Main / 20200424

Chat Log - 2020 04 24 - Third Time is Tradition (Formatted)

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Night...gonna goof around a bit

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Bob how many mice were in the last encounter?

[Master] 5

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Their number were?

[Master] and mess around

[Master] 8 9 19 11 12

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Ok...

[Master] Chat log will be posted very soon

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] They seemed to know and say different things

[Master] thank you grins

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] some said No rats

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I want to look and see if I can figure out which mice had the same and which different stories as well as their actions

[Master] yeap

[Master] that is why we have these archives

[Master] if you want to take a stab at writing up a summary of tonight go for it

[Master] just write in your style

[Master] quick bits of what happened

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] No, no, No...You have archives so you can tell me I need to go and read them, and I can tell you "No fucking way"


[Master] the Session Summaries for the Valori Wood Adventures are there

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] by the way...Speaking of "no fucking way" I have (and tell no one) been reading the initial Skull Temple Archives

[Master] so you can see what you were actually told

[Master] grins it has been a fun time there

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I'm trying to get info on the "Red Cloak" but having a difficult time.

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I am where he just escaped out of the main temple

[Master] yeap

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I believe I have 3 or 4 more sessions to read

[Master] and they are about to meet Toybin in the catecombs under the church

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I hope I can find some answers there since I know NOTHING about him

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] You told me that was the encounter where he really messed w/ Branwyn so I wanted to see what happened

[Master] in the church when he cast upon her boils on her skin etc

[Master] that was one of the encounters with him there in the church

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Also to see if maybe he gives any hints as to his power/alingment/intent...He did that...I thought that came from the dagger

[Master] He is a necromancer through and through but lawful

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I didn't see anywhere that he cast a spell

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I thought he would turn out to be such...

[Master] in the end they find out that he is Toybin's brother, after Toybin marries the Queen

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I also (and don't tell anyone) read about the Finnish church

[Master] and Red Cloaks wife is Jennivive

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] And the mythology

[Master] who was sent along with the group to Dryads Lair

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Oh and on the web site you have something wrong

[Master] when Branwyn was off being the ambassador for Drillian, Jennivie was there to represent the Queen

[Master] chuckles

[Master] is it wrong or a change I made?

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I am NOT reading the web site and even if someone quotes me on this I will deny it

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] What's the name of the diety that the paladins worship is?

[Master] They never said

[Master] Uklo is the Estate that supports them

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Yes they is the same one as the worshippers before...yes that is it Uklo

[Master] not a God the Uklo Estates,

[Master] A previous Queen who was from that family established the Order of the Brotherhood

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] yea..gimme a sec

[Master] and that is where their headquarters are

[Master] Ukko

[Master] is the good from the Suomi religion

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Yes the Kayugan

[Master] that is Uthe

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] what is the one that has a "B" in it/

[Master] Brennios and Belinos

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Found it!!!

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Yes the Suomi

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] You have Vainamoinen listed as a "Hero"...he is actually a demigod

[Master] Ahhh

[Master] that depends on your point of view and how many worshipers he has

[Master] Hero is the right one

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Well according to the Finnish mythology he was a demi-god

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] and a hero

[Master] you will find more baout him in the catecombs here under Skull Church

[Master] I am off to bed

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Väinämöinen (Finnish pronunciation: [??æinæ?møinen]) is a demigod, hero[1] and the central character in Finnish folklore and the main character in the national epic Kalevala.

[Master] glad you are enjoying

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] NOPE!!!

[Master] smiles

[Master] have fun!

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I hate reading this stuff takes to much time..

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] I know you are gone and won't read this till later, but if we find the Sampo I want it!!! LOL

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] The Earth is created from the shards of a goldeneye (a small duck) egg and the first man (Väinämöinen) is born to the goddess Ilmatar. Väinämöinen brings trees and life to the barren world.

Fritz has edited Grolduk Groundsearcher's effects.

Fritz is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Fritz has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Fritz] Grolduk Groundsearcher targets Skarphedin. Distance: 5'11"

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Grolduk Groundsearcher: Attack: Dagger/Dirk, hurled: ((20-(d20-(-3+-3)))-1-1-1) [1d20=5] 6 [MODIFIED (-1)]. HITS Skarphedin (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Grolduk Groundsearcher: Damage v SM: Dagger/Dirk, hurled: ((1d4)+6+2+1) [1d4=2] 11 [MODIFIED (+1)] added to: Skarphedin

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Grolduk Groundsearcher modified: Weapons - CHANGED: Dagger/Dirk, hurled -- #: +5 (+4),

Fritz has edited Grolduk Groundsearcher's effects.

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Grolduk Groundsearcher modified: Consumable Magic Items - CHANGED: Potion of Giant Strength -- Expression: Frost Giant 635 +9 100 yd. d8 70% (Frost Giant 635 +9 100 yd. 1-8 70%),

Fritz has edited Grolduk Groundsearcher's effects.

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Drayven Starmantle modified: Consumable Magic Items - CHANGED: Potion of Superhealing -- Expression: 6d8+2 (null),

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Drayven Starmantle modified: Consumable Magic Items - CHANGED: Protection—Magic -- Expression: This scroll invokes a very powerful, invisible globe of antimagic in a 5-foot radius from the reader. No form of magic can pass into or out of it, but physical things are not restricted by the globe. As with other protections, the globe of antimagic moves with its invoker. The protection lasts for 5d6 rounds. (null), CHANGED: Potion of Super Heroism -- Expression: (null),

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Grolduk Groundsearcher modified: Consumable Magic Items - DELETED: Potion of Giant Strength, Frost Giant 635 +9 100 yd. d8 70%, null, null.

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Drayven Starmantle modified: Consumable Magic Items - DELETED: Potion of Super Heroism, , null, null. CHANGED: Potion of Super-heroism -- Expression: This potion gives the individual a temporary increase in levels (see heroism potion) if he has fewer than 13 levels of experience. It is similar to the heroism potion, but more powerful, and its effects last just 5d6 melee rounds: Number of Additonal Level of Levels Temporary Consumer Bestowed Hit Dice 0 6 5d10 1st-3rd 5 4d10+1 4th-6th 4 3d10+2 7th-9th 3 2d10+3 10th-12th 2 1d10+4 (null),

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Capt Jack Sparrow modified:

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Capt Jack Sparrow modified: Combat - Melee THAC0: (THAC0) : CHANGED: 20-1 (20).

Fritz has edited Drayven Starmantle's effects.

Fritz has edited Drayven Starmantle's effects.

Fritz has edited Drayven Starmantle's effects.

Fritz has edited Drayven Starmantle's effects.

Fritz has edited Drayven Starmantle's effects.

[Capt Jack Sparrow (Fritz)] Drayven Starmantle [5d6]: (5d6) [5d6=1,3,3,5,2] 14

[Fritz] Skarphedin's pending damage discarded

[Fritz] Grolduk Groundsearcher no longer targets Skarphedin.

Fritz has edited Omen's effects.

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Omen moved 91'06".

Fritz has edited Omen's effects.

Fritz has edited Omen's effects.

Fritz has edited Omen's effects.

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Omen moved 83'03".

Fritz has edited Omen's effects.

Fritz has edited Omen's effects.

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Omen [1d6+6]: (1d6+6) [1d6=5] 11

Fritz has edited Omen's effects.

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Omen modified: Consumable Magic Items - ADDED: Oil of Armor, 1d6+6 hours, +4 to AC if not wearing armor, 1, 1.

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Drayven Starmantle modified: Consumable Magic Items - CHANGED: Protection—Magic -- Inventory/Charges: 1 (null), CHANGED: Protection—Magic -- Cost per Use: 1 (null). CHANGED: Potion of Superhealing -- Expression: +{6d8+2} (6d8+2), CHANGED: Potion of Superhealing -- Inventory/Charges: 1 (null), CHANGED: Potion of Superhealing -- Cost per Use: 1 (null). CHANGED: Potion of Super-heroism -- Inventory/Charges: 1 (null), CHANGED: Potion of Super-heroism -- Cost per Use: 1 (null).

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Grolduk Groundsearcher modified: Consumable Magic Items - CHANGED: Potion of Giant Strength: Frost Giant 635 +9 100 yd. d8 70% -- Inventory/Charges: 1 (null), CHANGED: Potion of Giant Strength: Frost Giant 635 +9 100 yd. d8 70% -- Cost per Use: 1 (null). CHANGED: Potion of Zombie Control -- Expression: Potion of undead control but for zombies (null), CHANGED: Potion of Zombie Control -- Inventory/Charges: 1 (null), CHANGED: Potion of Zombie Control -- Cost per Use: 1 (null). CHANGED: Potion of Thievery -- Inventory/Charges: 1 (null), CHANGED: Potion of Thievery -- Cost per Use: 1 (null).

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Grolduk Groundsearcher modified: Consumable Magic Items - CHANGED: Potion of Thievery -- Expression: +5 Levels, 5d6 hp, +20% to thief skills 1d4+4 turns, all respects as thief of higher level (null),

Fritz has left the game on Thu Apr 23 01:12:21 EDT 2020

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Apr 24 15:30:20 EDT 2020 ====

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

Lara has joined the game on Fri Apr 24 18:51:31 EDT 2020

Lara is receiving the map Base Map...

Lara has received the map Base Map.

[Master] Hello there!

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lara] Hi there!

[Master] Feeling better?

[Lara] yes, thank u. the fever is holding at 99.0

Fritz has joined the game on Fri Apr 24 18:52:20 EDT 2020

Fritz is receiving the map Base Map...

Fritz has received the map Base Map.

[Lara] it was at 100.1 this morning

[Master] that is good

[Master] and hello Fritz

[Lara] so happy to watch how this goes! how are you?

[Master] life is good

[Fritz] Someone sick?

[Lara] hi Fritz

[Fritz] Hello.. Sorry to here you are unwell

[Lara] i'm saying hello and going to watch tonight

[Fritz] Cool!!

[Lara] Thank you. Things are much better. How are you?

[Master] Lara works for the County also Fritz

[Master] Fritz is over in Naples

[Lara] neat! I lived in Ft Myers for about 2 years. are you from the area?

[Lara] @fritz, i meant

[Fritz] Bob...Pcked up on something while NOT reading old chat logs from the first encounter at Skull Church:

[Master] chuckles, Yes?

[Fritz] [BOB] there is the small passageway east [BOB] and the large hole down ... [BOB] and the passageway north [BOB] again the tracks seem to go to all three areas [BOB] make an observation check ... [BOB] brawnyn spots some holes in teh side of the opening in the floor, [BOB] like spikes or something were in there and now are gone [Scarlet (BiBo!!!)] so... it was holding something open? [Hoffman (temp John)] or a rope to climb down? [BOB] and Kristelle thinks they are all the same tracks from teh same person, at least they are all man sized boots [BOB] you can only speculate on what it might have been [BOB] but it is more than 60 feet down [BOB] you do not see a bottom [Hoffman (temp John)] do we have a spare magic sword? [BOB] grins

[Master] LOL

[Master] See you are remembered 20 years later still

JohnA has joined the game on Fri Apr 24 18:56:23 EDT 2020

JohnA is receiving the map Base Map...

JohnA has received the map Base Map.

[Master] and I just told LIsa that story for the first time last week

[Fritz] Yea...of course...I'm not demented...well that badly yet

[Master] Hello John

[JohnA] hello all

[Fritz] Well speak of the other one who will appreciate it

[Lara] Hello JohnA

[JohnA] Have you been warned Lara?

[Master] not really John

[Lara] chuckles

[Lara] i spent six hours reading the chat logs

[JohnA] and that is just this adventure

[Fritz] And those records were from 2010 in January

[Lara] yep. i laffed and laffed.

[JohnA] with us i hope

[Lara] of course!

[JohnA] not sure we are ready for youtube, but maybe some day

[Lara] the banter is so rejuvenating

[Fritz] It's no longer called "Banter" here Lara

[Lara] for sure this would make a/great video(s)

[Lara] oh, um, smack talk?

[Fritz] Since we can't actually talk it's called "Chanter"

[Lara] ah. Chanter---sounds a good name for a character

[Fritz] Chat + Banter = Chanter

[Lara] winks - got it

[Fritz] YA SEE!!!

[Fritz] YA SEE!!!

[Fritz] I can even make contributions when I am sober!!!

[Master] better ones even

[Fritz] LOL

[Lara] i supposed to be sober?

[JohnA] I was so close to telling the Why I don't lead stoy last week

[Fritz] I have a question about our current adventure from a past adventure John

[JohnA] Shoot

Carissa has joined the game on Fri Apr 24 19:02:10 EDT 2020

Carissa is receiving the map Base Map...

Carissa has received the map Base Map.

[Master] in case you did not see on Discord, Ryan is likely not to be in, unless late and Michael just texted that he will likely not be in at all

[JohnA] Hello Carissa

[Fritz] Do you know what ever happened to the Red Cloak man?

[Lara] Hello Carissa

[Fritz] (Darn)

[Carissa] Hi all!

[JohnA] he moved to the do not kill list

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Apr 24 19:03:01 EDT 2020

Lisa is receiving the map Base Map...

[Fritz] If he is still alive could he be the Necromancer here at the church now?

Lisa has received the map Base Map.

[Carissa] Noooo

[JohnA] the old adventure we had a list of bad guys we just we not stong enough to kill

[Fritz] I mean with the doll stuff and all

[Carissa] He already sent Branwyn a letter saying if he helps us, he gets the church. We said no

[Carissa] Also welcome Lara!

[Lisa] Hello all! :)

[Lara] Thank you Carissa! Hello Lisa :-)

[Fritz] So maybe he is taking it anyway

[JohnA] in this pone we have a list of bad guys we are not suposed to kill for varrious reason

[Fritz] Howdy Lisa

[JohnA] Hi Lisa

[Lisa] Because the other necromancer is the Queen's husbnad's evil twin???

[Lisa] husband

[Master] grins

[Master] Fritz was not reading archives so he did not know that

[Fritz] Who is the "other necromancer"?

[Carissa] Red Cloak is the other. Black Cloak is the one we're going to face.

[JohnA] you mean the guy or the the other guy

[Carissa] Red Cloak is Jennevive's husband and twin of Toybin (also known as husband of current Queen)

[Fritz] NOPE I am NOT attempting to read ANY of the history about the Skull church

[JohnA] this one we can't kill, only Branwyn gets to kill

[Lisa] I don't know about that

[Lisa] I do know the only one Red Cloak can't kill is Indigo

[Fritz] Are you sure this is the Black cloak and not the red cloak?

[JohnA] we get to help?

[Lisa] The rest of us are fair game

[Lisa] I think Bob would have made Ilero roll for recognition

Spring has joined the game on Fri Apr 24 19:06:32 EDT 2020

Spring is receiving the map Base Map...

Spring has received the map Base Map.

[Master] Definately two different people

[JohnA] hello Spring

[Lisa] Hi Spring!

[Fritz] It just seems so suspicious with the "Dolls" and everything...That seems to be a clue

[Lara] hello Spring

[Spring] hi hi hi

[Master] Jennievive would have freaked about her daughter being killed

[Carissa] Yes. We've met Black Cloak in the past. He sent the threatening letter. Red Cloak sent a letter just before we left saying he'd love to join ONLY if he gets the church. Doubtful Red Cloak is here.

[Fritz] So could the "dolls" be a clue as to the necromancer who is here?

[Lisa] I wondering if Black Cloak is a vampire necromancer

[Carissa] Hmm good thought. Although seriously what's with all the vampires??

[JohnA] gee thank s lisa

[Lisa] Branwyn's life is public knowledge

Spring is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Spring has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Lisa] The Mist

[Lisa] It's a vampire magnet

[Carissa] We know it's Quellcon aka Black Cloak who is here. The dolls, as far as I understand, were possibly a threat to Branwyn and her children (considering we killed his daughter... he might want revenge of that level)

[Master] Lara feel free to ask questions

[JohnA] Fritz, the dolls are a clear sign to Branwyn from Black cloak

[Fritz] Also from what I was NOT reading it seemed like the goblins were working with the Red cloak

[Carissa] I don't think we know if the goblins are working with anyone? Someone else can correct that.

[Lara] Thank you! I am taking notes...

[JohnA] the goblins tend to work with whomever evil runs the church

[Fritz] Ahhh I figured it was a clue, but not the origin since I have been gone for awhile.

[Master] Lara is a potential new player, tonight she is watching and learning she has never played D&D before

[JohnA] Can I ask, as you brogught it up

[Lisa] If you're going to run around Skull Church on a regular basis, making an arrangement with the goblins would be a good idea

[Spring] hi Lara!

[Carissa] Were the goblins here during Red Cloak? Just curious.

[JohnA] are Virtualy playing DND?

[Lisa] yes

[Lisa] Goblins have always been here that we know

[Lara] Hi Spring!

