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Chat Log - 2021 06 25 - Claiming Skull Church (Formatted)

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Sat Jun 19 13:29:06 EDT 2021 ====

Spring has joined the game on Fri Jun 25 18:58:45 EDT 2021

[Master] Hey there

[Spring] hi hi. having problems with my chat window :-p

[Master] No worries we have time

[Master] TMO is an hour out

[Spring] the old Windows trick of using the Move menu option wasn't working

[Master] ahh

[Spring] I think I’ve got it now

[Master] good

[Master] so we have a handful of things to work out from the mining and construction rolls,

[Master] then hourglass

[Master] so you can play both sides, grins

[Master] then you get to decide what you would like to do for the next Era

[Spring] well awright :-)

[Spring] I’m outside with my dad but I just overheard him say he's only good for about another hour

[Master] You can create a new character as you wish

[Spring] he ate and he's gonna have to get his nap on

[Spring] been thinking about that

[Spring] some of the committee members wanna take over Lanek

[Spring] some of the committee members want to try playing a tank for a change

[Master] You can create a new thief with him as the idea

[Master] and or a tank that is also a thief

[Master] or a pure tank

[Spring] I’ve always been fascinated by Sean's character Stick

[Spring] that's the one who dragged a big stick everywhere and it kept sharp by being dragged

[Master] grins

Carissa has joined the game on Fri Jun 25 19:27:07 EDT 2021

[Spring] carissa!

[Spring] I wrote hi, I dunno where it went

[Carissa] Hello!

[Carissa] Clearly saved itself for the second sentence

[Spring] hehehe

[Master] grins

[Master] So Carissa your thoughts on dragons?

[Master] you have one round back, did you think to retreat fully? or move in?

[Carissa] Depends when TMO gets here :P

[Master] I will be patient for that

[Carissa] If he gets here, and is still up for Brer taking a swing at it, likely stay and fight

[Master] but

[Master] Michael and TMO and Lisa arrive and there should be a plan to tell them what you are doing

[Carissa] Snee and Rae can help heal up another fighter while Brer moves in, N'laea behind him ready to shoot. Now whether or not we split the heals between two OR heal one fighter, I'll let them decide (provided Spring agrees with this, too)

[Carissa] What's the rule for swords and running/attacking again?

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Jun 25 19:34:31 EDT 2021

[Spring] hi Lisa!

[Spring] see THAT hi works

[Carissa] Hi Lisa!

[Carissa] and lol Spring

[Lisa] Hello! :)

[Lisa] I don't think you can split the healing between the two that are down given that they are down 98 hps and you orison won't work if going back into combat immediately

[Master] yes to Lisa

[Spring] sorry, distracted moving back into the house

[Spring] did you mean split like each of us heal one person?

[Spring] that's how I read it. not like splitting an orison

[Lisa] oh I was reading it like Raelynn would heal one and Snee the other

[Lisa] but Carissa can say what she meant

[Carissa] YEs that

[Master] it is also a question of every round of healing allows the dragon to make decisions also

[Carissa] It'd be cure wounds from both of them

[Lisa] I don't think that would work

[Carissa] Focus on one fighter or on both

[Carissa] I think it'd better to focus on one fighter to heal

[Carissa] But it's up to the dice if it's good healing

[Lisa] agree

[Spring] yeah I think each should focus on a separate fighter

[Spring] whew found the computer cord

[Spring] even if we both were to focus on the same fighter, it should take the same amount of time

[Spring] we'd just have one less person-turn to work with

[Spring] no strike that last

[Spring] I am thinking of two things at the same time

[Spring] we don't, as characters, know that it's a green dragon yet do we? or do we figure that based on the kind of damage that just happened?

[Lisa] I'm just worried that if the cure rolls are bad and they are split between two fighters they both end up with only a few more hps each and neither will be in shape to go up against the dragon again

[Lisa] think Indigo, Talwin and N'laea saw it

[Spring] oh yeah no we don't want to split any single roll

[Spring] so maybe we should double up on somebody

[Carissa] That's my thought for focusing on one fighter

[Spring] I see

[Carissa] Just not sure which

[Spring] I nominate indigo.

[Carissa] If we're really lucky, we'll get another ready to go fast enough and can focus on the other one, but dunno

[Spring] no shade on Talwin, but indigo sort of has a history

[Lisa] I told Michael last week that if he came in he could have the healing so he could fight

[Spring] okie dokes

[Lisa] as long as Howard can have line of sight he can help

Michael has joined the game on Fri Jun 25 19:53:25 EDT 2021

[Lisa] Hi Michael!

[Spring] f course if Snee is healing, she can't command

[Michael] hey guys whatsup

[Spring] hi Michael!

[Spring] but with an intelligent creature, that may be a hail Mary anyway

[Lisa] how long does the command last?

[Spring] I forgot, looking ...

[Lisa] dragons tend to have a good saving throw against magic

[Carissa] Hi Michael!

[Michael] sorry guys getting a bit situated over here. 'm in Utah

[Carissa] Yeah, and there weren't many spells I saw useful for green dragons

[Spring] duration = 1 round

[Carissa] and gas/breath

[Michael] Also test on weird keyboard command?

[Michael] ok

[Carissa] It might be worth trying after we get it's HP down and another fighter in? But the magic save as Lisa said is a problem

[Spring] tell Utah I said hi and I will get around to it eventually

[Michael] lol [Master] So you have the decision

[Spring] heal

[Carissa] Just need the TMO

[Master] You can do that without him

[Master] to be ready for when he appears

[Lisa] don't know of any wedding you can go to and be back in an hour

[Lisa] unless a shotgun wedding at the justice of the peace

[Master] LOL

[Michael] Alright. Generator setup and stuff

[Master] good

[Master] you want to take 1? 2? 5? rounds before you go back into the deeper cave

[Master] you can do those now

[Carissa] Ohh...I just assumed one round would happen...but if the dragon doesn't chase us, we COULD heal for longer...

[Spring] my reno wedding was faster than that

[Spring] I had assumed one round

[Michael] I apologize, cell service hotspot is a little spotty

[Michael] I’m still here

[Michael] :)(

[Spring] hotty spotty

[Carissa] So...we heal, wait and see if it's a trap, then heal again...?

[Spring] sis boom botty.

[Spring] he's her now, or maybe notty

[Spring] darn I ruined it with a typo

[Spring] I dunno about that second heal. how long dare we let the dragon recuperate from one breath?

[Michael] (So what can I do to help?)

[Spring] dunno yet

[Michael] (Oh hell, we got him to use one, let's not let him use another)

[Michael] (Sorry, not use another)

[Spring] well we kind of want him to waste them

[Michael] (Not recuperate the first :) )

[Michael] My bad on that Spring haha

[Spring] too bad we can't send him an illusion

[Michael] Ah, shoot

[Michael] Any potions of illusion or anything?

[Spring] make him breath on a walking wad of sparklies

[Master] You have a bit of Out of Character to plan

[Master] but you are currently one round out

[Michael] How long does it take to get his breath back bob?

[Master] Please roll your Dragon Lore check. :)

[Michael] Last I checked, worse case, one of our last hi health player would be able to survive if we can pump the healing on Indigo and Michael

[Spring] eheheheh

[Carissa] (d20) [1d20=12] 12

[Carissa] It is definitely a dragon according to my dragon lore skills.

[Spring] hahahaha

[Master] grins

[Spring] (1d20) [1d20=5] 5

[Spring] are you sure?!?!

[Spring] heh

[Carissa] lol

[Spring] I am away from the keyboard.

[Michael] test?

[Master] I am here waiting to see spells, etc. and then I will be ready for you to move forward

[Michael] So I'm only a warrior. What can I do to help plan guys? Do you want me to hit the site and do research?

[Michael] I can search for stuff if you think it might help

[Carissa] No just thought we were hoping TMO would be in soon

[Master] there is no planning

[Michael] Ok?

[Michael] I thought that was what we doing?

[Carissa] But if we want a spell...

[Lisa] the only things I thought of was that it was strange to have a green dragon here

[Michael] Alright. I'll uh. Just wait for now :)

[Carissa] Raelynn casts a spell against : Cure Moderate Wounds: You're healed (-1d10-1) [1d10=4] -5 points.

[Master] that is on who?

[Carissa] For Talwin

[Michael] (Also Mom says hi Lisa)

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lisa] Hi Mom! :)

[Master] Talwin's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 12 (5) - Massively Wounded

[Lisa] Hope she is doing well!

[Michael] She laughed

[Spring] Snezana casts a spell against : Cure Moderate Wounds: You're healed (-1d10-1) [1d10=4] -5 points.

[Master] on who?

[Spring] (also Talwin)

[Master] Talwin's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 17 (5) - Heavily Wounded

[Lisa] also many dragons can understand common - not that you probably want to start off with a how's the weather kind of comment, but if you want to yell something it might understand you

[Master] So that is one round of retreat and one round of healing

[Spring] kind of wish I had got some cat diapers. Emmy is guaranteed to pee in the truck tomorrow. I have pee pads but I’d feel better if that was contained

[Spring] tempted to improvise a diaper from pee pads but I’m not confident

[Spring] never diapered h er before

[Spring] I was looking into green dragons Tuesday and what I found indicated that they are treacherous shits, but that's probably a later edition

[Spring] it was like don't even talk to them, they are awful

[Spring] also a lot about forests

[Master] Hmmmmm

[Master] and you are in .......

[Lisa] a waste land

[Spring] I completely forgot what the local terrain in this part of the wastes was

[Spring] marshy waste? deserty waste?

[Carissa] Bob updated one of the dragon pages long ago when we rescued Kenna. Cannot for the life of me find it, but it mentioned other dragon things

[Spring] kind of don't know where exactly we are

[Lisa] he's camped out in a lead mine at the moment

[Master] if you look at Races and Other there is the Dragon page


[Carissa] Thankyou!

[Carissa] I remembered reading all that, but the Saltis clan was clearly not the right page :P

[Spring] ah yes! treacherous!

TMO has joined the game on Fri Jun 25 20:28:46 EDT 2021

[TMO] (lovely - I don't have to run out in a few minutes to pick up dinner - I have to run NOW to *order* dinner. The card with the phone number for ordering connects to a fax machine)

[Lisa] HI TMO! :)

[TMO] (Hi! Bye again! BBS)

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

[Michael] LOL

[Michael] Poor TMO

[Spring] hahahaha

[Master] Fax machines because you can staple it to a dinosaur and have it delivered that way too

[Carissa] Hi bye!

[Spring] hahahahaha

[Spring] I need to finish folding my tent brb

[Spring] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] So when TMO returns

[Master] Michael what is happening?

[Michael] What bob? I thought there was no planning. Not being a smartass being serious

[Michael] Are we planning?

[Master] no no planning just you are telling me what everyone is doing

[Master] you had your round of healing

[Master] now who goes first and what do you want them to do?

