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Chat Log - 2019 05 03 - Third Time is Tradition (Formatted)

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] ==== Gaming session has been running for 1 day, 31 minutes and 33 seconds ====

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri May 03 14:51:06 EDT 2019 ====

John AA has joined the game on Fri May 03 18:47:00 EDT 2019

John AA is receiving the map Base Map...

John AA has received the map Base Map.

[Master] Hello there

[John AA] hello, how is Tampa?

[Master] So far so good

[Master] First graduation out of the way yesterday

[Master] next one is tomorrow

[Master] I got 20K in steps done today too so that was a nice bonus

[John AA] if only you got paid for steps

[Master] sad but true

[Master] I do earn5 bucks a month from work for them

[Master] if you do 10K a day for 12 days a month

[John AA] encourage you to be healthy?

[Master] yeap

[Master] No TMO or Michale tonight

[John AA] i expected as much

[John AA] sill hoping for Carissa to post in caracter

[Master] Michael might be in late but I am not counting on it

[John AA] do we need to have cartogrophy to hand sketch maps of dungeons ete?

[Master] no you can make maps they just will not be as accurate

Ryan has joined the game on Fri May 03 18:58:16 EDT 2019

Ryan is receiving the map Base Map...

Ryan has received the map Base Map.

[Master] Hello Ryan

[Ryan] Hello

[John AA] Hi Ryan

[Ryan] Hello hello

Lisa has joined the game on Fri May 03 18:59:44 EDT 2019

Lisa is receiving the map Base Map...

Lisa has received the map Base Map.

[Master] everyone at home is feeling better now Ryan?

[Master] and hello Lisa

[John AA] Hi Lisa

[Ryan] Yeah, we took the little one in, and she needed some stitches, but thankfully no concussion or TBI

[Lisa] Hello!! :)

[Lisa] test

[Lisa] this is not a good start for me

[Master] glad for that ryan

[Master] and yes to Lisa

[Master] it is likly not you

[Master] I am seeing things on delay sometimes too

[Master] particularly when I switch through windows

[Master] but I am suffering from everyone's pain now on a laptop

[Lisa] Glad all is well Ryan!

[Master] so that just adds to my own pain

[Master] of remote desktop

[Ryan] Thanks.

[Master] Did you read the site over the week Ryan?

[Ryan] I was reading through the Player Communication, but haven't read the summary yet

MarioHome has joined the game on Fri May 03 19:04:27 EDT 2019

MarioHome is receiving the map Base Map...

MarioHome has received the map Base Map.

[Lisa] Hi Mario!

[Ryan] Hello Mario! And belated hello, Lisa

[Master] The gorup got through helping Carissa with the change of characters. death ressurection etc.

[Master] now you are at the Skull Church

[John AA] HAi Mario

[MarioHome] hello hello!

[Master] the Third Time is Tradition has the updated summaries

Carissa (LP) has joined the game on Fri May 03 19:06:28 EDT 2019

Carissa (LP) is receiving the map Base Map...

Carissa (LP) has received the map Base Map.

[Master] I did a follow up post Mario, no donations yet

[MarioHome] ya i saw

[MarioHome] please let me/us know

[Master] and hello Carissa

[Lisa] Hi Carissa!

[Ryan] hello

[MarioHome] H iCarissa

[John AA] Hello Carissa

[Master] I will if needed, I will be doing the first 200 or so because I need that to be able to do a game

[Carissa (LP)] Hi all!

[Master] then we will look at icon packs etc

[Master] likely will be better put towards adding data

[Lisa] Do you need the 2 ed books? Or are they for the program?

[MarioHome] can we make our own icons?

[Master] I believe yes those things are just professional artist ones

[Master] I would need the books to automate the stuff I think

[Master] but we are weeks away from that so no worries at all

[Master] and several months before the program would be able to be used

[John AA] so we will still be at the church?

[Master] January 2020 is the first anticipated date of a real program out of beta

[Lisa] *cough* years

[Master] LOL

[Master] and laughs with Lisa also

[John AA] or at least forth time

[Carissa (LP)] lol

[Carissa (LP)] Can we just fireball it before that?

[John AA] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] now now you have not evenseen the inside

[Carissa (LP)] Good point. Better to start the fire from the inside.

[Lisa] There are a lot of nice sculptures in there

[Master] it is morning and Skarp can

[Lisa] (spring coming tonight?)

[Master] ask and help

[Master] no word otherwise from her yet

Ryan is receiving the map Abandoned Farmhouse...

Ryan has received the map Abandoned Farmhouse.

[Lisa] I liked her idea of burning this stuff

[Carissa (LP)] See? Fires are good.

[Lisa] Well .. maybe we can bring the parchment home

[Lisa] Parchment is harmless all by itself

[Carissa (LP)] But fire inside the farmhouse or outside for big bonfire?

[Carissa (LP)] Toss it on the already burning zombies?

[Ryan] You have obviously never fought a parchment golem

[Carissa (LP)] Or gotten a papercut.

[Lisa] probably should bring the crates up and do it outside?

[Lisa] the crates are all underground at the moment

[Master] and you did not even explore the full cellar yet

[Carissa (LP)] Sounds good and no?

SpringyDew has joined the game on Fri May 03 19:15:18 EDT 2019

SpringyDew is receiving the map Base Map...

SpringyDew has received the map Base Map.

[John AA] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lisa] we opened 3 crates - there were more?

[Ryan] hello

[Lisa] :)

[John AA] Welcome Spring

[Lisa] Hi Spring!

[SpringyDew] hi hi!

[MarioHome] Hi Spring

[Carissa (LP)] Hi Spring!

[Master] yes to more crates

[MarioHome] we have a whole farmhouse above ground to rummage throughtoo

[Carissa (LP)] Uh, guess we should open them all? I know we didn't see the secret door, and by we I mean Siff, but dunno who can?

[SpringyDew] the place was full of them

[Carissa (LP)] Oh! Hoffman is here again!

[Ryan] My Pa always told me that the only good crate is a flaming crate

[Lisa] lol

[Carissa (LP)] Come downstairs and convinently remember that door. Thanks.

[Lisa] except for the parchment ones

[Carissa (LP)] What a crate saying.

[John AA] sure sure

[Lisa] lol

[Ryan] lol

[Master] as long as you are crateful

[Carissa (LP)] lol

Hoffman (John AA)] you want me to help pull the evil crates up

[MarioHome] crate puns? you gotta be shipping me...

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] And the good ones so we can bring them home!

Hoffman (John AA)] That secret door isn't open is it?

[SpringyDew] haha

[Master] don't worry Mario you will get it the next day

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] We could make books and books with all that parchment

[MarioHome] rofl nice one

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Wait .. what?

[Carissa (LP)] (lol to both of you)

Hoffman (John AA)] Oh, some of it's not evil?

MarioHome is receiving the map Abandoned Farmhouse...

MarioHome has received the map Abandoned Farmhouse.

Lisa is receiving the map Cellar Under Farmhouse...

Lisa has received the map Cellar Under Farmhouse.

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Secret who?

[Master] when last we left our intrepid band of adventurers they were there on two separate maps

[Master] if people wan tto change let me know

Carissa (LP) is receiving the map Cellar Under Farmhouse...

Carissa (LP) has received the map Cellar Under Farmhouse.

Hoffman (John AA)] I don't like keeping secrects but I was told sometimes I should

[MarioHome] (mara is topside; the evilness of the crates make her cringe

SpringyDew is receiving the map Abandoned Farmhouse...

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] I didn't see no secret nothing?

SpringyDew has received the map Abandoned Farmhouse.

Hoffman (John AA)] just want to make sure you are safe down there

Hoffman (John AA)] so closed, ok

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (it crates her nerves?)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Should it be open? What's back there?

[Mara (MarioHome)] (nice!)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Lord Branadarus can you give these crates up to Hoffman?

[Mara (MarioHome)] Mara moved 17'03".

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Of course

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] How many more are back there?

Hoffman (John AA)] well, it has been a while but just a little hallway, we did not go to far, just goblins, bullywugs and I thik a spider if I recall

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] We can create two areas. One area for evil items to be burned and another for items to be confiscated for the good of the many

Hoffman (John AA)] or the few

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Where?

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Wall looks pretty solid...

Lord Tiberius (Master) heaves the first crate of parchment up

Hoffman (John AA)] I will put the evil stuff near the zombies

Hoffman (John AA)] is this the good parchment or the evil parchment?

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Good!

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] I thoguht that was the priests job?

[Mara (MarioHome)] can blank parchment be evil?

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] If you tell lies on it?

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] anything can be evil if you curse it hard enough

[Ryan] I am back at the keyboard.

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (@%$$@# parchmen!)

[Hoffman]] (John AA) moves crate to sorting spot

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] laughs at Snee

[Mara (MarioHome)] (lol)

Skarphedin (Ryan) gives Snezana a strange look.

Lord Tiberius (Master) heaves up a crate of tubes

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] city orphan

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] i get to be crude, my life is tragic

[Mara (MarioHome)] Why would someone curse a parchment? a blank sheet is literally endless with possibilities

Snezana (SpringyDew) rolls eyes

Howard Plum (Lisa) opens another crate with his dagger

[Mara (MarioHome)] but if it's evil, well then

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=12] 12

Hoffman (John AA)] some religions fear an open mind

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] (Howard finds more stakes)

Hoffman (John AA)] Is this a box of wood?

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] If I was a bone-worshipping wizard, I would curse paper. People never suspect blank paper of anything.

Howard Plum (Lisa) calls out "Another evil one!"

[Hoffman]] (John AA) moves crate

Mara (MarioHome) raises brow at Skarp

Lord Tiberius (Master) heaves up a crate of stakes

[Hoffman]] (John AA) call down

Lord Tiberius (Master) has a second one ready

Hoffman (John AA)] just watch your back in case something comes through the door

Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP)) walking around the edge pushing on the wall

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] What door?

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Door where?

Hoffman (John AA)] in the back left wall if your facing the right way

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] I'm sure everything will be fine

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] (move where you want to check Carissa

Howard Plum (Lisa) opens another crate

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=12] 12

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] (howard finds more tubes)

[Hoffman]] (John AA) moves crates

Howard Plum (Lisa) points "Another evil one!"

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Siffress Wildwander moved 10'08".

Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP)) moves to corner and pushes against back wall

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] (hat is her light source?)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] I say it again. The quantity of evil materials here is astounding!

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (oooh....she doesn't have one, she's been using her ultravision)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (we have a mara light torch in the middle of the room)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (if she starts going dark, replace her batteries)

Hoffman (John AA)] why don't you light ne of these wooded sticks

[Master] nods which is where the light ends but you can see there is more room back there,

[Mara (MarioHome)] (lol, just open her mouth wider, she IS a font of light)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Dang I thought she explored it all; she's going to back to find the back wall then)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (she can go in the dark and wait for her eyes to readjust)

Hoffman (John AA)] I have a better light if you like

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (wait to adjust probably better just to try to be sneaky if needed)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (hoffman has the brightest light)

Hoffman (John AA)] (yes, Miranda)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Siffress Wildwander: Move Silently check:(d100) [1d100=76] 76 - ROLL FAILED against 40!!

[Master] can't adust with the light right here, need to go off into the dark own her

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (*try)

[Master] and BAM stubs her toe on a pillar and calls out

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] DAMN IT

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Can I get some light back here??

