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Chat Log - 2019 09 13 - Court of Thanes (Formatted)

Corvus has joined the game on Fri Sep 13 18:14:05 EDT 2019

Corvus is receiving the map Base Map...

Corvus has received the map Base Map.

[Corvus] I have returned.

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Hello there

[Master] How was your week?

[Corvus] fifty fifty

[Master] how so?

[Corvus] work is always a seesaw, but I got in an argument with some friends the other day and home life is a drag.

[Master] ouch

John AA has joined the game on Fri Sep 13 18:48:22 EDT 2019

John AA is receiving the map Base Map...

John AA has received the map Base Map.

[Master] Hello John

[John AA] hello all

[Master] How did your week go John?

[John AA] not too bad, but I always have stories

[Master] grins

[Master] I rolled out the Echo Dots on every public service point this week

[Master] 82 of them

[John AA] shipped thing to Steven Taylor today

[Master] drove 224 miles on Monday and Tuesday alone

[Master] Who is Steven Taylor?

[John AA] I don't drive much anymore thank goodness

[John AA] friend of Steven Tyler, depending on how you spell it

[Master] Ahhh

[Master] did not know he was down here

[Master] also remember no game next week

[Master] and the week after is birthday game weekend

[John AA] best reaction was when they were doing "Charge Entry" and someone posted a GIG of The Never Ending Story where he yells charge

[John AA] someone says I love that movie, I said "I likes the ending"

[Master] HAH

[John AA] took her a few more second

[Corvus] I had a job this week. Normally when there is a boundary dispute, the neighbors scream and rage and try to deny you access to the property.

[Master] this time?

[Corvus] That day, they yelled at one another and they all gave full access to show the others are wrong.

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Sep 13 18:55:52 EDT 2019

Lisa is receiving the map Base Map...

Lisa has received the map Base Map.

[Master] grins that sounds good

[Master] and hello Lisa

[John AA] Hi Lisa

[Lisa] Hello!! :)

[Master] how are all things?

[Master] also I am guessing that everyone saw the updates to the site over the last week

[Master] nice Summary

[John AA] yes

[Master] I did some editing in the geography section

[Lisa] do you want to try to send me the map again? I got a klooge error log when I logged in today and the map was probably it

[Master] I will email it to you later not now

[Master] but I did unload the map

[Master] I will make sure it is not here at all now

[Master] totally deleted now

[Lisa] ok -you should have sent it to me earlier I could have seen if I could re-size it or something

[Master] that would have been the smart thing :)

[Master] do you three know the plan for the session?

[Corvus] Should I be going to the website?

[John AA] traveling

[Master] there is quite often stuff there to read Corvus

[Lisa] get a room in Bree, question suspects, get to the scary place

[Corvus] Is it critical to tonight?

[Master] not really it is more background stuff

[Corvus] okay. I can read up when not busy then. :3

[Master] yeap

[Master] the key thing is what Lisa mentioned

[Master] stay the night in Bree

[Master] it is about a day and a half to Frogmorton

[Master] which is the next population center

[John AA] so we will time for sightseeing?

[Master] grins

[Corvus] That means at your own risk- LET'S DO IT!

[Lisa] ok - drugging out the cats. Having two when I give them catnip I have to put it in one line so each can work on opposite ends.

[Lisa] cats are doing a big ol' line of catnip

[Master] LOL

[Master] TMO will be late Carissa will not be in

[Master] have not heard from Spring or Fritz

[Master] or Mario

[Master] or Michael

[Lisa] Ryan?

[Master] no word

[Master] grins

[John AA] in that case

[Master] you are off into the wildlands

[Corvus] wooooo

[Master] or coming out of them depending on how you look at things

[John AA] we were and hour away from Bree, did we sufficiently burn the bodies?

[Master] yes

[Lisa] does Corvus want to talk our way past the city gates?

Miranda Paige (John AA)] So, onto Bree?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Most definitely!

[Corvus] That would be a great idea. Quick reminder why are we out here?

Miranda Paige (John AA)] (passing through)

[Corvus] In general. Chasing elves and orcs right?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (city's locked up for the night on account of trolls)

[Master] you should have a better story as Lisa points out

Miranda Paige (John AA)] (do burnt trolls leave teeth?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (BUT we just killed 4 and Indigo said we could tell them he sent us)

Miranda Paige (John AA)] (not that Indigo)

[Master] no to leftovers you would burn them totally so they do not regenerate

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (burn victims always have teeth - that's how the coroners identify the bodies)

[Master] hmmm

Miranda Paige (John AA)] (question of the day)

[Master] but a troll would regenerate from a tooth

[Master] so I will say that the bones and teeth disintegrate in fire

Miranda Paige (John AA)] (only if it had DNA?)

[Corvus] Yes, but I am trying to form a story

Miranda Paige (John AA)] how do we prove any of this?

[Miranda Paige]] (John AA) as she is riding

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (have them look at Branwyn?)

Lisa is receiving the map Dragon Fen farmlands...

Lisa has received the map Dragon Fen farmlands.

Miranda Paige (John AA)] Oh dear, did you want me to take care of that now?

Miranda Paige (John AA)] I am still trying to stay on the magic path, but I can still heal

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thanks, Miranda, we can wait until we are safe in Bree.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But before sleeping would be very helpful

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] So, we are looking for a room in Bree and arriving to a night locked city, at night.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (yes)

Miranda Paige (John AA)] I hope more than one

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] I am not the most well studied man, but this sounds like an oxymoron.

Miranda Paige (John AA)] a manger maybe

[Master] town at the best, it would be about a thousand people or less here

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (you can have Tiberius help you?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (hee hee)

Miranda Paige (John AA)] inside the walls should be plenty

[Penelope (Master)] I can always get in

Miranda Paige (John AA)] Did you want to ride the cart for the bit Branwyn

Miranda Paige (John AA)] this we know

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] But we need all of us to get in.

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles "I think that might be nice. Good idea!"

[Penelope (Master)] I can get in and then open the gates for us

Miranda Paige (John AA)] Oh I am sure she would let us in, it was Gorgore right?

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] And what of the guard?

[Penelope (Master)] Guards are rarely a problem

Miranda Paige (John AA)] please , we want to be nice, we will be back this way

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] I don't like that line of thought, but a belly full of ale with a warm meal is good enough for me.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo said we could say he sent us. ... He was a bit drunk though. I hope the guards like him

[Miranda Paige]] (John AA) walks with Branwyn horse

Miranda Paige (John AA)] so Gorgore, you understand, peace right?

[Penelope (Master)] I think I can make the guards like me

[Indigo (Lisa)] Of course you can! Everyone likes you Penelope!

[Penelope (Master)] warm smiles

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] It's all you then miss Penelope.

[Penelope (Master)] so when you see the fire just come running for the gate

[Indigo (Lisa)] Wait ... fire?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Fire??

[Miranda Paige]] (John AA) shakes head

[Penelope (Master)] They will need a reason to open the gate

Miranda Paige (John AA)] Let's call that plan C

[Indigo (Lisa)] What about us knocking really loud?

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] afk

Miranda Paige (John AA)] that is plan A Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Corvus went away :( )

[Penelope (Master)] If you want to do it that way

Miranda Paige (John AA)] (he also was ignoring Miranda)

[Miranda Paige]] (John AA) keeps walking unaffected

[Penelope (Master)] (Gerard not Gorgore)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (maybe because you called him Gorgore instead of Gerard?)

[Penelope (Master)] grins

[Penelope (Master)] So Indigo

[Penelope (Master)] This is home

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I was reading that Gorgon)

Miranda Paige (John AA)] (Miranda does not see the name tag)

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] /afk

[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol)

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] back

[Indigo (Lisa)] Well, it's home in a great big sense, but not my old home home

[Indigo (Lisa)] (ready?)

[Penelope (Master)] Do you think we need to do anything different?

[Penelope (Master)] Will they really like me?

Miranda Paige (John AA)] Let's hope they remember us for a good reason

[Indigo (Lisa)] People in Gold Hills like just about everybody

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] I think so. (Who is she?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Except trolls

[Indigo (Lisa)] And orcs

[Indigo (Lisa)] And ... Drow

[Penelope (Master)] Dwarves? Elves?

[Indigo (Lisa)] And dragons

[Penelope (Master)] OH so no elves

[Penelope (Master)] well who likes Dragons

[Penelope (Master)] except for the gold

[Indigo (Lisa)] Branwyn

[Penelope (Master)] umm

[Penelope (Master)] (and Lisa just poured out the last glass from the bottle.... )

[Penelope (Master)] (grins)

Miranda Paige (John AA)] Dragons are smart and not all of them are evil

[Indigo (Lisa)] (and we're only 30 min in)

Miranda Paige (John AA)] every troll is evil

[Penelope (Master)] (I picked the wrong night to give up... )

[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol)

[Penelope (Master)] Are you sure every troll is evil?

[Penelope (Master)] I like killing them

[Penelope (Master)] but I like taking gold from dragons too

[Penelope (Master)] not that we have done that in a long time

Miranda Paige (John AA)] Well I have not met one that is not evil, or anyone who has met a nice one

Penelope (Master) looking at Indigo

[Penelope (Master)] if anyone has ever met one that would be Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] (so Corvus completely up to you - start a fire or smooth talk the guards - when you are ready. or join in a philosophical discussion on dragons)

[Indigo (Lisa)] I don't think I met a good good dragon

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] (Who was Penelope? I'm feeling like she is a bard- esc, character that has high charisma.)

[Indigo (Lisa)] But we've met dragons that just wanted a toll and not hurt everyone they see.

