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Chat Log - 2020 07 24 - Third Time is Tradition (Formatted)

[Master] ==== Gaming session has been running for and 31 seconds ====

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

Lara has joined the game on Fri Jul 24 19:01:01 EDT 2020

Lara is receiving the map Catacombs secret section...

Lara has received the map Catacombs secret section.

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Jul 24 19:01:46 EDT 2020

Lisa is receiving the map Catacombs secret section...

Lisa has received the map Catacombs secret section.

[Lisa] Hello!

[Master] Hey there

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lara] hi folks

[Master] How are you tonight?

[Lisa] Good

Spring has joined the game on Fri Jul 24 19:04:58 EDT 2020

Spring is receiving the map Catacombs secret section...

[Master] Wonderful

Spring has received the map Catacombs secret section.

[Lara] I’m ok

[Lisa] Both happy to see a hurricane not going towards Florida?

[Lisa] Hi Spring!

[Master] Well as long as we do not open shelters let it come

[Master] opening shelters now would be a nightmare

[Lisa] yes

[Lisa] give it to Texas

[Lisa] :)

[Spring] hi hi hi

[Master] and Spring are you still all alone on the wild open prairie?

[Lisa] And where in the world is Spring this evening?

[Spring] Kansas!

[Spring] west of Russel Springs

[Lisa] Yippee!


[Spring] Sophie just discovered that the water from the ice cooler feels great!

[Lisa] lol

[Spring] it's 95 and super windy

[Lisa] hopefully no tornadoes

[Spring] we're mostly alone. a single pickup came by today

[Master] saw that glad he hopefully found his dog

[Spring] lots of storms last night so tornadoes were on my mind, but only wind today

[Spring] oh that guy last night was a different guy but I think he did

[Master] ahh

[Spring] he didn't keep looking for long

[Master] man I forgot how fun that song was

[Master] and first pitch is a BALL.....

[Master] Marlins have started the season

[Master] and now back to Lara for only an OK

[Master] there is a meme that Carissa put out for me using ok versus OK

[Lara] hm ok OK

Carissa has joined the game on Fri Jul 24 19:10:39 EDT 2020

Carissa is receiving the map Catacombs secret section...

Carissa has received the map Catacombs secret section.

[Master] HAH

[Master] and here she is to interpret for us

[Lisa] Hi Carissa!

[Carissa] Hi all!

[Spring] hi hi

[Master] Objectives tonight is to 1 clean the main room for sleeping, and then 2 OOC is to help Lara flesh out her spell books

[Carissa] Oh good. I'm half dead and might drop off if we go to planning/stuff I'm less helpful with, but we'll see :)

[Master] so what is your opinion on Lara saying ok OK

[Lara] wait. first it was ok.

[Lisa] ok is okay

[Lisa] OK is not okay

[Lara] then I decided to go full-on with ok OK

[Carissa] I'm trying to find what I posted. I don't have it on this computer. We talked a lot I Discord since...

[Lara] roflmao

[Carissa] OK is bad. Probably means we might die.

[Spring] I’m okay with ok, OK, and okay

[Spring] well not the t

[Spring] that was accidental

[Lisa] lol

[Lara] ah. you don't know me. I wouldn't use OK.

[Carissa] OK.... I must have scrolled past it. It wasn't January... or I can open laptop see if it's still there... wish there was easy image search

[Lara] if I’m not ok, then I would say...

[Lara] I’m crappy

[Lara] or grouchy

[Lara] or pissed

[Lisa] ok

[Lara] or a number of expletives that we don't use cuz this gets posted on to the universe. heehee.

[Lara] so, I’m ok. lolol.

[Lisa] :D

[Lara] how is everyone else??

[Master] grins

[Master] as long as it is PG13 that is ok

[Master] worse than an Orc's latrine

[Master] this is the group tonight for what we know until TMO logs in later


[Lisa] so anyone have looting?

[Carissa] That link, Lara.

[Carissa] Mostly a joke, but pretty sure it's not far off...

[Master] Mike is out for the next few sessions, John is likely out tonight same with Michael, Ryan is definitely out

[Carissa] Oooh speaking of PG13, today I found out I don't pronounce "Oregon" like most people.

[Lara] Carissa, can you type it phonetically---how you say it?

[Spring] I thought Lanek might have looting

[Master] ORE a GEN

[Spring] but he doesn't

[Carissa] I was trying to tell my coworkers about how the owner of a place I inspect is from Oregon. They interpreted it as me being PG and trying to say he's being a dick without saying dick, lol.

[Spring] OR-a-GUN

[Carissa] I apparently just say "organ"

[Master] 3 syllables

[Carissa] "Yeah he's an organ!" "Oh you mean he's a dick, got it."

[Lara] ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!! omg that's hilll-air---ee---ous

[Spring] hahahaha

[Master] LOL

[Lisa] LOL

[Carissa] Pffft 3 syllables for all ya Yankees


[Lara] whoops

[Spring] my family would be aghast that I’m called a Yankee

[Master] BUT ok so you have this room

[Carissa] We needed a good laugh today, lol

[Spring] even though they secretly agree because I have a Yankee accent

[Carissa] Everyone outside Texas is a Yankee ;)

[Master] grins at Spring

[Master] LOL at Carissa

[Master] you have this room to figure out

[Spring] thems fightin words

[Carissa] lol

[Carissa] I feel like this room had some puzzle you were hinting at, and I meant to reread chat to see if I could figure it out buttttt life.

[Master] Question, are you putting all the ghouls into the pool with the grey ooze?

[Carissa] I mean, I see no reason not to?

[Lara] no! not before Emerald can get the dagger out. lol.

[Master] chuckles

[Carissa] Anyone? Although yes dagger.

[Lisa] tmo mentioned the splash factor

[Carissa] So drop gently :)

[Master] so taking the dagger out first before depositing carefully

[Master] so that is what Sundown is doing

[Lisa] I think if we just put them in front of the pool they'll go up with the fireball

[Lara] btw,

[Master] as we actually need his name correctly once in a while

[Lara] that's hilll-air---ee---ous

[Carissa] Oooh you wanted to fireball oozes, right?

[Lisa] yes

[Carissa] Sundoop?

[Lisa] after we get any good stuff out

[Lara] we should have a list of all Sundown's nicknames

[Lisa] Lanek or Thistle can loot?

[Carissa] She doesn't have that specific skill, but she's got pickpocket if that counts

[Master] no

[Lisa] so the table is actually a desk

TMO has joined the game on Fri Jul 24 19:23:31 EDT 2020

TMO is receiving the map Catacombs secret section...

[Carissa] They don't have pockets? As a woman, I feel their pain.

TMO has received the map Catacombs secret section.

[Lisa] so we need more trap detects

[Spring] hi TMO!

[Lisa] Hi TMO!

[Carissa] Hi TMO!

[TMO] hi

[Master] It is laled a desk to look! :)

[Lisa] Man of the hour/night

[Carissa] Yeah don't use Thistle for traps :)

[Lara] all I emerald has is Observatipm

[Lisa] We have Lanek

[Spring] Lanek does not have loot

[Carissa] But he does have a good trap check!

[Carissa] That's the main thing

[Lisa] but while Lanek and some deal with the desk a couple others can get down on the floor and start sifting through the rubble

[Spring] no it's a crappy trap check, but he can do it

[Lisa] Indigo and Sundown can move ghouls and pick out daggers

[Spring] the map says Lanek is not available for centering

[Spring] never got that error before

[Lisa] Howard and Branwyn on the floor?

[Master (to GM only)] Lanek moved 6'08".

[Lara] Thank you Lisa!

[Master] Lanek moved 2'11".

[Master] Lanek moved 3'10".

[Master] Snezana moved 1'09".

[Carissa] Sure

[Lisa] Lanek, Emerald Brer on the desk for traps and evil and stuff?

[Lisa] Unless Brer has big plans

[Lisa] Thistle where ever she wishes

[Carissa] Or more lectures ;)

[Carissa] Aww it's like you know Thistle will do that anyways, lol. Unless she's told, but she'll float.

[Lisa] Can Griff find stuff? He might be helpful in the burnt rubble

[Lara] Wait. So are we sure that there isn't a way out of this room? we are going to have to go

[Lara] all the way through the crypts?

[Lisa] yes we will kill our way out like we came in

[Carissa] Probably, but can check for secret doors while we're here

[TMO] brer has no more plans

[Lisa] so now he can let loose and be a fly by the seat of his pants kinda guy?

[Carissa] Any chance of a redescription of mummy setting/room from you, Bob?

[Lisa] Branwyn moved 28'02".

[Master] what do you want to know?

[TMO] he's long since given up complicated pans anyways

[Lisa] Howard Plum moved 63'10".


[Master] now he only likes Circle pans

[Lisa] Indigo moved 68'08".

[Master] simple cakes

[Master] stacked

[Carissa] Layout, I guess.

[Master] no fancy pieces of plate mail that is actually a cake

[TMO] his armor is not actually cake

[TMO] but Sunset is actually cake

[Master] LOL

[Lara] are we moving around?

[Master] yes to Lara

[Carissa] Explains so much!!

[Master] for Carissa as it shows on the map

[Lara] Emerald moved 57'03".

[Lara] so we are looking for traps?

[Master] the sarcophagus is there, there are four white marble blocks that are holding the front of the lid UP and OPEN with an arm from the mummy sticking out of the opening

[Lara] the plinths are not traps

[Carissa] Yes details like that, please.

