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Chat Log - 2020 04 15 - Home Stories (Formatted)

A bit of a deviation from the story arcs

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Wed Apr 15 18:29:44 EDT 2020 ====

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

Lisa has joined the game on Wed Apr 15 18:58:35 EDT 2020

Lisa is receiving the map Abandoned Farmhouse...

Lisa has received the map Abandoned Farmhouse.

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Hey there

[Master] working on character sheets

Ryan has joined the game on Wed Apr 15 19:03:11 EDT 2020

Ryan is receiving the map Abandoned Farmhouse...

Ryan has received the map Abandoned Farmhouse.

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Indigo modified: Consumable Magic Items - ADDED: Potion of Climbing, , , . ADDED: Potion of Super-heroism, , , .

[Lisa] Hi Ryan!

[Ryan] Hello!

Fritz has joined the game on Wed Apr 15 19:05:02 EDT 2020

Fritz is receiving the map Abandoned Farmhouse...

Fritz has received the map Abandoned Farmhouse.

[Lisa] Hi Fritz!

[Fritz] Chirp chirp Lisa

[Lisa] To update you from last week, Ryan. Last week we started at the tree in the center of the map and now we are at the tree at the left side of the map

[Fritz] Chrppy chirp Ryan

[Master] Hello Hello Hello

[Lisa] Serious progress :)

Lisa is receiving the map Abandoned Farmhouse...

Lisa has received the map Abandoned Farmhouse.

[Lisa] All targets for Snake removed.

Lisa is receiving the map Forest clearing...

Lisa has received the map Forest clearing.

Fritz is receiving the map Forest clearing...

Fritz has received the map Forest clearing.

[Ryan] Squeakity squeak squeaken

Ryan is receiving the map Forest clearing...

Ryan has received the map Forest clearing.

[Lisa] Indigo casts a spell against : Potion of Super-heroism: 5d6 melee rounds; 7th-9th gives 3 extra lvls and hps 2d10+3

[Lisa] nice - it worked

[Lisa] I guess I could make it roll for me?

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Fritz] I need to copy that for Drayven for Friday

[Master] how goes things Ryan?

[Master] Lisa did you make progress on your mountain?

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Indigo modified: Consumable Magic Items - CHANGED: Potion of Climbing -- Expression: effective for one turn plus 5d4 rounds. The base chance of slipping and falling is 1%. Make a percentile check at the halfway point of the climb—01 means the character falls. Add 7% for chain mail. (),

[Lisa] which?

[Lisa] Indigo casts a spell against : Potion of Climbing: effective for one turn plus 5d4 rounds. The base chance of slipping and falling is 1%. Make a percentile check at the halfway point of the climb—01 means the character falls. Add 7% for chain mail.

[Master] the huge project?

[Ryan] Things are going well considering my kids' babysitting has been canceled for the rest of the spring.

[Ryan] We will have to see if they open up again in August.

[Lisa] yes finished big one in 2 days and about 6 hrs. sleep over that period

[Ryan] How about yourself?

[Master] yes to Ryan

[Lisa] Kids 24-7 - yay!

[Master] I am ok

[Master] making progress around the house

[Lisa] Indigo casts a spell against : Potion of Super-heroism: 5d6 melee rounds; 7th-9th gives 3 extra lvls and hps (2d10+3) [2d10=7,10] 20

[Master] not sure about going back to work when

[Ryan] Yeah, our state governor canceled class for the rest of the school year, so we are trying to get through work while also helping with long division :)

[Lisa] can you teach the kids to do your work?

[Lisa] keep them busy

[Master] that would be nice

[Ryan] I mean, one of my coworkers appears to be a giant miniature space hamster, so.... possibly. I will look into it.

[Lisa] lol

[Master] texted Carissa

[Master] refilling drinks

[Master] then e can ease into this

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

Carissa has joined the game on Wed Apr 15 19:19:11 EDT 2020

Carissa is receiving the map Abandoned Farmhouse...

Carissa has received the map Abandoned Farmhouse.

[Lisa] Hi Carissa

[Ryan] Hello!

[Carissa] Hi all

Fritz has edited Drayven Starmantle's effects.

Fritz is receiving the map Abandoned Farmhouse...

Fritz has received the map Abandoned Farmhouse.

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Drayven Starmantle modified:

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Ghost moved 2'09".

[Ryan] I had this image of a bunch of woodland animals bandying about, fighting, suffering, succeeding, and then they are all crushed by Drayven's foot coming down.

[Lisa] ouch

[Lisa] Tried to find description for potion of red dragon's breath and can only find what a red dragon does - Bob is potion the same or shall we just have a big surprise?

[Lisa] book says - A red dragon's breath weapon is a searing cone of fire 90' long, 5' wide at the dragon's mouth and 30' at the base. Creatures struck by the flames must save versus breath weapon for half damage.

[Lisa] that is some serious fire

[Master] that is the effect yes, you will see what the area of effect actually is when you use it

Fritz has edited Drayven Starmantle's effects.

[Ryan] I want at least one of my characters to go out by drinking a potion, thinking he/she knows the effect, and dying. Like, drinking a red dragon's breath potion, and then being immolated.

Fritz has edited Drayven Starmantle's effects.

[Lisa] ok - will leave that adventure and go back to furry woodland creatures

[Lisa] ok - will leave that adventure and go back to furry woodland creatures

Fritz has edited Drayven Starmantle's effects.

Lisa has left the game on Wed Apr 15 19:25:05 EDT 2020

[Master] Ryan?

Ryan has joined the game on Wed Apr 15 19:25:58 EDT 2020

Ryan is receiving the map Abandoned Farmhouse...

Ryan has received the map Abandoned Farmhouse.

Ryan has left the game on Wed Apr 15 19:26:07 EDT 2020

Fritz has edited Drayven Starmantle's effects.

[Ryan] I am back

[Master] Carissa?

[Master] Fritz?

[Carissa] yes

Lisa has joined the game on Wed Apr 15 19:26:49 EDT 2020

Lisa is receiving the map Abandoned Farmhouse...

Lisa has received the map Abandoned Farmhouse.

Ryan is receiving the map Forest clearing...

Lisa is receiving the map Forest clearing...

Lisa has received the map Forest clearing.

Ryan has received the map Forest clearing.

[Master] Ok so everyone is ready?

[Horatio (Lisa)] yes

[Ryan] I am back at the keyboard.