[Penelope (Master)] (yes to high charisma she is Indigo's ... fiancé waiting for him to pop the question )

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] (race?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (good luck with that)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (human)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (has thief like qualities)

Miranda Paige (John AA)] (Miranda has been waiting longer)

[Penelope (Master)] (and has a kid )

[Indigo (Lisa)] (at least Hoffman asked)

Miranda Paige (John AA)] (we talked about, not popped the question)

Miranda Paige (John AA)] (soon as he got the ring,, they were off on an adventure)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Hoffman and Miranda need to get in the same room one of these days soon)

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] (we are at the gates now? I saw the gates were 3o mins away)

[Penelope (Master)] (as soon as you want to be there you can be there, when you are ready to talk to them)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (or set them on fire :-) )

Acolyte Gerard (Corvus) walks up to the guard gates.

[Master] as you walk up to the town of Bree

[Miranda Paige]] (John AA) closes eyes

[Master] you see that there is a large palisade

TMO has joined the game on Fri Sep 13 19:41:32 EDT 2019

TMO is receiving the map Base Map...

TMO has received the map Base Map.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Hi TMO!)

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] "Hello there! Beautiful evening don't ya think?" He asks as he approaches them.

[Master] a wall that extends to the right and left across the road for at least 50 yards in each direction

Miranda Paige (John AA)] (hello TMO)

[Master] there is a large double door along the roadway

[TMO] (hola. what do I need to know to drop in running?)

[Master] and there is a small halfling sized door built into it

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Gerard is getting us into Bree)

Miranda Paige (John AA)] (arriving in Bree)

[Master] and a larger man sized door next to it

[TMO] (huzzah Gerard!)

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] HOI!

[Master] and so with that set up

[Guard #5 (Master)] Ho to the road

Miranda Paige (John AA)] I am no Ho!

[Master] No one visible with a large 20 foot tall wooden palisade but the voice seems next to you

Miranda Paige (John AA)] (interesting?)

Acolyte Gerard (Corvus) does a double take.

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] What is this, a magic show? If so a good thing I didn’t pay any coin. I have come to get into the city, but I heard you have to close the gates up at night.

[Guard #5 (Master)] Of course we close the gates at night! there are wild beasts who stalk the night and steal away young children

Miranda Paige (John AA)] trust us, we have enough children, just not with us

[Guard #5 (Master)] Are you saying you do not like children?

Miranda Paige (John AA)] we love our children

[Guard #5 (Master)] Children are the future

Miranda Paige (John AA)] don't know yours ?

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] And some of the beasts you fear probably lie in smoldering ashes along the sides of the road. Not a bit of flesh remains.

[Guard #5 (Master)]

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] lol

[Guard #5 (Master)] That would be a very nice surprise for the morning

TMO is receiving the map Dragon Fen farmlands...

TMO has received the map Dragon Fen farmlands.

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] long story short, we have some folks who need out of the wilds and a warm bed. Myself included. Can we get in so we can get a warm bed for the night?

[Guard #5 (Master)] I will be glad to let you in in the morning

[Guard #5 (Master)] you can find a nice warm bed

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] Why not tonight though?

[Ilero]] (TMO) mutters quietly, "Could probably make good wind chimes out of t'e bones."

[Guard #5 (Master)] I would suggest Madam Louise

[Guard #5 (Master)] she does a wonderful breakfast

[Guard #5 (Master)] sausage and gravy over a soft biscuit

[Guard #5 (Master)] it is a very nice way of waking up

[Guard #5 (Master)] and for second breakfast she has scones

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] The idea is a warm bed for the night, tomorrow morning would be a waste.

Indigo (Lisa) stomach starts rumbling loudly

[Guard #5 (Master)] It is never a waste for a good second breakfast

Indigo (Lisa) nods emphatically

Ilero (TMO) (to Master only)] Ilero looks around at the wall. What does he figure his odds are on being able to get over the wall unseen?

Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] [Ilero]]: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Guard #5 (Master) (to TMO only)] no clue but it is fairly easily scalable at his level

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] You implied we can get a warm bed tomorrow morning, but as I said the idea is a warm bed to sleep in for the night.

[Guard #5 (Master)] Well the gates are locked for the night

[Guard #5 (Master)] so tomorrow you can have a warm bed

Ilero (TMO) (to Master only)] is it a drawbridge that can drop open suddenly, or a gate that has to be unlocked and pushed open?

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] So you leave weary travelers out in the wilds overnight and at the mercy of the gods because you do not wish to open them for a few minutes?

[Guard #5 (Master) (to TMO only)] it is a palisade wall that extends dozens of yards each way with a doorway in the middle of the roadway

[Guard #5 (Master)] We made our announcement like we do every night

[Guard #5 (Master)] to make sure that anyone who wanted to come in for the night would have time

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] The announcement is not heard miles away along the road gate keep.

Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] [Ilero]]: Thief ability - Hide in shadows* check:(d100) [1d100=89] 89 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

Miranda Paige (John AA)] we were delayed in our battle with the trolls

[Guard #5 (Master)] you can camp there to the south of the road

Ilero (TMO) (to Master only)] Ilero will skulk through the shadows to the base of the wall.

[Guard #5 (Master)] no one else is using it tonight

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] This is madness!

[Guard #5 (Master) (to TMO only)] nods and makes it to the wall unseen even by the group

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo sent us!

Ilero (TMO) (to Master only)] Ilero climbs the wall as silently and unseen as possible, just for giggles.

[Guard #5 (Master)] Indigo the furrier?

Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] [Ilero]]: Thief ability - Climb walls* check:(d100) [1d100=60] 60 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 80!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Yes we met him on the road just before the trolls.

Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] [Ilero]]: Thief ability - Move silently* check:(d100) [1d100=24] 24 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] If we weren't there 4 trolls mighta got him

[Guard #5 (Master) (to TMO only)] Ilero makes it up and over the wall and can easily see a guard shack with two halflings and one human standing in it, one of the halflings is speaking into a horn

[Guard #5 (Master)] Well Indigo the Furrier can fall into a well without a bucket

[Guard #5 (Master)] He owes me money

Ilero (TMO) (to Master only)] Ilero reaches his hand over the edge of the wall and drops 3 gold coins onto the ground in front of them.

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] .......

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] That is no reason to keep us out for the night!

[Guard #5 (Master)] CLINK CLINKC CLINK

Acolyte Gerard (Corvus) raises his fist in anger.

[Guard #5 (Master)] Hey what is that?

[Guard #5 (Master)] HEY NO FAIR I NEED THAT

[Guard #5 (Master)] HEY stop that

[Guard #5 (Master)] THAT IS NOT YOURS

[Guard #5 (Master)] what do you mean I owe you

[Guard #5 (Master)] I never owned you that much

[Guard #5 (Master)] it is all mine

[Guard #5 (Master)] I mean we should split it

Acolyte Gerard (Corvus) pauses fist still in the air with bewilderment.

[Guard #5 (Master)] that is fair

[Guard #5 (Master)] Yes we should split that

[Miranda Paige]] (John AA) looks around

[guard #3 (Master)] OH NO

Miranda Paige (John AA)] Penelope?

[guard #3 (Master)] YOU TOOK the last year's blessings

[guard #3 (Master)] this is new

[guard #3 (Master)] this needs to be split

[Penelope (Master)] Yes?

Miranda Paige (John AA)] Just checking

[Master] The group can make an observation check

Miranda Paige (John AA)] (not I)

Ilero (TMO) (to Master only)] Ilero looks over the edge. Are they prepping to open the door?

[Guard #5 (Master) (to TMO only)] no

Branwyn (Lisa) sits up in the wagon after hearing all the yelling and talking

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] (where is that?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 [MODIFIED (+1)] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

Miranda Paige (John AA)] (woot)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (she's got really good ears)

[Guard #5 (Master) (to Lisa only)] Branwyn notices that Ilero is missing

Branwyn (Lisa) raises her arm "Where's Ilero?"

Ilero (TMO) (to Master only)] Ilero sighs to himself and shakes his head. He pops over the edge and down onto the roof of the shack.

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at Shur "Again?"

Miranda Paige (John AA)] Was he with us?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] He WAS.

[Shurkural]] (TMO) looks at Branwyn? "What"

[Shurkural]] (TMO) moves that ? to the right spot

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Do you know where Ilero went? Is he the cause of the ruckus?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And will it get us beds tonight?

Branwyn (Lisa) grins

[Shurkural]] (TMO) looks around for him.

[Penelope (Master)] OH SURE

[Penelope (Master)] He can make a ruckus

[Penelope (Master)] HE can go cause problems

[Penelope (Master)] but a woman tries to do it

Ilero (TMO)] (Ilero is a Law Unto Himself)

Miranda Paige (John AA)] I smell no fire yet

[Penelope (Master)] and look at all the problems she will create

[Penelope (Master)] Look at all the things that no one should do

[Penelope (Master)] Ilero OH laugh look at how he does things

Penelope (Master) scowls

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That is because you did us all the courtesy of warning us.

[Ilero]] (TMO) crouches on top of the guard shack and holds his hands up to show they're empty, then clears his throat to get the guards' attention.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Ilero never does us this service and believe me, we are not always thrilled with his tactics

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] Words cannot describe the mysteries I have witnessed with this group...

[Master] \LOL

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Is the gate unlocked by any chance?

Ilero (TMO)] Unlock door please. Branwyn t'e Mysterious an' Prince Ilero Sauscha wish to sleep in beds tonight.

[Guard #5 (Master)] Who?

Ilero (TMO)] People who just give you coins.

