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Chat Log - 2020 06 03 - Home Stories (Formatted)

A bit of a deviation from the story arcs

[Master] ==== Gaming session has been running for 19 hours, 34 minutes and 55 seconds ====

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

jascu-13437 has joined the game on Wed Jun 03 19:07:48 EDT 2020

jascu-13437 is receiving the map Base Map...

jascu-13437 has received the map Base Map.

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Hello there

[Master] Welcome to the game

[Master] There is your new map

[jascu-13437] I am back at the keyboard.

[jascu-13437] -test-

[Master] yes

[Master] How are you Jamie

[jascu-13437] I'm alright. Yourself?

[Master] it is a good night

[Master] very glad you could look in

[Master] first off you can go to Edit and Preferences to change your name to a more normal one, plus there are LOTS of things to change there too for later on

[Master] most players do their own set up type of things, I tend to have my Chat aside from the rest but the others all in one window

[Master] some like everything in one etc.

[Master] there you go

[Master] see you are a pro already

[Master] to roll the dice one basic way is up on the tool bar

[Master] the other is to type here in chat

[Master] curly bracket 2d6 end curly bracket

[Master] (2d6) [2d6=4,6] 10

[Master] etc.

[Jamie] (2d6) [2d6=3,2] 5

[Master] exactly

[Master] the other is you can type like you are for Out of Character

[Master] when you want to send a private message in a whisper to another player you just use the forward slash

[Master (to Jamie only)] this is a whisper

[Master] remember that everyone sees the chat log afterwards

[Jamie (to Master only)] like so?

[Master] so during the game no one sees it but afterwards on the site they do

[Master] and yes

[Jamie] Okay

[Master (to GM only)] Mouse #12 moved 30'06".

[Master] You will see a mouse with your name on it

[Master] lower middle of the map

[Master] you can click on it to open the dice panel

[Master] I right click

[Master] from your side there are other options as well

[Master] For Jamie moved 1'06".

[Master] For Jamie: Tumbling check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Master] for example

[Master] there are TONS of keyboard short cuts too

[Master] they are listed on the site

[Jamie] Where is the move command? I see most of the others

[Master] you just grab and drag

[Jamie] Ah, okay

[Master] and you are all set, grins

[Master] a couple of other things to do

[Master] you can Chat As

[Sarkle (Master)] CLACK CLACK are you tasty?

[Master] Sarkle moved 35'00".

[Master] Sarkle no longer targets Miss Bianca.

[Master] Sarkle no longer targets Dandelion.

[Master] Sarkle no longer targets Sniffikins Fieldmouse.

[Master] Sarkle no longer targets Capt. Jack Sparrow.

[Master] Sarkle no longer targets Horatio.

[Master] Sarkle targets For Jamie. Distance: 2'04"

[Jamie] Is that brackets or forward slash?

[Sarkle (Master)] just right click chat as

[Jamie] same question for OOC

[Sarkle (Master)] you are in OOC now

[Sarkle (Master)] I am chatting as Sarkle

[Master] Now I am not

[For Jamie (Jamie)] Okay, currently it's greyed out, but I believe I know what you are talking about

[Master] yeap that is how you do it

[Master] you are doing the chat as now

[Jamie] Okay

[Master] you can come up with your own name for your 'city mouse'

[Master] the only command NOT to use is the Control Icon

[Jamie] Where do I rename it?

[Master] there is a bug

[Master] I can do it easier than you can just tell me and I update it

[For Jamie (Jamie)] Fievel?

[Master] there you go

[Jamie] Thanks for the tour! I have to head out for the time being

[Master] no worries

[Master] zero pressure, do Family first

[Master] grab us as you wish

[Master] I will be here till 11

[Master] or online any time

[Jamie] Thank you. Have a nice night!

[Master] stay safe

[Jamie] You too!

Jamie has left the game on Wed Jun 03 19:26:09 EDT 2020

Lisa has joined the game on Wed Jun 03 19:39:32 EDT 2020

Lisa is receiving the map Base Map...

Lisa has received the map Base Map.

[Master] Hello there

[Lisa] Hello!

[Master] Jamie was going to be in but a family emergency came up

[Master] so she logged in to get a quick tour

[Master] then is off to deal with that

[Master] she might be in later

[Lisa] That's too bad. Hope nothing serious

[Master] she learned very quickly

[Lisa] Good

[Master] less than 20 minutes and she was chatting and rolling dice, etc.

[Master] can handle the interface well

[Lisa] bought a chair

[Master] good

[Lisa] should arrive Monday

[Master] very nice

[Lisa] any word from Spring?

[Master] yes will be in

[Master] just late

[Master] likely they will both be in closer to 8

[Master] so any time now

[Master] that loaded fast

[Master] you like that view?

[Lisa] is a nice painting

[Master] just to give a different mood

[Master] the idea of the Stone Mountain

[Lisa] so can you get rid of some of the names on the left?

[Master] which?

[Lisa] I can't as a player shift my characters’ names in the order

[Lisa] Let's see

[Lisa] Jack Sparrow

[Lisa] Dare in Munk

[Lisa] Alvin

[Lisa] Drayven

[Lisa] Omen

[Lisa] Sqald

[Lisa] Soarkin

[Lisa] Guiote

[Lisa] Michel

[Lisa] Ghost

[Lisa] Ashka?? who's horse is that?

