Main / 20191220c

Chat Log - 2019 12 20 - Court of Thanes (Formatted)

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Dec 20 13:38:23 EST 2019 ====

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] ==== Gaming session has been running for and 33 seconds ====

JohnA has joined the game on Fri Dec 20 18:45:23 EST 2019

JohnA is receiving the map Base Map...

JohnA has received the map Base Map.

Carissa has joined the game on Fri Dec 20 18:46:15 EST 2019

Carissa is receiving the map Base Map...

Carissa has received the map Base Map.

JohnA deposits quarter for Carissa

[Carissa] Oh no. You need that many more thoughts from me??

[Carissa] Or is this payment for the others?

[JohnA] pay for thoughts already given

[Carissa] ;)

[JohnA] hey

[Carissa] Haha thanks, and hello

JohnA is receiving the map Glamis...

JohnA has received the map Glamis.

[Carissa] Logged in early since I'm running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Still trying to finish packing, finish laundry, all that stuff.... so apologies for delayed replies for the moment.

[JohnA] np

[JohnA] I'm just waiting for dinner spit balling here

[JohnA] can we throw the elves at it, we seem to have a few extra elves

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Hey there

[JohnA] hello

[Master] John you need to remember to get your gift tomorrow

[Master] Carissa and those farther afield already have them

[JohnA] so I saw

[JohnA] I get penalized for living so close or just not visiting sooner?

[Master] Also Rob and family will be here tomorrow too

[JohnA] nice

[Master] Nelly will be getting in tonight

[Master] I think it was a not being here for the party debates

[Carissa] Lots of extra elves for tossing.

[Carissa] lol

[Carissa] Maybe if you pay him a quarter, too, he'll call it even.

[Master] You only brought MacDuff with you from the Thanes

[Master] but you have 100 of the Reverend Ones

[Carissa] Ahhh, yes. Those are the elves I meant. As long as they are still there...

[Master] They are with you

[Master] just not all crowded around at the moment

[Master] until you call for them

[JohnA] I was going to say, I thought Iwe had those elves somewhere here

[Carissa] 'tis fair

[Master] you saw this view John?

[JohnA] do they have bows?

[Master] no long swords only

[Carissa] Nope. They don't believe in bows.

[JohnA] no, tks

[Master] On the Glamis map now John

[JohnA] so 1st serious thought

[Master] and Tiberius is on the side view to make it easy to get to

[Carissa] (If anyone comes help me pack tonight, they can have all my XP)

[JohnA] Invisibility, and stone shape

[Carissa] Isn't invisibility limited to a box? And stone shape we looked at. Could maybe get a single person in... but that's it. Far more stone than can be shaped.

[Carissa] And elven invisibility is limited to forests.

JohnA is receiving the map Dunsinane side view...

JohnA has received the map Dunsinane side view.

[Master] Likely no Ryan and no Spring so missing those dwarven and priestly skills tonight

[Master] Mario should be in so you have those available

[Master] Carissa will be kicked out at 10?

[JohnA] I mean make whomever is doing stone shape invisible, mostly to cover the pit

[Master] walls of the pit are iron

mharm-95433 has joined the game on Fri Dec 20 18:57:14 EST 2019

mharm-95433 is receiving the map Base Map...

mharm-95433 has received the map Base Map.

[Carissa] Probably. No later than 10, but if things look bad... I'll leave on my own ;)

[Master] Hello Michael

[mharm-95433] Hey All!

[Carissa] Hi Michael!

[JohnA] hello

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Dec 20 18:57:39 EST 2019

Lisa is receiving the map Base Map...

Lisa has received the map Base Map.

[Carissa] Hi Lisa!

[JohnA] and hello

[Master] Hello Lisa

[Master] did you get your candle Michael?

[Lisa] Hello! ")

[Lisa] :)

[mharm-95433] I just wanna give heads up, I’m just wrapping us some last reports before Xmax so I don’t have to stress next week. I'm definitely here, but I'm a tad busy. Also Yes Bob, I love it so much! That was so very Kind of you. :)

[mharm-95433] It'll only be an hour or so of work but I can interact. After that, I’m good :)

[JohnA] so as a OOC question, do we really have a deadline still?

[Master] Yes

[JohnA] not for shell, I know that one

[Master] the shell has to be back at the Temple

[Master] beyond that up to the group

[JohnA] Branwyn can teleport in a day, so we can manage that. Do we have to kill / deal with this thing today?

[Carissa] Yeah. MacDuff will try one way or another.

[Carissa] And where are we going to sleep? Macbeth could easily try to come after us next.

[Carissa] I don't see a way to walk away from this.

SpringyDew has joined the game on Fri Dec 20 19:02:08 EST 2019

SpringyDew is receiving the map Base Map...

SpringyDew has received the map Base Map.

Ryan has joined the game on Fri Dec 20 19:02:11 EST 2019

Ryan is receiving the map Base Map...

Ryan has received the map Base Map.

[SpringyDew] hallooooo!

[JohnA] now I am thinking of the line from Galaxy Quest "You just need to find it's motivation"

[Ryan] Hello all

[JohnA] and a double hello

[Lisa] I think it's possible to talk Macbeth down but getting him out of the enclosed space with the wyrm will be harder

[Lisa] Hi Spring and Ryan!!

[Ryan] I find that fire helps me IRL whenever I need to talk someone down AND when I need to get them out of an enclosed place.

[JohnA] will the one Mac be ok if we try and make peace with the other Mac?

[SpringyDew] sorry I couldn’t make it last week. I had insomnia and had to work that nigh

[SpringyDew] if I’d been able to sleep I could have been awake for the game, but no dice

[Ryan] Yeah, sorry. My daughter's birthday party was that day. I tried rescheduling, but she kept crying whenever I brought it up.

[JohnA] should have induced a day earlier

[Master] Hey there!

[Ryan] Doctor: "Something... something... health risk."

[Ryan] Hello!

[Master] So Ryan did your candle arrive?

[Carissa] Hi Spring and Ryan!

[Ryan] Oh

[Master] and TMO is an Hour out

[Ryan] It arrived earlier today. I couldn't remember ordering anything, and was going to sneak a peek tonight. You got me a candle?

[Ryan] Thank you so very much

[Master] grins

[Master] go open

[SpringyDew] I think you're gonna like it

[Master] was opening the scented part was right for everyone

[mharm-95433] Of course he will! It's adorable!

[Master] they are supposed to be used

[mharm-95433] I'm just sad it'll melt

[mharm-95433] :(

[Master] she can make more

[Lisa] lol

[SpringyDew] I’m not allergic to the scent, thankfully!

[Master] she got them to everyone more than a week early so that was nice

[SpringyDew] that really is a dice roll

[mharm-95433] HAHAHA!

[mharm-95433] LOL

[Master] She makes unscented

[Ryan] hahaha, that is wonderful. Thank you very much.

[Master] but more focused to this

[Master] thanks

[Master] you could use fire, there are lots of webs all around

[Carissa] Now I'm curious the scents for each...

[Ryan] Mine is candle-scented

[Master] but you can also use the webs for climbing depending on strength and spells

[Carissa] Wonder what burning webs smell like.

[mharm-95433] I need to ask my mother. I cannot figure it out, but I love the smell for sure

[Carissa] We wouldn't get stuck?

[Master] they all should be cinnamon scented

[SpringyDew] anything like Irish Spring and I break out in hives. I don't know how to describe the scent the candle turned out to be

[mharm-95433] Also, I could burn down cobwebs, but would fail my critical and burn down my house

[Carissa] I thought they were all Natural 20 scented.

[Master] grins

[SpringyDew] hahaha Carissa

[Carissa] I feel like burning webs may... set more things than we intend on fire. I mean, not all the ideas I tossed out were good. Not sure what we'd need to do to climb them.

