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Chat Log - 2019 07 12 - Home Stories - Third Time is Tradition (Formatted)

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Sat Jul 06 00:04:13 EDT 2019 ====

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Sat Jul 06 07:27:04 EDT 2019 ====

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Thu Jul 11 08:44:51 EDT 2019 ====

[Master] We shoudl not have any issues tonight after I had them all last week.

[Master] No Mario or Spring

[Master] I will be up and down

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

mharm-95433 has joined the game on Fri Jul 12 18:52:45 EDT 2019

mharm-95433 is receiving the map New Manor...

mharm-95433 has received the map New Manor.

[mharm-95433] Sorry bout last week.

[mharm-95433] Was in Hospital

[Master] Hellp there

[Master] and that sucks

[Master] better now?

[mharm-95433] Not me. My grandfather almost passed

[mharm-95433] doing somewhat okay

[mharm-95433] not really sure

[mharm-95433] but here tonight

[mharm-95433] so i'll do whatever I can

[mharm-95433] :)

[Master] did you read last weeks?

[Master] is important

[mharm-95433] I saw a lot of craziness but in all honesty no. I will do that right now. I apologize been a rough week all around

[Master] the clean chat is there to make it easy to read the In Character parts

[Master] that is important

[Master] the rest is nice but not needed now

[mharm-95433] Okay

[mharm-95433] doing right now

[Master] and not minimizing your grandfather, you do family the way you need to

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Jul 12 19:00:27 EDT 2019

Lisa is receiving the map New Manor...

Lisa has received the map New Manor.

[Master] Hey there

Ryan has joined the game on Fri Jul 12 19:00:56 EDT 2019

Ryan is receiving the map New Manor...

Ryan has received the map New Manor.

[Lisa] Hi everyone! :)

[Master] Carissa will be late, she said no earlier than 8 maybe later

[Master] and hello Ryan

[Ryan] Hello all!

[Lisa] So sorry to hear about your grandfather Michael

[Lisa] Hope he gets better

[Ryan] Yes, me as well.

[Master] so Ryan, how do you feel about Skarp?

[Master] my goal has been to bring him in get him used to the group, then have him get the bad parts of humans shoved in his face to better appreciate the group that he is with

[Lisa] Mission accomplished?

[Ryan] Yeah, he is definitely realizing that humans aren't just something he can lump into one category. They are very multi-faceted and confusing :)

[Master] and you as Ryan I hope feel well connected to the group

[Master] because everyone really likes having you around

[Ryan] Thanks. I enjoy being in the group as well

[Master] and the other big out of character thing is for Michael and creating a new character

[Master] and Lisa needs to decide what you want to do for the next 190 years that you have to bring back Tiberius

[Master] grins

[mharm-95433] Okay. Am caught up on Character stuff

[mharm-95433] rough

[mharm-95433] But Lisa played it off brilliantly

[mharm-95433] TMO too

[mharm-95433] Oh and thanks guys sorry

[mharm-95433] Bob sent me on my way to read up before we started :)

[Lisa] thanks

[mharm-95433] Hello to you all and thank you

[mharm-95433] There was no great way but wow Lisa. I'm impressed :)

[mharm-95433] I'm glad Bran wasn't so furious at us that she murdered us all

[mharm-95433] She is very understanding that people have limits

[mharm-95433] I'm all for that

TMO has joined the game on Fri Jul 12 19:13:35 EDT 2019

TMO is receiving the map New Manor...

[Lisa] she wouldn't have been like that

[mharm-95433] Hy TMO!

TMO has received the map New Manor.

[Ryan] Hello!

[Lisa] Hi TMO

[Master] Hello there

[TMO] 7th!

[Ryan] Suddenly, our game becomes a survival horror as the players flee the wrath of Bran, who hunts us down one by one in a massive purge...?

[Master] lol

[mharm-95433] LOL

[TMO] I bet Ilero would win. ;)

[Lisa] everyone says that - she is really a very nice person

[TMO] [Ilero]]: Thief ability - Hide in shadows* check:(d100) [1d100=35] 35 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

[mharm-95433] I actually didn't know what to think for Brans husband. It was something that I just didn't know what to expect. She really is a damn good leader

[mharm-95433] ANd everyone did a great job for IC stuff!

[mharm-95433] TMO i thought you did great!

[mharm-95433] (I wouldve been chugging wine too :) )

[TMO] :D

[TMO] that's a more normal reaction

[Master] so there are no new recruits yet for Ilero because he has not been back to put out word that he is looking for new ones

[TMO] right

[TMO] "Wanted: NON-suicidal recruits smart enough to run away."

[mharm-95433] (Flame Resistant)

[mharm-95433] :)

[mharm-95433] Sorry too soon?

[TMO] First Aid skills a plus

[TMO] Never

[mharm-95433] Yep. That one would be handy

[mharm-95433] in all seriousness

[Ryan] Non-suicidal adventurers? High bar to pass

[Master] and yes to Michael so your new character

[Master] what are you thinking

[mharm-95433] oh shit

[mharm-95433] uh

[Master] grins

[Master] so roll the 4d6 drop the lowest and see what you get

[mharm-95433] Whateer is needed? Right now looks like either a flame resistant tank or a miracle healer who can't cast lightning

[mharm-95433] go from there

[mharm-95433] one sec

[Master] what is needed is someone you will have fun playing

[Master] that is the first and most important

[mharm-95433] Can I ask that i'm regular sized? Not sizism meant spring :)

[mharm-95433] *No sizism

[Ryan] It's okay, she's in Thailand and won't read this for at least a month

[mharm-95433] 4(d6) [1d6=3] 3

[mharm-95433] sorry did that wrong

[mharm-95433] long day

[mharm-95433] (4d6) [4d6=5,4,1,4] 14

[mharm-95433] drop the one

[mharm-95433] so 13

[TMO] sorry for not getting the summary done. I've been non compos mentis pretty much all week. I think I might be trying to fight off a bug of some sort. I dno't *feel* ill, but I just havent been sleeping well or being awake well.

[Master] 6 times Michael

[TMO] I actually took today as a sick day just to try and recover

[mharm-95433] Wait. 1 d 6 , six times?

[mharm-95433] or what I just did, six more times

[mharm-95433] sorry

[TMO] 4d6, 6 times

[mharm-95433] thnx

[mharm-95433] sorry don't do this often

[mharm-95433] (4d6) [4d6=4,5,2,5] 16

[mharm-95433] (4d6) [4d6=2,5,2,1] 10

[Master] it is ok everone kills off TMO's characters enough that he is a wiz at this now

[mharm-95433] (4d6) [4d6=6,1,2,3] 12

[Master] grins

[mharm-95433] (4d6) [4d6=2,4,6,4] 16

[mharm-95433] lol

[mharm-95433] (4d6) [4d6=4,5,3,5] 17

[mharm-95433] okay so nix the 10

[TMO] yyyaaayyyyyy..??

[mharm-95433] LOLOL TMO haha :)

[Master] chuckles at Michael, no but the 10 does becoemn 9 to that will be your achillies heel

[mharm-95433] eh, ow

[mharm-95433] don't hit that

[mharm-95433] (Is there a fighting class that lets you cast just healing spells?)

[Master] Paladin

[Ryan] Paladin?

[Master] and you do not have the scores for that

[mharm-95433] Ouch

[mharm-95433] whelp, is there a close second?

[TMO] cleric

[Ryan] A cleric might be able to still do decent in a fight

[Ryan] Dang it, too slow today

[mharm-95433] Bob thoughts?

[mharm-95433] I want to cause damage to theother side, but still do first aid on our side

[mharm-95433] You know the game best

[Ryan] Druid?

[Master] SO

[mharm-95433] (That might lead to the darkside of bad spellcasting)

[Lisa] then you will need to play another caster and keep track of spells

[Master] 13 14 9 11 14 14

[mharm-95433] (I don't want to risk it)

[mharm-95433] (Never again)

[Ryan] I'd make a quip about necromancers healing their undead minions, but might be too soon after the last few encounters.

[TMO] the problem with cleric is the enormous spell list

[mharm-95433] Might not be a good first impression on Bran :)

[mharm-95433] Necromaancy

[Master] Seriously I think fighter is good for you

[Master] the group needs it

[mharm-95433] Then fighter

[mharm-95433] hands down

[mharm-95433] tank as I can get

[mharm-95433] and damage

[Master] now you can roll a d4 and subtract that from one and add it to another

[Master] but only after you put them in order

[mharm-95433] (1d4) [1d4=4] 4

[Master] LOL

[Master] I will let you keep that

[mharm-95433] sigh

[mharm-95433] okay thank you

[mharm-95433] TMO? What order does it mean for the rolls?

[mharm-95433] I want to put in the right order

[mharm-95433] (Am I allowed to ask that or is it DM discretion?)

[TMO] well, if yoyu want tank, STR/CON is most important

[mharm-95433] Are they the first two of the numbered roll stats?

[mharm-95433] Because then I will put those rolls in order first for that way

[Lisa] I would put lowest in either charisma or wisdom

[Lisa] cuz who needs wisdom?

[Master] AND there you go Michael

[Master] I did put the stats on the character sheet for you

[Master] it is on the Base Map

[Master] you can change them of course

[mharm-95433] Okay. Take the 4, subtract it from wisdom and add it to damage if that's alright?

[mharm-95433] oh sorry. let me pull that up

[TMO] so STR of 18 then?

[mharm-95433] Yes

[TMO] and a 5 WIS?