[Master] Brer

[Lisa] oh well keep him

[Lisa] Grolduk

[Lisa] Hime

[Master] How does that work?

[Master] better now?

[Lisa] a bit

[Lisa] they aren't deleted just hidden correct?

[Master] yes

[Master] moved off of the maps or converted to NPC

[Lisa] so why not keep on cutting?

[Master] I am asking who you still see

[Lisa] when 6 people are logged in in goes down further

[Master] I think I removed all the people you mentioned

[Lisa] all of Ilero's people

[Master] ahhh

[Lisa] Jozia, Lina, Machin

[Lisa] are we still using them?

[Master] did they disappear for you now?

[Lisa] I can see keeping the big ones like Lanek, Onald & Kazimir

[Lisa] no

[Master] I made all of them NPCs now I think

[Lisa] but Dara, Paelias, Lina, Jozia, Machin, etc.

[Master] including Ilero etc.

[Master] those still show for you?

[Lisa] they still show up on the left

[Lisa] they are NPCs, but still take up real estate

[Master] did that help?

[Master] I set them to not show in tree

[Lisa] Nothing changed except their color is blue

[Master] but they are NPCs on the base map

[Master] grrrr

[Master] [Marisu]] moved 68'07".

Spring has joined the game on Wed Jun 03 19:57:06 EDT 2020

Spring is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

[Master] made more changes

Spring has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Lisa] curfew set at 10 pm tonight - much later than before

[Lisa] Hi Spring!

[Master] they canceled ours

[Spring] hi hi hi!

[Spring] ours is still until 8 local

[Master] Hello Spring

[Lisa] my bank closed all the ATMs and branches

[Lisa] tried to9 deposit a check yesterday and couldn't

[Lisa] some lady was trying to get me to explain what was happening - like I worked there or something

[Spring] :-/

[Master] chuckles

[Spring] btw I won't be here next week. I have a protest to go to

[Master] no worries Spring

[Lisa] good

[Master] both Wednesday and Friday?

[Spring] local BLM is doing the thing then

Carissa has joined the game on Wed Jun 03 19:59:06 EDT 2020

Carissa is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Carissa has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Spring] just Wednesday

[Lisa] Hi Carissa!

[Master] ok

[Master] and Hello Carissa

[Spring] although I wouldn't expect me to be here the other Wednesdays in June, with a deadline hanging over me

[Carissa] Hi all!

[Spring] hi Carissa!

[Spring] I would skip Fridays as well but it's skull church

[Spring] I can't leave people at Skull Church

[Master] warm smile

[Spring] so this might be my last Wednesday until July heads up

[Carissa] Awww understandable but awww

[Lisa] yup

Spring is receiving the map forest stream edge...

Spring has received the map forest stream edge.

[Lisa] oooo list is looking nice and trim now!

[Master] Carissa you saw Jamie was in to look around

[Master] grins at Lisa

[Master] how much more do you want to pare away?

[Spring] I was hoping to get here in time to say hi to Jamie. darn it

[Carissa] Yes! Glad! Will have to check in on her later, though.

[Master] and have not heard directly from Jessica

[Carissa] Chance she's involved in same issue. They live close to each other/known each other forever.

[Master] ahh

[Lisa] did you hide the character for Jamie?

[Master] no it is on the map

[Master] she already came up with a name

[Carissa] Tell Sarkle not to eat the mouse

[Spring] :-)

Lisa is receiving the map forest stream edge...

Lisa has received the map forest stream edge.

[Master] so Lisa gave me names to pare off the list on the campaign tree

[Master] Spring and Carissa any you would like to have gone from there?

[Carissa] Thank you! It needed it.

[Master] I see them no matter what

[Master] but you do not have to

[Lisa] they can come back if we need them

[Spring] I am betting that Lisa's list is what I’d have

[Master] it is who is left there

[Spring] I have no idea what that other word is

[Carissa] Looks good to me with a few left hoping they'll be back soon :P

[Master] such as Carissa?

[Carissa] Mario and Ryan

[Master] ok

[Lisa] those two will likely be back

[Carissa] Optimism!

[Lisa] yup

[Lisa] :)

[Master] so I am moving you to the map

[Master] for a different view

[Carissa] Last map Branwyn's manor looked more like a hut. this is much better and prettier

[Master] the previous was a mouse hut under a bush

[Master] this is the circle stream (Moat) and a better impressionist view of the Stone Mountain

[Carissa] Not watercolor but acceptable ;)

[Master] the artist claims this is watercolor and acrylic

[Carissa] Ahh that I'd understand. I was thinking more oil from the texture, but acrylic makes sense

[Master] But you are here

[Carissa] And using the thimble as a diving bell to... search the bottom of the pond for the ring? Fish for an invisible fish? I wasn't completely clear on what.

[Lisa] I’m not sure we know

[Lisa] I don't know anyway :)

[Master] warm smile you three know what you know and can decide how to move forward

[Carissa] lol wasn't sure if you had more of an idea

[Carissa] We're going diving. At least got that, but... to search for a cave? Or bottom of the pond? And maybe hope an invisible fish appears?

