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Chat Log - 2021 09 24 - For The Love of Mist (Formatted?)

[Master] ==== Gaming session has been running for 1 day, 19 hours, 42 minutes and 8 seconds ====

TMO has joined the game on Mon Sep 20 20:39:27 EDT 2021

TMO is receiving the map New Manor...

TMO has received the map New Manor.

[Raelynn (TMO) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Raelynn modified:

[Raelynn (TMO)] Raelynn: Cloak of Elvenkind: /me swirls her cloak.

TMO has edited Raelynn's effects.

TMO has edited Raelynn's effects.

TMO has edited Raelynn's effects.

TMO has edited Raelynn's effects.

TMO has edited Raelynn's effects.

TMO has left the game on Mon Sep 20 20:46:14 EDT 2021

Carissa has joined the game on Mon Sep 20 20:54:53 EDT 2021

Carissa is receiving the map New Manor...

Carissa has received the map New Manor.

[Carissa] Raelynn: Cloak of Elvenkind: /me swirls her cloak.

[Carissa] Hmm, I'll have to think on how I want that to read...

Carissa has left the game on Mon Sep 20 20:57:18 EDT 2021

Lisa has joined the game on Tue Sep 21 23:20:52 EDT 2021

Lisa is receiving the map New Manor...

Lisa has received the map New Manor.

Lisa has left the game on Tue Sep 21 23:27:46 EDT 2021

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Sep 24 19:09:30 EDT 2021 ====

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Fri Sep 24 19:34:23 EDT 2021 ====

Lemon has joined the game on Fri Sep 24 19:39:43 EDT 2021

Lemon is receiving the map New Manor...

Carissa has joined the game on Fri Sep 24 19:39:46 EDT 2021

Carissa is receiving the map New Manor...

Lemon has received the map New Manor.

Carissa has received the map New Manor.

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Sep 24 19:39:59 EDT 2021

Lisa is receiving the map New Manor...

Lisa has received the map New Manor.

Spring has joined the game on Fri Sep 24 19:40:06 EDT 2021

Spring is receiving the map New Manor...

Spring has received the map New Manor.

[Spring] huzzah!

[Master] Good

[Lemon] yay!

[Carissa] Oops I never changed that expression. I'll do that in a bit

[Carissa] Also semi-distracted for a few minutes, but I'm here.

[Lisa] I'm looking at Spring's kitten pics

[Master] I am dealing with redoing things but yes I am here

[Lemon] I'm contemplating snacks

TMO has joined the game on Fri Sep 24 19:45:00 EDT 2021

TMO is receiving the map New Manor...

TMO has received the map New Manor.

[Spring] i have some mudslide in the freezer getting ready for me

[Lisa] nice

[Lemon] I'm thinking of making some kind of pumpkin and caramel dessert this weekend

[TMO] I has a cookie waiting for me

[Master] almost things done

[Lisa] I have no sweets in my house

[Lisa] carrot sticks waiting for me?

[Spring] heh

Lara has joined the game on Fri Sep 24 19:58:03 EDT 2021

Lara is receiving the map New Manor...

Lara has received the map New Manor.

[TMO] just in time!

[TMO] we're about to fight the squad of red dragons

[Lara] hi there!

[Spring] hi hi!

[Lisa] Hi Lara!

[Lara] hi Spring!

[Lara] hi Lisa!

[Lara] hi TMO!

[Lara] hi BOB!

[Lara] hi Lemon!

[Lara] is Carissa here too?

[Carissa] Hi Lara! Yes just multitasking atm

[Lemon] Hello!

[Lara] hi Carissa! lol. did i miss anyone?

[Lara] okay. what do we know about the dragon(s)?

[Lara] is there only one?

[Lemon] At least 3

[Master] depends on the area you are talking about

[Master] and I think that everything has loaded properly now

[Master] Tonight is answering questions, making sure that everyone is ready for next week

[Lisa] so we have to level all the characters, right?

[Master] yes

[Lisa] all that levelled that is

[Master] the goal is that at the end of the night everyone feels like they are ready for a new Era and new adventures

[Lemon] That's asking a lot. I don't think I will ever feel ready lol

[Master] that is good Lemon

[Master] grins

[Lisa] Johan gets 1 wp and 1 nwp at 6th level - want to give him 2 nwps

[Master] yes I agree with you LIsa

[Lisa] weaving and numerology

[Lisa] just cuz

[Master] that would be 14 weeks

[Master] which is good because Lanek needs 14 too

[Lisa] Roll #1: (d4) [1d4=4] 4

[Lisa] yay!

[Master] are you updating his sheet?

[Spring (to GM only)] Character sheet for Lanek modified: Temporary Modifiers - Level: (LTM) : CHANGED: -1 (-2).

[Lara] My questions might be of interest to Lemon too---oe of the things I never really understood was the items we carry on our person

[Spring (to GM only)] Character sheet for Lanek modified:

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Johan the Apprentice modified: Combat - Current Hit Points:: CHANGED: 19 (15). Max Hit Points:: CHANGED: 19 (15).

Lisa has left the game on Fri Sep 24 20:11:41 EDT 2021

[Spring (to GM only)] Character sheet for Lanek modified: Temporary Modifiers - Level: (LTM) : CHANGED: -2 (-1).

[Spring (to GM only)] Character sheet for Lanek modified:

[Lemon] I guarantee every question will be of interest to me

[Lara] @Lemon LOL

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Sep 24 20:12:19 EDT 2021

Lisa is receiving the map New Manor...

Lisa has received the map New Manor.

[Spring] i was reducing his level modifier by 1 but i guess that's not how you do that

[Spring] when he took the hit, that reduced his level -2

[Lara] i didn't make good Notes for Items on Hand...Apparently Emerald has an oil flask and the Wand of Humanoid Control

[Spring] so i have that in temporary modifiers

[Spring] but i see his actual level has been incremented by 1

[Lisa] I was going to update Johan's sheet - you don't want me to?

[Master] yes please LIsa update it

[Lara] @Lemon, have you explored the Notes portion of your character sheet?

[Spring] oh wrong him

[Master] and Lara did you understand that everytime you use the want of humanoid control uses up 1 charge

[Lara] no and i am do not know what that means. LOL.

[Lara] ugh. *no and i do not know what that means.*

[Master] so a Want might have 20 charges when it is new and each time you cast it uses up 1 charge

[Lemon] My notes are all outdated stuff from my initial character creation, except for that one spell I need to keep for the description

[TMO] apparently Craigh has gone up 2 levels

[TMO] he must have snuck one in on me

[Lara] @BOB, okay, how do i find out about this specific Wand?

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Johan the Apprentice modified: Saving Throws - Paralysis, Poison or Death:: CHANGED: 13 (14). Rod, Staff or Wand:: CHANGED: 9 (11). Petrification or Polymorph:: CHANGED: 11 (13). Breath Weapon:: CHANGED: 13 (15). Magical Spell:: CHANGED: 10 (12).

[Lisa] oh crap - numerology is 2 slots even for a mage

[Lisa] so numerology and not weaving

[TMO] (1d6) [1d6=2] 2

[TMO] (1d6) [1d6=1] 1

[TMO] sigh

[Master] you do not know how many charges a wand starts with unless you create it

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for Craigh modified: Class Levels - Character Level: (L) : CHANGED: 8 (6). Thief: (RGL) : CHANGED: 7 (5). Combat - Current Hit Points:: CHANGED: 22 (19). Max Hit Points:: CHANGED: 22 (19). Melee THAC0: (THAC0) : CHANGED: 17 (18).

[TMO] 2 levels, gains 3 hp

[Lisa] when we did Identify on it to start we got the message - "more than 20 charges"

[Lara] @Lisa, huh?

[Lisa] so we don't know how many more than that

[Lara] OOOOOHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

[Lisa] so one day the wand will not work any more

[Lara] okay

[Lara] @BOB, how many times do you have that i used the wand?

