Main / 20191025c

Chat Log - 2019 10 25 - Court of Thanes (Formatted)

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Oct 25 17:22:11 EDT 2019 ====

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] Indigo moved 3'07".

[Master] Mara moved 6'02".

[Master] Indigo moved 8'01".

[Master] Mara moved 1'11".

[Master] Indigo moved 9'04".

[Master] Kenna Westfoot moved 340'00".

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

chonn-71671 has joined the game on Fri Oct 25 18:56:42 EDT 2019

chonn-71671 is receiving the map Base Map...

chonn-71671 has received the map Base Map.

[JohnA] hellloooo

[Master] how are you?

[Master] sending you a map to test

[JohnA] hanging on, and you?

[Master] good it loads quickly

[JohnA] looks too nice to be scary

[Master] I am hoping for lots of interactivity tonight

[Master] then crashing

[Master] I do not have to do any work until Monday

[JohnA] you crashing, not the game?

[Master] yes

[Master] need about 12 more hours of sleep and naps to be back to fully normal I think

[JohnA] you can't catch up on sleep, it has been proven the damage is done

[Master] yeap

[Master] which is why I need to just crash

[Master] and recover to build up reserves again

[Master] a good game tonight will help a lot

[JohnA] "if your happiness is dependent on someone else, you really do have a problem"


[Master] did not say YOU had to have a good game tonight

[Master] said I wanted to have a good game

[Master] grins

Ryan has joined the game on Fri Oct 25 19:03:57 EDT 2019

Ryan is receiving the map Base Map...

Ryan has received the map Base Map.

[Master] and the post birthday boy returns

[Master] he has one birthday and then forgets about us

[Ryan] Hello hello

[Master] How are you today>

[JohnA] Hey Ryan

[Ryan] Feeling good. Had an exam which had been looming over me for a while, so it is good to have gotten that out of the way

[Master] nice

[Master] how did you do?

[Ryan] I passed. Didn't do as well as I hoped, but know where I can improve in the future. :)

[Master] that is all you really need

[Master] did you get a chance to look over the In Character stuff that happened ?

[Ryan] I went home afterwards to study, and got through a few questions before my wife asked me what I was doing

[Master] chuckles

[Master] my wife knows better than to ask

[Master] she just knows it will annoy her

Carissa has joined the game on Fri Oct 25 19:07:59 EDT 2019

Carissa is receiving the map Base Map...

Carissa has received the map Base Map.

[Master] and this link is particularly for Lisa:

[Ryan] Spring gave me a summary of what has been happening, but I hadn't looked at the in-character pages. I will check them out now

[Ryan] Hello!

[JohnA] hello Carissa

[Master] just happened over the last two days

[Master] so it is easy to catch up

[Carissa] Hi all!

[Master] Hello Carissa

[Master] and also out of context but you will laugh


[Master] I am guessing that Lisa, Mario and TMO will all be in

[Ryan] I'm being dumb. What is in-character communication under again?

[Master] I have not heard from Corvus and Fritz



[Master] takes you directly there

[Ryan] Thank ye both

[JohnA] set mine as your new home page

[Master] grins at John

[Ryan] ooh, nice

[Master] Carissa you saw how I updated the pages you did?

[Master] thank you for all of that work

[JohnA] Rabosi is still chained up?

[Master] we stopped right after Ilero killed the Orc

[Master] so yes

[Carissa] Yup! Added them all with the DF so they're specific. Nicely done.

[JohnA] and Ty Lord needs help?

[Carissa] I thought Mara freed him?

[JohnA] they are both still yellow to me?

[Master] Tiberius is still passed out

[Master] I might have missed Mara doing that

[Carissa] Branwyn woke him?

[Master] will go check

[Carissa] We took our hostage an hour north

[Carissa] After all the fighting, I believe

[Master] WOW I totally missed going a hour north last week

[Master] I will take you at that

[Carissa] [Master] so you hoist the orc into the wagon [Master] and head up the road into the hills [Master] how far do you want to go? [Master] did you want to take it into town? [TMO] not particularly [Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] you said 2 hours to town...let’s go at least an hour [Master] ok

[Carissa] There you go :)

[Master] thank you

[Carissa] [Master] Time of Day: 03:21 PM. Day 11 Trall ___ tre, Man (early spring) -1 11th, 348 SKR.

[Master] and that is the current time

[Master] I must have just been on auto pilot

[Carissa] Doesn't like that copy pasta...but yep. Then we tried interrogating, orc died, done.

[Carissa] Haha all good. It was close to midnight or right at, can't remember

[Master] yes with an event in the morning

[Master] nothing like that this weekend

[Carissa] And after a long week. So autopilot is understandable :)

[Carissa] Well if Miranda wants input from Skarp and Shi, we can start there until others get in

[Master] sounds good

[Master] just preloading maps

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Oct 25 19:22:09 EDT 2019

Lisa is receiving the map Base Map...

Lisa has received the map Base Map.

[Ryan] Hello!

[Carissa] And there's one. Hi Lisa :)

[Master] Hey there Lisa

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (HEY LISA!)

[Lisa] Hello everyone!

[Master] Ooohhh say it again say it again

[Lisa] Long time no see Ryan! Glad you are back

[Master] Mustafa


[Carissa] LOL

[Carissa] Musfasa mufasa mufasa!!

[Ryan] lol

[Carissa] Such a good movie.

[Lisa] Tiberius woke up and had his fitness check

[Master] yeap Carissa has your back

[Master] or your husband

Carissa thumbs up

[Lisa] lol very good

[Lisa] hadn't gotten that far when I typed

[Master] and also go look at Earthquake Spoilers

[Lisa] earthquake?

[Master] just have faith

[Master] there is a link

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] Shi, any thought on why the Drow would want a Greek Shell?

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) shrugs, "

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Do they need reason? They're Drow.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin moved 300'00".

[Ryan] I am back at the keyboard.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (huffs as he jogs from the darkness of Oblivion to the hedges)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] ("I have seen... such things... such terrible things")

TMO has joined the game on Fri Oct 25 19:30:13 EDT 2019

TMO is receiving the map Base Map...

TMO has received the map Base Map.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (hello hello)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] Well, the stories I heard, they are a little smarter than that

[TMO] (hiya)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Hi!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Hi TMO!)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] they may not have a plan, but they may have an idea

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (HEy TMO)

[Master] smiles at Ryan

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] even if it is just looking for a fight

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] It depends what spite they hold. It could be spite against the church, but it could be spite against any above ground, a plan of revenge.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] If they are in Birnham... they may have a reason.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Lolth is a spiteful one... And she has always seen even her worshippers as disposable. Wouldn't surprise me if she is tossing them away to hurt one of her rivals.

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) nods

Shurkural (TMO)] So what's the difference between these elves and the regular kind? Why are they dark?

Skarphedin (Ryan) groans and shakes his head, eyeing Shi'Nynze.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] They are evil.

Shurkural (TMO)] So are people. We don't call them dark humans.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] They believe in power over everything. It is why Corellon banished them.

Shurkural (TMO)] (sorry if this is a repeated question)

[Master] It is good to establish things especially here and now

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] My understanding is that it is a divine curse of some sort...

[Master] where you are about to go

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] I heard they are all dark skin, they are a ... different race

Shurkural (TMO)] (but I’m trying to avoid metagaming with all I know about drow normally)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Don't think it is, might as well get what info needed)

Skarphedin (Ryan) glances at Shi. "Given to them by Corellon...?"

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] They are not elves any longer. They are Drow.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] His bright light blinded them. Likely their appearance is the corruption of their worship of Lolith.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] But Corellon is the reason they shun the sun. As they should. They are not welcomed.

[Shurkural]] (TMO) mutters quietly to herself, "Loathe... loolth... loleth... LoLth..."

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] but as I said, we have dealt with other evil beings

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] and this might be a time we need to consider it

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] The Spider "Queen"

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Consider what? That they should not exist?

Skarphedin (Ryan) grimaces.

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] Some of us once thought that about all Vampires

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Your daft god may have kicked them out of Elven lands, but they just slinked off to murder and enslave dwarven settlements.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Seems he just pushed them aside to be my people's problem.

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] How much room can there be down there?

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] It must get crowded

Shurkural (TMO)] If the sun is the problem, why aren't they all here in the Mist?

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) shakes head, "It was not an easy battle. Many myths surrounded it. If Corellon could have removed them, he would have, but Lolth still exists.

Lord Tiberius (Master) looks at Shur

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] That is a great question

Lord Tiberius (Master) looks at Branwyn

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] How many Drow are in Drillian?

Shurkural (TMO)] (out of the mouths of the ignorant)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] Let's not get too far away from the point, we are only hunting these Drow for now and only for the shell

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] (Lisa appears AFK)

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Oh of course we have to take the shell

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] And at minimum, they do not belong in the forest.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (sorry - still trying to get settled - was a long day and got calls when I got home - give me a little bit and I'll be up to speed pls)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] And, if we have to kill a bunch of the blighters to get the shell back, you won't see any tears in these eyes.

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] (zero worries Lisa)

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) nods in agreement

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (I worry, but that's only because I care)

[Ilero]] (TMO) shrugs. "We not do lot of crying anyways."

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] grins

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] Finding a shell was hard last time we were looking for a shell man

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we lost the only shell we ever owned)

Ilero (TMO)] (at least that one wasn't my fault)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] That's...encouraging.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (shell of Kipyutto - remember that?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (converted people)

Ilero (TMO)] (no - I was thinking of the one in the caverns under Drake's castle)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Before me)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Oh....yeah)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (I thought Tiberius dropped it?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that was like 2010-2011)

Ilero (TMO)] (the one of Kipytutto was before me)

[Master] sits back with a warm happy smile

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (it stayed on the party pack for a long time in case it reappeared)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Just to make us all feel old, people who were born when this event happened are now in 5th grade)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] So if we have a chance to talk to the Drow, we might want to use it, knowing that the peace will be short lived

[Master] laughs

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Lol)

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) frowns, "They should die as this orc did. I doubt they will talk, either."

[Master] (brb)

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (this campaign is older than some of its players)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Drow are treacherous

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Maybe... if we get the right one, she will tell us something if she thinks it will give her an advantage over a rival.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (geez, can't spell tonight)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] and that is where I want to make sure everyone is aware of what I am considering

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] I have one thing they may want as much as the shell they have

Skarphedin (Ryan) nods. "It is a good idea, something worth considering."

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Do not give them anything.

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] what if we use it just to give them a reason to confirm they have the shell?

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] Show us the shell for proof

[Shurkural]] (TMO) looks confused. "Whatcha got that these things want?"

MarioHome has joined the game on Fri Oct 25 19:51:29 EDT 2019

MarioHome is receiving the map Base Map...

MarioHome has received the map Base Map.

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] my shell flute of charm man

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Hi, Mario!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Hi Mario!)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (Oh Hai Mariooo)

[MarioHome] Hello Hello

Shurkural (TMO)] More shells?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You can't give them that Miranda!

[Miranda Paige]] (JohnA) pulls out

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] You can lead them on, but do not give them anything, especially an item like that.

MarioHome is receiving the map overland hedgerow...

MarioHome has received the map overland hedgerow.

Shurkural (TMO)] (hi Mario)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Hi Mario)

[MarioHome] yo yo yo

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] We have no idea what situation we will get into

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (what's a philter?)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (some sort of container)

Skarphedin (Ryan) grunts in agreement. "We should at least not rule out the possibility."

