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Chat Log - 2020 09 25 - Third Time is Tradition (Formatted)

[Master] and it will be up on the site shortly

[Spring] nitey nite, y'all!

[valma-73412] ok good night

Spring has left the game on Wed Sep 23 21:55:22 EDT 2020

valma-73412 has left the game on Wed Sep 23 21:57:19 EDT 2020

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Thu Sep 24 23:47:24 EDT 2020 ====

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

Lara has joined the game on Fri Sep 25 18:58:32 EDT 2020

Lara is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Lara has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Hello there

[Lara] hello. how are you?

[Master] I am good

[Master] Conference was good today

[Master] one more tomorrow

[Lara] glad to hear it!

[Lara] what was the highlight for you?

[Master] how are you feeling? the family problems any better?

[Master] chuckles that I did not curse on mic

[Lara] lol you're funny. how many people were on?

[Master] 150?

[Lara] i'm not great. my brother is worse. the baby camethrough surgery fine.

[Master] Baby is good news brother is less but that is expected right?

[Lara] well, i thought that my brother was on the mend.

[Lara] 150 is great! what exactly was your topic?

[Master] Conference on Children's Literature

[Master] I am guessing you are caught up on the site?

Ryan has joined the game on Fri Sep 25 19:03:12 EDT 2020

Ryan is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Ryan has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Master] Hello Ryan

[Ryan] Hello!

[Lara] that's a fund topic. i LOVE books.

[Lara] i'm sorta caught up on the site. i read the OOC at 9/22 and not much after that.

[Lara] *fun topic

[Master] Well you will want to read more than Lara

[Lara] okay

[Master] the super short wrap up

[Master] I am sorry that John tried to screw you guys over and I kicked him out

[Master] it is written up better on the site

[Master] How has your week been Ryan?

[Lara] hi ryan!

[Ryan] Been a decent week. Sorry about any difficulties that you guys are experiencing.

[Master] I am good

[Master] I am just frustrated that we have dragged this out so long and it has been frustrating to everyone

[Master] but we will solve it now

Spring has joined the game on Fri Sep 25 19:08:38 EDT 2020

Spring is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Spring has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Master] Hello Spring

[Lara] hi Spring!

[Spring] hallooooo!

[Master] Also there is good stuff on the site too

[Master] Spring and Valerie are doing some nice history building

[Ryan] Hello, Spring!

[Ryan] Speaking of problem-solvers :)

[Master] and I pointed out that Kenna is in the top 4 people of the Estate and Snee is in the next tier of well known people

[Spring] hi hi

[Spring] Ryan you wont believe it

[Spring] my supervisor assigned TEXTBOOKS!

[Spring] six months on the job and finally we have training materials!

[Ryan] (I wish I could do emojis)

[Ryan] WOW

[Spring] shock and amazement!

[Ryan] Take me with you!!!!!

[Ryan] I don't care what the textbook is about. I want it!

[Spring] hehehehe i'll forward you an email

[Spring] but that's talking shop

TMO has joined the game on Fri Sep 25 19:11:38 EDT 2020

TMO is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

TMO has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Ryan] The party has arrived! Hi, TMO!

[Spring] hi TMO!

[TMO] hi!

[Master] Hello there

[Master] Carissa will be late,

[Lara] okay. do 9/23 was a big day.

[Lara] *so

[Master] Lisa is likely to log in near the end

[Master] not sure about Michael

[Ryan] So, if we are going to do a coup, do it in the first few hours... got it!

[Master] grins exactly

[Spring] my dog just left me. i think she wants to be my son's dog now

[TMO] my shop talk is getting a task fromi my director and soon-to-be manager without any context. AND the head of IT closing a ticket I'd opened 2 months ago, for the second time. As I did last month, I immediately repened it and said, "No, we do actually need this"

[Master] grins

[Lara] hi TMO!

[Master] I did three help tickets in 4 days to get them to fix my extra monitors

[Spring] ugh

[Master] going from three screens down to a 9 inch tablet screen for a week and a half was painful

[Ryan] I, on the other hand, closed 20 tickets today without helping any of those people.

[Spring] hahahaha

[Master] LOL

[TMO] Dale, is that you?

[Ryan] If it is really an issue, they will open a new ticket. Otherwise, sounds like too much work.

[Master] quote

[Master] chuckles

[Master] no who ever does do the summary will not use that

[Master] so

[Master] in summary as Lara pointed out and TMO and Ryan definately know and I am doubtful Spring does

[Master] the four of you plus Carissa are the key movers and shakers

[Spring] there is so much i don't know

[Master] in a nut shell tonight is the night we finish this story arc

[Master] and move on

[Master] Ryan and TMO you do not need to feel forced into changing anything

[Master] but yes Brer and or Skarp on a temp basis to settle this place makes sense

[Master] and then harras Branwyn into picking someone as a steward of this area, etc.

[Lara] okay. almost caught up. admittedly, i don't have much to contribute on the big picture topic.

[Spring] whoa, stuff happened, skimming now

[TMO] unless Ryan objects, I think Brer as prime makes the most sense. But I'll happily step aside if he'd rather

[Master] yes to Spring wrong to Lara you have lots to contribute

[Lara] awwwwww.....thank you!

[Master] becuase it is admin work, common sense stuff

[Lara] i feel really far behind

[Master] do not get in the weeds of game mechanics think big pictures

[Ryan] OOC, Skarp is pretty traumatized from his first time as a leader ending so badly. He would be okay as a supervisor, but not be in charge.

[TMO] perfect

[Ryan] OOC, Skarp would like to salt this entire place, but would be okay changing as much as possible as a happy compromise.

[TMO] we will definitely need his knowledge and skills

[Master] example - Does anyone really think that being a 5th level fighter living on his own above 200+ goblins with zero help or way of stopping them makes any sense?

[Master] I know you can do better than that Lara

[Master] so yes to TMO and RYan

[Lara] thank you for the vote of confidence

[TMO] first question is, how much of it do the players want to do IC vs OOC?

[Master] I would do most OOC

[Lara] please---let's do this OOC

[TMO] very well, can do!

[Spring] Snee definitely wants to be invlved

[Lara] thank you

[Master] to plan it out then you can go IC to establish

[Master] the problem with Snee is the conflicting religions

[Ryan] Skarp would probably be happy if we could invite some gnomes and dwarves to help out and even permanently live here, even though he would never want to himself.

[Master] as a Steward of the area yes makes sense

[Master] and yes to Ryan on that idea

[TMO] I know it's on the site as well, but a list of our tasks? Pool, Moat, Goblins, ...?

[Master] yes

[Master] we need concrete plans for each

[Master] you might not solve the first two and you will not on the third

[Lara] okay. so we still futzing around Skull Church?

[Master] exactly Lara

[TMO] all the traps that we know of are taken care of, right?

[Master] yes

[Lara] YES! list of tasks

[Master] the brown pool of muck - what to do how to deal with

[Master] the moat - how to eliminate

[Lara] i'm going to ask some closed ended questions

[Master] Goblins - ideas on what to do

[Master] go for it

[Lara] are we going to level this Church?

[Master] the four of you are the ones in charge

[TMO] Brown Pool first: spellcasters - any bright and novel uses of your spells you can think of? Freeze it, bury it, fill it, dry it, etc

[TMO] Lara - no, we aren't leveling the church. We're reclaiming it so evil can not take it again

[Master] I will say that I will try hard not to say no to anything you come up with, but I will point out problems you will create etc

[Lara] got it. as long as i know either way.

[TMO] Ryan: Dwarves have lots of earth and stone cunning. Any bright ideas from that direction for the pool?

[Lara] kind of likke the klling the griffon thing.

[Lara] do we know if there is anything poisonous in the brown pool?

[Master] it cuases disease

[TMO] Just to confirm, the brown pool is basically just an open sewage pool, right? No beasties?

[Master] correct

[Master] just if you are in it you have a chance to be infected with a swamp desiease

[Lara] AH! got it. stinky sewage.

[Spring] but the faithful object to our draining it

[TMO] so draining it into the moat, and then taking care of the moat, would fix that particular problem?

[Spring] because holy disease and such, right?

[Lara] okay.

[Master] no one has said that Spring actually

[Lara] what is in the moat?

[Spring] oh

[Lara] what kind of what?

[Master] but that is the presumption

[Lara] water

[Spring] i thought there was an IC about that

[Spring] the moat has water and slime monsters in it

[Spring] black puddings? i thin

[Master] the truely devote do want to walk through the pool of swamp disease

[Master] yes to the moat having black puddings in it

[TMO] if there is an IC objection to that, we can try to drain it off to the side so they can still use it when they want to.

[Ryan] So they will fight us if we try to drain?

[Master] hence blackwater

[Lara] slime monsters...will the poop in the brown pool kill the slime monsters or make them stronger?

[TMO] I assume the puddings would eat it

[Spring] maybe we can talk them into a sewage footbath that can have a lid on it

[TMO] organic material

[Lara] why do we care about the brown pool if we are not going to be here?

[Master] my only suggestion for the night becuase you got 95% of the way there 2 months ago..... there are planks already there for those that do not want to walk through the muck you could build a more solid bridge over it if you want to leave it

[Lara] can evil live in it?

[Master] brb

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Ryan] I don't like the moat, but if the devoute Suomi are going to fight us over it, I think a stone bridge and guard rails/walls might work

[TMO] okay, sounds to me like two choices then: move the pool off to one side, or create a permanent bridge over it.

[Lara] vote: bridge

[Lara] who can do that?

[Ryan] bridge

[Ryan] dorfs

[Lara] okay. who is going to pay them?

[TMO] Foto had the shape stone spell. Does anyone else have it, or do we need to hire a craftsman?

[TMO] I say we worry about money afterward. :) We have the Dragon Fen coffers behind us for the moment.

[Lara] is Skull Church going to be part of DragonFen?

[TMO] No

[Ryan] There was talk about creating a mine. If we encourage immigration into the area, we could offer rights to the mine.

[TMO] Well, the original plan was No. That may have to change

[Spring] i think dragon fen is sort of responsible though. it tends to brew evil when neglected

[Spring] i like the bridge idea and i like the mine idea

[Ryan] Alliance, rather than overlordship? Offer of protection?

[TMO] something along those lines

[Lara] is Hoffman going to stay here by himeslf or not?

[Ryan] "Hey, here are the things we want you to do. Do it, and we we will help you out for a bit until you get your feet under you."

[TMO] I can't remember if the mines are part ofthe church or with the other family nearby

[Lara] ah...well said Ryan

[TMO] Uncertain about Hoffman's status

[Spring] this is part of the role Snee sees for herself here, as a representative of Dragon Fen and a watchful eye, not as like a priest of the church or anything

[Spring] due to the different religion BOB mentioned

[TMO] sounds very good to me

[Lara] i thought the goal was to leave Skull Church behind and just make sure it cannot be infected again with evil

[Spring] what Ryan said. i like it

[TMO] Ilero and Brer are both Suomi, but neither are priests

[Lara] are we supposed to be building up the area?

[TMO] first phase is secure the church

[Lara] okay. i'm focusing on phase 1 then. securing the church means getting rid of black puddings, building a bridge, what else?

[Ryan] Goblins

[Spring] goblins is more long term though

[Lara] okay. so we have to negotiate with them?

[TMO] Skull Church To-Do list: * Brown Pool * Create bridge over it * Wood or stone? * Magic or craftsmen? * Moat * Goblins * House * remove poison traps * repair door(s)

[Ryan] Building it up doesn't help if a goblin tribe murders everyone inside and takes it over.

[TMO] well, that formatting didn't take

[Lara] i don't know Goblin culture, but i do know hwo to speak it

[Spring] i am just following the itemized list BOB posted

[Lara] spring, which one?


[Spring] the paragraph that starts ...

[Spring] "Before the end of our next session on 2020 09 25 we will have established 4 things."

[Lara] perfect

[Lara] i was not using that thiought some of that was decided

[TMO] item 1 on that list: who will be in charge: Brer, with assistance from Snee and Skarp and Emerald. Ilero and Branwyn as concerned outsiders. Sound right?

[Spring] agenda item 1 is who is in charge. Snee can be in charge or first officer or whatever, but she is down with staying

[Ryan] Yer

[Lara] first question: who is going to be in charge of skull church?