[Guard #5 (Master)] (I will let Ilero make an Intuition check)

Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] [Ilero]]: INU check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Guard #5 (Master)] (oh well)

Miranda Paige (John AA)] Indigo, you have more pull here, don't you?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Ummm ... and Sir Indigo Captain of the Bounders!

[Guard #5 (Master)] (grins)

Ilero (TMO)] (accidentally left it hidden)

Acolyte Gerard (Corvus) is as lost as his strings in the sky as to what just occurred.

[Guard #5 (Master)] Who did you say?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Sir Indigo Bolger of Crickhollow

[Ilero]] (TMO) points at the door.

Ilero (TMO)] Unlock please.

[Guard #5 (Master)] Crickhollow?

[Guard #5 (Master)] Wait

[Guard #5 (Master)] How should I know it is really Indigo Bolger the Bounder?

[guard #3 (Master)] It is a trick

[guard #3 (Master)] he never comes here

[guard #3 (Master)] he is out having adventures

[guard #3 (Master)] he is famous for that

Ilero (TMO)] Today adventures is here.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Yes, I was just killing trolls

[Indigo (Lisa)] Uhhh ... keeping Gold Hills safe!

[guard #3 (Master)] Wait

[guard #3 (Master)] You cannot

[Guard #5 (Master)] Of course that is what Indigo would do

[Guard #5 (Master)] show up and help

[Guard #5 (Master)] He is famous for that

[Indigo (Lisa)] If you let me in then you can see me

[Ilero]] (TMO) sighs patiently for the guards to make up their minds.

Indigo (Lisa) blushes

Ilero (TMO) (to Master only)] Any chance Ilero can sneak past these three and just unlock the door himself?

[Guard #5 (Master) (to TMO only)] unlikely need a hide in shadows at a minus 50

Ilero (TMO) (to Master only)] thought it'd be pretty hard. and put him in range of their weapons.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Can you let us in please? Some of my friends are hurt

[Guard #5 (Master)] How do I know you are THAT Indigo

[Guard #5 (Master)] The King is a long way off

[Guard #5 (Master)] We are on the edge of the wilderness, the danger is all around

[Ilero]] (TMO) raises his hand to the sky. "Hye promise on Sir Indigo Bolger's honor t'at hye travel wit' him and t'at we is his retinue.

Guard #5 (Master) looks up and Yells AHHHHHHHHH

[Guard #5 (Master)] HEY LOOK

[Guard #5 (Master)] AHHH

[guard #3 (Master)] HEY HEY HEY

[Ilero]] (TMO) looks confused. "Hye been here for 5 minutes. You just now see me?"

[Master] the small halfling sized gate creaks open

[young girl (Master)] Indigo?

Indigo (Lisa) slides off the horse and goes to the door

[young girl (Master)] Master Bounder?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Yes?

[young girl (Master)] Is it really you

[Indigo (Lisa)] I would not lie to you

[young girl (Master)] promise?

[Indigo (Lisa)] King Oakspine named me Captain a few years ago

Indigo (Lisa) crosses his heart

young girl (Master) warm smile

[Indigo (Lisa)] Promise

[young girl (Master)] the King knows best

[young girl (Master)] come in

young girl (Master) holds open the halfling sized door for him

[Indigo (Lisa)] And all of my friends too,

[young girl (Master)] I cannot

[Indigo (Lisa)] We'll have to open the big doors to get the horses and wagon in

[guard #3 (Master)] HEY what are you doing

[Indigo (Lisa)] Then I can't come in either

[Indigo (Lisa)] I hate to tell everyone what an unfriendly place Bree is!

Guard #5 (Master) snatches up all three gold coins

[Guard #5 (Master)] Let them in

[Guard #5 (Master)] Let them in

Guard #5 (Master) moves to open the doors

[Ilero]] (TMO) rolls his eyes. "T'ank you."

[Master] The large gates open

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] Well I sure as hell won't argue this.

Indigo (Lisa) puffs up his chest "Very good!"

[Miranda Paige]] (John AA) guides horses in

[Master] and you can bring your horses and wagon can come through

Acolyte Gerard (Corvus) waits patiently before following the party in.

Indigo (Lisa) waves everyone forward

[Ilero]] (TMO) is sitting cross-legged on top of the guard shack inside the wall.

Indigo (Lisa) looks up at Ilero "How?"

Indigo (Lisa) then shakes his head, laughs and waves

[Miranda Paige]] (John AA) says thank you to anyone listening

[young girl (Master)] Welcome to Bree

[Indigo (Lisa)] Is there stables and an inn nearby?

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] Hello.

[young girl (Master)] Yes but no

[young girl (Master)] They are all closed for the night

[Master] Time of Day: 08:00 PM. Day 8 Ko ___ de, Man {Early Spring} 8th, 348 SKR.

[Master] Time of Day: 09:00 PM. Day 8 Ko ___ de, Man {Early Spring} 8th, 348 SKR.

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] Even the inns are not taking tenants! What is this place?

[young girl (Master)] We are a small community who tries to help the Big Ones when they do not understand

[Ilero]] (TMO) rolls off the back of the shack and walks around to quietly rejoin the party.

[Shurkural]] (TMO) kicks him in the shoulder from horseback.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Even I don't get why we can't find a tavern to get a mug of ale. It's not that late

Miranda Paige (John AA)] they must not need the silver

[young girl (Master)] The town council says that if we have the lights on too late that it will attract the wrong people

Shurkural (TMO)] Well, sleeping inside the wall is better than outside.

[young girl (Master)] so they do not let any of the inns or taverns entertain people after dark

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] So the inns are closed down to visitors, because they have no light?>

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] What about the beds?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (brb)

[Lisa] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] looking around you do notice that is is noticeably dark here in town more than most places you have visited

[guard #3 (Master)] You can camp outside, I showed you where

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] you mean I cannot see right?

[Guard #5 (Master)] They are inside now

[Guard #5 (Master)] they can camp at the stables

[Guard #5 (Master)] and pay in the morning

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] You did not say the entire town was shut down to visitors, even inside!

[young girl (Master)] I can take you

Acolyte Gerard (Corvus) grumbles and lumbers off to the stables with the group.

[Miranda Paige]] (John AA) follows young girl

[young girl (Master)] There is an inn that caters to big people like you

[young girl (Master)] they will have beds for you maybe

young girl (Master) takes you over a block to a large inn with a stable for the wagon and a trough for the horses, only four stalls and they are all taken

Old man (Master) grumbles

[Old man (Master)] Who are you bringing to me now Melody

[Old man (Master)] you are taking in strangers again?

[young girl (Master)] THIS is the famous Master Indigo the Captain of the Bounders

[Old man (Master)] Really?

Old man (Master) looks over Indigo as he is taking care of the horses and wagon

MarioHome has joined the game on Fri Sep 13 20:29:39 EDT 2019

MarioHome is receiving the map Base Map...

MarioHome has received the map Base Map.

[Old man (Master)] I suppose we can find a place for him

[Old man (Master)] and his ...... friends

[Old man (Master)] sighs

[Old man (Master)] Not inside

Miranda Paige (John AA)] (oh Hai Mario)

[Lisa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Old man (Master)] they can use the loft

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Hi Mario!)

[MarioHome] (hi all!)

[Old man (Master)] You would think that if it was Indigo the Captain of the Bounders he would let someone know ahead of time to prepare

[Old man (Master)] No one just wanders off on adventures

[Old man (Master)] without planning for a year or two

Miranda Paige (John AA)] that is not how he rolls

Shurkural (TMO)] (hi Mario)

[MarioHome] (TL:DR?)

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] someone died

[MarioHome] (uikes!)

Shurkural (TMO)] (we just got into Bree after they'd close the gates)

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] RIP the bug some random person swallowed

[MarioHome] (lol, ok)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Corvus that has actually been happening a lot lately)

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] lol

Miranda Paige (John AA)] (we made it inside Bree)

Miranda Paige (John AA)] (thei keyboard is broken)

[Indigo (Lisa)] So we can stay in the stables?

[Old man (Master)] grunts

[Old man (Master)] I suppose you can stay in the inn if you really are Indigo the Captain of the Bounders

[Indigo (Lisa)] I am!

Indigo (Lisa) looks back "Do you mind if Penelope and I go inside? We'll see you in the morning."

[Miranda Paige]] (John AA) makes sure horses are all accounted for

[Shurkural]] (TMO) shoos them inside.

Penelope (Master) smiles

Indigo (Lisa) takes Penelope's hand and goes to the inn

[guard #3 (Master)] Hey I should get some of that gold

SpringyDew has joined the game on Fri Sep 13 20:36:35 EDT 2019

SpringyDew is receiving the map Base Map...

SpringyDew has received the map Base Map.

[Master] and so

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Hi Spring!)

Miranda Paige (John AA)] (Hi Spring)

[SpringyDew] hi Lisa! hi John! hi BOB!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So Miranda, maybe I'll take you up on that offer now that we are finally settled.

[Master] the night passes, Indigo and Penelope spend the night in the Inn in a nice warm bed the rest of the group camps in the Inn's stable yard

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (nope nope)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (healing before sleeping)

[Master] okl

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (thx)

John AA is receiving the map Dragon Fen farmlands...

John AA has received the map Dragon Fen farmlands.

SpringyDew is receiving the map Dragon Fen farmlands...

SpringyDew has received the map Dragon Fen farmlands.

[Master] Everyone gets to decide what you do with the night in the stable yard

[Master] are you setting up watches etc.

[John AA] [Miranda Paige]] targets Branwyn. Distance: 13'10"

Shurkural (TMO)] (not get fleas)

Miranda Paige (John AA)] [Miranda Paige]] casts a spell against Branwyn: Orison: I can create minor effects.

