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Chat Log - 2021 03 26 - Claiming Skull Church (Formatted)

[Master] ==== Gaming session has been running for 1 day, 23 hours, 44 minutes and 11 seconds ====

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Mar 26 17:18:51 EDT 2021 ====

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master (to GM only)] Umber Hulk #1 moved 10'01".

Spring has joined the game on Fri Mar 26 19:15:02 EDT 2021

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Mar 26 19:15:02 EDT 2021

Spring is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Lisa is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Spring has received the map Church Ground Floor.

Lisa has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Spring] y hello thar!

[Lisa] Hello!

[Lisa] Strange - I don't see you on the list as being in

[Spring] I'm a ghost!

[Lisa] Do you see me on the left column?

[Spring] I don't see any players on the left

[Spring] well, BOB

[Lisa] KLoOge being weird again

[Master] Hey there

[Lisa] Hello!

[Spring] hi hi hi

[Master] I am seeing both of you on my list of logged in

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lisa] we don't so won't be able to see when other people are typing

[Master] ok

[Lisa] not the worst problem in the world

[Master] I did update all the math for the week I think

[Spring] indeed not even the worst problem in kLoOge

[Master] the key was the library

[Lisa] did you see my spell rolls?

[Master] Yes was good

[Lisa] I really wanted the other one (of course)

[Lisa] sand is not in kLoOge so will write that one in while we wait for Carissa and TMO

[Master] and Spring did you complete the paperwork?

[Master] for the house?

Carissa has joined the game on Fri Mar 26 19:22:29 EDT 2021

Carissa is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Carissa has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Spring] some of it. the inspection was this week

[Spring] hi Carissa!

[Spring] as soon as I got the report, I did a two-column list of the repairs I’d like to ask the sellers to do and the ones I’ll take myself

[Carissa] Hi all!

[Spring] I turned that around the same afternoon. the realtor was knocked out by it

[Master] Hey there

[Master] nice

[Spring] closing is the 19th of next month

[Spring] this weekend and early part of the week I break camp and then head to Mississippi

[Master] that is great

[Spring] little anxious about it but since I’m not working in transit, I can make good time

[Spring] planning for about 6.5 hours per day driving

[Spring] brb

[Spring] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] I was hesitant to do the full rolls for the known value gems

[Master] I created an Excel sheet based on TMO's sheet to do the rolls, etc.

[Master] but wanted to let the group have a chance to make the rolls too

[Carissa] I mean it's 163 rolls. Not sure we have enough to share around...

[Master] no only 78, grins

[Master] TMO handled the first chunk

[Carissa] Ahh see! Even less to go around!

[Master] it is the ones that you know the value of

[Master] I did it in Excel but then thought I should ask

[Carissa] If we need rolls, I don't mind helping

[Master] I can I just wanted to know if the group wants to do them or have me do them

[Master] There are 78 unknown values that will be done at some unknown point in the future

[Master] So no TMO or Ryan tonight and Michael is at an unknown time

[Carissa] One vote for us to roll because I enjoy it

[Lisa] Howard Plum casts a spell against : Wall of Sand: Creates a swirling opaque wall of sand 12 ft high and up to (7*1) 7 ft. thick and up to (7*4) 28 ft. long. Creatures passing through the wall can't see while in it (even w/ infravision) and take 1 pt. dmg/rd. in the wall. -3 AC for 1 rd. upon leaving wall. Magic can pass through the wall as long as spell doesn’t need a target. Once set, needs no concentration. Range: (7*5) 35 yds; Duration: (7*1) 7 rds.

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

[Carissa] Oooh nice

[Spring] oh hey, I see Lisa and Carissa in the players list now

[Carissa] Little Howard is growing up

[Master] chuckles he is 8th level now

[Carissa] He is??

[Carissa] I never realized that

[Master] 7th sorry

[Spring] even so

[Carissa] Ah okay. Still one higher than I thought

[Spring] creditable

[Master] But this looks to be your group tonight until Michael logs in

[Lisa] ok

[Master] There is a disturbance at the mines to deal with

[Master] will be a combat oriented encounter

[Spring] well okay then

[Carissa] Fun fun

[Master] This takes place two days after the Hobgoblin attack

[Master] So there is some healing automatically

[Master] Wolf #3's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 27 (6) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] Skarphedin: No adjustments made.

[Master] Indigo's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 38 (6) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] N'laea's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 63 (6) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] Talwin's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 36 (6) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] Sundown's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 13 (6) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] Raelynn's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 23 (5) - Unharmed

[Master] I will go refill and you can discuss what you want to do the day after the hobgoblin attack

[Lisa] we slept for a few days?

[Master] how to react to that

[Carissa] If two days after, wouldn't the priests use up their spells those two days to finish healing?

[Master] you have two nights of sleep before you get the alert about the new danger

[Master] I do not know

[Master] you have to make those choices

[Spring] in garrison, I would assume Snee would use all the spells

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Carissa] Raelynn would help, too. So we should hopefully be at full HP

[Carissa] Two days with only sleep healing and nothing eventful would feel weird :P

[Carissa] 9, 20, 11 would be the main. We could easily hit that in two days. Then another 20 for Talwin if he shows up.

[Carissa] So guessing "how we react" would be... what do we do to make sure goblins are "protect?"

[Spring] just using orison alone, Snee would generate 45 points of healing

[Lisa] don't forget Sundown :)

[Spring] for "yesterday"

[Carissa] lol I did

[Carissa] Is he on my side list...?

[Carissa] Nope grey out so also whatever he's down

Michael has joined the game on Fri Mar 26 19:46:45 EDT 2021

Michael is receiving the map Church Ground Floor...

Michael has received the map Church Ground Floor.

[Spring] hi Michael!

[Lisa] Hi Michael!

[Carissa] I think Raelynn is 15 per orison a day...?

[Carissa] Hi Michael!

[Michael] Words cannot express how shitty this day has been LOL. Please tell me we get to kill monsters. Preferably monsters that are insurance agents

[Lisa] lol

[Lisa] there will be combat

[Michael] Dragon's Fen Wagon Claims

[Carissa] Well.... yes and no

[Michael] Or something

[Carissa] Sorry yes and unknown

[Carissa] Yes to monsters unknown to what kind of agents they are

[Michael] Bob. Can we make them Insurance Agents? I'll bribe you

[Carissa] 2 days since hobgoblins and there is a "combat oriented" disturbance at the mines

[Michael] Bonus if I get to say, My sword is experiencing increased blood volume. If you wait just a moment, I'll be right with you

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Spring] hahahaha

[Spring] absolutely all the monsters tonight are insurance agents

[Lisa] lol

[Michael] YES!

[Spring] either as a day job or a side hustle

[Michael] We shall pretend

[Spring] the whole thing is pretend anyway

[Michael] We can make them agents of Dragons, for only they could be so greedy

[Spring] so why the heck not!

[Carissa] lol

[Spring] Dragonwide is not on your side

[Carissa] They're coming to distribute the life insurance those hobgoblins took out

[Master] chuckles

[Spring] hahahaha

[Michael] Well, they are if you are the Dragon. They are the 1 percent. Let's all throw our money into the Dragon's Horde and he shall create jobs for us! Right everyone?

[Master] so on the evening of the Hobgoblin attack Snee has how many Orisons left?

[Master] and laughs with Michael

[Michael] (Sorry bob. Just had a frustrating day. Just having a bit of fun haha)

[Master] also with Carissa how many Orison this day (same as the Hobgoblins can you do?)

[Master] I healed everyone for two nights worth of healing

[Michael] Oh good

[Carissa] all three on first night for 15... (let me check)

[Master] so you can use the current numbers

[Michael] (Thanks)

[Carissa] Raelynn casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Michael] (I'm at -20 Guys, but can hold out for a few rounds If I have support_)

[Spring] Snee had 4 left that night

[Carissa] ...I thought that told me, lol

[Master] how many per each one Spring?

[Spring] 9 points per

[Master] Sundown's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 24 (11) - Unharmed

[Master] N'laea's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 72 (9) - Unharmed

[Master] Indigo's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 54 (16) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] and then from Raelyn

[Carissa] 3 orisons at 5 hp each

[Carissa] (wolf?)

[Carissa] (and Talwin?)

[Master] Talwin's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 51 (15) - Lightly Wounded

[Carissa] So cure wounds for remaining HP first night?

[Master] that is up to the group

[Carissa] wait sorry Raelynn is out of spells now

[Master] you just finished the combat with the hobgoblins, you come back out of the caverns and over to the Shrine

[Carissa] for this day

[Master] Where Snee and Raelynn do all of their orisons

[Master] it is now evening

[Master] I have already done the healing for tonight's sleep and for tomorrow's sleep

[Master] what does the group want to talk about think about do about the hobgoblins that invaded? you have gathered up all the gems and are sending them on the way to Foriso Town for Ilero to examine over the next few days

[Michael] Hm

[Master] Talwin and Indigo are still down

[Michael] good question

[Michael] (Wait, down in the tunnels?)

[Master] and there is a wounded wolf now out there too

[Master] no down in HP

[Michael] (Ah ok)

[Master] you have tonight/tomorrow to deal with things,

[Master] then you will get pulled off into another troubleshooting mission

Snezana (Spring) prepares chamomile tea

[Snezana (Spring)] I think we all shall be sleeping soundly this night

[Michael] I'm kind of wanting to know why the theoretical ally Goblins were attacking us

[Michael] I'm OOC for the moment because I’m not really sure how to proceed

[N'laea (Carissa)] (They weren't our goblins)

[N'laea (Carissa)] (Different tribe)

[Snezana (Spring)] (LOL that's the very reason I am IC)

[N'laea (Carissa)] (one of the other two out there)

[Michael] OH! I thought they were only hobgoblins

[Michael] not both

[Michael] Huh

[N'laea (Carissa)] (N’laea failed her obs roll so she didn't notice them on her scouting trip so we thought it was only hobs at the time :) )

[Michael] Ah, that could have been it I suppose

[Michael] hm. Well, I’ll hop IC

[Talwin (Michael)] You think Snee?