[Lara] nor do they open any doors

[Master] there are burned out candles in front of it on the dais

[Master] and a small stone pile that you know Talwin made

[TMO] did somebody say the arm was out last time you all were here?

[Carissa] (where did he get those stones? I missed that)

[Lara] yes to TMO

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Come on Howard. There must be something left that didn't burn. You start at that end and I'll start at the other

[Master] NO to Lisa if TMO meant previous visits to Skull Church

Branwyn (Lisa) gets down on the floor and starts sifting through the ashes

[TMO] I did

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (no to Lisa what?

[Master] the last two times you visited the first you never made it this far the second you fought the Greeks here but the sarcophagus was not open

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I can crawl around on the floor if I want to)

[Master] and LOL

[Carissa] (lol)

[Lisa] That is not true Bob

[Lisa] Mike playing Val

[Lisa] Surprise surprise

[Master] oh?

[Lisa] had looting nwp

[Master] remind me please

[Lisa] so we opened the sarcophagus

[Master] AHHHH

[Lisa] you said he had 30 seconds

[Lisa] he grabbed some gems

[Lisa] he could take a magic wand or a gold goblet

[Master] I do remember, she OPENED the crypt, grabbed and then closed

[Lisa] he took the goblet

[TMO] desecrators!

[Lisa] mummy started to move and we slammed the lid down

[Master] yes I do remember that now

[Lisa] oh you know what we have to do before goblins

[Master] that is the goblet you started with back at the very top of this OOC

[Lisa] we have to get that horn

[Lisa] use that to negotiate

[Carissa] what horn?

[Lara] I’ve been here. just reading. yes, what horn?

[Lisa] we found a goblin horn our 2nd trip

[Lisa] it's in the home base part of the party pack

[Lisa] don't think we sold it

[Lara] ...

[Lisa] Death Head horn set with gems - Goblin horn – 200 gp

[Lisa] but that's for later

[Carissa] But good to know

[Lara] Emerald moved 24'01".

[Lisa] (anyway my chars are crawling around on the floor for a while while you guys do stuff)

[Master] So Howard moving from east to west, Branwyn moving from west to east searching through the rubble

[TMO] I'm going to have to step out for a few minutes here again. The very second I walked in the front door with dinner from Holly's, we got a text from my sister-in-law if I'd be able to pick up her order from Holly's in 20 minutes.

[Master] burned out books, it looks like at least two maybe three tables, some broken glass, candles, smells of several herbs and incense

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Lara] me too. brb.

[Lara] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] 25% chance either Howard or Branwyn or Emerald finds something useful as a mage

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Roll #1: (d100) [1d100=68] 68

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Roll #1: (d100) [1d100=26] 26

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (oh man!!)

[TMO] And Brer will find something useful as a paladin. "This was a .... Thing. Yes, I'm positive. A Thing."

[Master] damn

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (that sucked)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (Lanek and thistle want the desk?)

[Carissa] Sure

[Thistle (Carissa)] Hey! LANEK! Come open this desk.

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (or Snee - just Snee isn't a trap checker is all)

[Spring] Lanek moved 37'10".

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (that brown rectangle)

[Thistle (Carissa)] Thistle moved 16'02".

[Thistle (Carissa)] (oops)

[Spring] Lanek moved 41'01".

[Thistle (Carissa)] This one! LANEKKKK

[Emerald (Lara)] Thistle, remember the desk has the yucky ink

[Spring] Lanek: Find/remove traps check:(d100) [1d100=43] 43 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 70!!

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (Lara roll a d100 and get a very low number please)

[Spring] keep your bloomers on, short round

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (lol)

[Lanek (Spring)] keep your bloomers on, short round

[Emerald (Lara)] (Lisa, tell me how to do that)

[Thistle (Carissa)] My bloomers are on, thank you very much!

[Lanek (Spring)] well keep em that way

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] d100 in curly brackets

[Thistle (Carissa)] Well then check this desk! You can do that, can't you?

[Emerald (Lara)] (d100) [1d100=88] 88

[Lanek (Spring)] I just did that

[Lanek (Spring)] were you not watching, sprite?

[Emerald (Lara)] (was that right?)

[Master] so Lanek finds the Ink bottle that is trapped

[Master] yes to Lara

[Thistle (Carissa)] Well yeah, but you didn't open it!

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (yup - thx)

[Lanek (Spring)] well it's trapped

[Master] and does know the desk drawers are locked

[Master] but no apparent locks there

[Lanek (Spring)] and the desk drawers are locked with hidden locks

[Lanek (Spring)] do you know anything about that, sassy britches?

[Thistle (Carissa)] Uh huh, excuses!

[Thistle (Carissa)] Umm... smash it open?

[Emerald (Lara)] I was thinking tap on it

[Emerald (Lara)] maybe underneath there is a secret button

[Emerald (Lara)] or lever

[Thistle (Carissa)] Maybe but that's a lot less fun..

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (think like a caster Lara)

[Thistle (Carissa)] OH! Can we explode it open with the bad ink?

[Emerald (Lara)] Seemingly, but if the ink spills it would not be fun

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (he's a mage - how would he lock a drawer?)

[Emerald (Lara)] (put a spell on it)

[Lanek (Spring)] (with a passphrase prolly)

[Lanek (Spring)] (ooc)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (or have the lock installed on the inside so he'd have to cast to unlock it)

[Master] OOC - and Marlins are up 1 - 0 to take the first lead of the season

[Master] grins

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (variety of ways could happen)

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 14'03".

[Emerald (Lara)] (can Emerald tap the corners of the desk?)

[Lanek (Spring)] (so I guess an Open Locks check is useless without access to the lock?)

[Master] Yes to Lisa no to Spring but it is a minus 50% to try to open it

[Lanek (Spring)] (well what the heck)

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek: Open Locks check:(d100) [1d100=29] 29 - ROLL FAILED against 15!!

[Lanek (Spring)] (hahahaha)

[Thistle (Carissa)] Thistle: Open Locks check:(d100) [1d100=52] 52 - ROLL FAILED against 25!!

[Lanek (Spring)] (hahahahaha)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (yeah go us!)

[Master] it is supposed to be hard, grins

[Emerald (Lara)] (did you tell Emerald no?)

[Emerald (Lara)] (you wrote I am not sure)

Lanek (Spring) does a Vanna white gesture for Emerald to help herself

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 8'11".

[Master] yes to Emerald being able to tap the corners, but it seems to be a magical lock

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek moved 4'02".

Emerald (Lara) taps each corner three times

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek moved 5'07".

[Master] So overall you do not find anything in the rubble

[Master] after about 45 minutes of searching

[Thistle (Carissa)] OH! Can't you magick it open or something? Branwyn's done that before! Just SNAP and it opens!

[Emerald (Lara)] I can try...

Branwyn (Lisa) stands back up and tries to wipe the dirt off her hands

[Master] and you do find the desk and it is locked magically and Lanek points to the exact ink jar that is trapped

[Master] Time of Day: 03:00 PM. Day 10 Fin ___ de, Din {Mid Spring} 10th, 349 SKR.

[Emerald (Lara)] (roll for cantrip open a lock?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] grumbling to herself "how could he have just let all his papers and books burn”

[Master] nope

[Master] needs a Knock spell to unlock it

[Master] Cantrip is good but cannot duplicate a first level spell or higher

[Emerald (Lara)] (I was right with the Knocking though!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I know - just waiting)

[Master] nice thought

[Master] and when you wish Lisa

[Emerald (Lara)] (even if my was tapping)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] A complete waste of time, books and spell components

Branwyn (Lisa) turns around

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What was in the desk?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 5'02".

[Thistle (Carissa)] Branwyn! Can you snap your fingers to open it? It won’t open!

[Emerald (Lara)] Branwyn, remember that the ink is dangerous

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That figures. Hopefully something valuable is in there

[Emerald (Lara)] and we never changed it into anything

[Thistle (Carissa)] Thistle moved 10'04".

[Emerald (Lara)] we just don't want to make the desk move, I think

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Which bottle is the trapped one?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Lanek?

[Master] Lanek points to the one on the far left

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Can you point to it?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thanks

[Master] it is always the far left that is dangerous

[Lanek (Spring)] (uh yeah)

[Lanek (Spring)] that one

Branwyn (Lisa) concentrates in the left bottle

[Master] (just to be sure that we are getting into both types of feeds, grins)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against : Telekinesis: I can sustain movement of an object of 25 lbs. or less for (2+12) 14 rounds or I can shove (25*12) 300 lbs. of stuff (12*10) 120 feet away in a single burst.

Branwyn (Lisa) gently has the ink bottle rise in the air

[Master] floats

[Emerald (Lara)] (both types of feeds? what does that mean?)

[Master] (bad political joke)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] sends it over the grey ooze at the far right side

[Emerald (Lara)] (oh. went right over my head. whooooosh)

Branwyn (Lisa) sends it lower to right over it and lets it fall softly into the ooze

[Master] plooop

[Master] and dissolves

[Lanek (Spring)] sigh

[Branwyn (Lisa)] There!

[Lanek (Spring)] that's that then

[Emerald (Lara)] YAY! Branwyn, nice job. I would like to be able to do that one day.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It is handy.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Now the drawers

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against : Knock: Up to 2 locks in a (10*12) 120 square foot area are unlocked.

[Master] CLICK

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 6'02".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Quickly if it is a magic lock the result is temporary

[Thistle (Carissa)] Awww I wanted to throw it....

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 6'10".

[Emerald (Lara)] (did the drawer open?)

[Master] the locks went click

Emerald (Lara) opens a drawer?