[mharm-95433] Might not be the most wise fighter, but will be helpful asset

[Master] look at the stats first

[Master] but yes

[mharm-95433] He relies on you to provide the wisdom

[TMO] the poor fool

[mharm-95433] looking right now

[Master] the 4 to str to push it to an 18 is very good

[mharm-95433] Uh, whats his name? Can't find the sheet

[Lisa] you can do it to charisma if you want

[Lisa] don't necessarily listen to me

[mharm-95433] quick whats the best pros of charisma/wisdom

[mharm-95433] one or two word

[TMO] wisdom = perception. charisma = people dislike you

[mharm-95433] wisdom

[mharm-95433] def wisdom

[Lisa] nwp prof and checks are based on your stats

[Master] he is called For Michael

[Ryan] WIS - Should I eat this random mushroom on the ground?

[mharm-95433] Whelp. Should have seen taht one coming LOL

[Ryan] CHA - Will my minions be willing to die for me?

[Lisa] but that is why we are in a big group - everyone has good numbers somewhere

[Lisa] bran isn't arm wrestling anyone

[mharm-95433] your gonna laugh, but I actually can't find the litlle bastard

[Lisa] but she can roll the obs and INT rolls and almost never fail

[mharm-95433] one sec

[Master] For Michael moved 32'02".

[Lisa] so just pick how you want to have your character and it will all work out

[mharm-95433] Okay. Icon appeared on screen but then vanished on mine

[Master] For Michael moved 2'06".

[mharm-95433] There

[mharm-95433] Thank you

[Master] and now to Lisa

[Master] questions?

[Master] planning

[Master] how are you going to deal with this

[Lisa] I think it is best to start home and work outward

[Lisa] queen and Jenn are home

[TMO] are we picking up right after the last session, or next day?

[Master] right after

[Master] it is only 1027 am

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Ability Scores - WIS: (W) : CHANGED: 8 (13).

[Lisa] we need to confirm bones from kenna's roll and talk with skarp about what he wants to do next - leave and forget this place exists or stay and help us clear the church

[mharm-95433] bob - lowered wis added str

[Master] or maybe not clear church

[Master] and yes to Michael

[Ryan] (Yep to Lisa)

[mharm-95433] (Awesome just keeping posted)

[Master] and Michael now you have 18

[Master] you need to roll a d100

[mharm-95433] Please dice gods. I don't know what this is for but don't massacre me

[mharm-95433] (1d100) [1d100=67] 67

[Lisa] I suppose bran would need permission to go to loosend before queen leaves

[Master] so you have a strength of 19 67

[Master] 18 67

[Master] when you look at the charts for strength

[mharm-95433] (Can explain? Or later)

[Master] it is on the site for you

[mharm-95433] okay charts

[Master] is an extra bonus

[Master] more plusses to hit etc

[Master] and yes to Lisa

[mharm-95433] okay

[Master] ready for what you do

[Ryan] (Were we able to determine if the bones were dwarf bones?)

[Lisa] so your weight allowance would be 160

[Lisa] max press 305


[Master] Yes Kenna says that they are dwarven

[Lisa] k

[Ryan] k

[Lisa] so we say Kel and the guys moved Tiberius' body to the tower

[Lisa] start with skarp and then go to queen and Jenn?

[Master] ok

[TMO] if it would help, I can discord with Micheal

[mharm-95433] actually that would be great one sec TMO i'll grab my mic

[mharm-95433] thank you

[Master] Whispers work TMO

[Lisa] can we say IC we explain what happened to we don't have to do this a bunch of times?

[Master] or what ever works best for you

[Master] yes to Lisa for with Skarp

[Master] but you will need to talk it out with the QUeen and or Jenn

[Lisa] *sigh*

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 23'01".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Howard Plum moved 31'00".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Johan the Apprentice moved 28'09".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] [Ilero]] moved 46'03".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Skarphedin moved 14'10".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Onaldkelrad Trueblood moved 5'09".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo moved 20'04".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Skarphedin moved 1'07".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Jilly moved 7'11".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (think I got everyone active in the salon)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] [Shurkural]] moved 16'11".

[Master] Penelope moved 20'01".

[Master] Wu Sen Cho moved 29'02".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we need furniture)

[Master] grins

[Wu Sen Cho (Master)] Indigo

[Wu Sen Cho (Master)] how have you been ?

[Wu Sen Cho (Master)] It feels like so much has happened but I know it has only been a day or two for you here at court

[Indigo (Lisa)] I;m okay. I wish I would have gone with you.

[Wu Sen Cho (Master)] you would not have made a difference, I am not sure Branwyn would have

TMO is receiving the map Base Map...

TMO has received the map Base Map.

[TMO] For Michael moved 40'05".

Indigo (Lisa) looks up surprised

[Indigo (Lisa)] No, I think she could have made a difference.

[Wu Sen Cho (Master)] I would hope so

[Wu Sen Cho (Master)] but it was very dark

[Wu Sen Cho (Master)] I admit it was the second worse I have seen on my journey

[Wu Sen Cho (Master)] Other than when our ship sank

[Indigo (Lisa)] I am sorry for that.

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Ability Scores - Exceptional STR: (XSTR) : CHANGED: 67 (null).

[Indigo (Lisa)] Your ship sank?

[Indigo (Lisa)] The whole thing?

[Wu Sen Cho (Master)] before I joined you

[Wu Sen Cho (Master)] in the harbor at Dryads Lair

[Wu Sen Cho (Master)] (Indigo knows this)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Ohhh

[Indigo (Lisa)] You should stay here for a while.

[Wu Sen Cho (Master)] I do not know

[Indigo (Lisa)] That church isn't a good place

[Wu Sen Cho (Master)] I have throught about starting for home

[Indigo (Lisa)] All by yourself?

[Indigo (Lisa)] I know we were supposed to go around the world with you ... but I don't know if we can do that now

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Ability Scores - STAM: (ST) : CHANGED: 18 (14). Weight Allowance:: CHANGED: 160 (null). MUSC: (MU) : CHANGED: 18 (14). Attack Adjust: (ATK) : CHANGED: +2 (+0). Damage Adjust: (DMG) : CHANGED: +3 (+0). Max Press:: CHANGED: 305 (null). Open Doors:: CHANGED: 13 (null). Open Locked Doors:: CHANGED: 0 (null). Bend Bars/Lift Gate:: CHANGED: 25 (null).

Wu Sen Cho (Master) smiles nods

[Wu Sen Cho (Master)] I am not leaving today

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Ability Scores - Missile Attack Adjust: (MATK) : CHANGED: 0 (null).

[Indigo (Lisa)] Maybe after this ... I dunno ... maybe Penelope and I could go home with you. It's too far and dangerous to go by yourself.

[Indigo (Lisa)] That's good. We can talk about it when it isn't such a sad day

[Wu Sen Cho (Master)] Yes the omens are not good today

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Ability Scores - AIM: (AI) : CHANGED: 13 (14).

Branwyn (Lisa) sits down in the salon trying to regain her composure and make plans

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Ability Scores - Balance: (BA) : CHANGED: 15 (14).

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So Skarphedin, this was not a good trip for anyone. Did you get any of the answers you were looking for?

[Ryan] I am back at the keyboard.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Aye, but not the ones I hoped for.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Kenna confirmed that the bones we found are dwarven bones. My friends are dead....

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am so very sorry

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Those necromancers.... killed them as some sort of sacrifice.... used them to fuel their magicks.

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Ability Scores - Reaction Adjust: (RA) : CHANGED: 0 (null). Defensive Adjust: (DEF) : CHANGED: -1 (+0).

Skarphedin (Ryan) studies her for a moment. "We all have suffered our losses. For my part, I am very sorry for what has happened to you and your friends."

Branwyn (Lisa) nods "thank you. I appreciate that. I wish I had known the extent of what was happening there earlier. But now ... we know quite well."

Skarphedin (Ryan) nods grimly.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Finding some undead in these parts is not unheard of, but on the scale that you all described is very serious.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] I agree.

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Ability Scores - Health: (HE) : CHANGED: 12 (14).

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Ability Scores - Fitness: (FI) : CHANGED: 16 (14).

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] I am duty-bound to return my friends to our ancestral home.... but I cannot allow their deaths to go unavenged.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] If their deaths were used to power some.... foul enchantments, then I must do my part to stop it.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So you would stay and help us?

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] If you have no objections, I would.

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Ability Scores - System Shock:: CHANGED: 80 (null). Poison Save: (PS) : CHANGED: 0 (null). Hit Point Adjust: (HPADJ) : CHANGED: +2 (null).

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Of course not. I cannot allow this necromancer and whomever he is working with continue or grow in strength.

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Ability Scores - Resurrection Survival:: CHANGED: 96 (null).

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The sooner we stop this the better

Skarphedin (Ryan) fiercely. "At least, until that church is nothing more than a burnt-out ruin, and those who use it have all been put into the ground for good."

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Yes, I agree.

Jennivive (Master) walks into the salon

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It might not be as simple as that.

Branwyn (Lisa) looks up "Jennivive"

Jennivive (Master) looks at Branwyn

[Jennivive (Master)] are you ok?

Skarphedin (Ryan) shrugs. "That is my desire and my ambition. If it doesn't work out that well, I would settle for the ones who killed my friends being dead, and their plans foiled."

Jennivive (Master) looks at Skarp

Jennivive (Master) looks back at Branwyn

Skarphedin (Ryan) quirks an eyebrow.

Branwyn (Lisa) shakes her head "No. I am not okay. None of us are."

