Main / 20200624

Chat Log - 2020 06 24 - Adventures in the Wastes - Home Stories (Formatted)

A bit of a deviation from the story arcs

[Master] ==== Gaming session has been running for 7 days, 6 hours, 3 minutes and 36 seconds ====

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

Lara has joined the game on Sat Jun 20 10:09:21 EDT 2020

Lara is receiving the map Catacombs section 3...

Lara has received the map Catacombs section 3.

Lara has left the game on Sat Jun 20 11:15:27 EDT 2020

Lisa has joined the game on Sun Jun 21 12:44:03 EDT 2020

Lisa is receiving the map Catacombs section 3...

Lisa has received the map Catacombs section 3.

Lisa has left the game on Sun Jun 21 12:52:59 EDT 2020

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Sun Jun 21 13:25:34 EDT 2020 ====

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Sun Jun 21 13:52:18 EDT 2020 ====

[Master] ==== Gaming session has been running for and 12 seconds ====

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master (to GM only)] For Valerie moved 19'03".

Carissa has joined the game on Wed Jun 24 19:12:13 EDT 2020

Carissa is receiving the map Catacombs section 3...

Carissa has received the map Catacombs section 3.

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Hello

[Carissa] Hello! I had a few things to do on the computer anyways, might as well log in

[Master] good

[Master] have not heard from Jamie or Jessica

[Master] Valerie you saw will be in but late

[Master] I will text Lisa when someone is in

[Master] grins

[Master] will tell her you are here now

[Carissa] Haha yay I'm a someone

[Master] always

[Master] HUGS

[Carissa] lol thanks

[Master] Now I know that the mines north of Skull Church produce Tin and Silver

[Carissa] I saw some addition, but hadn't read it yet

[Master] was just a tease about research

[Master] book from the 1500's

[Master] I have a dead tree copy on the shelf here but posted a link to a digital version

[Carissa] Ooh nice

[Carissa] Dead tree copies are still my preferred tree.

[Carissa] book form

[Carissa] Preference for trees are alive

[Master] smiles

[Carissa] I bought an elderberry last year. It looks like it might flower this year. I'm excited. My mini-tree on my balcony. Who says you can't have an awesome garden in an apartment?

[Master] that would be great

[Carissa] Now the five tomato plants my coworker in addition to the three I'm growing... yeah finding space for them will be fun, lol

[Master] and people to take them

[Master] hope someone can can them

[Carissa] Nah, I live three stories up. No one can reach them.

[Master] I meant so many tomoatoes people to foist them off on

Lisa has joined the game on Wed Jun 24 19:19:59 EDT 2020

Lisa is receiving the map Catacombs section 3...

[Carissa] Ooh yeah, that'll definitely happen at this rate.

Lisa has received the map Catacombs section 3.

[Carissa] Hi Lisa!

Lisa is receiving the map Arch Mage rooms...

Lisa has received the map Arch Mage rooms.

[Carissa] Fun heirloom ones. Most excited for the "Atomic Blues"

[Master] interesting

[Master] How are things Lisa?

[Lisa] Okay. Hello!

[Master] I have been working on sketching out story arcs

[Master] I am thinking that we will do the visit to Hell to return the book as the next Era, do that as one large adventure like we did with A River Runs THrough It

[Carissa] So we can see all the circles?

[Master] So that is 2021 at the earliest

[Lisa] Go straight from Hell A to Hell B ?

[Master] chuckles

[Lisa] Thought we would be calmer and more at home before another huge leap

[Master] 100%

[Master] I am thinking at least a year or three of game time

[Lisa] Shi comes back from her trip - Hey! Nice to see you! Want to go to hell with us?

[Carissa] lol

[Master] oh no she will be back for at least two or three story arcs

[Carissa] If she decides to stay. Still no sure what's going to happen with her

[Lisa] oh sorry - next era

[Lisa] a whole era devoted to hell?

[Master] yeap

[Carissa] Isn't that 2020?