[mharm-95433] Ah, that's what that is bob. Thank you. Was smelling really good, but couldn’t for the life of me figure out what on earth it was

[Master] not sure how the scents change when they are burned

[Master] Carissa has lit hers?

[Lisa] Branwyn has the charm men shell - we can try to di this simply at first

JohnA is receiving the map Glamis...

JohnA has received the map Glamis.

Ryan is receiving the map forest 4...

Ryan has received the map forest 4.

[Carissa] Yes, definitely need to make use of the shell.

[Carissa] And we still need to figure out Peyton before we figure out getting inside.

Lisa is receiving the map Glamis...

Lisa has received the map Glamis.

[Lisa] he's just a man in wyrm shape

[Master] so everyone has seen both maps now

[Master] and all the PCs are on the Glamis page

Ryan is receiving the map Glamis...

Ryan has received the map Glamis.

mharm-95433 is receiving the map Glamis...

mharm-95433 has received the map Glamis.

[JohnA] so if we successfully charm one of them, can we just go on Defense?

[Lisa] other drow are also down the hall - now that we've seen this place maybe we can ask them how to get up there

Lisa is receiving the map Glamis...

Lisa has received the map Glamis.

[JohnA] anyone have something like Taunt, or Command make it come to us

[Master] You have Macduff here who has visited Glamis many times

[Carissa] I thought they all went into their houses?

[Carissa] ....oh, well, yeah, that too.

[Master] the other Drow all went inside their own Ziggurats

[mharm-95433] Boomer Drow owning their own Ziggurats over here

[mharm-95433] We have to rent ours

[JohnA] and they don't seem to care what we do?

[Master] you do have the chance to talk and plan because you are down here and Peyton is up there

[SpringyDew] charm person or mammal but I doubt it would work if the person is in another form

[mharm-95433] But Peyton is a dragon is he not?

[Lisa] as long we stick to Macbeth they are fine'

[Master] The Drow went inside their homes to essentially wait you out

[mharm-95433] Not sure that would work Spring?

[SpringyDew] LOL Michael

[Lisa] shapeshifter - currently in purple wyrm form

[SpringyDew] yeah that's what I’m saying, I don't think it would work

[mharm-95433] Ah. Hm

[Master] IF you win, they will be there helpful as the balance gets restored

[mharm-95433] I must have missed that

[mharm-95433] Sigh

[Master] if you fail they have to live with the results and so will not be blamed for attacking Macbeth

[mharm-95433] No pressure or anything eh?

[JohnA] is it wanted Dear, or dead or alive as far as MacDuff?

[SpringyDew] brb

SpringyDew has left the game on Fri Dec 20 19:21:40 EST 2019

[JohnA (to GM only)] Character sheet for Shi'Nynze modified:

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Macduff, has Macbeth always had his home on the ceiling?

[Master] (sorry food at the door brb)

[Master] Yes it has always been like that

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (just trying to get this moving before Carissa has to leave

[JohnA] Shi has Stone to mud, should help

[Carissa] (no worries, I'm double tasking right now)

[Carissa] (Yes she does, but again, it only does so much and this is a much bigger structure)

SpringyDew has joined the game on Fri Dec 20 19:25:21 EST 2019

SpringyDew is receiving the map Base Map...

SpringyDew has received the map Base Map.

[SpringyDew] there we go

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Welcome back.

[SpringyDew] Kenna has stone to mud as well. if we need several people to take it in sections ...

[JohnA] just to have a safer path, what if turn to mud and turn back to stone and he gets stuck

[SpringyDew] oh, yeah :-(

[SpringyDew] oh wait, I think it stays mud, have to look

[Master] back

[Macduff (Master)] All the Glamis homes are like this

[Macduff (Master)] no doors unless you know the word

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And a ladder comes down?

[Macduff (Master)] Macbeth and High Dunsinane

[Macduff (Master)] Yes there is a winch that lowers two rope ladders

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] The word? Does it lower by magic or by occupant?

[SpringyDew] stone becomes clay

[Macduff (Master)] By one of their servants

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] So even if we know the word, they may not let us in.

[SpringyDew] it's not Stone to Mud, but Soften Earth and Stone, in Kenna's case

[Macduff (Master)] From what you said, it seems that there might not be any left?

[Macduff (Master)] You slew a dozen werewolves?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] About that many

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Yes... those were their servants?

[Macduff (Master)] They were not when I knew them

[Macduff (Master)] but this last week

[SpringyDew] oh, Soften Earth and Stone doesn't affect worked stone, so ziggurats are out

[mharm-95433] Oof

[mharm-95433] (Getting into Character. One moment)

SpringyDew is receiving the map Glamis...

SpringyDew has received the map Glamis.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] What a fate to have...

Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew) frowns

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (seriously, all my XP for whoever packs for me right now)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Do you know anything of this Peyton?

[Macduff (Master)] (are you coming to the party Carissa?)

[JohnA] so we can see the floor of his house from underneath?

[Macduff (Master)] Peyton is the Macbeth steward

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (haha only if it's in Dallas)

[Macduff (Master)] He has been there as long as I know

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] What is he?

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] At least, when you last saw him....

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Given the state of the other servants, he may have changed since then.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] I... think that purple... individual is Peyton up there.

Macduff (Master) nods at the twining dragon, That is what he often looks like

Skarphedin (Ryan) frowns.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] A true dragon or not?

[Macduff (Master)] From what I have gathered Macbeth found him as a young hatchling and raised him afterward

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) thinks how nice a pet dragon would be.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

Skarphedin (Ryan) thinks how nice dragon scale armor would be.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (before I forget... if someone was reading her mind)

[mharm-95433] I am back at the keyboard.

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] (Eh, Ryan, he's only a shifter. Dragon armor may be a bust here)

[Macduff (Master)] (you do not know)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Do we know for sure he's a shifter? What if he is a real dragon who can shift?)

[Macduff (Master)] (Michael re-read above)

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Sigh

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Thinks how nice shifter skin armor would be)

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] LOL

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (hahaha)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] With such a bond, do you think he'll parlay or just protect without question?

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] (My guess is protect to the death)

[Macduff (Master)] I would think he will not simply allow anyone other than the Macbeth's to enter unquestioned

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But he could get him for us.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] For myself I have no interest in seeing his home

[Macduff (Master)] Dunsinane was quite nice

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] I'm assuming you were seeing it as a guest and not a besieger...

MarioHome has joined the game on Fri Dec 20 19:41:55 EST 2019

MarioHome is receiving the map Base Map...

MarioHome has received the map Base Map.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'm sure it is, but that is not our concern this night

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Hello!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Hi Mario!)

[Macduff (Master)] Quite true for both

[MarioHome] Hello Hello

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (hi Mario)

[MarioHome] The stranger has returned home

[JohnA] hey MVP

[MarioHome] MDV

[MarioHome] Mario D Vetere

[JohnA] Mario Vetere Person

[MarioHome] (lol)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (at least you aren't dmv)

[JohnA] (true)

[MarioHome] (thank goodness)

[MarioHome] (not gonna lie, haven’t read the last chat)

[MarioHome] (but I understand there is a dragon?

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Hi Mario!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (wyrm)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Skarphedin is pregnant with a dragon, yes)

[JohnA] 9We need Mara to talk to someone for us)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Sorry, he is pregnant with a wyrm)

[MarioHome] (uhh,...???)

[Macduff (Master)] You really should have read that chat log Mario

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Dragon shapeshifter wyrm... guy)

[JohnA] go knock on that door, please

[Master] You really should have read that chat log Mario

MarioHome is receiving the map Glamis...

