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Chat Log - 2020 03 25 - Home Stories (Formatted)

A bit of a deviation from the story arcs

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Wed Mar 25 17:33:04 EDT 2020 ====

[Master (to GM only)] No Name #6 moved 3'01".

[Master (to GM only)] No Name #5 moved 2'05".

[Master (to GM only)] No Name #4 moved 1'07".

[Master (to GM only)] No Name #3 moved 1'00".

JohnA has joined the game on Wed Mar 25 18:31:39 EDT 2020

JohnA is receiving the map Base Map...

JohnA has received the map Base Map.

[Master] Hello there

[JohnA] hello

[Master] how is your week progressing?

[JohnA] no new crazy, getting used to waiting for house to progress

[Master] what is the process there?

[JohnA] no permits, trying to get anemergany permit to take balcony down, have to take care of that before getting permit for roof, got one quote for 24K

[Master] does not sound too bad

[Master] is that the roof or just the balcony?

[Master] both I am hoping

[JohnA] just roof, balcony Est is 10k to take down, Laura probably going to keep down as would be 10+ more to put back up, and we still don't know if any more damage to the house because of the balcony

[Master] so 34 total and you have a new roof and no balcony and any damage fixed

[JohnA] just about

[Master] interest rates are perfect for you at least

[Master] going to send you a "map"

[Master] that was fast

[JohnA] well Laura did buy some Disney Stock, not at the lowest but low enough

[Master] good

[Master] hope that their streaming ability makes up for park revenue losses

[Master] I think the parks are more symbolic than a large chunk of revenue now

[JohnA] yea, movies might be an issue if takes too long to get back to normal, not sure how many really want to pay to watch at home

[Master] I think people will

[JohnA] looking for my maps, did you have a final for TMO's tower

[Master] 20 dollars to watch at home

[Master] instead of going out and how much for the family?

[Master] it is the movie theaters that will be resistant to that change

[Master] I do not have any final interior maps at all



[Master] I want to do some rough sketches of the various towns now

[JohnA] tower is not official but Shrine is

[Master] you saw the updates I did for Dragon Fen


[Master] placed all but three of the buildings, Lisa will work on that

[JohnA] that is 1st floor for Traveler’s Inn

[JohnA] I did see

[JohnA] not sure what happened to town layout

[Master] we can work on it

[Master] I am holding off making commitments but it is very much looking like I will be taking next week off too

[Master] if they continue to insist people come into the buildings to work rather than work from home

[Master] Miami Dade came to their senses today and sent everyone home

[JohnA] lots of conflicting stories

[Master] the best thing is that the Mayor of Doral and the Mayor of Miami Dade both said that the Doral golf course had to shut down

[Master] indefinitely

[Master] but

[Master] tonight is supposed to be a relief and escape

[Master] with a different flavor and feel than regular Friday night sessions

[JohnA] so no poison or disease effects?

[Master] no Skull Church tonight

[Master] once we get enough people in brand new characters

[Master] Dragon Fen stories

[Master] rather than Home Stories

[Master] maybe

[Master] I like Home Stories

[Master] but we will see what everyone thinks

[Master] Mom said the kids are going to start online next week?

[JohnA] yes, that is one of my personal concerns, making all these changes at work and school to separate then someing thinking next week we go back to normal

[Master] the new normal will not be understood till August

[Master] do you like the lighthouse circles?

[JohnA] so can I use ForShort?

[Master] what is ForShort?

[JohnA] character who negotiated wedding contract

[Master] no

[Master] you will see why later

[JohnA] I like circles, so MistGarden cannot see light at all?

[Master] not a 6 foot tall human standing and looking eastward no

[Master] those show how far someone standing on the ground can see

[JohnA] ok

[Master] you can do the reverse math to see how far you can see based on how high you are

[Master] that is on the page too


[Master] so for example I can figure out what you can see from the top of Skull Church

[Master] etc.

[Master] the circles take into account the effects of The Mist too

[Master] be right back

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

Carissa has joined the game on Wed Mar 25 19:03:18 EDT 2020

Carissa is receiving the map Base Map...

Carissa has received the map Base Map.

[JohnA] hey Carissa

[Carissa] Hello! How's everything going?

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Hello

[JohnA] not any worse

[Carissa] Silver lining

Ryan has joined the game on Wed Mar 25 19:07:32 EDT 2020

Ryan is receiving the map Base Map...

Ryan has received the map Base Map.

[JohnA] work has not changed, kids are self-sufficient, even helpful

[JohnA] hey Ryan

[Master] Hello Ryan

[Carissa] Hi Ryan!

[Ryan] Hello hello!

MarioHome has joined the game on Wed Mar 25 19:08:17 EDT 2020

MarioHome is receiving the map Base Map...

MarioHome has received the map Base Map.

[Ryan] Hey Mario!

[JohnA] oh hai Mario

[Ryan] Oh hai Mark

[MarioHome] Hello Hello

[Master] greetings

[Carissa] Hi Mario!

[MarioHome] ~waves to all~

[Master] I hope everyone is having a good night

[MarioHome] it’s just starting

[Master] the Craniate Wastes map

[Carissa] Well my villagers are being needy, but otherwise yes.

[Master] is up for Mario etc.

[Master] everyone can see the distance that the lighthouses are visible at

[Carissa] I mean there is giant text stating as such...

[Master] and all the updates to the site I did

[Master] LOL

[Master] just stating the obvious

Lisa has joined the game on Wed Mar 25 19:11:24 EDT 2020

Lisa is receiving the map Base Map...

[Master] never know which 2 by 4 to hit Ryan upside the head with

[JohnA] welcome Lisa

[Carissa] lol

[Carissa] Hi Lisa!

[MarioHome] HI Lisa

Lisa has received the map Base Map.

Fritz has joined the game on Wed Mar 25 19:12:05 EDT 2020

Fritz is receiving the map Base Map...

Fritz has received the map Base Map.

[Lisa] Hello everyone!

[Ryan] At this point, all the bludgeoning I have endured means that it doesn't matter what 2 x 4 you hit me with

[Ryan] Despite popular myth, you can't fix brain trauma with more brain trauma

[Master] laughs

[Lisa] Sorry I'm late. Just had to post in defense of strippers. All done now

[JohnA] I pull out my 4x2

[Master] nice for Lisa

Fritz is receiving the map Wastes outcrop 1...

[Master] where was that?

Fritz has received the map Wastes outcrop 1.

[Carissa] Nice

[Ryan] Thank you for supporting me, Lisa

[Master] and Fritz

[JohnA] ey Fritz

[Master] totally wrong map

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Carissa] Hi Fritz!

[Ryan] Hey Fritz

[Lisa] another discord server

[Lisa] news story posted that strip clubs in OR have been shut down so the women are now delivering food for local restaurants to make money

[Master] yes

[Master] I actually follow one on Instagram,

[Lisa] some guy went on a rant against strippers

[Master] she has published a book

[MarioHome] it’s called Boober Eats

[Lisa] was incredibly rude

[Lisa] How is everyone?

[Master] life is interesting

[Master] I feel calm and centered

[Ryan] I haven't felt that way since before I had kids

[MarioHome] I will be furloughed for two months starting after next Friday

[Master] warm chuckles

[Carissa] Double quarantined but lots of food. Although my chocolates are not lasting as long as I want...

[Master] and yes sorry for that Mario

[Carissa] Ouch

[Lisa] work from home Mario or just at home?

[MarioHome] I needed a vacation, but not this way

[MarioHome] no work

[MarioHome] just home projects

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] good? news is that by furloughing you you can claim unemployment benefits until the time they bring people back

[Fritz] brb....AFK

[MarioHome] as long as Home Depot stays open

[Master] layoff is not

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] chuckles at Fritz

[Master] OK so

[Master] Spring will be in so will TMO

[Master] but this is not the Dragonslayers tonight

[Ryan] This is the Sheepslayers!

[Master] this is our "get away from the stresses of the world" game night. I want to make a different feel, a different structure and I hope that everyone enjoys this interlude. On Fridays we do our normal campaign but for our bonus sessions however many there are we are going to do these

[Carissa] Dragons slay sheep. Are we the dragons this time??

[MarioHome] yay! let’s kick the sheep out of 'em!

[JohnA] Dragon Assistants?

[Carissa] lol!

[MarioHome] that was baaaaaaad, huh?

[Master] This is the theme for these sessions

[Carissa] Just ram them in there

[Carissa] Athras??

[JohnA] did not get my goat

[MarioHome] Ewe know I will!

[Lisa] lol

[Carissa] No reason to lambaste these puns

[MarioHome] that’s a huge bird

[Ryan] Wait, what are we ramming in where?

[Ryan] I looked away for a second, then saw Carissa's comment

[MarioHome] and well-balanced horses

[Master] everyone will be creating new characters in a short bit

[Ryan] Dragons? If so, I call green

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] When we get to that point you will each roll a d20

[Carissa] Sorry you get a wyrm not a dragon

[MarioHome] [1d20]

[Fritz] Personally I'd prefer to keep on w/ the campaign.

[Master] So Fritz you are caught up

[MarioHome] (1d20) [1d20=8] 8

[Master] we will Fritz on ever Friday

[Master] this is our occasional

[Master] no one is required to be here, it will be fun side trek sort of stuff that does fit in with the overall campaign I promise

[Fritz] You are asking waaaaayyyyyyy to much for my limited intellect to keep up with...

[Carissa] Wait this implies Fridays are a requirement. Which means a penalty of some sort if we miss...

[Master] that is the fun of this

[Master] chuckles at Carissa

[Master] not at all

[Master] but things on Friday have definite consequences if you succeed or fail

[Ryan] Is that why the last package BOB sent me is smoking? Is... is that my penalty package?

[Master] while these are meant to be more lighthearted

[Master] in a different vein

[Master] to mix things up both character and player wise

[Carissa] Yes to Ryan. Hope you didn't open it yet.

[Lisa] yes you will miss much death and destruction

[MarioHome] you mean NPC's actually answer questions without giving us the runaround?

[Master] in a way you will be the NPCs

[Master] new map

[Fritz] Will I get to kill stuff?

[Ryan] I will prepare myself to be slaughtered without thought or consequence, then

[Master] it is taking a bit for Lisa

[Lisa] so we get to mess with the PCs?

[Fritz] I'm only here to kill stuff....

[Master] and yes to Lisa in a way

[Lisa] so we get to mess with the PCs?

[Master] Lisa did you get that?

[Fritz] Do

[Fritz] I

[Fritz] GET

[Fritz] TO

[Fritz] KILL

[Fritz] STUFF

[Fritz] ?

[Lisa] yes I got pretty leaves

[Master] not sure Fritz, probably but not right away

[Ryan] There are five weeds over there, Fritz, if you want to sate your bloodlust

[Master] maybe not tonight

[Master] so based on the two images

[Master] this new bit is called Valoris Wood Adventures

TMO has joined the game on Wed Mar 25 19:26:28 EDT 2020

TMO is receiving the map Base Map...

