Main / 20210108c

Chat Log - 2021 01 08 - Claiming Skull Church (Formatted)

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jan 08 18:06:05 EST 2021 ====

mharm-05997 has joined the game on Fri Jan 08 18:07:01 EST 2021

mharm-05997 is receiving the map New Manor...

mharm-05997 has received the map New Manor.

[mharm-05997] Hello!

[Master] Hey there

[mharm-05997] I won't be able to stay for too long tonight unfortunately. I still got more school work to do :(

[Master] Is ok

[mharm-05997] Probably three or so hours

[Master] the key decisions to be made at the beginning

[mharm-05997] Cool beans

[Master] I want this to be the last session of lots of planning and organizing

[Master] then we can go with encounters etc.

[mharm-05997] Yay

[mharm-05997] Death, Mayhem, and Destruction

[Master] you will have to have opinions to help Spring out with

[Master] What I posted in the Players Communication

[mharm-05997] I always have opinions

[mharm-05997] Whether or not they are good...

[Master] did you read that thread?

[mharm-05997] Nope. Doing right now

[mharm-05997] Oh good to see that Spring Agrees with me. All in favor of massacring whomever pisses us off? I'm all aboard

[mharm-05997] But Lisa....

[mharm-05997] lol

[Master] so thoughts on mining

[mharm-05997] And if I could, I'd totally be a murder hobo. But that's not this quest line

[mharm-05997] Right

[mharm-05997] Do you want the rolls now?

[Master] there are no rolls yet

[Master] you have not decided what to do yet

[Master] read the first post for the year

[mharm-05997] One sec. Thought we had one right off

[mharm-05997] right

[Master] that was already done you have 4 more mines to deal with

[Master] only 6 workers for them

[Master] etc.

[mharm-05997] Well, each mine is now an owner operated mine with one person per mine. Wish them luck and let them know MSHA and OSHA aren't watching

[mharm-05997] Toodle on

[mharm-05997] Sigh

[Master] How do you pay them? the existing gnomes get 15% of the take from the Lucky Dwarf Mine

[mharm-05997] Hold on

[mharm-05997] I'm still trying to figure out the 6 people

[Master] getting more would be a good idea

[mharm-05997] Each mine needs to have (if not a worker) then some way to enforce claims

[mharm-05997] otherwise

[mharm-05997] ...

[mharm-05997] you know

[Master] exactly

[mharm-05997] right

[mharm-05997] So, that's first order of business

[Master] they are on the map now

[mharm-05997] The first 30 people get 23 percent

[mharm-05997] hold on

[mharm-05997] doing a calc

[Master] take your time

[Master] you need to come up with ideas with the group

[Master] you and Spring make the decisions

[Master] then we move forward

[mharm-05997] Right, just trying to help Spring

[Master] such as you might need to take two weeks and build 10 small wooden buildings to house human miners

[mharm-05997] Let me check the mines ore types real quick

[Master] etc.

[Master] nods there is a page called Mining Operations

[mharm-05997] So, no luck with Uranium?

[Master] chuckles

[mharm-05997] Well, at least no lawsuits when they melt

[mharm-05997] Although the lead mine might be concerning

[mharm-05997] How many Gnomes are in the village that we haven't already employed do you think? Do you think there are more who might be interested?

[Master] They have their own gemstone mine

[mharm-05997] Oof

[mharm-05997] So yeah, we'll probably need to bring in other workers

[Master] but you can explore figuring out if there are some who might want a change etc.

[Master] but you are not going to be able to take everyone and with 4 mines plus exploring for more etc.

[Master] you need a plan

[Master] like you did for farmers, etc.

[mharm-05997] I think for now exploration can halt

[mharm-05997] right

[mharm-05997] Plan

[mharm-05997] Let me draw up a rough game plan

[mharm-05997] real quick

[Master] nods

[Master] 4 miners working at once for example

[mharm-05997] Can I write a temporary set of topics under the mining operations page?

[Master] do it in the OOC page please

[mharm-05997] So I don't clog up the chat?

[Master] the mining operations page is for all mines all over the place

[mharm-05997] OOC Page for "Claiming Skull Church?" Right

[Master] just details on which mine is where

[Master] yeap

[mharm-05997] Ok

[mharm-05997] On the wealth scale, where iron is a 1, copper, a 4, silver a 7, and gold 8 roughly, where would "Gems" fall

[mharm-05997] Obviously, use best guesstimate for the above scale

[Master] 12

[mharm-05997] So...They would not want to abandon a very profitable mine without extreme enticement.

[mharm-05997] I wonder

[mharm-05997] If we could reduce the percentage and still attract outside workers

[mharm-05997] One sec

[mharm-05997] sorry I'm excited

[Master] It is a good thing

[mharm-05997] I'm sorry. What's the location where Silver was representing. River's Bend?

[mharm-05997] I forget

[Master] You have no idea

[mharm-05997] yeah, I’m name dead right now

[Master] that is a Lisa question to help with your speculation

[mharm-05997] No. I mean, the place he was representing

[Master] Dryads Lair

[Master] is the city you were in

[mharm-05997] the Business Association?

[Master] you are the one saying he was representing them

[Master] I am not saying anything

[Master] grins

[mharm-05997] Sigh

[mharm-05997] Right-O

[mharm-05997] That's no ominous or anything

[Master] There is a reason the time line is in sync now

[Master] so you can have a ceremony for the new shrine, Branwyn etc. can be here

[Master] and you can talk in character about what happened

[Master] after you make some choices OOC

[mharm-05997] I want to say 15 percent smelted output of the mine, but the value varies wildly on each mine. I just want to ensure that each miner is getting roughly a fair share of profit.

[mharm-05997] I could use some help figuring out a fair percentage

[mharm-05997] I need TMO to do math

[mharm-05997] I'm brain dead after work

[Master] You could just pay them a certain amount, say 2 gold a month etc.

[mharm-05997] Could we up that to four for the lead mine?

[mharm-05997] Or is that something no one knows about

[mharm-05997] in this world

[mharm-05997] Cause I'm all for two if no health defects

[Master] no one knows

[Master] well dwarves would

[mharm-05997] Yeah, I think we could "ask" a dwarfs opinion before finalizing that decision. It would be sound business principle anyways, so I'm for asking

[mharm-05997] Am I? Early?

[mharm-05997] Where is everyone

[Master] grins you logged in just after 6

[Master] so in 15 to 20 everyone else will be here

[mharm-05997] ugh

[Master] It is very good to have you here to work and plan

[Master] to help them out

[mharm-05997] On one hand helping my comrades and friends plan out a wonderful D&D Session, and the other, Taking a Nap. Ooooh, this is really hard

[mharm-05997] As I get older, the more the nap time seems appealing...

[Master] and a fair and reasonable wage for a standard laborer is 1 GP per month

[mharm-05997] Wow. Even mining?

[mharm-05997] That's Hard labor

[Master] so if you pay them 30 SP that is a 50% bonus

[Master] etc.

[Master] so 2 GP would definitely get you recruits

[mharm-05997] Does the specializing matter? For example, would you pay a Smelter more?

[Master] yes

[mharm-05997] OK. Good to know.

[Master] Stone mason would be 4 GP

[Master] Carpenter is 5 GP

[mharm-05997] And I'm fine with 2GP if the mine is being profitable and producing surplus to either sell, or refine further into products

[mharm-05997] Ah! I see

[Master] Architect is 200 GP

[mharm-05997] No Way!

[Master] \That is what you are paying Pete

[mharm-05997] WOW

[mharm-05997] When you work for the government....

[Master] grins

[mharm-05997] Alright posting now a general thought plan. If you don't like it let me know and I'll delete before anyone notices.

[mharm-05997] BRB

[mharm-05997] Back

[Master] excellent

[Master] On a personal bragging note, I am at 145.3 only .3 above final goal weight and I have been 5 weeks in range of the goal of less than 145

[mharm-05997] That's great! Good for you :)

[Master] I have lost 42+ pounds since the beginning of April

[mharm-05997] That' quite impressive :)

[mharm-05997] You looked great on your last podcast

[Master] Now the goal is to keep it in this range

[Master] Thanks

[Master] did you see the one this week?

[Master] same link as always gets you to the page

[Master] talked about space smugglers

[mharm-05997] I actually had not. It's bookmarked but I've been researching other stuff this week :(

[mharm-05997] Space Smugglers? Oh my god

[mharm-05997] I gotta

[Master] It is perfectly good

[Master] But tell people to go listen, see if we can boost the numbers a bit

[Master] for a silly little program

[mharm-05997] No worries. I already promote that stuff.

[mharm-05997] You and ARMA international are like the only two

[Master] brb restroom

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[mharm-05997] KK

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] So to the point of cost for miners

Ryan has joined the game on Fri Jan 08 19:02:53 EST 2021

Ryan is receiving the map New Manor...

Ryan has received the map New Manor.

[mharm-05997] Hello Ryan!

[Master] you should have the discussion is it better to pay standard 1 GP or double that to 2 GP per month to hire miners to your area, but also have to pay to build them housing and or instead give them a percentage of the output but still have to pay for housing

[Master] hello Ryan

[Ryan] Hello!

[Master] I will let you think on the ramifications of each side of the equation

Lara has joined the game on Fri Jan 08 19:03:55 EST 2021

Lara is receiving the map New Manor...

Lara has received the map New Manor.

[Master] and hello Lara

[Ryan] Hello Lara!

[mharm-05997] Hm. I would imagine that standard mine housing on site would not be that hard to erect and pay for. If they are wooden, they might even be able to be stripped down and moved to another location upon completion

[mharm-05997] It's not like the materials would be lost if we decided

[mharm-05997] Short of an accident obviously

[Master] nods

[mharm-05997] Plus, after attracting the workers, even if the mines run dry, they might find labor work elsewhere int he vicinity either as apprentices, farmhands, etc.

[Ryan] ...undead manual labor...

[mharm-05997] No

[Ryan] boo!

[mharm-05997] I'm gonna stop you right there haha :)

[Ryan] Surprisingly prejudiced... Undead laborers have a right to exist as well, you know.

[mharm-05997] Is your car broken down? I think you might need your alignment checked there Ryan

[Ryan] (checks)

Spring has joined the game on Fri Jan 08 19:07:30 EST 2021

Spring is receiving the map New Manor...

Spring has received the map New Manor.

[Ryan] Nope, still Neutral Evil. Why?

[mharm-05997] lol

[mharm-05997] Hi Spring

[Master] grins

[Ryan] Hi!

[Spring] hi hi hi!

[Spring] how’s it going so far, aside from Ryan's alignment

[Lara] hi BOB! hi Ryan! hi Spring!

