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Chat Log - 2020 04 22 - Home Stories (Formatted)

A bit of a deviation from the story arcs

Otis_Chuck-03512 has joined the game on Sat Apr 18 17:04:07 EDT 2020

Otis_Chuck-03512 is receiving the map Base Map...

Otis_Chuck-03512 has received the map Base Map.

[Otis_Chuck-03512] Galad moved 15'03".

[Otis_Chuck-03512] Drayven Starmantle [4d6]: (4d6) [4d6=3,4,3,5] 15

[Otis_Chuck-03512] Rhibosi [4d6]: (4d6) [4d6=5,3,2,2] 12

[Otis_Chuck-03512] Branwyn [4d6]: (4d6) [4d6=5,4,5,4] 18

[Otis_Chuck-03512] Jon the sailor [4d6]: (4d6) [4d6=2,4,5,2] 13

[Otis_Chuck-03512] Roll #1: (d2) [1d2=2] 2

[Otis_Chuck-03512] Roll #1: (d2) [1d2=2] 2

[Otis_Chuck-03512] Roll #1: (d10+6) [1d10=3] 9, Roll #2: (d10+6) [1d10=3] 9, Roll #3: (d10+6) [1d10=9] 15, Roll #4: (d10+6) [1d10=7] 13

[Otis_Chuck-03512] A flip of the ol' kLoOge.Coin results in: Heads

[Otis_Chuck-03512] A flip of the ol' kLoOge.Coin results in: Tails

[Otis_Chuck-03512] Roll #1: (d6) [1d6=4] 4, Roll #2: (d6) [1d6=4] 4, Roll #3: (d6) [1d6=1] 1, Roll #4: (d6) [1d6=6] 6

[Otis_Chuck-03512] Roll: (4d6) [4d6=6,2,6,2] 16

[Otis_Chuck-03512] Roll: (4d6) [4d6=4,3,3,5] 15

[Otis_Chuck-03512] Roll: (4d6) [4d6=5,3,3,6] 17

[Otis_Chuck-03512] Roll: (4d6) [4d6=2,4,2,2] 10

[Otis_Chuck-03512] Roll: (4d6) [4d6=2,6,4,4] 16

[Otis_Chuck-03512] Roll: (4d6) [4d6=1,5,1,3] 10

[Master] Hey there

[Master] glad you got in

[Master] View and Chat History will open the chat in a sepearate window

[Master] Edit adn Preferences has LOTS of options too

[Master] Dandelion moved 3'04".

[Master] Dandelion moved 4'08".

Otis_Chuck-03512 is receiving the map Base Map...

Otis_Chuck-03512 has received the map Base Map.

Otis_Chuck-03512 is receiving the map Second Clearing...

Otis_Chuck-03512 has received the map Second Clearing.

Otis_Chuck-03512 is receiving the map Base Map...

Otis_Chuck-03512 has received the map Base Map.

[Master] and you can see this

[Master] So the idea is to get you used to the interface a bit

[Otis_Chuck-03512] yes, i can see that

[Master] and if you are free on Wednesday night you can log in and participate with that group

[Master] Friday night will be a bit harder because they are in the middle of a rough adventure without an easy way to bring in a new character

[Otis_Chuck-03512] is it the same group? also, do we know the story ahead of time?

[Master] but I think it will be good for you to be in and see how this all works

[Master] and nope

[Otis_Chuck-03512] what do i do with my "stats"?

[Master] nothing yet

[Master] we will re-roll those later

[Otis_Chuck-03512] oh. lol

[Master] I have to set up a character shet etc for you

[Otis_Chuck-03512] ok

[Otis_Chuck-03512] oh. i was creating it. whoops.

[Master] it is ok

[Otis_Chuck-03512] i will email my stuff first?

[Master] it is good to do those things

[Master] you can

[Master] on Wednesday from 7 to 11

[Master] are you free?

[Otis_Chuck-03512] i ha ve one challenge...i can never stay up that late

[Master] It is a simplier lighter story line

[Master] that is not a problem at all

[Master] we run those hours because we have people from all over the US who log in

[Master] so some from the West Coast log in late, those on the East Coast log out early

[Master] right now FL, TX, UT, CA, NV

[Otis_Chuck-03512] okay. is the storyline in DS

[Master] yes it is the Valoris Wood Adventures

[Otis_Chuck-03512] oh wow! that is super cool.

[Master] that is what they are doing

[Master] the normal Friday night game is currently in the story arc Third TIme is Tradition

[Otis_Chuck-03512] right. that is the one i read.

[Master] there are Summaries of each game session on the site

[Master] and In character and Out of Character pages

[Master] etc

[Master] and all teh chat logs,

[Otis_Chuck-03512] okay. i can't do this wed but i can do the following wed.

[Master] no worries

[Otis_Chuck-03512] yes, i have been reading your stuff for the last four hours now

[Master] and if you can be on Firday too

[Master] will be good to be in and see how they tackle things

[Master] very glad you like it

[Otis_Chuck-03512] thanks! i will login but just watch

[Master] explore the interface and play with the characters here in the clearing

[Otis_Chuck-03512] i do! i've always wanted to do this. i just never knew anyone who stuck with it!

[Master] they are mice and chipmunks

[Master] but real characters all the same

[Master] Watership Down

[Master] if you ever read that

[Otis_Chuck-03512] exactly

[Otis_Chuck-03512] OMG!

[Otis_Chuck-03512] my whole character that i was hoping to suggest

[Otis_Chuck-03512] is based on the Lord Shardik and what happened BEFORE the Fire

[Master] nice!

[Master] that is a fun book

[Otis_Chuck-03512] yes. in the book there are children who are saved. i was hoping to springboard off that

[Master] yes makes a good story line

[Master] and there is a good reason for you to be interested in joining this group

[Otis_Chuck-03512] thanks! i am going to write it and send it to you.

[Master] weaving in story lines

[Otis_Chuck-03512] YES! this gives me the opportunity to be creative but with a goal and structure

[Otis_Chuck-03512] i love to write and create characters, but it is such a solitary process that i stop

[Master] we can always use more characters here

[Master] that is what Carissa does

[Otis_Chuck-03512] this way i feel like things come to life

[Master] just story telling and story telling

[Otis_Chuck-03512] you know me, i LOVE to tell stories

[Master] and you never know how this will end up

[Master] grins it will be fun

[Otis_Chuck-03512] yes it will!

[Master] I am walking away again

[Master] but stay and read and explore

[Otis_Chuck-03512] YAY! thank you

[Master] do not worry about attacking damaging etc

[Master] I can erase it all later

[Otis_Chuck-03512] awesome! thank you!

[Master] so you can use these characters here in the clearing to practice with

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Otis_Chuck-03512] oh, i might need some guidance on the chat ettiquette

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] no worries on that

[Master] it is easy to pick up

[Master] you can change your name too

[Master] from Otis to what ever you want

[Master] Edit Preferences

[Master] lots of options there

[Master] waves

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lara] testing

Lara is receiving the map Second Clearing...

Lara has received the map Second Clearing.

[Lara] Capt Jack Sparrow: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=5] 15

[Lara] Miss Bianca: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=8] 18

[Lara] Miss Bianca targets Miss Bianca. Distance: 0'00"

Lara has left the game on Sat Apr 18 20:13:56 EDT 2020

Lara has joined the game on Sun Apr 19 15:31:06 EDT 2020

Lara is receiving the map Base Map...

Lara has received the map Base Map.

Lara is receiving the map New Manor...