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] yep

[Master] that is not a rousing start

[Master] ok

[Horatio (Lisa)] Yay!

[Horatio (Lisa)] EEP!

Fritz has edited Drayven Starmantle's effects.

[Master] so to keep everyone on target you are heading north to the Stone Mountain which is 3 days away you are in the early afternoon now

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Sorry I was still on the other adventure...Chirp chirp. chirpetty chirp chirp

[Horatio (Lisa)] We better get to scampering

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (Is that 3 days as the chipmunk scuttles?)

[Master] You do not know

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (or as the sparrow flies?)

[Master] that is all you know "the stone mountain is three days north" none of you have been on this side of the clearing except the two sparrows and they only have gone two more trees

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (A sparrow only traveling 2 trees...Damn these are some COVID-19 Sparrows man...Talk about Social Distancing)

[Horatio (Lisa)] So Capt. Jack can guide us

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) eyes sparrows and wonders if one can be used as a mount.

[Master] grins, three trees away you are at the first and once you go past that you are in other sparrow's territory

Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) looks in pocket for compass that guides him to whatever his heart desires..

[Dandelion (Master)] Which way are we going?

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) goes on hindlegs and points north dramatically. "That way!"

Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) Wonders if broken elevator to be trapped in for 12 hours with Beyoncé Sparrow, Maria Carie Sparrow, and J-Lo Sparrow is an actual destination?

[Dandelion (Master)] North is all good

[Dandelion (Master)] but here along the clearing?

[Dandelion (Master)] the path?

[Dandelion (Master)] in the trees?

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Ahh the path!!!

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] ...uhm what path?

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Oh the one we can see from above?

[Horatio (Lisa)] The path the snake was on?

[Dandelion (Master)] (yes)

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (yes to both?)

[Dandelion (Master)] (yes)

[Horatio (Lisa)] I think the grass under my feet is nice

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] We make our own path!

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Must we be "ON" the path???Couldn't we like skirt the outer edges near the underbrush?

[Dandelion (Master)] always keep to the edges

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Do you edges or hedges?

Horatio (Lisa) looks to see if he can see tracks on the path

[Dandelion (Master)] the edges of the hedges would be best

[Dandelion (Master)] a few extra flowers

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Tracking check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Dandelion (Master)] a little bit of grass

[Dandelion (Master)] some nice crops

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Sounds like a plan...I will guide you from above if that is alright with everyone?

[Dandelion (Master)] hmmmm

[Horatio (Lisa)] No no reason to go on the path

[Horatio (Lisa)] Yes please

[Dandelion (Master)] Ok let's go!

[Master] Dandelion moved 19'06".

[Master] and gone from view

[Horatio (Lisa)] Hey!

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] (And was never seen again.)

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Uhm...Should someone tell that brain dead rabbit fucker that y'all don't travel that fast?

Horatio (Lisa) scampers to follow in Dandelion's direction

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Wait let me look from above

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) huffs as he follows along.

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow moved 22'03".

Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) flies ahead to make sure cost is clear and "maybe" keep that rabbit from getting to far ahead

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I will stay within view/shouting/chirping distance of the others

[Dandelion (Master)] Good you are here let's go

Dandelion (Master) zoom

[Dandelion (Master)] to the next tree

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Wait you stupid wabbit

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) watches Dandelion speed away in despair.

Horatio (Lisa) pants

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Ahem... I mean hold a minute you rascally wabbit...I mean rabbit

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] The others don't travel as fast...We need to show a bit more patience

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] LLLAAAAAAAGGGGGGG

[Horatio (Lisa)] test

[Horatio (Lisa)] Bob said klooge is frozen on his end

[Lisa] On Discord

Ryan has joined the game on Wed Apr 15 19:45:37 EDT 2020

Ryan is receiving the map Abandoned Farmhouse...

Ryan has received the map Abandoned Farmhouse.

[Master] ok back

[Lisa] Fritz are you there? Carissa?

Ryan has left the game on Wed Apr 15 19:46:06 EDT 2020

[Master] yes something is wrong with the memory

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I yam I yam

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (yes)

[Master] OK shutting down to restart with clean memory

Ryan is receiving the map Forest clearing...

Ryan has received the map Forest clearing.

[Master] be right back

Ryan has left the game on Wed Apr 15 19:46:53 EDT 2020

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Wed Apr 15 19:47:22 EDT 2020 ====

Fritz has joined the game on Wed Apr 15 19:54:04 EDT 2020

Fritz is receiving the map Abandoned Farmhouse...

Fritz has left the game on Wed Apr 15 19:56:00 EDT 2020

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Wed Apr 15 19:57:23 EDT 2020 ====

Ryan has joined the game on Wed Apr 15 19:58:22 EDT 2020

Ryan is receiving the map Abandoned Farmhouse...

Ryan has received the map Abandoned Farmhouse.

Fritz has joined the game on Wed Apr 15 19:58:30 EDT 2020

Fritz is receiving the map Abandoned Farmhouse...

Fritz has received the map Abandoned Farmhouse.

Fritz is receiving the map Forest clearing...

Fritz has received the map Forest clearing.

Ryan is receiving the map Forest clearing...

Ryan has received the map Forest clearing.

Lisa has joined the game on Wed Apr 15 19:59:48 EDT 2020

Lisa is receiving the map Abandoned Farmhouse...

Lisa has received the map Abandoned Farmhouse.

Carissa has joined the game on Wed Apr 15 20:00:07 EDT 2020

Carissa is receiving the map Abandoned Farmhouse...

[Master] OK good

Carissa has received the map Abandoned Farmhouse.

Lisa is receiving the map Forest clearing...

Lisa has received the map Forest clearing.

Carissa is receiving the map Forest clearing...

Carissa has received the map Forest clearing.

[Fritz] Bob have you ever thought about putting some things in a different campaign tree or maybe clearing out some of the characters not being used? That probably takes a lot of memory

[Master] that is what I was working on today

[Master] I exported the various adventures

[Master] trying to find a way to upload the map right now

[Master] but we do need to roleplay out

[Master] Jack has caught up with Dandylion

[Fritz] Roleplay out map uploading?

[Horatio (Lisa)] lol

[Master] your rabbit friend who moves at about 10 times faster than everyone else

Ryan finds a fold in the fabric of reality, and pulls at it with his teeth

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (Is Dandelion a male or a female?)

