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Chat Log - 2020 09 12 - Adventures in the Wastes - For the Love of Mist - Birthday Game 2020- (Formatted?)

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Sep 11 22:58:19 EDT 2020 ====

[Master] ==== Gaming session has been running for and 9 seconds ====

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

Spring has joined the game on Sat Sep 12 11:58:44 EDT 2020

Spring is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Spring has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Spring] first post!

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Hello there!

[Master] Welcome!

[Spring] :-)

[Spring] hope you slept well

[Master] I did thank you

[Master] feeling energtic

[Spring] yay

[Spring] i slept pretty well too for a change

[Master] You have your character there on the map

[Spring] i keep waking up at 4 am

[Master] that is normal for me

[Master] wake at least once or twice a night

[Master] go to sleep at 10 or so wake at 6

[Master] but stir during the night

[Spring] i guess i should accept it as a new normal for me too

[Spring] looking at character ...

[Master] will explain more but you can pick from Cypress Bourough, Qui Fen or Regets Field as your home


Lara has joined the game on Sat Sep 12 12:04:41 EDT 2020

Lara is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Lara has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Master] You come up with a name, there are male and female images for each icon

[Lara] hi Spring! hi BOB!

[Spring] hi Lara!

[Spring] apparently i am a rancher of some kind

[Spring] since i have animal skills and not cultivation of any kind

[Spring] well the cheese implies cows or goats

[Spring] i don't think horse cheese would be all that.

[Lara] ew

[Lara] ok. what should emerald be doing?

[Master] For Spring moved 6'08".

[Master] For Lara moved 6'02".

[Master] Lara you have your new character for today there

[Master] you have skills and weapons selected so far

[Master] you need a name

[Master] and pick a twon here you are from, Cypress Bourough, Regets Field or Qui Fen

[Lara] oooooooooo! warrior! yes!

Lisa has joined the game on Sat Sep 12 12:10:24 EDT 2020

Lisa is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

[Master] For Lisa moved 6'07".

Lisa has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Spring (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Spring modified: Personal Information - Name:: CHANGED: Ash Cinderfall (null). Player:: CHANGED: Spring (null). Hometown:: CHANGED: Regets Field (null). Size:: CHANGED: M (null). Alignment:: CHANGED: Lawful Good (null). Age/Sex:: CHANGED: 24/Ungendered they/them (null). Height/Weight:: CHANGED: 5'10" (null). Hair/Eyes:: CHANGED: Brown/Green (null).

[Spring] hi Lisa!

[Master] Welcome Lisa

[Lisa] Good morning! Afternoon! :)

[Lara] hi Lisa!

[Spring (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Spring modified: Personal Information - Kit:: CHANGED: Goat farmer (null).

[Master] Michael and Mario are both running late, Valerie cannot make it today,

TMO has joined the game on Sat Sep 12 12:11:35 EDT 2020

TMO is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

TMO has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Master] For TMO moved 6'05".

[Spring (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Spring modified: Personal Information - Age/Sex:: CHANGED: 24 Ungendered they/them (24/Ungendered they/them).

[Lisa] am I the creature from the black lagoon?

[Lisa] Hi TMO :)

[Lara] those towns are all in Dragon Fen, yes?

[Master] chuckles sort of Lisa

[Lisa] lol

[Lisa] just checking

[Master] for Lisa


[Lara] @BOB - ijust answered my own questions

[Master] TMO you have your character there

[Spring] hi TMO!

[Lara] this is fun already!

[Master] everyone is a 'zero' level character

[Spring] in honor of the california wildfires, my character is genderless

[Spring] pronouns they/them

[Master] you do not have a class assigned technically but you can see where you are headed

[Master] and love it Spring

[Master] you have approriate skills weapons etc.

[Master] there are some extra notes for Lisa and Mario

[Lisa] what do wildfires have to do with gender?

[Lisa] confused

[Spring] actually, in honor of the victims of the fires, not the fires themselves

[Master] the name is the fires Lisa

[Spring] they were sparked by a gender reveal party

[Master] Ash Cinderfall

[TMO] one of the starters for the current set of fires was a gender revea party

[Lisa] just one of hundreds of fires but okay :D

[Spring] well i'm too busy being a smartass to be accurate

[Lara] are we choosing race as well?

[Master] chuckles

[Lisa] LOL

[Master] no to Lara

[Master] everyone is human,

[Lara] all hu,ams?

[TMO] I think I've just had my life described in a single sentence

[Master] except for Lisa's and Mario's

[Lisa] I don't look human

Carissa has joined the game on Sat Sep 12 12:17:37 EDT 2020

Carissa is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Carissa has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Lisa] Hi Carissa!

[TMO] you're human on the inside

[Spring (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ash Cinderfall modified: Personal Information - Race:: CHANGED: Human (null). Base Move: (BMOVE) : CHANGED: 8 (null).

[TMO] that's what counts, right? ;)

[Spring] hi Carissa!

[Lisa] what is my race? would be helpful picking a name

[Carissa] Hi all!

[Lisa] don't want an orc named Jeff

[TMO] mongrelmen are the perennial outcasts, from just about every society

[Lisa] is that what I am?

[Master] nods to TMO, the race IS mongrelman, you are a mixture mongrel

[Master] yes

[Master] and Hello Carissa

[TMO] they fit almost every 'oppressed race' stereotype

[Master] For Carissa moved 6'07".

[TMO] so your name can come from any source, they don't have a culture of their own

[Spring] omg is lisa gonna have to roll body parts?

[Spring] or did you do that already?

[Master] No I did that already

[Spring] oh dear

[Master] but she does have to pick some additional skills

[Lisa] funny because he will be a sneaky mongrelman

[TMO] it probably wouldn't be a warrior-style name though. But durability, endurance, perseverence, are all good traits

[Spring] did her legs come out to be equal strengths at least?

[TMO] survivial

[Spring] that was Argreep's biggest disability. two ill-matched legs

[Spring] one Xorn and one Lizardman

[Lisa] just discovered there are notes!

[Spring] oh shoot, i didn't think to look there. checking notes

[Lara] :-( i have no notes

[Lisa] notes are important! we have points to spend

[Spring] oh good i have no notes

[Lisa] Bob?

[Lisa] do I have points to spend?

[Spring] i had already started spinning an identity

[Lara] oh. it is being edited...the big reveal

[TMO] I can't edit the character sheet. get error 'could not lock sheet for editing. can't find icon"

[Master] Grins

[Lisa] my notes have a backstory and points to spend - that is right Bob?

[Master] yes to Lisa

[Master] fixed for TMO

[Lisa] k - give me a few minutes to pick

[Master] PLUS everyone gets 2 points to apply to your Stats, Strength, Dex, etc. you can put them 1 point in two things, or 2 points in one thing etc.

[Carissa] (brb)

[Carissa] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] and everyone (Lisa and Mario have different notes) gets to pick one additional proficiency

[Spring] awright!

[Lara] don't we have a character named Ren?

[Master] For Michael moved 6'08".

[Spring] i don't know. haven't heard of one

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Lisa modified: Ability Scores - DEX: (D) : CHANGED: 11 (10). AIM: (AI) : CHANGED: 11 (10). Balance: (BA) : CHANGED: 11 (10). WIS: (W) : CHANGED: 11 (10). Intuition: (IU) : CHANGED: 11 (10). Willpower: (WI) : CHANGED: 11 (10).

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for For TMO modified: Personal Information - Name:: CHANGED: Nerikan (null). Player:: CHANGED: TMO (null). Race:: CHANGED: Human (null). Size:: CHANGED: M (null). Age/Sex:: CHANGED: 18/F (null). Height/Weight:: CHANGED: 5'5/ 103 (null). Hair/Eyes:: CHANGED: Black/Black (null). Base Move: (BMOVE) : CHANGED: 30 (null). Hit Dice:: CHANGED: 1 (null). Experience:: CHANGED: 0 (null). Ability Scores - STAM: (ST) : CHANGED: 12 (10). MUSC: (MU) : CHANGED: 8 (10). AIM: (AI) : CHANGED: 12 (10). Balance: (BA) : CHANGED: 8 (10). Health: (HE) : CHANGED: 9 (10). Fitness: (FI) : CHANGED: 11 (10). INT: (I) : CHANGED: 12 (10). Reason: (RE) : CHANGED: 14 (10). Leadership: (LD) : CHANGED: 9 (10).

[TMO] can the proficiency be 2 slots, or a weapon? or from any class/race? Or only 1 slot generic NWP?

[TMO] just trying to filter out my choices so I don't overload. ;)

[Master] has to be a General, Craft or Mage for you TMO

[Master] 1 or 2 slots is fine

[Carissa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] for everyone else it is General Craft or Warrior

[Spring] what about me, can i have a weapon proficiency?

[Lara] @BOB - ever had a character named Ren?

[Spring] aha

[Carissa] Back. Did not find inspiration while I was gone.

[Master] not that I remember Lara

[Lara] okay

[Carissa] (can do a quick search on the site if you want, Lara. Although that'll show up Ryan the player...)

[Master] no to Spring on additional Weapon proficiencies

[Spring] oh

[Lara] i did a search...doesn't seem there's been one

[Spring] i mistook Warrior then

[Carissa] So human, but my other optional portrait is definitely not human... :P

[Master] Warrior Non weapon proficiencies

[Master] your choice Carissa, you get to create a reason why

[Master] these are all people who live in Dragon Fen,

[Carissa] Ahh so *humanoid

[Master] no Human

[Carissa] So confused

[Master] grins

[Spring] ah okay i found them in the list now

[Spring] for Group equals warrior

[Master] If you like that other portrait go with it,

[Carissa] Maybe they're wearing fake ears?

[Master] that could be

[Carissa] lol

[Carissa] I haven't bothered figuring anything else out and I'm already stuck on portrait. The other one just looks so... generic. Unless I want him to be Genereic Joe.

[Master] bowyer fletcher is your prime skill it seems

[Master] beyond that you can build it

[Master] over the day

[Carissa] Yes but before we get there, I have to do the skills plus one proficency for now, yes?

[Master] yes

[Carissa] Ok

JohnA has joined the game on Sat Sep 12 12:34:36 EDT 2020

JohnA is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

JohnA has received the map Church Ground Floor.

Michael-14198 has joined the game on Sat Sep 12 12:34:40 EDT 2020

Michael-14198 is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

[Master] For John moved 7'00".

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Lisa modified:

Michael-14198 has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Master] For Michael moved 6'07".

[Michael-14198] Reinforcements Have Arrived

[Lisa] Hi John and Michael!! :)

[Michael-14198] Good Morning everyone!

[Master] Hello

[Carissa] Hi guys

[Michael-14198] Er, well. For some of us?

[Lisa] Good morning my other morning person!

[JohnA] hello all

[Michael-14198] :)

[Master] for a quick summary, you have a character there to customize, you get 2 points to add to your skills, you get to pick one additional proficiency

[Lara] hi Carissa! hi John! hi Michael hi TMO!

[Master] you are from Dragon Fen

[Master] you are human

[Spring] hi MIchael! hi John!

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for For TMO modified:

[Master] there are skills already there for you to get a feel for what your character might be like

[TMO] hello all!

[Michael-14198] Bob isn't talking to me, right?

[Master] to everyone Michael

[Michael-14198] (We all get to customize this person???)

[Master] You have a character to play today, to customize the way you wish

[Master] I gave everyone slightly different starting points

[JohnA] "could not find Icon" can't lock for editing

[Master] fixed John

[Michael-14198] OH! I see. We aren't regular character right now.

[Spring] right, temporary characters

[Master] The inhabitents of Dragon Fen

[Master] except for Lisa and Mario

[Spring] mine is supposed to be a fighter so i'm looking for a NWP that would be good in a fight

[TMO] ah, I figured he'd just closed the last campaign and started a new one

[Spring] since the ones i've been assigned are all for goatherding

[Master] and I will be playing Valerie's character

[Master] chuckles at TMO

[JohnA (to GM only)] Character sheet for For John modified: Ability Scores - WIS: (W) : CHANGED: 12 (10). Intuition: (IU) : CHANGED: 12 (10). Willpower: (WI) : CHANGED: 12 (10).

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Lisa modified:

[Michael-14198] (TMO. I think this Campagin is going to go until Bob can no longer use a computer :) )

[TMO] nah. he'll be in a Stephen Hawking rig

[Spring] damn, the names don't fit the descriptions. like Natural Fighting doesn't mean you are a natural at fighting

[Spring] it means you've got claws or talons or something and the ability lets you use them properly

[TMO] a good one for a mongrelman, actually. ;)

[Spring] yeah for sure

[Michael-14198] Yeah, I think it was a thing with DandD 2.0ish. Incredibly powerful and you can pretty much break the system, but you really gotta know how to do it :)

[Master] grins

[JohnA (to GM only)] Character sheet for For John modified: Personal Information - Name:: CHANGED: Taylor Terry Tanahill (null). Class:: CHANGED: John (null).

[Spring] Weapon Improvisation doesn't mean you can make a weapon out of anything

[Lara] Character's name=Ren Kuaisu from Regets Field. Young Man.

[Spring] it means you can make a weapon out of natural things like tree branches and such

[Lara] character sheet locked

[Carissa] (Mine is also locked for editing)

[Carissa] (Also still distracted, sorry. Minor emergency issues)

[Master] Lara your sheet looks good

[TMO] Name: Nerikan; not sure what town she's from

[JohnA] I am away from the keyboard.

[Michael-14198] No worries Carissa. I'm on a phone call with SRP. Stuff happens :)

[Master] your sheet looks good Carissa

[Spring] i would like to have Wild Fighting but it's humaoid races only. humans don't count as humaoids in this system, do they?

[TMO] no. but mongrelmen do, I believe. ;)

[JohnA] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] no

[JohnA] Serrious Role Player?

[Spring] sigh

[JohnA] Sneaky Red Possum?

[Lara] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lara] @BOB, my character sheet is still locked?

[Carissa] (same)

[JohnA] Silly Regular Person?

[Michael-14198] (I'm hurrying , but trying to look up 2 skiils. I'm sorry

[Spring] okay i may have found it. BOB can Track and Field be a sport if i pick Sports proficiency? or do i have to pick one event?

[Master] yes to Spring that works

JohnA has left the game on Sat Sep 12 12:45:44 EDT 2020

[Master] 1 skill Michael

[Master] but they are all on the character sheet when you choose from the data

[Michael-14198] Ah, sorry. THank you

[Master] 2 points to your abilities

[Master] 1 additional skill

JohnA has joined the game on Sat Sep 12 12:46:36 EDT 2020

JohnA is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

JohnA has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Master] Lara your sheet looks good to me

[Lara] when you say "skill" so you mean NWP?

[Master] yes

[Lara] BOB, am i supposed to have any notes?

[Spring (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ash Cinderfall modified:

[Master] not if it is blank

[Master] I put some in for those that had quirks

[Spring (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ash Cinderfall modified: Non-Weapon Proficiencies - CHANGED: Sports -- Sub-Group: Track and Field (),

[Lara] ok

JohnA is receiving the map Foriso Town...

JohnA has received the map Foriso Town.

[Master] Carissa how about now?

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Lisa modified: Personal Information - Name:: CHANGED: Milo (null). Player:: CHANGED: Lisa (null). Class:: CHANGED: Rogue (null).

[Carissa] Still nope

[Lara] Bob, it keeps telling me that i am locked for icon?

[Spring (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ash Cinderfall modified: Ability Scores - STR: (S) : CHANGED: 11 (10). STAM: (ST) : CHANGED: 11 (10). MUSC: (MU) : CHANGED: 11 (10). DEX: (D) : CHANGED: 11 (10). AIM: (AI) : CHANGED: 11 (10). Balance: (BA) : CHANGED: 11 (10).

[Master] Ok, solving Carissa first

[Master] can you move your icon Carissa?

[Lara] For Lara moved 6'04".

[Carissa] For Carissa moved 13'05".

[Carissa] Si

[JohnA] close your sheet

[Master] that is a problem

[Carissa] Been closed

[Lisa] Milo moved 1'10".

[Master] For Carissa moved 20'09".

[Carissa] (If Lisa is Milo, I hope Mario is Otis)

[Lara] I am away from the keyboard.

[Michael-14198] lol

[Master] where is your icon now Carissa?

[Lisa] Milo the Mongrelman

[Carissa] Just south of TMO

[Master] Ok try to move it again please

[Carissa] For Carissa moved 37'09".

[Master] did anyone else see her icon move?

[Master] I did not

[Carissa] Whomp whomp

[TMO] try again, wasn't watching


[Carissa] For Carissa moved 41'11".

[Carissa] For Carissa moved 49'04".

[Carissa] For Carissa moved 109'03".

[Carissa] Should be to the left now

[TMO] getting messages saying it moved, but no movement on map

[Master] nope

[Carissa] Aw man, it's me?

[TMO] For Carissa moved 7'09".

[Master] I am the same as TMO

[Master] yes to Carissa

[Carissa] Huh but not seeing TMO

[Master] I would log out and back in

[TMO] For TMO moved 17'05".

[Carissa] I did see when Bob moved it. I did not see when TMO moved it

[JohnA] one way monitor

[Master] TMO moved fine

[TMO] For Carissa moved 5'06".

[TMO] For TMO moved 5'06".

[TMO] For Carissa moved 12'05".

[TMO] For TMO moved 19'01".

[Carissa] But I do see TMO's icon moving

[Master] yeap

[Carissa] Not convinced it's mean but okay....

[TMO] did a pirouette with both icons, back to original places

Carissa has left the game on Sat Sep 12 12:51:38 EDT 2020

Carissa has joined the game on Sat Sep 12 12:51:58 EDT 2020

Carissa is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Carissa has received the map Church Ground Floor.

Carissa is receiving the map Foriso Town...

Carissa has received the map Foriso Town.

[Carissa] For Carissa moved 22'00".

[Carissa] For Carissa moved 23'00".

[Master] nope

[TMO] same

[Carissa] I don't see "For Lara" or "For Carissa" on the icons to the side/bottom

[Carissa] In the list. We're missing from that list

[Master] checking again

[Michael-14198] (How do I add a single Proficenciy to Character Sheet?)

[Carissa] Eveyone else, but not our two

[Carissa] There you go

[Carissa] For Carissa moved 31'07".

[Carissa] For Carissa moved 54'02".

[Master] try now BINGo


[Spring] first click edit to the bottom

[Carissa] For Carissa moved 75'06".

[Carissa] lol should have looked at the list first

[Master] For Lara moved 1'05".

[Master] For Lara moved 1'07".

[Spring] then a teensy arrow appears all the way to the right of the list of proficiencies

[Carissa] And now can edit. Thanks

[JohnA] B3

[Carissa] Now give me inspiration please.

[Spring] it causes a drop down and you want New

[Master] grins at John

[Spring] when done adding, click Enter key then go to the bottom and click Commit

[Lara] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Carissa you are a bower fletcher, you have camouflage, and Distant Sense, you go out into the swamps looking for saplings and feathers to make your arrows

[JohnA] so to be clear, my new house is a big bigger, I may have to actualy say when I am away as it will take longer to get to the kitchen and back

[Master] Lara fixed the problem with your sheet

Lara gives thumbs up to character to seheet

[Master] and nice John

[Carissa] No swamp near me but sounds like something I'd do IRL... not that I'm good at fletching, either.

[JohnA] but I will be able to watch the whole way

[TMO] congrats John

[Carissa] What were the towns again?

[JohnA (to GM only)] Character sheet for Taylor Terry Tanahill modified: Weapons - ADDED: Plank of wood, false, Club, , , 0, , --, --, , , , , , $atk, 0, , , , , $dmg, 1d6, 1d3, 1d8, , , , .

[Lara (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Lara modified: Personal Information - Name:: CHANGED: Ren Kuaisu (null). Hometown:: CHANGED: Regets Field (null). Hair/Eyes:: CHANGED: black/black (null).

[JohnA] well, my wife bought in on accident, but thanks

[Spring] LOL john

[JohnA] oh, there is no way we are going to win this auction, .... oops

[Master] [Hoffman]] XP award: 5000. Next level in 1208.

[Master] Emerald XP award: 5000. Next level in 0.

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 5000. Next level in 154506.

[Master] Brer Necholas XP award: 5000. Next level in 11188.

[Master] Talwin XP award: 5000. Next level in 82832.

[Master] Shi'Nynze XP award: 5000. Next level in 177753.

[Master] Kenna Westfoot XP award: 5000. Next level in 195639.

[Spring (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ash Cinderfall modified: Non-Weapon Proficiencies - CHANGED: Sports -- Slots: 1 (), CHANGED: Sports -- Attribute: $st (), CHANGED: Sports -- Modifier: +0 ().

[Master] door brb

[Michael-14198 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Notes - ADDED. Ability Scores - DEX: (D) : CHANGED: 12 (10).

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Spring] that is a bizarre way to buy a house

[Spring] not the auction part but the accident part

[JohnA] so the door left for a moment?

[JohnA] but it is our style

[Carissa (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Carissa modified: Personal Information - Name:: CHANGED: Joe (null). Class:: CHANGED: Fletcher (null). Hometown:: CHANGED: Cypress Borough (null). Race:: CHANGED: Human (null).

[Lisa] and pick a twon here you are from, Cypress Bourough, Regets Field or Qui Fen - Carissa

[JohnA] I want to be from Carissa, sounds like nice town

[Lisa] lol

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Milo modified: Personal Information - Hometown:: CHANGED: Regets Field (null).

[Spring] hehehe

[Carissa] lol

[Lara] dbl checking: we are picking two more NWPs?

[Lisa] (keep opening my empty spell tab)

[Carissa] Just one right now, I think

[Lisa] depends on who you are

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lisa] I only got to pick 1 nwp

[Lara] @BOB - how mayn NWPs?

[Lara] *many

[Master] 1 more NWP Lara

[Lara] ok

[Carissa] ...okay, be a broken record, please, Bob. How many skills and how many points?

[Master] 1 more NWP and 2 points for stats

[Carissa] So one NWP plus what is there. And 2 stats. Got it.

[Spring] aligator infested waters!

[Spring] in Cypress

[Lisa] Michael - are you setting up your character?

[Michael-14198] I'm done but Cannot add a NW Pro

[Lara] What time of day (SKR) is the game going to be starting at?

[Lisa] what do you want to add?

[Lara] if we are at night, i will pick different NWP

[Lisa] You need to pick a name too :)

[Michael-14198] Shipwright Aerial

[Michael-14198] Goes with my characters stuff really

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for For TMO modified: Personal Information - Hometown:: CHANGED: Cypress Burough (null).

[Master] It will be morning

[Master] Mario is here getting him set up

[Master] and we will be able to start

[Michael-14198 (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Michael modified: Personal Information - Name:: CHANGED: Latham (null). Class:: CHANGED: Warrior (null).

[Carissa (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Carissa modified:

[Lisa] let me know when you are done and if you still can't I can take a look

[JohnA] but we won't HAVE to?

[Carissa (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Carissa modified: Ability Scores - DEX: (D) : CHANGED: 11 (10). AIM: (AI) : CHANGED: 11 (10). Balance: (BA) : CHANGED: 11 (10). INT: (I) : CHANGED: 11 (10). Reason: (RE) : CHANGED: 11 (10). Knowledge: (KN) : CHANGED: 11 (10).

[Michael-14198] (Alright named him. Character still says For Michael, but gotta name so...

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for Nerikan modified: Equipment - ADDED: Leather Apron, , , . Weapons - ADDED: Knife, false, Knife, , , 0, , --, --, , , , , , $atk, 0, , , , , $dmg, 1d3, 1d2, 1d4, , , , .

[Carissa (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Carissa modified: Ability Scores - INT: (I) : CHANGED: 10 (11). Reason: (RE) : CHANGED: 10 (11). Knowledge: (KN) : CHANGED: 10 (11). WIS: (W) : CHANGED: 11 (10). Intuition: (IU) : CHANGED: 11 (10). Willpower: (WI) : CHANGED: 11 (10).

[JohnA] rename on tree

[Spring] you have to also change the name in the left menu

[Spring] just slowly click on the name and it will go to edit mode

[Michael-14198] TY

[Spring] YW

[TMO] I got it by double-clicking the name on the map

[Spring] oh cool

[Spring] when i double click i get the dice p[anel

[TMO] it was the name, not the icon

[TMO] that might be the issue

[TMO] or I got lucky and accidentally slow-clicked

[TMO] ;)

[Lara] BOB are we going to be on land or sea?

[Master] grins

[Lisa] yes Bob - aerial shipwright isn't in the data files - can Michael add shipwright and we know it is aerial?

[Master] yes to Lisa and Michael

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Latham modified:

[Lara] soooooo, BOB are you purposely not answering me? lol :-)

[Master] yes to Lara

[Master] grins

[Lara] ARGH!

[TMO] Eight-ball says: Yes

[Spring] hahaha

[Lara] hey, better for me to ask and get no answer then to never ask

[Master] very true

[TMO] yeahhhh... that didn't work out so well for me in colege

[Carissa] unless you asking him gives him ideas he didn't have earlier...

[Lara] @Carissa, i'm sure he planned all year for this!

[Carissa] lol true but never underestimate his ability to form a new plan on the spot

[TMO] remember, if I mispell a word by dropping an L out, it's my keyboard's fault

[Lisa] not sure if modifier is correct on the shipwright thing if it is aerial or the same but added

[Carissa] o

[Lisa] of course

[Master] trying to fix Mario's connection

[Master] then I will be ready

[Lara (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Lara modified:

[Master] but I had a totally different adventure planned

[Master] and created this one on Sunday

[Carissa] Yeah.... I'm starting to have concerns about what story we're playing...

[TMO] it's only a 3 hour tour

[Master] BINGO

[Carissa] lol

[Lara] someone get Gilligan island video

[JohnA] the question is why did you change?

[Lara] youtubey

[Carissa] Wait wait does TMO's hint mean I still have time to change my NWP? ;)

[Lara] hey---who else here is a warrior?

[Master] grins yes you have time to change until the last moment when we leave the marketplace

[Spring] Ash

[JohnA] Can I call Marioa Al?

[Lara (to GM only)] Character sheet for For Lara modified: Non-Weapon Proficiencies - DELETED: Camouflage, Warrior; Rogue, , 1, $wi, +0.

[Spring] Ash's day job is goat farmer, but a warrior on the side

[Lara] ooooooo---we are in a marketplace

[JohnA] ssshh that is a secrect Lara

[Carissa] Ah damn nevermind. The other one takes two slots

[Carissa] Are we being that picky today? Can only choose a NWP that takes one slot and fits your character class?

[Carissa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Joe modified:

[Carissa] But why goats? Sheep as so much softer.

[Carissa] (That'll be the opening ice breaker question - be ready)

[Spring] dairy

[Lara] goat cheese - yummy

[Spring] i haven't heard of sheep dairying

[Spring] i mean maybe it's a thing but it seems to me it's cows or goats

[Carissa] It's not as easy. You do have sheep milk, more in Europe, but they don't produce as much

[Spring] awright :-)

[Carissa] You can milk bison, too, but, you know, that's also not easy :)

[Spring] LOL

[Carissa] Actually I think feta is normally sheep's milk...

[Lisa] is Jenny back? :)

[JohnA (to GM only)] Character sheet for Taylor Terry Tanahill modified:

[Carissa] Google says sheep and/or a mix of sheep and goat

[Master] sorry we are having connection issues for Mario,

[JohnA] re start him

[JohnA] turn him off, count to 10

[Lisa] oh wait - Penny the cheesmaker

[Carissa] lol

[Lisa] Jenny was someone else

[Spring] heh

[Carissa] And here I was looking on the map for the gypsy wannabe

[Lisa] sorry

[Carissa] @John: make sure you have an AED nearby. Turning humans back on can be difficult

[Spring] hehehe

[Master] OK so while he is doing that we will start

[TMO] @Carissa - Bob told me you can pick a 2 slot NWP if it's in your categories

[Carissa] Oooh really? Time to change then.

[Carissa] If I'm allowed...

[Master] you are all form the local area of Dragon Fen, except for the two gnomes and the mongrelman

[Master] yes to Carissa change away

[Carissa] (who is second gnome?)

[TMO] I would up with a 1 slot - it seemed to fit best

[Carissa (to TMO only)] test

[TMO (to Carissa only)] test received

[Lara] if i have a Bow and a Net, do i have to have a corresponding NWP to use it?

[Carissa (to TMO only)] There we go. I was torn between Survival and Swimming. But I also go swimming. So survival seems better. Especially right now maybe...

[Lara] or do we assume that i know how to use it because i have it?

[Master] you have the skills to use what ever weapons are on your equipment list

[Carissa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Joe modified: Non-Weapon Proficiencies - DELETED: Swimming, General, , 1, $st, +0.

[Lara] perfect

[Master] and you can have which ever you think is appropriate to carry around with you

[Master] Lara's needs a name still

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu

[Lisa] it isn't taking on the left side

[Master] Rhibosi XP award: 5000. Next level in 69432.

[TMO (to Carissa only)] both are very useful in certain circumstances. can always go voice if you need to verbailize the choices with someone.

[Lara] i don'tknow how to change it other than the character sheet

[Master] Fourthing moved 18'02".

[TMO (to Carissa only)] my pc started with swimming from Bob, so I didn't have the same choice

[Carissa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Joe modified: Non-Weapon Proficiencies - DELETED: Survival, Warrior, , 2, $re, +0.

[Master] letting everyone settle in and be ready

[Carissa (to TMO only)] Fair. And then I was looking at other characters and just changed it back. I'm bad at picking NWP. Hiding was my other thoughts since he has camoflague. Thoughts? I'm indecisive.

[Master] I still see typing from people

[Lara (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ren Kuaisu modified:

[Carissa] I'm indecisive. One second and I'll be ready.

[JohnA] Cast Typing?

[Master] no worries

[Master] Lisa you are ready?

[Master] the locals will start then you will come in

[Carissa] Bah whatever I'll stick with what I originally had or we'll be here all day

[JohnA] I am a local?

[Master] everyone is

[TMO (to Carissa only)] let me look at your pc and see

[Lara (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ren Kuaisu modified: Personal Information - Player:: CHANGED: Lara (null).

[Spring] BOB is icon a DM-only editable?

[JohnA] so am I starting or comming in?

[Spring] i found an icon for my character

[Master] yes I have to add the icons


[Master] will do that in a moment

[Spring] thx

[TMO (to Carissa only)] which one is yours? I missed if you said the new name

[Carissa (to TMO only)] Please. I also looked at Botany, but not sure if that's specific to wizard/priest. He's a bow fletched, I'd hope he'd know plants but...

[Carissa (to TMO only)] Joe

[Lisa] yes I'm ready

[Spring (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ash Cinderfall modified: Personal Information - Hair/Eyes:: CHANGED: Light Brown / Gray (Brown/Green).

[Master] what do you mean John?

[TMO (to Carissa only)] on stats page, do you bother with substats? you could move those around a bit if you want, up to +/-2

[TMO (to Carissa only)] at 10's it won't matter much at all

[JohnA] you said the locals start ,than you come in

[Carissa (to TMO only)] I gave him one for dex and one for wis to boost his current skills, but not sure how much I really care

[JohnA] you now I presume is Lisa

[TMO (to Carissa only)] :D understood

[Carissa (to Master only)] Is Botany specific to wizard/priest or can be an exception here?

[Master] OK

[Master] checking Carissa

[Master] but I think yes

[Master] yes has to be mage or priest

[Carissa] Lame

[Master] so not available to you

[Master] sorry

[TMO (to Carissa only)] dang, that is a tough choice - someone who goes into the swamp alone a lot, both swimming and survival make a lot of sense

[TMO (to Carissa only)] maybe survival, and use it to avoid needing to swim?

[Carissa (to TMO only)] Right? But someone else has survival, so as a group we'd be fine. But if we need more swimmers... we always need more swimmers. Unless we end up in a desert

[TMO (to Carissa only)] hadn't looked at the other skills

[Carissa (to TMO only)] I was trying to look at somthing else and saw that. Which made me indecisive, lol. I shouldn't have

[Carissa (to TMO only)] I'll just stick with swimmer and stop holding people up :)

[Carissa] OK

[Carissa] I'm done. Sorry.

[TMO (to Carissa only)] sounds good. you'll be fine either way I think

[Carissa (to TMO only)] Thanks for helping me figure it out!

[Milo (Lisa)] it's OK :D

[Carissa] lol

[TMO (to Carissa only)] glad I could help. did I help? ;) I'm not sure I helped...

[Lara] wait! can i change my NWP?

[Lara] question: can camouflage be used in water?