Lanek (Spring) slowly opens the drawer

[Master] inside is a dozen quills suitable for writing spells

[Master] 100 GP each

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek moved 7'07".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (sweet)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (lol but should she touch them?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (emerald should grab those)

[Emerald (Lara)] Last time I tried to pick them up I was burned...

Branwyn (Lisa) walks over

Emerald (Lara) gingerly reaches out to one

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 17'11".

Branwyn (Lisa) sees quills and her face brightens

[Master] they are all clean and never used

Branwyn (Lisa) takes the quills

Branwyn (Lisa) puts them on top of the desk

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (anything else?)

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek moved 5'02".

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek moved 11'08".

Emerald (Lara) picks up four

[Master] a small pouch that holds something

[Lanek (Spring)] you don't need me, I’m gonna sit on the steps for a spell

[Emerald (Lara)] and puts them in her pouch

Branwyn (Lisa) takes pouch and puts it on the desk

[Master] and a very smelly box that is closed

[Emerald (Lara)] (didn't Emerald cantrip a pouch three weeks ago?)

[Master] plus a wand

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (yay!)

Branwyn (Lisa) takes everything and puts it on the desk

[Emerald (Lara)] Branwyn, what would you like to do?

Branwyn (Lisa) checks again to make sure they didn't miss anything inside the desk

[Emerald (Lara)] Did someone bring the chest (party pack)

[Emerald (Lara)] (roll for OBS?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we usually have Talwin carry the empty chest so it will be around here)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (you can roll when you like)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (don't have to ask)

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Emerald (Lara)] (does Emerald see anything else?)

[Master] the locked drawer is empty

[Emerald (Lara)] (are there any other drawers?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so she got everything from the drawer to the top of the desk without getting zapped?)

[Emerald (Lara)] (or shelves?)

[Master] the other drawer is crammed full of pouches, half burned candles linen etc.

[Master] looks like discarded things just shoved in there

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we take that too)

Branwyn (Lisa) tosses the linen and candles to the side and puts the pouches in a pile

[Master] 12 quills for writing spells with, 2 bottles of ink suitable for spells, a wand, a smelly box a bag of dust from the desk

[Master] overall just the quills and ink are well over 2,000 GP

[Lanek (Spring)] (I only just noticed that the icon toolbar sorts characters according to how wounded they are)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] He has fine taste in writing implements

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (did not know that)

[Lanek (Spring)] (Hoffman, nick, emerald, and Lanek are worst off)

[Master] (end of the third, Marlins up 1 - 0

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Lanek could I trouble you again?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (does anyone care what the score is besides you?)

Lanek (Spring) rises

[Lanek (Spring)] what needs doin?

[Master] unlikely, grins

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Unlikely, but just to be sure, could you please make sure the box and the pouch do not have traps on them?

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek moved 11'05".

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek: Find/remove traps check:(d100) [1d100=59] 59 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 70!!

[Emerald (Lara)] Branwyn, have you ever seen a wand like this?

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek: Find/remove traps check:(d100) [1d100=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 70!!

[Master] no traps

[Lanek (Spring)] (box, then pouch)

[Lanek (Spring)] no traps

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you Lanek

Lanek (Spring) nods

Lanek (Spring) sits on the floor

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It looks like a nice wand, but you know wands Emerald.

Lanek (Spring) lies down

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Never know what they can do unless you cast on them to find out

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And none of us can do that until tomorrow to get a small sense

[Emerald (Lara)] Yes. Most of the wands I've seen are in pictures. I haven't seen one like this before.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We'll have to cast identify on it when we get home

[TMO] (Expecto Patronum!)

[Lanek (Spring)] Snezana moved 22'10".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Likely it creates undead or something else we will need to destroy

Branwyn (Lisa) sighs

[Emerald (Lara)] Should we check wands for evil?

[Snezana (Spring)] hate to interrupt, but emerald is in a bad way and needs healing

[Snezana (Spring)] several people do

[Emerald (Lara)] (I am eating the best Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream...nom-noms Haagen-Dazs)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh yes please Snee

[Snezana (Spring)] is it safe for me to heal as much as I can?

[Emerald (Lara)] Thank you Snezana

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (sure - just don't do Hoffman)

[Snezana (Spring)] we've neutralized a lot of threats

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Yes I think we are safe for the day

[Snezana (Spring)] Snezana casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Snezana (Spring)] Snezana casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Snezana (Spring)] Snezana casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Snezana (Spring)] 9 each for Lanek, Emerald, Necholas

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thistle? Want to see something likely disgusting?

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles

[Master] Emerald's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 19 (9) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] Lanek's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 24 (9) - Lightly Wounded

[Emerald (Lara)] Thank you Snee

[Master] Brer Necholas's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 29 (9) - Heavily Wounded

[Snezana (Spring) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Snezana modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[TMO] Thank you

[Emerald (Lara)] Snezana, tell me more about the spell you used.

[Snezana (Spring)] (I still have several cure moderate wounds I could use)

[Snezana (Spring)] well, orison creates minor effects. I have heard it's like a cantrip, but I wouldn't know

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Carissa must be afk if she doesn't want to open the smelly box!)

[Snezana (Spring)] healing is one of the things it can do though

[Master] chuckles

[Thistle (Carissa)] (sorry sorry here!)

[Thistle (Carissa)] Ooooh! Yeah what??

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Want to open the box? Lanek says it isn't trapped.

[Thistle (Carissa)] Sure!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I wouldn't touch until we're sure it's okay though

[Thistle (Carissa)] So... am I opening it now or not?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] If you want

Thistle (Carissa) holds out hand for the box

[Snezana (Spring)] (oh Sunny is heavily wounded too, I guess he didn't sort due to NPC)

[Emerald (Lara)] Thanks Snezana.

Branwyn (Lisa) hands her the box from the desk

Thistle (Carissa) grasps lid and opens it just barely with head turned away

Lanek (Spring) gets up again and moves away

[Thistle (Carissa)] (kind of like letting out the smell first before opening it fully)

Thistle (Carissa) opens it completely (if nothing happened)

[Spring] Snezana moved 11'11".


[Snezana (Spring)] Necholas, you are worse off than I thought, may I treat your wounds further?

[Emerald (Lara)] Anything inside Thistle?

[Spring] (dammiit)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Yes, of course. Thanks

[Master] Inside the box is packed with guano

[Brer Necholas (TMO) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Brer Necholas modified: Personal Information - Hit Dice:: CHANGED: 6 (8). Experience:: CHANGED: 55500 (77034). Next Level:: CHANGED: 75000 (150000). Class Levels - Character Level: (L) : CHANGED: 6 (7). Paladin: (PL) : CHANGED: 6 (7). Saving Throws - Paralysis, Poison or Death:: CHANGED: 11 (10). Rod, Staff or Wand:: CHANGED: 13 (12). Petrification or Polymorph:: CHANGED: 12 (11). Breath Weapon:: CHANGED: 13 (12). Magical Spell:: CHANGED: 14 (13). Temporary Modifiers - Level: (LTM) : CHANGED: null (-1). Paralysis, Poison or Death Save: (PPDTM) : CHANGED: null (-2). Rod, Staff or Wand Save: (RSWTM) : CHANGED: null (-2). Petrification/Polymorph Save: (PPTM) : CHANGED: null (-2). Breath Weapon Save: (BWTM) : CHANGED: null (-2).

[Spring] Snezana targets Brer Necholas. Distance: 1'05"

Thistle (Carissa) snickers, "Yeah! Wanna see?"

[Snezana (Spring)] Snezana casts a spell against Brer Necholas: Cure Moderate Wounds: You're healed (-1d10-1) [1d10=6] -7 points.

[Snezana (Spring)] Snezana casts a spell against Brer Necholas: Cure Moderate Wounds: You're healed (-1d10-1) [1d10=1] -2 points.

[Emerald (Lara)] NO!

[Master] Brer Necholas's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 38 (9) - Moderately Wounded

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Roll #1: (d10) [1d10=6] 6

Emerald (Lara) turns away and makes stinky face

[Thistle (Carissa)] Awww what? It's just some poop!

Thistle (Carissa) starts laughing

[Snezana (Spring)] that should help for a little while

Emerald (Lara) laughs with Thistle

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Spell component

[Brer Necholas (TMO) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Brer Necholas modified: Combat - Max Hit Points:: CHANGED: 14+8+9+8+12+7+14+9-10-10 (14+8+9+8+12+7+14+9-10).

[Thistle (Carissa)] I betcha if Shi was here she could tell you what kind! Maybe it's from those fleas.

[Emerald (Lara)] I might be able to use that in a spell

[Thistle (Carissa)] Ummm, wait, do fleas poop?

Emerald (Lara) nods head, "Not really."

[Thistle (Carissa)] Well I don't have use for it unless you let me light it on fire to put on someone's doorstep.

[Emerald (Lara)] Are they magical fleas?

Thistle (Carissa) holds it out for anyone

[Thistle (Carissa)] Must’ve been. Those fleas were bigger than Griff!!

[Emerald (Lara)] Um. I don't think we want to feed the fleas.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We could take it home and keep it in the lab in case we need it

[Master (to Lisa only)] bat guano for fireball

[Emerald (Lara)] Are one of the pouches big enough to put the guano box in?

Branwyn (Lisa) opens the pouch and looks at it

Thistle (Carissa) sets the box back down on the desk

[Snezana (Spring)] uhm, big fleas?

[Snezana (Spring)] was that while we were fighting?