[MarioHome] No Bob tonight?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we have 2 philters of love and 2 cordials of kindness - we could dose the Drow in love!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (4 of them anyway)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (He BRB'd.... 10 minutes ago, I think?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] What I have been taught... Lolth admires strength. It is usually the women in charge. An item like that? You contribute to such a debauched society. Just keep that in mind

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (lol!)

Shurkural (TMO)] (philter is like a potion)

Shurkural (TMO)] (for game purposes, same thing)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Lisa's plan sounds fun. Do Drow know love?)

[MarioHome] (immediately tops her oof - that’s why it’s called a philter

Skarphedin (Ryan) grins maliciously. "Sounds like an incentive, not a deterrent."

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Give it to two rivals and watch their families tear each other apart.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Evil Romeo and Juliet)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (lol)

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] So close Ryan but you will see

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Was it 5 minutes?)

[Master] I mean Romeo and Juliet

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (I am pretty bad at judging the passage of time)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Yeah, sorry, being silly)

[Master] Oh no you are not

[Master] Hello Mario

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Anyways, all of this is for the future, when we actually get to the drow city.

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] let's hope we don't have to go that far

[Master] and yes it is a very good idea to organize thoughts on ..... yes the drow city... Branwyn wanted to summer in the Underdark before

[Master] When the rest of the nobles leave Dryads Lair

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] ...with our luck...

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Or not, if they are in the forest. Depends where the shell is.

[Master] She wanted the group to go off into the Underdark for a vacation

Shurkural (TMO)] "Hark! What shadow through yonder cavern breaks? 'Tis down, and Romeo is the rock."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (she was bored)

Shurkural (TMO)] (that was ooc)

Skarphedin (Ryan) throws a rock at a tree.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Bye, Romeo)

[Master] Keep your eye on the shell, See this little gem? Now keep an on on the shell, shuffle shuffle shuffle

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Trust me, you are better off this way)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (it is all a shell game to you)

Shurkural (TMO)] (we have yet to pick the one with the pea underneath)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (also keep in mind hat Bran can teleport again - so if we can get close to it with it unguarded - that is another way to snatch it)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (I don't think we want to find the Queen this time)

[Master] chuckles at TMO with his own Thieves Guild

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that - not mind hats)

Shurkural (TMO)] (that has nothing to do with shells though. ;) )

Shurkural (TMO)] (we need mind hats)

[Master] anyone have ideas on that?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I could use one right now)

[Master] What makes the party fall apart the easiest?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Split time!)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (have a hostage?)

[Master] chuckles

[Master] mind control

[Master] charm etc.

[Master] John you offered it up

[Master] you hand it over how to you protect yourself from it?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Ooh yeah...also don't do that)

[Master] or more importantly Tiberius and Bosi in particular

Shurkural (TMO)] (it won't work on drow though, will it? it only works on human men?)

[Master] along with Ilero, Dray, etc.

Shurkural (TMO)] (I was gonna ask why Ilero was excluded from that list!)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Right, on half our party)

[Master] and for old times’ sake John, Lorie says to make a saving throw versus spell

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Might not even be worth mentioning you have it for bargain. They might just force it from you)

[JohnA] we already did the tests about breaking a charm with a charm

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we need more info but I agree with John that we should at least try to see if there are other options than attack on sight)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Again, OOC agree. IC nope)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I was thinking maybe Skarp and Indigo could talk Scary town into a town breakfast where we could question everyone at once)

Shurkural (TMO)] (Ilero could interrogate them one by one)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (somebody's got to know something)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (or just chat over plorkins)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (So off to Scary?)

[JohnA] yes

[Master] John did you want to clarify my comment?

[Master] Do you remember?

[JohnA] oh the Charm Man?

[Master] no

[Master] the other

Shurkural (TMO)] (I think he missed it)

[Master] "is someone reading my mind"

[JohnA] save vs spell to see if someone is reading our mind

[Master] yes

[Master] see

[Master] ESP, Crystal Balls, etc.

[JohnA] oh I got it, we wait long enough and Ty's mother comes, we can use the back up

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] ( in we should now?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Master] all work wonderfully out here outside of The Mist

[Master] and no no one is reading Indigo's mind right now

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Master] but I brought it up to point out that it is a Save, which is a full action and has to be declared

[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol John)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Well...let's hope if someone read's Shi's they know elvish)

[Master] so if you think someone is using a Crystal Ball on you, or ESP or or or

[Master] you have options

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Which is why we kept doing it once we left the wedding; did forget that)

[Master] and yes Laughs with John

Shurkural (TMO)] (knife to eyeball is always one)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (but a fail just means you don't know, correct?)

[Master] correct

[JohnA] you always fail to find a trap that is not there

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Let's remember to pick up Tinfoil in Scary)

[Master] but if you are in the middle of things you might need to decide which is the important thing, to do what you are thinking or stop and see if someone is looking at what you are thinking

[Indigo (Lisa)] (LOL)

[Master] again this is why Branwyn likes being under The Mist

[Master] so much easier there

[Indigo (Lisa)] (oh can I just say that whenever Indigo is talking in Hin he is taking the time to translate?)

Shurkural (TMO)]

[Master] yes to Lisa

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Yup)

[Master] and if Ryan wants the same for Skarp

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Ryan we have a font for Dwarvish)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (D )

[Indigo (Lisa)] (w/o the space - so I can just do a find and replace)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Okay, sounds good)

[Master] yes the next few sessions will be involved with lots of languages

[Master] and so heading into Scary

[Indigo (Lisa)] (map loaded fine)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (a bustling metropolis)

[Master] I have other views and buildings of course

[Indigo (Lisa)] (of course!)

Shurkural (TMO)] (walls of wood?)

[Master] yes unless otherwise noted all construction is in wood and is at Halfling or Dwarven sized

[Master] Time of Day: 04:00 PM. Day 11 Trall ___ tre, Man {Early Spring} 11th, 348 SKR.

[Master] Time of Day: 04:15 PM. Day 11 Trall ___ tre, Man {Early Spring} 11th, 348 SKR.

[Master] Time of Day: 04:30 PM. Day 11 Trall ___ tre, Man {Early Spring} 11th, 348 SKR.

[Master] you come up the road

[Master] Skarp remembers this

[Master] there is the open beaten path around the walls to the road leading up into the Central Mountains and towards the Hoarbrite Pass

[Master] Or you can go through the town

[Master] Skarp and his companions chose not to last time

[Master] preferring to move at night

[TMO] (back?)

MarioHome has left the game on Fri Oct 25 20:20:30 EDT 2019

[Master] yes

[Master] but I guess we will close and come back anyway?

[Master] or?

[TMO] chat is back up, map not yet

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Oct 25 20:20:50 EDT 2019

Lisa is receiving the map Base Map...

[Master] OK

Lisa has received the map Base Map.

MarioHome has joined the game on Fri Oct 25 20:21:00 EDT 2019

MarioHome is receiving the map Base Map...

[Master] will wait

MarioHome has received the map Base Map.

Carissa has left the game on Fri Oct 25 20:21:03 EDT 2019

Lisa has left the game on Fri Oct 25 20:21:11 EDT 2019

Ryan has left the game on Fri Oct 25 20:21:18 EDT 2019

[TMO] I've got nothing in the main window.

JohnA has left the game on Fri Oct 25 20:21:30 EDT 2019

[Master] restarting just in case

[TMO] kk

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Oct 25 20:21:55 EDT 2019 ====

JohnA has joined the game on Fri Oct 25 20:22:10 EDT 2019

JohnA is receiving the map Base Map...

JohnA has received the map Base Map.

TMO has joined the game on Fri Oct 25 20:22:20 EDT 2019

TMO is receiving the map Scary...

TMO is receiving the map Scary...

TMO has received the map Scary.

TMO has received the map Scary.

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Oct 25 20:22:32 EDT 2019

Lisa is receiving the map Base Map...

Lisa has received the map Base Map.

[TMO] present

Carissa has joined the game on Fri Oct 25 20:22:37 EDT 2019

Carissa is receiving the map Base Map...

Carissa has received the map Base Map.

Ryan has joined the game on Fri Oct 25 20:22:39 EDT 2019

Ryan is receiving the map Base Map...

Ryan has received the map Base Map.

Lisa is receiving the map Scary...

[Master] sorry for that no clue why

Lisa has received the map Scary.

[Carissa] Can never tell if it's just my end or not...

[Indigo (Lisa)] (3 rapid time changes maybe)

[Master] So Ryan can catch up on what I left there about Skarp

MarioHome has joined the game on Fri Oct 25 20:23:33 EDT 2019

MarioHome is receiving the map Base Map...

MarioHome has received the map Base Map.

[Ryan] (Okay)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (was typing - could you let us know if who approaches is dwarf or halfling? or did I already type that?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (my brain is running on half cylinders tonight)

[Master] you did not type that and no one has approached you

[Carissa] (Don't see it)

[Master] you are walking/riding up the road

[Indigo (Lisa)] (was trying to think ahead)

[Master] and get to about this point

[Indigo (Lisa)] (with my mind hat)

[Master] and see the gates are closed

[Master] grins

[Carissa] (lol)

Carissa is receiving the map Scary...

Carissa has received the map Scary.

[TMO] (dwarfapults are being launched!)

[Carissa] (Launched by dwarves or launching dwarves?)

[TMO] (yes!)

[Ryan] Yes

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] yooooo hooo

[Indigo (Lisa)] (c all of the above)

[Carissa] lol

[Hin Male (Master)] Hello strangers

[TMO] (the halflistas are still loading)

Carissa looks towards Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] Hello!

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] Greetings

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (OOPS SORRY)

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) looks towards Indigo

[Shurkural]] (TMO) waves

Skarphedin (Ryan) nods in greeting.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (they are only half full, TMO)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Can we please come in for the night?

[Hin Male (Master)] who wants to come in?

[Indigo (Lisa)] We will pay

Shurkural (TMO)] (double-barreled halflistas)

Indigo (Lisa) waves arms around

[Indigo (Lisa)] All of us?

[Hin Male (Master)] not them

[Hin Male (Master)] Who are you?

[Indigo (Lisa)] But they have to come too!

[Indigo (Lisa)] I am Indigo Bolger Captain of the Bounders

[Hin Male (Master)] are you one of those soft river bodies?

[Indigo (Lisa)] And these are my friends

[Hin Male (Master)] The Indigo?

Shurkural (TMO)] (Fame is a Fickle Mistress)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (**THE Indigo??)

[Hin Male (Master)] Tell me the worst thing that happened to you

Indigo (Lisa) slaps his belly "I'm not soft!"

Shurkural (TMO)] (Indigo unrolls a scroll listing them all)

[Indigo (Lisa)] But from Crickhollow yes

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (smiles at TMO)

Indigo (Lisa) scratches his head "I guess captured by bugbear pirates and sold to a human in a Red Cloak who sold me to goblins as a slave"

[Indigo (Lisa)] That was pretty bad

[Hin Male (Master)] That is bad,

[Hin Male (Master)] when is the last time you had third breakfast?

[Indigo (Lisa)] A couple of weeks ago in my own house. We don't get enough breakfasts on the road"

Indigo (Lisa) frowns

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] um Indigo, how goes it?