[Jennivive (Master)] I was going to ask if you were joining us for lunch, the Queen has the children out near the moat and we were thinking that Tiberious would be here with you

Branwyn (Lisa) sucks in her breath and shakes her head again

Branwyn (Lisa) starts to cry again

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Tiberius is dead

Jennivive (Master) steps forward towards Branwyn

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Ability Scores - INT: (I) : CHANGED: 13 (9).

Jennivive (Master) stops

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Ability Scores - WIS: (W) : CHANGED: 9 (8).

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You can't raise him

Skarphedin (Ryan) looks away uncomfortably.

Jennivive (Master) raised eyebrow

[Branwyn (Lisa)] My husband was decapitated by a necromancer in Skull Church

[Jennivive (Master)] Charlie?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Who?

[Jennivive (Master)] Lord Charles Witherbane the fourth

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Ability Scores - Reason: (RE) : CHANGED: 13 (9).

[Jennivive (Master)] Charlie?

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Ability Scores - Knowledge: (KN) : CHANGED: 13 (9).

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I have no idea who you are talking about but f he killed my husband he shall not live long


[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Ability Scores - Intuition: (IU) : CHANGED: 9 (13). Willpower: (WI) : CHANGED: 9 (13).

Branwyn (Lisa) stares at Jennivive and then stands

[Jennivive (Master)] I am speaking of the fourth of his name, the third cousin of Lord Emerald Quellcon (might have wrong famly checking) and the Queen's holder of lands in the northern Craniate Wastes

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Skull Church is his lands?

[Jennivive (Master)] (yes Quellcon)

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Ability Scores - WIS: (W) : CHANGED: 5 (9). Intuition: (IU) : CHANGED: 5 (9). Willpower: (WI) : CHANGED: 5 (9).

[Jennivive (Master)] They are not his lands yet

[Jennivive (Master)] He has not claimed dominion over them

[Jennivive (Master)] Lady Emerald passed away last month

[Jennivive (Master)] we are on our way to her state funeral after we leave here

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Ability Scores - Reason: (RE) : CHANGED: 11 (13).

[Jennivive (Master)] it is why we might need to leave early

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And he is a necromancer?

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Ability Scores - Knowledge: (KN) : CHANGED: 15 (13).

[Jennivive (Master)] with you joining us of course

[Jennivive (Master)] and he is one of Red's ..... aquaintences

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am not going anywhere

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Ability Scores - Add'l Languages:: CHANGED: 4 (null).

[Branwyn (Lisa)] How could anyone take over Skull Church when it is supposed to be under Kayugan control?

[Jennivive (Master)] Why Kayugan control?

[Jennivive (Master)] why not Suomi?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That was the whole point of going to get rid of the Hades priests the last time we were there!

[Jennivive (Master)] I would prefer Kayugan

[Jennivive (Master)] the Greeks need to rot in Hell

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It was given to Tristan the Blind

[Jennivive (Master)] I am happy that we removed them from this world

[Jennivive (Master)] we need to do more of that

[Jennivive (Master)] if that is what happened to Tiberius

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Who promptly disregarded his gift and went to go kill nonbelievers

[Jennivive (Master)] then you hvae my full support

[TMO] (burn!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The church was supposed to be in Kayugan control

[Jennivive (Master)] We shall erase the Greeks from the earth above and below

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Ability Scores - Magical Defense Adjust: (MDADJ) : CHANGED: -1 (null).

[Branwyn (Lisa)] SHUT UP!

Jennivive (Master) blinks at Branwyn

Skarphedin (Ryan) stares in concern.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I don't care about you priests and your I hate them and all must die rubbish

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Ability Scores - Max # of Henchmen:: CHANGED: 4 (null). Reaction Adjust: (RADJ) : CHANGED: 0 (null).

[Branwyn (Lisa)] There is apowerful necromancer and some assortment of priests planning to turn that place into a haven for the undead

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And I KNOW you don'

[Branwyn (Lisa)] don't like the undead either

[Jennivive (Master)] You are correct

[Branwyn (Lisa)] This is the person that beheaded my husband

[mharm-95433 (to Master only)] Bob hate to inturrupt. My an TMO are trying to figure out level coming in?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] This is the person that is killing dwarves and using them in blood magic spells

[Jennivive (Master)] /michael will double check your XP in just a moment

[mharm-95433 (to Master only)] no check your time

Skarphedin (Ryan) clenches his fists in rage.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] This is the one that is sending undead into Dragon Fen.

[mharm-95433 (to Master only)] *take your time

[mharm-95433 (to Master only)] (sorry)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And this is the one I will stop. Quellcon or not.

[Jennivive (Master) (to mharm-95433 only)] no worries will be a moment

[Jennivive (Master)] I will say that Lady Emerald did not have any love of the dark arts

[Jennivive (Master)] she supported the Brotherhood

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Do you recognize this? Howard found it in the church

[Jennivive (Master)] her heirs will be sorting out what they want to do

Branwyn (Lisa) holds out ring

Jennivive (Master) looks

Jennivive (Master) holds out her hand

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It is magic. I haven't had time to identify it yet

Jennivive (Master) takes it

[Jennivive (Master)] looks at it

Jennivive (Master) squints closely at the writing on it

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (brb)

Jennivive (Master) hands it back to Branwyn

[Ryan] I am away from the keyboard.

[Jennivive (Master)] This looks to be a ring of undead control

[Jennivive (Master)] for those who did not create the undead and need to control them

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] We were right!!

Howard Plum (Lisa) looks around and then sits back down

[Jennivive (Master)] Do you have the command word?

[Jennivive (Master)] with that you can control armies of undead

Jennivive (Master) curls her lip

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Not yet. But I will study it and find out.

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] That is their plan! We destroyed crates and crates of grave markers and wooden pointy flasks

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] We took some of their books and burned some undead spells

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] They want an army!

Jennivive (Master) nods Good

[Jennivive (Master)] So you have denied him his army for now

[Jennivive (Master)] and with no other creatures available to him

[Jennivive (Master)] he will be weak

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So you understand why I do not care about Greeks or anything else but stopping him for good

[Jennivive (Master)] YOu would be declaring war agaisnt the Quellcons

[TMO] (quell them for good)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] He knows me apparently. It would only be a matter of time before he decalres war on me

[Branwyn (Lisa)] declares

[Jennivive (Master)] You may be right

[Jennivive (Master)] the Queen will not stop you

[Jennivive (Master)] you are avenging your loss

[Jennivive (Master)] as long as you do not cause any problems for her own forces

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If you are to go to the Quellcon Estate, perhaps you can explain the how attacking dRagon Fen would not be a good idea

[mharm-95433 (to Master only)] consider therianthropes if I take full penalty for damage?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I want the church in our hands and the surrounding lands

[Jennivive (Master)] You are free to take the lands

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I will not tolerate this army of undead on my borders

[Jennivive (Master)] that would make you significantly more powerful

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I have no desire for war. You should know that about me by now. But I cannot have this.

[Jennivive (Master)] I will speak with the Queen that you intend to enlarge your borders

[Jennivive (Master)] I am certain the Consort will approve also

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you.

[Jennivive (Master)] I would suggest a likely person to be your command there

[Jennivive (Master)] but I am not certain you would like Red to live in your domain

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs

[Ryan] I am back at the keyboard.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (back)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Can he keep his toys to himself?

[Jennivive (Master)] If you give him the church to control?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I was going to ask you if he was close by to speak with

[Jennivive (Master)] I do not know where he is

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Personal Information - Name:: CHANGED: Talwin (null).

[Jennivive (Master)] but I can say that he woudl laugh to see Charlie put in his place

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Personal Information - Player:: CHANGED: Michael (null).

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If he is outside of the Mist I can find him

[Jennivive (Master)] Red never leaves The Mist

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Then that makes things difficult. Can you get a message to him?

[Jennivive (Master)] I will send one for you but I am not certain if or when it will reach him

[Jennivive (Master)] what would you like me to say?

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Personal Information - Class:: CHANGED: Fighter (null). Hometown:: CHANGED: Wanderer (null). Size:: CHANGED: Medium (null).

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Weapon Proficiencies - ADDED: 4. ADDED: 1/3. ADDED:

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn the Mysterious would like his skills to fight another necromancer. It will be worth a chat.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Enough to get his attention?

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Weapon Proficiencies - Non-proficient Penalty:: CHANGED: -2 (null).

Jennivive (Master) smiles

[Jennivive (Master)] I will do what I can

Jennivive (Master) sober

[Jennivive (Master)] I am sorry for your loss

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Jenn ... a mage in a church

[Jennivive (Master)] do you want my help?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you.

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Non-Weapon Proficiencies - ADDED: 1/3.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What priests could he be working with?

[Jennivive (Master)] I hvae never had my own church

[Jennivive (Master)] so I cannot say who would want to work for someone else

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I would always appreciate your help Jennivive. It sounds like you have duties to our Queen however.

[Jennivive (Master)] As long as she is Queen I will support her

[Jennivive (Master)] You were the one who represented the Kingdom

[Branwyn (Lisa)] As do I. Of course. And actually, if you and the Queen can convince Quellcon that this is a personal squabble and not meant to start a war, that would be help enough

[Branwyn (Lisa)] This Charles is not head of the estate is he?

[Jennivive (Master)] I will mention that CHarlie is impulsive adn if he cannot defeat the newest Countess of the Queen then he is not fit to have his own Estate

[Jennivive (Master)] He is trying to establish is estate to be part of the Quellcon Estates

[Jennivive (Master)] (note Estates plural as in multiple lords under one LORD of the Estates)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I have not been in battle for years.

Skarphedin (Ryan) tries to pay attention to human politics, but instead looks lost and constipated.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] There are many spells that have gotten dusty in my books.