[Spring] alright. i like that we have it solid :-)

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

Carissa has joined the game on Fri Sep 25 19:39:06 EDT 2020

Carissa is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Carissa has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Ryan] Question 2: How do you solve a problem like Maria?

[Spring] hi Carissa!

[Lara] tell me who could be in charge that won't piss of the locals?

[Spring] hahahaha

[Lara] @ryan - lol

[Ryan] Hello!

[Carissa] Hi all!

[TMO] Hiya!

[Master] Hello Carissa,

[Lara] hi Carissa!

[Master] typing so just a moment on that answer Lara

[Lara] okay. i have more questions.

[Lara] i love that Snee can be in charge. how long will it be for?

[Master] You need to make sure that the Church does not become a focus of evil going out to ravage the countryside again like the previous two times the group cleaned it out and then left. So yes you want to secure the church like you already have of evil but then maintain it over time. So someone eventually has to live here permanantly but that can be put off till the future. Right now you need to solve these three key problems so you cna end the story arc and then move onto other things

[Master] The idea that Snee could be assigned as the governor of the northwest Wastes is achievable

[Lara] okay. so if Snee can be in charge to keep out evil

[Ryan] #immigration

[Ryan] Encourage people who aren't going to teach their children to be necromancers to live in the area.

[Master] the idea that you establish a new mine is very very doable and will attrack gnomes at a minimum

TMO doesn't admit that he turned his NPC from the birthday session into a 1st level Necromancer

[Lara] vote: Snee stays at Skull Church and is "in charge" with the caveat that we need to find a way to not piss off the locals

[Master] but the existing mine belongs to Quellcon Estates and Branwyn just agreed to buy iron ore from them in part to keep the piece

[Master] Snee being in charge of the NW Wastes, but not the church

[Ryan] Might help if Snee has a council of advisors from the local community.

[Ryan] local/nearby communities

[Lara] Pete? Baron?

[Master] meaning it would be likely that Snee would establish a new church

[Master] smaller one

[Master] there are no locals

[Master] there are no farms

[Ryan] Well, locals that we bring in.

[Spring] wastes

[TMO] Pete is our local steward. Baron represents the churchgoers

[Ryan] Gnomes, for example.

[Master] Pete and Black Cloak brought in food and supplies form Quellcon

[Master] That is a very doable solution TMO

[Lara] can we agree that #1 task is complete? Snee is in charge of Skull Church?

[Ryan] (Whenever I see Quellcon, I think it is some sort of convention)

[Lara] @ryan lol

[Master] grins

Lara laughs at ryan's observation

[Spring] TMO, was Brer just proposed as a tempoary head?

[Spring] i feeli like he got usurped

[Lara] oh, Brer was going to be in charge?

[TMO] Brer cannot be permanent lead. But as temp lead for the restoration I think it makes the most sense.

[Spring] aha cool

[TMO] We can aim Snee toward governor

[Spring] okay Snee for governor, Brer for foreman

[Lara] PERFECT! love it

Lara nods head emphatically

[TMO] Talwin has Engineering, so IC definitely want him involved

[TMO] OOC too, just to be clear

[Ryan] Skarp can act as intermediary for dwarf/gnome community, help get that set up and then eventually hand off power as more people trickle in.

[TMO] is good

[Spring] the house with the darkness in it, do we know what, if anything, that is normally used for?

[TMO] I believe it's the residence

[Ryan] Sleeping, usually

[Master] It used to be a residence but is useless now

[Ryan] House with the light is usually for waking.

[Master] has to be rebuilt

[Spring] oh ok nevermind then

[Master] and Laughs with Ryan

[TMO] adding an item: * Tiers: Baron to restore him to his tomb

[TMO] Tiera

[Ryan] tiara

[Master] yes to TMO

[Spring] snee will have to put her mini-church and residence further out

[Spring] TBD

[Ryan] Give Baron a tiara to make him feel pretty.

[Spring] i like it

[Spring] good to have a pretty baron

[TMO] Spring, I'd aim for the Burned Village. That's where the craftsmen are bunked

[Master] so things you have learned about the area that you will want to take care of includes the burned village that is where the path from Skull Church comes down to Farmers Turn, that village is haunted, is why the building crew was living in tents

[Spring] sounds good TMO

[Lara] are we moving on to #2? who is going to build a bridge over the brown pool?

[TMO] clear it out, set it up for rebuilding, and bam.

[TMO] good place for governer and new church

[Master] and yes to TMO's plan of that is the best place for that

[Spring] i like it

[Spring] and a mission to lay souls to rest

[Master] Spring, maybe a name like Hourglass?

[Spring] ooooooo

[Lara] wonderful!

[Spring] catchy

[TMO] was just going to ask you if it had a name already

[Spring] that works for me

[Master] Lara is going to want to play on Wednesday nights

[Ryan] Name it Endless Agony of Life

[Spring] So Are The DAys of Our Lives

Lara laughs

[Lara] heehee. i can barely keep up with Friday nights.

[Master] exactly that is the tag line for Wednesdays right now

[Spring] cue theme song

[Master] Time Out Like sands through the hour glass so are....

[Master] Michael is out camping he will be in, told him he needs to read the site first before logging in

[Lara] i'm going to call attention---

[TMO] if he needs to call me on Discord, I'm available. Got no family here tonight to bother

[Lara] to specifics...BOB knows i like specifics

[Carissa] (okay think I'm caught up now)

[TMO] Bob: is Talwin's Engineering skill the right skill to take on rebuilding the house?

[Lara] how do we make Snee govenor? Brer can assume the Foreman position simply by stepping up, right?

[Ryan] (I can't remember. Why can't we use the craftsmen that are already in the area to build the bridge?)

[TMO] we can, afaik

[Lara] ...?

[Spring] i think Branwayn just says "i appoint thee ..."

[Master] yes TO TMO

[Ryan] I think we can make Snee governor simply because there is no one strong enough to oppose us.

[TMO] but what we can shortcut with magic, we can put the craftsmen onto tasks that we can't

[Ryan] Also, we just murdered the old boss, which makes us the new boss.

[Master] You just Make It So for Lara, you tell Branwyn this is what we want you to do she says Yes and it is done

[Spring] note that BOB said we can click off time if we need to, so not necessary to shortcut

[TMO] * House: Assign to Talwin & craftsmen

[Lara] excellent

[TMO] Klingon Promotion

[Spring] we need the plan and specifics tonight :-)

[Carissa] Don't forget we also have Party Pack items. If you need door henges or... whatever else is in there.

[Carissa] *hinges

[TMO] lol

[Ryan] Henge!


[TMO] Door Henge!

[Ryan] Naruto, change into a door for the next six months.

[Spring] LOL

[Spring] giant rocks

[Lara] BOB, have we completed #1,#2,#3?

[Master] no

[Lara] okay. because we have to get Branwyn to appoint Snee?

[Master] you have a very good plan for #1 of who will be in charge of the area, etc to keep the place calm and to eventually rebuild

[Lara] okay

[Master] you have a concrete plan there it seems to me

[Lara] #2? we are going to build a bridge over the moat? no, over the brown pool?

[Master] for number 2 with the pool of muck you have to decide what exactly you want to do, then talk that over with the priest for final confirmation

[Spring] i definitely like the bridge and guardrails idea

[Master] then the Moat I have not heard much about

[TMO] we haven't done moat

[Ryan] I thought we had decided to build a bridge out of our enemies

[Lara] okay. #2 is moat.

[Master] #3 is moat

[Spring] we can build of stone or some of the bargain iron ore

[Lara] i am going by the list that Spring gave me. #2 is moast

[Ryan] Even a wooden bridge for right now would suffice, no?

[Lara] moat

[Master] the problem is the moat is filled with black puddings that are animated when they get hungry they can go out and eat up anything in the local area

[Ryan] Oh, nevermind on the wood then

[Master] for the pool of muck a wooden bridge yes, for the moat no

[Master] as the black puddings eat anything organic

[Master] metal bridge would not be eaten, wooden one would be

[Ryan] Okay, pool of muck. I say wooden bridge for now, and then it can be upgraded later on.

[Lara] i vote with Ryan---wooden bridge over pool of muck

[TMO] stone would be safe

[Carissa] Why not set the puddings on fire?

[Ryan] But expensive and time-consuming. If there isn't a danger with wood, I say do that, and then upgrade to stone later on.

[Lara] is stone quick and easy?

[Ryan] That's my wife's nickname for me.

[Spring] ha!

Lara laughs

[Spring] let's do a narrow wood one where the plakns are now and build the stone one alongside it over time

[Lara] @carissa, i agree---set them on fire

[Lara] @Spring -- like the Florida Keys!

[Ryan] I agree with Spring on the bridge, and Carissa on the oozes.

[Ryan] Err... puddings.

[Lara] the problem, i think Carissa, was that we needed some oil to light the water on fire where they live

[Spring] i have not been to flakeys. i know that's a sin given where iused to live

[Spring] we do need an accelerant like lamp oil or something

[TMO] problem is we need a LOT of whatever we use

[Lara] okay. i might be able to change the liquiid but it may not be enough

[Carissa] We had planned to ask Pete for oil. We hadn't gotten to it. I don't know if that's possible or not, but that was how we wanted big flames.

[Lara] EXACTLY what TMO just said

[TMO] Wall of Fire or something magical like that

[Spring] i wonder if there's a way to drain off the water in the moat without letting the puddings slip past, so we have a smaller fire to burn

[Ryan] Transmutate water to oil?

[Spring] like strain them out?

[Spring] ooooh ryan!

[Lara] yes ryan

[TMO] I don't know how much Emerald can do, but that's a great ida

[Lara] that is exactly what i was referring to

[Ryan] Sorry, not trying to steal Lara's idea; was just clarifying.

[Spring] i feel silly, Lara, for not catching on

[Lara] let me check the components

[Spring] sorry

[Master] I am doing the math for you on the moat

[Lara] it's not stealing---it's collaborating!!

[Master] Griff (dog) moved 67'07".

[Ryan] I mean, YES! That was MY idea and you have no proof otherwise!

[Master] Griff (dog) moved 117'08".

[Master] Griff (dog) moved 171'05".

[Master] Griff (dog) moved 230'08".

[Master] Griff (dog) moved 291'09".

[Master] Griff (dog) moved 335'01".

[Master] Griff (dog) moved 372'06".

[Master] Griff (dog) moved 409'05".

[Master] Griff (dog) moved 457'11".

[Master] Griff (dog) moved 500'08".

[Master] Griff (dog) moved 536'06".

[Master] Griff (dog) moved 567'04".

[TMO] my dog is traveling

[Master] Griff (dog) moved 606'09".

[Lara] does Griff have to pee? why is he moving around so much?

[Master] Griff (dog) moved 640'08".

[Master] Griff (dog) moved 664'05".

[Spring] hahahahahaha

[Master] Griff (dog) moved 698'09".

[Master] Griff (dog) moved 730'09".

[Master] Griff (dog) moved 759'01".

[Master] Griff (dog) moved 795'10".

[Spring] is Timmy down a well?

[Lara] maybe BOB's keyboard got stuck

[TMO] I think that's his measuring tape

[Ryan] I... just use measuring tape rather than torturing my dog.

[Lara] Tikki tikki tembo-no sa rembo-chari bari ruchi-pip peri pembo!

Lara out of breath

[Lara] has fallen in to the well!

[TMO] YOUR dog?


[Master] so the moat has a surface area of 88,770 square feet

[Ryan] Sorry, next time I need measuring tape, I will use YOUR dog.

[TMO] my dog would probably enjoy the run

[TMO] 95lb dog with the energy of a labrador retriever

[Spring] that seems like a lot of surface area to me

[Spring] so probably like way too much to magic into oil?

[Master] yes

[Lara] WAY too much...

[Carissa] Where does one get that many puddings?

[Lara] is there something that eats black pudding besides fire?

[Lara] can we lure them out?

[Spring] i think there are puddings IN there but it's not filled with only puddings right?

[Master] Sundown moved 141'00".

[Spring] it's not a 100% pudding moat?

[TMO] water and puddings I blieve

[Master] Sundown moved 137'11".

[Ryan] #Buildawall

[Master] Sundown moved 215'04".

[Lara] i was thinking about Springs idea to drain---can we coax them out?