[Master] it will cost 3,171 GP and 2 weeks for the group to build 10 medium wooden buildings and 10 large wooden buildings so an entire village like Cypress Borough in two weeks

[Ryan] Costly and inefficiently, apparently

[mharm-05997] Hey, already been here an hour helping plan...

[mharm-05997] one sec


[mharm-05997] that might help Spring

[mharm-05997] Quick Topical Checklist

[Ryan] Man, I first read that as Tropical Checklist

[mharm-05997] Oh man, I wish

[Master] coconut Check

[Master] Rum

[Master] check

[Master] little umbrella?

[Spring] hahaha

[Master] tosses, nope

[Master] DRINK

[Spring] looking now

[mharm-05997] lol

[Lara] I’m trying to get caught up Chat History

[mharm-05997] no worries. take your time

[Lara] is that Michael? mharm-05997?

[mharm-05997] Oh yes

[mharm-05997] Sorry

[mharm-05997] my computers always splice my names together

[Lara] s'okay...hi Michael!

[mharm-05997] Hi Lara! :)

[Ryan] Oh, sorry

[mharm-05997] Why are you sorry?

[Ryan] (loses interest in his own joke) Sorry, what were we talking about?

[Ryan] I was going somewhere, but then I thought about it, had an ADD moment, and blanked out.

[mharm-05997] It'll come back to you. Trust me

[Master] grins

[Ryan] Now, I'm somewhere on Alaska Airlines, and still don't know where I'm going.

[mharm-05997] Well. That's your first problem.

[mharm-05997] Alaska Airlines...

[mharm-05997] A step up from united...but still

[Ryan] I always figured you for a Delta fan

[Lara] BOB-I can't find the summary from last there one?

[mharm-05997] I worked in a Hotel that slept over the workers from Delta. I never EVER want to see another delta employee again. Ever

[Master] I will tell you Quantice is amazing

[Spring] oh hey congrats BOB on getting to within .3 of your weight goal!

[Master] and not a full summary Lara, I just tagged it under the Mining

[Master] and thank you Spring

[Ryan] Oh, nice!

[mharm-05997] One day I'll be able to fly Air Michael. Assuming I ever get enough money for the dman thing

[Master] and horrible spelling

[Lara] okay. I was trying to see what happened last week with the Old Miller guy

[Master] Ahhh

[Master] well that chat log is there

[Spring] I did NOT kick him down a well

[Master] but

[Ryan] Old Miller ended up being the dragon, and Mr. Silver ended up being a red herring

[mharm-05997] I did not have relations with that man

[Spring] yelling THIS IS DRAGON FENNNNN!!!!!!!

[Ryan] Well, a maroon herring

[Ryan] Second biggest surprise this month.

[Spring] "This is Northwest Wastes" doesn't have any ring to it

[Lara] COOL! damn, I missed it---I barely made it to the bed before I fell asleep

[mharm-05997] Yeah, I like Dragon's Fen shout better

[mharm-05997] More Sparta ring to it

[Ryan] Well, go out and buy one

[Master] One key is that ZERO characters know anything about Mr. Silver except that he is someone with a lot of money and is friends with Branwyn

[mharm-05997] And illustrates our rage


[mharm-05997] After last time, "friends" is an interesting term

[Ryan] If you like it, put a ring on it, Spring.

[Spring] and that he claims to represent old man miller

[Spring] hahaha

[Master] LOL Ryan

[Master] THAT is in the works no worries

[Spring] but about working the mines ...

[Lara] I know that Mr. Silver made a claim...did I share with you my theory that Mr. Silver might be more of a mobster like guy who 'protects' Old Miller for money

[Spring] I think we should ask our gnome friends if they have related villages that might wanna get in on the mining boom

[Lara] ?

[Spring] oh, that's an interesting idea Lara

[mharm-05997] First. Good thought Lara. Second Good thought spring

[Spring] I remember seeing something about extortion but I didn't connect those dots

[mharm-05997] Although, he's pushing his luck if he's a "friend" of Brans

[Master] My suggestion is to let the Mr. Silver issue fade to the background for now, later on the Old Man Miller will be useful to deal with

[Lara] okay, theories aside...what are we making decisions about?

[Master] mining


[Lara] okay

[mharm-05997] That

[Master] population growth

[mharm-05997] :)

[Master] the four of you can made good decisions

[Master] when Carissa TMO and Lisa are in we will have the chance for In Character discussions at the blessing of Snee's new Shrine

[mharm-05997] So I can be here till 6:30 tonight

[mharm-05997] AZ Time

[Master] and then do the enactment/IC portion of the decision about the mining district

[Master] which is 2 more hours Michael?

[Ryan] If we can be in a gang war with Mr. Silver by the time TMO comes online, I will consider it a session well-spent.

[Lara] Ooooooooooooooooooo...I like parties, Shrines Shrouds!

[mharm-05997] Unfor. that's about 1 hour and 7 min

[Lara] @Ryan lol

[mharm-05997] I keep getting requests for Employee crap

[Master] OK so one more hour for input from Michael

[Ryan] Deny them all. Uppity employees...

[Master] Ryan? Spring? Lara? did you read the Players Communication and have ideas on what you want the group to do?

[Lara] I’m working on the Reading. we have to decide about 4 mines.

[Ryan] I would prefer we not follow Michael's plan of murdering everything.

[Spring] I think we should ask our gnome friends if they have related villages that might wanna get in on the mining boom

[mharm-05997] No. Read the top. That's the real plan. I think Spring is on the right track with that one

[mharm-05997] The potential Gnome villages

[Ryan] (Sorry, that was a joke.)

[mharm-05997] Can start with that

[mharm-05997] No worries. Just getting confused

[Master] there are no other known gnome villages in the Wastes other than what is on the map

[mharm-05997] So, fallback on prior plan

[Ryan] (I largely agree with Michael's proposal, and think that gnomes would be ideal workers. Enticing them to come by for the short to medium term would be a good idea.)

[Spring] then it's time to make some recruitment posters

[Spring] Riches! Adventure!

[mharm-05997] I think that we can build onsite company housing for cheaper

[mharm-05997] Bob says that 2 GP and we will have enticed workers

[Master] 1 GP per month is standard

[Lara] BOB-for the sake of time, can you direct me to the Gnomes page on the wiki?

[Lara] I don't know what enticing gnomes and are they in the mountains?

[mharm-05997] What say your Spring? If we are making money on the mine even with 2 GP would you be amiable to that?


[Spring] oh yes Michael

[Master] Bottom of that page has all three of the gnome settlements you know of

[Spring] especially if we have to pull them in from far and wide

[Ryan] if they are willing to come from far and wide, we might be able to keep them here.

[Ryan] At sword point, possibly

[Lara] even though Emerald has Persuasion, how do we know what entices gnomes do we know how they are doing financially with their own mines?

[mharm-05997] Also they might be willing to take other jobs if the mines ever dry up. Farming, labor, etc.

[Master] Plus for the 2 GP per miner per month is a fixed cost, instead of giving them a percentage of what they mine, the negative is a fixed cost you have to pay every month no matter what however the mine is producing

[mharm-05997] Apprenticeships

[mharm-05997] I have an idea

[Ryan] Yeah, if you can convince someone to come from far away, and then convince them that there is still work for them after the mine, you can build a thriving community.

[Ryan] People tend to not want to move a lot, especially if it is expensive.

[Master] and yes to Ryan's point of building community the way that Spring wants to, by encouraging them and making a real community. ...... Not the at sword point part

TMO has joined the game on Fri Jan 08 19:28:43 EST 2021

TMO is receiving the map New Manor...

TMO has received the map New Manor.

[Ryan] Well, I only said sword because I don't know how gunpowder is developing in this part of the world.

[Spring] hi TMO!

[Ryan] Hi, TMO!

[TMO] evening gentlefolk

[Lara] what, besides money, would entice the gnomes to build a community someplace else?

[Lara] hi TMO!

[TMO] and violent folk

[mharm-05997] How about 1.5 GP Standard, and .5 to go into a "Bench" pay. Where, if they must slow down for an emergency or something, the bench pay will cover the costs. If at the end of the mines operational life span, the bench pay is still there, it is simply paid out to each worker.

[Ryan] So, to bring you up to speed, Michael attacked Mr. Silver, who survived, but fled, swearing violence. There have been numerous attacks against our outlying settlers, and we are pretty sure that Silver is a gangster.

[Spring] lol mike are you inventing the pension plan?

[Lara] @Ryan lol

[mharm-05997] Maybe

[Spring] er, Michael, sorry

[TMO] you move fast

[Master] grins at Michael

[Master] and I made up the accounting page to track things so you would know how much you are setting aside, etc.

[mharm-05997] Maybe it can earn an additional percentage based on if it appreciates in value and in exchange the local bank utilizes it for "investments' into local land and improvements...? That can never go wrong...Right?

[Master] grins

[mharm-05997] But no. A bench pay is essentially forcing them to save for mine contingencies. They get it back at the end. Simple.

[Lara] how smart are gnomes? I’m not sure how humanoid they are...I need a comparison factor

[Master] SO are you trying to hire Gnomes exclusively? or humans too? or?

[mharm-05997] Dragon's Fen has a non-discriminatory policy

[mharm-05997] Except the Greeks

[mharm-05997] ;)

[Master] you have to feed the people you hire

[Lara] @BOB yes, I was wondering about all these people in Otterville and Regets Field

[Ryan] ....are we going to be seeing signs saying "Humans need not apply"?

[Master] right now you have zero people that can be here who are not farmers

[Master] It is a delicate balancing act

[mharm-05997] Unfortunately bob. Right now it seems we need to spend money to make money.

[Master] and LOL with Ryan

[Spring] well we already have an existing relationship with gnomes, so I prefer to work with their networks, but if those are exhausted, yeah, Otterville, Regets Field, and even Redfern

[Master] yes to Michael that is the point

[Lara] okay. so someone has to have "mining skills" we aren't teaching them to mine...someone mentioned apprenticeships earlier

[Master] you will recruit humans from all over

[mharm-05997] Also Spring, River's bend would be a good source to

[Master] Loosend not Rivers Bend

[mharm-05997] It would strengthen relations with that community

[mharm-05997] Sorry Loosend

[Lara] @Spring AH! this is what I wanted to know---about how the gnomes function

Carissa has joined the game on Fri Jan 08 19:34:07 EST 2021

Carissa is receiving the map New Manor...

[mharm-05997] If we give them the right of first refusal for jobs, then we prove our willingness to work with and strengthen our two communities

Carissa has received the map New Manor.

[mharm-05997] What do you think?

[Spring] "However, gems aren't the only thing gnome communities seek in trade. Salt is a necessity to the gnomish diet, and if there is no natural source available gnomish traders will go to great lengths to acquire it. Weapons, fabric, and raw steel are generally not made by gnomes but needed by the community. Delicacies, such as tender meat, dark flour, and strong liquor, are other items sometimes gained by trade."