[Jennivive (Master)] I do not envy those on the opposite field of battle from you

Jennivive (Master) BOWS

Branwyn (Lisa) grim smile

[Jennivive (Master)] I am sorry for your loss

[Jennivive (Master)] I will do what I can in your assistancs

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you Jenn. When do you think you will be leaving?

[Jennivive (Master)] I will go now to speak with the Queen

[Jennivive (Master)] and inform Toybin for you

Jennivive (Master) leaves

Branwyn (Lisa) sinks back into the sofa

[Master] and quick OOC for Ryan on who Jenn is

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (brb)

[Lisa] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] Michael? TMO?

[Master] fill him in

[Master] also Michael your new character comes in at 8th level with 125,000 XP

[Master] brb restroom

[TMO] we're working here, picking wpn profs

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lisa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lisa] Jenn is an evil priestess that we have known for years

[Lisa] She is the Queen's right hand

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Ah, okay. Thanks)

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified:

[Lisa] She is married but not together with Red Cloak who is an evil necromancer and the Queen's Consort's twin brother

[TMO] (family reunions are fun)

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Personal Information - Size:: CHANGED: M (Medium). ExperienceC1:: CHANGED: 125000 (null).

[TMO] (he's tried to kill several of us several times)

[Lisa] Branwyn owes Jenn a bunch of favors

[TMO] (and Jenn will make sure every single one is paid eventually. ;) )

[mharm-95433] Okay

[mharm-95433] Brigth news

[mharm-95433] TMO is helping me a lot

[mharm-95433] should be done by oh say next year on character creation :)

[TMO] (he's a hunchback with an overbite)

[Lisa] Jenn and Bran are both loyal to Queen and are powerful in their own ways - so they get along in a kind of mutual respect but go at it sometimes

[mharm-95433] Sounds about right

Carissa has joined the game on Fri Jul 12 20:52:24 EDT 2019

Carissa is receiving the map New Manor...

Carissa has received the map New Manor.

[mharm-95433] Hi Carissa

[Lisa] Hi Carissa!!

[TMO] (hiya!)

[Lisa] just missed Jenn

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (ah, okay. Both loyal, but different ideas of what 'loyalty' to the Queen means?)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Hello!)

[Carissa] Hi all!

[Lisa] Jenn's god is the god of chaos so she is always trying to start trouble

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lisa] Bran is unpredictable and chaotic herself so she amuses Jenn

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Class Levels - Character Level: (L) : CHANGED: 8 (1). Warrior: (WARL) : CHANGED: 8 (null).

[Master] Branwyn was the ambassador for Drillian

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Personal Information - Hit Dice:: CHANGED: 8 (null).

[Master] so Branwyn represented the Kingdom's interests

[Master] while Jenn went with her to represent the Queen's interests

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Personal Information - Next Level:: CHANGED: 250000 (null).

[Master] Shi'Nynze moved 34'08".

[Master] Jennivive moved 21'05".

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Personal Information - ExperienceC1:: CHANGED: null (125000).

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Personal Information - Experience:: CHANGED: 125000 (null).

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified:

[Master] and also by the way Mario had a streak of 118 games played, Lisa had a streak of 121 games played and now Carissa is currently in a streak of 121 consecutive sessions

[Master] as of tonight

[Lisa] yay

[Master] in the curious but not relevant stat collum

[Carissa] Whew. So if I can make it to September, I will have a nice record :)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Ryan has a streak of 2 games played, yay)

[Master] grisn

[Lisa] lol

[Master] I will not even look at those numbers again until 2022 at the earliest

[Carissa] That's fine, but still certain that September will be a miss.

[Master] which says something that we expect the game to just keep going

[Carissa] *date in

[Master] no worries

[Carissa] Well you have campaigns planned out until... 2026?

[Master] just be here for the Birthday Game

[Carissa] That's the plan :)

[Master] I ahve ideas to run for a VERY long time

[Master] a visit to the unknown lands that the Gypsies originated from

[Master] a visit to what is pre-columbian mexico

[Master] a voyage to the Underdark

[Master] so many things

[Master] and that does not count Plane Shifting

[Carissa] Or Hell

[Master] that is a quick vacation

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (oooh, shiny)

[Carissa] Just a quick dip in hell. That what you say when you drive through Texas in summer, right?

[Master] chuckels

[Master] In any case Shi is there now

[Master] just after Jenn leave

[Master] to talk about what you know now that is new

[Carissa] Yes was reading. We have a name for necromancer, she'll send Red a message. Anything else?

[Master] and what you will do to help Branwyn

[TMO] congrats to the consecutive games!

[mharm-95433 (to Master only)] do you have a moment?

[Lisa] or not

[Lisa] we don't know what is up with Shi

[Master (to mharm-95433 only)] yes

[Lisa] ready?

[Carissa] (I don't know either, to be fair ;) )

[mharm-95433 (to Master only)] consider therianthropes if I take full penalty for damage?

[Carissa] Sure

[Master (to mharm-95433 only)] yes you do

[Lisa] Everyone is in the salon with is active

[Lisa] Thistle moved 29'01".

[Master] /marhm why would you not?

[Lisa] Thistle moved 51'10".

[Carissa] Yes please toss Thistle in there. She's become very helpfuil

mharm-95433 no I mean, would you let me be one if I take full penalty for damage. The site says normal weapons don't work too well. But would you let me be one if I took full penalty

[mharm-95433 (to Master only)] sorry typed wrong format

[Master] need to explain that more fully Michael

[Lisa] (so this doesn't have to just be a bran - Shi thing. Everyone can talk!)

[mharm-95433 (to Master only)] Ah! Okay one second

[Lisa] that sounds ominous Michael

[Master (to mharm-95433 only)] but if you are asking to BE a theriantrhope the answer is no

[Carissa] (Shi's just sitting quietly. She's still definitely not in the "start convo herself" mode yet)

[Penelope (Master)] Thistle?

[mharm-95433 (to Master only)] LOL! Yep TMO Called it!

[Carissa] Thistle moved 3'05".

[Penelope (Master)] Did you find those berries for dinner?

[mharm-95433 (to Master only)] We thought we'd ask anyways lOl

[Carissa] I am back at the keyboard.

Thistle (Carissa) beams and waves

[mharm-95433 (to Master only)] cool beans Human it is

[Thistle (Carissa)] Uh, was that what I was doing?

Penelope (Master) shakes my head

[Thistle (Carissa)] I thought you said "Be Merry" which was a weird thing to say, actually.

[Penelope (Master)] They were suppoed to help with dosing the milk

Penelope (Master) glances at Branwyn

Thistle (Carissa) looks very confused

[Penelope (Master)] For those who need help sleeping tonight

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified:

[Thistle (Carissa)] They do what? I know that make good war paint.

Thistle (Carissa) notices Shi

Penelope (Master) closes her eyes and chakes her head

[Thistle (Carissa)] Uhhhh.... for people, that is.

[Thistle (Carissa)] Not wolves. Wolves don't need war paint.

Penelope (Master) kisses the top of Indigo's head

[Penelope (Master)] I need to leave darling

[Penelope (Master)] I will be back later

[Master] Penelope moved 12'11".

Thistle (Carissa) quietly walks over to Shi, not too quietly, "So? What did Acien say??"

[Thistle (Carissa)] Thistle moved 4'02".

[Master] Penelope moved 9'01".

[Thistle (Carissa)] I was right, wasn't I? My visions are real!

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) quieter, "There... may be merit to them, but I do not know yet."

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Please don't let me talk to myself here guys. You can hear them, PS)

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Weapon Proficiencies - ADDED: Sword, Two-handed, 1. ADDED: Morningstar, 1. ADDED: Dagger, 1. ADDED: Weapon Specialization (Sword, Two-Handed), 1.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You are having visions?

[Thistle (Carissa)] (P.P.S. Meant to ask last week if you caught the references to that first part of the IC? All that Fleetwood Mac in there just for BOB)

[Master] grins yes I did

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I did)

[Thistle (Carissa)] Yes! I usually don't share them because, well, grandma, but this one was REALLY important. Right Shi??

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Yay!)

Thistle (Carissa) nudges Shi, "Right??"

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] I... am a bit confused. Berries?

[Thistle (Carissa)] No, it's pronounced Gypsy.

[Master] LOL

[Thistle (Carissa)] Berries don't have visions. Er, do they?

Skarphedin (Ryan) shrugs dismissively. "Never been one for magic of any sort, really. I wouldn't know."

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) shakes head, "Berries are part of a plant. They aren't their own conscious."

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Ah, another Upsider thing.

[Thistle (Carissa)] I mean, we CAN do magic, but we're people?

Thistle (Carissa) gasps, "Did you beard grow longer??"

Skarphedin (Ryan) mutters. "Well, you aren't a gnopme, so I suppose you do count as people."

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] *gnome

[Indigo (Lisa)] I think she was saying she had a vision about berries

[Thistle (Carissa)] No, that was an artistic vision. Shi didn't appreciate it.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Was it a big dessert?

[Jilly (Master)] It was a request from Penelope for berries to help Branwyn sleep tonight

Thistle (Carissa) pauses to think, "I haven't had a vision about dessert recently."

[Jilly (Master)] THistle just could not understand or find them

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I don't want any help sleeping!

Skarphedin (Ryan) strokes his beard proudly. "Why, yes, it did. We dwarves don't cut or shave our beards unless we are shamed. The oldest of elders have very intricate braids in their beards to keep them from dragging on the ground."

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] I am not quite there yet, but I am still proud of it.