Miranda Paige (John AA)] [Miranda Paige]] casts a spell against Branwyn: Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (this place seems pretty safe)

[Master] how many John?

Miranda Paige (John AA)] double checking

Shurkural (TMO)] (and, on the plus side, Ilero's solo excursion didn't actually take very long and he quickly rejoined the party. ;) )

[SpringyDew (to GM only)] Character sheet for Kenna Westfoot modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (he didn't end up in halfling jail - another plus)

Miranda Paige (John AA)] 16

[MarioHome] HI Spring!

[Master] Branwyn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 30 (16) - Lightly Wounded

Shurkural (TMO)] (he was very careful about not seriously breaking any laws)

Shurkural (TMO)] (bending a little here and there)

Miranda Paige (John AA) (to GM only)] Character sheet for [Miranda Paige]] modified:

[SpringyDew (to GM only)] Character sheet for Kenna Westfoot modified: Notes - CHANGED.

MarioHome is receiving the map Dragon Fen farmlands...

MarioHome has received the map Dragon Fen farmlands.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you Miranda. That troll really hit me hard.

Miranda Paige (John AA)] Mara, you can take care of yourself?

Shurkural (TMO)] (that's why he didn't just unlock the door himself - that and it would have been *very* difficult)

[MarioHome] I am back at the keyboard.

[Mara (MarioHome)] I can

Miranda Paige (John AA)] I was worried Branwyn

[Mara (MarioHome)] (are we safe for the evening?)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (hi Mario!)

Miranda Paige (John AA)] well, who knows when we will get a better night sleep

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Yes he ran too fast for me to cast

Miranda Paige (John AA)] [Miranda Paige]] casts a spell against Branwyn: Orison: I can create minor effects.

Miranda Paige (John AA)] Here Branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The next town hopefully will be nicer

[Mara (MarioHome)] Mara casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects. NOTE: Not available.

[Mara (MarioHome)] Mara casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects. NOTE: Not available.

[Master] Branwyn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 38 (8) - Unharmed

Miranda Paige (John AA)] Shur, are you going to play it tough?

[Mara (MarioHome)] (14 to Mara)

[Master] Mara's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 30 (14) - Lightly Wounded

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Mmmm ... good as new.

Miranda Paige (John AA)] Like Indigo and Rhibosi

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Shur are you all right?

Shurkural (TMO)] I'd love some, sugar.

Shurkural (TMO)] (sorry, was refilling the queso bowl. ;) )

[John AA] [Miranda Paige]] no longer targets Branwyn.

Miranda Paige (John AA)] (of course practically, we should spil it up, Kenna?)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (Mara or Bosi can heal)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (is Kenna here?)

Shurkural (TMO)] (do the priests outnumber the rest of us? ;) )

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (last cast was on the 7th, so should have full spells)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (think your icon got moved so it wasn't in the troll fight)

[Master] Kenna Westfoot moved 69'10".

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] Kenna Westfoot casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] Kenna Westfoot casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (oh misread Mara down 14)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (but it looks like 4?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (4)

[Master] Mara's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 34 (4) - Unharmed

Miranda Paige (John AA)] ( I was hoping you can help Shur)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (so 4 for Mara and I got 14 for whoever else needs em)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (ok 8 for Shur)

[Mara (MarioHome)] Shur needs it, Mara can recoup w sleep

[Master] [Shurkural]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 56 (8) - Unharmed

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (that leaves 6, who else?)

[Mara (MarioHome)] Indigo

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Bosi)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (indigo is away)

[Mara (MarioHome)] Bosi is fine, Indigo

[Mara (MarioHome)] ohm, sorry

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (he'll have to suffer)

[Master] Rhibosi's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 55 (3) - Unharmed

[Master] Drayven Starmantle's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 65 (2) - Unharmed

Shurkural (TMO)] (throw the healing through the Inn's windows

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (ok well away or not, Indigo is down 6 and I have 6 so these are for him)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (oh the character LOL ok)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (in that case I have 6, unless that's what happened to Drayven)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (yes Indigo and Penelope are at the inn)

Miranda Paige (John AA)] I would hope your brave fighters can handle one person per watch, so we can sleep through

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (when he gets that feeling, he needs SEX...ual healing)

[Mara (MarioHome)] lolol

[MarioHome] I am away from the keyboard.

Miranda Paige (John AA)] (nice)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol yeah he'll be fine in the morning!)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (Ryan gossiped last week that Fritz dropped in)


[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] people are stupid about comuters...

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (very yes)

Miranda Paige (John AA)] (ah yes, twas wonderful )

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Yes! Was a big surprise! To me anyway)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (something about nearly picking a fight with gypsies?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Nah! He did donate blood though)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (heh)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (got us a reading to follow the dwarves and helped us kick troll butt)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (was a nice night! Sorry you couldn't be here)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (yeah I probably picked the wrong night to attend my first pro soccer ever)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (the next one is on a Saturday thought)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (wow! Women's?)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (and I want season tickets, and I checked the schedule and nearly all the games are not Fridays)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (yup, women’s)

[MarioHome] I am back at the keyboard.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Great! Cuz the guys suck)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (the Royals moved up the leagues to 3rd)

[Master] lol

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (anyway ... watches or no?)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (are we inside an inn or tavern or whatever?)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (if we need to use the priests, Kenna can do 3rd)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (stables)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (Or under a tree ?)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (we are in the stable yard)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (in a locked down town)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (aha, do we need more than one person per?)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (hmm good point)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I don't think so)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (or no persons per...)

[Mara (MarioHome)] ( I think better to be safe, just one per)

Miranda Paige (John AA)] (One person awake, just for privacy)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (not everyone has our best intentions in mind)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (my casters can do either 1 or 3 if needed)

Miranda Paige (John AA)] (Gerald on one, Ilero on 2, Tiberius on three?)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (I’m good)

Shurkural (TMO)] (good)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (yup)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Corvus?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Or have Shur take one if a roll is required)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (or Ilero first...)

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] I am here

Shurkural (TMO)] (Shur's always up for a good roll)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (or Gerald)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (ahh! you up or 1st watch?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (for)

Shurkural (TMO)] (she's typically a 3rd, but you can move her wherever you like)

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=10] 10

Shurkural (TMO)] (she's pliable)

[Master] next

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we've heard)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] :)

Miranda Paige (John AA)] (smiles)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (haha)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (brb again)

[Lisa] I am away from the keyboard.

Shurkural (TMO)] (I don't know where these nasty rumors keep coming from... :) )

[Master] Time of Day: 01:26 AM. Day 9 See ___ de, Man {Early Spring} 9th, 348 SKR.

Miranda Paige (John AA)] (Ilero’s roll)

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

Ilero (TMO)] (1d20) [1d20=8] 8

[Miranda Paige]] (John AA) tosses an turn wondering if someone closed the gate

[Master] next

Miranda Paige (John AA)] (Tiberius)

Miranda Paige (John AA)] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=16] 16

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Really Ilero?

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] why are we watching in a stable in a town where everyone loves Indigo?

[Mara (MarioHome)] (because stirges)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (this)

[Ilero]] (TMO) leans back and crosses his legs and smiles. "His better t'an outside t'e wall."

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] Ya know... Every time I tried staying inside a city, I got jumped. EVERY time.

Lord Tiberius (Master) heh

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] you are right about that

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] so go to sleep

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] I will go back to sleep in a bit

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] I will go walk and make sure the doors are locked

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] unless you locked them

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] then I know no one is getting in

[Ilero]] (TMO) shrugs. "Hye just rest a bit. Not sleep as much anymore."

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] this is game to game too.

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] You should sleep now

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] we will find danger soon enough

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Branwyn will take us there

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] and then we will have fun

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] Ack, not like I was hoping for a bed or nothing. Straw will work I suppose. Better than the damn dirt.

[Ilero]] (TMO) 's smile turns grim, but all he does is shrug and roll over.

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] SO Gerard

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] you are following us for now because you have to

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] what happens if you do not find that magical scallop?

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] scallop... this was the stolen item right? I am recovering it for my boss if I remember right?

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] laughs

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] yes that is why we are out on the road to no where

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] (sorry, forgot the ()

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] If we do not find it then Branwyn will suffer

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] so I intend on making sure we get a hold of it

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] no matter what

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] If I do not find the magical scallop? Hell if I know. I surely cannot return empty handed either. Then again, I have to live with the fact I may not recover it. This is not my first outfit. It sure as hell won't be my last either.

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] I will not fail her

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] we will find it

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] Good Good. I like my easy paycheck.

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] When you get back with it

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] what will you do?

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] will you stay with the Temple?

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] (What was his faith again?)

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] (Greek, the same as Tiberius)

[Lisa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (b)

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] I might. Someone must train the little rats how to live and fight. Keeps them off the street and raises hardened men capable of respecting the pleasures of life war training dopes

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] What sort of war training do you do:?

Lord Tiberius (Master) interested

[Miranda Paige]] (John AA) mumbles in sleep "why did it have to be rats?"

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] Me? I train in battle line combat. I teach the beautiful feckers to hold their pikes at that juicy thirty five and let their enemies run right into them. Not a good shot myself, but I can also teach the bow line how to aim at the needed angles for volley fire.

[Mara (MarioHome)] (ha John!)

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] We found some mystical tomes about war a couple of years ago

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Branwyn gave them to a church

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] I am not sure what sort of training it dealt with

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] but I do more of the lead into battle,

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] stab them with the pointy end

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] (1d20) [1d20=8] 8

[Master] Time of Day: 07:26 AM. Day 9 See ___ de, Man {Early Spring} 9th, 348 SKR.