[Talwin (Michael)] Should we rest then?

[Talwin (Michael)] Or should we send another party down into the tunnels to make sure

[Snezana (Spring)] I cannot wait. my bed calls to me

Talwin (Michael) Worried

Talwin (Michael) Nods

[Snezana (Spring)] but it bothers me

[Snezana (Spring)] not the bed, the question

[Talwin (Michael)] Alright. I Understand. I'll take primary watch for this evening.

[N'laea (Carissa)] Do you know the other goblin tribes?

Talwin (Michael) Shakes head

[Talwin (Michael)] Not as I should

Snezana (Spring) shaking head

[Talwin (Michael)] They are hard for me to tell apart really

[Talwin (Michael)] For now, if they attack they are my enemy. If they talk or hesitate, they aren't

[Snezana (Spring)] I had hoped they would have some relationship to those we know so we could work something out

[Talwin (Michael)] We have a ah...tenuous..relationship with the tribe under the mountain here

[Talwin (Michael)] So far, it's worked out well. We leave each other alone and have a few small deals in place

[N'laea (Carissa)] But you have an alliance with them now and no idea of their politics?

Talwin (Michael) Eyes here oddly

[Talwin (Michael)] We propped up their current government with the Goblin king

[Snezana (Spring)] not sure they have what we could even think of as politics

[Talwin (Michael)] As dumb as it sounds, he's so far kept the peace

Talwin (Michael) Shrugs

[Talwin (Michael)] So I don't really bother as long they don't affect the town or us

[N'laea (Carissa)] Many dismiss the politics of the birds and the wolves, but that would be foolish. You remove a pack, another may take over and ravage the place.

Talwin (Michael) Nods

[N'laea (Carissa)] Goblins likely are not too different and have politics of their own.

[Talwin (Michael)] I would agree, but we have not removed the current goblins

[Talwin (Michael)] They are still there

[Talwin (Michael)] Another tribe may come in, but that is foolish

[N'laea (Carissa)] But ones we did not see during the fight. Can they defend themselves?

[Talwin (Michael)] If the goblins didn't attack them first, then we just proved we won't have them on our land

Talwin (Michael) Thoughtful

[N'laea (Carissa)] Or are they using you as their only defense unable to prop up themselves?

[Talwin (Michael)] Frankly, I think they could

Talwin (Michael) shrugs

[Talwin (Michael)] I hope they can somewhat

[N'laea (Carissa)] (lol we have a weakling king unless he's been working out lately)

[Talwin (Michael)] They may be slow, but they aren't stupid

[Talwin (Michael)] We have been keeping them safe somewhat. As their numbers grow, we'll see what happens.

[Talwin (Michael)] But from the amount of care they show for their dead in the moat

[Talwin (Michael)] I rather think that they like having us guarding the back door

[Snezana (Spring)] indeed

[Talwin (Michael)] And

[N'laea (Carissa)] And if another army returns while you are gone?

[N'laea (Carissa)] I do not think that Pete would be of use.

[Talwin (Michael)] Then hopefully they can take care of themselves until we return

[Talwin (Michael)] We have a plan to hire guardsman

[Talwin (Michael)] This protectorate needs them

[Talwin (Michael)] We have not yet done so

[Talwin (Michael)] And that is my failing

[Talwin (Michael)] Perhaps I'll send a missive to Ilero on recommendations

[Talwin (Michael)] And perhaps a guildmate or two for intelligence

[Talwin (Michael)] That's not my area of expertise I'm afraid

Talwin (Michael) Taps head

N'laea (Carissa) nods, "You have now entangled yourselves with them. It would be wise to fully understand them and what you've gotten yourself into."

[Talwin (Michael)] Not the brightest, but I fight well

Talwin (Michael) Shrugs

[Talwin (Michael)] Don't know what to tell you.

[Talwin (Michael)] I don't speak their language and they aren't attacking

[Talwin (Michael)] No harm in being prepared I suppose

[Talwin (Michael)] But I'm not too worried about it right this second

[Snezana (Spring)] we did learn they don't understand the concept of employment

[Talwin (Michael)] (And bob I swear to god that is not Murphy’s law. Don't you dare)

[Talwin (Michael)] (At least a few more regular adventures first yeah?)

Talwin (Michael) Shudders

[Talwin (Michael)] And we may still have time

[N'laea (Carissa)] No, I don't believe you need to be worry today or tomorrow, but it would be foolish to ignore what happened - both with the hobgoblins and the notable absence of yours.

[Talwin (Michael)] So many died

Talwin (Michael) Frowns

[Talwin (Michael)] What do you mean absence?

[Talwin (Michael)] We were here

[Talwin (Michael)] We killed them

[N'laea (Carissa)] If it were my clan, I would have been front and center to defend. I would not sit back and let another do my work.

Talwin (Michael) Shrugs again.

[Talwin (Michael)] Alliances work both ways

[Sundown (Master)] The goblins that are supposed to work for the Governor did not appear to work for her

[Talwin (Michael)] We won't always be there to defend the goblins

[N'laea (Carissa)] And if another helped, they would know of my gratitude in some form.

[Talwin (Michael)] They are Goblins N'laea. I doubt they know the meaning of the word

N'laea (Carissa) to Sundown, "You recognized them?"

N'laea (Carissa) shakes head, "You underestimate them by thinking that."

[Sundown (Master)] The ones that were with the Hobgoblins? no

[Sundown (Master)] They were wearing a different badge than the ones who live under the hill

[Talwin (Michael)] You are entitled to your opinion. However from our dealings, I have not yet come across that emotion.

[Talwin (Michael)] Until otherwise, I will continue to assume they don't recognize it

N'laea (Carissa) slight smile, "You said earlier you have not dealt with them much. Perhaps that should change."

N'laea (Carissa) to Sundown, "So which goblins work for her but do not?"

Talwin (Michael) Bows and waves arm. "I would be delighted for you to do so! Thank you for the offer!"

[Sundown (Master)] We do not speak the same language it is harder to communicate effectively with them,

N'laea (Carissa) nods, "I do need to know goblins better, but this is your alliance, not mine."

[N'laea (Carissa)] Although I will join you if you wish.

Talwin (Michael) Smiles

[Talwin (Michael)] You are here are you not?

[Snezana (Spring)] even when we can communicate, understanding doesn’t come. their worldviews are very different

Talwin (Michael) Nods

[Sundown (Master)] I know there is the Krigjon tribe that lives here under the hill

N'laea (Carissa) shakes head, "I have heard all these excuses and more for my kind. Too many give up understanding too easily."

[Snezana (Spring)] on the contrary

[Talwin (Michael)] I watched women and children die in droves covering up that moat. To you or I that would be horrific. That didn't stop them.

[Sundown (Master)] beyond that I only know the hobgoblins we saw who had goblins did not have that badge

Talwin (Michael) Turns to Sundown

[Talwin (Michael)] Badges

[N'laea (Carissa)] Krigjon? Do you know the names of the other tribes?

[Talwin (Michael)] Our goblins don't wear them?

[Sundown (Master)] I do not

[Snezana (Spring)] (we don't need no stinking badges)

[Talwin (Michael)] Or they wear differing ones?

[N'laea (Carissa)] It is a good start, though, to know the name of the tribe you work with.

[Talwin (Michael)] (I actually didn't follow that very well bob which is why I clarified)

[Snezana (Spring)] (yeah I am totally confused)

[Sundown (Master)] The Krigjon tribe has the badge of the skull with a house on top, it looks like an image of the church on the hill

Talwin (Michael) Looks at Snezana

[Talwin (Michael)] Huh

[Talwin (Michael)] I never noticed

[Sundown (Master)] the goblins that were with the Hobgoblins had a different badge

[Talwin (Michael)] (Sorry, Snezana)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Bad habit)

Talwin (Michael) Frowns

[Talwin (Michael)] Let us go and retrieve one

[N'laea (Carissa)] And no badge visible on the hobgoblins?

[Talwin (Michael)] I would like to try and identify the tribe

Talwin (Michael) Hesitates

Talwin (Michael) trying to figure out the badge thing

N'laea (Carissa) nods, "Getting a badge is a good start."

[Sundown (Master)] We left the piles of bodies in the cave for the Krigjon tribe to deal with,

[Sundown (Master)] I am not sure there would be much left, we did take all the valuables from them

[Sundown (Master)] (Meat's back on the menu boys)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Unexpected LoTR Reference LOL)

[N'laea (Carissa)] (lol)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Awesome Bob)

Talwin (Michael) Motions to Sundown

[Talwin (Michael)] "I'll be honest, I did not think to look"

[Talwin (Michael)] "But you noticed the badges"

[Talwin (Michael)] "Do you think you could describe it to me and I can draw the image?"

[Talwin (Michael)] (Anyone have artistic skills?)

[Talwin (Michael)] (I only have read/write)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Oh! I like drawing!

[Talwin (Michael)] (Almost typed autistic and felt like a dummy)

[Sundown (Master)] The strange goblins? it is a tower with an arrow coming out of the top at an angle

Raelynn (Carissa) pulls out a little sketchbook

Talwin (Michael) Pulls out a sheet of parchment and scribbles

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Raelynn: Artistic Ability check: (d20) [1d20=20] 20 - ROLL FAILED against 15!!

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (ouch)

Raelynn (Carissa) shows Sundown, "Like this?"

[Talwin (Michael)] Shit, the fact you had that ability invested should count for something

[Talwin (Michael)] Come on

[Sundown (Master)] No that is too nice for goblin work

[Talwin (Michael)] LOL

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Okay describe it a little better and I'll try again.