[Lisa] LOL

[Carissa] More fitting for this year....

[Master] Shi will get involved in at least LOL a couple of story arcs before she can disapear again

[Carissa] Wait I thought it was my decision? :P

[Master] chuckles,

[Master] ignore those strings above you

[Carissa] Is that what those are...?

[Master] how do you think Lisa felt when she read the Goblin King taking her kid away

[Master] almost jerked out of this story arc directly to a different one

[Carissa] Those are some tough strings to hold that amount of tension...

[Lisa] you like jerking us around

[Master] just leading you along

[Master] provide promising tempting treats

[Carissa] "leading" with thorns on the side of the path if we try to leave it

[Master] nah

[Carissa] It's like my favorite phrase at work. We don't "volunteer" for things. We're "voluntold"

[Master] there are so many fun ones

[Master] nods

[Lisa] that's not great for work environment

[Carissa] lol, nah it's not often, mostly when deployments are not mandatory but kind of sort of and they need to remind people that we agreed to it when we took the job

[Master] and I love how songs that I never knew existed work with the story arc I am designing

[Master] the lyrics just fit

[Lisa] with the world opening are they going to start sending you places?

[Lisa] Bat out of hell

[Master] LOL

[Lisa] Highway to hell

[Master] I know that exists

[Master] that too

[Carissa] No no no, lol. That was in the past. They wouldn't even let me do a long day drive to DC to get my security card.

[Lisa] wow

[Master] wow

[Carissa] They prefer to mail it. Now if there is a disease outbreak, we still have to respond if it's major, but they'll only pull close. They're being super careful.

[Lisa] That's good

[Carissa] We've got the full PPE set up if worse comes to worse, but hopefully it won't

[Lisa] Hope not

[Carissa] Speaking of songs, heard this twice on the radio and I need to remember to post it on Friday. Too perfect for Emerald:

[Master] smile

[Lisa] Like that song! :)

[Carissa] It's a good one! Forgot about it until this week, lol

[Master] Lisa you saw my comments earlier about researching Mine contents for gnomes etc

[Lisa] no

[Master] Tin and Silver in the Quellcon mines north of Skull Church

[Master] did not say what the gnomes have

[Carissa] feel like the gnomes are going to be a pain to deal with...

[Master] no more than elves are

[Master] wink

[Lisa] better than goblins

[Master] making sure there is lots of detail there for gnomes, goblins, hobgoblins, bully wugs, etc

[Carissa] Eh we haven't dealt with many elves. But man that grumpy gnome set the tone for them

[Carissa] Ooh goblins will be fun. Or not. Well, fun to see how it goes?

[Master] there will be goblins

[Master] and Lara just instinctively wanted to be able to talk to them after reading the site

[Master] I did not tell her anything about that

[Carissa] Nice instincts

[Carissa] The fun part is seeing how diplomatic other people are, especially when no one can help them out because different language ;)

[Master] Valerie says she is about 45 mintues out

[Master] and now YouTube wants to show me lots of Jewel videos

[Master] maybe they are researching mining too?

[Lisa] so want to ask about this Harry guy from last week

[Master] fire away

[Lisa] you told TMO he was not there to detect evil on but at the end you said he was real

[Master] yes

[Carissa] That confused me

[Master] Detect Evil did not register anything on him

[Master] just like Branwyn would not register

[Lisa] you didn't say it like that

[Master] He is holding something too

[Carissa] I guess I don't understand how Detect Evil works

[Master] you concentrate on a space/person etc

[Lisa] like when he did the book case you just said 3 books light up

[Master] you get an impression of how evil something is

[Lisa] you didn't say the other books don't exist

[Master] for detect evil he did not exist

[Master] the books glowed evil because either they are magical affecting/causing evil

[Master] OR they are tools of evil from association

[Master] if you keep using a dagger for example

[Master] only to kill innocent children

[Master] it will become imbued with evil intent

[Lisa] I got the hits. I think you were trying to make your answer confusing on the people

[Master] even if not magical

[Master] Harry is real but does not register on detect evil

[Lisa] I still don't know how this Harry is not evil where he is standing

[Lisa] but that is for friday

[Master] a very interesting thread to explore

[Master] grins

[Lisa] I just hope Harry isn't holding a book

[Carissa] It's too bad he's still in the narrow part of the corridor

[Carissa] Can you pickpocket something someone is holding...if they aren't paying attention?