[Master] You are each going to polish off a character I created

TMO has received the map Base Map.

[Ryan] Hello TMO!

[Master] then we will get started

TMO bows in greeting

[Lisa] Hi TMO!

[Carissa] Wait TMO lied??

[Master] Rotating TMO through the maps

[Lisa] Did the kobolds win?

[Master] Now he has the Wastes

[JohnA] hello TMO

[Carissa] Or did the rats eat everyone?

[Master] to see the lighthouse

[Master] and funny about those rats TMo and Carissa

[TMO] we'll find out over the weekend. my remote players cancelled on me for family

[Master] you will see why soon

[Lisa] ohhh sad

[Carissa] Peter's a bad guy. Sirius shoulda killed him.

[Master] You like the lighthouse effect TMO?

[Lisa] nice Carissa

[TMO] Yessir

[Ryan] From my point of view, the Aurors are evil!

[Carissa] Death Eater!!

[Master] Now the theme image for this campaign

[TMO] settle down Anakin

[Carissa] We're only slightly distracted tonight. Sorry, carry on.

[TMO] blind horses with really good balance?

[Master] grins

[Master] same as Mario

[Fritz] Speaking of Anakin....The last Star Wars SSSSSUUUUCCCCKKKKKEEDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Master] and now everyone is on the same map

[TMO] probably my least favorite of the films. *shrug*

[Master] in the tree tops of the Valoris Wood

[Master] for the start of the Valoris Wood Adventures

[Master] everyone is with us so far?

[Master] we are about to start character creation

[Fritz] We are in the Tree tops....

JohnA nods

[TMO] do I get to be Acorn? ;)

[Ryan] May be a bit OP, but can I be a sycamore?

[Master] map is loading slowly

[Ryan] test

[Fritz] Nope just a regular nut like you are

[Carissa] In the woods so no one kill any wolves...

[Master] Mario might need your help in reducing file size

[TMO] test

Lisa has left the game on Wed Mar 25 19:31:51 EDT 2020

Ryan has joined the game on Wed Mar 25 19:31:52 EDT 2020

Ryan is receiving the map Base Map...

Ryan has received the map Base Map.

TMO has left the game on Wed Mar 25 19:31:56 EDT 2020

[Carissa] In the woods so no one kill any wolves...

[Fritz] Nope just a regular nut like you are

TMO has joined the game on Wed Mar 25 19:32:01 EDT 2020

TMO is receiving the map Base Map...

TMO has received the map Base Map.

Ryan has left the game on Wed Mar 25 19:32:13 EDT 2020

[Ryan] test

[Carissa] kLoOge says no.

Lisa has joined the game on Wed Mar 25 19:32:36 EDT 2020

Lisa is receiving the map Base Map...

[JohnA] still here

[TMO] I'm back

[Master] Who has any map?

[MarioHome] I do

[JohnA] I have bark map

[TMO] I had one that looked kinda like leaves

[Master] which one?

Lisa has received the map Base Map.

[Carissa] Still leaves

[MarioHome] Forest Clearing

[TMO] but am now back at Base Map

[JohnA] forest clearing, yes

[Master] ok so sending forest clearing to Carissa

[Master] Carissa did that work?

[Carissa] Nope

[Master] ok

[Carissa] Just grey

[Fritz] all I see be leaves

[Master] how about now Fritz?

[Fritz] dirt

[Master] ok

[Fritz] now pan back

[Master] Carissa do you now see your name as an icon on the tree?

[Master] Lisa which map do you have?

[Master] Mario?

[JohnA] John targets Lisa. Distance: 0'00"

[JohnA] John: Attack: Natural Attack: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=20] 0. HITS Lisa (AC FINAL: 6)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[Lisa] base map

[Carissa] I see icons now at least

JohnA slaps my own hand

[MarioHome] My name isn’t w the group

[Carissa] Ooooh okay so I see half the map, icons just below.

[Carissa] It only partially loaded

[Carissa] (I was zoomed in, didn't notice some was showing)

[JohnA] John no longer targets Lisa.

[Master] fixed Mario

[Master] Ryan?

[Fritz] yep

[MarioHome] ah, so I'm really just Extra #7 ??

[Master] Lisa can you go to the map with your Icon on it?

[Ryan] I see a blank map

[JohnA] you are a Bonus Mario

Lisa is receiving the map Forest clearing...

Ryan is receiving the map Forest clearing...

[Ryan] I am back at the keyboard.

[Ryan] Sorry, there were guests at the door

[Master] This is loading really slowly for Lisa for some reason

[JohnA] did they bring presents Ryan?

[MarioHome] um, you guys heard of Social Distancing over there, right?

Ryan is receiving the map Forest clearing...

[Ryan] I am back at the keyboard.

[TMO] they were hoping for a room, but he only had space in the garage.

[Ryan] Sorry, there were guests at the door

Ryan has received the map Forest clearing.

[MarioHome] Pete and Repeat?

[Master] I am sorry Lisa

[Master] it is loading

[Master] just taking forever

[Ryan] There's something about how social interactions involve people door-ditching you and leaving something behind that appeals to me

[MarioHome] my favorite guests, as long as the gift isn’t flaming

[Fritz] Rather than leaving flaming piles of dooo ?

[Ryan] That's easy. Just take your loafers and stomp it out

[JohnA] little worried about # of Amazon warehouse workes with the virus

[Master] grrrr

[Master] I am letting this load for Lisa

[Master] I am checking file sizes now

[Master] only going to use this map a couple of times

[Lisa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lisa] still loading?

[Master] yes

[Master] Mario will email you a couple of files can you reduce the file size?

[JohnA] no wonder it took so long for him to stop by

Lisa has left the game on Wed Mar 25 19:42:41 EDT 2020

[JohnA] John targets Fritz. Distance: 1'04"

[JohnA] John no longer targets Fritz.

[JohnA] John: Attack: Natural Attack: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=13] 7

[Master] sigh

[Master] OK

[Master] so have to go to a plan B

Lisa has joined the game on Wed Mar 25 19:43:19 EDT 2020

Lisa is receiving the map Base Map...

Lisa has received the map Base Map.

[Master] Ok so abandoning the map

[Master] moved the icons to the Theme map

[Master] is everyone better now with this?

[MarioHome] the crow?

[Carissa] Sure

[Ryan] Yep

[Master] yes you are in the forest clutter

[Lisa] if I was the only one it's not working for I can skip out

[Master] which is appropriate

[Master] not at all Lisa

[Master] we can adapt easily

[TMO] kk

[Master] So we all have the same image and the icons available now

[TMO] sry, had glasses off to do phone game battle

[Master] everyone please roll a d20

[TMO] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=6] 6

[Carissa] (d20) [1d20=19] 19

[Lisa] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=20] 20

[MarioHome] (1d20) [1d20=12] 12

[Ryan] I am back at the keyboard.

[Ryan (Ryan) (to Ryan only)] d20

[JohnA] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=17] 17

[Master] curly brackets Ryan

[Ryan (Ryan)] /roll d20

[Ryan (Ryan)] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=14] 14

[Master] and Fritz?

[Fritz] [1d20]: (1d20) [1d20=12] 12

[Master] OK

[JohnA] TMO first or last?

[Lisa] Mario and fritz have a roll off?

[Master] so for this theme

[Carissa] (Either TMO wins or he loses as the only semi-low number...)

[Master] TMO is first

[TMO] muahaha

[Master] you are all playing an NPC that lives in Dragon Fen

[Master] in particular you all live in Valoris Wood

[Carissa] (Who lives here?? Do the elves know??)

[Lisa] maybe we are elves

[MarioHome] or mushrooms

[Lisa] probably not though

[Lisa] I don't want to play a fungi

[MarioHome] duuno, we could be fungi

[Master] you have a choice of a Sparrow (2), a Field Mouse (3), a Chipmunk(2) or a Squirrel (1),

[Master] TMo goes first

[TMO] oh, in honor of Acorn, I'll be a squirrel

[Ryan] I have never been described as a fungi

[Fritz] sdamn

[Lisa] neither have I

[Carissa] (Oh, these are allowed to live here. Carry on. But if you guys choose the one I'm staring at...)

[Master] and next was?

[JohnA] fritz and Mario

[Lisa] Mario/fritz with 12s

[Master] flip a coin if you need to but there are two of each left so

[Fritz] S

[Carissa] Mario, Fritz, Ryan, John, Me, Lisa

[Fritz] sparrow

[MarioHome] I’ll be a sparrow pls

[Carissa] (Well now you both disappointed me)

[Master] smiles I knew Carissa wanted one of them

[Master] Ryan?

[Lisa] mouse or chipmunk?

[Carissa] (Pretty sure mice will be left, but it's okay. I've watched enough of The Rescuers to know they can be awesome)

[JohnA] Ryan is looking up stats

[Lisa] none of them eat each other so that's a plus

[Master] lol

[Ryan] Sorry, family drama

[Ryan] In honor of Chip&Dale, I will be a chipmunk

[JohnA] Munk

[Ryan] Wait, that's not the Rescuers, is it

[Fritz] rescue rangers

[MarioHome] Rescue Rangers

[JohnA] chip off the old class

[Ryan] Dang it

[JohnA] what’s gonna work

[Lisa] so Carissa, spring and I will be mice

[Ryan] Sorry for being distracted. Learned some family stuff. Should be more on point now

[Carissa] Three Musketeers!

[JohnA] just don't eat me

[TMO] everything ok, Ryan?

[Lisa] Mouseketeers!! :D

[Carissa] lol realized I missed that, thanks Lisa

[Ryan] Yeah, it's fine. Thanks, though.

[Master] Ok

[Master] so you have basic character sheets

[JohnA] Fits is pointing at me

[MarioHome] Mario moved 2'01".

[JohnA] Fritz

[Master] you each get to roll a D3 for hit points

[Master] and you get to add 2 points to any skill you want

[Ryan] Roll #1: (d3) [1d3=2] 2

[JohnA] Roll #1: (d3) [1d3=2] 2

[TMO] Roll #1: (d3) [1d3=2] 2

[MarioHome] (1d3) [1d3=1] 1

[Carissa] (d3) [1d3=1] 1

[Master] to bring it above a 50 percent chance 1 point to two skills or 2 points to 1 skill

[Lisa] Roll #1: (d3) [1d3=1] 1

[Master] and you can edit your own sheets now

[Master] before you choose

[Master] Mice are typical warriors

[Master] chipmunks are typical mages

[Ryan] I will be disappointed if we don't get a Martin the Mouse

[Ryan] Wartin the Warrior

[Master] sparrows are thieves

[JohnA] no kidding

[Master] but obviously you can change that for your self

[Ryan] *Martin the Warrior

[Master] grins at Ryan

[Carissa] (So the none fighters are fighters and the none mages are mages? Fun times)

[Lisa] what is the squirrel?

[MarioHome] sprry, where do we see the character sheet?

[TMO] I can't edit a character sheet

[Master] whatever he wants to be

[Master] how about now TMO?