[Carissa (to TMO only)] lol well you helped talk me into not looking anymore so kinda?

[Lara] it seems like it would...

[Michael-14198] (This is so fun to watch us hash out these Characters. It's kind of fun)

[Spring] (hee!)

[Master] OK last call

[Master] yes to Lara camouflage is camouglage

[Michael-14198] (Into the Breach!)

[Lara] wait!

[Michael-14198] (OOP. Sorry Lara)

[Lara] okay. i sticking with that then

[Master] you can use it where ever you are

[Milo (Lisa)] (our stats are so low that anything we pick is going to be a close to 50/50 chance of succeding so not so important to me)

[Milo (Lisa)] (like our fieldmice)

[Master] OK Mario is giving it one last try then he might have to go home to log in

[Milo (Lisa)] (so sorry for that)

[Lara] (good point)

[JohnA] my house is closer

[Carissa] (hey hey Horatio was great at foraging. And Bianca could kind of swim. Everything else, eh)

[Michael-14198] (Yeah, kind of Figured Lisa. Not too panicky. I'm kind fo going with Call of Cthulu style of gameplay, where you expect your character to die. Saves on the heartache when you just know! ;) )

[JohnA] what could possibly hapen at the market place?

[Master] the plan here is you create new people that will be notable NPCs for the place

[Lara] um...did you NOt see Indiana Jones?

[Master] and so starting

[Michael-14198] (John, this is bob. A meteor could literally fall at any time!)

[Master] quote

Lara breathes with excitement

[Spring] hahahahaha

[Carissa] Oh shoot I said I'd write while we play or it'll never happen

JohnA breaths

[Carissa] Eh, except quotes will be later. Do that if you want something quoted, peeps.

mario-yoga has joined the game on Sat Sep 12 13:40:07 EDT 2020

mario-yoga is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

mario-yoga has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[JohnA] Mr Yoga!

[Milo (Lisa)] (yay!! Hi Mario!!)

[Lara] hi Mario!

mario-yoga is receiving the map Foriso Town...

mario-yoga has received the map Foriso Town.

[Michael-14198] (Hey Mario!)

[Master] the marketplace here in Foriso Town is the main area where trade comes in and out of Dragon Fen

[Carissa] (hi mario)

[Master] you each came a mile or two if you are not from Foriso to be here

[Spring] hi mario!

[Michael-14198] (Also I like the idea of character creation at the Marketplace. It's kind of cool to think of it as more of a recruiting station. Gives so much imagination to the area)

[Master] for what ever reason you would

[mario-yoga] Hello Hello!

[Michael-14198] (We've missed you!)

[TMO] (welcome Mario!

[mario-yoga] ya, missed you all too

[Master] There is the trading post adn the miller that frame the marketplace and the lighthouse that towers over the open space.

[JohnA] aim higher

[Master] there are no permanent structures here, just rough areas for people to show up to sell or buy

[Carissa] (wait the market place is by the lighthouse? easier to theiving...if Ilero was a thief)

[Master] do anyone of you have something to sell or buy?

[Joe (Carissa)] Arrow! Handcrafted, aged oak arrows here!

[JohnA] I dropped off my fish for my employer, ready to go back out

[Master] Al moved 56'09".

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (need to sell some cheese and get some bread and veg)

[Master] Milo moved 54'03".

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (because life. gotta eat)

[Michael-14198] (Maybe, Lisa could establish a real trading area here and bring in income. Like a farmers market where you can "rent" a stall for cheap. Sorry getting ahead of myself. Just get excited with the "Base-Building" Aspect of games :) )

[Joe (Carissa)] Sharp and pointy! Fly like, er, an arrow! GET YER ARROWS! I got 'em! You buy 'em!

[Master] excellent Carissa, and all,

[Master] exactly what this is about Michael

[Michael-14198] (Jason's Mortuary, You stab em, we slab um)

[Lara] (do we have money or would you have told us?)

[Master] you can move to which ever areas of the marketplace you would like

[Nerikan (TMO)] I need some salt, some spices, and some honey if it's available.

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (in fact, if i can get away with bartering the cheese directly for the bread and veg, i'm down with that)

[Joe (Carissa)] Great for hunting! Bad for finding love! I'm not cupid, just a fletcher. ARROWS!

[Master] you each have 4 plus 1d4 copper pieces

Milo (Lisa) whispers to Al "I'll just stay here while you get what we need."

[Joe (Carissa)] ((1d4) [1d4=4] 4)

[Master] and yes to Spring that is what most people do

[Joe (Carissa)] (oooh he's good at selling things!)

[Michael-14198] (Oh god. I forget how rich the dragonslayers are when minor characters actually need money LOL)

[Nerikan (TMO)] Nerikan [1d4]: (1d4) [1d4=2] 2

[Joe (Carissa)] (or saving, or finding pennies on the floor)

[Lara] (if i have a bow, do i assume i have arrows?)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (1d4) [1d4=2] 2

[JohnA] (4+1d4) [1d4=3] 7

[Milo (Lisa)] (1d4+4) [1d4=3] 7

[Joe (Carissa) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Joe modified: Notes - ADDED.

[Michael-14198] (Oh man I hope so Lara)

[Master] yes to Lara

[Master] you have 4

[Nerikan (TMO) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Nerikan modified: Wealth - ADDED: Copper, 46, .

[Lara] (got it)

[Nerikan (TMO) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Nerikan modified: Wealth - CHANGED: Copper -- Carried: 6 (46),

[Michael-14198] Latham: Artistic Ability - wood carving check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Michael-14198] Latham: Carpentry check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against -1!!

[JohnA (to GM only)] Character sheet for Taylor Terry Tanahill modified: Encumbrance Totals - ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: 7 cp. ADDED: ADDED: ADDED: ADDED:

[Joe (Carissa)] Aged-oak! Beech! Swamp cypress! All the arrows one could need!

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ash Cinderfall modified: Wealth - ADDED: Copper piece, 6, .

[Master] Michael you have pieces to sell

[Master] no roll needed

[Milo (Lisa) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Milo modified: Wealth - ADDED: Copper pieces, 7, .

[Michael-14198] (Realizing my carvings are crap, I choose to hang my head in shame)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (i feel a little silly listing 6 copper as "wealth")

[Michael-14198] (LOL)

[Joe (Carissa)] (lol)

[Michael-14198] "Carvings of the Goddess! Bring you Luck and Fortune!"

[Joe (Carissa)] Hey! You there! Need some arrows? I got 'em!

[Milo (Lisa)] (IC please)

[Michael-14198] (OH! Sorry. Always Forget Thatnk You Lisa)

[Master] Joe moved 53'06".

[Master] Ash Cinderfall moved 51'10".

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] hmmmmm which goddess?

[Joe (Carissa)] Ain't going to find anything better out of these swamps!

[Master] Latham moved 82'10".

[Lara] (how od roll for copper pieces?)

[Master] Taylor Terry Tanahill moved 25'08".

[Milo (Lisa)] 1d4+4 in curly brackets

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (IC)

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu moved 8'05".

Nerikan (TMO) hoists her pack over her shoulder as she looks for the spice seller.

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] i could use some luck with lambing

[mario-yoga (to GM only)] Character sheet for Al modified: Personal Information - Name:: CHANGED: Al(aska) (null). Ability Scores - INT: (I) : CHANGED: 12 (10). Knowledge: (KN) : CHANGED: 14 (10).

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (er kidding?)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (haha only kidding)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (One sec spring. I forger her name)

Joe (Carissa) takes and arrow and slams it sharp end first into the wood

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] /sits and rests before making trek back

[Joe (Carissa)] See? SHARP ARROWS FOR SALE!

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (1d4) [1d4=3] 3

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall moved 28'02".

[Nanny Gothhawk (Master)] DEMI, get back here

[Nanny Gothhawk (Master)] You are not wandering off,

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) shakes head

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) looks up at commotion

[Master] Jilly moved 60'04".

[Joe (Carissa)] Hey! You m'am! Need some arrows?

Nerikan (TMO) nods politely to Ash Cinderfall as they pass each other moving through the marketplace.

Jilly (Master) looking over the cheese

Ash Cinderfall (Spring) nods

[Jilly (Master)] Fresh this week?

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] oh yes

[Jilly (Master)] Do you have anything aged?

[Joe (Carissa)] Little kid, you know what's fun? Arrows!

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] the aged stuff isn't aged enough yet

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) considers throwing net over kids

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 1'05".

[Jilly (Master)] DAHLIA, stay away from the arrows please

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] i have not been out of apprenticeship very long

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 30'01".

[Latham (Michael-14198) (to Lisa only)] I'm so sorry. What is the primary religion of the area. Is it Greek, or Kayugan

[Joe (Carissa)] Ah it's fine. Rubber tip, see? Here you go, little girl!

[Master] Dahlia moved 54'08".

[Milo (Lisa) (to Michael-14198 only)] Kayugen

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 6'05".

[Latham (Michael-14198) (to Lisa only)] you are a lifesaver thank you

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (why is it not a Market Rectangle?)

[Joe (Carissa)] Save it for when you grow up, find your lover with it!

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 2'01".

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) looks over Joe's wares

[Nerikan (TMO)] Nerikan moved 58'07".

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 3'06".

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 9'09".

[Joe (Carissa)] Ah! An archer, I see! Beautiful bow. Need some beautiful arrows to match?

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (maybe the building on the four sides are about the same size, so it just comes out square?)

Joe (Carissa) holds out a prettier set

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) shakes head "Looking for animal hides"

Joe (Carissa) frowns

[Joe (Carissa)] These are arrows, not hides, I sell.

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) (laughs)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] HM. Might you know where I can get some animal hides?

Nerikan (TMO) overhears. "We have some hides, although they're not cured yet."

[Jilly (Master)] I am not sure that Dahlia will need arrows for a while

Joe (Carissa) waves hand around, "Somewhere other than here."

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 62'09".

[Jilly (Master)] Come along

[Joe (Carissa)] Ah no no, m'am. This is a special one!

[Jilly (Master)] We do need some good cheese

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Why, this is Venery, goddess of the Hunt! She was able to track any creature once on the Trail. She cared for animals of the world. I consider her the patron goddess of shephards and huntsman

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) heads over to Nerikan

[Joe (Carissa)] Legend has it, if you give this arrows to someone, they'll fall in love with you!

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) turns back around looking at Joe

[Joe (Carissa)] My pop says that's how he met my ma!

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] oh we like Venery!

Jilly (Master) turns to look at Joe

[Joe (Carissa)] Cupid's work! Without the actually shooting.

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 53'07".

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Sees Jilly and Smiles. You girl! Your the Lady Branwyns Ward! She's been good to this Land! Here, here!

Latham (Michael-14198) Rummages

[Nerikan (TMO)] Nerikan moved 58'05".

[Jilly (Master)] Your father married your mother because her father insisted

Latham (Michael-14198) Holds small Charm of Venery and all but shoves it in her hands

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] How much are the love arrows?

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] i only have new cheese, do you have a small, simple, portable Venery i can take with me to the fields?

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) looks at Joe

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] oh hey yeah like that

[Jilly (Master)] We have

Latham (Michael-14198) Apparently according to your own legends, you tracked and saved many of her Compatriots. You should have this small one

[Joe (Carissa)] 5 copper a piece! Gotta get them blessed by Aphrodite and all. Ain't always cheap!

Latham (Michael-14198) Smiles and hands to Jilly

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) hmphs

Nerikan (TMO) hoists her bag up to show. "We've got dried jerky ready for trade today. The hides are back at the shop. I think Pa was going to trade them to the leatherworker."

Latham (Michael-14198) Returns to stall

Jilly (Master) nods to Latham, Thank you

Jilly (Master) hands over 1 silver piece

[Jilly (Master)] The Countess will be grateful

Latham (Michael-14198) Backs away quickly. No, no. It's a gift

[Joe (Carissa)] Well if you need, a rubber arrows takes away the chase. Set you as straight as.. er, an arrow in the path of love!

Latham (Michael-14198) I won't take your money

[Jilly (Master)] Oh no,

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] What other arrows do you have?

Jilly (Master) wags a finger

[Jilly (Master)] you cannot get out of that

[Jilly (Master)] here,

Latham (Michael-14198) Blushes and seems uncomfortable

[Jilly (Master)] presses the silver into his palm

[Joe (Carissa)] Oak! Beech! Walnut! A wide variety made for hunting.

[Jilly (Master)] I know what it is work

[Jilly (Master)] when you pay your taxes at the end of the month you will want this

Latham (Michael-14198) Clutches to chest. Almost tears. "It's too much."

Latham (Michael-14198) I don't know

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) shrugs "What forest are the oah arrows from?"

Jilly (Master) nods

Nerikan (TMO) moves back on to the spice merchant.

[Joe (Carissa)] The swamp, of course. Some good sturdy trees to grow here!

Jilly (Master) looks around Dahlia, where did you get to

[Nerikan (TMO)] Nerikan moved 19'09".

[Nanny Gothhawk (Master)] I have her here

Latham (Michael-14198) Shakes Hand Vigoursly. "If you ever need a Carpenter, I'd be happy to help in anyway I can."

[Master] Dahlia moved 49'08".

[Master] Demitrius moved 7'07".

Latham (Michael-14198) Hurries back to Stall, cheeks still red

[Master] Jilly moved 12'03".

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] may i have one of those Venery charms too? will you take this parcel of fresh cheese for it?

[mario-yoga (to GM only)] Character sheet for Al modified: Magic Item Summary - ADDED: Ring of Mirror Image, Once per day, as per spell., . Weapons - ADDED: Quarterstaff, false, Quarterstaff, , , 0, , --, --, , , , , , $atk, 0, , , , , $dmg, 1d6, 1d6, 1d10, , , , .

[Master] Fourthing moved 16'02".

Latham (Michael-14198) Carefully hides the Silver Piece in a pouch around his neck

[Fourthing (Master)] as the bustling market place

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) makes sure net is not tangled

[Fourthing (Master)] anyone with observation?

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) measure distane to see if can get both kids

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (I dn't think so for my character at least)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (mot I)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Joe, how much are the beech arrows?

[Nerikan (TMO)] (yes)

[Nerikan (TMO)] Nerikan: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

Ash Cinderfall (Spring) clears throat

Latham (Michael-14198) Meekly calls out, still stunned at his own good fortune

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (Woot)

[mario-yoga (to Lisa only)] Hey! looks like we are heading west

[Latham (Michael-14198)] "Venery goddesses for sale. Keep track of your Livestock, bring good fortune."

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Latham. hello

[mario-yoga (to Lisa only)] thanks for the rescue

Latham (Michael-14198) Jumps

[Master] Nerikan spots a strange Gnome entering the market,

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] may i have one of those Venery charms too? will you take this parcel of fresh cheese for it?

[Joe (Carissa)] 2 copper for a bundle!

[mario-yoga] (wow, already labeled 'strange')

[Nerikan (TMO)] (is he a paladin of the Order of the Brotherhood? :P)

Latham (Michael-14198) Hi Cinder! You should double team with me this year! Venery is the goddess of the hunt! Sell more arrows if we sell a charm and arrows!

[Master] LOL to TMO

Latham (Michael-14198) Rummages in chest for Venery Statue.

Latham (Michael-14198) Meekly hands to Cinder

Ash Cinderfall (Spring) hands over the cheese

[Latham (Michael-14198)] "A charm for future business opportunities...Perhaps"

[Master] She has 3 lozenges on her collar

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] And the walnut?

[Master] as she walks in carrying a small bag

[Joe (Carissa)] (Cinder is cheese? Yes? Joe is arrows. Latham is carvings?)

Latham (Michael-14198) winks "It's a gift. Keep your cheese for today eh?"

[Joe (Carissa)] 3 copper a bundle!

[Master] Fourthing moved 4'05".

Fourthing (Master) looking around,

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (OH I'm so sorry. Is Cinder, the Arrows. Gosh Darnit"

Fourthing (Master) listening

[Latham (Michael-14198)] )

[Nerikan (TMO)] (Neriken is meat)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] how will you ever support yourself giving gifts in the marketplace

[Joe (Carissa)] (and Nerikan skins? I'm trying to get them straight, too, lol)

[Joe (Carissa)] (meat, sorry)

[Nerikan (TMO)] (s'ok)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] i tell you what, let us eat this cheese together. then it is lunch :-)

[Fourthing (Master)] HELLO everyone!

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) Nods head and pulls out 2 coppers "I will take a bundle of the beech"

[Fourthing (Master)] I am in search of adventurers

Nerikan (TMO) turns to watch the loud gnome.

Latham (Michael-14198) Shakes head. "I appreciate your concerns, but these take but a day to make and carve. I find giving them to friends and potential business partners gets me more business!"

[Fourthing (Master)] My fellows are in trouble and i need to mount a rescuse party

Latham (Michael-14198) Winks

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] ahem, the adventurers live in the Dragon Fen castle

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] you're in the wrong place

[Fourthing (Master)] (Mario and Lisa you can hear this too)

Latham (Michael-14198) (I'm a Baggins, we want no adventures here! Good Morning Sir!)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (hahahaha)

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) slightly turns toward gnome

[Milo (Lisa)] Milo: Hide in Shadows check:(d100) [1d100=48] 48 - ROLL FAILED against 15!!

[Joe (Carissa)] Well, I got arrows to sell to them adventuring types

mario-yoga hears the call, turms and looks at Milo

Jilly (Master) frowns We are all good adventurers here

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Joe, may I have my bundle?

[Jilly (Master)] We are ready to help as needed

Milo (Lisa) whispers to Al "I don't want to go in there"

[Joe (Carissa)] (lol whoops missed that Lara)

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) holds out the 2 coppers further

[Fourthing (Master)] Why thank you good lady!

[Joe (Carissa)] (for both?)

Milo (Lisa) whispers "You go. I'll stay here"

[Fourthing (Master)] Thank you for your assistance

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (no worries)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] ready to help fo curse. that's not the same as adventure

Latham (Michael-14198) Frowns, turns toward Fourthing.

Jilly (Master) laughs lightly

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] of course, not for curse

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Yes

[Joe (Carissa)] Of course, m'am. Here you go!

[Nerikan (TMO) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Nerikan modified:

Latham (Michael-14198) Shakes head. "Not another one. As if we ddin't have enough troubles"

mario-yoga to Milo" you dont have to, i'll see what they are up to. if they head west, maybe we can join. Safety in umbers, right?

Joe (Carissa) exchanges bundles for copper

[Jilly (Master)] Very nicely attempted good gnome, .... Uncle.... ?

[Joe (Carissa)] (IC mario)

[Joe (Carissa) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Joe modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[mario-yoga] I am back at the keyboard.

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) smiles abruptly and nodds, "Thank you kindly."

Milo (Lisa) shakes his head no then yes then no again

[Fourthing (Master)] Uncle Fourthing, thank you My Lady

[Al (mario-yoga)] (thanks! been so long...)

[Nerikan (TMO)] Nerikan moved 16'07".

[Fourthing (Master)] Thank you for assisting us

Nerikan (TMO) moves closer to Jilly to listen interestedly.

[Fourthing (Master)] You are?

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) nods again "Good day sir" and walks closer to the discussion

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 12'11".

[Jilly (Master)] I am Jilly, the steward for Dragon Fen,

[Jilly (Master)] I cannot go with you adventuring sadly,

Jilly (Master) rubs her belly

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 17'03".

Joe (Carissa) sighs, "Someone every week asking for adventures. They ever get bored?"

[Jilly (Master)] But we have good strong folk here who will go with you to rescue yoru friends

[Jilly (Master)] where are they?

Joe (Carissa) goes back to straighting his arrow stacks

[Fourthing (Master)] My friends are trapped with the Swamp Monster

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 29'03".

[Fourthing (Master)] We need to go help them

[Fourthing (Master)] it is a short ways into the swamps, but we need good strong help

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) moves behind the gnome, listening intently

[Fourthing (Master)] I am certain there can be a reward

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) peruses other booths

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (welp that leaves me out)

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) turns towards the gnome

[Nerikan (TMO)] How... how much of a reward?

Latham (Michael-14198) Mumbles to Joe: "I'm a craftsman not a warrior. It's not a good idea."

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 3'04".

Jilly (Master) points to Joe, This one is good with a bow

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) nods head "Yes, how much of a reward?"

Jilly (Master) points to Latham, This one is good with his hands, if you need to fashion

[Jilly (Master)] Hmmm

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] i'm good with a javelin or a shotput but i'm only middling strong

[Jilly (Master)] Where are you from Uncle?

[Joe (Carissa)] No, no. I make arrows FOR bows.

[Fourthing (Master)] We have a small fishing village north of here

[Joe (Carissa)] (poor fletcher doesn't have bows as a weapon which is funny)

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) clears throat

[Fourthing (Master)] it is very easy to find, you jsut look for the big lighthouse

Latham (Michael-14198) Considers Jilly. Thinks about how much it would make a good impression on the honor of his family to assit in the area. Still uncomftable, but wanting to impress the Legendary Girl, he thinks about it.)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Yes, how much of a reward?

[Fourthing (Master)] that stands out for miles around

[Fourthing (Master)] and then avoid it

Nerikan (TMO) glances at the big lighthouse right next to them

Joe (Carissa) to Latham, "Crazy types, these."

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) pretends not to be listening

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 26'03".

Latham (Michael-14198) Looks down and mumbles to Joe. "It would look good for the Lady Branwyn if we showed we cared about the land. I don't know. Maybe we should just see what we are up against? Maybe it won't be too bad."

[Jilly (Master)] Well I am certain that the Countess will ensure that any rescue is properly rewarded

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) watching kids and thinks fondly of her childhood

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) leans towards the person who asked about the reward and whispers "What about the reward?"

[Latham (Michael-14198)] "It could bring us more business if we succeeded. It would show my luck chamrs work, and that your arrows fly true."

Joe (Carissa) nods "As she should. Anyone crazy enough to do them should get a reward."

Latham (Michael-14198) Hesitatnly asks: "What kind of foe would we be facing. We aren't warriors"

Joe (Carissa) looking at Latham, "She's getting to your head there, mate."

Nanny Gothhawk (Master) reaches down and takes the stick away from Demi, "No do not practice with your sister, wait will home and you can use the dummy"

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) overhears the conversations

[Al (mario-yoga)] Well, Milo, we could use a reward, we are scant on funds. and the bad could it be?

Ash Cinderfall (Spring) listens in also

[Fourthing (Master)] We just need a boat or two

Latham (Michael-14198) Mumbles again. "Maybe. But, the Lady has been good to us. She took out all those undead. Maybe we should show we care too?"

Latham (Michael-14198) Sighs

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) laughs outloud

[Joe (Carissa)] Hope you find some good swimmers, too! Ain't nice waters out there.

[Fourthing (Master)] I have a canoe

Nerikan (TMO) leans back toward Ren, "Nothing specific yet, but Miss Jilly has promised the Lady would reward us too."

[Fourthing (Master)] I can take two with me

Joe (Carissa) shrugs, "If you go, I wish you luck, my friend."

[Fourthing (Master)] but the more we can get the better

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 18'10".

[Milo (Lisa)] Umph ... sounds like trouble

Ash Cinderfall (Spring) remembers they can't swim or boat

Jilly (Master) looks around

[Milo (Lisa)] And ... people

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] I may be able to assist for the right price...

[Al (mario-yoga)] wow, Milo, they need canoes, too. We can fit one more person with us. Maybe we can get a bigger share for it

[Joe (Carissa)] (damn people)

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) announces

[Latham (Michael-14198)] "Do what you want. I understand. I don't have a family so it wont be catastrophic if I disapear. Sighs again before hesitatnly raising his hand"

[Latham (Michael-14198)] "I will go"

[Jilly (Master)] points to Taylor

[Al (mario-yoga)] yes, people, but you are getting so good around them.

[Jilly (Master)] You have a skiff out there don't you, you have the nets and all

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (am i invisible? lol)

[Al (mario-yoga)] imean except for that one time a fdew weeks back

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (i didn't activate camouflage)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (Sorry Lara. Just mixed up in teh Chat I think)

[Joe (Carissa)] (I think you and Michael are too close colorwise, lol)

[Al (mario-yoga)] and maybe that other time, where was it? well, you are doing well!

[Joe (Carissa)] (I keep reading yours as Michael)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 4'09".

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (the chat is a bit hard to follow)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (Let me see if I can change color)

Fourthing (Master) looks at Ren Excellent thank you for joining

[Milo (Lisa)] I don't ... well ... okay

[Fourthing (Master)] That makes three, or four

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) holds up hand and halts "What is the reward?"

Nerikan (TMO) swallows nervously and nods her head.

[Fourthing (Master)] and you have a skiff?

Joe (Carissa) hands Latham one of the "charm arrows".

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (LOL. Fourthing conscirpting Milo is Hilarious)

Joe (Carissa) Best of luck, mate. That this for whatever you come across.

[Fourthing (Master)] That will make things easier

Latham (Michael-14198) Smiles. Thanks Joe

[Latham (Michael-14198)] "Good luck in your sales today. If I dn't return, would you look after my Statues?"

[Latham (Michael-14198)] "Sell them to good people eh?"

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill moved 37'11".

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) clears throat "Mr Fourthing, I am Ren Kuaisu of Regets Fields. I may join your party. What is the reward?"

[Fourthing (Master)] and You are Ren? You can be the second in the skiff with .... um, I did not hear your name? (looking at Taylor)

[Joe (Carissa)] Of course! No good on adventures, but I can help a fellow merchant

[Al (mario-yoga)] you're such a sport Milo

Al (mario-yoga) spas his back

[Jilly (Master)] looks around

[Al (mario-yoga)] but keep that thing covered, until they get to know us

Milo (Lisa) tenses slightly

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] I am going back fishing, I can see how far we can go

Milo (Lisa) nods

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Call me T

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (I have switched to purpelish. Michael is now purple?)

[Fourthing (Master)] Wonderful group we have here

[Milo (Lisa)] the claw or the hoof?

[Al (mario-yoga)] Al moved 47'08".

[Joe (Carissa)] (lol very bright but better)

Milo (Lisa) thinks

[Master] Fourthing moved 1'10".

[Master] Al moved 4'10".

[Master] Milo moved 27'03".

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) begins to walk away

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (highly visible, michael :-)

Milo (Lisa) tucks his claw in his cloak

[Al (mario-yoga)] Good sir, my colleague and I can help for our share of the reward, and we have a conoe. We can carry one other

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (Sorry. Just trying to help :) )

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (I can change if necessary later)

[Fourthing (Master)] (Forthing is a female gnome and she assigned Ren to work with T in the skiff)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (no i mean you succeeded michael)

Milo (Lisa) holds breath

[Joe (Carissa)] (no no this will make it easier when chat goes fast, thanks)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara) (to Master only)] (What am i geting PAID!)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] I get first dibs at dead creatures

Milo (Lisa) shakes head trying to will gnome to say no to other gnome

[Fourthing (Master) (to Lara only)] grins zero mention of that at all, just Jilly saying the Countess will reward people who are sucessfull at rescusing

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] i am willing to help, but i am not especially strong and cannot swim or boat, but if you need an extra pair of hands ... ?

[Fourthing (Master)] Hands are in short supply right now

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] i am good with animals though

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) rolls eyes thinking "ASh will be useless"

Latham (Michael-14198) head still meekly down, begins hefting his wooden javelin, trying to remember his basic lessons from his father

Fourthing (Master) glances at Milo, sorry about that

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Who is Ren?

[Nerikan (TMO)] Nerikan moved 10'05".

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (A sith lord)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (HA)

Milo (Lisa) frowns

Nerikan (TMO) drifts quietly behind Ren, still listening.

Ash Cinderfall (Spring) gives Ren an "excuse me" look

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (hey! that was a thought!)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (oh wait, nvm)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (LOL)

Al (mario-yoga) looks at Milo. " he didnt mean it THAT way..."

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (hahahahaha)

[Jilly (Master)] I am glad you have a good rescue party here

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) turns to Jilly

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) shakes head

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Jilly, you indicated that the Countess will pay for this rescue?

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] you lost me at "adventure" but it is just neighborly to "rescue"

[Jilly (Master)] Uncle when you return with your friends, do come to the Manor House and we will speak

Milo (Lisa) tucks claw deeper inside his cloak

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (who is Uncle???)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (Religious Leader)

[Milo (Lisa)] (fouthing)

[Joe (Carissa)] (The gnome recruiting people)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (It's a Title)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (so confused right now)

[Master] good

[Master] you are all low level farmers, etc.

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (I am a warrior! lol)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (fisherperson)

[Al (mario-yoga)] (wanderer with good friend)

[Joe (Carissa)] (fletcher)

[Master] it is a nice example of how Jilly knows things, can spot people's strengths, etc. she understands the church rankings by looking at the clothing etc.

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (Lowely Carpenter. We're going to have to XCOM this and all attack a single enemy at once. :) )

[Master] so we will get moving along shortly

[Joe (Carissa)] (good example? jilly thought joe had a bow. he doesn't. she's slipping ;) )

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) mutters under his breath "Who is going to pay me?"

[Master] grins

[Al (mario-yoga)] (lol)

Joe (Carissa) waves, "Best of luck!"

Joe (Carissa) mutters, "Lunatics."

[Master] have fun storming the castle

Latham (Michael-14198) Elbows Ren "Ah come on. Even if we rummage through the brigands pockets, I'm sure we'll come up with Something"

[Joe (Carissa)] (lol)

[Master] so you do have enough transportatoin for everyone

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (BOB. That quote ends with "They don't have a chance" Your already Killing us!!)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] i am just gonna send a message to my dad to look after the goats for me for a few days

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) smiles and nods "Good idea..."

Ash Cinderfall (Spring) pays a kid to run the message back home

[Joe (Carissa)] You're going, too, Cinder?

[Master] you have a skiff

[Joe (Carissa)] Won't ya miss the goats?

[Master] and two canoes

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) rolls eyes again at Ash

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] yeah extra pair of hands

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] A FEW DAYS!>

[Master] each canoe holds 3 people

[Joe (Carissa)] But you'll probably die.

[Master] Milo moved 33'10".

[Master] Al moved 40'05".

[Master] Fourthing moved 42'00".

[Master] Jilly moved 43'10".

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] hey, the priest slipped up and said "adventure" so it'll be at LEAST a few days

[Master] Ren Kuaisu moved 45'09".

[Master] Taylor Terry Tanahill moved 63'07".

[Master] Ash Cinderfall moved 34'10".

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] but we're nobodies so it can't be more than a few days

[Master] Ren Kuaisu moved 8'00".

[Al (mario-yoga)] Hold on. The swamps...the ones east of here? the ones we just came through?

[Master] Latham moved 36'09".

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (and Latham?)

[Master] Nerikan moved 48'05".

[Joe (Carissa)] Have ya learned to swim yet?

[Master] Joe moved 48'09".

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Hm...A few days? Passes a few copper to Joe. Thank you for looking after my wares."

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Momma did not raise no dummy

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (that question can't be for me. we already established i can't swim)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] "Be safe."

[Joe (Carissa)] (it can be if I missed it, lol)

[Joe (Carissa)] (Joe's finding a reason to go because I stupidly made him not want to)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (You can doggy paddle Spring. Pretty sure at least)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (hahaha)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (fetal float probably)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (follow a girl, great reason)

[Joe (Carissa)] (lol less that and more just being a friend)

[Master] and you can do better introductions to each nother now as you start to organize into which canoe you will be in and who the heck the new gnome and his friend in a cloak are

[Joe (Carissa)] Ah goddess damn, Cinder. Ya know ya can't swim.

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

Latham (Michael-14198) Hestitatnly turns back to Joe. "I'm not trying to sound scared. But we could always use a helping hand. If anything to run a message back to the Countess..."

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] yeah Joe i know

Joe (Carissa) sighs, "Better hold on to it, Latham. Cinder here is gonna need someone to help 'em."

[mario-yoga] I am away from the keyboard.

Nerikan (TMO) lurks silently at the back of the group, watching and listening to everyone else talk.

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (Sorry, trying to help Joe be able to come :) )

[Joe (Carissa)] But if I die, ya better pray hard for me.

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (Giving him excuses.)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] but i figured if i were in danger, i'd want help no matter how inept

[Joe (Carissa)] (lol thanks, he was telling Latham to hold his coins so he'll come)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] so come along, Joe!

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] be inept with me!

[Latham (Michael-14198)] /smiles. "Thanks."

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) turns to guy who elbowed him, "I'm Ren Kuaisu of Reget Fields. Praytell, what is your name?"

[Joe (Carissa)] Inept? Ah, Cinder. You kidder. You know I can swim.

