Main / 20191115c

Chat Log - 2019 11 15 - Court of Thanes (Formatted)

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Thu Nov 14 19:48:31 EST 2019 ====

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master (to GM only)] Witch #3 moved 7'04".

[Master (to GM only)] Witch #2 moved 10'04".

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master (to GM only)] Response moved 26'03".

[Master (to GM only)] Witches Siloquey moved 2'06".

[Master (to GM only)] Exit moved 43'02".

Michael has joined the game on Fri Nov 15 18:35:03 EST 2019

Michael is receiving the map Base Map...

Michael has received the map Base Map.

[Michael] Sorry I'm late

[Michael] NM

[Michael] I'm early

[Michael] Okay. Getting a drink

[Michael] AFK

[Master] grins

[Master] Thank you Michael

[Master (to GM only)] Witches Soliloquy moved 18'06".

[Master] Fritz will most likely not be in at all, TMO will be late

[Master] Please read the updates, Carissa and Lisa and John all posted thoughts

JohnA has joined the game on Fri Nov 15 18:45:29 EST 2019

JohnA is receiving the map Base Map...

JohnA has received the map Base Map.

[Master] Hey John

[JohnA] hello all

[Master] Did you see the updates the last two days John?

[Master (to GM only)] Fog Giant moved 58'10".

[JohnA] yes, always happy to make people laugh

[Master (to GM only)] Fog Giant #11 moved 94'10".

[Master (to GM only)] Fog Giant #13 moved 121'04".

[Master (to GM only)] Fog Giant #12 moved 90'00".

[Master] It is good to have them laugh with you instead of at you

SpringyDew has joined the game on Fri Nov 15 18:51:21 EST 2019

SpringyDew is receiving the map Base Map...

SpringyDew has received the map Base Map.

[Master] Hello Spring

[Master] How do you feel?

[SpringyDew] hi!

[SpringyDew] meh, about 80%. how are you?

[Master] I am decent

[Master] Feels good

[SpringyDew] :-)

[Master] tomorrow is a long day, BookFest

[JohnA] high spring

[Master] I am launching kids into space

[SpringyDew] oooo

[SpringyDew] ooooooo!

[SpringyDew] hi John!

[SpringyDew] the kids are gonna love that

[Master] Drop an Oculus Rift headset on them

[Master] hit play on the Mission ISS app

[Master] they are launched up to the space station

[Master] just as they are about to slam into it

[Master] we hit stop and put the next kid on

[Master] repeat 400 times

[SpringyDew] hahaha

[SpringyDew] that sounds awesome

[SpringyDew] hope nobody wigs out

[Master] there will be lots of screams

[Master] I did this a couple of weeks ago with JROTC kids and a bunch of them went crazy

[SpringyDew] :-)

[Master] Yelling, freaking out,

[SpringyDew] you have the best job ever

[Master] I do

[SpringyDew] and you are the best person for that job ever

SpringyDew is receiving the map Swamp 1...

SpringyDew has received the map Swamp 1.

[Master] Thank you

[SpringyDew] I read OOC already, like a good kid

[SpringyDew] I dread the idea of going through this bit again but if the majority want to do it, I am game.

[SpringyDew] screwed up and ordered food delivery. gonna have too much food at too much cost. :-P

[Michael] Back

[Michael] Hi All! :)

[SpringyDew] hi Michael!

[Michael] Good to see you knuckleheads :)

[Michael] Really excited for tonight

[SpringyDew] we didn't get a lot of time to talk last week. I think you said you went up to Koosharem to get your water pipes protected?

[SpringyDew] was it crazy cold when you went?

[Michael] Oh yeah. We had to drain the main barn's well pipes


[Michael] They hadn't frozen yet thankfully

[Michael] I don’t want to pay for that

[Michael] I just know it’s beginning to get cold up there and would rather have to spend an hour hooking it back up then 5 days dealing with repair people to drive out there

[Michael] Oh, and the money

[Michael] and rage

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Nov 15 19:01:06 EST 2019

Lisa is receiving the map Base Map...

Lisa has received the map Base Map.

[Michael] HI Lisa!

[Michael] :)

[JohnA] hello Lisa

[SpringyDew] I am away from the keyboard.

Lisa is receiving the map Swamp 1...

Lisa has received the map Swamp 1.

[Lisa] Hello! :)

[Master] Almost ready to start

[Master] Mario and Carissa will be in

[Master] TMO and Fritz as noted

[SpringyDew] I am back at the keyboard.

[SpringyDew] brb

[Master] no word from Ryan

[Master] but do take advantage of this time

[Master] to go over the plan

[Master] Lisa proposed heading back into the swamps towards the witches

[JohnA] I agree, with the plan to talk first

[SpringyDew] I am away from the keyboard.

[SpringyDew] I am back at the keyboard.

[SpringyDew] omg

[SpringyDew] sorry about that, the delivery driver couldn't find my place

[SpringyDew] usually they have no trouble

Ryan has joined the game on Fri Nov 15 19:08:26 EST 2019

Ryan is receiving the map Base Map...

Ryan has received the map Base Map.

[Master] and excellent

[Master] Ryan always has good ideas and a clear head

[Lisa] Hi Ryan!

[SpringyDew] hi Lisa!

[JohnA] hello Ryan

[SpringyDew] hi Ryan!

[Ryan] Must be another Ryan that joined the group

[Lisa] Hi Spring

[Ryan] Hello everyone

[Master] HAH

[Ryan] Internet and cellphone service was out for a while. We think someone may have hit a pole.

[Ryan] Sorry for being late

[Ryan] .

Ryan is receiving the map Swamp 1...

Ryan has received the map Swamp 1.

[Master] So at the end of last session the group had retreated

[Master] I deleted the cloud banks

[Master] but they are actually still there

[Master] you have retreated far enough back to avoid the Giants

[Master] you can now talk and plot and plan

MarioHome has joined the game on Fri Nov 15 19:12:25 EST 2019

MarioHome is receiving the map Base Map...

MarioHome has received the map Base Map.

[Ryan] Hi Mario

[SpringyDew] hi Mario!

[JohnA] hey Mario

[MarioHome] Hello hello!

[Lisa] Hi Mario

[Master] so

[Master] TMO will be late, Fritz likely not in

[Master] John, Carissa and Lisa posted

[JohnA] does Spring, Mario or Ryan have any thoughts

[Master] now is the chance to decide about what to do next

[Ryan] Sorry, I am reading through the OOC since I couldn't do so before

[Master] please do

[Michael] I apologize, I need to step away

[MarioHome] I have meds to repress them

[Michael] AFK

[SpringyDew] my thoughts, I don't wanna do this one but am willing to do what the party majority wants. I don't have any good ideas for how, though

Carissa has joined the game on Fri Nov 15 19:14:50 EST 2019

Carissa is receiving the map Base Map...

Carissa has received the map Base Map.

[JohnA] ;)

[Master] Laughs at Mario

[Ryan] Hello!

[SpringyDew] hi Carissa!

[Lisa] Hi Carissa!

[MarioHome] Hey Carissa

[Carissa] Hi all!

[JohnA] hello

[Ryan] So, we were presented with the option to surrender last time, and didn't take it for obvious reasons

[Ryan] But, given how badly the last attempt went, do we want to rethink that?

[Lisa] Surrender usually means drop your weapons

[Ryan] Right

[Carissa] (Sorry one sec afk)

[Carissa] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lisa] meaning we might not get them back

MarioHome is receiving the map Swamp 1...

MarioHome has received the map Swamp 1.

[Ryan] or have someone give their weapons to someone else, and then wander back to the killer clouds by themselves

[SpringyDew] hi Lisa! I missed you coming in

[Lisa] I was debating on having Branwyn surrendering because she could teleport out if things got nasty

[Lisa] yes Ryan

[Lisa] but also a party split

[MarioHome] it's not a bad plan, I would be up for sending one person in

[Ryan] True. But unless we want to risk being stuck as prisoners, I don't see another option unless we want to abandon this plan

[MarioHome] If we could wrap Branwyn in an impenetrable cocoon, ...

[Lisa] LOL

[Lisa] Reading the chat and thinking about Bob's focus on running and encumbrance etc. is what made we think about what Michael did

[Master] globe of invulnerability

[MarioHome] we may have to rethink Teleport. if they attack Bran, she cannot cast

[Lisa] if they whack her unconscious she loses spells, if they just smack her around she needs to wait a round of not getting hurt to cast

[MarioHome] my point. will she have a round of not being harmed

[MarioHome] I think running past them is also good

[Lisa] I would hope that surrender = not getting hit repeatedly :-)

[MarioHome] turn around and see it’s just gremlins with long sticks holding up sheets

[Lisa] LOL

[Lisa] cuz a full charge is double movement?

[JohnA] I think it should be at least two people

[MarioHome] we know Bran will not attack them, so any violence will be them attacking

[MarioHome] with only Bran as a recipient

[Lisa] Here I brought this fighter with me. Hit him :)

[MarioHome] and one shot from a giant is enough to do her in

[Master] lol

[MarioHome] lol

SpringyDew getting flashbacks

[Ryan] I mean, having a fighter meat shield isn't a terrible idea

[MarioHome] agreed

[Lisa] I'm thinking the surrender idea will take too much time in a short evening to get a lot done though

[Master] flashbacks to which Spring?

[Lisa] what time is it?

[Master] almost half past 9

[Master] pm

TMO has joined the game on Fri Nov 15 19:24:16 EST 2019

TMO is receiving the map Base Map...

TMO has received the map Base Map.

[Ryan] Hello, TMO

[Lisa] Gosh TMO is soooo late!

[MarioHome] Hey TMO

[Lisa] Hi TMO :)

[Ryan] We just found out that Branwyn is pregnant, and the father is one of the clouds

[SpringyDew] one of my characters getting thrown by a frost giant

[Master] I am guessing TMO left his wife at the store

[SpringyDew] hi TMO!

[Master] and LOL at Ryan

[Master] and ahh Spring

[TMO] no, we decided not to stay in town and have dinner. we brought dinner home with us

[JohnA] hey TMO

[Ryan] We are thinking of names. Heracles and Oedipus are in the lead

[MarioHome] (funny Spring has more than one encounter with giants, we had to ask for clarification)

[MarioHome] (tutor Kenna)

[SpringyDew] hehehe well that was a dragon

[SpringyDew] oh wait, the other week

[MarioHome] (ohhh, right, m y bad)

[MarioHome] (wow, how did I forget that? she flew away...)

[SpringyDew] yeah she's supposed to still be mad about the giant grabbing her "yesterday"

[Lisa] can Miranda fly us all over the clouds?

[Carissa] I am back at the keyboard.

[SpringyDew] oh wait no that was an orc

[Carissa] Sorry back.

[SpringyDew] sigh

Michael has left the game on Fri Nov 15 19:26:49 EST 2019

[JohnA] one fly spell, fighter might carry Branwyn over

TMO is receiving the map Swamp 1...

TMO has received the map Swamp 1.

[Master] From Michael: My father and sister were hit by a truck on their way home I’m on the phone with my mother and etc.

[Master] Told him to leave and go take care of them

[JohnA] oh, crap

[Lisa] but it lasts a long time - fighter could fly everyone over, right?

[Lisa] ACK!!

[Carissa] Shoot hope they're okay

[TMO] hope they're ok

[Ryan] oh

[Master] when he comes back we will find out

[Ryan] Send him our best

[SpringyDew] omg

[Master] OK so with that abrupt side trek

[Master] trying to focus back on here

[Master] Mario has the point of someone needs to go in

[Master] Lisa has the point of Branwyn because high level caster, etc.

[Master] do you have anyone else who can resist charm, etc. ?

[TMO] go in where?

[Master] for your small sorte group

[Carissa] Resist charm?

[Lisa] bran can

[Carissa] No just wondering why that specifically was brought up...

[Ryan] Witches?

[Carissa] Haha true

[Master] Also you want someone who can deal with dwarven issues

[Master] as that is the other faction no one has talked to yet

Lisa looks around

[TMO] dwarves can't even handle dwarf issues

[Master] Grey Elves, Dark Elves, Witches and Dwarves

[Lisa] Oh my!

[SpringyDew] ha TMO

[Carissa] lol

[Carissa] And Old Crow said something about working with dwarves

[Master] thank you very much for bringing that up Carissa

[Carissa] I can't believe I forgot it. She was a mean old thing,

[Carissa] I mean, eventually remembered, but should have remembered sooner.,

[Lisa] Fritz did remind us ...