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Non-Weapon Proficiencies - ADDED: Language, Modern Elvish, General, , , , . ADDED: Swimming, General, , 1, $st, +0. ADDED: Observation, General, , 1, $re, +0. ADDED: Languages, Modern Common, General, , 1, $kn, +0. ADDED: , , , , , .

[Jilly (Master)] Yes you do

[Jilly (Master)] you need sleep

Thistle (Carissa) frowns, "How could I find berries? I was too busy spying on, er, I mean, waiting, for Shi to come back from her visit to Ancien!"

[Jilly (Master)] you will be up all night thinking about ways to get back at Charlie

[Jilly (Master)] and you need to sleep

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I need spells tomorrow I must sleep naturally

Jilly (Master) PHHHHHHHH

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If anyone prevents that I shall not be happy

Thistle (Carissa) glances at Skarp before quickly tugging his beard and running back to Shi

[Jilly (Master)] You need to sleep

[Jilly (Master)] so you can go avenge

[TMO] (Avengers Assemble!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Jilly!

Skarphedin (Ryan) reflexively grabs for his axe, before very stiffly dropping his hands.

[Jilly (Master)] It is true

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Avengers Assemble And Avenge!)

[Jilly (Master)] I will watch the kids

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Nothing is happening tomorrow

[Jilly (Master)] you will go out and destroy

Thistle (Carissa) shoots Skarp a grin

Jilly (Master) grins

[Jilly (Master)] OH

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I need Tiberius

[Jilly (Master)] so you do not need your spells tomororw?

Skarphedin (Ryan) scowls at Thistle.

[Jilly (Master)] you can sleep good tonight then?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Jilly please.

Jilly (Master) DIVES in to HUG Branwyn then runs away quickly

[Master] Jilly moved 17'00".

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles

[Thistle (Carissa)] So we're gonna go avenging??

[Master] Steward Nevin moved 5'01".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Shi it is good to see you. How are you doing?

Thistle (Carissa) nudges Shi again

[TMO] (Sheee-it?_)

[Master (to mharm-95433 only)] your name?

[Carissa] I am back at the keyboard.

[TMO] (we're in the deep south now)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Shit it's

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Ignore that)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'm sorry that the first time I've seen you since ... well, has been on such a black day

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) glances at Thistle, before replying, "I am... finding my peace again. I don't know. I do not move as quick as you."

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) winces, "Sorry, still talking like you are a treant."

Skarphedin (Ryan) grunts in approval. "Take your time, Shi. Humans are always rushing about. You and I know that sometimes it takes time to get things done, and sometimes it takes time to process what has happened."

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) gives Skarp a small smile

Thistle (Carissa) mutters, "Too long."

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles "I only move because I have to. There is nothing that I want more than to curl up in a ball and not move again. But I cannot. There are things I must do regardless of how I feel"

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Non-Weapon Proficiencies - DELETED: , , , , , .

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] And patterns to form no matter whcih way you grow.

Skarphedin (Ryan) looks away in shame. "Forgive me, that was not meant to be a slight against you, Branwyn."

[Master] smiles at Carissa

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] I will not fully say Thistle's vision has come true, but... there is some to consider and perspectives to change. It was... good to talk to Ancien, I think.

Branwyn (Lisa) waves her hand at Skarp. "No slight taken. I understand."

Thistle (Carissa) gives Shi a big hug and grin, "Told you it was real!"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What was her vision?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Simple. Talk to Ancien for, er, what was it?

mharm-95433 Talwin

Thistle (Carissa) smiles, "You had to talk to Ancien or your future happiness was at risk, and I was RIGHT. See? Never argue with a gypsy!"

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) nods, "We will find out in time. I am sorry to have come back from that to your own loss. I.. well, I still do not know if you did me a favor, but I still feel like, for all you've done, I should offer what help I can give for now."'

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Of course I would appreciate your help and to have our frienship back on solid ground again, but in your own time and what is comfortable to you.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I will tell you all. I need Tiberius back.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It will not be simple. I need to take his body to Loosend.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Take him to the Greek temple for them to try to resurrect him

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Anyone that wishes to come to Loosend is welcome to join us ... me.

Branwyn (Lisa) shakes her head

[TMO] (I have totally blanked - is Marisu in Loosend still?)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Of course

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Is there elvish temples in Loosend?

[TMO] (or did she go somewhere else)

[Thistle (Carissa)] Shi volunteers! She needs some sunshine. Pretty sure that was also in the vision.

[Master] TMO -Marisu is almost done with her mission back home

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (marisu should be in Doeskin with Anastacia)

[TMO] (ok)

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for Talwin modified:

[Master] Her sister is about to show up shortly here in Dragon Fen

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) raises brow, "Now you are making things up."

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] I owe all of you so much. To dishonor myself by not helping you now would be unthinkable.

Thistle (Carissa) grins, "So you DON'T want to see the sun?"

[mharm-95433 (to GM only)] Character sheet for Talwin modified:

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] The sun is overrated.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] I spent over one hundred years without it...

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) shakes her head with a small smile before turning back to Branwyn, "There are a few followers there, but I did not find any formal temple. But... yes, some of my people were there."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Loosend has temples of every faith. Perhaps there is a dwarven temple there too?

[Steward Nevin (Master)] Branwyn

[Steward Nevin (Master)] I have a visitor for you

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (aka I don't remember, actually)

[Steward Nevin (Master)] I would not bother you with it

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No, Nevin

[Steward Nevin (Master)] but you seem to need a distraction

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No. Tomorrow, please

[Steward Nevin (Master)] there is a warrior who wishes to swear to you

[Steward Nevin (Master)] very well

[Steward Nevin (Master)] I will tell him to come back tomorrow

Skarphedin (Ryan) hesitates, pondering. "I would still need to return my friends' remains to our homeland, but it would be good to consult with the priests of my people, if they are there."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (oh - I thought you were doing a NPC crazy thing)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (this is Michael? of course)

Branwyn (Lisa) puts her head in her hanc

Thistle (Carissa) shrugs, "He's probably not wrong. Distracts can help."

[Steward Nevin (Master)] I will defer it for you, he will be at your morning meeting

[Steward Nevin (Master)] Thistle says you will sleep well tonight

[Thistle (Carissa)] Shi wasn't happy, but then I tied a bow on Ithil and that distraction cheered her up.

[Steward Nevin (Master)] so it will be best in the morning

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No. I shall be busy in the morning. Let's do this and be done with it

Thistle (Carissa) nods, "Gypsy are good at being right."

[Steward Nevin (Master)] very well I will be back with him shortly

[Master] Steward Nevin moved 9'00".

Branwyn (Lisa) runs her hand through her hair and takes a breath

[Master] Jilly moved 25'00".

Jilly (Master) hands Branwyn a basket

[Jilly (Master)] I made scones for you

Jilly (Master) runs out

[Master] Jilly moved 17'02".

Jilly (Master) runs in

[Master] Jilly moved 6'10".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Scones!

[Jilly (Master)] Indigo they are for Branwyn!

Jilly (Master) runs out

[Master] Jilly moved 12'06".

Indigo (Lisa) looks over his shoulder and then hurries over and grabs one out of the basket

[Master] Steward Nevin moved 9'04".

Branwyn (Lisa) holds the basket out

[Steward Nevin (Master) (to mharm-95433 only)] ready for not here you go

Steward Nevin (Master) bows

[Branwyn (Lisa)] "Please. I cannot eat. Help yourselves."

Thistle (Carissa) takes two, stuffs one in her mouth, gives the other to Shi

[Steward Nevin (Master)] Countess Branwyn the Mysterious and Lord of Dragon Fen

Thistle (Carissa) goes to get a third, "For the wolves!"

[Steward Nevin (Master)] I present Talwin the Magnificent

[Master] Talwin moved 27'04".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] A mage?

[Steward Nevin (Master)] A warrior of.... renown?

[Steward Nevin (Master)] He is hear to swear alligence to your lands

Steward Nevin (Master) glances back at Talwin

[TMO] (he'll be right with you)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Step forward Talwin the ... Magnificent?

[TMO] (we weren't in the chat)

mharm-95433 Flourishes in

[mharm-95433] (shoot let me get into character)

[mharm-95433] I am back at the keyboard.

Talwin (mharm-95433) "My Lady"

Skarphedin (Ryan) mouths, "Magnificent?"

Talwin (mharm-95433) Bows Deeply

Talwin (mharm-95433) Sees Skarp out of corner of eye and grins wickedly

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] I wouldn't say Magnficient

Talwin (mharm-95433) Mor

Talwin (mharm-95433) Scratches head

Talwin (mharm-95433) no

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Actually Magnifencent is the word

Talwin (mharm-95433) Draws a beutiful 2 handed sword

Talwin (mharm-95433) With a sword anyways

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Every street corner mage calls themselves the Magnificent.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Do you know magic?

Talwin (mharm-95433) Shrugs. Polishes the diamond in the pommel with his shirt

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Nope

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Never needed to

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Usually I sweker the mages first

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Magnificent comes from other lands I'm afriad

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (skewer?)

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Different Translation in elvish

Talwin (mharm-95433) turns to the elves

Talwin (mharm-95433) Care to translate?

Talwin (mharm-95433) Bows deeply

Talwin (mharm-95433) with obviuos respect and worship

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] (Alao yes. I'm dylsexic lisa :) )

[Carissa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Elven?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Sorry, an elf?)

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] (No. language knowledge)

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] (make something up?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Human who knows elvish? Just making sure I know what he is :) )

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] (yep :) )

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Are you really coming to a mage and telling her that you enjoy skewering them?

Talwin (mharm-95433) Actually I heard you were in need of skewering lately

Talwin (mharm-95433) looks around

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) tilts head, "Translate what?"