[Indigo (Lisa)] But these are my friends and some of the people who saved me. We are on a noble quest

[Hin Male (Master)] Roads go ever ever on, Over rock and under tree, By caves where never sun has shone, By streams that never find the sea; Over snow by winter sown, And through the merry flowers of June, Over grass and over stone, And under mountains in the moon.

Indigo (Lisa) telling her and others how it's going

Skarphedin (Ryan) eyes her in bewilderment. "THE Indigo?"

[Indigo (Lisa)] But there is nothing like 3 breakfasts in your own room!"

[Indigo (Lisa)] (almost rhymes)

[Hin Male (Master)] You can come in and your Hin Priestess of course but none of the others, unless someone here vouches for them

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (but does the translation rhyme?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] I vouch for them!

[Hin Male (Master)] (and yes no on has mentioned to Skarp that Indigo is actually famous)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Ohhh ... you mean someone in there ... Not out here

[Hin Male (Master)] Your word is very strong but not enough

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Did he go on Bacon's quest? Pretty sure THE Indigo was the running joke :) )

[Hin Male (Master)] see you are a wise person

Indigo (Lisa) looks at Skarp "Do you know anyone that lives in Scary, Skarp?"

[Indigo (Lisa)] To vouch for us

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] No

[Indigo (Lisa)] Can you make someone up?

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] We bypassed this area when we came here....

Skarphedin (Ryan) glances at him sharply. "You ask me to lie?"

[Indigo (Lisa)] (what's John or Bob is Dwarvish?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Make up a name and hope for the best!)

[Hin Male (Master)]

[Indigo (Lisa)] No, well, maybe

[Indigo (Lisa)] Do you want everyone to sleep out here or behind the gates?

[Hin Male (Master)] ( OH sorry Carissa has lots of those sites bookmarked grins)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (lol)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] I thought you were famous...

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Is that not enough?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Mostly elvish ones but I'm sure I have a muilti-racial one...)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (Almost Famous)

[Indigo (Lisa)] But he said someone inside has to vouch for the big people or they don't get in

[Hin Male (Master)] Yes they will sleep out there,

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] ...who counts as Big People?

[Hin Male (Master)] the horses cannot come in no matter what

Skarphedin (Ryan) glances at the halflings, who are only slightly shorter than him.

[Indigo (Lisa)] But why?

[Hin Male (Master)] is how we keep everyone safe

[Miranda Paige]] (JohnA) gets off wagon

[Indigo (Lisa)] The horses are nice though

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] sounds like it is going as well as always

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Never thought of myself as tall before...

[Hin Male (Master)] you are welcome to camp

[Indigo (Lisa)] We can pay you. I was going to ask if the village could take care of them while we go on a rescue mission

[Hin Male (Master)] and you can come in if you like

[Miranda Paige]] (JohnA) keeps an eye on Penelope

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Ask him if he will accept collateral

[Hin Male (Master)] you should come in to negotiate that not many here who deal with horses

Ilero (TMO)] T'is sound familiar.

[Hin Male (Master)] (lol at john)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (that was in character and very serious)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Can my friend Skarphedin at least come with me? Maybe some dwarves will know of his clan

[Hin Male (Master)] for The Indigo I suppose a dwarf friend is expected

[Hin Male (Master)] come to the gate

[Indigo (Lisa)] How about an elf too?

[Master] Indigo moved 210'02".

Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] [Ilero]]: Thief ability - Hide in shadows* check:(d100) [1d100=23] 23 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

[Hin Male (Master)] elves are too dangerous

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (My wife just phoned me. May have to cut this shorter than expected, as she is wanting to do trick-or-treating tonight rather than on Halloween.)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (who has candy tonight?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Are people already out? I don't have candy yet...)

Ilero (TMO)] (probably a trunk or treat)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Neighborhood does 'Trunk-or-Treats' where a bunch of cars park in a parking lot)

[Master] Skarphedin moved 11'09".

[Master] Indigo moved 11'01".

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Oh....didn't know that's a thing. I know of going to places, but not a Halloween Tailgate)

Ilero (TMO) (to Master only)] just sneaking close enough to listen in, not that he'll understand any of it.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (ok so we go as long as you can - can you come in for a bit?)

[Master] The gate eases open

Ilero (TMO) (to Master only)] staying outside the wall this time

Indigo (Lisa) tells group to wait for a bit etc.

[Master] Indigo and Skarphedin moved 14'01".

[Master] and then the gate closes again

[Indigo (Lisa)] Can we speak to the Mayor?

[Hin Girl (Master)] ooooooo it is him

[Indigo (Lisa)] And dwarven elder?

Skarphedin (Ryan) glances around curiously.

Ilero (TMO) (to Master only)] does Ilero think he can climb one of the trees unnoticed?

[Hin Girl (Master)] I am so impressed Chief Bounder Indigo

Indigo (Lisa) looks at girl

[Hin Girl (Master)] I thought you were going to look old

Indigo (Lisa) tries to remember if he met her before

[Hin Girl (Master)] but you look younger than I thought

[Indigo (Lisa)] Why would I be old?

[Indigo (Lisa)] You can't chase orcs and trolls when you're old!

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Yeah, I live in a bit of a rural area, so kids would have to walk some distance to visit houses. Every year I've been here, they've done trunk-or-treats instead)

[Hin Girl (Master)] You have done things, gone places, [swoons] gone there and back again

Indigo (Lisa) grins at girl

[Miranda Paige]] (JohnA) keeps close on on Penelope

[Hin Girl (Master)] do you need a place to stay tonight?

[Hin Girl (Master)] You can stay with me, my family

[Miranda Paige]] (JohnA) guides hoses off road and ties up outside of gate

[Indigo (Lisa)] I do. But I also need my friends to be able to camp inside the gates.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Seems like you have fans.

[Indigo (Lisa)] And they are big people

[Hin Girl (Master)] he seems smelly,

Skarphedin (Ryan) smiles reassuringly at her.

Indigo (Lisa) laughs "Ever since I became Captain of the Bounders"

[Indigo (Lisa)] That's not nice. Dwarves live here too don't they?"

[Hin Girl (Master)] yes they do and they smell

[Hin Girl (Master)] there are three families of them

[Indigo (Lisa)] Can my friend speak to some dwarves that live here?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Could you call them please?

[Hin Girl (Master)] I could do anything for you Indigo of the Bounders

[Indigo (Lisa)] You are a good girl. Thank you!

[Hin Girl (Master)] BEAMS, Thank you

Hin Girl (Master) scampers off

Indigo (Lisa) turns to Skarp "There are three dwarven families. She is getting them to speak with you"

[Hin Male (Master)] are you really going to lead her along like that?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Seems we need someone in town to vouch for us to get the big folks inside

Ilero (TMO) (to Master only)] Ilero just watches from the tree branches, just in case something terrible happens.

[Hin Male (Master)] (yes to TMO)

[Indigo (Lisa)] What? She is a good girl!

Skarphedin (Ryan) tilts his head curiously. Which clans live here?

[Hin Male (Master)] yes she is and you have her all googly eyed over the Hero

[Indigo (Lisa)] And she is helping

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Which clans live here?

[Indigo (Lisa)] I don't know. I guess we'll find out in a minute or two, Skarp.

[Indigo (Lisa)] What is your name Sir?

[Hin Male (Master)] just remember I warned you

[Indigo (Lisa)] I won't do anything bad

[Indigo (Lisa)] Who do we need to speak with to get vouched for?

[Hin Male (Master)] no one will vouch for Big People today for you

[Hin Male (Master)] You can stay here and your Dwarven friend

[Indigo (Lisa)] Will they do it tomorrow?

[Hin Male (Master)] I do not know

[Indigo (Lisa)] If my friends cannot stay then I cannot stay

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Sorry, but I have to go. Skarp will advocate for staying with the horses and Big People outside once he is informed of the situation.)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (So sorry. I will try to get back on once we are done)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (so sorry - have fun though!)

Ryan has left the game on Fri Oct 25 20:55:10 EDT 2019

Ilero (TMO)] (have fun!)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Have fun!)

[Lipson Diggle (Master)] My name is Lipson Diggle, I am the head day gatekeeper

Indigo (Lisa) bows

[Indigo (Lisa)] Can I tell you what we are doing here? Maybe that will change your mind

[Lipson Diggle (Master)] you should tell me over dinner come to my home and tell your tale

[Indigo (Lisa)] We just got done battling a fierce band of orcs in the hedge rows!

[Lipson Diggle (Master)] my wife is a very good cook if I do say so myself

[Lipson Diggle (Master)] Orcs are a problem in the hills, is why we keep the gates locked

[Indigo (Lisa)] But ... but ... I cannot just leave my friends outside in danger.

[Lipson Diggle (Master)] You can tell them where you are

[Indigo (Lisa)] Humans - they need protection

[Lipson Diggle (Master)] that is why there is so many of them

[Indigo (Lisa)] It's not like they will talk to anyone. They just need a safe place to sleep and we will be gone tomorrow

[Indigo (Lisa)] I would be in your debt

[Lipson Diggle (Master)] I am not worried about them talking to anyone, we just need to stay safe. If one of the big ones comes in it will invite others and cause problems, it is better to just let them stay outside, let them camp and trade with them outside of the walls

[Lipson Diggle (Master)] not you, you can eat with me tonight, I would never to that to the great Indigo

[Lipson Diggle (Master)] your friends will get discounts of course

[Lipson Diggle (Master)] I sent for the provisioners when I saw you come up

[Lipson Diggle (Master)] they do speak a civilized tongue?

[Indigo (Lisa)] How safe is right outside your gates? Won't that look strange?

Ilero (TMO)] (Ilero is a master linguist - able to be understood by almost everyone)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (smiles)

[Indigo (Lisa)] One speaks elvish and one can sometimes speak giant but that's about all

[Lipson Diggle (Master)] that is as I expected, some of our provisioners speak Human so they will be able to get along

[Indigo (Lisa)] So no

[Lipson Diggle (Master)] come to my home they will be out there shortly

Indigo (Lisa) sighs

[Indigo (Lisa)] I will still try to change your mind

[Hin Male (Master)] (at the gates) HO the Guard

[Hin Male (Master)] (in Human)

[Hin Male (Master)] HO the Guard

[Hin Male (Master)] Are you hungry yet?

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] OH, Hi

[Indigo (Lisa)] (not OH HO)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] more thirsty, any fresh water?

[Hin Male (Master)] (going with the idea that Kenna is inside with Indigo)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yes)

[Hin Male (Master)] We have lots of water

[Hin Male (Master)] and ale and wine

[Hin Male (Master)] and mead

[Hin Male (Master)] and for the dwarves grog

[Hin Male (Master)] and the elves we have a bit of nectar

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] That is surprising.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (didn't know the Hins were such racists)

[Hin Male (Master)] Why you think we are uncivilized?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (They are nicer in Indigo's neck of the woods)

Ilero (TMO)] (then you learn you've been playing your character wrong for years. ;) )

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Considering we aren't inside, slightly.

[Hin Male (Master)] (points to Lisa you have not encountered this anywhere else in Gold Hills)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (at least they have not yet offered twigs)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (LOL)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (or stones)

[Hin Male (Master)] Why would we risk letting you inside the walls?

[Hin Male (Master)] that is why I am out here

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] And how safe is it out here?

[Hin Male (Master)] I am the one to come to you

[Hin Male (Master)] it is safe enough

Hin Male (Master) shrugs

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Safe enough...

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) sighs, "Well at least there is food and drink.