[Master] Siffress Wildwander moved 3'00".

Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP)) hopping on one foot

[Mara (MarioHome)] Wow, sounded like a toe jam

Hoffman (John AA)] i thought we were done with breakfast?

[Mara (MarioHome)] (lol eww)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (anyone who wants to come down can - ryan and spring...)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Can someone bring Hoffman's light for Siffress please?

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Or you can toss it down?

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] do you guys need any help? don't wanna get in the way

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] I will come down. Dwarf vision is better suited for dark locations.

[Hoffman]] (John AA) drops necklass down trap door

Howard Plum (Lisa) tries to catch it but misses

Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP)) walks back over to get the neckless.

Howard Plum (Lisa) blushes and picks it up from the floor

Hoffman (John AA)] It really light up a room

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Thank you Hoffman

[Master] Siffress Wildwander moved 2'09".

[Master] Siffress Wildwander moved 3'08".

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Thanks, Other Boss!

MarioHome is receiving the map Cellar Under Farmhouse...

MarioHome has received the map Cellar Under Farmhouse.

Howard Plum (Lisa) carries it over and hands it to Siffress

Hoffman (John AA)] How many crates are there?

Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP)) takes it and starts walking back towards the back, "Thanks!"

Ryan is receiving the map Cellar Under Farmhouse...

Ryan has received the map Cellar Under Farmhouse.

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Ya comin, Skarp?

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] If you need darkness again, you can just hide it ia pouch

Howard Plum (Lisa) opens another crate

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=2] 2

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] I'm coming, I'm coming. Rushing is what causes toes to be stubbed.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin moved 23'11".

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Maybe you can find something in these crates to open them? Nice dagger you got getting blunt.

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Lead the way!

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (because afk)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Oh I don't have any nice daggers.

[Carissa (LP)] I am away from the keyboard.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (how many crates are there?)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Maybe for my birthday, but no one thinks of giving me a nice one.

Howard Plum (Lisa) sighs

Hoffman (John AA)] you know we can open them up here

Howard Plum (Lisa) looks down at the dagger and the crate

[Master] 14 total so far 1 parchment 2 with wooden spiked tubes and 2 with wooden marker stakes

Hoffman (John AA)] is there something you think we might leave and not burn?

[Master] and the new one Howard just opened is another with marker stakes

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Hmmm ... I suppose we could do that as well

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] It would save time

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] I shall help Lord Branadarus then!

Howard Plum (Lisa) tries to lift the crate full of stakes

[Master] and the light reveals what is there,

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Howard Plum: STR check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Master] Siff and Skarp can go explore

[Master] move where you wan tto check

John AA is receiving the map Cellar Under Farmhouse...

John AA has received the map Cellar Under Farmhouse.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin moved 13'04".

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (so he is using his big mage muscles to help with moving)

[Hoffman]] (John AA) reaches down for crate from Howard

Hoffman (John AA)] Nice

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (is there any way of distinguishing between what crates have been opened?)

[Master] all the crates are near the entrance, there are barrels by Skarp now and more barrels by SSiff

[Master] no barrels have been touched yet

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Strength check to open barrels?)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (careful they are full of monkeys)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] lol

[Master] Or a normal attack on ac 10

[Master] stregth does fine though

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin: STR check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] /me attempts to open the top of the nearest barrel

[Master] it is ale

Hoffman (John AA)] (you missed the discussion lat week, the problem is closing them)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Hah, ale!

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Even bone-worshippers can have some of their priorities correct

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (test)

[Master] just waiting to react to peole

Hoffman (John AA)] I don't see any more crates?

[Master] Carissa is afk when she returns she was checking for secret doors

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin moved 7'09".

[Master] ten more crates to go 9 more barels

Skarphedin (Ryan) shakes barrel to hear if there is liquid inside

[Master] yes to Skarp

Skarphedin (Ryan) shakes each of the remaining barrels to do the same.

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (thought we were moving the crates up so the topsidere can open and arrange them)

[Master] the five in the back of the room there seem to all have liquid in them

Hoffman (John AA)] (we do thushly)

Howard Plum (Lisa) keeps moving crates to the ladder

[Master] very well for Howard Tiberius and Hoffman

[Master] 15 crates up top now

Skarphedin (Ryan) moves the closed barrels to the ladder.

[Master] Time of Day: 07:00 AM. Day 20 Trall ___ se, Kye {Late Winter} 20th, 348 SKR.

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (so snee, hoffman and mara can open some)

[Master] Time of Day: 08:00 AM. Day 20 Trall ___ se, Kye {Late Winter} 20th, 348 SKR.

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (we have arrived at Crate & Barrel)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (tell us if you find a ctalog)

Hoffman (John AA)] (stop shopping and just pack)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (ha!)

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (hahahaha)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (Mara is topside still)

Snezana (SpringyDew) going down to help open crates and barrels

Hoffman (John AA)] (crates up top)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (she can move crates preferrably the good ones

[Master] so out of the 15 crates you have 1 with parchment, 4 with sharp tubes 8 with marker stakes

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (oh, i thoughtt they were being opened downstairs)

Snezana (SpringyDew) staying upstairs to help open crates and barrels

[Master] the other three

Hoffman (John AA)] (and the other 2?)

[Master] grins

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] Snezana: STR check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[Master] one of the crates has two smaller ones inside

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] oh look, a crate of crates

[Master] and one has a set of tools

[Master] shovels picks

[Master] for digging

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (one regular crate or one inner crate?)

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (oh one of the inner crates. i thought i would need to roll for each of those)

[Master] One large crate with two smaller crates inside

[Master] each of the smaller ones the same size

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (and one of the smaller crates has the digging tools)

[Master] you have not opened the two small ones yet

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (oh, confused again)

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] Snezana: STR check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] Snezana: STR check: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[Hoffman]] (John AA) moves parchment and tools to a safe place

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (those two rolls were for the small inner crates)

[Master] Snezana moved 8'07".

[Master (to GM only)] Skeleton #8 targets Snezana. Distance: 2'07"

[Master] Skeleton #8: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=19] 0. HITS Snezana (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] Skeleton #8: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=8] 11. MISSES Snezana (AC FINAL: 10).

[Master] Skeleton #8: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=11] 8. HITS Snezana (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] Skeleton #8: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=15] 4. HITS Snezana (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] Skeleton #8: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=20] -1. HITS Snezana (AC FINAL: 10)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] ow!!!

[Master] Skeleton #8: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=18] 1. HITS Snezana (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] Skeleton #8: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=16] 3. HITS Snezana (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] Skeleton #8: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=11] 8. HITS Snezana (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] Skeleton #8: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=12] 7. HITS Snezana (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] Owwww!!!

[Master] Skeleton #8: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=18] 1. HITS Snezana (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] Skeleton #8: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d6) [1d6=1] 1 added to: Snezana

[Master] Skeleton #8: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d6) [1d6=4] 4 added to: Snezana

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (skeletons in wee weensy boxes? LOL)

MarioHome is receiving the map Abandoned Farmhouse...

MarioHome has received the map Abandoned Farmhouse.

Hoffman (John AA)] (just arms?)

[Master] Skeleton #8: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=1] 18. MISSES Snezana (AC FINAL: 10).

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (they must have been disconnected)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] I believe there is something happening upstairs!

[Master] Skeleton #8: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d6) [1d6=3] 3 added to: Snezana

[Master] Skeleton #8: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d6) [1d6=3] 3 added to: Snezana

[Master] Skeleton #8: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d6) [1d6=4] 4 added to: Snezana

[Master] Skeleton #8: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d6) [1d6=3] 3 added to: Snezana

John AA is receiving the map Abandoned Farmhouse...

John AA has received the map Abandoned Farmhouse.

[Master] Skeleton #8: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d6) [1d6=4] 4 added to: Snezana

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (ooo all that reckless behavior is about to pay off)

[Master] Snezana's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 13 (-22) - Heavily Wounded

Hoffman (John AA)] (can we react now or int?)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (there are wayyyyy too many names on the left side)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (can't find anyone)

Lisa is receiving the map Abandoned Farmhouse...

Lisa has received the map Abandoned Farmhouse.

[Mara (MarioHome)] (let me know when Mara can react)

Snezana (SpringyDew) staggering


[Master] so Snee opens the box and out pours a dozen skeleton clawed hands, all ripping and tearing at her

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (mara can make it disappear)

[Master] Now we can start combat

[Master] Combat has begun!

[Master] ROUND: 0

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (ugh that is nightmare fuel)

[Master] Skeleton #8: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=10] 20

Hoffman (John AA)] [Hoffman]]: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=6] 14

[Mara (MarioHome)] Mara: Initiative: (d10+10+-1) [1d10=7] 16

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] Snezana: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=10] 20

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] Johan the Apprentice: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=10] 20

[Master] Johan and Oak are there oo

[Master] if someone wants to run oak

[Carissa (LP)] I am back at the keyboard.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=9] 19

[Master] Onald

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Uhhh sorry phone call what'd I miss?)

[Master] the rest are downstairs still and cann react next round

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (skeleton hands)

[Master] ROUND: 1

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (yay fun!)

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: [Hoffman]]

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (huge number, clawing like crazy)

Hoffman (John AA)] [Hoffman]] moved 7'00".

Hoffman (John AA)] (i took a -2 to hit with blunt side)

[John AA] [Hoffman]] targets Skeleton #8. Distance: 0'01"

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Book I just finished had nightmare hands, pull you under ground so similar?)

Hoffman (John AA)] [Hoffman]]: Attack: Hand Axe: ((12-(d20+1))-2-3) [1d20=5] 1 [MODIFIED (-3)]. HITS Skeleton #8 (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

Hoffman (John AA)] [Hoffman]]: Attack: Hand Axe: ((12-(d20+1))-2-3) [1d20=12] -6 [MODIFIED (-3)]. HITS Skeleton #8 (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

Hoffman (John AA)] [Hoffman]]: Attack: Hand Axe: ((12-(d20+1))-2-3) [1d20=12] -6 [MODIFIED (-3)]. HITS Skeleton #8 (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

Hoffman (John AA)] [Hoffman]]: Damage v SM: Hand Axe: ((1d6)+3+3) [1d6=2] 8 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Skeleton #8

Hoffman (John AA)] [Hoffman]]: Damage v SM: Hand Axe: ((1d6)+3+3) [1d6=5] 11 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Skeleton #8

Hoffman (John AA)] [Hoffman]]: Damage v SM: Hand Axe: ((1d6)+3+3) [1d6=5] 11 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Skeleton #8

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Mara

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (i have no idea their intntions beyond clawing, but sure, sounds legit to me)

Carissa (LP) is receiving the map Abandoned Farmhouse...

Carissa (LP) has received the map Abandoned Farmhouse.

[Mara (MarioHome)] Mara: Turn Undead in Light Mist: (1d20) [1d20=12] 12 Roll Results: D - Skeleton or 1 HD; T - Zombie; T - Ghoul or 2 HD; 4 - Shadow or 4 HD; 7 - Wight or 5 HD; 10 - Ghast; 13 - Wraith; 16 - Mummy; 19 - Spectre; 20 - Vampire; If successful, turns (2d6) [2d6=2,3] 5 creatures.

