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Chat Log - 2020 10 07 - Adventures in the Wastes - Home Stories (Formatted?)

A bit of a deviation from the story arcs

[Master] ==== Gaming session has been running for 5 days, 20 hours, 42 minutes and 34 seconds ====

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

Spring has joined the game on Wed Oct 07 19:14:46 EDT 2020

Spring is receiving the map New Manor...

Spring has received the map New Manor.

[Master] Hello Spring

[Master] Valerie will be late hopes to be in by 8

[Spring] hi h i!

[Spring] sorry i am so late. took spohie out for a ride and wound up further than intended

[Master] you are not late at all, you are 15 minutes early

[Spring] oh well okay

[Master] how are you doing today?

[Spring] splendid!

[Spring] we went to Surf City and walked on a long bridge overlooking a waterway

[Spring] the breeze was great

[Spring] the dog had to smell everything

[Spring] even the drainage holes

[Master] of course

[Spring] the new neighborhood is interesting

[Spring] i'm less than a mile from the ocean as the crow flies. about 8 miles by road

[Master] that might be really nice here after storm season is done

[Spring] yeah. over on the island i saw some trailer houses in some pretty questionable spots

[Spring] i'm shocked storm surge hasn't taken them already

[Spring] it's really nice taking sophie out to the pier in the mornings

[Master] that is nice

[Spring] need to look up some boat fide adventures. they gotta have something like water taxi around here

[Spring] *ride

[Spring] hmm looks like i gotta go down to wilmington. that's not that far

[Spring] there's a battleship!

[Master] I did do a summary of last week too


[Spring] looking

[Spring] awright, my memory is refrehsed :-)

[Master] and someone just tried to hack my Google Account

[Master] fixing now

[Master] pain in the next

[Spring] ugh

[Master] Password exposed in non-Google data breach

[Master] They do not tell you what company it was

[Spring] :-(

[Master] but it is changed now

[Master] Valerie did appologize for being late

[Spring] i saw that there was a message but not what the message was. i should go look at that heh

[Spring] signal is spotty over here

[Master] for Friday's session any questions you have?

[Spring] i don't think so. i'll check the website to see if i get any

[Spring] oh Lisa took back the potions. better update Snee's character sheet

[Master] yes you will be at the Manor and can pick and choose what to take over to the new location

[Spring (to GM only)] Character sheet for Snezana modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Spring] i think i should do the Craniate party pack

[Spring] i will say so

[Master] that sounds good

[Master] there is the full Home Base page with lots of stuff too

[Spring] thanks. bookmarked it, esp since it has links to party pack and container

[Spring] oh, that's the wrong party pack page

[Master] and I think a new page inside of there for the Protectorate party pack

[Spring] can't believe i'm getting hungry again

[Spring] i had one of those prime rib burgers from hardees

[Master] grins lots of small meals

[Spring] the commercial got me

[Spring] heh, dunno if that counts as small

[Spring] although i didn't get any sides ...

[Spring] and i did share it with sphie soph

[Master] see

[Spring] i still hgave leftover chicken spinach feta pizza

[Spring] soon as i open the wee fridge, the begging starts

[Spring] i can bear the dog begging, but the cat breaks my heart

valma-73412 has joined the game on Wed Oct 07 20:02:20 EDT 2020

valma-73412 is receiving the map New Manor...

valma-73412 has received the map New Manor.

[Spring] hi valerie!

valma-73412 is receiving the map Inn of the lost eagle...

valma-73412 has received the map Inn of the lost eagle.

[Master] Hello

[valma-73412] Hi

[Spring] how you doing today?

[Master] brb restroom

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[valma-73412] Today was a long day

[valma-73412] I had to fire someone recently and they came after hours to collect their personal things

[Spring] :-( that's always so sad

[Spring] i hate firing people

[Spring] and i'm sure they hate being fired

[valma-73412] I know, it's never the goal for me, but morale is already getting better in my office

[valma-73412] How are you?

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] I am sad and happy for you Valerie

[Spring] learning to relax a little :-) feels like it's been one thing after another for some time

[valma-73412] thanks

[valma-73412] That's great! Is the roof done?

[Spring] i just dropped off the last of the trash from fixing my roof and i took the little dog out to the issland for a long bridge walk

[Spring] yes, thank heaven

[valma-73412] congrats!