[Sundown (Master)] It is much cruder

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (haha I like that kind of failure)

Talwin (Michael) Shrugs to Raelynn

N'laea (Carissa) glances over, "Maybe a... little less... rainbowy?"

[Talwin (Michael)] Why don't we save that. Thank you for the drawing

Raelynn (Carissa) beams

[Sundown (Master)] it is a simple tower, straight walls, three crenellations with an arrow coming out going up to the right on a diagonal

Talwin (Michael) And the Unicorn in the background is pretty, but I don't think a goblin would have that in their patch

Raelynn (Carissa) nods and tries again

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (lmao)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Raelynn: Artistic Ability check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

[Snezana (Spring)] (I have singing and acting, so I could have done a musical about it)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Oh this is so ugly...

[Talwin (Michael)] (This banana picture shall sell for 1,000,000 GP)

Raelynn (Carissa) tentatively shows Sundown and Talwin

Talwin (Michael) Wow

[Talwin (Michael)] You should draw more often

[Talwin (Michael)] It's rugged edges are quite pleasant to look at

[Sundown (Master)] (the NFT of the goblin badge goes for 500 PP )

[Talwin (Michael)] What say you Sundown?

[Raelynn (Carissa)] I really feel like a unicorn would be nice right... here....

[Talwin (Michael)] LOL

[Raelynn (Carissa)] But I think you're right and they wouldn't have that on their badge.

[Talwin (Michael)] You have an excellent memory Sundown

Raelynn (Carissa) gives the drawing to Talwin

Talwin (Michael) Smiles

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Do you want the other one, too?

Talwin (Michael) Thank you

Talwin (Michael) Contemplates

[Talwin (Michael)] How much do you want for it? [Talwin (Michael)] The Unicorn was pretty

Raelynn (Carissa) shakes head and hands it over

Talwin (Michael) Beams

[Raelynn (Carissa)] I just like when people appreciate my art, especially the unicorns.

Raelynn (Carissa) smiles

[Talwin (Michael)] I shall frame this in the administrative wing

[Talwin (Michael)] Can you sign it?

N'laea (Carissa) rolls eyes

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Oh! Yes!

[Talwin (Michael)] (Can't believe the direction this conversation went)

Raelynn (Carissa) takes it back and signs her name

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (lol the fun of RP)

Talwin (Michael) Excellent!

Snezana (Spring) smiles

[Snezana (Spring)] it's charming

[Talwin (Michael)] This shall begin to spruce up the drab old building

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Oh how exciting!

[Talwin (Michael)] The rainbow isn't colored, but the lines are most pleasant to look at

[Raelynn (Carissa)] I can make more, too, if you'd like! Maybe less goblins, though.

[Sundown (Master)] I will go speak with Pete about watching for anyone attempting to visit the Cathedral at night

Talwin (Michael) Nods

Raelynn (Carissa) waves bye to Sundowner without looking at him

[Master] Sundown goes off back up the hill

Raelynn (Carissa) resumes sketching

[Talwin (Michael)] Sundown? How many guards in your professional opinion do you think we need to properly defend the Cathedral?

[Talwin (Michael)] (Sorry Bob, couldn't type fast enough)

[Master] The debate would be defend the Cathedral from what?

[Talwin (Michael)] I'd say 50 goblins tops. If they only have to defend the main door

[Talwin (Michael)] (We seriously need to invest in some siege engines to go up top)

[Talwin (Michael)] (I invested points into that for fun)

[Master] Hourglass and the new Shrine and Governor’s house in one spot, the Cathedral on the hill with Talwin's administrative residence there,

[Talwin (Michael)] (Hold on moving OOC)

[Michael] In short

[Michael] Both will need guardsman

[Master] or the Strasilo Mining District

[Master] you have three places so far

[Michael] Personally, I think the Cathedral is laid out in a manner to defend against a short siege, especially since the crypts can have stores in place)

[Master] all are considered "wild areas" but not in need of a guard all day 24/9

Michael Shrugs

[Master] and as more people move into Hourglass it will be more like Dragon Fen proper

[Michael] And more guards to simply keep the peace

[Michael] But for now

[Michael] The Cathedral is pretty damn important

[Michael] I'd say we should have at least 3 or 4 professionals that can hold the door at least for a while

[Master] that is a discussion for another day though

[Master] and or on site

[Spring] do we need a wee militia centrally located

[Master] you are now going into a night of rest

[Michael] Oh I don't know. Do you plan on having an army attacking the Cathedral any time soon?

[Michael] :)

[Master] and then yes to Spring

[Michael] Cool beans. Rest is good

[Michael] getting back into character

[Master] but you need money for that and farmers to feed them

[Master] which Carissa was doing a bit of on site

[Master] to set up mushroom farming

[Talwin (Michael)] Or to trade for food

[Master] who would you trade with?

[Talwin (Michael)] We are never going to have enough food for this place

[Talwin (Michael)] Well, we have two neighbors

[N'laea (Carissa)] (you have the professor to help with crop growing at some point, too)

[Talwin (Michael)] That both are in discussions for

[Master] If you finish building that path you will have the farms of Dragon Fen proper too

[Talwin (Michael)] Right

[Talwin (Michael)] This area is primarily the part of an empire that manufactures and mines and refines. Growing food is never going to be particularly sustainable here

[Talwin (Michael)] So we'll have to import food for things like Guards

[Talwin (Michael)] We don't have a choice

[Talwin (Michael)] But site?

[Talwin (Michael)] We can discuss on site?

[Talwin (Michael)] I mean

[Talwin (Michael)] I'm sorry

[Master] grins

[Talwin (Michael)] Just important

[Master] yes it is

[Master] and when we are done with the three villages along Famers Turn

[Master] and then wrap up construction on the path

[Master] to end Claiming Skull Church

[Spring] I don't know how much longer I am staying on tonight. my middle is not happy

[Master] it will be much easier

[Talwin (Michael)] (So much to do and so little time)

[Master] right now you are about to deal with another alarm

[Talwin (Michael)] (No worries Spring. Take care of yourself when you gotta leave. I'll be n the whole night.)

[Master] but in the morning

[Master] Snee can do some healing before Spring disappears

[Master] Indigo and Talwin

[Master] 1 Orison

[Talwin (Michael)] (Thank you! :) )

[Master] total for them

[Master] then there is the wolf are you healing it?

[N'laea (Carissa)] (did have one RP to do before they go back to the church)

[N'laea (Carissa)] (meant to do that night)

[N'laea (Carissa)] (yeah the wolf, exactly :P)

[Master] N'laea enters stage right

N'laea (Carissa) to wolf, What are your plans? Do you wish to go elsewhere or stay?

[Master] Indigo's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 58 (4) - Unharmed

[Master] Talwin's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 56 (5) - Unharmed

[N'laea (Carissa)] (I typed it earlier, copied and pasted as convo when elsewhere, lol)(

[Spring] Snee's Orisons are 45 points

[Spring] who needs em

[Master] The question is if Snee will heal the wolf

[Spring] if the wolf needs em, sure

[Talwin (Michael)] (I love the wolf. He's cool)

[Master] If yes then two more orisons

[N'laea (Carissa)] (whether it stays or goes, heal is nice)

[Talwin (Michael)] (We got make sure he doesn't die) [Master] So that is three to check off for Snee

[Spring] Snezana casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Master] and everyone is healed

[Spring] Snezana casts a spell against : Orison: I can create minor effects.

[Master] Wolf #3's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 38 (11) - Unharmed

[Wolf #3 (Master)] I move to hunt

[Talwin (Michael)] Did that wolf just speak?

[N'laea (Carissa)] You have no pack. Will you find another?

[Talwin (Michael)] (Oh ok. I was about to panic there bob)

[N'laea (Carissa)] (lol yes, but not a language other understand)

[Wolf #3 (Master)] I can take over one if needed

N'laea (Carissa) laughs

[Talwin (Michael)] (Tell him he's always welcome here)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Safe places to sleep)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Wish I could talk to animals. I love dogs)

[N'laea (Carissa)] Yes, you could. Stay the night to heal and consider if you'd like to hunt with me. If not, then I will wish you well in the morning.

[Talwin (Michael)] (I'm jelly)

[Master] OK so that is the night, healing in the morning

[N'laea (Carissa)] But

[Master] everyone is fully healed and ready

[N'laea (Carissa)] Avoid the nearby forest. I am told by the little gypsy girl another pack lives there. Do not disrupt her pack.

[Master] Nae talks again with the wolf in the morning before it heads out

[N'laea (Carissa)] (...okay that was night warning it if it decided to go elsewhere)

[N'laea (Carissa)] (now morning talk)

[Master] It appears he is ready to leave

[N'laea (Carissa)] If you must. Remember my words. There is good hunting outside of this Mist. May Rillifane guide your path.

[Wolf #3 (Master)] good hunting

[Master] and he trots off to the west

N'laea (Carissa) gives it a quick scratch and waves

[N'laea (Carissa)] (she'll find a different pet later ;) )

[Master] So you spend the day working around the spaces

[Master] cleaning fixing,

[Talwin (Michael)] (True, but that wolf was AWESOME)

[Lisa] is west towards Valoris Woods?

[Master] no Valoris is south

[Lisa] where he might me the other wolves?

[Lisa] oh so sad

[Master] West is out past Medipop etc.

[N'laea (Carissa)] (she told him to avoid it; don't want another wolf fighting Anor to be pack leader)

[Lisa] ahh

[N'laea (Carissa)] (if he stayed with her, might have let them meet, but decided to let wolf decide)

[N'laea (Carissa)] (and wolf is awesome, but there are other animals to be discovered yet!)

[Master] chuckles

[Master] so now you have the day to recover from the hobgoblins, etc.

[Master] refill supplies, etc.