[Thistle (Carissa)] It's okay. Griff killed the fleas already. You don't have to feed dead fleas.

[Master] no to the pouches being large enough for the box

Branwyn (Lisa) master laughs - of course for my own spell

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (ok, I think I've updated Brer for 6th level)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (sorry I didn't get it done sooner)

[Snezana (Spring)] because I tried to giant some ubiquitous ants and nothing happened

[Thistle (Carissa)] YEAH! We were just sitting in that room when BAM! Giant fleas!! Weird, right?

[Snezana (Spring)] sigh

[Snezana (Spring)] I needed those

[Snezana (Spring)] then

[Snezana (Spring)] I don't need them now

[Thistle (Carissa)] Oooh that was you?? Is that why they didn't attack us?

[Emerald (Lara)] Yes, she sees giant fleas , do you see then Snee?

[Thistle (Carissa)] Griff attacked them anyways. Probably payback....

[Master] Branwyn can make a Knowledge check

[Emerald (Lara)] If Snee sees, then they must be big fleas.

[Snezana (Spring)] (I thought they were all killed in the melee)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: KNO check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 [MODIFIED (+1+1)] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Master] Diamond dust

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Ohhh ... this is much better

[Master] yes to all fleas being dead

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Diamond dust

[Branwyn (Lisa)] This we definitely keep safe

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Oooh fancy fancy. We need a nice stock of that)

Griff (dog) (TMO) scratches his ear with his hind paw.

[Emerald (Lara)] Branwyn, do you want me to go through some of the pouches as well?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We should check them and make sure we didn't miss anything. Good idea

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Brer, can you check the wand before we stow these things?

[Master] I would say there is a 10% chance something valuable is in one of the pouches, you can roll that Lara

[Emerald (Lara)] (what do I roll?)

[Emerald (Lara)] d100 again?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (d100)

Brer Necholas (TMO) nods. "Yes, of course." He holds out his hand.

[Emerald (Lara)] (d100) [1d100=82] 82

[Master] nothing valuable in the pouches in the desk

[Emerald (Lara)] (what did that do?)

[Master] as expected

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Never hurts to check

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Brer Necholas: Detect Evil Intent: By focusing for an entire round, I can detect evil intent or actions in a location or group up to 60' away and 10' wide.

[Emerald (Lara)] (did I have to roll a 90 or higher?)

[Master] no evil on the wand

[Master] 10 or under

[Emerald (Lara)] (got it)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] It seems clear. Although, to be honest, I almost pretended it was evil just for fun. But fortunately I realized how bad an idea that would be.

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles

Emerald (Lara) laughing

[Emerald (Lara)] Glad you're feeling better Brer

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You know if I found it created undead or something evil I would destroy it

Brer Necholas (TMO) shrugs. "Still tired, but I've been through worse."

[Master] brb

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Thistle (Carissa)] Who said that's a bad idea??

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] I'm glad to hear that.

Emerald (Lara) laughs at Thistle's comment

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Just like Howard burned the magic books on creating undead the last time he was here

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It means that wand might actually do something useful

Brer Necholas (TMO) shrugs. "It could make smoke rings for all I know."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I doubt it. We shall see

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Anything else to do down here?

[Emerald (Lara)] Wait! Did anyone see the dagger?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I need to calculate where the best place is to stand to fireball that pool

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 10'09".

[Thistle (Carissa)] Does that mean we have two wands now??

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] I hate to leave the sarcophagus like that, but I don't feel safe touching it.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 33'03".

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] I don't know the right rituals.

[(Lisa)] Howard Plum: Tactics of Magic check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Thistle (Carissa)] Hmmmm....

[Thistle (Carissa)] Thistle moved 4'05".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Howard made a roll!!!! Yay!)

Thistle (Carissa) goes to look at the mummy

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (let Howard do the math)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Woo!!)

[Emerald (Lara)] Indigo, did you find a dagger the pile of ghouls?

[Thistle (Carissa)] Thistle: Fortune Telling check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 13!!

[Thistle (Carissa)] (aww so close...)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Ummm .. not yet. Let me see

[Thistle (Carissa)] (not sure it'd do anything though)

Indigo (Lisa) lifts an arm to look at another ghoul

[Indigo (Lisa)] Yuck!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Errrr ...

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 14'08".

Indigo (Lisa) moves a leg

[Indigo (Lisa)] Maybe

Indigo (Lisa) reaches in

[Emerald (Lara)] If their foreheads have numbers, it would read #22

Indigo (Lisa) gives a yank

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

Emerald (Lara) giggles

[Indigo (Lisa)] Ugh!

Indigo (Lisa) staggers back a bit and holds up a dagger

[Indigo (Lisa)] This it?

[Emerald (Lara)] (Ghouls have their numbers tattooed on their heads,, right)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol)

[Emerald (Lara)] YES! Oh thank you Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] Better wipe it off

Emerald (Lara) gently takes the dagger

[Indigo (Lisa)] Ghoul all over it

Indigo (Lisa) grins

[Emerald (Lara)] /wipes it on the wall

Emerald (Lara) wipes ghoul goo on wall

[Master] so Howard can do the math for the fireball

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald: Cantrip Proficiency check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Master] Thistle moved 2'00".

[Master] Thistle moved 27'05".

[Master] Thistle moved 46'00".

Howard Plum (Lisa) looks at the pool and the room, calculating in his head

Howard Plum (Lisa) eyes the staircase and the ceiling

[Master] 27 feet from the back wall of the pool to the front of the sarcophagus

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 18'01".

[Master] 20 foot tall

Howard Plum (Lisa) the back of the room and odds of it hitting the sarcophagus

Emerald (Lara) joins the group in the main room

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (don't make me actually do the math - I rolled successfully)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] :)

[Master] 27 10 by 10 cubes

[Emerald (Lara)] (Lisa, what are you thinking of doing?)

[Snezana (Spring)] Lanek moved 48'03".

[Snezana (Spring)] Lanek moved 22'09".

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (Lanek beats it the hell out of there!)

[Snezana (Spring)] (heh)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (not casting yet!)

[Master] I know

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (do not fireball the saint's tomb)

[Master] just showing as an example

[Emerald (Lara)] (whew!)

[Snezana (Spring)] Snezana moved 16'00".

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (no - was thinking standing behind the tomb and blasting it forward away from the crypt)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (just don't want to fireball myself)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (think Bran could live through it but still)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Ball of Fire, just roll it along the top of the trough

[Master] That is the rough outline of the back blast if you aim at the middle of the wall behind the pool

[Emerald (Lara)] (OOC what is the difference between a tomb and a crypt?)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (nary a clue)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (from her casting from the back wall - say here?)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 24'04".

[Master] Tombs are more ornate and consecrated, crypts are just where someone was buried

[Master] yes to Lisa

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (just didn't want to type sarcophagus any more)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (not sure what I did there)

[Master] lol

[Emerald (Lara)] (totally with you on that. I walked away from it just so I didn't have to type it anymore)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (lol)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (so blue circle is the center?)

[Spring] OMG

[Spring] OMG

[Spring] OMG

[Master] yes to Lisa

[Master] grins at Spring

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (what happened spring?)

[Spring] how did a TICK get in my HAIR?!?!?!?!
[Master] OUCH

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (blue circle I placed, trying to use the effect controls. size is way too small)

[Master] that sucks

[Spring] I didn't wildlife today!!!@!

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (OH NO!)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (at least in hair it is easily removable?)

[Spring] skeeved all the way out

[Emerald (Lara)] (I don't think you are kidding)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (ewwwwww)

[Spring] where did it come from? how did it get there? I been in the house and the truck

[Thistle (Carissa)] (magic)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (what's it look like?)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] never mind, I give up'

[Emerald (Lara)] (OOC---so you are for real? been around anyone’s dog?)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (sorry for the clutter Bob)

[Master] not at all TMO

[Master] and take a picture Spring?

[Master] Carissa can identify?

[Thistle (Carissa)] (back in grade school, my friend found a tick on her ear middle of English - she lived in the suburbs....)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Yes please! I'm curious)

[Emerald (Lara)] (clutter? this is the stuff that good quotes are made of!)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (Ack!)

[Master] lol

[Thistle (Carissa)] (speaking of, feel free to write summary this week too if you're up to it, Lara ;) )

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (I'll try to format the chat quickly - I think writing the summary from the formatted chat version makes writing the summary a bit easier)

[Lara] OOC - I really need to know later what people do for a living! lol. I thought she was queuing a punch line

[Master] Carissa is a scientist

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (not the rocket variety)

[Master] sadly no

[Thistle (Carissa)] (right now work for USDA, but have done a lot of tick work, mostly on invasives, but have to be taught to ID so we know when they're invasive)

[Lara] kkkkkeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwllll

[Thistle (Carissa)] (background is wildlife though, used to work at a sanctuary)

[Master] Although I do have a friend who used to work for SpaceX

[Thistle (Carissa)] (oooh rockets would be fun)

[Lara] wow. all I do is talk for a living.

[Master] Lara talks more than me....... if you can believe it

[Thistle (Carissa)] (if you're ever bored, Ignition! is a really fun book on rocket science - seriously, good humor that guy)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (I know a rocket scientist online. haven't chatted with them in a while though. need to hop back in that forum for a bit

[Lara] ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Lara] it's true

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Oh! That friend with the tick on her ear? Her brother is a rocket scientist, lol!

[Lara] I did date a rocket scientist

[Lara] back IC

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 60'11".

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 2'03".

Emerald (Lara) walks around first pillar to see if there is anything of importance

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 9'01".