[Carissa] I must have missed that

[MarioHome] I am away from the keyboard.

[SpringyDew] I definitely missed it

[Lisa] problem was at the time I wasn't seeing how to get past them no matter if the prophecy said I won a new car behind fog curtain number 3

[Master] It is always a goat

[Lisa] yup

[Master] so sending everyone forward? In one big push or in waves? or?

[TMO] so we're going back to the fog?

[Lisa] This witch thing could be fun - it would be a shame for only a couple characters to be there - besides if the fly spell wears off while they are talking then we are separated

[JohnA] the two sub choices are fly over or surrender

[Carissa] Going with the flow, whatever that might be. Feel like we have to try to fog once more, though.

[Lisa] I think either fly us all over

[Ryan] There was an idea that Branwyn, with or without a fighter to protect her, could surrender, hopefully leading to a discussion with the witches

[Carissa] What about sneaking past?

[Lisa] Or run through them

[TMO] or send the invisible scout through to see what's on the other side

TMO whistles innocently

[Ryan] What if we build a castle in the swamp, and then evict the clouds as trespassers?

[Lisa] lol

[SpringyDew] what if we apply for citizenship?

[TMO] we don't have time to build 4 castes

[JohnA] option C we don't know even happens

[Ryan] Let's get a bunch of cotton to use as disguises, and then greet the clouds as our brothers-in-the-sky

[Lisa] The thing about party splits too is we have to have a time limit to decide if we think the people who ran off are dead or not

[Ryan] "Hello, fellow cloud. Fine weather we are having."

[Master] We are weather

[SpringyDew] fine weather we are being

[Ryan] "Oh, you flatterer."

[SpringyDew] uhm yeah

[Master] grins

[Carissa] Flat earther??

[Master] hah [SpringyDew] ok so what if Bran surrendered, along with an invisible scout, whoever that is

[Ryan] #NASAisahoax

[SpringyDew] because I did not know we had one

[Carissa] Can do invisible scout or Shi spell to make multiple invisibles if it's worth it... although if Ilero makes his rolls, that's one less spell :)

[SpringyDew] or was that humor :-)

[TMO] Ilero is hurt!

[Lisa] that's because he's invisible

[Carissa] Who?

[JohnA] so healing time now?

[Lisa] the invisible scout?

[Ryan] Ilero is so good at stealth that even Carissa forgot he exists

[Master] before anyone casts remember you know you have a battle coming up

[SpringyDew] hahahaha

[Master] plus more beyond that

[SpringyDew] that is ever present on my mind

[Master] be careful with rationing out how many spells you have

[SpringyDew] plus Kenna is still pissed off at Ilero

[Master] you have scrolls, potions, etc.

[JohnA] yes, so we would rather wait and cast raise dead?

[Master] grins

[Lisa] so no fly over?

[Carissa] Yeah yeah... so Ilero gets by on his own skills.

[JohnA] one fly spell to use as you wish

[Master] Lisa and Michael know the contents of the Party Pack the best

[Master] for what is there to use

[Ryan] If we heal Ilero, since Ilero will probably want to be healed regardless, could he sneak into the area by himself?

[TMO] he did last time

[TMO] past events are no guarantee of future results

[Master] grins

[JohnA] and where would the rest of us be, here or part way to witches

[Lisa] and how long do we wait to see if he dies?

[Lisa] that just needs to be established

[SpringyDew] ¯\_(?)_/¯

[Lisa] I don't see why we can't all go

[Ryan] Send in Branwyn to surrender and be an obvious distraction, have Ilero scout things out, and then have them teleport back by morning?

[Ryan] Just throwing out ideas, btw

[Lisa] we have to do everything we are supposed to do over this night

[TMO] we need radios

[Ryan] Is Send a Cantrip?

[TMO] I dunno what we're supposed to do here though, sorry. Ilero is always willing to go off on his own, but that's nothing new

[Master] OOC for those that did the homework that Carissa assigned, Macbeth takes place over one night, there is the big battle scene then the survivors all attack each other

[JohnA] sound like or fate is already sealed

[Carissa] away after we win the battle, correct.

[Carissa] No no no, remember that's Shakespeare's Macbeth. We're doing Bob's Macbeth. Who says it'll end in a single night?

[Master] all is good except there is a shell somewhere in this mix that Branwyn needs to retrieve and get back to Loosend by the end of the month

[SpringyDew] brb

[SpringyDew] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] in 16 days

[Lisa] so I am getting the feeling that people don't want to go?

[TMO] I'm game

[Lisa] so am I

[JohnA] do either of you want company?

[Ryan] I'm willing to be meat shield, but it also sounds like Ilero going in might be preferred

[Lisa] I do

[TMO] you could try giving Ilero a time limit.

[Master] Lisa said she wants everyone to go in

[Carissa] I'll do whatever? Sideline cheerleader support?

[TMO] we could see how good he is at obeying that concept

[Lisa] the witches give Ilero a prophecy and then he comes out and tries to explain it to us :)

[Master] TMO wants to go in with Ilero alone and then see what happens

[TMO] ol

[TMO] no, I'm game to go alone or as part of a group

[JohnA] so we all go and surrender or fight?

[Carissa] I think it's worth one more try. And if you have a plan, might as well try it.

[SpringyDew] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lisa] or run by

[Lisa] or fly

[TMO] Ilero's plans usually boil down to 'find out what's trying to kill me, and not let that happen'

[Ryan] My problem with Ilero going solo is that he would have to reveal himself to the witches, which could bring the entire group on him.

[Lisa] I am against surrendering the more I think it through

[Lisa] I have always been against fighting X number of giants

[Lisa] the witches probably already know we are here

[Master] Nyrma just got home will go see her and be right back up

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[JohnA] so any ideas how to fight?

[Carissa] Yeah surrendering rarely ends well..

[Carissa] Fire? Giant sinkhole for the giants?

[Carissa] Just... hit the clouds until it's solid?

[Ryan] So, heal Ilero, give him a time limit of... three hours, maybe, and then wait?

[TMO] 3 hours is probably too long

[Lisa] we don't know which clouds they are in and casters can't target what they can't see

[Lisa] john a full charge is 2x or 3x normal movement?

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Full Move, then Run witch is double and then Spring which is triple

[Carissa] 3 hours is way too long. There's a battle going on. Half hour at most?

[TMO] off hand I'd give Ilero no more than 30 minutes

[Lisa] witch and Spring?

[TMO] and hope he can manage that

[Carissa] Spring is a witch?

[TMO] I knew it!

[Master] Sprint

[Master] she floats

[SpringyDew] wait what?

[TMO] build a bridge out of her!

[Carissa] lol

[Lisa] so bran can sprint 360 ft

[Lisa] indigo 270 ft

[JohnA] so what is the plan if we don't all make it?

[JohnA] as in last time

[TMO] Auld Lang Syne


[JohnA] does that mean we should forget old acquaintances?

[SpringyDew] and who are you?

[SpringyDew] I forgot

[TMO] forget me, save yourself!

[JohnA] ok, sounds like fun

[Lisa] we should remember that we forgot them

[JohnA] see you on the other side

[JohnA] not to switch moves on you

[JohnA] movies

[Lisa] or we can fly everyone over and take running into giant ankles out of the equation

[MarioHome] I am back at the keyboard.

[Carissa] Hmm... we can only fly two people at a time.

[TMO] so, votes for mass walk-forward?

[JohnA] one fly spell got us over a rivers, this is a bit bigger area, we would have to get closer, and there is still an issue of sight

[Carissa] True but you didn't have clubs being thrown at us going over a river

[Ryan] My problem with sprinting is that, assuming they outrun the clouds, is that we still have to head back the same way, don't we? Back past the clouds that are waiting for us?

[Lisa] how tall are the fog clouds?

[Lisa] maybe to Ryan

[JohnA] I am saying fly was an idea for a smaller group

[Master] 20 foot tall

[JohnA] or a scout

[Lisa] and maybe the giants are the witches guards and if we get by the witches will let us leave

[Ryan] So the clouds might be a test to prove your worthiness.

[TMO] So Talwin isn't worthy?

[JohnA] clearly

[Lisa] he is - he just stopped too soon

[TMO] stopped forcibly

[Master] No he just stopped

[Lisa] no he stopped and then giant tossed him

[TMO] ah

[Ryan] Btw, when Michael and/or Fritz is next on, I am going to tell him that the deal we struck with the clouds was for all the men, including his character, to become concubines to the witches, who happen to be giants.

[TMO] o

[Lisa] lol

[TMO] lol

[SpringyDew] I like it

[TMO] *my keyboard*

[SpringyDew] don't post the chat right away

[Lisa] you are having serious L problems

[JohnA] are we in agreement?

[JohnA] any other thoughts

[Ryan] Can't think of any other options

[Lisa] we can run in pairs so if someone falls or something someone is with them

[Carissa] All at once or see how the first pair fares?

[JohnA] so now we can discuss how to hold action and move together

[Lisa] now we get a wall of fog

Carissa is receiving the map Swamp 1...

Carissa has received the map Swamp 1.

JohnA is receiving the map Cawdor...

JohnA has received the map Cawdor.

[Lisa] Bosi has high strength?

[Ryan] Well....

[MarioHome] fairly high, his DEX is better

[Ryan] 20 feet tall? Who is best at dwarf-tossing?

[Lisa] carrying Kenna would make someone encumbered ...

[MarioHome] should he tightrope walk across instead?

[Lisa] at a full sprint Kenna can only go 180 ft

[MarioHome] maybe Kenna can fly

[SpringyDew] true fact

[SpringyDew] wee legs

[Carissa] If you toss her...

[Lisa] Ryan your movement?

[Lisa] indigo is 270 sprint

[JohnA] fly is only 180, no no help there

[TMO] my two are slower than I thought

[Master] Dwarves are very good over short distances, we are sprinters

[SpringyDew] his legs are wee too but he has the power to move them faster

[SpringyDew] cast fly on Kenna and then drag her on a short rope like a balloon?

[SpringyDew] or hell, carry Kenna after casting fly so she doesn't weigh ? is that even a thing?

[JohnA] that is a different spell, I don't have the balloon spell

[SpringyDew] kind of wish I had the Wand of Lightening just now

[Master] smiles at Spring

[JohnA] if we had a wish we would not need the wand

[Lisa] Kenna is 60 lbs. if Bosi has hi STR and is not carrying a lot he could carry Kenna

[SpringyDew] and he's capable of asking nicely

[Ryan] Skarp has a Dragonball if that helps

[JohnA] so some dragon is after you now?

mario-yoga has joined the game on Fri Nov 15 20:11:06 EST 2019

mario-yoga is receiving the map Base Map...

mario-yoga has received the map Base Map.

[Lisa] I just think of Bosi as a light packer

[Ryan] Yeah, he wasn't happy to lose that ball

Fritz has joined the game on Fri Nov 15 20:11:15 EST 2019

Fritz is receiving the map Base Map...

Fritz has received the map Base Map.

[Lisa] and with his six pack abs and all ...

[Ryan] Hey, Fritz

[JohnA] hey Fritz

[Lisa] Hi Fritz!

[mario-yoga] He def is, but partly due to his STR

[Ryan] So, if you look at your character sheet, you will notice there is a loincloth

[Ryan] Bran made a deal with the witches, who are giants

[Ryan] All of the men are now their concubines, and will have to stay behind while Bran and the women save the day

[SpringyDew] hi Fritz!

[TMO] Ilero is pleased

[Fritz] Hello all. Got home sooner than expected...Miriam not feeling well.

[SpringyDew] :-(

[Ryan] Oh, sorry to hear that

[Master] Mario should I kick the home one out?

[Master] Or do you have both logged in ?

[mario-yoga] no, pls let them both be in

[Master] OK

[mario-yoga] tx

Fritz is receiving the map Swamp 1...

Fritz has received the map Swamp 1.

[Master] so we are at the point of everyone getting ready to move back into the clouds

[Master] picking pairs or trios to move forward

[SpringyDew] hi mario!

[Fritz] SAY WHAT?!?!?!??!?!

[Master] it is agreed that you are not surrendering, just pushing forward

[Fritz] Do you have a plan?

[mario-yoga] lol, Hi Spring!

[Lisa] oh crap Mario - Bosi has MUSC of 17 - he can easily carry Kenna and not be encumbered

[mario-yoga] cool, let’s do it

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] so Branwyn and Tiberius

[Lisa] Indigo and Penelope

[Master] Bosi, Kenna and who?

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Wait wait wait...To walk back in without a plan is suicide

[Master] [Ilero]] moved 49'08".

