 1. HITS Stirge #10 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Short Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=6] 9 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Stirge #10

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Probably!)

[Master] Stirge #10's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -6 (-15) - Dying

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: (+13-(d20+1)) [1d20=16] -4. HITS Stirge #13 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=1] 4 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Stirge #13

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Stirge #13

[Master] Stirge #13's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 5 (-4) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] Stirge #13: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=3] 3 added to: Galad

[Master] Galad's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -3 (-3) - Dying

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] No! Get off him!

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Stirge #17

[Master] Stirge #17: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=18] -1. HITS Ithil (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[Master] Stirge #17: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=1] 1 added to: Ithil

[Master] Stirge #17 follows Ithil.

[Master] Ithil's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 8 (-1) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Stirge #11

[Master] Stirge #11: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)-2) [1d20=7] 8 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (-2)]. MISSES [Ilero]] (AC FINAL: 1).

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: [Shurkural]]

[TMO] [Shurkural]] targets Stirge #15. Distance: 0'05"

Shurkural (TMO)] (any penalties to attack 15?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Any chance you want try to kill #13 so I can patch Galad same round?)

[Master] not for Shur

[TMO] [Shurkural]] targets Stirge #13. Distance: 5'01"

Shurkural (TMO)] (13 has to be a called shot though)

[Master] called shot on that

[Shurkural]] (TMO) hears Shi scream and changes targets.

Shurkural (TMO)] [Shurkural]]: [+4] Attack: Bastard Sword, silver; two hands: (((14-(d20+0))-1)+4) [1d20=9] 8 [MODIFIED (+4, -1)]. HITS Stirge #13 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Shi has no healing spells so trying to figure out what she can do to save him)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (can we say everything in this combat is called shot?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (but patching I think good same round)

Shurkural (TMO)] [Shurkural]]: Damage v SM: Bastard Sword, silver; two hands: ((2d4)+1) [2d4=3,3] 7 [MODIFIED (+1)] added to: Stirge #13

[Master] yes to Lisa, grins

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yes)

[Master] Stirge #13's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -2 (-7) - Dying

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Thanks!)

Shurkural (TMO)] (I used the right modifier this time. Use the +4 checkbox at the top)

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Lord Branadarus

[Master] Lord Branadarus moved 37'03".

[Master] Lord Branadarus targets Stirge #16. Distance: 5'04"

[Master] Lord Branadarus targets Stirge #14. Distance: 0'07"

[Master] Lord Branadarus targets Stirge #11. Distance: 1'03"

[Master] Lord Branadarus: Attack: Thorn: ((12-(d20+2))+2) [1d20=5] 7 [MODIFIED (+2)]. HITS Stirge #14 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Master] Lord Branadarus: Damage v SM: Thorn: ((1d8)+3+2) [1d8=4] 9 [MODIFIED (+2)] added to: Stirge #14

[Master] Stirge #14's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 0 (-9) - Disabled

[Master] Lord Branadarus: Attack: Thorn: ((12-(d20+2))+2) [1d20=19] -7 [MODIFIED (+2)]. HITS Stirge #11 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Master] Lord Branadarus: Damage v SM: Thorn: ((1d8)+3+2) [1d8=7] 12 [MODIFIED (+2)] added to: Stirge #11

[Master] Stirge #11's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -3 (-12) - Dying

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Stirge #12

[Master] Stirge #12: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=13] 4. MISSES [Ilero]] (AC FINAL: 1).

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Stirge #15

[TMO] [Ilero]] targets Stirge #16. Distance: 0'04"

[TMO] [Ilero]] targets Stirge #12. Distance: 0'08"

[Master] Stirge #15: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=7] 10. MISSES [Shurkural]] (AC FINAL: 7).

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Shi'Nynze

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) runs over to patch up Galad

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (dunno what if any roll)

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Anor

Ilero (TMO)] (do you have a healing skill? just bandaging will stop bleeding though)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (just say bind wounds and you're good)

[Master] no need to roll just binding wounds, stops the bleeding he will live, just unconscious

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (binding wounds then thanks!)

[Carissa] Anor targets Stirge #17. Distance: 0'07"

(Carissa)] Anor: [+4] Attack: Bite: ((15-(d20+0))+4) [1d20=14] 5 [MODIFIED (+4)]. HITS Stirge #17 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

(Carissa)] Anor: Damage v SM: Bite: (2d4) [2d4=2,1] 3 added to: Stirge #17

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: [Ilero]]

[Master] Stirge #17's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 6 (-3) - Moderately Wounded

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Attack: Hand of Reaching: ((15-(d20+0))-1) [1d20=5] 9 [MODIFIED (-1)]. MISSES Stirge #12 (AC FINAL: 8).