[TMO] Craigh has 1 NWP to fill. 0 WP

[Master] 8

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Johan the Apprentice modified:

[Lara] WHAAAAAAATTTT! lol. i thought it was only 5. okay.

Lisa has left the game on Fri Sep 24 20:20:29 EDT 2021

[Lara] @Lemon - this is something I will use Notes for: to keep track of how many times I've used the wand

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Sep 24 20:21:09 EDT 2021

Lisa is receiving the map New Manor...

Lisa has received the map New Manor.

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] Johan the Apprentice: Numerology check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Johan the Apprentice (Lisa)] Numbers not looking good today

[Lisa] Howard is next

[Master] grins

[Lisa] Roll #1: (d4) [1d4=2] 2

[Lisa] drat

[Lemon] I definitely need my hand held for this, I've never leveled up before, I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing

[Master] the only think you need Lemon is to decide if you want to learn a new mage spell or two

[Master] you can take this time to learn a new Illusionist spell which is easier or some other spells

[Carissa] (and roll for HP)

[Master] it is the same at Branwyn

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Howard Plum modified: Combat - Current Hit Points:: CHANGED: 23 (21). Max Hit Points:: CHANGED: 23 (21).

[Master] Branwyn can learn new spells if she wanted to

[Lemon] Hmm

[Master] the other thing for Lara, Spring TMO is to make sure you are happy with how your character has rounded out

[Lisa] 6th level can be wp and nwp time

[Lisa] don't know how all that dual class thing affects things though

[Master] multi class for Bixi

[Lisa] that too

[Master] For Lara and Lemon


[Master] I am not ignoring Lisa but we have talked and I understand what she wants

[Master] I know what Carissa needs to do

[Lisa] do you?

[Master] LOL

[Master] for leveling at least

[Lisa] yes :)

[Lara (to GM only)] Character sheet for Emerald modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Master] carissa wants long walks without horses or mosquito borne illness with an apple cider and a donut

[Lisa] my characters are leveled. Johan needs 1 training and I am picking spells to research/learn now

[Carissa] (This sound fantastic; sorry still multitasking then will fix Rae)

[Master] Lemon is looking at potential new spells

[Master] Lara should be looking at new potential spells too

[Master] TMO is debating entire characters

[Carissa] (If anyone is bored and waiting and wnts to give me opinions, leaning towards Spirit Lore)

[Lemon] Um... I'm actually ordering groceries, but VERY SOON I will be looking at potential new spells

[Master] and Spring is building Lanek back up

[Lara] [testing]

[Master] this is why I put in this week break

[Master] for people to tidy things up

[Master] and we click off X ammount of weeks

[TMO] I think Craigh is going to learn Ambidexterity for his NWP

[Lisa] LOL

[Master] LOL

[Master] LOL

[Master] THAT is awesome

[Spring] well that would remove a disadvantage, if the arm he has left wasn't the dominant one at the start

[Lisa] and whenever there is a good time - we have some accounting and magic items to deal with

[Lara] yes, i have a list of spells. i am re-learning the idea of how the spells work again in terms or memorizing and the 'level' of the spell versus my level as a mage; that has always confused me

[Master] One question to the group that I have: In the past decades we have said "one round behind" means the character is there but cannot be affect. What does that mean when you are traveling the Planes? What if you are stuck on Hell, you can gate 8 characters back to home and if Carissa is not here you have 8 characters with her two being 1 round behind, or does that count at 10 characters and now no one can go home

[Master] so to Lara

[Lisa] yes we cannot go home

[Master] Emerald is 8th level so she can cast 4 1st level spells, 3 2nd level spells 3 3rd level spells and 2 4th level spells

[Carissa] Cannot go home and/or have decided before game who wasn't going

[Carissa] Some people miss a week or two or more, so them forever being a round behind should have a way for us to get around it, even if just talking about it

[Lisa] Yeah I'm sure once we see it some characters are going to want to build a home there and not return

[Master] Emerald can know up to 7 spells at each of those levels

[Master] and grins at Lisa, you might visit some Planes nicer than Hell too

[Carissa] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] Does that help Lara?

[Lara] yes! thank you.

[Carissa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Carissa] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lara] also, what kind of training can i get. i really would like Emerald to be able to fight more, even tho she is a mage

[Master] When you go up to 12th level you will get one more weapon proficiency, you are currently 8th level

[Master] When you get to 9th level you will gain one more non weapon proficiency

[Lara] oh boy. lol. is there an exact xp amount for that?


[Master] 750000 XP for 12th level mage

[Lisa] do the cubes of Acheron have anything to do with us?

[Master] she has 97000+

[Lara] ACK! isn't Branwyn 12th level? and Lisa's been playing her for...10 years? lol

[Lisa] can't you trade a nwp for a wp?

[Master] Acheron is one of the Outer Planes

[Master] no to Lisa trading a NWP for a WP but you can trade a WP for a NWP

[Master] grins at Lara

[Master] something to aim for!

[Lara (to GM only)] Character sheet for Emerald modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Lisa] hey we never de-trapped the Black Spell Book from Black Cloak

[Lisa] Lanek should do that :)

[Master] grins

[Master] restroom brb

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lara (to GM only)] Character sheet for Emerald modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Spring] lol hope he doesn't botch it

[Lisa] Mages - if you learn spells we already have in books you only have to roll to learn it and not do all the research


[Lisa] all the spell books we've gathered through the years

[TMO] so, debating Fast Talking, Forgery, or Leatherworking. Class skills, or life skills? ;)

[TMO] Forgery is least likely I think, unless someone knows of a specific need for it

[Lara] @TMo - for which character?

[TMO] Craigh

[Lisa] Craigh probably needs life skills

[Lara] @Lisa - does it have to become part of our spellbook? can spells exist in more than one book?

[Lisa] we have a lot of necromancy spells though Lara - you need to avoid those :D

[Lisa] yes once you sucessfully learn it, you copy it into your own spell book

[Lara] @Lisa, got it

[Lisa] it's easier because all the research has been done

[Lara (to GM only)] Character sheet for Emerald modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[TMO] ok, Craigh working on Leatherworking, Bribe +10, Escape Bonds +10, F/RTraps +20, Read Languages +20

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for Craigh modified: Skills/Detections (d100/% based) - CHANGED: Bribe -- Note: 10; (null). CHANGED: Climb Walls -- Note: 0;0 (null). CHANGED: Detect Noise -- Note: 0;0 (null). CHANGED: Escape bonds -- Note: 0;10 (null). CHANGED: Find/remove traps -- Note: 10;10 (null). CHANGED: Hide in Shadows -- Note: 0;0 (null). CHANGED: Move Silently -- Note: 0;0 (null). CHANGED: Open Locks -- Note: 0;0 (null). CHANGED: Pick Pockets -- Note: 0;0 (null). CHANGED: Read Languages -- Note: 10;10 (null).

[TMO] test

[TMO] ok, just got quiet

[Lara] test rcvd

[Lemon] sorry, rl stuff distracting me atm

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[TMO] np

[Master] Lots of people working is a good thing

[Master] Lisa will have a list of Gems for you also TMO to see if you have appraised them or not, and if not to make the rolls

[Master] Ilero has NOT gone up in level

[TMO] I've never needed to keep the list, so whatever she has is accurate

[Master] and also there will be bonus XP for Lisa at the end of the year for the crazy ammount of Chat Editing she has done this year, 330 pages for the birthday game alone

[Lisa] when we did the 160 appraising rolls I believe we counted how many were good, false and fails

[TMO] agreed

[Lisa] awww thank you

[Lisa] but I don't think we calculated the value of the 75 good rolls

[Master] Ok looking up the nubmers for that now Lisa to make bulk rolls

[Lisa] unless you have a sheet for that somewhere

[Lisa] I will wait for Lara and Lemon to say what spells they are learning before I pick mine for the apprentices


[TMO] that's last October

[TMO] probably not the most recent

[Master] unless you feel very lucky I will say that the 75 gems are each on the standard chart once, starting from 100 and going down in order

[Master] does that seem fair?