[Master] Branwyn moved 58'00".

[Master] Talwin moved 51'08".

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] I have an idea

[Lisa] yes?

[JohnA] (ic or OOC?)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Hey I stop. Sit on the ground and ask what is the plan

[SpringyDew] I don't think we are acting yet

[SpringyDew] please let's don't move until we have gelled our plan

[SpringyDew] jelled?

[Master] Indigo moved 20'11".

[SpringyDew] firmed up

[Master] Penelope moved 68'02".

[Fritz] Bob is moving people so it looks like you are all going in

[Lisa] running past the clouds is all the plan you can expect from me

[Ryan] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Kenna Westfoot moved 39'02".

[Ryan] Ooh, I want some jelly now

[Master] Rhibosi moved 44'04".

[Fritz] So again that is suicide

[Master] Just organizing

[Lisa] But fun!

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Sorry I had a frog stuck in my throat so couldn't talk earlier.

[JohnA] oh the poor frog

[SpringyDew] oh ok whew

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Yea...I think I swallowed it

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Anyway

[Master] Shi does not have any frogs yet

[Carissa] Yet...

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Magic like this "tends" to have a couple of weaknesses.

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] I read about it in one of the tomes in the church library

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Our problems are that we can't see what is in the fog but it can obviously see us.

[Miranda Paige]] (JohnA) nods

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] The fog (unless Bob says differently) appeared to move in an orderly fashion

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (is that true Bob)?

[Master] yes it started in the center and moved/generated from that point and moved towards you

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (Was it one big cloud or several small clouds that coalesced?)

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] several small clouds that merged together

Ilero (TMO)] Want hye see what is on ot'er side?

[Master] growing over time

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] So we can anticipate that each one of those was a separate entity or group of entities

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] We are in a swamp with water.

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (remember we do not know how many giants there are ic)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] and mud

[Lisa] last week it was 15 separate clouds - now it is one - is that for convenience?

[Master] yes to Lisa,

[Lisa] thx

[Master] and yes to John

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] We also don't know that they are giants. We assume because of the size of the boulders.

[Master] also you are in a marsh more than the swamps back home

[Carissa] (And the club)

[Master] and Talwin being picked up and THROWN

[Lisa] 270 ft

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (Marsh/swamp)

[Master] they have to be at least hill giants or larger

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Bingo...

[Master] if you only had someone who understood Jotun

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Just laying the facts

[SpringyDew] and could yell "parlay!"

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] And they spoke in the common toung

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (or a ring that let us talk)

[Carissa] (Who has that ring?)

[Lisa] thought we gave that to Miranda

[Ryan] Or a wand of fireball that could make this all academic

[Master] not spoke said one word Surrender

[SpringyDew] it could be they know only that one phrase in multiple language

[Lisa] or DIE

[Carissa] (That's right, we did. Miranda!)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (party pack, or home?)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] So going back to what I was going to suggest before we get further off track

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (she declined, it would not work as a wedding ring)

[Carissa] (So that mean Branwyn still has it...?)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Fog/cloud spells often are vulnerable to wind magic....(But knowing Bob there may be a twist and they are not). Also being magic they are susceptible to DISPEL MAGIC

[Lisa] (ok - dispel magic works on one thing or on an area of 30 sq. ft)

[SpringyDew] we checked out the wind spells last week and they are too weak

[Master] Branwyn does not believe in dispel magic

[Lisa] (which is why last week I did not think it would be effective against 15 magic fog clouds)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Next anything that is moving in a watery environment is susceptible to magic that affects water. and since it is a marsh plants and mud are also here.

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] First I don't believe any magic is weak, it is the wielder that needs to be strong enough to know how to use the magic to overcome a problem and be creative

[SpringyDew] wow this Chinese food is completely lackluster. I doubly regret my order

[SpringyDew] Ryan, Water Moon does crappy Chinese

[SpringyDew] I should have remembered that

[Lisa] (you can have a wind servant that affects natural wind but may not work on a magic fog - this is not a normal wind)

[Ryan] I'm sorry that my people failed you

[Master] lol

[Ryan] I will commit sudoku in penance

[Master] HAH

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] And next if it is allowing vision in one direction then that means it can be seen through by magic.

[SpringyDew] I already know they are the wrong kinda Asian

[SpringyDew] you cannot fool me

[Carissa] (wait until after running through giants, please)

[SpringyDew] just wanna warn you off

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Wait...wind is wind...that is the weakness of cloud/fog spells. Anything that controls wind can potentially affect the cloud/fog...

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Don't get so focused that you think it must be a "magic wind"...

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Next what we need to do is see into the fog or be able to locate our quarry in the fog/cloud.

[Lisa] (it’s not wind it's fog and if someone wants to cast go for it but then we what? fight them?

[Carissa] (it can cut spell duration, but it won't cut fog. I'm not using a spell on that)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] I'm setting up the basis of my play. If you want to go and run in all psycho go ahead.

[Lisa] (can you just say it?)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] What is this "cut fog" stuff?

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] If I didn't have to type it I could.

[Lisa] so your plan is 1 - cast wind spells to dissipate fog

[Lisa] next step?

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Also I'm trying to role play so others could give some ideas rather than saying this won't work or that won’t work and look in their damn spell books rather than have me do it

[Carissa] We HAVE. We did this last week. And on site. And we don't want to waste spells when it's only 9 PM and a battle still looms.

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] If someone has a spell such as true seeing or could communicate with something that doesn't use sight to pick things out in the dark/fog

[Master] one point that was mentioned earlier Fritz, was that this is one of the early encounters, there is a battle still to come plus OOC Macbeth all the real character fights, speeches killings all take place after the battle, the whole play is one night

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Fine...Go ahead

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] I'll keep my mouth shut...

[Master] not at all, keep helping

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (Nope I'm done)

[Master] just know that people want to move forward without spells

[Master] which is what they were doing when you logged in

[Master] no worries

[Master] so groups of people

[Master] I was setting up top to bottom

[Master] then decide who goes first etc.

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] So does anyone want healing now?

[Master] Shi'Nynze moved 19'11".

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Ilero?

[Master] Mara moved 51'00".

[Master] [Shurkural]] moved 89'11".

[Master] Penelope moved 5'09".

[SpringyDew] Kenna Westfoot follows Rhibosi.

Ilero (TMO)] Hmm?

[Master] Drayven Starmantle moved 48'06".

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 3'11".

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Branwyn? Either of you need healing?

[Miranda Paige]] (JohnA) looks at Ilero

[Master] Mara moved 11'01".

[Master] Shi'Nynze moved 15'09".

Ilero (TMO)] Hye could use some if some is offered. But hokay if not.

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (just waiting to be on same map)

[Master] there you go John sorry

[JohnA] [Miranda Paige]] targets [Ilero]]. Distance: 100'06"

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] [Miranda Paige]] casts a spell against [Ilero]]: Orison: I can create minor effects. (d0-8) [1d0=] -8

Ilero (TMO)] t'ank you

[Master] [Ilero]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 42 (8) - Lightly Wounded

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] please be careful, that is going to have to last you

[Ilero]] (TMO) nods.

[Master] Time of Day: 09:52 PM. Day 12 Lad ___ tre, Man {Early Spring} 12th, 348 SKR.

[Master] looks like four groups?

Ilero (TMO)] So, walk forward in groups?

[Master] Miranda who are you with?

Ilero (TMO)] (Red Rover, Red Rover, send Miranda over!)

[JohnA] [Miranda Paige]] no longer targets [Ilero]].

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] pretend Talwin is with me

[Lisa] Branwyn moved 33'02".

[Master] ok so 5 groups?

[Master] Letting everyone organize into their groups

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 2'06".

[Master] then we move forward

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Lord Tiberius moved 4'04".

[Master] Shi'Nynze and Talwin moved 68'08".

Ilero (TMO)] Drayven, you want protect t'e clerics?

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Sure whomever you wish

Ilero (TMO)] Hye suggest Penelope and hye be one group. T'at way we can test whole group stride and scout at same time.

Ilero (TMO)] Hif everybody make it, good. Hif not, scouts might still make it.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Penelope is very hurt - if you want her to do something someone should heal her)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Place me with which ever group you desire

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (she only has like 18 hp total or something like that

Ilero (TMO)] (why am I not seeing her in the char list?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (she is gray at the very bottom)

[Master] Penelope moved 3'07".

Ilero (TMO)] there she is. grayed out)

[JohnA] [Miranda Paige]] targets Penelope. Distance: 31'10"

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] [Miranda Paige]] casts a spell against Penelope: Orison: I can create minor effects. (d0-8) [1d0=] -8

Ilero (TMO)] Hin t'at case, maybe hye go solo at same time.

[Master] Penelope's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 17 (6) - Unharmed

[Master] Time of Day: 10:07 PM. Day 12 Lad ___ tre, Man {Early Spring} 12th, 348 SKR.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (if people are worried about this - bran and Tiberius can go first - if body parts come flying out of the fog you know we screwed up

[Carissa] (Was that two left?)

[Master] So from the time you ran out of the clouds till now it has been just about a half hour

Ilero (TMO)] (Ilero is not at all worried)

[Master] Yes to Carissa

[Carissa] (Tiberius or Shur could use it)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (2 for Talwin as he is protecting me)

[Carissa] (Probably Tiberius)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (if he will take it)

[Carissa] (Ahh missed him)

[Master] Talwin's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 41 (2) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] and so Lisa go for it

[Master] unless anyone objects

[JohnA] [Miranda Paige]] no longer targets Penelope.

[Ilero]] (TMO) disappears at the same time

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Ready darling?

[Master] Branwyn moved 10'04".

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 10'01".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (full sprint)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Skarp can go with Tiberius and Branwyn, maybe, since he has the same hit points as them combined?)

Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] [Ilero]]: Thief ability - Hide in shadows* check:(d100) [1d100=74] 74 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

Ilero (TMO) (to GM only)] [Ilero]]: Thief ability - Move silently* check:(d100) [1d100=35] 35 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 95!!

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 230'09".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (you'll stop us if we crash I assume)

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 19'01".

[Carissa] (Shorter legs, though)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 248'11".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That was cold!

[Master] Fog Giant #13 targets Lord Tiberius. Distance: 34'10"

[Master] Fog Giant #13: Attack: Club; Great: (7-(d20+0)) [1d20=11] -4. HITS Lord Tiberius (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] Fog Giant #13: Damage v SM: Club; Great: (2d6+7) [2d6=3,5] 15 added to: Lord Tiberius

[Master] Lord Tiberius's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 17 (-15) - Heavily Wounded

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (oh dear)

[SpringyDew] (well that's a nice start)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we were supposed to move 360 ft)

[Carissa] (At least you can see a giant now?)

[Master] so the group hears a large THUNK and Tiberius grunt as he gets hit

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (damn husband stopping short of full move)

[Master] Lord Tiberius and Branwyn moved 91'02".

[Master] and continuing along past

Ilero (TMO) (to Master only)] Ilero will creepy-crawl through the fog to the other side. let me know when/if something notable happens

Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew) gasps

[Carissa] (So bigger groups might mean less people hit...? Most herd animals... herd for a reason)

Skarphedin (Ryan) groans and grabs at his beard.

Lisa is receiving the map Swamp 1...

Lisa has received the map Swamp 1.

[Master] yes to TMO, just how do you communicate that to the group you are with

[Master] and again so much fun to have a scientist in the group

Ilero (TMO) (to Master only)] he's on his own, following the Brans

Ilero (TMO) (to Master only)] but he can't run, obviously

[Master] "look that that Tim, they are flocking, just like birds"

[Master] "Yeah they are flocking this way"

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (yea, tks)

Ilero (TMO)] (herds herd so that only lone stragglers on the edges of the herd get picked off)

[Master] [Shurkural]] moved 11'04".

[Carissa] (Well flock them)

[Master] [Ilero]] moved 58'03".

[Carissa] (Exactly! So who wants to be the lone straggler? ;) )

[Master] that is how far Ilero can move while trying to be quiet and stealthy

[Carissa] (As they say, you only have be faster than the other person outrunning the bear)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (As the person with the shortest legs... crap)

Ilero (TMO)] (bear bait)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (you never told us what your movement was - 9?)

[Master] who else wants to SPRINT

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (I tried looking that up, but am not sure)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (If we heard a thunk...does that mean they can talk to us?)

[Master] Mario? Carissa?

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (waiting for those in front of me to move)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (john - what was Qui's movement? do you remember?)

[Master] You heard a thunk like something hitting flesh

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Asking to look it up or asking if I want to sprint?)