[Lara] @Michael---THAT is a good idea; right of first refusal. damn, you must be an HR person for a living

[Spring] I thought that was interesting and could be an enticement

[Spring] hahahaha

[mharm-05997] SHHH. Don't tell my agency

[Ryan] (Insert joke about all the gnomes being salty for no reason)

[Lara] @Spring - perfect...I needed context

[Master] Hello Carissa

[Ryan] Hi Carissa!

[Lara] hi Carissa!

[Spring] "Another strain of this honest friendliness is a deep-running loyalty to those the gnomes consider friends. The suggestion that one of these kindred spirits is in trouble will also prove a strong motivation to bring a gnome onto the adventuring road"

[mharm-05997] We could do both Spring. We could offer one mine to the Gnomes, and others to Loosend. The reasoning being that the Gnomes probably know less people immediately available to work but shows we are willing to work with them too.

[Spring] hi Carissa!

[Spring] I want to make sure that we are the gnomes' best friends

[Master] remember Loosend is an independent city outside of the Kingdom, there will be plenty of people inside of Drillian who want to work for you

[Master] but yes to making the Gnomes first priority

[mharm-05997] Right to both of you

[mharm-05997] And yet Gnomes first

[mharm-05997] BUT

[Master] and also do you want to

[Lara] concern: are we going to have to train anyone to be a Miner? or since we will advertise, we assume that the people will know how?

[Master] LOL Michael

[Carissa] (Whoops forgot I hit connect, hi!)

[Lara] now I went down the HR rabbit hole and I’m thinking about interviews, etc. lol

[Master] All animals are equal but some are more equal than others?

[mharm-05997] I would like to save ONE mine for Loosend. If we really do end up becoming

[mharm-05997] ...this isn't animal farm bob lol

[mharm-05997] friends with them, I'd like to save a mine for them to work in if they should desire too

[mharm-05997] We are being friendly with both

[mharm-05997] in this manner

[Master] All miners are equal but gnome miners are ....

[mharm-05997] Sigh

[Master] BUT you do have Skarp

[mharm-05997] 1984 was better

[Master] who could be persuaded to ......

[Ryan] love Big Brother, yes.

[mharm-05997] (Alright Skarp. Bring up your legion of Dwarven miners. I knew they were there the whole time :) )

[Lara] brb

[Lara] I am away from the keyboard.

[Ryan] (Sorry, fresh out of dwarven miners. However [shakes beard] I do have these legions of bugs that I always carry with me.)

[mharm-05997] (Bob does Skarp know nearby Dwarves to ask if they would like work? I didn't think there were a lot of them about this area)

[Master] SO the plan as I understand it so far is pick 1 or 2 mines to begin to exploit after you recruit some additional miners and you will be putting gnomes in charge until you have other options.

[Spring] now there's an idea

[Master] there are ZERO nearby Dwarves,

[Spring] let's see if we can find some dung beetles that I can enlarge ....

[Ryan] Yeah, bugs are really underestimated as a workforce, Spring.

[Master] the idea that they are seen as mythical here

[Spring] oh wait pill bugs!

[mharm-05997] Hm.

[Master] plus you really need Professor Lisa for history lessons for you Michael

[Master] for why Dwarves are so scarce

[mharm-05997] purged?

[Master] maybe Ryan remembers what happened to Skarp's friends?

[Carissa] Mist Machine

[Master] THERE you go

[Lara] I am back at the keyboard.

[mharm-05997] So

[Master] Wedding Crashers story arc

[Ryan] You told me to stop bringing up necromancy as an option, though...

[mharm-05997] Spring

[mharm-05997] (and others)

[mharm-05997] For now

[mharm-05997] What say you to this

[mharm-05997] Gnomes first right of refusal. I like the idea of keeping them friends.

[mharm-05997] Then

[Lara] who is going to supervise the gnomes? is Skarp going to serve as sa foreman and visit each mine every day?

[mharm-05997] What they cannot handle, we bring in outside labor

[Spring] I concur Michael

[Lara] I agree with Michael

[Spring] Lara I think we can figure something out

[mharm-05997] Perhaps we can even have a skilled gnome oversee each mine if that boosts production

[Lara] @Spring - ok

[Spring] set incentives?

[Ryan] I thought that Skarp was being put into position of Supreme Overlord Marshall of the Land of Underground Gems, and would be placed in the mine in a permanent capacity.

[TMO] gnomes are also a good method of helping keep goblins in check

[mharm-05997] I always like the idea of bonuses spring

[Ryan] Also, I read that as set incendiaries, Spring.

[mharm-05997] lol

[Spring] hahahaha

[Spring] and again contests

[Spring] brb

[Spring] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lara] WHOA! gnomes are resistant to magic?

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lara] also, do we know when there are going to eclipses, BOB?

[mharm-05997] Bob we may go into that territory later, but it will be much too complicated for now to explore dwarven options unless I've overlooked something incredibly simple. I think for now, Gnomes first (don't make that a slogan), Or, even as necessary supervisors for each mine. I think we can get each supervisor Gnome or otherwise an extra silver with each pay period. However, the bench pay is something I'm pushing for so as to prevent panic in the event of a mine stoppage

[Spring] the contests remind me of goblins and how that didn't work

[Spring] however ....

[Master] Only the people with Astrology or Astronomy Lara

[Spring] it seems the goblins don't understand employment but they do understand slavery

[Lara] @Spring well said

[Spring] maybe .... we should enslave the goblins and then just treat them ridiculously well

[mharm-05997] (And then the bonuses and contests that Spring brings up :) I forgot that part)

[Spring] and be sure not to take on any warriors

[Spring] and make sure the slaves don't have goblin overseers because that's where it went horribly wrong

[Ryan] uh....

[mharm-05997] In all honesty...for now, I’d prefer to have as little Goblin interaction as possible for now. They don't play well with others, and the admin planning for this game will go insanely difficult)

[Lara] hey guys---does anyone know Astrology or Astronomy? if we are going to have a lot of gnomes working, we want to make sure that production isn't shut down due to an eclipse

[Spring] we could, in fact .... kill ... the warriors?

[Master] there is a study Spring about a tribe of baboons that had every male die in a freak storm. the females raised all the babies and there was no conflict, when other males tried to come in and act like assholes they were driven away from the tribe,

[Spring] hehehe

[mharm-05997] Well, since Baboons were able to do that, let's get the Goblins. Pitchforks and Swords Everyone!

[Spring] that's a thought Lara

[mharm-05997] :)

[Carissa] Yes to Lara

[Spring] I don't have any characters that have those though

[TMO] how do you know the goblin females aren't the violent ones?

[Master] Ryan does not know but Skarp does, one magic item that Dwarves have is Moon Rocks, they reflect the phases of the moon

[Lara] @Carissa good. I was just reading about gnomes and if I were a DM, I would think it was funny if players employed gnomes who, out of nowhere, started doing crazy rituals because of an eclipse

Master waves a fan in front of my face, Why I do declare

[Spring] @TMO I read the page about them

[Spring] heh

[Carissa] I don't know if they'd use it now, but there is someone with it is all

[Ryan] Little-known fact is that if you use a moon rock on a gnome, it evolves into Gnomic

[Lara] @BOB - roflmao

[mharm-05997] ROFL Ryan

[mharm-05997] LOL

[mharm-05997] That got me good

[mharm-05997] Special Candy to level it's stats

[mharm-05997] MissigNo

[Lara] whoa---I went on to read that gnomes have many festivals (man---I’m really starting to like gnomes)

[Ryan] We are still looking for the legendary Gnometwo.

[mharm-05997] there anyone who thinks the plan above is not structurally sound. Speak now so we can clear it up

[mharm-05997] Also LOl

[Master] so to gather miners you want to recruit gnomes first and humans are welcome, you want to concentrate on one mine first (you have not decided which) and you are going to build above ground housing for potential future miners and farmers to feed the miners that are working now

[mharm-05997] Get Knights of Rocket over here

[mharm-05997] Yes

[mharm-05997] BUT

[Spring] our mines are kind of close together

[Spring] and the first mine is close to depleted

[mharm-05997] Each mine needs to have a presence of some kind

[Master] your monthly cost will be 2 GP per miner

[mharm-05997] This is to prevent outsider from moving in

[Spring] so when it is, we can immediately convert it to quarters

[Master] good point Spring

[mharm-05997] Yes Spring.

[mharm-05997] I like that

[Master] hard to handle Michael

[Master] without hiring more people to be guards

[Lara] @Spring - agreed

[Master] you have zero right now

[mharm-05997] Then we should focus on the Valuable ones first

[mharm-05997] To minimize risk

[mharm-05997] As we grow, can reevaluate

[Master] hiring people involves both Money in wages and Farmers to feed them

[mharm-05997] I agree

[mharm-05997] Spring? Do you care if we focus on the more valuable ones first?

[Spring] it's a little scary, but we could use player characters to post guard until we get folks working

[Lara] can we go back a second? Michael, we would focus on the valuable mines first but have no guards?

[Master] Technically you do not know which is more valuable

[mharm-05997] No, we would focus on them first with guards because we cannot watch every mine

[mharm-05997] Hm.

[Master] your lead mine might end up producing for centuries while a Silver mine runs out in 6 months

[Lara] Ah! we don't know because the mines could have valuable stuff---but not a lot of it

[mharm-05997] Surveyors had no thoughts on the matter?

[Carissa] I am away from the keyboard.

[Spring] I think we can watch every mine

[Master] you need your mining supervisor to make that roll

[Lara] @SPring - I thought so too

[Master] after you decide how to exploit it

[mharm-05997] Can we do that now first?

[mharm-05997] Spring?

[Spring] sure

[Spring] d100?


[Master] no to Spring

[Master] that is the other decision

[mharm-05997] We cannot. I just want to know if that's a preliminary step anyways.

[Master] who is in charge of the mines? Tiff? than Tiff makes those rolls

[Spring] my attention is a little divided. I am burning , er making toast

[Master] chuckles with Spring

[Spring] oh right, Tiff is functional

[Spring] Skarp is figurehead

[Spring] so either of them?

[Master] you have other miners too

[Master] someone will need to be in charge of a particular mine, etc.

[Spring] for cheat day I am having a ton of white bread toast with butter, and milk

[Lara] @BOB- they are so close together, there cannot be a traveling foreman?

[Spring] earlier I drank a quart of chocolate milk. so decadent!

[Lara] @Spring - yummy!!

[Master] No to Lara, the foreman needs to be there guiding the work, you can house them centrally but the work teams are separate

[Lara] WAIT! one more question...who sells the stuff we are mining? Snee?

[Lara] @BOB - got it...I think that is an important consideration about the foreman

[Spring] Tiff, I would expect

[Carissa] I am back at the keyboard.