[Master] I do like the idea that I have ten little baby black puddings to populate the catecombs with

[Lisa] grrr

[Carissa] You're the only one who likes that

[Master] you can pickpocket almost anything

[Lisa] can we just keep doing ceiling checks?

[Master] the art of distraction

[Lisa] burn those guys while they are small

[Master] they are too small to affect you currently

[Master] they are slipping into cracks, etc

[Lisa] as long as we can see them they can be burnt

[Master] this is true

[Carissa] So let's light more rats on fire, let them slip through the cracks....

[Carissa] About how much farther in the catacombs? I do like that we ruined your prediction two weeks ago

[Lisa] yes! getting rid of rats is good!

[Carissa] Haha for many reasons!

[Master] so many fun story arcs

[Master] weaving political things with economic things with just adventure Tiberius "WOW let's go see what that is" parts

[Lisa] lol

[Lisa] and bring the kids!

[Master] grins

[Master] in a sad bit of research I found that slave children at age 3 were expected to start working

[Carissa] What can a 3 year old do??

[Lisa] :(

[Lisa] seen that in mines

[Master] carry water,

[Master] carry food

[Master] etc

[Lisa] they clean rocks, sift and sort

[Lisa] saw a documentary - molybdenum mines

[Master] so I have an idea of how Goblin society works

[Lisa] kids just sitting in circles covered in dust

[Lisa] :(

[Carissa] Ouch :(

[Master] walking Valerie through installing Klooge

valma-73412 has joined the game on Wed Jun 24 20:17:31 EDT 2020

valma-73412 is receiving the map Catacombs section 3...

valma-73412 has received the map Catacombs section 3.

[Master] Hello Valerie

[valma-73412] hi

[valma-73412] apparently I'm a mouse? What should I do?

[Master] OK

[Master] so quick things from Carissa and lisa

[Carissa] Hello!

[Master] this is Valerie,

[Master] Lisa she is the branch head at Margate Library

[Master] she took over for Susan

[Master] so yes she has already been through dungeons

[Master] dark times

[Master] grins

[Lisa] Hi Valerie! :)

[Master] Lisa and I have been friends for a million years

[valma-73412] lol Hi :-)

[Master] She has lived with me through at least four librarires

[Master] and can put up with my spelling

[Master] I will use the rest room

[Master] as you get a quick how to use Klooge from Carissa and Lisa

[Master] brb

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lisa] Did Bob tell you anything about klooge?

[valma-73412] nope

[valma-73412] The literal only thing I know is I'm a mouse

[valma-73412] And I guess I can talk to you lol

[Lisa] okay ....

[Lisa] I don't see the character he has for you

[Lisa] let's do talking

[Lisa] once you get a character you can r-click and talk in character

[valma-73412] cool

[Carissa] I see a mouse on the list under Jilly labeled "For Valerie"

[Lisa] ahhh did not see

[Lisa] so you get to pick a name, gender to start

[Carissa] (Sorry having two convos at once, carry on :) )

[valma-73412] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lisa] if you r-click on For Valerie and then click Show Character Sheet

[For Valerie (valma-73412)] I clocked chat as "for valerie"

[Lisa] He called your mouse Gruyere :)

[Lisa] Can you see the character sheet?

[For Valerie (valma-73412)] lol I'm named after cheese I just saw that

[For Valerie (valma-73412)] yes

[Lisa] There's an edit button on the bottom

[Lisa] You can change the name and put yours for Player

[For Valerie (valma-73412)] ok done

[Lisa] then click commit at the bottom

[For Valerie (valma-73412)] done

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master (to GM only)] For Valerie moved 8'07".