[Master] Skarp starts at 6

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (I thought 6)

[Master] OK who is moving forward?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] It might be better to move in more than pairs...

[Master] sprinting into the clouds after Branwyn and Tiberius?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] If we go after them...

[Master] time to move

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (I do whatever the clerics in my care do)

[Master] no discussion, that was earlier

[Master] actions now

[Master] move

Ilero (TMO)] (Shur's group, yay/nay?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Well then, clerics and Dray next unless someone wants to join)

[Master] starting at the top of the map and moving down

[Master] Bosi and Kenna

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (whee)

[Master] what do you do?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Don't drop her!!

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Shur or Bosi, go. At least one or two more fighters before spellcasters)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (we didn’t RP Bosi asking Kenna nicely if he can carry her, can we assume that happened?)

[Master] yes to Spring

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (and that she appreciated him profusely and it's on)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Did he ask or did he just hold out his hands in question?)

[Master] TMO is Shur going with Bosi or with Ilero?

Ilero (TMO)] Bosi is fine

[Master] Mario?

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (he better have used his damn words :-)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] [Miranda Paige]] moved 120'04".

[Master] Rhibosi and Kenna Westfoot moved 18'07".

[Master] [Shurkural]] moved 107'11".

[mario-yoga] I’m here

[Master] Sprinting is how far for Bosi? how far for Shur?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 103'08".

mario-yoga Bosi grabs Kenna and makes a dash?

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (he better not do that)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Shi'Nynze moved 1'07".

[Indigo (Lisa)] (if Penelope is going with Ilero, someone want to go with Indigo?)

[mario-yoga] (he is not encumbered, so he can go max I believe

[Master] which is how far?

[mario-yoga] 189

[mario-yoga] and a half

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (Sorry trying to find my character and see which group you all paired me with?)

[mario-yoga] 180

[Master] and TMO how far can Shur go?

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (So who am I with?)

Ilero (TMO)] (if I did it right, her adjusted move is 9)

Ilero (TMO)] (Dray, go with Mara's group)

[Master] so that is 270

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Drayven Starmantle moved 75'00".

[Master] [Shurkural]], Rhibosi and Kenna Westfoot moved 199'03".

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I thought bob said sprint was 3x normal movement)

[Master (to GM only)] Fog Giant #11 targets [Shurkural]]. Distance: 24'06"

[Master (to GM only)] Fog Giant #11: Attack: Club; Great: (7-(d20+0)) [1d20=16] -9. HITS [Shurkural]] (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

[Master (to GM only)] Fog Giant #11: Damage v SM: Club; Great: (2d6+7) [2d6=4,3] 14 added to: [Shurkural]]

[Master] [Shurkural]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 27 (-14) - Heavily Wounded

[Master] [Shurkural]], Rhibosi and Kenna Westfoot moved 121'01".

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

Shurkural (TMO)] Giants!

[Master] [Shurkural]], Rhibosi and Kenna Westfoot moved 47'11".

[Master] On the other side of the clouds again

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (brb)

[Master] Penelope moved 90'00".

[Master] yes to Lisa

[Master] Mario said 190, TMO has Shur at 270

[mario-yoga] sorry, not familiar w what max is, but Bosi qualifies for max'

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (back)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I thought regular humans were 120 so it would be 120, 240, and 360)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] Miranda moved 120 into the fog to see how far she can see before proceeding

[Master] she cannot see at all

[Master] 2 foot max in front of her eyes

[Master] if you stop then that is your move

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (understood)

[Master] For the Bosi, Shur, Kenna group they moved as far as Shur could move

[Master] from what TMO said

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] Talwin moved 91'08".

[Master] no to John one round behind

[Master] if it is Miranda and Talwin then what ever happens to Miranda happens

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (ok, then does he need to be on the map?)

[Master] I can take him off

[Master] and now Mara, Skarp, Shi and Dray

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (huzzah)

[Master] Skarp moves at?

[mario-yoga] (Mara follows the group

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (Sprint for me is 480 so put me at the speed of the slowest)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (get as close as you can before you run for Skarp)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Uh oh we're going to be shorter movement)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Skarp can run with Indigo and Penelope)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (can Indigo drag Skarp :) )

Shurkural (TMO)] (that's probably a good idea)

[SpringyDew] I am away from the keyboard.

Shurkural (TMO)] (rather than slow two groups, put the littles in one group)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (I'm not sure of my max movement, sorry)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Skarphedin moved 87'07".

[Indigo (Lisa)] (come over with us)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Yes, ma'am)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (come to the dark side?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (this way that group should be able to go 360)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Are there cookies?)

Shurkural (TMO)] (the short side)

[Master] Shi'Nynze moved 13'01".

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Shortbread)

[Master] So Shi Mara and Dray sprint through

[Master] 270?

[Master] Shi'Nynze, Mara and Drayven Starmantle moved 280'02".

[mario-yoga] yes, pls

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Think so, no one is encumbered)

[Master] Shi'Nynze, Mara and Drayven Starmantle moved 15'05".

[Master] Fog Giant #13 targets Drayven Starmantle. Distance: 35'09"

[Master] Fog Giant #13: Attack: Club; Great: (7-(d20+0)) [1d20=1] 6. MISSES Drayven Starmantle (AC FINAL: -7).

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (nice)

[Master] and Indigo's group

Indigo (Lisa) whispers "All the noise is over there. We run straight. Penelope keep going and catch Branwyn. I'll stay with Skarp"

[Penelope (Master)] I am staying with you love

[Indigo (Lisa)] (so if Skarp is 6 we move 120 straight ahead and Penelope keeps running)

Skarphedin (Ryan) nods.

[Penelope (Master)] let's go

[Indigo (Lisa)] NO!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 8'09".

[Indigo (Lisa)] (we’re ready)

[Master] Skarphedin, Indigo, [Ilero]] and Penelope moved 1'01".

[SpringyDew] I am back at the keyboard.

Shurkural (TMO)] (brb)

[Master] Indigo, Skarphedin and Penelope moved 118'06".

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (that is why my girlfriend is a PC)

[Master (to GM only)] Fog Giant #12 targets Indigo. Distance: 13'10"

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I said keep us straight - not running into giants)

[Master (to GM only)] Fog Giant #12: Attack: Club; Great: (7-(d20+0)) [1d20=2] 5. MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 4).

[Indigo (Lisa)] (thx)

[Penelope (Master)] and so that is your first attempt

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Ilero?)

[(Master)] what ends up is Bosi, Kenna and Shur see that Branwyn and Tiberius are not nearby, they seem to have disappeared into the briar patch

[(Master)] They also see that Mara Shi and Dray are on this side of the cloud bank

[(Master)] there are two giants, you have not seen this type before

[(Master)] they are very tall, taller than hill giants,

[(Master)] with white beards

[(Master)] and large clubs

[(Master)] Indigo, Skarp, Penelope, Ilero are all missing along with Miranda

[Mara (Master)] so what do you do now?

[Master] sorry for the extra work Lisa

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (learn how to throw your voice)

[Master] (did everyone know Lisa is editing a 100+ page word doc every week to get that formatted chat log ready for everyone?)

Shurkural (TMO)] (back)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (only lately - we've been extra chatty :) )

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (I will rename my firstborn son to Lisa in your honor)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (are we in combat Bob?)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (I knew it was being done. thank you Lisa!!!)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (LOL)

[Master] semi Fritz,

[Master] you can attack if you want, or move

Shurkural (TMO)] (my firstborn son already has a name, sorry.

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (what does that mean Bob? What if chose to attack?)

[Master] then the giants get to react as they are slower

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (lol yes and she's awesome for it)

Shurkural (TMO)] (who is in the current group?)

Shurkural (TMO)] (Shur's group or the ohter?0

Shurkural (TMO)] (..... typing...)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (We can attack separate or as a group? Cleric should get more space between them and giants)

Shurkural (TMO)] *headdesk*

[Master] the furthest along is Bosi’s group

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (Do we see their light coming out of the fog Bob?)

[Master] no to any light coming out of the fog

Shurkural (TMO)] Rhibosi, take her and run! I'll join up with Indigo!

Shurkural (TMO)] (sorry, with Mara)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (Ok I turn around and face the giant behind me and attack to defend my group and rescue the stragglers)

Shurkural (TMO)] (mis-guessed which group was right behind)

[Fritz] Drayven Starmantle targets Fog Giant #13. Distance: 35'09"

[Miranda Paige]] (JohnA) moves normal movement through the fog, trying to remain standing

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Drayven Starmantle moved 31'10".

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Oh, geez, there really are 15 giants)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Do we really want to attack them?)

Shurkural (TMO)] (probably not)

[Master] too late now

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Shi puts space between her and giant, but one secd need afk again)

[Master] moving forward

[Carissa] I am away from the keyboard.

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (don't be fools by that trickery)

Shurkural (TMO)] (but Bosi is much faster without Shur)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Drayven Starmantle: Attack: Bastard Sword; one hand: ((14-(d20+2))-2-3-1) [1d20=3] 3 [MODIFIED (-1)]. MISSES Fog Giant #13 (AC FINAL: -2).

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Attack: Bastard Sword; one hand:: is now ARMED.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (not too late - never too late)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Attack: Shield:: is now ARMED.

[Master] smiles at Lisa

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Drayven Starmantle: Attack: Bastard Sword; one hand: ((14-(d20+2))-2-3-1) [1d20=20] -14 [MODIFIED (-1)]. HITS Fog Giant #13 (AC FINAL: -2)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Drayven Starmantle: Attack: Bastard Sword; one hand: ((14-(d20+2))-2-3-1) [1d20=5] 1 [MODIFIED (-1)]. MISSES Fog Giant #13 (AC FINAL: -2).

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Drayven Starmantle: Damage v L: Bastard Sword; one hand: ((1d12)+3+3+2) [1d12=5] 13 [MODIFIED (+2)] added to: Fog Giant #13

[Master] Fog Giant #13's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 71 (-13) - Lightly Wounded

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Uh... hello, Mr. Giant, would it help if I said that my friend slipped, and it was an accident that he stabbed you in the calf?)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] [Miranda Paige]] moved 120'01".

[Indigo (Lisa)] (LOL)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (Bob if it is out of the fog does it have that low an AC?)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (hahaha)

[Master] yeap

[Master] Ilero can go

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (Are they wearing armor?)

[Master] he knows the other ran right on past

[[(TMO)] (keep him moving him low and silent and straight through)

[Master] [Ilero]] moved 54'11".

[Master] [Ilero]] moved 64'06".

[Master] Indigo?

mario-yoga has left the game on Fri Nov 15 21:20:56 EST 2019

[Master] No armor to Fritz

[Indigo (Lisa)] (we'll run 120 again - keep it straight line away from giants)

[Master] Indigo, Skarphedin and Penelope moved 139'02".

[Master] Penelope, Indigo and Skarphedin moved 7'02".

[Master] Shi and Mara did not move or attack yet

Shurkural (TMO)] (they should run)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (that was the original plan - Run Forrest run!)

[Master] Carissa? Mario?

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (Carissa afk)

Shurkural (TMO)] (mario-yoga disconnected)

[MarioHome] (my msg didn’t appear, Mara will run when shever she has the chance, fighting is last priority)

[Master] Mara moved 91'06".

[MarioHome] All targets for Fog Giant #12 removed.

[Carissa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Shi is up

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (back and yes, shi ran off with Mara

[Indigo (Lisa)] (while we wait for Carissa - Shur and Bosi?)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (Kenna and Bosi?)

Shurkural (TMO)] (Shur will zig left to the short bus and let Bosi doppler out of sight)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (she is just along for the ride?)

Shurkural (TMO)] (from what I understand)

[Master] Ok so it is now the giants turn

[Master] Fog Giant #13: Attack: Natural Attack: (7-(d20+0)) [1d20=8] -1. MISSES Drayven Starmantle (AC FINAL: -7).

Shurkural (TMO)] (Shur's group didn't move?)

[Master] Fog Giant #13: Attack: Natural Attack: (7-(d20+0)) [1d20=10] -3. MISSES Drayven Starmantle (AC FINAL: -7).

[Master] that is Kenna, Bosi and Shur

[Master] Mario?

[Master] TMO said Shur is staying behind

[MarioHome] (I can’t seem to follow who's up)

Shurkural (TMO)] (said she’s moving to a slower group so Bosi can go Mach 5 with Kenna)

[Master] so Mario Bosi is up now

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Bosi running with Kenna away? Putting Kenna down to fight? Or...?_

Shurkural (TMO)] [Shurkural]] moved 91'04".