[Master] it is like any icon,

[Lisa] sorry where do we add the 2 pts?

[TMO] got it

[Master] right click and your sheet should be there

[MarioHome] I don’t have a sheet

[Ryan] I don't either

[Master] your stats Lisa

[Lisa] scroll to bottom

JohnA is now controlling John

[Lisa] 2 pts to what though?

[MarioHome] thank you

[Master] whatever you want, Str Wis Dex etc.

[Lisa] to all the 10s?

[Master] right now everything is 50 percent

[Master] so you can add 2 to Wis if you want

[Lisa] ok - thought you meant the nwp

[Ryan] Imma dummy, so I still don't see it

[Carissa] Not all can be edited yet (unless you’re still working on that)

[Lisa] mice have no wisdom

[Master] getting to those in a minute

[Ryan] Right click on Ryan, and there isn't any option for a sheet

JohnA is no longer controlling John

[Ryan] Now it is there... huh...

[Master] fixed Ryan

[Master] Carissa you too

[Master] I think everyone is

[JohnA] me still

[TMO] trying to remember the stats, and I don't think raising anything to 12 affects a durn thing. ;)

[Carissa] thanks

[MarioHome] I cannot edit my sheet, could not get a lock

[TMO] same error here

[Ryan] Are bards a thing yet? It would be a shame to have a chipmunk and not have it be a bard

[MarioHome] better now, tx

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Lisa modified: Combat - Current Hit Points:: CHANGED: 1 (null). Max Hit Points:: CHANGED: 1 (null). Ability Scores - STR: (S) : CHANGED: 11 (10).

[Carissa] I'd think sparrows are more for singing than a chipmunk, but each their own

[MarioHome] oops locked again

[TMO] good here now too

[Master] try now Mario

[Carissa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Carissa modified: Ability Scores - STR: (S) : CHANGED: 12 (10).

[Ryan] Fine.... Alvin the Chipmunk will have to wait for another session, Carissa :)

[Carissa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Carissa modified: Personal Information - Hit Dice:: CHANGED: 1 (null).

[MarioHome (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mario modified: Ability Scores - DEX: (D) : CHANGED: 12 (10).

[MarioHome] better

[Carissa] Haha I forgot about him

[Lisa] just noticed Indigo's STR is still shadow affected

[Lisa] he got better right?

[Master] yes to Lisa

[Lisa] and reason why I looked

[Carissa] Would hope so

[JohnA] John is locked

[Lisa] if you up STR does that us MUSC and STAM automatically?

[JohnA] and Fritz is still pointing

[Master] yes to Lisa

[Lisa] up

[Lisa] and up dex ups AIM and BAL?

[Master] right

[Ryan (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ryan modified: Ability Scores - INT: (I) : CHANGED: 12 (10). Reason: (RE) : CHANGED: 12 (10).

[TMO] Do we coordinate our chars, or just build solo and see what we wind up with afterward?

[Master] up to the group

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Lisa modified: Ability Scores - STAM: (ST) : CHANGED: 11 (10). MUSC: (MU) : CHANGED: 11 (10). DEX: (D) : CHANGED: 11 (10). AIM: (AI) : CHANGED: 11 (10). Balance: (BA) : CHANGED: 11 (10).

[Master] right now it is just a stat boost and HP assignment

[MarioHome (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mario modified: Personal Information - Name:: CHANGED: Soarkin Sparrow (null). Class:: CHANGED: Thief (null). Hit Dice:: CHANGED: 1d3 (null). Experience:: CHANGED: Lots of flying, not much swimming (null). Ability Scores - Balance: (BA) : CHANGED: 14 (10). Temporary Modifiers - ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: 1. ADDED: ADDED: Tiny. ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED:

[Master] and names if you there yet

[Master] Nice Mario

[JohnA] my sheet is locked, unable to edit

[Carissa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Carissa modified: Personal Information - Name:: CHANGED: Miss Bianca (null).


[Lisa] Indigo's sheet is locked by John

[Master] you have to log off and back in John

[MarioHome (to GM only)] Character sheet for Mario modified: Temporary Modifiers - Current Hit Points: (CHPTM) : CHANGED: 1 (null).

JohnA has left the game on Wed Mar 25 20:07:49 EDT 2020

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for TMO modified: Personal Information - Name:: CHANGED: Sqald (null). Player:: CHANGED: TMO (null). Class:: CHANGED: Barbarian (null). Hit Dice:: CHANGED: 1 (null). Experience:: CHANGED: 0 (null). Combat - Current Hit Points:: CHANGED: 2 (null). Ability Scores - STR: (S) : CHANGED: 12 (10). STAM: (ST) : CHANGED: 8 (10).

[Master] should be fixed for you now Lisa

JohnA has joined the game on Wed Mar 25 20:08:05 EDT 2020

JohnA is receiving the map Base Map...

JohnA has received the map Base Map.

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Indigo modified: Temporary Modifiers - STR: (STM) : CHANGED: null (-10).

[Lisa] thanks

[TMO] tch - doesn't look like barbarians exist in 2.mine

[TMO] I was thinking a berserking squirrel barbarian would be cute. ;)

[TMO] but I can do something else

[Master] chuckles

[Master] ok so everyone seems to be close to having things set

[MarioHome (to GM only)] Character sheet for Soarkin Sparrow modified: Combat - Current Hit Points:: CHANGED: 1 (null). Max Hit Points:: CHANGED: 1 (null).

[JohnA] so hit pts stats done

Ryan has left the game on Wed Mar 25 20:10:33 EDT 2020

[JohnA (to GM only)] Character sheet for John modified: Personal Information - Name:: CHANGED: Dare In Munk (null). Combat - Current Hit Points:: CHANGED: 2 (null). Max Hit Points:: CHANGED: 2 (null). Ability Scores - DEX: (D) : CHANGED: 11 (10). AIM: (AI) : CHANGED: 11 (10). Balance: (BA) : CHANGED: 11 (10). INT: (I) : CHANGED: 11 (10). Reason: (RE) : CHANGED: 11 (10). Knowledge: (KN) : CHANGED: 11 (10).

[TMO] sheet locked again

[MarioHome] so do the birds wings function like people arms or bird wings?

Ryan has joined the game on Wed Mar 25 20:10:55 EDT 2020

Ryan is receiving the map Base Map...

[MarioHome] do they grasp weapons?

Ryan has received the map Base Map.

[MarioHome] or are the poopie bombardiers?

[Carissa] Hit points, 2 to a stat, and name. Anything else?

[Master] so far that is all

[Ryan (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ryan modified:

Ryan is receiving the map crow looking at scene...

Ryan has received the map crow looking at scene.

[Master] making sure everyone is with us so far

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Lisa modified: Personal Information - Name:: CHANGED: Horatio (null). Hometown:: CHANGED: Cheddar (null).

[JohnA] Dare In Munk targets Soarkin Sparrow. Distance: 3'02"

[Ryan (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ryan modified: Temporary Modifiers - Current Hit Points: (CHPTM) : CHANGED: 2 (null).

[JohnA] Dare In Munk: Attack: Natural Attack: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=20] 0. HITS Soarkin Sparrow (AC FINAL: 6)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[JohnA] Dare In Munk: Damage v SM: Natural Attack: (1d6) [1d6=1] 1 added to: Soarkin Sparrow

Fritz has left the game on Wed Mar 25 20:12:53 EDT 2020

[JohnA] Dare In Munk no longer targets Soarkin Sparrow.

[Master] so now your skills

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for TMO modified: Ability Scores - STR: (S) : CHANGED: 10 (12). STAM: (ST) : CHANGED: 12 (8). MUSC: (MU) : CHANGED: 8 (10). AIM: (AI) : CHANGED: 8 (10). Balance: (BA) : CHANGED: 12 (10). WIS: (W) : CHANGED: 12 (10). Intuition: (IU) : CHANGED: 14 (10). Willpower: (WI) : CHANGED: 8 (10). Leadership: (LD) : CHANGED: 12 (10). Appearance: (AP) : CHANGED: 8 (10).

[Master] you have some NWP listed already

[Master] plus one called Sage

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for TMO modified: Personal Information - Class:: CHANGED: null (Barbarian).

[Master] for you to choose something extra

[Master] you can be an expert flyer

[MarioHome] this would depend on if birds can grasp as if they had hands

[Master] or able to pick locks, etc.

[Carissa] Yes flying mouse!

[Master] yes they can

[Master] LOL to Carissa

[MarioHome] do they still fly?

[JohnA] Field of Study

[Carissa] If it was a squirrel it could be argued... ;)

[Master] yes to Mario

[Lisa] I don't have a sage slot

[Master] yes to Carissa, too bad

[MarioHome] ty

[Master] checking for you Lisa

[JohnA] it's a pun, Field of Study

[TMO] same here, no Sage.

Fritz has joined the game on Wed Mar 25 20:15:07 EDT 2020

Fritz is receiving the map Base Map...

Fritz has received the map Base Map.

Fritz is receiving the map crow looking at scene...

[Lisa] or was field of study the one we can change?

[MarioHome] Bobby says he's freezing, trying to remove some things from Klooge

[MarioHome] pls stand by

[Master] OK

[Master] so better

Ryan has left the game on Wed Mar 25 20:17:48 EDT 2020

[Master] removed a couple of maps

[Master] and yes to Lisa

[Lisa] can my mouse take cheesemaking as a nwp? :D

[Master] Field of Study is the Sage reference

[Carissa] lol

[Master] and if you want yes, grins

[MarioHome] ha

[Lisa] now if this mouse just had some cows ...

[Carissa] If your mouse survives this adventure, you can do a Ratatouille thing over at Millers

TMO has left the game on Wed Mar 25 20:18:44 EDT 2020

Fritz has left the game on Wed Mar 25 20:18:44 EDT 2020

[JohnA (to GM only)] Character sheet for Dare In Munk modified: Non-Weapon Proficiencies - DELETED: Field Of Study, Craft, null, 1, $kn, -2.

[JohnA] Nice

[Master] John, Lisa, Mario, Carissa you are all good?

[Carissa] Yes but to clarify. We are changing Field of Study to our choice?

[JohnA] I am ready to be cute

[MarioHome] Do I add thieves skills?

[Master] yes to Carissa

[Master] No to Mario

[Carissa] (Animal Rendering. A carnivorous mouse... hmmm...)

[Master] everyone save your work

[Master] going to restart quickly

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Wed Mar 25 20:20:56 EDT 2020 ====

MarioHome has joined the game on Wed Mar 25 20:21:13 EDT 2020

MarioHome is receiving the map crow looking at scene...

MarioHome has received the map crow looking at scene.

Ryan has joined the game on Wed Mar 25 20:21:29 EDT 2020

Ryan is receiving the map Base Map...

[MarioHome] is it weird if a Sparrow had a Falcon?

Ryan has received the map Base Map.

Carissa has joined the game on Wed Mar 25 20:21:39 EDT 2020

Carissa is receiving the map crow looking at scene...