[Hin Male (Master)] I would guess you are a mercenary band like the rest of them

[Hin Male (Master)] so you can handle it

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Are most your visitors mercenary?

[Hin Male (Master)] Of course you are too late this year

[Hin Male (Master)] all of them

[Hin Male (Master)] except for the dwarven miners

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Ah.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Too late for what?

[Hin Male (Master)] to cross

[Hin Male (Master)] the flooding has started already in the mountains

[Hin Male (Master)] which way did you come?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] We are headed to Birnham, not the mountains.

[Hin Male (Master)] the streams will run fast

[Hin Male (Master)] the big water will rise very high this year

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] In the mountains?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Unless we have reason to go there, it is not a concern.

[Hin Male (Master)] (as this is in human, Branwyn would know the Big Water is the name for the Chandler Cowles in the Gold Hills, from her time during Pirate Queens)

[Hin Male (Master)] No one who is of sound mind goes into the mountains

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Which is why we're going to Birnham.

[Hin Male (Master)] The Old Forest is barely better

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] You know it's other name?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] A forest is always the better choice.

[Hin Male (Master)] We do get Elves through here too

[Hin Male (Master)] sometimes they squat

[Hin Male (Master)] (a slight mispronunciation)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] Elves Elves or Dark Elves?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Rusty, but not bad.

[Hin Male (Master)] Dark Elves are in the mountains

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Drow.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] We were told some are hiding in the forest. Do you know anything about that? Or a party recently attacked?

[Hin Male (Master)] Strangers get attacked in the Forest all the time

[Hin Male (Master)] The Forest protects itself

[Hin Male (Master)] We fight it back

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] That is true.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Any human religious types you recall recently?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Anyone else can also jump in whenever)

[Hin Male (Master)] There was a group three days ago that told us about the streams flooding

[Hin Male (Master)] They said they were attacked by Marmots

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] No these were attacked.... um...

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) looks at the group

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] How long ago? I was not there for the conversation.

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] Marmots?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] A group of 20 Greek pilgrims were attacked north of here

[Branwyn (Lisa)] By a band of orcs and Drow magic users

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Only three escaped

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We are here to see if any survived and if we can recover what was lost

[Hin Male (Master)] If someone was attacked like that I do not know of it, they did not stop here

[Hin Male (Master)] but many try to skirt the edge of the forest and go north around into the Wildlands

[Branwyn (Lisa)] They were coming south from the snows after purifying a holy relic

[Branwyn (Lisa)] This would have been about a week and a half ago

[Hin Male (Master)] If they came this way they were trying to avoid taxes in Scary, (scoffs) serves them right

[Hin Male (Master)] They did not come into Scary I can tell you that

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Did they stop by Scary on their way north? I think they would be unmissable. 20 humans who are priests and acolytes

Hin Male (Master) finishes emptying the 20 baskets of food

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (sorry - ignore)

[Hin Male (Master)] If they went north in the winter they would have traveled with mercenaries

[Hin Male (Master)] or they would not have lived to come back south

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But it is early spring

[Branwyn (Lisa)] They were not going to the conclave

[Hin Male (Master)] It has been a hard winter that broke too soon

[Branwyn (Lisa)] They wanted to rub this relic in the snow for some reason

Branwyn (Lisa) shakes her head

[Hin Male (Master)] they picked a good winter for snow

[Hin Male (Master)] Normally a winter like that lasts for two more weeks, the snow would not melt this fast

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We defeated a band of orcs not far from here. Do they live in the forest or come from the mountains?

[Hin Male (Master)] if they went before

[Hin Male (Master)] (I will give Branwyn an Intuition check)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: INU check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (hence the question)

[Hin Male (Master)] (grins)

[Hin Male (Master)] (and yes I should give that to Miranda too go on John)

[Hin Male (Master)] The dreadful Orcs infest the mountains the forests, the caves, they are everywhere

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Like the pests they are.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Everywhere?

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] Dara Amastacia: INT check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

Ilero (TMO)] (... Dara?)

Ilero (TMO)] (what are you doing to my scouts?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Do orcs usually partner with the Drow? That seems an odd pairing to me

[Hin Male (Master)] (John?)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] [Miranda Paige]]: INT check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Hin Male (Master)] Orcs hire out I have heard but they scavenge on their own too

[Hin Male (Master) (to JohnA only)] the idea of the snow melting suddenly, after a hard winter and a magical ritual in the mountains?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But to your knowledge the Drow only live in the mountains?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So it would be odd if they were ambushing travelers in the woods?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Or not?

[Hin Male (Master)] I have never seen one of the dark ones so I cannot say

[Hin Male (Master)] but we always talk of them in the mountains

[Hin Male (Master)] either the dark elves or the mountain giants seem to be the danger

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Do your people ever travel into the Forest?

[Hin Male (Master)] Of course

[Hin Male (Master)] we chop for wood

Hin Male (Master) gestures at the steaming food

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] I have no doubt the Greeks caused the melting for or with their ceremony

[Hin Male (Master)] and we raise crops

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] I hope you do so with respect.

[Hin Male (Master)] The trees do not threaten our walls anymore

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And your people travel in the woods safely.

[Hin Male (Master)] We are cautious

[Hin Male (Master)] My grandmother's days was when we consecrated the stones again

[Hin Male (Master)] for the last couple hundred years things have been good

[Hin Male (Master)] (grins, yes there is a whole society here to try to unpack and deal with and you are only here for a night then on your way again you hope, grins)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If we were travel through the woods is there a more travelled path that people would take?

[Hin Male (Master)] Not if they are smart

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We must try to find the scene of this ambush and don't want to wander aimlessly if we can try to deduce at least the start of a path they would take

[Hin Male (Master)] ahhh

Ryan has joined the game on Fri Oct 25 21:30:59 EDT 2019

Ryan is receiving the map Base Map...

Ryan has received the map Base Map.

Ryan is receiving the map Scary...

Ryan has received the map Scary.

[Hin Male (Master)] then you would want to follow along the edge of the forest north

[Hin Male (Master)] that is where all the rogues go

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that was quick! hopefully more treats than tricks!)

[Hin Male (Master)] to go around the Old Forest

[Ryan] I am back at the keyboard.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Unfortunately, got there a bit late, so a bunch of people were out of candy, but the kids had fun regardless)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And that would lead to the "snows"?

[Hin Male (Master)] Most of your people go to Dwimordene Wood and then north

[Branwyn (Lisa)] These weren't rogues. They were probably all decked out in robes and making a show of this trip.

[Hin Male (Master)] adventurers

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Welcome back! At least there was some candy)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It was a sacred rite and not an adventure

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (good to hear)

[Hin Male (Master)] What is up in the mountains that is like that?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I don't know. The priestess just said she had to dunk her shell in the snow to purify it

[Hin Male (Master)] There used to be a lot of snow up there

[Branwyn (Lisa)] They were carrying a 1 foot wide pearly white shell artifact

[Hin Male (Master)] How do you know?

[Hin Male (Master)] that sounds like you are casing a mark

[Hin Male (Master)] why do you want to know about these people?

[JohnA] sorry I must go, hard holding my head up, have fun

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Because the owner of the shell lost it and asked us to try to find it for her

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Bye!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Goodnight John!)

[Hin Male (Master)] Well I suppose that makes sense

JohnA has left the game on Fri Oct 25 21:35:02 EDT 2019

[Hin Male (Master)] lots of people never come out of the mountains

[Branwyn (Lisa)] This priestess did me the most valuable favor someone can do and so I must repay her by returning that which she has lost

[Master] Time of Day: 05:56 PM. Day 11 Trall ___ tre, Man {Early Spring} 11th, 348 SKR.

[Hin Male (Master)] Then I bid you good luck

[Hin Male (Master)] It is getting dark

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Will Indigo come out?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I cannot believe he would leave us

[Hin Male (Master)] feel free to feed your horses on the edge of the woods but do not let them eat our crops

[Hin Male (Master)] I have been out here without here with you I do not know

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you for your help. You have been most kind.

[Hin Male (Master)] That Bertle Puddingfoot had her eye on him as soon as she heard his name

Penelope (Master) raise an eyebrow

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs "I believe Indigo is spoken for"

[Hin Male (Master)] I will let him know you asked

[Hin Male (Master)] have a good night

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And to you as well

[Hin Male (Master)] if you do need supplies I can add them to your tab

[Hin Male (Master)] You can pay in the morning

Branwyn (Lisa) nods

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at the others "That gives us little help"

[Master] Time of Day: 06:21 PM. Day 11 Trall ___ tre, Man {Early Spring} 11th, 348 SKR.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What I wouldn't give for a little divination right now

[Master] about an hour and a half has gone by since arriving in town

[Master] Skarp and Indigo are inside both having dinner with families

Ilero (TMO)] (Hin dude gone back inside yet?)

[Master] the rest of the group is outside

[Master] alone

[Master] Mario Divination?

[Ilero]] (TMO) slides down out of the tree by the wall and walks back over to the group.

[MarioHome] (neither of my peeps have divination)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (The only divination that Skarp knows is found at the bottom of the stein)

Ilero (TMO)] (Ilero can do a rain dance if that will help)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Kenna and Shi can do scrying, I believe, not that Kenna is here right now)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Thinking Divination in terms of type of magic... is it a skill, too?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (past efforts on the shell failed - I was thinking maybe a signpost to elves? don't know much about divination spells)

[Master] all ideas are worth discussing

[Master] plus it is time to think about watches

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (If we go into the forest, Shi has a "commune with nature" spell she can use)

[Master] points to trees right there

[Carissa] And as always, talking to any animals or plants for "weird things" in the forest.

[Carissa] Well... it works for 4.5 miles. Are we close enough to where we might want to go? Or go north some more first?

Ilero (TMO)] (we can find out if we're within 4.5 miles of them)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (fair warning)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Hin man said rogues take the path on the outskirts and don't just walk on in the middle)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (if you were a bunch of priests which way do you think they would go?)

[MarioHome] (up eventually)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Carissa] A radius of 4.5 miles, to confirm.

[Master] Mario does pay attention, grins

[Master] SO the first question is does Skarp or Indigo come back out of town to camp or stay in the lodgings they are offered?

[Carissa] Outskirts. Human priests would avoid the Old Forest, I bet. But ambushers would be smart to take it into the forest.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Indigo would go back)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Skarp hasn't seen a dwarf in some time so he might want to visit)

[Master] for Skarp


[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Skarp would be greatly tempted, but would want to stay with his friends. He would consider it unkind to remain in comfort while his friends were outside. Especially after everything that they have done for him)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (ehhh we would understand)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Eh, Skarp is.... still in a bad spot about abandoning friends)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (should at least rp a bit with them? )

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (they may know more than the Hins)

[Master (to Lisa only)] Indigo is regaled by those wanting to hear his tales and telling him how exciting his life is and not in a good way sometimes and he should really settle down and no they do not pay attention to the Humans who come by other than to know they need food and repairs to their gear. Mercenaries are not good customers when angry but pay well when happy

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Sure.)

[Master (to Ryan only)] Skarp drinks a bit more than he expected but hears that the snows were thick and plentiful everyone in the mountains was expecting a late spring and suddenly there was a great thaw and the spring floods started earlier than expected

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to Master only)] can't have that go out to all?