Talwin (mharm-95433) Raises eyebrows

[TMO] (I argued and pleaded, but he would have his way. "Learn anything else!" I said. "Anything would be more useful than that!")

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] (hahahahahahahaha)

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] I think elevish might be more along the lines of Talwin the Pretentios

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] although, i'm really not all that bad

Branwyn (Lisa) raises a hand "tell me why I should should not throw you from here to the kitchen right now?"

[TMO] (JTom says Hi to everyone)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Hi JTom!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (hi JTom!)

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Raises a Finger. You need a well trained killer. Raises A second finger. I'm loyal. And third.....

Talwin (mharm-95433) Grins widly

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Hello)

Talwin (mharm-95433) I'm well trained as an artillerest

[Thistle (Carissa)] He can count to three. That's a good start, right?

Talwin (mharm-95433) scowls softly

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Lol)

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] I can count to three yes

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] but word is

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] around the mages community

Talwin (mharm-95433) whispers conspiroitorily

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] there was a mage who actually liked Catapaults!

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] I had to see!

[Thistle (Carissa)] Oh. I thought you were going to say you could count to five...

Talwin (mharm-95433) Rolls eyes

[TMO] (don't ask for too much there)

Skarphedin (Ryan) starts to laugh, but turns it into a cough.

[Thistle (Carissa)] (lol)

[TMO] (this is just a fighrter we've got here)

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] I can be loyal, but I am truly seeking continued work.

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Your origins

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] they are mercenary work yes?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That is true

TMO is receiving the map New Manor...

TMO has received the map New Manor.

Talwin (mharm-95433) A countess! WIth lands!Truly, a mercenary who has been changing the world! Who WOULDN"T want to be a part of that! Word has spread all the way to (INSET LATER) about this place. I braved this dreadful everlasting mist to audition for your entourouge!

Talwin (mharm-95433) I have worth! Let me show you

Talwin (mharm-95433) Any sparring partners?

[Thistle (Carissa)] How about an eating contest? These scones are good!

Branwyn (Lisa) raises eyebrow

Talwin (mharm-95433) looks desparingly

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Where are you from Talwin?

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] (INSERT LATER)

[TMO] (we hadn't gotten to background yet, sorry)

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] I was trained by some of the finest swordmasters

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Approximate region by chance?)

[TMO] (we had *just* finished nwps)

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Desert/elvish

[Master] (Rivers Bend)

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] (not akim)

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] sure

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] wait

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And you wish to settle in the Mist in Dragon Fen?

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] (Is rivers bend known for it's finest two handed sowrdmasters?)

Talwin (mharm-95433) Looks around

[Master] (the most recent place you spent time in for a year or three)

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Frowns slightly

[TMO] (my bet is 'No')

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Well

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] I had hoped that the mist wasn't quite so

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Real time or game time? Or both? :) )

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] ...waves hand generally

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Skarp and Indigo can take you outside

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] misty

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] It feels ominious

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] But!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I will not have anyone sparring in the salon

Talwin (mharm-95433) Flushes slightly

Skarphedin (Ryan) waves lightly. "I am Skarphedin, a guest of Branwyn's."

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] I wouln't dishonor your house so!

[Thistle (Carissa)] Skarp of the Magnificent Beard!

Talwin (mharm-95433) Carefully and respectively stows sword

[Thistle (Carissa)] No, GLORIOUS Beard!

Talwin (mharm-95433) bows deeply

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] I apologize for offending you

Skarphedin (Ryan) smiles despite himself, hand going to his beard.

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] I will gladly retreat outdoors!

[Talwin (mharm-95433) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Talwin modified:

[Thistle (Carissa)] Or you could stay here and eat scones? Who needs to spar?

Talwin (mharm-95433) Frowns

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Do you not care about ability in your group?

Talwin (mharm-95433) Confused

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Have you found a place to stay?

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Can anyone join?

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for Talwin modified: Weapons - ADDED: Two-Handed Sword, false, Two-Handed Sword, , , 0, , --, --, , , , , , $atk, 0, , , , , $dmg, 1d10, 3d6, 1d12, , , , .

Talwin (mharm-95433) I offered a gold coin to a locol farmer. He was quite happy to let me stay as long as I wanted

[Thistle (Carissa)] I care about eating scones, but maybe I've just been around Shorter Indigo too much lately.

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Do you have barracks?

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] A gold coin? Quite the fortune for a farmer...

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for Talwin modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Two-Handed Sword -- Profic Adj: -1 (+0), CHANGED: Two-Handed Sword -- Profic Adj: +2 (+0),

Talwin (mharm-95433) Nods eagerly

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] I have more!

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] /pulls out handfull of coins from pouch

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for Talwin modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Two-Handed Sword -- Profic Adj: -3 (-1), CHANGED: Two-Handed Sword -- Profic Adj: +3 (+2),

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] I will pay for larger lodging!

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] with training rooms!

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] /pulls out diamond

Talwin (mharm-95433) I will be worth!

Talwin (mharm-95433) I can teach!

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for Talwin modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Two-Handed Sword -- # Atks: 2 (--),

Talwin (mharm-95433) I can build!

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] ...

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The Queen's entourage is visiting at the moment and guest rooms are limited in all of the inns, so you have chosen a quite clever way of getting housing at the moment.

[Thistle (Carissa)] Can you bake?

Talwin (mharm-95433) glances at Carissa. As if devestated to be relgated to a role of a baker but not quite showing disdain at th epossibility of proving himslef

Talwin (mharm-95433)

Talwin (mharm-95433) But I can smith beutiful metal

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] and weapons

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] I can forge you a mint with your likeness on it!

Skarphedin (Ryan) perks up.

[Thistle (Carissa)] Oh! Like Mara!

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Hmmm... would be interesting to see Upsider smithing techniques in action.

Thistle (Carissa) holds out her necklace

Talwin (mharm-95433) Glances at the piece

[Master] he can make a quick check

Talwin (mharm-95433) Metal working one sec

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Talwin: Metalworking check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 13!!

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Whatever I can offer about it

[Master (to mharm-95433 only)] it looks like a very nice piece

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] It's a very nice piece... Is there anything in particular you wish me to identify? It doesn't appear to need repair.

Talwin (mharm-95433) Shakes head

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] I cannot do enchantments

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] nor read them

Talwin (mharm-95433) apologetically

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

Thistle (Carissa) beams, "Branwyn gave me the gem, Mara made me the neckace. Shi gave it a name. It's very special and pretty!"

[Thistle (Carissa)] I just like showing it off because of that.

Talwin (mharm-95433) Nods. As if not quite understanding Thistles energy

Talwin (mharm-95433) Okay. That is a good reason

[Thistle (Carissa)] It doesn't need magic. Stories are their own kind of magic.

Talwin (mharm-95433) gazes questionly at Branwyn, as if desperatly seeking an answer from her corner

[Branwyn (Lisa)] All right. Dragon Fen is always welcome to men of skill and good heart. Why don't you stay with us for a while and see if you do really wish to make a home in Dragon Fen.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And Skarp and Indigo should see your skills.

Talwin (mharm-95433) ...That's...That's it?

Talwin (mharm-95433) Excited

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Yes! Yes I would be glad too!

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Let us depart at once

Skarphedin (Ryan) grins.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Tiberius has a practice yard in the back near the catapult.

Branwyn (Lisa) bites her lip

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Ah Excellent!

Talwin (mharm-95433) Shyly glances skyward

Skarphedin (Ryan) looks at Branwyn in concern.

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] I would ah

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Like to see it

Branwyn (Lisa) nods

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] I do love siege engines

Talwin (mharm-95433) Anyways!

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] to the Practice Yard!

Talwin (mharm-95433) Strides out the door without a backward glance

Skarphedin (Ryan) follows a step behind.

[TMO] (promptly gets lost)

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] (First encounters with the group are always the hardest lol)

Branwyn (Lisa) waves at Indigo "Don't hurt him"

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] (that's kind of what I was going for)

Thistle (Carissa) walks over to hand Branwyn the third scone, "Eat and sleep. Those are good for you."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you Thistle.

Branwyn (Lisa) takes the scone and puts it in her lap absently

Thistle (Carissa) teeters before giving her a hug

[Thistle (Carissa)] (but doesn't run off like Jilly)

Thistle (Carissa) whispers, "I'm sorry."

Branwyn (Lisa) hugs her back "Thank you Thistle"

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] (Also this week, I will give a proper backstory and insight into Talwin's character so that people understand why he is the way he is)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (he is good!)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (All about discovering your new companions as you go. They'll find out in time, no rush)

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at the rest of the group "I do want to stop at the Jistille Keep on the way back and speak to Regor

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at Ilero

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If you wish to come

[TMO] (I'd assumed Ilero had left at the end of last session, I'm sorry)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (ok)

[TMO] (one sec, let me get into skin)

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

Ilero (TMO)] (I hadn't been paying close attention since I thought I wasn't here, just popping in occasionally)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (you don't have to be - bob had made it seem we were picking up immediately after last session so I just figured he would be there)

[Ilero]] (TMO) swirls the wine around in his cup and shrugs. "Hye suppose be okay to see t'e old fraud again. Mebbe he know somet'ing useful for once."

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] and laughs at Ilero

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That man knows everything. I wouldn't doubt he has information

[Ilero]] (TMO) sneers. "But is it wort' what he charges for it?"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'm hoping seeing my troubles will be reward enough for a little information

[Master] Laughs at Brawnyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Besides Penelope seems to be working with him so perhaps we can get some leverage through her

[Master] Have you any dreams you like your self

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Is Thistle training with him? Or just through him via Penelope?)