Lara has received the map New Manor.

Lara is receiving the map Base Map...

Lara has received the map Base Map.

Lara has left the game on Sun Apr 19 18:33:02 EDT 2020

Lara has joined the game on Mon Apr 20 16:28:17 EDT 2020

Lara is receiving the map Base Map...

Lara has received the map Base Map.

Lara has left the game on Mon Apr 20 16:29:07 EDT 2020

TMO has joined the game on Tue Apr 21 20:16:32 EDT 2020

TMO is receiving the map Base Map...

TMO has received the map Base Map.

TMO has left the game on Tue Apr 21 23:44:25 EDT 2020

[Master] Tonight will be calm and easy and about meeting new friends

[Master] would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

Carissa has joined the game on Wed Apr 22 19:02:35 EDT 2020

Carissa is receiving the map Base Map...

Carissa has received the map Base Map.

[Carissa] Where did they get roses?

[Master] Roses?

[Master] AHHH

[Master] sorry

[Master] gotcha

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Carissa] :P

[Carissa] And reading the above chat, apparently I also need to finally read Watership Down or I'm going to miss more references.

[Master] nah

[Master] you already did

[Carissa] Netflix? Doesn't count. Also didn't do that either ;)

[Master] rabbits at silfay

[Master] went over everyone's head except maybe Fritz's

[Carissa] I figured that was an odd enough word to reference something... but yeah, over my head.

[Carissa] Also you got my text? You usually reply with something so just want to check :

[Master] wry grin I did in my head

[Master] of Yes I will do that before Friday for you

[Carissa] Haha I do that all the time if I'm not careful. All good and thank you.

[Master] W ehave a new potential player is what is up above

[Master] will be interesting

[Master] she always wanted to play D&D but never thought she could

[Master] then found out what we do

[Carissa] As you mentioned yesterday, but didn't log into kLoOge to read it

[Master] and then spent over 5 hours on the site on Sunday then another 3 hours here exploring Klooge

[Carissa] Hopefully it goes well

[Master] it will be interesting

[Carissa] Interesting indeed

[Master] How are you holding up?

[Master] what are you testing tomorrow?

Lisa has joined the game on Wed Apr 22 19:10:13 EDT 2020

Lisa is receiving the map Base Map...

Lisa has received the map Base Map.

[Carissa] Much better. Who knew talking to people is a good thing? Someone could probably make a living listening to people or something ;)

[Master] grins

[Master] hello Lisa

[Carissa] Just routine scrapie, thankfully. Last week it was a maybe rabid cow. Scrapie is weekly routine stuff, though.

[Carissa] Hi Lisa!

[Master] hmmmm rabid cows......

[Lisa] and Bovine Valley is decimated

Fritz has joined the game on Wed Apr 22 19:11:56 EDT 2020

Fritz is receiving the map Base Map...

Fritz has received the map Base Map.

[Lisa] Hello! :)

[Master] greetings

[Carissa] Aww.... hmm, but another potential quest there/story for that page...

[Master] do you pronouce that scrapie or srApie

[Master] scrap or scrape


Fritz is receiving the map Second Clearing...

Fritz has received the map Second Clearing.

[Master] We have a lot of people right now

[Master] we will take this very slowly if at all

[Fritz] Well if it would potentially decrease the number of NPC's we take along, that might not be a bad thing

[Carissa] ScrAPE-e.

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] the only NPCs you have currently is Tiberious who will always be adn then Sunset who will become TMO's henchman after an adventure or two for him to run after he sees the personality

[Carissa] We have two NPCs so I'm guessing Sundown is on the chopping block? ;)

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Howard Plum modified: Consumable Magic Items - ADDED: Potion of ESP, same as the 2nd-level wizard spell of the same name, except that its effects last for {5d8} rounds, i.e., 5 to 40 minutes., , . ADDED: Potion of Ventriloquism, allows the user to make his voice sound as if it (or someone's voice or a similar sound) were issuing from someplace other than where he is—from another creature, a statue, from behind a door, down a passage, etc. The user can speak in any language he knows, or make any sound he can normally make. To detect the ruse, listeners must roll a successful saving throw vs. spell with a penalty of -2. If cast in conjunction with other illusions, the DM may rule greater penalties or disallow an independent saving throw against this effect—the combined illusion may be perfect! The imbiber can use the ventriloquism ability up to six times within the duration of the potion., , .

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Bob I am going to be writing another Medical News Letter. Would you like a copy (since I know about BCC now)?

[Master] certainly

[Master] I bet most of us do

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I have an NPC...

[Master] you have a temporary person for this adventure

[Master] goes back to the Guild after this is over

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] NOOOOOO I invested to much emotionally to let him go!!! I will have to kill the guild master then!!

[Master] LOL

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (NOT JOKING>>>>Take me seriously..)

[Master] you could pay Ilero a fee for taking him away from his guild duties

[Lisa] killing Ilero would not go over well

[Carissa] Yeah don't recommend that route...

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Is his life a good balance?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I could become an anti-paladin

[Master] TMO's character he just retired to play Brer

[Master] he played for 7 + years

[Master] build up the guild in Foriso Town

[Master] yeah not a good choice to not go along with his wishes

[Lisa] would piss off all the PCs - they love Ilero

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Hehehee I remember when Lisa and Spring started, and John was there when I started.

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] What if I promise to pay for his resurection

[Master] He would not come back

[Master] he has a Hero's complex

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] You know..the whole guild thing is "Till Death do you Part..)

[Master] better to roleplay the buying out of his contract

[Lisa] is newbie going to play a mage?

[Master] no clue yet

[Master] what does everyone think she should play?

[Carissa] Probably a priest. You love those ;)

[Carissa] Although for this adventure, more healing is always good, lol

[Lisa] bran is only mage not counting her two mediocre apprentices

[Lisa] that I have to play basically

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Have them play an anti-paladin...Yo Bob how about we go back and do that "Evil Party" again...We were so sly

[Master] hah

[Lisa] I have the brown pool figured out

[Fritz] You know if you think about, me, and John made a NASTY trio!!!

[Lisa] make the guys in plate mail wade through it and then lift the properly clothed party members up

[Fritz] I have to say...That was probably the MOST fun I have ever had roleplaying

[Lisa] I can see that

[Carissa] See and I was wondering how well it would burn... but it might not be dry enough for it

[Fritz] We were probably the most evil siblings people could concieve, yet we presented ourselves as the "SAVIORS" of the community

Lisa is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Lisa has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Lisa] Bob - look at the map

Fritz is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Fritz has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Master] SO for Lisa, that dark section is two stories tall, the open light area is one story tall

[Lisa] I just want to know how high the ledge us next to the pool

[Master] on a slope down

Carissa is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Carissa has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Lisa] the whit with the little circle on it

[Master] yes think two story block with a one story block next to it with the triangle block on top of the one story block with a large sphere at the end of it

[Lisa] it's only maybe 10 stairs max

[Fritz] STOP

[Fritz] (snicker)

[Master] yes to only a few stairs

[Fritz] hyow high are those areas Bob?

[Master] bulustrade is the word I was searching for yesterday

[Master] the dark blue is two stories, the open is one story tall

[Fritz] One story

[Fritz] 2 stories

[Fritz] 1 story

[Fritz] Correct?

[Lisa] so again metal pants guys wade through it and then toss a rope down and help us up

[Master] B


[Fritz] Bob you see where I was pointing correct?

[Master] yes you see the side view I drew?