MarioHome has received the map Glamis.

[JohnA] ask the Purple Wrym we want to speak to his master

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (If anyone wants to try talking to dragon, go for it; I'm doing last minute things for next 5 minutes or so)

[MarioHome] (should have done a lot of things, but I was kinda busy)

[MarioHome] (you know?)

[Master] grins

Branwyn (Lisa) walks in wearing the shell

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] (Talwin will go with her as backup)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (akak here but distracted)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Steward Peyton I presume

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] (I'm submitting the reports right now)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (and let Shi back up while they talk :) )

[Acolyte Gerard (JohnA)] You really should protect that a bit more

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (I haven't read the last chat either but I did read the summary)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 141'11".

Carissa is receiving the map Glamis...

Carissa has received the map Glamis.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze moved 35'00".

[Peyton (Master)] Hello

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (yay spring!)

JohnA is receiving the map Glamis...

JohnA has received the map Glamis.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] My name is Countess Branwyn Branadarus from Dragon Fen.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] May I speak with Macbeth?

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (my fans call me bran-bran)

[Peyton (Master)] The Lady is out in the wood

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] LOL

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We have stumbled upon your lands and have news

[Peyton (Master)] The Master is in his study and does not want to be disturbed

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am afraid she is not. This is part of the news we must convey

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] (Yeah, actually we murdered his wife. Care if we take care of the husband now? Any kids too?)

[Peyton (Master)] I cannot disturb the Master till he comes out of his study

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] (Can we disturb him then?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Lady Macbeth is in the care of Lady Lennox as we have brought her inside

[Branwyn (Lisa)] She is no more good steward

[Peyton (Master)] Lady Macbeth can ask the Master herself

Skarphedin (Ryan) grimaces.

[Acolyte Gerard (JohnA)] do we have that spell available?

[MarioHome] (the summary did help, thank you )

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I was trying to be delicate, but we came upon a battle and she fell.

Peyton (Master) utters a soft sad groan

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We carried her in. Lord Macbeth may wish to see her and take care of her

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But we have news from the field as we have travelled.

[Peyton (Master)] When the Master comes out I will tell him

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Banquo is dead. Fleance is dead.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Most of the warriors of Cawdor.

Skarphedin (Ryan) mutters quietly. "Best be quick about it if you want to preserve her dignity."

[Peyton (Master)] It sounds most dire

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Your Lord has done well this night and has no reason to hide

[Peyton (Master)] He went into his study and said he should not be disturbed

[Peyton (Master)] when he comes forth I will inform him of your news

[Acolyte Gerard (JohnA)] but did he say COULD not be disturbed?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But we were not allowed to bring the Lady to her husband. He must come.

[Peyton (Master)] I cannot disturb him,

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Do you know how long this will be? There are those that wish to speak with him and end these troubles

[Peyton (Master)] Would you be pleased to be disturbed by such news by your steward?

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] (Better to be from him then Us in my opinion)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I would rather know of my husband's death immediately than be sheltered from such news

[Peyton (Master)] My Master has never chosen to be surprised

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (your master's a weirdo)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (and not in the good way)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Better to know her fate than have those around me lie by omission.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Death is rarely a planned event. The witches did not prophecy this Lady's fate.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And yes, they have told us many things.

[Peyton (Master)] The Master has heard from the witches, that might be why he is alone and meditating

[Peyton (Master)] I do not question, I do my job as I am told

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Would this guy tell Macbeth if the castle was burning around him?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Your Master is likely waiting for his plans to come to fruition by his wife's hand as he sent her forth rather than face the enemy by himself.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That plan has failed we saw her fallen body at the mouth of the entrance to Glamis and brought her in.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (completely true - we saw it)

[Peyton (Master)] You can bring the Lady to me

[Peyton (Master)] I will guard her till the Master emerges

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] How will he know to come out if you do not tell him?

[Peyton (Master)] When he has finished his meditation he will emerge

[Peyton (Master)] (Priests and Mages can make an Intuition check)

[Acolyte Gerard (JohnA)] (so no dream magic?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (just what I was going to ask)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: INU check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (is he a priest???)

[MarioHome] Mara: INU check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

[MarioHome] Rhibosi: INU check: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (I'm not saying we need to murder this guy as soon as he lets his guard down since... murder, but someone who has a more chaotic alignment than Skarphedin should feel free to suggest this.)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (maybe not in front of the servant, though... but I bet MacDuff plans on it)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Well, I meant the servant.)

[Peyton (Master)] (So those that make it, understand that 10 rounds per spell level, if he is the high level caster you suspect that would be 3 to 4 hours of learning/memorizing )

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Ooh...that... yeah, I don't want to fight him. I don't think it'll be a fun fight...)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Bran's not in shape to handle a breath weapon blast of whatever this thing spews - so pls warn if someone's going to hit it)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Meditating... likely learning spells. It may be a few hours...

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Seriously, what Lisa said)

[Acolyte Gerard (JohnA)] I guess HE got a good night sleep

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (K, someone walk up to the servant and ask if he thinks this rag smells like chloroform)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

Shi'Nynze (Carissa) slight smile, "Sounds nice, right?"

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] lol

[Branwyn (Lisa)] How long has he been meditating?

[Peyton (Master)] The Master went into his room when the Lady left for the woods

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] Kenna Westfoot: INU check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Peyton (Master)] (2 hours max)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] For the woods? Back when we met Fleance, I am guessing.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Well... saw him run by.

[Peyton (Master)] (no the battle that happened at Midnight)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Well then retract and/or OOC, whichever it is)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (I want to point out that if we are waiting on Macbeth to meditate, that gives our priests/mages time to regain their spells)

[Peyton (Master)] (nope need to sleep to do that)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Well, actually, maybe not.)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (not unless they know nap)

[Acolyte Gerard (JohnA)] (if only we had Nap)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (BRB)

[Acolyte Gerard (JohnA)] (DMTA)

[Peyton (Master)] (grins Lisa and John are the spell experts)

[SpringyDew] I am away from the keyboard.

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (8 hours, min)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Sorry)

[Peyton (Master)] (D john?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (demented?)

[Peyton (Master)] LOL

Peyton (Master) looks sad, curling and twining around the bottom of the stalactite

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Sad for your Lady's death or something else?

[Acolyte Gerard (JohnA)] (If TMO was hear I would suggest using Potion of Gaseous form, and choke Mac while he studies)

[Peyton (Master)] The Lady was driven

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (now that we have all this time - that is an option)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] Yes, she was, from what I have heard.

[Acolyte Gerard (JohnA)] (Driven Mad?)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (test)

[Master] I think you have all your information

Branwyn (Lisa) walks back outside pit room

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Meaning we either wait, find a way to drive Macbeth out, or try some different tactic with Peyton)

[Rhibosi (JohnA)] I presume this is not really a dead end corridor?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 67'06".

[JohnA] I presume this is not really a dead end corridor?

[MarioHome] (OOC Question...I've been out the last two weeks...If we have the shell, why are we still here? Not judging, just curious to the thought process)

[Master] this is a cavern that the village uses

[SpringyDew] I am back at the keyboard.

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (back)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (Don't think Branwyn can teleport tonight, for one, but correct me if wrong)

[Shi'Nynze (Carissa)] (And some of us wanted to see this through)

[Lisa] because we heroes and don't let crazy people just go around killing everyone?

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (we made a promise to help)

[MarioHome] (perfect, just curious, that’s all. Thanks!)

[Kenna Westfoot (SpringyDew)] (dammit)

[MarioHome] (lol)

[Lisa] even if she could she wouldn’t leave the group here

[JohnA] we got them this far, we brought balance to the force

[Master] SO what are our assets?