[Lara] trick them?

[Carissa] Water with puddings. The water was to protect the puddings if I recall correctly.

[TMO] anybody have wall of stone?

[Master] yes confirmed the scale is correct on both maps

[Spring] pretty sure i don't have wall of stone

[Lara] i do notwall of stone spell dnd

[Lara] oops

[Master] chuckles with Ryan yes water is there

[Lara] wrong keyboard

[Master] remember you are coming up with a concrete plan not one you can do in one day,

[Carissa] Puddings eat organic material, right?

[TMO] Produce Flame

[TMO] 2nd level priest spell

[Lara] i would love to poison them but then we will mess up the water

[Master] so if the plan is to bring in 200 50 gallon barrels of oil and it takes 5 weeks to do that so be it

[Master] but you have a plan and we work our way through that

[Ryan] I would rather have poisoned water that we can later drain than puddings.

[Master] Or a stone wall

[Master] or just lots of fire spells, etc

[Spring] oh

[Lara] a stone wall around the entire moat?

[Spring] what we need is several tons of quick-crete

Lara laughs at spring

[Spring] well we need to fill in the moat anyway

[Carissa] Depends how serious Bob takes poison. If he'd rule it gets into the aquifers if they exist, leaks into nearby water sources, gets into the woods... not a fan of poison

[Lara] yes, carissa, i figure something like that

[Carissa] Is there a material puddings don't eat that absorbs water?

[Master] the moat is not in stone, as Carissa pointed out a last month, it was put up quick, how well it holds water is questionable

[Spring] gypsum?

[Master] but getting rid of all the water does not solve the puddings

[Lara] let's go back to the drain ida

[Lara] but if we get rid of the water, we can set the puddings on fire

[Carissa] Actually... if there isn't stone bottom. It was put up quick, can we just fill it back in and force the puddings back up?

[Lara] ooooooo---nice carissa

[Lara] overflow the moat?

[Carissa] Fill it back in with the dirt dug out. Water gone. Puddings now for fire.

[Carissa] Or just enough to make it shoot fish in a barrel

[Lara] where is the dirt?

[TMO] wizard 2: Flaming Sphere

[Carissa] If we make them small enough, just keep cantripping them or torches

[Spring] if we are doing a possible mine project, we can use the mine rubble as fill for the moat

[Lara] yes, i can cantrip fire---who else with us is a spellcaster?

[Master] Cantrip is not good enough

[Spring] if we can't find the dirt

[Spring] we'll need oil anyway

[Lara] BOB---you said we needed a plan but it doesn't have to be executed today?

[Carissa] I mean cantrip AFTER we split them if needed.

[Master] but remember Lisa is not gone, she just has her characters doing other things you can always ask and say Branwyn we need you to cast 15 fireball spells for us to clean out the moat

[Spring] so let's order an oil delivery and begin filling in the moat with dird and/or rubble

[Master] the PLAN needs to be concrete and set to go tonight before we leave

[Master] then we get to roleplay the characters putting the plan into action

[Spring] step 1. place the order for oil delivery

[Lara] wait. BOB---pelase do the maths---how much diret and rubble do we need to fill the moat?

[Ryan] If we made Branwyn fill up all of her spellslots with fire spells, and forced her to stay there for six months, would there be appreciable progress?

[Spring] step 2. begin backfill of moat.

[Lara] 88,770 square feet of stuff?

[Spring] step 3. receive oil

[Spring] step 4. ask Bran for fireballs when the backfill results in surfaced pudding

[Ryan] Fine, Lara..... six years?

[Spring] step 5 profit

[TMO] Oil + Produce Flame might be the best combo. The oil will spread the effectiveness of the Fire, so we won't need to use as much magic or as much oil

[Ryan] Fact 1: Goblins are mammals

[Ryan] Fact 2: Mammals produce oil

[Ryan] Fact 3: Oil is an accelerant

[Carissa] If goblins are mammals then they are animals so...

[Ryan] Fact 4: We have an entire tribe full of goblins.

[Carissa] Goblins are also 75% water so that'll be hard

[Master] that is the surface area Lara, so ten foot down for cubic feet

[Master] and LOL at Carissa

[Ryan] ....I just want to burn some goblins, Carissa. Why do you have to bring your facts into this?

[Spring] it does sound daunting

[Lara] i was thinking that we might just end up with a lot of mud

[Spring] wish i knew how the moat got here

[Master] yes to Spring, it was supposed to be, Black Cloak had 26 days to come up with something to make you fear him and he used the goblins hard to dig and create this moat

[Spring] then we could just undo it

[Carissa] lol just saying dehydrate them first

[Spring] oh there we go

[Ryan] So, Carissa is up for torturing Goblins. Is anyone else?

[Master] Then throw in a few black puddings and a dozen goblins and presto

[Spring] i feel bad for the goblins now



[Master] there were barrels in the stables, grins

[Spring] fair point

[Spring] i guess they do have stores for that

[Lara] you don't have a Black Moat and Slime Stone store near you?

[Spring] and furthermore, they deliver

[TMO] UPSS: United Pudding and Slime Services

Lara laughs really loud

[Spring] we should write them and tell them come pick up their product

[Spring] we are dissatisfied and want a return

[TMO] if we can find the receipts, maybe we can get a refund

[Ryan] If we did backfill/throw stones on the moat, would that kill off the puddings, or do they have an extremely long shelflife?

[Lara] they can live on the groud, right?

[TMO] yes

[Lara] ground

[Spring] i think Lara is onto something about trying to lure them out

[Master] very very OUT of Character and you have no idea how to reach this conclusion: Necromancer son in law, you have a mine with a problem, you need to get rid of monsters, you ask your powerful mage son in law to help deal with them, he keeps them as pets, etc.

[Spring] ok so now we have player knowledge :-P

[TMO] I would assume that the puddings and slimes are effectively immortal except to specific attempts to kill them

[Master] yes

[Carissa] I wonder how you make puddings pets....

[Ryan] Could we bury them anyways and let future generations worry about them?

[TMO] fish tanks

[Master] you give them a moat to swim in

[Lara] where are the slimes coming in? i thought there was only Black Puddings?

[Master] you arelady killed the slimes

[TMO] barrels of slime in the stables

[Master] Branwyn fireballed them

[Carissa] And handle them without touching them? I mean similar to keeping venomous snakes, I suppose

[TMO] oh, didn't remember that

[Carissa] Ack. I keep getting puddings and slimes confused

[Lara] not poisonous? (just kidding!!)

[Carissa] (lol)

[TMO] neither poisonous nor venomous

[Master] technically would black puddings be poisonous? hmmmmmm

[TMO] highly acidic

[Ryan] Poison - don't bite them

[Ryan] Venom - don't let them bite you

[Spring] what if we do a trench from the moat going downhill to drain it and put some kind of grate or mesh to keep the puddings from going with it?

[Lara] i still want to know: what kills Black Puddings besides fire?

[Lara] salt?

[Lara] like slugs?

[TMO] fire

[TMO] and... fire. I think

[Lara] is there ANYTHING ELSE? heehee

[Ryan] Actually, maybe salt? Would that work?

[TMO] and maybe some more fire

[Ryan] That kills lots of stuff

[Ryan] (Lara has the best ideas.)

[TMO] About the only other thing I remember is: Do NOT Use Lightning

[Lara] hmmm...i'm thinking that maybe only fire kills them...TMO what do you think? FIRE?

[Lara] (thanks Ryan)

[TMO] but that may have been a slime

[Lara] BOB: what else kills black puddings besides fire?

[Master] if you want to not think about the Moat for a few moments you can swap over to the Goblins

[Carissa] Fire?

[Lara] i was going to ask---could we negotiate with the Goblins?

[Ryan] Take the puddins, throw them in the mines.

[Master] Do you want to commit genocide and wipe out an entire tribe of goblins

[Spring] we were at one point talking about inflicting a disease on the puddings

[Master] OR are there other options?

[Lara] i know Ryan wants to kill them---but maybe THEY can put all the crap back in the moat?

[Ryan] I prefer to think of it as goblicide. Sounds cuter that way.

[TMO] is there an abandoned mine we might be able to convince them to move to?

[Carissa] We have possible gift for them. Snee and Lara can talk to them. Wondering if BOB will give Emerald some knowledge that might help.

[Lara] remember, i speak golbin

[Carissa] lol Ryan

[Ryan] Skarphedin's axe speaks Goblin.

[Ryan] It only knows one word, though.

[Carissa] Diplomacy is a very real thing we can try. Not sure if it'll be successful, but it's a real option.

[TMO] I'm wondering if we can use them short-term.

[Lara] i love the idea of filling the moat but the manpower and time is...overwhelming


[Master] letting you four bat around ideas

[Master] I will only point out that there are at least two other tribes of goblins living in the Wastes

[Spring] aha!

[Spring] a contest!

[Lara] oooooooooooooooo!

[Lara] brilliant

[Spring] we need a prize that goblins really, really want

[Lara] they love a challlenge

[Spring] and set the tribes against each other in a moat filling contest

[Lara] yes! i was going to ask : WIIFM what;s in it for them?


[Ryan] This ball of twine.

Lara laughs at ryan

[Master] you have the map of the full Wastes and the Skull Church environs now

[Carissa] Or that means we kill these goblins and then the other tribes try to move in...

[Lara] who do they worship?

[Carissa] (Sorry I'm the killjoy tonight)

[Spring] of course the local ones would have an advantage of experience

[Spring] but the others would have more energy

[Master] Or if you kill this tribe the others will do what?

[Lara] while i am not shy about killing anything---explain why we want to kills goblins?

[Lara] do they eat humans?

[Ryan] Because dorfs vs gobbos

[Master] remember you do not need to come up with final results, just an idea of what you want to do with the goblins unlike the other three requirements

[Ryan] Skarphedin will press to kill them or drive them off.

[TMO] k, here's my recent thought: Hire the goblins, as guards and workmen, but make sure they know the pay is coming from outside - no pay is stored in the church. If they want to keep receiving money, they have to keep working. No working, or attacking church, means no pay

[Lara] ahhhhhhhhhhh! sorry ryan. ooc i forgot which chracters we play.


[Lara] is money good enough for them?

[Ryan] Hiring the goblins might work short-term, but in a few generations, will they be strong enough to take over Skull Church?

[Spring] we can barter if that's better

[Master] Ecology: Goblins live only 50 years or so. They do not need to eat much, but will kill just for the pleasure of it. They eat any creature from rats and snakes to humans. In lean times they will eat carrion. Goblins usually spoil their habitat, driving game from it and depleting the area of all resources. They are decent miners, able to note new or unusual construction in an underground area 25% of the time, and any habitat will soon be expanded by a maze-like network of tunnels.

[TMO] they've been down there for a very long time

[Lara] i don't think they want skull chuck

[Lara] skull churck

[Lara] ROFLMAO. i'm tired.

[Ryan] 'but will kill for the pleasure of it'

[Master] They have lived in the caves below Skull Church for as long as the group has known about the Church

[TMO] I don't want skull chuck either

[Lara] my husband's last name is chuck so i type it a lot

[Lara] skull CHURCH

[TMO] as a wizard I'd love to have skull bob though

[Spring] so what do they do with their rubble when they make warrens?

[Ryan] My husband's last name is Skullchurch, so I understand your confusion.

[Master] LOL

[Spring] heh

[Lara] i had a cat named Greyskull

[Lara] anyone else know that reference? :-)

[Spring] he-man!

[Spring] and masters of the universe

[Spring] etc

[Lara] you got it!

[Ryan] I'm pretty sure we are all under 20, so no.... wait, there was a reboot, so even 20 year old s would get it. Dang.

[Ryan] OOC, I think that encouraging a race that kills for the pleasure of it to stick around and be near people that are immigrating into the area...

[TMO] yes, not good long term

[Spring] okay, so. order oil. hire goblins to fill in the moat. receive oil. when a pudding surfaces in the fill, ask Branwyn to fireball it?

[Master] push goblins into the fire?

[Lara] green-for-go!

[TMO] that would cost extra

[Spring] and then after the moat is full, help the goblins relocate

[Ryan] oh oh OH!

[Ryan] Tell them that there is gold at the bottom of the moat!

[Lara] why can't the goblins go back where they were?