[Master] That has the full list of your potential miners

[Master] and your previous choices for who does what

[Master] to the other question by Lara,

[Lara] \mharm-05997 iron is the least valuable? followed by copper, then silver?

[mharm-05997] One sec Lara

[Lara] whoops. I never get this right. LOL


[Master] the product taken out of the ground, smelted and turned into 'coins' as profit

[Master] goes to Dragon Fen

[mharm-05997] This may help you

[mharm-05997] But We need to know how "Long" it will last

[mharm-05997] Bob was indeed right about that

[mharm-05997] Silver might be awesome, but if it's gone in two days...

[Lara] I’m reading that page, but am don't understand it very well.

[Master] Snee was given some money to start the Protectorate but that is still part of the pot of money for Dragon Fen

[mharm-05997] If I understand Correctly: --> Lead, Iron, Copper, Silver

[Master] so overall all the money goes into one pot and then is spent as the group decides, there will be expenses like miners salaries, taxes to the Queen, etc.

[Master] Yes to Michael on that ladder of value

[Master] you do not have one pot here in the protectorate and one pot back at the manor, you have some funds here to spend so you do not need to go back and forth but overall this is all Dragon Fen

[Master] so building up this area means you all profit

[Lara] for clarification. we can mine 1600 coins of iron per week per miner or 700 coins of lead?

[Master] just as always training has been paid out from the general fund

[Lara] @Michael @BOB thank you for value ladder

[Master] 1600 coins per miner per week

[Lara] [you can see I don't trade commodities]

[Master] so if you have 4 miners work each day

[Master] that is 6400 coins per week times three weeks per month

[Lara] but the 1600 is Iron, right? lead is 700?

[Master] different mines have different yields

[Master] yes that Iron mine you found you estimate to yield 1,600 per miner per week

[Lara] ok. so you're confirming that one miner, per week, can bring 700 coins of lead OR 1600 coins of iron

[Master] how many weeks there are in the mine to exploit

[Master] NO

[Master] each mine is different

[Master] the Lead mine can do the 700 per miner per week

[Lara] right

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Jan 08 20:08:57 EST 2021

Lisa is receiving the map New Manor...

Lisa has received the map New Manor.

[Master] but each mine might be very different in overall value

[Spring] hi Lisa!

[mharm-05997] Hi Lisa!

[Lara] @BOB yes

[Master] 3 months of silver might be more valuable than 2 years of lead

[Lisa] Hello all! :)

[Ryan] Hello!

[Lara] yep. okay. I was just clarifying.

[Lara] hi Lisa!

[Master] so you have to make guesses at which to exploit first

[Master] Hello Lisa

[mharm-05997 (to Lara only)] Are you asking if that's 1600 Iron Coins, or if it equates to 1600 Gold Pieces?

[Master] almost ready for RP with everyone too

[Spring] Ryan

[Ryan] Yes?

[Lara] maharm-05997\test

[Spring] since Tiff is an NPC, would you care to pick which gnomes can be local leadership on the mines?

[mharm-05997] yes Lara?

[Lara] \me testing

[Carissa] (Hi Lisa!)

[mharm-05997] /

[Ryan] Uh, sure

[mharm-05997] not forward slash

[Spring] the list is halfway down this page

[Spring] under "interesting people"

[Michael] Test

[Lara] /mharm-05997 no, I was asking about per miner, per week what can we yield from the different mines

[Michael] Ok. You can call me Michael now

[Ryan] I don't see such a thing

[Michael] OK I gotcha

[Michael] :)

[Michael] Fixed my name

[Spring] woo hoo!

[Lara] Michael/test

[Michael] /

[Michael] then Michael

[Lara (to Michael only)] teste

[Michael (to Lara only)] perfect

[Master] The test for Michael is "What time is it at BOB's house?"

[Michael] Shut up bob

[Michael] lol

[Lara (to Michael only)] test2

[Master] lol

[Spring] oh wait, I think I posted the wrong page

Michael Lara Perfect 2

[Spring] too many tabs open

[Michael (to Lara only)] Perfect 2

[Master] BUT to get us back on track

[Lara (to Michael only)] I was asking about per miner, per week what can we yield from the different mines; I’m pretty sure that BOB was confirming what I understood

[Master] We have a plan for hiring miners

[Michael (to Lara only)] Ok. Just making sure no confusion. I think you got it perfect.

[Master] right now we will slip to RP and IC for everyone

[Spring] Ryan, here's the one with the interesting people

[Master] Branwyn here at Skull Church to celebrate with Snee the consecration of her new Shrine

[Michael] Be aware everyone. I only got about 15 min. So Talwin can act quickly.

[Lara] am I emerald tonight?

[Master] yes

[Master] everyone is here at Skull Church

[Ryan] Herble sounds like a wise person that will provide great leadership

[Master] the only place currently large enough to hold everyone

[Spring] there's ten gnomes. so even if five are promoted to site leader, five are left to work while the site leaders guard the sites until there are more workers?

[Carissa] (one sec, sorry multitasking then you get my attention)

[Spring] does that make any sense?

[Ryan] That wisdom 5 is a great leadership indicator

[Lara] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] you do not want a single gnome guarding a mine site

[Michael] I am back at the keyboard.

[Spring] hahahahaha

[Master] you will have to pick One mine to exploit

[Master] until you have more miners

[Talwin (Michael)] (I think we were going to focus on one mine for now Spring)

[Master] and you are going to recruit more also

[Spring] for the working, yes

[Spring] but still guarding the rest

[Master] that has been decided yes

[Master] if you want to recruit guards too

[Master] that means building more housing

[Master] but before Michael leaves

[Talwin (Michael)] I'm fine with it Spring if you want to.

[Master] to do the In Character with the full group

[Spring] ok here we go again with confusing and frustrating, because we've been here before about 20 or 30 minutes ago

[Spring] we have more gnomes than we need for working one mine

[Spring] so we promote some and put them in charge of the mines that aren't working yet

[Master] you have 6 gnomes

[Spring] OR

Emerald (Lara) test

[Spring] use players

[Master] that are not working

[Spring] lrok ther'

[Spring] oh! right okay

[Spring] so we are saying the same thing different ways

[Master] to mine/exploit A mine

[Master] while the others are working the Lucky Dwarf Mine

[Spring] five of the gnomes that aren't working can be promoted to leaders

[Spring] and plainly we have a spare

[Master] but they would not be leaders of anyone as you do not have any other miners yet

[Master] you want to hire them

[Ryan] Apprentice leaders?

[Master] but right now you do not have anyone

[Spring] leadership training

[Master] and also no way to feed anyone who shows up

[Spring] ok

[Emerald (Lara)] brb

[Master] So yes your plan is good

[Lara] I am away from the keyboard.

[Spring] plainly not

[Master] use the 6 gnomes on one mine to start, then you have them shift one by one to other mines as you get miners for them to supervise

[Master] and you build housing and food supplies for them

[Spring] there remains the need to have someone at the fallow mines. so we're back to player characters, then, I expect

[Talwin (Michael)] We could hire Guards Spring, but the logistics aren't great because this area is pretty dangerous. I'm willing to be a wiling PC to guard a mine, but I don't know if we can all do that at the same time. If anyone comes to claim them, they are close enough together that I think we'll notice and can come clear them out. But if you want, I have no problem hiring guards. It will take time to get them though.

[Master] the only hitch in the suggestions so far is the guarding the other mine sites, you have no one to do that as leaving one person out there alone will not be good

[Spring] I don't care who we send. send the dog. someone has to be there

[Spring] shall we try sending two people?

[Master] IF the PCs are there guarding the mines then they cannot go out adventuring, IE Hourglass, and other encounters, adventures etc.

[Master] You are right in your planning

[Master] just takes time over months

[Spring] well if all the suggestions get shot down I don't really have anything else

[Master] but you have given me what I need to make sure it happens the way you want

[Spring] last week we were agonizing that we have to have guards no matter what

[Lisa] maybe some of Ilero's guild members might like a temp job?

[Master] there is a new idea

[Master] Yes to Spring without guards there is the possibility of a claim jumper

[Master] but then that would be an encounter/adventure

[Master] grins

[Ryan] 4 gnomes, 4 guild members per mine?

[Ryan] Rest in the mine we are exploiting until we get more people?

[Master] you only have 6 gnomes

[Carissa] You can't hire one? Did I miss this?

[Master] the others are committed to the Lucky Dwarf Mine

[Talwin (Michael)] No we cannot easily hire one right now

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lara] I am back at the keyboard.

[Carissa] No compromise without paying money?

[Emerald (Lara)] (hey, could Ghietjer get the word out? he/she is a translator...maybe they could help with marketing)

[Emerald (Lara)] (forget it, that is a goblin guy---read it wrong)

[Master] Yes to Lara that is part of the "you tell BOB what your plan is and then he does the math to see what the results are"

[Master] Not understanding your question Carissa

[Carissa] Make a deal with them. Guard this in exchange for something other than money until we get to where we can pay. They'd need to be Waste born, though, so feeding isn't an issue, correct?

[Carissa] But I did miss some discussion so I could be repeating things already brought up

[Emerald (Lara)] (also, do we know which gnomes are available? some of these have low numbers like WIS: 5)

[Master] you do not have the bodies to be guards, you have 6 gnomes not currently mining. So you can either start mining a new place and make money.... or you can pay people to guard things that are not making money

[Carissa] How long/hard is it to take a week to find someone in Dragon Fen or elsewhere to pay to guard?

[Master] right now I understand your intentions

[Master] That is the problem

[Master] taking someone from Dragon Fen... means fewer farmers in Dragon Fen to be able to feed the people of Dragon Fen

[Master] you are maxed out right now for how many non-farmers you can support

[Master] so you need to recruit from outside

[Spring] if we start mining a new place and continue mining the one place. that only leaves three places left to guard. that's a thought

[Master] which is what Michael and Spring said to do

[Talwin (Michael)] So I apologize but if there is a roll that is needed I need to leave

[Master] BUT when you do that recruiting currently you have ZERO places for them to live and no way to feed them

[Master] no roll yet

[Master] While everyone is here we should roleplay the celebration of Snee's new Shrine

[Talwin (Michael)] I will do my best to pop back in. Sorry. I thought we'd be past this part

[Master] and the In Character discussions

[Master] and I will do the math etc. for the rest

[Master] after the celebrations I am going to suggest you take two weeks to build some housing

[Lisa] Can I ask a spell question? When a spell has 2 versions "which can be cast from standard preparations" does that mean decide at memorization time or decide when casting?

[Talwin (Michael)] A Most welcome Congratulations upon you Governor, Your Shrine is Magnificent and a testament to your Hardiness"

Michael has left the game on Fri Jan 08 20:30:14 EST 2021

[Master] yes when you memorize

[Lisa] thanks!