Emerald (Lara) walks around second pillar to see if there is anything of importance

[Master] does not seem to be

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 4'01".

Emerald (Lara) walks around third pillar to see if there is anything of importance

[Spring] sorry I was afk

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 6'01".

[Spring] I am back now

Emerald (Lara) walks around fourth pillar to see if there is anything of importance

[Spring] I gave both animals their tick and flea treatment

[Thistle (Carissa)] (I wanted tick pic :( )

[Spring] I don't know if the remains of the tick I found can be identified. it's biggish, not deer tick sized

[Emerald (Lara)] (I will do summary again although I’m not as funny as Carissa)

Emerald (Lara) walks around fifth pillar to see if there is anything of importance

[Thistle (Carissa)] (practice makes perfect ;) )

[Thistle (Carissa)] (but please and thanks!!)

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 2'03".

[Spring] lemme crank up discord so I can send a pic of what there is

Emerald (Lara) walks around sixth pillar to see if there is anything of importance

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 4'11".

Emerald (Lara) walks around seventh pillar to see if there is anything of importance

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 6'09".

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 10'08".

Emerald (Lara) walks around eighth pillar to see if there is anything of importance

[Thistle (Carissa)] (lone star? you can feel those buggers bite)

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 8'06".

Thistle (Carissa) sitting in from of mummy staring at it, hoping for insight

Emerald (Lara) walks around ninth pillar to see if there is anything of importance

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 5'04".

Emerald (Lara) sneaks up behind Thistle "mmmmmuuuuuuaaahhh! I’m coming to get you!"

[Master] Emerald covers all the pillars and does not find anything special

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 2'05".

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (maybe that's why the tick landed on you - it couldn't land on the animals)

[Emerald (Lara)] (lol)

[Thistle (Carissa)] AH!

[Thistle (Carissa)] Ughh if I had that poop I'd throw it at you for that!

Emerald (Lara) laughs "It's not like you to sit. Did the mummy tell you anything interesting? Can you tell its fortune?"

Emerald (Lara) laughs again, "Oh right, it's dead."

[Thistle (Carissa)] I'm trying... but it's kinda hard. I'm not as good at Grandma and don't have all her fancy tools to talk to the dead.

[Spring] uploaded tick to discord. it was crushed with a peanut butter jar

[Thistle (Carissa)] I don't think it'd be as easy with a mummy.

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (yuck!)

Emerald (Lara) tilts head "What kind of tools?"

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (shovel)

[Master] hah

[Thistle (Carissa)] (First guess is Amblyomma for those of you waiting with baited breath)

[Emerald (Lara)] *@TMO lol)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (Amble-yo-mamma?)

[Emerald (Lara)] (@TMO lol)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (...which is the family Lone Star Tick belongs too :) )

[Emerald (Lara)] (is that the mummy's name?)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Yo mamma is so neurotic, she's got a tick!)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (oooo... or something)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (lol)

[Emerald (Lara)] ( husband thinks I’m nuts laughing this loud at a computer screen)

[Emerald (Lara)] (I think he's watching the Marlins)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (cue Bob for Marlin game update...)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (or not)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (lol)

[Master] we are up 5 - 1

[Emerald (Lara)]

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so when everyone is done with the room and we get the ghouls to the pool, Branwyn will fireball)

Thistle (Carissa) takes on last look at mummy before walking away

[Thistle (Carissa)] Maybe another day.

[Emerald (Lara)] (who is carrying the ghouls down?)

[Master] Ghouls are in the pool

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (after it burns out you can come back)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (cool?)

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 43'05".

[Master] nods

[Emerald (Lara)] (are we shuffling everyone upstairs?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Everyone up the stairs!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Howard Plum moved 58'05".

[Master] (you do not need to move if you are coming right back down

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 28'09".

[Thistle (Carissa)] (too late!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo moved 39'04".

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 18'05".

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 1'11".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (from your map it didn't look like it went up the stairs though)

Emerald (Lara) looks over her shoulder, "Thistle, are you coming?"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] [Hoffman]], Man in cloak and Uncle Fotopoulos moved 41'08".

[Master] no it did not

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Griff (dog) and Brer Necholas moved 18'03".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (still - want to move sundown?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Lord Tiberius moved 52'07".

Emerald (Lara) wait patiently, "Thistle, are you coming?"

[Master] Sundown moved 9'00".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (everyone safe?)

[Thistle (Carissa)] I'm already up here!

[Master] yes

Branwyn (Lisa) concentrates on the center of the pool

[Thistle (Carissa)] (sorry found out I was wrong; dog tick aka Dermacentor)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against : Fireball: I fire off a 20' radius ball of flame which deals (10d6) [10d6=4,4,3,5,1,3,5,6,3,6] 40 points of damage. Save vs spell for half damage.

Emerald (Lara) smiles "Okay, Thistle, just want to make sure you're safe"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that was a nice one)


[Master] fire blooms and fills the room

[Master] and then fades away

Branwyn (Lisa) holds hand in front of face

Branwyn (Lisa) slowly approaches the pool and looks in

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 32'06".

[Master] water

[Master] with steam coming off of it

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (burning hands)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Looks like water now

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Hot water!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We should wait a bit

Branwyn (Lisa) looks back at the sarcophagus to see if there was any change

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 [MODIFIED (+1)] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Master] no reaction from the mummy

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Doesn't seem like I have disturbed the dead

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That is good

Brer Necholas (TMO) breathes again.

[Master] the water cools off quickly

[Master] was just the surface that got super-heated

[Master] enough to fry out the oozes

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Now maybe Emerald can help us mark the secret doors upstairs so we can find them easily

[Emerald (Lara)] of course

[Branwyn (Lisa)] She can turn some of our water into ink or blood and we can use that to mark where the doors are

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 17'06".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Unless someone has a better idea

[Thistle (Carissa)] Ummm, why would you mark it with blood and not... chalk or paint? Maybe?

[Emerald (Lara)] Who has the chest with pouches?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I think her spell needs something we have to change one thing into another

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I don't have paint

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I have ink and blood

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles

Emerald (Lara) smiles, "I will use another liquid other than blood."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Do you have chalk or something that will show up on stone?

Thistle (Carissa) reaches into pocket and pull out small thing of chalk

[Thistle (Carissa)] Grandma says it can be useful for things.

Emerald (Lara) takes a pouch and moves to the pool

[Emerald (Lara)] "Save the chalk Thistle"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We need to mark where the door is and also mark where the latch is that opens it

[Thistle (Carissa)] (huh imaging her grandmother making a summoning circle... not sure that's right, lol)

Thistle (Carissa) shrugs and puts the chalk away

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 39'07".

[Emerald (Lara)] (give me a minute to make sure I do the spell right)

[Master] grins at Carissa that sounds right

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (no worries - we're good)

[Master] Time of Day: 03:15 PM. Day 10 Fin ___ de, Din {Mid Spring} 10th, 349 SKR.

[Master] Time of Day: 03:30 PM. Day 10 Fin ___ de, Din {Mid Spring} 10th, 349 SKR.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (bob - are you going to say we're good as far as doing it or do we need to move to the other maps?)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (oh good couldn't remember if she'd do that or not so that works, lol)

[Master] you are good so far

[Master] if there is anything you want to do here just let me know

[Master] were you planning on coming back to this room for sleep?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I don't know - stone floor here or stone floor in the scarecrow room? flip a coin)

[Master] more room here obviously

[Master] no mummy in the scarecrow room

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (with the secret doors marked we should be able to move freely through these areas)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] We never found where Black Cloak stayed. Or how he entered or left.

[Master] but only 12 foot across

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Unless some of those burnt bits down there were a bed.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so probably in the big room - you are right)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (slept in the church bedroom?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] we can roll d12s at each wall looking for secret doors to a cubby somewhere)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Whatshisname brought food down here each night.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (bran can memorize a spell tomorrow for it)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] If I remember correctly.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (yes)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (he had to sleep somewhere down here)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (crazy guy)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Oh. I bet it was that there's no food prep areas here. It wasn't so much bringing the food down here, but bringing the food to where he was working.

Emerald (Lara) hovers her hand over the water and incants "Channel the river, to deliver. Turn this water, into wine."


[Branwyn (Lisa)] (our results from the rubble were tables books, papers and lab stuff)

Emerald (Lara) place a drop of the water under her tongue

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (amoeba-sized ooze attack!)

Emerald (Lara) and fills the pouch with water

[Emerald (Lara)] (which should become wine)

[Master] Nice Lara

[Thistle (Carissa)] Do you think he was using the food for the mummy or did he really actually like raw meat?

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] It was raw meat?

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] I missed that.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I think he said rare

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald casts a spell against : Metamorphose Liquids: I turn one liquid into another nonmagical liquid.

[Thistle (Carissa)] Pete said he liked his lamb raw! Gross.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No he didn't

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thistle!

[Thistle (Carissa)] Raw, rare, baa-ing. All the same.

[Emerald (Lara)] (is it wine? lol)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] He said he liked it bloody

[Master] yes to Lara

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Which is the way I like mine by the way

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Well, that's not a lot better.

Thistle (Carissa) uses finger to make gagging gesture

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Holds the flavor if you don't overcook it

[Emerald (Lara)] (whoo-hoo! now I have a pouch of red wine...let's get drunk)

[Thistle (Carissa)] Yeah OR you can add flavor when you cook it.

[Thistle (Carissa)] (lol)

[Thistle (Carissa)] Jilly really lets you eat your meat like that??