[Master] Thistle was training with Ilero

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But I am also wondering about the goblins being walled off. Perhaps anyone not wishing to travel to Loosend can inquire with the gnomes and see if they have information.

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Got it)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Before we storm Skull Church it would be nice to know if we have to fight past a horde of goblins

[Master] What did Jenn say about that?

Skarphedin (Ryan) grunts. "Goblin infestations are always a concern, yes. Might be better to wipe them out rather than hope that they don't become a problem in the future."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (don't recall her saying anything about goblins)

[Ilero]] (TMO) leans over to Shurkural and mutters, "Hye wonder if t'at diamond comes off t'at sword easy."

[Shurkural]] (TMO) elbows Ilero's ribs.

[Master] She did mention about if an army of undead was not available that some'thing'one would have to replace it

[Thistle (Carissa)] (So kill the goblins to raise them? Or just...goblins there instead?)

[Master] Spreads his arms wide.... Are you not entertained?!>?! or Nightking..... you can choose

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] (LOL)

[Lisa] we heard the whole war drums thing - so not sure it is as easy as all that if they are against new residents

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Never watched it)

[Lisa] unless he pays them a bunch I suppose

[Carissa] Or saves them from bugbears

[Carissa] But goblins is for when we return, which isn't quite yet

Ilero (TMO)] (one goblin with a big drum)

[Lisa] so as soon as queen leaves I would like to head to Loosend

[Master] did Branwyn want to go with her? it is on the way to Loosend

[Master] do the funeral and then go to Loosend?

[Lisa] what funeral?

[Master] Lady Emerald

[Lisa] Quellcon is on the way to Loosend and the home of crazy evil mage?

[Master] yes

[Master] and yes

[Lisa] oh fun times

[Carissa] Definitely a coincidence.

[Lisa] would that be a good idea since we are lugging a body around?

[Master] visit a necromancer with a dead body? what could possibly go wrong

[Lisa] unless we can put him in the room scroll since he is dead and doesn't need to breath

[Lisa] branwyn is not going to be wanting to watch any of that

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] (Sensing some sarcasm from bob...)

[Carissa] Probably best to keep dead bodies away from necromancers

[Lisa] If we visit Black Cloak before doing Skull Church this will go real quick

[Lisa] see him - cast

[Lisa] like Red Cloak did to us

[Carissa] Would he even at a funeral in front of the Queen?

[Carissa] Queen likes Branwyn. I doubt she'd be happy with someone attacking Brawyn. Probably.

[Carissa] Now he could wait and stalk her to Loosend, if he was smart. Unless he's going to the funeral to find new bodies for his army

[Carissa] So many things he could do...

[Carissa] Or he's too busy burying his own daughter (or bringing her back) to worry about it at this time.

[Master] a pile of ashes no raising as undead possible

[Lisa] he could resurrect her

[Carissa] I thought his daughter was whole?

Ilero (TMO)] (she was in the fireball too)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Sorry to cut this short, but there are little kids who are having difficulty getting to bed on their own. I have to call it a night)

[Lisa] tiberius cut her to ribbons and then she got fireballed

[Master] night Ryan

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Have a good weekend everyone)

[Lisa] can't be a lot left

Ilero (TMO)] cya!

[Lisa] Goodnight Ryan!

Ryan has left the game on Fri Jul 12 22:35:11 EDT 2019

[Master] next week will be visiting important people

[Carissa] (Delayed Night Ryan!)

[Carissa] Ah true. I thought I remember him picking her up or something.

[Master] He did for dramatic effect

Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Talwin modified: Equipment - ADDED: Ring mail, 100 gp, 30 lbs., AC 7. Armor - Armor Bonus:: CHANGED: -3 (null). Shield Bonus:: CHANGED: -1 (null). AC FINAL:: CHANGED: 7 (10).

[Lisa] branwyn will need a day for Identify - best before or after the trip?

Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Talwin modified: Combat - Melee THAC0: (THAC0) : CHANGED: 13 (20).

[Lisa] doesn't matter

Ilero (TMO)] (always before)

[Talwin (mharm-95433) (to Master only)] (wanna roll hitpoints, and stuff? Or we can wait. No biggie)

[Lisa] just saying because we need to set a game day aside for that - like a day passes etc or a day when the group does stuff and branwyn is missing

[Master (to mharm-95433 only)] roll for Hit Point, is 10 plus 7d10 plus your Con bonus for each level

[Talwin (mharm-95433) (to Master only)] [7d10=3,6,7,6,1,2,5] 30

[Master] Do you believe in Rock and Roll, can music save your mortal soul

[Master] just random lyrics playing

[Carissa] No but I believe we can build this city on Rock and Roll

[Talwin (mharm-95433) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Talwin modified:

[Master] and I think that Lisa can decide

[Master] waiting a day or two to go to Loosend will give you the chance to do some housekeeping stuff

[Talwin (mharm-95433) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Talwin modified: Combat - Current Hit Points:: CHANGED: 56 (null).

[Master] and make sure everyone is fully healing to travel

[Talwin (mharm-95433) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Talwin modified: Combat - Max Hit Points:: CHANGED: 56 (null).

[Lisa] that is good

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for Talwin modified: Armor - Shield Bonus:: CHANGED: null (-1). DEX Bonus:: CHANGED: -1 (null). AC FINAL:: CHANGED: 6 (7).

[TMO] (and back in their right mind -ish)

[Carissa] (ish)

[Lisa] I can cast identify on the 3 potions and the couple of times needed on the ring to get down to the command word

[Talwin (mharm-95433) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Talwin modified: Saving Throws - Paralysis, Poison or Death:: CHANGED: 10 (16). Rod, Staff or Wand:: CHANGED: 12 (18). Petrification or Polymorph:: CHANGED: 11 (17). Breath Weapon:: CHANGED: 12 (20). Magical Spell:: CHANGED: 13 (19).

[Lisa] michael is Talwin set for armor and weapons?

[Lisa] on his char sheet?

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] the basics are good yes

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] I have to roll any magic crap with bob

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] all other stuff is filled out

[TMO] nono - you don't want crap

[TMO] you want GREAT

[Master] grins

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] TMO was the Bomb!

[Master] I am ready when you are Michael

TMO explodes

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] seriously. made it so much easier

[Carissa] Magic crap?

[Lisa] Indigo targets Talwin. Distance: 9'03"

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] any chance magic two handed weapon?

[Lisa] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: (+13-(d20+1)) [1d20=9] 3. HITS Talwin (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[TMO] *boom*

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] but yeah tell me wha tto roll

[Carissa] Indigo says no.

[Master] I need 6 d100 rolls

[Lisa] Indigo: Attack: Short Sword: (+13-(d20+1)) [1d20=5] 7. MISSES Talwin (AC FINAL: 6).

[Lisa] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: (+13-(d20+1)) [1d20=13] -1. HITS Talwin (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] (6d100) [6d100=28,34,54,26,7,21] 170

mharm-95433 is receiving the map New Manor...

mharm-95433 has received the map New Manor.

[Master] wow

[mharm-95433] Talwin targets Indigo. Distance: 9'03"

[Master] so I need three d20 to start

[Lisa] Indigo no longer targets Talwin.

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Attack: Two-Handed Sword:: is now ARMED.

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] (3d20) [3d20=12,10,12] 34

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Talwin: Attack: Two-Handed Sword: ((13-(d20+2))-3) [1d20=12] -4 [MODIFIED (-3)]. HITS Indigo (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Talwin: Attack: Two-Handed Sword: ((13-(d20+2))-3) [1d20=7] 1 [MODIFIED (-3)]. HITS Indigo (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Talwin: Damage v SM: Two-Handed Sword: ((1d10)+3+3) [1d10=7] 13 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Indigo

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Talwin: Damage v SM: Two-Handed Sword: ((1d10)+3+3) [1d10=6] 12 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Indigo

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Attack: Two-Handed Sword:: is NO LONGER ARMED.

[Master] so Talwin has two scrolls of protection from magic and a +1 ring of protectoin

[Master] and I need three more d20 rolls please

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] (3d20) [3d20=12,17,13] 42

[Lisa] protection from what?

[TMO] (I'm not sure why, but Michael wanted somebody who could do a lot of damage. ;) )

[Master] just generic +1 to AC

[Lisa] lol

[TMO] to each their own

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] lol

[Lisa] everything look right?

[Master] and he also has a set of Chain Mail +1, a +2 Shield and a wand of magic missles which he cannot use

[Lisa] lol

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] loot from previous adventures!

[Master] yes

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Can I trade in the Chain mail/shield for ringmail?

[Master] Yes for +1 Ring Mail

[TMO] Talwin can swim, and you can't swim in Chainmail, but can with a STR check in Ring

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Cool. I will do the plus 1 ring mail

[Master] Ring Mail is metal armor

[Master] no swimming

[Master] Metal armor makes you sink

[Master] even magical

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Web says strength check

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] ringmail

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] swimming

[TMO] it's in the website, ring can be swum with a STR check. it's only 1 over studded leather

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for Talwin modified: Magic Item Summary - ADDED: Ring of Protection, , .

[Master] Proficient swimmers are able to swim, dive and surface with varying degrees of success. All proficient characters are able to swim at one half their current land movement rate time 10 in yards, PROVIDED THEY ARE NOT WEARING METAL ARMOR (see armor notes). A character whose movement rates have been reduced to one third or less of normal (due to gear) or WHO ARE WEARING METAL ARMOR cannot swim, the weight of the gear pulls them down.