[Lisa] don't see it taking

[Master] updated name

[Lisa] Bob - not sure where to start

[Gruyere (valma-73412)] It says Gruyere now

[Gruyere (valma-73412)] in the list of characters

[Master] of course you can change the name if you like

[Gruyere (valma-73412)] It's funny I like it

[Master] so you are a "City Mouse"

[Lisa] Bob gave us very average numbers for stats but you can add a point to something

[Master] you live here in the Manor House sneaking in and out of the larders etc.

[Master] Lisa and Carissa are playing Country Mice

[Master] from out in the woods beyond the Moat (circle stream) where you have never been Gruyere

[Gruyere (valma-73412)] ok

[Master] so last thing is to Chat As like you are in in character as Gruyere

[Master] you stop doing the chat as to ask questions as Valerie

[Gruyere (valma-73412)] I don't understand

[Gruyere (valma-73412)] Why my name is not taking

[Gruyere (valma-73412)] are we in coffins?

[Master] did you hit commit?

[Gruyere (valma-73412)] yes, 2x

[Master] Now try

[Carissa] Dang city mice really are bigger...

[Gruyere (valma-73412)] lol there are a lot of dumpsters to choose from

[Master] LOL

[Master] Ok so Valerie now you click on the chat button again to Stop chatting as Gruyere

[Master] and type away as Valerie

[Lisa] double click on your character name on the left to get to the right map

[valma-73412] like this?

[Lisa] we are not in coffin room

[Master] yes

[valma-73412] Thanks I found the right map

[Master] also there are TONs of options in Edit and Preferences for you to go explore later on

[valma-73412] I am back at the keyboard.

[Gruyere (valma-73412)] ok

[Gruyere (valma-73412)] glad we're not in those coffins

[Master] yes that is the Friday game

[Master] OK so

[Master] Valerie you are here because you need to ask the Arch Mage a favor, you want his help in .... what ever you get to make it up,.... you are outsdie the door when you hear two strange voices talking to him and you interupt as you wish

[Master] and away we go

[Master] just make it up, this is Improv Fiction Valerie

[Carissa] (Uhh do we? One sec sorry)

[Carissa] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] LOL

[Master] OK

[Carissa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] so ask questions then Val

[Carissa] (Brother's calling so will be just a minute or two)

[Carissa] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] as you are typing Val you can emote by the forward slash and me

[Gruyere (valma-73412)] do I have magical powers?

Master taps his foot waiting for Carissa

[Master] etc

[Master] no

[Master] you are a mouse

[Master] Chipmunks are magical

[Master] grins

[Gruyere (valma-73412)] can I steal thier powers?

[Lisa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] no but you can steal their food

[Horatio (Lisa)] (lol)

[Gruyere (valma-73412)] is there anything hidden in this house you need me to find?

[Master] so Val, is that out loud to the people in the room with the Arch Mage? as Gruyere?

[Gruyere (valma-73412)] (nvm) Arch Mage, I am a city mouse lost in this country house and I keep hearing voices in the walls. Can you help me?

[Arch Mage (Master)] Excuse me?

[Arch Mage (Master)] Who are you?

[Horatio (Lisa)] Eek!

Arch Mage (Master) looking at Horatio and Bianca,

[Arch Mage (Master)] Is she with you?

Horatio (Lisa) whispers "Another big one!"

Horatio (Lisa) shakes his head

[Horatio (Lisa)] Never seen her

[Gruyere (valma-73412)] I fell asleep in a dumpster after having a snack and woke up here. You seem like you're in charge, can you help me?