[Michael] OK. From what I understood from last week, a character with High HP could hopefully tank a shot from the dragon, maybe we can do some sort of protection. And then we all go in guns a blazing. If we don't have anything for the dragon to waste it's breath on such as an illusion, that's what I got

[Michael] That was what we were going to do last week

[Michael] But I’m not going to speak for everyone else

[Michael] TMO thought it was possible

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

[Michael] Lisa thought it was possible, therefore I think it's possible

[Michael] Talwin might be able to take a claw attack. IDN

[Lisa] if the priests want to stay with Talwin a round longer to heal him more they can the same round that brer N’laea and Howard move forward

[Michael] Alright. How many feet between Talwin and the Dragon

[Michael] Do I have enough to both attack the next round and run to the Dragon?

[Michael] Do you think?

[Lisa] Howard will go forward until he has line of sight but not in cloud range

[Master] right now not visible

[Spring] thing is, we are already a round of move away

[Master] but you can RUN forward at twice your movement and get there

[Spring] that

[Master] if the dragon is still there where it was

[Michael] Alright

[Michael] Then that is what I will do

[Lisa] at 17 hp you can't fight it right now - breath or not

[Master] OK so when we start Hugh lets everyone know he is running forward to go after the dragon and try to keep it in that place

[Michael] Then the healing should go to someone who is

[Lisa] a bite, claw or tail swipe would kill you

[Michael] Talwin

[Michael] Hugh does not exist

[Master] Healing has been done

[Master] sorry,

[Master] Talwin not Hugh correct

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lisa] he is running forward with 17 hps?

[Master] OR Michael you can say that Brer is the person to run up instead of Talwin

[Spring] so I guess we kind of have to heal him again

[TMO] (need to leave again in 15 to pick it up)

[Michael] That's how much the healers could do.

[TMO] (but I am here)

[Lisa] in one round

[Michael] It's better then my original plan of fleeing from the cave

[Master] Brer is at full

[Master] have him there first

[TMO] (just tell me who and where to smite)

[Master (to GM only)] young Green Dragon moved 2'05".

[Lisa] they can take another round and both heal you again before you go running at a dragon

[Michael] Alright. We can do that

[Lisa] that can be happening at the same time brer is going forward

[Lisa] then everyone in back can advance

[Michael] TMO we need you to take a remaining shot from the dragon and make your breath save.

[Michael] like, pass the save :)

[Michael] ;)

[Lisa] or persuade it not to breathe on you :)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (roll now?)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (Brer can talk to it too if y'all want him too)

[Michael] If you are close to death, reinforcements are coming in shortly at the same time

[Michael] (Go for it :( He's your character bud)

[Michael] :)

[Michael] Smile not frown

[Lisa] personally I think a show of strength may work better first before talking but that's just me

[Master] I like all of that

[Master] TMO you are ready?

[Master] go for it

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (was just checking his equipment, see if he had anything fun. magic shield doesn't affect his saves, correct? just the armor?)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (actually, looks like armor doesn't either)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (Ah misspoke)

[Michael] Blind him with your holy brilliance! :)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Attack: Tacharin 1H:: is now ARMED.

[Carissa] (+5 shield is useless??)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (shield only affects AC, not saves)

Brer Necholas (TMO) equips his shield and pulls our his sword, and holds the Continual Light rock in his shield hand.

Indigo (Lisa) tosses his light buckle to Howard "Since you'll be farther back"

[Indigo (Lisa)] Good luck!

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Hmm.. I'll try talking it down first, but don't expect miracles.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Brer Necholas moved 102'07".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Howard Plum moved 68'10".

Brer Necholas (TMO) clanks around the side. "Don't suppose you'd be willing to talk first, Dragon, would you? What's your name?"

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Brer Necholas moved 24'09".

[Master] Brer Necholas moved 43'09".

[Indigo (Lisa)] Howard Plum moved 58'11".

[Master] young Green Dragon targets Brer Necholas. Distance: 29'08"

[Master] young Green Dragon: Attack: Claw: (7-(d20+4)) [1d20=14] -11. HITS Brer Necholas (AC FINAL: -4)!!!

[Master] young Green Dragon: Attack: Claw: (7-(d20+4)) [1d20=5] -2. MISSES Brer Necholas (AC FINAL: -4).

[Master] young Green Dragon: Attack: Bite: (7-(d20+4)) [1d20=7] -4. HITS Brer Necholas (AC FINAL: -4)!!!

[Master] young Green Dragon: Damage v SM: Claw: (1d8) [1d8=5] 5 added to: Brer Necholas

[Master] young Green Dragon: Damage v SM: Bite: (2d10) [2d10=8,6] 14 added to: Brer Necholas

[Master] Brer Necholas's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 52 (-19) - Moderately Wounded

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] That wasn't nice.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (my turn?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (does Howard have line of sight on dragon?)

young Green Dragon (Master) BITES down hard onto Brer, picks him up SHAKES him and then SPITS him out into the wall

[young Green Dragon (Master)] (yes to LIs)

[Master] Brer Necholas moved 11'10".

[Lisa] Howard Plum targets young Green Dragon. Distance: 129'08"

[young Green Dragon (Master)] Brer takes an additional (1d6) [1d6=6] 6 points of damage from hitting the wall

[Master] Brer Necholas's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 46 (-6) - Moderately Wounded

[Brer Necholas (Master)] Now Howard

[Brer Necholas (Master)] then the rest of the group

[Master] sorry

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (I've been possessed!_

[Indigo (Lisa)] (before Brer goes?)

[Master] Yes to Howard first then Brer

[Master] Brer is not visible

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (pizza's ready)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Howard Plum casts a spell against young Green Dragon: Magic Missile: Magical bolts shoot forth, each doing 1d4+1 points of damage. The caster fires forth 1 at first level and an additional one for every second level after that until he fires 5 at 9th level. So assuming they are all going at one character for now, they deal (3d4+3) [3d4=4,4,1] 12 damage

[Master] young Green Dragon's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 40 (-12) - Lightly Wounded

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (my turn?)

[Carissa] (didn't know we were moving all them; N’laea can join whenever)

[Master] Now Brer

[Master] then the rest

Brer Necholas (TMO) bounces off the wall, then rushes back into close range.

[Michael] (remember healing before next round...)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Brer Necholas moved 36'10".

[Indigo (Lisa)] (as soon as I saw TMO moving I followed :) )

[TMO] Brer Necholas targets young Green Dragon. Distance: 14'09"

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Brer Necholas: Attack: Tacharin 1H: ((14-(d20+3))-2) [1d20=20] -11 [MODIFIED (-2)]. HITS young Green Dragon (AC FINAL: 2)!!! [CRITICAL HIT_(Roll Again)_]

[Carissa] (ah I stepped away)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Brer Necholas: Attack: Tacharin 1H: ((14-(d20+3))-2) [1d20=11] -2 [MODIFIED (-2)]. HITS young Green Dragon (AC FINAL: 2)!!!

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (large I assume?)

[Carissa] (tiny!)

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

[Snezana (Spring)] (lol)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Brer Necholas: Damage v L: Tacharin 1H: ((1d12)+6) [1d12=12] 18 [MODIFIED (+6)] added to: young Green Dragon

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Brer Necholas: Damage v L: Tacharin 1H: ((1d12)+6) [1d12=10] 16 [MODIFIED (+6)] added to: young Green Dragon

[Master] young Green Dragon's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 6 (-34) - Massively Wounded

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Yield dragon!

[Carissa] (Oh wow)

[Snezana (Spring)] (wow nice!)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (brb)

[Carissa] (LOL)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (I will miss being effective in combat)

[Carissa] (Yield! Wait, hold on, I'll be right back THEN yield I say!)

[Michael] (good job dude)

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

[Snezana (Spring)] (hahahahaha)

[Master] (1d20) [1d20=16] 16

[Snezana (Spring)] (is this the part where we heal Talwin again?)

[Carissa] (dang he should have rolled persuasion before he walked off)

[Michael] Are we talking at it or killing it?

[Michael] I'm confused now

[Master] So the Dragon stops and pauses then backs up a step

[Master] It is not talking

[Snezana (Spring)] (all of the above)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (don't think he could do that same rd. as smashing it)

[Master] but it is not attacking

[Master] It is not retreating, it seems to be there in a truce

[Carissa] (other characters?)

[Master] and now yes the other characters all have a full round of action

[Carissa] N'laea moved 1'00".

[Carissa] N'laea moved 73'00".

[Carissa] N'laea moved 120'00".

[Snezana (Spring)] Snezana casts a spell against : Cure Moderate Wounds: You're healed (-1d10-1) [1d10=3] -4 points.

[Snezana (Spring)] (for Talwin)

[N'laea (Carissa)] holding bow at ready

[Master] Talwin's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 21 (4) - Heavily Wounded

[Carissa] (did she hear the Brer exchange?)

[Michael] (Thanks! But look like may not actually be needed lol)

[Master] yes you all heard Brer

[N'laea (Carissa)] Stand down! You do not belong here. (repeats in Elvish)

[Master] No obvious recognition

[N'laea (Carissa)] (worth a try)

[Master] but aggression at an elf in range

[N'laea (Carissa)] (errr, repeats in Woodland and whatever else as well?)

[Master] anyone else?

[N'laea (Carissa)] (was it full move and can still attack?)

[Master] half move

[N'laea (Carissa)] (darn)

[Master] and half attacks

[Master] so your plan when TMO returns

[N'laea (Carissa)] ((pretty sure elf might get attacked if anyone wants to move closer)

[Master] it seems Brer might have cornered the dragon and it is not attacking

[Master] but beyond that it is still angry and aggressive

[N'laea (Carissa)] (heal for Talwin or should I use a support spell for all?)

[Master] Everyone gets one round of action, then the dragon goes last

[Michael] (Up to you. I have no idea what to do until TMO either talks to it or we kill it)

[Master] Brer is standing right in front of it threatening it and it is not attacking him

[N'laea (Carissa)] (I can always give him a heal if Talwin wants to get closer this turn)

[Michael] (Sure. I guess he doesn't like Elves?(

[Michael] )

[N'laea (Carissa)] (green dragons love to eat elves)

[Michael] (I can at least help provide support)

[Michael] (Jeeze I guess so. How did you know that? Experience? Or do you have the monster manual?)

[N'laea (Carissa)] Raelynn casts a spell against : Cure Moderate Wounds: You're healed (-1d10-1) [1d10=9] -10 points.

[Snezana (Spring)] (elves and sprites are tasty to them)

[Michael] (Good info to have)

[Michael] (Ah)

[N'laea (Carissa)] (when Bob updated the green dragon page back during Kenna time)

[N'laea (Carissa)] (ooh nice healing roll!)

[Master] Talwin's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 31 (10) - Moderately Wounded

[Michael] (Same with all dragons? Or just green)

[N'laea (Carissa)] (specific to green)

[Master] I will point out that Indigo is at 9 HP

[N'laea (Carissa)] (maybe others, I haven't looked in a bit)

[N'laea (Carissa)] (yes Indigo is next :) )

[Snezana (Spring)] (green specifically. I saw it on YouTube so it must be true)

[Master] LOL Spring

[N'laea (Carissa)]

[Michael] Thanks Carissa

[Michael] Was having trouble finding it :)

[Michael] Bob can I start a Wikipedia?

