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Chat Log - 2020 05 20 - Home Stories (Formatted)

A bit of a deviation from the story arcs

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Wed May 20 10:52:02 EDT 2020 ====

Mike has joined the game on Wed May 20 18:35:58 EDT 2020

Mike is receiving the map Base Map...

Mike has received the map Base Map.

[Master] Hello

[Mike] Hey

[Master] You have a mouse on the screen now

[Master] You can name it anything you like

[Master] this is a much more lighthearted story arc

[Mike] This isn't with the main characters?

[Master] no

[Master] alternative bonus game

[Master] typcially only Lisa, Carissa, and Spring make it in

[Master] but yes to talking about the main campaign

[Master] etc

[Master] these are meant to be secondary stories that take place in Dragon Fen without the main characters

[Mike (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Mike modified: Personal Information - Name:: CHANGED: Gruyere (null).

[Master] You have your skills, attacks everything set up

[Master] you will be a "city mouse" they meet right away

[Master] the overall story for this is a group of young mice and chipmunks are off on a quest to stop the rats from finding a ring of invisibility

[Master] they came out of the Valoris Woods

[Master] and are now on the edge of the Stone Mountain aka Branwyn's Manor house complex

[Master] there is a little sketch there of the stream and moat intersection

[Master] you normally live on the inside of the moat you got to this side some how and you meet them

[Master] you can play it that you know more about humans etc then the country mice do

[Master] When everyone was on total lockdown more people showed up

[Mike] lol

[Master] this map you see was the last place they saw anyone else, a small village of mice that the rats made watch their boat

[Master] this group stole the boat and went downstream to get to the circle stream aka moat

[Master] also XP comes in skill points, every story arc section you earn 1 point, for a stat or 5% to a save, or etc.

[Master] depending on how and what you do,

[Master] Lisa for example earned Tail Whip as a skill because she was using her tail alot to go after opponents, etc

[Mike] i'll only be able to be on until 9.

[Master] nods

[Master] my committment is to be here on Wednesday nights to work on game stuff

[Master] if the bonus game stuff

[Master] or Fantasy Grounds stuff

[Master] or the main campaign

[Master] any thoughts on the Skull Church story?

[Mike] not really. seems like everyone should bring their biggest character and just level the place

[Mike] the sidekick mission that was the first attempt seemed ill concieved.

[Master] it is on the edge of the Craniate Wastes, Branwyn wants to make sure this time it stays clean

Lisa has joined the game on Wed May 20 19:11:00 EDT 2020

Lisa is receiving the map Base Map...

Lisa has received the map Base Map.

[Master] and here she is

[Master] How are you Lisa?

[Lisa] Hello! :)

[Lisa] Actually I was trying to catch flies with my tail like a frog

[Master] ahhh

[Master] it was impressive

[Lisa] lol

[Lisa] yeah Mike the sidekick mission was just supposed to be scouting and they got a little too involved

[Mike] i'll say

[Lisa] lol

[Master] it was set up to be a challenge for Imari, Ilero and Branwyn

[Master] Griffons to handle the hippogriff

[Master] undead to go after Ilero

[Master] and zombies, etc to attack Branwyn's villagers

[Mike] we had a hippogryff?

[Master] you did

[Mike] i did? damn. I should have brought Imari back.

[Lisa] lol

[Master] back four years of game time when he was planning on how to handle this

[Lisa] we were in Dryad's Lari back then!

[Lisa] What's this guy's problem?

[Master] then he had a month to plan what to do after they killed his daughter

[Lisa] We really need to subdue and talk to this guy

[Master] chuckles

[Mike] i don't remember much. just that it was all city stuff and imari didn't fit in.

[Lisa] I mean if we see and fireball him on sight then it's over in 2 seconds

[Lisa] kind of anticlimactic

[Mike] what? no.

[Mike] see him, kill him.

[Mike] don't be a bond villain

[Master] LOL

[Lisa] then we will never know why he hates my PC

[Mike] who cares? he's dead.

[Lisa] unless it's all documented in the journal that sundown is stepping on

[Mike] there'll be plenty more people to hate you down the road.

[Lisa] LOL

[Master] lol

[Lisa] There's a whole kingdom of people for him to hate - why my character?

[Lisa] Never even met the guy

[Master] have you browsed through Dragon Fen Mike?