Carissa has received the map crow looking at scene.

[Master] I will give you a Falcon Friend Mario

Spring has joined the game on Wed Mar 25 20:22:09 EDT 2020

Spring is receiving the map Base Map...

[Master] he is not here now

Spring has received the map Base Map.

Lisa has joined the game on Wed Mar 25 20:22:24 EDT 2020

Lisa is receiving the map Base Map...

[Spring] wheeeeeeeeee

[Master] So Spring Welcome

[Ryan] Hello!

Fritz has joined the game on Wed Mar 25 20:22:40 EDT 2020

Fritz is receiving the map Base Map...

Lisa has received the map Base Map.

Fritz has received the map Base Map.

[Spring] hello!

JohnA has joined the game on Wed Mar 25 20:22:43 EDT 2020

JohnA is receiving the map crow looking at scene...

JohnA has received the map crow looking at scene.

[MarioHome] Hi Spring

[Master] the quick summary for Spring: This is a new style of session for our non-Fridays, I will send you some maps in a moment to give you the theme and feel of it

[Spring] well okay then

[Master] Secondary for Spring: everyone is creating new characters now, yours is almost finished will explain when you have all the maps

[Ryan] Sorry Spring, but your character only has a few years left to live

[Ryan] If that.

[Spring] heh I’m okay with that

[MarioHome (to GM only)] Character sheet for Soarkin Sparrow modified: Non-Weapon Proficiencies - DELETED: Field Of Study, Craft, null, 1, $kn, -2.

[Spring] I’m okay if it's just a few hours left to live

[Master] Spring you are playing a Field Mouse

[Spring] woo hoo!

[Lisa] Hi Spring!!

[Spring] do I get to help Mrs. B move to the lee of the stone?

[Spring] cause you lab mice got nothing on me!

[Master] you roll a d3 for hit points, you add 2 to your stats as you see fit, you get to add one new proficiency in your Field of Study slot

[Master] brb

[Master] and LAUGHS yes to Spring

[Master] exactly the feel for this

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Spring] Roll #1: (d3) [1d3=1] 1

[Ryan] I've been working for a laugh from BOB all day, and Spring just waltzes in and gets it first thing :(

Fritz has left the game on Wed Mar 25 20:26:05 EDT 2020

[Spring] I’m inherently funny :-)

[MarioHome] Spring has tenure

[Ryan] It's true

[MarioHome (to GM only)] Character sheet for Soarkin Sparrow modified: Non-Weapon Proficiencies - DELETED: Tracking, Warrior, , 2, $wi, +0.

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Lisa modified: Non-Weapon Proficiencies - DELETED: Field Of Study, Craft, null, 1, $kn, -2.

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] HEY ALVIN!

[Lisa] I changed my name but it still says Lisa

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] (edit on list)

Lisa is receiving the map crow looking at scene...

Lisa has received the map crow looking at scene.

[Spring] do you set hit points where it says "current hit points" in temporary modifier?

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] max and current

[MarioHome] at the very bottom left

[Spring] or is that a special circumstance thing?

[Lisa] why does the sparrow have 11 hps?

[Spring] oh bottom left ....

[Ryan] I am back at the keyboard.

[MarioHome] he's tough

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Inherent superiority of the avian races

[MarioHome] and he flies too

[Lisa] lol

[Spring (to GM only)] Character sheet for Spring modified: Combat - Current Hit Points:: CHANGED: 1 (null). Max Hit Points:: CHANGED: 1 (null).

[MarioHome] we feathered folk are superior

[Lisa] he's a tiny tiny little birdie

[Spring] hmmm which attribute is the most useless ...

[MarioHome] lol, in the Size field, I wrote Tiny

[Spring] "weensy"

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Lisa is ubervogel

Dare In Munk (JohnA) looks at self

Dare In Munk (JohnA) thinks big for my size

[MarioHome] I typed in 1 hp, maybe we all get a +10 to our roll? BOB must have changed it

[Spring (to GM only)] Character sheet for Spring modified: Personal Information - Name:: CHANGED: Sniffikins (null). Ability Scores - DEX: (D) : CHANGED: 12 (10).

[Carissa] I was going for ridiculous NWP and now all I can think about is how mouse can't swim...

[Lisa] lol

[MarioHome (to GM only)] Character sheet for Soarkin Sparrow modified: Temporary Modifiers - Current Hit Points: (CHPTM) : CHANGED: null (1). Max Hit Points: (MHPTM) : CHANGED: null (1).

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lisa] good point

[Carissa] It has been the bane of my existence before.

[Lisa] make the sparrow carry us

[Spring] hmmm I haven't found edit on the list yet

[Carissa] Haha true. They can fly so they can rescue us. Right...?

[Spring] is it like in a sub menu somewhere?

[MarioHome] depends on how many worms you have

Fritz has joined the game on Wed Mar 25 20:32:17 EDT 2020

Fritz is receiving the map Base Map...

Fritz has received the map Base Map.

[Master] you have a character Sheet like normal Spring

[Carissa] Thankfully sparrows are seed eaters and my mouse has pockets in its cheeks full of them.

[Master] I am trying to see if I can change this map now for it to load for everyone

[Spring] earlier in the convo, Lisa said she changed the name on the character sheet but it didn't show up on the list

[Spring] then someone said edit the name on the list

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Spring] so I’m trying to do that now

[MarioHome] click on the name in the list

[MarioHome] then type in the field

[Carissa] I did both. Think it only shows if you do it on the list. Have to double click it

Fritz is receiving the map crow looking at scene...

Fritz has received the map crow looking at scene.

[Spring] oh, just start typing, well okay then

[Spring] not intuitive at all

[MarioHome] Klooge?! really?

Spring breaks a rib laughing

[Carissa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Miss Bianca modified:

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Should I have a Sage NWP?

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] (field of Study, you change to your choice)

[Master] Miss Bianca moved 13'07".

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Alvin the Arcanist modified:

[Fritz] Ok I'm lost what are we doing?

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Thank you

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] You have that now Lisa?

[Fritz] Ok I'm lost what are we doing?

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] (modify sheets, adding 2 attribute points and one skill)

[Spring] we are taking the character sheets that have our names on them

[Master] yes to Spring

[Spring] and we are updating them as John just described

[Master] yes

[Spring] is there a special list of skills we can use?

[Fritz] Uhmmm what are attribute points/. [Fritz] Where are skills?

[Lisa] tmo got stuck in the kitchen is afk

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] (STR, InT, Dex)

[Master] Lisa you are good with that new map?

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Alvin the Arcanist modified:


[Spring] thanks!

[Lisa] the black think with the green squigglies?

[Lisa] thing

[Spring] ah we get the whole range, well okay then

[Master] yes

[Master] good

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for TMO modified: Combat - Max Hit Points:: CHANGED: 2 (null).

[Fritz] Skills are on top of the ones already on the character sheet?

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Alvin the Arcanist modified: Non-Weapon Proficiencies - DELETED: Field Of Study, Craft, null, 1, $kn, -2.

[Master] the one skill replaces Field of Knowledge

[Fritz] Power went out so I am not up to date with what is going on

[Master] Field of Study

[Lisa] Ryan - want me to add your hps? you got 2 correct?

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Did I not do that?

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] I am showing as having two right now

[Lisa] it's blank

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Oh, oopsie

[Lisa] not a temp modifier

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Alvin the Arcanist modified: Combat - Current Hit Points:: CHANGED: 2 (null). Max Hit Points:: CHANGED: 2 (null). Temporary Modifiers - Current Hit Points: (CHPTM) : CHANGED: null (2).

[Lisa] notice that there are no priesty animals

[Spring (to GM only)] Character sheet for Sniffikins modified: Non-Weapon Proficiencies - DELETED: Field Of Study, Craft, null, 1, $kn, -2.

[Spring] hahaha

[Fritz] Is trail marking the same thing as shitting on stuff as I fly by?

[Lisa] lol

[Spring] hahahaha

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] k, I corrected that, although as pointed out, I now have 22

[Master] it can be Fritz, grins

[MarioHome] ah, remove the temp modifiers on right

Lisa makes a leaf hat

[MarioHome] that’s why I had 11

[Fritz (to GM only)] Character sheet for Capt. Jack Sparrow modified: Non-Weapon Proficiencies - DELETED: Field Of Study, Craft, null, 1, $kn, -2.

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Alvin the Arcanist modified:

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] k, thanks. Done

[Fritz] So what do I do with my 2 points?

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Eat them

[Lisa] whatever you would like

[Spring] add to an attribute of your choice

[Lisa] 2 to CHR

[Spring] I picked DEX

[Spring] because mouse

[Lisa] if you’re going to be capt jack :)

[Spring] heh for sure Jack = CHR

[Spring] in fact he should remove from DEX for something else

[JohnA] no Con to hold his ale

[Lisa] good point

[Carissa] But you can do drinking NWP

[Spring] if we had a Luck, remove from dex for that

[Fritz] Int to outwit people and make them think I am drunk...

[Fritz (to GM only)] Character sheet for Capt. Jack Sparrow modified: Ability Scores - INT: (I) : CHANGED: 12 (10).

[JohnA] people, what are people

[Master] Bianca needs HP along with Jack Sparrow

[Fritz] was I supposed to pick from "class skills" or "Non-weapon Proficiencies"

[Master] NWP

[Fritz] I took Ancient History

[Carissa] I thought I added it...

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] For us, Ancient History would be two summers ago

[Fritz] I put 2 points into Int

[Fritz] What next?

[Master] 1d3 for Hit points

[Spring (to GM only)] Character sheet for Sniffikins modified: Personal Information - Player:: CHANGED: Spring (null). Hair/Eyes:: CHANGED: BRN/BRN (null).

[Fritz] Capt. Jack Sparrow [1d6]: (1d6) [1d6=2] 2

[Carissa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Miss Bianca modified:

[Carissa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Miss Bianca modified: Combat - Max Hit Points:: CHANGED: 1 (null).

[Spring (to GM only)] Character sheet for Sniffikins modified: Personal Information - Hair/Eyes:: CHANGED: BRN/BLK (BRN/BRN).

[Fritz] [1d3]

[Fritz] (1d3)

[Fritz] (1d3) [1d3=3] 3

[JohnA] yea!

[Fritz] LOL

[Carissa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Miss Bianca modified: Combat - Max Hit Points:: CHANGED: 1 (null).

[Fritz] Took me awhile to figure it out

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Wed Mar 25 20:55:41 EDT 2020 ====

TMO has joined the game on Wed Mar 25 20:55:57 EDT 2020

TMO is receiving the map crow looking at scene...

Ryan has joined the game on Wed Mar 25 20:56:02 EDT 2020

Ryan is receiving the map Base Map...

TMO has received the map crow looking at scene.

Ryan has received the map Base Map.

[Master] very sorry everyone

MarioHome has joined the game on Wed Mar 25 20:56:24 EDT 2020

[Master] apparently the original maps I loaded overwhelmed the memory in Java

[Master] I have removed them all

MarioHome is receiving the map crow looking at scene...