[Arch Mage (Master)] (middle ages so midden rather than dumpster but nice idea)

[Arch Mage (Master)] I am entertaining these two

Arch Mage (Master) guestures at Horatio and Bianca

[Arch Mage (Master)] they have questions

[Horatio (Lisa)] I'm entertained

[Arch Mage (Master)] good

[Arch Mage (Master)] I am glad you are interested

[Arch Mage (Master)] you were rather loud earlier

Horatio (Lisa) looks down

[Horatio (Lisa)] Sorry. I get that way

Arch Mage (Master) flicks his paw and a small light glows in the corner

Horatio (Lisa) smiles

[Arch Mage (Master)] (the first magic any of the three of you have seen )

[Gruyere (valma-73412)] Wow...

[Arch Mage (Master)] Now what is your name young lady?

Horatio (Lisa) claps his paws

[Gruyere (valma-73412)] My name is Gruyere.

[Arch Mage (Master)] Good

[Arch Mage (Master)] a strong name, healthy

[Gruyere (valma-73412)] like my favorite cheese

[Arch Mage (Master)] you are searching for help with finding something?

[Arch Mage (Master)] I believe that these two here are both searching for something too

Horatio (Lisa) waves his paw "We are!"

[Gruyere (valma-73412)] /smiles

[Arch Mage (Master)] (slash me then what you do)

[Horatio (Lisa)] You aren't looking for a ring too are you?

[Gruyere (valma-73412)] (/me smiles like that?)

[Arch Mage (Master)] (yes without the paren)

[Carissa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Horatio (Lisa)] (yes)

[Gruyere (valma-73412)] I think I saw a ring next to me in the midden as I was falling asleep. It had a deep red stone and a gold band like a wealthy matron moght have. Are you looking for a ring like that?

[Arch Mage (Master)] (also Val we can see when people are typing, so hit enter if you are finished, )

[Gruyere (valma-73412)] (ok)

[Horatio (Lisa)] Ohhh that sounds like a pretty ring

Horatio (Lisa) scratches his head

[Horatio (Lisa)] You know, I don't think we know what our ring looks like

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Umm, I don't know. What does an invisible ring look like?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Invisible?

Gruyere (valma-73412) shrugs

[Horatio (Lisa)] But I think it's only when you eat it

[Horatio (Lisa)] Or wear it

[Horatio (Lisa)] Did you put it on your head Miss Gruyere?

[Arch Mage (Master) (to valma-73412 only)] this is a whisper that only you can see, until the chat log is published

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Wouldn't she be invisible? Or is this a revisible ring?

[Horatio (Lisa)] (also FYI - these are young mice who have just left home for the first time. They don't know a whole lot about the world)

[Arch Mage (Master) (to valma-73412 only)] you know the Giants (ie people) are interested in rings

[Gruyere (valma-73412)] No I never put it on my head

[Gruyere (valma-73412)] I know the Giants like rings and I didn't want to get trapped by 'em.

[Horatio (Lisa)] Have you ever seen the invisible ring Mr Arch Mage?

[Arch Mage (Master)] I have not seen an invisible ring

[Arch Mage (Master)] Why are you interested in it?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] What about a ring that makes someone invisible?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Because we can't let the rats have it!

Arch Mage (Master) nods, Rats should not have rings

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Especially these rats. They'll do bad things with it.

[valma-73412] running to the loo

[Arch Mage (Master)] How do you know that Rats want to get this Ring?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Because they used this to get information about it from our Arch Mage!

Miss Bianca (Carissa) shows the needle

Arch Mage (Master) nods gravely

[Arch Mage (Master)] The Rats are not nice

[Arch Mage (Master)] They take what they want

[Horatio (Lisa)] He said one of the Great Ones lost this ring

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Yes yes! One tried to take my seeds so I pushed him out of the tree.

[Arch Mage (Master)] That is very brave of you

Miss Bianca (Carissa) beams

[Arch Mage (Master)] So how did you get here to look for a ring from one of the Great Ones?

[Horatio (Lisa)] We started by running away from a snake and then a lizard thing as we climbed ledges.

[Horatio (Lisa)] But then Capt Jack got us a ride on a deer and then we ran again

[Arch Mage (Master)] Snakes are very dangerous for young mice

[Horatio (Lisa)] Yes!