[Master] this is where they were

[Spring] they were under the church

[Lara] okay

[Master] Black Cloak took advantage of that

[Lara] and that is bad because...?

[Spring] i love coexistence, but the eating humans part is problematic

[Master] see above?

[Ryan] Eh, maybe we can convince them to eat elves instead?

[Lara] okay. i love to force conversation

[Ryan] Kill two birds with one stone?

[Lara] ---the reason i push this so hard is: can we control them enough to have them do the moat?

[Carissa] Suddenly on the exterminate Dwarves team now...

[Ryan] LOL

[Master] This is something the group has to deal with, there are the other Goblin tribes, plus there are Bullywugs and Lizardmen out there to deal with still too

[TMO] Brer could probably intimidate them enough, except the language barrier

[Spring] oh no i've just had a horrible idea

[Lara] WAIT! BOB---stop

[Ryan] I think that there is an argument that we can get them to fill in the moat, but then that might put them in a position where they could resist efforts to expulse them afterwards.

[Lara] you didn't say we have to deal with that

[Carissa] We could leave the goblins IF we had a way to make sure they left us alone. Like... our own griffon or something

[Master] BLack Cloak controled the Goblins with a wand of Humanoid control and griffons to eat them

[Lara] wait---did we get that Wand?

[Carissa] Can I get a pet dragon now?? They wouldn't mess with a dragon.

[Lara] isn't it in the Party PAck?

[Lara] are we DRAGON SLAYERs? lol

[Ryan] Wait, if we have that, then yeah. Let's have them fill in the moat.

[TMO] verging a bit on evil there.... :P

[Carissa] Yes. We found two wands. Branwyn identified that one last sessions.

[Ryan] TThen kick them out afterwards.

[Carissa] Dragonslayers plus Branwyn the Negotiator and Shi the Pet Collector

[Ryan] We won't feed them all to monsters, TMO. Just the old, sick, and young.

[Master] you do not need to deal with every threat in the Wastes Lara just making sure you are aware that if you slaughter these goblins it will change how the rest of the humanoids (goblins, lizardmen, bullywugs) deal with you but also as has been pointed out.... eat humans

[TMO] leaving only the ones who can fight back alive. good choice!

[Spring] well, so that bad idea

[Lara] i think we use the Wand to control them. is that a Necromancer thing though? i think only Branwyn can go down that slipperly slope

[Spring] we could drain the moat into the goblin tunnels

[Ryan] Speaking of evil choices...

[Spring] and let the puddings go there

[Spring] because that's pretty evil

[Ryan] (Ignoring the fact that I suggested that same thing 30 minutes ago...)

[Master] grins

[Spring] wow i totally missed it

[Spring] i thought you were for throwing theirbodies into the moat

[Ryan] (LOL, I was more pointing out my hypocrisy for calling that evil.)

[Lara] let's play that out, though

[Lara] do we have to drill into the base of the church to get to the tunnels?

[TMO] fun thought, not going to happen with Brer in charge though. Sorry. :)

[Carissa] Some priests have the control ability, too. But we also need to figure out how many charges. I bet it's mostly used. How long could we control them and for what?

[Lara] then we would be flooding under the church?

[Spring] right now the moat is a public safety issue

[Ryan] So... I see two general choices

[Spring] if it's vaulted under the church, not much public being threatened there

[Carissa] Was there water under the church one of the first two trips, Bob?

[Ryan] 1. We kill the goblins, which makes every other goblin group immediately hostile to us.

[TMO] Moat = Oil + Magic + Goblin labor

[Ryan] 2. We let them leave, and some might join other goblin tribes and eventually, possibly become hostile to us.

[TMO] Goblin = Negotiation + Intimidation + Plus eventual Relocation.

[Master] Lara those are caves in the front that are where the Goblins live

[Lara] the eyeballs and the nostrils?

[Master] yeap

[Spring] i like TMO's summary

[Ryan] Based on the heavy hints BOB is giving, if we kill them, other groups won't take that kindly.

[Lara] correct Ryan

[TMO] Pool = Bridge Over Troubling Water

[Lara] besides, i would much rather control them than kill them

[Lara] nice TMO

[TMO] House = Talwin + Craftsmen

[Spring] so the three-way goblin moat-filling contest is out?

[Master] BUT if you do NOT kill them all you will have problems too

[Spring] or is that part of the negotiation?

[Master] it is a dilema

[Lara] how many goblins are there?

[Master] 200+

[Lara] whoa

[Lara] that's a lot

[TMO] Ooooo...

[Lara] i thinking like 35 or so

[Ryan] Wand + Goblin = moat; Wand+Goblin = Goblin exodus

[Spring] there is that

[Lara] Snee, can you control the Wand or is that something that Branwyn would need to do?

[Spring] beats mee

[Master] mages

[Spring] then no to Snee

[TMO] Find a mine head a decent distance away. "Hire" the goblins to dig up all the shiny rocks for us. Not be surprised when they keep them all for themselves and stay in their new home guarding their treasure

[Spring] hehehe

[Spring] i like it

[Carissa] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lara] nice TMO!

[Lara] to summarize, a) we Wand Control the Goblins under the Church to refill the moat

[Lara] b) puddings come out and we kill them with fire

[TMO] Brer would prefer to use negotiation and intimidation

[TMO] if that fails, the wand is a backup

[Ryan] Agreed

[Lara] c) while the goblins are filling the moat, someone finds the "mine" with shiny rocks

TMO looks at Skarp

Ryan Ryan looks at Brer

[Master] Does Skarp have any mining skils?

[TMO] he can smell that, right?

[TMO] it's a dwarf thing

[Ryan] (racist)

[Master] LOL

[Master] Dwarf Lives Matter

[Master] HUGS

[Ryan] "Oh, you're a dwarf so you can smell gold, right? And you are obviously a miner, right?"

[Lara] i disagree about the wand being the second choice

[Spring] 1. Order oil. 2. Use wand, pay, or contest to get goblins to fill in moat. 3. Receive oil. 4. As moat is filled, puddings beach themselves. 5. Douse them with oil. 6. Ask Branwyn to fireball puddings. 7. When moat is complete, entice/intimidate goblins to work distant mine. 8. Let them enjoy their/our mine.

[Lara] why not the first? it's easier and faster

[Carissa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Carissa] What's the description? How many can you actually control? How many charges do we have on it?

[TMO] also eviler

[Lara] good questions carissa

[TMO] and a paladin is in charge. :P

[Carissa] It'll start us off on the wrong foot with the goblins

[Ryan] Also, no. Skarp has no mining skills beyond detection skills he gets as a dwarf.

[Carissa] Even if the wand is useable

[Master] basic guess on using the wand, each charge is a particular die worth of HD controlling humanoids

[Lara] what will start us off on the wrong foot? controlling them with the wand?

[Ryan] I mean, the goblins know about hte wand. Wave it in front of them and they might fold.

[Carissa] Would it be similar to the priest spell you think? Easy to look that up.

[Lara] oooooooo---good point ryan

[TMO] intimidation tool, check

[Lara] yes TMO

[Lara] i was wondering what you meant by intimidation

[TMO] Brer can be very persuasive

[Lara] question about Goblins: do they respect female humanoids?

[Master] no

[Carissa] He's got the evil eye part down.. since he has one eye

[Lara] okay. good to know.

[Master] not Goblins

[TMO] "Do what we want or Branwyn will scour your caves with fire"

[Master] different humanoid races would be different

[TMO] "Do what we want, and she won't do that, AND we'll pay you"

[Lara] i like the "with that wand, i thee control"

[TMO] Brer Necholas: Persuasion check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 19!!

[Lara] nice (if we were IC)

[Lara] or can we do that?

[Master] not yet

[TMO] that was a demonstration. when you have a PC with a high charisma, Persuasion is a great skill

[Lara] okay. can we agree on the plan?

[Carissa] Bob, as Emerald speaks Goblin, is there anything she might know that could help us?

[Master] TMO is writing up the specifics of the Pool and the governing of this section of the wastes, then the group will agree or modify

[Master] Lara is writing up the ideas on the Moat

[Spring] LOL

[Master] and the group will agree or modify

Spring tosses away the list she just made

[Master] and Emerald knows everything on the Goblin page without checking, and when she speaks with them

[Carissa] You all have a list?

[Master] LOL sorry Spring

[Lara] i was just going to re-write Springs' list. lol

[Master] if you have the list already they will want it

[TMO] hire gnomes to find the minehead then?

[Master] did not see that

[Master] I just want to see some concreate plans we can enact

[TMO] since our dwarf is notoriously un-dwarflike

[Lara] from Spring: 1. Order oil. 2. Use wand, pay, or contest to get goblins to fill in moat. 3. Receive oil. 4. As moat is filled, puddings beach themselves. 5. Douse them with oil. 6. Ask Branwyn to fireball puddings. 7. When moat is complete, entice/intimidate goblins to work distant mine. 8. Let them enjoy their/our mine.

[Ryan] #AllDwarvesAreAlike

[TMO] "can't even smell gold"

[Master] Spring is the offical Secretary

[Spring] hahahahaha

[Spring] as a one off!

[Spring] Muck pool: 1. Replace planks with narrow wood bridge with guard rails. 2. Begin constructions of parallel stone bridge to eventually replace it.

[TMO] 2nd level priest spell: Produce Flame

[Lara] i have a question---do we need to douse the black puddings with oil?

[Spring] yes

[Lara] i don't remember Barnwyn having to do taht before?

[Lara] Branwyn

[Spring] they won't catch fire properly without the oil]

[Spring] so we have to pre-order it

[TMO] good ol' Barny

[Spring] she fireballed slimes before

[Spring] in barrels

[Spring] so it was a bit different

[Lara] didn't she kill backpuddings in the catacombs?

[Carissa] These were purposefully mixed with water to give them some fire protection hence oil

[TMO] fireball is actually pretty inefficient for this scenario, I think.

[Spring] someone threw lamp oil on those

[Lara] AH!

[Lara] got it

[Lara] BOB-how long did it take for the goblins to dig the moat?

[Spring] feel free to replace fireball for some other fireness

[Master] les than 4 weeks

[Lara] if Brer uses Persuasion, and Emerald translates to the Goblins---does the Persuasion carry over?

[Master] maybe

[Lara] WAIT! Emerald has Persuasion too!

[Lara] lol

[Master] grins

[Lara] i totally forgot about that

[TMO] perfect!

[Master] who has the better chance

[Spring] oooo!

[Spring] i like it!

[TMO] Persuasion Off!

[Master] and can you make the goblins understand Brer

[Master] etc

[Master] LOL

TMO is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

TMO has received the map Church Ground Floor.


[TMO] Brer Necholas targets Emerald. Distance: 113'06"

[Lara] Are you about to kiss me?

[TMO] Brer Necholas: Persuasion check: (d20) [1d20=9] 9 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 19!!

Lara is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Lara has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Spring] okay!

[Spring] i feel like we are getting somewhere!

[TMO] agreed

[Lara] BOB---do we have to get into the weeks of who is going to order the oil, etc?

[Lara] weeds*

[Spring] whoever Branwyn's steward is should order the oil

[Master] no you just have to give specific plans

[Spring] that's their wheelhouse

[TMO] Pete is our steward here

[Lara] Steward? You mean the Govenor?

[Lara] okay

[Spring] fair point, but he hasn't got purse strings

[Lara] Don't we have money in the Party Pack?

[Spring] i believe dragon fen is bankrolling renovations

[Master] yes

[Lara] BOB-do we have to be specific about how much oil we are going to buy?

[Lara] i am trying to figure out how detailed you want this list...

[Lara] or just: who is going to do what

[Master] detailed enough that you feel you can answer most of the questions that I throw at you about it

[Spring] let's don't do the contest

[Lara] okay. do you need timeframes?

[Spring] i just realized it would bring the other goblins here and they'll need to go again after

[Lara] i agree spring...i don't think we want anymore gobs around

[Spring] i wonder if the local goblins ahve factions

[TMO] I don't know that they're much for sporting competitions anyways

[Spring] because tehn, contest

[Lara] who is in charge of the PArty Pack?

[Lara] and where is Pete?

[Ryan] I mean, they kill sentients for pleasure so I would imagine that any control a leader has is tenuous at best.

