Main / 20210115c

Chat Log - 2021 01 15 - Swamp Monster (Formatted)

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Jan 15 18:00:16 EST 2021 ====

[Master] No Spring and no Ryan tonight

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Jan 15 19:09:49 EST 2021

Lisa is receiving the map New Manor...

Lisa has received the map New Manor.

[Master] Hello

Lisa is receiving the map Hillside 1...

Lisa has received the map Hillside 1.

[Lisa] Hello!

[Lisa] Was almost 90 degrees here today

[Master] yes heard

[Master] that sucks

[Lisa] With everything that has happened these last 2 weeks I'm not sure it's really 2021. I think someone hit replay on 2020

[Master] or farther back

[Master] you saw the vaccine news?

Carissa has joined the game on Fri Jan 15 19:12:47 EST 2021

Carissa is receiving the map New Manor...

Carissa has received the map New Manor.

[Lisa] which?

[Master] The Trump administration lied, there are NO MORE DOSES

[Lisa] Hi Carissa!

[Master] They gave out all of them now and did not replenish any

[Carissa] Hi Bob and Lisa!

[Master] so anyone who has the first dose might not get a second one

[Master] so we go back to step one

[Lisa] that is what I was worried about ...

[Carissa] NY says they're guaranteeing the second if they have to hold back on the first

[Master] and hello to Carissa

[Carissa] Which is good. I get mine next Wednesday :)(

[Master] second one? or first?

[Carissa] First. But I do trust NY will have enough for the second dose if I get it early

[Master] good

[Lisa] wow! essential worker?

[Carissa] But J&J is close to getting approved in a month or two for their single shot dose which s awesome

[Carissa] Yep! I got lumped in with first responders. Not complaining one bit.

[Carissa] Technically am, just in a different capacity

[Carissa] I have to drive to a different city to get it via the state, but it's worth it

[Master] If you can get it go for it now

[Carissa] Exactly

[Master] knowing that people like me are going to wait until 2022 now

[Carissa] And one dose offers some protection which is better than none

[Carissa] Nah, not with J&J coming out soon. And with Pfizer and Moderna holding doses because they expect Trump to refuse them, but that we'd need them.

[Master] and while I have the two of you here, let us continue what started on the site

Lara has joined the game on Fri Jan 15 19:16:03 EST 2021

Lara is receiving the map New Manor...

Lara has received the map New Manor.

[Master] and if Emerald pipes up that is good too

[Carissa] Speaking of, I was confused what third wedding we were going to until I saw you just copy and pasted :PO

[Master] Need the distractions and moving

[Lara] hi folks!

[Carissa] Hi Lara!

[Lisa] Hi Lara!

TMO has joined the game on Fri Jan 15 19:17:23 EST 2021

TMO is receiving the map New Manor...

[Master] So Lara Lisa and Carissa started the roleplaying earlier on the site and are continuing now

TMO has received the map New Manor.

[Lisa] Hi TMO!

[TMO] hi!

[Lara] got it


[Carissa] Hi TMO!

[Carissa] Yeah and I almost replied then saw the time. Lemme figure out what I was going to say, lol

[Lara] hi TMO

[Carissa] (Also if you can make Raelynn some kinda pinkish color and N'laea some kind of... er, I'll find a greenish for you, text color?)

[TMO] how are we all doing today?

[Master] I am off until Wednesday so I am good

[Master] going to relax enjoy tonight

[Master] then ride a hundred miles on the bike over the extended weekend

[Lara] @BOB nice! took tue off as well?

[Master] yes

[Carissa] (51, 102, 0? It's second from the bottom, about six from the right)

[Master] Raelynn set

[Lara] just so I知 up to speed---the Post Shrine Consecration Party Continued From Chat---that is what I知 looking at, right?

[N'laea (Carissa)] I do not know if there is a concern. This Mist is very new.

[Master] yes to Lara

[Master] and IN Character

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (test)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (Wait no this color for N'laea)

[Lara] yes to BOB

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (provided you can see it well enough)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (it is a little dark)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (test)

[Lara] bob, how did ArtLit go last week?

[Master] Very good and horrible

[N'laea (Carissa)] (test)

[Lara] awwwwwww

[Master] someone played music in the background and we got 4 take down notices that killed our stream

[Master] but the overall event was good and my part went as smooth as possible

[TMO] ol and aww

[Branwyn (Lisa)] New? The ... ohhhhhh. New for you most likely. It has been here quite long for us.

[Master] Carissa change of collar?

[Master] and yes back IN CHARACTER for everyone

[N'laea (Carissa)] (test)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Master] elves talking

[N'laea (Carissa)] (Ok so green for this text. One shade brighter apparently than you just chose)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (am I testing this one...?)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (This one pinkish of some sort)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (204, 102, 255 maybe)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (I wish they'd let players just change this. It's be so much easier)

[Master] try

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (test)

[N'laea (Carissa)] (test)

[N'laea (Carissa)] (Okay green is right. This work for you all?)

[Lara] I am back at the keyboard.

[Emerald (Lara) (to TMO only)] new manor is where the Party was?

[TMO] I'm green/black colorblind. Green and black look the same to me

[Master (to Lara only)] no the ground floor of the church

[N'laea (Carissa)] (too many have bright green as their normal chat so trying to not match too much)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (yes much better)

[N'laea (Carissa)] (okay we're good on this character at least :) )

[TMO (to Lara only)] Yes

[Emerald (Lara) (to Master only)] ok

[Master (to TMO only)] no

[Emerald (Lara) (to TMO only)] got it

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (and if someone wants to remind me the easy way to switch between characters...)

[TMO (to Master only)] I'm at New Manor. Where are we supposed to be?

Lisa is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

[Master] All the characters are now moved to the Ground Floor for Skull Church

Lisa has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[TMO (to Lara only)] I'm told from On High that that's wrong. :)

[Emerald (Lara) (to TMO only)] lol

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I just right click either the icon or the character on the left but it might not be the best way)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (lol that's what I've been doing, but feels cumbersome)

[Master] Right now everyone is at Skull Church after the consecration of the new Shrine

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (204, 102, 255 for this chat color if you didn't see that)

[Master] talking to the new elves that showed up

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (*this character)

[Emerald (Lara)] (how did people get invited? I知 trying to figure out how the new characters that arrived)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (they just showed up when the mining group was mining and followed back)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (nothing really too involved than that)

[Emerald (Lara)] (got it)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (some minor intro was done on site earlier today)

[N'laea (Carissa)] Yes, I suppose it would be new to you. I do not know how the forest is couping with it. I am... not a fan myself.

[TMO] (no more coups!)

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles "I don't think anyone is. I hope it did not make you ill."

[N'laea (Carissa)] But the health of all forests depend on each other.

[N'laea (Carissa)] (...cope. No coups, please)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The forest seems to have adapted to what it needed to.

[N'laea (Carissa)] Not as bad as Raelynn.

N'laea (Carissa) shrugs, "Priests."

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs

Emerald (Lara) smiles at Snee, "How do you think the festivities went?"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I am sorry for that

[N'laea (Carissa)] She chose to follow me. She brought it upon herself.

[Master] (Spring is not here, so no Snee)

Emerald (Lara) realizes that Snee is deep in thought

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Hey, that's not nice, either!

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (still not pinkish ;) )

Emerald (Lara) turns to Brer Nicholas, "How do you think the festivities went?"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But I will say that the Mist has been slowly growing and spreading across Drillian.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The light Mist that we live in now could become more dense as the years pass.

Raelynn (Carissa) shudders

[N'laea (Carissa)] That is... not something I wish to hear. Do you know the cause?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It will be good for you to speak with Acien. His age is more commerate with elves and he can share a longer history with you.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] The cause? Vampires we believe.

[N'laea (Carissa)] I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised. They are nasty creatures.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] They have been using blood magic to create this cover for themselves in the Great Swamp.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] But it has spread further recently.

[TMO] (quick question for Lisa - would Branwyn be saying this if Brer is in the room? I'm willing for him to be outside at this point if you want)

[Master] Yes Brer is there

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (of course she would)

[Emerald (Lara) (to Master only)] (can u move me inside?)

[Master (to Lara only)] you are, feel free to move where you want to be

[Master] everyone is in the church right now the only place large enough to hold everyone

[TMO] (I wasn't asking you Bob. :P Lisa may not have said that if she realized Brer was there. :D But it's all good)

[Emerald (Lara)] Kaeln moved 79'04".

[TMO] heeheehee

[TMO] happy Friday everyone!

[Master] grins

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Brer likely has heard this too - not necessarily the blood magic but throughout Drillian I thought it was somewhat common knowledge of the vampires)

[Emerald (Lara) (to Master only)] bring the NPC

[N'laea (Carissa)] I do not like the sounds of that.

[TMO] (I did not realize it was common rumor, actually)

[N'laea (Carissa)] This forest may be holding on, but the others may not fair so well

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 61'00".

[TMO] (I thought we found new knowledge in that adventure)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (the dwarves part - yes)

Brer Necholas (TMO) leans forward slightly, listening intently.

Emerald (Lara) overhears Branwyn speaking to the visitors

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Emerald (Lara) (to TMO only)] (I知 confused, aren't you outside the church?)

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 3'06".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I have no idea what the Great Swamps look like. the heaviest Mist is there and I know of no one who has ventured there

[Brer Necholas (TMO) (to Lara only)] we're all inside apparently

Emerald (Lara) sits on a pew to rest after the festivities

[Brer Necholas (TMO) (to Lara only)] I don't think the icons are supposed to represent our actual locations

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at Brer "Has the Brotherhood ever tried to go there?"

Emerald (Lara) (wwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttt? lol)

N'laea (Carissa) rubs head, "I hope not to go there, but if it ends up being so..."

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Hmmm... Well...

Brer Necholas (TMO) pauses, thinking

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I hope your calling does not require such N'laea. It would be very dangerous.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Hmm.. The Order is, a small group, and it's hard to stay in touch all the time. The best I can say is- I don't know of anyone specifically who's tried it, but I wouldn't be surprised, and if anyone has, they either haven't talked about it, or didn't return.

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lara] I am away from the keyboard.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It is said that long ago the rulers of Drillian made an agreement with the vampire lords for them to occupy the Great Swamp and create the Mist. Which at the time did not cover so much of Drillian.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] I do know that we're always interested in information from those who do go there.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (is this common knowledge also, or new?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Now that they have their stronghold there, it is difficult to try to stop it. No one knows exactly who and how many of what type of ... people are there.

[N'laea (Carissa)] Do you know how long ago this agreement was made?

[Master] Timeline for the spread of The Mist 248 SKR First emanation of The Mist in the Great Swamp 274 SKR The Mist crosses the Cowles Estates 1-5-275 the Order of Brotherhood is founded at the Uklo Estates 326 SKR The Mist crosses the Quellcon Estates


[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Bob - correct me if my memory is incorrect. I'm just spouting off with stuff I learned from playing all this time. I think it is common or with a local history check)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (it's currently 349 SKR, fyi)

[Master] What Branwyn is saying is definitely what she believes

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (so 101 years ago is when it started)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (LOL)

[Master] what Brer knows thinks may be different

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (I just don't know what's common knowledge vs what Branwyn learned special)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (which makes sense - the Mist is folklore for Drillian - passed on by people)

[Master] When it is critical I will tell you the details

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (thanks)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (and probably no one is still here from 100 years ago)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (unless elves were here when the Mist began)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (I was definitely not)

[Master] no they were not at least.... none that went out to tell stories

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I play that there is a fear - no one goes into the Great Swamps which is the center of the Mist, etc.)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so ... road trip?)