[Horatio (Lisa)] I think snakes are worse than rats

[Horatio (Lisa)] But Dandelion the rabbit saved us

[Horatio (Lisa)] He was smart

[Arch Mage (Master)] You seem to have many friends

[Horatio (Lisa)] Huh. I guess we do.

[Horatio (Lisa)] We met a village of mice though and they aren't our friends

[Horatio (Lisa)] They wanted to lock us up and call our parents!

Arch Mage (Master) nods seriously

[Horatio (Lisa)] So we ran away and stole the rat boat!

[Horatio (Lisa)] We sailed across the giant river to get to the circle stream

[Arch Mage (Master)] You have come very far

[Horatio (Lisa)] We started by counting the trees. I lost count

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] At least three!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Yes!

[Gruyere (valma-73412)] Can I be one of your friends? I learned to outrun rats in the city.

[Gruyere (valma-73412)] Maybe I can help you find the invisible ring.

Horatio (Lisa) drops jaw "that is very good! Rats are fast!"

[Horatio (Lisa)] We like friends

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] And invisible rings are very hard to find!

Gruyere (valma-73412) smiles

[Arch Mage (Master)] What have you done so far to search for this ring?

Horatio (Lisa) points at Miss Bianca

[Horatio (Lisa)] Tell him!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] I've been diving! I went into a cave and then another cave and some of them have shinies, but none of them have the shiny we want.

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] And the caves with lots of shinies have BIG fish in them.

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] One almost ate Horatio! From the surface!

Gruyere (valma-73412) shivers

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Horatio was scaring them with sticks but that fish didn't like it and took the stick!

[Arch Mage (Master)] How could you be in caves underwater?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] I can swim! And dive! And we used reeds to breath out of!

[Arch Mage (Master)] Reeds are good for nests

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] And air!

[Arch Mage (Master)] That is interesting I have not seen that before

[Arch Mage (Master)] So you think that your ring is in the moat with a fish?

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Yes yes! Because...

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Um, why do we think that Horatio?

[Horatio (Lisa)] Well, we heard a story of an invisible fish

[Horatio (Lisa)] And so if there's an invisible fish maybe he ate an invisible ring

[Horatio (Lisa)] The Great One supposedly lost their ring around here

[Horatio (Lisa)] But if the fish pooped it out maybe it's in the circle stream

[Horatio (Lisa)] We don't know where else to look

[Horatio (Lisa)] And the circle stream is really really really big and full of big fish

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Or how to go faster. There are lots of caves down there.

[Arch Mage (Master)] (Valerie the Great Ones are giant squirrels that are about 2 to 3 foot tall, can speak the human languages, use bow and arrows, etc)

[Gruyere (valma-73412)] Do you know if any of the Great Ones live near here?

[Arch Mage (Master)] (the manor house here is called the Stone Mountain by the country mice, the Moat is called the Circle stream, etc)

[Arch Mage (Master)] There are Great Ones who live in the forest

[Arch Mage (Master)] I have heard of one that went to go live with the Giants

[Arch Mage (Master)] (humans)

[Arch Mage (Master)] but I have not heard of her since

[Arch Mage (Master)] Maybe they ate her

[Horatio (Lisa)] Oh no! Not even giants could eat the Great Ones!

Horatio (Lisa) quietly "Could they?"

Arch Mage (Master) nods slowly sadly

[Gruyere (valma-73412)] The Giants in the city will eat anything...

[Arch Mage (Master)] If you can find a ring from a Great One and take it back to their tribe that would be a very good thing

[Arch Mage (Master)] the Rats would not do that

[Master] OK Pause here for a moment

[Master] Valerie, how does thsi feel for you?

[Master] Lisa and Carissa do you have an idea of what sort of help to ask for now?