MarioHome has received the map crow looking at scene.

[Master] except the one with the characters on

[Master] Mario I will test with you

JohnA has joined the game on Wed Mar 25 20:56:54 EDT 2020

JohnA is receiving the map crow looking at scene...

JohnA has received the map crow looking at scene.

[Master] Ok that worked

[MarioHome] they will prolly overwhelm my memory too

[JohnA] lost a little text

Carissa has joined the game on Wed Mar 25 20:57:40 EDT 2020

Carissa is receiving the map crow looking at scene...

Carissa has received the map crow looking at scene.

Ryan is receiving the map crow looking at scene...

Ryan has received the map crow looking at scene.

Spring has joined the game on Wed Mar 25 20:58:06 EDT 2020

Fritz has joined the game on Wed Mar 25 20:58:07 EDT 2020

Fritz is receiving the map Base Map...

Fritz has received the map Base Map.

Spring is receiving the map crow looking at scene...

Spring has received the map crow looking at scene.

Lisa has joined the game on Wed Mar 25 20:58:41 EDT 2020

Lisa is receiving the map Base Map...

Fritz is receiving the map North...

Fritz has received the map North.

Lisa has received the map Base Map.

Lisa is receiving the map crow looking at scene...

Lisa has received the map crow looking at scene.

[Spring] oh hey, if I zoom out the map, it's mo longer abstract LOL

[Ryan] But where's the fun in that?

[Master] OK so does everyone have their character in mind now?

[Master] and feels like you can roleplay?

[Spring] verily

[TMO] I'm way behind with mine, but I think I know what I'm aiming for

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I don't know what I 'm doing

[Master] that is a very good start Fritz

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Ok. Then I'll stay confused

[Master] TMo you have a map loading

[Master] apparently the reduction on that did not work as well

Dare In Munk (JohnA) pacing

[Carissa] (Don't actually remember the rescuers, but I'll figure her out)

Sniffikins (Spring) scratching in the dirt

Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) whistle, whistle, ponders,

Miss Bianca (Carissa) pulls a seed out of her cheek pocket and eats it

[Sniffikins (Spring)] (I don't remember it either. I was thinking Secret of NIMH)

[Master] sorry TMO

[Master] that map will not work

[Ryan] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] so doing something else for that instead just a moment

Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) whistle...climbs out on limb...Takes a poop....climbs back into house.

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Danger Sense - Humanoid races only check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] Dare In Munk: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 9!!

Horatio (Lisa) looks around

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for TMO modified: Personal Information - Name:: CHANGED: Sqald Squirrel (Sqald). Class:: CHANGED: Druid (null).

[Master] because I know that works for everyone

[Master] I will work with the other map later

[Sniffikins (Spring)] Sniffikins: Hiding check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 9!!

Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) Tweet.

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

[Master] the rest of you are foraging in the early morning

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] You SUCK Sniffikins!!!

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) glances around curiously, sniffing the air.

Miss Bianca (Carissa) sniffs around for different food

[Sniffikins (Spring)] (wow we kind of suck)

[Master] ala Watership Down there is a pidgin that everyone understands

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (That's why we do it all day long)

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Aha!

[Master] the two sparrows are up in their nest in the tree

[Sniffikins (Spring)] (yay! horatio foraged!)

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] What's the Pigeon's name?

[Horatio (Lisa)] Mine!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (So all I see is follow Lisa. She's got the rolls)

Horatio (Lisa) grabs some food

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Food? Food where?

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Alvin the Arcanist: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Sniffikins (Spring)] Sniffikins: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

[MarioHome] (we each have our own nests

[Horatio (Lisa)] Here!

[Sniffikins (Spring)] (I still suck)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Miss Bianca modified: Non-Weapon Proficiencies - DELETED: Field Of Study, Craft, null, 1, $kn, -2.

[Master] for Mario and Fritz

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Alvin the Arcanist: Hiding check: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Master] you are in your nesting box

Sniffikins (Spring) has a grumbling tummy

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Yes yes food!

Miss Bianca (Carissa) runs over

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] I would have found it... just in a second.

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] But we are NOT nesting w/ each other!!!

[MarioHome] boxes*

[Master] it is the box as is

[Master] two bachelors

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) bustles over to Horatio

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (Someone built them a birdhouse?)

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (we're special)

[Master] you are in your box

[Sniffikins (Spring)] (not to put too fine a point on it)

[Master] (nice Spring!)

[MarioHome] (who has Carpentry? and tiny little screws?)

[Sniffikins (Spring)] (hahahaha)

[TMO] interesting that Danger Sense uses Willpower instead of Intuition

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (lol)

Horatio (Lisa) digs up more seeds and pushes them to Miss Bianca

[Master] but the two sparrows are there and get an observation roll

[Horatio (Lisa)] Just under these leaves here

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] In my box....Cleans around a bit...

MarioHome is receiving the map North...

MarioHome has received the map North.

Horatio (Lisa) takes a seed for himself

[Master] Also you are all juveniles so if you continue this I have a plan for increasing stats, etc.

[MarioHome] Soarkin Sparrow: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Sniffikins (Spring)] Sniffikins: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) sniffs under the leaves.

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Alvin the Arcanist: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Sniffikins (Spring)] finally!

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

Miss Bianca (Carissa) stuffs her cheeks with more seeds

[Sniffikins (Spring)] oh a tasty, tasty seed!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Think the birds missed them

[Horatio (Lisa)] More for us!

[Master] so Jack hears some growling and loud voices coming from one of the nearby residences in the tree

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Mmm... bird eggs...

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] "Chirp" You are blind as an owl Soarkin...No wait, are you drunk again?

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for Sqald Squirrel modified: Ability Scores - Intuition: (IU) : CHANGED: 10 (14). Willpower: (WI) : CHANGED: 14 (8).

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] eyes Jack

Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) hops closer to the sound

[Master (to Fritz only)] you can tell it the voices of two Rats but not who they are threatening

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] no, silly, that’s your mirror, one day you’re gonna flt right into it

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] I warned you to put something over that

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Lofty birds. Better to take as many as we can.

[TMO] any equipment to worry about?

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] and how many times have I told you to keep your feathers on your side of the box?

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Drunk...? Does someone have dandelion wine and didn't tell me?

[Master] no to TMO

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (psst who are you Mario?)

Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) Flutter up on a limb for a better look and listen....Whispers "Pspt... Sulkin...over here quiet>...Listen"

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] Soarkin

[Master] Capt. Jack Sparrow moved 0'11".

[Sniffikins (Spring)] Sniffikins: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

[Sniffikins (Spring)] Sniffikins: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Alvin the Arcanist: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (chat as? ;) )

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] comes out to listen

[Sniffikins (Spring)] uh oih

[MarioHome] (ahhh,,,,tx!)

[Sniffikins (Spring)] (whew I’m back I guess)

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Quit Sulkin Soarkin and get over here....I hear some rats threatening someone...Come closer but be quiet!!

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] rats again? ugh, they spell trouble

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] we need to warn the others

[Master] SLAM and a door slams off the frame

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Let's see what’s up first

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow: Hiding check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 9!!

[Sniffikins (Spring)] Sniffikins: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] we can’t let them get too close. remember poor Pepe

[Sniffikins (Spring)] (I really suck)

Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome) stares into the distance, tear in her eye

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Believes he is hiding well behind some leaves and looks over

Sqald Squirrel (TMO) peeks up over a branch. "What? What" Who?"

Miss Bianca (Carissa) stops moving and listen

[Master] (and yes to Fritz and Mario picking up on that correctly, Rats are the bad guys)

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] (srsly?! lol)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (So I was told earlier)

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] (Rats, why did it have to be rats)

[Master] outside of your box

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] we have to tell the others, they are out gathering breakfast, this is not good...

JohnA is receiving the map crow looking at scene...

JohnA has received the map crow looking at scene.

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Who's door was slammed...

[Master] you see the empty walkways

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (Let's be fair. It's the Norwegian rats. Not your native kangaroo rats)

[Master] that wind through the tree

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] I don’t see any damaged doors

[Master] as birds you normally just ignore them

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Listens...closely and looks for rats

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] maybe Horatio came home livid again

[Master] you would drop straight down and fly away

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] (who plays Horatio?)

Horatio (Lisa) full from breakfast rolls around a bit

[Master] observation check Fritz or Alertness

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Ahhh but w/ Rats you need to watch the walkways, below and above

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Master] and yes point to Fritz 3D so up down etc.

[Horatio (Lisa)] Ahhhhhh! Going to be a good day!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] So many seeds! Such a wonderful day!

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] (tx!)

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) starts getting frustrated.

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Alvin the Arcanist: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] nope, wasn’t Horatio

[Sniffikins (Spring)] Sniffikins: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] no idea about the door

[Master] and Yes Jack sees two dark shapes descending a walkway to the north

[Sniffikins (Spring)] speak for yourself Miss B

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] do you see the rats at all?

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) glares at Horatio.

Miss Bianca (Carissa) toss two seeds at Alvin

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Lots to share!

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] "yea"..Look over there in the direction of the bright night star....aka north..

Miss Bianca (Carissa) squeaks in delight

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) eats greedily

[Sniffikins (Spring)] Sniffikins: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] 2 dark shapes...

[Sniffikins (Spring)] Sniffikins: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] hmm, still don’t see them, they must be sneaking. I’m gonna tell the others

[Sniffikins (Spring)] (is this lag just me or is this everybody?)

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] (do we all speak Common Forest?)

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I bet those are the rats...Ok...I'm going to see who they were threatening, or listen to see if the talk about it

[Sniffikins (Spring)] Sniffikins: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Sniffikins (Spring)] Sniffikins: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Sniffikins (Spring)] (is this lag just me or is this everybody?)

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] (brb)

[Ryan] I am away from the keyboard.

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] We speak the same language as Pidgeon

[Master] should be fixed now Spring

[Master] yes to Mario

Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome) drops/flies to ground level

Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) flies quietly over to the area where the rats are skulking away from

[Master] Capt. Jack Sparrow moved 1'02".

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] Friends, we have company. be on the lookout, we spotted two...somethings, probably rats

[Horatio (Lisa)] RATS!!!

Sniffikins (Spring) squeaks with alarm

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] gather your things and get home, Remember Pepe!

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] hmmm, rats?

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Danger Sense - Humanoid races only check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Good rats or bad rats?

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] no! shhh..11 we don’t know yet, but now they know we know, if they are even there

Horatio (Lisa) looks around

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] Dare In Munk: Inter-species Studies check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 9!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome) side eyes Bianca

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] do you know of any good rats?

Horatio (Lisa) whispers "There are no good rats!"

[Sniffikins (Spring)] Sniffikins: Hiding check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 9!!

[Sniffikins (Spring)] Sniffikins: Hiding check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 9!!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Always stealing and pushing littler mice around

[Sniffikins (Spring)] (uhm, I wasn't trying to roll that second time)

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] /flies over to where rats are

[Master] (very nice John)

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] (either total concealment, or on a billboard)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Oh so good rats are a myth...