[Master (to Lisa only)] it can wanted you to have it before leaving if you wanted to follow up on anything

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to Master only)] only thing really we need to discuss the horse and wagon issue if Hins don't know anything

[Master (to Lisa only)] that can be done with (H ) no problem

[Lipson Diggle (Master)] Indigo [burb] are you certain you need to sleep on the ground

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] It is good to see kin in these parts. The Upworlders...

[Lipson Diggle (Master)] You can stay here with a good warm bed

Skarphedin (Ryan) gives a so-so gesture.

[MarioHome] Thanks for the game. See you all next week!

[Dwarf (Master)] Yah, they are so soft

MarioHome has left the game on Fri Oct 25 21:56:51 EDT 2019

[Dwarf (Master)] (night Mario)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Yes, it is troubling. How have they survived so long?

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'm sorry I must go back to my friends. As I told Lipson, if my friends aren't welcome then I must go. Though I am sorry to.

[Dwarf (Master)] These little people are good for what they do

[Lipson Diggle (Master)] If you insist

[Lipson Diggle (Master)] Do you need extra pillows?

Indigo (Lisa) smiles "No thank you. I'll be fine."

Skarphedin (Ryan) looks fondly at Indigo. "Yes, but I worry for them. Too kind at times, too soft..."

[Dwarf (Master)] the ones here have learned to be cautious

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] That's good, good.... Caution is needed in this cruel world.

[Dwarf (Master)] they have not had truly hard times in many years and they have our help at mining

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Nothing better than Dwarven mining.

[Dwarf (Master)] did I hear you are traveling with one of the wispy elves?

Skarphedin (Ryan) thumps the table proudly, to punctuate his point.

[Indigo (Lisa)] I would still like to talk to you about leaving the horses and wagon in the town's care. I know you do not like them, but we would pay the village well and you could do nice things with the gold.

[Indigo (Lisa)] We can talk in the morning

[Lipson Diggle (Master)] we would be glad to keep them for you,

Skarphedin (Ryan) chuckles. "Yes, it has been.... acrimonious at times, difficult, but we have peace for the most part."

[Indigo (Lisa)] That would be wonderful!

Indigo (Lisa) relieved

[Dwarf (Master)] how do they stay in the wind?

[Dwarf (Master)] they are so thin

[Dwarf (Master)] master of the bow I admit

[Dwarf (Master)] but I think that comes from being one

Skarphedin (Ryan) laughs loudly. "Yes, thin as a twig. Half-tempted to pick one up and see if I could snap them on my knee...."

[Dwarf (Master)] aha hah aha hah

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] It is good to see you, friend. I thank you kindly for your hospitality. I fear that I must return to my friends outside, though. Seems every time I turn around they are fighting off an orc incursion, or diving into a necromancer's tomb... n-needsh me to protect thems.

[Dwarf (Master)] Luck with that

Dwarf (Master) clangs mugs

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Thank you. I wills share your information about the shpring floodsh.

Skarphedin (Ryan) clangs.

[Dwarf (Master)] nods the big river south will flood wide this year

Skarphedin (Ryan) speaking carefully. "We will be careful."

[Master] So Skarp and Indigo return outside of the gates

[Master] with the rest of your normal campsite

[Master] you are about 100 feet from the walls

[Master] and arranged as normal

[Carissa] (So few for watches... so I expect lots of talking, folks)

[Ilero]] (TMO) recites the Magna Carta to the tune of The Whistling Barman

Penelope (Master) crosses her arms. LOTS of talking?

[Carissa] (Perfect!)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Yeah. We talk a lot

Indigo (Lisa) grins

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Do dwarves get talkative or quiet when they are drunk...?

Ilero (TMO)] (singy)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Supposh it dependsh on the dwarf.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Would you rather sleep that off? I can stay up for some time still.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Especially if you are the singing kind of drunk...

Skarphedin (Ryan) carefully enunciating each word. "No, I am fine."

[Indigo (Lisa)] The village agreed to take care of the horses and wagon. But they wouldn't let anyone else inside

[Master] do consider who needs to recover spells

[Indigo (Lisa)] This is strange. We aren't like that back home

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Branwyn's turn to take a watch tonight - would prefer 1st but can do 3rd)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (1st for Shi; she's full spells provided someone asks her to heal them)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Er, almost full forgot about that bear)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Penelope is moderately wounded and Indigo lightly)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] One sec. Just blinded myself

[Indigo (Lisa)] (everyone else looks pretty ok)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Again, she'll need that directly pointed out to her; she's not much on being the healy priest lately)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (HOA must have shut off the water today - just turned on faucet for cat and it made big noise and spurted out and scared him to death - he thinks this is my fault)

[Master] story telling around the campsite


[Master] and that sucks Lisa

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Awww)

[Master] is back up and working?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (it works - just cat is freaking out when I try to approach now)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (thinking I am out to get him - sigh)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Ah geez, I was touching jalapenos earlier, and apparently washing your hands does nothing because that stuff still burns when you rub your eye hours later)

[Master] he is not wrong

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (haha aww poor thing)

[Master] on both accounts

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Huh - yep)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Ah, poor cat)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Mara, do you think you could help Penelope please? An orc got her this afternoon

[Indigo (Lisa)] (ouch Ryan!)

[Master] (Mario is gone for the night)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (oh I missed that)

Indigo (Lisa) looks around for Mara and sees her giving Bosi a neck massage

[Indigo (Lisa)] Ummm ... Shi, do you think you could help Penelope please? An orc got her this afternoon and Mara seems busy.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (lol)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Oh? I missed that. Is it bad?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (well he was all wrapped up in chains earlier)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Now he can be wrapped up in Mara's arms)

Indigo (Lisa) whispers "Not too bad, but she isn't as strong as us"

Indigo (Lisa) whispers "Don't tell her that though"

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) nods, low voice, "I can do so before I sleep if it makes you feel better."

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (On that note, my daughter is asking me to help her go to sleep and my eye is still burning, so I think I am going to turn in. Sorry.)

Indigo (Lisa) nods "Thank you, Shi!"

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Good night all)

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) sees Skarp already passed out

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Night!)

[Master] Thanks for joining Ryan

[Indigo (Lisa)] (goodnight!)

Ryan has left the game on Fri Oct 25 22:21:22 EDT 2019

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] So a sleepy drunk. Good to know.

[Master] LOL

Ilero (TMO)] (hehe)

[Master] Shi, Branwyn, Indigo, Ilero, Shur, Tiberius, Penelope

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Who wants to talk to who??)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Bran and Ilero can be last if she wants to check on him)

[Ilero]] (TMO) raises an eyebrow

[Indigo (Lisa)] (so maybe Indigo takes one too now)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Or make it three person first watch)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I dunno maybe Ilero needs a dose of Tiberius)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Also true)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (he can put things in a simple light sometimes)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (And lots of watches later if Ilero needs more therapy)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I don't mind however it goes)

Ilero (TMO)] (hehe - Ilero is usually 2nd watch, but someone can ask him to swap)

Ilero (TMO)] (Shur is usually 3rd)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Up to you two with your two characters. Only asking for first for Shi :) )

Ilero (TMO)] (how about Bran, Shi, & Ilero on 1st? that's the three PCs)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (then indigo and npc and Shur npc?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Sure)

Ilero (TMO)] (sure)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (k)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Bran and the Moody Duo)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (This should be fun)

Ilero (TMO)] (lol)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (lol)

[Master] grins

[Master] there is about one and a half times the food that Jilly would have cooked for you here in the baskets

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'm a little disappointed we ended up out here for the night, but I suppose it's better than in the forest.

[Master] so even after everyone has eaten there are leftovers

[Ilero]] (TMO) leans back against his backpack and nods.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] There is more comfort in the forest.

Ilero (TMO)] More cover to be snuck up on, too.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (For fifth dinner)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Didn't sound much like it from what that Hin was telling us.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Do you think we should follow the path or just wander into the middle of the forest and hope.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I don't like that and reminds me of when part of the group went off looking for a unicorn

[Master] CRASH

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That didn't ...

[Ilero]] (TMO) is standing suddenly

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Master] and the sky opens up

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What was THAT?

[Master] and POURS rain

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Oh....

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Thief ability - Detect noise* check:(d100) [1d100=73] 73 - ROLL FAILED against 25!!

[Master] a spring thunderstorm

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) sighs, "At least the forest protects against the rain."

Ilero (TMO)] (haha)

[Master] pouring rain down on everyone

[Master] and laughs with Ilero

[Master] but yes he does not detect any noise above the storm

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well I don't have any shelter spells

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (He deaf)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Nor do I.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (...I think)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Don't know how to make a magical canopy?

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs

[Ilero]] (TMO) pulls his shelter out of his pack and starts setting it up.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Well yes, but it doesn't do much to keep away the rain.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] And it didn't sound like those Hin would appreciate a forest suddenly appearing here.

Branwyn (Lisa) puts her pack and Tiberius' under the wagon as shelter

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Even if it would be somewhat entertaining...

Ilero (TMO)] Should put forest inside town.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] They'd probably just rush out and try to chop it down

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Huh the real question reading this is if it would stop rain...who knows)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Inside the town would be more fun.

Ilero (TMO)] (until the leaves got waterlogged)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Shh details)

[Master] Shi's details

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] lol)

Ilero (TMO)] (warp wood to turn the wagon into a shelter)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] With the lack of information from the townsfolk I think we may just be relying on you to talk to the forest creatures to guide us.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Well then we'd be removed of the accursed wagon)

Ilero (TMO)] (warp it back into shape tomorrow)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Tracks that Shur might have found have probably been washed away

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] That is fine. I would hate to avoid the forest all together.

[Ilero]] (TMO) nods. "Tracking hard when not fresh."

[Ilero]] (TMO) finishes his shelter and offers it to the ladies.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If we had a month to wander around I wouldn't worry so much but I don't appreciate the time limits with no direction

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) nods a thanks and sits in it

[Ilero]] (TMO) pulls up the collar of his warm cloak.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you Ilero but I think I'm soaked all ready

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] The forest talks to me more. It may reveal what you seek. Or not. I don't know this one much, but it cannot be too different from ones I know.

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) starts wringing out her hair and clothes

Michael has joined the game on Fri Oct 25 22:38:00 EDT 2019

Michael is receiving the map Base Map...

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What did you think of what Miranda was saying earlier?

Michael has received the map Base Map.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Hi Michael!)

Ilero (TMO)] (hi!)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] It is a stupid idea.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Hi Michael!)

[Master] YES

[Michael] Hey Guys. I'm so sorry

[Master] thank you Michael

[Michael] What?

[Michael] How can I help?

Ilero (TMO)] (he's already tired of us talking)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (I don't know. If something attacks us, log out!)

[Michael] Also again, sorry. I had some car trouble

[Master] HAH

[Michael] Well, more like locked my keys in the car while it was running

[Michael] rookie mistake

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I don't think we can barter with them either really. But depending on the size of this Drow community, all-out war is not an easy option either

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (oh no!)

[Michael] Yeah. My dog got AC and couldn't let me back in at the gas station. Selfish pooch

[Ilero]] (TMO) shrugs. "No way to know yet what we facing."

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] If there are Drow in the forest, truly, you might be able to find help to remove them. It is not something one takes lightly, them encroaching on our space.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] But bartering with them? They will sooner take from you than to barter.

[Master] Michael Talwin will be on 2nd watch with Indigo and can ask about progress then

[Michael] Sure. no idea what’s going on, but will do my best!