[Spring] thanks. i still have a long list of things to do but most isn't urgent

[Master] also Valerie here is the summary of the adventure so far


[valma-73412] I forgot to work on that, oops!

[Master] no worries now you have a baseline to work with

[valma-73412] thanks

[Master] so you know where you are at right now

[valma-73412] On my horse, just saw a light flash and fade in the distance if I remember right

[Master] Horse moved 44'00".

[Master] yes

[Master] as you are there in the courtyard

[Spring] we were talking about commandeering, but i think we gave that up

Spring is receiving the map Inn of the lost eagle...

Spring has received the map Inn of the lost eagle.

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] so this is beyond weird and i don't know what it means

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] the sky, the hourglass ... ???

[valma-73412] I am back at the keyboard.

[Susan Delgado (valma-73412)] (did we already check the body of the dead wizard?)

[Master] no

[Master] you ran out side and found this

[Master] the sky etc

[Susan Delgado (valma-73412)] This is strange magic...too bad that wizard is dead.

[Susan Delgado (valma-73412)] Mayhap he has something more than that hourglass we can use?

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] should ... should we look at his body? see if there are clues about him? maybe sometody needs to be notified

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] (whoops, not a very in-character thing to say. taking me a minute to remember who i am LOL)

[Susan Delgado (valma-73412)] (lol)

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] ahem, i will absoutely look at the body

Susan Delgado (valma-73412) looks at Ergel in surprise

[Susan Delgado (valma-73412)] yes, good idea

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] Ergel the Arm moved 32'03".

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] Ergel the Arm moved 33'02".

[Master] The wizard is laying still on the floor

[Master] not moving

[Master] the barkeep has pulled his spear out from the body

[Susan Delgado (valma-73412)] I will go put Pylon back in the stable, if there still is a stable. He is spooked.

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] (guess who got neither alertness nor observavtion)''

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] (that was a mistake on my part)

Susan Delgado (valma-73412) puts horse in stable and comes back

[Master] Pylon moved 76'03".

[Susan Delgado (valma-73412)] (I don't have those either)

[Master] There are two other NPCs on Ergel's side and three more on Susan's side that are unformed right now, next week I was planning on having you start to flesh them out, you can do so now story wise

[Susan Delgado (valma-73412)] /walks to Roland, Alain, and Buthbert

[Susan Delgado (valma-73412)] Did you all see anything while we were outside?

[Susan Delgado (valma-73412)] Did you check the body?

[Susan Delgado (valma-73412)] Cuthbert*

[Master] Cuthbert moved 63'02".

[Master] Alain moved 67'05".

[Master] Roland moved 67'00".

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] Gormel, come have a look

[Master] I did make them all PCs for now so you can move them around as you wish

[Master] Gormel moved 22'07".

[Master] Gormel targets Orthinmadrigal the Amazing. Distance: 1'04"

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] (oh wait, is Gormel one of mine?)

[Master] yes

[Susan Delgado (valma-73412)] (so do we answer for them, and roll for them, or do you?)

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] (i just now say Mig and i know they are one of mine)

[Master] right now I do the answering

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] *saw

[Master] later you can do some rolling

[Master] and pick some skills

[Master] for now we will see if we can build their characters up a bit

[Gormel (Master)] Hey Arm, are we getting out of here?

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] help me check this body

[Gormel (Master)] Grunts

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] we need clues. who was he? what side was he on?

[Gormel (Master)] He is a damn wizard not on our side for sure

Ergel the Arm (Spring) shrugs

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] things get messy in war

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] even if you don't count the unsolicited volunteers

[Gormel (Master)] a dead wizard is a good wizard

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] maybe so and maybe no. find anything yet>

Susan Delgado (valma-73412) whispers to the boys

Gormel (Master) digging a bit then RIPS the robe open

[Susan Delgado (valma-73412)] Did you hear them? The wizard wasn't on their side. Was he on ours?

[Gormel (Master)] Yanking it open

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] well

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] he's got no secrets now

[Alain (Master)] I would think so, but there were mages on both side right?

Gormel (Master) holds up a belt with small pouches on it

[Gormel (Master)] and two keys, one iron one silver

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] (any symbols or writing on the belt or pouches?)

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] (or even on the keys?)