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Galad

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: Ithil

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Sorry brain stopped working - can Ithil attack the one attached to him #17?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Guess it'd be biting his own leg...)

[Master] yes

[Carissa] Ithil targets Stirge #17. Distance: 0'00"

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Ithil: Attack: Bite: (15-(d20+0)) [1d20=10] 5. HITS Stirge #17 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Ithil: Damage v SM: Bite: (2d4) [2d4=1,3] 4 added to: Stirge #17

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: Stirge #16

[Master] Stirge #17's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 2 (-4) - Massively Wounded

[Master] Stirge #16: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=2] 2 added to: [Ilero]]

[Master] [Ilero]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 38 (-2) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] ROUND: 1

[Master] INIT: -1 GOING: Indigo

[Lisa] Indigo targets Stirge #17. Distance: 6'07"

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 11'00".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: ((+13-(d20+1))+4) [1d20=19] -3 [MODIFIED (+4)]. HITS Stirge #17 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=5] 8 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Stirge #17

[Master] Stirge #17's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -6 (-8) - Dying

[Lisa] Indigo targets Stirge #15. Distance: 3'07"

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Short Sword: (+13-(d20+1)) [1d20=5] 7. HITS Stirge #15 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Short Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=1] 4 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Stirge #15

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: (+13-(d20+1)) [1d20=9] 3. HITS Stirge #15 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Master] Stirge #15's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 5 (-4) - Moderately Wounded

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=4] 7 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Stirge #15

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: [Shurkural]]

[Master] Stirge #15's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -2 (-7) - Dying

[TMO] [Shurkural]] targets Stirge #16. Distance: 20'02"

Shurkural (TMO)] [Shurkural]] moved 18'10".

[Master] Lord Branadarus moved 5'03".

[Master] Lord Branadarus targets Stirge #12. Distance: 2'00"

Shurkural (TMO)] [Shurkural]]: [+4] Attack: Bastard Sword, silver; two hands: (((14-(d20+0))-1)+4) [1d20=3] 14 [MODIFIED (+4, -1)]. MISSES Stirge #16 (AC FINAL: 8).

Shurkural (TMO)] [Shurkural]]: Attack: Bastard Sword, silver; two hands: ((14-(d20+0))-1) [1d20=2] 11 [MODIFIED (-1)]. MISSES Stirge #16 (AC FINAL: 8).

[Master] Lord Branadarus targets Stirge #12. Distance: 2'00"

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Lord Branadarus

[Master] Lord Branadarus: Attack: Thorn: ((12-(d20+2))+2) [1d20=2] 10 [MODIFIED (+2)]. MISSES Stirge #12 (AC FINAL: 8).

[Master] Lord Branadarus: Attack: Thorn: ((12-(d20+2))+2) [1d20=20] -8 [MODIFIED (+2)]. HITS Stirge #12 (AC FINAL: 8)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[Master] Lord Branadarus: Attack: Thorn: ((12-(d20+2))+2) [1d20=18] -6 [MODIFIED (+2)]. HITS Stirge #12 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Master] Lord Branadarus: Damage v SM: Thorn: ((1d8)+3+2) [1d8=8] 13 [MODIFIED (+2)] added to: Stirge #12

[Master] Lord Branadarus: Damage v SM: Thorn: ((1d8)+3+2) [1d8=5] 10 [MODIFIED (+2)] added to: Stirge #12

[Master] Stirge #12's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -14 (-23) - Dead

[Lord Branadarus (Master)] Shake it off Ilero Shake it off

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Shi'Nynze

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (someone else will have to post that link)

[Carissa] Shi'Nynze targets Stirge #16. Distance: 23'07"

[Master] chuckles

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Attack: Ellidors Bow called shot: ((18-(d20))-4-1+4-2-1) [1d20=16] -2 [MODIFIED (-1)]. HITS Stirge #16 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Attack: Ellidors Bow called shot: ((18-(d20))-4-1+4-2-1) [1d20=1] 13 [MODIFIED (-1)]. MISSES Stirge #16 (AC FINAL: 8).