[Carissa] Got it

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Spring] where are you logging in from? i'm in utah

[JohnA] It feels like we are actually playing, just hard to acept

[Lara] I'm in the Fort Lauderdale area. I work for the County with BOB

[Spring] oh cool! i used to live in Coral Springs


[Fritz] I'm SOOO SORRY for you!!!

[Spring] hahahah

[Lara] oh wow! out west. i'm specifically in Dania Beach

[Spring] well i'm super out west now

[Lisa] bob got the states wrong earlier this week I saw in chat

[Fritz] I know how hard it was for me in the past to see him on a weekly basis...I can't imagine how horrible your life must be to see him daily!!!

[JohnA] farthest we had away was Japan

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lisa] CA, AZ, UT, TX, FL & NY

[Lara] @fritz normally i would agree but I want him to let me play. LOL

[Fritz] ROFL

[Spring] dont forget up in the air!

[Master] lol

[Spring] where was mario going to/from when he logged on?

[JohnA] that was not long enough

[Lara] @spring, yes. i used to travel to Utah for work regularly. beautiful in the winter but MAN did i hate the altitude

[JohnA] it was a fly by

[Fritz] Oh and I am the cause of this "online fiasco"...I got us playing on line when I moved to TN

[Spring] i got used to the altitude and the dry air eventually

[Lara] @fritz. um, no way daily. heehee

[Carissa] Yeah he did forget NY... like he doesn't want to know we exist.

[JohnA] it seems this group can't even be in the same stae for too long

[Lara] Whoa---Japan! neat!

[Spring] oh oh oh! did i tell you i'll be migrating end of June?

[Fritz] It's Bob's fault everyone leaves the state

[JohnA] but you can still hear him

[Fritz] Really where to?

[Lara] ah TN! my aunt is in lil ol Jefferson City

[Spring] i'll be spending the fall in NC and taking the slow road there

[Fritz] Yea that's in East TN

[JohnA] Migrating as in never setteling

[JohnA] home will be the road

[Spring] got stops in Sourthern UT, NM, CO, MS at the very least

[Lara] @spring do you have a gypsy character too? grins

[Spring] i'd like to winter in Lake Worth FL if i can pull it off

[Spring] hehehehe i do!

[Fritz] It's nicer her in Naples, but WAY to expensive

[Spring] my slider on the home page has a coupld of pictures of my house

[Master] and more focused here on Lisa's comment about vampire necromancers - that comes out of the fact that......

[Lara] bless you for moving. i would b e even more intimidated if i were meeting in person

[JohnA] this general area is run by Vampires

[JohnA] for vampires

[Spring] and there are dead bodies attacking, hence necromancers

[Lisa] ummm we met one?

[Lisa] or is Etienne a dream mage only?

[Master] but the other thing that made Lisa think of that I do not remember seeing in teh summaries

[Spring] i think we've met some of each but i don't know if we met anyone who was both

[JohnA] Vampires by definition are necormances, just not alwasy spell using

[Spring] oh, well okay then!

[Lisa] that they never show up during the day

[Fritz] Well does he show up during the day?

[Lisa] he has a henchman that orders the workers around during the day

[Fritz] Ahh...

[Lisa] Pete

[Lisa] I need to rolld obs on him - I will bet he has a hunchback

[Fritz] What does Pete look like?

[Spring] unless Pete has been fired or executed

[Lisa] slimy

[Carissa] I thought Etienne's evil friend/person was a neco mage. He was killing dwarves for the Mist...

[Fritz] Renfield type dude?

[Spring] i mean if i were evil and my daughter were killed on Pete's watch, Pete would be a goner

[Lisa] he's the kinda guy that lurks in shadows and says "You have upset the Master!"

[JohnA] maasssster

[Lisa] yes

[Fritz] Yep...Definitely a "Renfield"

[Master (to Lara only)] and this is how you whisper to another player if you want to ask them a question that does not interupt the main flow of chat

[Lisa] he wears robes so may be a caster

[Fritz] So Bob do we know if vampires HAVE to be unconscious/sleep during the day, or only NOT OUT in sunlight?

[Master] forward slash and their name

[Lara (to Master only)] test

[Lisa] depends on how thick the Mist is

[Master (to Lara only)] yes

[Master] and yes to Lisa

[Fritz] We aren't in the mist

[Lisa] thick Mist and they can show up any time

[JohnA] these are not you fathers Vampires

[Lisa] Yes we are!

[Master] there are places in The Mist that are thick enough

[Master] and yes you are fritz

[JohnA] they can have human kids

[Lara (to Master only)] thank you. i don't want to interrupt.

[Master] if you look at the Google Earth plugin, grins you can see you are solidly in the LIght Mist

[Fritz] We are? I thought this was the "Less Misty" northern part...on the opposite side of the forest

[Spring] less misty is still misty

[Master] and Lara ask away with questions, just showing yu how to ask people directly off the main flow of chat

[Carissa] "Light Mist"

[Spring] i think it's like a teensy bit pregnant

[Master] and yes to Fritz there is No Mist about the northern third of the Kingdom

[Fritz] Ahhh...that is the issue..."my less" means "no mist"

[Lara (to Master only)] what happened to the barn they were on? is it on Skull Church land?

[Fritz] Give me a sec to pull up the google earth

[Master (to Lara only)] that is the kind of question to ask everyone

[JohnA] so can you put the brown ool in the side view Bob?

[Lara] what happened to the barn you guys were in last week? is it on Skull Church land?

[Fritz] (of course I need to remember where the fuck I stashed it)

[Spring] Lara what we mean about the mist is that this region is covered in a magical fog that affects people who try to use magic. some things just can't be done

[JohnA] tes

[JohnA] yes

[JohnA] down the path

[Lara] @spring thank you!

[Lisa] mostly it's divination

[Lisa] makes me kick myself for having Howard pick the ESP potion

[Lisa] like that will work

[Spring] when priests arrive in the region, they can get sick for a time and not be able to do some things until they acclimatize

[Lara] sorta like me and altitude sickness

[Fritz] Hey Bob did you realize that "North" on your map is actually not the "True North", because of planetary rotation?

[Spring] yup

[Master] grins at Fritz

[Lara] is The Mist purple? i think i read about it

Lisa is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Lisa has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Master] LOL that was Mario and joking

[Fritz] Man I miss Pagmalia!!!

[JohnA] too bad about Gon

[Lara] is it in the Central Mountains?

[Master] no

[Carissa] Squiggly black lines

[Fritz] Where are we again Bob?

[Carissa] Wastes

[Master] you are in the Craniate Wastes

[Master] Dragon Fen

[Master] Skull Church

TMO has joined the game on Fri Apr 24 19:26:44 EDT 2020

TMO is receiving the map Base Map...

[Master] are the markers you would find

TMO has received the map Base Map.


[Carissa] Hi TMO!

[Master] and here is our last person

[Spring] hi TMO!

[Carissa] Huh also hello to whoever logged in after me I never officially said hello to...

[Lisa] Hi TMO!

[TMO] sorry to be late, had to get up and DO SOMETHING before dinner. my legs were cramping up

[Lara] hi TMO

[TMO] welcome Lara. Hello everybody!

[Master] so it is Noon

[Master] you are where you are on the map

TMO is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

[Master] and I put a side view there of the walls next to the stairs to help you visualize it

TMO has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Master] and it is to scale

[Fritz] What color is it on Google earth?

[Master] go west Fritz to Rivers Bend

[Master] then SW from there

[Master] you will be in Drillian

[Master] and the Jistille Estates

[Master] or Red Fern Lake

[Master] will be very close to Skull Church

Carissa is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Carissa has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Carissa] (Could you add heights to the side view by chance?)

[Master] it is already the correct height

[Fritz] In relation to the Doeskin Estates?

[Master] 30 foot tall

[JohnA] i think it is woth using a potion or magic to get arround this "POOL"

[Master] west of there Fritz

[Carissa] That's what I mean. The actual numbers.

[Carissa] Smallest was 10 ft?

[Master] no

[Lisa] oh no - the gnome is going to pull us all up

[Master] just about 9 to 10 I am sorry you were right Carissa

[Master] then the stone ball on top of that

[Carissa] Thanks

[Master] I am just using the measuring tool on that side view to check things

[Fritz] In relation to Pirate queens?

[Master] if you are on the Chandler Cowles river then a bit south fo there

[JohnA] Any guess on how think the pool is based on previous visits

[Lisa] why is the dog twice as big as the humans?

[TMO] Yeah, I'm just thinking wall cimbers carry a rope to the top, tie it around the stone sphere, the rest of us climb up and hop down onto the stairs

[Carissa] So... if the stairs are one side and the wall is the other... what's the hypotenus? Say if someone was on the small wall, and jumped there across the brown sludge to the stairs?

[Carissa] And what's the height?

[Carissa] I guessing at worst, someone missteps one foot into waste, but just want to check

[Fritz] Ahh "The enemy of My Enemy" over rode the letters

[Master] that was the Second time you came to Skull Church

[JohnA] I was going to offer potion of levitaion, TMO, just to be safe

[Snezana (Spring)] i've been thinking about this sewage

[Lisa] so that would be Lanek, Thistle and Grolduk

[Fritz] That's how i found it

[Thistle (Carissa)] (So climb the wall? I'm game)

[TMO] 10' high wall? should not need levitation

[Snezana (Spring)] so this place has defenses all over, so no worshipppers

[Fritz] He is large

[TMO] not if any of them were paying ANY attention to Ilero. ;)

[Lisa] can metal pants guys climb?

JohnA waits for climber

[Thistle (Carissa)] Hey! Can one of you tall guys give me a boost?

[Fritz] waste of time.. we climb up w/ ropes

[TMO] if we're strong enough, or Tiberius gives us a boost

[Snezana (Spring)] but one of the pantheon is goddess of disease, and here's a big ol disease causing pile of sewage right out front

[Lisa] (sorry Spring will go IC)

[Snezana (Spring)] who put it there?

[Hoffman]] (JohnA) looks arround

Hoffman (JohnA)] [Hoffman]] moved 17'08".

[Snezana (Spring)] (no worries, talking IC because last week Snee thought the sewage was part of the defenze

[Thistle (Carissa)] Don't make me ask Sundown, Hoffman.

Thistle (Carissa) grins

Hoffman (JohnA)] Like here, or the tallest wall

[Thistle (Carissa)] Thistle moved 4'10".

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Thistle (Carissa)] Let's try here.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I think it was Black Cloak being vile. Until we get inside I'm not sure there is a connection

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Come're thistle

[Snezana (Spring)] i have to wonder if the faithful are replenishing the sewage and why

[Thistle (Carissa)] Umm.... anyone see any traps from down there?

Drayven Starmantle (Fritz) lift's thistle up

[Thistle (Carissa)] Thistle: Find/remove traps check:(d100) [1d100=79] 79 - ROLL FAILED against 5!!

Brer Necholas (TMO) gets a stick and tosses it gently into the brown pool fromi a distance to see if anything happens.

[Snezana (Spring)] and if they can help us oust these .... horrors

[Thistle (Carissa)] I mean it looks like it's probably safe....

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Grolduk Groundsearcher: Climb Walls check:(d100) [1d100=46] 46 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 70!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] You sure are thinking a lot about the pool Snee

[Thistle (Carissa)] Thistle: Climb Walls check:(d100) [1d100=13] 13 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 60!!

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Scurries up the wall with some rope

Hoffman (JohnA)] Not sure anything here is safe, just not going to attack you

[Lanek (Spring)] traps? does someone need an EXPERT opinion?

Thistle (Carissa) takes the lift and jumps up

[Indigo (Lisa)] I don't want to see anyone filling it up

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Grolduk Groundsearcher moved 25'00".

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Drayven Starmantle moved 18'02".

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Omen moved 5'03".

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Omen moved 9'11".

[Thistle (Carissa)] Check that globe thing please, Grolduck

[Master] Grolduk Groundsearcher moved 3'07".

[Thistle (Carissa)] Thistle moved 1'02".

[Lanek (Spring)] (my dice panel is missing ...)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Grolduk Groundsearcher: Find/remove traps check:(d100) [1d100=54] 54 - ROLL FAILED against 30!!

[Master] Lanek moved 4'02".

[Thistle (Carissa)] Thistle: Find/remove traps check:(d100) [1d100=98] 98 - ROLL FAILED against 5!!

[Master] Lanek: Swimming check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 9!!

[Thistle (Carissa)] Looks good! Probably.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (?swimming?)

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek: Find/remove traps check:(d100) [1d100=75] 75 - ROLL FAILED against 70!!

[Master] just making sure it worked

[Master] grins

Thistle (Carissa) grabs rope to tie around it

[Thistle (Carissa)] Thistle: Rope Use check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

Thistle (Carissa) tosses it down

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Give it up...If there is a trap we aren;t meant to find it

[Lanek (Spring)] i the true expert, find NO TRAPS here

Thistle (Carissa) yells down, "That should hold!"

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Here is another rope you can use...

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (BOB - did you see me toss the stick in the pool just to see? Hopefully nothing happens)

Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz) I want to check how secure the ball is bob

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (and may have done the same thing last week - don't remember)

[Master] I did not but the stick just PLOPS down onto the surface of the mucky sludge

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Someone did last or Indigo?)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (thank you)

[Thistle (Carissa)] Thistle moved 4'08".

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] In the black pool I remember but not the brown pool of crap

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (carry on with your vital tasks folks)

Thistle (Carissa) backs up so people can climb up

[Lanek (Spring)] (did anybody stick a long stick in to see how deep it goes?)

Brer Necholas (TMO) looks around. "Shall I go first?:"

Indigo (Lisa) laughs

[Indigo (Lisa)] Yeah. If it'll hold you it'll hold anyone

Hoffman (JohnA)] looks like your not first, but you may be heaviest

[Thistle (Carissa)] OH! Andbring another stick to toss on the stairs!

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] I gave up my job working for the septic tank people decades ago

Brer Necholas (TMO) nods and grabs hold of the rope. "Going up..."

[Thistle (Carissa)] Or lots of them. Just in case!

[Lanek (Spring)] (ok the dog is gonna be a complete jerk until we do supper. brb)

[Spring] I am away from the keyboard.

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (Did we bring the wagon across?)

[Master] no

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Speakingo f dogs... what about Brer's dog?)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (I was just thinking of that)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (and the wolf)

[Master] you left the wagon full of barrels of ooze on the other side of the moat

[Indigo (Lisa)] (that is the huge warning sign we left to let them know we are here)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Carry the dog up? Tie a rope around him?)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (Did we bring the barrels of Ozze?

Hoffman (JohnA)] (thinking magic yet?)

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Uhmmm...The ledge is at his shoulder level...

[Indigo (Lisa)] (waiting to see if Necholas has to roll a check or is just up)

Hoffman (JohnA)] (we took too long worrying about falling off the 1 foot road)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (I thought it was 10' tall? did I miss the actual height?)

[Master] just a dex check to climb using the rope

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (I want to use Muscle instead!!!!! :P)

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] We can give assistance

Hoffman (JohnA)] (Side view, there will be something once your uptop)

[Lara (to Master only)] dex check=?

Brer Necholas (TMO) calls Griff over. "Griff, stay."

Lara is receiving the map Craniate Wastes ...

Lara has received the map Craniate Wastes .

[Master (to Lara only)] He will use the dice panel to roll a Dexterity check, has to roll his Dexterity stat or lower

Brer Necholas (TMO) grabs the rope, takes a deep breath, and tries to climb it.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Brer Necholas: DEX check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL FAILED against 9!!

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (bad word)

[Thistle (Carissa)] You can do!.... oh....

[Master] NOW a Muscle check

Indigo (Lisa) watches

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Brer Necholas: MUSC check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

Hoffman (JohnA)] Language

Lara is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Lara has received the map Church Ground Floor.

Hoffman (JohnA)] (sorry OOC)

[Master] and Brer's feet slip out form him and he dangles with the rope in his hands swining back and forth

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (do I have to try and catch the stone ball now?)

Omen (Fritz) hears a whistle from Grolduk...goes over to wall and lies down.

Thistle (Carissa) reaches down to grab his hand

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] hanging there lightly swinging

[Thistle (Carissa)] Grolduk, help!

Brer Necholas (TMO) grunts. "Is this like flying?"

[Indigo (Lisa)] (clank, clank)

Thistle (Carissa) grins, "you'll have to ask Ilero"

[Hoffman]] (JohnA) takes out potion

Drayven Starmantle (Fritz) walks over to Omen...Sits on his back and as Omen stands up he scoots over the side to sit on the ledge

[Thistle (Carissa)] (wait John)_

Hoffman (JohnA)] (OK)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yes this is fun)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (omen is 10' tall at the shoulder people)

Brer Necholas (TMO) tries to pull himself up hand over hand.