[Master] You are camped outside the walls of Scary

[Michael] I'm getting into Character now

Ilero (TMO)] (once again, they wouldn't let us in, and Ilero didn't bribe anyone this time)

[Master] You have been dealing with horses and wagons and cleaning and everything then you suddenly had a huge feast delivered and then went to sleep for the first watch

[Master] they will wake you up

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Still first watch)

[Michael] I am back at the keyboard.

[Talwin (Michael)] OK

[Talwin (Michael)] Sounds good

[Ilero]] (TMO) grabs a hunk of bread and keeps it sheltered from the rain while he snacks on it.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We shall see. I just hope I can get my spells back if I lose them

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And how are you doing Ilero? Kenna felt like wringing your neck for doing that after she healed it and right in front of her face

[Ilero]] (TMO) smiles wryly and shrugs. "Hye fine."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (how do I get rid of italics again?)

[Talwin (Michael)] CTRL I

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Just hit the I button again)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Or type < /i >

[Branwyn (Lisa)] She thinks you're sick

[Branwyn (Lisa)] /i>

[Ilero]] (TMO) nods. "Mebbe so."

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Sorry with the other missing arrow :) )

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (think it worked)

Ilero (TMO)] (your text is not showing up italicized)

[Master] (it is also on the chat entry line, Bold Italic and Underline)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Are you up for this? I know you have been through a lot even if I'm not sure exactly what

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Howard has been vague, but I was in no shape to listen much anyway

[Ilero]] (TMO) waves a hand dismissively. "Not matter. Hye gots more to go through still."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] This forest will be difficult. We need you with us and not off chasing a fate that you don't know is yours

[Ilero]] (TMO) smiles grimly and shakes his head. "Not chasing it. Hit find me easily enough."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Feet on the ground except when you're climbing

[Ilero]] (TMO) raises an eyebrow.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You know what I mean. No wandering off in your head. It can be more dangerous than the forest

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And when we get back in Loosend maybe we can see about getting you a new weapon of some sort

[Ilero]] (TMO) chuckles and pulls out the mystery dagger and looks at the water hitting the blade.

Ilero (TMO)] T'is functional at least. Not as good as Hand.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Not as good at all.

[Ilero]] (TMO) shakes his head. "Ham surprised Hand got destroyed. T'ought it was part of t'ings."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I don't know. I wish I could have been there to help. I have no idea what she cast and Howard and Johan were little help

[Ilero]] (TMO) shrugs and sheathes the blade again. "Mebbe hye was too reliant on it."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But it was almost a part of you. Or it seemed so.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I know that must be hard.

[Ilero]] (TMO) nods. "Yah, t'is."

[Ilero]] (TMO) holds up his right hand. "Still keep trying punch t'ings."

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at him sympathetically "I'm sorry"

[Ilero]] (TMO) shrugs again. "T'is what t'is."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The Hand seemed to come out of nowhere. Something else will come. Different, but it will find you.

[Ilero]] (TMO) looks around as if she was summoning something. "Oh. Yah, will be interesting. Always gots flail, but not my favorite."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Is it charged? I know I have done that before but it has been a while. I can do that before I sleep if you need it

[Ilero]] (TMO) unstraps it from his back. "Not in long time, hye t'ink. Hit not get used much."

Ilero (TMO)] Hye t'ink fat'er give it to me to get it out of house.

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs "And it worked?"

Ilero (TMO)] It not fancy and impressive for hanging on wall.

[Ilero]] (TMO) smiles and nods.

Branwyn (Lisa) takes it "I'll check it"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (bob - am I remembering it right that she just needs to blow a spell on it? don't think I had to cast anything in particular before)

[Master] yes

[Master] It just needs to absorb spell energy

Ilero (TMO)] Can ask awkward question?

Branwyn (Lisa) looks up "Yes?"

[Talwin (Michael)] (Has it ever stopped you before :) )

Ilero (TMO)] Why you not belive in gods?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I believe that people do

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I believe in magic and the energy that creates it

Ilero (TMO)] Where your soul go when you die?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No idea Ilero.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Not sure if there were gods out there any would take me

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Maybe Brennios would

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Me and Jennevive in the afterlife

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'd never get rid of her

Ilero (TMO)] You die once already. If no gods, t'en nowhere for soul to go. But t'ey bring you back. Or t'ey make you fancy zombie, wit' no soul no more.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'm sorry Shi. I just have never felt anything but magic

Branwyn (Lisa) in case she is listening

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) shrugs, "Some simply don't. And you are human. Maybe it's different. I don't know."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (and hasn't started to smack her yet)

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs "I am not a zombie. I have my heart, my mind and my magic. These make my soul"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That is enough for me

Ilero (TMO)] but when you dead, all t'ose stop. What t'ey put back in you if not soul?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Magic never stops. It is essence and energy. Maybe my magic holds my heart and my mind

Ilero (TMO)] Hye not gots magic. What t'ey put back in me?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Not anyone can do magic. It was born in me, like it was born in Shi.

Ilero (TMO)] But if hye not gots magic to hold heart and mind, what t'ey put back in me?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] You don't need magic to have a soul.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You ask me questions I cannot answer.

[Ilero]] (TMO) nods. "Hye agree, Shi. But she not t'ink same way, and so is part of why she have hard time understand me now."

Ilero (TMO)] Hye try explain.

[Master (to Michael only)] you good? following along so far? there was stuff on the site too late in the week

[Talwin (Michael)] (I'm following now, but this past week I’ve been out of town for business and haven't had time to check my email let alone anything else. I can read now if you want. Or a spark notes version would be helpful)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Sorry all, that was too bob)

[Master (to Michael only)] no worries you can ask when you are on watch and get the quick notes

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (will talk on watch - you're ok)

Ilero (TMO)] Hye was dead, my soul on way to afterlife. But path t'ere was blocked by Tiera. He send me back, for some reason. T'at almost never happen."

[Talwin (Michael) (to Master only)] Yeah sorry bob. It's been murphy’s law the past couple of weeks.

[Master (to Michael only)] and that is why you have a home here to come to so you can escape

Ilero (TMO)] If not believe in gods, t'en not understand why t'is scary.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Reason? The reason you came back is because of magic. Indigo poured a potion down your throat

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The gods had nothing to do with it

Ilero (TMO)] Tiera was not in potion. Potion what allow body to allow soul back in. Tiera reason soul come back.

[Talwin (Michael) (to Master only)] you have no idea. I always like this. I just wish I could have been better prepared so I’m not wasting other people’s time. But, Carissa can likely give me a two sentence summary and I’ll be good to go :)

Branwyn (Lisa) frowns

Ilero (TMO)] Wit'out Tiera, t'is body maybe live, but my soul not be in it.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I would say if that makes you happy then it is good to believe. What I am having a hard time with is that you have this faith and yet it seems to make you miserable

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Why do you cause yourself such grief?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (bob should create a dream sequence story arc where all the PCs die and go into the afterlife)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Our gods rarely interfere. I do not understand yours.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (or cause a party kill?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Uhhh....please don't kill any of them again.)

[Master] Like I need a TPK or dream sequence

[Master] I have a plan

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (.....)

[Talwin (Michael)] )......_

[Ilero]] (TMO) shrugs and slumps his shoulders. "Hye afraid. Stories I hear as child about heroes, t'eir lives full of terrible t'ings, bad t'ings happen to t'ose around t'em, and often worse to t'em. Eventually t'ey usually win, or have noble deat' saving ot'ers. But it rarely happen or pleasant.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (besides Hell trip)

[Talwin (Michael)] LOL Carissa

[Talwin (Michael)] haha

[Talwin (Michael)] you beat me to it

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (And suddenly, for the safety of Shi, I wonder if I need to avoid certain play times?)

Ilero (TMO)] But even if win, it at terrible price, and happy ever after very rare.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Rare, but not impossible.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Adults like making children afraid. They think it keeps them in line. Doesn't mean it is all true

Ilero (TMO)] My family probably already dead, and hye not even t'ere.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Dead? There has been word?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What happened?

[Ilero]] (TMO) shakes his head. "T'at what hye send him to check on."

Ilero (TMO)] (Kaz)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That is why Kazimir left? I'm sorry. You must be worried sick.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I wish you would tell us these things.

[Ilero]] (TMO) shrugs. "We not get on well, but t'ey still family."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We could help or at least try.

Ilero (TMO)] Hye t'ought hye did. Sorry.

Ilero (TMO)] Hye not remember after Skull Church very well.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Neither do I really. It was all I could do to muster the strength to move or act rationally

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I was not a help at all.

[Ilero]] (TMO) snorts. "Had reason for it."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So now that I know, can I do anything?

[Ilero]] (TMO) shakes his head. "Kaz bring word back one way or ot'er. Figure out what to do after hye know trut'."

[Master (to Carissa only)] you can wake the second watch

[Branwyn (Lisa)] please tell us when you know

[Ilero]] (TMO) nods.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Let's see about this flail before I forget.

[Ilero]] (TMO) waits and watches the surrounding wet landscape.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Still raining?)

[Master] yes

Branwyn (Lisa) takes it in both hands and closes her eyes sending her magic into the weapon

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) quietly stands to wake second watch

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against : Alter Dream: Caster can affect the course of a dream. Range 10 yd/lvl. Duration 1 Turn/lvl. Logical dream changes have no saving throw. Shocking changes let dreamer roll save v spell each rd. until they succeed and eject the caster or fail until the spell ends.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (tosses a 6th lvl spell at it)

Branwyn (Lisa) shudders a bit and then looks up and opens her eyes

[Master] adds 6 charges to the Flail

Branwyn (Lisa) holds it out to Ilero

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (I think see a pattern)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] There you go

[Ilero]] (TMO) takes it and twirls it once then attaches it back onto its spot.

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles

Ilero (TMO)] So... how angry you t'ink Kenna at me?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] She'll get over it. Like I said, she thinks she needs to help you.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Next time you want to kill something, maybe not so close to the healer and the wagon?

[Ilero]] (TMO) smiles wryly. "Funny. Nobody ask why yet."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No better solution?

[Ilero]] (TMO) nods. "Also true."

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) quietly, getting ready to wake others, "Because it was an orc. No reason needed."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But not your reason?

[Ilero]] (TMO) nods at Shi. "Bran. Describe Shi for me please."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Shi? Shi is a magic and light, kindness and artistry. She is the forest brought to life in her eyes

Ilero (TMO)] And cold-blooded murderer?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (aww)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Dark and empty.

Ilero (TMO)] No. Is Shi killer?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] She is also a warrior for that light

Ilero (TMO)] Murder is not war.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I have never seen her kill to kill

Ilero (TMO)] You almost did. She stand just feet from orc ready to shoot arrow into its defenseless heart.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Ahh

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) looking at Ilero with interest

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You are a good man Ilero.

[Ilero]] (TMO) taps himself on the chest. "Hye soul already stained. Hers not yet."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Ehhh maybe just a little smudged. It gives you character

Ilero (TMO)] Heh. Not good man. Good man find way t'at not involve murder.

[Master (to Michael only)] Talwin yawns and wakes up

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) clearly in thought, taps Talwin awake and walks off.

Talwin (Michael) Approaches Behind Iller

Talwin (Michael) Claps him on back

[Talwin (Michael)] An Honorable Mercenary

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Don't let it lie heavily upon you

[Talwin (Michael)] Good Luck with That my Good Man

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Attack: Fist: ((15-(d20+0))-1-1) [1d20=7] 6 [MODIFIED (-1)]

Talwin (Michael) Smiles warmly

[Talwin (Michael)] Get some sleep eh?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You did a better service than you know. I will get Indigo

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (How low was Penelope?)