[Joe (Carissa)] (HA! Kidder. Pun win)

[Joe (Carissa)] (sorry quote moving on)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] hahahahaha

Latham (Michael-14198) Turns back to Wares. Who do you think can look after our wares though. I have a few pieces I spent Carving for weeks. I'd hate to lose them"

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] ok so come be my lifeguard

[Joe (Carissa)] Gotta watch out for you and Latham. Yer all I have at these markets. Can't be selling without you two.

Joe (Carissa) yells across the market, "JILLY! YA GONNA WATCH THE WARES?"

Latham (Michael-14198) Chuckles nervously. "Thanks Joe. I don't really know what we are walking in to. Hopefully just a few troublemakers."

Latham (Michael-14198) Cringes at the yesll

[Latham (Michael-14198)] "Joe! That's Lady Jilly!"

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] I've been near the swamps before, i an't never seen no monster

[Joe (Carissa)] Ah, right right. Sorry. Well, whatever works.

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Latham: Survival - swamps check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Really haven't either Taylor

[Latham (Michael-14198)] But I 've heard stories

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Better to be safe then sorry eh?

[Joe (Carissa)] Nerikan? You ever seen any? You got hunting, don'tcha?

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) realizes that the elbowing guy is busy

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall: Sports check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (just for grins)

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) turns to other listener (TMO!) and introduces self "I'm Ren Kuaisu of Reget Fields. Praytell, what is your name?"

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (Have any of us made a successful check yet? Except fo the random Obs Check? I'm wondering if we are giong to hit anything LOL)

Nerikan (TMO) ducks her head shyly. "Nerikan, from Cypress."

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (if it's like Sniffikins and foraging, probably not)

[Joe (Carissa)] (lol)

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) holds out hand to Nerikan

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Nice to meet you Nerika from Cypress.

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (Gotta be honest. It's kind of fun to have a completely different adventure. )

Nerikan (TMO) takes it. "Hi."

[Master] smiles

[mario-yoga] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) notices how soft Nerikan's hand is and quickly drops it blushing

[Master] Al moved 14'00".

[Master] Milo moved 13'00".

[Master] Fourthing moved 15'04".

[Master] Taylor Terry Tanahill moved 14'09".

[Master] Ren Kuaisu moved 18'07".

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Praytell, what interests you about this adventure?

[Nerikan (TMO)] (not that soft - butcher's family)

[Master] so those are the three shifts

[Master] ships

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (still a woman)

[Master] Al and Milo in one

[Nerikan (TMO)] (tru dat)

[Master] Fourthing in one

[Master] and T and Ren in another

[Master] each fits three people

[Master] so you can decide who gets into the open slots

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) furrows brow ans says to Nerikan "Did we ever determine how much we were getting paid?"

Nerikan (TMO) shakes her head.

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (T is Taylor?)

[Joe (Carissa)] (That name is so long it doesn't even show up when zoomed out)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (correct)

Latham (Michael-14198) Snorts to Ren. "Hel no. But I think if we succeed, we might get some mroe business when we tell the stories. And, might be something valuable there right?"

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] hey, put me wherever

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] I am in it for the fish

Latham (Michael-14198) Smiles at Ash. stick with me? We can watch each other's back if you want."

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) hmphs and raises one eyebrow "If we are succesful, it could be a good referral"

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (So long, and thatnks for all the fish)

Latham (Michael-14198) Nods at Ren. "I'm hoping so."

Joe (Carissa) nods, "You two should go with gnome. You'll fit."

Nerikan (TMO) moves toward the canoe with Fourthing in it.

[Master] Ash Cinderfall moved 17'04".

[Master] Latham moved 10'07".

[Latham (Michael-14198)] "We also get to meet the Countess. Surely that means something right?"

[JohnA] I am away from the keyboard.

[Joe (Carissa)] Which means the last spot is... with these quiet fellas?

[Joe (Carissa)] Joe moved 17'02".

[Master] and Nerikan with Ren

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Good point. Meeting the Countess could be good for business.

Al (mario-yoga) clears throat

[Joe (Carissa)] (figuring Ner and Ren were talking so those together)

[Master] Nerikan moved 22'11".

[Al (mario-yoga)] um, "gnome", I have a name

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (I think we are all kind of together)

[Joe (Carissa)] Ah, hello? Name's Joe.

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (skiff with Nerikan or T?)

Latham (Michael-14198) "Latham"

[Joe (Carissa)] (Yeah but you know how important skiff placement is in the swamp)

Milo (Lisa) nods

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (and shouldn't T be T3?)

Nerikan (TMO) watches Latham and Ash climb in ahead of her, then turns to the next canoe, sees it's full, then goes to the last spot in the ast canoe.

[Joe (Carissa)] (T3PO)

[Master] T Ren and Ner are in the skiff

[Milo (Lisa)] (lol)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (I thought eh skiif only held 2?)

[Master] two more

Joe (Carissa) waiting, "Well, allright, er, gnome? And er, other fella? Nice to meet you, I suppose."

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (We do have a couple canoes too)

[Al (mario-yoga)] depends on how deep yu bury them

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] oh i'm Ash, by the way. Joe's friend

Milo (Lisa) whispers "Milo"

[Al (mario-yoga)] This is Milo, my good firend. I am Al

Joe (Carissa) nods, "Nice name. I'll, uh, just scrunch in right here if you don't mind."


[Joe (Carissa)] *names

Milo (Lisa) nods

Joe (Carissa) nods, "Thanks."

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) introduces himself to other skiffmate "I'm Ren Kuaisu of Reget Fields. Praytell, what is your name?"

[Master] Taylor Terry Tanahill, Milo, Joe, Nerikan, Ren Kuaisu, Latham, Al, Ash Cinderfall and Fourthing moved 148'06".

[Master] Fourthing, Milo, Joe, Nerikan, Ren Kuaisu, Latham, Al, Taylor Terry Tanahill and Ash Cinderfall moved 285'03".

[Latham (Michael-14198)] BRB. Grabbing som Aspirin

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] :-(

[Joe (Carissa)] (Ren is with 3T and Ner_

[Joe (Carissa)] (ahh John is afk though)

[JohnA] I am back at the keyboard.

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (3T love it)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Call me T, for now

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Nie to meet you T, this is Nerikan of Cypress

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] the cnome called you Ren?

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) gestures to Nerikan

Nerikan (TMO) lifts a hand briefly in greeting, then quickly lowers it again.

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) nods

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (ok so Ash is also from Reget fieds and there's only like 10 households, so i am assuming Ren and Ash have Bad History)

[Fourthing (Master)] I was really lucky to find all you good people

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) nods head, Yes I'm Ren Kuaisu of Reget Fields.

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Am I going to need to save eitehr of you when you fall in the water?

Nerikan (TMO) looks at her knees and shakes her head.

[Al (mario-yoga)] Joe, can you Swim?

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) furrows brow "Do you plan on tipping the skiff over?"

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) smirks

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] No, that is the fishes job

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) questions the sanity of new skiffmate called T

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] I keep it a float

[Fourthing (Master)] Ash how far into the swamps have you ever been?

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] not at all

[Master] Fourthing, Latham and Ash Cinderfall moved 29'01".

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) nods in understanding

[Master] Taylor Terry Tanahill, Nerikan and Ren Kuaisu moved 10'00".

[Joe (Carissa)] Yes, sir. What about you two?

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] the goats don't go and they are my life's work

[Master] Al, Milo and Joe moved 6'06".

[Fourthing (Master)] Goats huh

[Fourthing (Master)] do they really eat anything?

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Do goats swim?

[Al (mario-yoga)] Milo can get by, but i sink like a rock

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] true fact, anything

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] even metal things

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) marks Al as troubble

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (can we hear each other on the differnt watercraft?)

[Fourthing (Master)] Huh, like rocks too?

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (looking up whether goats swim)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (hee heee Spring)

Milo (Lisa) whispers "Can't save anyone"

[Fourthing (Master)] You know the crazy things that people thing others eat

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] ("Image result for do goats swim So, can goats swim? The answer is they're great swimmers and have been known to swim long distances and even across seas to populate on close neighbouring islands")

Joe (Carissa) nods, "Well, I came to make sure Cinder doesn't sink. Suppose I can make sure neither of you, do, if we're gona be skiff mates."

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (so there goes my bluff)

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) holds up net

Al (mario-yoga) to Milo " you saved me! you're a hero! i can let everyone know, if you'd like

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (oh the goats don't go for some other reason i guess)

[Nerikan (TMO)] (alligators)

Milo (Lisa) shakes head

[Joe (Carissa)] (wait wait but goats can be stupid so just because they CAN swim doesn't mean they're smart about it)

[Milo (Lisa)] No!

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] This may save your life, or it might kill you. stay on the right side of it

[Nerikan (TMO)] (snakes)

[Nerikan (TMO)] (swamp people)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] goats CAN eat rocks but they don't really like them

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] because they don't digest

[Al (mario-yoga)] they might take a liking toyou quicker, and be willing to help you if you, or us, need it

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (can we hear each other on the different watercraft??????)

[Fourthing (Master)] Did you know that the Countess served sticks to elves? and rocks to dwarves? just silly how humans... well I guess how people think

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] but if they get bored enough

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (surely we must be able to hear people on other boats)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (how do i change my font...i think it is getting confused with AI)

Milo (Lisa) nods "I guess"

[Master] you are a few yards away, close enough to hear with loud voices

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (depends on your hearing and how loud the others are talking)

[Joe (Carissa)] Eh, some people aren't fans of the limelight. It's understandable, Milo. Can be a bit of a pain.

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (thank you!)

[Joe (Carissa)] 'long as you're nice to others, they'll be nice to you

Milo (Lisa) whispers "Light is not my friend"

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] So Ren, what is your regular job?

Joe (Carissa) laughs

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] food myths. who knew

[Joe (Carissa)] Well I'm right a fan of it. Can't see in the dark, but 'suppose some of ya can better than me.

Joe (Carissa) nods towards Al

[Al (mario-yoga)] well, Milo is MY hero,

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] i don't really pay attention to gossip so i haven't really heard them all

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] I am in animal tendering primarily but I am often paid for hunting.

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] And you?

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) holds up net again

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ah fisherman!

Joe (Carissa) smiles, "My pa is my hero. Always nice to have one in your life."

[Master] Fourthing, Milo, Joe, Nerikan, Ren Kuaisu, Latham, Al, Taylor Terry Tanahill and Ash Cinderfall moved 96'11".

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Fisherperson

[Joe (Carissa)] Er, a hero.

[Joe (Carissa)] Never know who's missing their parents these days...

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) correcting himself "Pardon me. Fisherperson."

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Any particular fish that you prefer?

[Joe (Carissa)] (if TMO's character, always assume no parents)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] The ones I catch

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] You sell at the marketplace

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] not myself, that is Kelly's job

[Nerikan (TMO)] (this one has parents.... for now)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Kelly is family then?

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (tick tick tick)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Not really

[Joe (Carissa)] (lol)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Dad hired him

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) again, questions the sanity of the Fisherperson called T

[Master] Taylor Terry Tanahill, Milo, Joe, Nerikan, Ren Kuaisu, Latham, Al, Ash Cinderfall and Fourthing moved 5'02".

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Uncle Fourthing, do other people have myths about what humans eat?

[Master (to GM only)] Centipede #2 moved 3'05".

[Master (to GM only)] Centipede #1 moved 3'03".

[Fourthing (Master)] HEY did I hear someone say they deal with dead animals?

Nerikan (TMO) holds onto the edges of the skiff.

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Yes, Fourthing.

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) stears to end of animal

Nerikan (TMO) looks ahead.

Lara has left the game on Sat Sep 12 14:53:24 EDT 2020

[Master] Fourthing, Latham and Ash Cinderfall moved 6'02".

[Milo (Lisa)] Milo: Whistling/humming check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Master] Al, Milo and Joe moved 8'03".

[Master] Taylor Terry Tanahill, Nerikan and Ren Kuaisu moved 13'08".

[Master] Centipede #1 moved 2'03".

[Master] Centipede #1 targets Fourthing. Distance: 2'02"

[Joe (Carissa)] Nerikan's pretty good at it! Grew up down the street from her! Damn good at dealing with dead things.

[Master] Centipede #2 moved 2'08".

[Joe (Carissa)] Er, dead animals, I mean.

[Master] Taylor Terry Tanahill, Nerikan and Ren Kuaisu moved 9'07".

[Master] Taylor Terry Tanahill targets Centipede #2. Distance: 4'00"

Lara has joined the game on Sat Sep 12 14:54:41 EDT 2020

Lara is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Lara has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Fourthing (Master)] There is something moving here

[Joe (Carissa)] Joe: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Milo (Lisa)] (we all see it?)

Joe (Carissa) stops bobbing along to the humming

[Fourthing (Master)] yes

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (int or attacks?)

[Lara] (stop---i was booted out in Sull Church map)

Nerikan (TMO) grips the haft of her knife with one hand.

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

Lara is receiving the map Foriso Town...

Lara has received the map Foriso Town.

[Joe (Carissa)] (too busy eating, can we go around?)

[Master] you can get in attacks if you wish

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (so close Lara)

Lara smells air trying to determine dead animal

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (i missd the yes)

[Master] it is a big swamp

[Al (mario-yoga)] Centipedes! we are safe this far away. Jo, maybe this is a great way for you to prove the value of your arrows

[Milo (Lisa)] Milo: Animal Noise check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

Milo (Lisa) makes centipede noises

Joe (Carissa) sighs and shakes head, "Not sure why Jilly says I can use a bow. I'm good at carving, not shooting arrows."

[Master] Centipede #1 moved 2'07".

[Al (mario-yoga)] Milo! are you attracting them over to us??

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill: Attack: Plank of wood: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=11] 9. HITS Centipede #2 (AC FINAL: 9)!!!

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill: Damage v SM: Plank of wood: (1d6) [1d6=4] 4 added to: Centipede #2

Milo (Lisa) points

[Master] Centipede #2's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -2 (-4) - Dying

[Al (mario-yoga)] (lol, sorry Lisa)

[Master] Fourthing targets Centipede #1. Distance: 4'05"

Milo (Lisa) shakes head "No. trying to tell them there are more here?"

[Joe (Carissa)] More? Where?

[Milo (Lisa)] Maybe they get scared and swim away

[Milo (Lisa)] Me

[Master] HERE! Hit this one!

[Milo (Lisa)] More

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Back Sorry. Roll for INit?

[Al (mario-yoga)] good idea, as long as they swim THATaway

[Joe (Carissa)] (Think we're just attacking first)

[Joe (Carissa)] Ahh, good idea, Milo.

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Ah sorry

[Master] (Spring can you give me the link to your image again please?)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] that's the page it's on

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] it's all scripty so i didn't try to link the image

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] there's the image

[Joe (Carissa)] (oooh so we can do our own portrait?)

Joe (Carissa) scratches head, "Just a bit too far for me to help."

Lara waits for other to kill centipedes...turns to Ner "Your family has the butcher stand?"

[Al (mario-yoga)] We can get closer, i can bck us in...

[Milo (Lisa)] I can paddle over and you can stab it with an arrow

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (i just searched artbreeder for androgynous lol)

[Lara] (whoops)

[Lara] I am back at the keyboard.

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) waits for other to kill centipedes...turns to Ner "Your family has the butcher stand?"

[Joe (Carissa)] Just a few more feet... but let's see if the others need help, first.

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) starts to see the dead animal and notices it is quite large

[Al (mario-yoga)] Al moved 10'10".

[Al (mario-yoga)] Milo moved 15'04".

[Joe (Carissa)] Ahh, damn. REN! Ya bought arrows for a reason?

[Al (mario-yoga)] Joe moved 21'09".

[Nerikan (TMO)] (back, sorry if I missed anything)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (When do I get to attack?)

[Joe (Carissa)] (now if you want I think?)

[Master] yes

[Nerikan (TMO)] (dog wandered off and refused to come back to the house)

[Master] just waiting for anyone who wanted to attack

[Master] then it gets to go

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Latham moved 9'03".

[Michael-14198] Latham targets Centipede #1. Distance: 1'02"

[Master] you jumped out of the canoe?

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (wait, aren't we in boats?)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (oh did we get out of the canoes?)

Nerikan (TMO) nods to Ren. "Yes, Pa is the butcher in Cypress."

[Milo (Lisa)] (you are in a skiff - did you jump out?)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (I'm sorry Confused Bob. I thought. NM I'm sorry)

[Master] not that I knew

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Nevermind

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) (yells "Man overboard!)

[Michael-14198] Latham targets Ash Cinderfall. Distance: 5'03"

[Michael-14198] Latham targets Latham. Distance: 0'00"

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Latham moved 6'03".

[Master] can Lantham swim?

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (i've got nothing for attacking from a distance so i'm kinda sitting here)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (if i attack, i would hit T)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (no line of attack)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (Bob. Please take action back if possible. I was confused)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (thought we had disembarked)

[Master] Latham moved 3'06".

[Master] Latham no longer targets Centipede #1.

[Master] Ash Cinderfall moved 1'00".

[Master] Ash Cinderfall targets Centipede #1. Distance: 5'01"

[Milo (Lisa)] (you can throw something at it)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (i'm not throwing cheese or copper pieces at it)

[Milo (Lisa)] (see hurled knife on your sheet)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (Questoin bob. If I throw my Javelin, Do I have to swim to get it?)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 6'04".

[Master] yes to Michael

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 12'02".

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (So...No)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (whops, was trying to gauge distance)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (Not throwing my only weapon :) )

[Milo (Lisa)] (or send the skiff to it)

[Joe (Carissa)] (button on the top next to magnifier to measure distances)

Nerikan (TMO) extends her left hand, and tries to give the centipede a push into the water.

[Nerikan (TMO)] Nerikan: Cantrip Proficiency check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

[Latham (Michael-14198)] "Guys, Should we row the skiff over? We can stab down at it?"

[JohnA] Ren Kuaisu targets Centipede #1. Distance: 11'08"

[Latham (Michael-14198)] "It doesn't look too tough"

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Attack: Javelin:: is now ARMED.

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (targeting help measure also)

[Joe (Carissa)] Why we gotta attack it? Can't we go around?

Milo (Lisa) shrugs

[Al (mario-yoga)] its big, BIG, Bigger than me!

[Joe (Carissa)] Ain't like it's short of meat to eat.

Latham (Michael-14198) Shrugs. "We can. I just don't want it coming up from behind"

[Latham (Michael-14198)] "We can row around"

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] There might be good meat, or at least bait

[Joe (Carissa)] (did TMO's attack work?)

Latham (Michael-14198) Gives odd look at Taylor

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu no longer targets Centipede #1.

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu targets Centipede #1. Distance: 11'08"

[Latham (Michael-14198)] "You know those are Poisonous?"

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu targets Ren Kuaisu. Distance: 0'00"

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu no longer targets Ren Kuaisu.

[Master] Centipede #1 moved 1'03".

[Master] Centipede #1 targets Ash Cinderfall. Distance: 4'03"

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu targets Ren Kuaisu. Distance: 0'00"

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu no longer targets Ren Kuaisu.

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu targets Ren Kuaisu. Distance: 0'00"

[Joe (Carissa)] Bah, they say that about everything in the swamp.

[Centipede #1 (Master)] SPLASH

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Latham: Survival - swamps check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (all those leggs kicking )

Latham (Michael-14198) Too Joe. No they are def. Poisonous

[Latham (Michael-14198)] I promise

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (oh heck, i have been looking under weapon proficiencies for whether we can weapon. not under equipment)

[Joe (Carissa)] Well then don't eat it and you'll be fine!

Latham (Michael-14198) Snorts with Laughter

[Latham (Michael-14198)] "Sound's good."

Nerikan (TMO) watches to see if centipedes can swim.

[Centipede #1 (Master)] splashing about for a moment until it rights itself

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (with all those legs?)

[Centipede #1 (Master)] then it reorients

[Nerikan (TMO)] (and the armored shell)

[Al (mario-yoga) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Al modified: Weapon Proficiencies - ADDED: Quarterstaff, 1.

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (-how did Centipedes have gotten to dead animal?)

[Centipede #1 (Master)] and heads towards (1d8) [1d8=2] 2

[Master] Centipede #1 moved 3'01".

[Nerikan (TMO)] (magic, of course)

[Al (mario-yoga)] (T smashed one w a piece of wood)

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) stears boat closer to dead animal

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (Yea I did)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (ah! of course, sensient/magic centipedes)

[Master] Taylor Terry Tanahill moved 1'11".

[Master] Ren Kuaisu moved 5'05".

[Master] Nerikan moved 9'02".

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (who is at the head of this watercraft?)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (T or Ner?)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Ren Kuaisu moved 1'00".

[Master] T

[Nerikan (TMO)] (we appear to be drifting diagonally toward the carcass)

Ash Cinderfall (Spring) unstraps shovel from my back

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] you want me to get it and you hold the boat?

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (why are there blue lines on map aiming towards C#1?)

[Nerikan (TMO)] (those are target lines)

[Master] people who targeted

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall: Attack: Shovel: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=16] 4. HITS Centipede #1 (AC FINAL: 9)!!!

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (I had Ren Target so you could see how far away it was)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall: Damage v SM: Shovel: (1d4+1) [1d4=1] 2 added to: Centipede #1

[Al (mario-yoga)] (yes! just as reliable as a mallet!)

[Lara] All targets for Ren Kuaisu removed.

[Master] Centipede #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 0 (-2) - Disabled

[Joe (Carissa)] Nice one, Cinder! Been practicing protecting them goats, haven't ya!

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] snakes, you know

[Al (mario-yoga)] whack A pede

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) raises eyebrows and is impressed

Latham (Michael-14198) Nods approvingly as Ash. "Nice Attack there! Shovel huh!

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] So ren, you good at carving meat, or is that more your friend there

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) looks at dead animal

Nerikan (TMO) looks at the carcass now that the centipedes are dead to try and figure out what it is.

Ash Cinderfall (Spring) straps the shovel back on next to the scythe, because for some reason i walk around with these things

[Nerikan (TMO)] Nerikan: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Nerikan (TMO)] Nerikan: Animal Rending check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Well, it looks like...

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (what does it look like?)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (dead Animal?)

[Nerikan (TMO)] (dead elephant given the size)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (manatee?)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (narwahl?)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (@Spring laugihing---who doesn't carry a scythe?)

[Nerikan (TMO)] (what? you haven't heard of the notorious swamp elephant?)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (how do you eat an eliphant?)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (one bite at a time!)

[Al (mario-yoga)] bite by bite

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (smiles)

Milo (Lisa) whispers "They want to eat the flesh of the swamps that centipedes were feasting on?"

[Al (mario-yoga)] *ha!)

[Master] Nerikan XP award: 9. Next level in 0.

[Master] Ash Cinderfall XP award: 9. Next level in 0.

[Master] Taylor Terry Tanahill XP award: 9. Next level in 0.

[Master] Ren Kuaisu XP award: 9. Next level in 0.

[Master] Latham XP award: 9. Next level in 0.

[Master] Milo XP award: 9. Next level in 0.

[Master] Al XP award: 9. Next level in 0.

[Master] Joe XP award: 9. Next level in 0.

[Master] Fourthing XP award: 9. Next level in 0.

Joe (Carissa) shakes head, "Each to their own, but when times are hard..."

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (Are we each level one?)

[Master] you are all level zero

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (@Michael - yes)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (whoops ZERO!)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Oh Lord

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (you wish you were level 1)

[Milo (Lisa)] (lol)

[Al (mario-yoga)] (lol)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (the character sheet can't go that how i guess)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (Should we add hitpoints for Level 1?)

[Master] no

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (*low)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (raspberries to John)

[Master] you have your hit points

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Darn

[Milo (Lisa)] (might work like how we did on Weds - you get skill/hit points instead of leveling )

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (okay, what the hell is this stupid dead animal?)

[Spring] I am away from the keyboard.

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (Nahj, bob said no :( )

[Master] you need 500 XP then you are 1st level

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Just open it's stomach, grab some meat and we can be on

[Al (mario-yoga)] ok, only 55 more centipedes to go! Milo, call them over)

[Master] and this animal is a dead alligator

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (Oh! Sorry. It said next level in 0 and wa slike Sweet!"

[Joe (Carissa)] (so we haven't level. just kLoOge doesn't have a way to keep track?)

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) motions to Ner "Were you able to determine the animal?"

[Master] It is

[Master] Klooge is tracking XP correctly

Nerikan (TMO) nods. "It looks like a giant alligator. It's on it's back, so you can't see the plates on the back."

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Look at that! It is a alligator. We must stop. The teeth are worth 1 or 2 two silvers apiece!

[JohnA] I am away from the keyboard.

Latham (Michael-14198) Raises eyebrows? "Really?"

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] And the hide...makes for great pouches

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Yes, depending on the size of the teeth

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] And, the age of the alligator

Nerikan (TMO) moves closer to it, trying to figure out if she can access any part of it without getting off the skiff.

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

[Joe (Carissa)] Er, well these ain't big skiffs to lug that whole thing in here.

[Master] Nerikan moved 6'03".

[Master] Ren Kuaisu moved 3'00".

[Al (mario-yoga)] (and if gt regular checkups)

[Master] soft wet THUNK

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (@Mario, laughing)

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) examines the alligator

Milo (Lisa) whispers "Trouble. Asking for it."

Nerikan (TMO) draws her knife.

[Nerikan (TMO)] Attack: Knife:: is now ARMED.

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] well if the centipedes damaged it ...

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] or if it's been rotting here

[Nerikan (TMO)] Nerikan: Animal Rending check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[JohnA] I am back at the keyboard.

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (Nice!)

Al (mario-yoga) looks at Milo

[Al (mario-yoga)] Al moved 2'07".

[Al (mario-yoga)] Milo moved 5'11".

[Al (mario-yoga)] Joe moved 5'08".

Joe (Carissa) nods in agreement

[Master] Nerikan is able to break out three teeth

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ner, do you think we should remove the teeth or the claws?

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (

[Master] and cut off one of the paws

[Master] the meat has been rotting too long

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (stinky poos!)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (no stomach?)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu: Animal Rending check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

Nerikan (TMO) wipes her hands business-like off on her leather apron. "The meats gone, but these are still salvageable."

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) unsuccesfully cuts another claw with weak blade

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) smiles and nods at Ner "Nicely done!"

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] oh well

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (Too bad the meats been rotting. I liked the skin idea. Maybe next time :) )

Nerikan (TMO) ducks her head and suddenly scuttles to the back of the skiff.

Nerikan (TMO) mutters, "thanks"

[Joe (Carissa)] Hope they don't lure more 'pedes this way...

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (isn't she at the back of the skiff already?)

[Joe (Carissa)] (yay average joe!)

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) pushes off

[Master] Nerikan moved 6'06".

[Master] Ren Kuaisu moved 3'09".

[Joe (Carissa)] (no longer generic joe portrait)

[Master] Taylor Terry Tanahill, Nerikan and Ren Kuaisu moved 16'00".

[Al (mario-yoga)] Al moved 7'01".

[Al (mario-yoga)] Joe moved 5'00".

[Al (mario-yoga)] Al moved 7'06".

[Master] Fourthing, Latham and Ash Cinderfall moved 19'05".

[Milo (Lisa)] (you have a mouth now!)

[Master] Fourthing, Latham and Ash Cinderfall moved 62'11".

[Joe (Carissa)] (LOL it's the little things)

[Master] Taylor Terry Tanahill moved 9'02".

[Master] Ren Kuaisu moved 7'00".

[Master] Nerikan moved 2'11".

[Master] Taylor Terry Tanahill, Nerikan and Ren Kuaisu moved 40'09".

[Master] Al, Milo and Joe moved 60'06".

Latham (Michael-14198) Nods at Nerikan. I like your courage there. That beastie looked frightening even in death..."

Nerikan (TMO) shrugs. "It was just dead meat."

Latham (Michael-14198) Considers. "How bad was the smell?"

Latham (Michael-14198) "I never could get the smell of rotting cat out of my nose."

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) stears to get closer to the lead boat

Nerikan (TMO) looks confused. "Smell?"

Latham (Michael-14198) You said it was rotting right? Did it smell bad?

Latham (Michael-14198) Looks confused back

Latham (Michael-14198) Ducks Head. Nevermind. Sorry

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) wonders if Ner doesn't have a sense of smell

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (testing)

[Master] yes

Latham (Michael-14198) Is embarrased and keeps head down

[Master] just a new map

[Latham (Michael-14198)] yes

[Master] you have left the town behind

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (new maps sometimes kick me out)

[Nerikan (TMO)] Oh, bad meat. Yeah, I'm used to that.

[Master] you do notice that Fourthing was right, it is hard to miss the lighthouse

[Latham (Michael-14198)] No worries Lara, me too sometime

[Joe (Carissa)] Where abouts we heading again, Uncle?

Latham (Michael-14198) Thank goodness for the lighthouse eh? Easy to spot.

[Fourthing (Master)] I am trying to remember

[Fourthing (Master)] it was east ..... somewhere

[Fourthing (Master)] We can find it

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (i KNEW i should have chosen Navigation!)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill: Navigation check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

Al (mario-yoga) under breath: east. Ugh

[Joe (Carissa)] Joe: Distant Sense check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Nerikan (TMO)] Nerikan: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

Joe (Carissa) scratches head, "Well the lighthouse isn'tt too far, I thnk. So halfway there I bet?"

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] So we keep going away from lighthouse?

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (two lighthouses, i think)

[Al (mario-yoga)] Al: Brewing check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (one wear we came from and the other where we re going?)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (lighthousis?)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (lighthousies?)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (where, not wear. lol)

[Master] no jus the one lighthouse at Foriso Town and Laughs at John

[Nerikan (TMO)] (an Al comes out with a six pack of beer

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (Lol tmo haha)

[Master] Fourthing, Latham and Ash Cinderfall moved 40'10".

[Master] Al, Milo and Joe moved 33'08".

[Master] Taylor Terry Tanahill, Nerikan and Ren Kuaisu moved 15'04".

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] brb

[Lara] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] alterness? and or survival swamps

[Joe (Carissa)] Joe: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[Master] anyone with those?

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Yes. One second please

[Milo (Lisa)] Milo: Survival - swamps check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Milo (Lisa)] Milo: Detect Noise check:(d100) [1d100=66] 66 - ROLL FAILED against 15!!

[Al (mario-yoga)] (that explains the hook-hand thing)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (Do you want me to sucecedd again? I did roll ealier and passed)

[Master] yes to Michael

[Milo (Lisa)] (lol)

[Master] new encounter area

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Gotcha. One sec

[Master] and laughs with Mario

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Latham: Survival - swamps check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Latham (Michael-14198)] There you go :)

[JohnA] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] Fourthing: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL FAILED against 9!!

[Joe (Carissa)] ( he died?)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (Yikes!)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (Quick, look through his pockets :) )

[Master (to Carissa only)] Joe noticed a smell in the air

[Milo (Lisa)] (well might as well go home now)

[Al (mario-yoga)] (then quickly push her overboard)

Joe (Carissa) sniffs the air, "Anyone else smell that?"

[Joe (Carissa)] Not normal swamp smell there.

[Al (mario-yoga)] no, i just smell Milo

Milo (Lisa) looks down

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (Wating for the Surivial Check to give me something back)

[Master (to Michael-14198 only)] Latham notices both Fourthing pass out and there is a patch of flowering bushes up head

Joe (Carissa) bends slightly close, sniffs, and shakes his head

[Al (mario-yoga)] and it's wonderful

[Joe (Carissa)] Nah, different smell.

Latham (Michael-14198) Stop! Stop!

Nerikan (TMO) looks around with wide eyes.

[Al (mario-yoga)] is that Eau de Samp youre wearing these days?

[JohnA] I am back at the keyboard.

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Stay away from those plants!

[Al (mario-yoga)] swamp*

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Backup, Back up?

[Latham (Michael-14198)] !

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Fourthing is already passed out

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Could be a little more specific

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] what plants?

[Latham (Michael-14198)] We need to get away from them

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Just get away from the plants

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Just trust me dammit

[Joe (Carissa)] Who's guiding your skiff??

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Back up

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Backup!

Ash Cinderfall (Spring) paddling backward

[Joe (Carissa)] (Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore)

[Al (mario-yoga)] back paddle!

[Master] there we go

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Whoever is with Fourthem, get your Skiff out of there!

[Joe (Carissa)] (you are :) )

[Master] You are latham

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) stears hard right

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (that would be you)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (and me)

[Lara] I am back at the keyboard.