[MarioHome] (run like the wind w Kenna in tow

[SpringyDew] Kenna Westfoot follows Rhibosi.

Shurkural (TMO)] (Pen can help Indigo over the rough spots, and Shur can help Skarp)

Shurkural (TMO)] (and there are 4 targets now instead of 3 in the group)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Anyone have a stool, or booster seat?)

[Master] So the rest of the group Indigo, Penelope, Shur spot that Ilero has not emerged from the fog yet

Shurkural (TMO)] (don't bother - he'll show or he won't.)

[Master] Your group is up next, then Dray and Miranda

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (surprise surprise surprise, we lost Ilero)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Has it been half an hour...?)

[Master] 4 minutes or so

[Master] so Lisa TMO

Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew) looking all around trying to see Ilero

[Master] what do you do?

Shurkural (TMO)] Move your feet!

[Indigo (Lisa)] (who's turn is it?)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] ("round" 3 already?)

Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew) looking all around trying to see Ilero

[Master] Indigo, Pen Shur

Carissa has left the game on Fri Nov 15 21:33:48 EST 2019

[Indigo (Lisa)] (run max 120 again)

Carissa has joined the game on Fri Nov 15 21:33:54 EST 2019

[Master] Then Dray and Miranda

Shurkural (TMO)] (perfect)

Carissa is receiving the map Witches Lair...

Carissa has received the map Witches Lair.

[Carissa] (That was odd)

Shurkural (TMO)] (Kenna seemed very worried about Ilero. ;) )

[Indigo (Lisa)] (ok with that Ryan?)

Shurkural (TMO)] (maybe she's not as upset as she thinks. :D)

[Carissa] (Aww she DOES care!)

SpringyDew has joined the game on Fri Nov 15 21:35:09 EST 2019

SpringyDew is receiving the map Base Map...

SpringyDew has received the map Base Map.

[Master] and so Dray and Miranda are there on this side of the fog and Ilero is lost somewhere inside of it

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Sorry, not sure what is being asked)

[Master] the rest are in the brambles of the marsh

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (With us running, or waiting for Ilero?)

SpringyDew has left the game on Fri Nov 15 21:35:43 EST 2019

[Indigo (Lisa)] (another 120 sprint - but bob moved us)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Ah, okay)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (so hope you are ok with it)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (we moved to the next map)

SpringyDew is receiving the map Witches Lair...

SpringyDew has received the map Witches Lair.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Perfect)

Ryan is receiving the map Witches Lair...

Ryan has received the map Witches Lair.

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (Bob did I see the other group come running out of the fog?

[Master] Dray and Miranda have a giant in front of them

[Master] Ilero is in the fog somewhere

[Miranda Paige]] (JohnA) runs down and around

[SpringyDew] (LOL well Kenna needs Ilero to actually be around so she can be pissed off at him)

[Master] and the rest have run past and into the brambles of the marsh

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I'd be worried about Ilero except he wants to live in a dark fog now so who are we to try to rescue him?)

Shurkural (TMO)] ( I would guess he did notice Indigo's group at least. They weren't trying to be quiet)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] [Miranda Paige]] moved 81'05".

[SpringyDew] (fair point Lisa)

Shurkural (TMO)] (they were trying for fast, not quiet)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] [Miranda Paige]] moved 209'08".

[Master] 270 John?

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (And, sitting in the dark fog with murderous giants all around him, Ilero felt... for the first time in his life, at peace)

Shurkural (TMO)] (LOL!!!)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] [Miranda Paige]] moved 32'07".

Shurkural (TMO)] (TMO genuflects to Ryan)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (240)

[Master] so not following the rest?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (beautiful Ryan)

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (some were about here, if I can see, I will follow next round)

[Master] OK

[Master] Dray can go

[Master] then Ilero

[Master] then the giants get to go again

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (Ok. Just want a clarification. I understand at night it will be difficult for me to individualize people running. But I believe I saw everyone run past especially since I saw Mara run down around the giant?)

Shurkural (TMO)] (that is the way I would see it, yes)

[Master] Yes to Fritz, that is a good guess

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (hard to believe anyone saw everyone)

Shurkural (TMO)] (sound travels, even at night. ;) )

[Indigo (Lisa)] (but he doesn't hear combat or screams etc.)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] So I retreat defensive. Turning and running would be potentially suicide based on the attacks I just received

[Master] so you can get a full movement backwards

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Drayven Starmantle moved 134'04".

[Master] (Mario is losing connection he is trying to get back in)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] 16 is my movent so 160

[Master] Ilero gets to move

[Master] then the giants

Shurkural (TMO)] (same as before, low and silent)

[Master] [Ilero]] moved 33'06".

[Master] Observation and alertness

Shurkural (TMO)] (if he breaks out of the fog, he's going to have his Tumbling ready for dodging)

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Night Vision check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 9!!

[Master] Ilero is moving through the fog and stumbles directly into the path of a Cloud Giant

[Master] he fails his chance at surprising it, and it seems to be ready for him

[Master (to GM only)] Fog Giant #12 targets [Ilero]]. Distance: 5'01"

[Master (to GM only)] Fog Giant #12: Attack: Natural Attack: (7-(d20+0)) [1d20=13] -6. HITS [Ilero]] (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

Miranda Paige (JohnA)] (that healing is gonna really help)

[Master] [Ilero]] moved 213'07".

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Tumbling check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Master] good

[Master] that cuts the damage in half

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (Naaah he is still Giant food. Well giant snack)

[Master] the giant throws you (6d120yards) [6d120=7,86,55,95,105,81; 1d0=] -1

[Master] sorry 6d120

[Master] {6d12

Ilero (TMO)] (REF! I call foul)

[Master] grrrrr

[Master] (6d12) [6d12=5,12,7,3,7,10] 44

[Master] 440 yards

Ilero (TMO)] (OH, I thought that was HP)

[Master] and Ilero takes (6d6) [6d6=1,1,5,2,5,6] 20 points of damage

Indigo (Lisa) looks up and watches Ilero fly by

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Is that how far Ilero goes flying?)

[Master] [Ilero]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 22 (-20) - Heavily Wounded

Ilero (TMO)] (only loses 10)

[Carissa] (Shit better than d120....)

Ilero (TMO)] (half damage)

[Master] that was half

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Yeeesh)

Ilero (TMO)] (ok)

[Carissa] (d6 instead of d12 for half)

[Master] so Ilero goes bouncing up against a tree in the marsh back on the other side of the fog

Lisa is receiving the map Witches Lair...

Lisa has received the map Witches Lair.

[Lisa] All targets for Fog Giant #12 removed.

[Master] Miranda can hear a soft cry and THUD

[Master] but Miranda has two giants advancing on her

[Master] Fog Giant #11 moved 148'10".

[Master] Fog Giant #13 moved 122'03".

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (can all of us on the other side of the fog see Ilero now?)

[Master] Fog Giant #11 targets [Miranda Paige]]. Distance: 3'04"

[Master] Fog Giant #13 targets [Miranda Paige]]. Distance: 3'09"

Ilero (TMO)] (Ilero went backwards)

[Master] Fog Giant #11: Attack: Club; Great: (7-(d20+0)) [1d20=4] 3. HITS [Miranda Paige]] (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (Ilero goes flying through the air with the greatest of ease. He's wingless Hin with a stupidity disease)

[Master] Fog Giant #11: Damage v SM: Club; Great: (2d6+7) [2d6=5,5] 17 added to: [Miranda Paige]]

[Master] Fog Giant #13: Attack: Club; Great: (7-(d20+0)) [1d20=2] 5. HITS [Miranda Paige]] (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[Master] Fog Giant #13: Damage v SM: Club; Great: (2d6+7) [2d6=6,5] 18 added to: [Miranda Paige]]

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (I thought Miranda got away?)

[Master] [Miranda Paige]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to -4 (-35) - Dying

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (oh)

[Master] Miranda waited to see where Ilero was

[Carissa] (shit)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (Ilero was thrown back toward the starting point?)

[Master] Ilero is now back on the other side of the fog bank

[Master] yes

[Indigo (Lisa)] (can we hear that?)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (but I didn't see her on the map?)

Lisa is receiving the map Swamp 1...

Lisa has received the map Swamp 1.

[Master] You can hear Miranda scream as she gets SLAMED by clubs yes

Fritz is receiving the map Swamp 1...

Fritz has received the map Swamp 1.

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (shit Bob I wouldn't have left her behind and I would have seen her as I retreated)

[Master] so right now the group that made it through is in the middle of a briar patch, that seems to lead to where the witches are you made it past the giants

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (The icons are so small I didn't see it)

[Master] She chose to stay behind as you went by

[Indigo (Lisa)] (so we have 5 rds. to get her)

Ilero (TMO)] (Ilero does not know about her, sorry - he was mid-tumble when it happened)

[Master] so right now you can go back towards the giants and the fog they are about 90 to 120 feet away, you are hidden in the brambles right now if you do not move

[JohnA] that was not what we agreed on

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If someone can heal me quickly I will get back there and bring whoever is back there here

[Master] what John?

[Fritz] Bob not wanting to be a stickler about it, but I would NOT have proceeded

[JohnA] ever forward, everyone for himselves

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Kenna, quickly a cure spell!

[Fritz] She was in my line of retreat and I would have stopped

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] yes

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (just in case I get hit I stand a chance of living through this)

[Fritz] I (fritz) didn't see her icon because it is so small on the map

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] Kenna Westfoot casts a spell against : Cure Moderate Wounds: You're healed (-1d10-1) [1d10=5] -6 points.

[JohnA] we don't need everyone to die

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (above for Bran)

[Master] OK

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (another pls)

[Fritz] No for real...That is how I role play

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] Kenna Westfoot casts a spell against : Cure Moderate Wounds: You're healed (-1d10-1) [1d10=9] -10 points.

[Master] Branwyn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 30 (6) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] Branwyn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 38 (8) - Unharmed

[Master] so two rounds go by

[Fritz] My character would absolutely NOT have left her.

[Master] the first round everyone realizes that Miranda and Ilero are behind

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (she is going to dimension door back - how far did she run off the map?)

[Master] Dray immediately goes back for Miranda

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Kenna Westfoot modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Master] Kenna casts on Branwyn

[Master] that is round one

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (he ran off already - maybe he can distract them while Bran grabs Miranda)

[Master] round two first heal to Branwyn

[Master] and now Dray sees the two giants looming over Miranda

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Drayven Starmantle moved 7'10".

[Fritz] Drayven Starmantle targets Fog Giant #13. Distance: 8'09"

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Drayven Starmantle: Attack: Bastard Sword; one hand: ((14-(d20+2))-2-3-1) [1d20=17] -11 [MODIFIED (-1)]. HITS Fog Giant #13 (AC FINAL: -2)!!!

[Master] This round also Ilero can recover and stand up again

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Drayven Starmantle: Attack: Bastard Sword; one hand: ((14-(d20+2))-2-3-1) [1d20=1] 5 [MODIFIED (-1)]. MISSES Fog Giant #13 (AC FINAL: -2).

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Drayven Starmantle: Damage v L: Bastard Sword; one hand: ((1d12)+3+3+2) [1d12=3] 11 [MODIFIED (+2)] added to: Fog Giant #13

[Ilero]] (TMO) hangs his Continual Light cloak brooch on a very flimsy branch that will sway in the breeze, covers it very loosely with a scrap of cloth that will blow off in a minute or so, then goes into stealth mode again, this time going north around the fog bank.

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]] moved 86'03".

[Master] Fog Giant #13's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 60 (-11) - Moderately Wounded

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]] moved 81'08".

Ilero (TMO)] (sry, but now you know his plans)

[Master] Fog Giant #13 targets Drayven Starmantle. Distance: 8'09"

Skarphedin (Ryan) sighs, shakes his head, and runs after Drayven.

[Master] Fog Giant #13: Attack: Club; Great: (7-(d20+0)) [1d20=6] 1. MISSES Drayven Starmantle (AC FINAL: -7).

[Master] Fog Giant #11: Attack: Club; Great: (7-(d20+0)) [1d20=10] -3. HITS [Miranda Paige]] (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[Master] Fog Giant #11: Damage v SM: Club; Great: (2d6+7) [2d6=5,1] 13 added to: [Miranda Paige]]

[Master] [Miranda Paige]]'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to -17 (-13) - Dead

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (seriously - they hit a dead person?)

[Master] Now this round second healing on Branwyn

Ilero (TMO)] (attacked a prone target vs a standing sword fighter?)