Branwyn (Lisa) goes and wakes Indigo

[Master] one third?

[Ilero]] (TMO) ducks and swings at Talwin

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Master] only one

Talwin (Michael) Talwin doesn't even bother to move. Just takes it

[Talwin (Michael)] Like a man

[Ilero]] (TMO) misses anyways.

[Master] Penelope's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 17 (5) - Unharmed

[Talwin (Michael)] LOL

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Spread them 9 around, most to Penelope and Indigo)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (unless you want to toss the extra to Indigo?)

Ilero (TMO)] Sorry... you startle me.

[Master] Indigo's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 49 (4) - Lightly Wounded

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Sorry 18 total)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (thanks!)

[Master] Indigo's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 58 (9) - Unharmed

Talwin (Michael) Looks critically at the first as it swings by him. "I uh, glad to see you were able to pull the strike at the last moment?"

Talwin (Michael) Smiles

[Master] and Indigo and Talwin awake for the second shift

[Talwin (Michael)] Get some sleep

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Not doing math, if still leftovers than whoever else)

Talwin (Michael) Here, take my oilskin. Keep the rain off you

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Shi'Nynze modified: Notes - CHANGED.

Talwin (Michael) Hands over the tarp

[Ilero]] (TMO) has a fur cloak

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Shur if extras)

Talwin (Michael) Shrugs

[Talwin (Michael)] "If you want extra."

[Indigo (Lisa)] When did it start raining?

Talwin (Michael) Folds it, and places it under the wagon

[Master] all totaled

[Ilero]] (TMO) shakes his head and sides into the dark.

Indigo (Lisa) lays his cloak over Penelope

[Talwin (Michael)] (It was when I first joined in. I thought at least)

Indigo (Lisa) holds out his hand to watch it get wet

[Talwin (Michael)] (The rain glinted off Ilero’s dagger for example)

[Talwin (Michael)] (A dreary tone for sure. But a nice change of pace for us :) )

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Indigo just woke up and has no obs - he is just being Indigo)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Aren't we outside the walls of Scary? Can't be too bad can it?)

[Master] ask

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'm sorry I couldn't get us inside tonight

Talwin (Michael) Looks around mildly

[Talwin (Michael)] Why are you sorry now?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Instead of Scary maybe they should call the town Scaredy

[Talwin (Michael)] Are you personally responsible for ensuring they didn’t let us in? No? Then don't be sorry

[Talwin (Michael)] People being people

[Talwin (Michael)] No worries there

[Indigo (Lisa)] Well if we were by my family's home, they would welcome all of us

[Talwin (Michael)] Did you try a Bribe?

[Indigo (Lisa)] I told them I would pay and that we wouldn't be trouble

[Talwin (Michael)] Oh?

[Indigo (Lisa)] They don't even like the dwarves that live there a whole lot it seemed

[Indigo (Lisa)] So now we're out here in the rain

[Talwin (Michael)] And they thought the "Stay Tax" was what? To Low? I can help pay extra if you would like

[Talwin (Michael)] You know

[Talwin (Michael)] the Old Guard I traveled with for Mercs was a rough crew

[Indigo (Lisa)] It's not the gold

[Talwin (Michael)] They always had to pay a little bit more to be accepted

[Indigo (Lisa)] They don't want strangers inside

[Talwin (Michael)] If you know what I mean

[Talwin (Michael)] Ah

[Talwin (Michael)] So xenophobic

[Talwin (Michael)] They don't like Outsiders

[Talwin (Michael)] Yes

[Indigo (Lisa)] Zeso what?

[Talwin (Michael)] That makes more sense

Talwin (Michael) Shakes head

[Talwin (Michael)] Sorry

[Indigo (Lisa)] Oh yes that's it

[Talwin (Michael)] An older term from the eastern lands

[Talwin (Michael)] Some of them are violently aggressive to anyone outside of their clan.

[Talwin (Michael)] The nomads nearby refer to them as "Xenophobic"

[Indigo (Lisa)] I understand living next to a forest being careful but they knew of me.

Talwin (Michael) Raises Eyebrows

[Talwin (Michael)] I'm sorry

[Indigo (Lisa)] Okay. New words are good

[Talwin (Michael)] Aren't you a well-known and feared member of Brawny the Mysterious's Household?

[Talwin (Michael)] Even I had heard of you

[Talwin (Michael)] And they risk her displeasure?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Nah! They don't know that!

Talwin (Michael) Frowns

Ilero (TMO)] (those mysterious Greek nomads... ;) )

[Talwin (Michael)] Bold Strategy

[Talwin (Michael)] Let's see if it works for them [Talwin (Michael)] My money is on the Lady

[Indigo (Lisa)] I was named Captain of the Bounders by the King of Gold Hills

[Indigo (Lisa)] So they know me besides her

Talwin (Michael) Deep in thought

[Indigo (Lisa)] But we'll be off tomorrow

[Talwin (Michael)] I have a few connections, but to be honest, I haven't really met with anyone that may reside here.

Talwin (Michael) Shakes head

[Talwin (Michael)] Is this a critical stop?

[Talwin (Michael)] Will they accept any money for a visit only? To resupply?

[Talwin (Michael)] They must rely on some sort of economy besides what they can themselves provide

[Indigo (Lisa)] Well, it's the last place to see people that won't kill us probably until we are done finding the shell

[Talwin (Michael)] Hm

[Indigo (Lisa)] It's midnight. Too late now

Talwin (Michael) Ponders

[Talwin (Michael)] So

[Talwin (Michael)] Money didn't seem to work

[Talwin (Michael)] To whom did you offer to?

[Indigo (Lisa)] The gatekeeper

[Master] I will give Indigo an Intuition check

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: INU check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Talwin (Michael)] (INU if you don't mind? I'm curious?)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Was it the gatekeeper?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (he said he was)

[Talwin (Michael)] (I was checking that the INU check confirmed it)

[Talwin (Michael)] Hm

[Master (to Lisa only)] Indigo has a flash of inspiration from Talwin's talk, Scary exports almost all of the metal for the Gold Hills, there is very little they need to take in from other sources

[Talwin (Michael)] (Can you share what Bob just told you?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] I just wish someone knew something that would tell us where to go tomorrow

[Talwin (Michael)] You know, I think we are looking at this wrong

Indigo (Lisa) looks up at the sky until rain gets in his eyes and he looks down rubbing them

[Indigo (Lisa)] Maybe gold just doesn't matter

[Talwin (Michael)] Now, I’m not one for Stereotypes, but I do find that on occasion they exist for a reason. Despite how true or not they may be

[Indigo (Lisa)] The mines are around here and they send out metals and mining products

Talwin (Michael) Nods

[Indigo (Lisa)] They're probably rich!!!

[Talwin (Michael)] and thus, a lower level guard wouldn't be interested

Talwin (Michael) Raises a finger

[Talwin (Michael)] However!

[Talwin (Michael)] Depending on how you play this, you have several options. Would you like to know my opinion?

[Master] hence 20 baskets of food for dinner, over one third more than Jilly would make etc.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Of course!

[Indigo (Lisa)] (thought that was just a Halfling thing)

[Talwin (Michael)] So they are rich. Money doesn't interest them.

[Talwin (Michael)] However

[Talwin (Michael)] They must need something

[Talwin (Michael)] Either protection

[Talwin (Michael)] A favor

[Talwin (Michael)] or even

[Talwin (Michael)] Connections

[Talwin (Michael)] I hesitate to say

[Talwin (Michael)] and if the Lady wishes to remain anonymous, I would expect nothing less

[Talwin (Michael)] but you yourself have a reputation

[Indigo (Lisa)] I don't know if I want to do them any favors

[Talwin (Michael)] Even I have a minor reputation as a trainer

Talwin (Michael) Let me finish. Grins

Talwin (Michael) At Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] All right

[Talwin (Michael)] My Point is, there is always something that rich people need

[Talwin (Michael)] I've found, the more wealthy the client, the more paranoid and desperate they become to preserve their wealth and power

[Talwin (Michael)] Now

[Talwin (Michael)] You could try a different tact

[Master] Time of Day: 02:21 AM. Day 12 Lad ___ tre, Man {Early Spring} 12th, 348 SKR.

[Talwin (Michael)] Introduce yourself as a Diplomatic Member of A (Baroness? Is that what Bran is?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] I wish you would have been around when I was talking to him

[Master] Countess

[Talwin (Michael)] (sorry to both?)

[Talwin (Michael)] haha

[Indigo (Lisa)] Maybe I can translate for you when we come back with the shell

[Talwin (Michael)] You are here on a diplomatic mission for your Countess

[Talwin (Michael)] She could even Write you a Diplomatic Writ here!

Ilero (TMO)] (whatever you do, do *not* enroll Branwyn in a game of Lords)

[Indigo (Lisa)] They didn't seem to care about who the big people were

[Talwin (Michael)] It is likely the Gatekeeper won’t even be able to read it

[Talwin (Michael)] He will look at the parchments, see the seal, and decide to kick this up to his superiors

[Talwin (Michael)] Likely that will get you in the gate

[Talwin (Michael)] If he can read

[Talwin (Michael)] He will see you mean business

[Talwin (Michael)] A diplomatic party has many other connections besides straight wealth

[Talwin (Michael)] Simple diplomacy requires tact

[Talwin (Michael)] And that tact

[Talwin (Michael)] will at least get you to middle management

[Indigo (Lisa)] I don't think I am tacty

[Talwin (Michael)] Someone who may be less inclined towards superstition

Talwin (Michael) Laughs

[Talwin (Michael)] I'm not particularly skilled with people. I'm not a smart man

[Talwin (Michael)] But I watch

[Talwin (Michael)] And learn how people act

[Master] Who is on third watch with Shur?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (NPC)

[Master] which?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (let Shur decide)

[Talwin (Michael)] Are any in this party skilled in diplomacy or uh, "Tacky" as you called it?

[Talwin (Michael)] If we can get our foot in the door, we will take a mile

[Indigo (Lisa)] Branwyn used to be a diplomat

[Talwin (Michael)] If we cannot organize a way to stay in the city proper

[Talwin (Michael)] we can at least gain entrance for enough time to accomplish whatever goal we need to

Talwin (Michael) Frowns

Ilero (TMO)] (looks like Tiberius is the only npc around)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Penelope as well)

[Talwin (Michael)] She definitely could gain entrance

[Indigo (Lisa)] or Penelope

[Indigo (Lisa)] (oops)

Ilero (TMO)] (ah yes, she's not in blue in my list)

[Talwin (Michael)] The point though is that she may wish to be Incognito

[Talwin (Michael)] I like your Idea of Penelope though

[Talwin (Michael)] You could use your own reputation, and the negotion skills of Penelope to at least get a small group into the City

Talwin (Michael) Shrugs

[Master (to TMO only)] Shur can wake up to help close this out

[Talwin (Michael)] It won't hurt anything

[Indigo (Lisa)] I dunno the last time we wanted to get in a gate she wanted to start a fire

Talwin (Michael) Smiles

[Talwin (Michael)] I'm sure if she understands the situation and that we really may need access, she can behaver herself.