[Master] good common sense

[Master] and yes

[Master] a very reasonable place to go

[Master] grins

[Master] OK so back on story

[Master] Elves talking to Branwyn, Emerald, Brer, etc. sitting around listening and interjecting

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] The Mist is definitely still expanding though.

Branwyn (Lisa) nods

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] When the Order was founded, it had only reached the Cowles Estate. Now it's past the Quellcon.

[N'laea (Carissa)] Is that why you all are here?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Well, I'm here because this is my home

[Branwyn (Lisa)] There has always been Mist in Drillian.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It just is.

[N'laea (Carissa)] Oh. I suppose some would be born here.

[N'laea (Carissa)] Given your ages.

[N'laea (Carissa)] Er, lifespans.

Brer Necholas (TMO) hums quietly to himself.

[N'laea (Carissa)] Well, I am in no rush to do what I need. Is this.. Kel? Really one who prefers talking with his sword..? He does not sound diplomatic.

Branwyn (Lisa) laughs

Indigo (Lisa) laughs

[Indigo (Lisa)] No, Thistle was right. The sword talks

[Indigo (Lisa)] Like talks.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Like you and me.

[Thistle (Carissa)] A LOT

[Lara] I am back at the keyboard.

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'm Indigo.

[Thistle (Carissa)] He's told me SO many stories about "Back when I was an elf" and it's interesting for about five minutes then just boring.

[N'laea (Carissa)] That is... er, interesting.

N'laea (Carissa) clearly trying to decide if it's better to wait

[N'laea (Carissa)] N'laea. That is Raelynn.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] I've heard the myths of talking swords, but never seen one. I'm not sure I'd like having my sword talk back at me.

[Indigo (Lisa)] His sword used to be an elf warrior. Or ...

Brer Necholas (TMO) rests his hand on the pommel of his sword.

[Indigo (Lisa)] I mean ... an elf warrior got put into the sword?

[Thistle (Carissa)] You believe they exist? Sundown thinks Kel and Shi are fake because he's never met them.

[Thistle (Carissa)] They'd probably not like him anyways. He's boring.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Sundown doesn't believe elves exist?

Brer Necholas (TMO) smiles under his hood. "I don't have any reason to disbelieve in their existence."

Thistle (Carissa) frowns, "He keeps saying I'm making Shi up because he's mean."

[Sundown (Master)] You used to think that Dwarves did not exist until you met Skarphedin

Indigo (Lisa) frowns

[Thistle (Carissa)] When did I say that? Maybe you're old and your memory sucks.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (have to grab a package from doorstep - brb)

[Sundown (Master)] You like to tell stories

[Thistle (Carissa)] Yes because I'm good at them!

[Sundown (Master)] Once I see this Shi I will believe in her

[Thistle (Carissa)] Who says she'll want to see you? I'll tell her how mean you are and how you aren't worth her time.

[Sundown (Master)] I have known several people who liked to tell stories of a stronger braver more powerful friend that would come help them out if I were to enforce the rules on them

[Sundown (Master)] I have not seen one emerge yet

[Sundown (Master)] You were brave in battle

[Sundown (Master)] you do not need someone to come save you

[Thistle (Carissa)] Are we talking religion now? Because I'm not a priest.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (back)

[Thistle (Carissa)] And Shi wouldn't do that. She'd just... tell you to stop being mean.

[Sundown (Master)] I have not met any elves before

[Sundown (Master)] are they all small and thin like you?

[Indigo (Lisa)] There's one right there!

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] We met the one here in the Church, if you recall. But he left so soon after, it's not surprising if no one remembers him.

[Thistle (Carissa)] Um, did you not see Finny? Because he existed. Ask Emerald!

[Thistle (Carissa)] AND he was an elf!

Indigo (Lisa) points at N'laea

Indigo (Lisa) shakes his head

[Indigo (Lisa)] That's Sundown

[Sundown (Master)] I do remember someone claiming to be, but as my Brother has said he did not stay for even a full day so I am doubtful of his tale

Thistle (Carissa) leans over to whisper to Indigo, "He's a little slow sometimes. Too much judgement clouding his ability to think fast"

Indigo (Lisa) chuckles

Emerald (Lara) listens

[Thistle (Carissa)] Emerald! Tell them Finny was real!

[Thistle (Carissa)] Sometimes my stories ARE true.

Emerald (Lara) smiles, "Yes Finny was real..."

[Thistle (Carissa)] See??

[Master (to Carissa only)] this is where an elf might question that story based on the name

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Terrible impulse control. Hopefully all elves aren't the same.

[Emerald (Lara)] /Me nods in agreement with Breb, "Yes, he liked to poke things."

[Indigo (Lisa)] I like to poke things

N'laea (Carissa) raises brow, "An elf named... Finny?"

Branwyn (Lisa) rolls her eyes

[N'laea (Carissa)] (omg too many messages at once, sorry)

Emerald (Lara) well...his full name was...

Emerald (Lara) points to Thistle

Brer Necholas (TMO) shrugs nonchalantly.

Thistle (Carissa) opens mouth, closes it. "Ummm.... I don't know...."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Phyn Thesis

[Thistle (Carissa)] Finny was a better name for him, anyways.

Emerald (Lara) laughs

Emerald (Lara) laughs even louder

[Thistle (Carissa)], Finny!

[N'laea (Carissa)] Ah, that sounds... a little more plausible.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] He was quite adept at removing traps and picking locks and so forth

Sundown (Master) looking at N'laea What makes an Elf an Elf?

[N'laea (Carissa)] Heritage.

Sundown (Master) looking at Raelynn, so you are an Elf by Heritage?

Brer Necholas (TMO) smiles to himself and leans back in his bench.

Raelynn (Carissa) puffs up, "My father was an elf."

[N'laea (Carissa)] But your mother was not.

[N'laea (Carissa)] And you did not grow up in the forest.

Emerald (Lara) imitates Brer and waits to see what transpires

[Sundown (Master)] So Heritage is not the forest?

[Sundown (Master)] Or is it?

[Raelynn (Carissa)] That's just your opinion.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that's a nice color)

N'laea (Carissa) shakes head, "You know nothing of the ways of elves."

[N'laea (Carissa)] (It might be too close to Skarp, but we can look later)

[Sundown (Master)] That is why I ask, the only person who has spoken of them, is (points at Thistle) someone who likes to tell stories

[Sundown (Master)] Indigo is a famous halfling, and there is a whole Kingdom of them

[N'laea (Carissa)] Most elves do not prefer to mingle. It would not be unusual to not meet one. If you did, they were likely High Elves. They are more... tolerant.

[Sundown (Master)] Skarphedin is a friend of Branwyn and he says there are many underground

[Sundown (Master)] Gnomes are known through the Wastes

[N'laea (Carissa)] There are some in the Central Mountains, although I prefer to avoid them.

Sundown (Master) looking at N'laea that sounds like you are judging who you meet

[Sundown (Master)] I approve

[N'laea (Carissa)] (LOL)

[N'laea (Carissa)] It is not judgement. Just how it has been.

[Sundown (Master)] And you judge Raelynn

[Sundown (Master)] On her? fitness to be an Elf

N'laea (Carissa) slight smile, "I am not judging her. I am simply telling her she is not one due to her heritage."

[Sundown (Master)] What is the heritage of an Elf?

[Sundown (Master)] If her? father

Raelynn (Carissa) mutters, "I keep telling you that is not nice."

[Sundown (Master)] are you a her? turns to Raelynn

Raelynn (Carissa) looks incredulous, "Am I a HER?"

Sundown (Master) patiently waits for an answer

Emerald (Lara) muffles a guffaw

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Raelynn: APR check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

Raelynn (Carissa) checks hair and outfit and such

Brer Necholas (TMO) turns his head to observe Raelynn's reaction.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Sundown, can you please try to be polite to our guests?

Sundown (Master) nods to Branwyn, just an observation

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Are you just blind? I chose the perfect outfit to wear today to highlight the best parts of me. It's not my fault if YOU don't know what a woman looks like.

[Sundown (Master)] So, looking at N'laea

[Sundown (Master)] She is a Her but only has one Her as a parent

[Sundown (Master)] Why would she not be an Elf if she only has one Elf as a parent?

[Sundown (Master)] But as our Countess as asked I will be quiet

[N'laea (Carissa)] You are only human. I wouldn't expect you to understand.

Branwyn (Lisa) frowns

Emerald (Lara) smiles in surprise that no one has come to blows

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] And I'm sorry if his questions offended. As has been said, you're the first elves he's talked much to.

Raelynn (Carissa) quieter, "So he can tell you're a she but he can't tell I am?"

Raelynn (Carissa) clearly upset

N'laea (Carissa) sighs, "You are too vain sometimes."

N'laea (Carissa) to Brer, "It is not ones I have not heard before. Not that I care to talk to many in my travels."

[Branwyn (Lisa)] And Sundown is a little too tactless at times. Please do not let him upset you.

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

Michael has joined the game on Fri Jan 15 20:33:16 EST 2021

Michael is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Michael has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (w0ot)

[Emerald (Lara)] (hi Michael!)

[N'laea (Carissa)] I do not mind. Raelynn is just... well, have you met a priestess of Hanali before? They... are interesting.

[N'laea (Carissa)] (Hi Michael!)

Brer Necholas (TMO) shakes his head in response.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (HI Michael!)

[Michael] Good evening. I am so tired, but I am here. Leeway pls :(

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Always)

[Michael] (No one dead right???)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Where's Hanali?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (almost but not quite)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (not yet. Sundown is being busy offending the elves)

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Michael] (Oh no. Sigh I'd say I was not surprised)

Raelynn (Carissa) claps hands excitedly, "Hanali is the Elven goddess of love! She doesn't care if her followers aren't elves, as long as they appreciate beauty and love. Like what brought my parents together!"

[Master] He was just pointing out the prejudice of Elves towards Half Elves

[Indigo (Lisa)] Ohhh it's a person. I'm sorry

N'laea (Carissa) slight smile, "From the few I met, they're all quite vain."

[Indigo (Lisa)] Are you from the Wildlands?

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Oh no! But she's everywhere! Everywhere you find love. Love in another, in a friend, in family. But sometimes she's a person, too.

Spring has joined the game on Fri Jan 15 20:36:35 EST 2021

Spring is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Spring has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Raelynn (Carissa)] And beauty. She really appreciates beauty and as her follower, we appreciate it, too. So I must always look my best for her.

Indigo (Lisa) laughs "She really gets around then!"

[Master] and Welcome Spring! very glad you could come

[Indigo (Lisa)] (hi Spring!)

[Spring] there were pancakes and waffles. the beast is tamed

N'laea (Carissa) shakes head, "Raelynn found me in the city. I simply asked for her help and she's followed me around since. My home forest is not in the Wildlands."