[Spring] thanks Michael (for him to read later, whenever)

[Master] OK so we missed the chance for Michael to RP

[Master] Spring I think I understand what you want

[Master] will clarify later

[Master] for now the group is all here in Skull Church the evening after the Consecration Ceremony

Spring is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Spring has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Master] Lisa is anyone NOT here? Howard? Indigo?

Ryan is receiving the map CAVES 1...

Ryan has received the map CAVES 1.

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

Emerald (Lara) sighs

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (My character is still in CAVES 1)

Snezana (Spring) rubbing her forehead

[Master] Yes to Ryan as long as you can chat as is good

[Snezana (Spring)] (just like a dwarf)

[Master] grins

Carissa is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Carissa has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Lisa] huh?

[Lisa] what is happening?

Lara is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Lara has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Master] for this conversation is Branwyn, Howard and Indigo all here?

[Master] the celebration for the consecration for Snee's new Shrine

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 1'00".

[Lisa] were we invited?

[Master] yes

[Master] everyone in the Estate is

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 26'04".

[Lisa] everyone in Dragon Fen is invited?

[Master] but most of the regular people cannot make it

[Lisa] ??

Emerald (Lara) smiles at Snee "How exciting!"

[Master] as it is across the dangerous area where you are building a road

[Master] path

Snezana (Spring) smiles gamely

[Snezana (Spring)] what a lovely job they've done on the shrine

Emerald (Lara) "How are you feeling about the upcoming ceremony?"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (anyway, if we were invited we would go of course)

Emerald (Lara) nods, "Yes!"

[Master] Let us say that the ceremony is done

[Master] to make it easy for everyone

[Snezana (Spring)] I feel that it already happened

[Emerald (Lara)] Good!

[Snezana (Spring)] and thank Aclim, too, I am o tired

[Emerald (Lara)] I can imagine

[Snezana (Spring)] it is good to have a quiet place to connect with my god, what with all the goings on

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

Lisa is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Lisa has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Jilly (Master)] You did a great job out here

Snezana (Spring) whispers "and also a place for non-heathen folk to worship

Emerald (Lara) nods, "Yes, that restorative time and place is such a necessity."

[Jilly (Master)] I am surprised you were able to do all this without any villagers

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The ceremony was quite lovely Snezana

[Snezana (Spring)] oh thank you so much

[Snezana (Spring)] fulfilling anyway

Jilly (Master) whispers to Thistle

[Snezana (Spring)] these lands feel a bit less alien now

[Jilly (Master)] What is wrong with you? you are acting very stiff

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am glad for that

Thistle (Carissa) frowns, "I'm fine."

Jilly (Master) snorts

[Jilly (Master)] Tiberius what did you do?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Yeah! The place looks great! Not wastey at all!

Snezana (Spring) laughs

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] What do you mean?

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] I did not do anything

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] I mean

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] I did a LOT

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] we did a LOT of things

Lord Tiberius (Master) glances over at Branwyn

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] grins

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] it was great being out on the road adventuring

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] we poked and prodded

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] we only found goblins

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Well and gnomes but we knew about the gnomes

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] but we found lots of mines

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] well lots of maybe mines

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] HEY

Lord Tiberius (Master) looks at Jilly

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] You did that to me

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (am I present?)

Lord Tiberius (Master) chuckles

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] (yes)

[Snezana (Spring)] tents

[Jilly (Master)] I did what?

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Talking like you short quick

Lord Tiberius (Master) stops and frowns then smiles

Emerald (Lara) tries to follow the conversation

Lord Tiberius (Master) reaches down and picks up Jilly HUGGING her

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] I missed you

[Jilly (Master)] OUCH

[Snezana (Spring)] hey, brans, do you know where I could get a large tent or two?

Lord Tiberius (Master) sets her down

Lord Tiberius (Master) goes over to Branwyn, and sits with her

Snezana (Spring) massages her forehead some more

Lord Tiberius (Master) whispers in her ear, I am ready to come home

Emerald (Lara) furrows brow, "Snee do you need to rest?"

[Jilly (Master)] Snee you need tents? for what? how many?

[Snezana (Spring)] yes, I do, but first I need to solve problems

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles "I am ready for you to come home. I have missed you very much"

Brer Necholas (TMO) stands off to one side of the room while the others reconnect with old friends.

[Snezana (Spring)] one large or two medium tents should do it. I need places for ten people to sleep

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I thought Pete was getting you tents.

[Jilly (Master)] I can have them made up for you

Branwyn (Lisa) frowns

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Has he been trouble?

[Snezana (Spring)] I don't remember Pete doing tents but it could be

[Snezana (Spring)] I have not hear a peep out of him

[Pete (Master)] I can get more

[Pete (Master)] we have been very busy

[Branwyn (Lisa)] hello Pete

[Snezana (Spring)] the mining operation needs quarters and I was just remembering that lack of barracks does not stop armies

[Pete (Master)] Hello Countess

[Snezana (Spring)] the armies bring tents

[Pete (Master)] Yes we lived in tents in Hourglass until the Governor built the new residence here and we were able to live in the church

[Snezana (Spring)] I need to also arrange rations and there is just so much to look after

Emerald (Lara) turns to Branwyn

[Pete (Master)] She has been great for that

Emerald (Lara) turns back to Snee "What can I do to help?"

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles

Snezana (Spring) smiles

[Snezana (Spring)] well if Pete is doing tents, then it's just rations. oh! and recruitment posters

[Snezana (Spring)] we need to send the word far and wide that there is good paying work out here at the mines

[Emerald (Lara)] I can come up with some recruitment posters (right BOB?)

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] What is wrong with Thistle?

[Thistle (Carissa)] I told you. NOTHING.

[Emerald (Lara)] Snee, would you like me to start getting the word out?

[Snezana (Spring)] oh! oh! oh! one of the more delightful duties. we have to name the four newest mines!

[Emerald (Lara)] I'm happy to put together a communication plan.

Lord Tiberius (Master) leans into Branwyn, does Thistle look... off to you?

[Emerald (Lara)] Oh! I certainly could do that and it would help recruitment.

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] I have been away from her for a couple of months, she looks ....

[Emerald (Lara)] Snee, can I do these things for you?

[Emerald (Lara)] Name the mines and put together a recruitment plan?

Emerald (Lara) smiles

[Snezana (Spring)] I would love your help, Emerald!

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] How about the Dancing Gypsy?

[Snezana (Spring)] the recruitment plan, and will you please name ONE of the mines?

Emerald (Lara) claps her hands light "Wonderful! I will start right away"

[Snezana (Spring)] I’d like Thistle to name one

Lord Tiberius (Master) points to Thistle

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] See

[Branwyn (Lisa)] So many people here I have not spoken to her yet. Thistle? Come sit with us

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Everyone is noticing

Emerald (Lara) nods excitedly "Lovely!"

[Thistle (Carissa)] Oh you mean NOW you'll listen to me? No. You can do it yourself.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 [MODIFIED (+1)] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Snezana (Spring)] the first one is named AFTER Skarp :-)

[Lord Tiberius (Master) (to Lisa only)] Thistle has a definite limp

Snezana (Spring) blinks

[Snezana (Spring)] I’m sorry, did I ignore you, Thistle? I surely did not mean to

Thistle (Carissa) glares

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thistle? Did you get hurt? Please come here

[Thistle (Carissa)] I don't want to.

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] I did NOT do it

[Branwyn (Lisa)] What happened to your leg?

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] She was not out with us

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] she was here at the Church

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Of course you didn't, Tiberius

[Emerald (Lara) (to Lisa only)] I don't see you and Tiberius on the map

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] I just want to be clear,

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] grins

[Thistle (Carissa)] I TOLD them it hurt! I TOLD THEM!

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to Lara only)] Bob didn't move us

[Thistle (Carissa)] But they didn't care!

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] (Lara characters are scattered across maps)

Snezana (Spring) looks baffled

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well I care.

[Thistle (Carissa)] They said, "OOOh no it's fine. Walk it off! This moat matters. Blah blah blah."

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (brb)

[Ryan] I am away from the keyboard.

Thistle (Carissa) sniffs, "They didn't care so I stopped telling them."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Can you please have Kenna and Snee look at your leg?

[Emerald (Lara)] (I’m confused. is Thistle near Snee or near Branwyn?)

[Master] Kenna is there too Spring

[Thistle (Carissa)] She did! She told me it was fine!

[Thistle (Carissa)] She was wrong!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we're all together I think)

[Master] Everyone is together in one room, the main room of Skull Church

[Thistle (Carissa)] I don't want her to touch me.

[Master] the only place large enough for this group

[Emerald (Lara)] Kaeln moved 11'07".

[Emerald (Lara)] Kaeln moved 43'00".

[Emerald (Lara)] (sorry about that)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well it may have seemed fine then but it is clearly not now

Brer Necholas (TMO) watches intently from the sidelines.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] They can help you. Won't they?

[Thistle (Carissa)] I fought that stupid goblin for them and then they ignored me.

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at Kenna and Snee

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] well, could I look at it?

[Thistle (Carissa)] They ignored me for weeks. They're useless.

[Emerald (Lara) (to Lisa only)] where are you guys on the map?

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] She beat the Goblin Chief

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] She did really well

Brer Necholas (TMO) nods.

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to Lara only)] didn't move us - just pretend we're here :D

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] (Lara they are not on the map, just everyone is chatting as their character from whatever map they are on )

Thistle (Carissa) frowns at Kenna, "Do you actually care 'cause none of them did."

[Thistle (Carissa)] (I think Kenna was gone, right? Or was that5 before)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (beats me, I have no idea what is going on)

[Emerald (Lara)] (OH! OKAY, whew!)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (per the usual)

[Ryan] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] (Kenna was away with Tiberius and the mining group while Thistle was working on the moat)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Tiberius's comment made me confused :P)

[Master] Skarp is there too Ryan

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You fought a goblin chief? Why don't you tell me about that while Kenna has a look at the leg.

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] I always care, Thistle, please let me look?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo! Thistle has an exciting story!

Thistle (Carissa) glances at Branwyn, "Fine but only because Branwyn says it's okay."

[Thistle (Carissa)] SHE cares.

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] She took on the Goblin Chief in single combat!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Stories!

[Emerald (Lara)] Snee, I am going to work over there (points somewhere), in case you need me.

Skarphedin (Ryan) glances at Thistle in concern.

[Indigo (Lisa)] let her tell it Branadarus!

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 35'10".

[Thistle (Carissa)] I don't want to.

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (I don't have the knack of chatting as two characters so just assume Snee is nodding at Emerald)

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Jilly we need drinks!