[Master] you sleep the night

[Master] in the morning as Sundown is preparing to give Snee the morning report with Talwin and the group in attendance at the Governor's residence

Tiffress Wildwander (Master) runs in huffing

Talwin (Michael) Hands fly to face.

Tiffress Wildwander (Master) WHeeew

[Talwin (Michael)] "Oh gods what now?"

[Talwin (Michael)] "What is the emergency?"

Tiffress Wildwander (Master) panting

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] Collapse in the mine

Tiffress Wildwander (Master) wheezes

[N'laea (Carissa)] Which one?

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] We need hands,

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] Silver Mine

Talwin (Michael) Nods

[Talwin (Michael)] Let's go

Spring nods

[Talwin (Michael)] Let us gather every able bodied man and women who can help

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] there was gnawing on the rocks

[N'laea (Carissa)] Gnawing?

[Talwin (Michael)] How stable is the mine shaft

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] slashes

Talwin (Michael) Nods

[Talwin (Michael)] OK

[Talwin (Michael)] But how stable is the shaft?

Tiffress Wildwander (Master) stands up straight

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] The shoring was done right

[N'laea (Carissa)] Did something attack it?

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] the shaft is strong

Talwin (Michael) Nods. Ok. Your name?

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] something came from the depths

Tiffress Wildwander (Master) scowls, Tiffress

[N'laea (Carissa)] (it's showing as ??? for us)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Uh.)

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] Administrator

[N'laea (Carissa)] (in his defense, lol)

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] (oh sorry)

[Talwin (Michael)] (sorry bob. I do know Tiffress haha)

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] (then she takes back all the bad things she was thinking)

[Spring] (the gnome mine-finder)

[Talwin (Michael)] No problem Tiffress. We'll be aware there might be a monster within. How big were the score marks?

[N'laea (Carissa)] (lol)

[Talwin (Michael)] (LOL)

[Spring] (the first mine is named after her late sister)

[Talwin (Michael)] (I appreciate that)

[N'laea (Carissa)] (Siffress)

Tiffress Wildwander (Master) holds hands apart about a foot and a half

Talwin (Michael) Eyes Spring

[Talwin (Michael)] Jesus

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] This big each one

[Talwin (Michael)] Bear?

[Spring] hm

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] In rock?

Talwin (Michael) Eyebrows shoot up

[Talwin (Michael)] Each?

[N'laea (Carissa)] Bears do not come from the depths...

[Snezana (Spring)] hm

[Talwin (Michael)] Holy shit

Tiffress Wildwander (Master) now she scowls at Talwin

Talwin (Michael) We gotta get there faster. I don't want any trapped miners dealing with whatever that thing is

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] I accounted for all the miners

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] before I left

Talwin (Michael) Sighs in relief

N'laea (Carissa) mutters, I hate fighting underground....

[Talwin (Michael)] Thank god for small favors

[Talwin (Michael)] Thank you Tiffress

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] there is one presumed dead

Talwin (Michael) Eyes Spring

[Snezana (Spring)] (what)

[Talwin (Michael)] Do you have Rockworms in this part of the world?

Talwin (Michael) Sighs sadly.

[Talwin (Michael)] Of course there is one dead. But we'll avenge the lad

[Talwin (Michael)] or lass

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] We found his hand

[Snezana (Spring)] (I do not feel well and I am having huge trouble manipulating kLoOge

[Talwin (Michael)] (No worries Spring. Have a good night. I'll do my best.)

[Snezana (Spring)] please pretend I am doing whatever it is you think I should be doing

[Snezana (Spring)] joke

[Talwin (Michael)] (That's why we both exist I think. To take over for the other when we can't haha)

[Snezana (Spring)] I am sorry

[Lisa] (lol - sleeping and getting to feel better!)

Spring has left the game on Fri Mar 26 20:50:25 EDT 2021

[N'laea (Carissa)] (night)

[Talwin (Michael)] (That didn't come across badly what I said did it?)

[N'laea (Carissa)] (no)

[Master] Will Howard be joining with Indigo?

[Talwin (Michael)] (Oh okay)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Thanks)

[Talwin (Michael)] (I mean, frankly, we'll need all the help we can get.)

[Talwin (Michael)] (So yes?)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Too bad Ryan and TMO aren't in tonight)

[Lisa] (oh sure)

[Talwin (Michael)] (HAH!)

[Lisa] (why do you always want the guys???)

[Lisa] Carissa and I are here

[N'laea (Carissa)] (for bait)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Sorry Lisa. You sounded so much like Ryan like that it was hilarious. He always says Oh Sure)

[Master] yes to Michael

[Talwin (Michael)] (No offense intended promise)

[Master] and hah to Carissa

[Talwin (Michael)] (Skarp is good for these rolls Lisa. I'm sorry)

[Talwin (Michael)] (I meant nothing by it)

[Talwin (Michael)] (And TMO has lots of nice hit points)

[Lisa] you were saying it last week too

[Master] what rolls for Skarp?

[Talwin (Michael)] (I apologize. That was rude)

[Lisa] so does N'laea

[N'laea (Carissa)] (shh don't let Bob notice that)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Doesn't mean I still don't miss them)

[Master] Indigo and N'laea both have more than Skarp

[Lisa] fine - miss the men while we women work to save the day

[Talwin (Michael)] Alright guys. Ok. I'm sorry I brought up that I wish we had more players. my bad ok?

[Talwin (Michael)] I apologized

[Lisa] k

[Master] Michael I think the feeling is you ask about the male players who are missing, but do not ask the same way about the female players missing. Partially because the female players are almost always here and participating

[Talwin (Michael)] Are you guys serious right now? You think I’m fucking sexist

[Talwin (Michael)] Holy shit

[Talwin (Michael)] Fuck this for tonight

Michael has left the game on Fri Mar 26 20:56:07 EDT 2021

[Master] not to say the guys like TMO and Ryan are not

[Master] OK then

[Lisa] sigh

[Carissa] welp

[Lisa] sorry he just did that 2 weeks in a row - just meant to mention it - not to create a whole big thing that got him mad

[Master] For the record I do not think Michael is intentionally being sexist, chauvinistic etc. I think it is just that he mentions missing the guys but does not take into account that the balance of the group here is women every night.

[Carissa] I noticed too, and wasn't sure to say anything, but it does feel like our characters get overlooked/underestimated

[Master] again which is no fault on Ryan or TMO that is how our game is structured

[Master] and yes that is why I pointed out that based on Combat, Brer and Talwin are the most powerful but Indigo is right there with Talwin and the Skarp and N'laea

[Master] and Skarp just went up in level

[Carissa] And I will agree, but wording can matter with things

[Master] Exactly

[Master] My point of attempting to explain is to point out that we occasionally do forget about who can do what, both IC and OOC

[Carissa] Yes

[Master] and that everyone should be looking at what you have and not what you wish you had

[Lisa] yes

[Carissa] And be creative when you don't haves

[Master] like the hobgoblins, was only 4 rounds for your side to wipe out 40+ o them

[Master] It was not really a fair fight

[Lisa] for them or us? :)

[Carissa] lol

[Master] chuckles

[Carissa] I mean I'm not complaining :)

[Master] but you also saw how you can reap the benefits from those encounters

[Master] in this current case

[Master] you are only missing Talwin to go deal with the monster in the mine

[Lisa] we will deal with it

[Master] Talwin moved 4'02".

[Carissa] two of us, four character between us plus the downer

[Carissa] oh good and Tiff to show us the way

[Master] scale is correct

[Master] it is only an hour or so after Tiff arrived at Hourglass

[N'laea (Carissa)] (can we see the collapse from here?)

[Master] no

[Master] you are at the entrance now

[Master] you can reset spells, etc.

[Master] it was morning and you had not done anything yet

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I set Howard )

[N'laea (Carissa)] (all good)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (he has so few spells it's pretty simple)

[Indigo (Lisa)] So where is this thing?

[N'laea (Carissa)] (lol)

[N'laea (Carissa)] Or the marks it has made?

[Indigo (Lisa)] I brought my pick

[N'laea (Carissa)] N'laea: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[N'laea (Carissa)] N'laea: Tracking check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] Down at the first intersection

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] Where you were looking about planting

[Master] Tiffress Wildwander moved 21'08".

[Master] Tiffress Wildwander moved 24'06".

[N'laea (Carissa)] Ah. Did you see what it was?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 20'09".

[Master] N'laea moved 19'10".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Howard Plum moved 12'02".

[Master] Sundown moved 7'06".

[Master] Raelynn moved 10'02".

[Master] Sundown moved 11'00".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Planting?

Tiffress Wildwander (Master) points to the wall on the left (right side of the map) that opening was not there

[Master] Tiffress Wildwander moved 3'08".

Tiffress Wildwander (Master) glances over her shoulder at Indigo the Elf thinks she knows what will grow underground

N'laea (Carissa) lowering voice as they get closer, "Mushrooms grow everywhere."

[Indigo (Lisa)] Ohhh. Didn't know you planted those.

[Indigo (Lisa)] So want us to go in?

Tiffress Wildwander (Master) points to the walls

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] Those slashes there

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] those were not made by our picks

Indigo (Lisa) looks at slashes

[N'laea (Carissa)] (reroll or did tracking help that?)

Indigo (Lisa) scratches his head

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] and then this cavern just appeared

[Indigo (Lisa)] Maybe it's a dragon

[N'laea (Carissa)] Tsk. I just do not like being underground.

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] (tracking helped you identify these to you can tell if they are happening again)

[Indigo (Lisa)] But I'm bad at guessing

[N'laea (Carissa)] (...wait what?)

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] Then farther along, points deeper in, they appear again

[Master] Tiffress Wildwander moved 8'05".

[Master] Tiffress Wildwander moved 16'04".

[Master] N'laea moved 13'04".

Tiffress Wildwander (Master) points, there and there

[Master] Howard Plum moved 5'11".

[Master] Indigo moved 7'03".

[Master] Raelynn moved 5'05".