[Master] they did a nice job of building up an Estate pretty fast

[Lisa] I still have to figure out what to do with the extra buildings

[Mike] brothel

[Lisa] It would help if I had a list of possible buildings I could pick from

[Mike] bath house

[Mike] opium den

[Master] He has a point and you did create all sorts of places in Lords

[Master] not sure you want an opium den in the Estate

[Lisa] ok

[Master] but there are all sorts of ideas you can come up

[Mike] underground fighting ring

[Master] you saw the list of actual places Mike?


[Master] Spring will be in

[Master] just checked in

[Master] Carissa will be in after book club

[Mike] well, i guess i won't get much time in. I might leave you all to it.

[Master] want to hear your ideas about Dragon Fen

[Mike] but i'll be in every friday now

[Master] Lisa can always use new thoughts

[Master] and that is very nice

[Master] what night did you move the other game to?

[Mike] saturday afternoon

[Master] nice

[Master] lots of time and dinner included

[Lisa] is it an online game?

Spring has joined the game on Wed May 20 19:34:39 EDT 2020

Spring is receiving the map Base Map...

Spring has received the map Base Map.

[Master] Hello Spring

[Lisa] Hi Spring!

[Spring] hi hi

[Mike] my thoughts on dragon fen is there's a lot of farms.

[Spring] just wrapping up an unhappy letter to the self storage place about the mouse damage

[Master] that is the minimum number of farms

[Mike] seems like it could use just about everything

[Master] OUCH Spring

[Mike] is it on any trade routes?

[Master] Horatio was a bit hungry

[Master] no to Mike

[Mike] are there any unique resources?

[Mike] like greenbough had drow silk and emeralds to work with

[Mike] and gnomes. but no one wants to buy a gnome

[Master] There is the map of the Wastes

[Lisa] we have swamp mud

[Lisa] we have swamp mud

[Master] grins

[Mike] i am stuck on my old laptop and maps are a pain. my gpu blew up this weekend

[Mike] sounds like it's time to build a spa.

[Mike] mud baths in mineral rich waters. great for preserving youth

Lisa is receiving the map forest stream edge...

Lisa has received the map forest stream edge.

[Master] you can see where Dragon Fen is making the Wastes more livable

[Lisa] Howard knows how to do that now

[Master] but the closest road to the west there

[Master] chuckles at Lisa

[Master] and you have the password for the site Mike you can always add comments, etc.

[Master] but back to focus on the stream here

[Master] the three fo you are here and can start off and Carissa will be here soon we hope

[Lisa] ok

Spring is receiving the map forest stream edge...

Spring has received the map forest stream edge.

[Lisa] so we are right at this strange gate?

[Master] for a quick intro, the group is on the sluice gate

[Master] yes

[Master] and Mike

[Mike] well, i have nothing to comment on. and it seems like there isn't much on that land to work with.

[Master] you are there based on the previous note about being on the wrong side of the moat

[Lisa] lol

[Mike] i'm not sure i'm going to be an active participant tonight

[Lisa] ok

[Mike] overtime and stress are kicking my butt. i'll poke about the map a bit then head off.

[Master] ok

[Spring] i hate times like that

[Master] that is good too

[Lisa] so all we know is that we have to get past or over this gate, correct?

[Master] yes

[Master] your thought is to get into the Circle Stream

[Lisa] is there land on either side of the gate?

[Master] yes

[Lisa] so we walk around it?

[Master] it hits the circle stream almost at a right angle

[Lisa] by it

[Master] you can

[Lisa] the gate is on the water and my char can't swim

[Master] yes

[Lisa] so going by it to the other side seems like a good plan

[Master] you are on the north side of the stream you came down out of the woods

[Master] you can get onto land there

[Master] and walk over to the circle stream

[Lisa] objections?

[Lisa] are we going to be on the manor side or the other side of the moat?

[Master] Sarkle is there on the top of the straight bare trees that make up the gate to stream the stream flow into the circle stream

[Master] you are on the outside of the moat

[Lisa] so tiberius isn't going to come crashing through and step on us?

[Master] unlikely

[Master] grins

[Lisa] that's good

[Spring] :-)

[Lisa] but it's kind of like that arc to look for the unicorn

[Lisa] okay we're here but have no idea how to get what we need

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) sniffs around, and looks too

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] so how do the giants get in? there must be a bridge or something?