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (it's not an easy thing to do)

Jilly (Master) scowls

[Thistle (Carissa)] (yeah assume my other characters aren't there please; I don't want to juggle them right now)

Jilly (Master) points to Pete and gestures to bring drinks

Kenna Westfoot (Spring) gets her kit out

Emerald (Lara) pulls out a quill and paper to start a recruitment plan

[Master] (they are there and just not talking)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] How in the world were you in combat with a chief?

[Emerald (Lara)] Skarp

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It is too bad Shi is not back yet. She could make lovely posters for Snee

[Emerald (Lara)] (oops, ignore)

[Thistle (Carissa)] I used fire and then I stabbed him and he stabbed me and IT HURT but then he died and everyone ignored me again.

[Thistle (Carissa)] (they are there look at things ignoring these people they barely know)

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Killed him in a single blow

Branwyn (Lisa) eyes widened

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] It was really well done

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Indigo you have been teaching her?

Brer Necholas (TMO) hums quietly to himself.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You killed him with one stab of a dagger?

Branwyn (Lisa) thinking

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Good work

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That is ... amazing

[Thistle (Carissa)] And fire.

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Tell her

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Ahhh ... sorry that explains it. But he stabbed you and your leg still affects you.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Poison, Kenna?

[Thistle (Carissa)] And I kept telling them but they said, "Oh well let's get this stupid moat done. You're just complaining a lot. And then I stopped telling them because they didn't care."

Brer Necholas (TMO) takes a half-step forward.

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (I dunno, I’m going back through the log to see what the hell it could be)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (It's the poison. That wasn't taken care of meaning it festered for weeks)

[Emerald (Lara) (to Ryan only)] does Skarp have a family name or ties to a specific community?

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (I don't remember him getting a lick in)

Branwyn (Lisa) frowns "That does not sound like them. I'm sure they did not understand"

[Skarphedin (Ryan) (to Lara only)] Njaalson

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (and how did the icon get back to Undamaged)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] I'm sorry. If you told me, then I didn't understand. I... am very sorry.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Let's see if they can fix you up now though. I am so sorry for that

[Thistle (Carissa)] And for weeks they didn't notice I didn't want to dance? Or walk? Or anything? They ignored me!

[Thistle (Carissa)] I said maybe we should ask the other priest because Snee couldn't do anything but then they said the moat mattered more!!

[Emerald (Lara) (to Ryan only)] thanks. I am making sure he gets a mine named :-)

Kenna Westfoot (Spring) frowns

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] I will definitely be having some words with people

[Thistle (Carissa)] You mean ALL of them?

Thistle (Carissa) sweeps arms around

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] if I need to, one at a time. and I may make them cut me a switch while I am at it

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] this will not do

Brer Necholas (TMO) turns and stalks out of the room.

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] Kenna Westfoot: Diagnostics check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] Kenna Westfoot: Healing check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (I dunno if that does anything. I would expect over time the poison itself would dissipate and this is simple infection now)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (I expect diagnostics to tell me)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Guessing Bob is still afk; trying to find what info he sent me)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (oh I didn't realize)

Brer Necholas (TMO) finds a quiet spot and drops to one knee, draws his sword and kneels over it in prayer.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Would you like to come back to Dragon Fen with us when we go home?

[Thistle (Carissa)] (either files are missing from my computer or I'm really bad at remember when I filed things...)

Thistle (Carissa) tries not to tear up but nods

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles "I would like that. Thank you"

Skarphedin (Ryan) reaches out to Thistle, but let's his hand drop.

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] I would too, I have missed you

[Thistle (Carissa)] (ugh, I don't have specifics, but at this point her leg is gone. It was implied we'd have to find someone to heal it and pay if agreed upon)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Ilero misses you too. Don't tell him I tell him I told you

[Thistle (Carissa)] (*find someone one if the group agrees to let her get healed)

[Master (to Carissa only)] the poison was in her leg, and withered it so she lost 6 points of dex

[Thistle (Carissa) (to Master only)] Holy f that's a lot

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (gone? Bob whispered Thistle was limping not hopping)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (and if not she's cripple - literal cripple aka half her DEX is now gone)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (yeah he's apparently back :P)

[Master] For Kenna you can see that something, poison apparently has withered Thistle's leg making it almost useless

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Thistle is NOT a cripple, she can walk etc.

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Well severely disabled, then)

[Master] but she is not the floating happy teenager she was

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (so there's not a festering wound them?)

[Master] Now she walks like she has lived a hard life

[Master] a limp and not as happy

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (still pretty awful)

[TMO] so, I'm guessing Brer has lost his paladin status?

[Master] no to TMO

[TMO] being party to denying available help to a youth under his care to prioritize moving dirt?

[Master] partially it is a teenager telling you how often she complained about it compared to how often you actually spoke with her and heard her, etc.

[Master] and you might want to question further along those line

[Master] Branwyn started to

[Master] a single blow killing a goblin chief?

[Master (to TMO only)] along the lines of our conversation earlier today about using

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (Kenna will want to know who specifically told her that her pain was unimportant, as opposed to all the people who simply failed to notice a change in her demeanor)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (but absolutely Snee should have remembered the poison)

[TMO] I honestly don't remember it being mentioned IC, only OOC, but that hasn't really stopped us in the past.

[TMO] and I may just have missed a chunk of conversation

[Master] So continue on IC

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (I don't remember anything either way, but that doesn't mean much.)

[Master] and see what happened

[Spring] I remember one conversation about why aren’t you dancing, don't you feel like dancing. but nothing more than that

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

[Indigo (Lisa)] So you got poisoned by a goblin chief. Was it a dagger and was it all green and drippy with poison goo as it came towards you?

Kenna Westfoot (Spring) sighs

[Emerald (Lara) (to Master only)] (these are notes for myself: Song Of Skarp Mine | Contest Mine | Liberty Mine | Sparkling Mine | Copper Fire Mine)

Skarphedin (Ryan) shifts uncomfortably.

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (uhm, the chat log says it's an arm)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (

[TMO] (no more handstands)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] yup tha's the one I’m on

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] Thistle (Carissa) takes back her chain and rubs her arm [Thistle (Carissa)] That kinda stung. [Thistle (Carissa)] SNEE! AM I GOING TO LOSE MY ARM??

[Master] (yes to Spring, I made a story change to a leg, for better story telling)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (oh pkay)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (and better than her dying)

[Indigo (Lisa)] You should have told them to bring you home. Or sent a message. I woulda come and got you. It's been kind of boring back home

[Thistle (Carissa)] How can I tell them if they aren't listening to me??

[Indigo (Lisa)] From what you said you could set yourself on fire!

Indigo (Lisa) grins

[Thistle (Carissa)] That was pretty cool...

[Indigo (Lisa)] You'll have to do that for me

[Jilly (Master)] Don’t set Indigo on fire

[Indigo (Lisa)] It'll be okay Thistle

[Indigo (Lisa)] Not me! Her!

[Jilly (Master)] You want to set her on fire?

[Jilly (Master)] What about her clothes?

[Indigo (Lisa)] I want her to set her on fire

[Jilly (Master)] What about her hair?

Emerald (Lara) writes furiously with ideas about the Mines and recruitment

[Jilly (Master)] OH sure

[Jilly (Master)] Then she can just hold her hand out and cook with it

Jilly (Master) pauses

Indigo (Lisa) laughs

Jilly (Master) looks at Thistle

[Jilly (Master)] Could you do that?

[Jilly (Master)] Put your hand in the pot and make it boil?

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (is there anything that says what a Potion of health does?)

[Thistle (Carissa)] ... I miss dancing. Is this like when Shi couldn't sing anymore?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Elixir of Health: This potion cures blindness, deafness, disease, feeblemindedness, insanity, infection, infestation, poisoning, and rot. It will not heal wounds or restore hit points lost through any of the above causes. Imbibing the whole potion will cure all of the above afflictions suffered by the imbiber)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (okay, so we never got to finish helping Thistle because we got lost looking at potions and then had to make moat or mine decisions)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (thanks Lisa)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (does withering = rot?)

[Master] yes

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (or does this maybe still count as poisoning. Oh ok)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] excuse me for a minute ....

Kenna Westfoot (Spring) gets up and goes across to Snee

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] you should have an Elixir of Health around here somewhere

[Snezana (Spring)] we did, but we gave it to Thistle

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] are you SURE

[Snezana (Spring)] I thought so .....

Snezana (Spring) looks in the stored supplies

[Snezana (Spring)] Aclim's beard! it's still here!

Kenna Westfoot (Spring) makes a disapproving face

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] mmmmm hmmmmm

Kenna Westfoot (Spring) reaches out

Snezana (Spring) hands it over in horror and confusion

Kenna Westfoot (Spring) brings it back over

[Emerald (Lara) (to Ryan only)] you busy? I would like to share the Song of Skarp that I just wrote

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] here, Thistle, I think this should help

Kenna Westfoot (Spring) hands over the potion

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] /Lana I would love to hear it :)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] you will want to drink it all and then have a lie-down

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (uh... oops)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] it may make you feel peculiar

[Emerald (Lara) (to Ryan only)] so, Emerald is coming up with names for the mines and Snee wants one named after Skarp, right?

Thistle (Carissa) eyes her warily

[Emerald (Lara) (to Ryan only)] well, we are trying to get gnomes to come work for us but also appeal to humans, right?

[Thistle (Carissa)] And what if it doesn't work?

Skarphedin (Ryan) Lara Sorry, I typo'd my last response.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (I am terrible at this.)

[Emerald (Lara) (to Ryan only)] (no worries- get you)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I'm enjoying it)

[Skarphedin (Ryan) (to Lara only)] Test

[Branwyn (Lisa)] :)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] then we'll keep working on it

[Emerald (Lara) (to Ryan only)] test received

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] because all things are possible under Uthe's eye

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (not so bad - we all goof our whispers)

[Skarphedin (Ryan) (to Lara only)] Huzzah. Skarp would be honored, although thing it

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] but this potion is still quite fresh

[Skarphedin (Ryan) (to Lara only)] think it might be too much of an honor.

[Emerald (Lara) (to Ryan only)] okay, so miners like to sing apparently so we give them a song and use it to recruit! it's not a great song but it is a start

[Skarphedin (Ryan) (to Lara only)] I've seen Snow White, and it seems to agree with you. I'm onboard!

[Master] So is Thistle taking the potion?

[Thistle (Carissa)] (Sorry text message, but yes she is)

[Emerald (Lara) (to Ryan only)] "Join in this song | Yes please sing along | about a dwarf who battles and builds | his strength taught at all the guilds | Yes, sing the Song of Skarp, my dear | Yes, be careful for you should fear | his keen sense which detects | and his dagger which reflects | a heart of fire and an unending desire | to forge his destiny's path

[Thistle (Carissa)] (and I always do a test whisper first for that reason...)