[Carissa] *Bianca is going diving, I guess I should say

[Lisa] I guess just to go down and see what you see?

[Spring] I think they all have swimming proficiency

[Master (to GM only)] Catfish moved 24'04".

[Carissa] Just...dive right in?

[Spring] but maybe not able to see underwater without the thimble?

[Spring] or unable to stay down for long?

[Carissa] playing? I should have finished that sentence.

[Carissa] Well probably worth just seeing how it goes, true

[Master] as you discuss getting more water

[Carissa] Thimble for diving bell, reeds for snorkels

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Carissa] It'd be good to have a rope or something to pull them out if needed. Horatio isn't a swimmer, but could be a lifeline

[Lisa] yes

[Carissa] Miss Bianca: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

[Carissa] Miss Bianca: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Carissa] Not Miss Bianca who'll find it apparently, lol

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (looking for reeds, right?)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (or something viny for a rope? I got confuse)

[Carissa] (rope, we know reeds are nearby but not sure if we need a roll for it)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (we can make a long grass rope like what we did with the rat boat

[Carissa] Did we? I missed that, but that works

[Carissa] So Miss Bianca takes the diving bell to go deeper, Sniffikins snorkels, and Horatio lifeguards?

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (sounds legit to me)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (Sarkle can try to pick you up too maybe)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (just warn not to stab)

[Carissa] Sounds good, and stab any fish that might eat us

[Carissa] Can mice find worms? I think fish bait was the other idea

[Carissa] Not sure we should use mice tails...

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (seems like mice should be able to find worms or bugs

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] take your time come up with ideas

[Master] you did beat the rats here by 2 days

[Master] and you stole their boat

[Horatio (Lisa)] bites some reeds to cut them down to make a tube

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) sees what horatio is doing and does the same

[Master] grins

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] and what are we doing this for?

Miss Bianca (Carissa) moves to water

Miss Bianca (Carissa) tries to see how thimble will work as diving bell

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] are we gonna feed these to some big animal?

[Horatio (Lisa)] To try to make a breathing tube for Miss Bianca

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] ooooooooo

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Oh! Breathing will be good!

[Horatio (Lisa)] If she puts it in her mouth and it goes up to the air she should be able to not have to hold her breath maybe

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] That is a very good idea, Horatio!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Can you hold this one?

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] I wonder if I can do that too, without the thimble

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) holding that one

Horatio (Lisa) pushes a long reed to Bianca

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] oh not me :-)

Miss Bianca (Carissa) takes hold of the reed

Miss Bianca (Carissa) weighs it and nods

[Horatio (Lisa)] (sorry did you make one Spring? )

[Horatio (Lisa)] (if you can swim you could try it too)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (yes)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (I thought horatio just needed someone to hold it)

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) inhales and exhales through a reed

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] oooooooooo

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] this could work. I would have to swim sideways

Miss Bianca (Carissa) balances thimble and reed to find a good way to breath

[Master] takes two hands to hold onto the thimble and keep it from tipping over

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] maybe if you carefully bend the reed into a curl at the end?

Miss Bianca (Carissa) tries Sniffikin's suggestion

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (having to look up diving bells to get an idea of what she's doing...)

[Master] a real diving bell would be large enough for her to fit under

[Master] more like a tea cup

[Master] if only there was a mouse who knew where one of those might be

[Master] sorry guys

[Horatio (Lisa)] (dormouse is in wonderland)

[Master] but the thimble does hold enough air

[Master] grins with Lisa

[Master] in theory you can hold it over your head and stick your nose up into it to take a sniff of air

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (lol I was thinking with Alice)

[Master] also useful to carry water like a large bucket

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (dog is trying to tell me something. maybe Timmy fell down a well)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (so probably something to know for later)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (brb)

[Spring] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] so the plan is?

[Master] I like the reeds

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

[Carissa] do we want to just do reeds not diving bell since only her nose fits in it?

[Spring] we also have not discussed the current

[Spring] oh but if we are using a rope, maybe it'll be fine

[Horatio (Lisa)] (is there current in the moat?)

[Master] yes

[Horatio (Lisa)] (I don't know - real question)

[Spring] the stream flows into and out of it, so I would expect at least some

[Master] stream flows out of the wood into the moat to circle around and out the other side

[Carissa] So we'll just have to keep checking how far we go or Horatio chases after the reed tips

[Master] not a raging current but yes it is noticeable

[Horatio (Lisa)] (would weights help or hurt?)

[Master] both

[Horatio (Lisa)] ( I know nothing about diving stuff)

[Master] help keep on the bottom hurt when going back up

[Carissa] (same)

[Master] so would have to drop them

[Master] or power up swimming to bring them back up

[Carissa] So if we want to search the bottom, might be worth grabbing a rock - easy to leave

[Master] regular divers use weight belts to balance out how deep they want to go

[Master] and yes

[Carissa] So plan is reeds, drop to bottom and/or have a lure and watch for a fish

[Carissa] Maybe Horatio wants to fish while we dive?