[JohnA] no time to explain, let me sum up


[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (lol)

[SpringyDew] well we've got the shell now

[SpringyDew] we've got the dagger, though I wouldn't call that an asset

[Carissa] Some of us have spells

[SpringyDew] we've got whatever is in the party pack

[Carissa] Various foraged plants

[Acolyte Gerard (JohnA)] I suggest we back up to a defensive position and wait for him to come to us

[Carissa] 100 Ancient Elves and one made elf

[Carissa] Three dwarves

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (My concern with waiting for Macbeth is that if we wait for Macbeth, we have a fresh spellcaster that we will need to fight alongside a shifter)

[Carissa] (Exactly what I was thinking)

[Lisa] you might lose me actually

[Carissa] (Since when do we let spell casters ...cast?)

[Lisa] not feeling that great

[Carissa] (noooooo)

[Acolyte Gerard (JohnA)] (do we have Silence?)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Which is why I kinda jokingly suggested killing the shifter now, if we can ambush him, and then attacking Macbeth before he is done)

[Carissa] (I mean, if you feel like crap, go, but still, aww...)

[Lisa] if someone wants to take the shell they can but I wouldn't give the effects of that dagger to anyone else

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Sorry you don't feel well)

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] No worries Lisa. We'll do what we can. Bob can we make it without her tonight?

[Acolyte Gerard (JohnA)] (New plan, Indigo coves himself with ketchup)

[Carissa] (Shell goes to whoever is playing a lady, so Kenna or Mara)

[Lisa] lol

[Carissa] (since I won't be much longer, either, I don't think)

[Lisa] of course you can

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Racist. I will have you know that Skarp's beard shows her to be a lady of refinement)

[Master] smiles


[Carissa] (Haha)

[Lisa] TMO's logging in

[Carissa] (There you go. Shur can use it, too)

[Lisa] some female character can take the shell

[Lisa] males get zapped for trying to use it so don't try

[Acolyte Gerard (JohnA)] (I just don't see us attacking a clam guardian without provocation)

[MarioHome] (Kenna is ranking, to Mara)

TMO has joined the game on Fri Dec 20 20:22:37 EST 2019

TMO is receiving the map Base Map...

TMO has received the map Base Map.

[Acolyte Gerard (JohnA)] ( CALM)

[Lisa] Good luck and merry Christmas, happy holidays!!

[MarioHome] (ha! I thought Clam, cuz the shell is like a clam shell)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Hey, TMO, you are just in time to debate murdering a husband mourning the death of the wife that we murdered)

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] You too Lisa :)

[Acolyte Gerard (JohnA)] (Be well)

Lisa has left the game on Fri Dec 20 20:23:12 EST 2019

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Bye! Feel better)

[MarioHome] (take NyQuil, even if it’s just for fun)

[TMO] (Why Lisa Leave?)

[MarioHome] (trust me on this one)

[Acolyte Gerard (JohnA)] (she is mad at you)

[TMO] (Was It Somet'ing Hye Say?)

[TMO] (Hye Knew It!)

[MarioHome] (well, TMO logs in, Lisa logs off...hmmm)

[Acolyte Gerard (JohnA)] (can't be in the same chat room with you)

[SpringyDew] (the husband probably isn't mourning yet, as he wouldn't know she's dead)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] ("This chatroom isn't big enough for the two of us," were her exact words)

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] I doubt that :) I think we all are just kinda out of it before the Holidays. Wrapping up work and all that :)

[MarioHome] (ha)

[TMO] (work is why I'm late)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] ("Hey, Macbeth, does this corpse look like your wife?" *STAB*)

[Carissa] (Hi TMO!)

[Master] and TMO you got your candle?

[TMO] (A greeting is much better than a Leaving! Hi!)

[Master] only one not confirmed

[SpringyDew] (I’m sad I missed Lisa leaving. Bye Lisa! for the chat log)

[TMO] (I did! We were all very confused why we were getting a box from a candle company)

[Master] good

[TMO] (I called my wife to ask if she was expecting something)

[Carissa] (tl;dr Peyton won't interrupt Macbeth because he was told not to. Macbeth is likely getting his spells in order, but won't be done for another 2 hrs. We don't know what we're doing. Lisa left because she felt sick. I don't think I'll be on much longer, still too much left to do before leaving tomorrow)

[SpringyDew] (I knew for a fact I wasn't expecting anything but I’m on a secret Santa and thought that might be it

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Thank you for the TL;DR :)

[Master] There was supposed to be a We do not stop playing quote but that could have been missed)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (I'm going to give an unpopular opinion)

[Carissa] (Didn't see any quote)

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Didn't see that sorry

[TMO] (Will Peyton help us get up there?)

[Master] no worries on the quote

[Master] and Ryan please offer away

[TMO] (Thank you for the d20 candle Bob! Put it on a shelf over my computer)

[Carissa] (Well we don't want to fight him, so we wanted to lure Macbeth out and charm him)

[Carissa] (*Some of us don't want to fight him(

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (This seems pretty climactic, and I am not sure how far into it we want to go without Lisa and soon to be Carissa)

[Master] You have to find a way up there, through Peyton, then you have the climax with Macbeth

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (And I feel really bad because that is really hypocritical given my inconsistency, and now I kinda wish I had just not said anything, so I am going to hide in the corner now)

[TMO] (tbh, do we have the ability to take him out without Branwyn? She's our heaviest pvp hitter per hit, at least for the first few shots)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Wait, all of us are having a climax with Macbeth?)

[Carissa] (Haha you do what you want, Ryan, no worries)

[SpringyDew] (let's discuss and strategize and all of that, but let's not actually DO anything tonight? eh?)

[MarioHome] (I’ve heard about these ...)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (That.... seems.... okay)

[Acolyte Gerard (JohnA)] (not saying nuttin)

[Carissa] (and that comment can be applied to both your comments)

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Sigh. Yeah I know Ryan/TMO. Not sure I'm comfortable without those two, but what choice we got?

[MarioHome] (maybe, just maybe, saw a video, a short one)

[Master] you should always offer up Ryan,

[Master] which is why people like it when you are here

[Carissa] (Go look at the party pack, at minimum. So useful potions)

[MarioHome] (repeatedly)

[Carissa] (And seriously. Toss out ideas, any and all. Good and bad, an idea is an idea and we can maybe work with it no matter)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (We force-feed him healing potions until he has so much health that it becomes negative health and he dies)

[Carissa] (Half the ones I posted were crap, but hey, maybe someone could go from one of them)

[Master] so far the only option taken off the table is someone impersonating Lady Macbeth to try to sneak in

[Carissa] (LOL)

[Carissa] (....well, dunno if any of us could have impersonated her, but damn, that would have been a good idea)

[JohnA] there seems to be some question as if this thing can shape shift? He is a Dragon, Do we see wings?

[SpringyDew] (if anybody cares to look at Kenna's spells in case you spot something I don't, here's a link

[Master] It is on my list of things to have to deal with that the players might try

[Carissa] Lady Lennox a few sessions ago said he's seen him in many forms: wyrm, drow, dragon

[Carissa] Or something of that degree

[Master] and Macduff confirmed dragon

[JohnA] Him meaning Payton?

[Master] yes

[JohnA] any clues on age?

[Master] over 100

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (We tell Macbeth that we want to negotiate a truce, and get all the leaders out. Hide a bunch of people to ambush and draw off Peyton, and then charm Macbeth. Then have Macbeth call off Peyton?)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (That sounded dumb even as I typed it, but...)

[JohnA] and no current priest has time sphere?

[MarioHome] (not mine)

[Carissa] (nope_

[JohnA] charm monster?