[Skarphedin (Ryan) (to Lara only)] I love it! Although Skarp would probably grumble and blush into his beard the first time he hears the song.

[Master] Ok so she drinks the potion and yes her leg heals and is better, back to normal flexibility

[Emerald (Lara) (to Ryan only)] yes he would! (I’m glad you like it | shy face)

[Thistle (Carissa)] (huh didn't expect it to be that easy, very nice)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (It is the emotional scars that will take forever to heal.)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (whew)

Brer Necholas (TMO) comes back into the room, just finishing sheathing his sword at his side.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Thankfully he didn't sheathe his sword IN his side.)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And Thistle shall dance again!

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (it's what we meant to do. I feel awful that it got lost in everything)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Feel better?

[Thistle (Carissa)] Maybe later. I'm still tired and I don't feel like it still.

[Skarphedin (Ryan) (to Lara only)] It is a great song. I appreciate it!

[Emerald (Lara) (to Ryan only)] so the other mines...I have some names "Liberty Mine | Sparkling Mine | Copper Fire Mine"

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] I strongly recommend no dancing until tomorrow

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] you should really lie down now

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Do you need anything? I can see if I can find some something approximating good drink in this place.

Brer Necholas (TMO) steps near to Thistle and waits his turn.

[Emerald (Lara) (to Ryan only)] can you give me some insight as to what dwarves like enough to name a mine after them? like Lucky Dwarf Mine

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (oh god did we forget to heal brer too?)

[Skarphedin (Ryan) (to Lara only)] The Surprisingly Good Mead Mine

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (nah)

[Emerald (Lara) (to Ryan only)] ---------that's cool! Good Mead Mine

[Master] Griff (dog)'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 21 (4) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] Snezana's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 35 (4) - Unharmed

[Master] Griff (dog)'s Current Hit Points: adjusted to 24 (3) - Unharmed

[Master] Snezana: No adjustments made.

[Skarphedin (Ryan) (to Lara only)] I would imagine that dwarves have a thousand different names for types of stone.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Thank you Kenna. You did a world of good there.

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] late. but thank you.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] Well done, Kenna. We all owe you so much.

[Master (to Carissa only)] that was a hint for Thistle to look at Brer and ask what he wants

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] I would punish my former pupil but I think she'll do a good job punishing herself

[Thistle (Carissa) (to Master only)] Man I am tired tonight

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Just the one? Right or left?)

Thistle (Carissa) to Brer, "Are you staring at me?"

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (ha!)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Also, why is it your former pupil?)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (if thy eye offends thee, pluck it out)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (OMG I have eaten so much toast)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (I know how to binge)

Brer Necholas (TMO) nods and drops to one knee next to her. "I'm sorry, Thistle. I failed you. Tell me how to atone." He smiles briefly under his hood. "No rush on it, though."

Thistle (Carissa) looks at him suspicious, "Are you just saying that to humor me?"

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] What do you think?

[Thistle (Carissa)] I don't know. You're weird. It's hard to tell.

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (I have to leave in about 10 minutes to help with bedtime)

Brer Necholas (TMO) stands back up. "Good. Let me know what you think of."

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (I need time to get into my onesie and warm up my night-night milk.)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (aawwwww)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (did Jilly share her news? She had to have had the baby by now)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Ryan reminded me)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Oh, I don't have kids.)

[Master] I need to check the calendar, it has been 5 months.

[Master] LOL

[Master] LOL

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (The onesie is for me. The milk is also for me.)

Emerald (Lara) (@Ryan...roflmao)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (she was already pregnant before we left for skull church)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (maybe I am too early though)

[Master] I will make sure on the calendar first

Lara is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Lara has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Master] But continuing on here

[Master] with Brer and Thistle

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 24'10".

[Thistle (Carissa)] (thought it was done, she's thinking on it)

Emerald (Lara) takes a look around at Snee's group

[Emerald (Lara) (to Spring only)] (are you free to chat as Snee or are you still IC as Kenna?)

Emerald (Lara) test

[Master] The story goal of Snee learning how to lead

[Master] of having to negotiate when things are not just right

[Master] and for everyone to understand that they need to advocate for their characters, etc.

[Master] and yes to Lara

[Master] Continue with Emerald for Snee

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (I think that Snee would be able to negotiate better if BOB gave her a flamethrower.)

[Master] LOL

Emerald (Lara) gently clears her throat, "Snee?"

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (+10 to Intimidate; +20 vs. Ents)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (sorry was afk for a minute)

[Master] WOW

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (If they didn't want to burn, they should have thought about having a non-flammable core)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (ha)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (my core is kinda flammable...)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (My core is soft and squishy)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (my core is pudding surrounded by flammable)

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Anyone else hungry suddenly?)

[Emerald (Lara)] (you guys have cores?)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (haha)

[Emerald (Lara)] (I have what would possibly be the core of a toaster strudel...or what you find in a Boston Creme donut)

Snezana (Spring) looking shaken

[Snezana (Spring)] yes, Emerald?

Emerald (Lara) gently "Snee, I know it has been a day for you"

Snezana (Spring) gestures that it doesn't matter

[Emerald (Lara)] I would like to run the recruitment idea by you. It might relieve some stress and bring good news.

[Snezana (Spring)] certainly, let's hear it

[Skarphedin (Ryan)] (Well, I gotta go. Good luck, everyone! Thanks for a great session)

[Snezana (Spring)] (gnite Ryan!)

[Emerald (Lara)] (bye Ryan!)

Ryan has left the game on Fri Jan 08 22:00:27 EST 2021

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Goodnight!)

Snezana (Spring) listens with half an ear while she tries to think of everyone she knows who might have been injured lately

[Emerald (Lara)] People often like to sing in the pubs as well as on their way to work.

Snezana (Spring) nodding

[Emerald (Lara)] So, I thought of some names for the mines and wrote songs or limericks about each mine.

[Emerald (Lara)] that way, we can get people to SING about the mines and it gets folks excited about coming AND

[Emerald (Lara)] it would solidify the names quicker...

Emerald (Lara) pauses

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (whistle while you work)

Snezana (Spring) mulling it over

[Emerald (Lara)] I can give you an example, if you'd like...

[Snezana (Spring)] oh please do!

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] Maybe even dancing ?

Emerald (Lara) smiles at Tiberius "Maybe!"

[Emerald (Lara)] Okay...I wasn't sure if you meant what you said about naming a mine after Skarp...but here is what I came up with for the Song of Skarp Mine...

[Emerald (Lara)] Join in this song | Yes please sing along | about a dwarf who battles and builds | his strength taught at all the guilds | Yes, sing the Song of Skarp, my dear | Yes, be careful for you should fear | his keen sense which detects | and his dagger which reflects | a heart of fire and an unending desire | to forge his destiny's path

[Emerald (Lara)] Song of Skarp mine

Indigo (Lisa) claps

[Snezana (Spring)] I love it!

Emerald (Lara) smiles

[Emerald (Lara)] I have another one for the copper mine

[Snezana (Spring)] I hate to ruin it, but the mine that's named after Skarp is called the Siffress Wildwander Lucky Dwarf Mine.

[Snezana (Spring)] but the song is a wonderful proof of concept!

[Snezana (Spring)] yes, I definitely want to hear a copper one

[Emerald (Lara)] Been drinking all night | And I gots in a fight | And now it’s time to toward | Not time to lament | Cuz it was time well spent | And it is time to move forward | Let us not roam | It’s not time to go home | We head to the riches | With our well-worn britches | To mine the Copper Fire Yes, to work the Copper Fire

Snezana (Spring) applauds

Emerald (Lara) curtsies slightly

Indigo (Lisa) grins and claps

[Snezana (Spring)] I like the idea very much

[Indigo (Lisa)] Those are good!

Brer Necholas (TMO) hums one of the tunes to himself.

[Snezana (Spring)] and I would love for these mines to become famous

[Emerald (Lara)] now all we have to do is head to some pubs and start singing the songs while we drink and tell people about the work that is coming up

Lord Tiberius (Master) raises a toast

[Lord Tiberius (Master)] I Can do that

Indigo (Lisa) laughs

Emerald (Lara) grins

[Snezana (Spring)] very well done, Emerald!

[Emerald (Lara)] I have possible names for the other you want to hear those too? I don't have the songs written but it won't be hard

[Emerald (Lara)] thank you!

[Snezana (Spring)] I do really want Thistle to have the opportunity to name one of the mines

[Emerald (Lara)] Absolutely! how is she feeling?

[Emerald (Lara)] I do not see her

[Snezana (Spring)] and if you could work with Bret and Talwin on name some of them, that would be good as well

Snezana (Spring) looking sad

[Snezana (Spring)] well, if the potion is typical, she will feel highly disoriented, so I bet she's gone to bed

[Snezana (Spring)] but it really should cure her. I honestly thought it already had

Emerald (Lara) furrows brow "I'm so sorry to hear she was injured."

[Snezana (Spring)] she was such a thing to behold! that goblin didn't stand a chance

[Snezana (Spring)] and he plainly thought she was the weakest among us

Emerald (Lara) with confidence says "Thistle is as tough as they come. I will pray that she heals swiftly."

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] So will I.

[Snezana (Spring)] thank you, I will too

[Snezana (Spring)] and I will make amends somehow

[Snezana (Spring)] thank you for this amazing work on the recruitment

Emerald (Lara) thoughtfully says, "Snee, you are becoming an amazing Governor. Things will continue to come at you from all directions..."

[Snezana (Spring)] I can't wait to hear the songs out in the wild

Snezana (Spring) looks down

Emerald (Lara) continues with pride, "...but we are all here for you and I know that Thistle will be okay."

[Snezana (Spring)] thank you for being on my side

[Snezana (Spring)] ok enough of this. more drink!

Snezana (Spring) singing "la la la la copper FIRE!"

Emerald (Lara) laughs "I will sing some of them to Thistle tomorrow. She will be in a horrid mood, I'm sure and the songs will be a great item for her to snark on."

Emerald (Lara) smiles

Snezana (Spring) smiles

[Jilly (Master)] Kenna are you coming back to the Hospital?

Emerald (Lara) singing along with Snee..."Been drinking all night | And I gots in a fight..." then trails off

[Jilly (Master)] and I will tell Nevin to expect some people to show up who want to come here

Jilly (Master) looks at Indigo

[Jilly (Master)] I want to see those crypts

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] yes I am coming

[Lara] (hey guys, I’m gotta get some shut eye. I will post some stuff to site. gnite!)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (did the group tell Branwyn about Silver? was going to suggest putting some posters at Old Man Miller's ...)

[Jilly (Master)] (night)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (gnite Lara)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (no leaving until we're done!)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (get back here!)

[Jilly (Master)] (not yet that is next)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (sit and play!)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Sure. The crypts are all cleaned out now

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (haha)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Goodnight Lara!)