[Master] [Ilero]] moved 156'10".

Ilero (TMO)] (that's messed up man)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (they aren't animals or undead)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (Can I pull a Tiberius and go berserk?)

[Master] Now Dray can go again

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Drayven Starmantle: Attack: Bastard Sword; one hand: ((14-(d20+2))-2-3-1) [1d20=18] -12 [MODIFIED (-1)]. HITS Fog Giant #13 (AC FINAL: -2)!!!

[Master] and no, that is not part of your makeup

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Drayven Starmantle: Attack: Bastard Sword; one hand: ((14-(d20+2))-2-3-1) [1d20=2] 4 [MODIFIED (-1)]. MISSES Fog Giant #13 (AC FINAL: -2).

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Drayven Starmantle: Damage v L: Bastard Sword; one hand: ((1d12)+3+3+2) [1d12=4] 12 [MODIFIED (+2)] added to: Fog Giant #13

[Master] Fog Giant #13's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 48 (-12) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] Fog Giant #13: Attack: Club; Great: (7-(d20+0)) [1d20=5] 2. MISSES Drayven Starmantle (AC FINAL: -7).

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Even though it is against the plan and will probably get him killed, Skarphedin ran back to go after Drayven)

[Master] Fog Giant #11 targets Drayven Starmantle. Distance: 27'01"

[JohnA] this is where I would say don't die, but that might be asking too much

[Master] Fog Giant #11: Attack: Club; Great: (7-(d20+0)) [1d20=12] -5. MISSES Drayven Starmantle (AC FINAL: -7).

[Master] so now

[Master] we are at the point of Kenna has cast two spells

[Master] Branwyn can hear Dray yelling about the Bastards Killed Miranda

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Attack: Hrotti:: is now ARMED.

[Master] and hear the sounds of battle still

[Master] Skarp can run back this round also if he wants

[JohnA] run you fools

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Yeah, he is going to do that....)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (goes back to reach Miranda and covers her - should not have to spell or run at this distance)

Ryan is receiving the map Swamp 1...

Ilero (TMO)] (Shoot the door, kid!)

Ryan has received the map Swamp 1.

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (Thou shalt not pass...gas)

Ilero (TMO)] (Run, Luke!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 29'07".

[Master] So Branwyn ran, Skarp Ran, Ilero moved

[JohnA] so sorry to leave, but I must

[Master] Dray gets another attack

Ilero (TMO)] (nite John)

[Master] then the giants go again

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Night)

[JohnA] ttfn

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (Night)

JohnA has left the game on Fri Nov 15 22:01:01 EST 2019

[Carissa] (Night :/)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Drayven Starmantle: Attack: Bastard Sword; one hand: ((14-(d20+2))-2-3-1) [1d20=9] -3 [MODIFIED (-1)]. HITS Fog Giant #13 (AC FINAL: -2)!!!

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Also, apologies in advance if we spend next session rolling new characters for Fritz and myself)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Drayven Starmantle: Attack: Bastard Sword; one hand: ((14-(d20+2))-2-3-1) [1d20=9] -3 [MODIFIED (-1)]. HITS Fog Giant #13 (AC FINAL: -2)!!!

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Drayven Starmantle: Damage v L: Bastard Sword; one hand: ((1d12)+3+3+2) [1d12=12] 20 [MODIFIED (+2)] added to: Fog Giant #13

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Drayven Starmantle: Damage v L: Bastard Sword; one hand: ((1d12)+3+3+2) [1d12=5] 13 [MODIFIED (+2)] added to: Fog Giant #13

[Master] Fog Giant #13's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 15 (-33) - Massively Wounded

[Master] Fog Giant #11: Attack: Club; Great: (7-(d20+0)) [1d20=20] -13. HITS Drayven Starmantle (AC FINAL: -7)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[Master] Fog Giant #11: Attack: Club; Great: (7-(d20+0)) [1d20=16] -9. HITS Drayven Starmantle (AC FINAL: -7)!!!

[Master] Fog Giant #11: Damage v SM: Club; Great: (2d6+7) [2d6=6,1] 14 added to: Drayven Starmantle

[Master] Fog Giant #11: Damage v SM: Club; Great: (2d6+7) [2d6=2,6] 15 added to: Drayven Starmantle

[Master] Fog Giant #13: Attack: Club; Great: (7-(d20+0)) [1d20=18] -11. HITS Drayven Starmantle (AC FINAL: -7)!!!

[Master] Fog Giant #13: Damage v SM: Club; Great: (2d6+7) [2d6=4,4] 15 added to: Drayven Starmantle

[Master] Drayven Starmantle's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 16 (-44) - Massively Wounded

[Master] [Ilero]] moved 60'05".

[Master] and Ilero gets an alertness and observation checks

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (No offense bob but that second giant is 30 feet away

[Master] So similar to before

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: Tumbling check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Master] He finds a Giant there but does not surprise it and is not surprised

Ilero (TMO)] (Duck! Dodge! Parry! Thrust!)

Ilero (TMO)] (if he has the opportunity to run without taking a free hit, that's what he wants to do)

[Master] (I just did not move it after killing Miranda it does shift forward just a bit, but not too far they are 24 foot tall and have a reach that far too

Ilero (TMO)] (apparently his hide in shadows/move silently skills just don't cut it against these boys)

[Master] yes to TMO next round Ilero can attempt to move again

[Master] and that is an Intuition check for Ilero

Ilero (TMO)] [Ilero]]: INU check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (he should probably just run back to elf village at this point)

[Ilero]] (TMO) intuits all over the place

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (I read that as Ilero Inuit's all over the place)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (hahahah)

[Master (to TMO only)] they must have magical sight to see through this fog and then because of your excellent roll you spot an agate gem eye on its chest like a magical eye that is all seeing

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (I'm like, did you pull out an ulu knife or something?)

[Master] SO right now Branwyn is the only one that has not gone this round

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I get a turn?)

[Master] yes

[Master] then we are back to Your side then the Giants

Branwyn (Lisa) screams “RUN!” and then concentrates on her spot next to Tiberius

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against : Dimension Door: I can teleport up to (30*12) 360 yards away.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (holding Miranda of course)

[Master] OK

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (was the point of landing on her)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (a heal by anyone able would be appreciated)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (No one else is here that can heal)

Ilero (TMO)] (you gotta get within touch range of them I think)

[Master] so right now Dray and Skarp are engaged with two giants, Ilero is engage with one giant

[Master] the rest are at least 140 feet away

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Drayven, withdraw! I will cover your retreat!

[Master] now it is your side before the giants go

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (listen to the dwarf)

[Master] Ryan and Fritz,

[Master] and TMO are up

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Fritz, are you planning on withdrawing, or are you staying until TMO is in the clear?)

Ilero (TMO)] (can Ilero use Tumbling to disengage and then run?) (Or just run)

[Master] no to tumbling and running

[Master] either run or tumble

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (no to the latter because I don't see him or know what is going on with him)

Ilero (TMO)] (then run and pray this isn't what the gods had in mind for him tonight)

[Master] [Ilero]] moved 181'04".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (he just yelled for you to run)

[Master] [Ilero]] moved 14'10".

Ilero (TMO)] (if they're hitting a -7 AC they'll hit Ileroeven if he tumbles)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Okay, if Fritz withdraws to the witch's den, then Skarp follows a half-step behind)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Ok tactical w'drawl since Branwyn teleported)

[Master] Dray and Skarp spot Ilero SPRINTING away from the fog towards the witches den

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Human half-step, not dwarf)

Skarphedin (Ryan) bellows furiously to keep the attention of the giants as he withdraws.

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Drayven Starmantle moved 10'09".

[Master] withdrawal means you can defend yourself from attack, running means getting away this round but possible attacks

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Drayven Starmantle moved 30'06".

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (edge of map)

[Master] so is Dray running?

[Master] Skarp?

[Master] or doing the withdrawal?

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (Defensive retreat as before)

[Master] OK

[Master] so you get half your movement

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Skarp runs if Dray runs. If Dray withdraws, then Skarp will be right behind so that he will take the hit instead of Dray)

[Master] the giants follow

[Master] Skarphedin moved 22'04".

[Master] Drayven Starmantle moved 12'03".

[Master] Fog Giant #13 moved 15'05".

[Master] Fog Giant #11 moved 30'06".

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Well, fiddlesticks)

[Master] Fog Giant #11 targets Skarphedin. Distance: 10'11"

[Master] Fog Giant #13: Attack: Club; Great: (7-(d20+0)) [1d20=19] -12. HITS Drayven Starmantle (AC FINAL: -7)!!!

[Master] Fog Giant #13: Damage v SM: Club; Great: (2d6+7) [2d6=5,4] 16 added to: Drayven Starmantle

[Master] Drayven Starmantle's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 0 (-16) - Disabled

Ilero (TMO)] (Can Shur shoot at the giants with her bow?)

[Master] Fog Giant #11: Attack: Club; Great: (7-(d20+0)) [1d20=20] -13. HITS Skarphedin (AC FINAL: 6)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[Master] Fog Giant #11: Attack: Club; Great: (7-(d20+0)) [1d20=17] -10. HITS Skarphedin (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Master] Fog Giant #11: Damage v SM: Club; Great: (2d6+7) [2d6=5,3] 15 added to: Skarphedin

[Master] Fog Giant #11: Damage v SM: Club; Great: (2d6+7) [2d6=3,1] 11 added to: Skarphedin

[Master] Skarphedin's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 30 (-26) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] No to Shur, it is night there is no light to see that far

Ilero (TMO)] (roger)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Quickly, withdraw to the giant-sized cavern! Maybe the giants can't follow us in there!)

[Master] So now it is your side again

[Master] Dray is down, what does Skarp do?

Lisa is receiving the map Witches Lair...

Lisa has received the map Witches Lair.

Ilero (TMO)] (Shur tries to make sure the group is rounded up and no extra stragglers get misplaced)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (Technically I am at 0)

[Master] Need to be at 1 to be able to walk

[Master] you are not dead

[Master] if someone heals you right now you get to keep your spells, are not walking wounded, grins

[Master] BUT Skarp can either carry you or leave you

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (Ilero can I borrow one of your 600 potions?)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Yeah, Skarp isn't going to leave him...)

[Master] OK so how much can Skarp Carry?

[Master] OR take a round to cut off the plate mail that Dray is wearing

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Options are to either try and fend off the giants long enough for someone else to heal Dray, or try and carry him and hope that he isn't killed beforehand)

[Master] one round can just slice the bindings to get it off of him

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Nov 15 22:17:24 EST 2019

Lisa is receiving the map Base Map...

Lisa has received the map Base Map.

[Master] OR you can see if you can carry him with all that weight

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (Bob why was the same retreat I did last time a full movement but this only a half movement?)

Lisa is receiving the map Witches Lair...

Lisa has received the map Witches Lair.

Ilero (TMO)] (yes, let me just grab the PC Resurrection potion out of my bag of holding and use my portable hoe to pour it down your throat. ;) )

[Master] the one time was a retreat without attacking, no one was attacking him, this time was in base to base combat so trying to defend himself

[Master] and let me check that for you Fritz something might help you

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (I have my weight allowance as 55)

Ilero (TMO)] (sadly, Ilero is carrying no potions that I am aware of)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Maximum press as 170)

[Master] and no to Fritz that was still a hit

[Master] even with the plus 4 for defending

[Master] just bad luck

Lisa has left the game on Fri Nov 15 22:19:02 EST 2019

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Maybe I did my stats wrong? My strength is 15)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (Yea I would have been -11)

[Master] OK so Ryan has two choices, cut off the armor this round and next round run with the body OR move with the body as it but only get a movement of 90 which is not far enough to get back to the brambles with the rest of the group

Ilero (TMO)] (can anyone outside interfere?)

[Master] not this round

[Master] next round yes

Ilero (TMO)] (Ilero is out of range, I'm sure)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (You know I would prefer to die than leave my armor behind)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (And, given what happened to Miranda, there is no guarantee that the giants wouldn't just pulp Fritz while I was cutting off his armor)

[Master] right

[Master] or Skarp

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Well, carrying it is)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Hi ho)

[Master] OK

[Master] so Skarp attempts to run with the fully laden body of Dray

[Master] make a Con check

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarphedin: CON check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

Ilero (TMO)] (nice roll)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Thank ye)

[Master] with that roll I will say that he finds an extra burst and gets away from the giants,

[Master] hides in the brush

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (YAY)

[Master] then next round can make it back to where he was with the group

Ryan is receiving the map Witches Lair...