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] I'm honestly not that fond of the flavor of blood.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Lady Branwyn, do you mind opening your mouth a bit? I'd like to check your teeth real quick.

[Thistle (Carissa)] ....are you trying to age her?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh please

Emerald (Lara) makes a face. "Eating lamb is like eating a human. Ew"

[Thistle (Carissa)] You could just ask her age.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] No, just making sure she doesn't have vampire fangs.

[Master] grins

[Emerald (Lara)] (heehee)

[Thistle (Carissa)] Oh! Wanna see my teeth?

Thistle (Carissa) grins to show them

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] You're safe. You like your meat cooked.

Branwyn (Lisa) sighs

[Emerald (Lara)] (how long do I have to wait between cantrips?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Not drowning in a pool of blood.

[Thistle (Carissa)] Well maybe some vampires do! Not that I am one, but how do you know?

[Master] a round so a minute or two

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (it's been that long - we fireballed and you cast, talking about bran's dining habits)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Lady Branwyn's been around enough vampires I'm just glad she's never been infected.

[Emerald (Lara)] (I['m trying to use the search for the last cantrip that there a quicker way to do that?)

[Master] no worries on that

[Master] you can just roll again

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald: Cantrip Proficiency check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[Master] there you go

Emerald (Lara) cantrips peppermint leaf and hands it to Thistle, "Here this is for your teeth."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] [Hoffman]], Man in cloak and Uncle Fotopoulos moved 70'03".

[Emerald (Lara)] (why did you choose to move Hoffman and MIC?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I moved them for the fireball and now that we're sleeping down here might as well get them out of the way)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (they can all sleep together)

Thistle (Carissa) looks at it, confused, "What's it gonna do for my teeth?"

Brer Necholas (TMO) shakes his head like it itches. "Sorry, one moment. I need to put this thing back on."

Brer Necholas (TMO) steps away and reaches under his hood to put his eyepatch back on.

Emerald (Lara) "Umm...make them...sharper" (because Emerald doesn't want to tell Thistle we don't want to look at her teenager teeth)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Uh-oh. Forgot to move the wight downstairs

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Brer Necholas moved 12'04".

Indigo (Lisa) takes the dead wight in the hall and moves it to a corner with the other one

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 8'05".

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 7'07".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Might as well start cleaning up

[Thistle (Carissa)] Really??

Thistle (Carissa) stashes it in her pocket, "Cool! I'm gonna save this for the wolves!"

[Indigo (Lisa)] Emerald you're marking the doors so I don't get stuck?

Emerald (Lara) laughs "Um, yes, chew it and sing the Three Goblins song once and then spit it out"

[Thistle (Carissa)] (I didn't notice he took it off; did he look different??)

Emerald (Lara) marks the door with the red wine

[Thistle (Carissa)] Well the wolves can't sing, but I'll sing it to them while they chew!

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 20'08".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Thanks

[Indigo (Lisa)] Sorry to interrupt

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 6'02".

Emerald (Lara) following Indigo

Indigo (Lisa) thinks

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (it was a few sessions ago. His face is still hidden under his hood. Mostly Only chin is visible

Emerald (Lara) marking secret doors with red wine

[Indigo (Lisa)] Maybe if we took the scarecrow scraps and put them on the wights they can all burn

[Thistle (Carissa)] (bah boring)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Sorry - doors marked Indigo can happily re-arrange dead bodies while you talk)

[Emerald (Lara)] (how does the game clock move? does the DM do it manually or does it tick on its own?)

[Master] I do it

[Master] but it does move in sync with combat also

[Indigo (Lisa)] (he watches what we do and when we've done enough stuff for the clock to move he moves it)

[Emerald (Lara)] (is there a formula you use?)

[Emerald (Lara)] (oh, so he is not on the DM but the Time Master? lol)

[Master] grins

[Emerald (Lara)] (Soooooooooo much power)

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 6'07".

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 25'04".

[Indigo (Lisa)] (so when enough time has passed for Indigo to build his bonfire - let me know?)

[Emerald (Lara)] Thistle, did you spit out the peppermint?

[Master] is good now

[Lara] I am away from the keyboard.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (when Emerald is ready then she can torch it)

[Brer Necholas (TMO) (to Carissa only)] I'm kinda surprised no one's made any issue of the hood thing. ;)

[Thistle (Carissa)] No? I put it in my pocket. I told ya, I'm gonna save it for the wolves.

[Lara] I am back at the keyboard.

[Thistle (Carissa) (to TMO only)] Good point, although haven't found a reason for Thistle to since she's already called him a weirdo ;)

Emerald (Lara) smiles "While it might upset the wolves' stomach..."

[Thistle (Carissa)] Nah, Shi uses it sometimes to make their breath smell less bad!

Emerald (Lara) lifts eyebrows "Really? It works me that way too. Have you tried it?"

[Thistle (Carissa)] Oooh maybe that's why they're teeth are sharp! This whole time I didn't realize it!

Thistle (Carissa) holds hand to mouth, breaths, sniffs, shrugs/

[Spring] Snezana moved 43'06".

[Thistle (Carissa)] My breath is fine. I haven't been eating any raw meat.

Emerald (Lara) taps her own nose "Exactly!"

Emerald (Lara) laughs and sighs

[Master] (I taste good! says Horatio)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (he does!)

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 23'00".

[Thistle (Carissa)] (lol)

[Emerald (Lara)] Indigo, you wanted me to make ash out of something?

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (That's *supposed* to be 'I have good taste')

[Indigo (Lisa)] Yeah! I used the scarecrow as kindling for the dead wights. Probably just a tiny bit of fire would burn them all up

[Indigo (Lisa)] Think?

[Thistle (Carissa)] But big explosions are fun!

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Huh. I'm not normally around for the cleanup after one of these missions.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Mind if I help?

[Emerald (Lara)] Light someone's fire?

[Emerald (Lara)]

[Thistle (Carissa)] Do you leave it for Sundown? 'Cause he's been good at cleaning up those ghouls.

[Emerald (Lara)] (this is actually at the wight festival!!!)

Brer Necholas (TMO) shakes his head.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Nope. Succeed or fail, we usually have to leave the area pretty quickly.

[Emerald (Lara)] (Isle of Wight festival)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Because everyone's mad at you?

Brer Necholas (TMO) smiles.

Emerald (Lara) moves her wrist

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'm not mad at you

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald: Cantrip Proficiency check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[Thistle (Carissa)] Neither am I! I don't think.... OH! But I'm still mad at Sundown.

Brer Necholas (TMO) nods to him. "It's a nice change. Thanks."

Emerald (Lara) cantrips fire on the wight pile


[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (and then all the air was sucked into the fire and we all suffocated)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Look at that!

[Indigo (Lisa)] There are two doors to the room for air)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] And I don't have any marshmallows.

[Emerald (Lara)] What's a marshmallow? Is that a magical thing I've never heard of that.

[Emerald (Lara)] Marshmallow?

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] The fruit of a swamp plant, further south from here.

[Emerald (Lara)] There are mallows that like in marshes?

[Thistle (Carissa)] You roast those? I thought they were better raw.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Very tasty when lightly roasted on a stick over a fire.

Brer Necholas (TMO) shrugs.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Maybe it's an acquired taste.

[Thistle (Carissa)] (ehh... assuming same plant wherever she was camped...)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (oh sure that you eat raw!)

[Emerald (Lara)] We don't have those in Loosend and my travels haven't taken me that far south

[Thistle (Carissa)] Like raw meat.

[Thistle (Carissa)] (LOL

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 24'04".

Emerald (Lara) moves near Thistle, "Thistle, I adore you. Now please chew the leaf. You have teenager breath."

[Thistle (Carissa)] What's that?

Emerald (Lara) "Stinky breath."

Thistle (Carissa) frowns, "Says who??"

Emerald (Lara) "I had it to when I was your age."

[Master] Time of Day: 03:45 PM. Day 10 Fin ___ de, Din {Mid Spring} 10th, 349 SKR.

Thistle (Carissa) gasps, "Oh no. Are you....OLD???"

Brer Necholas (TMO) snorts.

[Thistle (Carissa)] I didn't think you were old like Grandma. Was I wrong??

Emerald (Lara) "Yes, I'm over 20 years old now."

[Snezana (Spring)] or you could scrub your teeth with a chewed up twig

[Snezana (Spring)] that's what Kenna made me do

[Thistle (Carissa)] (P.S. Her grandmother is...what Bob, 30s or something right?)

[Master] 40+

[Thistle (Carissa)] (aka old)

[Master] as far as Thistle can tell

[Master] yes

[Thistle (Carissa)] (lol)

Thistle (Carissa) double gasp, "You ARE old!!"

[Emerald (Lara)] "I'm not as old as Grandma, but please --- chew the leaf."

Brer Necholas (TMO) shakes his head.

[Thistle (Carissa)] I mean not AS old as grandma who's REALLY old, but you're old!

Thistle (Carissa) raises brow, chews leaf, and walks away in disbelief

Thistle (Carissa) mutter, "I didn't realize she was old...."

Emerald (Lara) nods, "Yes I am old which means I'm very wise. Chew the leaf."

Brer Necholas (TMO) wishes it were that easy.

Thistle (Carissa) stops and turns around

[Emerald (Lara)] (roflmao...)

[Thistle (Carissa)] WAIT!

[Thistle (Carissa)] Is Brer old, too???

[Thistle (Carissa)] Is everyone here old???

[Thistle (Carissa)] I can't see your face so mayyyybe you aren't....

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Hmmm... I think my 18th birthday was a couple of weeks ago.