[N'laea (Carissa)] (Hi Spring!)

[Master] very good

[Spring] hi hi hi

[N'laea (Carissa) (to Master only)] quick test

[Indigo (Lisa)] Where are you from then?

[Master (to Carissa only)] yes

[Emerald (Lara)] (hi Spring!)

[N'laea (Carissa) (to Master only)] Somewhere in the Central Mountains, wasn't it? For my own reference

[Indigo (Lisa)] And I think your goddess sounds really nice Raelynn

[Master (to Carissa only)] that works just fine, the Wildlands are the spaces to the East of the mountains

Spring waving cheerily

[N'laea (Carissa) (to Master only)] Oh. Ehh, I need to look at a map again at some point

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Hmm... I suppose.

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Thank you! I think she is. She's very nice to her followers. Sometimes, some leave, but she doesn't mind, and she's simply happy if they come back.

Emerald (Lara) nods in agreement with Indigo

[Michael] (The love is totally found in these mushrooms! You should totally try some)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] I grew up in the city, but I've been at the temple in Loosend for a few years.

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (I have no idea what city or forest yet, lol)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (ok so I won't ask! :) )

[Michael] (New party member? I wont ask either)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Emerald is from Loosend

Emerald (Lara) nods

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Oh! Did you grow up there? What did you do there? Why are you here now?

Emerald (Lara) smiles, "Yes, I did..."

Emerald (Lara) answers each questions slowly

Raelynn (Carissa) sits quietly and listens intently

[Emerald (Lara)] "I was taken to the Greek temple in Loosend as an orphan."

[Emerald (Lara)] "they believe I was about three years old..."

[Emerald (Lara)] "I'm not sure if you are familiar with those of us who take the last name 'Delosian'...?"

[Emerald (Lara)] "I went to study at the Mage's Guild and the goddess told me it was time to venture out, practice and hone my skills..."

Emerald (Lara) her eyes drop "ultimately I would like to find my clan but I don't know who they are and no one else seems to know either..."

[Emerald (Lara)] "I was captured by a horrid necromancer and Branwyn's family rescued me"

Emerald (Lara) shyly, "at least I think of them as family"

Raelynn (Carissa) nods in sympathy, "I want to find my father's clan, and him again, since it's been a while, but elves are hard to find when you want to find them, you know?"

Raelynn (Carissa) gasps, "Necromancers are so evil!"

[Raelynn (Carissa)] But family is what you make them to be.

Raelynn (Carissa) smiles

Snezana (Spring) nodding

Emerald (Lara) nods emphatically, "yes, elves are very private and when I read their history, it makes sense...they've been persecuted as much as any other race"

[Snezana (Spring)] I have no idea what you two are talking about

[Snezana (Spring)] I知 an orphan, and I don't give two weevils who my people were

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (and yes to Michael's earlier comment, new characters, everyone is here to talk)

[Michael] I am back at the keyboard.

[Talwin (Michael)] (Thank you.)

[Snezana (Spring)] they ditched me. fine. good. whatever

Raelynn (Carissa) tilts head, "But you have family here. Don't you? You seem to be close to those I've seen you interact with."

[Snezana (Spring)] damn straight

[Snezana (Spring)] these people here, they are all I need

Emerald (Lara) shrugs, "That's true for many, Snee. I feel that way many times but something drives me to find them."

Brer Necholas (TMO) sits quietly and listens.

[Snezana (Spring)] I don't disparage you

Raelynn (Carissa) nods in understand, "I want to know more about where I came from, but I also know family is who I want them to be. Like I said, love of family. That's a kind of love that's to be cherish, even if you aren't related."

[Snezana (Spring)] I just don't get it

Emerald (Lara) smiles softly, "Yes, I feel like they are family. We fought together, and feasted together. Still, there is something visceral that speaks to me...something I cannot name."

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] It's a good thing to have if you can find it.

Emerald (Lara) nods in agreement with Snee, "And I may be sorry what I wish for! Part of me feels abandoned, but part of me feels like it might have been for my own protection."

[Snezana (Spring)] that's a nice idea

Raelynn (Carissa) gives Emerald a sad smile, "I think we might have a lot in common."

Emerald (Lara) lifts shoulders, "again, I just don't know. and if I do find them---will they be good? or will they be evil? I may not want to know..."

[Snezana (Spring)] (you池e a Palpatine!)

[Master] (grins)

Emerald (Lara) smiles gently at Raelynn, "it's not often I meet someone who 'gets' it...where were you raised in Loosend again?"

[Master (to Carissa only)] Rivers Bend

Raelynn (Carissa) shakes head, "I wasn't raised there. I only studied there."

[Emerald (Lara)] (I知 too good looking to be Palpatine. rolflmao)

[Master (to Carissa only)] travel up and down the river from Rivers Bend to Loosend

[Raelynn (Carissa)] I was raised in Rivers Bend.

[Raelynn (Carissa) (to Master only)] Ah, that's a good place. I think...

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Or at least for some of my life.

Emerald (Lara) nods in understanding, "I didn't catch what you studied. there was quite a bit going on over there."

[Talwin (Michael)] (Palpatine? That escalated quickly...)

[Raelynn (Carissa) (to Master only)] but leaving open the possibility of maybe born in a small town to create later ;)

Emerald (Lara) looks pensive, "I haven't been to Rivers Bend...not yet. I'm very early in my travels and Branwyn is the most gracious of leaders."

[Emerald (Lara)] "I feel blessed that she is allowing me to be a part of what she is building.."

[Raelynn (Carissa)] I'm a Priestess of Hanali! We appreciate the love and beauty in the world. I've studied many, many things related to it! Dancing, art, singing, astrology, etiquette. There's just so many beautiful things to know!

Emerald (Lara) gestures to Snee, "And Snee is now running the place!"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'm not too sure about that. it seems we put you to work rather quickly

Emerald (Lara) smiles at Raelynn, "Yes, there are."

Snezana (Spring) looks exhaustedly at Emerald

Emerald (Lara) Snee, are you going to get some rest soon?

[Snezana (Spring)] gosh I hope so

[Snezana (Spring)] I hope I can sleep once I get there

Emerald (Lara) turns to Branwyn, "I feel like I haven't been working at all! I have more fun with this group, even in battle!"

[Master] It was a Sunrise service this morning on the 9th to consecrate the new Shrine and you are all back here now, Snee does have her own residence now too

Branwyn (Lisa) smiles "That makes me very happy to hear"

[Snezana (Spring)] (it's got that new-stone-structure smell)

[Master] grins

[Snezana (Spring)] (or wood, I guess)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] That's what makes a Calling.

[Emerald (Lara)] Snee, I am still finishing up the pub songs for the mines---is something that will help?

[Master] AHHHH the smell of granite dust in the morning as Skarp would say

[Snezana (Spring)] (it's got that hewn pine smell)

[Snezana (Spring)] oh definitely it is

[Emerald (Lara)] Raelynn, I can tell you about the idea I had for the different mines and recruiting workers through song!

[Snezana (Spring)] maybe Raelynn you might want to make beautiful versions. pub songs aren't supposed to be beautiful but you could make songs for other venues

[Emerald (Lara)] Later, of course

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Oh! I would love that!

Tiffress Wildwander (Master) enters the Cathedral looking around

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Singing and songwriting? Sounds wonderful!

Tiffress Wildwander (Master) spots Talwin and goes over

Emerald (Lara) gets excited, "Oh yes, we can write beautiful songs about the travels on the WAY to the mines and the beautiful bounty that is discovered"

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] A word with you?

Raelynn (Carissa) claps hands excitedly

Tiffress Wildwander (Master) spots Branwyn out of the corner of her eye,

Tiffress Wildwander (Master) bobs a quick curtsey, Countess

[Snezana (Spring)] I like the amazing things that happen when we get together

N'laea (Carissa) smiles a little, "Please do. She could use some new company."

Emerald (Lara) notices Tiff enter

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] Talwin a word?

[Emerald (Lara)] Yes, Snee. Definitely. I am a little concerned about you getting some rest though.

Talwin (Michael) Nods

[Talwin (Michael)] Certainly

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] We have a problem

Thistle (Carissa) whispers to Sundown, "I don't know if you know this, but that's a gnome. They're real."

[Snezana (Spring)] okay, I can take a hint. goodnight all!

[Sundown (Master)] Gnomes are Known

Emerald (Lara) overhears Thistle trying to whisper to Sundown and stifles a laugh

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Goodnight Snee!

Snezana (Spring) waves and drags her ass out

Emerald (Lara) smiles at Snee, "I'm just worried about you!"

Thistle (Carissa) rolls eyes

Emerald (Lara) snickers at Thistle

Kenna Westfoot (Spring) smiles

Emerald (Lara) Thistle, I worried about you too when your leg was hurt!

[Talwin (Michael)] (I'm so confused. Am I uh, waiting for a message? I didn't get that far down yet on the message thread.)

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] (just have to roll with it Michael, grins, )

Thistle (Carissa) frowns, "I don't really want to talk about it right now. What if it's not really healed?"

[Talwin (Michael)] (Ok :) No worries )

[Talwin (Michael)] (I'm here if anyone needs something)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (gnomes are known, loans are sown. hold your breath, for the domes and blown)

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] Talwin a word?

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] We have a problem

[Thistle (Carissa)] (lol no I think you just need to reply to her)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (*are, dammmit)

[Talwin (Michael)] Ah

Talwin (Michael) Nods

[Talwin (Michael)] Yes Tiffress?

[Talwin (Michael)] I apologize I'm a bit out of sorts today

[Talwin (Michael)] What can I do for you?

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] Three quarters of our miners want to leave

Emerald (Lara) says comfortingly to Thistle, "It is."

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] today

Talwin (Michael) Sighs

[Talwin (Michael)] May I ask why?

Emerald (Lara) turns towards Tiff

Thistle (Carissa) clearly doesn't believe her, but doesn't say anything

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] They want to go east and rescue their friends

Talwin (Michael) Considers

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] they say there is a swamp monster that they need to go help with

Emerald (Lara) turns back to Thistle, "You seem doubtful."

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] I need you to come up with another group that can go off and do that

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] so I can keep the miners working

Talwin (Michael) Holds up hand

[Talwin (Michael)] Stop

[Talwin (Michael)] Let's back up just a little first

[Talwin (Michael)] Would these be our...shorter inclined workers? Have either family or friends been injured in the swamps?

Emerald (Lara) looks at Talwin in admiration

Tiffress Wildwander (Master) looks at him like he is daft

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] All our miners are gnomes

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] Other than Skarp

Talwin (Michael) Rolls eyes

[Emerald (Lara)] Thistle? You okay?

Talwin (Michael) I'm specifying that there are no other human, dwarves, elves, or troll run mines that I have to deal with in addition Tiffress

Talwin (Michael) Inhales

[Talwin (Michael)] I Apologize

[Talwin (Michael)] Lot on my Plate Mistress Tiffress

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] I did not hire any humans or trolls

Talwin (Michael) Slaps hand to face

[Talwin (Michael)] Did they give any information to you?

Thistle (Carissa) shrugs, "I dunno, but Branwyn is here so maybe."