[Master] the cocks crow

[Master] people are stirring

[Master] the stables are waking

[Master] horses are stamping wanting water and grain

Miranda Paige (John AA)] Gerard, do you have the horses?

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] (Sorry, had to chase something from the house

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] "Yes I can take care of them," he says as he wakes up with a hefty yawn.**

[Miranda Paige]] (John AA) starts to Pray

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] spins his top and meditates

Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew) praying

Acolyte Gerard (Corvus) taking care of horses.

Miranda Paige (John AA)] (just our horses)

[Ilero]] (TMO) snores.

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] (so much for Ilero needing less sleep lately)

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] chuckles

Ilero (TMO)] (the body still needs what it needs, when the mind doesn't interfere)

Miranda Paige (John AA)] (Ilero's mind doesn't mind)

Rhibosi (MarioHome) puts away his gear

[Mara (MarioHome)] I didn’t realize how small these hill homes are. how quaint!

[Mara (MarioHome)] I don’t think most of us can fit into one of these

[Mara (MarioHome)] Maybe Tiberius last week...

[Mara (MarioHome)] so interesting

[Shurkural]] (TMO) chuckles, then looks nervously around.

Acolyte Gerard (Corvus) is laughing now

Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew) looks up, having missed the conversation

Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew) tidying everything away

[Miranda Paige]] (John AA) stands up and looks for breakfast

[Mara (MarioHome)] will we have time to meet with the locals, or are we off in a hurry?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I don't think Indigo will let us leave until after breakfast

[Mara (MarioHome)] oh good!

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] breakfast is important

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] second breakfast doubly so

Mara (MarioHome) smiles at Kenna

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] but we miss that one most of the time on the road

Miranda Paige (John AA)] We have a day and half to next town, so no second breakfasts

[Mara (MarioHome)] you must be happy to be amongst your people, Auntie Kenna

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] actually it is rather strange now

[Mara (MarioHome)] oh?

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] I have gotten used to living in a forest of navels

Shurkural (TMO)] (ol)

Miranda Paige (John AA)] (hee hee)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (lolol)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] well, navel areas

[Mara (MarioHome)] (took me a while. I’m thinking, we have been in orange groves)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (is it entirely Hin around here BOB or is it a mix?)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (LOL Mario)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (if the inn didn’t have large enough beds...)

[Master] This is the last areas where Humans and Hin mix the rest of Gold Hills is 90% Hin

[Mara (MarioHome)] (ah)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (I’m just thinking about when I went to Denmark and I’m like damn there's a lot of white people)

[Master] lol

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (I was hugely uncomfortable)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (thankfully Sweden takes immigrants)

[Mara (MarioHome)] will you visit? get some local snacks or goods?

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (more various)

[Mara (MarioHome)] spread the Good Word?

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] oh always spreading the good word

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] and yes, we should buy fruits and pastries, pocket sandwiches, that sort of thing

Shurkural (TMO)] Pocket sandwiches?

Shurkural (TMO)] Is that like pocket bacon?

[Master (to Lisa only)] Indigo can come down with whatever news you think of

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] I would like to know the best breakfast in town if anyone here knows.

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (like pirogies or Cornish pasty, every culture has them)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] oh yes, portable!

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] dough with things in. different families call them different things

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (I have no freaking idea what the Hin word would be)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (overnight healing?)

[Master] Shi'Nynze: No adjustments made.

[Master] Lord Tiberius: No adjustments made.

[Master (to GM only)] Penelope: No adjustments made.

[Master] Rhibosi: No adjustments made.

[Master] Talwin: No adjustments made.

[Master] Indigo's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 55 (3) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] Branwyn: No adjustments made.

[Master] [Shurkural]]: No adjustments made.

[Master] Kenna Westfoot: No adjustments made.

[Master] [Ilero]]: No adjustments made.

[Master] [Miranda Paige]]: No adjustments made.

[Master] Mara: No adjustments made.

[Master] Skarphedin: No adjustments made.

[Master (to GM only)] Giant Badger #6: No adjustments made.

[Master] Acolyte Gerard: No adjustments made.

[Master] Drayven Starmantle: No adjustments made.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (should have clarified only Indigo - sorry)

[Master] and also grins at Spring you get to make up a new word then

[Mara (MarioHome)] (make one up, no pressure...)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (can speak in Hin with (H ) like elvish)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (:0))

Shurkural (TMO)] (I can come up with a font for it)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (we got a font for that)

[John AA] good night all

Shurkural (TMO)] (cya!)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Goodnight John!)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (oh bai john!)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (gnite john)

John AA has left the game on Fri Sep 13 21:41:27 EDT 2019

[Indigo (Lisa)] (we got elves, Hin, dwarves and giants)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (and Ilero)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I just bold black when Shi talks to animals)

[Master] LOL at Mario

Shurkural (TMO)] (LOL! - do I really need to create an Ilero font style?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (no)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (just sometimes subtitles)

Shurkural (TMO)] (Japanese character set)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (don't want to mess with the chat for that too please)

Shurkural (TMO)] (lol)

Shurkural (TMO)] (my next character will be mute, just to make all your lives easier. ;) )

[Master] Not until there is a way to make it automatically do the formatting Lisa puts in too many hours already

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (hehehe)

[Master] but moving forward

Indigo (Lisa) skips down to the stables "Good morning!"

[Penelope (Master)] The most amazing feather beds

[Indigo (Lisa)] They have breakfast at the inn! Ready?

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] Morning Indigo. You sleep well enough- yes I am!

[Penelope (Master)] I have never felt so soft

[Penelope (Master)] It was magical

[Penelope (Master)] Do you think they do it that way? looking at Indigo

[Ilero]] (TMO) stretches, several joints in his back and knees popping.

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] I hope they have some plorkins for the road. (pocket sandwiches, so there)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] plorkins, you know the pastry with the meat and potatoes in

[Indigo (Lisa)] There's not a lot of magic here I don't think. They just pluck good chickens

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (hahaha)

[Penelope (Master)] Well we need to tell Branwyn to get good chickens

[Mara (MarioHome)] Plorkins sound delicious!

Indigo (Lisa) waves at everyone "Come on!"

[Mara (MarioHome)] if they travel well, I’ll take a few for the road

Indigo (Lisa) grins at Penelope

Shurkural (TMO)] She'd probably just launch them from that catapult on the roof.

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] sometimes there are carrots or other veg

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'll find us some good chickens when we get home

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] parsnips maybe

Mara (MarioHome) less enthused about parsnips

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (great, now I’m hungry)

[Mara (MarioHome)] oh, that’s, uh, just as good as carrots

Indigo (Lisa) pulls at Branwyn to get her moving "Breakfast!"

[Indigo (Lisa)] Oops! Hope you weren't memorizing anything

[Penelope (Master)]

[Ilero]] (TMO) rolls over and hops to his feet.

[Penelope (Master)] added Plorkin

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'm coming! You act like we haven't eaten in a week

Branwyn (Lisa) takes Tiberius' hand and pulls him up "We must hurry. Indigo is starving to death"

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] chuckles

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] then he will have to eat Penelope

[Mara (MarioHome)] (of course, the guy worked all night)

Branwyn (Lisa) heads out of the stables and looks out at the town in the daylight

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 [MODIFIED (+1)] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Master] The town seems quiet

[Master] several humans moving about

[Master] but no Hin visible

[Master] but smoke and warm happy smells of breakfast everywhere on the air

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] Breakfast! lead the way.

[Mara (MarioHome)] (is there tall grass?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] This is pleasant.

[Inn Keeper (Master)] So where are all your friends Indigo?

Branwyn (Lisa) follows Indigo and Penelope into the inn

[Indigo (Lisa)] They're slow.

Mara (MarioHome) hurries in

[Indigo (Lisa)] Can we get breakfast for ummm ...

Indigo (Lisa) counting

Acolyte Gerard (Corvus) is right behind them, and taking a seat.

[Indigo (Lisa)] 15 people please?

[Inn Keeper (Master)] Only 15 breakfasts?

[Ilero]] (TMO) slides into a corner spot.

Rhibosi (MarioHome) seems uncomfortable in the space, finds a space furthest away

[Indigo (Lisa)] To start with

[Inn Keeper (Master)] Tell them to watch their heads

[Inn Keeper (Master)] I will have everything ready in a hour or so

[Indigo (Lisa)] Watch your heads!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Is Melody around?

[Inn Keeper (Master)] Melody?

[Ilero]] (TMO) gives up on the chair and slides down to sit cross-legged on the floor against a wall.

[Indigo (Lisa)] The girl who brought us here last night

[Mara (MarioHome)] pipes up

[Inn Keeper (Master)] OH

[Inn Keeper (Master)] she is out on watch

[Mara (MarioHome)] Melody? I can play one if you'd like

[Inn Keeper (Master)] she will be back for third breakfast

Indigo (Lisa) smiles at Mara

[Inn Keeper (Master)] after the deer are fed

[Mara (MarioHome)] you keep deer? oh my!

[Shurkural]] (TMO) slides down onto her rump next to Ilero.

[Inn Keeper (Master)] Keep?

[Inn Keeper (Master)] deer never do well when you try to pen them in

[Inn Keeper (Master)] you need to let them roam in the woods

[Mara (MarioHome)] your town I so much fun! all new things to see and experience

[Inn Keeper (Master)] then when you need them they will be there

[Mara (MarioHome)] yes, of course

[Mara (MarioHome)] when do you need them?

[Inn Keeper (Master)] for dinner

Indigo (Lisa) laughs

[Inn Keeper (Master)] every couple of weeks

Mara (MarioHome) smiles, then it sinks in

[Mara (MarioHome)] oh my...