[Talwin (Michael)] Last I checked

[Talwin (Michael)] She was well into Womanhood

[Shurkural]] (TMO) wakes up, confused that Ilero isn't next to her, and the ground is soaking wet.

Talwin (Michael) Turns on alert as he notices a part member sit up

[Indigo (Lisa)] Womanhood is the time when women are the least behaved

Talwin (Michael) smiles at Indigo.

Shurkural (TMO)] When did it start raining?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol)

[Talwin (Michael)] Try telling them that. Maybe you'll have more luck then I did. I still can feel the bruise on my cheeck

[Master] lol

[Talwin (Michael)] Walks over the Shur

[Talwin (Michael)] Hey there

[Talwin (Michael)] I'm sorry

[Indigo (Lisa)] (who are we waking?)

[Talwin (Michael)] I didn't realize you didn't have a covering

Shurkural (TMO)] (Penelope)

Shurkural (TMO)] I was under my blanket

[Talwin (Michael)] I have a oilskin cloth if you would like?

Indigo (Lisa) walks over to Penelope and sneaks under his cloak

[Shurkural]] (TMO) pulls her hair back into a pony tail to keep it out of her face. "Yeah, thanks sugar.

[Penelope (Master)] hmmmmm

[Penelope (Master)] snuggles in close

Indigo (Lisa) whispers "Can you take a watch?"

Talwin (Michael) Walks to Wagon. Unfolds the Oilskin

[Indigo (Lisa)] Branadarus won't move

Talwin (Michael) Smiles. Here,

[Penelope (Master)] hmmmMMMMMMMM

[Penelope (Master)] I can move him

[Penelope (Master)] but I can go

Talwin (Michael) Blushes slightly as he glances quickly at the direction of Indigo and Penelope

[Penelope (Master)] what is this rain?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Thanks!

Talwin (Michael) Leans in to Shur

[Talwin (Michael)] You don't think

[Talwin (Michael)] They are

[Talwin (Michael)] Uh

Talwin (Michael) Shakes head

Penelope (Master) stands and stretches

[Shurkural]] (TMO) hangs her blanket over the wagon so it can maybe drip dry a bit.

[Talwin (Michael)] Never mind

[Indigo (Lisa)] Yeah it started. Take my cloak for cover

Penelope (Master) yawns thank you love

Penelope (Master) kisses Indigo on the forehead

Shurkural (TMO)] Hey, if they want to get in a little quality time, I sure won't interrupt them.

[Penelope (Master)] Did you order breakfast?

Talwin (Michael) Grins when he thinks Shur can't see him

Talwin (Michael) Snickers

Shurkural (TMO)] Somebody ought to be getting something on this trip.

Talwin (Michael) Bursts out laughing at his

Talwin (Michael) Chokes

[Talwin (Michael)] Trying to keep it down

[Talwin (Michael)] Not wake the others

Talwin (Michael) Quiet Guffaws

Indigo (Lisa) already snoring

Talwin (Michael) Stretches

Penelope (Master) shakes her head bemused

[Shurkural]] (TMO) pushes Talwin back toward his area. "Git, you. Go sleep."

[Talwin (Michael)] I've slept well so far this night since I took the first sleep. You mind if I keep you company? Or do you prefer to be left alone?

[Penelope (Master)] walking the edges of the wagon

Penelope (Master) looks at Shur

[Penelope (Master)] You think he can entertain both of us?

Talwin (Michael) Chokes

Talwin (Michael) Blushes

[Talwin (Michael)] I uh

[Talwin (Michael)] I meant nothing like that

Talwin (Michael) Clearly uncomfortable

[Talwin (Michael)] I'll uh

[Talwin (Michael)] Yeah

[Shurkural]] (TMO) smiles at Penelope. "I think we'd break him pretty quick."

[Talwin (Michael)] I'll turn in

[Shurkural]] (TMO) turns to watch Talwin retreat.

[Penelope (Master)] OH I know I can, how fast do you think you can?

Talwin (Michael) Quickly walks back to bedroll, muttering about woman

[Indigo (Lisa)] (indigo tried to warn him)

[Shurkural]] (TMO) smiles. "Depends on how hard I try."

[Penelope (Master)] You get tomorrow, I get the next day

[Shurkural]] (TMO) snorts and shakes her head. "There's no challenge though."

[Penelope (Master)] Or today I suppose

[Talwin (Michael)] Talwin, lies stiffly on the Bedroll, Wishing He could sink into the mud

[Penelope (Master)] we will be out in the woods, chasing what ever

[Talwin (Michael)] and never be seen again

[Penelope (Master)] He will be distracted

Shurkural (TMO)] (mission accomplished)

[Talwin (Michael)] LOL

Shurkural (TMO)] So... how weird is it being in a land full of a bunch of Indigos running all over the place?

[Penelope (Master)] SO far he is still the most handsome

[Indigo (Lisa)] (LOL)

[Shurkural]] (TMO) smiles. "Of course!"

[Penelope (Master)] he is rugged and not afraid to tackle problems

[Penelope (Master)] I do not think he knows about this part of his homeland though

Shurkural (TMO)] I'm not getting that vibe from the rest of them though

[Penelope (Master)] everyone seems confused since we came towards the mountains

Shurkural (TMO)] They seem... skittish.

[Penelope (Master)] maybe that is smart

[Penelope (Master)] Did Ilero tell you about the time I beat him at cards?

[Shurkural]] (TMO) tries to remember. "Maybe...?"

[Penelope (Master)] was back in Dryads Lair

[Penelope (Master)] he thought he was going to just come into some gambling den and scout

[Penelope (Master)] I beat him three out of five hands

Shurkural (TMO)] Does that mean he won 2 of them?

[Penelope (Master)] so he did not have enough money to take on the boss

Penelope (Master) grins,

[Penelope (Master)] He took the pot twice when I did not

Shurkural (TMO)] So you only beat him once more than he beat you. That doesn't sound too bad.

[Penelope (Master)] smiles

[Penelope (Master)] Do you ever let him win or lose by a lot?

[Shurkural]] (TMO) nods. "Ahh, I gotcha."

Shurkural (TMO)] I didn’t think gambling was really his thing.

Shurkural (TMO)] So what happened with the boss?

[Penelope (Master)] He is not good at it

[Penelope (Master)] Ilero avoided playing him and owing him

[Penelope (Master)] Do you think we can stop them from having a stupid battle out there in the woods?

Shurkural (TMO)] Nope.

Shurkural (TMO)] Do you think it's going to go bad?

[Penelope (Master)] Magic spells that melt snow?

[Penelope (Master)] that is Branwyn problem not me

[Penelope (Master)] what I think

[Penelope (Master)] that Greek Priestess charged up her magic shell

[Penelope (Master)] and lost it

Shurkural (TMO)] You know anything about these evil elves they didn't say yesterday?

[Penelope (Master)] so who has it and what can it do?

[Penelope (Master)] the City does not have elves

Shurkural (TMO)] I don't usually worry about the magical stuff.

Shurkural (TMO)] Nothing much I can do about it

[Penelope (Master)] I don't because I cannot fix it, I can either run from it or fight so others can stop it

[Shurkural]] (TMO) nods. "Yup."

[Penelope (Master)] that bull headed man in the swamps with the priestess

Shurkural (TMO)] Who?

[Penelope (Master)] a couple of years ago when we were traveling to the wedding?

Shurkural (TMO)] Oh! Him

Shurkural (TMO)] Yeah, I remember now.

[Talwin (Michael)] (I love how Penelope just straight up says 'that's Branwyn’s problem not mine' It's just so Bob's Characters. I love it)

Shurkural (TMO)] Sad when there's so many things that you can't remember one weirdo from all the rest.

[Penelope (Master)] I bet this is like that again

Shurkural (TMO)] Who was it that got gored again?

[Penelope (Master)] how many you mean?

[Penelope (Master)] and that priestess waving and casting and no one in her face

[Penelope (Master)] so you just run in and do it

[Penelope (Master)] Indigo is very sweet and tries to protect everyone

Shurkural (TMO)] Yeah, I know. Maybe I should shoot more with the bow in those cases.

Shurkural (TMO)] Indigo is pretty sweet like that.

[Penelope (Master)] You know way way more about the woods then I do

[Penelope (Master)] I wish the shell was hidden away in a city

[Shurkural]] (TMO) shrugs. "Lots of practice and training."

[Penelope (Master)] I could help a lot more

Shurkural (TMO)] You're like the city version of me.

Penelope (Master) smiles

[Penelope (Master)] You think your ropes are as good as me?

Penelope (Master) winks

Shurkural (TMO)] Oh, well, that's an interesting question.

[Penelope (Master)] You do not remember!

[Penelope (Master)] WOW

[Penelope (Master)] Branwyn's welcome ball?

[Penelope (Master)] You got separated from Ilero

[Penelope (Master)] I thought you saw me take Indigo away

[Penelope (Master)] and you were going to follow me

[Shurkural]] (TMO) looks confused and embarrassed. "I'm sorry... I know I'm not very smart and all that, but I try."

[Penelope (Master)] But you dance beautiful

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Sorry going to have to read rest of this convo on chat. Night all!)

[Penelope (Master)] you had four or five of them chasing you

Carissa has left the game on Sat Oct 26 00:17:38 EDT 2019

Shurkural (TMO)] Yeah, I remember the party, and the people trying to kill us.

[Penelope (Master)] I do not know about killing you

Shurkural (TMO)] Or was this the other party?

[Penelope (Master)] but they definitely wanted to see what Branwyn could do

[Master] Time of Day: 06:21 AM. Day 12 Lad ___ tre, Man {Early Spring} 12th, 348 SKR.

[Penelope (Master)] Look at the sun

[Penelope (Master)] It is nice to see that again now that we are outside of the mist

[Shurkural]] (TMO) turns away to hide her face and looks around.

Shurkural (TMO)] Yeah, I know what you mean.

[Master] and morning comes

[Master] ready to face the day

[Indigo (Lisa)] (the rain is gone?)

[Shurkural]] (TMO) moves off to a far corner and works vigorously on sharpening and cleaning her weapons.

[Master] grins

[Master] I can see all obstacles in my way

[Shurkural]] (TMO) avoiding the rest of the group.

[Lisa] I wish

[Master] gone are the dark clouds that held me down

[Master] gonna be a bright sunshiny day

[Lisa] yup

[Lisa] can't hardly wait

[Master] thank you all

[Lisa] Thank you!!

[Master] did that pull up some memories for you TMO?

[Master] and Lisa?

[Lisa] Yes

[Lisa] was a nice night

[TMO] long long ago

[Lisa] quiet before and during a storm

[Master] no one has had Penelope on watch and talked with her like that in years

[TMO] the first party that came to mind wasn't the fancy dress party

[TMO] you do a much better job of remembering everything than I

[Master] upper right corner, search

[Master] and there is this really well done page for Branwyn's ball

[Lisa] that takes effort late at night

[TMO] and search for what, "ropes" ? ;)

[Master] that someone did and formatted very well

[Lisa] lol

[Lisa] doesn't mean he read it ...

[TMO] lol

[Master] lol

[TMO] nope. that would have slowed me down

[Lisa] yup

[Lisa] Ok - I need to rest - long day

[TMO] yes

[TMO] very much

[Lisa] Goodnight!

[TMO] g'nite!

Lisa has left the game on Sat Oct 26 00:24:47 EDT 2019

[TMO] thanks for the game!

[Talwin (Michael)] Night all