[Master] Sundown moved 10'09".

N'laea (Carissa) squints trying to see if she recognizes them

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 7'05".

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] (yes they match with the other marks, same creature made them)

[N'laea (Carissa)] (larger than a bear? :P)

[Master] Umber Hulk #1 targets N'laea. Distance: 3'07"

[N'laea (Carissa)] (ah well yes, that is)

[Master] Surprise roll for N'laea and Indigo

[Master] d12

[N'laea (Carissa)] (d12) [1d12=2] 2

[Master] yeap

[Indigo (Lisa)] Roll #1: (d12) [1d12=1] 1

[Master] yeap

[Master] both surprised

[N'laea (Carissa)] (ouch for us)

[Master] Umber Hulk #1 moved 3'02".

[Master] Umber Hulk #1 targets Indigo. Distance: 2'05"

[Master] Umber Hulk #1 targets Tiffress Wildwander. Distance: 2'03"

[Indigo (Lisa)] AHH!

[Master] Umber Hulk #1: Attack: Claw: (11-(d20+0)) [1d20=6] 5. HITS N'laea (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[Master] Umber Hulk #1: Attack: Claw: (11-(d20+0)) [1d20=6] 5. HITS N'laea (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[Master] Umber Hulk #1: Damage v SM: Claw: (3d4) [3d4=1,4,2] 7 added to: N'laea

[Master] Umber Hulk #1: Damage v SM: Claw: (3d4) [3d4=2,4,3] 9 added to: N'laea

[N'laea (Carissa)] Gah!

[Master] N'laea's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 56 (-16) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] Umber Hulk #1 casts a spell against N'laea: Confusion - Wizard: For the next (2+1) 3 rounds, creatures affected act confused.

[N'laea (Carissa)] Damn undercreatures!

[Master] save versus spell

[N'laea (Carissa)] N'laea: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Master] Indigo also please

[N'laea (Carissa)] (whew)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[N'laea (Carissa)] (double whew)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yes)

[Master] Ok so you are not confused by its gaze this round

[N'laea (Carissa)] (...this round)

[Master] Now we get to roll Init

[Master] Combat has begun!

[Master] ROUND: 0

[Master] Umber Hulk #1: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=5] 15

[Master] Sundown: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=10] 20

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Initiative: ((d10+10+-2)-10) [1d10=3] 1 [MODIFIED (-10)]

[N'laea (Carissa)] N'laea: Initiative: (d10+10+-2) [1d10=8] 16

[N'laea (Carissa)] Raelynn: Initiative: (d10+10++0) [1d10=6] 16

[Master] Howard

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Howard Plum: Initiative: (d10+10+) [1d10=5] 15

[Master] Will try this once

[Master] ROUND: 1

[Master] INIT: 1 GOING: Indigo

Lisa has left the game on Fri Mar 26 21:16:40 EDT 2021

Carissa has left the game on Fri Mar 26 21:16:50 EDT 2021

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Mar 26 21:16:59 EDT 2021

Carissa has joined the game on Fri Mar 26 21:17:07 EDT 2021

Lisa is receiving the map Inn of the lost eagle...

Lisa has received the map Inn of the lost eagle.

Carissa is receiving the map CAVES 1...

Carissa has received the map CAVES 1.

[Master] WOW for Lisa

[Master] How did you get that one?

[Indigo (Lisa)] (no clue - that was a weird map)

[Master] yeah that is not even loaded

[Master] OH well

[Master] so it is Indigo then the Umber Hulk, then the rest of the group

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I saw Raelynn's name first and I clicked on her to get the map and then that happened)

[Carissa] (did you miss out on getting secrets for us??)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (was in a little town suddenly)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (confusion spell worked!)

[Master] LOL

[Carissa] (LOL)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 1'06".

[Master] half in half out of the rock

[Lisa] Indigo targets Umber Hulk #1. Distance: 1'04"

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: (+13-(d20+1)) [1d20=1] 11. MISSES Umber Hulk #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Short Sword: (+13-(d20+1)) [1d20=3] 9. MISSES Umber Hulk #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: (+13-(d20+1)) [1d20=17] -5. HITS Umber Hulk #1 (AC FINAL: 2)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v L: Goblin Sword: ((1d8)+3) [1d8=3] 6 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Umber Hulk #1

[Master] Umber Hulk #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 89 (-6) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] Umber Hulk #1: Attack: Claw: (11-(d20+0)) [1d20=9] 2. HITS N'laea (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[Master] Umber Hulk #1: Attack: Claw: (11-(d20+0)) [1d20=19] -8. HITS N'laea (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[Master] Umber Hulk #1: Damage v SM: Claw: (3d4) [3d4=1,4,4] 9 added to: N'laea

[Master] Umber Hulk #1: Damage v SM: Claw: (3d4) [3d4=2,4,3] 9 added to: N'laea

[Carissa] (rude)

[Master] N'laea's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 38 (-18) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] Now Nlea and then the others

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (assuming Howard can't see it from there?)

[Carissa] N'laea targets Umber Hulk #1. Distance: 0'04"

[Master] Tiffress Wildwander moved 9'11".

[Carissa] N'laea: Attack: Long Sword for Elves: ((13-(d20+0))-1) [1d20=18] -6 [MODIFIED (-1)]. HITS Umber Hulk #1 (AC FINAL: 2)!!!

[Carissa] N'laea: Attack: Long Sword for Elves: ((13-(d20+0))-1) [1d20=12] 0 [MODIFIED (-1)]. HITS Umber Hulk #1 (AC FINAL: 2)!!!

[Carissa] N'laea: Attack: Long Sword for Elves: ((13-(d20+0))-1) [1d20=7] 5 [MODIFIED (-1)]. MISSES Umber Hulk #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[Master] correct

[Carissa] (M or L?)

[Master] L

[Carissa] N'laea: Damage v L: Long Sword for Elves: (1d12) [1d12=5] 5 added to: Umber Hulk #1

[Carissa] N'laea: Damage v L: Long Sword for Elves: (1d12) [1d12=9] 9 added to: Umber Hulk #1

[Master] Umber Hulk #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 75 (-14) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] DOH sorry

[Master] N'laea needs another save versus spell please

[Master] Umber Hulk #1 casts a spell against N'laea: Confusion - Wizard: For the next (2+1) 3 rounds, creatures affected act confused.

[Carissa] N'laea: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (oh the hps increased greatly)

[Master] good

[Carissa] (yeah I don't like that hp)

[Carissa] (or it's slashing claws; they're pretty slashy)

[Master] Rae and Howard have to go before Sundown can he is behind them

[Carissa] Raelynn casts a spell against : Chant: For as long as I chant, friends in a 30' radius receive a +1 to attack, damage and save rolls while enemies receive a -1 to the same rolls.

[Carissa] (done)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (what is the area where we have line of sight on this thing - hard to tell on the map)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Howard Plum moved 10'08".

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (here?)

[Master] yes

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] There is a great creature!

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (done - he can't cast)

[Carissa] (lol)

[Master] Sundown moved 24'06".

[Master] and done for the round

[Master] Indigo needs to make his save

[Master] then it goes

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (you didn't ask so I was trying to hope you would forget)

[(Lisa)] Indigo: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Carissa] (I certainly wasn't going to remind him)(

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I appreciate that)

[Carissa] (lol)

[Master] This is about 8 foot tall and 5 foot wide

[Master] so hard to not have it look at you

[Master] when it is only partially out of the stone

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yeah but he is short)

[Carissa] (why hasn't someone not poked it's eyes out yet??)

[Carissa] (besides indigo?)

[Master] that would be up to ......

[Master] grins

[Master] Indigo is up now

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: (+13-(d20+1)) [1d20=10] 2. HITS Umber Hulk #1 (AC FINAL: 2)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v L: Goblin Sword: ((1d8)+3) [1d8=8] 11 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Umber Hulk #1

[Carissa] (...elves are short too, so not sure how that'd work)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Short Sword: (+13-(d20+1)) [1d20=9] 3. MISSES Umber Hulk #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: (+13-(d20+1)) [1d20=18] -6. HITS Umber Hulk #1 (AC FINAL: 2)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v L: Goblin Sword: ((1d8)+3) [1d8=5] 8 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Umber Hulk #1

[Master] Umber Hulk #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 56 (-19) - Moderately Wounded

[Lisa] Howard Plum targets Umber Hulk #1. Distance: 6'01"

[Carissa] (don't forget +1 to damage and attack)

[Master] Umber Hulk #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 54 (-2) - Moderately Wounded

[Carissa] (so that one would hit too right?)

[Master] actually yes for Carissa

[Master] Indigo's miss would be a hit

[Carissa] (yay easy math and the fact Lisa rolled a 2 after the 3, lol)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v L: Goblin Sword: ((1d8)+3) [1d8=2] 5 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Umber Hulk #1

[Master] Umber Hulk #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 49 (-5) - Moderately Wounded

[Carissa] (6)

[Master] Umber Hulk #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 48 (-1) - Moderately Wounded

Lisa has left the game on Fri Mar 26 21:28:45 EDT 2021

[Carissa] (wow hit and run there)

[Master] not sure why

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Mar 26 21:29:06 EDT 2021

[Master] Umber Hulk #1: Attack: Claw: (11-(d20+0)) [1d20=7] 4. HITS Indigo (AC FINAL: 4)!!!

[Master] Umber Hulk #1: Attack: Bite: (11-(d20+0)) [1d20=6] 5. MISSES Indigo (AC FINAL: 4).

[Carissa] (I think she was going to leave so Sundown would be bait, then remembered the elf)(

[Carissa] (that's a miss)

[Master] Umber Hulk #1 targets N'laea. Distance: 0'04"

[Carissa] (I love easy math)

[Master] Umber Hulk #1: Attack: Claw: (11-(d20+0)) [1d20=15] -4. HITS N'laea (AC FINAL: 5)!!!