[Master] two stories with a slope down

[Fritz] Gotcha...Ok I have a better idea Lisa

[Fritz] Have the rogues scale the 1 story and drop a rope down

[Master] it is more an archetcural function than design to impress

[Lisa] that's just because you are metal pants guy no 1

[Fritz] Hehehe

[Master] there is a stone globe that you could wrap a rope around yes but it is at least 10 feet up

[Fritz] I am also a "Cavalier" and take offense to mucking through a pool of poo!!!

[Lisa] we have 2 rogues with unknown climbing abilities but probably no STR to help metal pants guys get up

[Fritz] Actually Grolduk has a strength of 19...He kept saying that last episode

[Lisa] he's still a 3 ft gnome

[Lisa] he can pull Drayven then and we watch

[Lisa] if he can do that maybe

[Lisa] the strongest mouse isnt lifting a car

[Fritz] Hey!!! Don't height prejudice...He doesn't do that to you!!!

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Carissa] But if we tie a rope properly, couldn't someone climb it on their own just fine to the globe?

[Mighty Mouse (Fritz)] HERE I COME TO SAVE THE DAAAAAY!!!

[Lisa] we have 2 climbing potions but knowing we have balconies inside I'm not sure I want to spend them on the stairs

[Master] grins at Fritz, and nods to Lisa

[Master] Fritz you have no idea how bad it can be inside this place

[Mighty Mouse (Fritz)] Isn't that the idea Bob?

[Lisa] BUT ... Branwyn can cantrip clean

[Master] there are balconies and shrines and altars

[Master] and then secret doors and traps and crypts

[Lisa] so do we just bitre the bullet and wade through it

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Why when we can climb up the side?

[Carissa] I worry about the disease aspect

[Lisa] we have until sunset I don't want to spend 3 hrs on climbing the wall

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] I think you noticing the discrepency will come to our advantage

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] My climb walls are excellent. If I remember correctly Lanek has rope use. According to the game rules it really shouldn't be to hard to get us all up a single story

[Lisa] so assignment until Friday - think of how we can do this so we don't spend 3 hrs in game debating a freaking 10 ft wall

[Lisa] I'm not going IC on Weds

Lisa is receiving the map Second Clearing...

Lisa has received the map Second Clearing.

[Master] yes to Lisa

[Lisa] so did Mario give up on Weds too?

[Fritz] ROFLMAO!!!! Even if we figure this out, Bob will give us something to make us spend 3.5 hours trying to decide wether the risk outweighs the benefits

[Master] I have not heard from him, John and Ryan will not be in

Fritz is receiving the map Forest clearing...

Fritz has received the map Forest clearing.

[Master] checked with Mario will see

[Lisa] so maybe Spring

[Lisa] don't think TMO is doing Weds

[Lisa] and once I can leave the house I think I will need to stop

[Lisa] but not for a month I think

[Master] yes not sure how long this lasts

[Master] but for now I will continue

[Master] I think Fritz would write nice Summaries

[Fritz] (Pssst Bob....Did you send that person over to penny Lisa into her house?)

[Fritz] (Psssst Lisa....Did you tell Bob yet how fucking lazy I am?)

[Master] hah

[Master] but it does look like it is the three of you

[Master] no word from Mario or Spring yet

[Fritz] So are we w/in viewing range of the Stone Mountain?

[Master] not quite yet

[Master] you have a large open field in front of you

[Master] there is a stream out there

[Fritz] Would you mind reminding us of where, when and what is currently going on?

[Master] youa re at the late evening

[Master] you arrived by deer back here at the edge of the forest

[Master] near a stream

[Master] you are camping here near one of the last trees

[Master] then will venture out to the stream and to the Stone Mountain

[Carissa] Did Flow stay or leave?

[Master] left

[Fritz] (That's "Dearback" to you Bob)

Carissa is receiving the map Second Clearing...

Carissa has received the map Second Clearing.

[Fritz] Can we see the stream?

[Carissa] Last trees? Branwyn should plant more around her towner...

[Carissa] It is Earth Day, after all.

[Master] from here in the evening no but you can smell the water

[Fritz] And her tower too

[Master] and laughs

[Carissa] lol

[Fritz] Water in the direction we are heading?

[Master] yes

[Fritz] There was a reason we had to leave by a certain time? i don't remember what it was Flow said

[Master] there is the clearing up ahead then a stream with some trees then that flows to the stone mountain

[Carissa] Easier to stand still in the dark

[Master] Flow wanted to travel in the early evening to blend in during duck

[Master] dusk

[Master] you will have tonight to survie here on your own

[Fritz] She was concerned about being spotted by something in particular if I remember correctly

[Master] yes but she did not say

[Master] you can guess from the story that Danelion told that it might be wolves

[Horatio (Lisa)] (Kel?)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (wandering the woods with a bow and arrow)

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] this si true too

[Carissa] We don't know the timeline this story takes place

[Horatio (Lisa)] (true maybe no wolves or Kel)

[Soarkin Sparrow (Fritz)] (Before we kick this in full gear, are we on the ground, in a tree, on a log, in a house, on a train, in a plane, in the rain...I don't like green eggs and ham)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (or maybe add Shi :) )

[Master] on the ground right now

[Carissa] (Small hope for that ;) )

[Master] jsut got dropped off

Fritz is receiving the map Second Clearing...

Fritz has received the map Second Clearing.

Spring has joined the game on Wed Apr 22 19:51:42 EDT 2020

Spring is receiving the map Base Map...

[Soarkin Sparrow (Fritz)] (So it is Horatio, Capn Jack, Miss bianca, Dandelion?)

Spring has received the map Base Map.

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (Hi Spring!)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (Hi Spring!)

[Spring] hi hi hi!

Spring is receiving the map Forest clearing...

Spring has received the map Forest clearing.

[Soarkin Sparrow (Fritz)] (And DEW!!!!! Hiya)

[Spring] hehe hi!

[Soarkin Sparrow (Fritz)] (And that would add Sniffkins?)

[Master] already on the map

[Spring] it would indeed

[Soarkin Sparrow (Fritz)] (I was going by memory to put the party lineup in my head)

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] so everyone is here at the base of the tree

[Spring] wow is my back sore. not the danger kind of pain though

[Spring] the tired kind

[Master] that is my butt after the last three days of working at a screen rather than walking and pacing around

[Horatio (Lisa)] sorry :(

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (So 3 mice, a rabbit on speed, and a sparrow with a sore wing!!! Damn we are the toughest band of adventurers I could imagine)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] woo hoo! a thing to eat!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (about freaking time)

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (Wait...One of the mice has a whip for a tail!!! Stand back trolls we are a comin')

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] so .... west then?

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) smells the air

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Is the water west? I think we go towards the water?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] After sleep. Maybe sleep first. My legs are tired.

[Master] Northeast from the tree you are at

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Hey...Yo!!! I think given the skittishness (is that a word) vibe I got from Flow, maybe you groundlings might want to take cover or climb up here? Even you Dandelion

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Hiding check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 9!!

Dandelion (Master) looks up from the burrow he is digging

[Dandelion (Master)] I do not climb

[Dandelion (Master)] how would I?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Oh! Yes! Over here. Um no over there. Hmmm... maybe there?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] And you are male...Males do not dig barrows very well...If you were a trans-sexual rabbit I believe you would still be at a disadvantage

[Dandelion (Master)] I can stay safe

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (Barrows=Burrows...can't forget my human dungeoning past)

Spring has left the game on Wed Apr 22 20:01:09 EDT 2020

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt Jack Sparrow: Danger Sense - Humanoid races only check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Ooh but there's no seeds here for a midnight snack...