[Michael] Dragonslayer Pedia?

[N'laea (Carissa)] (ooh but apparently gold dragons love the company of elves so let's meet one of those, next!)

[Master] chuckles you can add pages as you wish

[Michael] (I'm honestly afraid I might break your site. Can you fix stuff If I mess it up?)

[Master] yes I can

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Michael] Cool beans. I might make a page then! :(

[Michael] God dammit

[Michael] I'm not frowning

[Michael] This keyboard is tiny

[Michael] :)

[Michael] there

[Master] Ok so sorry about TMO not being available

[Master] quick decision

[Michael] Shoot

[Master] kill the dragon or let it fly away? or?

[Michael] Well

[Snezana (Spring)] (do not make any deal)

[Michael] It can't fly away

[Michael] It's in a cave

[Master] When TMO is back Brer will be making a choice and you do need to help him out

[Michael] how high is the ceiling?

[Master] you have it blocked in

[Michael] If he makes a choice, we will help as able

[Michael] Kills and we will back him up

[N'laea (Carissa)] (dragon is slightly more aggressive/unhappy now that elf is visible)

[Michael] Talks and we will try and persuade

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I would let him leave if it can understand we are doing that

[Michael] Sure

[Michael] I'm fine with that

[N'laea (Carissa)] (sorry thought TMO was there)

[Michael] I'm also fine with allying with it

[Master] there is no indication that it can speak but maybe it understands what you are doing

[N'laea (Carissa)] (evil trickster green dragon)

[Snezana (Spring)] (I am not fine with allying with it)

[Michael] (We pile the village wealth into it's hoard. Surely now it will create more jobs)

[Snezana (Spring)] (it's dragon Loki, no thank you)

[Master] LOL Michael

[Indigo (Lisa)] (yeah like having the goblins as an ally)

[Snezana (Spring)] (hahahah)

[N'laea (Carissa)] (at least goblins don't grow up into adult multi-breath shot dragons :) )

[Snezana (Spring)] (worse, we can get one over on goblins)

[Master] brb restroom to empty and refill

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Michael] (Frankly, the Dragon is more intelligent in my book. Having one on nice terms would be nice against Mr. smith()

[N'laea (Carissa)] (no guarantee it's nice terms; it might just remember we beat it up then returns for revenge later)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (if it wasn't evil and treasure hungry I would agree Michael)

[Snezana (Spring)] (this is one of the few times I feel like kill kill kill but I respect the consensus of the group. except if we try to make a deal)

[Michael] Also although I hate when they attack us, I still like Dragons on principle. I mean, they are awesome

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (Snezana is in charge, with Talwin second. Brer will advise, but his advice is non-binding)

[Michael] But yeah I get it :)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (he's back)

[Michael] TMO is back. Go for it bud!

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (bob is away)

[Carissa] (same, but it's not responding to us, so it's leaning more towards, welp we gave you a chance)

[Snezana (Spring)] (there are no nice terms with a green dragon. they are indoctrinated from the egg to screw everyone hard all the time)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (lol)

[Michael] Yeah, but this is a young one right?

[Snezana (Spring)] (I read the page)

[Michael] Maybe not totally indoctrinated

[Michael] Oh

[Michael] ok

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (that's still 30-50 years, I think)

[Snezana (Spring)] (that's even worse. the young of any species are the most rabid)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (but they are intelligent and want to survive so I think it can be persuaded to leave if it can understand Common)

[Carissa] (oh, so we can just wait it out like the mine fire!)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (at least the sign would be easy to make)

[Michael] (Don't get me started on that damn mine fire)

[Snezana (Spring)] (all the young communists in my tik Tok are way more, um, passionate than the old communists)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (ok - whose turn is it?)

[Snezana (Spring)] (TMOs I think)

[Michael] (TMO I thought?)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (my prime day packages are at the door - brb)

[Carissa] (anyone's turn except N’laea? I think? And Rae and Snee have gone)

[Snezana (Spring)] (I just had a thought)

[Snezana (Spring)] (we don't yet know how young)

[Snezana (Spring)] (if this one hasn't been kicked out of the nest yet, we're going to have mom and dad on us in a hot minute)

[Snezana (Spring)] (for some stupid reason, I assumed this one was a young independent, but we don't know that do we)

[Carissa] (the weird thing is why is a forest dragon in the wastes?)

[Carissa] (maybe because it is too young to set itself up in a forest?)

[Carissa] (also... umm, if we don't kill it... does it go towards Valoris? Because no, please)

[Snezana (Spring)] (it would be a fantastic story if it had some kind of defect and wound up lawful good by mistake and just barely escaped being eaten by its parents)

[Carissa] (well Rae does have a detect evil spell...)

[Carissa] (so does Brer!)

[Carissa] (his eye!)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (as des Brer)

[Carissa] (give it the eye, Brer!)

[Carissa] (the, I'm looking to see if you're evil, but also, behave yourself, young dragon! eye)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (as soon as Bob's back, I will begin the arbitration)

[Michael] Sigh. One of those contracts where we can't sue but have to go to arbitration?

[Michael] Sigh

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Indigo N’laea have a turn to go

[Master] then Brer gets to deal with the dragon

[Master] and make a choice

[Carissa] (she can go again? was the previous round?)

[Carissa] (Talwin hasn't gone yet, either)

[Master] Rae when N’laea did not

[Master] or do I have that backwards

[Master] Talwin was healed

[Master] he had to stay still

Indigo (Lisa) backs up against the wall like he was planning to do since he is massively injured

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo moved 7'00".

[Carissa] (ah I thought she healed him before so he could run his turn)

[Carissa] (if N’laea then she'll remove herself from sight)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (not Indigo)

[Master] Yes to Talwin no to Indigo being healed

[Master] and TMO

[Master] Ready

[Carissa] N'laea moved 38'11".

[Master] SET

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (I'm sorry if you were waiting for me - thought that was understood)

[Carissa (to GM only)] N'laea: Hide in Shadows check:(d100) [1d100=38] 38 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 59!!

[Carissa (to GM only)] N'laea: Move Silently check:(d100) [1d100=25] 25 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 67!!

[Carissa] N'laea moved 9'09".

[Carissa] N'laea moved 34'00".

[Master] you have a green dragon in front of you, it has retreated from Brer, it could attack but it is not,

[Master] but it is defensive,

[Carissa] (sorry can't tell if that's fog of war or cave wall... she's going against a wall out of sight)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Dragon, if you understand me, prove it. Show me you're not just a rabid beast.

[Master] it does not seem to be able to speak

Brer Necholas (TMO) holds his sword ready to strike.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Actions speak too, dragon.

young Green Dragon (Master) folds wings onto back into a tight form

young Green Dragon (Master) nods head

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Very good. Thank you.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Please hold still for a few minutes. I need to get a Look at you.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Attack: Tacharin 1H:: is NO LONGER ARMED.

young Green Dragon (Master) relaxes just a tiny bit

Brer Necholas (TMO) lifts his hand under his hood to raise his eyepatch.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Brer Necholas: Detect Evil Intent: By focusing for an entire round, I can detect evil intent or actions in a location or group up to 60' away and 10' wide.

[young Green Dragon (Master) (to TMO only)] evil but afraid

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Hmm..

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Okay, dragon, I want you to understand this. We work for Branwyn the Mysterious. This is her territory you're in. Her governor for this area is behind me. If you try anything duplicitous, I will end you. Do you understand me?

young Green Dragon (Master) quirks her head

[young Green Dragon (Master)] (too complex )

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Hmph

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Okay. No tricks, or you die. Understand?

[Carissa] (poor dragon needs a tutor to understand all this...)

[young Green Dragon (Master)] (It does not seem to understand words just obvious intent)

[Snezana (Spring)] (too bad we didn''t bring one)

[young Green Dragon (Master)] (hah)

[Carissa] (lol)

[Craigh (TMO)] I didn't prepare the right spells for this!

[Snezana (Spring)] (well heck)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] What, exactly, *are* the right spells for this?

[Carissa] (miming)

[Craigh (TMO)] Teleport comes to mind.

[Master] hah

[Snezana (Spring)] (well Snee does have acting ...)

[Michael] frankly if the dragon can't speak, I’m thinking he's REALLY young.

[Michael] Can we keep him?

[Carissa] (would it understand dragon tongue? Snee?)

[Michael] I'll pick up after him, and feed him...

[Michael] :)

[Carissa] (Shi always wanted a pet dragon, too bad she is not here)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Governor, the dragon is of evil temperament, but is currently defeated. What do you want to do?

[Master] remember "young" is anywhere from 25 to 100 years old

[Michael] Does it take 25 years to lean speaking? Gen curious

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (prbly different per species)

[Master] it is 60 feet or so long

[Master] to speak? or to speak W Comm?

[Snezana (Spring)] (did Snee get a chance to go over there? we were far back)

[Master] How many languages did you know in middle school? grins

[Master] you were only one round behind everyone can be there now

[Michael] Cool

[Snezana (Spring)] I would feel safer if we killed it, but ...

[Master] Dragon do not get to be Mature until 250+ years old

[Snezana (Spring)] if it is too young, that might cause more problems. I will try to speak with it

[Master] and they can get to 1,200+ years

[Snezana (Spring)] Snezana casts a spell against : Tongues - Priest: I can speak (8/3) 2.6666666666666665 additional languages for 1 turn.

[Master] there we go

[Snezana (Spring)] (Green Dragon) what is your name?

[young Green Dragon (Master)] (Green Dragon) I am Brasime

[young Green Dragon (Master)] (green dragon) who are you?

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Everyone but me stay out of breathing range. Just in case.

[Snezana (Spring)] (Green Dragon) I am Snezana

[Snezana (Spring)] (Green Dragon) how old are you Brasime?

[young Green Dragon (Master)] (green dragon) I am old enough I can make it on my own

[Snezana (Spring)] (Green Dragon) what a coincidence, so am I

[Snezana (Spring)] (Green Dragon) did you choose this place to make a home?

[young Green Dragon (Master)] (green Dragon) I am looking to make a home, this place has space without digging

Snezana (Spring) nodding

[Snezana (Spring)] (Green Dragon) there is that, but no forest. that can't be comfortable for you can it?

[young Green Dragon (Master)] (Green Dragon) I would like a forest

[Michael] (Why don't we plant one? It's 25 - 50 years for everything anyways... :) )

[Snezana (Spring)] was there a problem with the forest where you grew up?

[Snezana (Spring)] (forgot to label it for language, sorry)

[young Green Dragon (Master)] (Green Dragon) I flew south to find a new one

[N'laea (Carissa)] (spells for fake forests)

[young Green Dragon (Master)] (3 more questions in this turn before the spell wears out)

[Michael] (Your last one could be a request to visit again when I have more spells?)