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Leviation was slow. What was the rate again BOB? Just want to check that)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (and it only works for one person)

Drayven Starmantle (Fritz) leans over and helps pull Brer up

[Master] (no clue I will check if you decide to use it grins)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Omen moved 1'05".

Hoffman (JohnA)] (3 I think)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Drayven Starmantle moved 4'00".

[Thistle (Carissa)] (okay... wait while I check chat ;) )

[Master] LOL

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz) (to Master only)] No one pays attention to my chat anymore

[Thistle (Carissa)] (unless Lisa remembers? I think Branwyn used it)

[Master] Dray needs to make a Strength check

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Drayven Starmantle: MUSC check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

Drayven Starmantle (Fritz) you all realize that Drayven is standing next to you

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yes it only goes up and down - think John was thinking he would work like an elevator for us)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] hi guys need a hand?

[Thistle (Carissa)] (I just remember it was really slow...)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Is Dray on the ground?)

Hoffman (JohnA)] (nice Vilzulation Lisa)

Brer Necholas (TMO) grunts. "... yes please."

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Grolduk Groundsearcher: MUSC check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Fuck...My lumbago!!!

[Master] Brer is heavier than he seems it appears

Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz) lets go of Brer

Hoffman (JohnA)] [Hoffman]] moved 7'02".

Indigo (Lisa) lauging

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (I am burdened with the weight of purpose and dedication)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (mvmt rate is 2 per rd.)

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] I rolled a 15 BOB

[Thistle (Carissa)] (wait Thistle was trying too)

[Thistle (Carissa)] Thistle: STR check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 9!!

[Master] Drayven rolls a 15 to get up and settle himself

[Master] then when he took a hold of the rope adn started to PULL Brer up

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Bob I didn't need to climb

[Master] did not say you needed to climb up that would have been a dex check

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] (Gotcha)

[Master] the weight of Brer'

[Master] is more than one man should bear

[Master] and quote

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (LOL)

[Lara (to Master only)] ROFLMAO

Hoffman (JohnA)] (can't help but think of flying dead bad)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (philosophical tonight)

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Hey if anyone else needs to get up I suggest you let Omen give you a boost

[Master] there is no more room up there righ tnow

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (is Brer up?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yeah people need to back up)

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] (That's why I was hoping we had the wagon)

[Master] you have two man sized creatures and a small sized person

Hoffman (JohnA)] (someone has to actual get to stairs)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (that rail is 4 ft wide)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (so, no, not yet)

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Grolduk Groundsearcher moved 3'05".

[Master] adn no Brer is still dangling

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (dangle, dangle)

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Grolduk Groundsearcher: Tumbling check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 19!!

Hoffman (JohnA)] Brer Necholas moved 2'10".

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Grolduk Groundsearcher moved 1'01".

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (dangle, clank, dangle, clank)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (so Dray passed Brer by and climbed up around him?)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Thistle did str check to pull him up. Did that help at all?)

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Over the side to get to the stairs

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Someone push from below

[Thistle (Carissa)] (And yes, how did Dray get up there? I missed that)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (big honking dog)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (Everyone did)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Got it)

[Lara (to Master only)] is there a google earth map i should be looking at?

[Master] and yes THistle can wrap her hands around the rope adn PULLS Brer a bit to help him get his feet under him and he makes it the rest of the way up, also using the wolf as a ledge

Hoffman (JohnA)] (I saw, still consider that half way)

Omen (Fritz) soft woof of amazement

Brer Necholas (TMO) stands up, carefully.

[Thistle (Carissa)] There you go!

[Master (to Lara only)] there is a Google Earth plug in you can download from the website if you want has all the locations on it etc. I built our own overlay, etc.

[Omen (Fritz)] Brer Necholas moved 4'00".

[Lanek (Spring)] (lanek is about to lose his mind watching all this. he really wants to just roll up his trousers and wade to the steps)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Lanek can if he wants...)

Brer Necholas (TMO) ruffles her hair. "Thanks. If someone will hand up Griff, I'll get out of the way."

[Omen (Fritz)] (That would be a really shitty thing to do)

Thistle (Carissa) grins

[Lanek (Spring)] (hahaha)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (he's going to have to if the climbers don't get off the rail)

[Master] Checking Tumbling for Fritz not sure it will be enough to make it down that far

Lanek (Spring) starts rolling up trouser legs

[Thistle (Carissa)] Umm, I know I'm really strong, but do you want to help others up? I can move... or stay and help.

Brer Necholas (TMO) kneels down and reaches out for his dog.

[Omen (Fritz)] Wnat me to climb walls to move along the edge and then down

[Thistle (Carissa)] (or wait until BOB checks that....)

Brer Necholas (TMO) looks up at her. "Either Starmantle or I need to move to the stairs in case something or someone comes out of it."

[Omen (Fritz)] Distance is 3 feet bob

[Master] NO Fritz

[Thistle (Carissa)] Yeah, like undead! You can kill those good.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Tiberius, help Necholas with his dog please

[Master] 20 feet

[Master] you are 20 feet in the air on the slope

[Master] then you go 3 feet across

[Master] so the hypotenuse is 22? or so feet

[Omen (Fritz)] Grolduk Groundsearcher moved 1'11".

Lanek (Spring) rolls his trousers above the knee and hopes that's enough

[Thistle (Carissa)] Hmm... but that's a long drop.... do you see something to tie another rope to?

[Omen (Fritz)] (Fuck Math...)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Ah ha! Thank you for the math)

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek moved 28'00".

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 21'00".

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (oh, so 20' drop to the stairs on the other side?)

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Who's a good boy

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Who's is a goooood boy

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Griff is a very good boy, yes he is.

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] you want to go for a ride?

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] COme on

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Let's go

[Thistle (Carissa)] Like... a rope we can ride down....

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek moved 12'05".

[Thistle (Carissa)] Grolduck. See anything we can tie a rope to near the stairs?

[Omen (Fritz)] The character is practiced in all manner of acrobatics--dives, rolls, somersaults, handstands, flips, etc. Tumbling can only be performed while burdened with light encumbrance or less. Aside from entertaining, the character with tumbling proficiency can improve his Armor Class by 4 against attacks directed solely at him in any round of combat, provided he has the initiative and foregoes all attacks that round. When in unarmed combat he can improve his attack roll by 2.On a successful proficiency check, he suffers only one-half the normal damage from falls of 60 feet or less and none from falls of 10 feet or less. Falls from greater heights result in normal damage.

[Omen (Fritz)] Distance is not mentioned

[Master] and so to Fritz that means Half Damage

[Omen (Fritz)] What if I climb down

Brer Necholas (TMO) pushes back his cloak to show Thistle the rope on his belt. "Take it, see if you can use it."

[Master] it is a fall between 10 and 60

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Hey! Is that Lanek skipping through the muck I see there? :) )

[Thistle (Carissa)] Thank you!

Thistle (Carissa) grabs the rope

[Master] you can try your climb walls skills, if you fail you fall into the muck

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Yup! Go Lanek!)

[Omen (Fritz)] Grolduk Groundsearcher: Climb Walls check:(d100) [1d100=13] 13 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 70!!

[Lanek (Spring)] do you people need some help over here?

[Omen (Fritz)] Ok so I climbed over and then down

[Master] and Lanek can make a Save versus poison please

[Lanek (Spring)] (heh)

Hoffman (JohnA)] (that is one tallented dog ;) )

[Thistle (Carissa)] (someone had to find out, I suppose)

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Master] OK

[Omen (Fritz)] (Like a said...A really shitty move)

[Lanek (Spring)] (poor lanek)

[Master] Grolduk Groundsearcher moved 6'03".

[Master] Lanek moved 4'04".

[Thistle (Carissa)] (pun intended)

[Lanek (Spring)] (he thought it was regular sewage)

[Master] so Lanek and Grolduk are on the stairs

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (That's how Brer would have crossed, but we had an alternative)

[Master] Brer Dray and Thistle are up top

[Thistle (Carissa)] Hey! One of you! Find somewhere to tie a rope to get these guys down!

Hoffman (JohnA)] Tie a rope to me?

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Come on boy

[Thistle (Carissa)] And have you stand on the stairs to anchor it?

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Come on

Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz) points at Lanek..."please move over to the other side of the stairs...that's DOWN WIND"

[Thistle (Carissa)] You ARE big and strong....

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Hey Brer, your dog does not want to move!

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Griff, come.

[Master] Griff (dog) moved 32'05".

[Master] Griff (dog) moved 33'05".

[Master] Griff (dog) moved 35'01".

[Lanek (Spring)] you're standing right next to a pond of shit, and it's MY smell you object to?

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (sorry, I'd called him over earlier, but didn't move the icon)

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] See! WHo's a good boy

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (dogs can jump 20 ft can't they?)

[Thistle (Carissa)] Griff is a good boy, yes he is!

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz) (to Master only)] I had tied a rope to the ball thingy...I now stake it on this side where I am on the stairs with a piton if that is ok

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Maybe we should get a dog love

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Grolduk Groundsearcher moved 1'03".

Hoffman (JohnA) (to Fritz only)] you should be checking for traps

Branwyn (Lisa) wrinkles her nose "I prefer Treble"

[Lord Tiberius (Master) (to Fritz only)] you can try that but it is clean mortared stone

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz) (to JohnA only)] in just a moment if bob says what I am doing is ok.

[Thistle (Carissa)] Or a wolf! Wolves are cool!

[Thistle (Carissa)] Especially when you have more than one!

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Shi and Kel have wolves

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz) (to Master only)] what does that mean for those of us who are NOT brick layers

[Thistle (Carissa)] Hey they're mine now too! Kind of!

[Thistle (Carissa)] Wait... no I'm theirs now!

Hoffman (JohnA)] No one owns you

[Lord Tiberius (Master) (to Fritz only)] means you have to break the stone somehow, it is not a mountain side with cracks and crevices to wedge things into

[Thistle (Carissa)] They don't like it if you claim them....

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] You are the wolves?

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] They own you?

[Thistle (Carissa)] Galad thinks so! I think.

Hoffman (JohnA)] part of the pack, the runt?

Brer Necholas (TMO) waits patiently for Griff.

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz) (to Master only)] would a stone biter quarrel or arrow work?

[Thistle (Carissa)] Umm.... I'm not sure that's what word they used.... maybe....

[Master] there is not any room up top there for Griff

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (oh, good point)

[Master] you have it full of people

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] (Working on that peeps if you give me a moment

[Master] Time of Day: 12:15 PM. Day 9 See ___ de, Din {Mid Spring} 9th, 349 SKR.

[Master] Time of Day: 12:30 PM. Day 9 See ___ de, Din {Mid Spring} 9th, 349 SKR.

Hoffman (JohnA)] Uncle Fotopoulos moved 17'01".

[Sundown (Master)] Why would you want an animal companion Lord Tiberious?

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] They are great to have around!

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] They can fetch

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] they can be pillows

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz) (to Master only)] after you help me clarify the issue about making the rope secure I want to check for traps

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] you can blame them when the nice crystal pitcher your Queen's friend gave you

Branwyn (Lisa) whispers to Snee "You should probably take a look at Lanek when we pass all this. He looked a bit ill as waded that pool"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What?

[Lord Tiberius (Master) (to Fritz only)] that would need a hammer with the piton to break a stone in two then you can have a place to anchor it

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at Tiberius

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] See who's a good boy

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Girff is a good boy

Hoffman (JohnA)] so do we have enough rope to throw over this really tall part and avoid the muck?

[Thistle (Carissa)] Griff is a very good boy!

[Thistle (Carissa)] I dunno. Grolduck has been walking in circles doing... something.

[Thistle (Carissa)] Maybe he hit his head climbing down...

Hoffman (JohnA)] once Brer lands on his feet

Hoffman (JohnA)] What are you waiting for Brer? Another push?

Lord Tiberius (Master) Kisses Branwyn

Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz) psst drayven you still have those pitons and hammer I gave you to carry in your back pack

[Thistle (Carissa)] I don't think there's anywhere to anchor the rope on the tall part.

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] I am going to go around to the other side and climb up the other wall, get around this traffic jam here

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] want to join me?

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 36'03".

[Master] Sundown moved 3'05".

[Snezana (Spring)] he's probably got dysentery now

Hoffman (JohnA)] I was thinking Brer is an Anchor

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] I'm waiting for Griff, but if someone else will get him, I'll happily move out of the way.

Sundown (Master) looks after Tiberious walking away

Drayven Starmantle (Fritz) looks in bag...Smiles..."yes I do.." here you go...tosses the bag of pitons and the hammer over to grolduk

[Thistle (Carissa)] I can get him! Maybe. I mean I was able to pull you up, right?

Drayven Starmantle (Fritz) I do have it in my bag by the way

[Master] OK so Grolduk uses the hammer to pound away at one of the stones in the steps

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (and the whole thing is a giant mimic)

Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz) catches the bag of pitons and the hammer tossed down to him by Drayven.."ok give me a sec to look for traps and I will secure the rope"

[Master] to make a notch to hammer in a piton and anchor the othe rend of the rope to

[Master] no traps on the steps

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] AFTER I SEARCH FOR TRAPS

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] (Thanks)

Hoffman (JohnA)] HEY, That is my step your breaking!

[Master] Branwyn moved 12'05".

Lord Tiberius (Master) takes Branwyn's hand

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Call Hoffman and Hoffman attornes at law...they can sue me

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Come on

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 39'00".

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Come on Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 3'08".

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 2'05".

[Master] Sundown moved 14'10".

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Were't there open coffins or someting on that side?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What are we doing?

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] (yes open graves

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] (letting bob lead you into a trap)

[Thistle (Carissa)] Ummm you gonnna tell us what you're doing Grolduk?

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] (i've been trying to clear it with bob)

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] I am going to boost Indigo up

[Snezana (Spring)] he yelled a couple of times that he's checking for traps

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Ok guys I have secured a rope

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] then he will help you up as I lift you up

[Thistle (Carissa)] Checking for traps is good....

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] It is attached to the big ball and I have secured it to the steps here as well

[Thistle (Carissa)] (good but also nice to let us know as we keep going :) )

Indigo (Lisa) comes over "I've got the potion chest"

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] You can "zipslide down"

[Thistle (Carissa)] Oh! You found an anchor!

[Thistle (Carissa)] That's what I was asking for!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 41'09".

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Grolduk Groundsearcher moved 6'04".

[Thistle (Carissa)] Dray want to try it? Then Brer can get Griff and carry him over.

[Master] Indigo moved 2'02".

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Yep..It all set

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Ready set

Lord Tiberius (Master) holds a hand down for Indigo to step into

[Indigo (Lisa)] What about the chest?

[Thistle (Carissa)] (I hope Tiberius has a zipline over there)

Lord Tiberius (Master) oh

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Double check my not on that side please Thistle

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Knot

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Well I can hand that up to you before Branwyn

[Indigo (Lisa)] Okay

[Thistle (Carissa)] Thistle: Rope Use check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

Thistle (Carissa) checks the rope, fixes it if needed

Thistle (Carissa) gives him a thumbs up

Indigo (Lisa) puts it down and steps up onto Tiberius' hand

Lord Tiberius (Master) lifts Indigo UP

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] then UP over his head

[Thistle (Carissa)] Dpm

[Thistle (Carissa)] Don't kick Lanek when you go down, Drayven!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Whoa!

[Master] Indigo moved 4'06".

Hoffman (JohnA)] (is Lanek able to move?)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Kick him??? I'm NOT going to touch him...

[Snezana (Spring)] (i think so?)

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] (yes Lanek can move etc. nothing wrong with him you can see

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] The little shitter...(snkickers)

[Indigo (Lisa)] So do I just jump down?

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek moved 4'04".

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] I don't know first let me give you the chest

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Shimmies down the rope

[Indigo (Lisa)] Okay

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Drayven Starmantle moved 12'02".

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek moved 4'05".

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (is it 10' or 20' drop to the steps from the top of the wall?)

Lord Tiberius (Master) lifts up the chest to Indigo

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Keeping his legs and ass out of the water

Hoffman (JohnA)] (yes TMO)

Indigo (Lisa) takes chest and moves it to the end of the rail

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] between 20 and 60

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 7'08".

[Thistle (Carissa)] (22)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz) (to TMO only)] between 20 and 60 bob said

[Branwyn (Lisa)] My turn?

[Thistle (Carissa)] (22 ft was BOB's rough math)

[Thistle (Carissa)] Ther! Now Griff can come up.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (I'mma just going to have to shut down my math brain now and roll with everything. :) )

Hoffman (JohnA)] Ok, guess That is my turn to push

Hoffman (JohnA)] [Hoffman]] moved 17'07".

[Thistle (Carissa)] (To clarify: tumbling from this small wall to the steps was 22 ft)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (yest - maths bad)

Brer Necholas (TMO) reaches down for Griff.

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (28.28 to be exact)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (I did the math)

[Hoffman]] (JohnA) gives Griff a lift

Brer Necholas (TMO) gets as secure a grip as his can and lifts the rest of the way.