Spring has joined the game on Wed Apr 22 20:01:54 EDT 2020

Spring is receiving the map Second Clearing...

Spring is receiving the map Second Clearing...

Spring has received the map Second Clearing.

Spring has received the map Second Clearing.

[Dandelion (Master)] Horatio is your star gatherer

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (Gonna see if the history books have any lore on the journey from here to the Stone Mountain...i.e. obstacles or known major monsters)

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt Jack Sparrow: Ancient History check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Dandelion (Master)] I can find enough grass and weeks

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] And hider? There's no place to hide!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Can we sleep in the burrow with you Dandelion?

[Horatio (Lisa)] We don't take up much room

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (We don't have any water to boil the weeks...I mean leeks)

[Master (to Fritz only)] there is the known "open lands" between the trees and the stream and no trees between the stream and teh stone mountain

[Dandelion (Master)] I can try to make room for you if you want

[Dandelion (Master)] you can crawl in behind me and I can sleep in the front

[Horatio (Lisa)] I think that would be nice. I could even help dig

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Oh! Digging is fun!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

[Horatio (Lisa)] See! I dug and found some seeds!

[Spring] silly sparrow! why would we boil anything?

[Spring] (er, in character)

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] If I remember my history bark (correct "bark" not "books" everything is written on bark) there is really nothing but open area between here and the Stone Mountain...From here to the stream is open ground with no hiding places, and after we cross the stream no hiding places between the stream and the Stone Mountain.

[Master (to GM only)] Mole #1 moved 1'05".

[Master (to GM only)] Mole #1 targets Dandelion. Distance: 0'05"

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) shivers with dread

[Mole (Master)] What are you doing!

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] So we need to decide would it be better to traverse the open ground in broad daylight or in the dark?

Mole (Master) grumbles

[Horatio (Lisa)] Hello?

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) looking around

[Master] Horatio moved 8'11".

[Master] Miss Bianca moved 5'07".

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (Bob who is doing the "grumbling")

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Hi! Can we sleep here, too?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt Jack Sparrow moved 18'09".

[Fritz] Capt Jack Sparrow targets Mole. Distance: 1'04"

Mole (Master) KICKS at Dandelion

[Master] Mole: MUSC check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] no no no please don't!!!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse moved 7'08".

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) (to Master only)] did my danger sense go off for the mole?

[Horatio (Lisa)] That's not very nice!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse moved 6'06".

[Mole (Master) (to Fritz only)] no

[Lisa] Horatio targets Mole. Distance: 1'09"

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Attack: Tail Whip: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=6] 14. MISSES Mole (AC FINAL: 10).

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Shhhh down there...What are yo utrying to do wake the dead?

[Horatio (Lisa)] See that tail? Could have hit you with it!

[Mole (Master)] See what?

[Horatio (Lisa)] Ummm ... my tail!

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Who are you fighting with? Who are you talking to?

[Horatio (Lisa)] It was whipping around really fast!

Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) flutters around branches in consternation

[Mole (Master)] I did feel the wind

[Horatio (Lisa)] You can't try to push our friend Dandelion!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] or kick!

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Pssst hey who is that down there with you?

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] a mole?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] A mole?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] We just want somewhere to sleep tonight.

Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) flys down to ground level

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Hi Mr/Ms Mole...(always have trouble with mammal genders)

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt Jack Sparrow: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) (to Master only)] male or female?

[Mole (Master)] (unable to tell)

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (even w/ observation?)

[Mole (Master)] You are digging into my dens

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) whispers, may i suggest "honored mole"

[Mole (Master)] (you only see the nose and face hard to tell form that)

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (how about voice intonation, sense of risk of dieing from Covid-19?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (Males have a higher risk than females)

[Mole (Master)] why are you digging in my dens?

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] i think that was an accident?

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) looking at Dandelion

[Horatio (Lisa)] We need a safe place to sleep

[Dandelion (Master)] Good soft earth

[Horatio (Lisa)] We'll be gone in the morning

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] We can keep you extra warm!

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Oh sorry Mr/Ms Mole...But my friends are looking to hide away from predators...MR. Dandelion isn't the best at digging burrows. Maybe you could assit them...

[Mole (Master)] Hurmmmm

[Mole (Master)] are you going to eat my grubs?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Hey!!!! No they are grub free

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Grubs? Ew. Seeds are better.

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (psst go with it)

[Horatio (Lisa)] Ms. Sniffikins and I already found dinner

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) nodding

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] And I have leftovers!

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] know....Those are mighty strong claws and paws you have there

Mole (Master) flexes

[Mole (Master)] certainly

[Mole (Master)] I can dig from sunrise to sunset

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I bet your den extends ALL THE WAY to the stream

[Mole (Master)] Too wet

[Mole (Master)] THe soil needs to be moist

[Lisa] Horatio no longer targets Mole.

[Mole (Master)] nice even texture

[Mole (Master)] the right grubs like a little bit of wet

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Could maybe it extend "close" to the stream?

[Mole (Master)] but not too much wet

[Mole (Master)] near the stream it gets muddy

[Mole (Master)] and there is clay

[Mole (Master)] you know clay that is hard to dig through

[Mole (Master)] it makes it very hard to find grubs too

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] You see we are trying to get to the stream and are concerned about being exposed

[Mole (Master)] but the dirt near the roots works well

[Mole (Master)] I have heard that my cousin has easy dirt to dig

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Oh they have that horrid "red clay" kind of soil around here?

[Mole (Master)] lots of large clods all around

[Mole (Master)] from up above

[Mole (Master)] that makes the grubs all come up

[Mole (Master)] but here there are not that many of that

[Mole (Master)] but I do good

[Mole (Master)] digging around the roots here

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] where does your cousin live?

[Mole (Master)] somewhere west

[Mole (Master)] the soil is too loose for me there I think

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (We are heading east or west?)

[Mole (Master)] I like a bit of a sturdy taste

[Mole (Master)] a chance to push through and form a good strong burrow

[Mole (Master)] and then when you find those young shoots

[Mole (Master)] that is what makes digging worth it

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] How about the worms in these parts? How are they?

[Mole (Master)] OH the worms here are wonderful

[Mole (Master)] good thick fat and juicy

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] NICE!!!

[Mole (Master)] when you bite into them they squirt in your mouth

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] DAMN!!! I LIKE A GOOD SQUIRTER!!!

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] When the meat is really moist...OH bird, oh bird!!

Miss Bianca (Carissa) yawns, "Umm, can we sleep now?"

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) yawns too

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Mr/Ms Mole do you think it would be to much to ask you to help my friends out?

[Mole (Master)] You can

[Mole (Master)] You can sleep here

[Mole (Master)] as long as you leave my grubs alone

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Oh! Thank you. We will!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Thank you!!

Miss Bianca (Carissa) curls up close to sleep

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Maybe even help us get closer to the river without being seen?

[Master] Tunnels back down

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] If early in the morning I can get you a fat worm would that be incentive enough?

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] sorry, mole is gone

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Oh well...

[Dandelion (Master)] I bet I can THUMP his tunnels and make them fall

[Dandelion (Master)] that would get him to come up

[Horatio (Lisa)] Oh No!

Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) shrugs...Maybe he/she heard me...they do have good hearing...

[Horatio (Lisa)] Why would we do that after he was being nice?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Please don't do that Dandelion...

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I'm going to fly back up into the trees if you need anything...whisper...

Fritz has edited Capt Jack Sparrow's effects.