[Master] (grins, see cue Mike if you want to take it)

[Horatio (Lisa)] I don't know. Must be a giant bridge

Sarkle (Master) watching the water

[Horatio (Lisa)] This is the circle stream though

Sarkle (Master) lifts up off the top of the bare tree

Horatio (Lisa) goes to the edge and dips a paw in

Sarkle (Master) SLAMS down into the stream on the woods side of the straight trees

Sarkle (Master) comes up with a small fish

[Horatio (Lisa)] EEK!

[Horatio (Lisa)] It always scares me when he does that!

[Master] brb

[Horatio (Lisa)] That one's not invisible

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] yay a seed!!!

Horatio (Lisa) claps his paws together

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] omnomnnomnom

[Horatio (Lisa)] Is it better than our seeds back home?

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] nah, it's ordinary

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] but i haven't had a lot of luck finding them

[Horatio (Lisa)] It's not worse though. That's good

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] true, it coulda been moldy or under a poop or something

[Horatio (Lisa)] Sarkle sure eats a lot of fish

[Master] b

[Horatio (Lisa)] Did you see any invisible fish while you were down there?

[Sarkle (Master)] CLACK CLACK CLACK

[Sarkle (Master)] I did not see any invisible fish

[Horatio (Lisa)] Sorry. I'll wait until you're done eating

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] or feel them or smell them or something

[Horatio (Lisa)] What if the invisible fish pooped out the ring and it's just lying on the bottom of the stream?

[Horatio (Lisa)] We'll never find it

[Mike] i have some ideas for the city and manor. i'll see you all friday.

[Horatio (Lisa)] Goodnight Mike!

[Sarkle (Master)] (Night Mike)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] gnite Mike!

Mike has left the game on Wed May 20 20:02:06 EDT 2020

[Horatio (Lisa)] Can we talk to a fish? Sarkle the next time you find a fish can you not stab and eat it and then ask it if it's seen a ring around there?

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] yeah i can swim but i can't search the bottom of the stream

[Horatio (Lisa)] You could bring it out here so we can talk to him

[Sarkle (Master)] CLACK CLACK CLACK

[Sarkle (Master)] I can stab them

[Sarkle (Master)] I can stop from eating it

[Horatio (Lisa)] test

[Sarkle (Master)] (yes just waiting)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (yes was typing and it didn't come up)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (then yours went 2x)

[Horatio (Lisa)] Have you ever talked to a fish?

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] sounds kind of icky, having a conversation wit hyour food

[Sarkle (Master)] (Carissa is about 5 minutes out)

[Sarkle (Master)] I don't normally talk to anyone but other birds

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (cat in Red Dwarf "i'm gonna eat you little fishie!"

[Sarkle (Master)] Do fish talk?

[Horatio (Lisa)] We talk

[Horatio (Lisa)] But maybe a fish wouldn't want to talk after it gets stabbed

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] i expect not after, no

[Horatio (Lisa)] I don't think I would want to

[Horatio (Lisa)] Sooooooo ...

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] i wonder if fish think each other's thoughts?

[Horatio (Lisa)] Like mind reading?

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] yeah. it just seems like regular talking would be hard underwater

[Horatio (Lisa)] Maybe

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] or maybe they talk by dancing?

Horatio (Lisa) bends down and takes a bit of water in his mouth

Horatio (Lisa) spitting water out "Hello!"

[Horatio (Lisa)] That doesn't work

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] hm

[Master] grins

[Horatio (Lisa)] The water is good though

Horatio (Lisa) drinks some more water for himself

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) leans down and drinks

Horatio (Lisa) when he finishes looks around for a twig or stick he can handle

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

[Master] yes

[Master] several around

Horatio (Lisa) picks up the biggest stick he can carry easily and takes it to the stream

Horatio (Lisa) dips it in the water and stirs it around

[Master] nods

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] you hope to poke one?

Horatio (Lisa) then sticks it down to see if its deep here

[Master] zero to an inch or three here near the bank

[Horatio (Lisa)] Maybe or maybe we can see if it's on the ground here

[Horatio (Lisa)] I don't feel anything but dirt

[Horatio (Lisa)] It would take a long time to do this all over the circle stream

Horatio (Lisa) starts to hit the water with the stick to splash a bit

[Sarkle (Master)] Hey Hey

[Horatio (Lisa)] What?

[Sarkle (Master)] YOu can't splash you will scare the fish

[Horatio (Lisa)] Fish are scared of water moving?