Thistle (Carissa) jaw drops

[Emerald (Lara)] (so the gray in your beard is just soot?)

[Thistle (Carissa)] I thought you hide your face so I couldn't tell how old you were!!

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] or maybe weeks isn't the right word?

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Oh, right. Decades. That's the word.

Thistle (Carissa) closes mouth, "Oh. Okay so you ARE old?"

Brer Necholas (TMO) smiles. "You'd probably fall down if I told you."

Thistle (Carissa) firmly plants feet, "I bet you're wrong!"

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'll catch you!

Thistle (Carissa) nods at Indigo and waits

Indigo (Lisa) holds out arms behind her

Brer Necholas (TMO) pauses and thinks.

[Thistle (Carissa)] (yayy trust exercise)

[Emerald (Lara)] (that must mean I trusted strangers in a mosh pit)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (lol)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Hmm... well, let's just say that I'm the oldest human here, shall we?

Indigo (Lisa) laughs

Thistle (Carissa) rolls eyes

Emerald (Lara) chuckles

[Thistle (Carissa)] So you're wearing a hood 'cause you don't want me to see HOW old, is that it?

[Thistle (Carissa)] It's okay. Grandma has LOTS of wrinkles. But she wears them with pride!

Brer Necholas (TMO) smiles again. "No, not really. Habit mostly. It's the best I can do to stay unrecognizable.

[Thistle (Carissa)] Hmm.... well is Sundown lying to me? Is he super old, too??

Brer Necholas (TMO) shakes his head. "Sundown is exactly what he looks like."

[Sundown (Master)] I am not as old as my Brother

Brer Necholas (TMO) snorts.

[Sundown (Master)] I am 23

Thistle (Carissa) tosses up hands

[Thistle (Carissa)] You're ALL old!

[Emerald (Lara)] (who is his brother?)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (it's their religion/paladin thing)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (so Brer)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (Brer is a slang term for Brother)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (well, let's rephrase as far as we know they're not related BUT who knows for sure)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Griff isn't old

[Sundown (Master)] (they belong to the Order of Brotherhood)

Thistle (Carissa) looks at Brer for confirmation

Brer Necholas (TMO) shrugs. "He was full grown when I bought him from the trainer."

Thistle (Carissa) tosses up hands again and starts to walk away

[Indigo (Lisa)] Thistle's older than the dog

Thistle (Carissa) mutters, "Old! All of them! Old!!"

[Indigo (Lisa)] Does that make you feel better?

[Thistle (Carissa)] No because he could be old and we don't know it!

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Youth is wasted on the young.

[Thistle (Carissa)] And oldness is...wasted on the old!

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Trade you.

[Thistle (Carissa)] Next thing I know, you'll be asking for nap time!

[Thistle (Carissa)] Grandma naps ALL the time. I bet you're just waiting for your nap. Like an old person.

Brer Necholas (TMO) smiles and fakes a yawn.

Thistle (Carissa) shakes head, still muttering

Brer Necholas (TMO) yawns for real, because they're contagious and he's been level drained twice and actually *is* feeling tired.

[Thistle (Carissa)] (lol)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Pardon me.

Snezana (Spring) yawns

Thistle (Carissa) shakes hand at him, "Go nap with Hoffman. He already decided to sleep."

[Emerald (Lara)] (contagious IRL. can't believe it's only 10p)

[Indigo (Lisa)] So do we want to open some crypts or get ready for bed?

[Snezana (Spring)] (frankly I’m exhausted myself)

Emerald (Lara) stretches, "I would like to rest. Am I needed anywhere Indigo? All the doors are marked."

[Thistle (Carissa)] You think there's poop in them? I can help you open them. And Lanek! He's good at finding traps at least.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (want to burn some healing spells before sleep time?)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] If we choose rest, we need to keep a strong guard all night. In case any of the dead rise in the night.

[Snezana (Spring)] (yes, who needs em most? I have 3 left)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (you've had a less than fantas-tick end of your day Spring)

[Snezana (Spring)] (har har)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (hair hair)

[Master] chuckles

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (tick-les)

[Emerald (Lara)] (oooooh! rolling eyes)

[Master] groan

[Thistle (Carissa)] (hey hey don't tick her off)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (lots of characters with 20+ points down - take your pick)

[Master] deer me your biting wit

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (but then I can tick that off my to-do list!)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (*tick_

[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (the clock is ticking here)

[Emerald (Lara)] (tick tock, times a-wastin

[Thistle (Carissa)] (something something yo mamma?)

[Emerald (Lara)] (JINX Carissa)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (lol)

[Snezana (Spring)] (but still not Hoffman)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (not Hoffman or sundown)

[Master] or Tiberius?

[Emerald (Lara)] (yo mamma's so hairy she has vacation rentals for ticks?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I dunno - John kept saying I shouldn't put Tiberius and indigo down)

[Master] pick one of them

[Thistle (Carissa)] (hmm, not bad)

[Master] Or choose who you think needs the sleep most

[Indigo (Lisa)] (but Brer, Skarp and Talwin are all down +20 hps)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (she only has 3 spells left(

[Emerald (Lara)] (eh, not my best)

[Snezana (Spring)] (in that order, brer, Skarp, Talwin)

[Snezana (Spring)] Snezana casts a spell against : Cure Moderate Wounds: You're healed (-1d10-1) [1d10=4] -5 points.

[Snezana (Spring)] Snezana casts a spell against : Cure Moderate Wounds: You're healed (-1d10-1) [1d10=6] -7 points.

[Snezana (Spring)] Snezana casts a spell against : Cure Moderate Wounds: You're healed (-1d10-1) [1d10=3] -4 points.

[Snezana (Spring)] there ya go. out of spells

[Indigo (Lisa)] (thank you!)

[Master] Brer Necholas's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 43 (5) - Moderately Wounded

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Thank you, Aunt.

[Master] Skarphedin's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 35 (7) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] Talwin's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 35 (4) - Moderately Wounded

[Snezana (Spring) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Snezana modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Spring] nitey nite!

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yay! everyone's moderately wounded now)

[Spring] haha

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Goodnight Spring! Safe travels!)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (nite!)

[Master] See you next Friday Spring

[Spring] if ic an

Spring has left the game on Fri Jul 24 22:13:45 EDT 2020

[Master] nods only when you can

[Thistle (Carissa)] (belated night!)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (so if we aren't going to flip lids then we can set up sleep)

[Master] did you want to explore crypts before sleeping?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (do we even need watches?)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (YES)

[Master] chuckles

[Indigo (Lisa)] (we have the basket - we can look in some crypts if people want)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (I honestly forgot about the basket)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (keep forgetting about that)

[Emerald (Lara)] (are the crypts in the other map?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (someone opens holding basket and people stand back to hit if it's not good)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (yes)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (we're going to have to do the whole corridor checking)


[Master] starting from number 1 where you are

[Master] and going section by section through all 72 spaces

[Indigo (Lisa)] (many we have already killed so might be we can check them some off)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] I wonder if the basket would make it safe to stow the saint back?

[Emerald (Lara)] Good idea Brer

[Indigo (Lisa)] I don't know

[Indigo (Lisa)] Wanna try it?

[Emerald (Lara)] What about the ceremony?

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] I don't know. If we fail and wake him up, we'll all probably die.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Branwyn put it on the stairs when she went to dig around in the ashes

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Right now he sleeps.

[Indigo (Lisa)] So maybe let him be?

Brer Necholas (TMO) nods. "Yes. I think that's best."

[Indigo (Lisa)] So want to check some til bed time?

Brer Necholas (TMO) nods. "I'm game if you are."

[Indigo (Lisa)] BRANADARUS!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Want to look for undead?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo! You don't have to yell

[Indigo (Lisa)] Sure I do

[Thistle (Carissa)] At least it's not me this time...


[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Sure thing

[Indigo (Lisa)] See!

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 22'06".

Thistle (Carissa) nods, "Yelling ALWAYS works!"

Brer Necholas (TMO) reaches up and removes his eyepatch and stows it in a pouch.

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 11'05".

Lisa is receiving the map Catacombs section 4...

Lisa has received the map Catacombs section 4.

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] who else is joining those two?

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Branwyn? Emerald? Thistle? Brer

Brer Necholas (TMO) reaches up and rubs his eye with his left hand.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (Brer

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (want someone to take notes?)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Thistle will watch from a distance)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (so guess her? she can chalk all the coffins after - in case they get close again for reasons)

[Emerald (Lara)] (how do I get map?)

TMO is receiving the map Catacombs section 4...

TMO has received the map Catacombs section 4.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (double-click character that's there)

Lara is receiving the map Catacombs section 4...

Lara has received the map Catacombs section 4.

[Emerald (Lara)] (thanks TMO)

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Someone needs to click on the map and hit P

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Branwyn and Howard don't have spells left for undead - they would likely get in the way but will stay in scarecrow room so they can hear if someone yells for them)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Lara)

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 3'05".

Emerald (Lara) looks at each door to make sure it is clearly marked

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Thistle still has her potion and scroll)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Lara - click on screen and hit P please)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (thx)

[Master] there you go

[Master] So who has writing?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (how come you can't tell who it is?)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Thistle)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (er....

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (Brer)

[Emerald (Lara)] (Emerald)

[Master] I never thought to see if I can tell who it is)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (okay yes)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (if you click on it it tells you who has the pointer)

[Master] huh

[Thistle (Carissa)] (it's still there?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I'm always paranoid it's me by accident)

[Master] no

[Thistle (Carissa)] (....but I see a green dot?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so when I see it I check :) )

Carissa is receiving the map Catacombs section 4...