[Master] as it gets deeper dark you can hear the bats calling to each other

[Master] flittering from tree to tree

Horatio (Lisa) shivers

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) (to Master only)] I added an altitude effect to my character...can adjust it for game play

[Master] out to skim insects off the water

[Master] and back to the shelter of the trees

Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) curls into a corner of a large branch. Fluffs his feathers and tucks his nose under his wing and goes to sleep

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] BRB need a snack

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] as the mice huddle down in the burrow behind Dandelion

[Master] now that you are here do you ahve any idea how to find a ring?

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) snuggles lose

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (metal detector)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (like i find anything, by smell?)

Dandelion (Master) murrmers tell me a stroy mama

[Spring] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] anything for the night?

[Master] huddled away with your tails curled up over your noses?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (think so)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (no sorry)

[Master (to GM only)] Mouse #12 moved 6'07".

[Master (to GM only)] Mouse #11 moved 3'09".

[Master (to GM only)] Mouse #10 moved 1'04".

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master (to GM only)] Mouse #9 moved 1'06".

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] so then when Spring returns morning comes

[Master] grins

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (it was a long dark winter)

Dandelion (Master) YAWNS

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) stretches

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (Well I was going go by what I learned from the history barks, and from the time I spent hanging around with the crows...It was when I was younger and in a rebellious stage)

Dandelion (Master) hops up

[Dandelion (Master)] slowly cautiously

[Dandelion (Master)] THump

[Dandelion (Master)] Thump

[Dandelion (Master)] thuMP

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt Jack Sparrow: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] you are disturbing the mole on purpose?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt Jack Sparrow moved 13'04".

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

[Dandelion (Master)] Checking for others

Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) flying around looking for PHAT WORMS

Miss Bianca (Carissa) sleepily, "Who's knocking?"

Dandelion (Master) slowly moving aroud

[Dandelion (Master)] nibbling

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Dandelion is

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Ish 5 more minutes....

[Master] and you all survived your night out in the world

[Master] your first night away from The Tree

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (we are so big and independent now!)

[Master] yawning and stretching

[Master] you get to figure out your way across the meadow

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (I'm flying as high as a kite...Literally)

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Grolduk Groundsearcher modified: Personal Information - Size:: CHANGED: S (null). Alignment:: CHANGED: LN? (null).

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt Jack Sparrow: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Master] how do you want to handle that?

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] as i was falling asleep, i realized i don't wanna cross the meadow at night

Horatio (Lisa) calls down "Thank you Mr. Mole!"

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (with good rolls?)

Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) Flys back to the burrow w/ a Fat Juicy Worm in his beak

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] those who eat little mice will be able to see in the dark better than we will

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] and they will be up and about

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] course there are those who eat little mice in the day, too

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] but at least we can see

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] So if we run across now we're safer?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Explushe meesh. Haveplsh ush sheen Mspler Molspel aroundhsple

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] no i don't think so

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] but what if we take some of these big leaves and hide under them while we cross?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Explushe meesh. Haveplsh ush sheen Mspler Molspel aroundhsple

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Oh! Those are big leaves!

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] ?????

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] then we just look like leaves blowing on the breeze

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt Jack Sparrow moved 16'00".

Fritz has edited Capt Jack Sparrow's effects.

[Horatio (Lisa)] That's a good idea Sniffikins!

Miss Bianca (Carissa) claps. "Very smart, Sniffikins!"

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Explushe meesh!!!!!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] i hope the wind is going our way

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] if not we migyt have to go diagonal or really slow or something

Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) looks around the burrow as the Fat Juicy Worm continues to wiggle aggressively in his beak

Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) glares at Sniffikins as the Fat Juicy Worm hits him near his eye

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] If you just drop it in there I bet he'll find it.

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] oh is it a gift for the mole? how nice!

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Islsh willbl NOTch jushe dropst sthomping shoesh nishe andslp flysph awapl

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Dandelion, would you be willing to get the mole's attention for the sparrow?


[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] dandelion has the Underground Signaling Equipment

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] i.e. thumpity feet

[Dandelion (Master)] You want me to thump his burrow?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Ispl washpl hoppish heesh misht burplsep clobbersh toosh thespshs srpleeshrm

[Horatio (Lisa)] Don't break it!

[Dandelion (Master)] thump

[Dandelion (Master)] quietly

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) beams with gratitude

[Dandelion (Master)] thump

Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) Nods, then shakes his head as the worm gets a bit closer to popping him in the eye with it's squiggling

[Dandelion (Master)] Do you think he heard us?

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Ż\_(?)_/Ż

[Dandelion (Master)] So are we running to the stream?

Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) cocks head at an angle

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] With leaves!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] is the meadow before the stream or after the stream? i forgot

Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) looks at Dandelion and cuffs ground several times w/ his talons

[Horatio (Lisa)] Maybe moles sleep during the day and are up at night

Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) EYES GET REALLY WIDE after Horatio makes that comment

Horatio (Lisa) looks to find a big leaf

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] O^O

Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) looks at Dandelion with a bit more urgency and cuffs ground several times w/ his talons

Dandelion (Master) looks and shrugs

[Dandelion (Master)] I do not know where he went

[Dandelion (Master)] just eat it

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

[Dandelion (Master)] or drop it

Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) looks at Dandelion with even a bit more urgency and cuffs ground several times w/ his talons

Horatio (Lisa) finds a big leaf with some seeds under it

[Dandelion (Master)] thump

[Dandelion (Master)] There are no other rabbits here

Horatio (Lisa) pockets the seeds and pulls the leaf over his head

Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) sighs as he continues to struggle with the Fat Juicy Worm and nods

[Horatio (Lisa)] Ooooooooo!!! Horatio the ghost mouse!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Tumbling check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Horatio (Lisa)] OUCH!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Can't see with the leaf over my head!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Oh! This is a big leaf!

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Ż\_O^O_/Ż

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Oh oh Mole maybe can tell you have to seew without seeing.

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) picks up a big leaf and gets under it

[Horatio (Lisa)] I don't think Mr. Mole is hungry or he would have come up

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] if he didn't come up when Dandelion thumped, i bet he is sound asleep

Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) GULPS down Fat Juicy Worm and as the juices flow out of his beak onto the ground and his feathers he sighs

Horatio (Lisa) looks at the clearing

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] DAMN THAT WAS A GOOD WORM!!! I bet he would have dug us a hole to Wuhan China after tasting that one...Oh well

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) Cleans himself...

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Let me fly around and see if i see anything

[Master] There are bushes over on the edge of the stream where it comes out of the forest

[Master] that looks to be the closest cover

[Horatio (Lisa)] We should run for the bushes!

Fritz has edited Capt Jack Sparrow's effects.

[Master] maybe 50 to 100 yards

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Gimme a minute...I'll right back

[Horatio (Lisa)] (movement?)

Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) flaps his wings and takes to the sky

[Master] 1 to 2 yards per round

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt Jack Sparrow moved 59'05".

[Master (to Fritz only)] under the bushes on the edge of the stream

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (and a round lasts how long?)

[Horatio (Lisa)] So we run as far as we can and then rest under the leaf. Then go again

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) (to Master only)] is that human sized or varmit sized?

[Master (to Fritz only)] mice sized

Fritz is receiving the map Second Clearing...

Fritz has received the map Second Clearing.

[Horatio (Lisa)] (unless the rabbit wants to carry us)

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt Jack Sparrow moved 56'04".

Fritz has edited Capt Jack Sparrow's effects.