[Master] timeframes will end up with how it all works out

[Carissa] Lisa keeps track of party pack, but it's something all of us can use

[TMO] Snee is probably in charge of the party pack, as senior party member here

[Master] Branwyn technically is in charge of the park pack only because of being the most famous person but the group overall has full access to everything by tradition

[Spring] wow that's new

[Master] and I would say yes to TMO

[Master] for the things that are here now

[TMO] well, you still have to justify whatever you do with it. :P

[TMO] and Brer is not a member, therefore has no access

[Lara] how much is the oil going to cost us and can pete enough back by himself?

[Spring] and who would have thought a snot-nosed orphan could rise so high

[Master] grins that is the beauty of our game Spring,

[Spring] i am the GOVERNOR!!!!

[TMO] one of the things that's kind of slipped - who among us is technically a Dragonslayer?

Lara giggles

[Spring] and this is the character i've been trying to kill off

[Master] Brawnyn ran away from home as a girl and became a Countess, Snee is now a govenor of Dragon Fen

[TMO] Bran and Ilero are the only ones I can think of.

[TMO] sorry, Barny

[Master] lol

[Lara] how much is the oil going to cost us and can pete enough back by himself?

[Master] Quote

[Spring] i don't think we need to get that detailed at this time

[Master] yes to Spring

[Spring] but pete can deputize. i expected to have it delivered

[Spring] but whatever we can dream

[Lara] no amazon prime members?

[Master] chuckles

[Spring] pete must be!

[Spring] he had to get all those candles and things

[Lara] okay. how do you want me to present this information BOB?

[Master] your body is not Amazon Prime it does not show up in 2 days

[Master] is a phrase that the Peloton Instructors use all the time

[Spring] hahahaha

[Master] I am going to step away to use the restroom and refill water etc. be back in 5 or so, you can work out how you want to phrase things for the three big topics of Governor Pool and Moat and you have made great progress on the Goblins too

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[TMO] Iambic pentameter?

[Lara] Me think thou doth protest too much

[Lara] thinks*

[Ryan] LOL

[Spring] hehehe

[Spring] yea verily we are married merrily

[Spring] though at first warily

[TMO] Hark, what beast from yonder moat doth rise?

[Spring] and unfortunately, quite sterilely

Lara laughs aloud and disturbs husband who is watching Netflix

[TMO] what kind of husband is disturbed by a happy wife?

[Lara] i startled him by laughing REALLY loud

[Lara] ask BOB, i am a very loud person

[Lara] i'm typing along and all of a sudden BBBBBAAAAAAAAAA-HHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAA

[TMO] :D

[Lara] he said i even scared the kitties

[TMO] I nominate Spring as Poet Laureate

[Lara] I would like start at the top...

[Spring] oh i can't claim credit for that one

[Lara] Branwyn appoints Snee as Governor and shows her appreciation to Brer and Talwin for helping to address the moat, the brown pool, and the Goblins issues.

[Spring] those verses were from an ancient televeision show called Moonlighting

[Lara] Brer asks Pete to get ## amount of oil to burn black puddings.

[Lara] Talwin gets builders for the bridge to go over the brown pool.

[Lara] Where is Thistle in all of this?

[Spring] she's a kid, she doesn't care about politics

[Carissa] She's only 15. She doesn't need to be anything

[Ryan] Stealing candy from some unsuspecting adult.

[Lara] just checking

[Lara] need help with this part: Snee, Brer and Emerald (and maybe Talwin) go to Persuade in Goblin to the Goblins to come and fill the moat.

[Ryan] (Skarp definitely should not be part of these negotiations)

[Lara] Maybe Skarp can go get the builders for the bridge?

[Ryan] Can't we use the builders in the haunted village?

[Lara] yes! that too

[Ryan] Skarp can go spread the word at the local gnome settlement

[Spring] aren't those the ones talwin was gonna contraact with?

[Spring] so yes

[Ryan] Also, should probably wait on encouraging people to move in until the goblins move out

[Lara] who should go talk to the goblins? we know Brer and Emerald. I am not sure if we should only take a few

[Lara] agreed Ryan

[Ryan] Wanda makes three

[Ryan] Wanda Humanoid Control; lovely lady, I hear

[Lara] i will check with BOB that Emerald can wield the Wand

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] any mage but you need the command word

[Master] which requires an Identify Spell

[Lara] can Bran give Emerald the Command word? or does Bran need to be the person to wield the wand?

[Master] Branwyn can give it to Emerald when she knows it

[Lara] lemme check Branwyn's CS

[Lara] okay. she has "identify"

[Lara] does that mean she can Identify Spell?

[Master] yes she has to cast it and get a good enough check to find the command word for the want

[Lara] ok

[Lara] so that needs to be part of the plan. Branwyn identifies that Wand's Command word and gives it to Emerald.

[Lara] does Emerald need to be able to do anything else?

[Ryan] Run really fast if the spell fails

[Lara] we don't want to use the wand to threaten them unless we are confident it will work

[Master] the wand works on a particular die number of humanoids per charge used

[Master] theroticial use 2 charges so can control 2d6 HD of humanoids

[Lara] okay. give me an example. there are 200 goblins.

[Ryan] Younger creatures typically have less hit die. Threaten to use it on them.

[Master] each Goblin is 1/2 HD

[Lara] HD? Hit?

[Master] Hit Die

[Master] 5th level is 5 hd

[Master] 1st level is 1 HD

[Master] Goblins are 1/2 HD

[Lara] Emerald is 7th level. that might not be enough, right?

[Lara] please do the maths

[Master] but when a huge group of them attacks

[Master] Emerald is 7 HD

[Master] but when using the wand you use 1 charge and control 1d6 HD of humanoids

[Master] so (1d6) [1d6=4] 4

[Master] so 4 HD or 8 goblins or 2 Bugbears

[Master] etc

[Lara] wait, so you're saying we would only control FOUR of the 200?

[Master] yeap

[Ryan] So, target the leadership

[Ryan] Or go evil and threaten to control the young

[Ryan] (well, eviller)

[Carissa] They warmed us once. Won't take much for them to swarm again.

[Master] quotes

[Carissa] *swarmed

[Carissa] Side note: still in recovery, not doing summary; whoever is doing a list is welcomed to do it if we feel it's needed for tonight

[Spring] Lara is collating notes

[Lara] i can do it

[Spring] hehehe

[Lara] we need to address something though!

[Ryan] Ryan's Summary: We met at the normal time. Stuff was discussed. Lucy was gnawing on her bone. No one appreciated my humor.... big surprise.

[TMO] sry, didn't intend to be afk that long

[Spring] what do we need to address?

[Lara] um, Ryan---i scared my kitties because you mad eme laugh so hard

[Ryan] :)

[Lara] you could say i "guffawed"

[Lara] TMO, the wand is weak leverage

[Lara] Spring, the wand is weak leverage

[Lara] Everyone: the wand is weka leverage!

[Lara] weak*

[TMO] then we will merely show we own it now, but not talk about it in our negotiations. Let them scare themselves, or not, as they want.

[Master] Weka forever!

[TMO] just carry it openly in a belt

[Ryan] If Black Cloak used it on their leadership, carrying it in the open might prompt them to just send wave after wave of their expendables against us.

[TMO] they didn't do that to him, and there are more of us than him

[Lara] ah! you think the Goblins will recgonize it?

[Spring] either way, it doesn't have to be the sole motivator

[Lara] it isn't the sole motivator, but it is a backup

[Spring] we can also pay them, persuade them

[Carissa] never rely on a single thing

[Spring] contest :-)

[Lara] the first round will be negotiation

[Ryan] So... how quickly do Puddings reproduce?

[Spring] omg

[TMO] faster with food

[Lara] Emerald can Persuade in Goblin

[Ryan] If we were to grab one, kill a goblin and feed it to the Pudding, how quickly could it take over?

[Master] They split

[Master] Carissa what is the correct term for that? Fission?

[Lara] but if i get a crappy roll, the persuasion might not be strong enough

[Carissa] Yes

[Ryan] Mitosis?

[Master] Dropping a single goblin in the moat feeds a pudding by the 1d4 hit points

[Carissa] That's more cell specific

[Lara] should we ask for a parlay with a Goblin leader and an advisor or two?

[Ryan] That might work!

[Lara] tell them we have a proposition?

[Ryan] Yes, let's proposition them!

[Lara] but then we are only persuading a few---not all 200

[Master] lol

Lara rolls eyes

[Lara] actually, that is how that NWP worsk anyway, i guess lol

[Spring] let the leaders persuade their people

[Spring] that's why they are leaders

[Lara] okay.

[Lara] agreed

[Ryan] How long does it last?

[Lara] ..standby...

[Lara (to GM only)] Character sheet for Emerald modified:

[Lara] i can't really tell...

[Lara] i guess for an entire conversation

[Lara] buit once they are convinced, i assume they do not change their mind?

[Lara] how do we contact them to parlay?

[Master] just walk down the hill

Lara has left the game on Fri Sep 25 21:48:25 EDT 2020

[Ryan] Lara didn't seem to like that answer.

[TMO] you drove her away

[Spring] heh

[TMO] you monster

[Master] grins

[Ryan] You knew how she feels about hills? How could you be so insensitive?

[TMO] these hills do have eyes

Lara has joined the game on Fri Sep 25 21:49:34 EDT 2020

Lara is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Lara has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Master] to be clear there are no Dwarves here, but Skarp can send word

[Ryan] (Remember, don't mention hills. Lara is sensitive about them.)

[TMO] there is Onaldkelrad in the Guild

[Carissa] Well yeah they all went to the Mist Machine

[TMO] I didn't mention hills. YOU mentioned hills!

[Lara] wait! there's HILLS! no one told me that

Lara sits her but down and refuses to move

Lara *butt

[Spring] hehehehe

[Lara] okay. a parlay is set in advance. should we just try to go talk to them WIHTOUT a parlay?

[Lara] just knock on their door and go "hey, we have an idea you might like"?

[Lara] then they eat our faces?

[Carissa] Think I need to call it a night. Migraine is returning.

[Lara] oh no. take care Carissa!

[Spring] oh no!

[Ryan] Bye! Sorry about the migraine! Feel better!

[Spring] gnite!

[Carissa] Night all!

Carissa has left the game on Fri Sep 25 21:53:31 EDT 2020

[Lara] guys! i need help over here!

[Master] grins

[TMO] we could just break a small hole in the wall to them

[Spring] yeah i have no idea how to initiate discussions

[Ryan] We could probably send a small party there, and have Emerald scream parley to them in Goblin

[TMO] Hey! Goblins! Come talk to us!

[Spring] sounds like as good a plan as any

[Ryan] Might get shot a few times, but I would imagine they would stop eventually

[Lara] I could talk dirty ot them in Goblin

[TMO] not a full size hole anyone can get through, just enough to talk through

[Ryan] Unless you want to paint "Parley" on a rock, and throw it into their wrren

[Ryan] warren*

[Lara] lemme check to see if Emerald can write Goblin too

[Ryan] (Assuming that medieval era Goblins can all read when historically, most human societies didn't have full literacy)

[Lara] Yes, because, historcially Goblins went to Goblin schools

[Lara] BOB-need help. can Emerald write Goblin as well?

[Ryan] Goblin: And they call US savages? I went to six years of goblin finishing school.

[TMO] Goblin U

[Lara] U of G

[Lara] BOB...?

[Master] yes?

[Lara] can Emerald write Goblin as well? i can't tell from the NWP description

[Ryan] BOB, if a goblin falls in a well, does it make a sound?

[Master] for Emerald she can speak gobling, unless she took reading and writing Gobling then no she cannot write it

[Lara] okay

[Ryan] Screaming "Parley" it is, then.

[Lara] actually,

[TMO] I think the goblin phrase is "Talk or I kill you!"

[Ryan] Also, I don't know why I keep spelling it that way.... :(

[Ryan] Par-LAY

[TMO] I think Parley is right, actually.... ?

[Lara] daan dac duun taash duun or kaarthaar

[TMO] par·ley /?pärl?/ noun a conference between opposing sides in a dispute, especially a discussion of terms for an armistice.

[TMO] ar·lay /?pär?l?,?pär?l?/ Learn to pronounce NORTH AMERICAN verb turn an initial stake or winnings from a previous bet into (a greater amount) by gambling. "it involved parlaying a small bankroll into big winnings" noun a cumulative series of bets in which winnings accruing from each transaction are used as a stake for a further bet.