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (I'm not joking I really did do the math)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (thank you, appreciate it)

Hoffman (JohnA)] [Hoffman]]: MUSC check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Master] I am trying to figure out how to stop drawing

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Brer Necholas: MUSC check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (Cut off your hand)

[Master] yeah well right now all I can do is chat

[Thistle (Carissa)] (lol Fritz typed myt thoughts)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (apply to the Vienna Institute of Art)

[Master] I cannot move a character or anything

Hoffman (JohnA)] (Step one, admit you have a problem)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (need to shut down and re-open?)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (all valid suggestions)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (The rest of you can use Omen to help get on the ledge and then the rope to slide down to the stairs

[Master] no to LIsa for now

[Master] keep on going

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (do I have Griff?)

[Master] I just cannot respond as Tiberious

[Master] yes Griff can make it up with Brer and Thistle

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I can fix in formatting)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Thank you.

Brer Necholas (TMO) turns around and tries to hand Griff down to Drayven.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Starmantle, if you can get him?

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (shiftp+leftclick) -1

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Drayven Starmantle moved 6'05".

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Griff (dog) moved 11'11".

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Brer Necholas moved 6'08".

Drayven Starmantle (Fritz) lifts his arms up..."sure buddy"

[Master] that is 23 feet you cannot hand him down

[Master] you can drop him

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Under the arm while you zip down?)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Toss and hope he's caught?(

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (you severely overestimate Brer's dexterity)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] To tricky...put him in a sling and slide him down

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so why did I let Branadarus let me put the potion chest on the rail?)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Tie another rope around him, zip him down?)

Hoffman (JohnA)] (in belly as he climsb rope face up)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] I'll catch him on this end

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] yep

[Thistle (Carissa)] I still got that blanket I tore up for Sundown. Want to use that?

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Use your blue cloack as a sling on the rope. tie a rope to one end of the sling and the other then toss the one end to me...I'll pull as you release

Brer Necholas (TMO) stands up. "Yes please. That'd be perfect.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Can you help me tie him to my chest?

[Thistle (Carissa)] Thistle: Rope Use check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

[Thistle (Carissa)] On it!

Thistle (Carissa) whistles while she works

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (I was just about to take off the cloak to do that when she offered the blanket)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (might have brought a griffon attack down on us)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] I would suggest you NOT do that

Thistle (Carissa) pats the knots, "There you go! Hope you can get it off...."

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] I was joking about the cloak

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Your combined weight might be to much for the rope

[Thistle (Carissa)] Or just carry him around like that! It's kind of adorable.

Brer Necholas (TMO) checks to see if Griff is secure.

Brer Necholas (TMO) scritches his ears.

[Thistle (Carissa)] Maybe hold the rope down too Dray? So it doesn't pop out?

[Thistle (Carissa)] Griff isn't THAT big, but um.... just in case.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Better it break under me than someone else.

Drayven Starmantle (Fritz) will do...come on Grolduk gimme a hand...Lanek go over to the other side please

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Better it not break at all

[Master] WOW that wasa hard one to find

[Thistle (Carissa)] Yeah still others need to get over. Like me....eventually.

[Master] had to do a Shift R when focused on the map

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (are you free of your obsession?)

[Master] yes

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (broken your addiction)

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Yea that's my favorite rope

[Thistle (Carissa)] (So to add to Spring's kLoOge page?)

Hoffman (JohnA)] (admit it)

[Master] it was in teh Klooge Shortcuts page

[Master] Time of Day: 12:45 PM. Day 9 See ___ de, Din {Mid Spring} 9th, 349 SKR.

Brer Necholas (TMO) grabs the rope and starts to lower himself hand and foot.

[Thistle (Carissa)] (right but... damnit kLoOge)

[Lanek (Spring)] (so now add it to Dammit Klooge)

[Master] it is a DM only thing

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] (Snob)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (so add a special section on the page for next time easy finding ;) )

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] (Elitest)

Hoffman (JohnA)] (poop placer)

[Master] so it takes thr group just over a half hour to get Grolduk, Lanek Dray down onto the stairs

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] (Yea!!! Poop Placer)

[Master] You are slowly lowering Brer with Griff tied to him

[Master] combine weight fo those two?

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz) (to TMO only)] I knew he would do it

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (<500lbs? :) )

Hoffman (JohnA)] (Ladend or un laddened?)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (less than)

[Master] On the other side Indigo is up top

[Thistle (Carissa)] (50 lbs!....we wish)

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] (Full moon or half moon)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (I forgot the less than symbol gets stripped out)

[Master] with the chest for the party pack

[Master] and just need a mountaineering check for Grolduk then

[Lanek (Spring)] (sorry dog is distracting)

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] (And the doors burst open)

[Master] to make sure the piton holds

[Master] pointing out that Indiog is up top and can see all this too

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I would love the doors to burst open frankly)

[Master] Only Thistle can see this otherwise

[Master] so Fritz makes that check

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] (Yea about that "Mountaineering" thing)

[Lanek (Spring)] (wait do these stair ascend to the door or descend to it?)

[Master] UP to the doors

[Thistle (Carissa)] (is Dray laying on top it a check?)

[Lanek (Spring)] ( i assumed the door was upstairs of the sewage)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (yes)

[Lanek (Spring)] (ok i'm confused how Lanek went down anywhere)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (Lanek can also see)

[Master] Lanek went down into the pit of sludge then brown pool there

[Master] waded through about knee high

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek: Find/remove traps check:(d100) [1d100=89] 89 - ROLL FAILED against 70!!

[Master] then came up the stairs

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (trap on what?)

[Master] checking the piton now

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] I didn't find a trap before

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)]

[Lanek (Spring)] the area where the piton is

[Thistle (Carissa)] (is there more to see beside Brer trying to get down?)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (brer and griff are probably ~350?)

Hoffman (JohnA)] (so funny thing, whe doing random dungeons, if you find a trap, you sort of make it apear)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (totally a rough guesstimate)

[Lanek (Spring)] (i see a lot of talk about seeing, so i thought i better get Lanek to check)

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] (Any other quality I cqan roll...Like brains, good looks, sense of humor)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (musc to hold onto the rope?)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (climbing might affect pitons)

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Climbing should

[Lanek (Spring)] yáll need me to hold the rope?

Hoffman (JohnA)] (Knott today)

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek: MUSC check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] (Thieves can use their roll to assist)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (at this point, it's sounding like it's best you just stand clear of the splash. :) )

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (he's already started didn't he? It's gonna break or it's not. Or has he not started?)

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] (LANEK is NOT allowed to help...He stinks)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (he's started, I do believe)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (he just needs to take his pants off)

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Grolduk Groundsearcher: Climb Walls check:(d100) [1d100=60] 60 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 70!!

[Lanek (Spring)] i dunno what you circus clowns are doing but if you need me to do something ...

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I miss Jon the naked sailor)

[Lanek (Spring)] (the pants are still clean)

[Thistle (Carissa)] Well if it fails and someone falls in again... I don't think Lanek minds.,

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Stand over there...Please...way over there

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (yep, he rolled 'em up)

[Lanek (Spring)] (well, moderately clean. there's just sewage on the legs)

[Thistle (Carissa)] Just breath through your mouths!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (ahhh)

[Lanek (Spring)] (they've still got travel grime and sweat on em :-)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so did Brer and dog crash or not?)

[Lanek (Spring)] (ther's sewage on HIS legs, not the trousers)

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] (And they are hairy...don't forget hairy)

[Master] and he started and the piton holds

Hoffman (JohnA)] (sweet)

[Lanek (Spring)] this whole area stinks, no use whining about me

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (make it down okay?)

[Master] yews

[Master] yes

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (yay!!)

[Lanek (Spring)] you don't want stench, go storm some other evil church

[Master] Griff (dog) moved 9'05".

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] (yay)

[Master] Brer Necholas moved 7'01".

[Thistle (Carissa)] (holly!)

[Lanek (Spring)] (yay!)

Brer Necholas (TMO) unhooks Griff from his blanket and sets him down. "Good boy."

[Thistle (Carissa)] All right! Who's next!

Thistle (Carissa) looking down at the others

Lord Tiberius (Master) looks at Branwyn you ready to join Indigo up there?

Hoffman (JohnA)] I was thinking Foto?

Hoffman (JohnA)] Uncle Fotopoulos moved 17'08".

[Thistle (Carissa)] Lots of room now!

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Get on Omen's back he will lift you to the ledge

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Certainly. You do have a plan to get donw don't you darling?

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Ha)

[Uncle Fotopoulos (JohnA)] really?

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Realy really

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 2'04".

[Thistle (Carissa)] Yeah! And I can help you if you need!

Brer Necholas (TMO) turns to face the front doors.

[Uncle Fotopoulos (JohnA)] Uncle Fotopoulos moved 0'11".

[Uncle Fotopoulos (JohnA)] [Hoffman]] moved 1'08".

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Brer Necholas: Detect Evil Intent: By focusing for an entire round, I can detect evil intent or actions in a location or group up to 60' away and 10' wide.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'm ready whenever you are

Thistle (Carissa) holds hand out just in case

Lord Tiberius (Master) takes Branwyn around the waist and LIFTS her up

Lord Tiberius (Master) kisses her

[Hoffman]] (JohnA) lifts Foto up to rope

[Omen (Fritz)] /m lays down so Uncle can get on his back

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] then sets her back down

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you husband

Lord Tiberius (Master) gets down on one knee looking up at her

Lord Tiberius (Master) grins

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] then holds his hands down to cup and lift her foot

Uncle Fotopoulos (JohnA) grabs rope

[Omen (Fritz)] (If no one is going to use Omen then I going to have him jump up and over to me..Y'alls call

Branwyn (Lisa) takes the help and goes up

[Uncle Fotopoulos (JohnA)] Uncle Fotopoulos: DEX check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 14!!

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (is the dog really 15-20 foot tall?)

[Thistle (Carissa)] Thistle: STR check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 9!!

[Omen (Fritz)] (Yep 10 foot)

[Thistle (Carissa)] I got you!....oh.

[Omen (Fritz)] (On his sheet)

[Uncle Fotopoulos (JohnA)] Uncle Fotopoulos: STR check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 9!!

[Lanek (Spring)] (oh yes, Snee will) [Lord Tiberius (Master)] Tiberous LIFTS Branwyn up so she can get onto the wall

[Snezana (Spring)] ss, uh how do i get Omen to help me?

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] pat his knee

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] 3 times

[Snezana (Spring)] Snezana moved 13'03".

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] and Foto can flip a coin to see if he falls on the west side or the east side into the sludge

Snezana (Spring) pat pat pat

[Snezana (Spring)] Omen can you help me up?

Omen (Fritz) lies down on his belly

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 12'03".

Snezana (Spring) climbs up

Omen (Fritz) stands up next to the ledge

Snezana (Spring) scrambles up onto the ledge

[Snezana (Spring)] (do i gotta roll something??)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (DEX)

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] yes

[Snezana (Spring)] Snezana: DEX check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Snezana (Spring)] (whew)

[Uncle Fotopoulos (JohnA)] (heads west)

[Uncle Fotopoulos (JohnA)] A flip of the ol' kLoOge.Coin results in: Heads

Thistle (Carissa) claps

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (nice)

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] there you go John

[Snezana (Spring)] thank you Omen!

Omen (Fritz) soft woof of pleasure

[Master] Omen moved 3'07".

[Omen (Fritz)] "woof"

[Snezana (Spring)] so i'm supposed to slide down a rope now?

[Master] Omen moved 4'00".

[Thistle (Carissa)] Either that or help me get another person up before you do.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (come to think of it, Brer and Griff together are porbably closer to 400. Although a ot of it depends on how heavy magical plate armor is)

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] sorry I thought Frtiz said Omen went up onto the ledge

[Thistle (Carissa)] I uh.... kinda dropped Foto

[Snezana (Spring)] oh yes!if i can help, sure thing

[Master] Snezana moved 23'09".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (magic armour makes it weigh less I thought)

[Lara (to Master only)] so the players that aren't here are left on the map? do they catch up next time?

[Uncle Fotopoulos (JohnA)] maybe sopmeone one else next

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (I think you're right)

[Uncle Fotopoulos (JohnA)] Omen moved 3'04".

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Weight the same encumberence 0

[Lord Tiberius (Master) (to Lara only)] they are 'one round behind' so when they join us they can start up with a short delay

[Snezana (Spring)] (where is Foto now?)

[Thistle (Carissa)] Sundown! You're strong, right? Come here so you can help lift people!

Hoffman (JohnA)] Well I am lst so How about Sundown?

[Master] Sundown moved 7'09".

[Thistle (Carissa)] Hoffman can help them lift!

[Thistle (Carissa)] Or catch!

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] I can go since no one wants me on the other side!

[Master] Talwin moved 14'11".

[Master] Howard Plum moved 3'06".

[Thistle (Carissa)] Yeah! Show them how to do it Howard!

[Lara (to Master only)] gotcha

Howard Plum (Lisa) sniffs

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz) (to Lisa only)] see it is only take 2 hours rather than 3 to get over to the stairs...Progress!!!

[Thistle (Carissa)] If even you can, anyone can!

Hoffman (JohnA)] I say use the hose like dog

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] so i climb on the rail?

Hoffman (JohnA)] horse

[Thistle (Carissa)] Up the rope!

[Thistle (Carissa)] After you get on Omen

[Thistle (Carissa)] Or Hoffman lifts you.

[Snezana (Spring)] it was fun!

[Howard Plum (Lisa) (to Fritz only)] I'm still thinking 3 by the time this is all done

Howard Plum (Lisa) looks between Hoffman and the wolf

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz) (to Lisa only)] I don't know what bob is doing but it would be nice if we could just say "we all do it the same..roll and move on"

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Perhaps I shall enlist Hoffman's assistance

Hoffman (JohnA)] Doesn't he look much more comfy if you fall?

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] If you want to get on his back pat him 3 timese on his knee

[Howard Plum (Lisa) (to Fritz only)] think he is wanting to see if he can get anyone else to fall in the pool

[Hoffman]] (JohnA) offers a lift

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Thank you

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 6'09".

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz) (to Master only)] Bob is there anyway we can move this along? I mean just say we all do it this way.. make the rolls and move on?

Thistle (Carissa) offers hand again just in case

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] HEY YOU GUYS

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] ANyone else coming this side?

Howard Plum (Lisa) takes a boost from Hoffman and tries to climb up

[Master] Time of Day: 01:00 PM. Day 9 See ___ de, Din {Mid Spring} 9th, 349 SKR.

[Thistle (Carissa)] How you getting down from that side??

[Master] Howard Plum moved 10'06".

[Hoffman]] (JohnA) pushes

Howard Plum (Lisa) thinks - Now he invites us!

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Oof!

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz) (to Lisa only)] doesn't seem like he is going to let us do it the fast way

[Master] Sundown moved 41'03".

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 5'09".

[Master] Sundown moved 46'00".

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Good Man Sundown

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Howard Plum moved 2'06".

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] come on let's go, one two three

Lord Tiberius (Master) gets down to boost

[Master] Sundown moved 5'04".

Howard Plum (Lisa) goes over to slide down the other rope

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] (Ok y'all you know the drill with Omen...I'm going afk cuz this is going to take a bit...I'll watch the screen periodically to rejoin the game)

[Master] Sundown: BAL check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Master] Sundown moved 2'05".

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Just Hoffman and Foto now. Maybe Hoffman can carry Foto, and not sure your plan to get Omen over?)

Uncle Fotopoulos (JohnA) pats Omen on knee three times

[Master] Did Howard make his dex check?

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (a 10' dog might very well be able to jump 20 over the moat if nothing else)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Howard Plum: DEX check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Thistle (Carissa)] Thistle: STR check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL FAILED against 9!!

Thistle (Carissa) mutters, "Oh darn not again"

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] heads or tails for Howard

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] (Should get a bonus because he used the rope bob...)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (heads west)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] A flip of the ol' kLoOge.Coin results in: Tails

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (lol)

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] (If it is a +1 he succeeds)

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] He did not use the rope

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (poor Howard)

[Master] that was to get up onto the ledge

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

[Thistle (Carissa)] (I thought they were using Omen to get the rope?)

[Master] and SPLASH

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] The rope to go from the wolf to the ledge

[Master] Yes and every time everyone goes up they need a dex check

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Is no one using the rope? So confused)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (Howard used Hoffman, got tot hte top and fell off the other side, sounds like)

[Master] they are

[Fritz] I am away from the keyboard.

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

[Thistle (Carissa)] Lanek! Go help Howard!

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] I ... I ...

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] AHHHHH!!!!!

[Master] if it was just a I want to flip over this wall and easily avoid the three large obstacles without any challenge or rolls

[Thistle (Carissa)] He's gonna smell as bad as you!

[Snezana (Spring)] oh no!