[SpringyDew] (nopes)

[TMO] (afk)

[SpringyDew] (nope on monster either)

[Master] brb

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Carissa] Still think smoking him out could be an option. Peyton might get mad, but not like he can breathe water... I think.

[JohnA] Potion in party pack mis spelled, Potion of Wrym control not Worm control?

[JohnA] lot of smoke needed unless we can control

[Carissa] We wish. No, it really was Worm Calling :)

[Carissa] That was ankhegs.... sometime recently, during the building process, I believe.

[JohnA] so maybe Shur can use potion of Ventriloquism, tell Payton to go fetch something in Mac's voice?

[Carissa] Not a bad idea

[JohnA] does it change the sound of the voice or just where the voice is coming from though?

[Carissa] Dunoo

[SpringyDew] I don't recall that we've heard Mac's voice

[Carissa] Ahh... also could be a problem.

[Carissa] If you force feed Peyton the Overwhelming Love potion, will he fall in love with one of us?

[Carissa] Offer him a drink... he must be thirsty standing guard there all day and night...

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (I mean, if we are going to do that, might as well poison the guy)

[Carissa] Okay well maybe one of us still wants a pet dragon animal friend.

[Carissa] ;)

[Carissa] But if you poison him because I'm gone... I suppose I understand.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Oh, I was still in the 'dragon scale armor' mindset)

[Carissa] lol

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (If we have a love potion, I guess we can offer it to him)

[Carissa] You do have a protection from magic potion, which if you decide to fight the dragon, might be useful

[Carissa] And yes, we do have a love potion. Two of them.

[Carissa] Shi would like another pet friend if you go that route. That is all.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Shi, Mother of Dragons)

[Carissa] You also can fight dragon breath with dragon breath. Mist OR Yellow. Not sure if it helps, but it's another option

[Carissa] Yes! It's her new goal in life now that she hears it's possible.

[JohnA] not sure they are pet material

[JohnA] Material

[Carissa] Peyton seems like he's very loyal to Macbeth. I mean, friends is maybe a better word for it, but...

[JohnA] I have had a 90 lb. lap dog, this is much worse

[Carissa] Eh, we'll teach him early not to sit on the couch.

[SpringyDew] well it doesn't say what KIND of love, Elsa!

[JohnA] couch is ok, just don't sit on Shi

[TMO] (back)

[Carissa] So real question: Who's at Bob's house to sneak a look at that list??

[Carissa] lol

[Carissa] Frozen 2?? I haven't seen it. Yet...

[MarioHome] John’s closer

[MarioHome] we'll both be there tomorrow

[Carissa] Tomorrow is a day too late.

[JohnA] not if we all log off now

[SpringyDew] neither have I but frozen 1 was clear on that point. love isn't just for smoochies

[MarioHome] I was there last night, but wasn’t allowed to go upstairs

[Carissa] I've got about five minutes then I need to go. I need to pack so need to leave earlier than planned.

[TMO] we're going to be packing all day tomorrow

[Carissa] Don't forget you can talk to MacDuff and Siward for ideas, too.

[Carissa] I am? But my flight is at 5 AM... I don't got all day.

[Carissa] Different kind of packing.

[TMO] our flight is only 645 am Sunday. :)

[TMO] and the airport is an hour away

[JohnA] I was not planning on staying much later, character not that important, not much help

[TMO] safe travels Carissa

[Carissa] Thanks! Thankfully my airport is only 15 minutes away. But still... 5 AM. Means getting up at 3ish.

[SpringyDew] ugh

[Carissa] Ehh, if you fight Peyton, you're character matters, John.

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[TMO] I take it Peyton wasn't swayed by the shell?

[Master] Nelly and family just arrived so had to say hello

[Master] some of them have not been here in three or four years

[Master] Yes to Carissa on leaving when you need

[Master] John should always stay because his mind is important

[Master] and you have not tried to sway Peyton with the shell

[Master] but it is something that you need a female caster to use

[Master] to invoke

[Master] so Shi, Kenna, Mara, etc.

[Carissa] Original plan I think was trying to sway Macbeth with shell, but can always try on Peyton.

[Master] of those that are here

[TMO] get Peyton to fight Macbeth

[Master] and yes to attempting to sway Macbeth was the primary idea Lisa had

[Carissa] If you want Shi to try it before she leaves, she can. But may be useful if someone else.

[Carissa] Not sure how he'd react if she fails...

[SpringyDew] I’m willing for Kenna to try it

[TMO] We can try it with a fairly harmless request

[TMO] either person will do

[Carissa] I will only be somewhat sad if you get a new dragon friend pet :)

[Master] smiles

[TMO] he turns into a drow elf too!

[Carissa] Yeah we're ignoring that. Shi prefers the dragon to the drow part.

[Master (to JohnA only)] can you have the Charm Man spell ready to fill them in please

[TMO] I *suspect* Peyton is susceptible to it, and that's how Lady Macbeth recruited him

[Carissa] No. Macbeth found him as a hatchling.

[TMO] but that's just a gut reaction in the moment

[Master] you missed it TMO,

[Master] there you go

[JohnA (to Master only)] I do not think I have that text

[Master (to JohnA only)] ok

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Shi, honey, if you only love parts of the people you are with, you are doing them a severe disservice, and the relationship is not going to work out.)

[TMO] Hmph. I prefer my Head Canon

[Carissa] LOL

[SpringyDew] hahaha

[Carissa] Well let me know now who's charming.

[Carissa] ...*who is trying to charm him

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Do we have time for Shi to try?)

[Carissa] You don't need to fight amongst yourselves about who is charming.

[Carissa] A few minutes, sure.

[TMO] elf is best choice for first try

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Any objections to Shi trying a relatively harmless request?)

[SpringyDew] concur

[Carissa] Tell me a request to request.

[JohnA] we need to have a plan B, if the charm fails, things are going to heat up quickly

[TMO] apologize?

[Master] “Man” is defined as any male human, demi human, or humanoid creature of large size (L) or less and 3 Hit Dice or less

[TMO] ...

[Carissa] not him.

[TMO] well dammit

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (phooey)

[Carissa] Well that was easy! Glad I could help!!

[Master] That is the key phrase from Charm Man III

[Master] so you can guess that this is an artifact of Aphrodite so it is more powerful

[Master] but HOW much more powerful

[Master] That is a level 8 spell

[Carissa] Well it CAN charm elves... so that's something since they're normally resistant. I think you said they still get a save, but for that...

[TMO] oh, so we're back to 'worth a try' but with an extra avenue for failure

[JohnA] I would suggests a combo, have Mara wear shell and command it, might help

[Master] have to invoke the shell,

[Master] so no spell casting while invoking

[Master] Carissa.....

[Master] Have a great night

[Carissa] Yes?

[Carissa] Yeah.

[JohnA] good night

Carissa has left the game on Fri Dec 20 21:00:47 EST 2019

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Bye

[Master] she asked me to boot her

[JohnA] cold

[SpringyDew] Bye!!!

[TMO] g'night

[TMO] so we have Kenna and Mara left?

[Master] She said Good Luck

[JohnA] to you or us?

[Master] grins for you

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] lol

[Master] so ideas?

[TMO] so we have Kenna and Mara left?

[Master] you have 100 elves on your side plus Macduff

[TMO] any of them female casters?

[Master] zero

[TMO] so we have Kenna and Mara left?

[Master] on the other side is a dragon

[Master] you know that Macbeth cannot be killed by someone of woman born

[SpringyDew] really wishing Kenna had learned some dragon language while in captivity

[Master] so Macduff making it to that final encounter would be a good thing

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (If we want to try using Charm, we could tell Peyton to go bring Macbeth. Worst case, he refuses again)

[SpringyDew] although dude probably doesn't know any since he was a hatchling anyway

[JohnA] was MacDuff not born of woman?