[Master] so becasue Hoffman did not do any called shots

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (hoffman cannot kill snee)

[Mara (MarioHome)] Destroys 5 whole creatures. How many hands make one creature?

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (called shot was needed?)

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (10)

[Master] there are a dozen of the hands

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (lol lemme guess, Snee is one of the creatures)

[Master] flat of the blade helps destroy them

[Master] Snee is a 13th

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (I thought mara had a skeleton insta kill skill)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (not unless she's undead)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (it's Turn Undead, ather level, skeletons just destroy)

Hoffman (John AA)] (d13) [1d13=11] 11

[Master] so 1 man sized creater in Snee and 12 very small creatures

[Mara (MarioHome)] (or lady sized)

[Master] there so each very small counts as one eight of a person

[Master] so when hacking in there is an equal chance of hitting a skelling or Snee

[Master] until there are less than 8 skeletons then the odds of hitting Snee goes up

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (goodbye cruel world)

Hoffman (John AA)] (it is a blunt attack)

[Master] so John can roll who takes the first damage roll, 1d10 5 or less hits SNee

Hoffman (John AA)] Roll #1: (d10) [1d10=9] 9

[Master] and then the next one

[Master] same odds

Hoffman (John AA)] Roll #1: (d10) [1d10=8] 8

[Master] and one more

Hoffman (John AA)] Roll #1: (d10) [1d10=10] 10

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (way to go!)

[Mara (MarioHome)] Hloy siht

Hoffman (John AA)] (whew)

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (nice)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (wow)

[Master] so there are 9 of them left

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (sniffle, you like me, you really like me)

[Master] NOW is Mara's turn

[Mara (MarioHome)] (lol)

[Master] and how many HitDie did she turn?

[Mara (MarioHome)] she turned, 5 creatures destroyed, how many hands?

Hoffman (John AA) (to GM only)] Character sheet for [Hoffman]] modified:

[Master] so that is the rest of them

[Master] Combat has finished.

[John AA] I am back at the keyboard.

Hoffman (John AA)] Are you ok, that was closer than I intended

[Mara (MarioHome)] Mara moved 13'04".

[Mara (MarioHome)] Snee, are you ok? let me help you

Snezana (SpringyDew) sits down abruptly

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (gotta hand it to her, that's a nice spell)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (.....)

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] Wonder why someone would want to box up a skeleton?

[MarioHome] Mara targets Snezana. Distance: 2'01"

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] that was so disgusting

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] and ow

[Mara (MarioHome)] Mara casts a spell against Snezana: Orison: I can create minor effects. NOTE: Not available.

[Mara (MarioHome)] so 7 from that

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] oh that feels better

[Master] Snezana's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 20 (7) - Moderately Wounded

[Mara (MarioHome)] Mara casts a spell against Snezana: Orison: I can create minor effects. NOTE: Not available.

[Mara (MarioHome)] Will you be ok?

[Master] Snezana's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 27 (7) - Lightly Wounded

Snezana (SpringyDew) nodding

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] yes, that helps very much. thanks

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] I can help with the othet crates while you rest

Johan the Apprentice (Lisa) lifts his hammer

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] i think i'm gonna sit here for a second and try to un-remember that

[Mara (MarioHome)] come and sit back here, where its safer

[Mara (MarioHome)] Mara moved 12'05".

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] or forget even

[MarioHome] Mara no longer targets Snezana.

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] Johan the Apprentice moved 8'03".

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (was that the last one? where are we on crates?)

[Master] there is one small crate left

[Hoffman]] (John AA) puts bones in burn pile

[Master] identical to the one that just disgorged a dozen hands

Mara (MarioHome) stares at the crate, holy symbol in hand

Hoffman (John AA)] Don't we have a scout ?

Johan the Apprentice (Lisa) looks at Hoffman "Why don't we just burn this one for good measure"

Mara (MarioHome) nods and sighs

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (it's the crate of gold - watch)

Hoffman (John AA)] I just think if we do, we may regret it

Johan the Apprentice (Lisa) sighs

Hoffman (John AA)] we just need proper precation

[Mara (MarioHome)] (open it!!)

Johan the Apprentice (Lisa) takes hammer and sends it down onto the crate

Hoffman (John AA)] check for traps, anyone detect poision or evil?

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (what's precaution again?)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Maybe away from others?)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (lol, too late for plans! what sin it?)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Sin)

[Hoffman]] (John AA) Brawyn taught him ..

[Master (to GM only)] Skeleton #9: No adjustments made.

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (do I need a check for hammer smashing crate?)

Hoffman (John AA)] (wait)

Hoffman (John AA)] (no...)

[Master (to GM only)] Skeleton #9 targets Johan the Apprentice. Distance: 2'01"

[Master] Skeleton #9: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=6] 13. MISSES Johan the Apprentice (AC FINAL: 10).

[Master] Skeleton #9: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=7] 12. MISSES Johan the Apprentice (AC FINAL: 10).

[Master] Skeleton #9: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=1] 18. MISSES Johan the Apprentice (AC FINAL: 10).

[Master] Skeleton #9: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=9] 10. HITS Johan the Apprentice (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] Skeleton #9: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=17] 2. HITS Johan the Apprentice (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] Skeleton #9: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=11] 8. HITS Johan the Apprentice (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] Skeleton #9: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=11] 8. HITS Johan the Apprentice (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] Skeleton #9: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=12] 7. HITS Johan the Apprentice (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

Hoffman (John AA)] (just love that scene from Willy Wonka)

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (I said burn it!)

[Master] Skeleton #9 targets [Hoffman]]. Distance: 0'00"

[Mara (MarioHome)] (ha!)

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] ARGH!!!!!!

[Master] Skeleton #9: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=13] 6. HITS [Hoffman]] (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Master] Skeleton #9: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=20] -1. HITS [Hoffman]] (AC FINAL: 6)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (how often do we ever get exactly what we expect?)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (this time call the shot so you dont hurt yourself!)

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (i would think never)

[Master] Skeleton #9: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=19] 0. HITS [Hoffman]] (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

Hoffman (John AA)] (may we never get what we deserve)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (lol)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (test)

Ryan has left the game on Fri May 03 20:20:15 EDT 2019

Ryan has joined the game on Fri May 03 20:20:35 EDT 2019

Ryan is receiving the map Base Map...

Ryan has received the map Base Map.

[Master] Skeleton #9: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d6) [1d6=5] 5 added to: [Hoffman]]

[Master] Skeleton #9: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d6) [1d6=6] 6 added to: [Hoffman]]

[Master] Skeleton #9: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d6) [1d6=2] 2 added to: [Hoffman]]

[Master] [Hoffman]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 50 (-13) - Moderately Wounded

Ryan is receiving the map Cellar Under Farmhouse...

Ryan has received the map Cellar Under Farmhouse.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (test)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (A-)

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (i see you)

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (saw yoru tests too, i've been having intermittent lag of 5 to 10 seconds)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (me too, laggy big time)

[Master] Skeleton #9: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d6) [1d6=5] 5 added to: Johan the Apprentice

[Master] Skeleton #9: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d6) [1d6=3] 3 added to: Johan the Apprentice

Hoffman (John AA)] (hmmm)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (ah)

[Master] Skeleton #9: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d6) [1d6=2] 2 added to: Johan the Apprentice

[Master] Skeleton #9: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d6) [1d6=4] 4 added to: Johan the Apprentice

[Master] Skeleton #9: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d6) [1d6=1] 1 added to: Johan the Apprentice

[Master] Johan the Apprentice's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 0 (-15) - Disabled

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (bind wounds please)

[Master] Combat has begun!

[Master] ROUND: 0

[Mara (MarioHome)] Mara: Initiative: (d10+10+-1) [1d10=3] 12

Hoffman (John AA)] [Hoffman]]: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=1] 9

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] Snezana: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=10] 20

[Master] Skeleton #9: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=4] 14

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (he got really lucky rolls - I thought he was toast)

[Master] no one wants to play Onald?


Ryan is receiving the map Abandoned Farmhouse...

Ryan has received the map Abandoned Farmhouse.

Hoffman (John AA)] I thought someone who was downstairs would

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (ryan, spring or carissa? - I can play him if no one wants to)

[Ryan] I am back at the keyboard.

[Onaldkelrad Trueblood (Ryan)] (I didn't want to presume...)

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] Onaldkelrad Trueblood: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=5] 15

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Haha there you go)

[Master] ROUND: 1

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (now he's on the counter)

[Master] INIT: 9 GOING: [Hoffman]]

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (someone can take him - just wanted him to have a slot)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (All yours Ryan)

Hoffman (John AA)] (so now I have a -6 for called shot and blunt side)

[Onaldkelrad Trueblood (Ryan)] (thank you)

[Master] ok John

Hoffman (John AA)] (attacking hands on Johan)

[John AA] [Hoffman]] targets Skeleton #9. Distance: 0'00"

Hoffman (John AA)] [Hoffman]]: Attack: Hand Axe: ((12-(d20+1))-6-3) [1d20=13] -11 [MODIFIED (-3)]. HITS Skeleton #9 (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

Hoffman (John AA)] [Hoffman]]: Attack: Hand Axe: ((12-(d20+1))-6-3) [1d20=19] -17 [MODIFIED (-3)]. HITS Skeleton #9 (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

Hoffman (John AA)] [Hoffman]]: Attack: Hand Axe: ((12-(d20+1))-6-3) [1d20=7] -5 [MODIFIED (-3)]. HITS Skeleton #9 (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

Hoffman (John AA)] (or should that be +6?)

[Master] yes to John

[Mara (MarioHome)] (lol i think a +)

Hoffman (John AA) (to GM only)] Character sheet for [Hoffman]] modified: Temporary Modifiers - Attack: (ATM) : CHANGED: +6 (-6).

Hoffman (John AA)] [Hoffman]]: Attack: Hand Axe: ((12-(d20+1))+6-3) [1d20=17] -3 [MODIFIED (-3)]. HITS Skeleton #9 (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

Hoffman (John AA)] [Hoffman]]: Attack: Hand Axe: ((12-(d20+1))+6-3) [1d20=16] -2 [MODIFIED (-3)]. HITS Skeleton #9 (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

Hoffman (John AA)] [Hoffman]]: Attack: Hand Axe: ((12-(d20+1))+6-3) [1d20=17] -3 [MODIFIED (-3)]. HITS Skeleton #9 (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

Hoffman (John AA)] [Hoffman]]: Damage v SM: Hand Axe: ((1d6)+3+3) [1d6=3] 9 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Skeleton #9

Hoffman (John AA)] [Hoffman]]: Damage v SM: Hand Axe: ((1d6)+3+3) [1d6=6] 12 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Skeleton #9

Hoffman (John AA)] [Hoffman]]: Damage v SM: Hand Axe: ((1d6)+3+3) [1d6=5] 11 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Skeleton #9

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Mara

[Mara (MarioHome)] Mara: Turn Undead in Light Mist: (1d20) [1d20=16] 16 Roll Results: D - Skeleton or 1 HD; T - Zombie; T - Ghoul or 2 HD; 4 - Shadow or 4 HD; 7 - Wight or 5 HD; 10 - Ghast; 13 - Wraith; 16 - Mummy; 19 - Spectre; 20 - Vampire; If successful, turns (2d6) [2d6=6,1] 7 creatures.