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (This is also for while I was flying Bob)

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt Jack Sparrow: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) flaps down to the ground and is all a Twitter!!!!

[Master] Only what you saw

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (Damn I love puns)

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Chirp, chirp, chirp chirp...

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] !!!!!!

[Master] love to hear the robin going tweet tweet tweet

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Oh my GWARSH!!!

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Oh my GWARSH!!!

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Oh my GWARSH!!!

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Chirp, chirp, chirp chirp...

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Is the worm fighting back up?

Horatio (Lisa) laughs

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] You will never guess WHAT ISAW!!!!!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (hahaha)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] what did you see?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] You will never guess WHAT I SAW!!!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] humans?

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] dogs?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] No go ahead..guess.. No

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] No

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] a ring?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] No...even Better

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Worm colony?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] !!!!!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] a giant rock?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Worm Colony...Where?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Ok..Ok...OK!!!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Seeds?

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Under the bushes....

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] At the edge of the stream...

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I saw...

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Rocks!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Seeds!

Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) pauses for effect and looks around the burrow

[Horatio (Lisa)] Berries?

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] dragons!

[Horatio (Lisa)] No, dragons would be bad surprise

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Dragonflies!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Berries would be really good surprise!

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] A FERRY TOWN built by MICE!!!!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Ferriers?

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] a WHOLE TOWN?!?!?!?!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Fairies?

[Horatio (Lisa)] I didn't think there were things like fairies

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Can you believe it? Well maybe a small hamlet...Yes they have a ferry

[Horatio (Lisa)] Is she pretty?

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] it might not be a girl fairy

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Well how else would some creatures be able to cross?

[Horatio (Lisa)] I like Hamlets

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Hamlet! Oh my neighbor's name was Hamlet!

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I don't know..didn't get a good look at it...But I would imagine if not pretty at least sturdy

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] if it's in a cage, i'm not gonna like that

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (lol to Lisa)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] isn't hamlet a pglet name?

[Horatio (Lisa)] A fairy might be able to carry us but I'm not sure it would carry Dandelion

[Horatio (Lisa)] But we should go visit mouse town.

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] how big do fairies get?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Oh I am pretty sure it could carry Dandelion too...The hamlet seemed to be well built

[Horatio (Lisa)] I hope they like us

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Do we still have to run?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Well I am sure not much bigger than a few mice could handle safely

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] i think we still have to run

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Okay!

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Well I didn't see anything else near or in the clearing but I would imagine haste is still of the essence

Miss Bianca (Carissa) starts stretching to warm up

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Do you think????

Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) Being the Bird Brain that he is as a new idea starts to form in his head

[Horatio (Lisa)] Maybe you could ask the fairy to fly over here and get us

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I bet if we stitched some of the leaves together really securely and made a sling like I have for this MAN BAG (it is not a purse) to go over Dandelions shoulders, he might be able to use his incredible strength and speed to get you all across faster

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] What? Ferries float they don't fly? That would be a dirigible

[Horatio (Lisa)] A dirgigle?

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] a dribble?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Close enough

[Horatio (Lisa)] We would have to ask Dandelion if he wanted to carry us

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (My friday night character is really rubbing off on you guys...ROFLMAO)

[Horatio (Lisa)] I don't know how to mend things together

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Well I have been studying things like this for when I have to build my..uhm..."nest" (he says with a shy whisper)

Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) if feathers could blush his would be red like a male cardinal's)

[Horatio (Lisa)] Can you carry us across the field Dandelion?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Well pull actually

[Dandelion (Master)] Are you sure?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Sure what?

[Dandelion (Master)] what would you do>? Hold onto my ears?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] No, no, no..

[Dandelion (Master)] It will be bouncy for you

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Getting some strong leaves, and twisting vines and twigs together I could fashion a type of mini nest. You could then pull it across the clearing...We could call it...a.."Rickety Shaw"...pat pend

[Dandelion (Master)] I thought you were getting leaves to hide under?

[Dandelion (Master)] We should go

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Catch up Dandelion

[Dandelion (Master)] it will be bright out there soon

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Do you need me to give you time to go back and read the chat?

[Dandelion (Master)] (I ready but he did not, grins)

Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) stares at Dandelion w/ a sarcastic smirk

[Horatio (Lisa)] Doesn't sound like he wants to do it

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Fine...Putting a good Bird Brain to waste!!!

[Dandelion (Master)] We crossed the other clearings

[Dandelion (Master)] we can do this

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) (to Master only)] this is almost as much fun as the "evil" campaign

[Horatio (Lisa)] Yes!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Are we ready?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Ok..I guess I will fly around and give you all a "Birds Eye View" ... pat pend

Horatio (Lisa) pulls leaf over his head

[Dandelion (Master)] heads out

Miss Bianca (Carissa) finishes warming up and puts leave over head

[Dandelion (Master)] zig zagging

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Let me go first. I'll chirp 3 times on the tree when it is sare

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Let's go!

[Horatio (Lisa)] .me runs out a couple yards

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] safe

[Horatio (Lisa)] You said it was safe

Miss Bianca (Carissa) tries to keep together

[Master] Capt Jack Sparrow moved 26'09".

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Well I guess you can't keep a fast rabbit down..

[Master] Sniffikins Fieldmouse moved 36'10".

[Master] Miss Bianca moved 42'05".

[Master] Horatio moved 40'10".

Fritz has edited Capt Jack Sparrow's effects.

[Master] Dandelion moved 83'06".

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (Bob is he heading in the right direction?)

[Master] Dandelion? no

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (I thought not)

[Master] he zig zags across the meadow

[Master] Dandelion moved 11'10".

[Master] Dandelion moved 23'02".

[Master] Dandelion moved 51'09".

[Master] Miss Bianca, Sniffikins Fieldmouse and Horatio moved 13'02".

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Ok...this way towards the Hamlet

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt Jack Sparrow moved 61'10".

[Master] so hiding? sneaking? any ideas?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt Jack Sparrow: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[Horatio (Lisa)] (we're wearing leaf camoflauge)

[Master] yes

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (hiding AND sneaking)

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (Aren't they under the "Leafy Canopy"...pat pend?)

[Master] Miss Bianca, Sniffikins Fieldmouse and Horatio moved 5'06".

[Horatio (Lisa)] (so scurryng across and seeing what happens - horatio can go first and see what happens and the others can adjust and jump over his corpse)

[Master] lol

Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) keeping my eyes looking for predators

[Badger (Master) (to Fritz only)] you spot the badger near Dandelion

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (Do I see any Elil Bob?)

[Master] Badger moved 4'04".

[Master] Badger targets Dandelion. Distance: 3'04"

[Badger (Master)] what are you doing here

[Master] Dandelion moved 1'03".

[Master] Dandelion targets Badger. Distance: 2'08"

[Dandelion (Master)] Hey Hey


[Dandelion (Master)] I am just moving along

[Dandelion (Master)] (carissa can tell you how dangerous badgers are)

[Master] Badger moved 1'05".

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (ain't no messing with a honey badger)


[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (hope there isn't a coyote around)

[Dandelion (Master)] What are you worried about?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] AT 2 CLOUDS PAST MID SUN

[Master] Dandelion moved 9'10".

[Master] Dandelion no longer targets Badger.

[Master] Dandelion moved 19'03".

[Master] Dandelion moved 25'04".

[Dandelion (Master)] Watch out little ones


Miss Bianca (Carissa) quietly, "We'll just... leaf here."

[Dandelion (Master)] Keep going keep going

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (wich way is the badger heading bob?)