[TMO] no worries either way, will just require a bit of tweaking to studded leather

[TMO] Proficient swimmers wearing studded leather, ring mail or hide can swim with a successful strength check. This check must be repeated each hour in addition to the swimming proficiency check;


[TMO] Web Fu

[TMO] :)

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] LOL


[Master] and TMO wins

TMO struts

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] LOL!

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] There was some debate on the issue

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] :)

[TMO] yeah, it's not that big of a deal. just 1 pt of AC either way

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] (Big deal for swimming i'd imagine...)

[TMO] well yeah, but the point is to keep the swimming, regardless of what we have to do to keep it

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] So just the ringmail bob right?

[Master] Ring mail means you can swim with a STR check in addition to the Swimming check

[TMO] now... about that magical two handed sword....

[TMO] ;)

[Master] sorry did not roll up any magical weapons

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] NP

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Didnd't expect

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] So just ringmail. Wnad/shiled/chainmail has been traded in correct?

[TMO] now, what ringmail DOES mean is you have to be conscious to even float

[Master] not the wand

[Master] you still have that

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Yes

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] OK

[TMO] no activity = sink like a rock

[Master] just the chaim mail and shield for the ringmail

[Master] yes to TMO

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Will promptly trade for a magic two handed sword...maybe... Or trade Bran a favor or something. She use wands?

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Or a ressurection for a dead husband

[TMO] I don't think we have a magic two handed sword lying around

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] IDK

[Lisa] magic missile is a 1st lvl spell and we don't know how many charges are on it

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Gotcha

[Lisa] Branwyn would take of course but it is not worth a lot

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Hey, good to know. Never know when it might be useful

[Lisa] would probably give to the apprentices

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] But I digress. Turn in for the night? My food is here :)

[TMO] would somebody who knows the Cantrip NWP be able to use that wand?

[Master] no to TMO but nice idea

[Master] that does give you minor magic

[TMO] damn, because he *almost* bought the cantrip NWP on his own

[Master] go eat Michael

[TMO] and it wouldn't be much of a switch to put it in instead of something else

[Master] and have a great night

[Lisa] on the webpage cantrip says mage

[TMO] does it? I thought it was general

[Lisa] thought that meant mage only

[Carissa] No, just cost more for non-mage

[Master] which means you need to spend an extra slot if you are not a mage and if it is listed as Special then another extra slot

[TMO] nope, you're right

[Carissa] Considered it for Shi, but wasn't wasting 2 NWP on it

[TMO] my spreadsheet is probably wrong then, or just didn't filter it out

[Master] which is why Bards cannot learn healing

[Lisa] so branwyn could take dwarf and warrior nwp?

[Master] yes but spend extra slots for them

[Carissa] I dunno. I only know that one because I asked BOB long ago :)

[TMO] nope, spreadsheet is right, *I* was just wrong. :) Bob wins this round of Web Fu

TMO bows

[Master] chuckles

[Master] You are learning

[Carissa] So now you're tied.

[TMO] I yield

[TMO] and even on the swimming thing, Bob always has the right to win by changing the website. ;) It is his universe after all.

[Master] lol

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Alreight. Bye guys! I'm off for th enight!

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Will post online

[Master] good

[Master] go eat

mharm-95433 has left the game on Fri Jul 12 23:01:22 EDT 2019

[Lisa] Goodnight!

[Master] so the three of you

[TMO] foof

[Carissa] Bob can count to three, too!

[Master] Carissa you are ready to pick up Shi and run with is again?

[Master] LOL

[Lisa] lol

[Carissa] Think so

[TMO] need some water - brb

[Master] good

[Master] TMO has a group of recruits he can decide who should come to Loosened

[Carissa] Who all is going to Loosend?

[Master] Lisa has a group of people who might or might not come

[Master] remember paper touched by Brtanwyn will be infected by Hell

[Carissa] All right. If I remember next week, Thistle does plan to ask someone to keep an eye on Shi so she doesn't try to run is all. Minor story thing.

[Lisa] I was originally thinking it was just going to be a quick run

[Carissa] Not with the funeral and possible stalking now! :D

[Carissa] Being Branwyn that is stalked.

[Lisa] but if you want us to make this an ordeal

[Lisa] stalked?

[Carissa] By evil mage

[Lisa] he doesn't know where she is

[TMO] back

[Lisa] bob would best keep him hidden

[Carissa] True, unless she goes to that funeral or something. Or did I miss something else?

[Lisa] bran will have no patience

[Carissa] Well we'll find out one way or another.

[Lisa] mage stuff is a speed thing

[Master] She could go to the funeral and attack him there

[Master] if that is what the group wants

[Lisa] whoever casts first keeps the other from casting 1 rd

[Lisa] many jaws don't miss

[Master] there is spell duels also

[Lisa] go for 6 rds


[Carissa] There is also arm wrestling.

[Lisa] duels have rules

[TMO] Ilero has backstab. Just mentioning

[TMO] no reason

[Lisa] would it change her alignment to just kill him?

[Master] no

[Master] It would be chaotic which she is

[Lisa] not that I ... want .. her to do that

[TMO] it might hurt her social standing in Court. Because she cares so much about that. ;)

[Lisa] I would like to seriously maim and then ask questions

[Lisa] will depend on if Tiberius can come back

[Lisa] if greeks refuse or he fails his resurrect roll

[Lisa] then she will be pretty much out of her mind

[TMO] sssooo... we have an unknown magical dagger, and a x4 damage multiplier on a successful backstab with +4 to hit (and no shield or dex AC modifiers)

[Master] He has at least a 75% chance

[Carissa] More with bless, right?

[Master] might be over 90%

[Carissa] and/or chant?

[TMO] probably a good thing Ilero will be Ilero and not Aelan

[Master] yes to Carissa that would be a plus 10% total to his roll with both

[Lisa] hard to have a surprise back stab with priests all chanting wouldn't it?

[TMO] the chanting is for the resurrection, doofus. :P

[Lisa] lol

[Master] grins

[TMO] Assassins do NOT have cheerleading sections behind them!

[Master] LOL

[Carissa] lol

[Lisa] picturing Mara chanting - Stab him! Stab him!

[Jilly (Master)] Ilero! quieter!!!!! stab higher!!!!

[TMO] with pompoms

[Carissa] "Do it! Do it! Stab stab stab! Do it! Do it! Stab stab stab!!"

[Lisa] lol

[Carissa] And fancy backflips.

[Lisa] for the resurrection - not sure about interfaith chanting in greek temples

[Lisa] would they appreciate that?

[Master] unlikely

[Lisa] priests are so strange

[Lisa] :)

[Master] grins

[TMO] but, in seriousness, setting out to deliberately assassinate someone would most likely be an evil intention. Doing it spontaneously for a moment of need and opportunity, less so.

[Carissa] So drag a Greek to chant, the others can quietly bless.

[Master] did you want to visit Regor before leaving? we can do that tonight?> or wait till first thing next week?

[Lisa] want michael and Ryan to get a dose of Regor?

[Master] yes

[Lisa] I'm kinda winding down a bit

[Master] is ok

[Master] we did get through a nice ammount tonight

[TMO] i'll put it out there as a thought - Regor probably has contacts that can arrange an accident or warning of some sort.

[Master] We are playing next week then not the week after

[TMO] I apologize for not paying more attention. I honestly thought Ilero and Shur had gone home.

[Lisa] it's ok!

[Lisa] But would be good for Ilero to be there since he has trained with him

[Master] I am still not sure on 9/20

[Carissa] Oh perfect. Was going to update to say might be late. Forgot it was a miss so works out.

[Lisa] Branwyn has only sniped at him

[Master] I will be in Sanford

[TMO] yes, and Regor may have yet another task for him

[TMO] *sigh*

[Master] not sure what the hotel wifi will be like or the situration

[Master] but then we have the birthday game weekend

[Master] I almost wrote that as birthgame

[TMO] man... I just thought... Lanak is going to have some strong words for Ilero when he gets back.

[Carissa] More children??

[TMO] THREE? You lost three?

[Carissa] He can also count to three!!

[Lisa] lol

[TMO] That's it! Nobody else goes nowehere with you unless *I* say so!

[Master] grins

[Lisa] poor mario is not here to Count

[Master] lol

[Carissa] I mean, you can do a bit of IC on the website of that convo...

[Carissa] lol!

[Master] and you missed the debate on FB about the Count and Muppets and the Muppet Show Lisa

[TMO] chuckle - I still need to do the summary

[Carissa] For Mario's sake, we'll just add, "Three? Ah ah ah."

[Master] two weeks not TMO

[Master] TWO hah hah hah

[Carissa] lol

[TMO] phhbbbbtttt! :P

[Carissa] Two weeks, but kind of same continued scene so roll it into one?

[TMO] lordy, and I wasn't watching this one...

[TMO] but yes, I'll do it

[TMO] *whimper*

[Carissa] More reason to read the chat for summary :)

[Lisa] thank you!

[Master] Home Stories the next few sessoins

TMO copies the whole chat into the summary


[Master] then Carissa will take over when you are back on track with the story arc

[Carissa] I mean, you could...but make it small font please

[Carissa] Probably

[TMO] 2pt Arial

[Carissa] I approve.

[Lisa] ouch

[TMO] Italics

[Lisa] Ok - I am done for

[TMO] with underlines for the important bits!

[Carissa] .0001 cm spacing

[Master] night everyone

[Lisa] Have a great week!

[TMO] g'night!

[Carissa] Night all!

[Lisa] Goodnight

Lisa has left the game on Fri Jul 12 23:19:54 EDT 2019

Carissa has left the game on Fri Jul 12 23:19:56 EDT 2019

XP not awarded