[Master] so walking through this in order

[Master] as Soarkin is warning the group down below

Sqald Squirrel (TMO) scampers down a nearby tree trunk. "What is the shouting about?"

[Master] Jack is hopping along the walkway

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] Shhh, possible rats

[Master] towards the sound from the door

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO)] Sqald Squirrel: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 15!!

Horatio (Lisa) whispers "Big teeth!"

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] yes, if they don’t whittle them down. but we don’t know about these yet

[Master] There you go Fritz

Miss Bianca (Carissa) feels her own teeth with concern

mage (Master) shaky voice, What do you need Jack?

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Knocks on door...Excuse me..

[mage (Master)] (door is wide open)

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] you should have all your things, slowly head to your burrows

Sqald Squirrel (TMO) 's fuzzy tail twitches quickly.

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) shifts anxiously, puffing himself up.

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Pardon Mage...but I saw those nasty rats threatening you...are you ok? what business do they have here?

[mage (Master)] They have no business with any good people

[mage (Master)] do not worry young jack your elders will take care of it

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] I'll head up and see if I can find Jack

[mage (Master)] Go fly, be with your friends

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] But sir....

mage (Master) waves his paw

[mage (Master)] I have to think how to handle....

Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome) heads up to the walkways

[mage (Master)] stay safe

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] You are shaking...Soarkin saw them too...Maybe we can help

[Horatio (Lisa)] (hope the mage is not a cat)

mage (Master) muttering to himself

[mage (Master)] you can see him on that map if you like

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] (definitely a cat)

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Ok...Stay safe sir...If you need anything just ask

Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) leaves to go and talk to Soarkin and the others

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] (looks like he just ate)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (a hoarding chipmunk)

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] what happened, where are they?

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Well they were with Master Mage...He looked upset, but said that the elders would take care of it...He was clearly shaken because he said he needed to think

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO)] What did he say?

[mage (Master)] everyone can make an alertness check

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO)] Sqald Squirrel: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] Soarkin Sparrow: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] Dare In Munk: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

Dare In Munk (JohnA) too busy thinking

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

Miss Bianca (Carissa) stuffing more seeds into her cheeks

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Alvin the Arcanist: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) stills, puffing up again in agitation.

[Master (to JohnA only)] I will give you for your earlier roll... Rats are like the mafia, always wanting something, looking for a racket, you would not want something to happen to your nice tree house would you? sort of thing

[Dare In Munk (JohnA) (to Master only)] tks

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Master] rabbit moved 7'09".

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (Brer??)

[rabbit (Master)] What is all this clatter for?

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] Rats looking to move in

Miss Bianca (Carissa) muffled, "Ssfeeeds!"

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] (rabbi?)

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] (sorry)

[rabbit (Master)] Rats?

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO) (to Master only)] as lvl 1 druid, do I need to get a spell?

[rabbit (Master)] That is no good

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) grunts dismissively. "Dirty rats. We'll smash them good."

[rabbit (Master) (to TMO only)] yes Cantrip

rabbit (Master) thumps his foot

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO) (to Master only)] just that one? ok.

[Horatio (Lisa)] If they don't smash us first

[rabbit (Master)] Oh will you young chipmunk

[Horatio (Lisa)] Big heavy tails

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] maybe we can deal with them

rabbit (Master) THUMP THUMP

[Horatio (Lisa)] Big teeth!

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) bares his teeth proudly.

[rabbit (Master)] Why are they here?

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Not sure they are trying to move in Master Rabbit...It's just that they threatened Master Mage

[Horatio (Lisa)] Nasty, nasty rats

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Sqald Squirrel modified: Magical Abilities - ADDED: 1, 1, . Spells - ADDED: Cantrip, 1, 1, I can do minor spell effects for the next hours., 0, 1, , , , .

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] you want to ask for be Rabbit

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] If they are scared, even better. They'll run at the first thumping.

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] We don’t know what they wanted, and they haven’t attacked us yet

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] just be prepared

Sqald Squirrel (TMO) fluffs his tail extra-bushy

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] they will want something, bullies that they are

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Well they threatened poor Master Mage, but he wouldn't tell me what happened. He is really upset...Maybe we should go talk to him

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] we've practiced for this, remember what to do

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] you have?

rabbit (Master) looks quizzically at the group

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] what did you practice?

Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome) shakes head

[rabbit (Master)] have they come down yet?

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] WE have, remember, you run that way, I fly that way

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (It's the F-P Maneuver: Flap - Poop)

Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome) points in different directions

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] oh, I was not listening, I was running

Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome) sighs

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] I didn’t realize we were practicing something

Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) sighs

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] well, that’s the basic premise, I suppose

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] we DO do that better than most

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Yes sir they came down a few minutes ago...They were over there with Master Mage

rabbit (Master) looks at the mice

[rabbit (Master)] Did you see them?

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Could probably smell them.

Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) snickers...Mice...See...

Miss Bianca (Carissa) looks up from the seeds and shrugs

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Dirty rats...

[rabbit (Master)] SO they are coming down now

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Uhm sir with their mouths so full they couldn't see their own belly button

rabbit (Master) looks up into the branches

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] They left already sir (correct or incorrect Bob?)

[rabbit (Master)] (they were leaving, walking, you can fly straight down..... )

[Master] Combat has begun!

[Master] ROUND: 0

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Yes sir they should be coming down now

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO)] Sqald Squirrel: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=3] 13

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=3] 13

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=3] 13

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=10] 20

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] Dare In Munk: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=4] 14

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] OK! TIME FOR ACTION!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Who runs which way now?

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] Remember your roles!

[Master] Rat #3: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=10] 20

[Master] ROUND: 1

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=8] 18

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Sniffikins Fieldmouse

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Alvin the Arcanist: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=6] 16

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] Soarkin Sparrow: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=9] 19

[Master] You get to decide to stand up to the bullies or flee

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (how did I get to be first!

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] (lucky roll)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (flee of course!)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (Spring decides! Yay)

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO)] (you have a pure soul)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse moved 8'09".

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Sqald Squirrel

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO)] Go away, skinny tail!!!

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Sqald Squirrel modified: Spells - CHANGED: Cantrip -- # Memorized: 1 (0),

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO)] Sqald Squirrel casts a spell against : Cantrip: I can do minor spell effects for the next (1) 1 hours.

Sqald Squirrel (TMO) clashes his claws together to throw sparks at the rat's eyes.

[Master] INIT: 13 GOING: Miss Bianca

[Master] Rat #3: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Hey hey hey! These are MY seeds!

[Carissa] Miss Bianca targets Rat #3. Distance: 1'07"

[Master] Is blinded

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Attack: Natural Attack: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=8] 12. MISSES Rat #3 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Master] INIT: 14 GOING: Dare In Munk

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO)] (woo! cantrip for the win!)

[Master] You get to Claw Claw Bite

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (Oooh more things? Yes)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Attack: Natural Attack: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=2] 18. MISSES Rat #3 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Attack: Natural Attack: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=17] 3. HITS Rat #3 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Damage v SM: Natural Attack: (1d6) [1d6=3] 3 added to: Rat #3

[Master] you have three attacks listed

[Master] WOW

[Master] Rat #3's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 0 (-3) - Disabled

[Master] Combat has finished.

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (All three just say Natural Attack)

Miss Bianca (Carissa) huffs

[Horatio (Lisa)] Miss Bianca!!

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] Oh no, now more will come back

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) raises his arms in victory. "Success! Others will fall just like you, rat!"

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (Disabled so can still be talked to?)

[Horatio (Lisa)] You were wonderful!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse moved 9'07".

[Master] (is at zero, you can do with that what you will)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] oh? it was only one rat?

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] I thought it was three or five!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Thank you. These are our seeds, after all. I don't share with rats.

Horatio (Lisa) nods

[Horatio (Lisa)] Right so!

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] No Itrhought there were 2

[Master] (yes to Fritz)

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] OK, well, we didn’t exactly all do our parts, but

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] I am sure the other one will be here soon

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] my fault

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] I startled. it happens

[Miss Bianca (Carissa) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Miss Bianca modified: Notes - ADDED.

Horatio (Lisa) tries to push him away from the tree

[Master] Rat #3 moved 1'05".

Sqald Squirrel (TMO) tries to calm his tail down, since it's now all bushed out from static electricity.

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Do we leave this one here? Or tell him not to come back?

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: STR check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Be on the look out...there is another one

[Master] UFFFFFF

[Horatio (Lisa)] (what is with the 20s?)

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] one of you flyers, go look please

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (lol serious wrong time to roll them)

Miss Bianca (Carissa) goes and taps on the rat's cheek

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Hey. Hey! You don't belong here!

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Alvin the Arcanist moved 3'00".

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] you all know rats are like family, yes that kind of Family

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) places a back paw triumphantly on the rat's head.

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO)] Roll it off the branch?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Oh. Will they be mad if this one dies?

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Alvin the Arcanist: STR check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] Wouldn't you

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] He's not dead yet. See?

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) pushes, rolling him slightly, but limps back.

Miss Bianca (Carissa) smacks the rat again, "HEY."

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) coughs. "I'm not so cruel as to push you out, but you should go. Pushing you was... just a warning."

Rat #3 (Master) groans

[Horatio (Lisa)] Maybe you should bite him again

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] HEY. WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] I might accidentally bite off his tail and then we won't know he's a rat.

Rat #3 (Master) slowly shaking his head to clear the cobwebs

Miss Bianca (Carissa) pats his cheeks again, "HEY"

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Don't make me bite you.

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Hey hey! There's an idea. You could bite off the tail, and then make a weapon out of it... a... a.... a whip!

Rat #3 (Master) snarls but too weak to attack

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: STR check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

Miss Bianca (Carissa) pushes him down

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] HEY

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Yea punk...better watch yo self

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) waves goodbye to the rat.

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (as in pinning him)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (lol, sorry)

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] (oh)

Dare In Munk (JohnA) thinks one tough mouse

Miss Bianca (Carissa) looks at the others, "Maybe he doesn't speak good?"

[Rat #3 (Master)] snarls

Miss Bianca (Carissa) snarls back with a slight squeak

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] You want some more punk...pecks in his direction

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] maybe he's injured in the head

[Rat #3 (Master)] once we find it you can't stop us

Sqald Squirrel (TMO) lets a few stray sparks run down his bushy tail again.

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] Dare In Munk: Inter-species Studies check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 9!!

Rat #3 (Master) starts to stand up

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] You don't get my seeds!

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Alvin the Arcanist: STR check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: STR check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) rushes to knock him down, and bounces back.

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Eek!

[Master] Rat #3: DEX check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] I don't know, maybe they only speak family

Rat #3 (Master) staggers up

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow: STR check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

Rat #3 (Master) trying to balance

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] I'm still talking to you! Don't be rude!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse moved 3'10".

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow moved 3'01".