[Sarkle (Master)] From the top yes

[Sarkle (Master)] that is how I get them

[Sarkle (Master)] when the water splashes they know I will eat them

[Horatio (Lisa)] Ohhh

[Horatio (Lisa)] How many fish do you eat in one day Sarkle?

[Sarkle (Master)] as many as I can catch

[Horatio (Lisa)] Don't you ever get full?

[Sarkle (Master)] When I am full I can't catch any

[Sarkle (Master)] I am too slow

[Horatio (Lisa)] When I'm full I take a nap

[Sarkle (Master)] CLACK CLACK CLACK

[Sarkle (Master)] that is good

[Horatio (Lisa)] So you just eat fish until you can't eat fish any more?

[Horatio (Lisa)] That could be a lot of fish

Carissa (LP) has joined the game on Wed May 20 20:19:30 EDT 2020

Carissa (LP) is receiving the map Base Map...

Carissa (LP) has received the map Base Map.

[Sarkle (Master)] I hope

[Horatio (Lisa)] Hi Carissa!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (hi carissa!)

[Carissa (LP)] Hello! Small screen tonight for me.

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (ugh the animals are ganging up on me, gotta feed em brb)

[Master] You are exploring the edge of the stream and circle stream

[Carissa (LP)] All righty

Lisa has left the game on Wed May 20 20:22:31 EDT 2020

[Master] oops

[Master] I am guessing she will be right back

Lisa has joined the game on Wed May 20 20:24:39 EDT 2020

Lisa is receiving the map Base Map...

Lisa has received the map Base Map.

Lisa is receiving the map forest stream edge...

Lisa has received the map forest stream edge.

[Lisa] that was me dropping

[Horatio (Lisa)] Aren't you worried that you'll eat all the fish and there won't be any more?

[Sarkle (Master)] There are always fish

[Sarkle (Master)] they are there in the water

Horatio (Lisa) pokes around some more with the stick

[Horatio (Lisa)] I don't feel any fish

[Horatio (Lisa)] (so we need a ring finding plan - I hav eno clue except to wander around the moat hoping Sarkle eats and invisible fish)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (back, sorry i forgot to click the zzz)

[Carissa (LP)] It's too bad we can't see underwater. Dye was a thought but that could backfire...wherever we get any anyways

[Carissa (LP)] I saw you asked to talk to a fish, right? Although yeah, dunno if they talk back

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) rubbing head thoughtfully

[Carissa (LP)] Is the water murky or clear?

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] didn't ...

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] didn't the rats say they know where the ring is?

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] if it were lost on the bround or in the water, they wouldn't know

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] *ground

[Horatio (Lisa)] So it has to be somewhere else?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa (LP))] Do you thnk we're stlll ahead of them? They didn't already find it, right?

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] i think it has to be in an on purpose place

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] like stored somewhere

[Horatio (Lisa)] Maybe a bird ate the fish with the ring and then didn't like the taste of it and spit it out

[Miss Bianca (Carissa (LP))] Hmm but then what information did they get from Arch Mage?

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (looking that up now)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (or what kints i can find)

[Horatio (Lisa)] I wish we knew

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (hints FFS)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa (LP))] Maybe the thimble will find it? Umm somehow?

[Horatio (Lisa)] But I can't believe the arch mage would tell rats where the ring is and not us when he told us to leave our homes and go past MANY trees to find it

Miss Bianca (Carissa (LP)) takes it off and scoops up a little water

[Miss Bianca (Carissa (LP))] It was many trees! Many many!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] that's true. i was thinking he must have told us and i forgot

[Horatio (Lisa)] That's a nice water carrier

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] because i forget a lot

Miss Bianca (Carissa (LP)) offers it to the others for a drink

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] oh thanks!

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) drinks a little

[Miss Bianca (Carissa (LP))] It's a thimble of many purposes.

Horatio (Lisa) then goes up and takes a drink

[Horatio (Lisa)] Yes it is!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa (LP))] But how will it help us find the ring? Hmm....

Miss Bianca (Carissa (LP)) drinks whatever remains

[Master] When Bianca dips the thimble into the water again to scoop up more water a little bubble pops to the surface of the water inside the thimble

[Miss Bianca (Carissa (LP))] Oh! Oh oh!

Miss Bianca (Carissa (LP)) tentatively touches the bubble

[Master] pops

[Miss Bianca (Carissa (LP))] Oh it was just a normal bubble...

[Miss Bianca (Carissa (LP))] Hmm can we make fish float? Do rings float?