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (sweet!)

[Mara (MarioHome)] Vanquish Grabby Hands!!

[Master] Mara is back in the stables and cannot see the crate or skeletons

[Master] she has to move up first

[Mara (MarioHome)] Mara moved 17'01".

[Mara (MarioHome)] Mara: Turn Undead in Light Mist: (1d20) [1d20=17] 17 Roll Results: D - Skeleton or 1 HD; T - Zombie; T - Ghoul or 2 HD; 4 - Shadow or 4 HD; 7 - Wight or 5 HD; 10 - Ghast; 13 - Wraith; 16 - Mummy; 19 - Spectre; 20 - Vampire; If successful, turns (2d6) [2d6=4,3] 7 creatures.

[Mara (MarioHome)] Vanquish Grabby Hands again!

[Master] and so they disapear

[Mara (MarioHome)] ugh! i so disliike those things!

Ryan is receiving the map Cellar Under Farmhouse...

Ryan has received the map Cellar Under Farmhouse.

[Master] still in combat

[Mara (MarioHome)] (sorry if I ended combat too soon for you all)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (or not)

[Master] at Johan's turn he goes unconcious

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Onaldkelrad Trueblood

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (On or Snee can bind Johan before round ends)

[Master] no one bound his wounds yet

Hoffman (John AA)] (no, Onal needs to bind wounds)

Ryan is receiving the map Abandoned Farmhouse...

Ryan has received the map Abandoned Farmhouse.

Hoffman (John AA)] Onaldkelrad Trueblood moved 8'05".

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (That's what I mean. One of them can before end :P)

Onaldkelrad Trueblood (John AA) binds wounds

[Master] Combat has finished.

[John AA] (not to spoil the fun)

[Master] So Johan went to zero but not below

[Master] so he did not lose all his spells for the day

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (woo!)

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (so can he accept healing?)

[Master] yes

[Mara (MarioHome)] (whew)

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] Snezana casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects.

[John AA (to GM only)] Character sheet for [Hoffman]] modified:

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (i forgot how many points Snee can do, looking it up)

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] 9

[Mara (MarioHome)] ( lvl +1 i thought)

[Master] Johan the Apprentice's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 9 (9) - Moderately Wounded

[Mara (MarioHome)] (right on)

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] Snezana casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (9 more)

[John AA] You were right , but you were also wrong Johan

[John AA] I am back at the keyboard.

Hoffman (John AA)] You were right , but you were also wrong Johan

[Master] Johan the Apprentice's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 15 (6) - Unharmed

Johan the Apprentice (Lisa) smiles

[Snezana (SpringyDew) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Snezana modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] Thank you Mistress Snee!

[Master] who gets the remaining three ing?

[Mara (MarioHome)] ( can Snee use the last 3 on herself?)

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (oh i didn't realize there were leftover. yes!)

[Master] Snezana's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 30 (3) - Lightly Wounded

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (mmmmm that's good stuff!)

[Master] Time of Day: 08:17 AM. Day 20 Trall ___ se, Kye {Late Winter} 20th, 348 SKR.

[Master] Time of Day: 08:32 AM. Day 20 Trall ___ se, Kye {Late Winter} 20th, 348 SKR.

[Mara (MarioHome)] well if that doesn't get your adrenaline going

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (i wonder if anybody ever becomes a healing addict)

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] So are we done with all that box opening?

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (lol Spring)

Hoffman (John AA)] YES

[Master] You do have more barrels down stairs

[Master] and in the last half hour they have been upstairs doing healing

[Master] what does Skarp and Siff do?

[Ryan] Hello, up there!

[Mara (MarioHome)] (HI Ryan!!)

[Ryan] There are barrels down here that need to be moved

[Ryan] Time for a break later

[Ryan] I am back at the keyboard.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (oops)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Siff was looking for the secret door. Did they find it?)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (lol)

Carissa (LP) is receiving the map Cellar Under Farmhouse...

Carissa (LP) has received the map Cellar Under Farmhouse.

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] It certainly was noisy up there for a bit.

MarioHome is receiving the map Cellar Under Farmhouse...

MarioHome has received the map Cellar Under Farmhouse.

[Master] you can check 10 feet every ten minutes

Ryan is receiving the map Cellar Under Farmhouse...

Ryan has received the map Cellar Under Farmhouse.

[Master] so you will have checked 30 feet or so

[Master] did you want to start from where you are? and go in which direction?

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Left corner going right)

[Master] put your self there

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Back wall)

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (need to obtain a food. brb)

[Master] and do you have any gnome skills to use?

[SpringyDew] I am away from the keyboard.

Lisa is receiving the map Cellar Under Farmhouse...

Lisa has received the map Cellar Under Farmhouse.

[Master] and the same to Ryan

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Siffress Wildwander moved 17'05".

[Master] do you have dwarf skills to use? did you want to check?

[Master] where

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Hmm that back wall is really short....wonder if that's the right wall...)

Hoffman (John AA)] (it was suposed to be a funny hint not a misleading hint)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (oh Bob - that knocked out Johan's spells for the day, didn't it?)

[Master] no

[Master] he went to zero not negatives

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (cool!)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Siffress Wildwander: Detect Unsafe Walls, Ceilings, and Floors check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (thought he went unconscious)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Doesn't appear that I have any that apply)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Closest skill I think she has?)

[Master] make a d12 check

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (d12) [1d12=1] 1

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (yay!)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (nice)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (She watches a lot of Scooby Doo?)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (lol)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] I found it! Or another one!

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Whatcha think, Skarp?

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin moved 11'02".

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Siffress Wildwander: Detect Grade or Slope in Passage check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 16!!

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin: Attack: Hrotti: ((15-(d20+0))+1) [1d20=1] 15 [MODIFIED (+1)]

Hoffman (John AA)] (you can't find something that is not there)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Attack: Hrotti:: is now ARMED.

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] It's uh...flat, maybe? Goes that way.

Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP)) waves arm foward

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] I think that it would be a bad idea to wander in unarmed

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Attack: Dagger/Dirk:: is now ARMED.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Would I be able to check if I can detect air currents?)

[Master] sure

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Would that be alertness?)

[Master] that would be depth underground etc

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Should we wait for the others or go?

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Under the anvil symbol)

Hoffman (John AA)]

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Aye, you are right

Skarphedin (Ryan) yells. "Siffress found us a tunnel!"

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] I thought we were in an tunnel?

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Siffress Wildwander: Detect Approximate Depth Underground check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Siffress Wildwander: Approximate Direction Underground check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] A side tunnel

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] what else is a cellar anwa?

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Yup! Tunnel of some sort going somewhere!

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] what is down there?

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Not daft enough to check without letting you all know

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Tunnel...things!

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] OH I can go down if you want

Howard Plum (Lisa) calls up to Hoffman "A tunnel has been found down here!"

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Come on Howard

Hoffman (John AA)] It is really no fun

Hoffman (John AA)] I told you were it was

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Come where?

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 52'05".

[Mara (MarioHome)] Should we go with them, Hoff?

Hoffman (John AA)] it's not the fastest way to the church

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] I do not think it wise to run willy nilly into tunnels without alerting our friends upstairs!

[Mara (MarioHome)] oh, it leads to the church

[Hoffman]] (John AA) sruggs

Hoffman (John AA)] maybe, eventually

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] If nothing else, we should at least block this off to prevent skeletons from using it to move about

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Probably sneakier than walking away from a big fire.

Hoffman (John AA)] anybody down there track?

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] (only Howard can hear those upstiars)

Howard Plum (Lisa) looks around

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] How bad could it be

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] they are jsut skeletons

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] lead the way Siff

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Well, Mistress Siffress is a scout

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] you are the sneaky one

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] It's just a tunnel. Ain't no dwarf or gnome afraid of one.

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] I certainly hope she can ... scout!

Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP)) stares blankly at Howard

[Mara (MarioHome)] If all the evil crates are up here, i'm better off down there

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] You are a part of the scout's guild

Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP)) whispers to Tiberius, "Was that a joke?"

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] How can a scout not scout?

[Mara (MarioHome)] (can you move Mara down, Bob?)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Siffress Wildwander: Move Silently check:(d100) [1d100=25] 25 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 40!!

Hoffman (John AA)] Mara, please talk some seence into them

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Siffress Wildwander: Hide in Shadows check:(d100) [1d100=80] 80 - ROLL FAILED against 35!!

Lord Tiberius (Master) grins not at all, you can lead the way you know how to find traps and things like that

Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP)) shakes head and starts walking down the tunnel

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] before we fall down into a pit with spikes for what ever

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Siffress Wildwander: Find/remove traps check:(d100) [1d100=100] 100 - ROLL FAILED against 45!!

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (ouch)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] I leave our things unattended to wander tunnels!

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Siffress Wildwander moved 5'05".

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin moved 2'02".

Howard Plum (Lisa) climbs back up to the barn to get his pack with his spellbook

Howard Plum (Lisa) makes sure the horse is tied up and scoots some hay over to him

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] What doyou see?

Hoffman (John AA)] what is goin on Howard?

[Mara (MarioHome)] Maybe it's safer below

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Siffress Wildwander moved 8'04".

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (who is ???)

Hoffman (John AA)] (exactly)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin moved 14'10".

[Mara (MarioHome)] (is it Wu?)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] They are going into the tunnels alone to get eaten by zombies

[Mara (MarioHome)] ( i just assumed)

Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP)) quietly, "More tunnel. Looks like it opens up not far in."

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 7'04".

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (No, Wu's on first)

Hoffman (John AA)] WHAT?

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] So if we are going to follow them we should bring our things

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Lord Branadarus is with them

Howard Plum (Lisa) sighs

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] sorry not sure how Tiberiuos got turned off

Hoffman (John AA)] oh, great

[Mara (MarioHome)] You may want me close to the front in case i can turn the undead putrid foul beasts

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Ah I thought it was Jimney Crciket...)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Can you take the potions chest Hoffman?

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (lol, and here I was thinking we were being led by an illusion)

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Hey Siff what do you want me to do about this door?

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Siffress Wildwander: Detect Noise check:(d100) [1d100=46] 46 - ROLL FAILED against 45!!

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Should I close it?

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Siffress Wildwander moved 2'11".

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Siffress Wildwander moved 7'08".

[Hoffman]] (John AA) helps gather the traveling gear and makes sure everyone is going down

Howard Plum (Lisa) hands Onald the loot chest

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] You! Take this

Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP)) whipsers, "Leave it open for the others.

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Or if we need to run.

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] I don't wan tto stay here

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Here where? I thought we were explorin'

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Does everyone have everything?

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin moved 17'02".

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] You said to stay here at the door

Hoffman (John AA)] go, I will carry things

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] It close on its own?

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] This is NOT a fun adventure

John AA is receiving the map Abandoned Farmhouse...

John AA has received the map Abandoned Farmhouse.

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] I guess,

Hoffman (John AA)] [Hoffman]] moved 10'07".

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Jam something in it so it doesn't close then.

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] And come here.

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] You are the thief

Skarphedin (Ryan) hisses. "If you don't want to stay there, you can help the others above. Send Howard or someone else to watch the door, though."

Hoffman (John AA)] Snnez, Onalrd - to the cellar

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (hiss/whisper, said that a bit wrong)

Hoffman (John AA)] Onaldkelrad Trueblood moved 16'04".