[Master] male

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Ahem...Mr. Dandelion sir, You'wa Wabbishit!!! I mean Your Rabbitshisness...or whatever

[Master] Lisa and TMO have maps now to experiment with

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] You are so vewy vewy flweet of foot....I mean fleet of foot and I am sure that has been what has kept you alive for so long...but the others are unable to keep up with your remarkable speed

[Dandelion (Master)] Ahhh

[Dandelion (Master)] Well yes I have been the fastest of the burrow for a few months now

[Dandelion (Master)] ever since Buttercup got eaten by a wolf

[Horatio (Lisa) (to Master only)] where?

[Dandelion (Master)] (email)

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Unless of course you wish to take the lead and draw out whatever vile carnivorous creatures may be lurking in our path..

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Buttecwup?

[Dandelion (Master)] I keep away from danger

[Dandelion (Master)] that is why I am so fast

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Do you mean Pwincess Bwuttecwup? She was going to mawwy Pwince Hummpwedink

[Dandelion (Master)] She was out at Sifay and then WHOMP

[Dandelion (Master)] out of no where

Dandelion (Master) absently thumps his rear foot

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Well eventually she was out the ass...of the wolf that is

[Carissa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Carissa] (sorry family stuff, will probably have to go afk again soon)

[Dandelion (Master)] So where are the others?

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Way back that-away....>>>>>

[Dandelion (Master)] Then you should go get them

Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) points beak in the direction from which they came...

[Dandelion (Master)] I will wait here for you

[Horatio (Lisa) (to Master only)] sent you one to try. Will do the other if this works okay

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Maybe you should "stick" with the party...ahem...Ok...

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Beak Right Back as we say in the trees

Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) Flies back to help the others...Watches around for predators

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow moved 17'09".

[Dandelion (Master)] beautiful Lisa thank you!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Miss Bianca, how are you doing? Is the thimble of bravery very heavy to carry?

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow: Danger Sense - Humanoid races only check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] So if there is anything amiss I sense it but have no idea where it is coming from

[Miss Bianca Carissa] It is keeping my seeds fresh! It only wobbles a little.

Miss Bianca readjusts thimble

[Miss Bianca Carissa] ....

[Master] Fox #1 moved 1'06".

[Master] Fox #1 moved 2'02".

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (just pretend that's IC)

Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) chirps in a quiet out...there's a fox ahead..

[Master] Fox #1 moved 6'09".

[Master] Fox #1 moved 7'11".

[Horatio (Lisa)] Good! Good!

[Master] Fox #1 moved 9'02".

[Horatio (Lisa)] EEK!

[Master] Fox #1 moved 9'11".

[Master] Fox #1 moved 10'10".

[Master] Fox #1 moved 11'11".

[Master] Fox #1 moved 12'09".

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Danger Sense - Humanoid races only check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Hide hide...I'll try and lead him away..

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Hiding check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 9!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow moved 17'02".

[Master] Fox #1 targets Dandelion. Distance: 2'11"

[Horatio (Lisa)] (and Horatio ditches you for the nearest bush)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Flies north then east...

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Wait Bob did the fox already find him...I was going to try and do something

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Alvin the Arcanist: Hiding check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Master] Yes the Fox has him in his sights and is about to pounce


[Master] Fox #1 moved 2'07".

[Master] Dandelion moved 4'01".

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] CHIRP CHIROP

[Master] Dandelion moved 10'03".

[Dandelion (Master)] Think you can catch me?

[Master] Dandelion moved 2'03".

[Master] Dandelion moved 7'02".

[Master] Dandelion moved 10'09".

[Master] Fox #1 moved 1'11".

[Master] Fox #1 moved 8'02".

[Master] Dandelion moved 2'00".

[Master] Dandelion moved 5'11".

[Master] Dandelion moved 10'01".

[Master] Dandelion moved 23'04".

[Master] Fox #1 moved 18'03".

[Master] Dandelion moved 26'01".

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] OH MY THANKS MR DANDELION...This way he won't find our injured friends over to the east where I am flying to now

Dandelion (Master) leads him on a chase and then back to the dead rat

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (The rat was eaten by the snake)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (and the snake! that's a smart wabbit)

Dandelion (Master) then sprints ahead again to be half way up the clearing

[Master] the snake was trying to eat the rat

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] (She swallowed the rat to chase the spider that wiggled and jiggled and tickled inside her)

[Master] and then the Owl swooped in and SNATCHED up the snake at the end of last session

[Master] and quote for Ryan

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Oh I thought the owl had the snake with the rat in the snakes belly...Once in the mouth of the snake prey can't get out because of the angles of the snakes teeth and jaws

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (It was wrapped around the rat)

[Master] Not enough time for him to do that yet when it all went wrong for the snake

[Master] but you are all safe again for now

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (As it should)

[Master] Dandelion is halfway up the clearing

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow moved 9'02".

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow moved 15'10".

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Horatio! It's safe! Let's go!

[Master] Rat #1 follows Fox #1.

[Master] Fox #1 and Rat #1 moved 19'07".

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Lands on a branch and keeps an eye on the fox...while looking for other foxes

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Chirp...Fox gone...chirp all clear for the moment

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] That was mighty impressive Mr. Dandelion!!!

[Frog (Master)] ribbit

[Frog (Master)] ribbit

[Frog (Master)] Ribbit

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) whips his head around, looking for the source of the noise.

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) looks around for the toad or frog

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Alvin the Arcanist: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] 50:50 chance in this game means 50% chance you fail, and 50% chance you don't succeed

[Master] Miss Bianca moved 1'06".

[Horatio (Lisa)] (forgot the owl)

[Horatio (Lisa) (to Master only)] sent you the 2nd

[Frog (Master)] Ribbit

[Horatio (Lisa)] EEK!

[Horatio (Lisa)] What are you?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Hello Frog! You just missed getting eaten.

[Frog (Master)] CROAK

[Horatio (Lisa)] That's a what?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Right! Croaking!

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (Rabbits eat frogs....)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] A hip hoppity. But not the furry kind.

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) looks skeptically at it. "Does it speak?"

[Frog (Master)] Croak

[Horatio (Lisa)] Never seen one of those before

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I speak Frog...

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Croak? What croaked?

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Is it threatening us?

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Chirp Ribbit, Ribbit Croak. Chirp Ribbit

[Horatio (Lisa)] Uhhhh .... Hello?

Frog (Master) TWIIIIIP snags a bug out of the air

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Oh oh! You should forage near more streams! Good seeds there! And frogs

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] It IS threatening us!