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) going

Horatio (Lisa) scurries forward

[Horatio (Lisa)] (not sure how far to move)

[Dandelion (Master)] it was heading right towards the group before it got distracted by the rabbit

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.


[Master] you make it across the meadow to the bushes along the edge of the treem

Fritz is receiving the map forest stream edge...

Lisa is receiving the map forest stream edge...

Fritz has received the map forest stream edge.

[Master] stream

Lisa has received the map forest stream edge.

Horatio (Lisa) pant, pant, pant

[Horatio (Lisa)] I think that was the farthest I've ever gone. Ever!

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] See I told you there was a mouse sized hamet here...And look a ferry probably is docked at the stream

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] whew i need a drink of water!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] We're so many trees away!

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I suggest we be very careful about telling anyone why we are here...And we should also see if the rats have come this way yet

[Master] You are on the dge of the meadow and under a large bush you see this cluster of huts

[Master] a stream that flows out of the forest

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (Language Bob!!)

[Master] out towards the stone mountain

[Master] the land is clear from here all the way out

[Master] the far side down stream

[Master] a tall hill with a stone wall on top

[Master] it must be at least three times taller than The Ledge

[Master] adn then the wall is at least 20 times taller

[Master] all off in the Misty distance

[Horatio (Lisa)] Whoa!

[Horatio (Lisa)] I think even rats would be scared of that

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (Clarification...The "Stone Mountain" pic is varmit sized or human sized? The "Stone Mountain" is on this side or the opposite side of the stream? Does the stream flow to/through the Stone Mountain?

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) shivers

[Horatio (Lisa)] (Stone Mountain is Branwyn's house I thought)

[Master] Human sized, that is about a half mile to a mile away and it is still that big on the horizon, the stream you are near flows towards it

[Master] yes to Lisa

[Master] a Grand Stone Building up on top of a Motte

[Horatio (Lisa)] (she has 3 story home)

[Master] with a moat surrounding the entire place

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Aren't Moats around things?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] So is it in the moat or on the moat?

[Horatio (Lisa)] (huh?)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (there is a moat around the manor)

[Master] you see the stream flowing from where you are towards it

[Horatio (Lisa)] (like there is one around Skull Church)

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (is it on this side or the opposite side?)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (this is not the moat)

[Master] except the one at Dragon Fen Manor is fed by a natural stream that flows out of the Valoris Wood and into the swamps, it was diverted to make a moat around the Manor House Complex

[Horatio (Lisa)] (yes Branwyn's moat will not eat you)

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] No it's a Motte

[Master] you are on the western side of the stream that flows out towards the Stone Manor

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (Grrr on the "same" or "Opposite" side we are on...simple terms)

[Master] you do not know

[Master] you are looking down the stream

[Master] it is a long way away

[Master] well over a mile

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (See that was less confusing...*not)

[Mouse #8 (Master)] What are you doing here?

[Mouse #8 (Master)] You kids should be home, where are your parents?

Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) incorporating his power of "Dive of the Hawk" he transfers that chi energy into his eyes..."Vision of the Hawk"..(What do I see now Bob?)

Fritz is receiving the map forest stream edge...

Fritz has received the map forest stream edge.

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Umm somewhere. It's okay. We're allowed to be ot.

[Mouse #8 (Master)] (same thing Fritz, you will have to go closer and or talk to the local)

[Mouse #8 (Master)] You should not be out here in the middle of the day like that

[Mouse #8 (Master)] what are you wearing?

[Mouse #8 (Master)] Who are your parents?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (Bob it was a joke/rhetorical question, but thanks)

[Mouse #8 (Master)] I do not remember seeing you around here

Fritz has edited Soarkin Sparrow's effects.

Fritz has edited Capt Jack Sparrow's effects.

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (i'm having a hard time staying awake, gonna have to go, sorry

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (Night Spring)

[Mouse #8 (Master)] (no worry Spring almost done for the night after this meeting)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] gnite!

Spring has left the game on Wed Apr 22 21:43:26 EDT 2020

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (same spring all good)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] We're from a few trees away!

[Horatio (Lisa)] A LOT of trees away!

Mouse #8 (Master) sniffs

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Oh we are on our way to visit my grandmother! She lives near here...We have only traveled a few trees to get here

[Mouse #8 (Master)] Why are you here?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Not far at all

Mouse #8 (Master) pointing at the mice

[Mouse #8 (Master)] HE might be flitting around

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Well I can fly to see my grandmother but I can't carry them

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Because.... um....

[Mouse #8 (Master)] but you should be underground where you belong

[Horatio (Lisa)] We're chasing the bad rats who are coming here

[Horatio (Lisa)] Have you seen two rats?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] They are going...GHUSH Mouse #12 (Master) recoils

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] No nothing about rats

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Yeah! They hurt our mage!

[Mouse #12 (Master)] Shhhhhh

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Not rats...He means BATS

[Mouse #9 (Master)] mage? who is your mage?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] My Grandmother got the Coronavirus from some bats near here

[Horatio (Lisa)] Mr Arch Mage

[Mouse #11 (Master)] Careful Careful

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Horatio might be infected because he doesn't know what he is saying...hint hint

[Horatio (Lisa)] He doesn't let us call him by his name name

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Geez...Didn't you two hear ANYTHING I said about keeping our mission a secret?!?!?!?!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Nope!

[Horatio (Lisa)] I want to know if we beat the rats here

[Mouse #11 (Master)] If you know best you will stay away from any rats

[Horatio (Lisa)] And warn the village

[Mouse #8 (Master)] I have not seen any rats here

Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) shrugs at the gulibility of mice...

[Mouse #8 (Master)] why do you need to warn the village about the rats?

[Horatio (Lisa)] Yes! We don't want to see the rats

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Because they're bad!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Because they may be coming this way

[Mouse #8 (Master)] yes rats are bad

[Horatio (Lisa)] They are going to the Stone Mountain

[Mouse #8 (Master)] but they are strong and you need to be careful

[Mouse #12 (Master)] Oh you mean the three rats from there?

[Horatio (Lisa)] Miss Bianca the Brave already defeated one rat!

[Mouse #12 (Master)] THey came through here 6 days ago

Mouse #10 (Master) snorts

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Three? I thought it was only two now.

[Mouse #10 (Master)] what do you mean you defeated a rat

Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) mumbles in exasperation - "And they say 'Sparrows' are chatty...Humph they are nothing compared to 2 juvenile mice from the country"

[Mouse #12 (Master)] Three rats came from the Stone Mountain and headed into the forest 6 days ago

[Horatio (Lisa)] Two because Miss Bianca killed one. All by herself!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] He wasn't being nice...

[Horatio (Lisa)] That's why she carries the helmet of bravery!

Miss Bianca (Carissa) taps the thimble

Mouse #8 (Master) is imporessed

[Horatio (Lisa)] Why would rats go from the Mountain to the forest?

[Mouse #9 (Master)] Where did you get that?

Horatio (Lisa) scratches his head and thinks a bit

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] From Mr Arch Mage!

[Mouse #11 (Master)] Why are you trying to get to Stone Mountain?

[Mouse #11 (Master)] if you are trying to stay away from the rats you do not want to go there

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] We're not! We're chasing them down!

Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) interupts

[Mouse #11 (Master)] THere are no rats here

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] No we aren't chasing them down

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] We're trying to get to the Stone Mountain before them to get the magic ring before they do

[Horatio (Lisa)] That's good! That means we went faster than the rats!

[Horatio (Lisa)] We can find the ring!!