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Not even any ugly gnomes?

Talwin (Michael) Glares at Brer

Talwin (Michael) Murmurs

[Talwin (Michael)] "Don't encourage her"

Brer Necholas (TMO) grins and nods.

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] Kelnan got a note saying that he had a cousin that needed help

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] and that make Smiggles want to go help him

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] so that was just the start

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] now everyone is up in arms and is saying they need to go help

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] So we have a problem

[Indigo (Lisa)] What kind of swamp monster?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Alligator?

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] If you can find someone to go......

Tiffress Wildwander (Master) looks at Indigo

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] YOU

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] Admiral

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] You can lead a group out there to stop any swamp monster

[Indigo (Lisa)] Talwin could just go kill it himself if it's an alligator

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] that would be great

Talwin (Michael) Side eyes Indigo

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] If Talwin wants to go too that would be nice

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] It would prove to the workers that you care about their families

[Indigo (Lisa)] Is it an alligator?

[Talwin (Michael)] "Yes. Thank you for t5hat Lord Indigo. I shall wrestle it's jaws apart and strip the flesh from its bones with my own bare hands"

Talwin (Michael) Dryly

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] I do not know, they just said a Swamp Monster was causing problems

[Thistle (Carissa)] Oh! He could! He really could do that!

Talwin (Michael) Alright!

Talwin (Michael) Claps his hands together

[Talwin (Michael)] That's enough of that

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] I will go back and tell them to stay, that Talwin and Indigo are going today to go fix this for them

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] Thank you Indigo

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] Thank you Talwin

[Talwin (Michael)] Who wants to go slay the evil swamp monster and get away from the pomp and circumstance.

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] you wukk beed a neduc

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] medic

[Indigo (Lisa)] Errr okay

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] ahem

Kenna Westfoot (Spring) clears her throat

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] you will need a medic

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] I will come

[Indigo (Lisa)] (is Kenna drunk?)

[Talwin (Michael)] Excellent

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (hehehehe)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (spring isn't even drunk)

[Talwin (Michael)] I'm sure some of us would love to deal with something more...tangible then the political nightmare... er..I mean, the sword duties of our current office."

[Indigo (Lisa)] Sounds fun. Who else wants to see a swamp monster?

Talwin (Michael) Coughs

[Talwin (Michael)] I think the Governor might love to?

Talwin (Michael) Hesitantly

[Talwin (Michael)] I could ask...

[Talwin (Michael)] (Oh wait, is that why Kenna?)

[Master] grins see Michael catches on fast

Talwin (Michael) Pauses

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

Talwin (Michael) Leans into Indigo "Do you think Snee wants to go? Or just...relax here for awhile?"

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I think you all can handle this without Tiberius and myself

Brer Necholas (TMO) smiles gently.

Kenna Westfoot (Spring) shakes her head

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] she seems really, really busy

[Talwin (Michael)] ... I know

[Indigo (Lisa)] I don't think it's a relaxing thing. It would probably be a governor thing

[Talwin (Michael)] I just feel guilty that I get to go while she...

[Thistle (Carissa)] You'll tell me all about it, won't you, Talwin??

[Talwin (Michael)] Uh

[Talwin (Michael)] Well

Emerald (Lara) quietly, "Snee really needs to rest..."

[Talwin (Michael)] ...

[Talwin (Michael)] I suppose

[Talwin (Michael)] hm

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] I do not think either of her options will give her rest

[Talwin (Michael)] Sigh

[Talwin (Michael)] Ok Ok

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] but adding fangs and jaws will probably harm her chances at rest more than paperwork

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Depends on what she finds restful.

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] you can ask her when she wakes though. nobody should choose for her

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Relieving stress can be better than a nap.

[Talwin (Michael)] I'll just need to arrange protection if she chooses to stick around.

[Talwin (Michael)] I don't want to have her feel left out

[Talwin (Michael)] in either scenario

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] I am going to go back to the mines

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] I will tell them you are an hour or so behind me?

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] That should give you lots of time to get ready right?

Talwin (Michael) One second Tiffress

[Talwin (Michael)] May I write a quick note with our understandings and assurances to arrive?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Howard needs to do some work cleaning up at home after all our research. If you feel you would like Johan and he wants to continue adventuring, he can go with you.

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] Skarp is trying to get them to be calm

Talwin (Michael) Nods

[Johan the Apprentice (Master)] Actually I would like to go do some research

[Indigo (Lisa)] We're not leaving until tomorrow morning aren't we?

[Johan the Apprentice (Master)] It has been a long time that I was home and able to study

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] The miners want to leave now

[Talwin (Michael)] Then a quick note from the knight of the Governor will soothe them correct?

[Indigo (Lisa)] We haven't had dinner yet!

[Talwin (Michael)] I will come now and the rest of them can join with me tomorrow

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] It will take you just over a day to get out into the swamps

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] so you will have to camp at some point anyway

[Talwin (Michael)] I just need an hour or so to plan for the Governors security

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] and you want to go north around the goblin king

[Johan the Apprentice (Master)] Emerald can handle the magic for them

Emerald (Lara) nods

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Of course, I would like you back home Johan.

[N'laea (Carissa)] It is a bit boring to sit around here. Will you need extra assistance?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Jilly! Can you pack up leftovers for us?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Please????

[Jilly (Master)] You left leftovers?

[Jilly (Master)] I can make sure you have something for the road

[Indigo (Lisa)] Ummm ... aren't there always leftovers?

[Jilly (Master)] Or maybe I could go along

[Indigo (Lisa)] No!

[Jilly (Master)] You do need someone to take care of you

[Indigo (Lisa)] You're not gonna have a baby in the swamp!

[Jilly (Master)] Well Kenna will be there

[Indigo (Lisa)] Oh yeah. We need to stop fighting the monster because Jilly wants to have a baby now

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Indigo!

Emerald (Lara) says sheepishly, "I'll be there Jilly"

[Jilly (Master)] So just hurry up then!

[Jilly (Master)] laughs

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] I do not think it will be jilly doing the wanting

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] I have to agree with him.

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] it would be the baby wanting to arrive!

Talwin (Michael) Calmly. I think we'll be able to handle this without too many troubles

[Jilly (Master)] FINE

[Jilly (Master)] Branwyn went off on adventures while Dahlia and Demi were home

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Nevin would be very unhappy if you did not come home with us

[Jilly (Master)] I can wait and do that too

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] that is a fine idea

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] having a sitter is much better

[Jilly (Master)] I will go make some lunches for you

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (just finished reading OOC, I hope the new elf-and-a-half got a better introduction tonight)

[N'laea (Carissa)] (they did, thanks; and I was better able to focus tonight which helps :) )

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (and I definitely empathize)

[Master] I will move the characters we know are going over to the Hillside Map where you will stop by the mines to check with Tiff before continuing East

[Talwin (Michael)] (Just so I知 not being a jerk. Spring did you want to come as Snee? or is Kenna okay? I didn稚 want to have anyone left out if they wanted to come.)

[Talwin (Michael)] (test)

[Master] you should talk about what you need to take with you, etc.

[Master] Tiff does want you to leave immediately

[Master] Emerald has her full spells

[Master] checking on Kenna what she would have used during the Ceremony of Consecration

[Master] but also the idea of what else you are taking with you

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (I just want Kenna to come)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (uh, I dunno)

[Talwin (Michael)] Tiff is getting far more muscle power then a gang of gnomes to save her friends. She can wait just enough time to gather necessary equipment. Although, Talwin can leave immediately as soon as he makes arrangements for Snee's security

[Master] yes to Spring I will work it out and tell you what spells you had to use

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Indigo just has an overnight pack, but I think it'll be okay)

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (ok thanks. my brain is not great right now. the headache has finally eased off but I feel .... unlubricated)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Do you want me to plan this one Spring?)

[Talwin (Michael)] (I'm sorry about the grogginess)

[Lisa] Only thing I thought of is swamp monster means going into the swamps?

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (please that would be awesome)

[Lisa] no skiffs?

[Lisa] we would have skiffs at home or time to make them

[Master] Yes to Lisa into the swamps and no you do not have skiffs at the mines

[Talwin (Michael)] (anyone have water walk, or anything like that?)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (I have heavy armor and a horse)

[Lisa] so will be fun? leeches, swamp disease and drowning, oh my!

Emerald (Lara) shakes head

[Talwin (Michael)] (Yeah, I don't think that's the skillset we need right now lol)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Heavy armor and a horse)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Flashbacks of Neverending Story)

[Master] you are there at Skull Church, you are heading to the North East corner of the map

[Lisa] I would say that Indigo would not bring his chain mail to a church party - so he will just have his leather

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (Kenna has water walk)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (why are we going to the northeast? that's Dragon Fen territory, not Skull Church)

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Indigo modified: Armor - Armor Bonus:: CHANGED: -2 (-5).

[Talwin (Michael)] (Yeah, but they technically our our workers. So...)

[Talwin (Michael)] So can I get a tally of who all is going? I'm drawing up a word doc

[Lisa] look at the planner :)

[Talwin (Michael)] oh sorry

[Talwin (Michael)] I missed it

[N'laea (Carissa)] (huh and this is when I realize I forgot to add a prof and/or forgot to add the one I meant to add...)

[Talwin (Michael)] I'll go back up

[Master] so Kenna is down 2 1st level spells 1 2nd level spell and one 3rd level spell. Those are ones she cast during the Ceremony to sanctify the new Shrine

[Lisa] Talwin, Indigo, Emerald, Kenna, Brer Sundown, Griff, N値aea & Raelynn

[Talwin (Michael)] TY

[Master] and Michael on the HillSide Map is the group of characters going

[Talwin (Michael)] Now just setting up an equipment list

[Talwin (Michael)] Alright. I think Talwin is going to keep his splint mail because he can swim in it if necessary

[Talwin (Michael)] Who do I need to worry about swimming?

[Master] also a word of caution to any and all who had a bell go off at Swamp Monster from last summer. none of the characters here were part of that story and would not have heard of it other than Jilly and she is going home with Branwyn

[Master] no swimming in Splint Mail

[Master] Metal Armor sinks

[Talwin (Michael)] We discussed this one bob

[Talwin (Michael)] With TMo

[Talwin (Michael)] Had a real big discussion

[N'laea (Carissa)] (yes did realize that)

[Talwin (Michael)] Do I need to worry about this magic mail?

[Master] Characters wearing heavier armors (banded, splint, chain, etc.) cannot swim, though they can walk across the bottom at one third movement.


[Talwin (Michael)] Hm. TMO? Do you remember this convo?

[Master] the last section on the page

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (vaguely, don't remember the outcome. let me search)

[N'laea (Carissa)] (how long can Brer hold his breath...? ;) )

[Talwin (Michael)] (Searching too.)

[Talwin (Michael)] (It's important enough that I need to)

[Master] Lara you can choose which ever spells you would have learned for a day around the Cathedral and the new Shrine

[Master] and Lisa can also offer up potential problems as you drag your spell book out into the swamps

[Lara] ok...are we OOC?