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) bares his fangs threateningly.

[Horatio (Lisa)] It's like his tail comes out of his mouth to get food!


[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Croak croak?

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) hesitates, backing up slightly.

[Frog (Master)] Ribbit

[Frog (Master)] Ribbit

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] No that's a Rabbit

[Frog (Master)] PHhhhhhhhhhhh

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) in a stage-whisper. "This guy isn't fooling around."

[Frog (Master)] is quiet again

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Okay well have a good meal Mr. Frog!

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Yes Fox gone...It ate a dead rat, that was going to be eaten by a snake, but the snake was eaten by the owl

[Horatio (Lisa)] At least no one is eating us

[Master] (Thank you to Lisa both of the next maps are here and working )

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Good chirp morning to you Mr./Ms. Frog...How are you chirp doing this morning

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Don't jinx us!!

Horatio (Lisa) looks down "Sorry"

[Master] the frog is quiet and still again

Miss Bianca (Carissa) taps frog

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

Horatio (Lisa) scratches around on the ground

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) glances around for acorn as bri.... peace offering.

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Alvin the Arcanist: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Frog must have eaten everything already

Frog (Master) soft grumble and shifts over

[Horatio (Lisa)] With his big tail tongue!

[Horatio (Lisa)] No one has tongues that long!

Horatio (Lisa) tries to stick his tongue out

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Excuse me Frog do you know or have you heard of any predators between here and the Stone Mountain?

[Horatio (Lisa)] Nope

Miss Bianca (Carissa) pokes again

Frog (Master) grumbles, CROAK

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) jumps back

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Alvin the Arcanist moved 2'08".

[Master] Dare In Munk moved 8'07".

[Master] Sqald Squirrel moved 4'11".

[Master] Sniffikins Fieldmouse moved 10'11".

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Do you speak not frog?

[Master] Soarkin Sparrow moved 5'09".

Horatio (Lisa) tries to catch a bug with his tail

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Tumbling check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Frog (Master)] do that again and you have a bug

[Horatio (Lisa)] Really? That was pretty good, huh?

[Master] (sorry that was not the Frog)

[Master] do that again and you have a bug

[Horatio (Lisa)] (it's okay same response to whoever :)

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) nervously glances between the frog and Miss Bianca, who keeps poking the frog.

Horatio (Lisa) tries to aim for bugs, tail quivering slightly

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Tumbling check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Aha!

[Horatio (Lisa)] (sorry - you guys go - Horatio is just playing in the background)

Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) checks to see if he knows any history stories about frogs

Miss Bianca (Carissa) gasps, "Are you part frog?"

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow: Ancient History check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 9!!

[Horatio (Lisa)] I don't think so.

[Master] and added Tail Whip to Bianca's weapon skills

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (Oooh fancy. Both mice have it?)

[Master] sorry no

[Master] DOH

[Master] only Horatio

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (aww only Horatio. nice still)

[Master] off to fix

[Horatio (Lisa)] (cool - Bianca has a helmet and Horatio a weaponized tail)

[Master] and Fritz what were you hoping to find out?

[Horatio (Lisa)] (Ryan and Fritz need to start doing tricks!)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (agreed)

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Anything in the history about frogs that would get the conversation going or maybe give us a clue as to who or what this frog might be

[Master] You cannot remember anyone ever successfully negotiating with frogs

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (That is good enough for the history books)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (maybe someone should kiss him)

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Well Tata Mr. frog...ugh..

Miss Bianca (Carissa) lightly pokes him once more

Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) Flies ahead to find Dandelion.

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow moved 6'03".

[Master] Horatio moved 3'04".

[Master] Alvin the Arcanist moved 3'10".

[Ryan] I am back at the keyboard.

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] (back)

[Master] so moving on past the frog?

Miss Bianca (Carissa) gives him a parting kiss

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (why not)

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) stares in disbelief.

Frog (Master) LICKS Bianca

Miss Bianca (Carissa) laughs

[Frog (Master)] She is too big to wrap his tongue around

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Stick with bugs, Mr. Frog.

Miss Bianca (Carissa) pats him on the head

[Master] Miss Bianca moved 4'03".

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] and the other two move on past?

Horatio (Lisa) waves a paw at Mr. Frog

Horatio (Lisa) scampers ahead to catch up

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) gives a parting, suspicious glance to the frog, and flee... runs after his friends.

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio moved 5'06".

[Master] Alvin the Arcanist moved 7'02".

[Master] Horatio, Dandelion, Capt. Jack Sparrow, Miss Bianca and Alvin the Arcanist moved 6'02".

[Master] Capt. Jack Sparrow moved 4'01".

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] back

[Master] you move up along the path, sticking to the edges hiding and scurrying along

[Master] and you come to THE WALL

[Master] you have heard of it before

[Horatio (Lisa)] Is this? Is this the mountain?

[Master] rumors of what might be

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] (Will we meet the Black Squirrels here?)

[Master] (grins at Ryan)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (scratch that if we've heard of it then)

Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) Speaks in an all knowing tone

[Master] but this towers up over you

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] This is THE WALL

[Master] it must be at least 2 to 3 foot high

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Geez. What kind of beasts would need such a wall?

[Master] you can see where there are rough ways zig zag back and forth to climb up and over

[Horatio (Lisa)] We should be able to climb this, right? We climb things all the time.

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow: Ancient History check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 9!!

[Horatio (Lisa)] But do rabbits climb Mr. Dandelion?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] It's so big!

[Dandelion (Master)] We jump

[Horatio (Lisa)] Over whole walls?

[Horatio (Lisa)] Wow!

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] THE WALL was built eons ago...It separates our land from ... THE OTHERS!!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Other mice??

[Dandelion (Master)] I have leaped over a whole ravine once with a good lead and ground to speed up on

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I have heard tales of paths that zig zag there way up THE WALL

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) glances skeptically. "The Others? You've been listening to your Old Nan's stories too much."

[Master] Your options are to stick to the edges there then at the base of the wall try to find your way up

[Master] OR cross back over the pathway

[Master] then tackle the wall

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Excuse me...But I studied at the College of Bark and Root...I graduated Suma Cum Often!!

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] (Oh my)

[Master] Dandelion moved 12'02".

[Master] Dandelion moved 30'07".

[Master] Dandelion moved 42'10".

[Horatio (Lisa)] This part has little ledges. I think we can do this.

[Master] Dandelion moved 50'08".