[Lisa] I am still spell shopping if someone wants to make the rolls

[Master] no need for rolls

[TMO] this most recent one was 30 rolls

[Master] if you like my chart

[Lisa] yes - that one I have all parsed out - the 30

[Master] OK so going once

[Master] twice

[Master] and sold

[Lisa] huh?

[TMO] I'm game

[Lara] are any of these spells available?


[Master] my chart

[Lisa] lol

[Lara] also, waht about in the PHB? we don't have to research those, do we?

[Lisa] yes

[Lara] yes what?

[Lisa] anything that is not clearly written in a book or scroll must be researched

[Master] so 75 "rolls" on this chart means you get "lucky" and roll a 100, a 99, a 98, a 97, etc. all the way down to 26

[Lisa] common spells are easier than rare ones

[Lara] yep

[TMO] aww... no dice? :P

[TMO] whatever you think is best Bob, is fine by me

[Master] so that equals 1 5,000 gem, 9 1,000 gems 20 500 gems 20 100 gems, and 25 50 gems, those are all in GP value

[Lara] question: so let's say i want to do a spell that requires a gem and we have the gem in the Party Pack. do i have to get it from the party pack to use it?


[Lara] how does that work?

[Lisa] if we have one then yes you just say it and we will transfer it to you

[Lara] @Lisa got it on the gem

[Master] so the total of the 75 gems is 17,250 GP

[Lisa] but say if you need 1 500 gp ruby every time you want to cast that spell - then it will get expensive

[Lisa] like Identify needs a 100 gp pearl - we don't have those all the time so whenever we needed to cast it we would spend 100 gp to by a pearl for the spell

[TMO] Lisa, don't know why I just had this thought, what about a character sheet called Party, and could put all the party stuff into it's inventory? Don't know if that would be any better than the website (might be worse)

[Lisa] the reason I wanted to make sure we got the monocle!! :D

[TMO] brb

[Spring] ooooo what an idea TMO!

[Master] The reason a high level mage woudl create a monocle grins

[Lisa] I am not doing that data entry!

[Master] LOL

[Master] In FG there is the concept of Parcels which might be along the lines of what TMO is thinking

[Carissa] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] LIsa you saw the total GP ammount for the gems?

[Lisa] yes

[Lisa] thank you

[Lisa] when we are ready to discuss I can read the accounting report :)

[Master] There are more to appraise, does Lanek or do you want to use one of the gnome miners to appriase the others?

[Lisa] no

[Lisa] Emerald has appraising

[Master] OK

[Lisa] she used it at the birthday game

[Lisa] I have a huge list for her when things are settled

[Lisa] :)

[Master] grins

[Master] Lara warm up that mouse finger


[Lara (to GM only)] Character sheet for Emerald modified:

[Carissa] (d8) [1d8=5] 5

[Lemon] Ok someone remind me how to find what I could potentially learn

[Lemon] please

[Carissa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Raelynn modified: Personal Information - Hit Dice:: CHANGED: 6; d8 (5). Class Levels - Cleric: (CL) : CHANGED: 6 (5). Combat - Current Hit Points:: CHANGED: 34 (29). Max Hit Points:: CHANGED: 34 (29).

[Lara] okay. i need some clarity around some words, like Lemon just used. we have 'learn' 'know' 'memorize' and 'cast'

[Spring] i didn't realize Lanek could appraise

[Lara] the reason i ask is, eaerlier "Emerald is 8th level so she can cast 4 1st level spells, 3 2nd level spells 3 3rd level spells and 2 4th level spells "

[Carissa] Sent via Discord Lemon

[Lemon] Lol, nevermind, Carissa is on top of it

[Master] Learn is how you learn to understand a spell, what it is how it works, etc. and you can now cast it. Know means you actually have LEARNED the spell and can put it into your spell books and will be able to then MEMORIZE it in the morning to CAST it that day

[Lara] but i have more than 12 listed in my Spells Sheet

[Carissa] Also on your notes for your char sheet

[Master] for example Emerald can KNOW 7 spells at each level

[TMO] (back)

[Master] she can not KNOW 8 spells

[Carissa] I know you didn't learn any 3rd level so can reroll for those, but I can't remember what if any you failed for 1st or 2nd

[Lara] (1-4th level)

[Master] 7 spells of each level

[Master] she can Memorize 4 first level spells

[Lisa] when a mage levels and trains they automatically get 1 spell for that level

[Master] that can be 4 of the same 1st level spell

[Lemon] So how many and of what level can I potentially learn now? Just one you said?

[Master] or 4 different spells

[Lisa] so if Bixi is trained in 3rd level spells she gets a free one

[Lemon] I think I only leveled on the priest end of things?

[Carissa] She does have her free one for 3rd at least

[Lisa] not sure about how to pick as an illusionist

[Master] Bixi does not need training in Mage or Priest new spell levels

[Carissa] She needs to roll d8 for hit points gainedf

[Master] but both Bixi and Emerald have this 14 week time frame to spend to attempt to learn a new spell or three

[Master] for Bixi it is 1d8/2

[Lemon] Ok I don't know what that means in terms of actually choosing stuff

[Master] Bixi as a character would want to learn new Illusoinist spells

[Master] there are spells in the spell library in Dragon Fen that Branwyn has accumulated

[Master] Bixi or Emerald could learn one of those

[Carissa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Raelynn modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Master] OR you can research a spell that is not in that library , that takes more time and more money to do

[Lara] @Lemon, sometimes that is called the 'School of Illusion' versus the 'School of Abjuration' or 'School of Transmutation'

[Master] Yes to Lara

[Lemon] Ok, so how do I know what's in the library, how do I know how many I can choose to try and learn, and how do I go about doing that learning

[Carissa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Raelynn modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Lara] (can i refer her to outside websites thta i used?)

[Master] yes

[Lara] it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much easier to filter


[Master] Here is the list of all the spells that are in the library in Dragon Fen right now

[Lara] @Lemon i'm going to give you two websites that i found helpful

[Lara] important: you want to ensure they are only appolicable to DnD5e or found i the PHB (Players Hand Book)

[Master] THAT is a key point if it is 5E we do not use it

[Master] we play 2E

[Lara] oooooops

[Lara] that's what i meant. lol

[Master] but look on the lists

[Master] OR here in Klooge

[Carissa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Raelynn modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Carissa] Raelynn: Spirit Lore check: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Lara] yes, i usually filtered these lists then double-checked klooge

[Master] and for Lemon you have spells on your Notes tab that you have not learned yet


[Master] so you could try to learn those

[Master] and for Lara yes that is all 5E

[Lemon] I literally need this explained to me like I am a small child lol. This is still all very new to me. So I am at the library page, which is very helpful, thank you BOB. And I'm looking at the stuff. So just for example, not because I want this, it says "polymorph other, 4th level, 5 pages, alteration school, rarity C" I have no idea whether I can learn this or not. What do all those things mean.

[Lara] i found there to be a strong cross-over with the lower level spells

[Master] Lemon that means you cannot learn it because you can only learn 3rd level spells and below

[Carissa] Illusion spells only. The list I sent you is the list of spell you can learn as an Illusionist. I think the question is since it is training now, NOT character creation, does she have those same spells to roll from OR does it have to come from the library/be researched?


[Lemon] Ok. That is very helpful thank you. Let's just say for fun that I was a level higher. What would those things mean.

[Master] IF it is in the library then it is cheaper and faster

[TMO] also, is she an actual illusionist? Because that gives you a bonus to illusion spells, but penalizes you on what spells of other types you can learn

[Master] if it is not in the library then you have to research from scratch

[Master] yes to TMO

[Lemon] How do I know HOW much cheaper and HOW much faster, so that I can decide what to learn?