[Master] in the story he is the one that kills Macbeth

[Master] so right now you are going with that thought

[TMO] Shakespeare figured C-Section meant 'not born'

[Master] but Ilero might.....

[TMO] test

[TMO] test

[Master] at this point we do not know

[Master] yes to TMO

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Was it 'no man of woman born'?)

[TMO] sry, wasn't posting there for a bit

[Master] yes to Ryan

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Get Mara to bash his skull in, then)

[Master] meaning no Human, Demi human, Humanoid

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Or Kenna)

[Master] You can go with the Tolkien interpretation

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (It DOES give us more options)

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Ah

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Cool

[Master] I am not saying it will work

[Master] just saying you can try it

[SpringyDew] that was going to be my next point

[TMO] but by the definition of man, you also have to be < 3 HD. :)

[TMO] less than

[JohnA] I simply cannot stay up to start something, so I will bow out now, have fun

[Master] For the Witch Spell

[TMO] g'nite

JohnA has left the game on Fri Dec 20 21:08:52 EST 2019

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Bye)

[TMO] did Peyton come down to talk?

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Or we can try Plan Charm Dragon, and have the creature that was born of egg eat Macbeth)

[TMO] or just yell across the cavern?

[Master] The strongest of the charm man spells, charm man Ill allows the caster to affect up to 9-16 men of 5th level or lower within a 20-foot radius. “Man” is defined as any male human, demi human, or humanoid creature of large size (L) or less and 3 Hit Dice or less. Alternately, the spell can be cast on a single male creature of any level or Hit Dice. While it will not affect undead of any sort, creatures normally resistant to charm spells, such as elves, are not resistant to this spell.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (But we aren't sure if this is an actual dragon, as MacDuff thinks, or a shifter, right?)

[SpringyDew] anybody got anything golden and treasure-y?

[Master] There is a Charm Monster spell, but not a Charm Dragon spell

[TMO] the friends we made along the way?

[SpringyDew] I think we established that this individual was born a dragon and can shift to other forms

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Fair enough)

[Master] to this point ... awwww TMO .....

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Only if you can cover them in gold paint and feed them to the dragon)

[Master] to this point you are going with what Macduff has told you because you have no other input

[TMO] oh, so we haven't talked to Peyton?

[SpringyDew] I was thinking of when I wat to entice a cat to go somewhere, I make scratchy mouse-like motions

[Master] yes you have seen above

[SpringyDew] and wondered what is irresistible to dragons

[TMO] I don't think my posts are coming through

[SpringyDew] on an instinctive level

[Master] yes they are TMO

[TMO] did Peyton come down to talk?

[TMO] or just yell across the cavern?

[SpringyDew] I see your text TMO

[Master] yell across

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Do we have a princess handy? Those seem to be pretty irresistible to dragons)

[SpringyDew] yelling is ignorable

[TMO] hehehe - I keep asking questions that get ignored. :)

[SpringyDew] heh sorry

[TMO] and I'm not sure if they're not posting or I'm just being snubbed. :P

[Master] Mario? are you feeling very Princessy?

[TMO] we *had* a princess. .. sorta

[SpringyDew] we're all kind of throwing things out there

[SpringyDew] I dunno which ones are serious :-(

[Master] problem 1 - getting up there

[TMO] np

[Master] problem 2 - dealing with the dragon

[MarioHome] I am not

[Master] Fly, climb the webs, floating, etc.

[MarioHome] (I’m way too out-of-the-loop for that)

[SpringyDew] BRB

[SpringyDew] I am away from the keyboard.

[MarioHome] (and we are very slim in personnel tonight)

[Master] more than last week

[MarioHome] (and last week was there combat?)

[Master] no

[MarioHome] :0/

[Master] grins

[Master] you are never ready to take on a dragon

[Master] you just have to do your best

[Master] can you figure out how to get up there?

[Master] and then let the elves and other swords just do their thing?

[TMO] secret tunnel?

[MarioHome] we could just push the hundred elves at the wyrm and say have at it

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Well, we could try pissing him off and getting him down here. But most of the ways to piss him off are going to be kinda evil)

[MarioHome] let them kill it, why we gotta do all the work?

[MarioHome] ;0)

[Master] you can Mario, just have to get them up there, or him down here as Ryan says

[Master] You have lots of options, the only thing as I said is Lady Macbeth is dead and Peyton knows it

[Master] beyond that you can be as inventive as you want

[Master] any spells about stopping from falling? or helping with climbing or avoiding being stuck in webs?

[Master] and or just high strength?

[TMO] quick! to the Archery Store! Buy 100 bows and 1000 arrows!

[SpringyDew] I am back at the keyboard.

[MarioHome] (did we ask the wyrm if we could enter?)

[SpringyDew] back

[Master] He said only when Macbeth says it is ok

[Master] and he is meditating

[Master] not to be interrupted

[TMO] Hey! He just dropped a note! It says' Come right up"

[MarioHome] meditating = getting stronger w spells

[TMO] Ilero can try climbing the walls, but I'd be willing to bet he'd get swarmed with spiders or driders

[Master] you have not seen any of either

[Master] but also no walls only webs

[SpringyDew] Google says that dragons love tacos

[MarioHome] didn’t need Google to tell me that!

[MarioHome] ;0)

[SpringyDew] could be Komodo dragons heh

[SpringyDew] "what is irresistible to dragons" is not a useful query

[Master] chuckles

[TMO] Shur can just start sniping at it until it charbroils us all with breath weapons

[Master] so climbing webs is the other option

[TMO] so there are no walls, just webs?

[Master] bows reach farther than breath weapons

[TMO] not in a cavern

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Potion of invisibility given to assassin, and then have him just kill Macbeth while he is meditating?)

[Master] potion of Gaseous form

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Yes, that. If he is meditating, then he is vulnerable. Bypass the dragon, who will sit here waiting for Macbeth to show up, and just walk away)

[TMO] assuming that our assassin is capable of killing him

[TMO] do we want Ilero to try climbing? See if that draws Peyton out?

[TMO] or do we not want to do anything that might start a fight tonight?

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (I would prefer not to start a fight tonight without Lisa, Carissa, and John)

[Master] They might not have anything to help

[Master] or what they have is more valuable against Macbeth

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (We could flee for eight hours, allow people to sleep and recharge spells [even if this causes the elves to suffer], and then go after Macbeth directly. Teleport + Charm = Win?)

[MarioHome] (sounds like a plan to me)

[Master] would be more than 8 hours

[Master] need to get to someplace safe

[Master] sleep

[Master] then recharge spells

[MarioHome] whatever it is

[Master] so call it at least 12 hours

[Master] in the meantime

[MarioHome] doesn’t seem like a time constraint, now that we have the shell

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Tell MacDuff to stall for time with negotiations)

[Master] Macbeth is at full spells

[Master] and knows his wife is dead

[Master] and goes on a rampage to eliminate the village you are sleeping in

[Master] plus the dwarven village,

[Master] etc.

[MarioHome] if we wait until tomorrow this time, after we all have recovered, then he will have none, as he is meditating to get them again

[Master] only has to meditate if he uses them

[TMO] Bran has no teleport spells or dimension doors left, right?

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Exactly, and then once he has wasted his spells on the NPC's, we step in and mind control him. Brilliant!)