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I have my Masters in Ancient History...I can show you my diploma when we get back

[Horatio (Lisa)] That Dandelion sure is good

[Master] and with a running start Dandelion JUMPS up and over

Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) Flies around base of THE WALL to find a way for the others to come up

Horatio (Lisa) looks for a low spot to start with

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow moved 38'08".

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Lands on the edge...Chirp over here...Over here

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) looks around for easy handholds.

[Master] Miss Bianca, Horatio and Alvin the Arcanist moved 8'10".

[Master] Alvin the Arcanist moved 1'04".

[Master] Horatio moved 1'00".

[Master] you are there in the bush

[Master] staring across the open land in front of the wall

Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) looks around for pre-dators

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow moved 2'03".

[Horatio (Lisa)] Guess we should try. They're waiting for us

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Chirp hops to another ledge

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow moved 4'08".

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio moved 10'03".

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) spits into his forepaws, rubs them, then grins at the others.

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Alvin the Arcanist moved 11'08".

[Horatio (Lisa)] (what is our movement or does it matter?)

Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) hops to another ledge...keeping a look out..."Chirp chirp"

[Master] in this case it does not matter

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow: Danger Sense - Humanoid races only check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

Horatio (Lisa) heads to the base of the wall that Jack pointed to

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Alvin the Arcanist moved 12'07".

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio moved 21'01".

Miss Bianca (Carissa) follows along

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (That's Capn Jack)

[Master] again Jack knows something is there but cannot tell

[Horatio (Lisa)] Do you want to go first? I can try to catch you if you fall

[Master] Horatio moved 0'11".

[Master] which way Bianca?

[Horatio (Lisa)] (that would be amusing to try)

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Psst be wary...I don't like the "smell" in the air...there is danger afoot...My spider sense is tingling

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Sure!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (Uhhh whichever way Horatio was going)

[Master] Miss Bianca moved 31'03".

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Pssst Pssst...Danger...Danger...Chirp

Horatio (Lisa) looks around

[Master] Salamander targets Alvin the Arcanist. Distance: 1'02"

[Master] Combat has begun!

[Master] ROUND: 0

[Master] Salamander: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=8] 18

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=5] 15

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=1] 11

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=2] 12

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (Uhhh why would a salamander attack a chipmunk?)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (Ryan?)

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Big, Blind, Dumb, and BOB

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (Probably not a good idea to touch it, but who knows)

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Alvin the Arcanist: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=7] 17

[Master] (trying to make the reptiles dangerous and the amphibians ambiguous)

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] 4 very good reasons

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] (Sorry, was thinking about Skarphedin for some reason, and trying to figure out why that didn't seem right.)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (lol)

[Master] ROUND: 1

[Master] INIT: 11 GOING: Miss Bianca

Carissa has left the game on Wed Apr 15 21:07:40 EDT 2020

Carissa has joined the game on Wed Apr 15 21:07:46 EDT 2020

Lisa has left the game on Wed Apr 15 21:07:50 EDT 2020

Carissa is receiving the map Ledge...

Carissa has received the map Ledge.

Fritz has left the game on Wed Apr 15 21:07:57 EDT 2020

[Carissa] (escaping was my move apparently)

[Master] Ryan?

[Carissa] (hopefully easy for them to log back on, too)

Ryan has left the game on Wed Apr 15 21:08:40 EDT 2020

Ryan has joined the game on Wed Apr 15 21:08:50 EDT 2020

Ryan is receiving the map Abandoned Farmhouse...

Ryan has received the map Abandoned Farmhouse.

Ryan is receiving the map Ledge...

Ryan has received the map Ledge.

[Master] that has not happened in a long while

Lisa has joined the game on Wed Apr 15 21:09:24 EDT 2020

Lisa is receiving the map Abandoned Farmhouse...

[Master] that the cannon would kick people out

Lisa has received the map Abandoned Farmhouse.

Lisa is receiving the map Ledge...

Lisa has received the map Ledge.

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (can Bianca see/reach the salamander?)

Fritz has joined the game on Wed Apr 15 21:10:15 EDT 2020

Fritz is receiving the map Abandoned Farmhouse...

Fritz has received the map Abandoned Farmhouse.

[Master] Yes to Carissa

Fritz is receiving the map Ledge...

Fritz has received the map Ledge.

Miss Bianca (Carissa) grabs thimble from head and runs to push the salamander away

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca moved 11'00".

[Carissa] Miss Bianca targets Salamander. Distance: 1'01"

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Attack: Natural Attack: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=16] 4. HITS Salamander (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (er, hitting it with a thimble is normal attack damage? Or just successful pushing?)

[Master] it is temp damage

[Master] like bludgeoning him

[Fritz] Like a shield?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (that's the idea)

[Master] nods

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (so normal d6?)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Damage v SM: Natural Attack: (1d6) [1d6=2] 2 added to: Salamander

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Capt. Jack Sparrow

[Master (to GM only)] Salamander: No adjustments made.

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] He's not food! Go away!

Fritz swoops down for an attack

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (Did she kill something again??)

Fritz Shouts the name of his attack.. "Dive Like the Hawk"

[Fritz] Capt. Jack Sparrow targets Salamander. Distance: 11'09"

[Fritz] Attack: Natural Attack:: is now ARMED.

[Fritz] Attack: Natural Attack:: is now ARMED.

[Fritz] Attack: Natural Attack:: is now ARMED.

[Fritz] Capt. Jack Sparrow: Attack: Natural Attack: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=9] 11. MISSES Salamander (AC FINAL: 10).

[Fritz] Capt. Jack Sparrow: Attack: Natural Attack: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=16] 4. HITS Salamander (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Fritz] Capt. Jack Sparrow: Attack: Natural Attack: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=18] 2. HITS Salamander (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] Capt. Jack Sparrow moved 13'04".

[Fritz] Capt. Jack Sparrow: Damage v SM: Natural Attack: (1d6) [1d6=4] 4 added to: Salamander

[Fritz] Capt. Jack Sparrow: Damage v SM: Natural Attack: (1d6) [1d6=1] 1 added to: Salamander

[Master (to GM only)] Salamander: No adjustments made.

[Master] INIT: 15 GOING: Horatio

[Master (to GM only)] Salamander: No adjustments made.

Lisa has joined the game on Wed Apr 15 21:15:34 EDT 2020

Lisa is receiving the map Abandoned Farmhouse...

[Master] Salamander's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -11 (-6) - Dead

Lisa has received the map Abandoned Farmhouse.