[Master] You do not know Lemon

[Lara] @Lemon, do you know how to search the dragonslayer site?

[Carissa] Yes

[Carissa] (to TMO)

[Lemon] Yeah, but I don't know what I would even search for to answer my specific questions

[Master] in general if it is in the library it is a time frame of days and if it is not it is a time frame of weeks

[TMO] An illusionist cannot learn spells from the schools of necromancy, invocation / evocation or abjuration.

[Carissa] Even though she technically rolled to try to learn them before?

[Lemon] Ok, but if we have 14 weeks, then?

[Master] BUT with the variables

[Lisa] you can't teleport from hell to home can you?

[TMO] pretty sure not

[Carissa] Yes. Training time we "jump" time so 14 weeks isn't a problem.

[Master] yes to Lemon that is why we are spending all night on this so everyone can look

[Lara] @Lisa about Bob

[Master] No to Lisa

[Lisa] thx

[Master] Teleport works only inside of the same Plan

[Master] Plane

[Lemon] Is the expense an issue for me?

[Carissa] Esmerelda was an illusionist so she has some of the spells you might not have learned.

[Master] expense is always an issue, but right now much less of one

[Carissa] (wait sorry not in the library)

[Lisa] ok - Branwyn is going to research 1 6th level spell

[Master] Dragon Fen has a nice treasury right now

[Master] go for it

[Lisa] Lorloveim's Shadowy Transformation


[Lara (to GM only)] Character sheet for Emerald modified:

[Lemon] Ok, so let's try this for an example. Invisibilty is a 2nd level illusion spell in the library. If I wanted to learn that, what would I have to do? I haven't for sure decided, I'm just trying to understand how the process works before I decide

[Lemon] Like OOC what would I have to do

[Master] 1d6*100 GP per week for Branwyn

[Lisa] thinking about it

[Lisa] 12 weeks minimun for a 6th lvl spell

[Master] for Lemon you make a Know Spell check, it takes you 10% plus Bixi Init score plus Bixi Level minus level of the spell times 2

[Master] that is the base chance for Bixi to research a known spell

[Lisa] 28% chance +5 with Research

[Lemon] Ok, and then that would be the only one I could learn?

[Master] No to Lemon that was only part one

[Lemon] So how many and of what levels can I POTENTIALLY learn? I would like to choose and rank them before starting

[Lisa] spend the lighthouse money on spell research!

[Lemon] Lol, yes, and how much money do I have that I can spend on this without causing a problem for the group

[Lisa] we actually are not that flush at the moment

[Lemon] Like can I afford one spell? two? Do the different levels cost different amounts?

[Lisa] mages are expensive - we will make it work

[Master] Because it is in an existing spell book Bixi can just make the roll to know the spell which is the percentage on your sheet, and it takes you the same number of days as the level fo the spell

[Lisa] depends on research v learning from library and how many times you have to try to make the roll to learn

[Lisa] I'm happy to ditch the light house for magic spells

[TMO] lol

[Master] I feel like too many of us are cross talking

[Master] Yes to Lisa on the LIghthouse

[Lisa] sorry

[Master] and I am saying that Lisa knows the spells better than anyone but me

[Master] and shal lead that conversatoin from here on out

[Spring] I am away from the keyboard.

[Master] Branwyn, Bixi and Emerald are learning spells

[Master] then maybe Howard and Johan

[Master] there are 14 weeks, so 126 total days to learn spells in

[Master] if you go longer that is ok

[Lara (to GM only)] Character sheet for Emerald modified:

[Lara (to GM only)] Character sheet for Emerald modified:

[Master] Both Lemon and Lara have wish list spells on their notes pages

[Lisa] my spell is 33% chance to learn - but if I spend 2000 gp I can up that to 43%

[Lemon (to GM only)] Character sheet for Bixi Fizzlebang modified:

[Master] I would look at those first

[Lemon] I did look at those, and I think I'm changing my mind anyway, now that I have a better idea of what I'm doing

[Master] that is actually a good thing Lemon, now that you know more you have a different idea, grins, that means you are growing as a player, congrats

[Lisa] I thought during the birthday game you said Bixi gets a free 3rd level spell

[Lemon] My memory on that is not clear, but I DO remember rolling for a bunch of stuff at the end that we were supposed to get to later

[Master] Bixi is 5th level, she gets to cast 2 3rd level spells as long as one of them is an Illusion spell

[Lemon] But I think I want to try for Invisibility 10' Radius, which is in the library, and is 3rd level

[Lemon] I feel like being able to make a 10' bubble of invisibility might be useful in Hell lol

[Lisa] oh wait she does have 1 3rd lvl

[Master] Normal mage at 5th level casts 1 3rd level spell but an Illusionist gets a bonus Illusion spells to cast each level so she can cast 2 3rd level spells

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

[TMO] looking to see if there's anything in the lirary Craigh might fid useful

[Master] and yes to Lemon that is solid reasoning

[Master] and yes to TMO sorry di dnot mean to exclude Craig but he only has access to 1st level spells

[TMO] np, it's not a major part of his learning process.

[TMO] I'd almost forgotten the option too

[TMO] :)

[Lisa] does Branwyn still need to roll research? :)

[Lemon] And then I guess if I can learn 2 3rd level spells, I would also like to try for wraithform

[Master] yes for new spells

[Branwyn (Lisa)] okay

Branwyn (Lisa) deep breaths and 12 weeks later

[Master] and for Lemon that is good, just remember you can KNOW several spells but you can still only memorize 2 3rd level spells each day

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Research check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 [MODIFIED (+1)] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Master] good for Branwyn

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Roll #1: (d100) [1d100=70] 70

[Branwyn (Lisa)] fail

[Lemon] Yes, thank you for that reminder. I think ti won't hurt to have those two as options, but group invisibility would be my first choioce

[Branwyn (Lisa)] spend 2000 gp and 1 more week to up the chances to 43% ?

[Master] I think yes

[Master] for Lisa

[Branwyn (Lisa)] yes one more time

[Master] and yes to Lemon I agree on your reasoning

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Research check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 [MODIFIED (+1)] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Lara (to GM only)] Character sheet for Emerald modified:

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Roll #1: (d100) [1d100=35] 35

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Yay!!!

[Master] and so at 13 weeks Branwyn has a new 6th level spell

[Branwyn (Lisa)] 13 weeks + 2000 gp

[Master] at 14 weeks Lanek is trained up in 2 thief levels

[Master] If he needs that

[Branwyn (Lisa) (to GM only)] Character sheet for Branwyn modified:

Lisa has left the game on Fri Sep 24 21:49:11 EDT 2021

[TMO] when you're done with them, I've got 3 options for Craigh.

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Sep 24 21:49:43 EDT 2021

Lisa is receiving the map New Manor...

[Master] Tell me TMO

Lisa has received the map New Manor.

[TMO] Charm Person, Sleep, Spider Climb.

[Master] then please help Spring with Lanek to make sure the levels of training are right

[TMO] my pleasure

[Master] and yes for those spells that makes sense

[TMO] what is cost/time for 1st level spells?

[Master] and Lisa will help with the rolls to learn those spells in a short bit

[Master] Branwyn XP award: 5000. Next level in 49092.

[Master] Craigh XP award: 5000. Next level in 17433.

[Master] Bixi Fizzlebang XP award: 5000. Next level in 2225.

[Master] N'laea XP award: 5000. Next level in 62159.

[Master] Lanek XP award: 5000. Next level in 8189.

[Master] Emerald XP award: 5000. Next level in 32853.

[Lisa] those are all in the library I believe so it would be a matter of rolling to learn spell in the dice panel

[TMO] Spring- what thief skils do you want Lanek to concentrate on? Just a quick ranking is fine for now

[Master] yes to Lisa

[TMO] (they are in the library, that's where I pulled them from)

[Master] That XP is because tonight is 900 online sessions

[Lisa] thank you!