[Carissa] I keep wanting to type Horation

[Spring] hehehe

[Carissa] Otherwise I say we jump to it. Planning is mostly for Fridays :)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (lol)

[Master] LOL

[Horatio (Lisa)] (can he fish? I was thinking of hitting the water to keep the fish away from you and irritating Sarkle)

[Carissa] (lol you can also do that)

[Carissa] (I guess I'm unsure if we're fishing or looking for the ring somewhere)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (and you can grab the stick if you need to)

[Spring] (we are looking for the ring, but a fish might have it)

[Carissa] (true to stick)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (so maybe just drag the stick where you are)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (it will be there but not causing a big ruckus)

[Carissa] (yeah guess I'm not sure what we're looking for we can search bottom first)

[Master] I think that is the thing to consider

[Master] this is one of the more dangerous portions of your journey

[Master] so is the plan to go down and look on the bottom?

[Master] and or ?

[Carissa] uhhhh.... yeah that thing

[Spring] I believe so

[Spring] wish we had some kind of metal detector or something. it's a big stream/moat

[Horatio (Lisa)] (I think it's going to be an accident if you run into an invisible fish so probably just looking around)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (lol Spring)

[Carissa] (yeah still don't know how to narrow down where it is)

[Master] so SPLASH

[Master] let’s go diving

[Carissa] Sure!

[Carissa] Miss Bianca: Swimming check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Sarkle! You will watch and help please?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Oh this is fun!

[Sarkle (Master)] CLACK CLACK

[Spring] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Swimming check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Just no stabbing Miss Bianca or Miss Sniffikins!

Miss Bianca (Carissa) bobs up and down, dipping under the water briefly to warm up

Horatio (Lisa) holds stick over the water by his friends

[Master] Sniffikins sputters

[Master] swallowing some water

[Master] and has to crawl back

[Horatio (Lisa)] You need a stick?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] No no remember HOLD your breath!

[Spring] Sniffikins Fieldmouse] choke choke choke

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Before you get in the water

Horatio (Lisa) pats Sniffikins on the back

[Spring] Sniffikins Fieldmouse] ugh I think I didn't get a good seal around the reed

[Spring] Sniffikins Fieldmouse] sits on the bank and coughs out a lot of water

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] You catch your breath. I'll go see what the bottom looks like!

Miss Bianca (Carissa) tries to not draw attention to herself

[Master] constiion check for Bianca

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: CON check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Master] Bianca comes up sputtering to the surface too quickly

[Master] as she reacts quickly and RUN!!!!!

[Master] Carissa you saw that image right?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (Yup

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (did not look good)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (pretty but not good for a mouse)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (so she's flailing at the surface or back on land?)

[Master] back up on the bank

[Horatio (Lisa)] Are you all right Miss Bianca?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] There's so many fishes! BIG fishes!

[Horatio (Lisa)] They are not friendly fishes?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Maybe Sarkle needs to stab more of them.

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] One looked at me very funny.

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] I did not trust that one.

[Horatio (Lisa)] That would be good

[Horatio (Lisa)] I can hit the water with my stick

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Yes yes then maybe they'll go away.

Horatio (Lisa) goes to the bank and starts hitting the water with his stick

[Horatio (Lisa)] Go away fishes!

Horatio (Lisa) splash, splash

[Spring] Sniffikins Fieldmouse] gets up and gets another stick

[Master] Bianca and Sniffkins ready for another chance

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (switch to char Spring :) )

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Swimming check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

Miss Bianca (Carissa) takes breath, uses reed, jumps back in

[Master] so everyone sees

Horatio (Lisa) hits water with stick

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (having problems, just a sec)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (pretty)

[Master] the fish are swimming away from where the stick is smacking the water

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Swimming check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (sigh)

[Master] and Sniffkins comes back up

Miss Bianca (Carissa) starts looking for any signs of a ring or... something helpful

[Master] Once you make your check successfully Spring you can just swim

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (lol poor Sniff)

[Master] it is just the first time diving under

[Master (to Carissa only)] can spot in the depths there are several open caves where the fish swim in and out of, just a little bigger than one fish

[Master (to Carissa only)] also you can see where some of the fish have gathered sparkly pepples in the entrances of their caves

Miss Bianca (Carissa) goes back to the surface (less frantic) and waves towards Horatio and Sniffikins

[Master] Now you are used to diving and swimming so no need for checks

Horatio (Lisa) waves his stick

[Master] only if something attacks

[Horatio (Lisa)] See anything?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (lol good)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Lots of shiny pebbles! I wonder if maybe they'll want mine?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] There are caves to check, too. Maybe hit your stick over the caves when I check them to scare the fish away from those spots?

[Horatio (Lisa)] Don't give them yours!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Okay

Horatio (Lisa) hits water with stick again

[Horatio (Lisa)] Tell me where the caves are

Horatio (Lisa) runs forward a bit

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] I'll check this one first!

Miss Bianca (Carissa) points in general direction

Horatio (Lisa) nods and starts banging stick on the water

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Are you coming, Sniffikins? The water isn't cold once you're in it!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] dunno if I am ready yet

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] I don't feel well

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Take deep breaths!