Fritz has joined the game on Wed Apr 15 21:15:36 EDT 2020

Fritz is receiving the map Abandoned Farmhouse...

Fritz has received the map Abandoned Farmhouse.

Lisa has left the game on Wed Apr 15 21:15:42 EDT 2020

[Master] Combat has finished.

Fritz is receiving the map Ledge...

Fritz has received the map Ledge.

Ryan has left the game on Wed Apr 15 21:15:46 EDT 2020

Fritz has left the game on Wed Apr 15 21:15:55 EDT 2020

Lisa is receiving the map Ledge...

Lisa has received the map Ledge.

Carissa has left the game on Wed Apr 15 21:16:01 EDT 2020

Ryan has joined the game on Wed Apr 15 21:16:08 EDT 2020

Ryan is receiving the map Abandoned Farmhouse...

Ryan has received the map Abandoned Farmhouse.

[Lisa] good

[Master] why did that happen?

[Lisa] dead salamander

Carissa has joined the game on Wed Apr 15 21:16:28 EDT 2020

Carissa is receiving the map Ledge...

Carissa has received the map Ledge.

[Master] it advanced the first three

[Lisa] red button for my turn and then lost connection

[Master] hmmm

[Lisa] all my fault

[Master] hah

[Fritz] My attack "Dive Like the Falcon" was so amazing it overloaded the system

[Master] when we are done I will save everything close and restart again

[Master] just to be sure for Friday

[Master] and let it roll along until then

[Master] but yes

[Master] Bianca stunned the salamander then Jack dive bombed it and killed it

[Master] all before Alvin could even go

[Ryan] I.... I am sure that I could have handled it...

Fritz searches salamander and surrounding area for treasure or salamander cave

Ryan is receiving the map Ledge...

Ryan has received the map Ledge.

[Horatio (Lisa)] Alvin, we should climb up where Capt. Jack told us to

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Ye-yeah...

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) coughs. "I am sure I could have handled it, but...."

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Oopsy. I didn't mean to kill it again...

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) glances around, a little lost. "...but thanks, all the same."

[Horatio (Lisa)] That's because you are Miss Bianca the Brave!

[Master] in the salamander cave are two shiny pebbles

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Oh oh! I am!

Miss Bianca (Carissa) puts thimble back on head proudly

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) waves off the others. "Go on, you all deserve them."

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Two of them? How shiny are they?

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Oooh look shiny pebbles...Nice. Can I take one?

[Master] Jack cannot fit into the tunnel

[Master] someone else will have to go fetch them

Miss Bianca (Carissa) sniffs around the entrance

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) crawls into the tunnel to get Jack his pebble.

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Danger Sense - Humanoid races only check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Can I eat the salamander or is it to big?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] No no don't eat that! It's slimy!

[Master] you can eat part of it

[Master] feet, the tip of the tail etc.

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] You are a sparrow not a shrike.

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Yum...I'll eat the tail part...Looks like a worm

[Master] Alvin comes out with two pebbles

[Master] round and shiny

Miss Bianca (Carissa) gasps "So shiny!"

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) holds out the pebbles to the others. "Go on, decide amongst yourselves."

[Master] slightly bigger than a mouse hand

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Can I have a shiny one...?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Oh oh can I see the other shiny one?

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) holds them out as high as he can so the others can see.

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] They are shiny pebbles! Look Horatio!

[Master] they are both very shiny

[Horatio (Lisa)] They are pretty!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Here here. You take one so you have a shiny, too.

Miss Bianca (Carissa) grabs one to hold out to Horatio.

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] To bash things with like my thimble.

Miss Bianca (Carissa) taps hat

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Flies over and gets a couple of large leaves and some small vines....Ties them into 2 slings/sacks...Here Bianca you can have this to carry it in...Just loop it over your shoulder

[Horatio (Lisa)] You and Capt. Jack should take them since you were the ones that won them!

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I'll do the same with the other

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Mmm okay but if you want to see it shine, let me know!

Horatio (Lisa) nods

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Alvin can create his own shiny sparks.

[Horatio (Lisa)] Yes please!

Miss Bianca (Carissa) shakes head, "Chipmunks."

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) nods emphatically.

Miss Bianca (Carissa) puts sling over shoulder with shiny pebble

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Thanks you, Jack.

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Up we go!

[Master] Horatio moved 4'01".

[Master] Horatio moved 6'05".

[Master] Horatio moved 7'00".

[Master] Horatio moved 7'07".

[Master] Horatio moved 8'07".

Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) smiles...My pleasure...slings his over his back

[Master] Horatio moved 9'05".

[Master] Horatio moved 10'03".

[Master] Horatio moved 12'03".

[Master] Horatio moved 13'09".

[Master] Horatio moved 15'02".

[Master] Horatio moved 16'03".

[Master] Horatio moved 17'04".

[Master] Horatio moved 18'09".

[Master] Horatio moved 19'07".

[Master] Horatio moved 21'05".

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Flies back up to be a look out

[Master] Capt. Jack Sparrow moved 5'09".

[Master] Miss Bianca moved 10'03".

[Master] Alvin the Arcanist moved 13'07".

[Master] Miss Bianca moved 11'04".

[Horatio (Lisa)] Hey! That was much easier than I thought it was going to be

[Horatio (Lisa)] Look!

Horatio (Lisa) points a paw out

[Horatio (Lisa)] We're on top of The Wall!

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) does a happy dance.

[Master] Miss Bianca moved 4'08".

[Master] Alvin the Arcanist moved 7'01".

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Oh oh we're so high up!

[Master] looking back south you can see all the way to The Tree

[Horatio (Lisa)] (brb)

[Lisa] I am away from the keyboard.

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) holds his paw in front of his hand. "The tree is so small from here."

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Flies over to Dandelion...Hiya..Anything exciting happen while we were away? We got attacked by a nasty dragon, but I killed it with my amazing "Dive Like the Hawk" attack!!!

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow moved 10'10".

[Master (to GM only)] Buck moved 9'04".

[Master] everyone can make alertness and observation and danger sense

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow: Danger Sense - Humanoid races only check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Alvin the Arcanist: Danger Sense - Humanoid races only check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Danger Sense - Humanoid races only check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (Wow)

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Obs and Alert succeed

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (All three here. Much better rolls this week)

[Master] Buck moved 1'10".

[Lisa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Eek!!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Danger Sense - Humanoid races only check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) Has a brilliant idea!!!!