[N'laea (Carissa)] (tell it Valoris is off limits?)P

[Snezana (Spring)] (I just had an awful idea)

[Michael] (Go for it. I’m all for awful ideas... They turn out to be the funnest... :) )

[Snezana (Spring)] (we could give it the spent mind and case illusory forest on it. or vice versa)

[Snezana (Spring)] (spent mine)

[Michael] Sure

[N'laea (Carissa)] (that's what I was pointing out with fake forest spell)

[Snezana (Spring)] (but it will become a problem later)

[Michael] How long does it last. And it might be good to let it know it's illusion to make it more comfortable. We just don't want to lie

[N'laea (Carissa)] (I don't think they've finished mining this mien)

[N'laea (Carissa)] (permanent)

[Snezana (Spring)] (it lasts forever)

[Michael] We could try to make a deal, but I’m leaving this up to you guys. Personally I love the funnest ideas, but we can ask to relocate it or something

[Snezana (Spring)] (yeah we would be asking it to move to the one that is tapped out)

[Snezana (Spring)] (but I don't want to make any deals. hrm)

[Michael] In this game are dragons honorable or do they lie?

[Carissa] (depends on the type)

[Michael] Ah

[Snezana (Spring)] (green dragons lies. al lot)

[Michael] Yeah, this is out of my league. I'll do whatever

[Snezana (Spring)] (dammit)

[young Green Dragon (Master)] (are humans honorable or do they lie?)

[Michael] (If I do a contract, I always follow through. Even when I lose money bob)

[Carissa] (depends on the human)

[Snezana (Spring)] (and the society of the human)

[Michael] I was thinking a binding contract

[young Green Dragon (Master)] (Spring 3 more questions)

[Michael] Your the governess Spring we'll back you up whatever you choose

[Michael] (I will say that even evil people understand a business arrangement)

[Carissa] (doesn't mean they won't still cheat)

[Snezana (Spring)] (Green Dragon) Brasime, you cannot stay here. we have to decide whether to kill you or let you live in another place.

[young Green Dragon (Master)] (TMO is eating, Lisa is letting you make up your own minds, go for it)

[young Green Dragon (Master)] (Green Dragon) I will fly away to find a new forest

[Snezana (Spring)] (Green Dragon) we know of a good place. big, empty, nobody coming around to dig

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (yup. first of all, no one but Snezana knows what the conversation is so far)

[Snezana (Spring)] you could choose that or you could look for a place on your own. you said you came south?

[young Green Dragon (Master)] (Green Dragon) I can across the wide water south into these clouds

[Snezana (Spring)] (it flew over Valoris already?)

[young Green Dragon (Master)] (no Valoris is south of here)

[Snezana (Spring)] (Valoris is north and east of here right?)

[Snezana (Spring)] (oh)

[young Green Dragon (Master)] (Valoris is about 18 miles south)

[Snezana (Spring)] (Green Dragon) well you are not going to find any comfy forests to the west, that's for sure. no elves to the west either. you don't want to go that way.

[Snezana (Spring)] (I don't know what else to say or ask)

[Snezana (Spring)] (it already wants to leave)

[Master] and your spell ends

[Snezana (Spring)] (well there ya go)

[Carissa] (single cast or can recast? not sure for what else, except maybe a warning)

[Master] Snee can tell the group what she learned

[Snezana (Spring)] (I can't cast it again today)

[Snezana (Spring)] so this young dragon is striking out on its own. it likes this mine for all the room without digging

[Snezana (Spring)] but it concedes that it's not comfortable without a forest

[Snezana (Spring)] it's decided to leave and keep looking

[Snezana (Spring)] I told it that there are no comfy forests or elves to the west at all, no point in looking that direction

[Carissa] (west or south? did I get my directions wrong?)

[Talwin (Michael)] (not sure?)

[Snezana (Spring)] (valoris is south. I want to trick it into going west)

[Master] Valoris is south of where you are,

[Master] east is swamps, west is civilized lands

[Talwin (Michael)] (I'm glad it wanted to look for a new place anyways, but this whole area seems to be a haven for all of us misfits. I kind of feel bad. But I'll get over it :) )

[Carissa] (ah)

[Snezana (Spring)] (SEP. Somebody Else's Problem)

[Talwin (Michael)] ...

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (so west is dragon fen or quellcon?)

[Talwin (Michael)] I uh

[Master] Quellcon is north

[Snezana (Spring)] (east is Dragon Fen)

[Talwin (Michael)] well. Alright. I just don't want it to be miserable either

[Master] South is Dragon Fen

[Talwin (Michael)] If it heads west it'll be killed

[Snezana (Spring)] (oh. well okay)

[Master] That is the mining district

[Snezana (Spring)] (ok southeast is dragon fen)

[Master] yes

[Snezana (Spring)] (I feel a little better now)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (so west would be Mosskin estates?)

[Master] SO what will you do? do you have another spell? or are you just stepping back and herding it out of the cave?

[Master] yes to Lisa

[Master] into the civilized part of Drillian

[Master] outside of The Mist

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (but she told him not to go west)

[Master] yes

[Snezana (Spring)] (I can't cast it again today)

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] (so who knows where it will really go :D )

[Snezana (Spring)] (plausible deniability)

[Snezana (Spring)] (I suggest we retreat now and camp out, come back tomorrow to see if it's still here)

[Master] So Brer is still there in front of it, Snee spoke to it and is now consulting with the group

[Snezana (Spring)] (or camp out and see if we spot it leaving)

[Talwin (Michael)] BRB

[Snezana (Spring)] so I suggest we back out and let the dragon exit

Howard Plum (Lisa) nods

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Everyone else go first. I will stay between it and you.

[Snezana (Spring)] I am probably going to regret not killing it

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Howard Plum moved 126'02".

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] You can never take back a killing blow.

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Come on Indigo. Everyone is leaving

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Even the dragon

[Indigo (Lisa)] Ohhh okay

Lisa has left the game on Fri Jun 25 22:10:12 EDT 2021

[Master (to TMO only)] Brer has it almost subdued, does he want to try to take control of it and .....

[Master] HAH

[Master] Howard and Indigo leave

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Jun 25 22:10:32 EDT 2021

[Master] see above Lisa

[Brer Necholas (TMO) (to Master only)] Brer doesn't have the interest, or any way to talk to it. If it wants to stay with him, that's another story, but I *highly* doubt it.)

[Master (to TMO only)] would not WANT to stay but a might makes right sort of thing, but you are right he would not have an interest

[Indigo (Lisa)] So where's it going?

[Carissa] (elves leave, too, if needs saying)

[Snezana (Spring)] we'll have to watch and see

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] I assume wherever it wants to

[Indigo (Lisa)] Okay

Lisa has left the game on Fri Jun 25 22:12:28 EDT 2021

[Master] Is Brer leaving it there or is he ushering it out of the cave to urge it to leave?

[Brer Necholas (TMO) (to Master only)] sometimes playing a paladin is easy. :)

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Jun 25 22:12:46 EDT 2021

Brer Necholas (TMO) waits for the others to leave, then backs out of the cave, keeping an eye on the dragon, but sword not drawn, expecting it to follow him.

[Snezana (Spring)] I think even if it keeps going due south, it will miss Valoris Wood and Dragon Fen. but if it turns southeast, we have a problem

[Snezana (Spring)] (saying that very quietly, in case it actually can understand common)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Bad things could happen, yes. But bad things can always happen. You spared a life today. Maybe it will see the benefits of grace.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] If it doesn't, someone will kill it.

[Indigo (Lisa)] It'd give Branadarus something to do if it went to Dragon Fen

young Green Dragon (Master) rear claw grabs a large sack

young Green Dragon (Master) slides out forward to the cave entrance

Brer Necholas (TMO) stands to the side to let it out.

[Talwin (Michael)] Back. Sorry

young Green Dragon (Master) gets out of the cave and heads east

[Snezana (Spring)] well. cute.

Brer Necholas (TMO) watches it go.

young Green Dragon (Master) limping flying shakily

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] That was different. Thank you, Governor.

[Talwin (Michael)] Bob. Limping? Oh my god I feel like we kicked a puppy

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (it bit us first)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (I'm surprised it could fly at all)

[Snezana (Spring)] (and gassed some of us)

[Master] It is less than 15% of its HP

[Talwin (Michael)] Eh, I've had some strays bite me. I generally let them live with me. LOL

[Talwin (Michael)] Where Sirius came from :)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (this kind of stray removes limbs)

[Talwin (Michael)] eh

[Talwin (Michael)] Semantics

[Talwin (Michael)] LOL!

[Master] but it is gone now

[Snezana (Spring)] I already have regrets

[Snezana (Spring)] I guess we'll hear about this later. let's go

[Indigo (Lisa)] That you didn't heal him first?

Talwin (Michael) Blistered. But with a slightly sad expression.

Talwin (Michael) Turns to follow

[Talwin (Michael)] Well nothing for it now. We'd best check the rest of the cave for mining

Talwin (Michael) Shakes head

[Indigo (Lisa)] You think all he had was in that sack?

[Talwin (Michael)] Or were we just investigating this one?

Talwin (Michael) Shrugs

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Someone should keep an eye out, just in case it tries something.

[Master] Snezana XP award: 666. Next level in 103650.

[Master] N'laea XP award: 1632. Next level in 110759.

[Master] Raelynn XP award: 666. Next level in 12413.

[Master] Talwin XP award: 1632. Next level in 46703.

[Master] Indigo XP award: 666. Next level in 32612.

[Master] Craigh XP award: 666. Level-up!

[Master] Smiggles Grimboodle XP award: 666. Next level in 0.

[Talwin (Michael)] I wasn't checking for the hoard. Just the mineral components

[Master] Brer Necholas XP award: 1632. Next level in 47190.

[Master] Howard Plum XP award: 666. Next level in 15015.

[Indigo (Lisa)] I'll watch if you want. It might not live the night

[Talwin (Michael)] (Craigh is of the devils. Sacrifice...SACRIFICE!)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Oh shoot. I guess lots of us got 666 lol)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (why is it saying level up?)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Didn't see that haha)

[Talwin (Michael)] (He's special)

[Indigo (Lisa)] (the multiclass thing?)

[Snezana (Spring)] (hahaha)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (but he isn't ready to level up. Needs 4k more xp)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (I probably don't have him set up right)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (it's probably the second class)

[Brer Necholas (TMO) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Craigh modified: Personal Information - ExperienceC2:: CHANGED: null (1250).

[Master] So now you have 2 more mining things and the construction encounter and then hourglass

[Indigo (Lisa)] (can indigo go down and see if dragon left any loot?)

[Master] yes

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (give him 1 more xp and take it away again, just to see if it works now)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Weren’t we exploring the rest of the cave anyways?)

[Master] young Green Dragon moved 38'11".

[Master] young Green Dragon no longer targets Brer Necholas.

[Master] Craigh XP award: 1. Level-up!