Ryan has received the map Witches Lair.

[Master] Time of Day: 10:28 PM. Day 12 Lad ___ tre, Man {Early Spring} 12th, 348 SKR.

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (Glory Hallelujah...I'll never disparage a dwarf again)

[Master] that took about 15 minutes from start till now

[Ilero]] (TMO) arrives at the group breathing hard

[Master] Shur and Shi can point to the large giant prints that go through the brambles towards a hole in the ground

Skarphedin (Ryan) coughs and heaves in exertion. "Drayven will need some healing... to get back on his feet."

[Master] The underbrush separates to uncover an opening into the earth. A dark stairwell of roots and thorny banisters descends into the ground. Inside, you hear a chorus of chanting.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (if someone heals right this instant can he get to more than walking wounded?)

[Master] no that would have been last round

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (is he beyond hope now?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so best he gets to is 1 hp?)

[Master] yes

[Master] with a cure light

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (ok)

Ilero (TMO)] (would bind wounds do the same?)

[Master] needs a full 1st level spell not an Orison

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (needs bind wounds?)

Ilero (TMO)] (guess not then)

[Master] bind wounds stops the bleeding at negative 1 or 2 whenever you do it

Ilero (TMO)] (gotcha, sorry)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Unfortunately, I need to call it a night. The kids are having difficulty getting themselves to sleep.)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] Kenna Westfoot casts a spell against : Cure Light Wounds: You're healed (-1d8) [1d8=6] -6 points.

[Master] but still needs the cure light wounds to bring to 1 point and be walking wounded

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Have a good weekend everyone. Thanks for a great session)

[Master] and there you go from Kenna

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (bye Ryan!)

Ilero (TMO)] (cya Ryan)

[Master] Thank you Ryan, see you online or next week

Ryan has left the game on Fri Nov 15 22:26:05 EST 2019

[Master] Drayven Starmantle's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 1 (1) - Massively Wounded

[Master] So Fritz, Dray is walking wounded

[Master] cannot take any more healing until after he gets a full 8 hours of sleep

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Kenna Westfoot modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (what's up with Ilero?)

[Master] can still talk and give ideas but no attacks, defense, etc.

[Master] Ilero is there in the brambles with you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (oh missed that)

Ilero (TMO)] (showed up breathing hard from the sprint)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (is there anything to be done for Miranda?)

[Master] bury her? or clean up her body to bring back to be raised

Ilero (TMO)] (find a wall to use the scroll)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (too far gone then :-( )

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (mario - since you haven't been in for the were combat etc. can your priest work on healing up our wounded that will be able to fight please?)

Ilero (TMO)] (she took a massive hit *after* being downed)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (they haven't used any spells today?)

[Master] I would pause Mario

[Master] be out of combat / character for a bit

[Lisa] OK

[Master] You know you are going to go talk to the witches

Ilero (TMO)] (do the witch encounter and hope they have something that will help?)

[Master] how many spells do you have left

Ilero (TMO)] (or just finish us all off for the giggles)

[Lisa] what the hell was up with the giants hitting a dead person?

[Lisa] if we are taking a time out

[Master] after the witches you still have a battle field

[Master] She was not dead

[Master] she was just knocked out wounded

Ilero (TMO)] (well, at this point it's looking like we're just going to be spectators)

[Ilero]] (TMO) holds up a giant D and a fence section.

[Lisa] she was unconscious and not twitching at -4 she would have looked dead

[Master] still gasping, breathing, bleeding,

[Master] most of the time you leave monsters like that until the battle is over then kill them off

[Lisa] where are the giants now?

[Master] they did not do that

[Master] the giants are still out on the marsh

[Master] with the fog

[Lisa] actually we don't - we let them die on their own

[Master] if the witch encounter does not go well and you need to retreat back that way you will encounter them again

[Ilero]] (TMO) quietly looks down at Miranda's body

[Lisa] right now we have 3 heavily wounded and one moderately wounded person and one incapable of getting healing

[Lisa] I think how many spells priests have at this point has been shot to hell

[SpringyDew] :-(

[Master] talk it out

[SpringyDew] I really hope this witch intel is worth it

[Lisa] they are going to need the orisons and the time it takes to get them up again

[SpringyDew] hope they have some gifts too

[Lisa] Shi was in the were battle casting and Kenna has been casting a lot tonight

[Lisa] which is why I asked if Mario's 2 priests could help now

[TMO] We have prophecies that we were to talk to the witches

[Lisa] yes

[Carissa] Prophecy might give us ideas how to defeat Macbeth.

[SpringyDew] prophecies are like traditions - peer pressure from dead people

[TMO] so, we're on the edge of that. Do we hope the witches might be able/willing to raise/heal?

[Master] warm smile Spring

[Lisa] lol

[Carissa] Question: do we pass the village again as we go to the battlefield?

[TMO] nice. :)

[Lisa] witches are generally evil

[TMO] but these were prophesied to give info, yes?

[Lisa] don't think they are going to be healing

[Carissa] Just thinking of where we go after this and if there is help or healing to be had there...

[TMO] depends on how much stock you put in prophecies

[Carissa] I know but can hope

[Lisa] info yes the gift of life doubt it

[TMO] very possibly not.

[Lisa] ok - then if no one wants to cast or be healed then can we agree to shove those characters to the back?

[Lisa] no fighting sit down and wait

[SpringyDew] if we have to go back through the village to get to the battle, we may need to leave them barricaded in the village

[Carissa] So looking at the list... Tiberius is at 17, Ilero to 22, Skarp 30, Shur

[SpringyDew] it's dangerous to be on a battlefield when you are already mostly dead

[TMO] no fighting is good. verbal with the witches should still be on the table. Although even there we might want to nominate a front(wo)man

[Lisa] the prophecy indicated a possible way with the dwarves which makes me think underground back door into Glamis

[Master] Dwarven village

[Carissa] In terms of front line fighters, that leaves Indigo and Bosi, yes?

[SpringyDew] I had forgotten that

[Lisa] oh another village

[Lisa] and Branwyn

[Master] and Laughs, back to Branwyn being the front line fighter again

[Carissa] Mages aren't supposed to be getting hit :)

[Master] as she always thinks of herself

[Lisa] if I have to blind Tiberius I will

[Master] Carissa and Spring and Fritz were not here for it

[TMO] let's try to just talk our way through the rest of the encounters from here on

[Master] it horrified John

[Lisa] cast monster summoning and have however many monsters shield me

[Master] Lisa would cast her spells

[Master] then just go forward and attack with her dagger

[Master] at 1st and 2nd level as a mage

[Master] with like 6 hit points

[SpringyDew] heh

[SpringyDew] pure guts

[Master] yeap

[Lisa] no one had a lot of hps back then

[Lisa] everyone had to fight

[Lisa] anyway

[Lisa] we can put our game faces on and talk to witches

[Lisa] everyone be nice so they don't go zapping anyone

[Master] Witches now? or next week

[Master] there is a hole in the ground in front of you in the brambles

[Carissa] Personally leaning towards next week, but that's just me.

[Master] The underbrush separates to uncover an opening into the earth. A dark stairwell of roots and thorny banisters descends into the ground. Inside, you hear a chorus of chanting.

[Carissa] Also because not feeling 100% so that's on me,

[TMO] we still have a large portion of our players, even if our PCs are a bit thin on the ground.

[Master] Mario? go now?

[Master] Fritz?

[Lisa] I can do whatever everyone wants

[Master] Spring?

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] I'm up for continuing

[SpringyDew] I’m game

[Master] Fritz, TMO, Lisa and Spring for tonight so that solves it

[Master] Branwyn moved 15'05".

[Carissa] (I'll stick around for another 15 mins or so, but then might call it)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] :-(

[Master] You can see the giant foot prints there where Shi and Shur point them out

[Carissa] (Think I ate something I shouldn't have...)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (ohh so sorry)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Sword sheathed. But standing proudly but very very slowly...I enter with the party

[Master] (broccoli, it is deadly)

[SpringyDew] :-(

[SpringyDew] so sorry

[Carissa] (It was either the apple or the too sweet hot chocolate.... an apple keeps a doctor away so can't be that, I think)

[SpringyDew] hope it's not a coincidental virus

[Master] (NOOOO not sweet chocolate it would never betray you, )

[TMO] (lol)

[Carissa] (Haha well hopefully stomach settles and it's fine. Anyways, carry on. I'm half here still)

[Master] carry on, who is moving up front towards that opening into the earth

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

Shurkural (TMO)] Y'all want me to go first?

[Master] [Shurkural]] moved 23'10".

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Drayven Starmantle moved 18'00".

[SpringyDew] I am back at the keyboard.

Shurkural (TMO)] (she is the preferred spokeswoman for the group, of course. ;) )

Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew) smiles

Shurkural (TMO)] (always knows the right thing to say)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (how far away is the hole?)

[Master] Branwyn moved 5'03".

Shurkural (TMO)] (oh, look. Ogres)

Shurkural (TMO)] (and a penis on the floor)

[Master] lol

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (hahaha)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (let's go)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] I move toward the opening carefully...Hello Sisters?

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Drayven Starmantle moved 54'03".

Shurkural (TMO)] (Ilero will bring up the rear)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 41'08".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (oh jeeze)

Branwyn (Lisa) just walks in

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 34'07".

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Drayven Starmantle moved 30'01".

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] follows

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (what is in the room?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 [MODIFIED (+1)] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew) follows

[Master] there are stairs going down

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Lord Tiberius moved 80'09".

[Master] Branwyn can see sharp thorns sticking out blocking the way

[Master] The stairs twist down about 40 feet

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Careful. These thorns block the stairs

[Shurkural]] (TMO) checks for a way through the thorns

[Master] you will have to make checks to avoid taking damage from the thorns unless you have another idea

[Carissa] (Cut them?)

[Shurkural]] (TMO) tries to cut one of the thorns with her magical sword

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Want to chop these down?

Shurkural (TMO)] I dunno if cutting down the stuff guarding the witches' house wholesale is a good idea

Shurkural (TMO)] I'm just trying one to see.

Shurkural (TMO)] ?Bob?

[Master] the thorns do cut

Shurkural (TMO)] (k, just wanted to make sure that's what you meant to say)

[Master] [Shurkural]] XP award: 50. Next level in 32897.

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at Drayven "Should we announce ourselves first? The polite thing to do"

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles

Shurkural (TMO)] (can she cut just enough to give us bonuses to the checks?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (dex checks?)

[Master] Shur can try

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (it means Dray shouldn't go with only 1 hp)

[Master] actually d20 to roll under your AC to avoid getting stabbed by thorns

[Carissa] (Stabbed is not the same as cut...)

Shurkural (TMO)] (how does that work with a -7ac?)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] So at -7 do I need to roll?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so lower AC harder to get by?)

[Master] yes can always fail and lower AC is easier, an AC of 10 has a 50 50 chance of succeeding

Shurkural (TMO)] (or if you roll under you get damaged?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (but they don't seem like magic?)

[Master] Roll Higher than your AC sorry

Shurkural (TMO)] (AH, okay)

[Master] no to magic just dense

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 4'07".

Shurkural (TMO)] Whattya think? Cut, talk, or take our chances?

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Cut and talk

Branwyn (Lisa) stands at the edge of the stairs and calls "HELLO!! We have been sent to visit the great witches of the Birnham Wood! May we enter?"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (you can cut as we go)

[Master] You hear them chanting down below

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (not expecting them to answer)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] We wish to speak with the sisters 3, Virago, Erictho and Canidia

[Master] No one has told you not to come

[Master] but no one has invited you in

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (but we can say we tried as we destroyed your staircase barrier)

[Carissa] (Is it normal chanting? Different language? Or...?)

Shurkural (TMO)] (well, that's OBVIOUSLY an invitation! In we go!)

[Master] Human Common language

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (ha)

[Shurkural]] (TMO) cuts a wider path.

[Master] Branwyn moved 14'01".

Shurkural (TMO)] (careful pruning, not wholesale gardening)

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 23'09".

[Master] Drayven Starmantle moved 18'01".

[Master] Shi'Nynze moved 95'09".

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] In in in

[Master] [Shurkural]] moved 80'03".

[Master] [Miranda Paige]], Indigo, Mara, Rhibosi, Skarphedin, [Ilero]], Kenna Westfoot and Penelope moved 91'00".

[Master] Drayven Starmantle moved 1'10".

[Master] Branwyn moved 5'05".

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 4'06".

[Master] Drayven Starmantle moved 2'03".