[Inn Keeper (Master)] So where are you all going?

[Inn Keeper (Master)] it was good to host Indigo here

[Inn Keeper (Master)] glad he will be staying

[Inn Keeper (Master)] I can make sure we have a good gathering for you tonight

[Ilero]] (TMO) practices flipping the mystery dagger around in his hands, flipping it around his fingers and wrists, idly killing time listening to the conversation

[Indigo (Lisa)] Oh no! We're not staying

[Indigo (Lisa)] We have to go right after breakfast

Mara (MarioHome) thinks "which one?"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] After FIRST breakfast even.

[Inn Keeper (Master)] third breakfast

[Inn Keeper (Master)] no one leaves after first breakfast

[Indigo (Lisa)] We have to get to Frogmorton

Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew) nodding sadly

[Inn Keeper (Master)] Oh that takes days

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] we will take second and third breakfast to eat on the hoof there

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I do apologize but we are on a tight schedule

[Inn Keeper (Master)] you can take your time

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I only wish we could

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We are after orcs and Drow who are in the woods near Scary

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Time is of the essence

[Inn Keeper (Master)] there are always troubles near Scary

[Inn Keeper (Master)] you can go when you want and find them

Ilero (TMO)] T'at why is named t'at?

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)]

[Inn Keeper (Master)] It is hard up against the Old Forest

[Inn Keeper (Master)] of course there are scary things there

[Mara (MarioHome)] what’s the scariest you have heard of?

[Mara (MarioHome)] what does the local lore say?

[Mara (MarioHome)] we've encountered trolls, they were fairly scary

[Inn Keeper (Master)] the worst I have heard from there?

[Inn Keeper (Master)] dwarves that eat children

[Inn Keeper (Master)] trolls that suck on bones

[Mara (MarioHome)] (thinks " don’t they all"))

[Inn Keeper (Master)] wolves that hunt

[Mara (MarioHome)] Hunter Wolves?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Dwarves don't eat children

Mara (MarioHome) looks at Bran

[Mara (MarioHome)] I hear that a lot lately

[Mara (MarioHome)] I certainly hope not

[Mara (MarioHome)] but a lot of folk are convinced

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'm surprised. Most people think dwarves eat rocks

[Inn Keeper (Master)] Rocks?

[Inn Keeper (Master)] who would eat rocks?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Dwarves

[Mara (MarioHome)] Jilly would know for sure

[Branwyn (Lisa)] They don't. But that is a story that is oft repeated.

[Inn Keeper (Master)] I thought they liked mushrooms?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I believe it is due to their mining expertise

Ilero (TMO)] His closer to trut', yes.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Yes, we know a dwarf who likes mushrooms very much

[Mara (MarioHome)] and also not too find of children

Branwyn (Lisa) happy Skarp is outside with the horses for this conversation

[Mara (MarioHome)] so maybe it is only rumor

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But I can confirm that they do not eat children

Ilero (TMO)] At least not yet.

Mara (MarioHome) nods and smiles

[Ilero]] (TMO) grins toothily.

Branwyn (Lisa) shakes her head

[Master] anything else you want to learn accomplish here in Bree before heading out along the road?

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] replace the horses)

Ilero (TMO)] (not from me)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (not for me - think we are a little too far away still)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (I’m good)

Lisa is receiving the map overland hedgerow...

[Lisa] I am back at the keyboard.

Lisa has received the map overland hedgerow.

[Lisa] I am back at the keyboard.

Ilero (TMO)] (ermagherd - I remember hating the combat on this map)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (tmo has pointer)

Ilero (TMO)] (sry - I musta been typing when Bob swapped maps)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (this map still has that smoky smell)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I was too - thought it was pointer)

[Master] Time of Day: 09:26 AM. Day 9 See ___ de, Man {Early Spring} 9th, 348 SKR.

[Mara (MarioHome)] (so we have pockets full of plorkins?)

[Master] yes

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (Kenna flashback of dragon snatchins)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (gosh I hope we have plorkins)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (I just had a protein drink myself and it's not really measuring up)

[Master] heading along the South Road towards Frogmorton

[Master] and it seems that it is not a straightforward path

[Mara (MarioHome)] (the top is north?)

[Master] more of a wandering from farmstead to farmstead

[Indigo (Lisa)] (long and winding road)

[Master] exactly

[Master] and yes to Mario


[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 3'02".

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] "The way forward," he comments as he chews on some dried bread. "The best way is to just put one foot in front of the other."

[Mara (MarioHome)]

Ilero (TMO)] Hye prefer riding

Ilero (TMO)] Let horse do walking

Mara (MarioHome) nods with a smile

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] one hoof in front of the other

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] or well a little off to the side too

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] the hoofprints do not really make a line ...

[Mara (MarioHome)] (lol, very observant)

[Mara (MarioHome)]

Branwyn (Lisa) rides up to Mara "I've been thinking. If we can find the spot of the ambush we can try to do a seance."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] See if there is a spirit lurking who can tell us something.

[Mara (MarioHome)] oh! I haven’t used that skill in a while. I will be more than happy to assist!

[Ilero]] (TMO) suppresses a shudder.

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] What are they talking about?

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] spirits of the dead

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You are probably more skilled at it than I am, but I do get lucky once in a while

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] having a word with them

Mara (MarioHome) blushes a bit

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] I am not that comfortable with it, but it has yielded clues sometimes

[Mara (MarioHome)] well, it’s not often that happens

[Mara (MarioHome)] I will serve as you wish

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] creepy... The dead should be left to rest...

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] it is distressing that some do not pass on to the other side as they ought

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] they linger a bit, that is unhappy

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] I do not think you can seance someone who is already resting, can you?

Mara (MarioHome) feeling useful, but checking her confidence

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] do they not have to be restless to start with?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] These people suffered a violent death so perhaps some are lingering.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And maybe helping find their artifact could put them at peace

[Mara (MarioHome)] the hard part is finding a specific spirit

[Mara (MarioHome)] I hope can, or at least the one we do contact can help

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And both of us can try so we'll see. It doesn't hurt to try

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It was just a thought

[Mara (MarioHome)] agreed

[Branwyn (Lisa)] All the kinds of things we can do outside of the Mist.

[Mara (MarioHome)] what’s the worst that can happen?

[Mara (MarioHome)] yes we can

Mara (MarioHome) thinks about the spell Sunscorch

Mara (MarioHome) eyes glaze, breaks into a soft smile

[Mara (MarioHome)] (mental note: don’t cast at it!)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (I laughed at that all week)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (ohhh so sad)

[Mara (MarioHome)] ( I was SOOO excited, and then...fizzle)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (then you get to roll for encounters)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (farmer walks up the road - BLAST!)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (if he has a pitchfork, he's fair game)

[Master] chuckles

[Master] so Maro go ahead and roll

[Mara (MarioHome)] (1d20) [1d20=19] 19

[Mara (MarioHome)] (sigh)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (he's my chance)

[Master] so the morning passes uneventfully as you go by farm after farm

[Master] Time of Day: 12:05 PM. Day 9 See ___ de, Man {Early Spring} 9th, 348 SKR.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=14] 14

[Master] passing along

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I tried - where is John when you need him?)

[Master] Time of Day: 03:05 PM. Day 9 See ___ de, Man {Early Spring} 9th, 348 SKR.

[Master] lol

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (he's always good for a 1-4 roll)

[Master] You are in civilized lands

[Master] for now

[Mara (MarioHome)] (lol, true)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Spring?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (anyone?)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (go again)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=15] 15

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (nope)

[Master] Time of Day: 06:05 PM. Day 9 See ___ de, Man {Early Spring} 9th, 348 SKR.

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (oh sorry)

[Master] you passed several farmers

[Master] and merchants along the way

[Master] just no one interesting or willing to talk with you

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Kenna Westfoot modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Mara (MarioHome)] (is it cuz they smell the plorkins?)

[Master] but you now need to try to find a place to camp

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (any place good to make camp? )

[Master] up to the group

[Master] you see the farmland and orchards

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (it's all farms? can we just camp at the side of the road?)

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] over this area the road just wanders from place to place

Ilero (TMO)] (brother in law needs me again. I may or may not be back)

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

[Mara (MarioHome)] (lets knock and see if a barn has space)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (inside is better than out)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (does Admiral have clout this far out?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (ok - mostly Hin now - Kenna want to take a shot?)

[Mara (MarioHome)] brb

[MarioHome] I am away from the keyboard.

[Farmer #4 (Master)] Hello?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Spring are you here?)

[Farmer #4 (Master)] Oh Hello

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Corvus get us place to sleep part II?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (okay )

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] Hello!

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yay)

[MarioHome] I am back at the keyboard.

[Farmer #4 (Master)] hello

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] how are you doing today? your family is well I hope?

[Farmer #4 (Master)] we are well thank you where are you heading Priestess?

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (wow he got to the point fast)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] towards frogmorton

[Farmer #4 (Master)] that is a ways away, why do you need to go there? you have a lot of Big Folk with you

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] is there a chance we can rent part of your barn to sleep the night?

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] oh we have been asked to look into an incident. some holy people were attacked, it is very sad

[Farmer #4 (Master)] you do not need to do rent, if you could please bless the crops in the morning, it is spring and I hope we have growth for the season

[Farmer #4 (Master)] who would attack holy pilgrims?

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] oh happily, I would love to bless the crops, thank you

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] evil people to be sure. I heard some may be drow

[Farmer #4 (Master)] drow? who are they?