[Lara (to GM only)] Character sheet for Emerald modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[TMO] Bran is nearly there

[TMO] only another year or so to go. :)

[Lemon] Wow, that's a large number

[Lisa] amazing

[Spring] i thought Lanek would just be getting back what he had already

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for Lanek modified:

[Master] I am stepping away as Lisa is making her rulings on spells

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lisa] Lara - do you know what you want to learn

[TMO] I don't think we have what they used to be

[Lara (to GM only)] Character sheet for Emerald modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[TMO] hmm, looks like his skills might be at 6th level already, maybe I didn't drop them properly at the time to 5th?

[Lisa] Lara I know you have to leave early so we should do what you would like next

[TMO] Spring - do you have the ability to join a Discord voice and watch me stream? I can show you how I have the skills set up easier than typing here

[Lara] i am determining which spell i would like to add...

[Lisa] ok

[Lara] one of the Wish List items that BOB listed was Neutralize Components but i cannot find that anywhere on the Site...

[Lara] he listed it in my Notes

[Lara] i found Neutralize Gas

[Spring] oh okay i see now

[Spring] oh yeah, sure TMO

[Lisa] (Alteration) Level: 4 Range: IO yds. Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 4 Duration: I d4 rds. Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Neg. This spell originally was developed as a joke by twin wizards wanting to confound one an­ other in their spellcasting contests. It does what the name implies---rendering all material com­ ponents carried by the subject useless for the duration-unless the subject makes a successful saving throw vs. spell at -4. The spell affects only components the subject is holding or carrying, not all potential compo­ nents within his reach. For example, a wizard who memorized a web spell could reach into a corner for some cobwebs with which to cast his spell. All components rendered inoperative glow faintly while the spell is in effect, so spell­ casters can tell their components have been al­ tered if they care to check. The spell has no effect on the operation of scrolls, potions, or magical items, nor does it affect components carried within extra-dimen­ sional containers, such as a bag of holding. The material components of this spell are a bit of spoiled meat and a shattered glass bead. Notes: Very rare spell.

[Lara] ah. nope, not what i thought it was

[Lara] thank you

[Lisa] sue

[Lisa] sure

[Lara (to GM only)] Character sheet for Emerald modified: Notes - CHANGED.

[Lisa] pick a couple you would like - we will make the costs work

[Lisa] Roll #1: (d6) [1d6=1] 1

[Lisa] ohh thank god

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] and DOH we missed Carissa's birthday! Happy Birthday!

[Lisa] Happy Birthday Carissa!!

[Lara] Happy Bdat Carissa!!

[Lisa] Bob - research website says 2d6 x 100 but you said 1d6 ....

[Lara] okay i think i am going to aim for Otto's Tin Soldiers

[Lara] it is a level 4 spell so i am allowed to try, yes?

[Master] 2d6 for unknown spells, 1d6 for known spells

[Lisa] ok thx

[Lisa] yes to Lara

[Carissa] Thank you :)

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for Lanek modified: Class Levels - Character Level: (L) : CHANGED: 6 (7).

[Lisa] ok this is how it works

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for Lanek modified:

[Lisa] 10 Base + INT = 12 + 8 Lvl - 8 (spell lvl*2)

[Lisa] so you have a 22% chance of learning the spell on your first try

[Lara] (i'm going to try something to see if i do it right...this is to see if i learn Otto's Tin Soldiers)

[Lara] Roll #1: (d6) [1d6=5] 5

[Lara] did i do that right?

[Lisa] the 1d6 is how much gold it costs per week

[TMO] Bob - just to check, Lanek's xp is correct, and he is 6th level, right?

[Lisa] so 500 gp per week for 8 weeks

[Master] Yes to TMO

[Lara] okay. can someone tell me how to roll to see if i can learn Otto's Tin Soldiers?

[Lisa] roll a d100 and get a 22 or less

[Lara] Roll #1: (d100) [1d100=94] 94

[Lara] ROFLMAO - did i do that right?

[Lisa] adding 2000 gp per week increases the chances by 10%

[Lisa] yup

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for Lanek modified:

[Lisa] researching spells is hard

[Lara] this is a spell that existed per BOB's instructions on my Wish List

[Lara] okay. so i think i'm done for the night. lol.

[Lisa] we can add 2500 for another week and then your chance goes to 32%

[Lisa] want to try another week?

[TMO] apprentice has been trained

[Lara] i'm not sure there is much more i can do for Emerald

[Lisa] think really low

[Lara] gnite everyone!

[TMO] gnite Lara

[Spring] ok TMO helped me

Lara has left the game on Fri Sep 24 22:09:15 EDT 2021

[Lisa] Goodnight

[Spring] gnite Lara!

[Lisa] ok

[Master] Ok so at least Lara has EMerald up to current level

[Master] just no new spells

[Spring] so Lanek is good up to L6, but after that he's gonna want to concentrate more on Traps and Locks

[Lisa] she did not finish - Bob can you get work wwith her if she has time this week

[Master] we can do a quick roll beginning next week if need be

[Master] I will try that Lisa

[Lisa] she could have rolled for dimension door or something

[Master] Spring is up to date with Lanek thank you TMO

[Master] Carissa you feel up to date?

[Master] and Lemon you are up for new spells

[Carissa] Yes not much had to be done

[Master] My plan during the week is to archive all the character sheets at this current level

[Master] so we have a back up

[TMO] do I go ahead and push up Craigh's thief skills?

[Lemon] Ok, I would like to try for 10' invisibility

[TMO] I noted what he was working on, but did not add the numbers in yet

[Master] Lemon you are up with Lisa

[Lisa] that is in the library so open your dice panel and roll for learn spell

[Master] TMO 14+ weeks have passed so yes to fully training 2 levels

[Master] Regor is happy to provide the training for Free for Countess Branwyn

[Lisa] It's in the flexed arm tab

[Lemon] Bixi Fizzlebang: Learn Spell check: (d100) [1d100=12] 12 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 65!!

[Master] or that should be free

[Lisa] yay!

[Master] and there you go Lemon

[Master] presto! a new spell

[Lemon] That seemed too easy

[Lisa] when you are done you can add them to your character sheet

[Lisa] anything else?

[Master] grins it is because you spent the time reading and preparing and planning

[Lemon] So how do I know how long that took me and how much it cost?

[Master] Lisa will do the accounting afterwards

[Carissa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Raelynn modified: Custom Expressions - CHANGED: Cloak of Elvenkind -- Expression: swirls her cloak around her and disappears. (/me swirls her cloak.).

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for Craigh modified: Skills/Detections (d100/% based) - CHANGED: Bribe -- Total (% - w/modifier): 05+00+00+05+00+00+10+10+10+10+00 (40), CHANGED: Bribe -- Modifier: 05+00+00+05+00+00+10+10+10+10+00 (05+00+00+05+00+00+10+10+10), CHANGED: Climb Walls -- Modifier: 60+00+00+00+00+00+00+00+00+00+00 (60+00+00+00+00+00+00+00+00 ), CHANGED: Detect Noise -- Modifier: 00+00+00+00+05+00+00+00+00+00+00 (00+00+00+00+05+00+00+00+00 ), CHANGED: Escape bonds -- Modifier: 10+00+00+00+00+00+00+00+00+00+10 (10+00+00+00+00+00+00+00+00 ), CHANGED: Find/remove traps -- Modifier: 05+00+00+00+10+00+00+00+00+10+10 (05+00+00+00+10+00+00+00+00 ), CHANGED: Hide in Shadows -- Modifier: 00+00+00+00+10+10+10+10+10+00+00 (00+00+00+00+10+10+10+10+10 ), CHANGED: Move Silently -- Modifier: 00+00+00+00+10+10+10+10+10+00+00 (00+00+00+00+10+10+10+10+10 ), CHANGED: Open Locks -- Modifier: 10+00+00+00+05+00+00+00+00+00+00 (10+00+00+00+05+00+00+00+00), CHANGED: Pick Pockets -- Modifier: 15+00+00+00+05+00+00+00+00+00+00 (15+00+00+00+05+00+00+00+00), CHANGED: Read Languages -- Modifier: 00+00+00+00+15+10+00+00+00+10+10 (00+00+00+00+15+10+00+00+00),

[Carissa] Raelynn: Cloak of Elvenkind: swirls her cloak around her and disappears.