[Master] Howard Stands up

[Master] he needs a save versus Poison

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Howard Plum: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL FAILED against 13!!

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Well yes we DO want to easily avoid these three large obstacles? I thought you knew that ;) )

[Master] OK

[Lanek (Spring)] he don't need help, it ain't deep

[Master] Howard Plum moved 23'02".

[Lanek (Spring)] just disgusting

[Thistle (Carissa)] Eww but now he also smells....

[Master] so Foto?

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Hey Sundown

[Uncle Fotopoulos (JohnA)] Uncle Fotopoulos: DEX check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 14!!

Howard Plum (Lisa) slowly climbs the stairs holding his head down in shame

[Uncle Fotopoulos (JohnA)] A flip of the ol' kLoOge.Coin results in: Heads

[Uncle Fotopoulos (JohnA)] Maybe someone just pull me

[Thistle (Carissa)] I can try again... hold on to that rope.

[Thistle (Carissa)] Thistle: STR check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 9!!

[JohnA] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] OK

[Uncle Fotopoulos (JohnA)] AreYea, Like I trust you

[Master] there we go

[Master] so only Hoffman and Omen on that side

[Thistle (Carissa)] Yeah! I don't need no strong man! I got this!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Tiberius are you coming up now?

[Master] Uncle Fotopoulos moved 6'09".

[Master] Lord Tiberius: Mountaineering check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL FAILED against -1!!

[Master] HAH

[Master] Let me check that

[Thistle (Carissa)] (a skill I didn't know he had)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (yeah -1 not good)

[Master] Ahh does not need a check

[Master] that is why

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 4'01".

[Master] Lord Tiberius: BAL check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Master] Excellent

[Branwyn (Lisa)] This is cozy

[Master] So on the one side you have the four of them up top still

[JohnA] I am back at the keyboard.

[Hoffman]] (JohnA) grabs rope

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] HEY Brer! Can you catch Sundown?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Howard Plum moved 10'06".

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] I can try!

Hoffman (JohnA)] [Hoffman]]: STR check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Brer Necholas moved 21'05".

[Thistle (Carissa)] Yeah! Go Hoffman!

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Ok first is Indigo

Hoffman (JohnA)] [Hoffman]]: DEX check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Thistle (Carissa)] You're king of this.... wall!

Hoffman (JohnA)] [Hoffman]] moved 4'09".

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (graceful!)

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Let me grab you by the arms and I can swing you over

[Thistle (Carissa)] Umm, but what about Omen?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (nice John)

[Master] Uncle Fotopoulos moved 19'07".

[Master] [Hoffman]] moved 7'01".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Okay

[Fritz] I am back at the keyboard.

Hoffman (JohnA)] You think I'm picking him up?

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] (What about skapr and talwin?)

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 2'02".

[Master] Indigo moved 0'11".

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 3'05".

[Thistle (Carissa)] Grolduk! Whatcha doing about Omen?

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Ready

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Set

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] One

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Two

Brer Necholas (TMO) holds out his arms

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Round behind so not a worry, I believe)

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Two and a half

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Ahh ok...

Lord Tiberius (Master) grins

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Two and a third

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] and Throws Indigo over

[Indigo (Lisa)] Whee!!

Hoffman (JohnA)] (I belive I can Fly)

[Master] Brer needs a musc check to make sure to catch and land

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Brer Necholas: MUSC check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Master] as he is only really going down and over a bit

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (I was terrified it was going to be dex)

[Master] a 20 foot drop

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz) (to Master only)] would you say the jumping ability of the dire wolf is the same a horse at least?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 8'07".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Hey Howard! That was really bad. I'm sorry.

[Master (to Fritz only)] no but a dire wolf can jump twice his own length across

[Indigo (Lisa)] Maybe you should take your robes off

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Ready Love?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Why didn't you come to our side?

Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz) Whistles for Omen

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Always

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] here we go

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Come 'ere

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Ready Necholas?

Lord Tiberius (Master) LIFTS and Tosses

[Hoffman]] (JohnA) whistles for Thistle

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Come on boy

[Master] Branwyn moved 9'01".

Hoffman (JohnA)] Here girl

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Omen moved 29'07".

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Ready!

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] (no counting)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (NO!!!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (dogs shake when wet!!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (STOP)

Omen (Fritz) jumps over the pol

[Omen (Fritz)] pool

Thistle (Carissa) grabs her rope back from the side and slides down the other rope

[Thistle (Carissa)] (to the stairs)

Omen (Fritz) jumps OVER the pool of poo

[Master] Fritz he woudl have to jump 15 feet PLUS his own length

[Master] how long? 10 foot would be max I am thinking more likely 8 or so

[Master] checking

Hoffman (JohnA)] (jumping skill is 2d6 plus level)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (animals very possibly have different rules, no telling)

[Omen (Fritz)] Average length 9 ft (2.7 m)[2]

[Omen (Fritz)] He is 10

[Omen (Fritz)] You said he could jump double his own lengthh

[Omen (Fritz)] so he can jump 20 feet

[Master] if he is ten foot long that means he has to be able to jump 25 feet to clear the pool

[Master] he can jump 20 feet yes

[Master] and his rear lands in the pool

[Omen (Fritz)] Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz) (to Master only)] would you say the jumping ability of the dire wolf is the same a horse at least?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (NO!)

[Master] that is why Lisa said to stop

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (i said stop)

[Omen (Fritz)] [Master (to Fritz only)] no but a dire wolf can jump twice his own length across

[Omen (Fritz)] So if that is the case I wouldn't have done it that way

[Master] pool is 15 foot wide, he is ten foot long

[Master] that is why she said stop

[Master] Omen moved 23'01".

Hoffman (JohnA)] (what about triange jump to wall and then to steps?)

Hoffman (JohnA)] Omen moved 1'01".

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Ahh the old hypotenuse again)

[Omen (Fritz)] (No the issue is Bob gave me the "wrong" information so I made my plan on that...So otherwise I will have him jump on the ledge and then over to the stairs)

Hoffman (JohnA)] (two shorter jumps)

[Master] LIsa is typing

[Master] I did not give you the wrong informatoin Fritz I said twice his length which you are correct is 20 feet

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (no - was just saying sorry - I just had visions of all of us having to roll saves and I panicked)

[Master] but if you jump a pool that is 20 foot across

[Master] sorry 15 foot

[Master] the rear 15 feet of the wolf is in the pool

[Master] 5

[Master] if you want to clear the pool

[Master] you need to land 10 feet beyond the edge

[Master] so 25 foot jump

[Omen (Fritz)] No that would meen his jump was less

[Branwyn (Lisa)] if shoulders is 10 ft can he just put front paws on rail and jump up there?)

Hoffman (JohnA)] (I think he is counted back fott to back foot)

[Omen (Fritz)] The jump is from his rear feet and they move their feet close to each other to jump

[Master] yes to Fritz

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (then jump down the other side?)

[Master] let us do the math

[Master] standing on the point edge of teh pool there as he is now

[Master] he is ten feet long so he can jump 20 feet

[Master] his nose is there

[Omen (Fritz)] So the jump is rear feet to rear feet

[Master] so then his front feet are in the pool when he jumps

[Omen (Fritz)] If it is rear feet to front feet he only jumps 10

[Master] he is ten feet long

[Master] you need to account for his length also

[Master] his nose there, add 20 feet

[Master] that puts it 5 feet past the pool

[Master] he is 10 feet long

[Omen (Fritz)] To much time...but the way dogs jump...they plant their front feet at the edge....Move their rear feet to their front feet. and then the jump is rear to rear...hence 20 feet and he clears the pool.

[Master] yes to Fritz how they jump but his nose where he leaps to his nose where he lands is 20 feet

[Omen (Fritz)] Otherwise he gets up on the lege mjumps down and take a d6 damage

[Thistle (Carissa)] (normal running leap by dogs are not feet together)

[Master] BUT he needs 25 to get his enire body across

[Omen (Fritz)] No that is rear to front...not rear to rear bobv

[Master] OK

[Master] to stop this

[Thistle (Carissa)] (just jump via the ledge)

[Master] the wolf cannot jump across

[Omen (Fritz)] yes

[Master] find another way

[Omen (Fritz)] Omen moved 13'04".

[Master] (1d6) [1d6=6] 6

[Master] Omen's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 33 (-6) - Lightly Wounded

[Omen (Fritz)] Omen [1d6]: (1d6) [1d6=1] 1

[Master] Sundown moved 7'09".

[Omen (Fritz)] Oh I thought I roll

[Omen (Fritz)] Ok

[Master] and so Brer has one more catch

[Master] Branwyn moved 5'11".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 6'02".

[Master] Sundown moved 2'08".

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Brer Necholas: MUSC check: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Master] Brer Necholas moved 6'10".

[Master] Sundown moved 4'04".

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 2'02".

Lord Tiberius (Master) lays down and hands the chest down to Brer carefully

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Don't drop this or Branwyn will kill you

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Thistle zipped down earlier, can I move her?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (and took her rope from the side)

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] (yes to Carissa)

[Thistle (Carissa)] Thistle moved 3'01".

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] then NO to Carissa

Brer Necholas (TMO) takes the chest.

[Omen (Fritz)]

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (not the zip rope, Bob, the rope on the other side)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (It's two ropes. Not the zip line rope, but the one they were climbing up the wall side with)

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] OK

[Omen (Fritz)] For those who want to see how a dog jumps

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (sorry, not sure why I jumped in there)

[Thistle (Carissa)] That was fun!

[Thistle (Carissa)] (haha no worries thanks)

[Master] Lord Tiberius: BAL check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 4'08".

[Master] Time of Day: 01:15 PM. Day 9 See ___ de, Din {Mid Spring} 9th, 349 SKR.

[Master] and you are all on the steps

[Omen (Fritz) (to Master only)] by the way if you look at the video you will see i am right...sorry

Hoffman (JohnA)] Anyone want to knock?

[Master] Fritz you are not right I am because I made the ruling

[Master] just stop

[Master] it is over

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (BOB - did Brer detect anything when he checked for evil intent earlier?)

[Master] Yes to Brer the entire chuch glows a low red

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Grolduk Groundsearcher: Find/remove traps check:(d100) [1d100=11] 11 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 30!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (on what?)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (not as bright as the house though?)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (he was looking at the door)

Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz) checking on the door

[Master] roughly the same glow

[Master] and no traps on the doors

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] This building feels as dangerous as the house below. Be careful.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh it is.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (brb)

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If the door is not trapped, then let us open it. It is likely locked from Howard and Hoffman's accounting

Branwyn (Lisa) tries to open the door

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 1'07".

[Master] does not budge

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Does someone want to pick the lock or shall I?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 3'04".

Lanek (Spring) cracks knuckles

[Hoffman]] (JohnA) steps back

[Thistle (Carissa)] Thistle: Open Locks check:(d100) [1d100=94] 94 - ROLL FAILED against 25!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And Howard, take your robe off. It is not healthy

[Thistle (Carissa)] Hmmm... yep, it's locked.

Hoffman (JohnA)] (hee hee)

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek: Open Locks check:(d100) [1d100=92] 92 - ROLL FAILED against 15!!

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Is it locked or is it jammed?

[Master (to Lara only)] see the good the bad the quarells, etc.

Lanek (Spring) grumps irritably

[Master] the guess is locked

[Lara (to Master only)] yep

Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz) pushes on the door... pulls on the door to see if it moves as a door that is locked vs one that is barricaded

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Grolduk Groundsearcher: Locksmithing check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 19!!

[Master] two large oak doors not budging

Howard Plum (Lisa) sheepishly takes off his robes and tosses them into the pool, stowing everything in the pockets in his pack

[Master] yeap they are locked with a very high quality locked

[Master] lock

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Grolduk Groundsearcher: Open Locks check:(d100) [1d100=14] 14 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

[Master] click

[Lanek (Spring)] pfffft

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Very nice Grolduk!

Lanek (Spring) exasperated gesture

[Thistle (Carissa)] See? Definitely was locked.

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] There you go...

Thistle (Carissa) stands back to the side before the doors are opened

[Lara] Go Grolduk!

Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz) steps back..."now the otherside may still be trapped...let me listen a bit

Hoffman (JohnA)] (Thistle is the best we have at 25%?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Yes it was.

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Maybe I will hear a zombie moan

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Yeah! Go Thistle!)

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Grolduk Groundsearcher: Detect Noise check:(d100) [1d100=79] 79 - ROLL FAILED against 55!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (reason why we brought her on this trip! ;-) )

[Thistle (Carissa)] (lol that an apparently rope use)

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Nope no zombie moaning

[Thistle (Carissa)] You sure?

[Thistle (Carissa)] Thistle: Detect Noise check:(d100) [1d100=79] 79 - ROLL FAILED against 30!!

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Yeap

Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz) steps back

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The doors are open if someone is there they heard us

Thistle (Carissa) nods to herself, "Yep pretty sure you're sure."

Branwyn (Lisa) walks in the door

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Grolduk Groundsearcher moved 6'10".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 7'11".

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Omen moved 2'00".

[Lara (to Master only)] are they allowed to ask you questions about what they see?

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Shall I?

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Drayven Starmantle moved 9'04".

Thistle (Carissa) backs up agian

[Hoffman]] (JohnA) follow

Branwyn (Lisa) stand in the doorway and looks in

[Master] Branwyn moved 5'00".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 [MODIFIED (+1)] - ROLL FAILED against 18!!

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] I got it...oh ...well

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (ouch!)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Aww the ashes of the apprentices are still there?)

[Master] Branwyn opens the door and pushes it back

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (oh no!)

[Master] and it goes CRUNCH agaisnt something hanging on the wall

[Thistle (Carissa)] (as in Ilero's apprentices....guild members.... whatever they are)

Brer Necholas (TMO) sets the chest down on the steps to the side of the door.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (the daughter's ashes are there????)

[Thistle (Carissa)] That didn't sound good....

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Which way did it open...double doors or to the left or right?

[Master] and there is a young girl's skeleton in a glass box on the floor

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (I was under the impression they all three were ashed by the fireball, but was just a weeeee bit distracted at the time. ;) )

[Lara (to Master only)] and doesn't someone always need to protect the chest?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (wait not ashes - sliced up body parts?)

Branwyn (Lisa) gasps

[Master] centered in the door way

[Thistle (Carissa)] (But Quellcon held his daughter's body if I remember right)

[Master] and 15 feet inside the doorway

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (could very well be right)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Guiote and Michel thought.... yeah ashes)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (Which way did it open...double doors or to the left or right?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Don't touch this case

[Master] double doors they swing in

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (eh, no worries though)

[Lanek (Spring)] (double doors IIRC)

[Lanek (Spring)] (the apprentices had been behind the doors)

Brer Necholas (TMO) walks up the stairs past the rest. "Excuse me, please."

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (was the crunch on the left or right? )

[Branwyn (Lisa)] When we all step in we need to close the doors and see what is behind them

[Master] right side

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I heard something

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Brer Necholas moved 8'11".

Indigo (Lisa) takes the potion chest back

Hoffman (JohnA)] [Hoffman]] moved 6'04".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 6'10".

Brer Necholas (TMO) pulls his hood back off his head and looks around, then reaches up to lift his eyepatch and gaze around the room.

Thistle (Carissa) follows close to Brer and Hoffman

[Hoffman]] (JohnA) holds door open

Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz) moves over to the right to find out what went "crunch"

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Brer Necholas: Detect Evil Intent: By focusing for an entire round, I can detect evil intent or actions in a location or group up to 60' away and 10' wide.

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Grolduk Groundsearcher moved 26'00".

Hoffman (JohnA)] Welcome to my soon to be home

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Drayven Starmantle moved 8'10".

Branwyn (Lisa) thinks about the doors

[Master] The whole inside of the church glows with evil intent

[Thistle (Carissa)] It needs some cleaning....

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I don't know what is behind them. Be careful

[Lanek (Spring)] Snezana moved 20'10".

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (yes, by all means walk right past the person checking for evil)

Hoffman (JohnA)] It's a bit of a fixer upper, like me

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 7'03".

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek moved 12'05".

[Master] imbued with some sort of support for evil

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek moved 13'06".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo moved 24'03".

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Grolduk Groundsearcher: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] :)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Can someone check to see if the other side of the doors has a trap?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If we close the doors for instance

Brer Necholas (TMO) puts the eyepatch back over his eye and pulls his hood back up to cover his face again.

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek: Find/remove traps check:(d100) [1d100=64] 64 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 70!!

[Thistle (Carissa)] Thistle moved 5'00".

[Master] no traps

[Master] on the doors

[Thistle (Carissa)] (thought you were the one above, lol)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] There is something behind there that I heard ...

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Howard Plum moved 22'11".

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] (I am looking behind the door on the right)

Brer Necholas (TMO) waits for the scouts to check for traps before entering.

[Snezana (Spring)] i think the door crunched against the gbones over here

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 4'09".