[Master] for now yes

[Master] then can jump back to IC as you get ready to leave

[Lisa] Lara - you need to take some candles from the church

[Lara] ok

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (I couldn't find a specific conversation)

[Lara] I don't remember how to choose my spells

[Lisa] You can seal your spell book with wax to keep it from getting damaged if it gets wet

[Lisa] Every time you open it to memorize new spells you will need to wax it up before hitting the road around water.

[Lara] ok. I cantrip some fire to melt the wax?

[Talwin (Michael)] (Using Boolean logic over here. I know We won this debate)

[Lisa] yup

[Master] Michael I highly doubt it as we would have changed the Swimming Rules page

[Lara] need help. I don't know the steps for the spells choices...

[Master] I think you are thinking of other restrictions

[Lisa] Go to the spell tab on your character sheet

[Lisa] the top table shows how many spells you can memorize at each level

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Talwin (Michael)] Talwin can swim, and you can't swim in Chainmail, but can with a STR check in Ring

[Lara] got it! thank you

[Talwin (Michael)] I misspoke

[Talwin (Michael)] That quote came from here

[Talwin (Michael)]

[Lisa] so 2 4th, 3 3rd, etc.

[Talwin (Michael)] This was the magic set he got when rolling up character

[Talwin (Michael)] Not Splint

[Talwin (Michael)] My apologies

[Lisa] I think those numbers are contingent that you are choosing one in your school at each level

[Talwin (Michael)] But

[Talwin (Michael)] the convo does continue on down

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (hmm, it says magical armor is the same as normal armor. Even though it's lighter?)

[Talwin (Michael)] we have this same argument until here:

[Lisa] then edit your sheet and make the changes in the Memorized column

[Talwin (Michael)] "and TMO wins"

[Talwin (Michael)] you literally fought me for half a session TMO lol

[Lisa] and hit commit

[Talwin (Michael)] Sorry. Fought FOR me

[Talwin (Michael)] Not against me

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] no worries, and I see it all now

[Talwin (Michael)] So. Before I do wear this...I do need to be sure

[Lara (to GM only)] Character sheet for Emerald modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 2 -- Current: 4 (3). Spells - CHANGED: Color Spray -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Dispel Magic - Wizard -- # Memorized: 1 (+0), CHANGED: Knock -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Metamorphose Liquids -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Read Magic -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Reduce -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Reveal Magic -- # Memorized: 1 (+0),

[Master] Yes to Michael and TMO for that discussion.... that Ring mail but not Scale mail

[Talwin (Michael)] When I misspoke? Or in here?

[Master] pointing to the same page

[Lara] @Lisa, can you check me? I think I did it right

[Lara] @Bob, or you if Lisa is busy

[Talwin (Michael)] You allowed me to trade in for the +1 Ring mail by declining the Scale mail did you not?

[Lisa] but Michael can Talwin swim?

[Master] that the page does say you can swim in Ring mail with a Str check but not in Scale Mail

[Lisa] yes Lara

[Master] But you just said up here tonight Scale Mail

[Master] was that you misspeaking?

[Talwin (Michael)] Technically Split Mail because I suck both ways

[Talwin (Michael)] You are correct. I did apologize for that mix-up

[Talwin (Michael)] That was all on me

[Master] Splint Mail is out too

[Talwin (Michael)] Yessir

[Master] but yes to Ring Mail working

[Lisa] Lara - numbers are right

[Talwin (Michael)] With a STR check

[Talwin (Michael)] Ok

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (it's raining outside)

[Talwin (Michael)] Just need to be absolutely clear

[Master] yeap

[Lisa] But - you can memorize more than 1 of a spell if you want.

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (my headache is back. I blame my meds)

[Master] sorry Spring

[Talwin (Michael)] sorry Spring :(

Brer Necholas (TMO) takes a long pole to probe the ground ahead of him.

[Lisa] Sorry Spring :(

[Master] you saw the number of spells that Kenna used ?

[Carissa] ( :( )

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] (I did not see)

[Master] this afternoon you will go visit the mines

[Talwin (Michael) (to Spring only)] you ok?

[Master] so Kenna is down 2 1st level spells 1 2nd level spell and one 3rd level spell. Those are ones she cast during the Ceremony to sanctify the new Shrine

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring) (to Michael only)] no, not really. it's not been a great day, either in events or physical wellness

[Talwin (Michael) (to Spring only)] do you want me to try and handle this one? I want to give you a break but not take over the whole thing either

[Lisa] so tomorrow when you are in the wilderness and probably won't be lockpicking, you might double up on a different spell

[Talwin (Michael) (to Spring only)] I知 so sorry :(

[Talwin (Michael) (to Spring only)] you wanna go to bed? I can do this

[Master] I think the waffles are wearing off Spring

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring) (to Michael only)] thanks. actually, yes, I would

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] I think you are right

[Talwin (Michael) (to Spring only)] no prob.

[Master] So Spring you have the spells used there

[Kenna Westfoot (Spring)] simple carbs just don't stick around

[Master] it will be mid afternoon at the mines

[Master] then camping overnight out in the far northern wastes

[Lara (to GM only)] Character sheet for Emerald modified: Spells - CHANGED: Mirror Image -- # Memorized: 2 (1), CHANGED: Unpickable Lock -- # Memorized: 0 (1),

[Master] then the next day heading east towards and into the swamps

[Talwin (Michael)] Cool beans. I love Swamps

[Spring] spells used are where?

[Lara] Lisa, what would be good? I need guidance

[Master] deal with the swamp monster and come back home

[Master] so Kenna is down 2 1st level spells 1 2nd level spell and one 3rd level spell. Those are ones she cast during the Ceremony to sanctify the new Shrine

[Lisa] Bob said today you have holiday spells memorized and not going to fight monster spells memorized so I think you are good today

[Talwin (Michael)] (@Lara, swimming, poison resistance if you got it, food, water, weapons of preference, clothes, burlap sack for loot, and spells)

[Spring (to GM only)] Character sheet for Kenna Westfoot modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Lara (to GM only)] Character sheet for Emerald modified: Spells - CHANGED: Feather Fall -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Metamorphose Liquids -- # Memorized: 2 (1),

[Lisa] Tomorrow ... you need to think about spells that will protect you, be able to use in combat and handy spells to use in the wilderness

[Spring] thanks I put the spells down in my character sheet notes

[Master] We have time still to discuss OOC and IC the character meet up, encouraging the elves to come along with you

[Spring] and I知 bonna bail, I gotta go to bed

[Master] and packing up things

[Lisa] I'm going on this adventure I can help when we get there

[Master] have a great night Spring

[Master] feel better soon

[Talwin (Michael)] Night spring :) Take care of yourself

[Lisa] Goodnight Spring! Feel better

[Talwin (Michael)] I値l hold the fort this week

[Spring] thanks, sorry I wasn't very useful

[Spring] gnite!

[Master] you were

[Talwin (Michael)] Don't you ever say that Spring

[Spring] :-)

Spring has left the game on Fri Jan 15 22:02:59 EST 2021

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lara (to GM only)] Character sheet for Emerald modified: Spells - CHANGED: Alter Self -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Dispel Magic - Wizard -- # Memorized: 2 (1), CHANGED: Lightning Bolt -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Rope Trick -- # Memorized: 0 (1),

[Talwin (Michael)] You know, with our own town burgeoning up around us...we should totally raid the pharmacy for anti-poisons, antidotes, and healing stuff

[Carissa] (night spring!)

Talwin (Michael) Coughs

[Talwin (Michael)] I mean

[Talwin (Michael)] We'd pay for the goods of course

[Master] chuckles at Michael, you have not built any buildings for a town yet

Lara laughs @Michael

[Lisa] lol

[Talwin (Michael)] (Totally said that IC on accident, but I covered it)

[Master] grins

Lisa is receiving the map Hillside 1...

Lisa has received the map Hillside 1.

[Master] someone should ask the elves to come along

Talwin (Michael) Pens note to self: 釘uild healer hut to raid for battles..."

Talwin (Michael) Points at the two elves

[Talwin (Michael)] "You do anything productive while your in town? Wanna go fight a swamp monster?"

[Talwin (Michael)] "We're kind of out in the boonies, so uh, don't expect the fancy lord and lady stuff from me unless the governor is in the room."

Emerald (Lara) turns to Raelynn, "Would you like to come with us?" laughs at Talwin's comment

[Indigo (Lisa)] (cuz Snee is totally into fancy)

Emerald (Lara) gestures to N値aea, "And you as well! We haven't had a chance to talk yet...I'm Emerald."

[Talwin (Michael)] (Eh, Talwin puts up appearances for the important folks, but he's been a mercenary for a loooong time before being a knight. LOL)

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'm going to be really disappointed if it's just an alligator

[Talwin (Michael)] (Lisa...It's bob)

[Talwin (Michael)] (It's a dragon alligator)

[Talwin (Michael)] (With Vampire Traits)

[Carissa] (Sorry got distracted, but N'laea offered to come earlier because they're bored :P)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (which would make it funny)

[Talwin (Michael)] (And it might have a few liches wit it)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (and that was IC for me)

Emerald (Lara) laughs at Indigo, "I'm sure we'll find you something to investigate or poke."

Indigo (Lisa) smiles "Good!"

[N'laea (Carissa)] N'laea. I do not need anything fancy. Raelynn will likely miss a soft bed, but she'll likely tag along.

Talwin (Michael) Greedily rubs palms together. Oh I hope it's ruffians afoot! I love to rob the robbers.

[Talwin (Michael)] I need a new fireplace

[Talwin (Michael)] Let's gather the equipment!

[Raelynn (Carissa)] You know you don't have to answer for me!.... but, um, I don't want to stay here if you're going.

Emerald (Lara) raises eyebrows at Talwin and thinks to herself, 'I had a crush on him?'

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (lmao)

[Talwin (Michael)] (He's even more surprised then you are)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (haha)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Trust me)

Talwin (Michael) Pens an eloquent letter for the Governor

[Master] also as you gather things check weight etc. as Lisa pointed out no skiffs to take with you so you will have all of this on your backs the whole time

Emerald (Lara) looks at Raelynn and N'laea "So you'll join us?!"

Raelynn (Carissa) looks at N'laea, who nods, then nods in agreement

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (A lot of Brer's gear will stay with the horse)

Talwin (Michael) Looks up to Brer. I am writing an estimate of when we should be back. How long would you judge us to be investigating and slaying this...swamp monster before we need to make some sort of report back? Otherwise, we are dead or captured by a hostile force. I'd rather be a little bit more generous with the time in this letter then scant. What would you say? One week maximum?

Emerald (Lara) claps happily, "Lovely! You'll enjoy the adventure!"

[Master (to Lisa only)] so you know heading around the north part of the wastes takes about 24 miles to get there, heading back down into Dragon Fen proper then back up would add at least 10 more miles to that journey

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Hmm... day's travel there, she said?

[Lara] (and I知 out guys. I知 pooped.)

[Lara] gnite!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Night Lara!

Lara has left the game on Fri Jan 15 22:12:12 EST 2021

[Master] It is roughly 24 miles from Skull Church to the far northeast corner of the map

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] 2 days travel, 2 days there you think?

[Indigo (Lisa) (to Master only)] how do I know where we're going?