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) gets behind him while he's not looking

[Fritz] Capt. Jack Sparrow targets Rat #3. Distance: 0'07"

Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) peck peck

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] They don't call me Capt. Jack "Pecker Head" Sparrow for nothing....

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] psst push him over me and trip him

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) crouching down even smaller

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) confused. "Do they call you that?"

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: STR check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Shush

Miss Bianca (Carissa) pushes him again

Rat #3 (Master) rolls and falls over the root over Sniffikins

[Rat #3 (Master)] and

[Master] Rat #3's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -2 (-2) - Dying

[Master] Rat #3's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -12 (-10) - Dead

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] wow that was some push!

Dare In Munk (JohnA) paces

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] oh dear

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Oops.

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] dear mouse

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) puffs triumphantly. "HaHA!"

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] He had poor footing..."oops"...looks around for the other rat

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] there are little Xs on his eyelids. what does that mean?

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow: Tumbling check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] Oh, he fell, poor rat, fell

[Master (to Ryan only)] as a chipmunk you get Cantrip also

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] It means you have had too much dandelion wine.

Miss Bianca (Carissa) nods "Yep just... his balance was bad. That's all."

[Master (to JohnA only)] as a chipmunk you get Cantrip as well

Miss Bianca (Carissa) scurries away and back to the seed pile

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca moved 2'11".

[Dare In Munk (JohnA) (to Master only)] ok

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Master] So

[Dare In Munk (JohnA) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Dare In Munk modified:

Miss Bianca (Carissa) listening for other rats just incase

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Do I see the other rat Bob?

[Master] are you hiding from the Rat that is descending?

[Master] Or?

[Master] and Observation Fritz

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] Alvin the Arcanist moved 1'00".

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Sorry I thought that was what I rolled...I'll do I t again

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Master] excellent

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO)] (sry, was multitasking on skype with parents)

[Dare In Munk (JohnA) (to GM only)] Alvin the Arcanist: Hiding check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Master] So Jack flies through the branches swerving and ducking around

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Master] he spots two more rats coming down

[Master] one of them has a needle in his paw

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Sounds painful

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO)] (hey now! that's a weapon!!)

[Master] with just a touch of blood on the tip

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] (sounds painful)

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] (Should we help pull it out?)

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (Oooh bad news)...I fly back to the others and tell them...(did I notice any blood on the mage?)

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] (you first)

[Master] fritz you can do an intuition check

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow: INU check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Master] you do not remember

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (So many 20s tonight)

[Master] Jack flies down to warn the others

[Horatio (Lisa)] EEK!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] armed?!?!

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] A needle!?! That's... that's unfair!

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) looking at my own claws

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Yea, better hide...

[Horatio (Lisa)] They're coming!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Oh no oh no

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Hiding check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 9!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Hiding check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 9!!

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] N-not that I am afraid, of course.

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Hiding check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL FAILED against 9!!

Miss Bianca (Carissa) runs in circles

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] flies away out of sight

[Horatio (Lisa)] (oh 19 much better)

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO)] Sqald Squirrel: Hiding check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 9!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (lol)

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow: Hiding check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 9!!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (why can we not hide?!?!?!)

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Oh, others are hiding? I best hide to protect them.

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Alvin the Arcanist: Hiding check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Horatio (Lisa)] EEK!

Sqald Squirrel (TMO) stands out in the middle of his branch with his tail fluffed to the maximum

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (I mean I'd rather bad rolls tonight and better rolls Friday. That's how it'll work out, right?)

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] (I rolled just to DM, how would I know if am successful hiding)

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) cowers in not-fear.

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Feign/detect Sleep check: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (gosh I hope so)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (hope so)

Miss Bianca (Carissa) falls over with exhaustion from the circles

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Tumbling check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

Horatio (Lisa) trips over a branch

[Horatio (Lisa)] Oof!

[Master] what are the two birds doing?

[Master] or Jack at least

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I flew off to hide

[Master] OK

[Master] so as the group tries their best to hide

[Master] two rats descend down the tree

[Master] they look around

[Master] then they notice their friend

[Master] they go over,

[Master] Kick the body

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] (Loyalty, thy name is rat.)

Sqald Squirrel (TMO) looks as big and threatening as possible.

[Rat #2 (Master)] What the hell

[Rat #2 (Master)] He tripped coming down I guess

[Rat #2 (Master)] Too bad, he won't get his cut now

Rat #2 (Master) heh heh heh

[Rat #1 (Master)] We don't have the ring yet

[Rat #1 (Master)] we only know where it is

[Rat #1 (Master)] let’s get back to the cellars

[Master] and the two rats start off to the north

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO)] (can I try to zap one as he goes over the edge of a branch, trying to make it fall?)

[Master] too late

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO)] (ok)

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) comes out of hiding. "Good thing those two ran off. If they had come any closer, I would have smashed them for good."

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] oh wow

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] hhhmmmmm, ring

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] can't believe they didn't notice us

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] what would rats want with a ring?

[Horatio (Lisa)] What are a bunch of rats going to do with a ring?

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO)] Stupid rats.

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] A ring...They must have gotten that info from Master Mage...what's so important about a ring?

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] what could I do with a ring

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Let's go ask

Horatio (Lisa) nods

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] someone needs to keep an eye on the rats?

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] I, of course, know what a ring, but in case someone else doesn't know, maybe Captain Jack could explain what a ring is.

[Horatio (Lisa)] They left to go in their dirty rat holes

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] oh, you think he knows, go

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Yes yes go ask Master Mage about it.

Dare In Munk (JohnA) worries Master Mage is hurt

[Horatio (Lisa)] Rats! Not clean. Dirty rats!

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] Dare In Munk: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL FAILED against 9!!

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] C'mon lets hurry

Sqald Squirrel (TMO) jumps as a random spark leaps from his tail and hits him in the butt.

Miss Bianca (Carissa) puts the last seed in her cheek before joining

Horatio (Lisa) goes to climb up the tree to the mage house

[Master] and Pause here

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) eyes the seed hungrily.

Sqald Squirrel (TMO) shakes his whole body before following up the tree.

[Master] everyone is good with this?

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO)] sure

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (so far)

[Master] Does anyone have a clue what is happening?

[Horatio (Lisa)] (bursting into mage house? sure)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (not a bit)

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Not a bit...other than a bird mystery...

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] (lord of the Rats Ring)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (we need to find ring before rats do)

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] (murdering defenseless mammals based on speciesism, sure.)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (Extortion. Possibly killed the mage to find a ring?)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (I plead flaccid brain. I tried to study Azure all day)

[Master] grins so far so good then as long as everyone is having fun

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] (fellowship of the Stump)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (hahahaha)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (I actually like rats - my cousins used to have them)

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] ( I hear they taste lick Chicken)

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Hey I may not have had a chance to kill something, but at least I watched someone else do it

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (rats make good pets. much preferred them over mice when I took care of the ones at school)

[Ryan] (I had a hamster that I adored, but admit that other than trying to escape all the time, he didn't have much personality.)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (the mice were jerks)

[Master] (by the way Carissa Bianca does not have HP

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (Still???)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (mice too small)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (Well, I suppose that means she is invincible. Right?)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (neither does Jack)

[Ryan] (Sorry, but I have to go. I have a small one who is terrorizing her brothers.)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Miss Bianca modified: Combat - Current Hit Points:: CHANGED: 1 (null).

[Master] have fun Ryan

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (aw, gnite Ryan!!)

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] (Ghost Mouse)

[Ryan] (have a good rest of your week everyone, and see you all on Friday.)

[Master] hope to see you Friday

[Horatio (Lisa)] (have a good night!)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (Night!)

Ryan has left the game on Wed Mar 25 22:14:43 EDT 2020

[Master] Fritz your Hit Points

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] 3

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Capt. Jack Sparrow modified:

[MarioHome] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] So between flying up or climbing everyone is up on the same landing as the sparrows and the Arch Mage

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] Sorry, drama - Coal decided to prove his might against an opossum.

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] he won!

[Soarkin Sparrow (MarioHome)] anyway, see you all soon!

MarioHome has left the game on Wed Mar 25 22:17:40 EDT 2020

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] (dnd in real life)

[Master] WOW for Mario

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] wow

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO)] are we ending?

[Master] not now

[Master] you are all still here I was planning on 11

[Master] as it is a school night

Dare In Munk (JohnA) afraid to look Arch mage in the eye

[Master] Alvin the Arcanist moved 1'11".

[Master] Alvin the Arcanist moved 2'05".

[Master] Dare In Munk moved 2'06".

[Master] Alvin the Arcanist moved 1'01".

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Ok...Master Mage...fess up...tell us what happened. Those rats left here with a needle with blood on it...

[Master] Miss Bianca moved 1'06".

[Master] Sqald Squirrel moved 3'03".

[Master] Capt. Jack Sparrow moved 1'08".

[Arch Mage (Master)] What are you youngsters doing here?

Sqald Squirrel (TMO) jumps as another spark shoots off and hits the door frame.

[Arch Mage (Master)] I thought I told you to go back home

[Horatio (Lisa)] EEK!

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] We saw those nasty rats...They were talking about finding a magic ring or something

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] who said magic

[Arch Mage (Master)] They should never find that

[Arch Mage (Master)] That would make them more powerful than.....

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] They said they had the location now..

[Arch Mage (Master)] It is no worry for you

[Arch Mage (Master)] they cannot get to it

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] But that was after Dare killed one

Arch Mage (Master) blinks looks over at Dare

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] What what? He tripped.

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (who actually killed him? I forgot)

[Arch Mage (Master)] Tripped?

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] tripped over me

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (Bianca pushed him causing him to trip over Sniff)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (with miss B's help)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Yep yep he didn't see her and was woozy and tripped.

[Arch Mage (Master)] Tell me what happened

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Well he tripped after he got shocked...and while being pushed because he was almost dead

[Arch Mage (Master)] How was he almost dead?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] He tried to take my seeds...

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO)] No Reason!

Arch Mage (Master) looks at Bianca

Miss Bianca (Carissa) pulls a seed out and holds it out for him

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] They are good seeds.

Arch Mage (Master) absently takes the seed and nibbles

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Well it was better than nearly dead...but of course now he is completely dead so I guess it doesn't matter

[Arch Mage (Master)] You killed a Rat?

Arch Mage (Master) looking at Bianca

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] His friends think he just slipped and fell. She’s tough

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Ummm I told him not to take my seeds.

Dare In Munk (JohnA) puts head down and shakes it

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] And then he tripped.

Miss Bianca (Carissa) little squeak, "With help."

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] After he was pushed

[Arch Mage (Master)] Bianca the Brave

[Arch Mage (Master)] Maybe you

[Arch Mage (Master)] no

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] And nearly dead frp, Bianca

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Oh!

[Arch Mage (Master)] that would not be fair

Miss Bianca (Carissa) stands taller

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Yes me?

Horatio (Lisa) claps his paws together

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] I am me.

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] What wouldn't be fair master mage?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Do you have seeds? I can protect them, too.