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Damage v SM: Arrow; Flight: ((1d6)+1) [1d6=4] 5 [MODIFIED (+1)] added to: Stirge #16


[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Anor

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Provided it's the right one, thanks :P)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Anor moved 12'10".

[Master] Stirge #16's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 4 (-5) - Heavily Wounded

Ilero (TMO)] (that's one hell of a called shot)

[Carissa] Anor targets Stirge #16. Distance: 0'02"

[Indigo (Lisa)] (this one?)

[Indigo (Lisa)]

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Anor: Attack: Bite: (15-(d20+0)) [1d20=5] 10. MISSES Stirge #16 (AC FINAL: 8).

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: [Ilero]]

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (haha maybe, can't check on laptop will have to see later :) )

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Attack: Hand of Reaching: ((15-(d20+0))-1) [1d20=19] -5 [MODIFIED (-1)]. HITS Stirge #16 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (And yes, now that we did her bow stuff right, she's a good shot :D)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (shake it like a polaroid picture)

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Damage v SM: Hand of Reaching: (1d8+1) [1d8=7] 8 added to: Stirge #16

[Master] Stirge #16's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -4 (-8) - Dying

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Galad

[Master] Combat has finished.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (oooh better than that Taylor Swift one on my mind - probably because it was on the radio recently)

[Master] Time of Day: 02:58 PM. Day 13 Ced ___ tre, Eap {Late Fall} 13th, 345 SKR.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Oh Galad, poor thing.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (don't know any Taylor swift songs)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (one of the only ones I know)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Maybe we should go back to the castle now

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Doesn't this lead to the castle or something?

[Indigo (Lisa)] We can't carry Galad through the caverns

[Master] Lisa's links are always very good

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Well that does complicate things...

Ilero (TMO)] Steward say hit not go to castle.

[Indigo (Lisa)] We don't know which passage leads to the castle

[Master] Do you want to pause here for more stretcher carriers?

TMO has edited [Ilero]]'s effects.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (as long as they aren't stirger carriers)

Ilero (TMO)] sorry, just realized we never cleared Ilero's tumbling bonus.

Ilero (TMO)] and by 'we', I mean, 'I'

[Carissa] Paws here is good.

[Master] so 30 minutes into the Caverns of the Crescent Moon so far

[Master] everyone having a good time?

Ilero (TMO)] lots of biting bugs

[Carissa] I mean at least it's counting up not down?

Ilero (TMO)] doom at 66 minutes

[Carissa] lol

[Master] Carissa is sniffing around for a good response

[Master] almost begging to stop

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Maybe we can go back to the gypsy camp? They seemed to like the wolves.

[Carissa] Sorry had to get in that last thought.

[Master] go back with your tail between your legs?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (here's Taylor swift)

[Carissa] Well Kel does have a bone to pick.

[Indigo (Lisa)]

[Master] that hang dog look

[Carissa] (Thanks! Maybe!)

Ilero (TMO)] utter cat-astrophe

[Carissa] and brain is dead now. I got nothing.

[Carissa] Thank you Lisa for summary and songs. If you're bored again, I'm okay if you want to them for this session, too :)

[Carissa] Otherwise I'm off. Long day. Tomorrow will be, too.

[TMO] it's surprising how little we can get done in an evening sometimes.

[Master] one last thought


[Carissa] lol

[TMO] 3 encounters

[Indigo (Lisa)] (no big family plans?)

[Carissa] Family doesn't leave for another week which is why I probably wouldn't be able to get to it for a few days.

[Lisa] This should be an easy summary since it was mostly combat


[Carissa] Haha true!

[Lisa] I have no clue what attacked Indigo

[Carissa] Might be another long song list it looks like, though ;)

[Lisa] where he went or if the hands on him were Branadarus hands or someone else's

[Carissa] Handing him off?

[Carissa] :P

[Master] he would guess it was some sort of water elemental

[Lisa] they have hands?

[Carissa] Anyways, night all! See you next week!

[TMO] pseudopods

[TMO] g'night!

[Master] waves

[Carissa] ....and that is a good question!

[Master] grins

Carissa has left the game on Sat Sep 01 00:38:57 EDT 2018

[Master] last one

[Lisa] Goodnight!

[Master] have a great night everyone

[TMO] thanks for the game

Lisa has left the game on Sat Sep 01 00:39:11 EDT 2018

TMO has left the game on Sat Sep 01 00:39:18 EDT 2018

XP NOT awarded