Talwin (Michael) Grazes chin with palm

[Talwin (Michael)] hm

[Master (to Lisa only)] only what I said, the NE corner of the map, making sure that Lisa knows that, Indigo has no clue

[Indigo (Lisa)] Just tell her we'll be back soon

[Talwin (Michael)] 3 days to investigate and slay? Might not be enough time. Especially if we might be rescuing people

[Talwin (Michael)] ...

Talwin (Michael) I'd like to place two weeks

[Indigo (Lisa)] I mean you think we're all going to die and no one is coming back?

Talwin (Michael) hesitates

[Master] remember 9 days per week

[Talwin (Michael)] (Thank you)

[Indigo (Lisa)] She knows what it's like. We'll be back soon

Talwin (Michael) "I'd like to err on the side of caution. Lord Indigo you do outrank me, so..."

Indigo (Lisa) shrugs

Talwin (Michael) torn

Talwin (Michael) Shrugs

[Talwin (Michael)] If we aren't back in time, she'll send people out on her own estimate

Talwin (Michael) Seals the Envelope

Talwin (Michael) Stamps it with wax crest

[Indigo (Lisa)] Do you want her to do that?

Talwin (Michael) What? Rescue the rescue force?

Talwin (Michael) Chuckles

[Indigo (Lisa)] If you say soon she won't worry until it's not soon

Talwin (Michael) Looks at the wax stamp

Talwin (Michael) sighs

[Talwin (Michael)] I'm not doing that again

Indigo (Lisa) laughs

Talwin (Michael) Scribbles "Be back soon" on the envelope

Talwin (Michael) She knows me too well. She値l understand

[Talwin (Michael)] (Do I need to plan for the Governors Security? Or is that something I should hold off on for now because I'm being overly anal?)

[Talwin (Michael)] Call me Paranoid. My Doc is literally in Strategic Security

[Master] no to Michael

[Talwin (Michael)] Whew

[Master] if something happens it happens

[Talwin (Michael)] Thank you bob

[Talwin (Michael)] OH NO

[Talwin (Michael)] You made it worse!

[Master] and you have no one to assign anyway

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (lol)

[Master] Pete?

[Master] one of the carpenters?

[Master] that is why this is important

[Talwin (Michael)] If I ask Pete, he'll move up the timetable for his stupid windows!

[Talwin (Michael)] Oh no!

Brer Necholas (TMO) leaves a sealed note at the church for the Order just in case he doesn't return.

[Indigo (Lisa)] (she's an 8th level priest - she can send to Dragon Fen if she gets worried)

[Talwin (Michael)] It was an admin trap all along!

[Master] if the miners leave to go do this then you have even less money to build and hire more etc.

[Talwin (Michael)] (That痴 no swamp monster! It's...Old man Jenkins with a billing estimate!)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (LOL)

[Master] grins

[Master] LOL

[Talwin (Michael)] Ok

[Talwin (Michael)] She can take care of herself until we can hire guards

Talwin (Michael) Grumbles

[Talwin (Michael)] She's not a fool

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I can leave Howard with her if it would make you feel better)

[Talwin (Michael)] (I'm seriously contemplating anyone will any sort of combat capability going to be left? We literally don稚 have any guards. Which is a serious oversight on my behalf)

[Talwin (Michael)] (I didn't think we'd..uh..actually ever get out of here for something like this)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (kind of a nightmare. Snee wakes up and everyone is gone except Pete and Howard. ARGH!!!!)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Actually, she'd be happier if we took Pete with us...)

[Talwin (Michael)] He's one highly paid architect

[Talwin (Michael)] (In all seriousness Snee knew we were going to be leaving before she went to bed though right?)

[Master] yes

[Indigo (Lisa)] (So Howard will stay)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Thank you. I ...don't have anyone else. I get the feeling bob is saying to step up my game and be a boy scout for preparedness for now on)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Think Ilero would mind if I hired a couple guildmates?)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (not at all)

[Talwin (Michael)] (They Dragons Fen right now? Or did they move?)

[Master] actually be ready for lots of these type of quick jaunts. Remember every time you make a roll for construction on the path there is a possible of something like the one previously or when you had a roll for the mining you get something like this where workers want to leave, etc.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (tbh, the place is not *that* unsafe - Pete is unleveled and comes and goes safely)

[Master] Once this is done Michael you can do that Roleplay on the site with Ilero about that

[Talwin (Michael)] (Hm. Right bob. I feel bad I didn't account for something so obvious. Of course shit was going to popup. I'll roleplay some stop gap solutions offline fi that痴 ok)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Thanks TMO. That helps a lot. It' mostly for peace of mind you know?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (like I said - Snee is 8th level and Howard 7th - they can handle themselves)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (and send for help or get help nearby if they need)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (remember - we'll be back soon!)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (or lock themselves in the crypts if it gets bad)

[Master] grins at Lisa

[Talwin (Michael)] (No your right. I'm trying to reconcile real life, and role play life. Cause you know, it's Talwin and his job is to the governor. It's like a worse nightmare situation on both real and roleplay fronts haha)

[Talwin (Michael)] So. We got who is going, any equipment needs?

[Master] there were lots of times that 4 or 5 characters of 3rd and 4th level would go out on grand adventures

[Master] now you have 7th and 8th level characters to just leave around behind casually

[Talwin (Michael)] How did that end? I believe a ship that is still out on an ocean somewhere???

[Snezana (Lisa)] Bran and Indigo started as 1st levels characters

[Talwin (Michael)] (Oh...I may have the wrong group_)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Sorry.)

[Talwin (Michael)] (That wasn't you bob was it?)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (and we already got to this swamp monster once as level zero characters)

[Master] no to Michael

[Talwin (Michael)] (My bad. Sorry.)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Although, I will tell you the story some time, you値l et a kick out of it!)

[Talwin (Michael)] (About low level characters biting off just a bit more then they could chew...)

[Lisa] they are the equivalent of one round behind until and unless Bob wants them to roll an encounter or something

[Talwin (Michael)] Right

[Lisa] he is not going to just kill them while we are away

[Talwin (Michael)] LOL

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (you wanna bet?)

[Lisa] yes

[Talwin (Michael)] (Tmo said it...)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Just ignore me guys. I'm being whiny)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (k, he might kidnap them though)

[Talwin (Michael)] So, for equipment

[Talwin (Michael)] We have no antidotes for local fauna and flora

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (I've marked Brer's equipment list)

Talwin (Michael) Scribbles furiously

[Talwin (Michael)] "Another thing to add to my should have been prepared for you dummy list!"

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (Kenna does have spells for poison, at least)

[Talwin (Michael)] Slaps hand to thigh

[Lisa] are you IC or OOC Michael?

[Master] but does she have spells for Venom? ducks out of Carissa's range

[Talwin (Michael)] This will be a wonderful exercise in things I should have to be prepared for in the event of another local jaunt!

[Talwin (Michael)] (IC. Sorry. I know I have a hard time)

[Lisa] don't know how or if to reply when you don't change

[Talwin (Michael)] (He is beating himself up, but also making sure something like this doesn't happen again)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (lol that question was so ridiculous)

[Talwin (Michael)] (I know I know. I'm really sorry)

[Lisa] (that was Carissa to Bob - not you Michael)

[Talwin (Michael)] (oh, sorry. I'm confused lol)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Won't Kenna help with that kind of stuff? She's really good at healing and taking care of us

Talwin (Michael) Nods

Indigo (Lisa) mutters "It's probably just an alligator anyway"

[Talwin (Michael)] Kenna is an excellent healer.

Raelynn (Carissa) gasps hands together, "She already helped me."

Talwin (Michael) tries not to snort

Talwin (Michael) mutters in Indigo's ear: "For a gnome, an alligator probably is a dragon"

[Indigo (Lisa)] Exactly!

Talwin (Michael) Winces

Talwin (Michael) Shhh

[Talwin (Michael)] But!

Indigo (Lisa) quietly "oh, okay"

Talwin (Michael) whispers. Sorry, I uh, didn't know if that comment would offend the newcomers...

Talwin (Michael) I don't know them that well yet...

[Talwin (Michael)] Anyways!

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (sorry, was afk for a bit there. Did I miss any questions?)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Your good. Just hashing out healers and fighters)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Brer and I can handle most...what say you brer? The two of us can handle pretty much anything we've come across so far together yes?"

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (so far..... :) )

Talwin (Michael) Nods to himself

[Talwin (Michael)] I don't want to toot our own Confidence, but I think the good Brer and I can handle ...most physical combat encounters with larger opponents. Within reason

[Talwin (Michael)] Magically, we have Kenna

[Talwin (Michael)] Indigo is good at everything he does, so no worries there

[Indigo (Lisa)] Then Skarp, N値aea and I'll stay home then

Talwin (Michael) Shocked: "What?" You want to stay here? We need to have a proper adventure!...even if it's just. alligator

[Indigo (Lisa)] Unless you want to keep tooting your horn

Talwin (Michael) Guffaws

[Talwin (Michael)] Of course not

[Talwin (Michael)] Just trying to match equipment needs against likely foes

[Talwin (Michael)] Aside from necromancers, we haven稚 really come across to many magical attacks right? Have there been any I have not yet been informed about?

[Talwin (Michael)] Mostly we have dealt with the odd monster, boar, and goblin

[Indigo (Lisa)] We're going into a swamp

[Talwin (Michael)] but no real magic

Talwin (Michael) Sighs

[Talwin (Michael)] Yes. I just....

[Indigo (Lisa)] Unless we run into a swamp witch I don't think we'll see a bunch of magic things

Talwin (Michael) waves hand about

[N'laea (Carissa)] Do you always plan so carefully for every venture outside?

[Indigo (Lisa)] I don't

[Talwin (Michael)] It's my first time

[Talwin (Michael)] And Indigo will be there

[Talwin (Michael)] He'll report back to Bran

[Talwin (Michael)] I don't want to screw this up.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Oh I'll tell everyone!

Talwin (Michael) Slaps face

Talwin (Michael) Murmurs

Brer Necholas (TMO) leans back. "He used to be a mercenary, remember. It's all cost versus loss calculations with them."

[Talwin (Michael)] "Thank you for that Lord Indigo"

[Indigo (Lisa)] When I was home I was playing dice with Lord Mosskin for stories

[Indigo (Lisa)] Whoever won got to tell a story

[Indigo (Lisa)] So I need more

Talwin (Michael) Nods at Brer with amusement. "That too I suppose."

Brer Necholas (TMO) nods in return.

[N'laea (Carissa)] Ah. Too much planning results in inaction. Sometimes you must act on instinct alone.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] I prefer faith.

[Indigo (Lisa)] I should tell Thistle about the game when I get back. She'll like it I think

Talwin (Michael) I prefer brer's faith. So far it's kept me alive

[Indigo (Lisa)] So let's go then

[N'laea (Carissa)] instinct has kept my clan alive for centuries.

Talwin (Michael) I suppose Sundown will be there to give a lecture to the creature if necessary about how evil it is. That should kill it too

[Talwin (Michael)] So I think we are all good to go!

Indigo (Lisa) puts his pack on his back

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Talwin (Michael)] We are ready to fight or die with Glory Bob. Onward to the Swamp Monster...