[Susan Delgado (valma-73412)] he sure wasn't a friend to anyone in this bar.

[Gormel (Master)] I cannot read

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] i cant either but i know what writing looks like

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] its them squigglies that aint pretty

Susan Delgado (valma-73412) still whispering

[Susan Delgado (valma-73412)] The sky disappeared. Have any of you seen magic like this before?

[Roland (Master)] I was watching for anything

[Roland (Master)] but it all seems to be gone

[Susan Delgado (valma-73412)] Your father has a powerful house wizard. Did he ever speak of anything like this?

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] paisleys and curlicues are not writing. but if it looks like a big toe or an umbrella with no handle or something weird, it's writing

[Susan Delgado (valma-73412)] He was a dark wizard, from what you've said.

[Roland (Master)] I have not seen anything like that, gestures out to the sky

[Roland (Master)] he was about controlling people, making them dance to his tune

[Roland (Master)] doing things you did not know you were doing

[Susan Delgado (valma-73412)] Alain, you have the touch (minor mind reading). What did you get from the wizard before he fell?

[Alain (Master)] I did not touch him before he died

[Alain (Master)] I did not get anything from him

[Master] (and Thank you Valerie for the idea, we will make him a Shaman, 1st level, special thing not done before)

[Master] (But that will be fun to create, I have a book I can email you I think)

[Susan Delgado (valma-73412)] (cool, thanks. I'm just way into these characters so let me know if I need to scratch anything)

Gormel (Master) roots around in pockets

[Gormel (Master)] (I will)

[Gormel (Master)] Pulls off boots

[Gormel (Master)] HAH!!!

Gormel (Master) shakes boot and two small rubies fall out

[Gormel (Master)] See! They are always stealing

[Gormel (Master)] hiding

[Gormel (Master)] no good wizards

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] well, ther eyou go. spoils of war, but not much help for identification

[Gormel (Master)] should have his money in a pouch like everyone does

[Gormel (Master)] for easy cutting

Gormel (Master) pulls out a small rolled up piece of parchment from the other boot

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] oho

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] maybe don't unroll it?

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] something might come out at you

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] becuase, you know. wizard

[barkeep (Master)] Please be careful

[barkeep (Master)] enough flashes today

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] we can't read anyway, no point in unrolling it

[barkeep (Master)] You are barbarians from Carnak right?

[Susan Delgado (valma-73412)] I can read. Can I see that? You can keep the rubies.

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] but if there's mo symbols or enblems on any of his stuff, i don't see how we associat him with anybody

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] Gormel, you wanna give that scroll to the lady? she seems willing to take the risk

Gormel (Master) shrugs

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] yeah, barkeep, we're troops working for the Queen

Gormel (Master) walks over and hands over the parchment

Ergel the Arm (Spring) glares around, daring anybody to make anything of it

[barkeep (Master)] Ahhh well that is ... um

Susan Delgado (valma-73412) gingerly unfurls the parchment

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] are you trying to say this is a rebel hangout?

[Susan Delgado (valma-73412)] (do I see writing?)

Ergel the Arm (Spring) glares again

[barkeep (Master) (to valma-73412 only)] is a set of passwords, the call and respond to get through the guard posts

[Master] You are in The Wastes

[barkeep (Master)] You are in The Wastes

[Susan Delgado (valma-73412)] (how do I msg you?

[barkeep (Master)] slash DM

[barkeep (Master)] (is that right Spring?)

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] i thought it was slash Master

[Susan Delgado (valma-73412) (to Master only)] test

[barkeep (Master)] (could be, I do not see that from my side, grins)

[barkeep (Master) (to valma-73412 only)] yes

[Susan Delgado (valma-73412) (to Master only)] do the guard posts exist as far as I know?

[barkeep (Master)] The Queen has forgotten us here

[barkeep (Master) (to valma-73412 only)] both sides woudl have guards posted, you cannot tell from this what side it would be for

Susan Delgado (valma-73412) puts parchment in between my breasts

[Susan Delgado (valma-73412)] tis naught but a note for his ma

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] well she's paying good money to remember you now

[barkeep (Master)] I stayed in hopes of stopping anyone from burning the inn down

[barkeep (Master)] now?

barkeep (Master) looks out the door

barkeep (Master) shakes his head

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] to Susan: well if you've discovered who his may is, maybe we take his body there

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] *ma

[Susan Delgado (valma-73412)] It just says "ma," so is of no help. I will keep the paper since paper is scare hereabouts

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] me shrugs

[barkeep (Master)] I have some for the receipt book

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] Gormel why don't you hang onto that belt with puches

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] if you don't see anything informational on it

[barkeep (Master)] sure

[barkeep (Master)] Take it

[Susan Delgado (valma-73412) (to Master only)] (can I have seen another horse with a pouch in the stables that could have belonged to the wizard?)