[Ryan] Oh, you are right.


[TMO] parlay is a word too

[Lara] Ryan , you're seplling it right

[Lara] i'm spelling it wrongggggg

[Ryan] Even BOB's link misspells it :GRIN:


[Lara] well, i actually would say

Michael has joined the game on Fri Sep 25 22:04:04 EDT 2020

Michael is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Michael has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Lara] daan dac duun taash duun or kaarthaar

[Lara] which means "take me to your leader"

[TMO] what really bugs me is when a large group of monsters is called a hoard

[Ryan] Hi Michael!

[Lara] hi Michael!

[TMO] Hi!

[Ryan] We just genocided goblins using puddings, and it backfired, killing Talwin, Skarphedin, and Brer! How are you doing?

[Lara] okay. BOB---ask your questions

[Master] I have no questions yet

[Michael] There we go. Hi all! Sorry i'm in the boonies right now and was trying to catch up on everything that happened

[Master] Catch Michael up

[Michael] I"m here to help anyway I can

[Michael] Just a quick sentances

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Sep 25 22:05:28 EDT 2020

Lisa is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

[Master] so you can wrap up the Pool with his help

Lisa has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Michael] I did get a lot read

[Ryan] Also, Branwyn was so grief-stricken she turned to necromancy, and is now a lich

[TMO] are you okay with us assigning the House rebuilding to Mr Talwin Engineer?

[Ryan] Lichess?

[Master] and Lisa you are fine with that right?

[Michael] (That's fine.)

[Lisa] sure whatever

[Lara] Lisa, can you appoint Snee Governor?

[Lara] or do we have to IC?

[Lisa] Hello everyone! Planning is concluded?

[Lara] hi Lisa!

Spring has left the game on Fri Sep 25 22:06:41 EDT 2020

[Master] mostly

[Lisa] Is Governor a title?

[Master] HAH

[TMO] rather than just scattershot everything at them all at once, let's take it item by item

[Master] yes to Lisa

[Lisa] I've never met one

[Master] Snee Govenor of the Northwest Craniate Wastes under Dragon Fen

[Lisa] so good

Spring has joined the game on Fri Sep 25 22:07:32 EDT 2020

Spring is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Spring has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Lisa] she didn't want to be a knight?

[Master] BUT I let Lara TMO Ryan and Spring spell it out

[Lisa] but yes of course I can

[Spring] hi michael

[Master] she might want it that did not come up

[Michael] (Hi Spring! :) )

[Ryan] Hi Spring! Whil you were gone, Snee was granted the title of Goddess-Empress by Branwyn!

[Michael] (Also Lisa. Sorry losing track of people :) )

[Michael] (Ryan you are confusing the hell out of me ;) )

[Lisa] Hi Michael!

[Ryan] (Sorry, being silly but I will tone it down if it is actually causing difficulty)

[Michael] I hope you all are doing well. I got the jist online but I can help with whatever you need

[Lisa] Someone want to do the summary this week?

[Lisa] My weekend is going to be hectic

[Michael] (I can do it tomorrow)

[Spring] hi lisa!

[Michael] (It will be good for me)

[Master] Thank you Michael

[Ryan] 1. We are building a wooden bridge over the sewage water, and will eventually expand that into a stone bridge

[Lisa] Thank you! I'm sure Carissa thanks you

[Lisa] Sounds good

[Michael] (I'll consider it my punsihment for falling so far behind :) )

[Ryan] 2. We are going to parley with teh goblin tribe to get them to fill in the pudding moat, and eventually evict them. The Wand of Humanoid Control will help.

[Lara] (i was going to do it then you offered. lol)

[Michael] (Nah, I'm good :) )

[Lara] (i can't stay on the whole time. i running out of steam)

[Michael] So by house, I'm assuming Talwin is helping rebuild the farm house?

[Michael] (No problem Lara :) )

[Ryan] (hahaha... wait, we get punished for falling behind...? B-BOB??!?!?)

[Michael] lol

[Master] smiles

[Lisa] goblins good

[Lara] BOB---what are we missing?

[Master] Moat

[TMO] Yes, Michael. There are craftsmen you can use and supervise

[Ryan] There has also been more general talk of inviting gnomes into the area, rebuilding settlements, and creating churches to offset the dominance of the Suomi church in the area.

[Lisa] Apprentice no 8 is very good!

[Spring] ok that is it, i'm out. gnite y'all!

[Ryan] Bye!

[Michael] (OK. Sounds good. I can do that now, or I can setup a webpage for bob and me to communicate for )

[Master] grins TMO make sure you tell JTom that

[Michael] Bye Srping :)

Spring has left the game on Fri Sep 25 22:12:20 EDT 2020

[Lisa] Goodnight Spring!

[Ryan] Enjoy your textbook, lucky one!

[Ryan] (You know, I have so much more energy when I don't have kids around. Wonder if those two facts are related?)

[TMO] 1) Snee is governor, liason between Skull Church and Dragon Fen, and heading up clearing out the burned village of Hourglass and making it habitable. Brer is overseeing the Church itself, with Emerald and Skarp helping.

[Lisa] Hmmmm ... maybe?

[TMO] hope I described that correcty

[Lara] yes TMO

[TMO] and not saying she's going to do the village all by herself.

[Lisa] sounds good

[TMO] but that's where she's going to put her church

[Master] SO the basics that Branwyn has to approve are: Snee is the Govenor of the Northwest Crantiate Wastes, a new part of Dragon Fen. Snee will create a new chuch in Hourglass a replacement for the haunted burned out town at the junction of the path from Skull Church to Farmers Turn

[Michael] (Now as governenr, is that like a Terrirotial title? Or is she swearing full featly to Dragons fen and is essentailly "Bran" at The Wastes?

[Lara] 2) We are going to build a wooden bridge over the moat

[Master] SKarp and Talwin will create a wooden path to be replaced by a stone path over the swamp pool in front of the church to allow attendees to choose which path they take into the church

[Michael] (OK)

[Lara] i'm sorry, not the moat---the brown pool

[Lisa] good

[Master] Skarp, Brer, Emerald etc will "recruit" the goblins to work on the moat, that will require help from Branwyn with Indentify Spells on the wand for the command word

[Lisa] yes

[TMO] which we're *not* going to use if we can help it at all. RIGHT?

[Lara] yes TMO

[Master] then Skarp will recruit gnomes and or dwarves to find a place in the hills for the goblins to go mine

[Ryan] (Skarp will not be recruiting, because Skarp would probably do something that would make negotiations impossible.)

[Master] Which will lure the goblins from Skull Church to a diiferent portion of the Wastes

[Ryan] Well, Skarp won't be "recruiting" goblisn.

[Lara] and when the moat is filled back the black puddings will be forced out. we will douse them with oil (that Pete is going to get)

[Michael] (By recurit, I'm sensing "Enslaved" as the word of the day here?)

[Master] and overall in the end will build up the ruined haunted village of Hourglass so there are fewer bandits and more farmers

[Lisa] so Skarp is going to make himself a goblin target rather than the church?

[Ryan] or goblins, the more put-together cousins of the goblisn.

[Lara] and then we would like to Branwyn to fireball them

[Lara] *them=black puddings

[Michael] (I like that idea lara :) )

[Master] The Moat is a still a question in my mind

[Lisa] oh I thought you meant goblin genocide

[Master] and Lara is explaining

[Lisa] was hmmm

[Ryan] I thought she meant luring gnomes into the area and then fire-balling them.

[Michael] (Yeah, we've gotten dark in 2020 Lisa... :) )

[Lisa] lol

[Lisa] These are dark times

[Lara] we need the goblins to fill in the moat

[Lisa] then we kill them!

[Ryan] Correction, we need goblin bodies

[Lara] the moat is ridiculously huge

[Ryan] to fill in the moat.

[Lara] (Ryans echoes Lara)

[Ryan] If Branwyn wants to branch into necromancy, this would all be a LOT easier.

[Master] lol

[Lara] what questions do you have BOB?

[Lisa] she could ... nothing stopping her except turning to the dark side

[Master] I do not have any questions yet

[Lara] okay. are we done?

[Master] almost

[Lara] 10 minute warning for me :-)

[Master] ready to go to In Character?

[Ryan] Sorry for being so obnoxious, Lara :(

[Michael] (Branwy the Myserious, it's not a tale the Jedi would tell you...)

[Lisa] Brer is going to decide how to remodel the church?

[Ryan] Wouldn't that be Branwyn the Miserable?

[Michael] (lol)

[Lisa] lol

[TMO] overseeing making it safe and usable

[Michael] (Dark Bran)

[Master] Ryan is on a roll tonight

[Lara] (huh? lol. dunno whatcha mean, you're funny!)

[TMO] dealing with the PCs, the goblins (with Emerald), Pete, Baron, etc.

[Michael] (OK. Getting IC for me)

[TMO] everybody likes Branola

[Michael] lol

[Master] OK so as Branwyn has spent time with Tiberius this afternoon

[Master] the group comes back to her with a plan

[Lara] boom chicka wow wow

[Master] Emerald you are up, with Brer to help along with Skarp and Talwin

[Michael] I am back at the keyboard.

[Talwin (Michael)] (Ready)

[Lara] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Ask away with what you need

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Hm.

[Emerald (Lara)] Hello Branwyn. Your time was pleasant?

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 9'04".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Yes thank you. It is nice to have fresh air instead of those dreaded catacombs.

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 39'03".

[Ryan] I am back at the keyboard.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I hope your day was pleasant as well

Talwin (Michael) Grunts in agreement

Skarphedin (Ryan) grumbles about the smell of zombies.

[Emerald (Lara)] It was, thank you.

[Talwin (Michael)] (My and Ryan tag teaming the place :) )

[Emerald (Lara) (to Master only)] i just realize i am not outside them them

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Good

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Are we about ready to go home for a bit?

[Master] Skarphedin, Branwyn, Man in cloak, Howard Plum, Lord Tiberius, Brer Necholas, Talwin and Snezana moved 115'05".

[Emerald (Lara) (to TMO only)] (thank you for not targeting me anymore)

[Master] Baron Thogood moved 49'11".

[Master] Kaeln Echem moved 135'06".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (oh no! we got rid of man in cloak)

[Brer Necholas (TMO) (to Lara only)] I didn't clear it. ;)

[Emerald (Lara) (to TMO only)] (lol, okay---did you still want to Target me?)

[Brer Necholas (TMO) (to Lara only)] Nope! it was just for the Persuasion-off

[Emerald (Lara) (to TMO only)] (or did you want to go to Target with me? lol)

[Brer Necholas (TMO) (to Lara only)] lol! Nope, no desire to go to Target at this time. THanks though!

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 8'08".

Ryan is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Ryan has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Emerald (Lara)] Branwyn, we had some ideas of how to ensure that evil does not inhabit this place any longer

Talwin (Michael) Nods

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Burn the place to the ground, salt the fields, and kill anyone within a hundred miles.

[Emerald (Lara)] We would need your help. Do you have some time to discuss?

Skarphedin (Ryan) looks disgruntled, but unsurprised, at being ignored.

Talwin (Michael) Winces slightly at Skraps words

Emerald (Lara) rolls ideas at Skarp and smiles

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Hmm...We've already covered that plan, it's not happening.

Branwyn (Lisa) looks up relieved towards Emerald after the morning she had

Talwin (Michael) Winks at Skarp in agreement, but knowing itwon't happen

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles at Skarp

[Emerald (Lara)] Branwyn, if your tired we can speak another time. I just know that the group is excited about some suggestions.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No, not at all! We need to deal with this as soon as possible

[Emerald (Lara)] Wonderful!

Emerald (Lara) gently claps hands in excitement

Brer Necholas (TMO) 's mouth twitches.

[Emerald (Lara)] Would you like the entire plan, or piece by piece?

Brer Necholas (TMO) hides a smile.

[Emerald (Lara) (to TMO only)] (is clapping hands a trigger for you?)

Talwin (Michael) Looks at Brans face

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I think a step by step recounting would be helpful

[Talwin (Michael)] "Meybe the short version Emeral?"

Talwin (Michael) Smiles softly

[Brer Necholas (TMO) (to Lara only)] no, he was smiling - it just didn't come across well, that's why I posted the next sentence)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Maybe I should take a seat.