[Master] So Indigo and Jilly and Baron Ulgen goes down to the crypts to sightsee

[Lara] (@TMO - lol | my evening meds have kicked in; next week I will wait longer to take them,,,gnite!)

Lara has left the game on Fri Jan 08 22:19:03 EST 2021

[Master] leaving Kenna, Snee Brer and Branwyn here in the main room

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (game can be more fun when you're high)

[Master] to discuss the events of last session/construction etc.

[Snezana (Spring)] so. we had a visitor

[Pete (Master)] What ever happened to that man I sent to you Governor

[Snezana (Spring)] Silver? he was interesting

[Snezana (Spring)] offensive and threatening

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Agreed.

[Snezana (Spring)] he raised some valid concerns about loss of income in Redfern if traffic starts coming through on our new path

[Snezana (Spring)] and when we took him seriously and started working on solutions, he offered to stir up the populace to violence against the road crew

[Snezana (Spring)] so I don't know if talking to him was a waste of time. maybe so. but I would very much like to speak directly with Old Man Miller to see how we can help

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Who is this?

[Snezana (Spring)] some of the solutions we thought of were taxing anyone who's not a resident of Dragon Fen who wants to use the new path

[Snezana (Spring)] Calls himself Silver. says he's a friend of yours, and represents Miller

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Mr. Silver is in Drillian and representing Old Man Miller?

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well that friendship has certainly progressed

[Snezana (Spring)] what had it been like before?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh back in Dryads Lair I arranged for Mr. Silver to have meetings with his friends at Millers.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The Mist gives them cover and no one can eavesdrop on them

[Snezana (Spring)] well I guess they got along

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I did not realize it would be a frequent occurrence

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But he is threatening our road?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That will not do.

[Snezana (Spring)] I certainly took it amiss. especially when Miller's concerns seemed so valid and we were eager to work something out

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] It was over aggressive, but I think he was trying to counter the argument that Miller was already making more than he had been thanks to us, so he could afford to lose some due to the road.

[Snezana (Spring)] the proposal on the table is to tax any non-dragon fen people who use the new path, and split that tax between yourself and Miller

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Did you tell him he was being ridiculous since the road is going to Dragon Fen and he will still get all the traffic to the Medipop Estates and areas in that direction?

[Snezana (Spring)] I think it did come up, but not in so many words

[Snezana (Spring)] we were also asked to not warehouse anything out here, but that isn't practical. I’d like to invite the warehousers in Redfern into investing in warehouses up this way as well

[Snezana (Spring)] they don't want us opening inns or guesthouses

[Branwyn (Lisa)] he is only losing potentially new traffic that comes and goes from Dragon Fen which did not even exist as business for him to be losing until a few years ago.

Snezana (Spring) nodding

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Hmmm ... how far is it from Hourglass to Travelers Way?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (more a Bob question sorry)

[Master] 13 miles

[Branwyn (Lisa)] \(thought that was the distance from skull church)

[Snezana (Spring)] (hourglass is pretty close to skull church, yes?)

[Master] 41 miles from Hourglass to Dragon Fen Manor by road that leads through Red Fern Lake

[Master] yes within a mile

[Snezana (Spring)] (that road makes a giant U shape)

[Snezana (Spring)] (with red fern on the lower left bend of the U)

[Master] yes to Spring

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (how many miles from hourglass to Miller's?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (a day? half a day?)

[Master] roughly 24 miles

[Master] 1 day travel by road

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (ok - back iC)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well that is just silly.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It is a day's travel to Miller's from here. He expects people to sleep in the dirt if they arrive here at night? or walk all night to get to Miller's?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I would understand if we were building right next to him

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] It may be a negotiating point they could lose to make gains elsewhere.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I agree

[Snezana (Spring)] and we did make it plain that we will indeed quarter Dragon Fen guests as we like

[Snezana (Spring)] it's not the same as running an inn. it's family.

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Very good

[Snezana (Spring)] but I appreciate your perspective very much

[Snezana (Spring)] I truly want to make an ally of Miller, and I don't want to work with Silver at all. my gut says he can't be trusted

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Silver is a man of means. Perhaps he would like to build a road that forks off from Dragon Fen and goes to Redfern Lake? Then people can easily go whichever direction suits them.

[Snezana (Spring)] that's a nice idea

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Mr. Silver is a rich and powerful man that is used to getting what he wants, but he cannot be unreasonable in our lands.

[Master] There is already Moss Road that goes from Red Fern Lake to Jistille

Brer Necholas (TMO) nods at Snezana. "I think he already has overstepped himself."

[Master] your new path completes the third side of the triangle

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And we will be securing our road. We are already providing a service to him for any traffic that does head in his direction.

[Snezana (Spring)] so really, he's just trying to shake us down?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You came to an agreement? Miller's is only a day away. We can go there if this is not settled and straighten this out quickly.

[Snezana (Spring)] (I dunno, did we come to an agreement? I kind of lost it)

[Snezana (Spring)] (we were still hashing out terms)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I believe Miller is genuinely worried or maybe sees and opportunity and has enlisted Mr. Silver to aid him.

[Snezana (Spring)] indeed, that is the feeling I had as well

[Snezana (Spring)] I asked for a meeting with the red fern business people so that we could work together on the issue

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Mr. Silver is much more adept at these kinds of things. You may do better with Miller himself.

[Snezana (Spring)] Silver was trying to get a commitment right away and I refused

[Snezana (Spring)] and to only work through himself as representative instead of having a meeting. I didn't like it at all

[Snezana (Spring)] but no, we didn't strike an agreement. just defined areas where we concur

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I think a visit might be in order. I have always been a friend to Miller and have assisted Mr. Silver as I could. Threats to you, the road and thereby Dragon Fen do not sit well.

[Snezana (Spring)] thank you. it would be most helpful

[Snezana (Spring)] I will come with so that we can do the real negotiating

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Of course.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] It's usually helpful to cut out the middleman.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You met Miller when you first came to the area, Brer. Did you think he was the sort to make such threats?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I think we can resolve this quickly and amicably

Brer Necholas (TMO) nods. "Miller is generally accommodating, but if he feels he's getting the short end he'll stand his ground. And Silver may have influenced him or talked him into it."

Branwyn (Lisa) nods

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It really is too bad that Mr. Silver is so attached to Old Man Miller's. I could offer him Traveler’s Way for his meetings. But that would really hurt Miller's business.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Think about what terms you would like. My goal is to make sure Mr. Silver does not get carried away again if he is still here.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] It wouldn't hurt to have Miller more dependent on Dragon Fen business.

[Snezana (Spring)] I do want to infuse this region with investments

[Snezana (Spring)] so, inviting warehousers and innkeepers and the like to set up additional locations up this way could benefit everyone

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And you are doing wonderfully! I am very impressed

[Snezana (Spring)] because the new path is primarily meant to be a convenience road for Dragon Fen, it does make sense to toll anyone who's not Dragon Fen to use it

[Snezana (Spring)] and drive leisure traffic to the south

[Snezana (Spring)] when the cathedral ramps up, there will be more pilgrims

[Snezana (Spring)] if they could establish a holy site near Redfern, they could package it in as part of the pilgrimage and bring them even more business

[Branwyn (Lisa)] More holy sites. ... yes.

[Master] grins

[Snezana (Spring)] you have concerns?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No no. Of course not.

[Snezana (Spring)] the idea is to keep the leisure and religious traffic going the old way

[Snezana (Spring)] and keep the new path for ourselves :-)

[Master] Quellcon, Medipop and Jistille are all Kayugan

[Branwyn (Lisa)] That is good. I like that

Brer Necholas (TMO) smiles at Branwyn, "What could possibly go wrong with more religious and holy visitors coming here, right?"

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (people say Dragon Fen is Kayugan?)

[Snezana (Spring)] well, as long as nobody decides their one true religion has to eradicate the others .....

[Master] Dragon Fen is .... sort of Kayugan there are now two Kayugan churches, one Norse shrine, one Elven, at least one Gnome and of course now Skull Church

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we're turning into the new Loosend)

[Master] so five different religions,

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (Suomi FTW!)

[Master] HAH

[Snezana (Spring)] (hehehe)

[Snezana (Spring)] (so cosmopolitan!)

[Master] I do think this is a good wrap up point

[Master] next week you can choose to build some housing for miners and or go visit Old Man Miller

[Master] and there will be some other encounters

[Master] and and and

[Master] I will do the math for you Spring

[Master] for the mines

[Master] the only thing I need is WHICH mine you want to start with

[Master] of the 4

[Spring] the one closest to the one we are already operating

[Master] so Iron or Copper?

[Spring] Copper

[Master] very well

[Master] Copper Fire it is

[Spring] whee!

[Master] I will work on this over the week

[Lisa] does Branwyn have a couple weeks left over before this? I realized when I entered her spell that one of them has a potion of super heroism as a component and so I need to make one - 1d3 weeks I think

[Master] yes

[Master] abut 8 weeks

[Master] from the last spell she learned till her visit here

[Lisa] Determining a formula from scratch requires 1d3+1 weeks and costs 100 gp a week.

[Spring] okay have a restful night!

[Spring] see ya later!

[Master] running the ArtLit festival tomorrow

[Master] on Facebook Live

Spring has left the game on Fri Jan 08 23:10:16 EST 2021

[Lisa] The time requirement listed on Table 23 is the time the character actually spends brewing the potion.

[Lisa] I don't have Table 23

[Master] chuckles I will check now

[Lisa] Roll #1: (d3) [1d3=1] 1

[Lisa] 2 weeks for research

[Lisa] 200 gp


[Master] Checking the XP value now

[Master] 450 so 5 days

[Master] so 500 GP to actually brew the potion and 5 days

[Lisa] ok

[Master] have a great night everyone

[Carissa] night

Carissa has left the game on Fri Jan 08 23:14:50 EST 2021

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] g'nite

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Branwyn modified:

TMO has left the game on Fri Jan 08 23:15:13 EST 2021

Lisa has left the game on Fri Jan 08 23:18:10 EST 2021

[Master] Thistle XP award: 200. Next level in 818.

[Master] Talwin XP award: 200. Next level in 65965.

[Master] Brer Necholas XP award: 200. Level-up!

[Master] Snezana XP award: 200. Next level in 109366.

[Master] Emerald XP award: 300. Next level in 11335.

[Master] Kenna Westfoot XP award: 300. Next level in 161729.

[Master] Johan the Apprentice XP award: 100. Next level in 12363.

[Master] Lord Tiberius XP award: 100. Next level in 70785.

[Master] Skarphedin XP award: 200. Next level in 11865.

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 200. Next level in 134940.

[Master] Indigo XP award: 150. Next level in 47443.

[Master] Howard Plum XP award: 100. Next level in 24106.

XP awarded