[Master] Indigo moved 16'04".

[Master] [Shurkural]] moved 4'07".

[Master] Mara moved 3'11".

[Master] Rhibosi and Kenna Westfoot moved 5'05".

[Master] Shi'Nynze moved 1'10".

[Master] Penelope moved 9'07".

[Master] Branwyn moved 5'01".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 7'03".

Branwyn (Lisa) does not block doorway

[Master] "Double, double, toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble!" Three horrid-looking witches, indistinguishable from each other, ply a boiling black pot and chant an eldritch incantation. Above the pot floats the shadowy image of Hecate, a dark-haired woman with hell hounds at her heel.

As she tosses in slithery items from an overstocked shelf, one of the witches intones, "Round about the cauldron go; in the poison entrails throw. Thad, that under cold stone days and nights has thirty-one. Sweltered venom, sleeping got, boil first in the charmed pot."

Another takes up the chant: "Fillet of a fenny snake, in the cauldron boil and bake; eye of newt, and toe of frog, wool of bat, and tongue of dog, adder's fork, and blindworm's sting, lizard's leg, and howlet's wing-for a charm of powerful trouble, like a hell-broth boil and bubble."

The third witch follows her sisters. "Scale of dragon, tooth of wolf, witch’s mummy, maw and gulf of the ravined salt-sea shark, root of hemlock digged in dark. Cool it with a baboon's blood, then the charm is firm and good." And with that, the shadowy figure vanishes. In her place, wisps of light become horrific apparitions. The witches look at the ghosts with malevolent grins, and one cackles, "By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes."

[Master] Branwyn Shi, Kenna Mara and Bosi can all make Wisdom checks

Shurkural (TMO)] (isn't that the speech they give right before Macbeth shows the first time?)

[Carissa] Shi'Nynze: WIS check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

Shurkural (TMO)] (so... we're Macbeth in this story?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: WIS check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Master (to Carissa only)] there is an invisible force field that has sprung up around your group

[Master (to Lisa only)] there is an invisible force field that has sprung up around your group

[Master] TMO I will neither confirm nor deny

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] ( cue to bow out? :P)

Branwyn (Lisa) quietly "No one move farther than where I'm at"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] There is a magic force around us

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Do not risk the consequences

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Drayven Starmantle moved 14'09".

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] Kenna Westfoot: WIS check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we can't see it we can just feel it?)

[Master (to SpringyDew only)] there is an invisible force field that has sprung up around your group

[Master] yes to Lisa

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Good evening witches three of the Birnham Wood. We mean no harm. We have only come because we have heard of your knowledge

Branwyn (Lisa) nods at Drayven "Tell them"

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] I have been told that I should seek the Sisters Virago, Erichtho and Canidia and that they will present me with their prophecy

[Witch #1 (Master)] DROP the locks

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] I am Drayven Starmantle

[Virago (Master)] DROP the locks

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (she is saying this?)

[Virago (Master)] (the magical barrier disappears

[Master] A hag leans over the pot and intones, "Come, high or low, come like shadows and so depart!" She cautions you, "They know your thought; hear their speech, and say you nought."

An apparition appears, a head disembodied and helmeted. The spirit moans, "Macbeth, Macbeth, Macbeth, he fears Macduff. Guard his family. Dismiss me. Enough."

A second apparition, a bloody child, cries, "Macbeth, Macbeth, Macbeth is bold and resolute. He laughs to scorn the power of man, for none of woman born shall harm Macbeth."

Finally, a crowned child speaks his prophecy. "Macbeth, Macbeth, Macbeth is lion-mettled, proud, and takes no care where conspirers are. Macbeth shall never be vanquished until Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane shall come against him."

Then, with little fanfare, the apparitions vanish. One of the witches says, "Seek to know no more:'

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you

[Shurkural]] (TMO) very clearly knows no more than she did when she entered.

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Drayven Starmantle modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Carissa] (And on that note, sorry but have to call it a night. Night all!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

Carissa has left the game on Fri Nov 15 23:12:52 EST 2019

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Goodnight Carissa)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (gnite Carissa!)

Shurkural (TMO)] (take care!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (are they knowing bran's thoughts?)

[Virago (Master)] no

[Master] no

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that's probably a good thing)

[Virago (Master)] Where do you seek?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Glamis to the battle

[Branwyn (Lisa)] To find what was lost

Virago (Master) gestures to the north and a secret door on the wall opens

Branwyn (Lisa) eyes widen

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you

Branwyn (Lisa) calls up the stairs "Come!"

Drayven Starmantle (Fritz) Mouth agape!!! Fuck me!!!

[Virago (Master)] To Glamis you go, the shell you dream of, Macbeth you search for

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Shhhh

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] I have to let the dogs out....brb

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (whew)

Branwyn (Lisa) pulls Indigo over and takes a potion from the chest

Branwyn (Lisa) holds out the vial "A gift? Potion of Mist Dragon Breath"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] As a thank you for your words and a passage

Virago (Master) takes it from Branwyn

[Virago (Master)] Search for the Lady she is sustained by the blood and the shell

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We shall

Shurkural (TMO)] (gj Lisa!)

[Master] You move to the secret door to the north

[Master] it leads to a passage guarded by Ogres

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (anyone else have anything to say ask? I gun shy of pushing my luck)

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

Shurkural (TMO)] (don't look at my sweet talkers)

[Master] but they see you are let in by the witches and let you pass

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (some good luck at last)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Sighs...Man I could really use some healing

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (gotta sleep your 8 hours)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (sucks so hard)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] No breathing sucks

[Canidia (Master)] Picks up the vial that Branwyn gave them

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Have you been hit by a fog giant club lately

Canidia (Master) turns it over in her hands

Michael has joined the game on Fri Nov 15 23:21:23 EST 2019

Michael is receiving the map Base Map...

Michael has received the map Base Map.

Shurkural (TMO)] (Hey! How's the fam?

Canidia (Master) reaches behind her on a shelf and hands over to Branwyn an unmarked potion bottle

[Michael] (Car gone. They are OK)

Canidia (Master) replaces it with the one Branwyn gave them

[Michael] (Sorry I’m coming in at the last inning)

Shurkural (TMO)] (that's good!)

[Master] That sucks Michael, but glad they are ok

[Michael] Jesus me too

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you again. May I ask what it does?

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (Something happen?)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (whew)

[Lisa] Michael _ I am glad they are okay I was just thinking about you a couple minutes ago

[Canidia (Master)] You asked for healing

[Michael (to Fritz only)] had to log off. my sister/father got rammed by a truck

[Michael] :) Thanks Lisa

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Michael] (Make it to the witches/)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You are very kind

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (we did. losses though. Miranda is dead and Drayven nearly dead)

[Ilero]] (TMO) smiles tightly. "T'ank you."

[Master] You head into the passage past the Ogres

[Master] and we will stop there for the night

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Oh yea...Thank you..(Bows)

[Lisa] So family is all home now?

[Master] so you can be OOC now

[Michael] (Damn. I'm so sorry I wasn't here. Miranda?)

[Lisa] Oh please

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Uhmm...looks at Branwyn...Can I have a sip of that please?

[Lisa] Everyone is home and safe?

Ilero (TMO)] (I don't think it will help Fritz, but not certain)

[Michael] Oh. Sorry. Yes. :)

[SpringyDew] I think we all silently fretted about them the whole time

[Master] yes to TMO will not work at all

[SpringyDew] well I did

[Lisa] will healing potion work on walking wounded ?

[Lisa] ok

[Lisa] that would be a no then

[Master] needs 8 hours of sleep

[Lisa] sorry

[Master] then can take healing

[Michael] I told Fritz, I'll never admit to my sister, but driving a tiny Miata isn't going to cut it in my book. I knew that car was a goddamn death trap.)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (From 0? I thought that was only from -1)

[Master] you were at - 1

[Master] you were at Zero

[Master] then were carried instead of bound

[Michael] (Is Miranda permadead? Or we bringing her back? Anything I can do to help :( )

[Master] Kenna brought you back to Walking Wounded

[Michael] sorry

[SpringyDew] the giant hit her while she was down. pretty much pulped

[Master] as of right now it is still the middle of the night Michael

[Lisa] Miranda is perma dead and she wrote IC that if she died on this trip she didn't want to be brought back

[Master] have hours to go in the adventure

[Michael] Shoot. Damn

[Michael] After all that time. She was there when I first started

Ilero (TMO)] same - she predates Ilero

[Lisa] she was there when I first started in 2010

[Lisa] It makes me very sad

[Master] Miranda and Branwyn started adventuring together

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] I thought she was at -4?

[Lisa] then stupid giant bashed her again

[Lisa] -17 now

[Fritz] Oh yea

[Lisa] was thinking we had 5 rds. - get her and get out and then giant did that

[Michael] (How did John Take it? In stride? He upset?)

[Fritz] He was rather non-chalant about it all

[Michael] OK. As long as he's okay

[Lisa] I think he was not happy

[Michael] Damn

[Michael] Well

[Michael] I mean

[Lisa] who would be?

[Michael] yeah

[Michael] it sucks

[SpringyDew] :-(

[Lisa] but I didn't get it

[TMO] I have no clue, myself.

[Lisa] we had a plan

[Lisa] sprint full movement and get the hell out

[SpringyDew] I really don't know how she got left. we did have a plan

[Lisa] and he had her lag 3 rds. worth

[Lisa] if she would have run full steam she'd be with us

[Michael] Sigh

[Fritz] And I didn't see her icon because it was so small on the screen so I wouldn't have left her behind

[Lisa] giant might have bashed her like they got a couple people

[Michael] Hindsight is always 20/20 Trust me, I know

[SpringyDew] I thought she did run full steam. was it bad math?

[Lisa] she was sticking around for Ilero I think

[Lisa] no

[Lisa] she went 120 into the fog

[SpringyDew] oh ok

[Lisa] and then off to the side and waited

[Lisa] Ilero knew the plan was to run too so when he didn't I knew he was doing it on purpose and to not try to stop him or get killed for him

[Lisa] sorry TMO

[TMO] no, he was trying the alternate plan

[Lisa] lol

[TMO] if you all didn't make it with speed, he was trying the stealth route

[Fritz] Yea, but still, I wouldn't have left her...I even commented about her running past me. So I thought her icon was off the map. That's why I said what I did about Ilero

[TMO] as it turns out, speed was the better option

[Lisa] but sometimes you may need to tell people that

[Lisa] because she wouldn't let you do your thing

[TMO] I did say that. At least once, maybe more. :)

[Master] sorry realized I did not speak the last description to you

[Master] Eight ogres block the passage, each wearing a gem on a necklace. They carry clubs and shields with poorly painted eyes as their symbol.

[TMO] IC even.

[Lisa] and maybe it's because I just think you handle yourself I don't worry about you as much :)

[Master] you did move past them

[Master] just did not give you the full description

[TMO] nobody should worry overmuch about Ilero

[Fritz] Weren't they the tribe that the war was fought with?

[Michael] (This is one of those instances, I think being at an actual table and giving real time warnings would be prefererable. We may need to use the chat log, but Discord is a hell of a thing for this type of situation. Like when in Combat, we all put on the headsets)

[TMO] Ilero definitely notices the gems.

[SpringyDew] heh

[Fritz] I had my headset on and I was in Discord

[Fritz] With Spring

[Michael] (Yeah, next time for me Fritz haha)

[SpringyDew] I was in Discord but I was having trouble concentrating, so I cut sound

[Michael] (Ah. Makes sense Spring.)

[Master] next week you pick up in the passages underground heading towards Glamis

[Michael] (It's kind of a catch 22 airn it

[SpringyDew] we weren't talking but I was paying attention I didn't really have

[Master] and you have the Witches prophecies to ponder during the week

[Fritz] Well night all...

[SpringyDew] alrighty then

[SpringyDew] nighty night!

[TMO] g'nite all!

SpringyDew has left the game on Fri Nov 15 23:39:41 EST 2019

[Michael] OK. I'll be with you all next week :)

[Fritz] I may or may not be on. Going out of town

[Michael] Night all! :)

[TMO] thanks for the game

[Lisa] Goodnight!

[Master] Night all

Lisa has left the game on Fri Nov 15 23:40:06 EST 2019

Fritz has left the game on Fri Nov 15 23:40:17 EST 2019

TMO has left the game on Fri Nov 15 23:40:31 EST 2019

MarioHome has left the game on Fri Nov 15 23:40:38 EST 2019

Michael has left the game on Fri Nov 15 23:40:48 EST 2019

XP not awarded