[Mouse #9 (Master)] Magic Ring?

[Horatio (Lisa)] You haven't seen a giant squirrel have you?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Magic Ring!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Yeah! One the rats would use for evil!

[Horatio (Lisa)] You know about the ring?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Yeah! Evil!

[Mouse #11 (Master)] The Great Ones rarely come this close to the edge of the woods

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Great Ones!!

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] They are trying to get a ring the Great One dropped

[Mouse #8 (Master)] THere are legends of the Great Ones and magic they weild

Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) SMILES

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I know I have read all the stories written in bark

[Mouse #8 (Master)] If it is a magic item from the Great Ones how will you find it?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Uhm.....

[Horatio (Lisa)] We'll look really hard

Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) looks at the mice

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] We

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Luck?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] We're good at finding seeds! We'll find it!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Umm, actually Horatio is good at that...

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Wait, wait...didn't they say something about where it was dropped? What was it they told Mr. Arch Mage?

[Horatio (Lisa)] We thought we were chasing the rats so if we found the rats we'd find the ring, but then a deer gave us a ride and so we went really far and now we beat the rats so the whole pkan we had won't work any more

Horatio (Lisa) pants

[Mouse #8 (Master)] Did the rats have the ring?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] No but they knew where it was

[Mouse #12 (Master)] where is the ring?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] They apparently got some piece of info from Mr Arch mage that gave them the answer

[Horatio (Lisa)] I dunno

[Horatio (Lisa)] No! If Mr. Arch Mage told the rats he would have told us too

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] It was the one that stabbed the Arch Mage tha Miss Bianca killed.

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Are we sure he didn't?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Look in the Helmet of Bravery...Maybe he put something in there

[Horatio (Lisa)] If Mr. Arch Mage knows where the ring is and told the rats and didn't tell us but told us to go follow bad rats and find the ring that would make Mr. Arch Mage a bad person and he's not a bad person so it didn't happen

Horatio (Lisa) pants

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Not if he gave them only "part" of the info...enough so they wouldn't kill him, but not enough to find it

[Mouse #8 (Master)] who is your arch mage?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] The chipmunk Mr Arch Mage!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] We told you that.

[Mouse #8 (Master)] a chimpmunk!

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Miss Bianca look over the Helmet of Bravery again..

[Mouse #8 (Master)] THE CHIPMUNK?!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Um, yes. He is a chipmunk.

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Uhhh...duh!!! What other MR ARCH MAGE is there?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Are there not chipmunk arch mages?

Lisa has left the game on Wed Apr 22 22:02:08 EDT 2020

[Mouse #8 (Master)] No no

[Mouse #8 (Master)] I believe you

[Mouse #11 (Master)] Could they be looking for the legendary giant fish?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Giant fish?

[Mouse #12 (Master)] How could they know of that?

Lisa has joined the game on Wed Apr 22 22:03:04 EDT 2020

Lisa is receiving the map Base Map...

Lisa has received the map Base Map.

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] (I guess Lisa's wind was cut off?)

[Mouse #11 (Master)] They say it is magical

[Lisa] That was me and not Klooge

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Magical Fish?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Oooh! I want to meet a magic giant fish!

Lisa is receiving the map forest stream edge...

Lisa has received the map forest stream edge.

[Mouse #9 (Master)] No one has seen this magical giant fish

[Mouse #9 (Master)] It does not exist

[Mouse #9 (Master)] that is just myth

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Can the magic fish help us? We'll find it if it can help us!

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] yo uwant to tell them what the magic ring does?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] I am a good swimmer!

[Mouse #9 (Master)] Come in side

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Okay!

[Mouse #9 (Master)] you need to rest you look hungry

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] I am running low on seeds...

[Mouse #9 (Master)] and when your parents get here we will get this all straightened out

[Mouse #10 (Master)] yes inside

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] No, no, no...

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Oh no. We have to go again soon.

[Horatio (Lisa)] Ohhhhhh! What if the magical ring fell in the water and a fish ate it and is invisible so no one can ever catch it?

[Mouse #10 (Master)] we can get you some good seeds

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Exactly what I was thinking

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] You can bring the seeds here and then we and go. No time to rest for heros!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Our parents can't come! They're making an army

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Army.

Carissa is receiving the map forest stream edge...

Carissa has received the map forest stream edge.

[Mouse #10 (Master)] firm shake of his head

[Mouse #10 (Master)] You will come in side now

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Busy making army...Not busy like rabbits are busy

[Horatio (Lisa)] To fight the rats!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Danger Sense - Humanoid races only check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Mouse #10 (Master)] and we will talk of this later

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] No, No, No...

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Oh, ummm, maybe it's okay.

[Horatio (Lisa)] Capt. Jack said you had a fairy?

Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) flitters back

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Yes a ferry on the water to take us across

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Oh! Can we see this fairy first?

[Horatio (Lisa)] Can we ride on it?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Is it also super magical?

[Mouse #10 (Master)] what fairy are you talking about?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] The magical one!

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt Jack Sparrow: Danger Sense - Humanoid races only check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Horatio (Lisa)] The fairy that take mice across the river here

[Mouse #10 (Master)] There is no ferry that goes aross the river,

[Mouse #10 (Master)] the rats have a boat here

[Mouse #10 (Master)] they made us take care of it for them

Horatio (Lisa) disappointed

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Oh! You sunk it?

[Horatio (Lisa)] Can we take the rat boat?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Ferry boat what's the difference...they both float on the water.

[Horatio (Lisa)] That would stop them!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] A good way to take care of that!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Ohhh but the rats might hurt you

[Mouse #10 (Master)] You need to come inside right now

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Uhm...why would the rats keep a boat here?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Right now?

Mouse #10 (Master) steps forward to grab Horatio by the ear

[Mouse #10 (Master)] and drag him inside

[Horatio (Lisa)] Could you take us in the boat and then bring the boat back

[Horatio (Lisa)] Hey!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Hey hey don't hurt Horatio!

Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) pecks

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Tumbling check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Tumbling check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt Jack Sparrow: Attack: Natural Attack: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=2] 18

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt Jack Sparrow: Attack: Natural Attack: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=19] 1

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Capt Jack Sparrow: Attack: Natural Attack: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=1] 19

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] LET MY FRIEND GO THIS INSTANT

[Horatio (Lisa)] Don't hurt the mice Capt. Jack!

[Master] So the fluttering wings and Horatio squirming around and Bianca bumping into people

[Master] causes the river mice to scatter

[Master] and leave the three of you here on the bank of the stream

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Quick Dandelion lets get our friends and take the boat fast

[Master] actually I think this is a good place to pause

[Master] so next session you can take the boat down stream to the moat

[Carissa] yes please

[Lisa] ok

[Master] you made good progress

[Lisa] yes

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I have a Bad feeling about these mice...They were way to casual about rats keeping a boat here

[Master] you earned another story point

[Lisa] yay!

[Master] they did say the rats made them keep the boat here

[Carissa] Nice! Spend now or can we do that next week?

[Master] and I am glad that Lisa and Fritz hit upon the idea of the invisible fish

[Master] yes to Carissa now or later your choice

[Carissa] No thinking tonight so will do that next wee

[Carissa] And on that note then, good night

Carissa has left the game on Wed Apr 22 22:13:19 EDT 2020

[Lisa] So thank you

[Master] grins

[Lisa] Goodnight for me too

[Master] night

[Lisa] See you on Friday

[Master] yes

Lisa has left the game on Wed Apr 22 22:13:56 EDT 2020

Story point awarded