[Lisa] not really - unless magic help

[Carissa] Nope

[valma-73412] I think once we get started I'll get a better idea of what to do

[Master] grins you are started, and so far you are doing well

[Master] free form improv fiction is the general flow for Wednesday night

[Lisa] yes! and when in doubt

[Lisa] Horatio: Tumbling check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Master] lol

[valma-73412] maybe we can build a raft "nest" out of reeds?

[Lisa] I'm not sure but I think it would have sunk and we only have one swimmer

[Lisa] if it's really in the moat at all

[Master] It is I promise

[Master] would not lead you that far astray

[Lisa] Horatio: Tumbling check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

Lisa falls over

[Master] LOL

[Lisa] straight answer!!!

[Lisa] :D

[valma-73412] Maybe if one of us gets eaten we can find the ring?

[valma-73412] What are we rolling against?

[Lisa] let's not go that far :)

[Master] grins

[Master] will show you rolling dice in a little bit Valerie

[Master] what does anyone think the Arch Mage might help with?

[Master] and ask away

[valma-73412] how to breath under water?

[Lisa] you had told us about lights when we did have squirrels

[Lisa] are fish scared of lights?

[Carissa] Ooh something about fishing for them? Maybe we can grab a light?

[Carissa] If fish collect shiny things and a light shines...

[Master] grins

[Carissa] My tired brain sometimes works

[Lisa] so make a fish come at you?

[Carissa] And hope it's the right one.

[Carissa] Although not sure that's a full plan...

[Lisa] and have sarkle pick up all the fish

[Carissa] Ahh that's a better plan

[valma-73412] sarkle?

[Carissa] But still not sure how that gets us closer to the ring

[Lisa] he's our kingfisher friend

[valma-73412] ah

[Carissa] Unless it's still invisible...

[Lisa] we haven't gotten to that friend yet

[Lisa] but the water would move and sarkle would still stab?

[Master] yes

[Carissa] Hopefully

[Lisa] and he'd feel it even if he didn't see it

[Carissa] True

[valma-73412] maybe once he stabs it it wouldn't be invisible anymore?

[Master] So to sum up from the last couple of sessions: you know there are 20 caves to check out, you have seen 3 of them so far, you know some have shiny things inside, there are some with big fish in them, you want to get into those caves to see what shiny things are there

[Master] You know how to use the Thimble and Reeds to help breathe underwater

[Lisa] yes

[Master] you have the needle as your weapon

[Master] and now, Gruyere, do you know how to swim?

[valma-73412] yes, I used to go around in whatever the middle aged word for sewers is

[Master] there you go

[Master] you just need a way to ........

[valma-73412] see?

[Master] and Valerie there are no sewers here, that is what they would be called, but Gruyere would have swam in the moat or in tubs of water etc around the Manor House in search of food

[Master] Gruyere would also know to avoid the Otter, that she eats everything she can catch

[valma-73412] cool

[Master] and now we are back at

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Gruyere modified:

[Arch Mage (Master)] Do you youngsters have a plane?

[Arch Mage (Master)] plan?

[Arch Mage (Master)] I think that making sure the Rats do not get the ring is very important

[Arch Mage (Master)] where are the Rats by the way?

[Lisa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Horatio (Lisa)] Behind us?

[Carissa] (I am tanking hard, sorry, but trying to stay awake a little longer)

[Arch Mage (Master)] (we will stop at 10)

[Horatio (Lisa)] We got the ride on the deer and took their boat so I think we are ahead of them

[Arch Mage (Master)] That was very smart of you

[valma-73412] I am back at the keyboard.

[Horatio (Lisa)] Thank you

[Arch Mage (Master)] Your Arch Mage must know the Great Ones to know of the ring

[Arch Mage (Master)] Your Arch Mage must trust you very much to send you all this way

[Horatio (Lisa)] I ... I guess so. He was very happy with Miss Bianca for getting rid of one

[Horatio (Lisa)] That's how she got her thimble of bravery

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Yes yes he gave me this.