[Master] nice Carissa

[Lemon] I think I would also like to try regular invisibility, also in the library

[Spring] I am away from the keyboard.

[Carissa] Just wanted better wording. Figure it'll be obvious when she unequips.

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for Craigh modified: Skills/Detections (d100/% based) - CHANGED: Climb Walls -- Total (% - w/modifier): 60+00+00+00+00+00+00+00+00+00+00 (60), CHANGED: Detect Noise -- Total (% - w/modifier): 00+00+00+00+05+00+00+00+00+00+00 (5), CHANGED: Escape bonds -- Total (% - w/modifier): 10+00+00+00+00+00+00+00+00+00+10 (10), CHANGED: Find/remove traps -- Total (% - w/modifier): 05+00+00+00+10+00+00+00+00+10+10 (15), CHANGED: Hide in Shadows -- Total (% - w/modifier): 00+00+00+00+10+10+10+10+10+00+00 (50), CHANGED: Move Silently -- Total (% - w/modifier): 00+00+00+00+10+10+10+10+10+00+00 (50), CHANGED: Open Locks -- Total (% - w/modifier): 10+00+00+00+05+00+00+00+00+00+00 (15), CHANGED: Pick Pockets -- Total (% - w/modifier): 15+00+00+00+05+00+00+00+00+00+00 (20),

[Carissa] Raelynn: Turn Undead: ((6+0-2)) 4 Turn Roll= (1d20) [1d20=19] 19

  1. Turned= (2d6) [2d6=3,3] 6
  2. Extra*= (2d4) [2d4=1,2] 3
    T : Skeleton or 1HD
    4 : Zombie
    7 : Ghoul or 2HD
    10 : Shadow or 3-4HD
    13 : Wight or 5HD
    16 : Ghast
    19 : Wraith or 6HD
    20 : Mummy or 7HD 

[Master] make your to Know roll Lemon

[Lemon] Bixi Fizzlebang: Learn Spell check: (d100) [1d100=61] 61 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 65!!

[Master] she is a pro at this now

[Lisa] very good

[Lemon] So that's it?

[Lemon] Add those to my list of things I can memeorize and then I'm done?

[Lisa] there is the roll for how many pages it takes in your spell book - do you have a spell book?

[Master] yeap it is, the hard thing is finding the spells in the first place you happen to be lucky to have a high level mage with a library to look and read

[Master] Yes she has 1 spell book

[TMO] Carissa - why is Carissa turning at 2 levels under her class?

[Lisa] forget that roll

[Lisa] need to look that up

[Master] Because Carissa is afraid of Zombies

[Master] Rae is indifferent to them

[Carissa] Because her class/goddess is a penalty at -2

[Carissa] They like beautiful things. Zombies and undead are not beautiful :)

[Master] smiles

[TMO] Ok, perfect, just making sure.

[Lemon (to GM only)] Character sheet for Bixi Fizzlebang modified:

[Carissa] lol yes we had this discussion forever ago but sadly it really is at -2

[TMO] That's normally a paladin modifier, and was wondering if you'd grabbed the wrong script

[Lemon (to GM only)] Character sheet for Bixi Fizzlebang modified: Spells - CHANGED: Invisibility, 10' Radius -- Subtley: M (),

[Lisa] Pages = level of spell + 1d6-1

[Lemon (to GM only)] Character sheet for Bixi Fizzlebang modified:

[Lisa] 6+1d6-1

[Lisa] that didn't work

[Lisa] 6+1d6-1

[Master] (6+(1d6-1) -1

[Master] hmmm

[Master] (1d6) [1d6=6] 6-1

[Lisa] (1d6-1) [1d6=1] 0

[Master] there you go Lisa is right

[Lisa] +6 for Branwyn's spell

[Lisa] so Lemon, you are good for spells?

[Lisa] TMO - do you want to roll yours?

[Lemon] Yes, thank you for the help

[TMO] yes'm, whenever you're ready

[Lisa] just announce which one and roll

[Lemon] I do remember someone (TMO?) saying I needed to roll for hp? But I was not paying enough attention so I'm not sure if what I remember is accurate

[TMO] how long does it take per spell for a 1st level?

[Master] Yes to Lemon roll a 1d8 divided by 2

[Master] that is how many more HP you get

[Lisa] it's not research - you are rolling to learn from our books

[TMO] yeah, but checking to see how long it takes?

[Lisa] ummm ...

[TMO] or does it not matter for this method?

[Lemon] How would one roll a 1d8 divided by 2?

[Lisa] I've never had it be an issue

[TMO] ok

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for Raelynn modified:

[TMO] Craigh: Learn Spell check: (d100) [1d100=71] 71 - ROLL FAILED against 55!!

[Master] just roll the d8

[Lemon] (1d8) [1d8=1] 1

[Master] and then divide

[Master] Ok so 1 HP

[Lisa] announce before you roll

[TMO] you're right down there with Craigh Lemon. :)

[Lisa] so we know which one you just failed at :)

[TMO] that was Charm Person.

[TMO] alphabetical order

[Lemon] Lol. So I update that myself?

[Lisa] drat

[TMO] sleep

[TMO] Craigh: Learn Spell check: (d100) [1d100=85] 85 - ROLL FAILED against 55!!

[Master] already done Lemon

[TMO] spider climb

[Lisa] ouch

[TMO] Craigh: Learn Spell check: (d100) [1d100=30] 30 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 55!!

[Lemon] Oh, ok, thank you!

[Lisa] yay!

[Lisa] one handed spider climb

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for Craigh modified:

[TMO] he's never spent anything on Climb Walls because of his arm.

[TMO] now he has 3 limbs that can grab on

[Lisa] nice

[TMO] are there any spells Branwyn wants him to try and learn?

[Lisa] Howard will try minor globe of invulnerability

[Lisa] not really - you gave up on magic so ...

[TMO] perfect

[Lisa] Howard Plum: Research check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[Lisa] Howard Plum: Thaumaturgy check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Lisa] +5%

[Lisa] Howard Plum: Learn Spell check: (d100) [1d100=60] 60 - ROLL FAILED against 50!!

[Lisa] so close

[Lisa] if he would have made his nwp

[Master] and fully in keepign with Howard's tradition

[Lisa] sigh

[TMO] lol

[Lisa] johan will try to learn slow spell

[Lisa] Johan the Apprentice: Research check: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[Lisa] Johan the Apprentice: Learn Spell check: (d100) [1d100=22] 22 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 60!!

[TMO] yay!

[Lisa] yay Johan!

[Lisa] Howard will try web spell

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lisa] Howard Plum: Research check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Lisa] Howard Plum: Thaumaturgy check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Lisa] Howard Plum: Learn Spell check: (d100) [1d100=88] 88 - ROLL FAILED against 50!!

[Spring] aw man

[Lisa] LOL

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for Craigh modified:

[Lisa] Johan gets a nice spell

[Master] Lemon when they met him Howard's name was Useless

[Master] because the previous mage guild he belonged to.....

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Johan the Apprentice modified:

[Master] and then Branwyn took over and helped him realize his potential

[Lemon] lol

[Lisa] Branwyn named him Useless

[Master] He has grown in stature, level, power and then....

[Lisa] ok - spells done

[TMO] I need to make sure I have Craigh's illusion spells identified. I think I've been a bit lax in his spell selections

[Lisa] accounting report?