[Indigo (Lisa)] (no - we were responding to dragon emergency - this is the lead mine)

[Master] I will double check later for you TMO

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (sorry, don't know what's wrong)

[Master] no worries

Indigo (Lisa) heads back in to see if there's any loot left

[Master] Down the branch of the tunnel that the dragon was in

[Master] it looks like he was clawing at the walls, scoring into the ore a bit,

[Indigo (Lisa)] Looks like the dragon was mining!

[Master] I will let Indigo make an observation check, (I know he does not have it but roll a d20)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Roll #1: (d20) [1d20=12] 12

[Master] Luck is not on his side

[Snezana (Spring)] (struggling to stay awake :-( )

[Master] so the dragon was digging and enlarging

[Master] there is some flakes of rock

[Master] and a few scattered silver pieces

[Master] but nothing else in the wider opening

Indigo (Lisa) scoops up the silver pieces

[Indigo (Lisa)] Oh well

[Talwin (Michael)] Are the rest of us allowed those checks bob?

[Master] (2d7) [2d7=6,5] 11 silver pieces

[Master] you never went back there Michael

[Talwin (Michael)] Alright

[Indigo (Lisa)] Nothing down here I can see but some silver pieces that probably fell out of his sack

[Master] But overall this is a dead end

[Master] and the beginning of creating a better lair

[Master] your lead mine can continue now

Indigo (Lisa) heads back out

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (ah yes, the old reliable 7 sided die. How I love it)

[Master] grins at TMO

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (I actually have one)

[Master] nice

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (will not guarantee it's balanced though)

[Master] Spring how much longer are you here? Michael? everyone?

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (My travels are done for the night afaik)

[Talwin (Michael)] I mean, if we aren't exploring the cave except indigo then we are leaving

[Talwin (Michael)] Did anyone else have business here?

[Spring] I need to go now, actually

[Master] ok

[Master] One quick word


[Master] I am working on things, over the month of July

[Spring] not really a WORD per se

[Master] go download

[Master] the free version

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (yessir!)

[Carissa] can do

[Spring] I have it already, but it probably needs updating

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (I will be home by myself this coming week, so can test as player if that would help)

[Spring] nitey nitey!

[Carissa] night Spring

[Master] I am not quite ready for that yet TMO but thank you

[Indigo (Lisa)] Goodnight Spring!

[Talwin (Michael)] Night guys :)

Spring has left the game on Fri Jun 25 22:32:53 EDT 2021

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (oo... also, I'm going to be on the road for 2 weeks of July. I don't know if I'll be able to play or not)

[Master] just feeling more that I need to focus some energy on building there

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (we're going to be in DC)

[Master] nice

[Master] I intend on using KLoOge until we cannot

[Master] just making sure we have a good backup plan

[Master] I figure people downloading and testing that it loads and updates will be good

[Master] but there is another mining encounter do deal with when you are ready

[Indigo (Lisa)] ok

[Carissa] we've healed since then I hope?

[Master] Brer Necholas's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 71 (25) - Unharmed

[Master] Howard Plum: No adjustments made.

[Master] Craigh: No adjustments made.

[Master] Indigo's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 58 (49) - Unharmed

[Master] Talwin's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 56 (25) - Unharmed

[Master] Raelynn: No adjustments made.

[Master] N'laea's Current Hit Points: adjusted to 72 (25) - Unharmed

[Master] Talwin is the Administrator for Snee the Governor

[Master] what title does he like?

[Talwin (Michael)] He gets a title?

[Indigo (Lisa)] El Commandant

[Talwin (Michael)] I thought he was Knight

[Master] Sir Talwin works

[Talwin (Michael)] I mean, I like Commandant actually

[Master] but you get to make up other titles too

[Master] OK

[Talwin (Michael)] thatn's Lisa :(

[Talwin (Michael)] :)

[Master] Sir Talwin Commandant of the Protectorate of Dragon Fen

[Talwin (Michael)] Sir Talwin, Commandant ....

[Talwin (Michael)] Comma important lol

[Master] grins

[Talwin (Michael)] Otherwise that is a long ass title :)

Michel (Master) wanders into the church yard

[Talwin (Michael)] Yes yes, I know how long Brans is LOL :)

[Michel (Master)] Hello? I am looking for the Commandant?

[Talwin (Michael)] Crap, should have played dumb

Talwin (Michael) Straightens up

[Talwin (Michael)] Yes?

Michel (Master) looks Talwin up and down

[Michel (Master)] You?

Talwin (Michael) Glowers

Michel (Master) squints

[Talwin (Michael)] "Speak quickly or move"

[Talwin (Michael)] "I'm busy"

[Michel (Master)] Seriously?

[Michel (Master)] You?

Michel (Master) looks around

[Michel (Master)] spots Indigo and Brer

Michel (Master) AHHH

[Michel (Master)] Yes

Michel (Master) walks over

[Michel (Master)] Hello there Sir

[Talwin (Michael)] (Before he moves away bob)

[Talwin (Michael)] I want to do an action

[Michel (Master)] I am here to speak

[Michel (Master)] (yes go for it)

[Indigo (Lisa)] Okay

Indigo (Lisa) grins

[Talwin (Michael)] Need to make a roll first

[Talwin (Michael)] one sec

[Talwin (Michael)] Talwin: MUSC check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Talwin (Michael)] Talwin grabs the man by his throat. And LIFTS

[Indigo (Lisa)] HEY!

[Talwin (Michael)] "This is the fifth time,"

[Talwin (Michael)] "I'm taking him and dangling him off the balcony"

[Master] You need a to hit roll for that too

[Talwin (Michael)] Ah shoot

[Talwin (Michael)] LOL

[Talwin (Michael)] (What do I roll bob?)

[Talwin (Michael)] (No target?)

[Master] This is outside

[Master] no balcony

[Master] but

[Talwin (Michael)] (D20?)

[Talwin (Michael)] AW

[Talwin (Michael)] That sucks

[Master] Talwin targets Michel. Distance: 78'09"

[Talwin (Michael)] I want to make good on the threat so people stop doing that to me

[Indigo (Lisa)] What are you doing Talwin?

Talwin (Michael) Smiles apologetically to Indigo

[Talwin (Michael)] I am so sorry Admiral

[Talwin (Michael)] I will make this up to you as a personal favor

[Master] roll now Michael

[Talwin (Michael)] (d29?)

[Master] a to hit you are targeting him

[Talwin (Michael)] Talwin: Attack: Mcstabberson, the son of Stabby +2: ((13-(d20+2))-2) [1d20=6] 3 [MODIFIED (-2)]

[Indigo (Lisa)] He can't fight back

[Talwin (Michael)] is...that a hit?

[Master] Talwin moved 68'06".

[Talwin (Michael)] What am I rolling I’m so sorry bob

[Master] Talwin: Attack: Silver Stabby: ((13-(d20+2))-3) [1d20=8] 0 [MODIFIED (-3)]. HITS Michel (AC FINAL: 10)!!!

[Talwin (Michael)] So I grab him?

[Master] Yes that is a hit and you grab him by the throat

[Talwin (Michael)] May I lift?

[Master] yes

Talwin (Michael) Good sir. It has been a very trying day

Talwin (Michael) Turns to Indigo

[Master] and yes Indigo can be nearby

[Master] along with the elves and Brer

Talwin (Michael) Admiral, I will make this up to you. You can get a free stab even. I'll only do this once. Promise

[Indigo (Lisa)] Awww ... put him down Talwin

Talwin (Michael) Nods

[Carissa] (they just chilling and watching, not their place)

[Talwin (Michael)] "Are you sure I can't dangle him off the balcony?"

[Talwin (Michael)] "I never get to do it"

Talwin (Michael) Intimidating as best as can

[Indigo (Lisa)] What did he do to you?

Talwin (Michael) Turns to Michel

[Talwin (Michael)] "I'm afraid the Admiral is a bit more nicer than I am"

Brer Necholas (TMO) watches stoically.

[Talwin (Michael)] Holds close. "I am Sir Talwin, the Commandant of the Protectorate"

Talwin (Michael) Squeezes slightly

Talwin (Michael) Nods if you understand?

Michel (Master) gurgles

Talwin (Michael) Sighs

Talwin (Michael) Releases his throat enough to speak

[Talwin (Michael)] "You may whisper"

[Michel (Master)] let me go

Talwin (Michael) Squeezes again

[Talwin (Michael)] "Yes, or No"

[Talwin (Michael)] "If you say No, I will drop you out of the nearest second floor window"

[Michel (Master)] Yes

Talwin (Michael) Smiles broadly

[Talwin (Michael)] Thank you

Brer Necholas (TMO) coughs quietly.

[Talwin (Michael)] Now, I've had a very trying day. Dragons you know.

Indigo (Lisa) frowns

[Michel (Master)] (not the same day)

[Talwin (Michael)] I'm trying to keep my friends and the governess safe

[Talwin (Michael)] (Doesn't matter on day. It's true)

[Talwin (Michael)] That includes you as well

[Talwin (Michael)] Normally, I don't rely on formality, but today I'm having a bad day

Talwin (Michael) Yes?

[Talwin (Michael)] Now. I'm going to put you down. Please tell me who I need to kill, steal, or otherwise suffer for your sake and the rest of the protectorate.

[Talwin (Michael)] Please and thank you.

Talwin (Michael) Gently sets the man down

Talwin (Michael) My apologizes Indigo

Michel (Master) coughs

[Talwin (Michael)] I owe you a massive favor

Michel (Master) rubs his neck

[Indigo (Lisa)] You should apologize to the man Talwin

Talwin (Michael) Bewildered

[Indigo (Lisa)] He didn't threaten you

[Talwin (Michael)] Aw come on. I'm tired of people ignoring me when I'm trying to protect their sorry asses

Talwin (Michael) Grumbles under his breath.

Michel (Master) coughs and spits

[Talwin (Michael)] I apologize good man.

Talwin (Michael) Gritting between his teeth

[Michel (Master)] I was here to ask who we would pay taxes to if we decided to stay

[Michel (Master)] but after that

[Michel (Master)] fuck your mines,

Talwin (Michael) Laughs

[Michel (Master)] me and my men are leaving

Talwin (Michael) Nods

[Master] Michel moved 42'08".

Talwin (Michael) God

Indigo (Lisa) sighs

[Talwin (Michael)] one less idiot too deal with

Talwin (Michael) Walks over to Indigo

[Indigo (Lisa)] Talwin!

[Talwin (Michael)] Rips patch off his tabard

Talwin (Michael) I'm resigning effective immediately

[Talwin (Michael)] I'll give my regards to my lady personally

[Talwin (Michael)] Good luck in this god forsaken waste

Talwin (Michael) Sighs

[Indigo (Lisa)] He said he wanted to talk to you and then you strangled him

[Talwin (Michael)] I'm going for a walk

Talwin (Michael) Stops

[Talwin (Michael)] No

[Indigo (Lisa)] What is wrong with you?