[Snezana (Spring)] what remains of Michel

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Well Sundown

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] We shoudl go get involved

[Thistle (Carissa)] Thistle: Find/remove traps check:(d100) [1d100=92] 92 - ROLL FAILED against 5!!

[Thistle (Carissa)] Thistle: Fortune Telling check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Master] Sundown moved 5'04".

Thistle (Carissa) nods, "Yep. There's danger. Of a kind..."

Hoffman (JohnA)] (you will find death)

Brer Necholas (TMO) says to Thistle. "Well, it appears to be safe right here inside at least."

[Master (to Carissa only)] you can see that the two previous dead thieves were turned into skeletons then chained to the wall and then you crushed them killing them when you opened the doors

Brer Necholas (TMO) moves forward to look closely at the bones in the glass case.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Yes we should enter

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Brer Necholas moved 10'01".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I wouldn't touch that until it is checked

[Master (to Carissa only)] and the glass case... seems .... odd... to say the least

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Or even if it has been

Brer Necholas (TMO) nods. "Agreed."

[Thistle (Carissa)] Oof, and that glass case... there's more than death to that. Umm, how would Grandma put it....

[Thistle (Carissa)] Odd. Interesting. Hmm... ugh, I don't have her words, but you know, it's not good.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Grim decoration, or special trophy?

[Thistle (Carissa)] Like those thief skeletons we crushed!

[Master] (you can explain that to them)

[Snezana (Spring)] Lanek moved 9'04".

[Lara (to TMO only)] does your eye patch have something secret underneath?

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek: Find/remove traps check:(d100) [1d100=85] 85 - ROLL FAILED against 70!!

[Thistle (Carissa)] OH! "I see crumbles in your future... no, something... pulverized. Yeah, the bones speak to me! And it is not good!"

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] (Bob are those upstairs banisters that are in the dark

Hoffman (JohnA)] Can we get room for the dog and horse like dog?

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

Thistle (Carissa) using a mystic voice

Hoffman (JohnA)] so we can close the doors

[Lanek (Spring)] (lanek sucks at traps, for a theif)

Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz) looks up

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] At the ceiling

[Master] Yes to Fritz that is the balcony there the section you are in is two stories tall with a balcony around

[Brer Necholas (TMO) (to Lara only)] yes and no, but it hasn't been revealed to the party yet. I don't think anyone noticed, but that was also the first time he's pulled his hood off. :) He's new to the group, still has some good mysteries to him.

[Thistle (Carissa)] Umm, so at least we killed the skeletons? They weren't skeletons before... and they WERE alive... dead alive. So that's good, right?

[Master] Thistle moved 9'07".

[Master] Foto? the two animals?

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] (Bob what was behind the door that whent "crush"

Hoffman (JohnA)] Uncle Fotopoulos moved 9'06".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (can Bran roll a spellcraft check on the case - Those talented in this proficiency also have a chance (equal to ½ of their normal proficiency check) of recognizing magical or magically endowed constructs for what they are.)

[Lara (to TMO only)] ah. gotcha. it was just a very specific move.

Hoffman (JohnA)] Uncle Fotopoulos moved 7'04".

[Master] Skeleton, Thistle told you part of it

[Master] yes to LIsa

[Brer Necholas (TMO) (to Lara only)] Yup! part of the character design. :)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Spellcraft check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 [MODIFIED (+1)] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz) looks to see of how the skeletons may have been crushed...was it from straight above or from the side?

[Master] Branwyn can see that this is some sort of magical case

[Brer Necholas (TMO) (to Lara only)] and the two skeletons on the sides belong to two of my former character's apprentices

Hoffman (JohnA)] Uncle Fotopoulos moved 5'11".

[Master] and she can make an intition check

[Thistle (Carissa)] Just two

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: INU check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Thistle (Carissa)] From the door. We crushed them when we opened it.

[Master] to Fritz there was a skeleton hanging on the wall behind the door and when you pushed them open they go back and crush the skeletons

[Thistle (Carissa)] I think those were Ilero's old guld members....

[Lara (to TMO only)] got it

[Thistle (Carissa)] Not sure if that's a bad omen for you. Want me to check your palm?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The case is magical.

[Lara (to TMO only)] Thistle just mentioned it

[Master (to Lisa only)] Branwyn understands that if she had done a Knock spell on the doors it would have also opened up this magical case

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (i have my own intuition - waiting to see if it matches - and it did not)

[Master] and what is your Intution?

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (BOB - can Brer check the skeleton specifically, or was it included already in the overall check?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It was a good thing Groduk was able to open the doors. If I would have cast a Knock spell, likely this case would have opened as well.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And I am not sure I want that right now

[Thistle (Carissa)] O dpm

[Master] which skeleton TMO

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (sorry, girl skeleton in the glass case)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (he hasn't looked at the other two yet.

[Master] it was included in the overall check

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (thx)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that there is something magical onthe skeleton - opening the case isn't as simple as Hoffman beating it down with his club)

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] I'm checking the one on the right I guess I got nothing else correct?

[Thistle (Carissa)] (and the case is... odd to say the least)

[Master] to collect all you have figured out so far

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Brer Necholas: INU check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 14!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I wouldn't say - oh skeleton - those are easy to kill)

[Master] The doors opened up and when they go back they crushed two skeletons. Those two skeletons are the former apprentices of Ilero that were dead, reanimated into Skeletons, then chained to the wall to wait to be killed again when someone pushes the doors open

[Master] you also have a magical glass box in the center of the entry way that has a girl's skeleton in it

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (but have not attacked?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (for some odd reason)

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] I believe that the skeleton in the glass case is the daughter of the necromancer. It is a trap

Hoffman (JohnA)] (clearly)

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] he is going to use it to get back at I imagine...possession and then geased to kill her kids

[Master] the two Skeletons were were the apprentices, he Raised them into Skeletons, chained them to the wall, and set them up to be killed by you again when you opened the doors and pushed them back

[Thistle (Carissa)] (waiting to be killed again? so not for us, but tortue for them?)

Hoffman (JohnA)] (got it)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (sicko)

[Lanek (Spring)] (that's very sad)

Hoffman (JohnA)] (WE KILLED THEM)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (ahhh good thing Ilero stayed home this trip)

[Lara (to Carissa only)] what is O dpm?

[Thistle (Carissa)] (right but to raise them just to kill them even if it was us, is someone not right in their mind... which I think we already knew)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (if they were aware of it all, then we just saved them)

[Thistle (Carissa) (to Lara only)] lol just a bad typo

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (yes killing them for good is a kindness)

Hoffman (JohnA)] (yes good thinkg in a way, less undead)

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] They were mindless and unrecognizable..they were not his old apprentices

[Thistle (Carissa)] (hmm but now I wonder... why let us have that "kindness"?)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (that's *IF* a wizard necromance actually deals in souls to tie them to the undead. Purely my personal opinion, I'd bet a wizard just animateds the dead meat, with no souls left behind)

[Lara (to Carissa only)] lol. okay. there are so many abbreviations that i thought it might be one. ty!

[Thistle (Carissa)] (more twisted to force them to attack us and have us be forced to kill them)

Hoffman (JohnA)] Uncle Fotopoulos moved 8'06".

[Thistle (Carissa) (to Lara only)] yep no worries!

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (ignore the typos please)

[Uncle Fotopoulos (JohnA)] So Howard, how do you feel?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I believe this is just a house of horrors he has set up. It is the effect it would have on good people that he wants

[Uncle Fotopoulos (JohnA)] Uncle Fotopoulos: Healing check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

Brer Necholas (TMO) gets up from the glass case and looks around the room. "I assume these are set out for you to find?"

[Uncle Fotopoulos (JohnA)] Any side effects from muck

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Embarrassed and cold without my robe

[Thistle (Carissa)] Well he does smell...

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Other than the putrid odor emanating from me? No Uncle Foto

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (he did ditch the robe

[Master (to JohnA only)] there is a long slow wasting sickness, the swamp sickness the group has encountered before, it takes a long time to slowly drain strength away over weeks

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh before I forget, Lanek come outside to the steps

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 22'08".

[Uncle Fotopoulos (JohnA)] You feel fine now, but given time you will feel the effects

[Lanek (Spring)] .... okay

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Everyone inside but Lanek

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek moved 18'03".

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek moved 21'08".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No lounging around outside

[Uncle Fotopoulos (JohnA)] we have seen this before, I will have to take care of this befoe too long

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Omen moved 30'00".

[Master] Foto might want to speak up

[Uncle Fotopoulos (JohnA)] PEOPLE, Howard is sick

Branwyn (Lisa) cantrips a pitcher's worth of water over Lanek

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Touch nothing around here yet. Assume everything is a trap until we know different.

[Master] Sundown moved 18'00".

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 35'07".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] his lower legs

[Master] Griff (dog) moved 14'07".

[Uncle Fotopoulos (JohnA)] Branwyn!

[Lanek (Spring)] ooooh that's .... brisk

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Brer Necholas moved 8'09".

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Griff (dog) moved 12'00".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Let's clean you up a bit

Brer Necholas (TMO) stands guard in the middle of the foyer.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Better?

[Thistle (Carissa)] Hey be nice, Foto! Howard can be weird, but he's not sick.

[Lanek (Spring)] well, yeah, uh, yeah that's prolly better

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] I don't feel sick?

[Uncle Fotopoulos (JohnA) (to Master only)] regular cure diease works?

[Lanek (Spring)] erm, thank you

[Master (to JohnA only)] yes

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Good, let's get inside.

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles

[Lanek (Spring)] (completely unusued to people doing nice things)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (Howard might need the same thing)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (even though he ditched the robe, skin probably still touched)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (actually, we know it did)

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek moved 23'09".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Howard took off his robe and tossed it - how dirty is he underneath?)

[Master] it is in howards hair, etc

[Master] he fell into the pool

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (if it didn't touch skin, no way for him to be infected)

[Master] off the wall down into the pool

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] (Are there any stairs to go up?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (ok - was only 3 ft deep)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (what is it, exactly?)

[Master] yes

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Howard!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Come out here

[Master] there are no stairs here Fritz

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Howard Plum moved 25'03".

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Oh! Sorry, I just realized what I was hearing while I looking at the girl.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] I was distracted, I'm very sorry.

[Thistle (Carissa)] (don't run too far, Fritz. Trap somewhere nearby I believe that zaps anyone not evil)

[Uncle Fotopoulos (JohnA)] wasting / Swamp sickness, we have all seen before)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Bend down away from me. That is all in your hair

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 2'00".

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] (Do I see a way to get up to the balcony other than climbing the wall?

Brer Necholas (TMO) turns and walks over to check on the two poor bodies hanging behind the doors to see if there's anything he can do for them.

[Uncle Fotopoulos (JohnA)] (Levitate, FLY)

[Thistle (Carissa)] Yeah. Definitely have, but, um, if we forgot what it was... what is it?

[Uncle Fotopoulos (JohnA)] (Pyrimid)

[Master] no to Fritz

Branwyn (Lisa) cantrips another pitcher pouring water over his head

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (oh sure there is - step on the square over there)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Brer Necholas moved 13'03".

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Griff (dog) moved 14'02".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Better?

[Uncle Fotopoulos (JohnA)] Once the Necromancer is dead, I will cure Howard

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Honestly? I am half naked, cold and wet

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Better in comparison to what?

[Uncle Fotopoulos (JohnA)] If Lank is sick I wil take care of that too

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (Bob - the skeletons are both dead-ddead now?)

[Master] yes to TMO

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am sorry Howard

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Let's go back inside

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (so a turn undead wouldn't affect them anymore?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 19'03".

[Master] Time of Day: 01:30 PM. Day 9 See ___ de, Din {Mid Spring} 9th, 349 SKR.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Howard Plum moved 22'11".

[Thistle (Carissa)] Will he be okay for awhile?

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] We should problly close those doors

[Hoffman]] (JohnA) walks in and closes door

[Thistle (Carissa)] Oh! Brer has the blanket I gave him earlier if you need it Howard.

Hoffman (JohnA)] [Hoffman]] moved 7'07".

Hoffman (JohnA)] (natural light from windows?)

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] yes to John

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Thank you

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Grolduk Groundsearcher moved 8'04".

Brer Necholas (TMO) frees the bones from their chains and piles them respectfully on the floor underneath.

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Hoffman. Did you look?

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Is it still there?

Hoffman (JohnA)] is what still there?

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] The ... thing. The statue. Of you know.

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Hey Thistle I'm going to climb up and take a look what's on the balcony...Gimme your rope and I can tie it up there for others to climb up if needed

Hoffman (JohnA)] I was worried about door, no I did not look

[Thistle (Carissa)] Sure! Here you go!

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (wait - running to the balcony - has anyone gotten the decription of what is in the altar area yet?)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (that changes with every visit)

[Master] nope

Hoffman (JohnA)] (I would like to secure door, but if I am the only one?)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (the balconies are way in front unless something has changed)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (yes we need to close the door)

Hoffman (JohnA)] (I mean lock, bar, weld shut)

[Master] Hoffman closed the doors

[Master] that is as far as you have gotten

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (that's fine too)

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Grolduk Groundsearcher: Climb Walls check:(d100) [1d100=93] 93 - ROLL FAILED against 70!!

Hoffman (JohnA)] Need a locksmith here or a theif

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Ahhhhhh

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (so where is the balcony thing coming from? I'm confused)

[Master] now Grolduk tries to climb the wall next to the balcony

[Master] and falls back taking (1d6) [1d6=6] 6 points of damage

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] You want to roll the damage or me

[Master] Grolduk Groundsearcher's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 7 (-6) - Moderately Wounded

Hoffman (JohnA)] (tumbling?)

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Grolduk Groundsearcher: Tumbling check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 19!!

[Master] so half

[Master] Grolduk Groundsearcher's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 10 (3) - Lightly Wounded

[Thistle (Carissa)] (brb)

[Carissa] I am away from the keyboard.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Can someone help Hoffman with locking the door again please?

Hoffman (JohnA)] Hey Grod, before you try that again, can you lock this door?

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Ouch...yea I can

Hoffman (JohnA)] Does anyone want it blocked?

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Grolduk Groundsearcher: Locksmithing check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 19!!

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Didn't you block it with pews before?

[Lanek (Spring)] i was just gonna suggest that

Hoffman (JohnA)] We have, and can

Brer Necholas (TMO) says s brief prayer over both bodies.

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek moved 5'02".

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek: Find/remove traps check:(d100) [1d100=70] 70 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 70!!

[Lanek (Spring)] (on the pew)

[Hoffman]] (JohnA) goes to drag over pew

[Master] Grolduk can see that this is a high quality lock again and it locks from this side with a key

[Lanek (Spring)] (if there's no trap, lanek is dragging a pew)

[Master] no trap

[Master] so not locking the doors? just piling pews in front of them?

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] (Bob was I able to relock the door?)

[Master] you need a key to lock the door

Hoffman (JohnA)] (Ah)

[Master] so a thieves pick locks would be the skill

[Lara (to Master only)] I'm heading out. This has been VERY cool. Should I say goodbye to the group?

[Carissa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master (to Lara only)] yes say goodbye, ask any questions before you leave that you have

Brer Necholas (TMO) stands back up and dusts his hands off.

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] even though I make locks...Ok..I'll try again

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Grolduk Groundsearcher: Open Locks check:(d100) [1d100=70] 70 - ROLL FAILED against 15!!

[Thistle (Carissa)] (sorry cat yelling at another cat outside...three story up on the roof siding)

[Master] locksmithing does not lock or unlock only gives a 10% bonus to Pick Locks

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] This is the specialized skill of making locks. It is treated like other "craft" proficiencies when checking for success. Also, thieves with this proficiency gain a 10% bonus to their lock picking skill, because they are intimately familiar with the internal structure and working of so many locks.Besides troubleshooters, dwarf and gnome thieves of any kit can take the locksmithing proficiency to fill one slot, because of the tradition of craftsmanship and mechanical things in their cultural heritages.

[Lanek (Spring)] (LOL cat argument)

[Hoffman]] (JohnA) continues to move pew

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (right - what bob said)

[Master] yes to fritz a 10% bonus to locking picking

[Thistle (Carissa)] (cat argument, but not one you usually expect when you live top floor of the building!)

Lanek (Spring) continues to move other pew

Hoffman (JohnA)] sucess or fail, get out of the way

[Thistle (Carissa)] Did you need that door locked, Hoffman?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well, whoever is coming likely has a key

[Hoffman]] (JohnA) pauses

Hoffman (JohnA)] Oh there you are

Hoffman (JohnA)] I thought you were hiding in shadows'

[Lanek (Spring)] what we need is to stuff the keyhole with something

[Thistle (Carissa)] I dropped my coin! I was just looking for it.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Whoever is coming, I doubt uses the front door.