Branwyn (Lisa) sits in one of the pews to listen

[Emerald (Lara)] Yes! Let's sit.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (pew pew pew!)

Emerald (Lara) joins her

[Talwin (Michael)] (LOL)

Talwin (Michael) Leans a hip on a nearby pew, looking over the church)

[Emerald (Lara)] We feel that Snee would serve well a the Govenor of the Northwest Crantiate Wastes, a new part of Dragon Fen. Snee will create a new chuch in Hourglass a replacement for the haunted burned out town at the junction of the path from Skull Church to Farmers Turn

Emerald (Lara) waits to see Branwyn's reaction

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at Snee who looks eager, thinks and then nods

Branwyn (Lisa) murmurs "More churches"

[Master] grins

Emerald (Lara) keeps going excitedly

Talwin (Michael) sighs but says nothing

[Emerald (Lara)] Brer and I will appraoch the Goblins about filling in the moat. We feel we can Persuade them. Brer will hold the Wand of Humanoid Control

Skarphedin (Ryan) mutters, "Could just convert thios to one of your Surfacer gods..."

Branwyn (Lisa) raises eyebrow

[Master] Branwyn will have 2 Kayugan churches a hospital, 1 Elven shrine,1 Norse shrine, who knows how many gnome churches, a Suomi Skull Church and now a new Kayugan church for Snee

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Can you use a want Necholas?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (wand)

[Emerald (Lara)] we ask that you Identify Spell so that I can command the wand

[Master] Branwyn is the religious savior of the Drillian

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (insanity!)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (I have absolutely no idea if paladins can use a wand)

[Emerald (Lara)] if you let me know the command word, i can wield the wand---but it is more of a scare tactic or backup

[Master] No to TMO

[Talwin (Michael)] (Something TMO doesn't know?! Impossible!!!)

[Talwin (Michael)] (The Archives must be incomplete!)

Brer Necholas (TMO) shakes his head. "I can carry one easily. But that's all."

Emerald (Lara) nods and smiles

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So Necholas will just hold it for you.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (I have never played a paladin before that I can remember)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Let her know the command word, but make sure that she also knows the safety word as well)

[Emerald (Lara)] Brer will...

Emerald (Lara) nods "Yes"

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs lightly "Careful to make sure no one steps on it"

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (safe word)

[Emerald (Lara)] He's there to look tough

[Talwin (Michael) (to TMO only)] Nah, I just figure you literally know everything about the game :)

[Emerald (Lara)] (lemondrop)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] He can definitely do that

[Brer Necholas (TMO) (to Michael only)] in the past, yes, but I lost a lot of 2ed knowedge over the years)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (LOL)

Brer Necholas (TMO) scowls from underneath his hood.

Talwin (Michael) Smiles

[Emerald (Lara)] (weait, is that the wrong Seinfeld reference?)

Emerald (Lara) smiles, "Of course, he also can kill Goblins in a heartbeaet"

Emerald (Lara) looks at Brer with adimiration

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] After you kill them, make sure to hang them upside down so that the blood drains. It helps with the flavor.

[Emerald (Lara)] While we are talking to the goblins about the moat situation, Pete

Talwin (Michael) Eyes Skarp with diguest. /me Shudders

Brer Necholas (TMO) sighs quietly.

Skarphedin (Ryan) shrugs.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] They would eat you, you know.

[Emerald (Lara)] will get us enough oil so that when the black puddings are forced to the surface

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] So would a pig.

[Emerald (Lara)] we can douse them with oil and we ask that you burn the black puddings that were in the moat

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Makes good sense

Talwin (Michael) It sounds like a good plan

Emerald (Lara) smiles "It was a wonderful team effort. Everyone really wants to do their part so that evil does not inhabit this place any longer."

Brer Necholas (TMO) nods.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I appreciate that greatly. All of you.

[Emerald (Lara)] Did we mention that Talwin's will serve as an Engineer and Brer will be the Foreman

[Talwin (Michael)] (Blushes slightly)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Honored at the requests)

Emerald (Lara) sneaks a peek at Talwin and thinks to herself

[Branwyn (Lisa)] With some work this place could be habitable. People in Drillian will be amazed at your efforts

Skarphedin (Ryan) eyes the Surfacers with trepidation.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Do you have a philospohy on how much you want to renovate this church? Black Cloak and Pete's plans sounded quite grandiose

[Talwin (Michael)] (And be glad we don't have to start a fourth invasion out here I'm sure. LOL)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (yes yes!)

[Talwin (Michael)] Emerald knows best M'lady, but we'd just hoped to get the rest of the evil air out of here first.

Emerald (Lara) gestures to Talwin

[Talwin (Michael)] From there

[Talwin (Michael)] We can go as simple or grand as the Governeness wants!

Talwin (Michael) Smiles

[Emerald (Lara)] Snee is resting right now

[Talwin (Michael)] And youself of course

[Talwin (Michael)] (Sorry. Did I order skip?)

[Emerald (Lara)] (nope!)

[Talwin (Michael)] (OK)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] I would start simple. You don't build a monument on a narrow base.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Some of the things Pete was proposing needed a mage to control so that should probably be discouraged

[Emerald (Lara)] I know that she can share more of the specifics when she is better. She and Talwin will be working that out with Brer.

Talwin (Michael) Nods

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Good good.

[Talwin (Michael)] This is a swamp

[Talwin (Michael)] You don't build castles on swamps

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] We didn't. It was already here.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Insert Monty Python joke)

Emerald (Lara) nods

Talwin (Michael) rolls eyes at Brer good naturedly

[Talwin (Michael)] Yes

[Talwin (Michael)] But things that requires mages

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you all again for your hard work

[Talwin (Michael)] definitely don't get to be build on swamps

Emerald (Lara) smiles at Talwin

Emerald (Lara) bows her head slightly toward Branwyn

[Emerald (Lara)] We are happy to be of service

[Branwyn (Lisa)] When Snee is back we can discuss titles and so forth

[Emerald (Lara)] ( and scene?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So you wish to stay with us and not go back to Loosend after visiting the library?

[Talwin (Michael)] (We got to cover the big 4 this session)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (last q)

[Talwin (Michael)] (I'm not coming back here)

[Talwin (Michael)] (lol)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (you have to build a house)

[Emerald (Lara)] Yes, I would like to stay with you.

[Talwin (Michael)] (You know what I mean silly :) )

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Next six sessions: Talwin builds a house)

[Emerald (Lara)] (didn't i hit the big 4?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Then we shall be happy to have you with us Emerald.

[Talwin (Michael)] (JUst making sure. Bob are we good?)

[Talwin (Michael)] (I'm being paranoid)

[Master] yes

[Emerald (Lara)] bows her head again, slower towards Branwyn

[Talwin (Michael)] (OK. Thanks. Sorry. I really don't want the fourth time is foolish)

[Talwin (Michael)] :)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that makes all of us I think)

[Talwin (Michael)] (So how should we go from here? Split up or discuss each thing at a time?)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (suggestion: install your own secret entrance to the place that no one else knows about, so wee can just stroll in next time)

[Emerald (Lara)] (i'm going to bed---i stayed longer than i planned)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (would Branwyn like a suggestion from TMO?)

[Emerald (Lara)] (gnite!)

[Talwin (Michael)] (I was actually thinking depending on how bob wants to play it, I can organize the Mercenary's via TMO's suggestion eitherright now, or online)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (gnite)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (well once the goblins are gone will be a nice passage)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Night Lara!)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Night!)

[Master] Michael and Lara will make sure there is a good Summary of all of this on the site

Lara has left the game on Fri Sep 25 22:52:37 EDT 2020

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Goodnight Lara!)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Although, anyone from the Dragonslayer's would hypothetically have those Contacts I think. Since the DS are a merc group in their own right)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Sorry. this was a suggestionf rom the site. One Second. I'll copy )

[Talwin (Michael)] (I would suggest hiring a squad of mercenaries to guard the place. Anybody happen to have any mercenary contacts? *cough*branwyn*cough*talwin*cough*

[Master] so what I am going to make sure I am ready for is that Skarp is recruiting dwarves and gnomes for mining explorations

[Talwin (Michael)] (OK)

[Master] Talwin will make sure there is a safe way across the muck pit

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Mining operations and the secret overthrow of human society)

[Talwin (Michael)] (lol)

[Master] the group is going to figure out how to get rid of the moat and that also happens to use the goblins

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (But one naturally leads into the other)

[Master] and Snee will start working on what to do about the haunted burned out village

[Master] to start rebuilding that

[Master] do I have that right?

[Talwin (Michael)] (I know my part and how to do it)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (she may want to have Brer help with the 'haunted' part)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (That's what Skarp was planning)

[Master] want to make sure what to prepare for next few weeks

[Lisa] want me to do some rolling or would it mess with timeline?

[Talwin (Michael)] (For anything I buld bob, do I need to make the rolls, or will you just accept the skills?)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Engineering)

[Master] you can do the Indentify if that is what you mean Lisa

[Lisa] is everyone going back to Dragon Fen to change clothes, eat real food, etc.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (no! don't indent the wand!)

[Master] and you have the skills so you can just build it Michael

[Lisa] click off?

[Master] no to LIsa

[Lisa] don't identify the wand??

[Talwin (Michael)] (Talwin wont. This place will get overrun without someone to keep an eye on it)

[Master] there are still goblins out there in a picket line

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (indent. was just having fun with a typo)

[Master] and if Talwin wants to stay that makes sense

[Lisa] oh was hearing alarm bells :)

[Talwin (Michael)] (RIght. :) )

[Master] Snee goes back to talk with Kenna

[Lisa] we can bring him back a change of underwear

TMO is now controlling Brer Necholas

TMO is no longer controlling Brer Necholas

[Talwin (Michael)] (LOL. I laughed at that one hard)

[TMO] (sry, accidentally clicked. hope I didn't break anything)

[Talwin (Michael)] (And some of Jilly's magic cakes)

[Lisa] ohh so if Talwin is not coming back - can we do a tiny bit IC?

[TMO] Brer Necholas moved 3'10".

[TMO] Brer Necholas moved 7'01".

[Lisa] I can offer to knight Talwin

[Master] so next week we start with the group going back to the Manor House minus Talwin

[Lisa] was going to ask with Snee

[Talwin (Michael)] (Jesus. What he do to deserve that?)

[Master] and yes to Lisa

[Master] go for it

[Lisa] don't think Skarp would want it - I can ask

[Talwin (Michael)] (Up to him. I don't think Talwin has really done enough to deserve something like that)

[Talwin (Michael)] (It's that like an acutal title or soemthign?)

[Talwin (Michael)] (In this game?)

[Master] yeap

[Lisa] you guys all cleaned out the mass of undead and helped defeat the high level mage that has been terroizing Branwyn and then you agreed to help build up this new territory in the wastes

[Talwin (Michael)] (Yeah. He'd probably accept but be bewhildered on his good fortune)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Nah, Skarp appreciates what he understands of the concept, but would prefer not. It would be admitting that he is never going home.)

[Lisa] so yes I think he deserves it

[Talwin (Michael)] (To be fair, I don't htink bob really expected us to beat him :) )

[Lisa] Brer has other commitments

[Talwin (Michael)] (But He will defintely accept)

[Master] for Skarp it would mean that he can claim a mine in human lands free and clear

[TMO] SO many commitments

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Skarp... does like gold)

[Talwin (Michael)] (lol)

[Master] grins

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (And home is overrated....)

[Master] LOL

[TMO] Home is where you hang your head

[Master] yoru pick

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Maybe for you. For Skarp, it is where you hang your gold.

[Master] your axe

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (LOL)

[Talwin (Michael)] (You both are on a roll tonight)

[Lisa] hang by your beard?

[Master] LOL

[Talwin (Michael)] Toss a coin at your dwarf

[Master] \and so giving Lisa the floor

[Master] in the newly freed church

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Hang your... beard? Woah woah woah, you just can't say that to a dwarf.)

[Talwin (Michael)] (LOL)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (like the elf comment - was avenging Carissa!)

[TMO] it's okay, we know he has extensions

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (I will havey ou know that this is all natural... and no, you can't pull on it to be sure.)