Miss Bianca (Carissa) smiles, waves, dives back to check first cave

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) taking deep breaths

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (good at swimming but not much else)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (really good at foraging on land. I guess it doesn't translate)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (lol)

Miss Bianca (Carissa) comes back up, points to different cave, repeat

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (not sure if I need to keep rolling... that's her plan to just keep checking caves)

[Master] you can keep rolling

[Master] there are dozens of them

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (Maybe something from one of those...)

[Master] So I will say that Bianca finds two caves that seem promising

[Master] they each are on this side of the circle stream

[Master] the fish that was inside fled with the splashing

[Master] and there are sparkles inside the entrance

Horatio (Lisa) keeps on hitting with his stick

[Master] Bianca can come up to tell them what she found

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (sorry cat but back)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Hey hey! There are two right about here and here that look promising!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Lots of sparkly things! Keep hitting the water, Horatio! They don't like it!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Good! I will!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Sniffikins, are you feeling better? My eyes don't see as well as yours do.

Horatio (Lisa) keeps hitting water

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Swimming check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) throws up

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (Poor Sniffy)

Miss Bianca (Carissa) grimaces

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Okay! Keep taking deep breaths!

Miss Bianca (Carissa) goes back underwater

Miss Bianca (Carissa) swims to first caves to look through the sparkly treasures

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Swimming check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Swimming check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Swimming check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (lol poor Sniffikins just doesn't want to swim today)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (just how statistically likely is this?)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (no luck tonight)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Swimming check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

[Horatio (Lisa)] (lol)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Swimming check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (ouch)

[Master (to Carissa only)] you find two smallish shinny pepples you can try to lift

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=6] 6

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=6] 6

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=15] 15

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: STR check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=18] 18

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=15] 15

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=20] 20

[Master] and yeh to Spring that is just amazing run of bad luck

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=3] 3

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=19] 19

[Master] WOW

[Master] look at how many 18 19 20

[Master] of all the rolls tonight

[Master] of course three others that would make it too

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (Depending on the situation, really good or really bad, lol)

[Master] Bianca does heave that up out of the muck it is stuck in

[Master] and can carry it

[Master] BUT

[Master] will have to let go of the reed

[Master] with her hand

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (she can find more, maybe)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (so dropping the reed, yes)

[Master] ok

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (back to the surface and on land?)

[Master] yes

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Look look! I found more shinies! Are these what we want?

[Horatio (Lisa)] (earthquake - small one)

[Master] Horatio and Sniff see a reed float up and away

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (Really??)

[Master] then Bianca breaks the surface a couple of heartbeats later

[Master] and guessing it is ok Lisa?

[Master] pausing for you

[Horatio (Lisa)] Uh-oh! Are you all right?

[Horatio (Lisa)] (yes fine - just a little shake)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (whew)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] here let me get you a new reed

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) gets a new reed and chews it into shape like the others

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Oh thank you! I didn't want to leave these. Are they good? What do you think, Horatio

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) brings it over and looks at the shinies

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (5.1 in Searles Valley guessing you felt that one)

Jamie has joined the game on Wed Jun 03 21:36:46 EDT 2020

Jamie is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Jamie has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Master] NOOOO not the church!

[Master] grins

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (Hi Jamie!)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (Hi Jamie!)

[Master] Sent her to the Moat instead

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (hi Jamie!

[Jamie] Hello! Don't mind me, just popping in for a moment to see things in action

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (Bianca is pulling shiny things from the bottom of the moat. Not sure they're anything at all we want)

[Master] I will get water (I am trying to drink a LOT this week.... well. you know) so show her how to roll off a dice panel please

[Master] Fievel and Horatio are there on the same map

[Master] brb

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Spring] did he show you the Dammit KLoOge page?

[Lisa] You can either right click on your icon or your character name on the left list

[Lisa] The select Roll Dice, Open dice panel


[Lisa] Best page ^

[Spring] these are things I wish I had known instead of banging my head on kLoOge all the time

[Carissa] (sorry cat again you all can help, lol)

[Spring] this dog is still trying to get me to do something

[Spring] she keeps bouncing off my hip

[Lisa] When you have the dice panel open you will see tabs

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lisa] The anvil tab is skills - like hiding, foraging

[Jamie] Yes

[Lisa] brown circle are saves

[Master] Just click to roll

[Lisa] and flex arm are traits like Strength, knowledge, etc.

[Master] and the little blue I is for information

[Master] next to a skill for example

[Master (to Jamie only)] hope the family is ok

[Master] so Jamie you can just click away on any of those to see how it works

[Master] For Jessica moved 29'10".

[Master] For Jessica targets Fievel. Distance: 2'04"

[Master] For Jessica: Attack: Natural Attack: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=15] 5. HITS Fievel (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Jamie] Fievel: STAM check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Master] exactly

[Jamie] It looks like attack is the only one that requires more than just a click

[Master] for the most part

[Master] when you attack you Target the icon

[Master] then roll the attack (far left button)

[Master] then if you hit then the damage button

[Master] I do targeting from a right click menu

[Master] is that how you do it Lisa?

[Jamie] For Jessica targets For Jessica. Distance: 0'00"

[Master] close

[Lisa] Horatio targets For Jessica. Distance: 6'07"

[Carissa] I use right click to target. Not sure I know another way.