[Master] Umber Hulk #1: Damage v SM: Claw: (3d4) [3d4=2,2,3] 7 added to: N'laea

[Carissa] (...oh come on)

[Master] N'laea's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 31 (-7) - Heavily Wounded

[Carissa] (6 down)

[Master] N'laea's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 32 (1) - Heavily Wounded

[Master] Sundown: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL FAILED against 19!!

[Carissa] (I'm going to be picky for my singulars :P)

[Carissa] (...yeah no helping him, though)

[Master] Howard is up

[Master] Sundown is confused

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Howard Plum casts a spell against Umber Hulk #1: Magic Missile: Magical bolts shoot forth, each doing 1d4+1 points of damage. The caster fires forth 1 at first level and an additional one for every second level after that until he fires 5 at 9th level. So assuming they are all going at one character for now, they deal (3d4+3) [3d4=3,4,4] 14 damage

[Carissa] (go for the eyes!)

[Master] Umber Hulk #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 34 (-14) - Heavily Wounded

[Master] Umber Hulk #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 33 (-1) - Heavily Wounded

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (not sure you can aim with those)

[Carissa] (lol I can hope)

[Carissa] (so... how would one try to go for the eyes?)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (saves for everyone or just Indigo?)

[Sundown (Master)] (1d10) [1d10=5] 5

[Master] for everyone at the beginning of the round that it can see or that can see it

[Master] so Howard needs a save and N'laea

[Master] Sundown is standing confused this round

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Howard Plum: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Carissa] N'laea: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Master] Howard can roll a d10

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Roll #1: (d10) [1d10=2] 2

[N'laea (Carissa)] (imagine Howard sitting on the floor of the dungeon, rolling his dice)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (lol)

[Master] standing confused this round for Howard

[Master] same for Sundown

[Master] now the beginning of the round Indigo goes, then the Umber Hulk

Howard Plum (Lisa) looks at a spot on the wall and wonders how it got there

[Master] then N;la

[N'laea (Carissa)] (she didn't go yet for previous round)

[Master] OH sorry then go

[N'laea (Carissa)] (I'll tell you what I want to do and you tell me if possible?)

[Master] the question about going for the eyes is you need a called shot

[Master] so a minus 4

[Master] to hit one of the eyes

[Master] and try to blind it

[Master] rather than do direst damage

[N'laea (Carissa)] (she'd have better luck with bow; a way to do that with two point-blank shots at this distance or needs to step back and do it?)

[Master] too close for the bow

[Master] and no room to move back to

[Master] Sundown blocking one way and Howard the other

[N'laea (Carissa)] (point blank is 30 ft or less; how less is too less?)

[Master] have to be over 6 feet away

[Master] the space you are in is only 4 foot wide

[N'laea (Carissa)] (so from where Howard is standing)

[N'laea (Carissa)] (although I don't know if she can get past Indigo)

[Master] not really

[Master] Indigo can move on his turn

[Master] but you will have to wait till next round then

[Master] bows are not meant for underground

[N'laea (Carissa)] (reasons for her hating underground #209202 :P)

[Master] grins

[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol)

[N'laea (Carissa)] N'laea: Attack: Long Sword for Elves: ((13-(d20+0))-1) [1d20=12] 0 [MODIFIED (-1)]. HITS Umber Hulk #1 (AC FINAL: 2)!!!

[N'laea (Carissa)] N'laea: Attack: Long Sword for Elves: ((13-(d20+0))-1) [1d20=4] 8 [MODIFIED (-1)]. MISSES Umber Hulk #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[N'laea (Carissa)] N'laea: Attack: Long Sword for Elves: ((13-(d20+0))-1) [1d20=16] -4 [MODIFIED (-1)]. HITS Umber Hulk #1 (AC FINAL: 2)!!!

[N'laea (Carissa)] N'laea: Damage v L: Long Sword for Elves: (1d12) [1d12=9] 9 added to: Umber Hulk #1

[N'laea (Carissa)] N'laea: Damage v L: Long Sword for Elves: (1d12) [1d12=7] 7 added to: Umber Hulk #1

[Master] Umber Hulk #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 17 (-16) - Massively Wounded

[N'laea (Carissa)] (2 more)

[Master] Umber Hulk #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 15 (-2) - Massively Wounded

[N'laea (Carissa)] ( ;) )

[Master] Then Indigo

[N'laea (Carissa)] (taking what I can)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: (+13-(d20+1)) [1d20=5] 7. MISSES Umber Hulk #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Short Sword: (+13-(d20+1)) [1d20=11] 1. HITS Umber Hulk #1 (AC FINAL: 2)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v L: Short Sword: ((1d8)+3) [1d8=1] 4 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Umber Hulk #1

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: (+13-(d20+1)) [1d20=1] 11. MISSES Umber Hulk #1 (AC FINAL: 2).

[Master] Umber Hulk #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 11 (-4) - Massively Wounded

[Indigo (Lisa)] (+1)

[Master] Umber Hulk #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 10 (-1) - Massively Wounded

[Master] Umber Hulk #1 moved 1'08".

[Master] moving backwards into the rock

[Master] you each get one swing at it

[N'laea (Carissa)] N'laea: Attack: Long Sword for Elves: ((13-(d20+0))-1) [1d20=14] -2 [MODIFIED (-1)]. HITS Umber Hulk #1 (AC FINAL: 2)!!!

[N'laea (Carissa)] N'laea: Damage v L: Long Sword for Elves: (1d12) [1d12=4] 4 added to: Umber Hulk #1

[Master] Umber Hulk #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 6 (-4) - Massively Wounded

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Short Sword: (+13-(d20+1)) [1d20=17] -5. HITS Umber Hulk #1 (AC FINAL: 2)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v L: Short Sword: ((1d8)+3) [1d8=2] 5 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Umber Hulk #1

[Master] Umber Hulk #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 1 (-5) - Massively Wounded

[N'laea (Carissa)] (and dead with chant, nice)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (Yay!!)

[Master] Umber Hulk #1's Current Hit Points: adjusted to -1 (-2) - Dying

N'laea (Carissa) curses in elvish

[Indigo (Lisa)] What was that thing?

[Master] and for Howard and Sundown another d10 please

[N'laea (Carissa)] Damn underground...

[Sundown (Master)] (1d10) [1d10=2] 2

[N'laea (Carissa)] Nothing in their right mind would live here...

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Roll #1: (d10) [1d10=8] 8

N'laea (Carissa) continues cursing in common and elvish

N'laea (Carissa) takes a look at it and kicks it with her boot

[Master] I will say that Howard has a 50/50 chance of attacking Indigo or Raelynn

[Master] They are both still confused for several rounds

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Heads attack

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] A flip of the ol' kLoOge.Coin results in: Tails

[Master] and anytime you roll a 6 7 or 8 you attack the closest person

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (so attack Indigo?)

[Master] D10 Roll Action 1 Wander away (unless prevented) for duration of spell 2-6 Stand confused for one round (then roll again) 7-9 Attack nearest creature for one round(then roll again) 10 Act normally for one round (then roll again)

[Lisa] Howard Plum targets Indigo. Distance: 4'04"

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Howard Plum casts a spell against Indigo: Magic Missile: Magical bolts shoot forth, each doing 1d4+1 points of damage. The caster fires forth 1 at first level and an additional one for every second level after that until he fires 5 at 9th level. So assuming they are all going at one character for now, they deal (3d4+3) [3d4=3,3,1] 10 damage

[Master] Indigo's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 48 (-10) - Lightly Wounded

[Indigo (Lisa)] WHAT THE ????

[N'laea (Carissa)] (so since still a round Raelynn can go?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] ARGH!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] HOWARD!

[Master] Yes Raelynn can stop chanting

[Master] and do something

Raelynn (Carissa) stops and screeches

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Raelynn casts a spell against Howard Plum: Hold Person - Priest: Up to 4 target humanoids are held immobile for (4*2) 8 rounds unless they make a save vs spell.

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Stop!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] What's the matter with him?

[Master] Howard needs a save v spell

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Howard Plum: Magical Spell save: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Master] OK then

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (rude Howard, don't save on THAT one!)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (can Indigo do something?)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] I don't know! He looked whatever is over there and then just...boom!

[Master] So that is round 4 for the confusion and there are 11 rounds total

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (good lord how do we remove confusion??)

[Master] it is now round 5

[Master] Indigo is up

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Indigo moved 5'05".

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (knock 'em out?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Cut it out!

[Lisa] Indigo targets Howard Plum. Distance: 1'01"

[Indigo (Lisa)] goes to hit him with the flat side of his sword

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Goblin Sword: (+13-(d20+1)) [1d20=17] -5. HITS Howard Plum (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Sundown (Master)] (1d10) [1d10=10] 10

[Indigo (Lisa)] (dmg - something for flat side?)

[Master] That is a hit

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Goblin Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=6] 9 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Howard Plum

[Master] checking the page for how much actual damage and chance of knockout

[Master] 5% chance of knockout

[Indigo (Lisa)] Roll #1: (d100) [1d100=97] 97

[Master] WOW

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (Very nice!!)

[Master] and THUNK

[Indigo (Lisa)] There!

[Master] Indigo gives him a whack on the head and he falls over

[Indigo (Lisa)] Sorry Howard

[Master] He takes one point of damage

Indigo (Lisa) grins

[Master] Howard Plum's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 20 (-1) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] The other damage would dissipate when he wakes up

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Wow that was a good hit!

[Master] On the other side

[Indigo (Lisa)] He needed to stop hitting us

[Master] Sundown is standing there looking alert and normal

[Sundown (Master)] What happened?

N'laea (Carissa) warily, "You tell me. You did nothing."

Sundown (Master)] I was in the back, I came around and then when I got here, I ... I .....