[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (he's below?)

[Buck (Master)] SNORT

Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) flies over and lands on the antlers of the Buck

[Buck (Master)] SHAKES

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Pardon Sir Master Buck

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) boggles.

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] He's so big!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Look at his rack!


[Horatio (Lisa)] (lol)

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I was wondering if you might be kind and generous and noble enough with all those beautiful antlers to help me and my friends

[Horatio (Lisa)] (at least they're vegetarians)

Miss Bianca (Carissa) calls "They're very pretty!"

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) tries not to shake in fear, but fails, twitching every now and again.

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] You are such a MAJESTIC Beast!!!

Miss Bianca (Carissa) calls "Very majestic!"

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Grace, elegance and Noblese Oblige radiate from you like the sun!!!

[Buck (Master)] NODS GRAVELY

Miss Bianca (Carissa) calls "All those things! You must have many lady friends!"


Buck (Master) SNORTS

Miss Bianca (Carissa) calls, "Yes yes! Only that majestic can have all the doughs!"

[Master] Buck moved 5'06".

[Master] Buck moved 9'02".

[Master] Buck moved 12'09".

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Alvin the Arcanist moved 1'03".

[Horatio (Lisa)] EEK!

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] We are on a noble quest, and could use the assistance of a noble one such as yourself, if you can take time away from all the does that are courting you

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) stumbles back.

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] What do all the doughs call you Majestic Antler Nobleness?

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] (family situation, brb)

[Ryan] I am away from the keyboard.

[Trumble (Master)] Trumble

Trumble (Master) chewing

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] It would be amazing if you could perchance allow my friends to perch on your superior shoulders and flanks and give us passage as close as you can to the STONE MOUNTAIN!!! It would make our journey so much faster.

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] You have a very fitting name Mr. Noble Trumble!

[Horatio (Lisa)] I can do that!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Tumbling check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Horatio (Lisa)] See!

Miss Bianca (Carissa) claps at Horatio's tumbling

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Very good tumble trumbling!

Trumble (Master) chewing

[Trumble (Master)] WHY DO YOU WANT TO GO THERE

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Evil no good rats are going there to steal the important thing!

Trumble (Master) snorts

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] The VERY important thing that... does things!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Right Jack? It does things that are... not things rats should do!

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Correct...It would make this forest trembel

Trumble (Master) shakes his head

[Trumble (Master)] (Jack makes a Dex check to stay on)

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Why if they got ahold of this item, they may even keep the does away from you your highness

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Evil you, Trumble! They might even steal your doughs!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Yes yes!

Trumble (Master) leans down to take another bite of grass

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow: BAL check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 [MODIFIED (-2-2)] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

Trumble (Master) chewing

[Trumble (Master)] hOW MANY OF YOU ?

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I am certain with your great speed you could take us there in no time...6 or 7 I believe...

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Some of us wouldn't need to as we can fly

[Trumble (Master)] very well I will have someone take you

[Master] Trumble moved 31'07".

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Oh! Will they be as.... oh he left.

[Ryan] I am back at the keyboard.

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] (back)

[Master] and time passes

[Master] how long do you want to wait?

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Let's wait till noon and then decide?

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) subtly hints to the others that they shouldn't wait for the buck.

[Master] it is after noon now

[Master] evening?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (Sure)

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Oh it said 9:02 am...sorry

[Master] yes that day and time is for the Friday nights

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Well maybe wait till morning then...we have traveled a long distance

[Master] Miss Bianca, Horatio and Alvin the Arcanist moved 12'06".

[Horatio (Lisa)] All right

Horatio (Lisa) digs around in the high dirt

[Master] so alertness checks please

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Lookie!

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt. Jack Sparrow: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Alvin the Arcanist: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Food here!

Miss Bianca (Carissa) grabs seed, slowly chews while looking around

Horatio (Lisa) carries a couple over to Alvin

[Horatio (Lisa)] Dinner!

[Master] Bat #1 moved 22'07".

[Master] Bat #1 moved 27'09".

[Master] Bat #1 moved 7'02".

[Master] Bat #1 moved 17'09".

[Master] Bat #1 moved 19'04".

[Master] Bat #1 moved 2'09".

[Master] Bat #1 moved 6'09".

[Master] Bat #1 moved 8'07".

[Master] Bat #1 moved 10'11".

[Master] Bat #1 moved 12'08".

[Master] Bat #1 moved 17'10".

[Horatio (Lisa)] (do we see this?)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] I hear fluttering! Do bucks flutter?

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Master] Yes right over your heads

[Horatio (Lisa)] EEK!

Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) fly to a limb and shout to the bat

[Horatio (Lisa)] Black rat bird!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Hiding check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL FAILED against 9!!

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] Alvin the Arcanist: Hiding check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Ummm ...

Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) whispers hello Mr. Flying NightBirdrat

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] A flying rat? It looks more like a flying, um...

Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) Whispers...."what are you looking for this fine night?"

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (Knows their hearing is quite good)

[Bat (Master)] who are you

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Oh oh! I'm Bianca the Brave!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Feign/detect Sleep check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Bat (Master)] whoosh

Horatio (Lisa) falls down on the ground

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Why I am Capt. Jack Sparrow...Friend of the Noble Stag Trumble

[Bat (Master)] you are new

Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan) peers out from his hiding space, gesturing for Horatio to join him.

[Master (to GM only)] Deer moved 25'00".

[Master] Deer moved 30'02".

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] We're from that tree over there!

[Master] Deer moved 36'00".

[Master] Deer moved 42'09".

[Master] Deer moved 53'07".

[Master] Deer moved 60'02".

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Oh we are .... Oh hi Ms. Deer. Good evening

[Bat (Master)] Oh good bugs there

Horatio (Lisa) eyes tightly closed

[Bat (Master)] lots of gnats

Miss Bianca (Carissa) gasp, "Another! Are you also friends with Mr. Majestic Nobleness?


[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Hi! Yes! We want to travel!

[Bat (Master)] eeek

Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) points at the bat and shakes his head, points at the deer and nods

[Bat (Master)] WHOOOOSh

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Oh no! Bye Night Friend!

[Master] Bat moved 22'06".

[Master] Deer moved 6'07".

Horatio (Lisa) slowly opens one eye

[Alvin the Arcanist (Ryan)] (Sorry, looks like those family things need a bit more attention. I think I am going to have to call it for tonight. Bye everyone. See you on Friday.)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] What is your name, Friend of Majestic Noblesness?