[Horatio (Lisa)] Sarkle doesn't like when we play with the water

[Miss Bianca (Carissa (LP))] But it's fun!

Miss Bianca (Carissa (LP)) dips thumble in again hoping for more bubbles

[Horatio (Lisa)] I thought so

[Master] I will give Bianca an Intuition check

[Miss Bianca (Carissa (LP))] Miss Bianca: INU check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Master] when she pushes the thimble straight down it is harder to push, it is easier when she turns the thimble on the side

[Miss Bianca (Carissa (LP))] (lol well yes though not sure what to do with that info)

Miss Bianca (Carissa (LP)) shifts thimble pushing it from the side

[Master] Spring? Lisa? any insights?

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (no)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (i also didn't find any better clues in the chat log)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (except the rats THINK it's somewhere around the stone mountain)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (no not my expertise)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (so we might even be barking up the wrong tree)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (squeaking)

[Master] I will offer you are on the right path

[Horatio (Lisa)] :)

[Master] grins

[Master] and I think you can squeak out a solution

[Master] you have the bits and pieces just not in the right order

[Horatio (Lisa)] (i've tossed out so many random thoughts I have no clue)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa (LP))] (I have lmited thoughts unless the thimble clue was to make a fish trap and see if we see a space without a fish)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] could it maybe be hidden in a bubble? like the bubble you just found in your thimble?

[Master] closer Spring

[Master] Sniffikins should make an Intuition check

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: INU check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Master] bubbles hide inside the thimble

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (also, look what i just found)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa (LP))] (more confused)

[Master] nice Spring

[Horatio (Lisa)] (hey! I know those people!)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] :-)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa (LP))] (that looks familiar!)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (so the ring is in a cave in the moat?)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (thi sis all beyond me)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] i wonder if we look along the bank, if we see any caves

[Master] not exactly

[Master] but closer

[Horatio (Lisa)] Caves are scary

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] ltets thing of it from the other direction

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] i'm master mage and i have a ring that is super dangerous

Horatio (Lisa) looks for a cave

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] and i am standing right here

[Miss Bianca (Carissa (LP))] Or do we just need to look for bubbles?

[Horatio (Lisa)] Uh huh

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] and i don't want anyone to get it, where would i put it?

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) looking around

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Tracking check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Horatio (Lisa)] I would put the ring on because then no one could see me and it would be safe

[Master] I will give Horatio two bits, Yes hiding in a cave makes sense, you hide in trees, Dandylion was hiding in a burrow

[Master] and also the bubbles stay in the thimble until you bring it up to drink from it

[Horatio (Lisa)] But I guess the hiding place depends on whose hiding it

[Horatio (Lisa)] I would put it under leaves. Dandylion in his burrow

[Horatio (Lisa)] Do fish have houses?

[Horatio (Lisa)] Sarkle! Do you have a nest?

[Sarkle (Master)] Yes

[Sarkle (Master)] I go back to it eveyr night

[Horatio (Lisa)] If you had a ring would you put it there?

[Sarkle (Master)] I have shiny things there yes

[Horatio (Lisa)] You don't have a ring in there with your shiny things do you?

[Sarkle (Master)] No

[Horatio (Lisa)] That's too bad

[Horatio (Lisa)] So we should walk around the circle stream looking for fish caves?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa (LP))] Do fish have nests?

Horatio (Lisa) pokes at the water with his stick again

[Miss Bianca (Carissa (LP))] What if someone else caught the fish first?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa (LP))] Miss Bianca: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

Miss Bianca (Carissa (LP)) looks around for nesting things

[Miss Bianca (Carissa (LP))] (as in nests, not to make one)

[Master] Bianca puts the thimble back on her head to walk along the bank looking for nests

Horatio (Lisa) follows Miss Bianca

[Master] There are not trees here near the Circle Stream

[Master] an occasional bush

[Master] and reeds along the bank

[Miss Bianca (Carissa (LP))] (anyone have a metal detector?)