[Master] freshly returned from Quellcon where she honored an aprentice who fought for Dragon Fen

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (QuellCon, the Convention for Totalitarian Dictators)

[TMO] ... welll, bled a little bit

[Branwyn (Lisa)] All right. Before we pack up to head home. I want to acknowledge all you have done for me, for my family and for Dragon Fen. I could not ask for better friends and companions than you all.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Get it..? Because they quell.... I'll go sit down.)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I will work on Snee's ceremony when we get home.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But to my friends who fight for us, I would like to offer you knighthood in Dragon Fen if you would accept, Talwin and Skarp.

Talwin (Michael) Turns white

Talwin (Michael) Looks ill

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Your loyalty and bravery should be rewarded.

Talwin (Michael) Stammers softly

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And all that meet you and work with you should know of your status

[Talwin (Michael)] "I...I'm Honored!."

Talwin (Michael) Wheezes slightly

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And you Skarp?

Brer Necholas (TMO) watches the two of them from his pew.

Skarphedin (Ryan) looks awkwardly at his friends.

Talwin (Michael) Still looks Arrow shocked

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] I.... thank you, but I cannot. Whatever aid I have given you does not wipe away the stain of my failure.

Talwin (Michael) Snaps out of it

Talwin (Michael) "What are you talking about!"

[Talwin (Michael)] "You've saved countelss people here!"

Talwin (Michael) Looks bewhildered at the Dwarf

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] I joined with you to find my friends, and then to avenge them. Anything... beyond that was incidental.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I see no failure when a I look at you Skarphedin. You have done more than most with little resources. And I think more answers about your fellow dwarves may come as you stay here.

Talwin (Michael) Leans down

[Talwin (Michael)] "And there are mineral deposits here that could use someone with skill. You could do so miuch here."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But I shall not try to persuade you. Know that I appreciate all you have done and the offer will always stand.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Thank you... Perhaps, when I know the truth of my friends' fate, and am sure that their spirits rest, then...

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Tiberius! May I have Thorne please?

Branwyn (Lisa) nods at Skarp in understanding

Lord Tiberius (Master) smiles

[Branwyn (Lisa)] My dagger simply won't do

Lord Tiberius (Master) brings over and then unsheathes his sword

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] /my bows and offers

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles and takes the large sword carefully

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Talwin, please come and kneel here if you would?

Talwin (Michael) Hesistes

[Talwin (Michael)] (Sorry.)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I will try really hard not to cut your head off)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (sounds like a Greek philosopher)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (dex check!)

Talwin (Michael) Strides forward and with a blank expression

[Talwin (Michael)] (Stop your making me laught o hard while I type)

Talwin (Michael) Smiles and kneels down on a kneww

Talwin (Michael) Bend shead

[Talwin (Michael)] (Dex check now?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (do we know your last name?)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Sorry all, but I am going to need to call it a night.)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (gnite)

[Talwin (Michael)] (NIght Ryan!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Goodnight Ryan!)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Thanks for a great session. Enjoy your weekends :) )

Ryan has left the game on Fri Sep 25 23:14:26 EDT 2020

[Talwin (Michael)] (ONe second)

Branwyn (Lisa) holds the sword in front of her pointed up at the ceiling

[Talwin (Michael)] (Talwin 354 Legion)

[Talwin (Michael)] (That's his full name)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (not saying 354 ...)

[Talwin (Michael)] (LOL. You have too !)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (okay)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Legion)

[Talwin (Michael)] ( :) I can make that a fun story)

Branwyn (Lisa) starts

[Talwin (Michael)] (Bob over there is totally rolling his eyes)

[Master] not at all

[Talwin (Michael)] (I guess you could say, "Talwin, of the 354 Legion"

[Talwin (Michael)] )

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (Talwin no-last-name)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Techincally, he doesn't if I do the full backstory. Just a mercenary in the City State Wars. Consctirpted)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Just another body to hold a sword)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (I dub thee Sir Talwin Meatshield)

[Talwin (Michael)] Snorted up my drink there TMO

[Talwin (Michael)] thanks

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Talwin, to recognize your bravery and valor in the battles in the Birnham Woods and against the evil necromancer Charles Witherbane at Skull Church, I shall make you a knight of Dragon Fen with all the honor and privileges that are vestowed with it. In return for your fealty, I promise my loyalty, honor and respect to you. You shall be now known as Sir Talwin 354 Legion, knight of Dragon Fen.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (my pleasure)

Branwyn (Lisa) taps his left and then right shoulder with the sword

[Talwin (Michael)] Smiles gratefully that Bran didn't pry into the name issues

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Arise good knight, Sir Talwin

Talwin (Michael) Grins

Talwin (Michael) I'll make you proud my Lady!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (not sure how these things go)

Talwin (Michael) Stammers

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You already have

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Congrats.

Talwin (Michael) Smiles at Brer before gripping th eman in a bear hug

Talwin (Michael) Thank you!

Talwin (Michael) Sheepishly lets go and backs away

Brer Necholas (TMO) returns the hug.

Talwin (Michael) Trying to recover some decroum

Branwyn (Lisa) hands Thorne back to Tiberius "Thank you"

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Smiles

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Welcome Sir Talwin of Dragon Fen

Talwin (Michael) Smiles warmly and Bows deep

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] You have to buy the first round of drinks

Talwin (Michael) I'd be honored my Lord!

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Don't worry, I'll keep Sundown away from them.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Congratulations Sir Talwin! Now we're both knights!

Indigo (Lisa) looks up at him and grins

Talwin (Michael) Smiles shyly

Talwin (Michael) I'll do my best to live up to the rest of your knights eh?

Talwin (Michael) Leans down and whispers. "What exactly am I supposed to do?"

Indigo (Lisa) laughs "She doesn't have any! You're the first!"

Talwin (Michael) Shocked

Talwin (Michael) Oh god? I am!

[Talwin (Michael)] "Help!"

Brer Necholas (TMO) smiles.

[Indigo (Lisa)] You get a special tabard and get to tell people you're a knight. People will start to know your name when you go places!

Talwin (Michael) Snorts

[Indigo (Lisa)] And when Dragon Fen fights, you fight

Talwin (Michael) Nods excitedly

[Talwin (Michael)] I can get behind that one!

Talwin (Michael) Smiles

[Indigo (Lisa)] It's good!

Talwin (Michael) Wrinkles face. "Don't care much if people know who I am, but I like to fight!"

[Indigo (Lisa)] I thought it was strange at first too but people let you in places and give you stuff sometimes.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] I figure you'll get plenty of both.

Talwin (Michael) Looks bewhildered at Indigo and Brer

[Talwin (Michael)] BUt..Why?

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Maybe even a girl.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Because you're more important with a Sir at the beginning

Talwin (Michael) Murmers low. "Is this like one of the politics things where sometimes the guards get stuff when they really shouldnt?"

[Indigo (Lisa)] You were already acting like a knight for a while now

Talwin (Michael) Rolls eyes

[Indigo (Lisa)] I mean deserving like

[Indigo (Lisa)] Now people will know that too

Talwin (Michael) Blushes

[Talwin (Michael)] I suppose

[Talwin (Michael)] Better make a good example then for her next knight!

Talwin (Michael) Whsipers. "She'll like, tell me what to do right? LIke jobs she wants done?"

[Indigo (Lisa)] I don't think you should get things you shouldn't. Knights should be honorable and chivalrous

Talwin (Michael) NOds

[Indigo (Lisa)] If she needs you, but I thought you all decided what to do now

[Indigo (Lisa)] You're good

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Doesn't stop some of them. But I've faith you can rise above that.

[Talwin (Michael)] "I mean, yes, but not, I mean yes, but... OK. SO I can still do what we decided here, and then she can tell me what she wants right?"

Talwin (Michael) "Sorry

[Talwin (Michael)] "I'm overthinking this"

[Indigo (Lisa)] If she needs to.

[Talwin (Michael)] "I'm emotionally compromised"

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Big words for a mercenary

[Indigo (Lisa)] Yeah, thinking is not always a good thing

Indigo (Lisa) grins

Talwin (Michael) Snorts at Brer

[Talwin (Michael)] I'm slow, not an idiot

Talwin (Michael) Grins

[Talwin (Michael)] And I'm a Knight now!

[Talwin (Michael)] They use big words right?

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Sir Mercenary.

Talwin (Michael) GUFFAWS

Talwin (Michael) Your sticking around right?

Brer Necholas (TMO) laughs. "Some of them I've known have been pretty thick."

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] I'm here for a little while still. I'm racking up credit for what I'm after.

[Talwin (Michael)] Well, we all owe you. Surely we can help you

[Talwin (Michael)] right?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And I do appreciate that too Necholas.

Brer Necholas (TMO) nods. "That's what I'm hoping. And the chance to do some good where I'm welcomed rather than feared."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And I shall think of something to repay you for all your help here. I know that you were greatly affected by events here and I am not forgetting that.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I just know that a knighthood is not ... appropriate.

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles

Talwin (Michael) Whispers. "I'd buy your drink anytime after all the shit you helped us with"

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] We've already settled the price for my help, Lady. No need to renegotiate.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] All right then

[Talwin (Michael)] (So what else do we need to cover?)

[Talwin (Michael)] (By the way, thank you Lisa. It does mean a lot)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Really, people have been here for a hell of a lot longer to get stuff like that. I'm really honored)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so glad - I wanted to for when we ended this)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (the other knight thing didn;t work so well so happy we could do that for your PC)

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Talwin (Michael)] (I'll make the most of it promise.)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (you just do you and we'll be good)

[Talwin (Michael)] :)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Try to stay alive???)

[Master] smiles

[Talwin (Michael)] (Until Bob Cthulu's my character?)

[Master] 18 thousand square feet of black puddings

[Master] You can explain that to Lisa later

[Talwin (Michael)] lol

[Master] but for now

[Master] thank you all

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (sure thing)

[Master] we are finished with this story arc

[Lisa] was someone doing maths again?

[Lisa] YAY!!!!

[Talwin (Michael)] (Oh thank god)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (Bob measured how many dogs in length the moat was)

[Lisa] LOL

[Talwin (Michael)] (But befor ethe end ofthis year, I have GOT to get Talwin trained up with his final two handed specializiation. That is killing me)

[Talwin (Michael)] (It's been like a year and a half I think of real world time)

[Talwin (Michael)] So... Bed time? Or other stuff

[Master] Sundown XP award: 100. Next level in 0.

[Master] Talwin XP award: 500. Next level in 82332.

[Master] Thistle XP award: 150. Next level in 6517.

[Master] Lanek XP award: 100. Next level in 0.

[Master] Brer Necholas XP award: 200. Next level in 10988.

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 300. Next level in 154206.

[Master] Howard Plum XP award: 100. Next level in 25706.

[Master] Emerald XP award: 250. Next level in 0.

[Master] Skarphedin XP award: 250. Next level in 29235.

[Master] Lord Tiberius XP award: 100. Next level in 73068.

[Master] Snezana XP award: 250. Next level in 851.

[Master] Indigo XP award: 200. Next level in 50574.

[Talwin (Michael)] Hey, only 154206 more Lisa!

[Lisa] piece o' cake

[Talwin (Michael)] lol

[Lisa] okay - Goodnight everyone!!

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (gnite)

[Talwin (Michael)] I'll do summary tmoorrow all. See you next time!

Lisa has left the game on Fri Sep 25 23:40:54 EDT 2020

[Talwin (Michael)] (Also, bob , Xmax?)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (thanks for the game)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Xmas?)

TMO has left the game on Fri Sep 25 23:41:20 EDT 2020

[Master] Shi'Nynze XP award: 2500. Next level in 175253.

[Master] Brer Necholas XP award: 5000. Next level in 5988.

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 5000. Next level in 149206.

[Master] Emerald XP award: 5000. Next level in 0.

[Master] Skarphedin XP award: 5000. Next level in 24235.

[Master] Talwin XP award: 5000. Next level in 77332.

[Master] Thistle XP award: 2500. Next level in 4017.

[Master] Lanek XP award: 1500. Next level in 0.

[Master] Howard Plum XP award: 1500. Next level in 24206.

[Master] Lord Tiberius XP award: 1500. Next level in 71568.

[Master] Snezana XP award: 2000. Level-up!

[Master] Indigo XP award: 2000. Next level in 48574.

XP awarded