Hoffman (John AA)] Snezana moved 6'08".

Hoffman (John AA)] Hey Wu!

Hoffman (John AA)] We are on the muve

[Mara (MarioHome)] Who?

Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP)) waits where room opens until Tiberius gets there

[John AA] Snezana no longer follows Thistle.

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Thistle snuck out? Typical)

[Hoffman]] (John AA) waits for Wu

Hoffman (John AA)] then follows

John AA is receiving the map Cellar Under Farmhouse door revealed...

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (Tiberius can't follow you unless we have light)

John AA has received the map Cellar Under Farmhouse door revealed.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (brb)

[Ryan] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] so everyone is downstairs now

[Mara (MarioHome)] (uses her bone flashlight)

Howard Plum (Lisa) points "They went that way"

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] leaving the wagon and horse up in the barn

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Oooh right)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (I know!)

[Mara (MarioHome)] anyonewant to carry this?

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (we need a bag of holding for horses)

Hoffman (John AA)] (we need to not wander off)

[Master] Figurine of wonderous power

[Mara (MarioHome)] (they kinda come in their own leather bag, so to speak)

Hoffman (John AA)] (summon Steed)

Howard Plum (Lisa) hands the torch to Mara "Do you with to be our light bearer?"

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (wish)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (torch meaning her light stick)

[Mara (MarioHome)] I h ave this

[Mara (MarioHome)] holds up flashight

Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP)) nudges Skarp, "Move up before they ruin the lack of light?"

[Master] Time of Day: 09:00 AM. Day 20 Trall ___ se, Kye {Late Winter} 20th, 348 SKR.

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Siffress Wildwander moved 5'00".

Hoffman (John AA)] Before eveerone runs off, are we discussing this>

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (we can discuss)

Hoffman (John AA)] Was I not put in charge?

[Mara (MarioHome)] (walk dwon tunnel. Whats to discuss?)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (oh that was IC :) )

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] I will gladly follow you Master Hoffman.

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] I cannot speak for the gnome and dwarf

[Master] Siff can make an observation check

[Mara (MarioHome)] They must be so excited, being in something that resembles their natural habitat!

[Mara (MarioHome)] how nice for them!

Hoffman (John AA)] let's be quick and make sure they come back

Hoffman (John AA)] [Hoffman]] moved 39'05".

Howard Plum (Lisa) sniffs "I suppose so"

Hoffman (John AA)] PLEASE WAIT!

[Master] Skarp can check for dangers underground

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin moved 7'02".

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (No obs or alertness)

[Ryan] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] If Skarp has that he can check too

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (If I have what?)

[Master] observation

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (I do not)

[Master] ok then

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (no scouty things?)

[Master] so underground skills as you think might be good to check

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Siffress Wildwander: Detect Unsafe Walls, Ceilings, and Floors check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Siffress Wildwander: Detect Approximate Depth Underground check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

Hoffman (John AA)] (or not)

Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP)) looks around, "Pretty sure we're underground. Maybe..."

[Mara (MarioHome)] (some one take her Gnome Card)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Can I do an untrained check?)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Dwarf has similar skills, should be under the anvil on dice panel)

[Master] no to Ryan

Hoffman (John AA)] (your a Dwarf, or are you?)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Unless we forgot to add?)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (survival, endurance, dwarf runes, dwarf history, alertness, foraging, languages)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Oh no forgot to add!)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Dwarf also second...)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (no observation unfortunately)

[Master] Help him please

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (skarp has alertness)

[Master] I cannot see those from here

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (I asked about that earlier, I thought. Sorry if I didn't)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (One sec and I can see if I can add to your sheet)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (he also has survival nwp)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (No worries, I have the page up let me just edit)

[Master] brb restroom

Hoffman (John AA)]

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (when in doubt roll nwp checks)

Hoffman (John AA)] [Hoffman]]: Ambidexterity check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against -1!!

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (since skarp is a dwark his survival skills should be best underground)

Hoffman (John AA)] [Hoffman]]: Carpentry check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (dwarf! I need to drink more)

Hoffman (John AA)] (I like Drawk)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (just considering the big hole in the room I would suggest no tumbling checks)

Hoffman (John AA)] there is nothing but troubble that way,tell them Tibirus

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP)) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Skarphedin modified:

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (There you go. Forgot you have to change the prof drop down to the other file)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (You got five more skills because dwarf. Yay!)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Thank you)

[Master] b

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Wow lag)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (getting another lag spike. check?)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Good)

[Master] that happens anytime I try to change screens it seems

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin: Detect Stonework Traps, Pits, and Deadfalls check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

[Master] excellent

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin: Detect Sliding or Shifting Walls or Rooms check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[MarioHome] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] try the others

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (lag again?)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (brb)

[Lisa] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] I guess

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Ryan?)

Hoffman (John AA)] Tiberius, you you taking responsiblity for them?

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Sorry, I am not sure what I am supposed to see, having succeeded)

[Master] I was saying test the otherskills

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (oh, sorry, yeah, lag)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin: Detect Approximate Depth Underground check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin: Detect Grade or Slope in Passage check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin: Detect New Tunnel or Passage Construction check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Well I guess he gets to keep his dwarf card)

Hoffman (John AA)] Onaldkelrad Trueblood moved 53'08".

[Onaldkelrad Trueblood (John AA)] /holds door open so Tibirus can go explore

[Master] OK so overall

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (yay for keeping dwarf card, changing everything to Gully Dwarf would have been a pain)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (lol)

[Lisa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (1, 2,.... number after 2)

[Master] Skarp detects that yes the passageway slopes just a bit down

[Master] and that he can see there are water marks on the walls

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (Tiberius? Right now he is Hodor)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Nice knowing him)

[Master] about 5 foot up the wall

[Onaldkelrad Trueblood (John AA)] (if only)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Uh what?)

[Master] and yes that is a large pool of water in front of you

[John AA] Howard, you are the brains, go with them, stay behind them

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Whatcha see?

[Master] and there is a trickle of water flowing in from the south side there

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] I can't see in the dark! Do you want me to illuminate the tunnel?

Hoffman (John AA)] Howard, you are the brains, go with them, stay behind them

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Yes, we are sloping downwards.

Hoffman (John AA)] take the necklass, or the boot

Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP)) nods, "Yes, exactly what I thought. Yep."

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] And there is waterflow as well, about 5 feet above the ground

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] There's a pool of water ahead, so watch your step

Hoffman (John AA)] I will go bag up and guard the camp

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] I have Mara's baton of light

Hoffman (John AA)] back up

[Master] How tall is Siff?

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Above? Ya think it flooded down here?

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (....gnome height? uhhh)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] You ... you're leaving us alone?

Hoffman (John AA)] I have seen all this and it's just not fun

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Might be connected to an underground water reservoir

Hoffman (John AA)] You have Skarp, and Tibirus

Hoffman (John AA)] not alone, I am guarding your back

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Hmm dunno have to look as nto on her sheeT)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Water's flowing from the south side

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] But you will be all alone yourself

Hoffman (John AA)] I will be fine

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Our village had a mine flood once. It wasn't pretty....

Skarphedin (Ryan) grunts in agreement.

Hoffman (John AA)] [Hoffman]] moved 55'04".

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Hoff ...

Hoffman (John AA)] (I will be one round behind, what can hurt me ;) )

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] man

Hoffman (John AA)] yes?

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (...not on gnome page, either?)

Howard Plum (Lisa) sighs

Hoffman (John AA)] You can stay with me, they will come back soon enough

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Google says between 3-4ft!)

Howard Plum (Lisa) takes a deep breath "I will follow Master Hoffman's orders. Who's with me?"

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (for 5e so dunno if they grew between editions)

Howard Plum (Lisa) marches to the door

[Master] nods

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Howard Plum moved 43'04".

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Wanna keep going?

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] That's...taller than me.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] I admit that I am curious what is down here.

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Lord Branadarus! I am to follow the people who have escaped the safety of our group

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Tally-ho, then!

[Hoffman]] (John AA) climbs ladder while shakeing his head

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Siffress Wildwander moved 2'05".

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin moved 7'07".

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Who is coming with me?

Hoffman (John AA)] (other two are AFK)

Hoffman (John AA)] (Wu?)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (this is funnier that no one is following Howard)

Hoffman (John AA)] (johan?)

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] All right, Howard. I'm coming.

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] Johan the Apprentice moved 50'09".

[Onaldkelrad Trueblood (John AA)] you can go Tiberirus sir, I got the door

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] You wan tot hold the door? I can go down there with them

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] Howard Plum moved 15'08".

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin moved 8'03".

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] Johan the Apprentice moved 13'08".

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Thanks

Johan the Apprentice (Lisa) looks around

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 1'05".

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] I don't hear screaming so it must be safe

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Howard Plum moved 30'05".

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] (Howard and Johan can make obs checks)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Johan the Apprentice moved 33'07".

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (no they can't)

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 35'01".

[MarioHome] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Wu Sen Cho moved 31'01".

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Hello, back there

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] ok

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Keep it down!

[Mara (MarioHome)] Mara moved 36'03".

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] This is a large hole

Howard Plum (Lisa) peers down

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] And watch the water.

Skarphedin (Ryan) whispers "Watch out for the pool of water"

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Siffress Wildwander moved 2'07".

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Siffress Wildwander moved 6'03".

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Hug the wall to the left of the entrance and follow us

[Master] Siff and Skarp see a stream flowing into the pool behind you

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] It's full of water?

[Master] coming from a natural spring

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin moved 13'07".

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Is it red?)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (Can Mara move to the water hole? or is the tunnel blocked?

Howard Plum (Lisa) waves torch over it

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Ahhh yes

[Onaldkelrad Trueblood (John AA)] (Onalde is holding door, Hffman is upstairs)

[Onaldkelrad Trueblood (John AA)] Watch over them Mara

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Howard Plum moved 1'03".

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Johan the Apprentice moved 1'03".

Mara (MarioHome) nods

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 15'06".

[Mara (MarioHome)] Mara moved 50'00".

[Onaldkelrad Trueblood (John AA)] Howard seems nervous, but with Skaff and the lord, I would be too

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (lisa thinks this wasn't always filled with water)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (hope its not a cesspool

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (c'est la vie)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (thought we threw a rope down it and someone went down that pit)

Howard Plum (Lisa) points They went that way I believe. Watch your step"

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Siffress Wildwander moved 1'09".

Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP)) keeps walking, hugging the wall

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin moved 4'08".

[Master] close but different Lisa

[Mara (MarioHome)] Mara moved 8'01".

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Johan the Apprentice moved 10'05".

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Howard Plum moved 10'06".

[Master] Siff and Skarp see the bubbling spring

[Master] and can see where a part of the side wall has given way also

[Master] it is a rough hole

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Well that looks refreshing.

Howard Plum (Lisa) taps Branadarus on the shoulder

[Master] goes down a slope

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Should we follow?

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Siffress Wildwander moved 2'11".

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Hmm, not a miner...

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin moved 6'00".

[Onaldkelrad Trueblood (John AA)] CALL OUT IF YOU NEED HELP!

Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP)) goes to peer through

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Siffress Wildwander moved 1'02".

[Master] one last chance at obs in the rond chamber

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (mara you are our only hope)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin moved 6'05".