[Latham (Michael-14198)] He's been poinsoned

[Joe (Carissa)] (You and Ash are with Fourth)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (and we are badking out)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (uh oh)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Those spores will kill us

[Master] Fourthing is a she by the way

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill: Boating check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 13!!

[Al (mario-yoga)] (that explains a lot)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (why did JIlly call her Uncle?)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (Sorry bob.)

[Joe (Carissa)] (and Cinder is they/them)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] ((Jilly called her Uncle)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (Spring got it. Sorry)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (Should be Aunt, but who's telling)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (I could be wrong. I get confused all the time)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (Not a big deal really)

[Master] I believe someone pointed out that Jilly does not get everything right every time?

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (hahahaha)

[Joe (Carissa)] (hello! :) )

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (I mean, your not wrong :) )

Nerikan (TMO) helps stop our boat

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (well i called Fourthing Uncle earlier and wasn't corrected, so if she could please correct the next person who calls her that, it would help)

[Nerikan (TMO)] Nerikan: Boating check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (man you're on a roll (scuse the pun)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] We need to see if we can find a way around these plants

[Joe (Carissa)] (puns never excused, always intended)

[Master] so Nerikan stops that skiff and you can stay back

[Joe (Carissa)] Either of ya know how to stop a skiff?

[Nerikan (TMO)] (sry to be slow, computer was thinking)

[Master] Ash has managed to bring their's to a stop

Milo (Lisa) whispers "Burn plants"

[Latham (Michael-14198)] I can explain later. I have a book on those plants and it seems to be accurate with how Fourthem has reacted to it"

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (Did Milo whisper that?)

Al (mario-yoga) looks at Milo

Milo (Lisa) shrugs

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] i'm guessing you stop by paddling the opposite direction from the maotion

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Do we have any botanists?

[Al (mario-yoga)] Lets burn them! Burn the spores

[Milo (Lisa)] (Milo is not a loud talker)

[Joe (Carissa)] Well my pa said never burn poison ivy. Should we burn these? We need to stop anyways.

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] and then stop paddling once it works?

[Master] Al and Milo and Joe? how do you stop

[Al (mario-yoga)] Al: Botany check: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Al (mario-yoga)] Al: Boating check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] No. We should not burn them.

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Al, just stay away from them. Burnign them will relase spores perhaps

[Latham (Michael-14198)] We can just go around

[Joe (Carissa)] Er, Milo, any ideas to stop the skiff?

Al (mario-yoga) looks at Milo " urn?"

[Latham (Michael-14198)] You would have to get close to burn them right?

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara) (to Michael-14198 only)] how do i change my font?

[Al (mario-yoga)] Burn*

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] if the water is shallow enough, we might be able to stop by just sicking the paddles straight down and hanging on

[Master] Al, Milo and Joe moved 11'05".

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] unless we lit an arrow

[Milo (Lisa)] (I don't have any boat skills)

[Joe (Carissa)] Ah goddess damn.

[Al (mario-yoga)] paddle to turn left

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (Font? Not sure? Check under Edit. You should see Settings? One second I'll look)

Joe (Carissa) jumps out to grab it and swim back

[Joe (Carissa)] (Swim check?)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (i don't either)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] We are not burning the plants.

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (spitballing)

[Master] as of now Al in his canoe is slowly drifting forward as he missed his check to emergency stop

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] OK, stearing clear

[Master] and Joe can make a swimming check yes

[Joe (Carissa)] Joe: Swimming check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Joe (Carissa)] Goddess damn this current....

[Master] OK so Joe bails out, he does not sink but he cannot stop the canoe

Milo (Lisa) watches Joe

[Master] Milo ?

[Milo (Lisa)] (lol)

Joe (Carissa) trying to grab or latch onto any low branches or stumps

Milo (Lisa) sighs

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) stear towards Joe

Al (mario-yoga) furiously paddling to turn away, to the left

Nerikan (TMO) tries to help with another push, not knowing if they're too far away or not.

[Nerikan (TMO)] Nerikan: Cantrip Proficiency check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Bob chance to capsize his canoo when he gets out?

Milo (Lisa) gets out of canoe and tries to grab it

[Milo (Lisa)] (how to roll that?)

[Master] swimming check

[Milo (Lisa)] Milo: Swimming check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Master] Milo goes over the side, LATCHES onto the canoe with his claw stuck on the side

[Master] and pulls the canoe to a halt

[JohnA] Nerikan follows Ren Kuaisu.

[Al (mario-yoga)] yay gaff hand!

[JohnA] Ren Kuaisu follows Taylor Terry Tanahill.

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill, Nerikan and Ren Kuaisu moved 10'02".

Milo (Lisa) frowns

[Joe (Carissa)] (guess Joe can't see it? if he's below canoe level)

[Master] Joe can see

[Master] he is just behind the canoe

[Joe (Carissa)] Thanks Milo. Thought I had, yeah. Uh, thanks?

[Al (mario-yoga)] Milo! you are a hero again!

Joe (Carissa) tries to not stare at the claw

[Milo (Lisa)] Can you get back in?

[Joe (Carissa)] S...sssureee....

[Al (mario-yoga)] Give him a hand, Milo

Joe (Carissa) carefully gets back in

[Al (mario-yoga)] oh

[Milo (Lisa)] Holding canoe now

[Joe (Carissa)] Er, thanks. We, uh, just, uh, gotta deal with those, uh, flowers.

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (laughing with Mario, but still shaking my head)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] let's get back a little

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill, Nerikan and Ren Kuaisu moved 10'08".

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Latham, you paddle that side

[Master] Fourthing, Latham and Ash Cinderfall moved 13'07".

[Master] Al, Milo and Joe moved 12'04".

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] that's better

[Milo (Lisa)] (do the plants extend the width of the swamp area? Can we go around or need to solve this?)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] can we see the ends of the growth so we can steer around it?

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Nods. No problem

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (meant to be OOC)

[Joe (Carissa)] (Mario got the botany roll, not sure if we learned from that)

[Master (to mario-yoga only)] the flowers will release spores in a burn plus the smoke will be just as toxic, the scent of the flowers puts creatures to sleep so the flowers can spore onto them

Latham (Michael-14198) Still filled with releaif they avoided the plants

Latham (Michael-14198) Shrugs

[Latham (Michael-14198)] We can always just keep an eye on those plants and try to go around

[Al (mario-yoga)] hum, after a bettr look, lets NOT burn these

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Going around sounds like a wise idea.

[Al (mario-yoga)] it will relase more spores and the smoke would be deadly

Milo (Lisa) nods

[Al (mario-yoga)] if we can maneuver around, better

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] I know who I would like to give these flowers to

Al (mario-yoga) looks at Milo quizzically " but you said burn them?"

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill, Nerikan and Ren Kuaisu moved 8'01".

[Milo (Lisa)] Burn things and they go away.

Milo (Lisa) shrugs

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) smirks "You have an enemy in mind?"

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) looks at T

Al (mario-yoga) stares at Milo, then smiles

[Al (mario-yoga)] yes, yes they do tend to do that.

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] did I say that outloud?

[Al (mario-yoga)] Thank you for saving us. again

Milo (Lisa) nods

[Milo (Lisa)] Sorry I was not faster. Can I get in now?

[Al (mario-yoga)] of course! come on up

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) yells over "How is the Gnome?"

[Al (mario-yoga)] lemme give you a ...

Milo (Lisa) nods

[Al (mario-yoga)] um, ill help you

Milo (Lisa) throws his leg with the hoof over the side of the canoe

[Milo (Lisa)] This leg heavier

[Joe (Carissa)] He says don't burn it!

Al (mario-yoga) winces " yes, ill grab it

Joe (Carissa) looks away from the pair

Milo (Lisa) pulls himself up and over

[Al (mario-yoga)] there you go, all parts of you are in now

[Joe (Carissa)] Oh, wait, the other gnome? I don't know!

[Al (mario-yoga)] do you need to shake to dry off?

[Al (mario-yoga)] ill steady the canoe

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) just stares for awhile

Milo (Lisa) shakes his head "Don't want to scare him"

[Milo (Lisa)] I'll drip

Milo (Lisa) looks down

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) thinking 'fish food'

Al (mario-yoga) nods in agreement

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) observes the mayhem

Joe (Carissa) clears throat, "I'm, uh, fine. Do what you need."

Joe (Carissa) still looking away clearly not sure what to do

[Al (mario-yoga)] Hold on tight, Milo needs to dry off

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] brb

[Lara] I am away from the keyboard.

[Al (mario-yoga)] go ahead Milo, be dry

Nerikan (TMO) continues watching the other skiff.

Milo (Lisa) shakes off the water a bit

Milo (Lisa) tries not to upset the canoe

Milo (Lisa) looks down again

Joe (Carissa) holds tight

[Al (mario-yoga)] thank you again Milo

Milo (Lisa) thinking

[Master] so are you heading around these to the north?

Milo (Lisa) nods

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] ok, now how is the Uncle Gnome?

[Master] she is passed out

[Lara] I am back at the keyboard.

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (trying to engage the others on boat)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] If that is the most effieicent way, I think we can try, otherwise we should probably trty to wait for her to wake up

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (which boat? our boat? lol)

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) shakes head to Ren

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) points to Latham's boat

[Al (mario-yoga)] these spores usually sleep folk for about an hour or two

Milo (Lisa) whispers "Put smelly alligator paw in front of sleeping lady to wake her

[Al (mario-yoga)] best to make Uncle She comfortable until she comes to

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Can you stear with a sleeping gnome?

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Then let's wait an hour or so. Better to have a guid then wander through the swamp

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] steer?

[Milo (Lisa)] That would wake me up

Joe (Carissa) snorts, "Not a bad idea."

Milo (Lisa) smiles

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] good point

[Al (mario-yoga)] good diea, but only sleep can help her now

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Surely we can wait an hour

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] anybody want some cheese?

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) pulls out a pole and fishes while we wait

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] good time for a snack break

[Al (mario-yoga)] all that would do is make her sleep unpleasant

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill: Fishing check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Al (mario-yoga)] we were heading east, so we should keep going if we can

Nerikan (TMO) pulls her sack around. "I have some jerky if anyone wants any."

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (Catches a Centipede John LOL)

[Joe (Carissa)] Maybe we should clear the flowers before we settle in? Let's go north of them.

[Al (mario-yoga)] dont want to be in our boats when darknees falls

[Joe (Carissa)] Aye

[Lara] I am away from the keyboard.

[Joe (Carissa)] Solid ground before nightfall for sure.

[Al (mario-yoga)] (lol Michael)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] would you rather be in the water?

[Nerikan (TMO)] Do.. do we want to move while she's asleep? If she wakes up someplace new without knowing how she got there, will she be able to find her way back again?

[Joe (Carissa)] Can you get this boat moving away, Al? You seem to have a better idea of how far to be from the flowers to be safe.

Latham (Michael-14198) Latham want's to wait, but also doesn't want to be in teh Canoe in the dark. Stays silent this time

[Master] (Mario is afk)

[Joe (Carissa)] (lol but he's the skiff navigator)

[Al (mario-yoga)] yes, just follow me

[Master] Al, Milo and Joe moved 49'02".

Al (mario-yoga) steers well north of the sopers to a safe place and continue

[Master] Al, Milo and Joe moved 80'09".

[Master] Taylor Terry Tanahill, Nerikan and Ren Kuaisu moved 60'06".

[Master] Fourthing, Latham and Ash Cinderfall moved 62'04".

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] well okay then

[Master] Taylor Terry Tanahill, Nerikan, Ren Kuaisu, Latham, Ash Cinderfall and Fourthing moved 58'00".

[Master] Al, Milo and Joe moved 18'00".

[mario-yoga] Ren Kuaisu no longer follows Taylor Terry Tanahill.

[TMO] Ren Kuaisu follows Taylor Terry Tanahill.

[Carissa] Ren Kuaisu no longer follows Taylor Terry Tanahill.

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu follows Taylor Terry Tanahill.

[Spring] Ren Kuaisu no longer follows Taylor Terry Tanahill.

[JohnA] Ren Kuaisu follows Taylor Terry Tanahill.

[Lisa] Ren Kuaisu no longer follows Taylor Terry Tanahill.

[Michael-14198] Ren Kuaisu follows Taylor Terry Tanahill.

[mario-yoga] Nerikan no longer follows Ren Kuaisu.

[JohnA] Nerikan follows Ren Kuaisu.

[TMO] Nerikan no longer follows Ren Kuaisu.

[Spring] Nerikan follows Ren Kuaisu.

[Lara] Nerikan no longer follows Ren Kuaisu.

[Carissa] Nerikan follows Ren Kuaisu.

[Lisa] Nerikan no longer follows Ren Kuaisu.

Spring is receiving the map Swamp 1...

[Michael-14198] Nerikan follows Ren Kuaisu.

Spring has received the map Swamp 1.

JohnA is receiving the map Swamp 1...

JohnA has received the map Swamp 1.

[Al (mario-yoga) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Al modified: Skills/Detections (d100/% based) - CHANGED: Pick Pockets -- Total (% - w/modifier): 30 (15),

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (test)

[Master] it is just becoming afternoon

[Master] you need to stop for a rest break, food and drink

[Al (mario-yoga) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Al modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Master] Al leads you to a set of hammocks with dryer land

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (for those unacquainted whith FL, hammock is a land feature)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (it's like a cross between an island and a sand bar)

[Milo (Lisa)] (ok read that and first thought was Al leads us to a laundromat?)

[Milo (Lisa)] (Dryer Land)

[Al (mario-yoga)] We passed thorugh here two days ago, it seems safe

[Nerikan (TMO)] (lol)

[Joe (Carissa)] (for those of you from FL, it is also a piece of fabric you hang between trees and rest in)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (LOL)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (hahahaha)

[Nerikan (TMO)] (that's a hammock)

[Milo (Lisa)] (yes!)

Al (mario-yoga) thinks: didnt think i would be back here again

[Joe (Carissa)] Dry land is always a good start. Thanks, Al.

[Milo (Lisa)] (was so confused by that sentence)

[Joe (Carissa)] (lol)

[Nerikan (TMO)] (funny, the bumps of dry land I always thought were called 'hummocks'

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (also true)

[Nerikan (TMO)] (regional variation maybe?)

[Joe (Carissa)] (no no you're thinking hummus which is more like a spread)

[Milo (Lisa)] (lol)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (i disbelieved in hammocks until i visited Gumbo Limbo park)

[Nerikan (TMO)] (no, you're thinking of hums, which is a noise you make with your mouth)

[Joe (Carissa)] (ahh silly me)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (no you are thinking of humus which is fertile soil)

[Joe (Carissa)] (lol)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (sean can keep this kind of thing going all day)

[Master] You are thinking of Humanoids

[Master (to GM only)] Bullywug #36 moved 7'08".

[Master (to GM only)] Bullywug #35 moved 16'05".

[Master (to GM only)] Bullywug #34 moved 16'00".

[Master] Bullywug #35, Bullywug #33, Bullywug #36 and Bullywug #34 moved 3'02".

[Al (mario-yoga)] (you are thinking humerus, where Milo's hoof resides)

[Master] Combat has begun!

[Master] ROUND: 0

[Al (mario-yoga)] Kick 'em Milo!

[Master] Bullywug #33: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=3] 13

[Master] Bullywug #36: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=7] 17

[Master] Bullywug #35: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=8] 18

[Master] Bullywug #34: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=2] 12

[Milo (Lisa)] Milo: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=5] 15

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=9] 19

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=2] 12

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (I forget, how powerful are these things again?)

[Master] Taylor Terry Tanahill, Nerikan and Ren Kuaisu moved 50'08".

[Al (mario-yoga)] Al: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=7] 17

[Master] Al, Milo and Joe moved 8'07".

[Joe (Carissa)] (ah damnit, but I just put the pot on the stove)

[Master] Fourthing, Latham and Ash Cinderfall moved 15'00".

[Joe (Carissa)] Joe: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=8] 18

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Latham: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=6] 16

[Nerikan (TMO)] Nerikan: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=5] 15

[Milo (Lisa)] (weird - I am not getting the combat tracker)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (Ash is after first BW)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (gasp)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (i've never ever been first)

[Master] not at all Lisa?

[Milo (Lisa)] (I see the Rnd and Init next to the coin flip but not the combat tracker box at the top right

[Master] huh

[Milo (Lisa)] (don't need to hold everyone up if everybody else has it - just tell me when to go)

[Master] ROUND: 1

[Master] INIT: 12 GOING: Bullywug #34

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (disconnected?)

[Al (mario-yoga)] test

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (disconnected?)

[Master] It kicked almost everyone

[Al (mario-yoga)] test

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (disconnected?)

[Al (mario-yoga)] test

[Nerikan (TMO)] test

[Al (mario-yoga)] test

Lisa has left the game on Sat Sep 12 16:13:42 EDT 2020

[Al (mario-yoga)] test

Carissa has left the game on Sat Sep 12 16:13:50 EDT 2020

[Nerikan (TMO)] test

Lara has left the game on Sat Sep 12 16:13:58 EDT 2020

Spring has left the game on Sat Sep 12 16:14:11 EDT 2020

TMO has left the game on Sat Sep 12 16:14:15 EDT 2020

Michael-14198 has left the game on Sat Sep 12 16:14:19 EDT 2020

JohnA has left the game on Sat Sep 12 16:14:24 EDT 2020

mario-yoga has left the game on Sat Sep 12 16:14:28 EDT 2020

mario-yoga has joined the game on Sat Sep 12 16:15:02 EDT 2020

mario-yoga is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

mario-yoga has received the map Church Ground Floor.

Spring has joined the game on Sat Sep 12 16:15:27 EDT 2020

Spring is receiving the map Swamp 1...

Spring has received the map Swamp 1.

mario-yoga is receiving the map Swamp 1...

mario-yoga has received the map Swamp 1.

Lisa has joined the game on Sat Sep 12 16:15:38 EDT 2020

Lisa is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Lisa has received the map Church Ground Floor.

Carissa has joined the game on Sat Sep 12 16:15:42 EDT 2020

Carissa is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

[Master] Combat has finished.

Carissa has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Spring] damn, bullywug

Lisa is receiving the map Swamp 1...

Lisa has received the map Swamp 1.

Michael-14198 has joined the game on Sat Sep 12 16:16:17 EDT 2020

Michael-14198 is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Michael-14198 has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Spring] whatever kicked, i think it started before round 1

[Spring] i didn't see the conversation between bob and lisa but i did see round 1

[Carissa] (brb)

[Carissa] I am away from the keyboard.

TMO has joined the game on Sat Sep 12 16:17:17 EDT 2020

TMO is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

TMO has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[mario-yoga] Bob will BRB

[Spring] TY

[TMO] made it!

[Lisa] (some reason my preferences changed - got combat tracker back)

[Michael-14198] Anyone know what happened? Did we all get booted?

JohnA has joined the game on Sat Sep 12 16:18:35 EDT 2020

JohnA is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

JohnA has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Lisa] (yes but we are back and ready for combat)

[mario-yoga] when Bob advances the time on the calendar, it boots some.

[JohnA] [Hoffman]]: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=4] 12

JohnA is receiving the map Swamp 1...

JohnA has received the map Swamp 1.

[mario-yoga] then initiating combat also does a complete boot

[mario-yoga] again, no notes on his desk...

[mario-yoga] oh hai Bob

[Master] and so

Michael-14198 is receiving the map Swamp 1...

Michael-14198 has received the map Swamp 1.

Lara has joined the game on Sat Sep 12 16:19:52 EDT 2020

Lara is receiving the map Swamp 1...

Lara has received the map Swamp 1.

[Master] I am going to do this by boat

[TMO] Alexa! Play Judas Priest!

[Master] Ash and Latham are first, then two bullywugs, then the next boat then two bullywugs then the last boat

[Master] the last one will be T

[Master] so Ash and Latham are up

[Master] Fourthing is still passed out

TMO is receiving the map Swamp 1...

TMO has received the map Swamp 1.

[Lara] (trying to catch up. had to walk afk then was kicked off)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (Can you please remind me how tough Bullywugs Are?)

[JohnA] (watches to see who wins)

[TMO] (about 6th level)

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] you will find out now Michael

[JohnA] (then joins their side)

[TMO] (j/k)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (ok so do we know the bullywugs are there yet?)

[Milo (Lisa)] (we're in combat with bullywugs - all you need to know)

[Master] yes

[mario-yoga] (medium to medium well)

[Lara] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] tastes like chicken

[JohnA] (mmmmmm)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] OK. Well if these things can kill in one hit, I'm concerned

[Latham (Michael-14198)] But ok. I'll go

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (are we still in boats or did we get out yet?)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (so the boat is still upright? and there are bullywugs all of the swamp?)

[Milo (Lisa)] (maybe they are baby bullywugs like us)

[Master] you are out of the boats

[mario-yoga] Nyrma is cooking ribs in the, get this, Insta Pot, where it takes FOUR HOURS

[mario-yoga] thats what I call Insta

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (those are islands?)

[Master] yes

[Milo (Lisa)] (Insta Laggy Pot)

[mario-yoga] (lol)

[Master] NICE

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Latham, what do you wanna do?

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Latham moved 3'04".

[Master] Insta IE Pot

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (why are we all tethered? is there a reason?)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Pleas cancel that move. I'm holding action

[Latham (Michael-14198)] I want to see what they do

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (same)

[Master] OK they are going to attack

[Master] you have a chance to go first

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Well

[JohnA] we're all in this together

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Hope people join me

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Fourthing moved 2'08".

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (we can clearly tell they are going to attack?)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara) (to JohnA only)] are we tethered together?

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Latham moved 47'07".

[Michael-14198] Latham targets Bullywug #34. Distance: 1'06"

[JohnA (to Lara only)] yes, bob will have to fix

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall moved 57'06".

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Latham: Attack: Javelin: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=16] 4. HITS Bullywug #34 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara) (to JohnA only)] thank you

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Latham: Attack: Javelin: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=13] 7. MISSES Bullywug #34 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Latham: Attack: Javelin: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=7] 13. MISSES Bullywug #34 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Master] you only get one attack

[Spring] Ash Cinderfall targets Bullywug #34. Distance: 2'03"

[Latham (Michael-14198)] How Large

[Latham (Michael-14198)] And I know

[Milo (Lisa)] (you are zero level)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] I hit enter on chat and It kep't attacking

[Master] small

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Yes I know

[Master] grins

[TMO] (they're s/m)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Latham: Damage v SM: Javelin: (1d6) [1d6=1] 1 added to: Bullywug #34

[mario-yoga] ("you wish you were Level One")

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall: Attack: Scythe; Farmer: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=2] 18. MISSES Bullywug #34 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Master] Bullywug #34's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 0 (-1) - Disabled

[Latham (Michael-14198)] lol. Gotta love no damage

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Ah

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Nevermind?

[Master] Bullywug #35 moved 11'02".

[Master] Bullywug #35 targets Latham. Distance: 0'07"

[Master] Bullywug #35 targets Ash Cinderfall. Distance: 4'07"

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Not gonna complain

[Master] Bullywug #36 moved 10'06".

[Master] Bullywug #36 targets Latham. Distance: 3'10"

[Master] Bullywug #36 targets Ash Cinderfall. Distance: 0'05"

[Master] Bullywug #35: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=3] 16. MISSES Latham (AC FINAL: 10).

[Master] Bullywug #35: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=1] 18. MISSES Latham (AC FINAL: 10).

[Master] Bullywug #35: Attack: Bite: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=7] 12. MISSES Latham (AC FINAL: 10).

[JohnA] (you killed in one shot, I am concerned Michael)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (oh shoot, should have saved my swing)

[Master] Bullywug #36: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=17] 2. HITS Ash Cinderfall (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] Bullywug #36: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=8] 11. MISSES Ash Cinderfall (AC FINAL: 10).

[Master] Bullywug #36: Attack: Bite: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=18] 1. HITS Ash Cinderfall (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] Bullywug #36: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d2) [1d2=2] 2 added to: Ash Cinderfall

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] ow!

[Master] Bullywug #36: Damage v SM: Bite: (1d4+1) [1d4=1] 2 added to: Ash Cinderfall

[Master] Ash Cinderfall's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 6 (-4) - Moderately Wounded

[Carissa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] now Al, Milo and Joe

Carissa is receiving the map Swamp 1...

Carissa has received the map Swamp 1.

Milo (Lisa) shakes head "Trouble"

mario-yoga rubs his ring and

[Milo (Lisa)] (in that order?)

[Master] either order is ok

[mario-yoga] (1d4+4) [1d4=4] 8

[Carissa] (fine with me)

[Carissa] Cinder!

[Carissa] ...

[Joe (Carissa)] Cinder!

[mario-yoga] more images of Al appear, making nine in all!

JohnA jaw drops

[JohnA] he's a witch

Joe (Carissa) rubs eyes

[Master (to GM only)] Al #8 moved 3'04".

[Master (to GM only)] Al #7 moved 3'00".

[JohnA] wait, he did not float?

[Master (to GM only)] Al #6 moved 2'02".

[Master (to GM only)] Al #5 moved 2'09".

[Master (to GM only)] Al #4 moved 4'01".

[Master (to GM only)] Al #3 moved 5'11".

[Master (to GM only)] Al #2 moved 7'11".

[Master (to GM only)] Al #1 moved 5'01".

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (are we OOC?)

Milo (Lisa) nods and runs past all the Al's to help with frog men

[JohnA] i am

[mario-yoga] (who are you , so wise in the ways of science?)

[Milo (Lisa)] Milo moved 60'04".

[Joe (Carissa)] (The name is Bill. Bill Nye)

[Lisa] Milo targets Bullywug #35. Distance: 6'08"

[JohnA] nice

[Master] Al #3 moved 2'09".

[Master] Al #8 moved 1'05".

[Master] Al #7 moved 1'07".

[Master] Al #1 moved 2'09".

[Master] Al #6 moved 1'08".

[Master] Al #5 moved 5'06".

[Master] Al #4 moved 2'10".

[Milo (Lisa)] (oh I can't throw a weapon unless I have wp for that?)

[Master] no to Lara

[Master] you should have your weapons listed Lisa

[Master] what do you want to throw?

[Joe (Carissa)] (choose one of the Als!)

[mario-yoga] I am back at the keyboard.

[Al (mario-yoga)] (throw the hoof!)

[Milo (Lisa)] (yes - I have knife but not hurled - can I throw it anyway?)

[Al (mario-yoga)] (no, dont throw one of the Als)

[TMO] (just add knife-hurled)

[Al (mario-yoga)] (lol)

[Master] yes

[Master] and yes TMO is right also

[Joe (Carissa)] (ahh come on. you have 9! you can spare one!)

[Milo (Lisa) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Milo modified:

[Milo (Lisa)] Milo: Attack: Knife, hurled: (20-(d20)) [1d20=13] 7. MISSES Bullywug #35 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Al (mario-yoga)] (i have more images than hit pts)

[Joe (Carissa)] (lol)

[Milo (Lisa)] (red button)

[Master] and Joe is up

[JohnA] (NICE!)

[Joe (Carissa) (to Master only)] Quick test before question

[JohnA] (wish they all looked better)

[Master] yes to Carissa?

[Joe (Carissa) (to Master only)] How does one use a garotte? Run up and just... hope you get it around their throat to pull?

[Master] yes

[Joe (Carissa)] (cool thanks)

[Joe (Carissa)] Joe moved 69'07".

[Joe (Carissa)] Joe moved 71'00".

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for Nerikan modified:

[Carissa] Joe targets Bullywug #36. Distance: 2'00"

[Joe (Carissa)] Joe: Attack: Garotte: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=14] 6. HITS Bullywug #36 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Joe (Carissa)] Joe: Damage v SM: Blowgun Needle: (1d1) [1d1=1] 1 added to: Bullywug #36

[Joe (Carissa)] Joe: Damage v SM: Garotte: (1d4) [1d4=1] 1 added to: Bullywug #36

[Joe (Carissa)] (sorry ignore first one)

[Master] Bullywug #36's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 3 (-1) - Lightly Wounded

Joe (Carissa) runs up, whips around throat, and tries to pull bullywug away from Cinder

[Master] Bullywug #33 moved 17'09".

[Master] Bullywug #33 targets Joe. Distance: 4'02"

[Master] Bullywug #33 targets Latham. Distance: 0'10"

[Master] Bullywug #33 targets Ash Cinderfall. Distance: 0'10"

[Master] Bullywug #34: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=1] 18

[Master] Bullywug #33 targets Latham. Distance: 0'10"

[Master] Bullywug #33: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=20] -1. HITS Latham (AC FINAL: 10)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[Master] Bullywug #33: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=15] 4. HITS Latham (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] Bullywug #33: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=10] 9. HITS Latham (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] they are so far away

[Master] Bullywug #33: Attack: Bite: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=18] 1. HITS Latham (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] Bullywug #33: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d2) [1d2=1] 1 added to: Latham

[Master] Bullywug #33: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d2) [1d2=1] 1 added to: Latham

[Master] Bullywug #33: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d2) [1d2=1] 1 added to: Latham

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) squints at rucus

[Master] Bullywug #33: Damage v SM: Bite: (1d4+1) [1d4=2] 3 added to: Latham

[Master] Latham's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 4 (-6) - Heavily Wounded

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Jesus. Perhaps a little helP?

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) watches helplessly as Latham is hurt

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 1'09".

[Master] and next boat

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (what is water and what is land?)

[Master] the water is only shin deep

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill moved 60'09".

[Master] around the slightly higher ground

[Al (mario-yoga)] (or waist deep for us gnome types)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill moved 116'03".

[Master] true

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 16'01".

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 3'09".

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 13'09".

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 31'08".

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 30'06".

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 4'05".

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 2'01".

[Master] and TMO

[TMO] Nerikan moved 27'04".

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu targets Bullywug #35. Distance: 8'08"

[TMO] Nerikan moved 40'11".

[TMO] Nerikan moved 8'11".

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu no longer targets Bullywug #35.

[TMO] Nerikan moved 25'04".

[Master] you moved too mar Ren to get in any attacks

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu targets Bullywug #35. Distance: 8'08"

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu no longer targets Bullywug #35.

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu targets Bullywug #35. Distance: 8'08"

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu no longer targets Bullywug #35.

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu targets Bullywug #35. Distance: 8'08"

[TMO] (I think Nerikan has moved too far also, right?)

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu no longer targets Bullywug #35.

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu targets Bullywug #35. Distance: 8'08"

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu no longer targets Bullywug #35.

[Milo (Lisa)] (60 ft to get an attack if human)

[Master] right

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (HOWDOES THIS WORK!)]

[Master] you cannot attack this round

[TMO] (roger - she stops behind a tree stump for cover

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (oh lol. then why)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 5'01".

[Joe (Carissa)] (

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (what is this blobby thing?) a tree?)

[Master] yes

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 1'02".

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu: Camouflage check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Joe (Carissa)] (short bow minimum of 10 ft away)

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) blends in with blobby tree

[Master] OK so Ash and Latham are up

[Master] new round

[Joe (Carissa)] O

[Joe (Carissa)] *I've got 'em held, Cinder! Kick 'em in the nethers!"

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 1'04".

[Spring] Ash Cinderfall targets Bullywug #36. Distance: 0'05"

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Latham moved 5'09".

[Spring] Ash Cinderfall targets Bullywug #33. Distance: 0'10"

[Michael-14198] Latham targets Bullywug #36. Distance: 0'08"

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Latham: Attack: Javelin: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=5] 15. MISSES Bullywug #36 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall: Attack: Scythe; Farmer: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=2] 18. MISSES Bullywug #33 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (one attack or two?)

[Master] 1

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (k thanks)

[Master] Bullywug #35 moved 4'09".

[Master] Bullywug #35 targets Milo. Distance: 1'11"

[Master] Bullywug #35 targets Joe. Distance: 5'00"

[Master] Bullywug #35 no longer targets Latham.

[Master] Bullywug #35 targets Taylor Terry Tanahill. Distance: 0'05"

[Master] Bullywug #35 targets Taylor Terry Tanahill. Distance: 0'05"

[Master] Bullywug #35: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=19] 0. HITS Taylor Terry Tanahill (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] Bullywug #35: Attack: Claw: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=18] 1. HITS Taylor Terry Tanahill (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] Bullywug #35: Attack: Bite: (19-(d20+0)) [1d20=2] 17. MISSES Taylor Terry Tanahill (AC FINAL: 10).

[Master] Bullywug #35: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d2) [1d2=2] 2 added to: Taylor Terry Tanahill

[Master] Bullywug #35: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d2) [1d2=2] 2 added to: Taylor Terry Tanahill

[Master] Taylor Terry Tanahill's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 6 (-4) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] Bullywug #34 moved 2'11".