[Arch Mage (Master)] One of the Great ones

[Arch Mage (Master) (to TMO only)] you know he means .....

[Arch Mage (Master)] They lost one of the treasure

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Those rats really seemed like they knew where the ring was and how to get it....You mean...."Gulp" ..Bianca is one of the great ones?!?!??!

[Arch Mage (Master)] Treasures

Miss Bianca (Carissa) nodding and listening

[Arch Mage (Master)] Now the Rats think they know where it is

[Arch Mage (Master)] And they are trying to get it

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow: Ancient History check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 9!!

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO)] Can you move it?

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] What do I know about the Treasures Bob?

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] (nice)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Oh! Finding stuff! I like finding stuff!

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] As a Sparrow I liked hanging out in the library a lot

[Arch Mage (Master)] (TMo help me with the name escaping me now)

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO) (to Master only)] Acorn?

[Arch Mage (Master)] yes

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO)] (Acorn)

[Arch Mage (Master)] (what is she?)

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] (talking slying squirl)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (Kercpa)

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] (flying)

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO)] (Thief 4)

[Arch Mage (Master)] Thank you Carissa

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO)] (yes, Kercpa)

[Arch Mage (Master)] OK back

[Horatio (Lisa)] (didn't she lose a ring of invisibility by the manor house?)

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO)] (I don't remember them being flying. just bigger)

[Arch Mage (Master)] Fritz and TMO you know that the Great One he is talking about would be a Kercpa

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (Ooooh nice memory)

[Arch Mage (Master)] and yes to Lisa there you go Bingo

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (wow)

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO)] (yes, I think she did, now that you mention it. Very nice! Bonus XP for Lisa!)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (yes Horatio would desperately like to level :) )

Sqald Squirrel (TMO) gives Lisa bonus Player XP.

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (lol)

Miss Bianca (Carissa) gives Lisa a cookie

[Horatio (Lisa)] yum!

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Explain to the others about a Kercpa...(What's a Kercpa?)

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO)] (largish intelligent squirrels)

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] Like Sqald but smarter, little bigger

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO)] (2-3', iirc)

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] ( a SMART that is rare)

[Arch Mage (Master)] TMO can in character as he thinks what they are,

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] No offense Sqald...but that's rare...a squirrel as smart as a Sparrow...

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO)] (oh, thought we were all OOC here. :P)

[Master] and sorry Lisa or whoever does this chat log, for the out of character stuff

[Master] yes to TMO and Fritz

[Master] now to do it in character

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] (I was in character)

Sqald Squirrel (TMO) puffs up again. "Squirrels are all smart! Great Ones are just extra geniuser!"

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] (it is my skill)

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Mine WAS in character

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO)] No bird brains among the squirrels!

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Yeah...Right!!! Extra....Do you spell Geniuser with an "X"?

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO)] Of course not! Only a bird would think there was an x in Geniuser.

[Horatio (Lisa)] tsk tsk

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] enough already

[Horatio (Lisa)] Squirrel mean

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] so what about the Great One? do we know one?

[Horatio (Lisa)] tsk tsk

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Do Great Ones care about spelling?

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Anyway....That ring is special right Master Mage? Maybe someone should get it before the rats do?

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] does one have this ring we are talking about?

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] hmmmmm, Kercpa

[Arch Mage (Master)] There is one that went to live with the Giants

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] are the rats off to harm them?

[Horatio (Lisa)] Giants. No! No giants!

[Arch Mage (Master)] If the rats find the ring then they can hide even from the Giants

[Horatio (Lisa)] Too big. Too too big.

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] With feet that stomp!

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] no, rats to go get ring that Kercpa lost. we can't let that happen

[Arch Mage (Master)] No one will be able to stop them

Dare In Munk (JohnA) head down yes Master

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] We've got to get that ring first...or stop the rats from getting it...

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO)] Squirrels will protect the Treasure of the Kercpa!

Miss Bianca (Carissa) stands up and puts fist on chest

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Bianca the Brave will help!

Sqald Squirrel (TMO) jumps as another errant spark zips into the floor.

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] yes we have to go get it

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] even I think so

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] even if I have to trip seventeen rats!

Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) Flaps his wings..."So will Capt'n Jack Sparrow" Squawk

[Horatio (Lisa)] So we follow dirty nasty rats?

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] but we don't know where, and they have a head start

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] That a way!

[Horatio (Lisa)] I can track rats' steps maybe

[Horatio (Lisa)] Sometimes

[Horatio (Lisa)] maybe

Miss Bianca (Carissa) points vaguely north

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Maybe you can tell us where it might be Master Mage...(looks for the spot of blood that should be showing).

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Master] yes there is a bit of blood on his right side

[Arch Mage (Master)] I know they are going to the stone mountain

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Pardon Master Mage...but it looks like you are still bleeding from where the rats stuck you..

[Arch Mage (Master)] and the river that lays before it

[Horatio (Lisa)] Giants! Giants live in stone mountains

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] hmmmm, giants

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Yea, but the rats with a magic ring will be worse than a hunnert giants

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] that is a lot of giants

[Arch Mage (Master)] all I can give you is this

Arch Mage (Master) hands Bianca a small thimble

[Arch Mage (Master)] You can use this as a guard

[Arch Mage (Master)] to stop their weapons

Miss Bianca (Carissa) puts it on her head and salutes him

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Ooohhhh....Wow...Lucky Bianca

Horatio (Lisa) claps paws again

[Miss Bianca (Carissa) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Miss Bianca modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Dare In Munk (JohnA)] hhmmmmm, thimble

[Horatio (Lisa)] Smart cap! Very smart cap!

Miss Bianca (Carissa) pulls out another seed and holds it out to Master Mage

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Congrat's Bianca...You deserve it...I have read about that type of magic item you have...It's awesome!!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] I will treat it most greatly!

Sqald Squirrel (TMO) reaches up to tap it gently with one paw tip

[Horatio (Lisa)] Magic cap?

[Horatio (Lisa)] Sparks?

Miss Bianca (Carissa) pulls it away from Sqald

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] No sparks!

Sqald Squirrel (TMO) yanks his paw back.

[Master] AND that concludes our Valoris Wood Adventures until next time

[Master] thank you all

[Master] grins

[Master] I hope you had fun and it was different

[Lisa] Very fun!

[Spring] yay!

[Spring] that was very different

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Hehehee...Nice spring adventure

[Carissa] Definitely fun :)

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO)] (sorry for my multitasking - Wed is also family skype night, and they wanted to call early tonight)

[Master] no worries TMO

[JohnA] weeeee adventure

[Lisa] I googled field mouse to get more info and almost all the links were about how to kill them

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] At least it wasn't family bath night!!!

[Lisa] poor lil field mice

[Carissa] Sadly people don't like them

[Master] you all got good information

[Sqald Squirrel (TMO)] True

[Master] and if we do this again you know you have a Quest!

[Carissa] Look up Cotton Mouse or Golden. Specifics are nicer to what they are

[Lisa] Weds animal quest night?

[Lisa] at least until lock down lifts?

[Master] grins or whatever night we pick all this is saved

[Carissa] I mean... still not doing much of anything here

[Carissa] So... for the next five months, Lisa? ;)

[Lisa] lol

[Spring] hehehe

[Master] I will let you poll people on the site for when to do this again

[Master] Friday will be Skull Church

[Spring] I dunno bout yáll but my social calendar is stuffed

[Spring] everybody is doing everything by Zoom

[Spring] I think we have a painting lesson tomorrow night or something

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Just tell me....I don't have a lot of time to troll the site now a days.


[Master] grins at Fritz

[Master] did you have fun Fritz?

[Spring] oh yeah even that

[Carissa] Nice! Mine is... empty. We're all just doing nothing except a call here or there. Work is full, though.

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Of course...You know me Bob...

[TMO] the talk for me so far is work from home for at least a month. *sigh*

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] It was really cool

[TMO] going to have to go in tomorrow to pick up some things, I think

[Master] nice TMO and Thanks Fritz

[Master] I am on vacation still

[Lisa] we can't go back until at least Apr 20

[Master] as I do not want to go back to work in a building that is likely infected

[Carissa] I think April 30th for us, but might extend it.

[Lisa] ours might get extended too

[Master] hoping they send everyone home soon

[Lisa] Gov and mayor indicating

[Carissa] Oooh! Me! I'm good at C&D! I'll come clean it.

[Master] wish I could work from home but not allowed to

[Spring] :-(

[TMO] but hey, we're ALL supposed to go to church on Easter!

[Lisa] our company says no one goes in until the 20th but that can change too

[Carissa] Which is weird. Other librarian friend is working from home now starting this week

[TMO] Everybody! Pack 'em in!

[Lisa] *sigh*

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I'm around a bunch of sick people all the time...

[Master] yes

[Master] if you need something Fritz let us know

[Spring] church is on Zoom!

[Master] we will try to help

[TMO] our local church did a video last Sunday, and one of my D&D players is a pastor, he did his sermon over Facebook video.

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I need the madness to stop and sanity to be restored and 20 million dollars in my bank account...

[Spring] nice

[Lisa] that is a good way to do it

[Master] nope nope and nope

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] LOL

[JohnA] 2 out of three aint bad

[Spring] fun watching the pianist play in their own dining room

[TMO] lol

[Spring] instead of one person lighting the chalice, everybody lit candles, so awesome

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Better than seeing the Penis playing in their own dining room

[TMO] I think I blew Sqald's only special ability on a worthless intro.... ;)

[Carissa] The sparks? You did blind the rat.

[Master] not at all TMO

[Spring] that was cool

[Lisa] very

[TMO] neat, but unnecessary. :)

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Premature Sparkulation...I read about that

[Lisa] lol

[TMO] since it also had only 3 hp, and we're doing 1d6 per natural attack

[Carissa] If Bianca hadn't massacred the rat, it would have been a great help!

[Master] well who knew that Carissa was going to be so blood thirsty

[Carissa] Hahaha

[Lisa] Okay. I'm off. Have a good night all!!

[JohnA] good night all

[TMO] Bloodjay

[Spring] hehehe

[Lisa] See you Friday

[Carissa] Is this why I don't play a fighter? ;)

[Spring] gnite!

[Carissa] Night all!

Lisa has left the game on Wed Mar 25 22:55:35 EDT 2020

[TMO] gnite

JohnA has left the game on Wed Mar 25 22:55:39 EDT 2020

[Spring] I’m out too

TMO has left the game on Wed Mar 25 22:55:43 EDT 2020

Carissa has left the game on Wed Mar 25 22:55:45 EDT 2020

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Nite...See you all then...Awesome Bob...this is going to be great

Spring has left the game on Wed Mar 25 22:55:48 EDT 2020

[Master] thank you

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] *8)

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] 8*)

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Hate it when My nose ends up over my eyes

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] makes me look like a pirate pig

Fritz has left the game on Wed Mar 25 22:57:26 EDT 2020

Thank you all

XP is different for this story arc, more to explain next time