Carissa has received the map Catacombs section 4.

[Thistle (Carissa)] (....and I still see a green dot. weird)

[Master] So for this quick starting tracking

[Master] just how tired are you Carissa? grins

[Emerald (Lara)] (what dots are you guys talking about?)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (pointers)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so basket holder should do the opening - figure out who gets it)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (which map are you on Carissa?)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (well, tired, but seriously)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (it's on both)

Carissa is receiving the map Catacombs secret section...

Carissa has received the map Catacombs secret section.

[Master] Marlins win 5 - 2

[Emerald (Lara)] (what pointers?)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] I suggest Lord Tiberius hold the basket and open, with me behind ready to turn if necessary, and Indigo to back me up.

[Master] and Thistle to write notes

Carissa is receiving the map Ledge...

Carissa has received the map Ledge.

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 6'11".

[Emerald (Lara)] (Ledge? there's a Ledge map?)

[Thistle (Carissa)] ('s attacking the mice, too. Weirddd)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (sounds good)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Brer Necholas moved 17'02".

[Master] Indigo moved 1'09".

[Master] Thistle moved 7'00".

[Master] Emerald moved 12'05".

Brer Necholas (TMO) draws his sword and holds it ready to present.

[Master] with Branwyn in the secret room just in case

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 1'05".

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Attack: Tacharin; one hand:: is now ARMED.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Attack: Shield:: is now ARMED.

Carissa is receiving the map Catacombs section 4...

Carissa has received the map Catacombs section 4.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Attack: Shield, secondary:: is now ARMED.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Attack: Shield:: is NO LONGER ARMED.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Brer can read out what they say so the note takers can write)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Tiberius and Indigo can't)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol)

Brer Necholas (TMO) checks the name on this first one before Tiberius opens it

[Master] we are going in order, right then left, right then left as the characters are going through so empty spot is #2 casket is #3 open is #4 etc.

[Master] so in this one

[Master] it is still sealed

Carissa is receiving the map moat bank...

Carissa has received the map moat bank.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Here, let me in first

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 9'01".

Brer Necholas (TMO) looks around. "Ready?"

Carissa is receiving the map Catacombs section 4...

Carissa has received the map Catacombs section 4.

Brer Necholas (TMO) reads the first name.

Indigo (Lisa) holds swords up

[Master] (Carissa what is a woman's name?)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Lisa)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (do we need to open one that's sealed? Can we presume that hasn't been turned?)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Or, you know, not player, Sarah?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (define sealed)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (Bob, define sealed)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (or...Carmen. Daisy. Autumn. Kayla. Katherine)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (not sure if they need to be a specific ethnicity...)

[Master] Baroness Isal

[Thistle (Carissa)] (LOL)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (so a scrambled Lisa has been entombed, got it)

[Master] Titles: In order from highest ranking members to lowest the Suomi priesthood uses titles to keep themselves above the rest of society. King/Queen - the senior priest of all of the faith Prince/Princess - fifth level spells and higher Duke - fourth level spells Baron - third level spells Earl - second level spells Squire - first level spells

[Master] we will look at dates of entombment later unless I know them

[Emerald (Lara)] (Baroness?)

[Master] yes

[Master] and sealed means still sealed shut has never been opened

[Master] as far as you can tell

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] I'm okay to move on if you all agree.

[Master] stone work would help with hat

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Why disturb restful dead?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (maybe chalk it for Skarp or Foto to confirm but we don't open?)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (sure)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 13'02".

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Brer Necholas moved 13'00".

Thistle (Carissa) marks it with an S (for sealed, stonework, Skarp, ...Sfoto...whichever)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (lol)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Come on Branadarus!

[Master] Lord Tiberius moved 7'04".

[Master] Thistle moved 8'08".

[Master] Emerald moved 8'11".

[Indigo (Lisa)] These are open

[Indigo (Lisa)] Don't see anything

[Indigo (Lisa)] These have nameplates?

Brer Necholas (TMO) checks.

[Master] The one in front of Brer (can he read?)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (yes)

[Master] (By the way I am editing the Crypts of Skull Church Page as we go along, please no one else do that

[Master] Queen Racmen - open and empty

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (that's the one on our right?)

[Master] yes as you are facing 'south' Brer is in front of it

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (as we're looking at the screen, the left side or right side of the monitor?)

[Master] Time of Day: 04:00 PM. Day 10 Fin ___ de, Din {Mid Spring} 10th, 349 SKR.

[Master] Time of Day: 04:15 PM. Day 10 Fin ___ de, Din {Mid Spring} 10th, 349 SKR.

[Master] left side of the monitor

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 11'02".

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 11'02".

[Master] as you are facing down the corridor, it is Right then Left, Right then Left

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 11'02".

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 11'02".

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 11'02".

[Master] so Open space, sealed crypt

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 11'02".

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 11'02".

[Master] Open crypt Open crypt

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 11'02".

[Master] Open space

Lisa has left the game on Fri Jul 24 22:42:56 EDT 2020

[Master] then the corner

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 11'02".

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 11'02".

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 11'02".

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 11'02".

Lara has left the game on Fri Jul 24 22:43:15 EDT 2020

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Jul 24 22:43:15 EDT 2020

Carissa has left the game on Fri Jul 24 22:43:20 EDT 2020

TMO has left the game on Fri Jul 24 22:43:26 EDT 2020

Lisa is receiving the map Catacombs section 4...

Lisa has received the map Catacombs section 4.

[Master] No clue why that happened

[Lisa] Indigo moved 12'10".

[Master] Indigo moved 18'05".

[Master] Indigo is on top of the one you are investigating

Carissa has joined the game on Fri Jul 24 22:44:44 EDT 2020

Carissa is receiving the map Catacombs secret section...

Carissa has received the map Catacombs secret section.

[Master] to keep track of things

[Lisa] (ok so our other right - got it)

Carissa is receiving the map Catacombs section 4...

Carissa has received the map Catacombs section 4.

[Lisa] (test)

[Carissa] yep

[Master] I am here

[Master] I think we will see if they make it back

Lara has joined the game on Fri Jul 24 22:47:06 EDT 2020

Lara is receiving the map Catacombs secret section...

Lara has received the map Catacombs secret section.

[Master] do a few more then call it a night

[Lisa] I pinged tmo

[Carissa] (downstairs neighbor fighting and slamming doors... might be a bit until I sleep....)

[Master] sorry

[Lara] made it back

[Master] good

[Lisa] oh fun

[Carissa] they don't do it often, but when they do, they go big

TMO has joined the game on Fri Jul 24 22:48:48 EDT 2020

TMO is receiving the map Catacombs secret section...

[Lisa] just yelling I hope

Lara is receiving the map Catacombs section 4...

Lara has received the map Catacombs section 4.

TMO has received the map Catacombs secret section.

[Lisa] welcome back

[Lara] ;-)

[Master] So the one in front of Brer (using Indigo as the marker)

[Master] Open and empty

[Master] Lornthok - open and empty

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Queen Ramen)

[Carissa] (yumm)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (that was other side?)

[Master] Queen Racmen - open and empty

[TMO] (sorry to be slow, I was trying to do a copy of the image and putting text labels on it, but I'm not familiar enough with Gimp to make it quick or easy)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (oh missed the c)

[Lara] (folks, I am tuckered out)

[Carissa] (ahh smart though TMO)

[Master] I have it on the site TMO

[Carissa] (go sleep Lara)

[Master] and yes to Lara go sleep

[Master] almost done

[Indigo (Lisa)] (k - Goodnight Lara!)

[Carissa] (image though? images are helpful)

[Master] see you over the week

[Master] and no to images yet

[Master] but you will have the maps to work with

[Master] I can pass them along to who ever

[Carissa] (...or TMO's skills with GIMP :) )

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 18'08".

[Lara] gnite all. I had a lot of fun tonight. :-)

Lara has left the game on Fri Jul 24 22:52:01 EDT 2020


[TMO] (I have other programs I can use if it’s desired)

[Master] the first 6 done

[Master] that gets you to where Indigo is

[Indigo (Lisa)] (we've only looked at 3)

[Carissa] (just happy you're doing it)

TMO is receiving the map Catacombs section 4...

TMO has received the map Catacombs section 4.

[Master] each space counts as 1 I am marking them Empty never filled

[Master] you have two of those so far

[Indigo (Lisa)] (ok )

[Master] but want you to brace your self

[Master] I will advance time

[TMO] Brer Necholas moved 16'02".

[TMO] Lord Tiberius moved 27'08".

[Master] if this crashes then done for the night

[Master] Time of Day: 04:30 PM. Day 10 Fin ___ de, Din {Mid Spring} 10th, 349 SKR.

[Master] Time of Day: 04:45 PM. Day 10 Fin ___ de, Din {Mid Spring} 10th, 349 SKR.

[Indigo (Lisa)] k

[Indigo (Lisa)] (here)

Carissa has left the game on Fri Jul 24 22:54:38 EDT 2020

TMO has left the game on Fri Jul 24 22:54:43 EDT 2020

[Master] OH well

[Indigo (Lisa)] only you and I survived

[Master] only the strong

[Master] grins

[Lisa] lol [Master] go have a great night

[Master] I will save all this and restart

[Lisa] You too

[Master] and then we can test over the weekend

[Lisa] Goodnight!

[Lisa] k

[Master] to see what the heck happened

Lisa has left the game on Fri Jul 24 22:55:49 EDT 2020