[Master] Bullywug #33 moved 10'02".

[Master] Bullywug #33 no longer targets Latham.

[Master] now Milo Joe and Al

[Al (mario-yoga)] Al #5, Al #1, Al #6, Al #4, Al, Al #3, Al #8, Al #2 and Al #7 moved 65'06".

[Al (mario-yoga)] as a gnome, i can only go 30 and attack, so i went 60 to draw fire on the dupe Als

[Al (mario-yoga)] done

[Milo (Lisa)] Milo: Attack: Club: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=5] 15. MISSES Bullywug #35 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Joe (Carissa)] (do I have to reroll to hit with a garotte? are bullywugs slippery?)

[Master] yes they are slippery, no you do not need to reroll because you stayed there

[Joe (Carissa)] Joe: Damage v SM: Garotte: (1d4) [1d4=3] 3 added to: Bullywug #36

[Master] Bullywug #36 targets Joe. Distance: 2'00"

[Master] Bullywug #36's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 0 (-3) - Disabled

[Joe (Carissa)] (sweet)

[Milo (Lisa)] (yay!)

[Joe (Carissa)] (I might like this weapon)

[Master] and now Ren and T

[Joe (Carissa)] Cinder! Get outta there! Grab Latham and get back!

[JohnA] Taylor Terry Tanahill targets Bullywug #35. Distance: 0'05"

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill: Attack: Plank of wood: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=8] 12. MISSES Bullywug #35 (AC FINAL: 6).

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) T, step aside?

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill moved 4'07".

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 3'02".

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu targets Bullywug #35. Distance: 3'11"

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (how do i turn off the target? lol)

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu no longer targets Bullywug #35.

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu targets Bullywug #35. Distance: 3'11"

[Master] I target then click off on the map somewhere else and hit esc

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Attack: Knife, hurled:: is now ARMED.

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu: Attack: Knife, hurled: (20-(d20)) [1d20=4] 16. MISSES Bullywug #35 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Attack: Knife:: is now ARMED.

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Attack: Knife:: is NO LONGER ARMED.

[Master] OK

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (from 3 feet away?() lol

[Master] so now roll a d9 Lara

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (d9) [1d9=3] 3

[Master] to see what it hits as it goes on by

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] probably an AI

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (hit Al)

[Master] and one of the Al's disapears

[JohnA] I am back at the keyboard.

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring) (to Michael-14198 only)] do you mind if i grab you and run on our turn?

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] You killed one of the al's

[Master] and TMO

[TMO] Nerikan targets Bullywug #35. Distance: 30'07"

[Master] you have one bullywug there and then one running away

[Latham (Michael-14198) (to Spring only)] Absolutely. My character wont go because he doesn't want to be a coward

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu no longer targets Bullywug #35.

Nerikan (TMO) tries to trip the bullywug still fighting.

[Latham (Michael-14198) (to Spring only)] Or perceived as one

[Nerikan (TMO)] Nerikan: Cantrip Proficiency check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring) (to Michael-14198 only)] ok so that's your character. what about you as a player? wanna role play that?

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 4'11".

[Master] OK

[Latham (Michael-14198) (to Spring only)] How would I do that?

[Master] so next up is Ash and Latham

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring) (to Michael-14198 only)] i grab you and you fight me lol

[Milo (Lisa)] (Lara you can't move after you attack)

[Latham (Michael-14198) (to Spring only)] Ah. I see what you mean

[Milo (Lisa)] (just normal combat rules)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring) (to Michael-14198 only)] we don't have to

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (ah, yes, i remember...been a while since combat)

[Latham (Michael-14198) (to Spring only)] If you think we'll make it past one enemy, we can stay

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 4'00".

[Milo (Lisa)] (if you step up - you are there until your next turn)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Latham: Attack: Javelin: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=19] 1

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall moved 9'02".

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Latham moved 6'00".

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall: Attack: Scythe; Farmer: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=17] 3. HITS Bullywug #33 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Michael-14198] Latham targets Bullywug #33. Distance: 1'09"

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall: Damage v SM: Scythe; Farmer: (1d6) [1d6=5] 5 added to: Bullywug #33

[Milo (Lisa)] (sweet!)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (finally)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Latham: Attack: Javelin: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=13] 7. MISSES Bullywug #33 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Master] Bullywug #33's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -1 (-5) - Dying

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] wow thats a lot of Al

[Joe (Carissa)] (nice)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] '(only just noticing, been busy)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] hard to miss Al

[Master] Milo and Al are up

[Milo (Lisa)] Milo: Attack: Club: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=19] 1. HITS Bullywug #35 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Master] surrounding the final Bullywug

[Milo (Lisa)] Milo: Damage v SM: Club: (1d6) [1d6=3] 3 added to: Bullywug #35

[Master] Bullywug #35's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 2 (-3) - Heavily Wounded

[Joe (Carissa)] Damn, Milo. That's a good hit.

[mario-yoga] Al targets Bullywug #35. Distance: 2'05"

[Al (mario-yoga)] Al: Attack: Quarterstaff: (20-(d20+0)-2) [1d20=5] 13 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (-2)]. MISSES Bullywug #35 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Al (mario-yoga)] done

[Master] Joe

[Master] then T and Ren

[Joe (Carissa)] Joe moved 6'07".

[Carissa] Joe targets Bullywug #35. Distance: 1'01"

[Carissa] Joe targets Joe. Distance: 0'00"

[Joe (Carissa)] Joe: Attack: Garotte: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=5] 15. MISSES Bullywug #35 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill: Attack: Plank of wood: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=2] 18. MISSES Bullywug #35 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Master] yeah do not target your selt with that Joe

[Master] Ren you are up

[Milo (Lisa)] (lol)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 2'10".

[Joe (Carissa)] (lol)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Attack: Short Bow:: is now ARMED.

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu: Attack: Short Bow: (20-(d20)) [1d20=5] 15

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] duck Al

[Master] Ren Kuaisu moved 4'00".

[Master] Ren Kuaisu targets Bullywug #35. Distance: 6'05"

[Master] Ren Kuaisu moved 2'08".

[Master] you have to be at least 8 feet away

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (do i go again?)

[Master] now you can roll your attack

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 8'05".

[Master] Ren Kuaisu moved 17'07".

[Master] you have to be 8 feet away

[Master] and you have to see it

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 9'09".

[Master] if you go there you will hit Joe in the back

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 9'10".

[Master] or T

[Master] unless you take a called shot at a minus 4

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (I dare you to)

[Joe (Carissa)] (T volunteers)

[Al (mario-yoga)] (lol ya do it!)

[Milo (Lisa)] (lol)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 1'06".

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (isd there anything else to kill? everyone is jammed up like boy's junior soccer)

[Al (mario-yoga)] (go ahead and give Joe a piercing)

[Master] it is the only one left

[Al (mario-yoga)] (lol)

[Master] you could go in close

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (run up with the knife)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (my dog keeps getting excited at me like we're gonna go do something fun)

[Milo (Lisa)] (or do a called shot and see if you get lucky)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 2'00".

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (i'm like, i'm using a computer, sparky)

[Joe (Carissa)] (a back piercing? is that a thing?)

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu no longer targets Bullywug #35.

[Milo (Lisa)] (lol)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (LOL)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 1'04".

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (rib piercing? head piercing?)

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu targets Bullywug #35. Distance: 8'01"

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu no longer targets Bullywug #35.

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu targets Bullywug #35. Distance: 8'01"

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu: Attack: Short Bow: (20-(d20)) [1d20=16] 4. HITS Bullywug #35 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (woo hoo!)

[Master] wait

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (i tried not to clip Jo but the chat keeps going in front of my map

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] i can't see squat

[Milo (Lisa)] (goes through Joe's shoulder and into bullywug)

[Joe (Carissa)] (was it called?)

[Joe (Carissa)] (hope so)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (aw. man!)

[Master] OK so with a called shot that is a miss

[Joe (Carissa)] (sorry not wanting a piercing)

[Nerikan (TMO)] (coward)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (taht is why you are average joe)

[Milo (Lisa)] (it's not what you "see" on the map - it is the situation of shooting through a crowd)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (not the Chat BOx, the people writing, it floats on top of everything)

[Joe (Carissa)] (exactly John)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] like write now. lol)

[Nerikan (TMO)] (@Lara - I have my map not maximized. It's about 70% map and 30% chat window, so they're both up at the same time)

[Nerikan (TMO)] (oh, in your settings you can change how long that text floats for)

[Joe (Carissa)] (go to preference and remove the chat delay to get rid of it fast or completely)

[Nerikan (TMO)] (^ that's it)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (YES! thatis the prblem the chat floats)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (chat is a witch!)

[Lisa] basically we had said to either run in with close weapon or do a called shot

[Lisa] she shot so I would say she meant to do a called shot

[Lisa] based on what we had said

[Lisa] but in future we need to call shots on crowds :)

[Lisa] just my opinion

[Master] yes to Lisa

[Master] that is what I am saying it is a miss because of the called shot

[Joe (Carissa)] (agree unless the people in crowd say no no it's fine I like being shot at)

[Lisa] so Joe is saved the back piercing

[Joe (Carissa)] (yay!)

[Lisa] lol

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (yes, prbably a bad idea to try and help)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] It's sometimes confusing to be honest

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (so AOO?)

[Lisa] depends on the situation

[Joe (Carissa)] (not a bad idea, but if you might hurt another character in the process, check with them before doing your action :) )

[Lisa] (is it running?)

[Master] so that was the end of that round

[Joe (Carissa)] (sometimes it really is worth it even if someone is hit)

[Master] we are debating here the called shot rules

[Master] but first Ash and Lathum go

[Lisa] (yeah worth it if everyone has hit points :) )

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (d don't know whaat a called shot is)

[Master] then it gets to try to run

[Joe (Carissa)] (lol exactly and a good healer nearby)

[Master] so Spring and Michael are up

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (acknowledged)

[Lisa] Lara - called shot is when you say you are aiming through a group to something specific - you take the shot at a -4

[Joe (Carissa)] (called shot means you are hitting an enemy surrounded by player charcters, but because it's called, you won't hit them BUT it's at a penalty)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (thinking)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Ah, I found it

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Sorry

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Latham moved 4'08".

[Lisa] But if you miss you don't hit someone else by accident

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu no longer targets Bullywug #35.

[Lara] good to know now. lol.

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall moved 8'08".

[Joe (Carissa)] (if someone is in the way and you don't do called, you will probably hit them)

[Lara] little late but only a fake AI died

[Michael-14198] Latham targets Bullywug #35. Distance: 1'05"

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall moved 10'10".

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Latham: Attack: Javelin: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=3] 17. MISSES Bullywug #35 (AC FINAL: 6).

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Latham: Damage v SM: Javelin: (1d6) [1d6=6] 6 added to: Bullywug #35

[Lisa] (Latham 0 did you just step on half a dozen Als?

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (okay i think the distance i had to move to go around means i can't attack)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] No. And Sorry ingor that bob

[Latham (Michael-14198)] I missed

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (no i waded in the ankle deep water)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] I walked over the dead bullywug

[Master] Ash can attack

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (oh that was for latham, sorry)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (Alll Al's Men)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (oh ok)

[Spring] Ash Cinderfall targets Bullywug #35. Distance: 3'01"

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall: Attack: Scythe; Farmer: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=19] 1. HITS Bullywug #35 (AC FINAL: 6)!!!

[Master] and the Al images are shifting around you cannot step on them, unless you target and attack one

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall: Damage v SM: Scythe; Farmer: (1d6) [1d6=6] 6 added to: Bullywug #35

[Master] then you rist hitting Al also

[Master] Bullywug #35's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -10 (-12) - Dead

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Nice

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Fresh meat

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (done)

[Master] Ok I need the restroom

[Master] brb

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (so do i)

[Lisa] (very nice!)

[Lara] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lisa] taking a break for a bit - will be back

[Latham (Michael-14198)] I think me too lol

[Lisa] I am away from the keyboard.

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) searchs bullywus

[Latham (Michael-14198)] AKF

[Al (mario-yoga)] if Bob comes back with high blood pressure, we had a 'discussion' about clled shots that hit

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (who ever is not at the PC, raise their hand)

Nerikan (TMO) moves up and looks at all the mini-Al's

[Joe (Carissa)] (lol)

[Nerikan (TMO)] Nerikan moved 37'03".

[Nerikan (TMO)] Nerikan moved 37'07".

[TMO] Nerikan targets Al #2. Distance: 0'07"

[Joe (Carissa)] (think they'd too late to tell them...)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (smiles)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (back)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (forgot to turn on the BRB-er when i went)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (or rather the ZZZ)

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] OK

[Master] so I am glad that everyone is getting drinks, food, moving around

[Master] already one full game session in

[Master] checking on what the bullywugs have now

[Master] so you find (4*3d6) [3d6=6,4,5] 60 silver pieces and (4*1d2) [1d2=2] 8 gems

[Master] total between all four of them

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] I'll carry this for us

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Taylor Terry Tanahill modified: Encumbrance Totals - Wealth:: CHANGED: 7 cp, 60 sp, 8 gems (7 cp).

[Master] Latham XP award: 33. Next level in 0.

[Master] Ash Cinderfall XP award: 33. Next level in 0.

[Master] Fourthing XP award: 33. Next level in 0.

[Master] Nerikan XP award: 33. Next level in 0.

[Master] Ren Kuaisu XP award: 33. Next level in 0.

[Master] Taylor Terry Tanahill XP award: 33. Next level in 0.

[Master] Joe XP award: 33. Next level in 0.

[Master] Milo XP award: 33. Next level in 0.

[Master] Al XP award: 33. Next level in 0.

[Al (mario-yoga)] (i wish i was Level One)

[Master] You technically started at negative 500

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (ooooo level one)

[Master] and are earning your way up to zero

[Joe (Carissa)] (ouch)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (dayum)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (you wish you had a wish)

[Al (mario-yoga)] (if we look up, we can see the bottom of the hole we're in)

[Master] actually sorry negative 100,

[Master] not 5

[Al (mario-yoga)] (if Milo would scare up some more centipedes, we'd be level one in no time)

[Master] you are almost half way there

[Joe (Carissa)] (so the glass is half empty)

[Master] but what are you going to do now

[Al (mario-yoga)] (and we are standing in it, the level over our heads)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] eating frog meat

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (living on a prayer!)

Nerikan (TMO) pokes an Al-copy. "What is it?"

[Al (mario-yoga)] hey, careful now

[Al (mario-yoga)] dont damage it

[Al (mario-yoga)] one of those could be me

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] They all look like you

Al (mario-yoga) winks

[Al (mario-yoga)] exactly

[Joe (Carissa)] Well, them bullywugs sure had things on 'em. Guess we gonna split them?

[Nerikan (TMO)] How did you do it

[Joe (Carissa)] Er, like Al split himself?

[Nerikan (TMO)] Nerikan: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Al (mario-yoga)] we gmome folk have a way of , well 'bending' magic

[Nerikan (TMO)] Wow

[Master (to TMO only)] you notice that Al has a ring on and you remember him rubbing it when he invoked the images,

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] as if magic is not enough?

[Al (mario-yoga)] lots of practice, you know

[Joe (Carissa)] Uhh speaking of gnomes. Anyone see if the other one woke up?

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] mmnmn mnmnmnmn nah

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) looks over

Joe (Carissa) looks around to see where auntie uncle went

[Master] asleep back there next to the canoe still

[Al (mario-yoga)] (we hope)

[Joe (Carissa)] Joe moved 41'10".

Joe (Carissa) goes to try to shake her awake

[Spring] I am away from the keyboard.

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] computer problems brb

Nerikan (TMO) continues to study the Al-copy.

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Allright I'm back. I'm on phone, but I'm present

Spring has left the game on Sat Sep 12 17:33:55 EDT 2020

[Master] eventually Fourthing wakes up

[Nerikan (TMO)] Can you feel it when I touch it?

Nerikan (TMO) pats it on the head.

[Master] groggy yes

[Fourthing (Master)] What happened?

[Nerikan (TMO)] (sorry - still on the Al copies)

[Fourthing (Master)] where are we?

[Fourthing (Master)] (I know TMO)

[Joe (Carissa)] You fell asleep. Some flowers or something knocked you out. We stopped for a snack and dry land.

[Fourthing (Master)] Oh

[Fourthing (Master)] wow

[Joe (Carissa)] Kill a few of them frog fellas, too.

[Fourthing (Master)] we need to be careful there are bullywugs around

[Joe (Carissa)] Oh that what they are? Yeah they're dead.

[Latham (Michael-14198)] No shit

Spring has joined the game on Sat Sep 12 17:39:17 EDT 2020

Spring is receiving the map Swamp 1...

Spring has received the map Swamp 1.

[Spring] ok i dont understand why my computer said my battery is too low and please plug it in while claiming it's at 100%

[Nerikan (TMO)] (yes, you have battery. But what about *second* battery?)

[Joe (Carissa)] (lol)

[Latham (Spring)] (so now what? we don't get healed do we?)

Fourthing (Master) STRETCHES

Fourthing (Master) stands up

Fourthing (Master) looking around

[Fourthing (Master)] Oh

[Fourthing (Master)] you really did find bullywugs

[Latham (Spring)] yeah. ow

[Latham (Spring)] (wait, sorry i mis clicked)

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] yeah ow

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] they taste like frogs

[Fourthing (Master)] Well come over and i will help

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Help Eat?

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall moved 6'05".

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] come, Latham, let's get you healed

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill moved 18'02".

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] i think Uncle can probable do that right?

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill moved 20'07".

[Nerikan (TMO)] Nerikan moved 25'04".

[TMO] Nerikan no longer targets Al #2.

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill moved 24'06".

[Nerikan (TMO)] Nerikan moved 36'00".

[Lara] I am back at the keyboard.

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall moved 25'10".

[Master] Fourthing casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall moved 21'04".

[Master] Taylor Terry Tanahill's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 10 (4) - Unharmed

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Gosh darnnit. I gotta step away for about half hour. I'll keep the program up though

[Master] Ash Cinderfall's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 10 (4) - Unharmed

[Master] Latham's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 10 (6) - Unharmed

[Master] Fourthing casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Fourthing (Master)] There everyone is better

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] thank you Uncle!

[Fourthing (Master)] Well Al, I cannot tell are you all better? or just some of you?

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) pulls out silver piece

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] here this is for you

[Fourthing (Master)] Thank you

Nerikan (TMO) squats down under a tree and watches everyone

[Fourthing (Master)] very good of you

Ash Cinderfall (Spring) gives Uncle some cheese

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Taylor Terry Tanahill modified: Encumbrance Totals - Wealth:: CHANGED: 7 cp, 59 sp, 8 gems (7 cp, 60 sp, 8 gems).

Nerikan (TMO) opens up her sack of jerky if anyone wants any.

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (since we are all going uncorrected, i'm just assuming now that fourthing is a lady uncle and that's'just how it is)

[Fourthing (Master)] nods,

[Lara] I am away from the keyboard.

[Fourthing (Master)] (she has just accepted being called Uncle)

[Lara] I am back at the keyboard.

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Nerky Jerky?

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (awright)

[Lara] (sorry folks. dealing with home renovation stuff)

[Lara] I am away from the keyboard.

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (pfft, you don't know Lara)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Sp we need a new boat to carry all the Al's

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Al, can you .... recombine?

[Al (mario-yoga)] well, since they arent real, they will sit in open air next to the boat

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] or is that too personal a question?

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] ah ok

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Your not real?

[Al (mario-yoga)] no need, these are but images of me

[Al (mario-yoga)] to distract

Joe (Carissa) goes to trade Nerikan some tack for some jerky

[Al (mario-yoga)] i, me am very much real

Nerikan (TMO) trades supplies with Joe

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] which one?

Joe (Carissa) gives a nod of thanks, sits down to eat and watch

[Al (mario-yoga)] that is exactly the diea

[Al (mario-yoga)] i am very much alive

[Al (mario-yoga)] all thanks to Milo

[Al (mario-yoga)] my canoe ovrturned, and i sunk like a stone, but Milo saved me

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Nice Milo

[Al (mario-yoga)] he has the heart of a lion

[Joe (Carissa)] (think Lisa is still afk)

[Al (mario-yoga)] i owe him my life

[Al (mario-yoga)] (yes she is)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] well done!

[Fourthing (Master)] Well we should be moving along again

[Fourthing (Master)] it should not be too much farther

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) gets up and stretches

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall moved 24'09".

[Lara] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lara] (whew)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill moved 77'04".

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] here's hop[ing we don't encounter any more sleep inducing vegetation or frog people

[Al (mario-yoga) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Al modified:

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] what would you like to encounter?

[Spring] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lara] (the third kind)

[Lara] (prefeably a close encounter)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (nice)

[Al (mario-yoga)] (lol)

[Master] Fourthing moved 54'06".

[Master] Milo moved 24'08".

[Master] Joe moved 49'06".

[Master] Nerikan moved 48'06".

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill moved 27'10".

[Master] Ren Kuaisu moved 74'03".

[Master] Ash Cinderfall moved 64'01".

[Master] Nerikan moved 22'04".

[Al (mario-yoga)] Al #2 moved 5'02".

[Master] Joe moved 23'01".

[Master] Milo moved 22'08".

[Master] Al moved 20'11".

[Master] Al #2 moved 23'05".

[Master] Al #5 moved 21'02".

[Master] Al #4 moved 21'05".

[Master] Al #7 moved 25'00".

[Lara] (are we back in boats?)

[Master] Al #3 moved 21'00".

[Master] Al #6 moved 14'10".

[Master] Al #2 follows Al #6.

[Master] Al #2 follows Al #3.

[Master] Al #2 follows Al #1.

[Master] Al #2 follows Al.

[Master] Al #2 follows Al #5.

[Nerikan (TMO)] (I don't wanna be probed!)

[Master] Al #6 follows Al #5.

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (how long do they last? I thought rounds?)

[Master] Al #6 follows Al #3.

[Master] Al #6 follows Al #5.

[Al (mario-yoga)] (until killed)

[Master] Al #1 follows Al #5.

[Al (mario-yoga)] (special ring

[Master] Al #3 follows Al #5.

[Master] Al #4 follows Al #5.

[Master] Al #7 follows Al #5.

[Master] Al #5 follows Al.

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (arn't you special)

[Master] Al, Al #1, Al #6, Al #4, Al #3, Al #2, Al #7 and Al #5 moved 1'05".

[Al (mario-yoga)] (exactly)

[Master] Fourthing, Latham and Ash Cinderfall moved 78'01".

[Master] Joe, Milo, Al #1, Al #6, Al #5, Al #4, Al, Al #3, Al #2 and Al #7 moved 54'01".

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (testing)

[Master] Taylor Terry Tanahill, Nerikan and Ren Kuaisu moved 29'04".

[Al (mario-yoga)] (the teal was nice)

Nerikan (TMO) whispers to Ren, "What is he?"

[Joe (Carissa)] (agree)

[Master] So Michael and Lisa are still AFK?

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (heehee...testing again)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] i am having supper, so half-here

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (same)

[Joe (Carissa)] (and I ate too much and regret it so half here)

[Al (mario-yoga)] (The insta pot should be halway dome with insta-cooking the ribs)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (time to flip the pot)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (hey, no flipping pot here...valuable)

[Nerikan (TMO)] (at least it's not also a smoker)

[Master] Al #2, Milo, Al #1, Al #6, Al #5, Joe, Nerikan, Ren Kuaisu, Latham, Al #4, Al, Taylor Terry Tanahill, Al #3, Al #7, Ash Cinderfall and Fourthing moved 6'11".

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (nice TMO)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (how 'bout now?)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (still really close to TMO's color)

[Nerikan (TMO)] (yes)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (how 'bout now?)

[Al (mario-yoga)] ( i can tell them apart)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (i can read the name in front)

[Al (mario-yoga)] (wow)

[Al (mario-yoga)] (lol)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (thought we were stating the obvious)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (heh)

[Master (to GM only)] giant snake #4 moved 43'05".

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (testing...lil bitty?)

[Nerikan (TMO)] (test)

[Joe (Carissa)] (but then we get back to the earlier confusion with Michael. Gonna get you both confused)

[Nerikan (TMO)] (when side-by-side, easily distinguised)

[Joe (Carissa)] (until chat goes by fast)

[Master] giant snake #4 moved 7'06".

[Master] giant snake #4 targets Al #1. Distance: 3'10"

[Master] giant snake #4 targets Latham. Distance: 4'09"

[Master] giant snake #4 targets Ash Cinderfall. Distance: 6'02"

[Joe (Carissa)] Joe: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (are we in the boats again?)

[Master] as you are passing through between two islands

[Master] yes

[Master] hammocks

[Al (mario-yoga)] )lol)

[Master] a large snake head comes up out of the water and SNAPS at Al

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (which one?)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Joe (Carissa)] ( the Als float? Or are they all crammed in the boat?)

[Master] I will give a half chance for the real one in the boat

[Master] (1d16) [1d16=13] 13 and if number 1 comes up it is the real one

[Master] so an image goes away

[Al (mario-yoga)] SNAKE!!!

[Joe (Carissa)] You all right Al??

[Al (mario-yoga)] yes, but BIG

[Al (mario-yoga)] BIG

[Al (mario-yoga)] Snake!

giant snake #4 (Master) SNAPS and then shakes head

[Joe (Carissa)] Oh. Uh, yeah I see that.

giant snake #4 (Master) trying to figure out how it missed

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (can our boat see the giant snake?)

[Master] So Al Milo (afk) and Latham (afk) and Ash can attack

[Master] No the boat does not have eyes

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (is the water shallow enough here to get out?)

[Master] but the people in the boat do not see either

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (haha)

[Master] grins

[Joe (Carissa)] (Not Joe? But it's big and Milo and Al are short!)

[Master] the water is too deep to walk in

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) steers boat to land

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill moved 7'09".

[Master] Joe is behind Milo

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Ren Kuaisu moved 6'04".

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Nerikan moved 8'05".

[Joe (Carissa)] (I thought Milo was short...)

[Master] no man sized

Al (mario-yoga) tries to direct boat to a hammockto our right

[Joe (Carissa)] (huh all this time)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (btw, BOB - i like the graphics for the swamp)

[Joe (Carissa)] (well retract earlier comment)

[Master] only Al and Fourthing are small

[Master] that is all Mario

[Joe (Carissa)] You sure, Al? I don't see anthing.

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) watches T steer to land

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (shoot, snake is too far away to reach with scythe)

[Master] Does Ash have anything with a range?

[Al (mario-yoga)] oh, its there, stay in the boat or on land

[Al (mario-yoga)] dont let it get you while in the water

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (a knif to throw, but don't wanna lose my knife)

[Master] ok

[Master] if you want Fourthing to move the boat you will have to say something

[Master] and AL?

Al (mario-yoga) tries to direct boat to a hammockto our right

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] uncl fourthing will you pleawse help us get a little closer so i can strike the snake?

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Latham too?

[Master] Al, Milo, Al #6, Joe, Al #2, Al #1, Al #4, Al #3 and Al #5 moved 7'10".

[Master] Milo moved 4'07".

[Master] Al #5, Al #1, Al #6, Al #4, Al #3 and Al #2 moved 2'01".

[Master] Joe moved 11'06".

Ash Cinderfall (Spring) making ready to strike

[Master] Fourthing moved 6'06".

[Master] Fourthing targets giant snake #4. Distance: 4'04"

[Master] Ash Cinderfall moved 3'05".

[Master] Ash Cinderfall targets giant snake #4. Distance: 2'03"

[Master] Latham targets giant snake #4. Distance: 4'07"

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara) (to JohnA only)] (are we on shore yet?)

[Spring] Ash Cinderfall no longer targets giant snake #4.

[Spring] Ash Cinderfall targets giant snake #4. Distance: 2'03"

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall: Attack: Scythe; Farmer: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=17] 3. MISSES giant snake #4 (AC FINAL: -1).

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) (to Lara only)] not sure but you should be able to see now

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (great i missed and now we are close. that's bad)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara) (to JohnA only)] (about 32 feet away

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) (to Lara only)] short bow?

[Lisa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara) (to JohnA only)] i'm not aiming at anything---people in the way

[Lisa] (back)

[Master] I will refill as you all discuss and debate what to do

[Master] fill Lisa in

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Al (mario-yoga)] (it has an AC -1)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara) (to JohnA only)] (plus, i am not going to shoot a bow from the boat, only land)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) (to Lara only)] still short range for a bow, as longas you call shot

[Nerikan (TMO)] (big snake attacking front two boats - boat 3 is ignorant)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (@TMO, we are boat 3?)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (but No reason we can't just carry boats over isalnd, I would not take on a snake if I was level 1)

[Al (mario-yoga)] (im sure boat 3 heard Al shout out, i used CAPS)

[Nerikan (TMO)] (well, true)

[Al (mario-yoga)] (you know how loud CAPS are)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (we know, just can't see, but now that they moved)

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) listens carefully

[Al (mario-yoga)] (maybe we can choke it with an Al)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Oh crap, that is a BIG snake

[Lisa] (set it on fire to make it go away)

[Al (mario-yoga)] (only if Milo suggests it)

[Lisa] lol

[Joe (Carissa)] (to be fair, we aren't level 1 yet...)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (exactly)

[Al (mario-yoga)] (we wish we were Level One")

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (see T run)

[Lisa] there is always an answer and direct combat is not always the answer

[Joe (Carissa)] (cantrip a mouse to lure it away)

[Al (mario-yoga)] (agreed)

[Joe (Carissa)] (or can you make another Al walk away?)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (Run, T, Run)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (better be a big mouse)

[Al (mario-yoga)] (the dupes mirror AL exactly)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (it's a snake in the water...)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (cantrip an otter?)

[Al (mario-yoga)] (oh no, here come the otter puns)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (why mean mean to an otter)

[Al (mario-yoga)] Only if theres no otter way

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (uh oh, what did i just do? lol...shoot otter puns into a crowd?)

[Al (mario-yoga)] Great idea. someone otter do that

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (I left me bow in my otter pants)

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (in ur otter house?)

[Nerikan (TMO)] (I don't think cantrips can create full images or creatures)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (nods)

[Al (mario-yoga)] We're in Treble

[Master] correct to Cantrip restrictions

[Lisa] can we leave the Als there and sneak by?

[Master] so Michael and Spring you are the first on there

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (baby otter?)

[Al (mario-yoga)] (the dupes just mirror AL, they do hwat he does)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (ack)

[Master] what do you want to do?

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (waht do you get with two otters?)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (baby otter do-doo-doo-do, baby otter do-doo-doo-do, baby otter do-doo-doo-do, baby otter do-doo-doo-do, baby otter do-doo-doo-do)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall: Attack: Scythe; Farmer: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=20] 0. HITS giant snake #4 (AC FINAL: -1)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[Al (mario-yoga)] (lol)

[Al (mario-yoga)] (omg)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (I say we run away)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (toddlers?)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (how big?)

[Joe (Carissa)] (wow)

[Master] Large it is over 20 foot long

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (Evnters)

[Joe (Carissa)] (go for the head!)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall: Damage v L: Scythe; Farmer: (1d4+1) [1d4=1] 2 added to: giant snake #4

[Master] giant snake #4's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 34 (-2) - Lightly Wounded

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (now you did it)

[Master] is Michael back?

[Milo (Lisa)] (roll again - was crit)

[Joe (Carissa)] ('re going to be hitting it a lot...)

[Joe (Carissa)] (but if you crit enough...)

[Master] yes to Lisa

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall: Attack: Scythe; Farmer: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=17] 3. MISSES giant snake #4 (AC FINAL: -1).

[Milo (Lisa)] (are we in combat?)

[Master] so you will all need a 20 to hit it

[Master] right now Ash is in the front canoe that is blocking the stream going forward

[Joe (Carissa)] (....uhhh so non-combat route ideas agian?)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (pull boats over islands)

[Al (mario-yoga)] (i think this is a paddle quickly away situation)

Milo (Lisa) tries to make alligator noises (do alligators make noises?)

[Joe (Carissa)] Nerikan! Can you toss one of those paws you took towards it?