[N'laea (Carissa)] (mines first ;) )

[Master] So you head out just after noon

[Talwin (Michael)] or the first random encounter en route to the swamp monster

[Talwin (Michael)] lol

[Master] Time of Day: 12:09 PM. Day 9 See ___ de, Bel {Mid Fall} 9th, 349 SKR.

[Master] and a mile later you are at the mines

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (and a mine later you are at the miles)

TMO is receiving the map Hillside 1...

TMO has received the map Hillside 1.

[Talwin (Michael)] lol

[N'laea (Carissa)] (and a later mile you're mine?)

[Master] The Strasilo Mining District has turned into a solid potential source of income for Dragon Fen

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (possessive little elves)

[N'laea (Carissa)] (lmao)

[Master] The Lucky Dwarf Mine is well underway and where most of your people are so you stop there

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] GOOD you are here

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] I told them you would stop and give them good news on your way

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] I brought the workers from the (name of the copper mine I forgot to add to the list) here so they could all talk about who knows who and where they might be in regards to the Swamp Monster

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] So can you give them your good news?

[Talwin (Michael)] (This isn't Among us)

[Talwin (Michael)] Hello. I am Sir Talwin sent on behalf and in good faith of the Governor Snee

[Talwin (Michael)] And that is the last formality you will hear from me

[Talwin (Michael)] Who knows what, and what do we need to kill?

Brer Necholas (TMO) stands quietly toward the rear of the group.

Talwin (Michael) Points at Gnome

[Talwin (Michael)] You good Sir. Speak. We are here to help your friends and rescue them if at all possible

[Talwin (Michael)] What do we need to know?

[Talwin (Michael)] (not trying to rush. but test?)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (yah)

[Talwin (Michael)] (ok)

[N'laea (Carissa)] (si)

[Kelnan (Master)] My second cousin lives out in the fishing village

Talwin (Michael) Nods encouragingly.

[Kelnan (Master)] She said that there was a disturbance out near a nest of bullywugs

Talwin (Michael) Pulls out charcoal pencil and small parchment

[Kelnan (Master)] Good for them I say

Talwin (Michael) What kind of disturbance?

[Talwin (Michael)] Bandits? Animal Howls?

[Kelnan (Master)] Then She said one of her friends disappeared

[Kelnan (Master)] That the swamp monster got him

Talwin (Michael) Eyes glance over his parchment towards Kelnan

[Talwin (Michael)] Did she get a glimpse of the beast?

[Talwin (Michael)] Description?

[Kelnan (Master)] and then I head that Smillges had someone who disappeared too

[Kelnan (Master)] that the swamp monster got him too

[Kelnan (Master)] so we, we need to go out there and rescue them

Talwin (Michael) studies Kelnana

[Indigo (Lisa)] Why doesn't the swamp monster eat all the bullywugs?

[Kelnan (Master)] the metal can wait

[Talwin (Michael)] Is this Smilges here now?

[Kelnan (Master)] it does not go anywhere

[Talwin (Michael)] with you?

[Smiggles (Master)] Yep

Smiggles (Master) snorts,

Talwin (Michael) What did you notice about your person? Who disappeared for you?

[Smiggles (Master)] You make a lot of noise in that

[Talwin (Michael)] How many people do we need to plan on assisting?

[Smiggles (Master)] I was here working for the Dwarf, spits, I guess for you

[Talwin (Michael)] How many have gone missing?

[Smiggles (Master)] We are going to get our money like Tiff said right?

[Smiggles (Master)] my uncle's brother disappeared

[Smiggles (Master)] the swamp monster must have got em

[Talwin (Michael)] Your arrangement with Tiff is your business. My business is assisting your people and protecting or avenging them if necessary

[Smiggles (Master)] we need to go out there and stop them

Talwin (Michael) Nods gravely

[Talwin (Michael)] We will do that

Smiggles (Master) grunts

Indigo (Lisa) thinks Uncle's brother is his father or another uncle? Hmmm

[Smiggles (Master)] If you don't come back quick that means the swamp monster got you too

[Talwin (Michael)] But we can better prepare by knowing exactly what we are facing so that we don't accidentally rile the beast up and cause more harm

Talwin (Michael) Shakes head

[Talwin (Michael)] We have a watcher

[Talwin (Michael)] Someone who reports back immediately if something happens

[Talwin (Michael)] Standard law enforcement procedure

[Kelnan (Master)] I bet a bunch of frogs got eaten

[Kelnan (Master)] and good for that

[Talwin (Michael)] So, you have no other descriptions you can give me? Is this poisonous? Natural defenses?

[Talwin (Michael)] People just disappear? and No one sees anything?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Is it an alligator?

[Kelnan (Master)] I was here mining

[Kelnan (Master)] not out there in the swamps to see it

Talwin (Michael) Desperately tries not to laugh at Indigo

Brer Necholas (TMO) smiles.

[Kelnan (Master)] that is why we want to get out there and find it

Talwin (Michael) do you know this was a Swamp monster?

[Kelnan (Master)] You sure you can do that?

[Talwin (Michael)] If no one saw anything?

Kelnan (Master) looks at Tiff

Talwin (Michael) Looks to Tiff too

Talwin (Michael) Tiff?

[Kelnan (Master)] I am worried that they might not be able to do this

[Kelnan (Master)] Sir Indigo we trust

[Kelnan (Master)] but

[Kelnan (Master)] well

Talwin (Michael) Shrugs. I trust Indigo too

[Indigo (Lisa)] We can kill it.

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] You lugs need to get back to work

Talwin (Michael) Shrugs

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] Let Sir Indigo handle the swamp monster

[Talwin (Michael)] "Alright. We'll go kill this swamp monster"

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] and you can make sure you get your percentage faster

[Talwin (Michael)] (the air quotes around the 'Swamp Monster" are almost palpable to Talwins friends as he speaks")

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] You know we are over halfway done

[Indigo (Lisa)] That's good news!

Tiffress Wildwander (Master) looks at Talwin and Indigo, just make sure you go far enough north around the goblin king's lands

[Indigo (Lisa)] Yeah, that would delay the trip a bunch

[Indigo (Lisa)] He's the one with the wyvern, right?

Tiffress Wildwander (Master) nods

[Indigo (Lisa)] We'll pass that this trip

[Indigo (Lisa)] Thanks for the help Tiffress!

[Talwin (Michael)] (Sorry my dog inhaled a big mac wrapper and I had to stop her)

[Indigo (Lisa)] We'll try to get any bullywugs left over too

[Master] OK so heading to the northeast out of the center of the mining district

Brer Necholas (TMO) gives the gnome miners a small salute as we head out of the mines.

[Master] heading out after a couple of hours total you are at the old battlefield site, the Battle of Hastilton Hill

[Talwin (Michael)] (Can I ask a quick question bob. A serious one?)

[Master] This is the northern border of the protectorate

[Master] and of course

[Master] Time of Day: 01:42 PM. Day 9 See ___ de, Bel {Mid Fall} 9th, 349 SKR.

[Talwin (Michael)] (For future references, I had no problem turning that back on his own supervisor, and agreements for wages and working as well, but is that something that Talwin must consider part of his duties? If yes, then I need to prepare to be ready to answer such disputes. If not, then I'm totally going to have them refer back tot ehri own labor agreements because that's not my area of purview for the protectorate...or is it? I hate to say it, but I almost need a job description for what Talwin does so I'm not stepping on toes)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Did any of that make sense?)

[Master] yes it makes sense

[Master] and the job description is what ever you want it to be

[N'laea (Carissa)] (maybe but I'm too tired to decipher tonight, lol)

[Master] Snee is the Governor in charge of the area, she has her own church to take care of etc.

[Master] She needs someone to go out and deal with problems,

[Master] so Talwin does

[Talwin (Michael)] (LOL. No worries. Spring and I will try and Iron it out. I don稚 want to be seen as jockeying for power with her.) [Talwin (Michael)] (Ok. So, he's like...a troubleshooter. I guess)

[Master] she needs someone to handle the mining district, so you hired Tiff to do that

[Talwin (Michael)] Ah

[Talwin (Michael)] Ok

[Talwin (Michael)] So in that case, Tiff can deal with it until it escalates and I need to deal with it

[Talwin (Michael)] The power of delegation

[Talwin (Michael)] in action

[Master] When someone went wrong on construction of the path they came to you

[Lisa] and workers will grumble to whoever's in front of them

[Master] when something went wrong in the mines they came to you

[Talwin (Michael)] BUT! Only when it had to correct?

[Talwin (Michael)] So I could respectfully refer the working agreements back to Tiff, while dealing with the primary problem they came to me in the first place with and not piss people off right?

[Talwin (Michael)] Am I overthinking this? If yes, let's move on

[Lisa] sounds good to me

[Master] in this instance, there were two choices, Shut down the mining operations while the gnomes leave to go find their families or Talwin put together a group to go solve this for them

[Lisa] considering the labor shortage, not pissing people off is a good strategy

[Talwin (Michael)] Ok. Just making sure that I'm not pissing off our Neighbors, keeping them safe, and working, this was the best I could think o f

[Talwin (Michael)] Ok

[Talwin (Michael)] Thank you everyone for the stoppage

[Master] and yes that is what Talwin should be doing having your Mining District Supervisor tell you what needs to be done and giving you options

[Talwin (Michael)] I feel like a manger at a a fortune 500 company...

[Master] good

[Talwin (Michael)] (That was a joke bob)

[Talwin (Michael)] (LOL)

[Master] these are the nice simple ones to start

[Talwin (Michael) (to Lisa only)] Thank you for weighing in. I know I tend to overthink all this stuff

[Talwin (Michael)] ...

[Talwin (Michael)] Yeah

[Master] Old Man Miller, now given to Branwyn to handle

[Master] you are off to deal with the Swamp Monster

[Master] later .....

[Talwin (Michael)] (Hey as long as Bran sees we are trying our best, that's all she's ever asked for. )

[Talwin (Michael)] (I really don't want this all to end up in flames. Literally or figuratively)

[Talwin (Michael)] So

[Talwin (Michael)] Off down our jaunty way

[Lisa (to Michael only)] no worries, you're good, don't worry about making decisions and be confident. we're heroes. of course we'll kill the monster

Brer Necholas (TMO) hides the torch

[Talwin (Michael)] (Oh speaking of which, do...we need to do an encounter roll?)

[Lisa] (yes what is up with the 120 ft radius light?)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Haven't had to ask that in awhile)

[Master] in fact yes you are there where you need to start making them again

[N'laea (Carissa)] (awww you reminded him...)

[Lisa] (diameter sorry)

TMO has edited Brer Necholas's effects.

[Talwin (Michael)] (lol. a 1d20?)

[Master] yes to Michael and HAH to Carissa

[Lisa] (that's one light gone)

[Talwin (Michael)] I'll roll this one

[Master] Raelynn moved 1'00".

[Master] Raelynn moved 1'02".

[Talwin (Michael)] (1d20) [1d20=6] 6

[Talwin (Michael)] (Fingers crossed)

[Master] Emerald moved 1'07".

[Master] Talwin moved 1'08".

[Lisa] (now we will blame you)

[Master] good

[Lisa] lol

[Talwin (Michael)] (Yes! I want monster with loot though bob...)