[Master] sure

[TMO] his bonus slot hasn't always been an illusion, I fear

[Lisa] Protectorate started with 50K and with loot made its holdings 90,730 gp

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for Craigh modified:

[Lisa] Taking construction costs and the road it leaves us with

[Lisa] 48,834 gp

[Master] yes

[Lisa] home base was quiet but had sent a good chuck of its holdings to the protectorate

[Master] not too bad the area is mostly breaking even

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for Craigh modified: Spells - DELETED: Acquaintance, 1, 1, The acquaintance spell creates vague recollections of previous positive associations in the mind of the subject. These recollections may concern either the caster or some object touched or held by the caster, but in either case the subject must be specified and within the range of the spell when it is cast. Specific memories cannot be implanted by the spell itself, but the subject can be influenced to "remember" the circumstances of his/ her earlier interaction with the caster or object through conversation. The subject is allowed a normal saving throw when the spell is first cast. If this saving throw fails, the subject feels general good will toward the caster, even if the caster makes no further attempt to converse with the subject., 0, 1, null, null, null, null. DELETED: Change Self, 1, 1, I alter my appearance for {2d6+($WL*2)} rounds., 0, 1, null, null, null, null. DELETED: Disawareness, 1, 1, When this spell is invoked, the caster begins to radiate an aura of unremarkability. Any person viewing him for the duration of the spell sees nothing unusual about him and, if questioned later, retains only vague recollections of seeing someone. He is unable to identify the caster to put any specific features to him. In order for the spell to be effective, the caster must be in or near a group of four or more people. (The caster could sneak into a guarded area if he tagged along with a group on legitimate business, but not unaccompanied.) This spell is most effective when used in crowded areas, such as city streets or marketplaces. , +0, 1, null, null, null, null. DELETED: Engagement, 1, 1, The engagement spell causes the subject to ‘remember’ an important commitment to be in a difference place about a half-hour ago. Unless threatened or engaged in combat, the subject slaps his forehead, bolts up from his seat, and rushes out the door to this supposed previous engagement, which is some distance away, stopping suddenly after a number rounds equal to the caster’s level, as the ‘prior commitment’ is forgotten, and spending another 1d4 rounds trying vainly to remember what it was (hence the spell’s duration). After this period the subject returns to whatever she was doing when the spell was cast. A saving throw is allowed when the spell is cast; success negates the spell. , 0, 1, null, null, null, null.

[Lisa] we are looking at Home Base with about 1000 gp plus gems and items

[Lisa] so I am thinking of ditching the lighthouse for now

[Master] Did you put that previous gem total in the protectorate?

[Lisa] yes

[Lisa] that is part of the math

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for Craigh modified: Spells - CHANGED: Acquaintance* -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Disawareness* -- # Memorized: 0 (+0), CHANGED: Janne's Impressive Demeanor* -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Light - Wizard -- # Memorized: 0 (1),

[Master] ok

[Lisa] now - there is a BUNCH of stuff for Lara to appraise that could change things greatly

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for Craigh modified:

[Master] You have time to do that next session too

[Master] The new Era will start

[Lisa] over 100 gems

[Master] but it is at Dragon Fen still

[Master] for the next few days of game time

[Master] so there are opportunities to do things around the Estate

[Lemon] We still need to learn whatever I rolled for after the manticore

[Lisa] we have 3 magic items and a scroll to roll for

[Lisa] Lemon got them last week

[Master] that is what we need to do tonight

[Lemon] yes!

[Master] bringing up that chart now

[Lisa] next week I would also like to hand out some of these nice magic items we have found

[Lisa] I know who I want to give the Boots to but we can see

[Lisa] (my first thought was to give them to Lanek)

[Lisa] (like the dice I just wanted to give them to Craigh)

[Master] so what is the first item we are rolling for

[Master] the scroll?

[Master] Lemon roll a d1000 please

[Lemon] (d1000) [1d1000=697] 697

[Master] Scroll of Protection from All Traps

[Lemon] oooooh

[Lemon] that sounds good

[Lisa] nice

[Spring] ooooooo

[Master] Then we have 3 of any type

[Master] so that is 3 rolls of d100

[Lemon] (d100) [1d100=77] 77

[Lemon] (d100) [1d100=50] 50

[Lemon] (d100) [1d100=80] 80

[Master] d1000

[Lemon] (d1000) [1d1000=650] 650

[Master] a magical gown

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for Craigh modified:

[Lemon] Is it pretty?

[Master] yes

[Master] will cover that in a bit

[Master] next is a d1000

[Lemon] (d1000) [1d1000=336] 336

[Master] a magical dart with strange runes on it

[Master] and a d1000 again please

[Lemon] (d1000) [1d1000=402] 402

[TMO] will the gown bring out Craigh's eyes?

[Lisa] lol

[Lemon] lol

[Master] and a magical Libram

[Lisa] what's a libram?

[Master] a book

[Lemon] Can any of us read it?

[Master] are you trying to?

[Lemon] Um no

[Lisa] time to take out the monocle?

[TMO] always consult with Bran before reading any magic books

[TMO] she da expert

[Lisa] that would suck to get a trapped magic item

[Lemon] I didn't realize it was going to be A Thing. I just thought maybe the cover would give away what language it was in or something lol

[TMO] there are cursed books. rare, but possible

[Lisa] would need a read magic spell but I have never seen the book BE the magic item

[Lisa] so I would Identify before doing much with it

[Lemon] Ok, so what information can we know about these items before doing IC investigating?

[TMO] there are ones that can be read and the instructions followed to get a stat raise

[Lisa] unless Bob just tells us I think most investigation is through IC skills

[Branwyn (Lisa)] what size is the dress

[Lemon] Ok, so we have no idea what the pretty magical gown is for either? Or the darts?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=7] 7 [MODIFIED (+1)] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 18!!

[Master] grins

[Lemon] dart*

[Master] OK I will change over and look for the dress instead

[TMO] that's why we have a monocle

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (you don't have to)

[Lemon] Lol, ok, I can be patient. I just don't know how this works

[TMO] magic items take rolling on several charts

[Lisa] magic items always need an Identify spell unless you feel brave and just want to try stuff

[Lemon] Lol, I do not ever feel brave. However I DO enjoy rolling dice

[Master] It is a Cloak of Displacement, it is typically worn by Sehanie the Elves ears perk up

[Lisa] Branwyn could put on the dress (not thinking it will be gnome size)

[Master] it is in Gown form, yes Human or Elven sized

[Lemon] Can it be altered to fit a gnome?

[Lisa] you could open the book and just see what happens or we can be safe

[Lemon] I am not doing anything lol. I was thinking of just giving it all to Branwyn to identify/distribute/whatever

[Carissa] Moonbow?

[Master] Sehanie's avatar to be precise

[Carissa] Wow

[Carissa] As in her actual gown or just inspired by her?

[Master] actual gown

[Lemon] How do we keep track of all these things? Do I need to put them into some notes or anything?

[Master] Lisa is tracking them for now, and when they get assigned to a character that player is responsible from there on out

[Carissa] Are we gonna be smitted for it if we don't return it?

[Lisa] they'll go on the home base page until they get handed out to someone

[Lisa] then they put it on their character sheets

[Master] Carissa should explain

[Lemon] Ok fantastic, so I do not have to be responsible for any extra items yet

[Lemon] /phew

[Carissa] What am I explaining?

[Lisa] finders keepers?

[Lisa] the meaning of the cloak

[Master] the Gown and who is belongs to

[Lisa] gown sorry

[Carissa] Moonbow was one of the other potentials goddess I looked at

[Carissa] Long story short, she's the wife of THE Elven God Corellon

[Carissa] (or daughter because mythology is weird like that)

[Carissa] Kind of the Elven version of Artemis

[Carissa] Glancing at book for reminders...

[Master] And this is the gown that her avatar wears when she walks on this plane

[Lemon] Branwyn is the most "in charge" in the group? Or does someone else rank higher?