[Jamie] I see. and damage SM and L are small and large?

[Master] if you zoom in on your icon there are clickable links on the side including targeting

[Master] yeap

[Master] small & medium or Large

[Lisa] yes I right click from the name list but can do it from icons too

[Jamie] Got it! Thanks

[Master] last thing for you Jamie is how to get a map on your own

[Master] I left Fievel on the stream edge but pushed the Moat bank to you

[Master] you can always double click on any Player Character icon and it will bring that map to you

[Master] and also if you are on that map it will recenter the map to that icon

[Spring] if for some reason I can't find my character in the list but I know they were last with someone I do see, I double click that other character

[Spring] and then everyone who is on that map is in blue and makes it easier to find them

[Carissa] and sometimes sending maps to you makes kLoOge crash. Lots of things seem to, actually. So if you don't get a response for a while, see if you're still connected.

[Spring] oh heck yeah

[Carissa] Usually tells you upper right hand if it's not connected

[Spring] but not always

[Carissa] True

[Carissa] Then you type in chat to see if it shows, and if it doesn't, just close and open the program again.

[Master] She is a creaky old curmudgeon of a program but she is ours

[Carissa] kLoOge mostly hates everyone, some days some people more than others

[Master] and so as Jamie tries with maps

[Master] back on the side of the moat

[Master] and Carissa was about to have Bianca explain

[Carissa] She did explain. She found shiny things.

[Master] (also Jamie do you have your sounds turned on for your computer? and any pets around?)

[Carissa] Sorry, "sparkles"

[Carissa] (smallish shiny pebbles)

[Carissa] Ooh yeah when combat starts it's a loud trumpet

[Spring] and a canon

[Lisa] was she able to bring them to the bank for us to look at?

[Master] yes one of them

[Carissa] (only one? she dropped her reed for only one?)

[Master] grins, it takes two hands to hold onto it

[Jamie] I just fixed my sound and not at the moment, but at times I have a dog clacking around in the background

[Carissa] (this doesn't do audio to us so we won't hear her :) )

[Carissa] (just sound for sound effects, combat will be obvious without sound)

[Jamie] Very cool

[Spring] but sometimes this kind of thing sets local dogs off

[Spring] Sophie is now losing her mind

[Carissa] lol

[Carissa] forgot that

[Master] sorry

[Carissa] cats don't care :)

[Spring] she thinks it's the neighbor boxer

[Spring] although he's already barking at something else

[Master] enough with the practice lessons,

[Carissa] oh and if you haven't noticed, it shows to the left when people are typing

[Carissa] which is good if you're waiting for replies

[Carissa] okay done

[Master] you picked up quickly Jamie, glad for that

[Master] hang out as you can

[Jamie] Okay. I have to go now anyway. Thank you so much!! Hopefully I will remember everything.

[Master] see you next week and online

[Lisa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Spring] great to see you!!

[Horatio (Lisa)] (Nice to see you!)

[Carissa] See you!

[Master] (Only the one Lisa?)

[Master] and you are all three on the bank now with the sparkly that Bianca found

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] See how it sparkles?

[Horatio (Lisa)] Oooooohh!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Spring] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

Horatio (Lisa) rubs some mud off and looks

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (poor poor Sniff)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (oh poor Spring)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] it looks like a kazoo!

[Horatio (Lisa)] (anything on the obs? since other than sparkly we have no info?)

Jamie has left the game on Wed Jun 03 22:00:04 EDT 2020

[Master (to Lisa only)] There is nothing special about this pebble except that it looks pretty

[Horatio (Lisa)] I don't think it's what we want

[Horatio (Lisa)] It's round but not a ring that you could put around your neck

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Oh. But it's sparkly...

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Can I still keep it?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] I can add it to my other one!

[Horatio (Lisa)] It is! Yes, you should bring it home!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Yes yes!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] I will set it right here and look at the other cave. Do you have more reed, Sniffikins?

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] here is the one I just did for you

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] I guess I will try one more time

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Thank you!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Yes yes you can do it! See? I'll show you!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] mine is not too wilted yet

Miss Bianca (Carissa) jumps back into the water

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Swimming check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

Miss Bianca (Carissa) points towards the next cave for Horatio while bobbing on the surface

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (holy shit)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Yes yes like that!!

[Horatio (Lisa)] (YAY!!)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] See? So you can dive and Horatio will smack the water!

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) gently gently paddles out

Horatio (Lisa) hits stick on the water again to chase away the fishes

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] See? I'll show you again!

Miss Bianca (Carissa) dives under the water briefly

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] See? Like that!

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) practices breathing through the reed before trying to go under

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] I'll show you the cave!

Miss Bianca (Carissa) dives back down towards the cave

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] okay, let's see it

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) follows

Miss Bianca (Carissa) points towards it when they near it

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (apparently she's at least good at foraging seaweed)

[Master] Bianca finds some tender young shoots where new reeds are growing, only way to get them is underwater

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (she's supposed to be underwater)

[Master] Sniff gets a bit blinded by the dirt stirred up from Bianca digging up the shoots

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (lol oops)

Miss Bianca (Carissa) swims to the surface with the shoot

[Master] This cave seems to not have any more sparklies

Miss Bianca (Carissa) holds up shoot as she breaks the surface, "Look Horatio! I found food!"