[Mara (MarioHome)] Mara: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[Onaldkelrad Trueblood (John AA)] Onaldkelrad Trueblood: Drinking check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Wow nice)

[Onaldkelrad Trueblood (John AA)] (twas nuttin, I drink)

[Master (to MarioHome only)] Mara can tell you are under a well, there is a winch up top by the ropes to any buckets are gone

[Mara (MarioHome) (to Master only)] does she the light from above?

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (But you drank it like a pro! Or an alcoholic!)

[Master] Siff and Skarp can ee that there is a slope down into a natural cavern maybe 10 t 15 foot tall

[Master (to MarioHome only)] no light up above, you never eplored either outside to find any well etc.

[Mara (MarioHome)] Hey, doesnt that look like a winch up there?

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin moved 6'03".

[Onaldkelrad Trueblood (John AA)] I witch?

[Onaldkelrad Trueblood (John AA)] Shall I call Hoffman?

[Mara (MarioHome)] is that... a bucket? wait, this si a well

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] It is a very large well

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Is it something that can be climbed down?)

Howard Plum (Lisa) looks up at the ceiling

[Master] Skarp is making his y down the slope

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (is there a ceiling?)

[Master] There is no rope or bucket dangling down

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Oh well then, Siff will follow)

[Master] it is all dark up above like a ceiling yes

[Master] Skarphedin moved 2'06".

[Master] Siffress Wildwander moved 2'00".

Skarphedin (Ryan) grips his axe tightly, scanning from side to side

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Shall we keep moving

[Mara (MarioHome)] yes, lets

Skarphedin (Ryan) whispers, "I have a bad feeling about this place. If I am attacked, get the others."

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin moved 7'06".

[Onaldkelrad Trueblood (John AA)] (if?)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Shouting voice ready.

[Mara (MarioHome)] (pls move Tyberius up)

Skarphedin (Ryan) points to the spiderweb, miming silence.

Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP)) nods

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 7'06".

[Mara (MarioHome)] Mara moved 21'07".

Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP)) standing in the doorway

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Johan the Apprentice moved 20'10".

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Howard Plum moved 21'02".

[Mara (MarioHome)] Mara moved 11'04".

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Johan the Apprentice moved 8'02".

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Howard Plum moved 9'00".

[Onaldkelrad Trueblood (John AA)] (same web or newer one?)

[Master] Mara see Siff crouched near a hole at the bottom of the wall

[SpringyDew] I am back at the keyboard.

[Mara (MarioHome)] oh, what a tight squeeze!

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Shh!!

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (ugh, sorry that took so much longer than it should have)

[Mara (MarioHome)] oh!

Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP)) and keep that light away. Spiders. Let them know.

Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP)) leaves to join Skarp

Mara (MarioHome) turns to the others, finger over lips

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Siffress Wildwander moved 6'07".

[Onaldkelrad Trueblood (John AA)] (you can go catch up, I am watching above and holding the door)

Mara (MarioHome) whispers " spiders"

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Siffress Wildwander moved 1'09".

Mara (MarioHome) covers light

Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP)) cautiously moving around the room

[Mara (MarioHome)] Mara moved 2'09".

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin moved 11'08".

[Master] so what Skarp and Siff see is a lot of things flying around and attacking them

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (....confused)

[Master] I hve been trying to type ever since I said crouching by the hole in the wall

[Master] it just now came out

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] lol

[Master] Siffress Wildwander moved 9'11".

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin moved 12'10".

[Master] so the room has a giant spider web and apparently yes a spider in there

[Master] the room has many stalgtites scattered about the room

[Master] it looks like water from the spring has worn a hole and every so often water comes pouring down into this area

[Master] and as the lights shine down from behind you

[Master] it attracts flying creatures from the ceiling

[Master (to GM only)] Stirge #13 moved 2'10".

[Master (to GM only)] Stirge #12 moved 2'05".

[Master (to GM only)] Stirge #11 moved 10'01".

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (good - plenty of food for the spider)

[Master (to GM only)] Stirge #10 moved 5'10".

[Master (to GM only)] Stirge #9 moved 12'02".

[Master (to GM only)] Stirge #8 moved 6'09".

[Master (to GM only)] Stirge #7 moved 14'00".

[Master (to GM only)] Stirge #6 moved 5'09".

[Master (to GM only)] Stirge #5 moved 4'09".

[Master (to GM only)] Stirge #4 moved 2'05".

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (lunch is flying all around it)

[Master (to GM only)] Stirge #3 moved 10'03".

[Master] Combat has begun!

[Master] ROUND: 0

[Master] Stirge #13: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=7] 17

[Master] Stirge #2: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=9] 19

[Master] Stirge #3: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=8] 18

[Master] Stirge #8: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=6] 16

[Master] Stirge #9: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=3] 13

[Master] Stirge #4: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=4] 14

[Master] Stirge #5: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=10] 20

[Master] Stirge #10: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=9] 19

[Master] Stirge #11: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=6] 16

[Master] Stirge #6: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=8] 18

[Master] Stirge #7: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=2] 12

[Master] Stirge #12: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=2] 12

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Goodbye Drawk)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Damn stirges!)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (Wheres Ilero when you need him?

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (And his puppets!)

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (i really should have moved sooner)

[Onaldkelrad Trueblood (John AA)] ("I damn thee stirges)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Siffress Wildwander: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=6] 16

[Mara (MarioHome)] (us out here roll for INit, too?)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] ACK!

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=4] 14

[Mara (MarioHome)] Whats going on in there?

[Master] Lord Tiberius: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=3] 13

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] FLYING nghhh THINGS

[Mara (MarioHome)] Mara: Initiative: (d10+10+-1) [1d10=1] 10

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Howard Plum: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=1] 11

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] Johan the Apprentice: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=4] 14

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (did snee come down?)

[Master] yes that Snee can move up to the pool area now then roll Inti

[Onaldkelrad Trueblood (John AA)] (and Wu?)

[Master] ROUND: 1

[Master] Wu is at the door to get Hoffman if needed or hold it if Onald needs to leave

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (the 3 by siffress are on her?)

[Master] yes

[Onaldkelrad Trueblood (John AA)] (Ah)

[Master] 3 on Siff, 4 on Skarp

[Master] more flying around

[Master] INIT: 10 GOING: Mara

[Mara (MarioHome)] (will Chant reach the cave if cast from here?)

[Master] yes

[Mara (MarioHome)] Mara casts a spell against : Chant: For as long as I chant, friends in a 30' radius receive a +1 to attack, damage and save rolls while enemies receive a -1 to the same rolls. NOTE: Not available.

MarioHome has edited Mara's effects.

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Howard Plum

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] Lord Branadarus!!!

MarioHome has edited Mara's effects.

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] Howard Plum moved 13'07".

[Master] Howard cannot go there

[Lisa] Howard Plum targets Stirge #7. Distance: 1'03"

[Master] Howard Plum moved 8'09".

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (called shot)

MarioHome has edited Mara's effects.

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (what?)

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (seriously we got door blockers again?)

[Master] He would have to get down on his hands and knees to crawl through the hole

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Gotta keep tradition, right?)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Oh....crap it's that small? Maybe they should crawl out)

[Master] and yes Siff is there at the bottom of the slope she has not had a turn to go yet

Howard Plum (Lisa) leans down to the hole "I don't think I can fit! Come out of that hole!"

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Howard Plum moved 1'08".

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Stirge #12

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] What are you? 10 ft tall??

[Master] Stirge #12 targets Skarphedin. Distance: 1'03"

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (sorry didn't realize it was a tiny door)

[Master] Stirge #12: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=14] 3. HITS Skarphedin (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

MarioHome has edited Mara's effects.

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (didn't know, either!)

[Master] Stirge #12: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=1] 1 added to: Skarphedin

[Master] Skarphedin's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 49 (-1) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Stirge #7

[Onaldkelrad Trueblood (John AA)]

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] Snezana: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=8] 18

[Master] Stirge #7 targets Siffress Wildwander. Distance: 0'07"

[Master] Stirge #7: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=11] 6. HITS Siffress Wildwander (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (i dunno what to do, so i guess i will try to catch up)

[Master] Stirge #7: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=3] 3 added to: Siffress Wildwander

[Master] Siffress Wildwander's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 13 (-3) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Stirge #9

[Mara (MarioHome)] (was that a hit w Chant in effect?)

[Master] Stirge #9 targets Siffress Wildwander. Distance: 0'05"

[Master] Stirge #9: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=9] 8. MISSES Siffress Wildwander (AC FINAL: 7).

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Chant mean 1 less damage, right?)

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Lord Tiberius

[Mara (MarioHome)] (1 less to-hit)

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 6'10".

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (1 less to hit and I think one less on damage)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (damage is unaffected)

Lord Tiberius (Master) bellows WHAT IS HAPPENING

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (-1 attack, damage, and save rolls)

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Stirge #4

[Mara (MarioHome)] (ah Damage too!)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (I can't/don't calculate if things hit, but it's easy to call out damage :) )

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] FLYING BLOODY MONSTERS!

[Master] Stirge #4 moved 6'11".

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Skarphedin

[Ryan] Skarphedin targets Stirge #12. Distance: 1'03"

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin: Attack: Hrotti: ((15-(d20+0))+1) [1d20=10] 6 [MODIFIED (+1)]. HITS Stirge #12 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin: Damage v SM: Hrotti: ((1d8)+1) [1d8=4] 5 [MODIFIED (+1)] added to: Stirge #12

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Skarp! Get outta there!

[Master] Stirge #12's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 4 (-5) - Heavily Wounded

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin moved 5'11".

[Mara (MarioHome)] (should be 6 damage)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] There is a giant spider here as well. We may be able to lure it to attack the flying buggers!

[Master] what should be 6 damage?

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (can dwarves hit and run?)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (Skarp, w CHant bonus)

[Master] no to Lisa that is why I came back to this screen to tell Ryan

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Oh, sorry)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (And damage that Skarp and Siff got earlier should be one less each)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin moved 6'03".

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin moved 0'11".

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] OR ya get stuck in the web instead! We should let them follow us out, one at a time!

[Master] and I just deleted the spide by mistake

[Onaldkelrad Trueblood (John AA)] (YEA!)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (oh well, thats fate...)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (deus ex machina)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (It was all our imagination!)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (I KNEW there was an illusionist)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Shadows on the wall)

[Master] so painful doign this between the track pad and keyboard andhorrible delay

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Yay laggtop!)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (should we reboot? try again?)

[Master] the Chant does not give you a bonus to damage AND a negative to damage

[Mara (MarioHome)] (lol)

[Master] no NO

[Master] it happens anytime I have to swap screens

[Mara (MarioHome)] Um actually it does)

[Mara (MarioHome)] those in the area of effect who are friendly to the priest gain +1 bonuses, while those of the priest’s enemies suffer -1 penalties.

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] ("friends in a 30' radius receive a +1 to attack, damage and save rolls while enemies receive a -1 to the same rolls")

[Master] OK

[Master] ok

[Mara (MarioHome)] LOL

[Mara (MarioHome)] (best way for Mara to affect a battle)

[Master] let me try something

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (another type of wine?)

[Mara (MarioHome)] she turns a year old on the 25th, still has yet to roll an attack roll)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (lagtop problems might need something stronger...)