[Horatio (Lisa)] (Goodnight Ryan!)

[Deer (Master)] (nIGHT Ryan)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (Night!)

Ryan has left the game on Wed Apr 15 21:57:38 EDT 2020

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (Take care Ryan)

[Flow (Master)] Flow



[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Ahh good the Night Rat is gone...I thought by saying Night "Rat" others would be careful what they said around him...Yes, yes...everyone hop on

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Oh! Is the moon bad? We can go now.


[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Yes yes. We can go, Flow. I'm Bianca the Brave, by the way. Nice to meet you!

Miss Bianca (Carissa) goes to climb on her

Flow (Master) snorts

Flow (Master) nodding

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Mistress Flow you are to kind to assist us...we are truly grateful

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Horatio! We can go now!

Flow (Master) stomping her foot

Horatio (Lisa) opens his other eye and gets up

Horatio (Lisa) gives a bow to Miss Flow

Horatio (Lisa) carefully climbs up her leg

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Dandelion! Are you coming?

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I am sure your passage through this forest is most graceful Mistress Flow, but please remember that my friends are "hanging on" and a fall could injure them

[Flow (Master)] HERE YOU ARE

[Master] Flow moved 14'01".

[Master] Flow moved 27'00".

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Look how far we've gone!

[Flow (Master)] TAKE CARE

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] O

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Thank you Miss Flow!

[Master (to GM only)] Flow moved 35'06".

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] That was fun!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Thank you Miss Flow!

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Thank you Miss Flow and Thank the Noble Trumble as well for his kindness

[Master] you have traveled through the forest much faster than any mouse or chipmunk ever has, even faster than a sparrow

[Master] as fast as a hawk

[Master] in the night in front of you

[Master] you can see a large clearing

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (hehe did good!!!)

[Master] and open space beyond that

[Horatio (Lisa)] Can we sleep by a tree please?

[Horatio (Lisa)] It looks very ... big out there

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Yes yes a tree. It is very big out there. In the open. Where owls are...

[Master] Dandelion, Miss Bianca, Capt. Jack Sparrow, Horatio and Alvin the Arcanist moved 77'11".

[Master] so yes

[Master] you are there at the Stone Mountain

[Horatio (Lisa)] (really?)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (wow)

[Master] you are going to hunker down here in this tree for the rest of the night and in the morning you will see what happens

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (I am suspicious...)

[Master] and you all successfully completed two more scenes and each get one more point

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (Much sooner than expected ... ahead of time even?)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (be on the lookout for wagons)

[Master] Ryan does qualify for that point also

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (Yay Ryan)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (Hmm so one point to spend on any skills, saves, or HP right?)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (Think this time I will take the save point - looked and I am at a 20 for breath weapons??)

[Master] so yes you can tidying up character sheets

[Master] yes to Carissa

[Horatio (Lisa)] (19 would be much better!)

[Master] and that is the same for you Fritz

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (lol to Lisa)

[Master] you get 1 point for something

[Master] grins at Lisa

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] How can we spend this?

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Is it like the 2 points we got before?

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Horatio modified: Saving Throws - Breath Weapon:: CHANGED: 19 (20).

[Master] you can spend it on anything you like yes

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (shoot now that you point it out...or just HP again? hmm...)

[Master] 1 point, 5% etc.

[Lisa] 5% on what?

[Lisa] don't see anything with %

[Master] like you did on saves

[Master] you got 5% better on your save

[Master] 1 point normally equals 5%

[Lisa] oh yes

[Lisa] maths

[Master] grins

[Miss Bianca (Carissa) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Miss Bianca modified: Combat - Current Hit Points:: CHANGED: 3 (2). Max Hit Points:: CHANGED: 3 (2).

[Lisa] we have to remember to tell Ryan next week

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (hp again then hopefully alive next time for points to saves)

[Master] then I think we should call it a night after you are all wrapped up

[Lisa] I'm good

[Master] that way you will have more people next week for the exploring the meadow

[Lisa] Thank you! This was fun!

[Master] and I can save and work on making sure for Friday

[Lisa] As usual

[Master] thank you

[Master] I like that it is different

[Lisa] if you need to send me more maps, go ahead

[Carissa] And still no wolves

[Master] well

[Master] Buttercup

[Carissa] Haha yes true

[Carissa] Stories of them

[Carissa] Glad they're eating well

[Lisa] Going to go make dinner! Have good nights and see you Friday :)

Lisa has left the game on Wed Apr 15 22:13:50 EDT 2020

[Master] sewe you!

[Carissa] Also will you have time for gypsies? If not we can just wrap that story up

[Master] Is there something you want from them?

[Master] was thinking sleeping and then you leave in the morning right?

[Carissa] Pretty much. Just a story that I'm not solely writing. No real aim unless you have something to add

[Master] I will give it some thought on if there should be more

[Carissa] Interesting tidbits. Or not. It's up to you

[Carissa] Or something to react to or not.

[Master] it is a different clan so not familiar with the Dragonslayers

[Carissa] Didn't think so since they're Dom

[Carissa] They don't have to be.

[Carissa] I can work with whatever is there

[Master] but it is a tidbit for you

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Capt. Jack Sparrow modified: Ability Scores - Reason: (RE) : CHANGED: 12 (10). Knowledge: (KN) : CHANGED: 12 (10). Armor - Natural AC:: CHANGED: 6-1 (6). AC FINAL:: CHANGED: 6-1 (6).

[Master] that this clan does not travel to Drillian

[Carissa] Well Shi doesn't know that yet to react to that for starts :)

Fritz is receiving the map Abandoned Farmhouse...

Fritz has received the map Abandoned Farmhouse.

[Carissa] I can be flexible with however you might want it to go. Just don't try to charm her into a hippie. Shi's been there done that :P

[Master] hah

[Carissa] Give it thought. I need sleep. Good night!

Carissa has left the game on Wed Apr 15 22:17:48 EDT 2020

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Gonna off and on work on the effects of the potion of super heroism before Friday

[Master] no worries

[Master] Klooge will be back up in a short bit and you can work whenever you wish

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] had fun bob...I'm guessing the deer was in your travel plans?

[Master] yeap

[Master] grins

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Sounds good...Glad I picked up on that

[Capt. Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] have a great night...See you Friday

[Master] thank you too

Fritz has left the game on Wed Apr 15 22:19:29 EDT 2020

XP awarded