[Talwin (Michael)] He did not want to speak to me

[Talwin (Michael)] He wanted to speak to the Commandant

[Talwin (Michael)] Which he looked at me disbelievingly

[Talwin (Michael)] I'm not doing this game

[Indigo (Lisa)] They don't know titles

[Talwin (Michael)] I liked killing things

[Talwin (Michael)] He addressed me by Title

[Talwin (Michael)] Indigo

[Talwin (Michael)] Then said I wasn't him

[Talwin (Michael)] I think he knew exactly what a title was

Talwin (Michael) I'm going for a walk

[Indigo (Lisa)] Because he was a miner that had never seen you before

Talwin (Michael) Spits on the patch

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] May I join you?

Talwin (Michael) Waves as walking away. No one ever does Indigo. But they all know you don't they?

Talwin (Michael) Nods at Brer

[Talwin (Michael)] Sure

Talwin (Michael) Smiles

[Talwin (Michael)] Don't suppose you’d like to get roaring drunk for old times sake

[Talwin (Michael)] I'm going to miss you so much

[Talwin (Michael)] We have our disagreements, but I'd take a sword for you

Talwin (Michael) Sighs

Talwin (Michael) Walks

Indigo (Lisa) picks up the patch, wipes it off and puts it in his pack

Brer Necholas (TMO) chuckles. "Thank you. That means a lot to me."

Talwin (Michael) Wonders quietly for a few moments

[Talwin (Michael)] I uh

[Talwin (Michael)] Don't suppose

Talwin (Michael) Hesitates

[Talwin (Michael)] You'd like a travelling companion?

Talwin (Michael) Cheeks redden slightly. As if embarrassed

Talwin (Michael) "Only if you want one of course"

Brer Necholas (TMO) hums quietly to himself.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] I will think about it. I can't answer right now though.

Talwin (Michael) Nods quickly. "Of, of course. I didn't mean to come across so blunt"

Talwin (Michael) Keeps quiet

[Talwin (Michael)] "I hate this place you know"

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] There's nothing wrong with speaking what's on your mind.

Talwin (Michael) Snorts

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Why?

[Talwin (Michael)] "I'm good at one thing. Killing and Merc work. Then I got to experience what hell really is. When stabbing people, it doesn't matter what they think. They are going to be dead in a second anyways. They can flip you the bird, curse you, but it doesn't matter. You won the fight. Fuck them"

[Talwin (Michael)] "I can't kill these people"

[Talwin (Michael)] "Which pisses me off"

[Talwin (Michael)] "I don't know how Bran stands this shit"

Talwin (Michael) Sighs again

[Talwin (Michael)] The City-States

[Talwin (Michael)] they uh

[Talwin (Michael)] aren't exactly good places

[Talwin (Michael)] but they rule by power

Brer Necholas (TMO) listens.

[Talwin (Michael)] shows of power get results because the people know to cross those men is to mean certain death

[Talwin (Michael)] I know every single mer company and their patches, and the current rulers of the states

[Talwin (Michael)] and so do most commoners

[Talwin (Michael)] if you don't, and you piss off the wrong person even by mistake, you die

Talwin (Michael) Shrugs

[Talwin (Michael)] It's as easy as that

[Talwin (Michael)] Diplomacy.

[Talwin (Michael)] waves hand parallel to the ground back and froth

[Talwin (Michael)] doesn't really

[Talwin (Michael)] mean anything

Talwin (Michael) finishes lamely

[Talwin (Michael)] but her

[Talwin (Michael)] here

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Hmmm

[Talwin (Michael)] This

[Talwin (Michael)] it just isn't for me

[Talwin (Michael)] I don't think like these people

[Talwin (Michael)] And I don't really want to fit in to their mold

[Talwin (Michael)] I think it's time to leave again

Talwin (Michael) snorts softly

[Talwin (Michael)] It could have been worse you know

[Talwin (Michael)] if we were there

[Talwin (Michael)] well

[Talwin (Michael)] maybe I wouldn’t

[Talwin (Michael)] but the wrong merc would have heard that fuck this

[Talwin (Michael)] then stabbed the man in the gut, found out where the rest of his men were

[Talwin (Michael)] and strung them all up on the trees as a warning

[Talwin (Michael)] It's not right

[Talwin (Michael)] but it is effective

[Talwin (Michael)] I've seen it

[Talwin (Michael)] worse, the rotting smell never truly leaves your memory

Talwin (Michael) Shudders

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] But is it better?

Talwin (Michael) Shakes head sharply

[Talwin (Michael)] No

[Talwin (Michael)] but you know what?

Brer Necholas (TMO) nods.

[Talwin (Michael)] It's effective. And that disturbs me just as much Brer

[Talwin (Michael)] Fear

[Talwin (Michael)] Right

[Talwin (Michael)] Wrong

[Talwin (Michael)] At the end of the day,

[Talwin (Michael)] It's what works

[Talwin (Michael)] This place

[Talwin (Michael)] It needs a proper diplomat

[Talwin (Michael)] I have no desire to be that

[Talwin (Michael)] Never did

Talwin (Michael) Shrugs

[Talwin (Michael)] When I became better and better with the sword

[Talwin (Michael)] I could have helped lead a band of trained mercs

[Talwin (Michael)] We would have been the ones with power

[Talwin (Michael)] and the citizens would know our crest

[Talwin (Michael)] I didn't stay because it wasn't right to do that

[Talwin (Michael)] but

[Talwin (Michael)] I'll never forget that people knew us and they knew that we could be the best protectors, or their doom

[Talwin (Michael)] I know we are new in this area

[Talwin (Michael)] I just

Talwin (Michael) Sigh

[Talwin (Michael)] I ..uh..

[Talwin (Michael)] I want to go back

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] No.

Talwin (Michael) Why brer. Why would you have me stay here

[Talwin (Michael)] It will end in one way

[Talwin (Michael)] With me finally snapping and stabbing some fool

[Talwin (Michael)] It's what I know

[Talwin (Michael)] And people don't really change Brer

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] People can always change.

Talwin (Michael) Sadly. I wish I could believe that

[Talwin (Michael)] But I’ve seen too much of the world

[Talwin (Michael)] you've seen the world

[Talwin (Michael)] much of it

[Talwin (Michael)] in your mission

[Talwin (Michael)] how many people have you seen change?

[Talwin (Michael)] because I haven't

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] All of them except the cowards.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] And you're not a coward.

Talwin (Michael) Give a full laugh

[Talwin (Michael)] Me leaving isn't cowardice

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] No.

Talwin (Michael) Raises eyebrows

[Talwin (Michael)] I think we all have our limits

[Talwin (Michael)] I even have mine

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Yes.

Talwin (Michael) Quietly walking

[Talwin (Michael)] Well

[Talwin (Michael)] If I stay

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] You should not go back. That doesn't mean you have to stay here.

Talwin (Michael) Surprise

[Talwin (Michael)] Why?

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] But you don't put a plant back into a smaller pot.

Talwin (Michael) Snorts

[Talwin (Michael)] I uh

[Talwin (Michael)] Think I might have shrunk a bit

Talwin (Michael) chuckles

Brer Necholas (TMO) shakes his head.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] No, you've grown.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] But you're uncomfortable.

Talwin (Michael) Mumbles' That's the understatement of the century"

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] You're having to learn new reflexes.

[Talwin (Michael)] I think that's the unfortunate difference Brer

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] The battles you fight are not with weapons of steel.

[Talwin (Michael)] I don't want to learn them

[Talwin (Michael)] I guess

[Talwin (Michael)] Maybe I’m projecting

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Why not?

[Talwin (Michael)] I cant change

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] No.

[Talwin (Michael)] I may have grown

Talwin (Michael) Shakes head

[Talwin (Michael)] That's not what I mean

[Talwin (Michael)] But I don't want to learn these skills

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Okay

[Talwin (Michael)] And I will do it because I have loyalty to my patron

[Talwin (Michael)] But I will not serve in this capacity because it is what is good for her

[Talwin (Michael)] I will end up gutting the person who makes me see red

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Hmm

[Talwin (Michael)] And even now

Talwin (Michael) Chuckles

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Why do you want to travel with me then?

[Talwin (Michael)] I'm uh

[Talwin (Michael)] fantasizing about hanging out of the second story window

Talwin (Michael) Hm?

Talwin (Michael) Oh with you?

[Talwin (Michael)] Because I respect you,

[Talwin (Michael)] I respect the others too

[Talwin (Michael)] but you

Talwin (Michael) Shakes hand again

[Talwin (Michael)] You remind me of someone I once knew

[Talwin (Michael)] Stayed long enough to makes a difference, complete your mission

[Talwin (Michael)] and then you moved on

[Talwin (Michael)] I've been doing that for a long time

[Talwin (Michael)] but my mission wasn't...holy like yours

[Talwin (Michael)] I just liked to travel, get paid, learn my craft

[Talwin (Michael)] I hate this

[Talwin (Michael)] this isn't me

Talwin (Michael) Nods at Brer

[Talwin (Michael)] I don't suppose it is for you either

[Talwin (Michael)] Because when I'm here. I'll remember that you moved on to the next mission, the next calling. Some sort of actual purpose

[Talwin (Michael)] this

Talwin (Michael) waves around them

[Talwin (Michael)] I hate this

[Talwin (Michael)] Decisions, politics,

[Talwin (Michael)] I don't want to do it

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Okay.

Talwin (Michael) Chuckles again

[Talwin (Michael)] Pretty damn good listener aren't you

Talwin (Michael) Keeps walking

Brer Necholas (TMO) smiles under his hood.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] So, if you traveled with me, do you think I demand respect at the point of a sword?

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] As your old compatriots did?

Talwin (Michael) Shakes head

[Talwin (Michael)] No

[Talwin (Michael)] But you don't need it do you

[Talwin (Michael)] You never have

[Talwin (Michael)] People know exactly who you are

[Talwin (Michael)] and they respect you or they don't

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] I wish they didn't

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] I try to be anonymous.

[Talwin (Michael)] Those that don't

[Talwin (Michael)] well

[Talwin (Michael)] I'm pretty sure at least the evil ones are dead

[Talwin (Michael)] I'm relatively certain you leave the dumb ones alive

[Master (to Carissa only)] you ok?

[Talwin (Michael)] So

[Talwin (Michael)] you decide when you are leaving?

[Talwin (Michael)] Even if I don't tag along, I'd like to see you off before my own parting

[Talwin (Michael)] I need to pay my respects to the lady

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] I'll let you know before I go.

[Talwin (Michael)] at the very least

Talwin (Michael) Snorts

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] I think you could still do good here, if my opinion matters to you.

Talwin (Michael) It always had. Since the first time you stabbed that creature when we met. I loved that sword strike by the way

[Talwin (Michael)] I mean

Talwin (Michael) Chuckles

[Talwin (Michael)] I think we have some basic ah, well philosophical differences here or there

[Talwin (Michael)] But not where it matters

[Talwin (Michael)] I'll think about it

[Talwin (Michael)] I suppose

[Talwin (Michael)] But

[Talwin (Michael)] I'm thinking it's time to move on. And Soon

Talwin (Michael) Looks to the North.