Horatio (Lisa) looks

[Horatio (Lisa)] That's good I guess

[Master] Sniff is still underwater

[Horatio (Lisa)] Will it float?

Miss Bianca (Carissa) glances around for Sniffikins

Miss Bianca (Carissa) throws the shoots towards Horatio then goes to try to find Sniffikins

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (dog problems)

Horatio (Lisa) tries to pull the shoots towards him with the stick

[Master] you can easily

[Master] and Bianca can go back down

[Master] and figure out how to communicate underwater

Horatio (Lisa) pulls them in and carefully pulls them out to the bank

Horatio (Lisa) picks one up and takes a bite

Horatio (Lisa) chews thinking

[Horatio (Lisa)] Hmmm ... not bad

[Master] tender fresh new

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (omg)

Miss Bianca (Carissa) waves arms at Sniffikins, points at cave, shrugs, points up

[Master] What happened Spring? aftereffects of sound effects?

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (kind of)

[Master] sorry

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (she was in high alert and barking at everything)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (had to have a training session to take her mind off it)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (so then the boxer had to have a training session too)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (ok so did I drown?)

[Master] nipe

[Master] you are standing there on the bottom breathing through the reed

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Master] Sniff spots a dark shape descending towards her

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) thinking uh oh

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Escape check: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Sarkle (Master)] CLACK CLACK CLACK

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] ( I am astonished)

[Sarkle (Master)] SLAMS into the water and snatches a small fish

[Horatio (Lisa)] (good one to make)

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) swims up

[(Master)] Sniff manages to jump over to the side to avoid his wings as he dives down and comes back up

Miss Bianca (Carissa) sees Sniffikin and returns to surface

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] you awful bird!!!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] you almost ate me!!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] But did it eat a fish with a ring?

[Horatio (Lisa)] Eek!

[Sarkle (Master)] clack clack (as he is swallowing a fish)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] and even if you hadn’t you could have snapped my neck with a crash

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] be careful!!

[Sarkle (Master)] CLACK

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Clack clack!

[Sarkle (Master)] mice don't taste good

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] I hope not!

[Sarkle (Master)] but there are lots of fish here

[Horatio (Lisa)] How do you know?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (the real question)

[Sarkle (Master)] Do you taste good?

[Horatio (Lisa)] I think so

Horatio (Lisa) licks a paw

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] fine! good! you almost ACCIDNETALLY at a NASTY TASTING NOUSE

Sarkle (Master) cocks head

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] so BE CAREFUL

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Eating us won't help us find the shiny ring.

[Horatio (Lisa)] I'll hit the water more

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Yeah! Let's look for more caves, Sniffikins!

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) floats for a minute, catching breath

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] okay

[Master] moving along the bank

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) goes back under again

[Master] going counterclockwise around the circle stream

[Master] the current is going your way

Horatio (Lisa) keeps hitting water

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (lol tell me when/if to roll)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (your turn)

[Master] Sniff spots three more caves two of them with sparklies in them

[Master] and some more young shoots

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (delicious)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Foraging check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (I think that's an equal amount...)

[Master] so overall you have a total of 7 caves and 4 of them have sparkles in them

[Master] some still have fish too

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (dun dun dun)

[Master] that are not scared by the splashing

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (because of course we're not allowed to get away from no confrontation)

Miss Bianca (Carissa) points up to Sniffikins then goes back to the surface to tell Horatio

[Master] not for tonight but for the future

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (lol)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] We found more caves!

Miss Bianca (Carissa) points roughly to them

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] But some of those fish aren't scared of the splashing. And some of the caves don't have sparklies.

[Master] right now it seems like you can find about 10 caves within a roughly 10 yard long stretch of bank

[Master] and about half of them have sparklies

Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring) goes back up to the surface to compare notes with Bianca

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (so... we either continue doing this for a long time or think of a new plan is what you're saying? :P)

[Master] and I will give Bianca an intuition check and Sniff one too at a minus

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: INU check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (man she's got the rolls tonight)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: INU check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (er but not Sniff, lol)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (no, not sniff)

[Master (to Carissa only)] she found multiple sparklies in two of the caves, with larger fish, the smaller caves had less or none

[Master (to Carissa only)] letting you roll along with that one grins

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] It was only the big caves and big fish that collect sparklies... maybe a big fish too the ring?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Sarkle, do you eat big fish?

[Sarkle (Master)] CLACK if I can

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Two of the caves had lots of sparklies, but also fish. Maybe we can lure it up for you to eat?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Big fish are big.

[Sarkle (Master)] If I can see them I can stab them

Miss Bianca (Carissa) nods

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Hmm can you poke a stick down that deep, Horatio? The caves were, um, about there and there.

[Horatio (Lisa)] I can try

[Horatio (Lisa)] Just tell me where

[Horatio (Lisa)] Here?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] I think there yes!