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (I should send you a wireless mouse so you don't have to use track pads in the future)

[Onaldkelrad Trueblood (John AA)] (what pairs well with lag?)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (trunk whiskey)

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (Jack Daniels)

[Mara (MarioHome)] ( i ave a box of them. GUesss what you're getting when I see you again?)

[Master] SO

[Master] I turned all the Stirges into PCs so you can run them

[Master] I am going to log out

[Master] keep going along with batter

[Master] and I will try to get back in

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (When the DM says, 'screw this, you guys do whatever you want, lol)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (uhh this is an interesting experience?)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (*experiment

[Mara (MarioHome)] (lets fly into the walls, they knock them selves unconscious)

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (so the 3 on siffress will come with her if she runs) [Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Suddenly they, too, disappear like the spider!)

[Mara (MarioHome)] ( then have a puppet show, " West Side Story")

[Mara (MarioHome)] (w stirges)

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (john can you play the stirges?)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (When you're a stirge, you're a stirge all the way)

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (lol)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Siff will run back, hope at least those three and more follow her so Skarp has less on him before she goes back)

[Onaldkelrad Trueblood (John AA)] (it will be a stretch)

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (she shouldn't go back ...)

[Onaldkelrad Trueblood (John AA)] Skarp is done?)

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (lol John)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (If Skarp doesn't follow, she's not going to leave him)

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Johan the Apprentice

Johan the Apprentice (Lisa) holding so he can cast on what comes out

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Stirge #8

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (so, without BOB, I am not sure that Skarp's plan of bleeding the stirges to attract the spider on them is going to work)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (I guess he will do a fighting retreat as well along with Siff)

[John AA] (we lost the spider, so we loss that plan)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (test post)

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (yes)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (good plan)

[John AA] i can't speak as a Stirge, can't move them

[John AA] can't make puppets out of them till they are dead

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] nor I

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (guess they aren't pcs after all)

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (ha!)

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (oh well)

[Mara (MarioHome)] Bobby's coming back on

[Mara (MarioHome)] (So, how bout them Stirges?)

[John AA] (they suck, as always)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (ha!!)

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (carissa make sure you run siffress out far enough so skarp doesn't get stuck in the doorway since he goes before you)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (ba dum tsk)

[John AA] they were not here in 2010

[Mara (MarioHome)] ( a stirge and a spider walk into a bar...)

[John AA] unless they were weee babies

[Master] ok trying again

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (yup should see how far a gnome can run)

[John AA] darkness overtook them

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (lol)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (should I kill Mara's spell effect circle?)

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (i don't see a mara circle)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (no? light green?)

[John AA] (i see it in the wall)

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (oh I thought that was just for atmosphere)

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] :D

[Mara (MarioHome)] Ill make it darker

[Master] I am going to try to finish this now

[Mara (MarioHome)] (lol, dont need any more of that!)

[Master] the spider is really there

[Master] I just need to make a new icon

MarioHome has edited Mara's effects.

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (effect color is fine I just didn't know what it was)

[Master] Stirge #8 targets Skarphedin. Distance: 0'04"

[Master] Stirge #8: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=11] 6. HITS Skarphedin (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Master] Stirge #8: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=3] 3 added to: Skarphedin

[Mara (MarioHome)] (should be a miss w Chant)

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Stirge #11

[Master] Stirge #11 targets Siffress Wildwander. Distance: 0'07"

[Master] Stirge #11: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)-2) [1d20=8] 7 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (-2)]. HITS Siffress Wildwander (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Siffress Wildwander

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Let's go, Skarp!

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Siffress Wildwander moved 3'08".

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Siffress Wildwander moved 8'08".

[Master] INIT: 17 GOING: Stirge #13

[John AA] done

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Figure she can't do more than run and hope they follow...?)

[John AA] hope they loose her

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Well one or the other)

[Master] Stirge #7 moved 2'03".

[Master] Stirge #7 moved 8'09".

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (not sure we hope they followbut some are attached to her)

[Master] Stirge #7 follows Siffress Wildwander.

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Could she have attacked her turn, too?)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (and/or is it too late if yes?)

[Master] it is move then attack

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (move first then attack so maybe)

[Master] yes she can crawl up the slope, it is short and then get into the main spring room and then attack the one that is attached to her

[Carissa (LP)] Siffress Wildwander targets Stirge #7. Distance: 1'02"

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Siffress Wildwander: Attack: Dagger/Dirk: (18-(d20+0)) [1d20=10] 8. HITS Stirge #7 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Siffress Wildwander: Damage v SM: Dagger/Dirk: (1d4) [1d4=2] 2 added to: Stirge #7

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (3 with chant)

[Master] Stirge #7's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 6 (-3) - Moderately Wounded

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (all done)

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (johan would like to go next)

[Lisa] Johan the Apprentice targets Stirge #7. Distance: 6'09"

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] Johan the Apprentice casts a spell against Stirge #7: Magic Missile: Magical bolts shoot forth, each doing (3d4+3) [3d4=4,2,4] 13 points of damage. The caster fires forth 1 at first level and an additional one for every second level after that until he fires 5 at 9th level.

[Master] Stirge #13 targets Skarphedin. Distance: 0'06"

[Master] Stirge #13: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=13] 4. HITS Skarphedin (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Johan held while you were AFK)

[Master] Stirge #13: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=1] 1 added to: Skarphedin

[Master] Skarphedin's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 48 (-1) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] Stirge #7's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -7 (-13) - Dying

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Snezana

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Thanks man!

[Lisa] Johan the Apprentice no longer targets Stirge #7.

[Carissa (LP)] Siffress Wildwander no longer targets Stirge #7.

[Lisa] Howard Plum no longer targets Stirge #7.

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (i have not figured out how far i can run in my turn)

[John AA] soory, I can't make it. I will have to see you all next time

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (my move is 12)

[John AA] good night

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (bye john!)

[Master] 120 feet is normal move

[Master] 240 is running

John AA has left the game on Fri May 03 22:25:58 EDT 2019

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (you can run from the pool so you can get down to where we are)

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (goodnight john too late!)

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (bob said you could be where branadarus is)

[Snezana (SpringyDew) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Snezana modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Snezana (SpringyDew) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Snezana modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (since you were afk)

[Master] yes

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] Snezana moved 51'08".

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] Snezana moved 97'07".

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (belated bye!)

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] Snezana moved 129'00".

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Stirge #3

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (oh, sorry, Lisa, I didn't see that until too late)

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Stirge #6

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (no worries - we are all happy together almost now)

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (i haven't even found Tiberious yet)

[Master] INIT: 19 GOING: Stirge #10

[Master] Stirge #10 targets Skarphedin. Distance: 0'03"

[Master] Stirge #10: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=13] 4. HITS Skarphedin (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Master] Stirge #10: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=2] 2 added to: Skarphedin

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (ok found him, well i messed that all up)

[Master] Skarphedin's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 47 (-1) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] INIT: 19 GOING: Stirge #2

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: Stirge #5

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (no you just shoved him into the well as you ran past him ;-) )

[Master] ROUND: 2

[Mara (MarioHome)] Chant away

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (test)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (there we go, dang keyboard died sorry)

[Master] so the four that are on Skarp suck

[Mara (MarioHome)] (they all suck)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Dwarf power!)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] SKARP!! COME OUT!!!

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (holding)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Little known fact that Dwarf blood tastes terrible)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (flex your muscles, so they cant pull out, and explode from too much blood)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Dwarves are probably used to stirges, right? Don't they have some home remedy? Like crushed granite soaked in lime or something?)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (don't see red dots in combat window)

[Master] Stirge #8: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=3] 3 added to: Skarphedin

[Master] Stirge #13: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=1] 1 added to: Skarphedin

[Master] Stirge #12: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=3] 3 added to: Skarphedin

[Master] Stirge #10: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=2] 2 added to: Skarphedin

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (so according to chant...6?)(

[Master] Skarphedin's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 41 (-6) - Lightly Wounded

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Oh 5, oops. This is why TMO needs to be here. Sorry)

[Master] INIT: 10 GOING: Mara

[Mara (MarioHome)] Chant

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Howard Plum

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (oh the buttons are back)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (Howard yeld for skarp to come out and is holding)

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Stirge #7

[Master] because I just turned them from PCs to Hostile NPCs again

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Stirge #9

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (They were non-hostile a minute ago?)

[Master] Stirge #9 moved 7'06".

[Master] Stirge #9 moved 7'09".

[Master] Stirge #9 targets Howard Plum. Distance: 1'09"

[Master] Stirge #9: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=12] 5. HITS Howard Plum (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] Stirge #9: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=1] 1 added to: Howard Plum

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (ok he'll go now)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (lol)

[Lisa] Howard Plum targets Stirge #9. Distance: 1'09"

[Master] Howard Plum's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 17 (-1) - Lightly Wounded

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Howard Plum: Attack: Khopesh: ((19-(d20+0))+5) [1d20=10] 14 [MODIFIED (+5)]. MISSES Stirge #9 (AC FINAL: 8).

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (brb, have to call the hospital)

[Ryan] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Lord Tiberius

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 32'09".

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 17'08".

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 6'05".

[Master] Lord Tiberius targets Stirge #9. Distance: 0'09"

[Master] Lord Tiberius: Attack: Thorn: ((12-(d20+2))+2) [1d20=17] -5 [MODIFIED (+2)]. HITS Stirge #9 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Master] Lord Tiberius: Damage v SM: Thorn: ((1d8)+3+2) [1d8=6] 11 [MODIFIED (+2)] added to: Stirge #9

[Master] Stirge #9's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -2 (-11) - Dying

Howard Plum (Lisa) sees the long sword coming down on his arm and shrieks

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Stirge #4

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Skarphedin

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Johan the Apprentice

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (holding)

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Stirge #11

[Master] Stirge #11 moved 11'03".

[Master] Stirge #11 targets Lord Tiberius. Distance: 0'03"

[Master] Stirge #11: Attack: Beak: (17-(d20+0)) [1d20=7] 10. HITS Lord Tiberius (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] Stirge #11: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=2] 2 added to: Lord Tiberius

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (johan can go)

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Siffress Wildwander

[Master] go

[Lisa] Johan the Apprentice targets Stirge #11. Distance: 4'11"

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] Johan the Apprentice casts a spell against Stirge #11: Lightning Bug: a missile of electrical energy shoots forth, doing (1d6+5) [1d6=5] 10 points of damage up to +10. It's damage can be transferred through any conductor that touches the body.

[Master] Stirge #11's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -1 (-10) - Dying

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (holding)

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Snezana

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (well shit)

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (holding i guess)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (lol yeah kinda had hoiped Skarp would be here...)

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Stirge #3

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Stirge #6

[Master] INIT: 19 GOING: Stirge #2

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: Stirge #5

[Master] ROUND: 3

[Ryan] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] OK so SKarp goes now

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Sorry about that)

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (everything ok?)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Just found out that my grandmother is in the ICU. She's stable, though, and has visitors, so I will probably visit her tomorrow)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin moved 14'00".

[Master] sorry for that

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Wow sorry)

[Ryan] Skarphedin no longer targets Stirge #12.

[Ryan] Skarphedin targets Skarphedin. Distance: 0'00"

[Ryan] Skarphedin no longer targets Skarphedin.