[Talwin (Michael)] I'm feeling the itch again to move onwards

[Talwin (Michael)] If not the cities

[Talwin (Michael)] Then...somewhere

Talwin (Michael) Buy you a drink? We don’t have to get drunk

[Talwin (Michael)] I just

[Talwin (Michael)] want some time with someone who gets it

[Talwin (Michael)] I suppose

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Sure.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] But not to excess.

Talwin (Michael) Smiles a genuine smile

[Talwin (Michael)] Thanks

[Talwin (Michael)] I'm planning on finding somewhere else to sleep tonight. I don't want to be anywhere near this place tonight

[Talwin (Michael)] Of course

[Talwin (Michael)] I don't expect you to abide by that

[Talwin (Michael)] Just if someone asks

Talwin (Michael) Mutters under his breath

[Talwin (Michael)] Although

[Talwin (Michael)] If they did

[Talwin (Michael)] It would be for someone they didn’t think was really him

Talwin (Michael) Fingers the pommel of sword, as if fantasizing

Talwin (Michael) Sighs

[Talwin (Michael)] Ah well

[Talwin (Michael)] It's a beautiful evening. Let's head in. I hear their might be a new brew

Talwin (Michael) Shrugs

[Talwin (Michael)] No idea if it's true

[Talwin (Michael)] but worth checking out

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] If you're determined to leave, you should probably repair the damage before you go, at the very least.

Talwin (Michael) Rolls eyes

[Talwin (Michael)] I fI have to see that man again, I really do think I will kill him Brer

[Talwin (Michael)] I'm still pissed

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Does his opinion really mean that much to you?

Talwin (Michael) Thinks about it

[Talwin (Michael)] Yes

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Why?

Talwin (Michael) Trying to put in words

[Talwin (Michael)] Brer.

[Talwin (Michael)] I would say

[Talwin (Michael)] it's because if these people don't care to learn about who keeps them safe. Why should I care. They knew who the Admiral was. Or if not, he assumed they would be in charge. Therefore if this is the case, I don't care to be in charge because eventually, I will remember that those who didn't learn who was in charge ended up as a corpse in a tree with the symbol of the local ruler carved into a sign around there neck so everyone knew who was in charge.

[Talwin (Michael)] I just

[Talwin (Michael)] I can't keep letting them do it

[Talwin (Michael)] Frankly

[Talwin (Michael)] I thought that dangling him off the local balcony

[Talwin (Michael)] would at the very least spread the word that I tolerate serious and immediate action and will die for them

[Talwin (Michael)] but I won't be ignored because of assumptions

[Talwin (Michael)] because all that will do

[Talwin (Michael)] is get people killed

[Talwin (Michael)] If these people don’t care to learn about the place or people where they live

[Talwin (Michael)] then they don’t belong here anyways

[Talwin (Michael)] Find a different place

[Talwin (Michael)] where the local leaders don't give a shit about them

[Talwin (Michael)] We would die for these people

[Talwin (Michael)] I won't be disrespected every fucking time someone has a problem that I will end of solving for them

Talwin (Michael) Hesitates

[Talwin (Michael)] with help of course

[Talwin (Michael)] I couldn't do anything without my friends

[Talwin (Michael)] I just am done with it

[Talwin (Michael)] If they want to repair it with these fools let them

[Talwin (Michael)] I wont do it

[Talwin (Michael)] I'll bribe, promise, owe fabros,

[Talwin (Michael)] but If I see that man and he says the wrong word at me

[Talwin (Michael)] I WILL

[Talwin (Michael)] cut his head off, and string him to the nearest

Talwin (Michael) looks around

[Talwin (Michael)] well

[Talwin (Michael)] no trees I suppose

[Talwin (Michael)] I guess

[Talwin (Michael)] uh

[Talwin (Michael)] Leave him on the ground or something

Talwin (Michael) Trying to be humorous

Talwin (Michael) But really straining to do so

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] To make a small point here.

Talwin (Michael) Smiles

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] I would defend him.

[Talwin (Michael)] You always do. Go ahead

Talwin (Michael) Sighs

[Talwin (Michael)] But why?

[Talwin (Michael)] What if I just punched him really fucking hard

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Because the path you describe is the evil path.

[Talwin (Michael)] Would you allow that?

Talwin (Michael) Eh

Talwin (Michael) Eh

Talwin (Michael) Groans softly

[Talwin (Michael)] Just a punch or three?

[Talwin (Michael)] Is that more

[Talwin (Michael)] neutral?

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Your punches can kill.

[Talwin (Michael)] A slap?

[Talwin (Michael)] You know

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Would it help you to punch me?

Talwin (Michael) Looks at him in bewilderment

[Talwin (Michael)] Why the fuck would I do that

[Talwin (Michael)] It serves no purpose. It serves no message

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Exactly.

Talwin (Michael) Raises eyebrows

[Talwin (Michael)] I don't see the point

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Violence is not always the answer. It should be the last resort, not the first.

Talwin (Michael) Ponders

[Talwin (Michael)] As they head towards the bar

[Talwin (Michael)] I uh

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Your compatriots back in the cities have given up.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] They take the easy path, the evil road, because they don't have the strength to rise above it

Talwin (Michael) Quietly

[Talwin (Michael)] Brer

[Talwin (Michael)] I'm not saying your wrong

[Talwin (Michael)] But

[Talwin (Michael)] At the same time

[Talwin (Michael)] They

[Talwin (Michael)] well

[Talwin (Michael)]

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] No.

Talwin (Michael) Why do you say that?

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] They destroy.

[Master] The bar is Talwin's office

Talwin (Michael) (Really? God that sucks)

Talwin (Michael) Frowns

[Talwin (Michael)] Yes

[Talwin (Michael)] But two of them are rumored to be the wealthiest in the iknow lands

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] You can not build anything lasting through destruction.

[Talwin (Michael)] Their mercenaries are prized in wars

[Master] there are no other places near here, you did not get to that part of reclaiming Hourglass and building it up yet

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] So what?

[Talwin (Michael)] They...

[Talwin (Michael)] function?

[Talwin (Michael)] They

Talwin (Michael) trails off

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Do the people stay because they want to?

Talwin (Michael) Shrugs

[Talwin (Michael)] I didn't

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Or do they stay because they're afraid?

[Talwin (Michael)] No one stopped me

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] You have a sword.

Talwin (Michael) Pauses

Talwin (Michael) Slowly

[Talwin (Michael)] yes

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Hmm

[Talwin (Michael)] but what does that matter?

[Talwin (Michael)] I’m not sure I understand the point.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] By your logic, there's a simple solution to this problem.

[Talwin (Michael)] Not trying to be confrontational

Talwin (Michael) Frowns

[Talwin (Michael)] My solution would be one that I would not stoop too

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Indigo and I beat the crap out of you and make you stay.

[Talwin (Michael)] Even if I really wanted to

Talwin (Michael) Smiles

[Talwin (Michael)] Think you both can outmuscle me?

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Together? Yes.

Talwin (Michael) Snorts

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Alone, it's a gamble.

[Talwin (Michael)] I'll tell you what

[Talwin (Michael)] You BOTH take me down

[Talwin (Michael)] I'll consider it. For one year

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] No.

[Talwin (Michael)] and then I get to think about it again

Talwin (Michael) Best offer take it or leave it

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] That's the solution from the easy road.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] I don't walk that way.

Talwin (Michael) Frowns again

[Talwin (Michael)] I'm not sure If I could take three of you

[Talwin (Michael)] I mean

[Talwin (Michael)] I could try but

[Talwin (Michael)] We can add one I suppose

[Talwin (Michael)] (Went right over Talwins head LOL)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] May I try something?

Talwin (Michael) I guess?

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] I'd like to Look at you.

Talwin (Michael) Raises eyebrows

[Talwin (Michael)] "Why?"

[Talwin (Michael)] I've picked up a few more scars

[Talwin (Michael)] but nothing real impressive or anything

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] To see your heart. Your spirit.

[Talwin (Michael)] mostly I probably look tired

[Talwin (Michael)] *Groans

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] To see if the poison has crept all the way in.

[Talwin (Michael)] LOL

Talwin (Michael) At this point, I'd rather not know Brer.

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] As you wish.

[Talwin (Michael)] I almost just want to be left alone anymore

Talwin (Michael) Pours drink

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Stress can do that to you.

[Talwin (Michael)] Looks at the desk

[Talwin (Michael)] swipes all the papers, seals, inkwells

[Talwin (Michael)] off the desk

Talwin (Michael) I just solved so many problems

Talwin (Michael) Look!

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] No.

Talwin (Michael) Grins

[Talwin (Michael)] Feels like I did

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] You made more.

Talwin (Michael) Shrugs

[Talwin (Michael)] I did

[Talwin (Michael)] But I can’t do it anymore

Talwin (Michael) Pours another glass and slides it to Brer

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] I can't tell you you're wrong. But I can help you figure it out.

Talwin (Michael) Snorts

[Talwin (Michael)] How's that

Talwin (Michael) Pounds one back

Talwin (Michael) Pours another

Talwin (Michael) Pounds that one too

Talwin (Michael) Pours another

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Oh, you might be right in the end. But if so, right now you're right for the wrong reasons.

Talwin (Michael) Pushes philter towards Brer

[Talwin (Michael)] You better take that

Talwin (Michael) Shrugs

Brer Necholas (TMO) puts it in a pouch.

[Talwin (Michael)] I hate to say it

Brer Necholas (TMO) takes a drink.

[Talwin (Michael)] But’s its pretty fucking hard to do it for the right reasons

Talwin (Michael) Looks at empty glass

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Yes

Talwin (Michael) Eyes the pouch

Talwin (Michael) Eyes lighten

Talwin (Michael) Reaches under desk

Talwin (Michael) removes flask

Talwin (Michael) Don't mind me

Talwin (Michael) Pounds the flask back

Talwin (Michael) Pushes towards brer

[Talwin (Michael)] "I'm feeling a little sluggish, but I'm listening"

Brer Necholas (TMO) takes the flask.

[Talwin (Michael)] "I'm praying that by tomorrow I forget this day happened. Or I can kill something> Maybe both"

Talwin (Michael) You know I felt terrible for that Dragon

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Right now, you're running on frustration and stress.

Talwin (Michael) Pff. That's an understatement

Talwin (Michael) Pulls out a drawing

[Talwin (Michael)] from his drawer

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] How long would a warrior survive on the battlefield this distracted?

[Talwin (Michael)] They aren' t the best, but they are beautiful and majestic creatures

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Yes.

Talwin (Michael) pushes the dragon drawing to Brer

[Talwin (Michael)] I love this picture

[Talwin (Michael)] My daughter drew this for me

Talwin (Michael) Slurs

[Talwin (Michael)] She's dead now of course

[Talwin (Michael)] But I love the Dragons

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] I'm sorry.

Talwin (Michael) Waves hand

[Talwin (Michael)] Long time ago

Talwin (Michael) Looks at Drawing

Talwin (Michael) He got me good didn't he

[Talwin (Michael)] Or was it a she

[Talwin (Michael)] I didn't really catch it

[Talwin (Michael)] But gods I admire the hell out of them

[Talwin (Michael)] They may be evil. Or some of them might be

[Talwin (Michael)] But they remind me of home

[Talwin (Michael)] Able to protect whatever they want

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] I think there are some of both.