[Sundown (Master)] (Round 6 (1d10) [1d10=7] 7)

[N'laea (Carissa)] (damn that man)(

Sundown (Master) eyes go angry and GRRRRR

[Master] Sundown targets N'laea. Distance: 0'06"

[Master] Sundown: Attack: Long Sword: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=6] 14. MISSES N'laea (AC FINAL: 5).

[Sundown (Master)] N’laea can go for her round 6

[N'laea (Carissa)] (not sure I have Lisa's rolls; can I push him off balance and to the ground?)

[Master] you can try

[N'laea (Carissa)] (otherwise it IS tempting to slice him up a bit)

[Carissa] N'laea targets Sundown. Distance: 0'06"

[N'laea (Carissa)] N'laea: Attack: Long Sword for Elves: ((13-(d20+0))-1) [1d20=12] 0 [MODIFIED (-1)]. HITS Sundown (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] are you trying to push him over or do damage?

[N'laea (Carissa)] (hmm....if I do push him over, would it take a round for him to jump up?)

[Master] yes is like a knockdown

[Master] spend his action standing up

[N'laea (Carissa)] (I like the imagine of continually pushing him down; we'll go with that)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I like it)

[Master] Sundown: Paralysis, Poison or Death save: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL FAILED against 16!!

[N'laea (Carissa)] I am not in the mood.

N'laea (Carissa) pushes at him

[Master] and collapses backward

[Master] now round 7

[Master] (1d10) [1d10=7] 7

[Master] He is angry again and stands back up

[Master] but Indigo can go first if you want

[Master] seeing the two of them fight

[N'laea (Carissa)] Any rope, Indigo? It seems it is not just Howard.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 8'01".

[N'laea (Carissa)] Unless you can knock him out, too?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Not on me. I can try

Indigo (Lisa) swings with flat side of sword again

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Attack: Short Sword: (+13-(d20+1)) [1d20=2] 10. HITS Sundown (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Indigo (Lisa)] Roll #1: (d100) [1d100=13] 13

[N'laea (Carissa)] (lol soo... not very close)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: Damage v SM: Short Sword: ((1d6)+3) [1d6=4] 7 [MODIFIED (+3)] added to: Sundown

[Indigo (Lisa)] (should be less that 7 - at least dmg is less when we fight skeletons like that)

[Master] it is odd you hit with a 2 so that gave you a 15% chance which is the biggest you can get

[Master] unless you can get a hit in the negatives

[Master] but in any case

[N'laea (Carissa)] (...13 is less than 15 if we look at the dice the other way)

[Master] 7 points of damage to Sundown, only half of it is real

[Master] Sundown's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 17 (-7) - Moderately Wounded

[Master] N'laea can go then Sundown goes

[N'laea (Carissa)] N'laea: Attack: Long Sword for Elves: ((13-(d20+0))-1) [1d20=17] -5 [MODIFIED (-1)]. HITS Sundown (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Master] he is still down on his knees from before

[N'laea (Carissa)] Hmm, no I think you did this?

[N'laea (Carissa)] (d100) [1d100=73] 73

[N'laea (Carissa)] Or... perhaps...

[N'laea (Carissa)] N'laea: Damage v SM: Long Sword for Elves: (1d8) [1d8=8] 8 added to: Sundown

[Master] no needed a 5% for knockout

[Master] but another 4 points of real damage to him 8 total

[Master] Sundown's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 9 (-8) - Heavily Wounded

[N'laea (Carissa)] (it's fine, we'll slice and dice him until we succeed)

Sundown (Master) stands up

[Master] Sundown: Attack: Long Sword: (20-(d20+0)) [1d20=8] 12. MISSES N'laea (AC FINAL: 5).

[N'laea (Carissa)] (it was the flat of her sword, is that both her and Indigo's damage then?)

[Sundown (Master)] round 8 of 11 now

[N'laea (Carissa)] (wait)

[Master] Yes when you attack with the flat of the sword

[N'laea (Carissa)] Raelynn moved 15'00".

[Master] you have a negative to attack

[N'laea (Carissa)] Raelynn moved 20'08".

[N'laea (Carissa)] Raelynn moved 22'08".

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'm going to just block him now and wait this out

[Master] and in this case you are intentionally doing half damage trying to knock him out

[N'laea (Carissa)] (ahh got it)

[Master] so he took 15 so far but only 7 of it is real damage that needs to be healed

N'laea (Carissa) nods, "I can push him down again. That took him a bit to get up."

[N'laea (Carissa)] (oh that's what you mean by imagined damage)

[Master] and on round 8 he rolls a (1d10) [1d10=4] 4

[Master] and D10 Roll Action 1 Wander away (unless prevented) for duration of spell 2-6 Stand confused for one round (then roll again) 7-9 Attack nearest creature for one round(then roll again) 10 Act normally for one round (then roll again)

Indigo (Lisa) waits for him to do something

[Master] round 9

[Master] he rolls a (1d10) [1d10=10] 10

[Master] and he is standing there, looking at the three of you,

[Sundown (Master)] What are you doing?

[Indigo (Lisa)] Stop attacking us!

Sundown (Master) on defense

[Sundown (Master)] You are attacking me!

[N'laea (Carissa)] Not our fault if you aren't able to land your hits.

[Indigo (Lisa)] Just don't do anything any more

[N'laea (Carissa)] Or perhaps go away until this passes?

[Sundown (Master)] Round 10

[Sundown (Master)] (1d10) [1d10=6] 6

Sundown (Master) stands confused

[Sundown (Master)] Round 11 he rolls (1d10) [1d10=10] 10

[Sundown (Master)] and

[Indigo (Lisa)] Good! Just stand there

Sundown (Master) shakes his head

Sundown (Master) blinking

[Sundown (Master)] OW

[Sundown (Master)] That

[Sundown (Master)] I am glad we never sparred before Sir Indigo

[Sundown (Master)] and you are good with your swords too N’laea

[Sundown (Master)] I

Sundown (Master) hangs his head a bit

N'laea (Carissa) still watching him warily

[Sundown (Master)] I am sorry I was bewitched

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'm sorry Sundown. I wasn't trying to hurt you. Just trying to get you to stop

[Sundown (Master)] That would not have happened before

[Sundown (Master)] what did it?

[N'laea (Carissa)] At least he is not also a mage.

[Indigo (Lisa)] This troll thing

Indigo (Lisa) walks over and looks at it more carefully

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 1'04".

N'laea (Carissa) glances over, "Keep an eye on him, Raelynn."

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 7'09".

N'laea (Carissa) walks over to inspect with Indigo

[N'laea (Carissa)] N'laea moved 3'06".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Never seen a thing like that before

[Indigo (Lisa)] Hope he's the only one in here

[Master] Indigo can see there is a partial tunnel behind it

[Master] that then is blocked collapsed

[Indigo (Lisa)] Think he has a lair like a dragon turtle?

[N'laea (Carissa)] Its claws are... sharp.

N'laea (Carissa) shrugs, "I do not know the underground creatures."

[Indigo (Lisa)] Me neither

[N'laea (Carissa)] Tiffress, do you know these things?

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] These are rare

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] they wander the tunnels looking for food

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] Ankegs, purple worms,

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] people if they can catch them

[N'laea (Carissa)] Do they travel alone?

[N'laea (Carissa)] Or do they hunt in packs?

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] alone mostly sometimes in a small group hunting like a family maybe

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] no one knows where they live, if they live in a place

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] you would have to ask your dwarf friend about that,

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] if they do they live deep deep underground

[N'laea (Carissa)] As only fools and dwarves live..

[N'laea (Carissa)] If the tunnel is collapsed behind it, it was likely alone?

N'laea (Carissa) rolls shoulder, "If that is all, I'd like to get out of these cramped tunnels."

[Indigo (Lisa)] (does it have pockets?)

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] I hope that is the only one

[Tiffress Wildwander (Master)] (no pockets or clothing)

[N'laea (Carissa)] (no gems or tiaras or magic door knobs to go with our hinges?)

[Master] It seems no

[Master] unless you want to try to tunnel back along the way it came

Indigo (Lisa) goes to Howard and fishes his water flask out of his pack

[Master] to see if you can find an open tunnel

Indigo (Lisa) pours water on Howard

[N'laea (Carissa)] (I volunteer our absent dwarf friend to do so)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yeah from what Tiffress said it's not a promising proposition)

[N'laea (Carissa)] (she can volunteer as well)

[Master] Howard Plum XP award: 800. Next level in 20506.

[Master] Raelynn XP award: 800. Level-up!

[Master] Sundown XP award: 800. Next level in 0.

[Master] N'laea XP award: 1600. Next level in 113591.

[Master] Indigo XP award: 800. Next level in 38128.

[Master] Tiffress Wildwander XP award: 800. Next level in 0.

[N'laea (Carissa)] (oh wow again?

[N'laea (Carissa)] (one day she'll run off to train)

[Master] chuckles

[Indigo (Lisa)] (did you not level her sheet?)

[N'laea (Carissa)] (I did so she must have gained another level)

[N'laea (Carissa)] (she was only 3 to start)

[Master] roughly 65,000 XP over the last few nights from the Dragon Turtle onward

[Indigo (Lisa)] only 13K xp to be 5th lvl?

[Master] you got lucky with some of the magic items

[Master] and that does not count all the gems about to be assessed

[N'laea (Carissa)] (ahh forgot the magic item xp)

[Master] but yes

[Master] tidy up the sheets

[N'laea (Carissa)] (for priest, yeah although now you're making me double check, lol)

[Master] and it will be back at the Shrine to explain to everyone what happened, and be ready to go off and deal with other things

[N'laea (Carissa)] (yup!)

[Master] you have one more mining disaster roll to deal with

[N'laea (Carissa)] (do we want to deal with flame sword and stuff or is that later for item tradeoffs?)

[Master] then we move to the three villages

[Master] hand off how?