[Milo (Lisa)] Milo: Animal Noise check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (maybe boat 1 can out row)

[Al (mario-yoga)] (yes, they hiss)

[Master] yes to Lisa

[Master] and yes to Milo succeeding

[Joe (Carissa)] (yes. actually their sound the most like dinosaurs (based on evolution) so all your Jurassic Park sounds are off alligator and crocodile sounds)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (gently down the stream)

Milo (Lisa) covers his hands over his mouth and makes noises like a hungry alligator

[Joe (Carissa)] (don't ask me what else I remember from that class)

Milo (Lisa) watches to see if snake gets scared

[Master] giant snake #4: WIS check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] /me starts to get out and carry boat

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (ok so not wise)

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) follows T

[Milo (Lisa)] (he's almost as wise as I am)

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) quietly we just have to out run them, not the snake

giant snake #4 (Master) head darts from side to side

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) carrying boat

[Master] Taylor Terry Tanahill, Nerikan and Ren Kuaisu moved 33'06".

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (not that way)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (why are we way over there?)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill moved 65'07".

[Joe (Carissa)] Nice, Milo. Who can ...make something look alligator like moving?

Joe (Carissa) glancing at Nerikan

[Master] Ren Kuaisu and Nerikan moved 65'01".

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (what are you guys doing?)

[giant snake #4 (Master)]

Milo (Lisa) tries to make more alligator noises

[Milo (Lisa)] Milo: Animal Noise check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

Milo (Lisa) continues to watch snake

[Master] giant snake #4 moved 43'11".

[Master] giant snake #4 no longer targets Al #1.

[Master] giant snake #4 no longer targets Latham.

[Master] giant snake #4 no longer targets Ash Cinderfall.

[Al (mario-yoga)] (can Ash's boat disengage and head NE?)

[Al (mario-yoga)] (and Milo is MAGIC w impressions!)

Milo (Lisa) jaw drops a little

Joe (Carissa) jaw drops

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (wow)

Milo (Lisa) whispers "It worked"

[Joe (Carissa)] Well....I can see why Al calls you a hero.

Ash Cinderfall (Spring) looks at Milo with blooming respect

[Joe (Carissa)] Would've been eaten otherwise.

[Al (mario-yoga)] Milo you did it again!

[Milo (Lisa)] Better this time I think

[Milo (Lisa)] We should go though before it comes back

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] yes let's

[Al (mario-yoga)] yes yes, agreed! forward ho!

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] way ahead of you

[Al (mario-yoga)] (T doing her best impression of Usain Bolt)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara) (to JohnA only)] (where are we? on land or in the boat again?)

Nerikan (TMO) isn't much help carrying the boat

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) (to Lara only)] transtion, away from the snake

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) (to Lara only)] that is all I care

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall moved 4'10".

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) (to Lara only)] swamp is a lot of draging boat

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara) (to JohnA only)] (um, can you keep me clued in if we are all supposed to be together?)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] come, let's get this boar turned out of the way

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] and get onward

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] *boat

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) (to Lara only)] will try

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Alright I'm back. Sorry about that

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara) (to JohnA only)] (thank you!)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Where are we at, what are we doing

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (milo made alligator noises and scared away the giant snake

[Master] I am going to try sending a new map to TMO to test it loading

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (gentlte rowing down the stream)

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) enjoying the gentle ride

[Master] do you see that TMO?

[Master] OK so will test with Lisa then

[Milo (Lisa)] (k)

[Nerikan (TMO)] got it

[Nerikan (TMO)] (sry, was focused elsewhere)

[Milo (Lisa)] (got it)

[Master] I will send to everyone shortly

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (my isalnd hideout)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Got it no problem

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (got it)

[Master] Nerikan moved 1'01".

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (testing)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (glad I saved it)

[Master] Milo moved 0'11".

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (it is coming through)

Spring has left the game on Sat Sep 12 18:49:26 EDT 2020

Spring has joined the game on Sat Sep 12 18:49:47 EDT 2020

Spring is receiving the map Island...

Spring has received the map Island.

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (i think it is still coming it supposed to have black sqaures and stuff?)

[Master] yes

[Milo (Lisa)] (yes)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (so the iland is the black part? what am we looking at here?)

[Master] So here you go

[Master] Those are the buildings on the island

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (this is what we can see)

[Nerikan (TMO)] (are we ending at 7 EST, or going ate? I can't remember the schedule)

[Master] Midnight

[Master] 5 more hours, grins

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) sees the buildings on the island up ahead

[Nerikan (TMO)] (ok, I'm going to go run and fetch foods for fambly t'en. It's eatin' time here)

[Master] go TMO

[Joe (Carissa)] (need to step away for a few minutes)

[Carissa] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] anyone else need a break before moving on?

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (i am going to wait until combat starts)

[Milo (Lisa)] (took mine already :) )

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (LOL john)

[Master] grins at John

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Sorry guys, but I got about 1 more hour and then have to work :(

[Master] Mario is leaving here in 20 or so and then will be back on at 930

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] so

[Master] you have an island in front of you

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Uncle

[Master] the first sign of buildings you have seen all day after leaving Foriso Town

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) ...

[Fourthing (Master)] Yes?

[Master] Milo moved 3'09".

[Master] Joe moved 4'07".

[Master] Latham moved 1'06".

[Master] Ren Kuaisu, Nerikan and Taylor Terry Tanahill moved 22'07".

[Master] Ren Kuaisu moved 23'03".

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] DO you know what took your friend?

[Fourthing (Master)] Friends there are four of them

[Fourthing (Master)] but I did not see this before

[Fourthing (Master)] I must have come a different way

[Milo (Lisa)] Four of what?

Fourthing (Master) looks around to see if she can spot the lighthouse

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) still wondering how much they are going to get paid

[Fourthing (Master)] four friends

[Fourthing (Master)] DO you think we will find anything inside of there?

[Fourthing (Master)] Or is anyone in side?

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara) (to TMO only)] (how tall did you say your wife was again?)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] one way to know Fouth sure

Milo (Lisa) looks at gnome strangely

[Milo (Lisa)] Thought you were taking us to a place and not to find a place

[Fourthing (Master)] I am trying to find the place I was

[Fourthing (Master)] We must have come a different way

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (Yeah that's irritating)

[Al (mario-yoga)] Maybe it was west? we can still go west

[Fourthing (Master)] I do not think it is west from here, it might be north or south

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Let land just a bit further, where there is more land

[Milo (Lisa)] We should go the same way

[Al (mario-yoga)] in any case, it will be dark soon, so we may as well set camp

[Milo (Lisa)] Not a different way to find the same place and not a different place

[Fourthing (Master)] How bout over there under that tree by the tower

[Fourthing (Master)] we can see if there is anyone around who can help us

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] TOWER?

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Should we circle the island? Do some reconnaissance?

[Al (mario-yoga)] like, look for ankes?

[Fourthing (Master)] points to the large round building

[Al (mario-yoga)] snakes?*

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] How big do we estimate this island to be? 10 acres?

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Or 100 acres?

[Fourthing (Master)] (scale is correct)

Ash Cinderfall (Spring) shrugs helplessly

[Milo (Lisa)] The right person asking can always find answers. I am not the right person

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (oh you mean we are little people so it is a big island?)

[Al (mario-yoga)] 160 ft across

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] OK, I am going to land

[Milo (Lisa)] Towers are tall and have smart people inside them

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill moved 79'10".

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Um. Let's wait and talk about it.

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Ren Kuaisu moved 79'05".

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Nerikan moved 78'08".

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (jeezus)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (Not trying to be difficult, but am trying to think of the scale. Please be patient with me if I get Confused)

[Milo (Lisa)] (mutiny on the T Bounty?)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (Yes?)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (me too Michael---see how little we are? this means the island is friggin huge)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (does it look that empty?)

[Master] you can see that the wall there is gone

[Milo (Lisa)] (Fourthing saw a tower and wants to go there - yes or no?)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (yes)

[Al (mario-yoga)] (is that area still covered, or open air?)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (yes)

[Master] looks to be open to the air

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (How about we don't go where he wants to go, and instead go to where she was supposed to go?)

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) rolls eyes at T and continues to question T's sanity

[Milo (Lisa)] (she doesn't know where she's supposed to go)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (Maybe a trap at this point)

[Milo (Lisa)] (that would be too easy)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] T, why don't see see MORE of the island from far before geting on land?

[Milo (Lisa)] (Does Latham have any other place to be right now? :D )

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] maybe canoe around it?

[Master] LOL

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] CAn you canoe?

[Al (mario-yoga)] (ok, im heading home, hope to be be back about 930-10, in three hours or so. See you all then!)

[Milo (Lisa)] (Bye Mario!)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (maybe)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (be well)

mario-yoga has left the game on Sat Sep 12 19:07:16 EDT 2020

[Milo (Lisa)] (since this is a 1 day adventure my feeling is to just go with it)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (same)

[Master] so John you are moving forward? towards the tower or into that opening?

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (I mean, not in teh belly of a snake, or drowing in a swamp, or.....just dead in general. I thought our guide knew where she wanted to go. Otherwise it would have made sense to just say no to her. In a sense, she tricked us and gave us misleading information. My guy feels some loyalty to the merchants, but can slit her throat and throw her into the swamp if she's attempting to get us all killed

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) slows down and looks are island while seeing if othere are moving

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) shrugs and keeps quiet

[Milo (Lisa)] (didn't she just heal you?)

[Milo (Lisa)] (lol)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (Sigh. I suppose. But her logic just makes no sense)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (this is tower?)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (i'm more concerned about the money we never discussed)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (i think she's just confused)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (Ner and I were the only two who cared about the money!)

[Master] the large round building is the tower

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (mostly round)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (interesting...around the other side of the island)

[Lara] I am away from the keyboard.

Milo (Lisa) paddles to follow the T ship

[Master] Milo, Al #1, Al #6, Joe, Al #4, Al, Al #3, Al #2 and Al #5 moved 80'08".

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] lead on uncle F

[Master] Fourthing, Latham and Ash Cinderfall moved 69'00".

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill, Nerikan and Ren Kuaisu moved 40'07".

[Master] Taylor Terry Tanahill, Nerikan and Ren Kuaisu moved 11'01".

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] I like the smaller little island with tower

[Master] Milo, Al #1, Al #6, Al #5, Joe, Latham, Al #4, Al, Al #3, Al #2, Ash Cinderfall and Fourthing moved 42'00".

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] I just want to stop on the far side

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill moved 2'02".

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill, Nerikan and Ren Kuaisu moved 25'08".

[Master] Milo, Al #1, Al #6, Al #5, Joe, Latham, Al #4, Al, Al #3, Al #2, Ash Cinderfall and Fourthing moved 29'01".

[Master] Taylor Terry Tanahill moved 8'08".

[Master] Ren Kuaisu moved 7'04".

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Nerikan moved 9'11".

[Master] Nerikan moved 12'08".

[Lara] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Joe, Milo, Al #1, Al #6, Al #5, Latham, Al #4, Al, Al #3, Al #2, Ash Cinderfall and Fourthing moved 18'06".

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill, Nerikan and Ren Kuaisu moved 38'06".

[Master] Milo, Al #1, Al #6, Al #5, Joe, Al #4, Al, Al #3 and Al #2 moved 30'06".

[Master] Ash Cinderfall, Latham and Fourthing moved 38'11".

[Master] Observation from anyone

[Nerikan (TMO)] Nerikan: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Master (to TMO only)] there is someone standing right there inside that building

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) waits to hear what Ner sees

Nerikan (TMO) leans forward and whispers to Ren and T, "We're being watched."

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) looks around and puts hand on knife

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (have we landed?)

[Nerikan (TMO)] In the tower...

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) whispers I know, that is what happens when you take the lead

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] OH

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (That's reassuring)

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) pulls boat ashore

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) helps pull boat shore

[Master] Not in the tower in the building to the West of you

[Nerikan (TMO)] (sorry, I misunderstood)

[Master] Guard moved 2'01".

[Master] Guard moved 3'03".

[Master] Guard moved 3'04".

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) looks arround

[Master] just to show you where he is

Milo (Lisa) follows with canoe

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 3'05".

[Master] Al, Al #1, Al #6, Al #4, Al #3, Al #2 and Al #5 moved 16'11".

[Master] Milo moved 8'11".

[Master] Joe moved 7'06".

[Master] Fourthing moved 7'10".

[Master] Ash Cinderfall moved 2'06".

[Master] Latham moved 3'03".

[Master] Nerikan moved 1'09".

[Latham (Michael-14198)] (Gaurds. Oh boy)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (Hey, Al out numbers him)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (well, he did)

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) whispers to T---it's possibly i can camouflage us if need be

[Master] T sees the tower there, across the strech of land there is the openingint eh wall and the guard looking out at you

[Milo (Lisa)] (I'll take guards over a giant snake)

[Milo (Lisa)] (we aren't doing anything wrong)

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) waves to guard

[Master] No reaction from the guard

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Ren Kuaisu modified:

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill moved 2'11".

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) waiting for other boats, but making room

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill moved 1'05".

[Master] Cody moved 12'08".

[Master] Cody moved 17'11".

Cody (Master) opens the door

[Cody (Master)] Hello there

[Cody (Master)] Welcome to camp

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Hey

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) nods and smiles

[Nerikan (TMO)] Oh

[Milo (Lisa)] Milo and Joe moved 12'04".

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 4'06".

[Master] Ash Cinderfall, Latham and Fourthing moved 28'07".

Milo (Lisa) pulls canoe on land but stays behind a palm tree

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Thank you, I was not sure we were welcome

[Cody (Master)] What brings you out here

[Carissa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Milo (Lisa)] Milo: Hide in Shadows check:(d100) [1d100=74] 74 - ROLL FAILED against 15!!

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] looking for some gnomes

[Joe (Carissa)] (so tl;dr Fourthing brought us to a tower now someone is greeting us?)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (apparently)

[Milo (Lisa)] (she is lost)

[Joe (Carissa)] (cool; if it's a murder tower I can step awaya gain)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (but we are now found)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] This is the worst possible time, but I have to go ghuys. I have to get ready.

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (you can save us next time)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (have a good one michael!)

[Cody (Master)] (no worries Michael, glad you where here)

[Milo (Lisa)] (see you Michael!)

[Cody (Master)] (hope to see you next week)

[Master] Latham moved 33'00".

[Joe (Carissa)] (bye Michael)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] Glad to be here! :)

[Latham (Michael-14198)] haha I'll hopefully bee here! Michael-14198 has left the game on Sat Sep 12 19:28:28 EDT 2020

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 5'00".

[Joe (Carissa)] Hello, sir. I think we're lost.

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) slightly bows toward Greeter "I am Ren Kuaisu of Regets Field."

[Joe (Carissa)] Joe moved 13'04".

[Cody (Master)] Well no one comes to Cody's Camp unless they are trying to get lost so welcome

Nerikan (TMO) lurks behind Ren.

[Cody (Master)] Regets Field, have not heard of that camp

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) looks at person quizzically, "So you are Cody, sir?)

[Cody (Master)] how is it?

[Cody (Master)] (just to remind people... )

[Joe (Carissa)] I didn't think we were trying to get lost, but our guide seems... confused.

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) smiles "It is west by the trading place in Firoso"

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] My Cody, as my traveling friend seems we may be a bit off course.

[Cody (Master)] Foriso Town, the place with the lighthouse

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Mr. Cody

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) nods "Yes Mr. Cody"

[Cody (Master)] that is more civilized lands

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) shrugs

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) nods in appreciation "Somewhat..."

[Joe (Carissa)] So we've noticed by the creatures we've run across...

[Cody (Master)] Yeah I stay away from the civilized lands

[Cody (Master)] too many rules

[Nerikan (TMO)] (wry chuckle: library section: "Weapon Facts: A-X")

[Cody (Master)] people want to take your money for nothing

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) nods in agreement "It is much more beautiful here away from the city."

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Mr. Cody, you mentioned your camp. What kind of camp do you own here?

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) (testing)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Chickens are not free

[Cody (Master)] (sorry fixing something cannot have two windows open at once)

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) moves head towards T and raises eyebrows in discernment

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) looks back at Mr. Cody

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (oh please)

[Master] Al XP award: 122. Next level in 0.

[Master] Milo XP award: 122. Next level in 0.

[Master] Joe XP award: 122. Next level in 0.

[Master] Taylor Terry Tanahill XP award: 122. Next level in 0.

[Master] Ren Kuaisu XP award: 122. Next level in 0.

[Master] Nerikan XP award: 122. Next level in 0.

[Master] Ash Cinderfall XP award: 122. Next level in 0.

[Master] Latham XP award: 122. Next level in 0.

[Master] Fourthing XP award: 122. Next level in 0.

[Cody (Master)] (fixed it is official you are all first level at the end of this)

[Joe (Carissa)] (wooooo!)

[Joe (Carissa)] (so we all get some more hp?)

[Milo (Lisa)] (for next year's birthday game?)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (so I can retire now)

[Cody (Master)] Well I do not want to have my money go to people I do not see

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (why ya gotta be so rude?

[Joe (Carissa)] To each their own. But maybe you can help us find, er, wherever we're trying to go?

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) nods in agreement, "Yes, taxes can be high in the city."

[Cody (Master)] (you do not get anything until the end of the adventure)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Mr. Cody, I did not hear what kind of camp you own here?

[Cody (Master)] This is my camp?

[Cody (Master)] What do you mean what kind of camp?

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] oh! I thought you said Cody's Camp

[Cody (Master)] I am Cody

[Cody (Master)] This is Cody's Camp

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Do you mind if we rest here?

[Cody (Master)]

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ah. I must have misunderstood.

[Milo (Lisa)] (computer camp, summer camp, concentration camp?)

[Cody (Master)] ( LOL )

[Milo (Lisa)] (lots of possibilities - not all good)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (testing)

[Cody (Master)] ( and Carissa is slipping for not following up on lyrics)

[Joe (Carissa)] (I hope it's space camp)

[Joe (Carissa)] (eh, not top of my game today)

[Milo (Lisa)] (there'sa good camp)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (dpsvr vsmp!)

[Joe (Carissa)] (what spring said!)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (space camp!)

[Joe (Carissa)] (...still what spring said!)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (don't type with your mouth full)

[Milo (Lisa)] (lol)

Nerikan (TMO) looks around at the buildings.

[Nerikan (TMO)] (new, old, nice, ramshackle?)

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) Ah! So Mr. Cody, you are alone in this camp? It is nice and roomy here.

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ah! So Mr. Cody, you are alone in this camp? It is nice and roomy here.

[Master] mostly run down, opening in the walls

[Master] good stone buildings that are in disrepear

[Master] disrepair

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (cody human, how oldish?)

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) waits for Cody to respond

[Cody (Master)] I like my space

[Cody (Master)] (human male late 20's)

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) nods in agreement, "Yes, it is spacious out here. Do you get many visitors? We wouldn't want to intrude."

[Joe (Carissa)] Anything notable in the area? More gators or such?

[Cody (Master)] Only the few people who are lost

[Cody (Master)] lots of gators out there

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) smiles and nods

[Cody (Master)] have to be careful

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] It seems that we might be lost

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] What do you eat Mr. Cody?

[Cody (Master)] Fish, birds, snakes, sometimes a bobcat

[Cody (Master)] what ever happens to wander by not fast enough

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Wow! Catching a bobcat isn't easy!

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] how do you know it's name?

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Mr. Cody, we noticed a guard as we came through.

Cody (Master) nods

[Cody (Master)] have to be careful

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] eating bobcat?

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Do we have to be careful of the guard?

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] i would think they'd be unpalatable

[Cody (Master)] Sometimes people try to take things

[Joe (Carissa)] That what catches the slow ones?

[Cody (Master)] Oh a bobcat is not great eating but it is different from fish all the time

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Take things...II'm sorry to hear that. Are they your things?

[Cody (Master)] It is my camp

[Joe (Carissa)] How many people try to take things?

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Oh! This whole beautiful island is your camp?

[Cody (Master)] not many

[Cody (Master)] not all those that wander are lost

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (as we bombard this person with questions...)

[Joe (Carissa)] So I've heard before.

[Joe (Carissa)] You mind if we camp on your island for the night? Not taking anything but a little space and comfort for nightfall.

[Cody (Master)] I am not looking for company if that is what you are asking

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) smirks

[Cody (Master)] and you have hours before nightfall

[Joe (Carissa)] (oh thought it was evening)

[Joe (Carissa)] (whoops)

[Cody (Master)] I think you can find your place if you keep looking

[Milo (Lisa)] (did anyone ask about the gnomes?)

Joe (Carissa) shakes head, "Sorry. It's already a long day."

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (the clock does read 6:35 pm)

[Joe (Carissa)] Yes, directions would be nice.

[Joe (Carissa)] Some gnome village, I think, we want?

[Nerikan (TMO)] Nerikan moved 5'05".

[Cody (Master)] (the clock has not changed)

[Cody (Master)] There are no other villages around these parts that I have seen

[Joe (Carissa)] Fourthing? Where are we going?

Nerikan (TMO) turns back to Fourthing. "Do you know where we need to go from here?"

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (what time is nightfall here?)

[Milo (Lisa)] (the clock is Skull Church time isn't it?)

[Fourthing (Master)] (yes to Lisa)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (is Fourthing stil in the boat?)

[Fourthing (Master)] (she is there in the canoe yes, her and Ash did not get out )

[Milo (Lisa)] (ignore the clock in the corner)

Joe (Carissa) looks around

[Joe (Carissa)] Fourthing? Can you please get over here? You're the only one who knows where we're going.

[Fourthing (Master)] We are looking for my friends, the Swamp Monster

[Fourthing (Master)] I am trying to remember

Milo (Lisa) mutters "or where we're not going"

[Fourthing (Master)] we got turned around

Milo (Lisa) looks down

[Nerikan (TMO)] That's a 'what' not a 'where'. Where is it?

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall moved 32'01".

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Wait, the swamp monster is your friend?

[Joe (Carissa)] It's apparently far from the lighthouse? Somewhere where the lighthouse can't be seen.

[Fourthing (Master)] no

Milo (Lisa) thinks to himself - Her friends are a swamp monster?

[Fourthing (Master)] yes

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) wonders if Fourthing is still ill

Nerikan (TMO) turns back to the tower. "Mister... Mister Cody. Do you know of a swamp monster or something, that might take gnomes?"

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) bows "Pardon me for one moment..." and moves towards Fourthing

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 14'01".

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Fourthing, are you feeling better?

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Perhaps you are seasick from being on the water too long?

[Cody (Master)] There are lots of monsters in the swamp

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) clears throat

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Fourthing, are you okay?

[Fourthing (Master)] Yes I am ok,

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) smiles gently

[Fourthing (Master)] why do you keep asking me to remmber where we are supposed to go? then you ask me if I am ok, then ask me other things?

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Well, Fourthing, you might recall that we met at the Marketplace and you asked for some help to find your friends

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] We need your guidance

[Fourthing (Master)] You asked me to try to find out where to go

[Fourthing (Master)] then you keep asking me questions

[JohnA] I am away from the keyboard.

[Fourthing (Master)] if you do not let me think then how can I concentrate to try to determine where we are

[Fourthing (Master)] Do you know where we are?

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) smiles gently

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] WE are at Cody's Camp

[Fourthing (Master)] (as she is obviously getting agitated)

Milo (Lisa) paws at the ground a bit with his hoof

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (yes, i see that)

[Cody (Master)] Yeap,

[Cody (Master)] that is what I said

[Fourthing (Master)] So we should leave then

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) turns around and walks towards Cody

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 16'05".

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] how about this

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Mr. Cody, one more thing...are there any gnomes on the island that you know of?

[Cody (Master)] No, you already asked me about gnomes

[Cody (Master)] are you ok?

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] how about we give Uncle some space to think and try to remember landmarks, we'll decide how much time now

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) smiles and nods head, "Thank you."

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 15'08".

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] and then we'll ask cody about the landmarks if any

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] and then we'll depart

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) finds nice shady tree and sits down underneath

Joe (Carissa) scratches head, "Got any beer to trade, Cody?"

[Cody (Master)] No beer or ale,

[Cody (Master)] I had a still but it got messed up

[Joe (Carissa)] Goddess damn. It's been a long day... can't catch a break.

[JohnA] I am back at the keyboard.

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) listens for animal sounds

[Joe (Carissa)] Well wherever this gnome takes us, anywhere you know we should avoid? I'm hoping to avoid anymore giant snakes.

[Cody (Master)] Lots of snakes out in the swamps

[Cody (Master)] Alligators

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) thinks, lemme guess...have to be careful

[Cody (Master)] How did you get all the way out here without norticing that

[Joe (Carissa)] Yes, sir. I've seen them when I gather in the swamps. But one snake is better than a nest of snakes.

[Joe (Carissa)] Back home I know where the nest is to avoid. Out here? Not so much.

Milo (Lisa) whispers "monsters that are not usually found in the swamp but are in the swamp we need likely"

[Joe (Carissa)] Ever seen anything weird out here? You know, more weird than usual?

[Cody (Master)] Not that I have seen

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) hears someone whispering about monsters...

[Cody (Master)] there was some strange noises two nights ago

[Joe (Carissa)] Whereabouts?

[Cody (Master)] loud growling like a huge bobcat

[Joe (Carissa)] Might be where we need to go... not sure I want to, though...

Cody (Master) points north

[Cody (Master)] seemed to head in that direction

[Joe (Carissa)] Joe: Distant Sense check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Joe (Carissa)] And you could here it from here? That's probably....

Joe (Carissa) rubs head, sighs, "Still too far for me to care much."

[Cody (Master)] It sounded like it was up that way, sounded like it was moving big and clumsy slow

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) takes close look at lighthouse to get bearing

[Cody (Master)] growling

[Joe (Carissa)] I don't know what a Swamp Monster is, but that sure sounds like one.

[Cody (Master)] (you cannot see the lighthouse, that is the problem)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (there is a light house on this island?)

[Milo (Lisa)] (that's good though right? we're supposed to go away from the light house ...)

[Joe (Carissa)] (yes)

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) enjoys the calm island

[Joe (Carissa)] (*the* lighthouse is a big landmark in this area, Lara. Everything orients around it, always just a single one we're normally referring to :) )

[Joe (Carissa)] Well, we've probably wasted enough of your time. Thanks, Cody.

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (oh. there isn't more than one lighthouse?)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] yes, thanks Cody

Fourthing (Master) muttering that could be the swamp monster,

[Fourthing (Master)] We shoudl go north, see if we can find where those sounds were

[Joe (Carissa)] Enjoy your island! Hope nothing comes abothering you that you don't like.

Joe (Carissa) heads back to the skiffs

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] souns like a plan

[Fourthing (Master)] Cody,

[Fourthing (Master)] Do you have a need for money here?

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) stares at Fourthing and thinks "We better rescue someone so I can get paid."

[Master] Fourthing moved 26'10".

[Joe (Carissa)] (for Lara:

[Cody (Master)] No, money is for civilized folk

[Joe (Carissa)] (wait better:

[Joe (Carissa)] (Illustration on that one)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (thank you!)

[Master] Fourthing casts a spell against : Goodberry: I turn (2d4) [2d4=1,2] 3 fresh berries into magical berries that keep me fed and heal 1 point of damage each. They stay good for (5+1) 6 days.

[Fourthing (Master)] Here you go

[Fourthing (Master)] Thank you for your time

[Fourthing (Master)] these will be good for less than a week so eat them if you need extra energy one day

[Fourthing (Master)] OK,

[Fourthing (Master)] we should go north adn invistigate that

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill moved 6'04".

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) stands up and heads north

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) gets boat ready

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] towards boat

Milo (Lisa) nods and goes back to the canoe

Nerikan (TMO) follows back to their skiff.

[Master (to TMO only)] Neri realizes the guard never moved, never did anything

[Master] brb, refilling water

Nerikan (TMO) takes another look back at the building a

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

Lisa is receiving the map Eastern Swamps...

Lisa has received the map Eastern Swamps.

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (yes, this tower may be a land mark for a bit)

Lara is receiving the map Eastern Swamps...

Lara has received the map Eastern Swamps.

Spring is receiving the map Eastern Swamps...

Spring has received the map Eastern Swamps.

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] brb

[Lara] I am away from the keyboard.

JohnA is receiving the map Eastern Swamps...

JohnA has received the map Eastern Swamps.

[Nerikan (TMO)] (test)

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] back

[Lara] I am back at the keyboard.

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (back)

[Master] I have drunk a full gallon of water so far today

[Master] and just refilled my mug again

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (WHOA)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (oops)

[Master] plus three diet Pepsi and a small gatoraide

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (i drank a gallon diet pepsi lol)

[Master] no wine yet, :)

[Spring] I am away from the keyboard.

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (just kidding)

[Master] OK so in the home stretch

[Master] do you understand what has happened so far?

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (i've got about an hour, maybe 90 mins left in me)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (not heading home yet)

[Joe (Carissa)] (nope)

[Master] You all went out towards where Fourthing's frends were

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (and that's after a gallon of caffeine)

[Master] on your way she passed out luckily not hit over the head and lose all her spells

[Joe (Carissa)] (I mean yes I think I understand but you always have these nuances I feel like I miss :P)

[Master] you then got sidetracked again with the snake and went the other way up a channel

[Master] and went to Cody's Camp

[Milo (Lisa)] (oops)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] brb

[Lara] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] Old Cody, Junior took me over, Said, "You're gonna find the world is smould'rin'. And if you get lost come on home to Green River."

[Joe (Carissa)] (yep don't know that reference)

[Master] There's a place up ahead and I'm goin' Just as fast as my feet can fly Come away, come away if you're goin' Leave the sinkin' ship behind Come on the risin' wind, We're goin' up around the bend

[Lara] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] grins

[Master] song lyrics

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (CCR?)

[Master] exactly

[Master] Swamp Music

[Joe (Carissa)] (wow I should know that one)

[Milo (Lisa)] (If it's not Fleetwood mac I don't know it)

[Master] chuckles

[Joe (Carissa)] (really not on top things today)

[Master] but in the end

[Nerikan (TMO)] (if it is Fleetwood Mac I don't know it)

[Master] you made it out through Cody's Camp

[Joe (Carissa)] (CCR is right up there with Fleetwood Mac for great bands)

[Master] and now got out around the bend

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)]

[Master] and are triangulating between where you were and when you get to see the light house

[Master] and your final lyrics of the day

[Master] I see the bad moon a-rising I see trouble on the way I see earthquakes and lightnin' I see bad times today

[Master] Hope you got your things together Hope you are quite prepared to die Looks like we're in for nasty weather One eye is taken for an eye

[Joe (Carissa)] (well that one I know)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] also CCR

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] :-)

[Master] Those are the three songs on the Swamp Songs page

[Joe (Carissa)] (you mean the ones I saw you post but didn't get around to clicking? good to know)

[Master] and now we are all toghter

[Master] together

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (Have you ever seen the rain?)

[Master] heading around the bend towards the lighthouse and the north

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] brb

[Lara] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] you ready TMO?

[Nerikan (TMO)] (I'm here. )

[Master] and so

[Master] pushing along the swamps

[Master] trying to track thrugh the channels

[Lara] I am back at the keyboard.

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (making blue box mac n chs during a house have to boil water in the bedroom)

[Joe (Carissa)] (hey! that's what I had for my lunch/dinner)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (where there is a will)

[Joe (Carissa)] (but using a normal kitchen no remodeling)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (it's the like it old school...not microwave stuff. dat's tru)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] :-)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (remodel is going really well and we picked out new blind and facepaltes and blah blah blah)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] brb

[Lara] I am away from the keyboard.

[Nerikan (TMO)] (found a channel of "Millenial Movie Reactions" of a millennial watching movies for the first time, and I'm having a hard time believing she's never watched: Any of the original Star Wars movies, the Back to the Future movies, the Inidana Jones movies, any Monty Python, or any Mel Brooks.

[Lara] I am back at the keyboard.

[Nerikan (TMO)] (I could believe some of them, but not ALL of them)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (any moive can be someone's first)

[Master (to GM only)] Mushroom #16 moved 21'04".

[Master (to GM only)] Mushroom #15 moved 31'09".

[Master (to GM only)] Mushroom #14 moved 35'07".

[Master (to GM only)] Mushroom #13 moved 25'09".

[Master (to GM only)] Mushroom #12 moved 26'06".

[Master (to GM only)] Mushroom #11 moved 17'00".

Milo (Lisa) paddle, paddle

[Master (to GM only)] Mushroom #10 moved 14'06".

[Master (to GM only)] Mushroom #8 moved 44'04".

[Master (to GM only)] Mushroom #7 moved 47'03".

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (alcohol kicking in)

[Master (to GM only)] Mushroom #6 moved 10'02".

Nerikan (TMO) paddles

[Master (to GM only)] Mushroom #5 moved 43'08".

[Master (to GM only)] Mushroom #4 moved 27'01".

[Master (to GM only)] Mushroom #3 moved 38'06".

[Master (to GM only)] Mushroom #2 moved 56'04".