[Thistle (Carissa)] Thistle: Open Locks check:(d100) [1d100=77] 77 - ROLL FAILED against 25!!

[Lara] Gnite folks! The main question I have is about the map and I will circle back with BOB on that later. Ty!

[Thistle (Carissa)] Um.... yeah, so that lock is... nice!

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (thanks for coming!)

[Lanek (Spring)] (gnite Lara!)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Night Lara!)

Hoffman (JohnA)] (be well)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Goodnight Lara!)

Lara has left the game on Fri Apr 24 22:11:15 EDT 2020

[Thistle (Carissa)] You could melt it but.... then how would we get back out?

[Thistle (Carissa)] Or melt something in it...

Hoffman (JohnA)] (eventua;y you will re key that for me Fritz)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (lol)

[Master] laughs

[Master] did you check under the mat?

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Be happy to Hoffman...even make you a better one

[Master] Or the rock out front?

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (at the bottom of the pool?)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Like those rings they toss in the swimming pool to practice swimming!)

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Can we open some windows or something? Are we just going to stand here in the church twiddling our thumbs?

Hoffman (JohnA)] I got the doors, go have fun

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Hoffman is barracading)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (huh - different take on Numb by Linkin Park:

Hoffman (JohnA)] watch out for alter and stairs

[Master] OK so barracading not locking

Hoffman (JohnA)] (we tried)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I could cast - but I do think anyone coming has a key)

Hoffman (JohnA)] (trying to make sure not to hit glass case or that the pews hit class case if someone forces open)

[Master] I did not see a roll from Lanek

[Master] He did a find traps

[Master] and that is not possible John

[Master] you pile enough pews in front of the door to barracade it

[Master] if they fall over

[Master] then they will fall into the glass case

[Thistle (Carissa)] (still can't decide how I feel about throat singing)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (the trap hits the guy who opens the door?)

Hoffman (JohnA)] (I was not going to stack)

[Master] ok

Hoffman (JohnA)] (thinking Grolduk might use spikes with one pew in middle)

[Master] Drayven Starmantle moved 5'09".

[Master] [Hoffman]] moved 6'11".

[Master] Girl moved 1'09".

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Wait did you see that?

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (panic time!)

[Master] I moved by mistake

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (hehehe)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (brb)

[Master] just measured to be sure she is in the right spot still

[Lisa] I am away from the keyboard.

[Grolduk Groundsearcher (Fritz)] Any doors under the balcony?

[Master] what light source are you using?

Brer Necholas (TMO) stands ready, hand on his hilt, just in case.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Brer Necholas moved 10'03".

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Griff (dog) moved 6'04".

[Master] there is natural light coming in from the upper windows on the balcony that iluminates the central open area and the altar up front

Fritz has edited Drayven Starmantle's effects.

Drayven Starmantle (Fritz) pulls out his stone of continual light on a chain...pat pend

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] I don't want to wander aimlessly, Blessed One, but if there's anything you want me to look at or anyone you want me to stay with, just let me know.

Hoffman (JohnA)] (looks a lot like Hoffman's)

[Thistle (Carissa)] You were here before Howard. Anything we should know?

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (Ilero had his as a cloak clasp, until he left it behind as a distraction.... that completely failed to do anything useful)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (just noticed she was afk)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (details details)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (small small details)

Hoffman (JohnA)] I said watch the alter and the stairs

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] I'll take the altar, shall I?

[Master] who are you telling that to Hoffman? do they kow where you are talking about?

[Master] Where is the altar?

Hoffman (JohnA)] you should block the trap door behind the altar

[Master] Hoffman, Tiberious, Howard, Branwin, Indigo

[Hoffman]] (JohnA) point to other endof church

[Master] no one else has been here before

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (without specific info, the altar is typically straight ahead down the aisle from the front doors)

[Master] you all need to remember that

[Snezana (Spring)] i remember where the altar is

[Master] Ahh sorry SNee

Hoffman (JohnA)] (did not think Altar would be hard to find)

[Snezana (Spring)] Snezana moved 38'02".

[Master] Snee can make an Intution check

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Wait for me, priestess.

[Snezana (Spring)] Snezana: INU check: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Brer Necholas and Griff (dog) moved 27'01".

[Lisa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master (to Spring only)] this is where Ilero found the book under the stone, that listed the presumed deaths in his family

[Master] Snezana, Griff (dog) and Brer Necholas moved 7'04".

[Snezana (Spring) (to Master only)] i don't remember if he ever told that to Snee or a group Snee was in

[Master (to Spring only)] do with it what you will

[Snezana (Spring)] so last time, Ilero found a book over here

[Snezana (Spring)] Snezana moved 13'05".

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Brer Necholas and Griff (dog) moved 13'06".

[Snezana (Spring)] something about deaths in his family

[Snezana (Spring)] Snezana moved 6'00".

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] He found it here?

[Snezana (Spring)] Snezana moved 13'06".

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] I thought he from the far north?

[Snezana (Spring)] yeah

[Snezana (Spring)] careful of that altar

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Brer Necholas and Griff (dog) moved 16'04".

[Snezana (Spring)] it has a passage under it

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Please don't get too far ahead of me.

Indigo (Lisa) pulls out his light buckle

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Brer Necholas and Griff (dog) moved 6'01".

Brer Necholas (TMO) looks around.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Brer Necholas: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 19!!

[Snezana (Spring)] we'll want to block this passageway because all manner of horrors are down there. or were

[Snezana (Spring)] if i were a wizard i'd throw a fireball right down it

Brer Necholas (TMO) checks Griff to see if he's reacting to anything unusual.

Hoffman (JohnA)] (maybe a wizard lock)

[Master] There is a large circular area behind the altar that Brer would expect to have a statue of the God or Goddess of the church

[Indigo (Lisa)] (you act like the wizards her know those spells)

Hoffman (JohnA)] (just saying, would be nice)

[Master] Hoffman has four pews piled in front of the doors

[Indigo (Lisa)] :)

[Snezana (Spring)] (heh)

Hoffman (JohnA)] [Hoffman]] moved 10'02".

[Indigo (Lisa)] (think he was talking trap door)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] So if I remember the little I read before coming here there was a statue there correct?

Hoffman (JohnA)] How you feeling Tyberius?

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] I'm going to check the area again, see if I can detect anything. Please wait for me.

[Snezana (Spring)] that's where it's supposed to be

Hoffman (JohnA)] wierd being back HERE

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] watching

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] just watching

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] make sure they are safe

Snezana (Spring) looks back at Tiberius worriedly

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] And also when you guys tried to go up some stairs there was a religious aura about the place...I bet it isn't here any longer

Brer Necholas (TMO) reaches under his hood to lift his eyepatch and look around the altar side rooms.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Brer Necholas: Detect Evil Intent: By focusing for an entire round, I can detect evil intent or actions in a location or group up to 60' away and 10' wide.

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] The was near some stairs or something

Branwyn (Lisa) cantrips a lily

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Brer can see the altar has that definately

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (he reads the chat logs!!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (falls over)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (NO NO NO NO)

[Master] lol

[Master] lol

[Thistle (Carissa)] (lol)

[Snezana (Spring)] (hahahahaha)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Don't touch the altar, please.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] But otherwise we can proceed.

[Snezana (Spring)] so we need to find a way to block the passageway without touching the altar

Branwyn (Lisa) places the lily o the ground in front of the case but not touching it

[Master] Ok to Lisa

Branwyn (Lisa) then moves forward

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (oh crap)

[Master] when Brare and Snee take a step forward

[Thistle (Carissa)] (well it was Ok not OK....)

[Master] they will be out from under the cover

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I dread the Ok word)

[Master] grins

[Thistle (Carissa)] (yes but there are degrees ofit... neither good but still degrees)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (Ol' Kinterhook would be proud)

[Snezana (Spring)] (i'm assuming the altar is stone?)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (or a mimic)

[Master] yes to Spring

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 18'07".

[Master] you can see somethign is on the altar but not quite tell what is is from there

[Master] Time of Day: 01:45 PM. Day 9 See ___ de, Din {Mid Spring} 9th, 349 SKR.

[Master] This might be a good place to discuss where you want to explore, what you want to do etc.

[Master] both IC and OOC

[Master] before you get the party split up in too many pieces

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Did you ever say if there were doors under the balconies?

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (oh, let's just trigger EVERYTHING AT ONCE)

Hoffman (JohnA)] I keep getting turned arround, are the stairs left or right?

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Indiana Jones it)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I don't want to spend a lot of time but there were always statues in each alcove going up the church - did anyone look to see if they were there?)

[Master] no

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (Thistle wanted to, but didn't want to run off from the group, iirc)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (this is a big place, maybe take it from one end to the other?)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] my light has a 60 foot radius

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (we can wait here if you want)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (or you can call us back if there's something else you'd rather we do)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (not to examine carefully - but just to check the state of the religious icons here)

[JohnA] my plan was secure door, secure trap door, diable trap in front of stairs

[Snezana (Spring)] (we could do it like search n rescue. make a line of people arms length apart and sweep the place on one go

[Master] John you should explain that to everyone

[Master] what each of those entails

Fritz has edited Drayven Starmantle's effects.

[Master] aqnd where they are

[JohnA] Door is done, they are going to altar and trap door, it was stated

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (That is the area of my light)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (delayed lol to TMO)

[Spring] i dunno yet how we are going to secure the altar

[Master] I am givign you time to discuss

[Thistle (Carissa)] (To check, we're checking for traps, and securing what we can, in prep for possible encounter at evening?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (do the altar people have a light?)

[JohnA] I was thinking weight it down

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Could a cleric consecrate the alter?

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (we have light from the windos)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (as opposed to the apple DOS)

[Spring] i think it takes a lot of clerics to consecrate

[Master] that is a not to Carissa

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (ok - branwyn will go down the left side and someone can take the right

[Master] no one has asked to make a traps check yet

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 16'08".

[Spring] heh snee doesn't want to get close enough to

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo moved 31'06".

[Spring] well she can't check anyway

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (I was kinda hoping the main walkway wasn't trapped to death. got lucky there. ;) )

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (A traps check has not been made where?)

Branwyn (Lisa) Indigo follows with his buckle light

[Master] anywhere inside the church other than on the front doors

[Master] zero traps checks

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (for when we are back IC)

[Spring] Lanek moved 43'06".

[Spring] Lanek moved 64'03".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (someone rolled on the case)

[Spring] Lanek checked a pew

[Master] sorry yes

[Spring] Lanek checked the case too

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (I'm more than happy to stand here)

[Master] I meant the front area there at the door

[Spring] succeeded the pew, failed the case

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (right here. nowhere else.)

[JohnA] [Hoffman]] moved 21'10".

[Spring] Lanek: Find/remove traps check:(d100) [1d100=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 70!!

[Master] OK

[JohnA] [Hoffman]] moved 21'03".

[Master] so I guess we are moving on then done with discussion

[Lisa] (check on what?)

[Spring] i think we are still discussing ?

[Lisa] think we settled on touching nothing without a check

[Spring] sorry, i should have stayed put

[Master] I just want to be sure everyone knows

[Master] what you are doing

[Master] wehre you are doing

[Master] where you are going

[Master] etc

[Spring] so may i again suggest

[Lisa] anyone who does touch something is their responsibility

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (please. you know us better than that by now)

[Lisa] lol

[Master] grins

[Spring] that we all stretch out arms distance apart and sweep the place, touching nothing

[JohnA] Do TMO and Spring think they need help with Altar/ trap door?

[Lisa] we can't check every square inch of this place for traps

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Grolduk Groundsearcher moved 4'01".

[Master] Lisa is correct, do Spring and TMO remember what John means by a trap door on the ALtar?

[JohnA] who wants left and who wants right?

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Grolduk Groundsearcher moved 11'03".

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (TMO remembers. Brer has no idea)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] I want to check over on the right side

[Lisa] all I want Branwyn and someone else if they want to take the other side is walk and look and observe ocassionally

[Spring] i seem to remember the altar swivels away to reveal the passage

[Lisa] If that sounds safe enough

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Grolduk Groundsearcher moved 14'11".

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Omen moved 16'05".

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Drayven Starmantle moved 12'08".

[Lisa] no it's just behind it

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (even if we move in different directions, do not go alone)

[Lisa] we never moved the altar

[Spring] ok i misremember

[Master] no to Spring, there is a door under the altar it is abotu 3 foot wide that opens and leads to stairs going down

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (everybody find your Adventure Buddy!)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Grolduk Groundsearcher: Find/remove traps check:(d100) [1d100=23] 23 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 30!!

[Master] OK I guess Fritz wants to move on with no more disucussoin?

[Spring] the beauty of forming a line is that we all stay together

[Lisa] to catch up we need to go about 60 ft

[Carissa] (we never went down them, right?)

[Master] Yes to Carissa

[Lisa] the scouts moved up the center and didn't trip anything

[Spring] i remember going down

[Master] that is the way to the catecombs

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (Hey, Snezana, we're scouts now! :D)

[Spring] and getting ambushed by uglies all through the catacombs

[Carissa] (Oooh that was the catacomb entrance)

[Lisa] he or she that rush ahead become scouts! :)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (I hear the retirement benefits are pretty good, if you can live ong enough to collect)

[Lisa] Lanek really is a scout even

[Master] Snee was here before so she knows about the trap door under the Altar

[Lisa] everyone ok with my side walk? anyone think it is a bad idea?

[JohnA] so I vote we deal with Altar trap door before proceeding with under balcony,

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (take your Adventure Buddy)

[Lisa] yes definitely John

[Carissa] (are we worried about more trip wires?)

[JohnA] you secure / examine and Hoffman and Ty will bring weights to block door?

[Lisa] don't know what is on the altar but as soon as that is identified the door should be blocked for now

[JohnA] that is why there is a theif up there

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Someone needs to examine the Altar before anything else.

[Spring] (sounds like a job for Lanek!)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Sorry, before anything to do with the trap door.

[JohnA] Do we want to use majic?

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (I checked for traps because i was told we hadn't...I am a scout actually as welll)

[Lisa] checked what for traps?

[Master] Where do you want to check for Traps Fritz?

[Lisa] there are too many things in the room to roll and have us know what you are doing

[Lisa] please

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (without actually moving, should the scouts put their icons where they want to focus on?)

[Spring] (sorry phone)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (move the icons, but we know they didn't actually move)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (Where did they want them checked?)

[JohnA] Altar

[Spring] I am away from the keyboard.

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] So that is where My check was done

[Lisa] what was on the altar? I saw there was something and missed what it was

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (we don't know yet)

[Master] I had said no one was doing anything until the discussion is over

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

[Spring] I am away from the keyboard.

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

[Spring] I am away from the keyboard.

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

[Spring] I am away from the keyboard.

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

[Spring] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lisa] so that would be an Obs roll when we are ready to go IC

[JohnA] I believe you

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

[Spring] (cat)

[Spring] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lisa] lol

[JohnA] that is what it's all about

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Omen moved 50'02".

[Lisa] right foot in?

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Grolduk Groundsearcher moved 74'09".

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Omen moved 13'00".

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Drayven Starmantle moved 70'10".

[JohnA] smiles with Lisa

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (are we all going to do Altar? Or just a portion?)

[Master] right now you are all standing in the front under the balcony

[Lisa] I want my walk

[Lisa] I'll meet you there

[Master] if you go out onto the steps you are in the open area again

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (sounds like 2 groups then? 1 balcony walk, 1 altar check?)

[Master] Under the balconies

[Lisa] one shrine alcove walk

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (yes. left side or right side?)

[JohnA] and the guards in middle ready to react?

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (STOP)

[Lisa] no one is moving

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] I guess I am confused as to where the balconies are

[Lisa] if you rush to the altar you are missing 60 feet of church

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (under the balconies are the two dark sides, eft and right)

[JohnA] dark area

[Master] there is a dotted line that shows the edge of the balconies

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (there is a balcony above those)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (So aren't we in the open now?)

[Master] that group up front near the altar just walked blithely up the middle of the church where anyone on the balconies can see you hear you walk along and move up to the altar

[Master] right now you are under the overhang agin

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (the balcony is an upside down U-shape)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (Ahhh I see

[Master] as soon as you move forward you are out from under that and the Altar and the balcony where people up in the balcony can watch the priest performing at the altar

[Lisa] you can try to climb them or you can take the stairs with the glyph in front of it

[Carissa] (I feel like I'm about to hear that horn soon...)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] So I did a check people where did you want me to do it?

[Lisa] up in the blacony was where red cloak was surprise casting at us the first time we showed up

[Lisa] I tried to warn

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lisa] just be careful

[Spring] (sorry stil on phone)

[Spring] I am away from the keyboard.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (Brer is a blithe spirit, flitting nonchalantly hither and yon)

[Lisa] so do we want to keep going as we are or take a step back?