[Master] brb restroom as you debate and brainstorm

[Master] you have bubbles, thimbles, reeds, caves, fish

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Miss Bianca (Carissa (LP))] (and still no clue)

[Lisa] Yeah. This is not the kind of stuff I'm good at

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Ż\_(?)_/Ż

[Lisa] Too bad Mike logged off - he comes in for the first time and sees the chain trap and is like ohh I know how this works

[Lisa] From Friday

[Carissa (LP)] Depends on the day, but I have no thoughts tonight

[Lisa] He left nests off that list

[Spring] sigh

[Lisa] if we want bird nests we need to go farther away from moat

[Lisa] The nice thing about a moat is that it's a circle. We can just do a lap :)

[Carissa (LP)] lol true

[Carissa (LP)] I'm stlll confused, though. Fishing for fish or thinking it's elsewhere now?

[Lisa] I don't know

[Spring] fishing for bubbles hiding in a thimble apparently

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Spring] and how thimbles trap air if you push them straight downwards

[Master] So close SPring

[Spring] which is why i thought cave

[Spring] but maybe some other container. a bowl? a glass? a bucket?

[Carissa (LP)] keep tossing out thoughts, something'll stick Spring

[Spring] do we need to make a diving bell to go down there?

[Lisa] make a snorkle out of a reed :)


[Master] and there we go!

[Master] see you did know

[Lisa] huh??

[Master] diving thimble reed snorkles

[Carissa (LP)] sounds more like how to make fish bait...

[Master] well there is that too

[Carissa (LP)] bass'll eat anything... probably including mice

[Lisa] Sarkle could be the lookout and stab anything that comes close

[Lisa] Horatio will watch

[Carissa (LP)] true and guess there's only one thimble/dumbbell

[Lisa] I just can't believe Bob planned this all along. I'll give Carissa a thimble on the first night because she will need to go diving in a moat weeks from now

[Carissa (LP)] lmao

[Master] the only thing I did not get right was having a chipmunk mage to make a light under water to attract fish

[Carissa (LP)] and they'll definitely consider a thimble for a dumbbell

[Master] that was planed

[Master] but oh well

[Carissa (LP)] but no sparkle makers, they all ditched us

Carissa (LP) is receiving the map forest stream edge...

Carissa (LP) has received the map forest stream edge.

[Lisa] mice will be the heroes

[Master] thimble does not fit on a chipmonk

[Carissa (LP)] it is our version of the rescuers so yes, the underrated it'll be!

[Carissa (LP)] details

[Carissa (LP)] one quick sec

[Carissa (LP)] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] and that Robin Hood clip was for the reeds

[Master] but I think I grabbed the wrong one

[Lisa] that one goes for 10 hours :)

[Master] chuckles

[Master] yeah there are a couple like that

[Master] just sound clips over and over

[Master] of Disney stuff

[Spring] ten hour loops are a thing

[Master] you nly get in trouble for copyright if you take X ammount of a song

[Spring] i'll showyou my favorite

[Master] so take that much and loop it

[Carissa (LP)] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lisa] people are strange


[Carissa (LP)] and slow it or speed it up juuuust enough

[Master] Now that you have your insight you all get a point to spend

[Master] the rest of the night is puzzling out how to do it

[Master] so next week we can start exploring in the circle stream

[Master] I will make a map now that you can use for that

[Master] to both show where you are and track where you have looked

[Master] Carissa which are the two most likely fish do you think you need to check for?

[Master] see if we are thinking the same

[Carissa (LP)] Bass and Sunfish

[Master] catfish and bass

[Carissa (LP)] Bah forgot the bottom dwellers

[Master] it is the swamps

[Carissa (LP)] And not sunfish, whatever the heck bluegills belong to

[Carissa (LP)] ....which is sunfish, okay nevermind

[Master] grins, you are tired

[Carissa (LP)] Ehh I only did some ichthyology. I cared more about what was above the water :)

[Carissa (LP)] tired and worn out, just a little

Spring nodding

[Master] look at thoughts on your skill point

[Carissa (LP)] if you were going to be used as fishbait, what's most useful? more str? dex?

[Master] then go log off and rest

[Carissa (LP)] lol feel like I've barely been on. Can I spend it next session?

[Master] yes

[Master] just making sure you know the last key thing to get through

[Master] then of course making it back home

[Master] avoiding rats

[Master] etc

[Master] but one thing at a time

[Carissa (LP)] I am back at the keyboard.

[Carissa (LP)] well voting we noodle for catfish to start...

[Carissa (LP)] all right I see what I can think of before next week including best place to spend point

[Carissa (LP)] anything else?

[Horatio (Lisa)] so I could give him an extra pt of INT so maybe he isn't so slow next time? :)

[Carissa (LP)] lol

[Carissa (LP)] ooh I did want to see if I can do thre 10s in a row...