Miss Bianca (Carissa) shows thimbles

Arch Mage (Master) nods sagely

[Arch Mage (Master)] THat is very shiny

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] YEs yes it is!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (Doh)

[Arch Mage (Master)] (grins)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (...who needs lights when oyou carry a shiny)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (but then the fish will want to steal it)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (Bianca has other shiny things)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] (Well true she has pebbles now as well)

[Horatio (Lisa)] (so we don't want to ask for light?)

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Can you make it shinier? Or have a shiner shiny? It doesn't shine well without light.

[Arch Mage (Master)] (val feel free to chime in with thoughts, no idea is a bad idea at this point)

[Gruyere (valma-73412)] (can we see in the dark caves?)

Arch Mage (Master) nods, and mumbles to himself

Arch Mage (Master) leaves the room

[Master] Arch Mage moved 0'11".

Arch Mage (Master) rumaging sounds

Arch Mage (Master) chanting sounds

Arch Mage (Master) shuffling around

[Master] Arch Mage moved 0'11".

Arch Mage (Master) holds out a small bag

[Arch Mage (Master)] Here are three magical seeds

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Oooh! Is this dinner?

[Arch Mage (Master)] When you crack them open they will glow with light for you for a little while

[Gruyere (valma-73412)] Thank you!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Oooooooo!

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Oooh I bet it shines really bright!

[Horatio (Lisa)] Can we come back when we find the ring so we know where to return it?

[Arch Mage (Master)] I do not know any of the Great Ones

[Horatio (Lisa)] Or should we bring it back to our home?

[Arch Mage (Master)] perhaps you should return to your own Arch Mage,

[Arch Mage (Master)] He will know where the ring belongs

[Horatio (Lisa)] Okay

[Gruyere (valma-73412)] What happens if we eat them? or plant them?

[Arch Mage (Master)] Your belly might glow

Horatio (Lisa) laughs

Gruyere (valma-73412) laughs

Miss Bianca (Carissa) looks at belly trying to decide if that's a bad thing

[Arch Mage (Master)] Now be brave and strong

[Arch Mage (Master)] good luck

[Miss Bianca (Carissa)] Thank you!

Miss Bianca (Carissa) tucks seeds into her little bag

[Horatio (Lisa)] Thank you!

[Gruyere (valma-73412)] Thank you!

[Master] He leads you back out of his home

[Horatio (Lisa)] I hope the otter is gone

[Master] and shows you the way out of the tower so you do not have to climb up to the window

[Master] You can make it down to the bank of the moat

[Master] and I think we shoudl pause here so Carissa can go crash

[Master] and Lisa and I will show Valerie a little bit in Klooge

[Master] then I will save the chat for everyone

[Lisa] sounds good

[Lisa] Goodnight Carissa!

[Gruyere (valma-73412)] goodnight Carissa

[Master] and next week at least the three of you and maybe more to go fishing

[Carissa] Sounds good. Night!

Carissa has left the game on Wed Jun 24 21:53:33 EDT 2020

[Master] so Valeire

[Master] &&&&&&&

[Lisa] I added the swimming nwp

[Master] for LIsa to mark the end of chat

[valma-73412] nwp?

[Lisa] non weapon proficiency

[Master] to roll any dice the easy thing is to bring up your dice panel

[Master] and then click on the icon you want to roll on

[Master] Lisa can tell you how she does it

[Master] I do most things off of right click menus

[Lisa] r-click on your icon or char name, then click on Roll Dice and Open Dice panel


[Lisa] are you there?


[valma-73412] yes

[Lisa] little anvil tab on right end

[Lisa] those have your skills

[Master] Arch Mage: Feign/detect Sleep check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Master] Arch Mage: Hiding check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 9!!

[Lisa] click on any of the buttons to roll

[Lisa] Horatio: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[valma-73412] Miss Bianca: Damage v L: Natural Attack: (1d6) [1d6=1] 1

[Lisa] that's combat

[valma-73412] Gruyere: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=2] 12

[valma-73412] Miss Bianca: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=3] 13

[Lisa] anvil has skills