[Master] You can roleplay that now too

[Master] Branwyn has the sword, but there are days scattered around here for things to be happening

[Master] to learn how to speak Gnome

[Master] to have the gems appraised

[Master] etc.

[N'laea (Carissa)] (that any any potions or whatnot to hand back, whatever)

[Master] all that can be done with a wave of a hand

[Lisa] think you said we had 12 days

[Master] yes to Lisa

[N'laea (Carissa) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Raelynn modified: Personal Information - Next Level:: CHANGED: 27500 (13000). Class Levels - Character Level: (L) : CHANGED: 5 (4).

[Lisa] was that enough to duplicate potions too?

[Master] the key thing is the intelligent sword

[Master] I think so ?

[Lisa] you just dunk them in the cauldron

[Master] how many can you do per day with the cauldron?

[Lisa] I don't know - it didn't come with a manual

[Master] laughs

[N'laea (Carissa)] lol

[Master] restroom brb

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Carissa] not too concerned about the potions

[Lisa] at least enough time to get N'Laea's back

[Lisa] though Branwyn was a little dismayed to be duplicating a potion of human control to give to the elf :)

[Lisa] Branwyn would likely send them back with Tiberius

[Lisa] Or Johan

[Carissa] lol

[Carissa] (sorry trying to find hit points... not too worried about it)

[Carissa] Would she send the sword back with them, too? I guess that's the big one more than the potions.

[Carissa] Mostly just rolled those and figured it'd be good to duplicate

[Lisa] yes both together

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Carissa] Okay. I keep thinking there was something else, but I'm drawing a blank

[Master] HP, THAC0 and Saves all could change by level

[Carissa] Just HP this level

[Carissa] But I need to find old chat because I don't know if I changed her HP last level

[Master] then how many spells she gets to cast per day

[Carissa] Yep and she gains level 3 spell BUT only after she trains her priest level

[Master] until she trains nothing else changes

[Carissa] d6 or d8?


[Master] d8

[Carissa] Ok

[Carissa] (d8) [1d8=5] 5

[Carissa] And then need to check later if I did it for her last level

[Lisa] is now a good time for her to train?

[Lisa] while Carissa is deployed ...

[Carissa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Raelynn modified: Personal Information - Hit Dice:: CHANGED: 5 (4). Combat - Current Hit Points:: CHANGED: 29 (23). Max Hit Points:: CHANGED: 29 (23).

[Master] 1 week to Loosend for the elven temple, 1 week to train, then 1 week to travel back

[Lisa] Where are you going anyway?

[Carissa] lol we can both leave

[Master] grins

[Master] It does make sense for Carissa

[Carissa] Maryland to help their mobile vaccination units. Not sure exactly what I'll be doing yet, but for all of April

[Carissa] Travel date 3/31 then return travel date of 4/30

[Master] and do you have any idea how likely you will be in?

[Lisa] Maryland isn't bad

[Carissa] Much better than Portland. And it's only a 5 hr. drive

[Carissa] Not a clue until I get there, but it likely won't be for the full night

[Carissa] 6 days working, travel to new site on the 7th day, rinse repeat for four weeks.

[Carissa] 10 hours per day estimated

[Master] Just speculating on if you want to send them both back to Loosend and then have them both return, with you playing Thistle in the meantime over the 3 weeks of game time

[Lisa] You might be wiped out at end of your days depending on what you're doing

[Master] or to only have Raelynn go and you can have N'laea here to play

[Master] but then story wise how that works

[Carissa] Ahh that might not be a bad idea. Thistle involves little thought and mostly just RP

[Carissa] How long would it take for Thistle to get her thief skills trained up?

[Master] 19 minus the wisdom of the trainer, so with Ilero takes 10 weeks or so I think

[Carissa] She's become friends with what's his name now

[Master] so just over 3 months

[Carissa] Regor

[Carissa] He trained her up last time

[Master] Regor is average too so 7 weeks

[Carissa] lol

[Master] Wisdom is not a high stat for thieves, grins

[Carissa] I didn't add them to her scores, just what I wanted to add so that's fine

[Carissa] I likely will be wiped out so I like the idea of Thistle.

[Master] So that is good then

[Carissa] No worries really for helping with combat or healing and others can do that for me ;)

[Master] and you can leave the potions and sword with Branwyn and she will have them ready for you if/when you return

[Carissa] If?? You expect the worst for me? :P

[Master] grins

[Carissa] Mind you, a coworker extended his trip twice because he enjoyed it so much.

[Carissa] BUT I will not. Because I am hopefully going to Pensacola in May to finally see family.

[Master] Branwyn would not give the two new elves an intelligent long sword and say , Hope you come back after leaving The Mist

[Carissa] Ahhh if THEY come back, not me

[Master] so overall an eventful night

[Lisa] very much so

[Carissa] yep

[Carissa] And we got to beat up Sundown with good reason!

[Master] would you like to write up something for the Players Communication?

[Master] or should I do that?

[Lisa] were you planning on multiples of the hulk before you found out it was just us?

[Master] no

[Master] there is the One of them

[Master] and then the other encounter

[Lisa] and we kicked its ass

[Master] I thought we might get them both done tonight

[Master] but it is ok

[Lisa] sorry about encounter 2

[Carissa] The other encounter? In cave or one we rolled?

[Master] the one you rolled that we did not do yet

[Carissa] Oh fun time

[Master] then we are all caught up on encounters from mining and construction up through the 1st of the new month

[Master] and then we make 7 rolls to start, so I can plan out the potential encounters based on those

[Lisa] I'm sorry Michael got so defensive. I just wanted him to know what I hear when he says that

[Master] while you are out on Famers Turn working on those missions

[Master] and yes to Lisa you definitely needed to speak up

[Lisa] I don't know if we need a big post about it

[Master] What I was going to write was along the lines of "When someone tells you that you offended them, you do not get to say No I did not"

[Lisa] well maybe not that much

[Lisa] just maybe to be a little mindful that we are here

[Master] I think we were very clear here in chat about it is not a question of not wanting Ryan and TMO, or anyone who is not here, but it affected the two of you in particular to hear "Oh I wish they were here"

[Master] Or we just said it here so it will be there for people to find

[Carissa] Mindful is a good way to put it. Not sure who all reads all the chats besides Lisa and me.

[Master] not sure I think TMO skims them when he is not in

[Carissa] Yes he does but not sure if all of them or not :P

[Carissa] And I think Spring and Michael do, too sometimes

[Carissa] But again, not sure who reads all of them all the time

[Master] and sad news Beverly Cleary died today

[Master] 104

[Carissa] (although I just skimmed a billion of them and yes, I did add her HP based on her beginning HP)

[Carissa] I did see that, but also... I didn't know she was still alive....

[Master] She lives(d) down here

[Carissa] Ahh

[Carissa] Which you also have a new species of invasive mosquito, first in 75 years so... congrats?

[Lisa] ick

[Carissa] Yeah, Florida doesn't need to share that one :)

[Master] chuckles

[Carissa] All right, well, if I'm using Thistle, then don't think there is anything else to be done RP wise or anything?

[Lisa] Heal sundown?

[Carissa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Raelynn modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Master] Talwin XP award: 200. Next level in 51835.

[Master] Snezana XP award: 200. Next level in 106066.

[Master] Howard Plum XP award: 200. Next level in 20306.

[Master] Raelynn XP award: 200. Next level in 13829.

[Master] N'laea XP award: 200. Next level in 113391.

[Master] Indigo XP award: 200. Next level in 37928.

[Carissa] Bah!

[Carissa] He can walk it off, right?

[Master] Sundown's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 17 (8) - Moderately Wounded

[Carissa] Oh see? Walked it right off!

[Master] He is down the 7

[Lisa] lol

[Master] Howard is down the 1

[Carissa] Also I was very close to seeing if charm removed confusion, but felt very conflicted on that

[Master] and N'laea is down 40

[Lisa] but she is leaving for loosend right now :)

[Carissa] Raelynn casts a spell against Howard Plum: Cure Light Wounds: You're healed (-1d8) [1d8=3] -3 points.

[Carissa] Raelynn casts a spell against Howard Plum: Cure Light Wounds: You're healed (-1d8) [1d8=5] -5 points.

[Carissa] Raelynn casts a spell against Howard Plum: Cure Light Wounds: You're healed (-1d8) [1d8=5] -5 points.

[Carissa] (uhhh not all Howard)

[Master] remember Carissa that the one week of training is only for 3rd level spells

[Carissa] (I didn't realize he was targeted, lol)

[Master] Howard Plum's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 21 (1) - Unharmed

[Carissa] Yes.

[Master] Sundown's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 24 (7) - Unharmed

[Carissa] And if she's gone longer, she'll add some training for NWP Swimming

[Carissa] I think that was two added weeks

[Carissa] But if there's more time jumps later, she can do it then

[Master] depends on the trainer again

[Master] we will cross that bridge when we come to it

[Carissa] Yes and with our trainers I think we came to two weeks as being the fastest.

[Lisa] Thank you! Now we don't have to explain to Snee how her Steward got beat up

[Carissa] lol

[Master] Indigo's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 53 (5) - Lightly Wounded

[Master] so that is the three that are staying for the three healing spells

[Carissa] As poor N'laea limps out of there cursing the Mist, the underground, the everything

[Lisa] oh so sad

[Carissa] lol

[Lisa] I'm going to head out

[Master] night

[Carissa] Yeah think we're good. Night!

[Lisa] Stay safe in Maryland!

[Carissa] Thanks :)

[Carissa] Hopefully will see you guys if only briefly in April!

[Lisa] Hope you can come in sometimes

[Carissa] Fingers crossed

[Lisa] Goodnight!

[Carissa] Night!

Lisa has left the game on Fri Mar 26 23:02:25 EDT 2021

Carissa has left the game on Fri Mar 26 23:02:27 EDT 2021

XP awarded