[Talwin (Michael)] (LOL)

[Master] using this same map because it fits the terrain

[Talwin (Michael)] (I need the RUSH)

[Master] Tiffress Wildwander moved 115'11".

[Master] Tiffress Wildwander targets Gnome #2. Distance: 3'04"

[Talwin (Michael)] (LOOT)

[Talwin (Michael)] (We need a new town Pharmacy!)

Carissa is receiving the map Hillside 1...

Carissa has received the map Hillside 1.

Michael is receiving the map Hillside 1...

Michael has received the map Hillside 1.

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #23 moved 13'04".

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #20 moved 9'04".

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #22 moved 9'05".

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #24 moved 19'11".

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #18 moved 8'10".

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #25 moved 12'07".

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #19 moved 8'10".

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #21 moved 6'09".

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #17 moved 6'01".

[Lisa] Michael click e screen and hit P

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #16, Goblin #19, Goblin #19, Goblin #5, Goblin #16, Goblin #15, Goblin #15, Goblin #18, Goblin #12, Goblin #11, Goblin #20, Goblin #14, Goblin #8, Goblin #14, Goblin #16, Goblin #10, Goblin #21, Goblin #13, Goblin #16, Goblin #18, Goblin #7, Goblin #18, Goblin #12, Goblin #14, Goblin #14, Goblin #14, Goblin #8, Goblin #13, Goblin #10, Goblin #10, Goblin #23, Goblin #9, Goblin #6, Goblin #5, Goblin #19, Goblin #18, Goblin #18, Goblin #4, Goblin #21, Goblin #15, Goblin #14, Goblin #14, Goblin #23, Goblin #17, Goblin #11, Goblin #10, Goblin #17, Goblin #19, Goblin #13, Goblin #7, Goblin #24, Goblin #13, Goblin #15, Goblin #9, Goblin #18, Goblin #10, Goblin #12, Goblin #15, Goblin #17, Goblin #6, Goblin #17, Goblin #11, Goblin #13, Goblin #13, Goblin #13, Goblin #7, Goblin #26, Goblin #12, Goblin #9, Goblin #9, Goblin #22, Goblin #22, Goblin #8, Goblin #7, Goblin #4, Goblin #18, Goblin #17, Goblin #17, Goblin #3, Goblin #20, Goblin #14, Goblin #13, Goblin #13, Goblin #22, Goblin #16, Goblin #10, Goblin #16, Goblin #18, Goblin #12, Goblin #23, Goblin #12, Goblin #14, Goblin #20, Goblin #9, Goblin #11, Goblin #20, Goblin #14, Goblin #16, Goblin #5, Goblin #16, Goblin #16, Goblin #10, Goblin #12, Goblin #15, Goblin #12, Goblin #12, Goblin #6, Goblin #25, Goblin #11, Goblin #8, Goblin #8, Goblin #21, Goblin #21, Goblin #20, Goblin #6, Goblin #17, Goblin #16, Goblin #16, Goblin #19, Goblin #13, Goblin #12, Goblin #21, Goblin #15, Goblin #9, Goblin #15, Goblin #17, Goblin #11, Goblin #22, Goblin #11, Goblin #17, Goblin #19, Goblin #8, Goblin #19, Goblin #13, Goblin #15, Goblin #15, Goblin #15, Goblin #9, Goblin #14, Goblin #11, Goblin #11, Goblin #24, Goblin #10, Goblin #7 and Goblin #20 moved 37'09".

[Talwin (Michael)] sorry, was trying to adjust my map

[Talwin (Michael)] should be gone now

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #16 moved 42'08".

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #26 moved 50'01".

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #22 moved 51'02".

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #19 moved 53'08".

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #21 moved 55'03".

[Master] and Talwin still has his effect up

[Master] I will cancel it for you

[Talwin (Michael)] Thank you. I can't figure out why it's doing it

[Talwin (Michael)] My character is spazzing out

[Master] you had your continual light up

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] you have to edit them in the Effects window

[Talwin (Michael)] I can't even open his options

[Talwin (Michael)] he's greyed out

[Talwin (Michael)] fixed

[Master] and so now you are traveling along and there is a cave near the battlefield

[Talwin (Michael)] he's good

[Master] and as you approach

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (loot the mass graves!)

[Master] Goblin #24, Goblin #22, Goblin #18, Goblin #25, Goblin #19, Goblin #23, Goblin #20, Goblin #19, Goblin #21, Goblin #21, Goblin #17, Goblin #16, Goblin #26 and Goblin #22 moved 16'06".

[Talwin (Michael)] (lol)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Please attack first, please attack first)

[N'laea (Carissa)] (obs?)

Brer Necholas (TMO) attacks first

[Talwin (Michael)] Talwin: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[N'laea (Carissa)] N'laea: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (j/k)

[Talwin (Michael)] (lol. you're good )

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #39 moved 18'09".

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #38 moved 17'01".

[N'laea (Carissa) (to Master only)] another quick test

[N'laea (Carissa) (to Master only)] She been here long enough to kind of know goblin speak?

[Master] sorry I duplicated the entire goblin tribe that is one reason things slowed down, there were 100 hidden icons

[Master] back to normal now

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #37 moved 14'03".

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #36 moved 9'09".

Brer Necholas (TMO) runs away first

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #35 moved 10'09".

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #34 moved 10'06".

[Talwin (Michael)] lol

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #33 moved 19'06".

[Talwin (Michael)] I concur

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #32 moved 12'05".

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #31 moved 13'09".

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #30 moved 11'00".

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #29 moved 11'11".

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #28 moved 6'02".

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #27 moved 4'01".

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #26 moved 22'01".

[Master (to GM only)] Goblin #25 moved 25'05".

[Master] Combat has begun!

[Master] ROUND: 0

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Initiative: ((d10+10+-2)-10) [1d10=3] 1 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Master] Goblin #23: Initiative: ((d10+10+)-10) [1d10=9] 9 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Master] Goblin #24: Initiative: ((d10+10+)-10) [1d10=8] 8 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Master] Goblin #25: Initiative: ((d10+10+)-10) [1d10=9] 9 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Master] Goblin #26: Initiative: ((d10+10+)-10) [1d10=4] 4 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Master] Goblin #27: Initiative: ((d10+10+)-10) [1d10=4] 4 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Master] Goblin #28: Initiative: ((d10+10+)-10) [1d10=10] 10 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Master] Goblin #29: Initiative: ((d10+10+)-10) [1d10=8] 8 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Master] Goblin #30: Initiative: ((d10+10+)-10) [1d10=2] 2 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Master] Goblin #31: Initiative: ((d10+10+)-10) [1d10=4] 4 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Master] Goblin #32: Initiative: ((d10+10+)-10) [1d10=6] 6 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Master] Goblin #33: Initiative: ((d10+10+)-10) [1d10=10] 10 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Master] Goblin #34: Initiative: ((d10+10+)-10) [1d10=4] 4 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Master] Goblin #35: Initiative: ((d10+10+)-10) [1d10=7] 7 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Master] Goblin #36: Initiative: ((d10+10+)-10) [1d10=7] 7 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Master] Goblin #37: Initiative: ((d10+10+)-10) [1d10=1] 1 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Master] Goblin #38: Initiative: ((d10+10+)-10) [1d10=9] 9 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Master] Goblin #39: Initiative: ((d10+10+)-10) [1d10=6] 6 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Brer Necholas: Initiative: (d10+10+0) [1d10=2] 12

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Griff (dog): Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=7] 17

[Master] Skarphedin moved 35'05".

[Master] Kenna Westfoot moved 41'02".

[Master] Emerald moved 36'05".

[Master] Indigo moved 6'02".

[Talwin (Michael)] Attack: Two-Handed Sword:: is now ARMED.

[Master] Talwin moved 6'04".

[Master] Sundown moved 10'11".

[N'laea (Carissa)] N'laea: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=5] 13

[N'laea (Carissa)] Raelynn: Initiative: (d10+10++0) [1d10=1] 11

[Master] ROUND: 1

[Master] INIT: 1 GOING: Goblin #37

[Master] Goblin #37 moved 46'03".

[Master] Goblin #37 targets Raelynn. Distance: 4'06"

[Master] Goblin #37 targets Talwin. Distance: 0'06"

[Master] INIT: 1 GOING: Indigo

[Master] As they swarm forward

[Master] Combat has finished.

Carissa has left the game on Fri Jan 15 23:24:47 EST 2021

Michael has joined the game on Fri Jan 15 23:24:59 EST 2021

Michael is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Michael has received the map Church Ground Floor.

Lisa has left the game on Fri Jan 15 23:25:03 EST 2021

Michael has left the game on Fri Jan 15 23:25:07 EST 2021

Carissa has joined the game on Fri Jan 15 23:25:08 EST 2021

Carissa is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Carissa has received the map Church Ground Floor.

TMO has left the game on Fri Jan 15 23:25:12 EST 2021

TMO has joined the game on Fri Jan 15 23:25:44 EST 2021

Carissa is receiving the map Hillside 1...

Carissa has received the map Hillside 1.

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Jan 15 23:25:49 EST 2021

Lisa is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

TMO is receiving the map Hillside 1...

Lisa has received the map Church Ground Floor.

TMO has received the map Hillside 1.

Lisa is receiving the map Hillside 1...

Lisa has received the map Hillside 1.

[Master] OK so

[Master] we will try one thing here

Michael is receiving the map Hillside 1...

Michael has received the map Hillside 1.

[Master] if you get kicked out sorry have a great night and we pick up next week

[Master] if it works then great

[Michael] lol. Ok :)

[Master] Combat has begun!

[Master] ROUND: 0

[Master] Lisa roll INT

[Master] the rest can wait

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Initiative: ((d10+10+-2)-10) [1d10=9] 7 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Master] Goblin #32: Initiative: ((d10+10+)-10) [1d10=10] 10 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[Master] ROUND: 1

[Master] Goblin #32 moved 44'06".

[Master] Goblin #32 targets Indigo. Distance: 0'04"

[Master] Goblin #32 targets Raelynn. Distance: 4'08"

[Master] Goblin #32 targets Talwin. Distance: 2'06"

[Master] Goblin #32 targets N'laea. Distance: 6'01"

[Master] INIT: 7 GOING: Indigo

[Master] Combat has finished.

Michael has left the game on Fri Jan 15 23:27:53 EST 2021

Lisa has left the game on Fri Jan 15 23:27:54 EST 2021

Carissa has left the game on Fri Jan 15 23:28:00 EST 2021

TMO has left the game on Fri Jan 15 23:28:08 EST 2021

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 200. Next level in 134740.

[Master] Thistle XP award: 100. Next level in 718.

[Master] Snezana XP award: 150. Next level in 109216.

[Master] Brer Necholas XP award: 150. Level-up!

[Master] Talwin XP award: 300. Next level in 65665.

[Master] Sundown XP award: 150. Next level in 0.

[Master] Raelynn XP award: 100. Next level in 128.

[Master] Indigo XP award: 100. Next level in 47343.

[Master] N'laea XP award: 200. Next level in 129506.

[Master] Emerald XP award: 200. Next level in 11135.

[Master] Kenna Westfoot XP award: 200. Next level in 161529.

XP awarded