[Master] and you do not know if/when the Reverend Ones will disappear

[Master] and no to dimension door or teleport from Branwyn

[TMO] I was going to take them home to meet Mom and Dad

[Master] and Lisa already said that Branwyn cannot take a breath weapon hit from the dragon

[TMO] few of us can

[TMO] Elf Shields

[Master] Skarp

[Master] Gerard

[Master] Indigo

[Master] Shur

[Master] Macduff

[Master] Bosi

[Master] all are at over 50

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (We could try tanking the dragon, and hope that we can down the dragon and find Macbeth inside of the two hour limit)

[Master] well Shur is 49

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] BRB

[Master] Ilero is 22 and Bran is 20

[Master] the two worse off

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (And hope that his defenses are weak enough that we can either charm him or, failing that, kill him right after killing a dragon. I just don't see that happening)

[TMO] k. So, shoot the dragon and kick everything off? I don't think we're going to find new options that haven't been mentioned. Climb the webs and hope to not get eaten. Charm Peyton. Go home with our shell and call it a win. Build Elfapults.

[TMO] did I miss any options?

[TMO] oh, gaseous form MacDuff to go kill Macbeth while we sit on the sidelines

[Master] can go with multiples

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (I think BOB has been saying that charm wouldn't work)

[Master] send Macduff, attack the dragon,

[Master] storm the castle have fun

[TMO] and climb the webs!

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (TMO might be right. Send the army to fight the dragon, send the PC's to fight Macbeth.)

[TMO] send a sacrificial Elf up the webs first, just in case

[Master] Spring, Ryan you will both be here next week?

[SpringyDew] I’m planning on it

[Master] Michael you are ready to go storm the castle?

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Later that night. Like, 9PM)

[TMO] I will be in Oregon. I will have to install Klooge on a new work laptop to join

[Master] sounds great

[Master] and thank you TMO

[TMO] oo! someone responded to me! I feel welcome! ;)

[TMO] (just kidding)

[Master] HAH

[SpringyDew] hearts and loves TMO

[TMO] heehee

[Master] Welcome like a doormat to walk all over

[Master] wink

[SpringyDew] since I can't type less-than-three in here

[TMO] I'm useful!

[MarioHome] hope you all have a great holiday, see you next week!

MarioHome has left the game on Fri Dec 20 21:39:31 EST 2019

[Master] see you tomorrow Mario

[Master] OK

[Master] so

[TMO] are we agreed on the combo approach?

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Bye!)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (I honestly think that is our best chance, yeah)

[TMO] charm try; snipe, fight, gas, climb

[SpringyDew] I concur with Ryan

[TMO] after charm fails

[SpringyDew] I wouldn’t want anyone to try climbing anything until after the dragon is no longer a threat

[TMO] maybe MacDuff can fling Macbeth off a balcony so we can help

[Master] we are on the west coast people so you have all night to make sure you are coordinated them move forward

[SpringyDew] we won't be on the west coast until California has The Big One

[Master] I think you need to only check the Web Spell details

[Master] LOL

[Master] LOL

[TMO] so those are sticky webs?

[SpringyDew] and even then Nevada is gonna be in the way

[Master] yes

[TMO] well, never mind climbing then

[Master] you can guess that Tiberius can handle it

[Master] plus whoever you have that can move freely

[Master] potions or spells

[TMO] that would be nobody, I think

[Master] just need a high strength

[Master] Skarp?

[Master] Talwin?

[Master] Shur?

[TMO] 18 strength can break through 2 feet of webs per round

[TMO] Shur is not strong

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (15 strength...)

[Master] you can climb without breaking

[TMO] Now... webs *are* flammable...

[TMO] >_>

[Master] true

[TMO] one flaming arrow later.... WHY IS THE CAVERN COLLAPSING???

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (I mean, that WOULD kill the dragon)

[Master] it is stone

[Master] Ok brb

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[TMO] webs are stronger than steel, didn't you know? They could totally be holding the place up

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] I'm back sorry

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] TMo has the point of burning all the webs might not be appreciated by the Drow's aesthetics

[Master] but stone is stone

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Not gonna lie. There is so much to think about here. I didn't even think the Drow would care about webs. Sigh

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Hm

[TMO] you know the other fun thing about setting all the webs on fire? it would exhaust all the oxygen. Only those by an exit to fresh air would be able to breath.

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] I changed my mind. Thank you TMO

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] :)

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Let's not do that

TMO is standing near an exit

[Master] TMO spoiling all my fun

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (I disagree. I am leaning more towards burning everything and letting the gods sort it out.)

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] LOL

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] And Bob your fun is our suffering...

[TMO] Our suffering is our fun too

[Master] Your challenges

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Well, has anyone besides Bran talked to the Dragon

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Anyone with significant personality traits?

[Master] there is always a way to solve every challenge

[TMO] yes, but you won't give us orbital nuclear strikes!

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Skarp made snarky comments, but mostly it was the Branwyn show)

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Now, we have ruled out sneaking in and slitting his throat?

[TMO] (just as an off-topic comment from last week, new ERB this week too)

[TMO] back on topic

[TMO] great option, IF we knew how to get up there

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Assassination has been brought up a few times, but the concern was that any spell-caster worth their salt would have defenses in place that might liquify the assassin before they could finish the job)

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Gotta have a stairway if Macbeth is up there. It's not like he flew up there

[TMO] he has a dragon and spells. how do we know he *didn't* fly up there?

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Not if they had that dagger

[Master] you know from Macduff that there are rope ladders that can be lowered down

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] It cuts through any enchantment

[Master] and yes to that TMO

[Master] but sadly no elves here to get an Intuition check on that

[Master] so you have to work it out on your own

[TMO] You there! Dwarf! Your kind knows how to build Elfapults, right?

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Well, the dagger is out because bran said

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] so

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Hm

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Can Talwin try to climb up the webs at the rear of the ziggurat? Don't know what other options we have here and I don't know what else to do

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Give me potions and protection and I’ll kill the little bastard

[TMO] is Talwin strong enough?

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] has freakishly large strength

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Someone else wanna join?

[TMO] 22?

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] LOL

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] You gotta better Idea?

[Master] SO what is Talwin's strength?

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] one sec

[Master] as the rest are on the opposite side trying to distract

[TMO] here's my thought: combo. Talwin or someone else strong (Bosi maybe?) climbs the walls while the rest of us snipe to draw the dragon's attention. MacDuff gaseous forms in advance. The dragon can choose to let us snipe to focus on the climber or the fighters, while MacDuff solidifies within the base

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] He's got 18

[Master] takes time for him to resolidify, potion so it has to wear off

[Master] and good enough Talwin

[Master] can move at one forth movement

[TMO] right, so he does it well in advance

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Instead of attacking the dragon, can you just distract via conversation?

[TMO] true.

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] That' way you aren't putting yourself in meaningful danger?

[Master] I think it lasts hours TMO they talked about it before

[TMO] IU thought it was single hour

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] What is Macduff’s Strength?

[Master] 18 +

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Bob, tie a rope between us to serve as anchors if on falls

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] We have to have three though

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Two anchors aren’t enough for climbing

[Master] feed the potion to the dragon?

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] That's not my call. Don't know which it is

[TMO] Charm + Drink this?

[Master] want you to have a solid plan to start with tonight and continue next week

[Master] even if you do not have attacks this week

[TMO] k. so how do we find out exactly how long that potion lasts?

[Master] make sure you know what you need others to do next week

[TMO] and can you take a partial dose?

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (I like the idea of trying to charm, then feeding the elves to the dragon when that fails while a kill team murders Macbeth)

[Master] no to partial dose

[TMO] k. some you can, didn't think that was one

[TMO] duration?

[Master] [Master] so will be gaseous for 50 to 80 turns

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Dear god

[Master] from the log on the 29th

[TMO] I hesitate to send a full team up the walls because they're also our strongest melee combatants

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] That's like Forever

[TMO] 6 turns = 1 hour!!!

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] (Huh. Just feed it to the dragon. Gets rid of that problem... :) )

[TMO] fine. Charm try + drink this. If that fails, start shooting.