[Talwin (Michael)] SO much power. Defend whomever they want, Kill whomever they want

[Talwin (Michael)] Not beholden to anyone

Talwin (Michael) Eyes start to droop

[Talwin (Michael)] It's...

[Talwin (Michael)] a beautiful picture

Talwin (Michael) Tears

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] Yes.

Talwin (Michael) Slumps on desk

Talwin (Michael) Starts snoring

[Talwin (Michael)] (And Scene)

[Talwin (Michael)] LOL

Brer Necholas (TMO) puts Talkwin to bed and waits to make sure nothing bad happens through the night.

[Talwin (Michael)] (Update day. Next task to deal with)

[Lisa] the next task might be the lack of miners

[Talwin (Michael)] (He'll begrudgingly apologize to the ass if he and his men are still around. If not, then I’m good with something else)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Hell, even that is preferable right now)

[Lisa] do you want to create a new character? Not sure what happened here

[Talwin (Michael)] (Do we know where they are or have they moved on. Gotta know that first)

[Lisa] we are at the end of this just a couple more encounters and the era will be over ...

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (I wasn't sure either, but I lean toward him staying. :) But also not going to push hard one way or the other on it)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Frankly, an dI don' t mean this poorly, I just. Kind of want to take a break. Maybe just an off day but I can’t handle the admi stuff anymore. This is an amazing game, I just am not so suited to something so complex. I like to explore, and kill stuff. I'm doing the best I can, but I just can't keep dealing with these people)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (So I just played therapist/shoulder to cry upon. :D)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Bob your game is awesome, not saying otherwise)

[Master] smiles

[Talwin (Michael)] (Just to make sure that is perfectly clear)

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (the good times will return)

[Talwin (Michael)] (I'm just having such a rough time right now with this part of it. It's not that I’m not having fun per say, but I have had much better memories :) )

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] ;)

[Talwin (Michael)] I'm fine with apologizing because frankly I was an ass

[Talwin (Michael)] but seriously

[Talwin (Michael)] I'm tired of the idiots

[Talwin (Michael)] We gotta hire someone to handle that shit because I can't anymore

[Lisa] I get that. But for this short time left, if BOB tosses a political thing at you, you can always pass it off

[Talwin (Michael)] probably would have passed anyways, because the dude didn't even know who he was

[Talwin (Michael)] And I'm glad I took some deep breaths and have a lot of respect for you guys

[Master] Someone walks up to the main area of the protectorate to look for the person in charge to talk about taxes, would you want to talk to the non-descript human? or the Paladin? or the famous halfling that everyone in the Kingdom knows?

[Talwin (Michael)] because uh

[Talwin (Michael)] I did want to stab him

[Talwin (Michael)] But I’m not going to ruin he game because I got pissy

[Lisa] Indigo would have told him where to pay taxes and he would have left - if that's what you want.

[Lisa] You're not ruining the game

[Talwin (Michael)] It's

[Talwin (Michael)] Not that Lisa

[Talwin (Michael)] I'm just

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (everyone's allowed to react to the situations the way they think fits the character and situation)

[Talwin (Michael)] I know I' haven't played as long as you guys

[Talwin (Michael)] But seriously

[Master] exactly TMO

[Talwin (Michael)] I feel kind of put down a lot

[Lisa] Indigo is known because he has had a decade of adventuring

[Talwin (Michael)] You guys always have people like you and know you

[Talwin (Michael)] I've tried pretty hard for what.

[Talwin (Michael)] Holy shit

[Talwin (Michael)] Has it been 7 years now?

[Brer Necholas (TMO)] (surprise!)

[Talwin (Michael)] I just want to be at least known I mean hell

[Master] grins

[Talwin (Michael)] Doe the badge on the shirt mean nothing?

[Talwin (Michael)] I mean, they probably would recognize the crest

[TMO] Possibly

[Talwin (Michael)] the dude even looked me up and down

[TMO] :D

[Talwin (Michael)] I’m just like

[TMO] what is Tal's charisma?

[Talwin (Michael)] Even if this turns out poorly

[Talwin (Michael)] Which of course

[Talwin (Michael)] it did :D

[Talwin (Michael)] I'll bet at the very least, someone will know me as that dude who got pissed because he's been disrespected at least four times now in all the sessions

[Talwin (Michael)] And will hold them up by the throat

[Master] Talwin: LED check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Talwin (Michael)] I'm in agreement with Brer totally that it's the WRONG thing to do

[Master] Talwin: APR check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Talwin (Michael)] but it does make me feel better LOL

[Talwin (Michael)] Nah, his Charisma sucks I think

[TMO] 11 is average. Brer is always going to be more noticeable, sadly for him.

[TMO] He'd rather not be.

[Master] Leadership roll was very good, Appearance check failed

[Talwin (Michael)] Who? That handsome looking devil killer over there?

[Talwin (Michael)] :D

[Talwin (Michael)] Pff

[Talwin (Michael)] :)

[Talwin (Michael)] So I can either try to apologize or the next encounter can be finding miners

[TMO] Charisma does not have to be looks.

[Talwin (Michael)] frankly I feel better either way that the dude will at the very least leave me alone

[Talwin (Michael)] Also all the other characters know Talwin is at his limit

[TMO] also, to be fair, we also have to consider Snezana's reaction to the situation.

[Master] So who has Talwin worked with to train as a replacement for when he wants to head out and adventure again with Indigo?

[Talwin (Michael)] (Talwin will very much apologize for the situation, but not for his actions. He truly meant everything he did because he's done)

[Talwin (Michael)] Yeah about that

[Talwin (Michael)] I did kind of mean take a break

[Master] ok

[Lisa] Sundown

[Talwin (Michael)] I feel bad, but I'm just at my limit too

[Talwin (Michael)] If you want

[Lisa] Is it something we are doing?

[Talwin (Michael)] I'm happy to finish out the era because I love you guys and I'd feel like absolute shit if I left you

[Master] That is not the way to look at it

[Talwin (Michael)] But I’m just tired. I'm not good at the admin stuff and want simple

[Talwin (Michael)] Again, nothing against your game bob. It's a lot of fun and you are an awesome DM

[Talwin (Michael)] I'm just at my limit

[TMO] you're better than you give yourself credit, but stress, either IRL or game, can wear you down.

[Talwin (Michael)] I don't want you guys to hate me or think I’m an ass

[Talwin (Michael)] I just can't do it right now

[Master] So you hang out on the Discord and take a few weeks off

[TMO] it's a game, dude. it's for fun.

[Talwin (Michael)] Pretty sure it's real life right now LOL

[Talwin (Michael)] The game is fun, but Gotta be honest

[Talwin (Michael)] it hurts a lot less real people by handing people out of balconies

[Talwin (Michael)] because where else can you do it ;)

[TMO] hehe

[Master] chuckles

[TMO] it's been a year for wishing to do that

[Talwin (Michael)] Yeah, I think just a couple weeks unless you guys ring me up and need someone to kill something

[Talwin (Michael)] I don't want to fudge up the game because I got tired of the village idiots

[Talwin (Michael)] Smiles

[Lisa] you wouldn't

[TMO] Don't worry! We've already seen Craigh has little tolerance for them too!

Talwin (Michael) Eh

[Talwin (Michael)] Before today, I seriously hadn't really considered grabbing someone by the throat and lifting them up to cause them to respect me either

[Talwin (Michael)] LOL

Carissa has left the game on Fri Jun 25 23:59:53 EDT 2021

[Talwin (Michael)] I'd hate to cause a problem by actually finally getting pissed enough to dangle them out of a balcony for a few hours

[Master] TMO will you be here next week?

[TMO] Yes.

[TMO] I will not on the 9th, will be travelling

[Lisa] Fritz killed a toll person

[Talwin (Michael)] (Like a troll?)

[Master] Spring will not be in on the 9th either

[Lisa] Guy killed a priestess who had yielded

[Talwin (Michael)] (Yeah, I don't know if I could stand to screw up your lives that much)

[Talwin (Michael)] Oh wow

[Master] a Toll Person, on the road who was trying to collect money

[Talwin (Michael)] Uh

[Talwin (Michael)] Yeah, I probably could not do that

[Talwin (Michael)] was...

[Lisa] Talwin roughing someone up is not the worst we have seen

[Talwin (Michael)] was the toll person legitimate?

[TMO] was it Fritz who played the elf thief who quit on us over Brer?

[Talwin (Michael)] No, mike I think

[Talwin (Michael)] cause I would beat up a fake toll person I think

[Talwin (Michael)] and then take the money

[TMO] Yeah, took character reactions as player opinions.

[Talwin (Michael)] right

[Talwin (Michael)] Anyhoo

[Talwin (Michael)] I think I’m heading out for the night

[Master] have a great night

[Lisa] what I'm saying is characters do things and we work with it

[Talwin (Michael)] See you all in a few weeks guys

[Master] take a few weeks off and hang out and chat in the Discord

[Talwin (Michael)] Oh no Lisa

[Talwin (Michael)] I know

[Talwin (Michael)] I just prefer to not be too bad

[Talwin (Michael)] Because then it's not fun

[TMO] get some rest. feel free to give me a call in Discord if you want to chatter on any topic, game or RL

[Talwin (Michael)] And I don't like to do that

[Talwin (Michael)] Careful what you promise there bud! LOL

[TMO] family's going on vacation without me tomorrow

[Talwin (Michael)] Really? oh man

[Master] next week we have these two encounters to deal with then Hourglass

[TMO] I won't have anyone to talk to for weeks.

[Master] nice for TMO

[Talwin (Michael)] Then I will be happy to check in :)

[Master] grins

[Talwin (Michael)] Well, Night all. Great game as always

[TMO] I'm always available thru discord

[TMO] for anyone here

[Talwin (Michael)] Def.

[Master] same

[Talwin (Michael)] And thanks again Lisa :)

[Lisa] Goodnight and take care everyone

[TMO] same to you

Michael has left the game on Sat Jun 26 00:04:18 EDT 2021

Lisa has left the game on Sat Jun 26 00:04:32 EDT 2021

[TMO] I will definitely miss being effective in combat. :D

[Master] Raelynn XP award: 100. Next level in 12313.

[Master] Talwin XP award: 300. Next level in 46403.

[Master] Indigo XP award: 100. Next level in 32512.

[Master] Craigh XP award: 100. Level-up!

[Master] Brer Necholas XP award: 300. Next level in 46890.

[Master] Howard Plum XP award: 150. Next level in 14865.

[Master] N'laea XP award: 150. Next level in 110609.

[Master] Snezana XP award: 150. Next level in 103500.

[Master] It will be fun

[TMO] thanks for the game. ttyl!

[Master] have a great night

[TMO] you too

TMO has left the game on Sat Jun 26 00:06:04 EDT 2021

XP awarded