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] like elves but living below the ground entirely

[Farmer #4 (Master)] why would the light want to be underground?

Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew) shrugs elaborately

[Farmer #4 (Master)] are they mole people?

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] not from what I have heard, but it is enough to make you wonder

[Farmer #4 (Master)] if they live underground they must be blind like moles

[Farmer #4 (Master)] or the rocky dwarves

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] and pale I would expect

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] I have not seen any or pictures of any

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] (sorry IU was reading something

[Farmer #4 (Master)] I have heard that dwarves are pale and they have hair to hide

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] my dwarf friend over there has hair but I have not caught him hiding it

[Farmer #4 (Master)] will you need help with second breakfast?

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (I have no idea if he's pale or not)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] we must quickly move down the road so we cannot stay for second breakfast, but if you have any spare plorkins I would not say no

[Farmer #4 (Master)] I will ask the Missus

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] so many thanks!

[Farmer #4 (Master)] be fure to be careful we have lost our first two lambs of the season

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] is there any part of the barn we should especially be careful of?

[Farmer #4 (Master)] something snatched them from the pen

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] oh dear, that does not sound good

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] we have a habit of keeping watches, so maybe we can deter them. or spot them, whatever they are doing the snatching

[Farmer #4 (Master)] thank you priestess

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] our pleasure, surely, thanks for the shelter

[Farmer #4 (Master)] I will have my older son come to you in the morning

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] that would be lovely

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] (Things picked up here at home. I got to abscond. You all have a good night!

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (bye Corvus!!)

[Master] night

[Mara (MarioHome)] (bye Corvus)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Goodnight Corvus!)

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] fun game guys

Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew) gives a play by play of the conversation to the gang

[Master] [Miranda Paige]], Indigo, Mara, Rhibosi, Drayven Starmantle, Branwyn, Talwin, [Shurkural]], Shi'Nynze, Skarphedin, [Ilero]], Kenna Westfoot, Penelope, Acolyte Gerard and Lord Tiberius moved 262'08".

[Master] [Miranda Paige]] moved 138'05".

[Mara (MarioHome)] Thank Uthe, another safe night indoors

[Master] Indigo moved 27'03".

[Master] Rhibosi moved 16'01".

[Master] Penelope moved 4'06".

[Master] [Ilero]] moved 27'03".

[Master] [Ilero]] moved 162'03".

[Master] Mara moved 25'06".

[Master] [Shurkural]] moved 153'10".

[Indigo (Lisa)] That was a really nice farmer

[Master] Branwyn moved 14'08".

[Master] Kenna Westfoot moved 29'03".

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 23'11".

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] it will be fun blessing crops again

[Master] Branwyn moved 25'03".

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 23'06".

[Master] Indigo moved 28'01".

[Master] Penelope moved 22'07".

[Indigo (Lisa)] I hope we catch the sheep thief

[Master] Kenna Westfoot moved 42'02".

[Master] Mara moved 21'02".

[Master] Rhibosi moved 20'02".

[Mara (MarioHome)] We shall Bless the crops for a bountiful harvest

[Indigo (Lisa)] (so we have 6 people - 2 per watch)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (if everyone watches)

[Mara (MarioHome)] Indigo and Ty on2

[Master] 7

[Indigo (Lisa)] (2 strong fighters on same watch?)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (Kenna on 3)

[Master] Kenna Westfoot moved 20'11".

[Mara (MarioHome)] Otherwise our casters are out a full night

[Indigo (Lisa)] (we haven't cast - we'll have our spells unless priest lose them every night)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (I’m not sure. BOB?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (bran will have hers unless someone brings her to unconsciousness)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (I get confused w this part)

[Master] you have your spells until you use them

[Mara (MarioHome)] (there we go)

[Master] You need to pray to receive more for priests or study to memorize for Mages

[Indigo (Lisa)] (so strongest on each watch - Indigo Bosi and Tiberius)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (then bran, Kenna and Mara fill in?)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (right on)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (Should be minimal area to cover, as we are inside)

[Master] so First is

[Master] not inside

[Master] you are in a pen with sheep

[Master] next to an orchard

[Mara (MarioHome)] (ready for the wolf hunters. got it)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (must smell fantastic)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (a navel orange orchard?)

[Master] You do not need to sleep in the sheep pen

[Master] you can be where you wish

[Master] seems like apples

[Acolyte Gerard (Corvus)] I forgot to actually log off. XD

[Master] of course there is not any fruit this early

[Master] grins at Corvus

Corvus has left the game on Fri Sep 13 22:59:44 EDT 2019

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (oh so no barn then)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (why did he not say?)

[Master] no barn there is a small house that is Hin sized about two rooms maybe? so most must be under the earth

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (okay we are out with the sheep)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (maybe out of the pen, but against the fence, so exposed to just one side)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (has Bosi and Kenna had a watch together?)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (don’t think so)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (wanna?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] :)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (I’m game)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (he has much to learn from her)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (just trying to mix things up)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (LOL)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (lemme get my list of inspirational poster quotes ready)

[Master] LOL

[Master] that is a joke from Trivia

[Master] Jo-Ann was teasing him

[Mara (MarioHome)] (or from Carissa's summary)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (thought that was Carissa)

[Master] Carissa spontaneously came up with that too

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (sure thing)

[Master] but Jo-Ann was telling me and those that Mario is hoarding quotes to use

[Indigo (Lisa)] (good luck Spring)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (Yeppers)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (I have like fifty on revenge, for when Bran decides it’s time for Black Cloak)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (Dig two graves, no one wins, bleh bleh bleh)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I'm sure she will be thrilled)

[Mara (MarioHome)] (I can tell)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol)

[MarioHome] I am back at the keyboard.

Indigo (Lisa) tries to find a comfortable spot and goes to sleep

Rhibosi (MarioHome) sets his bag down, scans for wolf hunters

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] (Is the bush line here being used as the pen fence?)

Penelope (Master) lays her head on Indigo's stomach

[Penelope (Master)] (yes)

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] Mara moved 13'01".

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] Rhibosi moved 10'04".

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] I hope whatever is snatching lambs is kept away by our presence

Rhibosi (MarioHome) nods

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] it is honorable for the farmer to help us

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] and maybe an ordinary predator, not something magical and scary

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] we are a capable crew. We shall defend the sheep like they are our own

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] magical or not

Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew) nodding

[Kenna Westfoot (Master)] As long as you do not fall asleep again

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] I would prefer not to have to wake anybody up

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (uhm)

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] we can overcome much, just you and I

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (is my subconscious talking now?)

Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew) smiles

[Rhibosi (Master)] Of course I can walk right over you

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] (lol, Inner thoughts by Kenna Westfoot)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (and also by Rhibosi)

[Kenna Westfoot (Master)] You cannot walk over me you are too fat to step that tall

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] Rhibosi, I did not say that

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] (are the words actually coming from the PC's? can we hear them?)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] I think someone is mimicking us

[Master] yes you can hear them in that person's voice

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] (gotcha)

Rhibosi (MarioHome) looks at Kenna

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] who's there?!?!?!

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] you do not fool me with that meanness!

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] Fat I am not. I am the paragon of fitness

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] we are not mean people and we know it

Rhibosi (MarioHome) thinks about showing off the six pack

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] right you are Rhibosi, you are not fat

Rhibosi (MarioHome) nods

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] you are not capable of saying these things

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] show yourself, mocker!

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] or are you too afraid to use your own voice?

[Kenna Westfoot (Master)] If you were any skinnier Indigo would not even think of you

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] and also you are confusing, not just mean

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] you mocker, not you Rhibosi

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] Good priestess, I know you do not possess these words

[Rhibosi (Master)] You are confused if you think you are mocking me

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] exactly, I do not think that

[Rhibosi (Master)] You are not smart enough to mock me

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] Rhibosi: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] mocker requires not intelligence. birds do it

Rhibosi (MarioHome) scans the area for ...anything

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (mockery requires no intelligence )

[Kenna Westfoot (Master)] Any bird brain can see that

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] thanks for making my point

[Kenna Westfoot (Master)] (nothing visible in the darkness around you)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] will you show yourself or just be silly all night?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (even with Kenna's infravision?)

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] what has captured our tongues? stolen our voices?

[Rhibosi (Master)] I cannot show myself to you I am pure and clean!

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] do you think it's one of them or two?

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] it is easy to tell which voice is the real Rhibosi. the fake one says foolish things

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] the voices...are they your deepest thoughts? just exposed while you have no control over them?

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] but I have not thought anything like what the mocker said

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] maybe they are the enemy of my deepest throughs

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] I want to believe you. you are pure

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] you have never uttered anything like this. to anyone

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] well I would not go that far. I am a person, same as anything

[Rhibosi (Master)] as pure as a dung stream

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] pure is a word for gold, not beings. but that is my belief

Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew) rolling eyes at the insult

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] if it's just going to babble at us all night, we may as well have a snack and be entertained

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] (can I move?)

[Master] of course

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] (cannot)

[Master] Rhibosi moved 6'07".

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] if it had any teeth or claws we would be bleeding already

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] (cannot. can you pls move Bosi closer to Kenna?)

[Master] Rhibosi moved 11'03".

Rhibosi (MarioHome) whispers

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] we do not know if these beasts will appear. let’s stay close

Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew) whispers

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] yes alright

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] know those words of in purity would never originate from me

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] oh I know

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] as I know yours would not of you

[Rhibosi (Master)] because I am not smart enough to know them

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] I have not seen you be cruel to anyone since you arrived

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] these voices sound like politicians

Rhibosi (MarioHome) looks over the sheep, makes sure nothing new appeared during the distraction

[Master] they seem undisturbed

[Master] Time of Day: 11:05 PM. Day 9 See ___ de, Man {Early Spring} 9th, 348 SKR.