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] But in all seriousness

[Master] spell you control, potion you do not

[TMO] no, that serious. ram it down the dragon's gullet

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] If that doesn’t' work, I’m gonna climb. Not sure what else we're gonna be able to do

Talwin (mharm-95433) Shrugs

[TMO] agreed. we've got nothing else

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Hey if it chugs it, I’m good :)

[Master] so the current plan as I understand is to try to get Peyton to swallow the gaseous form potion

[TMO] charm + drink to remove dragon threat, otherwise combat it. Use the elves as breath weapon shields for our fragile hero bodies. Then climb for it.

[TMO] assuming charm doesn't get us a free ride up

[Master] then everyone swarm up into Dunsinane

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Oh, geez, don't make me laugh, TMO. It hurts too much)

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] I think that's a pretty reasonable thing at the moment.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Yeah)

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] I just picture a breath weapon heading my way, you grabbing an elf, pulling him in front of you while he melts, and then you casually tossing the body aside before resuming hacking and slashing lol

[TMO] yeah, that's pretty much the idea

[TMO] Expendable Elves

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] LOL

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] This isn't MTG TMO!!! :)

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Although, if it comes down to it...

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] haha

[SpringyDew] sorry I was distracted by a massive PayPal problem

[SpringyDew] but I think it's fixed now

[Master] sorry Spring, all solved?

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Yeah me too spring. None of us get paid enough to deal with work crap :)

[SpringyDew] yeah. painfully with lots of bank fees, but yeah

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] But everything Okay?

[Master] ouch

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Ah I'm sorry.

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] You OK?

[SpringyDew] I paid off all my debt. from the wrong account. which didn't have anything in it

[SpringyDew] and it took the bank 10 days to let anybody know

[Master] uff

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] 10 Days? What the hell? Which UT bank you using???

[SpringyDew] UCCU. usually they are fantastic

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] :(

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] God you want me to call and give a piece of my mind? Not that it would do anything, but pretty sure they got a branch in Richfield

[SpringyDew] heh, no but thanks anyway

[Master] OK so it seems like you have a plan

[TMO] (Uh, boss? This guy who doesn't have an account with us is calling to yell at us for something another branch did to someone else he sorta knows online. You want to take this call?")

[Master] split into two groups

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] We have something

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] :)

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] LOL TMO

[SpringyDew] hahahaha

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] I support my friends

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Even when I sound stupid

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] ...sometimes...

[Master] one side feeds the dragon the potion the other one tries to make it up to the 1st floor landing

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Depends on if they were an idiot first

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] I second that Bob

[TMO] best plan we've come up with

[SpringyDew] I was an idiot. to have kept my old defunct account in PayPal to start with

[SpringyDew] have just removed it just now

[Master] do you have an assigned role to each character

[Master] so you can post that to the summary

[Master] so that next week everyone knows exactly what to do without lots of talking

[Master] IF you have that all set then we could wait till next week

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Skarp has always wanted to fight a dragon, and can actually take a hit

[Master] but I do not want to leave it to another hour or more of discussion next week

[Master] and I bet none of those missing now want that

[Master] we can say at 8 pm ESt the plan goes into effect

[Master] and X is on which side and Y is doing that

[Master] so everyone moves and can finish next session

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] I think that’d be good

[Master] so lay it out Michael

[Master] who is on which side

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] It sounds liker two parts

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] first is to see if the dragon drink

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] if he doesn’t we gotta have climbers

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] I know Talwin is fine with climbing with Macduff

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] An extra to serve as an anchor would be good

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] in case we fail a check

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] on the other hand

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] if the dragon drinks

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] we can take our time

[TMO] who else is strong enough?

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Well, if the dragon is charmed, we can just have him fly us all up and then stand down

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] if all else fails, we use the elves s shields and kill it

[TMO] and who will rescue them from the spiders and driders?

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Bob what is Branadarus st

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] ?

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] remind me why we would have the dragon drink if he is already charmed?

[Master] high you know

[TMO] because I doubt the dragon would fly us up there

[TMO] but it might

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Three is a good number in my opinion

[TMO] Charm: fly up;

[TMO] if fail: charm: drink;

[Master] charm will not have someone do something they would not normally do

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] I can type up a summary tonight with our three options

[TMO] if fail: fight

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] sorry not tonight, tomorrow

[TMO] if fail: flee with shell

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Okay, that sounds good

[TMO] if fail: flee without shell and say goodbye to Branwyn?

[TMO] if fail: roll new PCs

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] HAHAHAHA [Talwin (mharm-95433)] Yep

[TMO] if fail: start game of Paranoia

[Master] The computer is your friend

[TMO] when fail: go back to D&D

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] And our reference

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Nah, Call of Cthulhu next go around

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] dying is normal in that game.

[SpringyDew] and don't forget

[SpringyDew] no op plan survives first contact with the enemy

[Master] so to sum up for your summary Michael

[TMO] then why did we just spend all night making plans?!?!!!!!???

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Eh, believe it or not it sometimes does

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] LOL

[SpringyDew] we're probably gonna wind up pulling stuff out of our asses anyway, but it's good to have an outline

[Master] one group tries to climb webs

[TMO] my ass is empty

[Master] while the other one tries to charm the dragon into drinking the potion of gaseous form

[Master] if that fails they deal with the dragon distracting until the other group arrives at level one

[SpringyDew] so to be specific

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] I would agree

[TMO] my PCs are seriously out of their zone on this one

[Master] all of the Elves are on the dragon side

[SpringyDew] it's the shell-wielder who will be trying to charm, yes?

[Master] except for Macduff

[Master] yes to Spring

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Who will be climbing with Talwin

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] MacDuff def will

[Master] Talwin, Macduff, Tiberius

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] He has to

[TMO] how strong is Bosi?

[Master] and who?

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] We all have to have a rope tied to the three of us

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Does anyone have rope skills?

[SpringyDew] so the charming would be along the lines of "here's your kale smoothie, dear, need that Vitamin K!"

[TMO] a monk would be helpful climbing

[TMO] a monk would be helpful. but he's a cleric

[TMO] never mind

[SpringyDew] rather than "please be a sweetheart and drink this death here"

[TMO] we promise it's not death

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Does anyone have other advice? or opinions?

[Master] you can honestly say it will not hurt him

[Master] so Michael you have enough to start next week?

[Master] is everyone good with that idea?

[Master] log in, year-end talk then ACTOIN

[SpringyDew] ok

[Master] everyone on board with that?

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Sounds good

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Yep

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] :)

[TMO] yes. hope I will be on

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Be there or be square!

[Master] so everyone can be here by 8

[Master] and I have faith in you TMO

[Master] Mario can log in from an airplane over Australia

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] I will be on by 9

[Master] you can from Oregon

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Uh, Australia is now known as Mordor right now. It's all on fire

[Master] Pentagon, Octagon, Oregon

[Master] my post on FB the other day

[TMO] (y)

[Master] Michael you ready?

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] For?

[Master] roll Init

[Master] grins

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Oh sorry

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] I was confused

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] one sec

[Master] smiles

[Master] go post the Summary tonight

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Talwin: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=6] 16

[Master] everyone have a great weekend

[Master] next week the final climax

[SpringyDew] and a great Christmas!

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] LOL

[Talwin (mharm-95433)] Merry xmasd Everyone!!!

SpringyDew has left the game on Fri Dec 20 22:30:18 EST 2019

[TMO] same! g'nite

mharm-95433 has left the game on Fri Dec 20 22:30:24 EST 2019

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] High all

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Night

TMO has left the game on Fri Dec 20 22:30:50 EST 2019

Ryan has left the game on Fri Dec 20 22:30:51 EST 2019

No XP yet