[Master] Stirge #8 moved 11'05".

[Master] Stirge #13 moved 14'06".

[Master] Stirge #12 moved 16'04".

[Master] Stirge #10 moved 12'07".

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Np. Sorry about being AWOL)

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (ok it's sort of crowded. how are we getting these stirges without hitting him and each other?)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (luck?)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (and no worries about going AWOL)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (still hoping that spider will tear into them from behind

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] )

[Master] Stirge #12: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=3] 3 added to: Skarphedin

[Master] Stirge #8: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=1] 1 added to: Skarphedin

[Master] Stirge #10: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=3] 3 added to: Skarphedin

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (I can fight off the ones behind me, maybe have those inside kill the ones in front, and I will withdraw once they are dead?)

[Master] Stirge #13: Damage v SM: Beak: (1d3) [1d3=3] 3 added to: Skarphedin

[Master] Skarphedin's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 34 (-7) - Moderately Wounded

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Or someone can at least drag my bleeding body inside, maybe...?)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (he didn't run very far - couldn't he have hit one?)

[Master] thouse four are attached to Skarp

[Master] yes he can try with a small weapon

[Master] not his ax

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Or let Snee push us aside so she can heal if needed)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (Teeth!)

[Master] has to drop his axe

[Master] IF he has a small weapon

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Skarp would like to point out that a dwarf will drop his axe roughly the same time he shaves his beard)

[Master] grins

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (lol)

[Master] INIT: 10 GOING: Mara

[Mara (MarioHome)] Chanting continues

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Howard Plum

Howard Plum (Lisa) steps back

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Howard Plum moved 2'00".

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (can he still try to hit if in range?)

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (I would like to take Snee's held action after howared)

[Master] yes called shot

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (yes of course)

[Master] new round Spring, Snee has not come up yet,

[Lisa] Howard Plum targets Stirge #12. Distance: 2'09"

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Howard Plum: Attack: Khopesh: ((19-(d20+0))+5) [1d20=11] 13 [MODIFIED (+5)]. MISSES Stirge #12 (AC FINAL: 8).

[Master] there was nothign for her to do last round

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Lord Tiberius

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (there was)

[Master] ok what?

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (i just didn't know it)

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] Snezana casts a spell against : Prayer: For (7) 7 rounds, allies in a 60' radius recieve a +1 to attack, damage and save rolls while enemies receive a -1 to those rolls. This is cumulative with chant.

[Master] ok

[Master] that ks

[Master] works

[Mara (MarioHome)] (sweet!)

[Master] now Tiberious will go

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (+/- 2 to all, nice)

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (that my friends is why i held instead of passing)

[Master] Lord Tiberius targets Stirge #12. Distance: 1'04"

[Master] Lord Tiberius targets Stirge #10. Distance: 2'02"

[Master] Lord Tiberius: Attack: Thorn: ((12-(d20+2))+2) [1d20=9] 3 [MODIFIED (+2)]. HITS Stirge #10 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Master] Lord Tiberius: Damage v SM: Thorn: ((1d8)+3+2) [1d8=1] 6 [MODIFIED (+2)] added to: Stirge #10

[Master] Stirge #10's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 1 (-8) - Massively Wounded

[Master] Lord Tiberius: Attack: Thorn: ((12-(d20+2))+2) [1d20=19] -7 [MODIFIED (+2)]. HITS Stirge #10 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Master] Lord Tiberius: Damage v SM: Thorn: ((1d8)+3+2) [1d8=4] 9 [MODIFIED (+2)] added to: Stirge #10

[Master] Stirge #10's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -8 (-9) - Dying

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (In answer to BOB, btw, Skarp has a short sword and the axe he uses)

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Stirge #4

[Master] ok to Ryan

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Skarphedin

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Since I can't attack with my axe, could I try crushing them by rolling?)

[Master] yes

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (you can move out now too)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (entertaining)

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (that's interesting)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (What roll would I use to roll?)

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (lol)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (:0))

[Master] punching

[Master] so a basic d20 roll with the ax

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin moved 7'06".

[Master] and we will take modifiers

[Master] Stirge #8 moved 8'04".

[Master] Stirge #13 moved 8'07".

[Master] Stirge #12 moved 7'10".

[Lisa] Howard Plum no longer targets Stirge #12.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin: Attack: Hrotti: ((15-(d20+0))+1) [1d20=19] -3 [MODIFIED (+1)]

[Master] that is a hit

[Master] roll again

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin: Attack: Hrotti: ((15-(d20+0))+1) [1d20=10] 6 [MODIFIED (+1)]

[Master] might get two of them

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin: Attack: Hrotti: ((15-(d20+0))+1) [1d20=2] 14 [MODIFIED (+1)]

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin: Attack: Hrotti: ((15-(d20+0))+1) [1d20=14] 2 [MODIFIED (+1)]

[Master] two hits

[Master] so 1d3 damage as you roll around over them

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Roll #1: (d3) [1d3=1] 1

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Roll #1: (d3) [1d3=3] 3

[Master] Stirge #12's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 1 (-3) - Massively Wounded

[Master] Stirge #13's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 4 (-5) - Heavily Wounded

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (yay!)

[Master] and suddenly my recycle bin just emptied from some keyboard squence

[Master] hate touch pads

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Johan the Apprentice

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (passing this round)

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Stirge #11

Skarphedin (Ryan) roars in pain and rage as he rolls around.

[Master] INIT: 16 GOING: Siffress Wildwander

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (imagine a brown bush that can scream and has bats attached)

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (tis not a pretty picture)

[Master] Stirge #13 moved 0'11".

[Master] Siff?

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (sorry sorry cats thought I had a moment)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (called shot if she's trying to get them off Skarp? or he busy rolling?)

[Master] same called shot

[Carissa (LP)] Siffress Wildwander targets Stirge #12. Distance: 0'05"

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Siffress Wildwander: Attack: Dagger/Dirk: (18-(d20+0)) [1d20=14] 4. HITS Stirge #12 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Siffress Wildwander: Damage v SM: Dagger/Dirk: (1d4) [1d4=3] 3 added to: Stirge #12

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (ah shoot didn't do -4 so dunno if that hit)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (sorry)

[Master] yes it did because of the prayer and chant

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Snezana

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (ehew)

[Snezana (SpringyDew)] (more praying)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (so 5 damage, too?)

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Stirge #3

[Master] Stirge #12's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -4 (-5) - Dying

[Master] INIT: 18 GOING: Stirge #6

[Master] INIT: 19 GOING: Stirge #2

[Master] INIT: 20 GOING: Stirge #5

[Master] ROUND: 4

[Master] INIT: 10 GOING: Mara

[Mara (MarioHome)] take a guess

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Howard Plum

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (holding)

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Lord Tiberius

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 4'02".

[Master] Lord Tiberius targets Stirge #8. Distance: 0'02"

[Master] Lord Tiberius targets Stirge #13. Distance: 1'11"

[Master] Lord Tiberius: Attack: Thorn: ((12-(d20+2))+2) [1d20=12] 0 [MODIFIED (+2)]. HITS Stirge #13 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Master] Lord Tiberius: Damage v SM: Thorn: ((1d8)+3+2) [1d8=8] 13 [MODIFIED (+2)] added to: Stirge #13

[Master] Stirge #13's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -9 (-13) - Dying

[Mara (MarioHome)] *why everybody be crowdin' Mara??)

[Master] Lord Tiberius: Attack: Thorn: ((12-(d20+2))+2) [1d20=16] -4 [MODIFIED (+2)]. HITS Stirge #8 (AC FINAL: 8)!!!

[Master] Lord Tiberius: Damage v SM: Thorn: ((1d8)+3+2) [1d8=8] 13 [MODIFIED (+2)] added to: Stirge #8

[Master] Stirge #8's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -4 (-13) - Dying

[Master] Combat has finished.

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] Can we go back upstairs and have that bonfire now?

[Master] so all the stirges up here are dead

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] (oh that was howard)

[Master] there are still the ones fluttering around down there

[Mara (MarioHome)] (could cast Light on back wall to attract them, followed by Lightning bolt

Johan the Apprentice (Lisa) looks at Skarp and Siffress "Was that all of them?"

[Mara (MarioHome)] ( thought the hole, of course)

Skarphedin (Ryan) croaks, "No."

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Uh, don't think so. There were a LOT of hings flying.

[Master] I will remind everone that you are not quite to 10 am , so not even through a first watch

[Mara (MarioHome)] (guessing the spider cannot get out here through this hole)

[Master] Time of Day: 09:19 AM. Day 20 Trall ___ se, Kye {Late Winter} 20th, 348 SKR.

[Master] I will give Mara an Intuitoin check on that

[Master] ?

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (maybe he is getting lagged)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (or distracted by a pet)

[Mara (MarioHome)] Mara: INU check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

[Master (to MarioHome only)] so Mara realizes that A yes the spider likely cannot make it up but also B stirges cannot open doors so there has to be another way out

[Mara (MarioHome)] well, that hole sure is small! no way that spider ic oming though here

[Mara (MarioHome)] but...welll

[Mara (MarioHome)] how did the stirges get in? they couldnt use the door liike we did

[Mara (MarioHome)] there must be another way in or out

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] Was the room a dead end?

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] It was a big cavern in there. We didn't get far into exploring it.

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Perhaps we should report our progress to Master Hoffman and the continue with the fire we had planned.

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Too much adventure for ya?

Howard Plum (Lisa) bristles "No! I'm here, aren't I?"

Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP)) shrugs

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] But we have two members of our team alone at the the cellar and the barn

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Do we block off this area then?

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] And check it later?

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] Or just....shut the door?

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] I was concerned on what other things might use these tunnels, but haven't seen sight of undead or dwarfoid

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] There's a door?

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] we came through?

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] I dunno about down there. Couldn't see it for all the wings.

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Oh that door

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (OOC - we can do whatever you guys want)

[Siffress Wildwander (Carissa (LP))] (sorry falling asleep so....dunno)

[Master] we can pause right here

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (I can have howard run back and get the stragglers and the bring up the rear)

[Master] pick up next week here

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (that's fine too)

[SpringyDew] works for me

[Master] motion carries

[Carissa (LP)] Pausing is good. Not sure beyond that. Still kind of want to explore, but we have hurt people and it's only morning so...not sure what's a good idea.

[Master] have a great night everyone

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Good session. Thank you, everyone

[Mara (MarioHome)] bye all thank you!!

[Master] I will just log off and get back on tomorrow to post chat logs etc

[Carissa (LP)] Night all!

[Master] thank you all

[Lisa] Goodnight!

MarioHome has left the game on Fri May 03 23:20:51 EDT 2019

Carissa (LP) has left the game on Fri May 03 23:21:02 EDT 2019

[SpringyDew] gnite!!!

SpringyDew has left the game on Fri May 03 23:21:07 EDT 2019

Ryan has left the game on Fri May 03 23:21:12 EDT 2019

Lisa has left the game on Fri May 03 23:21:56 EDT 2019

John AA has joined the game on Sat May 04 16:23:51 EDT 2019

John AA is receiving the map Base Map...

John AA has received the map Base Map.

John AA has left the game on Sat May 04 16:31:40 EDT 2019

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Sun May 05 08:42:32 EDT 2019 ====

XP Not awarded