[Master] time to wake the second watch

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] I wonder if others can hear the false words, or just us

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] maybe we can find out at watch change

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] who are we waking?

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] nods

[Indigo (Lisa)] (bran?)

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] (still cannot move Bosi, and his RClick menu is limited. Is he somehow an NPC?)

[Master] nope

[Master] try now

[Master] I made him and NPC and them back to PC

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] Still no. ill log out and back in

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] brb

MarioHome has left the game on Fri Sep 13 23:25:23 EDT 2019

MarioHome has joined the game on Fri Sep 13 23:25:29 EDT 2019

MarioHome is receiving the map overland hedgerow...

MarioHome has received the map overland hedgerow.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I can't move him either)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (same)

[Master] I am a rock

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Bran can take 2nd with someone)

[MarioHome] (lol)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (I am an iiiiiiiiisland)


[MarioHome] (I am the walrus)

[MarioHome] (cannot move Mara either

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (or Kenna)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (not just you I can't move any icon either)

[MarioHome] (aha)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (are we all NPCs now?!)

[Master] I will restart after we are done

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (cursed!)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] Branwyn wake up

[Master] ==== Player Icon browsing has been ENABLED. ====

[Master] ==== Player Icon browsing has been DISABLED. ====

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] there are voices in the air that sound like ourselves, but they say mean things

[Kenna Westfoot (Master)] Get your lazy ass up

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] we cannot tell where the voices are coming from

[MarioHome] (is this a good breaking point then?)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] see, that mean thing was obviously not me

[Kenna Westfoot (Master)] Because they need you to save them again

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Excuse me?

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] see?

[MarioHome] (who else is on 2nd?)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] I did not say that about lazy asses or saving people

[Rhibosi (Master)] She has been so lazy tonight

[Rhibosi (Master)] You need to wake up and help

[MarioHome] (Mara seems logical)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I must have been dreaming. Time for second watch?

Branwyn (Lisa) stands up and stretches

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] it is time for second watch, but see? these horrible voices mimicking us

[Rhibosi (Master)] They are trying to make us say things that are not true

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Voices?

[Rhibosi (Master)] like Kenna is doing a good job

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] yes, follow your true feelings, as falsehoods are spoken involuntarily

[Rhibosi (Master)] that is why she woke you up

[Rhibosi (Master)] she is afraid

Rhibosi (MarioHome) shakes head

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] not true

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] see? when has Rhibosi ever been that chatty and mean

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] he has not

Branwyn (Lisa) looks back and forth between the two

[Kenna Westfoot (Master)] Because he is not smart enough

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] and Kenna is a model of respect. she is incapable of muttering these words

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Perhaps you are simply overly tired. You should get some sleep

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] so it is easy to tell who the mimic is. it is the one saying mean things

Rhibosi (MarioHome) nods

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] oh for sure I am tired

[Branwyn (Master)] Let the important people take over

Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew) laughs

Branwyn (Lisa) claps a hand to her mouth

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] important? we all contribute in our own ways

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] oh...

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] and you too

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] see the mimic does not know she would not say that

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] we are cursed

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] or under a spell

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 [MODIFIED (+1)] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] oh do you think it is a curse?

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] we could do something about a curse

[Master] I will give Branwyn a knowledge check

[Master] for memory

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (can she hear the voice come from somewhere or is it inside her?)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] I thought it was like a mockingbird only meaner

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: KNO check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 [MODIFIED (+1+1)] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] much meaner

[Master] damn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (ohh she knows!)

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] she knows EVERYTHING!

[Master (to Lisa only)] tickles a memory of years ago at Orchard house and a mischievous gremlin

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] well, you are far more capable than I

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to Master only)] good my plan may just work then

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] I am going to sleep now. goodnight!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Goodnight Kenna. I think we are dealing with something I can find.

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] do you require my services still, Contessa?

[Branwyn (Master)] Don't worry be happy

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] I worry very little

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'm not sure. This reminds me of a gremlin that was terrorizing a house a long time ago

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (great thanks)

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] I am not familiar with such a creature

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am thinking of casting a cloud of glitter but it would possibly temporarily blind you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If I could pinpoint where it is ...

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] isee

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] (or will I??)

[Branwyn (Master)] Said the blind man

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (obs was for can she tell where the voice is coming from?)

[Master] it seems to be coming from Branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Keep talking you little imp!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (but she feels nothing?)

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] I could,, was that really you?

[Master] correct

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] or the voice?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I was talking to the creature not you Rhibosi.

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] certainly

[Branwyn (Master)] You do not know how to deal with magic

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] I do not

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] I have much to learn of this

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I can see where it may be hard to tell with Branwyn)

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] (lol)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'll try to flush it out. Perhaps step away from me and wake Tiberius or Indigo if I blind myself in the process.

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] I shall wake them now

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against : Glitterdust: 20 ft cube of golden dust. Reveals invisible creatures and blinds those who fail a save for (1d4+1) [1d4=1] 2 rounds. The dust coats everything for (1d4+12) [1d4=3] 15 rounds. Failed save = -4 to attack, saving throws & AC. Range 10 yds/Lvl.

[Rhibosi (Master)] Because I need sleep

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] Lord Tiberius, Branwyn needs assistance

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] Rhibosi: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

Branwyn (Lisa) looks around for a creature

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] (any sparkly gremlin?)

[Master] (1d20) [1d20=20] 20

[Master] nope

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] Lord Ty, wake up

[Rhibosi (Master)] Wake up you lazy slug

Rhibosi (MarioHome) furls his brow in frustration

Lord Tiberius (Master) rolls over shrugging

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Hello?

[Rhibosi (Master)] You heard me

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] good lord, Branwyn is looking for a gremlin

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Try a dispel magic spell before you sleep Bosi?

Rhibosi (MarioHome) looks up

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] I shall

[Rhibosi (Master)] Before you fail again to dispel?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Though they aren't really magic to be invisible?

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] Rhibosi casts a spell against : Dispel Magic - Priest: I dispel (11-(1d20)+8) [1d20=11] 8 level magic.

[Master] The glitter is falling to the ground

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] slowly turns

[Master] not dispelled

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (whoever the voice is, they seem to know things that a stranger wouldn't)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you for trying.

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] nods

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (that's concerning)

[Branwyn (Master)] at least I am expecting you to fail

Branwyn (Lisa) sighs

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Better go to sleep and not be subjected to any more of this.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'll think about options.

Rhibosi (MarioHome) nods

[Branwyn (Master)] Go cry yourself to sleep

Rhibosi (MarioHome) looks at Branwyn

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Has he been that bad?

Rhibosi (MarioHome) shakes head, walks to corner by Mara

Branwyn (Lisa) waves at him

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'm sorry

Rhibosi (MarioHome) nods again

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We have a gremlin in our midst.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] He is making us say things we do not mean

[Branwyn (Master)] mean things

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So I will tell you I love you before he strikes again

[Branwyn (Lisa)] My glitter cloud failed to reveal him

[Branwyn (Master)] because he will take my dagger and stab you

[Branwyn (Master)] You have to stop it

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh! Step back.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against : Sleep: (2d4) [2d4=2,2] 4 hit dice worth of creatures fall asleep, no save. Range 30 yds.

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] You are not feeling right

[Master] observation

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Speak now you little gremlin rat!

[Master] Lord Tiberius: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 [MODIFIED (+1)] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I am on fire with the 1s on checks)

[Master] a soft THUNK in the bushes to the north

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Did you hear that?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Want to go get him?

[Master (to GM only)] Gremlin #2 moved 2'02".

Branwyn (Lisa) runs over to the bushes and looks around

[Master] Branwyn moved 6'09".

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at gremlin "I am sorry but you just cause too much damage to run around good people causing trouble"

Branwyn (Lisa) pulls out her dagger and kills it

[Master] Gremlin #2's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -20 (-52) - Dead

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] (wow! Bran has a dark side!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well that's taken care of.

[Master] Which Branwyn?

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (wow)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (what are we going to do with it?)

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] (bake into a plorkin!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (it goes invisible and could get this whole farming community to kill each other)

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] (I jest, I agree w its extermination)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (running around putting hateful words in neighbors' mouths)

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] (and Both Brans have a dark side)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I dunno - wasn't thinking I should wake it and kill it)

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] (lol, of course not)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Branwyn has a pragmatic approach to things - a little rationalization here)

[Master] Time of Day: 07:05 AM. Day 10 Fin ___ de, Man {Early Spring} 10th, 348 SKR.

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (killing it in its sleep is a bit merciful)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (sorry I made you use a spell Mario)

[Master] and morning comes

Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew) yawns

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] ( and it's morning, so all is well)

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] (Bosi has limited spells, glad he could help)

[Master] nice game, see everyone in two weeks for the birthgame weekend!

Branwyn (Lisa) tells Bosi and Kenna what it was last night

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] (I’m sad I didn’t get to use a quote)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] hehehehe

[Rhibosi (MarioHome)] (very fun, thanks all!)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] oh right we are skipping next weekend

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] gnite!! see you then!!

[Lisa] with the marathon game I'm sure there is room for both quotes and sunscorch

[Master] I will be in Orlando and in Sanford

[MarioHome] looking forward to it!

[Lisa] Goodnight everyone!

SpringyDew has left the game on Fri Sep 13 23:59:15 EDT 2019

TMO has left the game on Fri Sep 13 23:59:24 EDT 2019

Lisa has left the game on Fri Sep 13 23:59:26 EDT 2019

XP not awarded