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) stearing

[Fourthing (Master)] Yes! I remember these!

[Fourthing (Master)] have to be careful up here

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] so we can avoid them?

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (in the owrds of Swamp Man Cody)

[Lara] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lara] I am back at the keyboard.

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] brb

[Lara] I am away from the keyboard.

Carissa is receiving the map Eastern Swamps...

[Fourthing (Master)] I snuck on by

Carissa has received the map Eastern Swamps.

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) looks directly north

[Fourthing (Master)] I do not think we can sneak by like that

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] was she raised by the Amish or something?)

[Joe (Carissa)] Does something trigger them?

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] think we can cross the land to the north

[Fourthing (Master)] I do not know how fast they move

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] They move?

[Joe (Carissa)] Can we camoflague our way past them? Done such in the past...

[Lara] I am back at the keyboard.

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] I would still rather deal with on land

Fourthing (Master) looks around at the three boats

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] If we are close enough together, it's possible

[Fourthing (Master)] I did not consider that

[Joe (Carissa)] Did not cross what?

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (i am scrolling but i can't find the line that says what "they" are)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (trigger them what?)

Milo (Lisa) wonders if mushrooms are poisonous

[Milo (Lisa)] Milo: Survival - swamps check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (just look on map, Mushromoid)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (the mushrooms mov?)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (@Spring. Agreed)

[Lara] I am away from the keyboard.

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (oh. i was zoomed in on our party

[Fourthing (Master)] (that is what she said)

[Joe (Carissa)] (she said jokes of 2020)

[Joe (Carissa)] (

[Joe (Carissa)] (So to clarify: are mushrooms on land or in water? do they move? can they sense movement?)

[Fourthing (Master)] I think we should try to avoid them

[Lara] I am back at the keyboard.

[Fourthing (Master)] I do not think we can hide this many of us

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (oh! we are headed that way?)

[Joe (Carissa)] Probably, but we're going to get lost again...

[Joe (Carissa)] Lead the way, Fourthing. You know these parts.

[Lara] I am away from the keyboard.

[Fourthing (Master)] I have an idea but it is sort of crazy

[Fourthing (Master)] at least you might think so

[Joe (Carissa)] I thought coming on this trip was so you're already halfway there

[Fourthing (Master)] how about if I sneak through there like I did last time

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) waiting forthis

[Fourthing (Master)] then I shine a really bright light or some sort of signal when I am on the other side clear

[Fourthing (Master)] and you can come find me that way

[Joe (Carissa)] And that gets the rest of us around it... how?

[Fourthing (Master)] you all go north around and then come back

[Fourthing (Master)] I can be there for you to find so you do not get lost

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] I'm game

[Joe (Carissa)] Did you sneak through them alone last time?

[Fourthing (Master)] yeap

[Joe (Carissa)] You'll be safe by yourself, then?

[Nerikan (TMO)] Uh.. what happens if we can't find you?

Milo (Lisa) whispers "She will be a lighthouse"

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill moved 9'11".

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Ren Kuaisu moved 11'07".

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Nerikan moved 15'08".

[Fourthing (Master)] I need to take one of the canoes

Milo (Lisa) frowns

[Fourthing (Master)] Ash (and Latham) will have to squeeze into the other canoe or the skiff

[Joe (Carissa)] How were you able to sneak by with the canoe?

[Lara] I am back at the keyboard.

[Fourthing (Master)] It is how I did it before

[Master] Fourthing moved 22'06".

[Master] Ash Cinderfall moved 27'02".

[Joe (Carissa)] Well I don't have any better ideas. Best of luck. Hope we see you on the other side.

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Hi. Do you want me to try and camouflage our group?

[Master] Fourthing casts a spell against : Lighten Load: The weight of the stuff I'm carrying is 50% less for (5) 5 hours.

[Fourthing (Master)] cast upon your canoe

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) turns to T and Ner "Are you guys okay if I try to camouflage us?"

Nerikan (TMO) nods.

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) quietly sure

[Master] Fourthing casts a spell against : Sanctuary: For (2+5) 7 rounds, people can't attack me unless they save vs spell.

[Master] Fourthing moved 14'01".

[Joe (Carissa)] Maybe between the two of us...

Fourthing (Master) starts paddling hard

[Joe (Carissa)] Joe: Camouflage check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Master] Fourthing moved 51'10".

[Master] Fourthing moved 66'10".

[Master] Fourthing moved 76'05".

[Master] Fourthing targets Mushroom #6. Distance: 6'02"

[Master] Fourthing moved 97'07".

[Master] Fourthing targets Mushroom #9. Distance: 5'03"

[Master] Fourthing moved 109'08".

[Master] Fourthing moved 123'05".

Joe (Carissa) starts adding bits and pieces to the skiffs

[Master] Fourthing moved 22'08".

[Master] Fourthing moved 47'04".

[Master] Fourthing moved 60'07".

[Joe (Carissa)] (...or is it a canoe this whole time?)

Ash Cinderfall (Spring) moves into the watercraft with the lighten spell

[Master] you have one canoe, with Milo and Joe and now Ash and the other is a skiff

[Nerikan (TMO)] (congrats! Your skiff now looks like a canoe!)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] T, Ner - we have to be completely quiet as move through the water

[Nerikan (TMO)] (excellent camouflage roll)

[Master] She took the other canoe

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] do you think we can do that?

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) nods

[Master] youa re going way up around and north right?

[Master] to avoid them all togetehr

[Joe (Carissa)] (lol TMO)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] /mr nods

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ner?

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) nods

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (Is TMO still here?)

[Nerikan (TMO)] I can be quiet

[Nerikan (TMO)] (yes, sorry)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (sokay)

[Master] see he CAN be quiet

[Nerikan (TMO)] (I'm wandering a bit, sorry. :) A lot of hours here)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu: Camouflage check: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) watercraft now blends in with the water and moves unseen

[Master] Fourthing moved 111'01".

[Master] Ash Cinderfall, Milo, Joe, Nerikan, Ren Kuaisu and Taylor Terry Tanahill moved 112'04".

[Master] Taylor Terry Tanahill, Nerikan and Ren Kuaisu moved 95'09".

[Master] Joe, Milo and Ash Cinderfall moved 61'01".

[Master] Fourthing moved 15'02".

[Master] Fourthing casts a spell against : Call Lightning: I can call down a bolt of lightning which deals (2d8+(5)d8) [2d8=7,2; 5d8=1,3,1,8,5] 27 points of damage. I can summon forth a bolt a turn for the next (5) 5 turns.

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (that is a bit excessive of a sign)

[Master] It got your attention

[Master] Ash Cinderfall, Milo, Joe, Nerikan, Ren Kuaisu and Taylor Terry Tanahill moved 134'08".

[Fourthing (Master)] Good you found me

[Joe (Carissa)] Nice plan. Didn't quite know if it's work.

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Hello again Fourthing!

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (will lose internet, if Miranda is correct)

[Joe (Carissa)] (uhhh I just noticed Average Joe looks like younger Brer. Same hairline and all. Did Brer have a child??)

Milo (Lisa) looks up at the sky for more

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (rain John?)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (but maybe not)

[Joe (Carissa)] (sorry easily distracted)

Nerikan (TMO) looks around for signs of the lightning strike.

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (Miranda working on Wifi extender)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (but has been rainning)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (lol. she can't wait til 12:01a?)

[Nerikan (TMO)] (I'm not saying anything Carissa)

[Joe (Carissa)] (lmao)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (and apparently lighting in game)

[Fourthing (Master)] We are getting close

[Joe (Carissa)] (my apparently random portrait art was not so random)

[Fourthing (Master)] I can feel it

[Joe (Carissa)] (anyways carrying on)

Nerikan (TMO) mutters, "How come she couldn't just go around with us?"

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) relieved that Fourthing seems to know where she is going

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] She did not want to get lost again

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) ovehears Ner and gently nods in agreement

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] maybe we distracted her too much

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] but by herself she can find it

Nerikan (TMO) shrugs.

[Fourthing (Master)] Ok

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (she came into the busy Marketplace! is it because she fainted and lost some marbles?)

[Fourthing (Master)] Ok

[Fourthing (Master)] so

[Fourthing (Master)] now

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) patiently waits, listening to Fourthing

[Fourthing (Master)] I was here then I ran into the mushroom field

[Fourthing (Master)] so we were back there......

Fourthing (Master) points a little north

[Fourthing (Master)] Yeah

[Fourthing (Master)] Yeah

[Fourthing (Master)] OK

[Fourthing (Master)] so we can go up that way

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) nods in support

[Fourthing (Master)] Ash did you want to get back in this canoe?

TMO is receiving the map Eastern Swamps...

TMO has received the map Eastern Swamps.

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] sure

Ash Cinderfall (Spring) climbs back into the other canoe

[Nerikan (TMO)] Nerikan: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

Nerikan (TMO) looks around for anything noteworthy

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] See anything special Ner?

[Fourthing (Master) (to TMO only)] Fourthing seems more confident, and has checked her bag twice now

Nerikan (TMO) shakes her head.

[Fourthing (Master) (to TMO only)] the rest of the swamps look the same how anyone could get through here without direction sense

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) both relieved and disappointed

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) follows gnome

[Joe (Carissa)] Joe: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

Ryan has joined the game on Sat Sep 12 21:06:29 EDT 2020

Ryan is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Ryan has received the map Church Ground Floor.

Milo (Lisa) looks at Joe and nods in encouragement

[Joe (Carissa)] (hi ryan!)

[Milo (Lisa)] Milo: Whistling/humming check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (hey there)

[Milo (Lisa)] (Hi Ryan!)

Joe (Carissa) shakes head, "Just too tired to know what to listen for..."

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (hi Ryan!)

[Master (to GM only)] Giant Frog #17 moved 16'10".

[Master (to GM only)] Giant Frog #16 moved 15'04".

[Master (to GM only)] Giant Frog #15 moved 15'11".

[Joe (Carissa)] But that song you hum is pretty nice at least.

[Master (to GM only)] Giant Frog #14 moved 23'02".

[Master (to GM only)] Giant Frog #13 moved 18'01".

[Master (to GM only)] Giant Frog #12 moved 20'00".

[Ryan] Hello!

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (hi ryan!)

Milo (Lisa) smiles "hopefully keeps bad things away"

[Ryan] Oh, should I leave?

[Milo (Lisa)] (lol)

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) thnks he hears frogs in the distance

[Fourthing (Master)] Ryan you need a name, you are a human male

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (dont leave!)

[Master] For Ryan moved 5'02".

[Nerikan (TMO)] (Fredikins)

[Ryan] Sure, Fredikins

[Milo (Lisa)] (Hugh Mann)

[Ryan] Fredikins Hewmann

[Nerikan (TMO)] (nice to meet you)

[Master] So

[Master] quick story for Ryan

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 19'00".

Joe (Carissa) gives Milo another nod and a smile

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] ( this lady, Uncle Fourthing, long story, lost some people are we are helping her find them)

[Nerikan (TMO)] (which is also a long story. :) )

[Master] Friedikins was aout in a canoe fishing, working on his latest creation (you will see by your proficiencies) when you were suddenly struck by a large shadow on the edge of the channel, you looked that way, started towards it, then your canoe started to sink and you were surrounded by giant frongs

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (it's Jilly's fault we are calling her uncle)

[Master] Fredikins moved 1'01".

[Nerikan (TMO)] (for a second there, I thought you were about to say "when you were suddenly struck by lightning")

[Milo (Lisa)] (LOL)

[Ryan] Your character is now dead. Roll another.

[Joe (Carissa)] (so all new characters today, none of our others)

[Joe (Carissa)] (LOL)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (just temporary characters)

[Ryan] Oh, don't tell Spring that. She will take it as an excuse to kill mine.

[Joe (Carissa)] (Schrodinger's PC - without going to the other adventure, they are both alive and dead)

[Ryan] Let's just say I wasn't the most competent of coworkers, and she got the brunt of that.

[Master] Well you are surrounded by 6 giant frogs

[Ryan] Least I am not surrounded by Assholes.

[Master] and Nice Carissa!

[Master] that is a quote

[Joe (Carissa)] (lol)

[Joe (Carissa)] (we all see the random guy surroudned by frogs?)

[Master] not yet

[Master] but you will soon

[Joe (Carissa)] (Oh shoot they eat things don't they?? Like Indigos)

[Master] yeap

[Ryan] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] one last bit for Ryan to decide

[Fredikins (Ryan)] You only think I am surrounded by them. But in reality, they are surrounded by ME!

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (you taste bad, and smell worse)

[Milo (Lisa)] (he looks like Mr. Clean)

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (I'd make a joke, but you don't even know my wife.)

[Master] are you from Foriso Town, Qui Fen or Cypress Bourgh or Regets Field

[Nerikan (TMO)] (so, your character is really fat, eh?)

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (Can I instead be from Regrets Field?)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (no fat shaming!)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (you so ugly, the world is pretending to have a pandemic to get you to wear a mask)

[Master] WOW

[Milo (Lisa)] Milo: Whistling/humming check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (HAH! Little did you know that in RL my mother actually made me wear a mask everytime we left the house!)

[Joe (Carissa)] (lol John!)

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (But yes, I would like to be from Reg(r)ets Field)

[Master] Skarphedin XP award: 5000. Next level in 29485.

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (That freakin' Skarphedin, always getting ahead while I am stuck at level 1)

Milo (Lisa) whispers "man stuck in frogs"

[Milo (Lisa)] Maybe humming doesn't do what I think it does

[Fredikins (Ryan)] Don't judge me for what I do in the privacy of my own swamp, kid.

[Fredikins (Ryan)] You don't like seeing it... just look away!

[Master] actually zero level

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (you wish you were level 1)

[Joe (Carissa)] (Awww he doesn't even get to level to 1?)

[Joe (Carissa)] (or wait we aren't yet either...)

[Master] we will see

[Nerikan (TMO)] (if we survive, we'll make it to level 1)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (nope, not yet)

[Joe (Carissa)] (...and might not be ever, got it)

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (Well, no, he died/survived halfway through since he is Schroedinger's Character.)

[Joe (Carissa)] (lol)

[Master] but as of now the main group can make checks to see if you spot this lone person out in the swamps

[Nerikan (TMO)] Nerikan: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Joe (Carissa)] Joe: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

Joe (Carissa) simply enjoying the humming

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill: Fishing check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Master (to Ryan only)] you see you have acting, dancing, drama, writing, etc. you were excessively influenced by a bard that came through

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (no bites)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Master] Ash and Nerikan both spot the disturbance up ahead, the group of frogs that seems interested in something

[Master] and Ash is from Regets Field right?

Nerikan (TMO) taps Ren on the shoulder and points ahead. "What's that?"

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (yes)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (Ren is too)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (so if Fredikins is, then Joe and Ask and Ren know him)

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) looks "I'm not sure Ner"

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (*Ash)

[Joe (Carissa)] (no Joe is Cypress)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (oh i guess i just know Joe from the market then)

[Master (to Spring only)] you spot that guy Fredkins in the middle of that mess, how did he get there? he is the weird guy who is always singing and dancing and making up plays and stories

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (They know of him. Rumors abound of a frog-loving man who is shunned by all the adults.)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Hey, Ren

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Hi Ash

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] dos that guy over there look kind of like that weird guy back home

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) squints

[Master (to Lara only)] you spot that guy Fredkins in the middle of that mess, how did he get there? he is the weird guy who is always singing and dancing and making up plays and stories

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] the one with the singing and the dancing and the playacting and storytelling, you know

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Fredikins, right?

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ya know, I think so!

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] what would he be doing here?

[Master] Giant Frog #15 targets Fredikins. Distance: 15'08"

[Master] Giant Frog #15 moved 13'11".

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Yes, he was always making up stories, singing and dancing...a little off but never dangerous

[Master] Giant Frog #15: Attack: Tongue: (16-(d20+0)) [1d20=18] -2. HITS Fredikins (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] okay jsut checking

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Whomever he is, he is getting eaten

[Fredikins (Ryan)] AIIIIIEEEEEE!!!!!

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] but i think he's in trouble. let's go

[Master (to Spring only)] well it looks like someone wants to eat him

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall moved 116'04".

[Joe (Carissa)] What's going on?

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (are we not in boats?)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Giant frog eating him!

[Master] you are in boats

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (oh der)

[Master] you can push towards him

[Joe (Carissa)] Paddle faster!

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 9'10".

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (for some reason i thought we got out)

Milo (Lisa) paddles faster

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Nerikan moved 4'06".

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 14'02".

Nerikan (TMO) helps paddle.

[Master] and or jump out and try to rush through the swamps that way

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] row! quick!

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (sorry TMO!)

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) yells as paddling

Joe (Carissa) tries to paddle faster

[Master] Fourthing moved 22'02".

Ash Cinderfall (Spring) paddling like crazy

[Master] Fourthing moved 42'09".

[Master] Fourthing moved 50'06".

[Master] Milo and Joe moved 58'03".


[Master] Ren Kuaisu, Nerikan and Taylor Terry Tanahill moved 53'05".

[Master] Giant Frog #13 moved 15'07".

[Master] Giant Frog #13 targets Fourthing. Distance: 0'10"

[Fredikins (Ryan)] I'M TOO PRETTY TO DIE!!!

[Master] Giant Frog #14 moved 6'03".

[Master] Giant Frog #14 targets Fredikins. Distance: 3'10"

[Master] Giant Frog #14 targets Ash Cinderfall. Distance: 0'06"

[Master] Giant Frog #12 moved 25'09".

[Master] Giant Frog #12 targets Milo. Distance: 2'04"

[Master] Giant Frog #17 moved 18'03".

[Master] Giant Frog #16 moved 17'05".

[Master] Giant Frog #16 targets Fredikins. Distance: 1'05"

[Master] Giant Frog #16 targets Ash Cinderfall. Distance: 0'06"

[Master] I will let everyone on your side go first

[Spring] Ash Cinderfall targets Giant Frog #16. Distance: 0'06"

[Master] then Fourthing

[Lisa] Milo targets Giant Frog #12. Distance: 2'04"


[Spring] Ash Cinderfall targets Giant Frog #15. Distance: 3'05"

[Spring] Ash Cinderfall targets Ash Cinderfall. Distance: 0'00"

[Master] Then the frogs

[Spring] Ash Cinderfall targets Giant Frog #14. Distance: 0'06"

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (hoq far can a short bow go?)

[Spring] Ash Cinderfall no longer targets Ash Cinderfall.

[Master] you do have weapons (of a sort) Ryan

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu targets Giant Frog #12. Distance: 33'00"

[Master] your sheet is complete that way

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu no longer targets Giant Frog #12.

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (look in equipment)

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (I'm aware)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (not proficiencies)

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu targets Giant Frog #12. Distance: 33'00"

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu no longer targets Giant Frog #12.

[Master] short bows can go hundreds of yards

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu targets Giant Frog #12. Distance: 33'00"

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (okay, just checking. i messed that up earlier)

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu no longer targets Giant Frog #12.

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu targets Giant Frog #12. Distance: 33'00"

[Joe (Carissa)] (minimum 30 ft, penalty for every hundred or so)

[Master] Lara, you target, then click somewhere on the map and hit esc

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (target the one not near anyone)

[Master] that is how I do it

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu targets Ren Kuaisu. Distance: 0'00"

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (so no called shot)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu: Attack: Short Bow: (20-(d20)) [1d20=5] 15

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (whopps! roflmao)

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu targets Giant Frog #12. Distance: 33'00"

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu: Attack: Short Bow: (20-(d20)) [1d20=10] 10. MISSES Giant Frog #12 (AC FINAL: 7).

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill moved 7'01".

[Master] you have to have a called shot to shoot at that one Lara

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu moved 8'05".

Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA) gets out of boat

[Master] or you have the chance of hitting Milo

[Milo (Lisa)] Milo: Attack: Club: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=2] 18. MISSES Giant Frog #12 (AC FINAL: 7).

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill moved 15'05".

[JohnA] Taylor Terry Tanahill targets Giant Frog #13. Distance: 0'04"

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] I'm going to shoot the giant fron mear you Milo, is that okay?

[Spring] Ash Cinderfall no longer targets Giant Frog #15.

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall: Attack: Scythe; Farmer: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=16] 4. HITS Giant Frog #14 (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill: Attack: Plank of wood: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=8] 12. MISSES Giant Frog #13 (AC FINAL: 7).

[Milo (Lisa)] (you already did didn't you?)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall: Damage v SM: Scythe; Farmer: (1d6) [1d6=5] 5 added to: Giant Frog #14

[Joe (Carissa)] (damn you and that scythe are awesome)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] i have many arrows

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (well except for that one time)

[Master] you had 4 to start the day

[Master] 4 arrows

[Joe (Carissa)] (shhh we're ignoring that)

[Master] you took three shots now

[Master] you have one left

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (three? I thought i had two left...)

[Master] Giant Frog #14's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 11 (-5) - Moderately Wounded

[Joe (Carissa)] (2 attacks per turn with bow, right?)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (wait--i bought arrows)

[Master] you get two attacks

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (from Joe at the marketplace. i paid 2 coppers!)

[Joe (Carissa)] (can't remember if that is bow or elf only thing or if elf is the movement part with bow)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (i was given 4...then i bought more)

[Master] Ok Joe how many did you sell her?

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (They were trick arrows. They disappeared the second you looked away)

[Master] I missed that

[Joe (Carissa)] (A bundle... I dunno what a normal bundle is. She bought two bundles)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (Many)

[Master] I will check

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (If the number isn't specified, it is infinite)

[Joe (Carissa)] (whatever is fair for a bundle that only cost 2 coppers each)

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (So Lara has two infinite amounts of arrows)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (24!)

[Master] but the issue of the called shot is still there

[Joe (Carissa)] (and check Discord Lara)

[Master] 2 coppers will buy 2 arrows

[Master] with Joe giving you a generous discount

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (What? no, it was a bundle!)

[Joe (Carissa)] (so she bought two bundles, one for 2 copper, one for 3 copper, them being fancy different types)

[Master] arrows normally go for 3 silver pieces for 6

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (a bundle of beech arrows)

[Joe (Carissa)] (wow Joe does not know how to be a saleman, does he)

[Joe (Carissa)] (cheating himself out of good money there)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (he was distracted)

[Joe (Carissa)] (lol)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (ROFLMAO...)

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (He was so cunning that he looped around)

[Master] so we will split the difference and say that Ren got 6 arrows

[Joe (Carissa)] (he meant to say 2 silver with the discount, got distracted)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (thank you!)

[Joe (Carissa)] (lol)

[Joe (Carissa)] (yes but still two attacks per round :) )

[Nerikan (TMO)] (he thought she was cute)

[Nerikan (TMO)] (the flirt discount)

[Master] but in any case the Called Shot is still a factor

[Joe (Carissa)] (lmao)

[Master] John tried to show you there is a frog out there that is away from everyone so no called shot needed

[Master] if you want to hit a frog next to someone you need to do a called shot

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (what is the right way to do that, becasue I asked Milo)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (do i have to click a CAlled Shot button?)

[Master] just say you are doing a called shot

[Milo (Lisa)] (just say called shot and BOB will do the maths)

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (I mean, you could go without a called shot. Never been killed before I got a chance to play, so it would be a unique experience for me.)

[Master] it is a minus 4 to your attack roll

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu no longer targets Giant Frog #12.

[Joe (Carissa)] (Ryan wants the next piercing)

[Lara] (so, Milo---you're on your own...too complicated)

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (Fredikins: I've waited... my whole life.... for....thi....)

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu targets Giant Frog #17. Distance: 27'05"

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (lol)

[Lara] (this is what confuses me. why does the Target things Sopt moving?)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (to be eaten by your favoriate meal?)

[Lara] (am i not supposed to click with the left mouse button?)

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (Frog: BURP)

[Lara] (and the ESC key doesn't work)

[TMO] Nerikan targets Giant Frog #13. Distance: 20'06"

[TMO] Nerikan targets Giant Frog #17. Distance: 32'06"

[TMO] Nerikan targets Giant Frog #12. Distance: 32'08"

[TMO] All targets for Nerikan removed.

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu targets Ren Kuaisu. Distance: 0'00"

[Nerikan (TMO)] (while targeting, if you left click, it let's you select anohter target. If you right click, it ends)

[Master] I do not see things the same way Players do, somone will have to help Lara and explain

[Nerikan (TMO)] (so those three targets were left click, left click, right click)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (Listen to TMO)

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (As an Asian man, I also don't see things the way Lara does. Someone else will have to help her.)

[Lara] (wait---could i hit Fourthing by accident? i think i am going to throw the bow in the water...doesn't seem like a very good weapon, even though i have Hunting as a NWP)

[Nerikan (TMO)] (don't look at me to understand women)

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (I feel sad for those of you who don't have widescreen vision)

[Milo (Lisa)] (no)

[Milo (Lisa)] (you have it targetted - you can just shoot now)

[Nerikan (TMO)] (Fourthing is out of the way. She'd have to be in melee combat to be at risk)

[Lara] Calling ashot

[Lara] !

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (you only have a chance when friends and enemies are next to each other)

[Milo (Lisa)] (no)

[Lara] (Fourthing is like 4 feet from the paht?)

[Milo (Lisa)] (no called shot - just shoot the arrow)

[Nerikan (TMO)] (if two (or more) people are in melee combat together, they're assuming to be circling, jumping forward and back, and generally being very hard to accurately pick which one you want to hit safely from a distance away)

[Lara] (big sigh so annoying)

[Milo (Lisa)] (sorry)

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu: Attack: Short Bow: (20-(d20)) [1d20=16] 4. HITS Giant Frog #17 (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

[Lara] (jeezus i hope that killed it)

[Master] that is a hit

[Lara] (and i didn't hit anyone!)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (sucess)

[Milo (Lisa)] (damage)

[Lara] (eh, anticlimactic

[Master] remember you roll damage from your arrow not your bow

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (The arrows you were sold were defective. The frog is now back at full health.)

[Lara] (i'm going to try to roll correctly)

[Joe (Carissa)] (ah shoot she bought the joke arrows)

[Joe (Carissa)] (that's why they were so cheap!)

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu: Damage v SM: Arrow; Flight: (1d6) [1d6=4] 4 added to: Giant Frog #17

[Lara] (did i do that right?)

[Master] Giant Frog #17's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 12 (-4) - Lightly Wounded

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (yes)

[Lara] (eh, again, very anticlimactic)

[Lara] All targets for Ren Kuaisu removed.

[Master] Ryan? you get to attack

[Master] Joe

[Master] Nier

[Milo (Lisa)] (if you remove targets after you hit you will need to re-target next round - good practice for you but not entirely necessary)

[Joe (Carissa)] (yep was waiting)

[Joe (Carissa)] (Wanted to see what Milo did)

[Milo (Lisa)] (milo had his turn)

[Joe (Carissa)] (oh club... missed that)

[Joe (Carissa)] (as did you, damn)

[Fredikins (Ryan)] My ferocious friends, frankly you failed to fink through this felonious fantasy!

[Lara] (i'm going to bed

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (10 min warning)

[Joe (Carissa)] (uhh can Joe reach with garotte?)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall: Attack: Scythe; Farmer: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=14] 6. HITS Giant Frog #14 (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall: Damage v SM: Scythe; Farmer: (1d6) [1d6=3] 3 added to: Giant Frog #14

[Master] garotte only works on humanoids

[Joe (Carissa)] (maybe I need a scythe...)

[Master] Ash already went this round

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] :-)

[Joe (Carissa)] (blowgun? or too close?)

[Ryan] Fredikins targets Giant Frog #16. Distance: 1'05"

[Fredikins (Ryan)] Attack: Hoe:: is now ARMED.

[Master] blowgun works but a called shot on the one with Milo

[Fredikins (Ryan)] Fredikins: Attack: Hoe: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=1] 19. MISSES Giant Frog #16 (AC FINAL: 7).

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (thought we were on a different round)

[Fredikins (Ryan)] What, hoe!?!?

[Joe (Carissa)] (stabby stabb with a knife a called shot since it'd be close up?)

[Fredikins (Ryan)] Treasonous trencher....

[Nerikan (TMO)] (melee combat doesn't need the called shot)

[Master] no called shots on melee weapons

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (I thought the point of a hoe was you could not miss?)

[Joe (Carissa)] (I don't know. I don't normally do melee :) )

[Milo (Lisa)] (you can move and attack)

[Carissa] Joe targets Giant Frog #12. Distance: 7'01"

[Joe (Carissa)] Joe moved 2'05".

[Lara] (so its a Called Shot only for bows and arrows? i never encountered that in my past 4 months of playing...)

[Joe (Carissa)] Joe: Attack: Knife: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=13] 7. HITS Giant Frog #12 (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

[Joe (Carissa)] Joe: Damage v SM: Knife: (1d3) [1d3=3] 3 added to: Giant Frog #12

[Master] exactly why you have this caracter Lara and Carissa

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (What if my character really wants to scream out his attacks? Still no called shot?)

[Master] to do something different

[Joe (Carissa)] (yeah! go Joe! Stab him!)

[Master] Giant Frog #12's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 13 (-3) - Lightly Wounded

[Joe (Carissa)] (I dunno Joe isn't quite a fighter. He feels like Thistle, but with slightly better luck ;) )

[Nerikan (TMO)] (called shot is for any ranged attack firing *into* a melee combat if you're trying to hit a specific target)

[Joe (Carissa)] (and just as good at trap finds, I bet)

[Master] OK so now I can go

[Lara] (AH! so if someone is already in combat with the same Target?)

Milo (Lisa) ducks

[Master] first as Fourthing

[Lara] (right @TMO?)

[Master] Fourthing targets Giant Frog #13. Distance: 0'10"

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (yes Lara)

[Master] Fourthing: Attack: Hand/Throwing Axe: (18-(d20+0)) [1d20=7] 11. MISSES Giant Frog #13 (AC FINAL: 7).

[Lara] (ah! THAT makes sense. got it)

[Nerikan (TMO)] (correct! because they're dueling for their lives, they're moving and juking and dodging, so there's a chance to hit the wrong target)

[Master] now the frogs

[Lara] (i like being a warrior better than a mage. lol)

[Lara] (less maths)

[Lara] oops

[Master] Giant Frog #12 targets Joe. Distance: 2'07"

[Master] Giant Frog #12: Attack: Bite: (16-(d20+0)) [1d20=12] 4. HITS Joe (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] Giant Frog #12: Damage v SM: Bite: (1d6+2) [1d6=5] 7 added to: Joe

[Master] Joe's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 3 (-7) - Heavily Wounded

[Joe (Carissa)] Ah damn. That stings.

[Lara] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Giant Frog #13 targets Taylor Terry Tanahill. Distance: 0'04"

[Master] Giant Frog #13: Attack: Bite: (16-(d20+0)) [1d20=14] 2. HITS Taylor Terry Tanahill (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] Giant Frog #13: Damage v SM: Bite: (1d6+2) [1d6=6] 8 added to: Taylor Terry Tanahill

Ren Kuaisu (Lara) cries out "No Joe!)

[Milo (Lisa)] (we ain't making 1st level)

[Master] Giant Frog #14: Attack: Bite: (16-(d20+0)-2) [1d20=9] 5 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (-2)]. HITS Ash Cinderfall (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] Giant Frog #14: Damage v L: Bite: (1d6+2) [1d6=1] 3 added to: Ash Cinderfall

[Master] Giant Frog #14: Damage v SM: Bite: (1d6+2) [1d6=5] 7 added to: Ash Cinderfall

[Master] Ash Cinderfall's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 3 (-7) - Heavily Wounded

[Master] Giant Frog #16: Attack: Tongue: (16-(d20+0)-2) [1d20=1] 13 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (-2)]. MISSES Fredikins (AC FINAL: 10).

[Nerikan (TMO)] (shoulda been Larger)

[Master] and next round

[Milo (Lisa)] Milo: Attack: Club: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=14] 6. HITS Giant Frog #12 (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

[Master] so you get to go first

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill: Attack: Plank of wood: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=14] 6. HITS Giant Frog #13 (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] ow

[Milo (Lisa)] sm?

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] Taylor Terry Tanahill: Damage v SM: Plank of wood: (1d6) [1d6=2] 2 added to: Giant Frog #13

[Milo (Lisa)] Milo: Damage v SM: Club: (1d6) [1d6=5] 5 added to: Giant Frog #12

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (are we supposed to have the Round stop sign?)

[Joe (Carissa)] (no it kicked us all off last we tried)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (he didn't turn on the combat tracker)

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (Not assigning any blame, but who is that jerk who got himself surrounded by frogs? He is going to get us all killed.)