Miss Bianca (Carissa) sticks head under water to see

Horatio (Lisa) pokes stick down as far as he can

Horatio (Lisa) moves it back and forth

[Master] Strength check

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: STR check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Master] the stick gets YANKED out of his hands

[Master] Dex check to not fall in

[Horatio (Lisa)] EEK!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: DEX check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Master] SPLASH

Miss Bianca (Carissa) sticks head back above the water

[Horatio (Lisa)] EEEEEEEEEKK!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Oh no!

Miss Bianca (Carissa) goes to help Horatio

Horatio (Lisa) waves paws around

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: STR check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 13!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (of course... err unless there's a different roll?)

[Master] Sniff is up on the bank

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Sniff! Sniff!!

[Master] you have to target first

[Master] then roll an attack

[Carissa] Miss Bianca targets Horatio. Distance: 1'00"

[Horatio (Lisa)] Help!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Miss Bianca: Attack: Natural Attack: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=5] 15. MISSES Horatio (AC FINAL: 6).

Horatio (Lisa) glug glug

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (not much better....)

[Master] Horatio can make an attack roll to hit Bianca

Miss Bianca (Carissa) keeps trying while yelling for Sniff

[Master] grab grab tail

[Lisa] Horatio targets Miss Bianca. Distance: 1'00"

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Attack: Claw: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=7] 13. MISSES Miss Bianca (AC FINAL: 6).

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Sarkle!!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Help! Horatio can't swim!

[Master] 2 more Lisa

Horatio (Lisa) tries to grab onto Miss Bianca

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Attack: Claw: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=6] 14. MISSES Miss Bianca (AC FINAL: 6).

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Attack: Claw: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=9] 11. MISSES Miss Bianca (AC FINAL: 6).

[Master] and the tail

Horatio (Lisa) panicking

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (where's that tail that can catch flies??)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] what? what do you need me to do?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Horatio! Help me help Horatio!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Horatio: Attack: Tail Whip: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=11] 9. MISSES Miss Bianca (AC FINAL: 6).

[Spring] Sniffikins Fieldmouse targets Horatio. Distance: 2'06"

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] He's too panicked to grab me and he keeps squirming!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Attack: Natural Attack: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=2] 18. MISSES Horatio (AC FINAL: 6).

Horatio (Lisa) starts sinking

[Master] one more Spring

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Attack: Natural Attack: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=6] 14. MISSES Horatio (AC FINAL: 6).

Horatio (Lisa) spits water

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] SARKLE!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] horatio!

[Master] Sarkle targets Horatio. Distance: 3'11"

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Tumbling check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Attack: Natural Attack: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=8] 12. MISSES Horatio (AC FINAL: 6).

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (dammit)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (maybe you tumbled into him and saved him...?)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (I was hoping the tumbling would change my direction and chance of grip)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (but no)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Attack: Natural Attack: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=8] 12. MISSES Horatio (AC FINAL: 6).

[Master] Sarkle: Attack: Claw: (16-(d20+0)) [1d20=3] 13. MISSES Horatio (AC FINAL: 6).

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] Sniffikins Fieldmouse: Attack: Natural Attack: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=9] 11. MISSES Horatio (AC FINAL: 6).

[Master] Sarkle: Attack: Claw: (16-(d20+0)) [1d20=18] -2. HITS Horatio (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (ffs)

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (holy crap)

[Master] just as Horatio is sinking down under for the last time

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (goodness gracious)

[Master] Sarkle SNATCHES him with a claw as he flies over to the other bank

[Master] on the side of the Stone Mountain

[Horatio (Lisa)] AHHHHHHHHHH!!!

[Master] and drops him on the ground

Miss Bianca (Carissa) tries to quickly swim over

[Horatio (Lisa)] OOF!

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (so I just scrolled. how'd I wind up on the bank?)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Horatio!

[Master] both Bianca and Sniff were coming up to plot which caves to hit

Horatio (Lisa) coughing up water

[Master] Sniff made it up first then Bianca

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (okay, I didn't actually see that happening)

[Horatio (Lisa)] Thank you Sarkle! You saved me!

[Master] and Horatio was probing with the stiff and then a fish grabbed it and YANKED

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] (that part I saw)

[Master] but now Horatio is on one side

[Master] and Bianca and Sniff are on the other

[Master] and we can pause here for the night

[Master] picking up next week

[Master] with one of you on each side if Spring does not make it in at all

[Carissa] with a mouse that doesn't want to go near water now

[Lisa] Sounds good

[Master] Do what you need Spring

[Lisa] Tonight was a night of truly bad rolls

[Master] work away if you get to look in late feel free to come visit

[Carissa] Seriously

[Lisa] except for Carissa

[Carissa] lol until it mattered

[Lisa] Ok dinner time

[Master] I was thinking if Sarkle missed that Bianca would have to dive down with the thimble to share some air for Horatio

[Lisa] Goodnight everyone!

[Carissa] Yes to that

[Master] stay safe !

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] heheh

[Carissa] She wasn't going to give up

[Sniffikins Fieldmouse (Spring)] gnite!

[Carissa] Night all!

Lisa has left the game on Wed Jun 03 22:39:54 EDT 2020

Spring has left the game on Wed Jun 03 22:39:54 EDT 2020

Carissa has left the game on Wed Jun 03 22:39:56 EDT 2020