Gormel (Master) sneers, and picks it up

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] (i feel kind of dumb. not sure how else to investigate)

[Master] no other horses on the property

[Susan Delgado (valma-73412)] (neither do I. Maybe there's a key hole on the hourglass?)

[Ergel the Arm (Spring)] (maybe you should see if it's inscribed?)

[Master] Pause

[Master] talk about it out of character

[Master] come up with ideas to try

[Master] and how to bounce them off of each other in character

[Spring] k

[valma-73412] so I'm going to ask my group to look more closely at the hourglass I guess

[valma-73412] I asked if maybe I saw another horse in the stable when I put mine away but that was a no

[Spring] yeah the wizard teleported into the yard

[Spring] so there would be no horse

[Spring] i don't think anybody knows him. didn't we ask that already?

[Master] yes

[valma-73412] I think we did, and the barkeep killed him

[Master] the wizard is a total stranger

[Spring] no writing to identify him

[Spring] no idea what he was attempting

[Spring] no idea what real effect the hourglass is supposed to have.

[valma-73412] no name or sense or where he comes from

[valma-73412] sense of*

[Spring] sure it seems insubstantial and the sky seems featureless

[Spring] but we don't know if that means we are in some kind of bubble or what

[Spring] if time is standing still

[Master] Ergel the Arm XP award: 250. Next level in 0.

[Master] Susan Delgado XP award: 250. Next level in 0.

[Spring] or a pocket universe or something

[Master] I will update the XP goals later

[Master] but want to make sure you see you are making progress

[Spring] i guess we could ask around if there's some kind of wizards guild or soemthing nearby

[valma-73412] I don't feel like we've made progress

[Spring] yeah i don't either

[Master] grins you have

[Spring] and we're naturally barred from sharing information since we are enemies

[Spring] i only suggested susan get the scroll in case it would explode

[Master] that is why you talk it Out of Character then you get to follow up on that In Character

[valma-73412] yeah, and we don't have a common goal yet to start working together

[Spring] since we don't know if we are trapped, getting out of whatever state we're in isn't a goal yet

[valma-73412] exactly. so I

[Spring] maybe that's it. we should go home. or try to

[Spring] well, go back to our camps

[valma-73412] 'm inclined to work with my group, which will likely make your group suspisiouc

[valma-73412] suspicious*

[valma-73412] I thought there was nowhere left outside?

[Spring] i don't think the outdoors vanished?

[Spring] just the sky

[Master] you have not really tested that

[Spring] we're outside right now. can we not see the trees and stuff?

[Master] you are inside right now

[Master] inside the bar

[valma-73412] I thought we went back in to check the body

[Spring] oh right

[Spring] we were outside a minute ago. did we not see trees and stuff?

[valma-73412] I thought we couldn't see anything but a light that faded in the distance

[Master] the walls around the Inn are a bit tall, you saw the light outside of the gates

[Master] then you came right back

[Master] so you want to go try that next?

[Spring] oh ok. so everything inside the inn's outwer wall is still there then

[valma-73412] I guess we're done for the night though right? It's 9

[Spring] but yeah, next week we should attempt to return to camp and see what happens

[Master] up to you

[valma-73412] I agree since there are things other than the bar

[Master] I have the debate up in a different window right now

[Master] I can continue or if you want to wait and have the full session next week

[Spring] i need to go get a shower before it gets too late

[Master] to start right away with heading out into the world

[Master] we can do that

[valma-73412] I'm honestly a little wiped myself

[Master] then both of you have a great night go rest and relax

[Spring] okie have a good night, ya''l

[Master] I will post this up now

Spring has left the game on Wed Oct 07 21:03:19 EDT 2020

[valma-73412] good night!

valma-73412 has left the game on Wed Oct 07 21:03:34 EDT 2020

XP awarded