[Master] Giant Frog #12's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 8 (-5) - Moderately Wounded

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (gotcha)

[Joe (Carissa)] (Seriously!)

[Joe (Carissa)] Joe: Attack: Knife: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=3] 17. MISSES Giant Frog #12 (AC FINAL: 7).

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (i know! these damn things are hard to kill)

[Joe (Carissa)] Goddess damn my arm hurts.

[Nerikan (TMO)] (there's a reason the picture of the giant frog in the old Monster Manual shows it swallowing a human)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (side note, are Ner and I a boat with T?)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (or did T go off runing towards the Frog? i'm confused)

[Milo (Lisa)] (our side can go - Nerika, ren and Fredikins)

[Taylor Terry Tanahill (JohnA)] (I got off)

[Nerikan (TMO)] (Ner didn't get an action last time (not that she can do much), but et me know when she can go)

[Lara] Ren Kuaisu targets Giant Frog #17. Distance: 27'05"

[Milo (Lisa)] (any time our side is up she can go)

[Master] now

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] Ren Kuaisu: Attack: Short Bow: (20-(d20)) [1d20=9] 11. MISSES Giant Frog #17 (AC FINAL: 7).

[JohnA] I am done for the round and done for the night

[JohnA] have fun

[TMO] Nerikan targets Giant Frog #13. Distance: 20'06"

[Master] See you Friday John

[Milo (Lisa)] (Goodnight John)

JohnA has left the game on Sat Sep 12 21:54:24 EDT 2020

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (Bye!)

[Ren Kuaisu (Lara)] (me too, i'm tuckered out. hugs everyone! Happy Early Bday BOB!)

[Joe (Carissa)] (bye)

[Milo (Lisa)] (bye)

Nerikan (TMO) tries to summon a small spark of light like a firefly right in front of the frog's eyes.

[Master] Giant Frog #13's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 14 (-2) - Lightly Wounded

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (Bye!)

[Nerikan (TMO)] Nerikan: Cantrip Proficiency check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

[Master] Taylor Terry Tanahill's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 2 (-8) - Massively Wounded

[Joe (Carissa)] (welp guess we're all about to die now)

Lara has left the game on Sat Sep 12 21:55:10 EDT 2020

[Milo (Lisa)] (yeppers)

[Milo (Lisa)] (which frog TMO)

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (Well, been real but I am pretty tired now and been playing for a while.... so I am going to log out and assume my guy makes it back his village where he finds a life partner who can put up with alliteration)

[Nerikan (TMO)] (13 - the one that was attacking T and Fourthing)

[Master] LOL Ryan

[Milo (Lisa)] (the one attacking the npcs! ahhhh thanks)

[Joe (Carissa)] (lol Ryan)

[Nerikan (TMO)] (there was a PC there when I chose the target!)

[Nerikan (TMO)] (and it's the closest frog for a mere cantrip)

[Nerikan (TMO)] :P)

[Milo (Lisa)] (ryan - want to swing that hoe once more before you die?)

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (So long as it is all dramatical and brings everyone to tears, yes. Yes, I do.)

[Joe (Carissa)] (Sing your magnus opera as you do!)

[Milo (Lisa)] (I will cry for both you and your hoe)

[Master] Fourthing targets Giant Frog #14. Distance: 17'07"

[Joe (Carissa)] (lol)

[Master] Fourthing targets Giant Frog #15. Distance: 25'11"

[Master] Fourthing targets Giant Frog #16. Distance: 21'10"

[Nerikan (TMO)] (call lightning might be useful right about now)

[Milo (Lisa)] (seriously though it is your turn :) )

[Master] Fourthing casts a spell against Giant Frog #16, Giant Frog #15, Giant Frog #14: Calm Animals: (2d4+5) [2d4=4,2] 11 hit dice worth of animals are calmed for (10+5) 15 rounds.

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (Oh, for a second, I thought I was getting fireballed.)

[Master] Ryan goes first

[Fredikins (Ryan)] What, hoe!

[Fredikins (Ryan)] Fredikins: Attack: Hoe: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=20] 0. HITS Giant Frog #16 (AC FINAL: 7)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (What is this CRITICAL HIT you speak of? I don't think this has ever happened to me before.)

[Fredikins (Ryan)] Fredikins: Damage v L: Hoe: (1d2) [1d2=2] 2 added to: Giant Frog #16

[Master] roll again

[Fredikins (Ryan)] Fredikins: Attack: Hoe: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=3] 17. MISSES Giant Frog #16 (AC FINAL: 7).

[Master] Giant Frog #15's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 5 (-11) - Heavily Wounded

[Master] Giant Frog #16's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 3 (-13) - Massively Wounded

[Master] Giant Frog #14's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 0 (-11) - Disabled

[Joe (Carissa)] (I expected tears of sadness, not joy)

[Master] Giant Frog #16's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 14 (11) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] Giant Frog #15's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 16 (11) - Unharmed

[Master] Giant Frog #14's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 11 (11) - Moderately Wounded

[Fredikins (Ryan)] Slimy, silly sods! You've sent your souls to serenity!

[Joe (Carissa)] (...did 14 come back from the dead?)

[Fredikins (Ryan)] Wait wait wait.... "Ive sent" sounds better....

[Master] was not damage

[Fredikins (Ryan)] Slimy, silly sods! I've sent your souls to serenity!

[Master] she calmed them

[Joe (Carissa)] (did see that, just read more like it came back from the dead)

[Master] they are now relaxed and chilling out

[Master] there is still at least one there

[Joe (Carissa)] (Uhh all of them? Or am I about to be eaten still?)

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (Fredikins would correct you that HE calmed them... with HIS magic...)

[Milo (Lisa)] (and ours?)

[Joe (Carissa)] (Sigh)

[Joe (Carissa)] (it said 11 frogs...)

[Master] Giant Frog #12: Attack: Tongue: (16-(d20+0)) [1d20=16] 0. HITS Joe (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] 11 HD of frogs

[Milo (Lisa)] (oh man! You are going to die from a tongue lashing)

[Master] and now it has Joe wrapped up and about to eat him

[Master] and LOL

[Joe (Carissa)] (yup)

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (Joe: Just like mother said I would go.)

[Master] it is now your side's turn to go

[Milo (Lisa)] Milo: Attack: Club: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=10] 10. MISSES Giant Frog #12 (AC FINAL: 7).

Milo (Lisa) whispers "Sorry Joe"

[TMO] Nerikan no longer targets Giant Frog #13.

[Joe (Carissa)] (not sure Joe can do anything?)

[TMO] Nerikan targets Giant Frog #12. Distance: 32'08"

[Nerikan (TMO)] Nerikan moved 17'04".

[Master] Ash Nerikan and Fridikin can still go

[Master] Joe can attempt a strength check to try to break free

[Joe (Carissa)] Shi'Nynze: STR check: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL FAILED against 5!!

[Joe (Carissa)] Joe: STR check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 5!!

MarioHome has joined the game on Sat Sep 12 22:05:53 EDT 2020

MarioHome is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Nerikan (TMO) runs toward Joe and pictures a red hot wire jamming into the frog's tongue.

MarioHome has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Nerikan (TMO)] Nerikan: Cantrip Proficiency check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 8!!

[Joe (Carissa)] (uhhh no kLoOge? Just Joe)

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (Hi, Mario!)

MarioHome is receiving the map Island...

MarioHome has received the map Island.

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (if they are calmed do i need to strike them?)

[MarioHome] Al #6 no longer follows Al #5.

[MarioHome] Al #5 no longer follows Al.

[MarioHome] Al #4 no longer follows Al #5.

[MarioHome] Al #3 no longer follows Al #5.

[MarioHome] Al #2 no longer follows Al #5.

[MarioHome] Al #1 no longer follows Al #5.

[Master] Al, Al #1, Al #6, Al #4, Al #3, Al #2 and Al #5 moved 36'00".

[Master] Al moved 1'11".

[Master] Al #1 moved 2'06".

[Master] Al #2 moved 2'05".

[Master] Al #2 targets Giant Frog #12. Distance: 5'07"

[Master] Al #3 moved 2'06".

[Master] Al #4 targets Giant Frog #12. Distance: 6'01"

[Master] Al #5 moved 2'07".

[Master] Al #6 moved 4'10".

[Milo (Lisa)] (you were rolling Shi's stats - think you can roll STR again)

[Master] Al #6 follows Al.

[MarioHome] ok, so in three hours, you all just moved across one map?!

[Master] Al #3 follows Al.

[Master] Al #1 follows Al.

[Master] Al #2 follows Al.

[Joe (Carissa)] Joe: STR check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Spring] Ash Cinderfall no longer targets Giant Frog #16.

[Master] Al #4 follows Al.

[Master] Al #5 follows Al.

[Joe (Carissa)] (yeah noticed didn't think Joe was that weak)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall moved 40'01".

[Spring] Ash Cinderfall targets Giant Frog #12. Distance: 2'08"

[Spring] Ash Cinderfall no longer targets Giant Frog #12.

[Spring] Ash Cinderfall targets Giant Frog #12. Distance: 2'08"

[Joe (Carissa)] (better)

MarioHome is receiving the map Eastern Swamps...

MarioHome has received the map Eastern Swamps.

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall: Attack: Scythe; Farmer: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=1] 19. MISSES Giant Frog #12 (AC FINAL: 7).

[Joe (Carissa)] (two maps!)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (whoops)

[Joe (Carissa)] (and maybe broke free from a frog!)

[MarioHome] oh, this is another map, my screen didnt refreesh

[MarioHome] sorry!

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (I'm getting a lot of lag. Want to help Joe, but moving is kind of nighmarish right now.)

[Milo (Lisa)] (lol)

[Joe (Carissa)] (lol but it looks the same as the one before it, too)

[Master] it should be better now Ryan

[Joe (Carissa)] (yeah the lag is resetting up)

[Joe (Carissa)] (did you see the STR roll Bob?)

[Master] was busy moving everyone around to the correct maps

[Master] and yes to Carissa

[Joe (Carissa)] (the correct one)

[Fredikins (Ryan)] Fredikins moved 30'00".

[Joe (Carissa)] (not the messed up one))

[Ryan] Fredikins no longer targets Giant Frog #16.

[Master] also Mario side note, Marlins were down by 1 then gave up 5 in the 8th to lose by 6

[Ryan] Fredikins targets Giant Frog #12. Distance: 14'04"

[Master] just the way the season is going

[MarioHome] I am back at the keyboard.

[Al (MarioHome)] (sorry, HI ryan!)

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (Don't suppose I could throw Mr. Skinning Knife?)

[Master] Fourthing has calmed several giant frogs, but there is one about to eat Milo

[Milo (Lisa)] (called shot)

[Nerikan (TMO)] (Joe?)

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (Could I steal Joe away using the Sheperd's Crook?)

[Master] so Al should be heading that way

[Milo (Lisa)] (Joe not Milo)

[Joe (Carissa)] (Is it about to eat Milo now? It was eating Joe then Joe broke free, I thought)

[Master] yes to Carissa Joe broke free

[Al (MarioHome)] (let me know when I can go)

[Master] Al can go now

[Al (MarioHome)] Al, Al #1, Al #6, Al #5, Al #4, Al #3 and Al #2 moved 6'08".

[Master] as well as Fredkins if he he throwing a knife it needs a called shot

[MarioHome] Al targets Al #2. Distance: 3'01"

[Al (MarioHome)] Al: Attack: Quarterstaff: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=11] 9. HITS Al #2 (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Al (MarioHome)] Al: Damage v L: Quarterstaff: (1d6) [1d6=6] 6 added to: Al #2

[Master] We will let Mario retarget and roll that again

[Fredikins (Ryan)] I will finish that fiendish frog with my fierce finisher!

[Al (MarioHome)] 9rofl!!!!!!)

[Milo (Lisa)] and it's S/M)

[Master] so many Al's rolling around that he gets confused

[MarioHome] Al no longer targets Al #2.

[MarioHome] Al targets Al #2. Distance: 3'01"

[Nerikan (TMO)] (self-flagelation is so hot right now)

[Fredikins (Ryan)] Attack: Skinning Knife:: is now ARMED.

[MarioHome] Al no longer targets Al #2.

[Fredikins (Ryan)] Attack: Hoe:: is NO LONGER ARMED.

[Joe (Carissa)] (lol)

[MarioHome] Al targets Giant Frog #12. Distance: 2'06"

[Al (MarioHome)] Al: Attack: Quarterstaff: (20-(d20+0)-2) [1d20=14] 4 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (-2)]. HITS Giant Frog #12 (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

[Al (MarioHome)] Al: Damage v L: Quarterstaff: (1d6) [1d6=1] 1 added to: Giant Frog #12


[Al (MarioHome)] (wow, i wondered wny it was so easy to hit!)

[Master] Giant Frog #12's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 7 (-1) - Heavily Wounded

[Master] Giant Frog #12 targets Al. Distance: 2'06"

[Master] Giant Frog #12: Attack: Bite: (16-(d20+0)) [1d20=12] 4. HITS Al (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] Giant Frog #12: Damage v SM: Bite: (1d6+2) [1d6=6] 8 added to: Al

[Master] (1d7) [1d7=4] 4 1 is the real AL

[Master] and it is your turn again

[Master] Fourthing is keeping the other frogs calm

[Milo (Lisa)] Milo: Attack: Club: (20-(d20+0)-2) [1d20=12] 6 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (-2)]. HITS Giant Frog #12 (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

[Milo (Lisa)] Milo: Damage v SM: Club: (1d6) [1d6=2] 2 added to: Giant Frog #12

[Master] Giant Frog #12's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 5 (-2) - Heavily Wounded

[Al (MarioHome)] Al: Attack: Quarterstaff: (20-(d20+0)-2) [1d20=18] 0 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (-2)]. HITS Giant Frog #12 (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

Nerikan (TMO) tries another firefly spark in front of the frog's eyes to distract it.

[Nerikan (TMO)] Nerikan moved 4'05".

[Al (MarioHome)] Al: Damage v L: Quarterstaff: (1d6) [1d6=1] 1 added to: Giant Frog #12

[Nerikan (TMO)] Nerikan: Cantrip Proficiency check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 8!!

[Master] Giant Frog #12's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 4 (-1) - Heavily Wounded

[Joe (Carissa)] Joe: Attack: Knife: (20-(d20+0)-2) [1d20=18] 0 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (-2)]. HITS Giant Frog #12 (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

[Joe (Carissa)] Joe: Damage v SM: Knife: (1d3) [1d3=2] 2 added to: Giant Frog #12

[Master] Giant Frog #12's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 2 (-2) - Massively Wounded

[Joe (Carissa)] Die, you bugger!

Joe (Carissa) holding hurt arm

[Master] Ryan and Spring

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] Ash Cinderfall: Attack: Scythe; Farmer: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=3] 17. MISSES Giant Frog #12 (AC FINAL: 7).

[Fredikins (Ryan)] Fredikins: Attack: Skinning Knife: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=8] 12. MISSES Giant Frog #12 (AC FINAL: 7).

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (Well, my called shot didn't live up to its name)

[Master] Giant Frog #12: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL FAILED against 16!!

[Master] Giant Frog #12: Attack: Bite: (16-(d20+0)) [1d20=16] 0. HITS Al (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] again Al is 1 (1d6) [1d6=2] 2

[Master] and your side goes

[Milo (Lisa)] Milo: Attack: Club: (20-(d20+0)-2) [1d20=19] -1 [MODIFIED BY FLANKING (-2)]. HITS Giant Frog #12 (AC FINAL: 7)!!!

[Milo (Lisa)] Milo: Damage v SM: Club: (1d6) [1d6=2] 2 added to: Giant Frog #12

[Master] Giant Frog #12's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 0 (-2) - Disabled

[Al (MarioHome)] Milo, you fight splendidly

Milo (Lisa) without thinking reaches his claw out to Joe "Are you all right?"

[Al (MarioHome)] Joe as well, but he needs some attention

Joe (Carissa) grabs claw without thought

[Milo (Lisa)] (club in human hand)

[Joe (Carissa)] Yeah, just a little hurt

Joe (Carissa) winces

[Joe (Carissa)] Got my arm pretty bad.

[Milo (Lisa)] Sorry I was not faster

[Joe (Carissa)] Er... uhh... no... offense? I don't know if that's offensive.

[Joe (Carissa)] But man my arm hurts like a bugger.

[Joe (Carissa)] Thanks for the help.

[Milo (Lisa)] You came back at a good time Al

[Joe (Carissa)] Do we need to... get out of here? Before the others attack again? I can take care of my arm after.

[Milo (Lisa)] Thought we were done for

[Master] anyone with observation can make a check

[Milo (Lisa)] Where is Swamp Monster?

[Joe (Carissa)] (no obs here, only alertness)

[Nerikan (TMO)] Nerikan: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 14!!

[Master] Gnome #5 moved 6'08".

[Master] Gnome #4 moved 5'01".

[Master] Gnome #3 moved 5'11".

[Milo (Lisa)] Milo: Whistling/humming check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Master] Gnome #2 moved 8'06".

[Nerikan (TMO)] Nerikan moved 9'03".

[Gnome #2 (Master)] Fourthing!!!!!!

[Gnome #2 (Master)] Did you get the parts?

[Joe (Carissa)] Joe: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

Nerikan (TMO) pulls out her butcher knife and guts the frog real quick to see if there's anything in the stomach.

Joe (Carissa) sits up straighter, "You hear something?"

Fourthing (Master) holds up the bag

[Fredikins (Ryan)] What weird wonders are we witnessing?

[Master] Fourthing moved 24'08".

[Master] Fourthing moved 27'06".

[Master] Gnome #2, Gnome #3, Gnome #4 and Gnome #5 moved 31'02".

[Master] Fourthing moved 3'04".

[Gnome #2 (Master)] Great! we just need to fix that left wheel and we will be back in business

Fourthing (Master) hands over the bag

[Fredikins (Ryan)] Wait, seriously. What's going on? Why are you all out here?

[Fourthing (Master)] THe Swamp Monster

[Fourthing (Master)] My friends were trapped

[Joe (Carissa)] What monster? Those frogs?

[Fredikins (Ryan)] Ah, yes. Well, I am glad I was able to help in such an undertaking.

[Fredikins (Ryan)] Not as glad as you are, I'm sure, but still I am glad.

Gnome #2 (Master) points to the structure in the background

[Gnome #2 (Master)] The Swamp Monster

[Gnome #2 (Master)] She is the best

[Gnome #2 (Master)] can cut through any muck

[Gnome #2 (Master)] go under water even

[Gnome #5 (Master)] HUSH

[Gnome #5 (Master)] No one is supposed to know that

[Nerikan (TMO)] It's a machine?

[Joe (Carissa)] Oh! That the name of your boat? I hear some people name their boats.

[Milo (Lisa)] This is what we will kill?

[Fourthing (Master)] It is more than a boat

[Joe (Carissa)] Well I hope it was worth getting my arm cut up for.

[Nerikan (TMO)] Nerikan: Animal Rending check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Master] Fourthing moved 65'05".

[Master] Fourthing targets Joe. Distance: 2'11"

[Master] Fourthing casts a spell against Joe: Repair Injury: You're healed (-1d10-1) [1d10=2] -3 points.

[Master] Fourthing casts a spell against Joe: Cure Moderate Wounds: You're healed (-1d10-1) [1d10=6] -7 points.

[Master] Joe's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 10 (7) - Unharmed

[Fourthing (Master)] (first was a mistake)

[Master] Fourthing moved 13'01".

[Master] Fourthing targets Ash Cinderfall. Distance: 2'04"

Joe (Carissa) rotates arm, moves it a bit, and nods

[Joe (Carissa)] Thanks. Much better.

[Master] Fourthing casts a spell against Ash Cinderfall: Cure Moderate Wounds: You're healed (-1d10-1) [1d10=7] -8 points.

[Master] Ash Cinderfall's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 10 (7) - Unharmed

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] oh thank you so much

[Master] Fourthing moved 7'07".

[Master] Fourthing moved 55'01".

[Fourthing (Master)] Of course you cannot tell anyone about the Swamp Monster

Milo (Lisa) whispers to Al "Think we will get a reward now?"

[Joe (Carissa)] Er, not sure we understand enough about it to tell anyone?

[Fourthing (Master)] Good Good

[Fourthing (Master)] I could not have made it back here without you

Fourthing (Master) hands each person a 10gp Gem

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] it's amphibious?

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] i won't tell, of course

[Nerikan (TMO)] (was there anything but guts inside the frog?)

[Master] which would pay your taxes for more than a year

[Master] and only guts

Milo (Lisa) whispers "Thank you"

[Master] BUT

[Nerikan (TMO)] (oh well, any usable meat or parts at least?)

[Master] you are each now 1st level and you get to pick what class you will be

[Nerikan (TMO)] (barbarian)

[Nerikan (TMO)] :D

[Master] grins

[Joe (Carissa)] Huh. Wow. Nice gems.

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (lich)

[Master] just shakes my head

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] oh hey thanks!

[Joe (Carissa)] (if Ryan is a lich, I wanna be a vampire so we can debate in full who is more powerful)

[Master] they finally clear Skull Church and this is what happens

[Joe (Carissa)] (I hope Joe is Brer's son. What a tearful reunion that'd be. Peak drama story)

[Joe (Carissa)] (I found my long lost son and had to try to kill him. Who will kill who?)

Al (MarioHome) stares at gem mouth agape

Al (MarioHome) closes eyes and whispers " i wish i was Level One"

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] i know right?

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] it's amazing

Milo (Lisa) slips his in his pocket

[Master] Mario you can pick to be multi class or give up one or the other

[Master] Lisa you can pick yours or go a different route

[Al (MarioHome)] Ill give up Thief and go strictly MU

[Master] everyone else has a pretty established route but you can change if you wish

[Al (MarioHome)] (do we get to add pts to stats too?

[Joe (Carissa)] (Really? Joe is apparently a fighter but uses rogue weapons. He really confuses me)

[Lisa] you set him up as a rogue so will stick with that

[Master] everyone gets to pick what they wish after playing and living with it for the day

[Master] we put these chracters on the site

[Joe (Carissa)] (and a day later I still don't know what he is :P)

[Master] for people to use in stories

[Master] and or as henchmen if wanted, etc

[Joe (Carissa)] (confused, just... confused)

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (Sorry, I know I wasn't on for long, but the spouse is needing some help with the kids.)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (hey that's sexist. we're henchlings)

[Master] grins

[Joe (Carissa)] (lol)

[Al (MarioHome) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Al modified: Class Levels - Wizard: (WL) : CHANGED: 1 (null).

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (Independent Contracting Henchers)

[Nerikan (TMO)] (obviously caster of some kind)

[Lisa] Goodnight Ryan!

[Fredikins (Ryan)] (Thanks for letting me play. I had fun. Night everyone.)

[Ash Cinderfall (Spring)] (gnite ryan!)

[Master] Hope everyone had fun

[Joe (Carissa)] (Night Ryan! Thanks for the frogs! ;) )

[Master] see you next week Ryan

Ryan has left the game on Sat Sep 12 22:38:44 EDT 2020

[Al (MarioHome)] (Bye Ryan)

[Al (MarioHome)] (Bob do we add stat points?)

[Master] not yet Mario

[Lisa] do Al and Milo want to settle down in Dragon Fen or would they just disappear?

[Al (MarioHome)] (I like Al and how cool MIlo is, so I say stay)

[Lisa] :)

Al (MarioHome) closes eyes and whispers " i wish i had more stat points"

[Master] LOL

[Master] so seriously we can fit these characters into the story line easily enough

Ash Cinderfall (Spring) whispers "i wish i had more stat points"

[Master] They would not be more than second level

[Al (MarioHome) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Al modified: Skills/Detections (d100/% based) - DELETED: Pick Pockets, 30, null, null. DELETED: Open Locks, 10, null, null. DELETED: Find/remove traps, 5, null, null. DELETED: Move Silently, 10, null, null. DELETED: Hide in Shadows, 5, null, null. DELETED: Detect Noise, 15, null, null. DELETED: Climb Walls, 60, null, null. DELETED: Read Languages, 0, null, null.

[Al (MarioHome)] (im kidding. Al just needed a new mantra)

[Master] but if you want to just rework them you are free to roll new stats for them

[Master] to roll a real 3d6

[Master] and assign numbers etc

[Lisa] ehhh I like my sucky numbers

[Lisa] like Horatio

[Nerikan (TMO)] (3d6) [3d6=3,1,6] 10(3d6) [3d6=4,3,4] 11(3d6) [3d6=2,2,2] 6(3d6) [3d6=6,5,1] 12(3d6) [3d6=5,4,3] 12(3d6) [3d6=3,2,6] 11

[Al (MarioHome)] (ill consider it this week)

[Master] They are here

[Al (MarioHome)] (wow TMO, the base ones are better!)

[Master] I will eventually move them off this list

[Master] to declutter

[Nerikan (TMO)] no, no they're not, but not by much. :)

[Master] Thank you all, I do hope you had fun with this

[Master] everyone really embraced the new characters

[Al (MarioHome) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Al modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Spring] yeah this was fun

[Al (MarioHome)] Very very cool

[Carissa] Meh, Joe is Average Joe. He can just... remain Average. And confused about his true identity.

[Spring] its nice to be someone very different for a change

[Carissa] True. Less stress if they die. Like being swallowed by a frog.

[Nerikan (TMO) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Nerikan modified: Ability Scores - DEX: (D) : CHANGED: 11 (10). AIM: (AI) : CHANGED: 13 (12). Balance: (BA) : CHANGED: 9 (8). CON: (C) : CHANGED: 6 (10). Health: (HE) : CHANGED: 4 (9). Fitness: (FI) : CHANGED: 8 (11). WIS: (W) : CHANGED: 12 (10). Willpower: (WI) : CHANGED: 14 (10). CHR: (CH) : CHANGED: 11 (10). Leadership: (LD) : CHANGED: 10 (9).

[Nerikan (TMO)] didn't get a good enough stat to be a specialist wizard

[Master] the butcher's daughter off to be a mage

[Nerikan (TMO)] perhaps

[Spring] ok i''m fading, time for me to go

[Nerikan (TMO)] g'nite

[Master] have a great night Spring

[Spring] nitey nite yáll!

[Master] see you next week

[Master] thank you

[Spring] rock on

[Carissa] Night!

Spring has left the game on Sat Sep 12 22:45:37 EDT 2020

[Carissa] (wait was that night to spring or to all? we're done, yes?)

[Master] Lisa and Mario did you think of a place?

[Master] Qui Fen?

[Al (MarioHome) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Al modified: Personal Information - Size:: CHANGED: Gnome-size (null). Age/Sex:: CHANGED: Male (null). Base Move: (BMOVE) : CHANGED: 30 (null). Hit Dice:: CHANGED: 1 (null).

[Master] up to you Carissa

[Master] I am here just relaxing and enjoying

[Carissa] Eh I'll leave chat up for a few more minutes while I finish up summary

[Master] a full adventure in one night

[Nerikan (TMO)] it'd be funny if the only stat she had was the one to let her be a necromancer specialist.

[Carissa] It's very uninspiring

[Nerikan (TMO)] but she hit none of them. generic wizard or nothing

[Carissa] (Brer returns to kill Joe's necromatic neighbor...)

[Master] you are doing very nicely with them Carissa, everyone appreciates your hard work and Lisa's continuing work

[Nerikan (TMO)] when the butcher's daughter starts resurrecting the cows

[Master] chuckles

[Lisa] Mario can pick - I'm good

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Milo modified:

[Carissa] (yeah just lacking creativity for summaries lately. they get done, but they're boring :) )

[Carissa] (except this month, just none at all except this one)

[Lisa] I'm going to head out

[Al (MarioHome)] no clue, all you

[Master] Qui Fen then Mario

[Al (MarioHome)] Foriso?

[Lisa] Thanks for the game! We got to finish this year!

[TMO] g'nite lisa

[Lisa] That is good

TMO pats Carissa on the head. It's okay.

[Al (MarioHome)] Qui Fen it is then

[Carissa] lol thanks TMO

[Master] you can edit the page for Qui Fen to add them to notable inhabitents if you like Mario

[Lisa] And your story is very very good so happy the creativity is being diverted

[Master] yes to the story writing

[Carissa] Thanks. It's a better place for the creativity :)

[TMO] All a necromancer really wants is raise a family in peace and quiet.

[Carissa] I was worried you had planned for her to come back today. I was not ready.

[Master] LOL TMO

[Master] quote

[Carissa] LOL

[Carissa] I think I've read that somewhere

[TMO] yeah, me too

[Lisa] So happy to see you back Mario! Hope we don't have to wait until next year

[Al (MarioHome)] We shall see. Who knows?

[Carissa] Bob's Half-Birthday Game. Then it's only half a year.

[Lisa] Goodnight!

[Carissa] Night Lisa!

Lisa has left the game on Sat Sep 12 22:50:58 EDT 2020

[Al (MarioHome)] Goodnight all, great to see you all again!!

[Carissa] Night!

MarioHome has left the game on Sat Sep 12 22:51:17 EDT 2020

[Master] restroom for me

[Master] what goes in ..... must come out

[Carissa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Joe modified:

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[TMO] dammit, now I want to make her a necromancer

[Carissa] lol would Bob let you?

[TMO] she doesn't have the stats for it

[TMO] WIS is 4 pts too low

[Carissa] No I mean even if you had the stats

[TMO] *shrug*

[Carissa] lol

[Carissa] She could randomly show up at Skull Church. Wanting to know if she could make it as a necromancer

[TMO] there's a video on youtube about a gray necromancer saving a village

[Carissa] All that animal rendering has made her fascinated with the dead...

[TMO] I did almost buy anatomy for her as a skill, but went with something more useful

[Carissa] Don't know that video. Or what makes a necromancer grey

[Carissa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Joe modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[TMO] iirc, a city was under seige by a bunch of monsters, the party was helping coordinate the defense, but the party necromancer wasn't doing much. Until the final fight when it turned out he'd been making a deal with all the city guards - if they fell he'd raise them so they could continue to protect the city even after death. He showed up to the final fight with a small army.

[Carissa] Oooh nice so not really a bad necromancer... but not good either. Makes sense now

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Carissa] Well don't know what to do with Joe. He'll just sit there.

[Master] it is ok

[Master] he can just be a name

[Carissa] I'm good with that.

[Master] people will be able to find him on the site that way

[Carissa] I just don't know where to go with him.

[TMO] nothing wrong with generic fighters

[Master] he will be on this chat log and on a village page

[Carissa] Yeah but his weapon set just is weird to me for a fighter.

[Master] I feel bad for Valerie

[Carissa] And a fletcher who just doesn't use a bow?? Confusing Joe.

[Master] she worked on this character on Wednesday night

[TMO] aww

[Master] two weeks

[Carissa] Awww

[Carissa] Tied up all day?

[Master] then her cat had a siezure and died this morning

[Carissa] Oh goodness.

[Master] yeah

[TMO] awwwww

[Carissa] Shoot. Sending her positive thoughts. That'd break me.

[Master] they are obviously very upset

[Master] 4 years ago got a diganosis from the vet of 6 months to live

[Master] and Shadow just kept on going

[Carissa] Wow. So not necessarily surprised, but kind of.

[Master] yeap

[Carissa] My last cat went that way. Similar story. Was told she had cancer (we didn't do biopsy) then lived for another... 5? 8? years. Not sure if she ever really did have cancer, but... lived far longer than expected.

[Master] same with our dog Cookie, she had epilepsy, had her first siezure at 2 years old, but lived to be almost 11

[Carissa] She seized the day we were debating taking her to the vet to put her down. Poor baby...

[Carissa] It's just so much harder to give a prognosis for animals than people.

[Master] nods

[Master] I am glad you both made it through all day long

[Master] thank you very much

[Carissa] I really expected to be called or something to see about getting food.

[Carissa] I'm okay that they didn't, but surprised they actually listened to me when I said I'd be busy.

[Carissa] (two uncles visiting this weekend as well as parents)

[Master] you can explain about BOB to them

[Master] and they will understand

[Carissa] lol my parents, maybe, but my uncles? nah they guilt trip normally

[TMO] sorry I faded a couple of times there

[Master] you did great TMO

[Master] seriously

[Carissa] Eh, we all did. Long game day. It happens.

[Master] over 17 hours of gaming

[Master] go rest

[Master] I will see you on Friday or before

[Carissa] A good plan

[Carissa] Night!

[Carissa] Thanks for the very long game :)

[TMO] ciao bye bye

Carissa has left the game on Sat Sep 12 23:03:12 EDT 2020

XP awarded