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] ( I am going to go to the edge of the wall and attempt another climb...when I get up I will use my check there

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Sorry grolduk is

[Master] there are stairs

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (I asked and you said there were none)

[Lisa (to Carissa only)] how your scout died. I'll just jump up here by myself

[Master] No I said there were no stairs by the door

[Lisa (to Carissa only)] and he only has 10 hp

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (Oh Imeant up to the balcony)

[Master] again Snee, Howard, Indigo, Branwyn, Tiberious have all been here

[Master] and to this point NONE of them have been asked or volunteered to say where the stairs are

[JohnA] I said agian, door. Altar, stairs

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Can someone point to me where the stairs are?

[Lisa] the stairs are up in the front off to the side

[Carissa (to Lisa only)] Yeah and also without backup nearby....

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (so-do we want to retreat and bring the whole group into one and proceed form there?)

[JohnA] I siad I was not sure i f they were left or right

[Lisa] you have to get to the open to get there if I recall correctly

[JohnA] but I did not want to deal with that yet, trying to do one thing at a time

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (Can't anyone tell from my light?

[Lisa] where those round circle things are on either side

[Master] sigh

[Lisa] Fritz - Grolduk has 10 hps do you really want to fling him up onto a balcony with no one to back him up when you have no clue what is up there?

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (here's what we need to do. 1 group or 2. Branwyn and Hoffman in charge and say what their group is doing. Period.)

[Carissa] Okay so can we clarify who wants to do what? From what I understand, Fritz wants to look at the balcony. Lisa wanted to look at the acloves (misspelled). John and TmO? wanted to secure the trap door. Correct?

[JohnA] Groduck cn't check traps on altar and look for stairs

[JohnA] yes, bit not at the same time

[Lisa] I just think we could be missing something big if we ignore 60 feet of church

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (I don't disagree with that)

[Carissa] I am fine with Hoffman and Branwyn saying what they want to do. They've been here. They know what steps to take right now to be safe for the group.

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (There aer higher level rogues than grolduk but they aren't moving)

[Lisa] the center group didn't set off any traps - that was good!

[Master] no one should abe moving Frtiz

[Master] until everyone understands what yu are doing

[Carissa] To be honest, the scouting trip I don't remember well so I have little to add to anything at this moment.

[Lisa] but the sides in black are alcoves behind pillars

[Lisa] each alcove used to have a mini shrine with a statue to Suomi saints and gods etc

[Lisa] there very well could be skeletons or zombies hiding in those shadows

[Lisa] we don't know until we look

[Carissa] Good point

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (the safest route is to get into 1 group and proceed up a single side, the 3 scouts in the lead, left, center, right, each making a check at each pillar. The rest of us follow behiind them.)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (Loook someone is up in the balconies...who is going to check?)

[Lisa] question is do we want to ignore that area?

[Carissa] (we don't know if someone is up there)

[Master] John has a plan, John take charge

[Master] Tell everyone what to do

[JohnA] Tmo, who else do you need for Altar?

[JohnA] check traps, obs and Ty and Hoffman will be dragging Pew

[Lisa] just to be clear you all will be moving into the open area as targets from the balconies

[Master] We got to the point of four pews being placed in front of the doors

[Lisa] Again 0 we have to do it some time

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (I currently have 2 scouts, 2 tanks, 2 canines, and 1 cleric)

[Lisa] just want to be sure everyone knows what could happen

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (That's why I suggest we sneak up and check the balconies before going in the open)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (ah, what about if we turn left and go under the balcony and meet you in the middle? You come from your side, we come from ours?)

[JohnA] we have been in open, non fighters stay near edges of pilars

[Carissa] And are those at the altar already visible or not yet?

[Master] EVERYONE has already been visible from the balconies

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (we were visible as we walked up the center aisle. We are currently not visible)

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] right now the group there with Brer is under the balcony again

[Lisa] so another good thing

[Spring] (i'm sorry still on phone)

[JohnA] it takes a trun to check for traps, we can ealy bring pews up by then

[Lisa] they could have got you and haven't yet so maybe no one there

[Spring] (she has a brainn injury, iys hard to explain)

[Lisa] we haven't seen anyone alive here yet

[Master] bring pews where John?

[Carissa] And those at the door can be seen still?

[Spring] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] yes to Carissa

[Lisa] (oh I'm sorry Spring)

[Carissa] ty

[JohnA] to Altar to blow trap door

[JohnA] block

[Carissa] (no worries, Spring)

[Lisa] potion of explosives!

[Carissa] Or...fireball!!

[Master] yes you can take the front pews up to the altar as you wish

[Master] Branwyn moved 1'03".

[Lisa] ok so I'll wait until they have secured trap door

[Master] four pews gone

[Lisa] check it for traps before blocking it?

[Master] up front by the door

[Lisa] in case putting weight on it sets a trap off please?

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (nobody has gone out from under the balcony yet)

[Lisa] I'm just saying for when people start to move

[Master] So John what is happening?

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (*blinks* Somebody has just subscribed to my channel on YouTube... Must be a bot)

[Lisa] you have fans!!

[Lisa] or fan

[JohnA] checking trap, examining altar

[JohnA] then checking traps on trap door

[Master] So who is moving out to do that?

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz) (to Master only)] is it possible to climb wals in a shadowy are so you can also use hide in shadows?

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (scout first)

[JohnA] Lank

[Master (to Fritz only)] you would do hide in shadows first then climb walls so multiple rounds to pull off

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (*carefully)

[Lisa] spring is on the phone

[JohnA] floowed close by Brer

[Master] Spring is AFK

[JohnA] How about Thistle?

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] not there

JohnA whistles

[Spring] (finally finally finally)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz) (to Master only)] so could I be trying to do this while this is going on...that is what I wanted to do in the first place?

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (everything okay?)_

[Spring] (sorry my friend has a brain injury and when she calls i kind of have to take it)

[Lisa] of course

[JohnA] of course

[Carissa] (all good!)

[Master] /frtiz nothign has happened yet, I stopped everyone from doing things to discuss, now John is telling everyone what he wants them to do

[Spring] (and it takes all my attention to try to understand her speech)

[Carissa] (do what you need)

[Spring] (so what do you need me to do?)

[JohnA] check for traps observation

[Spring] (send old shit-for-legs to check for traps

[Spring] ok

[Lisa] lol

[Master] while that is happening John what else is going on ?

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

Lanek (Spring) cautiously approaches

[Master] wait Spring

[Lanek (Spring)] ?waits

[JohnA] Ty and Hoffman comming closer to get pews

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (we're still in planning stage. :) )

[Lanek (Spring)] (oh ok)

[JohnA] rest say on guard off to the sides

TMO has edited Brer Necholas's effects.

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz) (to JohnA only)] I could have grolduk do hide in shadows and climb walls and see if he spots anything in the balconies

[JohnA (to Fritz only)] I swear stairs are next

Brer Necholas (TMO) pulls out his shield (not moving, just changing his loadout)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] /joha just trying to block the aerial ambush

[Lisa] someone should be able to do an obs at the altar from where you are

[Lanek (Spring)] (obs right now?)

[Lisa] FYI for people who have not been here - the dagger has been taken

[Master] not on the surface of it

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Master] and that is not correct Lisa

[Master] you took A dagger

[Lisa] OK

[Lisa] :)

[Master] when you get up to the altar you can do an observation

[Carissa] lol

[Lisa] guess a new dagger could be there

[Lisa] Branwyn bait

[Carissa] (the dagger Thistle has?)

[Master] for anyone who remember what was there the last time you were here?

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (a fake dead dwarf)

[Lisa] put shiny knife on altar and Branwyn will leap at it

[Lanek (Spring)] (dwarf remains?)

[JohnA] i personaly was not here for this part

[Carissa] (I thought dwarf was the office)

[Lisa] dwarf was in room at left

[Master] dead Skarp was on the ALtar with channels for blood and a dagger

[Lisa] bones in fire pit

[Lisa] the fake Skarp

[Master] there were drarven bones in the fire pit

[Carissa] (ooh right fake Skarp)

[Lisa] man eating rug was in the office

[Master] So john what do you want to do?

[JohnA] aproach altar checking for traps and evil

[Master] and see Frtiz? all these things last time within 50 feet of where you are right now

[Master] PLUS more

[Master] it is evil

[Master] just take it as a fact

[Master] the entire building glows evil

[JohnA] and traps then obs

[Master] by who?

[Lanek (Spring)] (there's not gonna be any non-evil around here)

[Lanek (Spring)] (Lanek)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (I never doubted that at all)

[Master] Ok so the rest of the group back there John? what are they doing?

[JohnA] go ahead and rll spring

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek: Find/remove traps check:(d100) [1d100=47] 47 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 70!!

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Master] OK so I guess Lanek is up there

[Master] Lanek moved 21'02".

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (and Brer behind

[Master] I tried I really really tried

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (the rest stay behind

[Master] Combat has begun!

[Master] ROUND: 0

[Carissa] I knew the horn was coming!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I know)

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #21 moved 1'07".

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #21 targets Lanek. Distance: 0'02"

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #20 moved 2'08".

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #20 targets Lanek. Distance: 1'01"

[Carissa] Just wish we knew where everyone else was before that...

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (who rolls init? everyone?)

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #39 moved 33'05".

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #38 moved 5'01".

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #37 moved 5'01".

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #36 moved 4'03".

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=1] 9

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #35 moved 4'00".

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #34 moved 5'02".

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #34 targets Griff (dog). Distance: 3'08"

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #34 targets Brer Necholas. Distance: 5'07"

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #33 moved 27'00".

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #33 targets Drayven Starmantle. Distance: 2'04"

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #32 moved 25'10".

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #32 targets Drayven Starmantle. Distance: 2'06"

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #31 moved 33'04".

[Lanek (Spring)] (i assume lanek since he triggered it)

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #30 moved 9'02".

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #29 moved 7'05".

[Carissa] Was going to ask where Thistle should be...

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #28, Ghoul #26, Ghoul #37, Ghoul #27, Ghoul #29, Ghoul #30, Ghoul #22, Ghoul #23, Ghoul #24, Ghoul #35, Ghoul #36 and Ghoul #25 moved 77'03".

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #34 moved 5'07".

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #34 no longer targets Griff (dog).

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #34 no longer targets Brer Necholas.

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #32 moved 1'11".

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #32 targets Grolduk Groundsearcher. Distance: 4'00"

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #32 targets Snezana. Distance: 5'03"

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #33 moved 1'07".

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #33 targets Omen. Distance: 6'00"

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #39 moved 25'09".

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #39 targets Griff (dog). Distance: 1'00"

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #39 targets Brer Necholas. Distance: 3'01"

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #39 targets Snezana. Distance: 6'03"

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #20: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=6] 16

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #21: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=10] 20

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #22: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=1] 11

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #23: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=3] 13

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #24: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=2] 12

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #25: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=8] 18

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #26: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=10] 20

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #27: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=6] 16

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #28: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=10] 20

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #29: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=9] 19

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #30: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=8] 18

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #31: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=7] 17

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #32: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=7] 17

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #33: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=10] 20

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #34: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=6] 16

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #35: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=3] 13

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #36: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=5] 15

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #37: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=3] 13

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #38: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=9] 19

[Master (to GM only)] Ghoul #39: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=10] 20

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (do this tonight, or start it next week?)

[Master] Lanek can roll for Surprise

[Master] right now we need to start

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (roger)

[Master] d12 dorry

[Master] sorry

[Lanek (Spring)] (thanks)

[Lanek (Spring)] Roll #1: (d12) [1d12=8] 8

[Master] he is not surprised

[Lanek (Spring)] (he never is)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (nah, we all knew something was coming. :) )

[Carissa] (lol)

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (If someone has alertness or a special ability can they be involved?)

[Master] nope

[Master] right now it is Lanek versus two of them

[Lanek (Spring)] yikes!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (running away is alwaya a viable option)

[Carissa] (yes)

[Master] ROUND: 1

[Master] INIT: 9 GOING: Lanek

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (toward the paladin, if you would)

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek moved 48'10".

[Master] He goes first

[Master] Lanek moved 16'08".

[Carissa] (we do like having a trap finder so running is okay)

[Master] cannot run over the pews

[Master (to GM only)] INIT: 11 GOING: Ghoul #22

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (he can if he does the cartoon circle running legs!)

[Master] Ghoul #20 moved 29'10".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Lanek has hurdling nwp)

[Lanek (Spring)] (aw man that's as far as i get?)

[Master] Ghoul #20: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=15] 4. MISSES Lanek (AC FINAL: 3).

[Master] Ghoul #20: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=4] 15. MISSES Lanek (AC FINAL: 3).

[Master] Ghoul #20: Attack: Bite: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=18] 1. HITS Lanek (AC FINAL: 3)!!!

[Master] Ghoul #20: Damage v SM: Bite: (1d6) [1d6=1] 1 added to: Lanek

[Master (to GM only)] INIT: 12 GOING: Ghoul #24

[Master] Ghoul #21 moved 26'10".

[Master] Ghoul #21: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=15] 4. MISSES Lanek (AC FINAL: 3).

[Master] Ghoul #21: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=20] -1. HITS Lanek (AC FINAL: 3)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[Master] Ghoul #21: Attack: Bite: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=12] 7. MISSES Lanek (AC FINAL: 3).

[Master] Ghoul #21: Attack: Bite: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=15] 4. MISSES Lanek (AC FINAL: 3).

[Master] Ghoul #21: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d3) [1d3=3] 3 added to: Lanek

[Lanek (Spring)] (man i'm gonna get him killed just from being too clums to pull his icon down the aidle)

[Master] Lanek's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 28 (-4) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] Ghoul #34, Ghoul #26, Ghoul #37, Ghoul #38, Ghoul #27, Ghoul #28, Ghoul #39, Ghoul #29, Ghoul #30, Ghoul #31, Ghoul #32, Ghoul #20, Ghoul #22, Ghoul #33, Ghoul #21, Ghoul #23, Ghoul #24, Ghoul #35, Ghoul #36 and Ghoul #25 moved 4'08".

[Master] Ghoul #20 moved 2'00".

[Master] Ghoul #21 moved 3'05".

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (dropped down from above?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (he was freaked out - easy to see running the wrong way)

[Master] Ghoul #35, Ghoul #26, Ghoul #37, Ghoul #27, Ghoul #28, Ghoul #29, Ghoul #30, Ghoul #22, Ghoul #23, Ghoul #24, Ghoul #36 and Ghoul #25 moved 7'02".

[Master] and we can pause here

[Master] pick up next week

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] Where did the others come from?

[Carissa] well that's not good...

[Master] 20 ghouls

[Master] to start this round

[Lanek (Spring)] (they're ghouls, they materialized)

[Lisa] so maybe that means the alcoves are clear :)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (ghouls are solid bodied undead.)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (there are ghouls to your left)

[Carissa] one way to clear them I suppose

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (Ghouls are not like that they are solid like zombies but nasty and fast)

[Lanek (Spring)] (oh well nevermind then)

[Lisa] they paralyze

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (Bob where did these ghouls come from if it is ok to ask?)

[Master] Yes and we are waiting to see what happeneing to Lanek till next week

[Carissa] cliffhanger....always a cliffhanger with this place

[Master] They jumped out of the shadows

[Lisa] not even letting Spring roll the save?

[Master] or up from behind the altar

[Master] We can see next week what the save is

[Lisa] my money is the trap door

[Master] and then pick up on round two

[Carissa] Is Spring going to be here?

[Lisa] 2 came first then the flood

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (if not he's paralyzed)

[Carissa] Don't want to make her make decisions if she isn't :P

[Spring] i thin ism supposed to be here

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (So for future reference how does continual light work as far as shadows and radius and what someone can see?)

[Carissa] Good just making sure

[Master] You actually have to wait and walk and let me reveal things

[Master] if you just blithely walk forward 100 feet in one round

[Master] then you do not get to see things

[Master] which is why back at 1030 I stopped everyone

[Lisa] the alcoves are weird because there are big pillars and insets

[Master] and tried to get you to rethink what you were doing

[Lisa] no one wanted to do my plan

[Lisa] but me

[Master] we are in teh palce we are now and we will deal with it

[Spring] no one wanted to do my plan either

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (So we can't "see" as we move forward? Not arguing just trying to understand how you do vision in your game that is different from normal D&D rules)

[Spring] which was a lot like your plan

[Master] this happens EVERY time

[Master] no Fritz if you would have jsut SHUT UP and waited for everyone to have a chance to do things and move

[Master] but instead you jumped 100 feet ahead at once

[Master] so you moved RIGHT PAST THE STAIRS

[Master] because you did not let me say anything

[Master] so you all lose

[Drayven Starmantle (Fritz)] (I thought they asked me to check for traps...sorry)

[Master] they did not

[Master] everyone had multiple chances

[Master] we are where we are now

[Master] we move forward next week

[Master] have a great night everyone

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Sat Apr 25 08:54:46 EDT 2020 ====

XP not given out