[Carissa (LP)] Miss Bianca: Swimming check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Master] grins

[Carissa (LP)] that's just a test, it doesn't count for next week :P

[Carissa (LP)] can I put a point in swimming?

[Horatio (Lisa) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Horatio modified: Ability Scores - INT: (I) : CHANGED: 11 (10). Reason: (RE) : CHANGED: 11 (10). Knowledge: (KN) : CHANGED: 11 (10).

[Horatio (Lisa)] you have to put it in the skill it rolls on

[Carissa (LP)] actually I guess it's whatever attribute it goes off

[Carissa (LP)] yeah maybe I'll do that

[Carissa (LP)] next time

[Horatio (Lisa)] stamina

[Horatio (Lisa)] so STR

[Carissa (LP)] really? her str is already 12, maybe I need to check her sheet if it's rolling against 10

[Horatio (Lisa)] oh you move the 12 to the STR sub categories

[Carissa (LP) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Miss Bianca modified: Ability Scores - STAM: (ST) : CHANGED: 12 (10). MUSC: (MU) : CHANGED: 12 (10).

[Horatio (Lisa)] STAM and MUSC

[Carissa (LP) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Miss Bianca modified: Ability Scores - STR: (S) : CHANGED: 13 (12). STAM: (ST) : CHANGED: 13 (12). MUSC: (MU) : CHANGED: 13 (12).

[Carissa (LP)] Miss Bianca: Swimming check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Horatio (Lisa)] there we go

[Carissa (LP)] much better

[Carissa (LP)] maybe gives her a better chance if she needs to escape

[Horatio (Lisa)] or if something pulls you under

[Carissa (LP)] yup

[Carissa (LP)] like a catfish...

[Horatio (Lisa)] you should have said we have a Koi fish moat

[Lisa] It's full of goldfish Bob!

[Master] grins

[Carissa (LP)] please and thank you

[Carissa (LP)] goldfish, at least

[Carissa (LP)] koi also eat anything it seems like...

[Master] not sure they would be native to the swamps

[Lisa] but we aren't looking for fish, right?

[Lisa] we're looking for a cave, nest?

[Master] but I like the idea of someone raising colorful fish

[Master] like the orchid people do

[Master] and tulips

[Lisa] Horation can bang his stick in the water to scare the fish away

[Master] new adventure idea

[Carissa (LP)] you know how much money fish hobbiest spend?? especially the ones importing? it's ridicuouls

[Master] well it is easier with spells

[Lisa] fish don't do anything for me

[Master] polymorph

[Carissa (LP)] that creature making mage!

[Master] etc

[Master] grins

[Carissa (LP)] only because you haven't found the right fish...creature thing

[Spring] myu brain feels made of pay doh

[Lisa] lol

[Lisa] mine too

[Master] it has been a long week already

[Lisa] so next week crafts session?

[Master] I slept 9 and a half hours last night

[Lisa] nice

[Spring] jealous

[Carissa (LP)] jealous

[Spring] the barn cat keeps waking me up to show me his kills

[Spring] i don't go look though so he leaves the innards for me

[Lisa] oh joy

[Carissa (LP)] how sweet

[Spring] why he thinks i gotta approve of him in the middle of the night, i dunno

[Spring] not even my cat

[Carissa (LP)] lol

[Lisa] that's when he killed it

[Carissa (LP)] they also say cats do that to teach you how to hunt

[Carissa (LP)] maybe he thinks you need help/dinner

[Spring] i guess

[Lisa] I had a cat bring a live mouse into my bed to play with it before she killed it

[Spring] sigh

[Spring] fez usaed to do that kind of thing

[Lisa] woke up in the middle of the night with creatures scrambling under the covers of my bed

[Carissa (LP)] oooh my old cat loved bringing me live geckos to do the same. also sometimes at the foot of the bed...

[Lisa] love the cats anyways

[Lisa] so if we are done I think I will make dinner

[Carissa (LP)] yup

[Carissa (LP)] and yep

[Lisa] See you all on Friday :)

[Lisa] Goodnight!

[Carissa (LP)] Night! :)

Lisa has left the game on Wed May 20 21:40:26 EDT 2020

Carissa (LP) has left the game on Wed May 20 21:40:30 EDT 2020

[Spring] gnite!!

Spring has left the game on Wed May 20 21:40:57 EDT 2020

Story point awarded