[Carissa] Focuses on mysticism, dreams, death, journeys, the moon and heavens

[Master] grins at Lemon

[Carissa] Also sometimes on of the tribue (Hanali is another of the tribune)

[Master] is that a real question?

[Master] grin

[Lemon] Um, yes? Bixi is 100% giving the loot to whoever is in charge

[Carissa] Governs divintaion, omens, subtle magic to proect against madness

[Carissa] So if it's a Cloak of Displacement...

[Master] Countess Branwyn of Dragon Fen

[TMO] Craigh is in charge. ;)

[TMO] give all the loots to me

[Master] LOL TMO

[Lemon] lol

[Lisa] lol

[Spring] i'm afraid i have to go

[Lemon] Ok yeah, then I'm definitely handing everything over to Branwyn to decide who should have what

[Master] have a great night SPring

[Spring] have a good night, beautiful people

[TMO] nite

[Lemon] goodnight!

[Lisa] Goodnight Spring!

[Carissa] "Drops of light that fall from Sehanine's gown form tiny pools on the earth. At most one such drop falls per turn. If swiftly bottled, it serves as a potion of invisibility."

[Master] So you have the Gown

[Carissa] Serious. Her actual gown??

[Lemon] whoa

[Carissa] (night Spring)

[Carissa] I thought Charon's Chalice was cool but holy cow

[TMO] *probably* not

[TMO] but possible

[Lemon] ok, so where do we get a lot of bottles?

[Lisa] lol

[Master] her Avatar's gown so it acts as a cloak of displacement, you do not get the extra bonus of that dew

[Lisa] ok

[Carissa] lol yes but just pointing that part out

[Lemon] Oh, that would have been nice though

Spring has left the game on Fri Sep 24 23:01:44 EDT 2021

[Lisa] so what does it do?

[Carissa] It only says she wears it and what it does when she wears it, but not much else

[TMO] this is more likely a mortal-made gown modeled or inspired after Sehanine's actual gown

[Master] a cloak of displacement makes the wearer appear 1 to 2 feet away from your actual position

[Carissa] Makes sense. She likes illusions.

[Master] all attacks automatically miss the first round

[Master] after that is +2 and a +2 to saves versus attacks directed AT the wearer

[Master] It should already be in Klooge as a Cloak of Displacement

[Lisa] ok

[Master] and who is checking out the dart? and the Libram?

[Carissa] This item appears to be a normal cloak, but when it is worn by a character its magical properties distort and warp light waves. This displacement of light wave causes the wearer to appear to be 1 foot to 2 feet from his actual position. Any missile or melee attack aimed at the wearer automatically misses the first time. This can apply to first attacks from multiple opponents only if the second and successive attackers were unable to observe the initial displacement miss. After the first attack, the cloak affords a +2 bonus to protection (i.e., two classes better on Armor Class), as well as a +2 bonus to saving throws versus attacks directed at the wearer (such as spells, gaze weapon attacks, spitting and breath attacks, etc., which are aimed at the wearer of the cloak of displacement). Note that 75% of all cloaks of displacement are sized for humans or elves (persons 5 to 6 feet tall), and 25% are sized for persons of about 4 feet in height (dwarves, gnomes, halflings).

[Carissa (to GM only)] Character sheet for N'laea modified:

[Lisa] Lemon asked about the dart

[Lemon] I don't know, I gave everything to Branwyn to figure out

[Master] It looks to be a magical dart, so a magical weapon but it has some different type of magical writing on it

[Lemon] I have a read magic spell? Is that useful for this? 14 weeks, I could try it every day lol

[Master] not sure it is applicable until you try to read the book

[Lemon] ok, just checking

[Master] Branwyn has experience with magical books

[Master] grins

[Master] anything? anyone?

[TMO] like cursed hell books?

[Carissa] just reading whatever more we figure out from the other items

[Master] someone has to experiment investigate to learn more

[Lemon] I mean I will if Branwyn thinks that's best, but I'm leaving the decisions up to the governor

[Lemon] governess?

[Carissa] et al

[Master] grisn

[Lisa] she logged out

[Master] Snee is the governess

[Lemon] Oh, countess

[Carissa] aka person who knows how magic item experimenting works

[Lemon] oh, I'm confused now. I thought you said Branwyn was the most in charge

Branwyn (Lisa) takes the book but does not open it

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against : Read Magic: I can read magical writing for (12*2) 24 rounds NOTE: Not available.

[Master] Branwyn is the Countess of Dragon Fen, under her she has Snee as the governess of Hourglass and the Protectorate of Dragon fen,

Branwyn (Lisa) looks at cover and spine

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Spellcraft check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 [MODIFIED (+1)] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

[Lemon] Ah, ok, then I gave it all to the right person lol

[Master] also she has Ilero in charge of a scounting guild and Kenna in charge of the church and hospital

[Lemon] I am getting their titles confused

[Master] and one more d6 for Lemon to roll please

[Lemon] (1d6) [1d6=4] 4

[TMO] (1d4) [1d4=3] 3

[Branwyn (Lisa)] don't blame you - it is confusing

[Master] Lisa, Lemon just likes you

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I like her :)

[Lemon] lol I like everyone

[Master] This is a Libram of Study, to raise someone's intelligence by 1 point

[TMO] heh

[Lisa] ohhh and now you give it to us

[Master] It takes one month of reading and that person's Int goes up by 1

[Lisa] after spell learning fails

[Master] chuckles

[Lisa] a one use item?

[TMO] single use only book, pretty sure. Can't pass it around

[Master] yes

[Lisa] ok

[Master] Use it and it disapears

[Master] any mage can use it

[Lisa] Bran's INT is 18 right now so will see about who this should go to

[Master] well anyone can

[TMO] it can go to 19

[Master] but obviusly a mage would be best

[Lisa] yes but she is doing pretty well as is

[Lisa] would rather give it to someone to move them up a bit

[Lisa] Emerald's INT is 12 for instance

[Master] and then the dar

[Master] dart

[Master] Branwyn does a read magic on the dart

[Master] and discovers that the writing is a Teleport spell

[Master] so when you throw the dart at someone and hit them, it will teleport them

[Lemon] well that's some pretty fancy loot

[Lisa] Nice!

[Carissa] "Well sorry, y'all. Gotta dart! -stabs self-"

[Lemon] teleport them to where?

[Lemon] lol carissa

[Lisa] LOL

[TMO] single use only?

[Master] random teleport

[Lisa] where the mage concentrates

[Lisa] oh no - really?

[TMO] I was thinking it would be 'you teleport to where the dart lands'

[Lisa] random

[Lisa] LOL

[Lemon] Yeah, I was thinking ender pearls lol

[Master] So it might work more than once

[Carissa] Could be fun learning how to make more now that you have this one to learn from

[Master] BUT you will have to use it and see

[Lisa] single use because whoever is stuck with the dart disappears to god knows where

[Master] exactly

[Lemon] lol yeah, that's what I was thinking Lisa

[Carissa] inside the belly of a manticore

[Lemon] lol!

[Lisa] can it be used by anyone?

[Master] yeap

[Lisa] Mages have notoriously bad aim

[Lisa] Fighter would be better to make it stick

[Lemon] Does it teleport across planes?

[Carissa] Craigh have dart prof by chance? Or Lanek?

[Master] teleport does not go across planes

[Lisa] Howard tosses the invaluable teleport dart across the room and watches it skid across the floor

[TMO] Craigh does not. thrown weapons are pretty much a waste of time

[Lemon] lolll

[Master] Bixi is desperate and STABS herself to escape

[Lemon] Well, at least we know there's no point in saving it for a Get Out Of Hell Free card

[Carissa] Well could be useful for mages, actually

[Lisa] also does not work in the Mist ...

[Carissa] To escape. If one has teleport, at least they can return after.

[Master] and add Lisa's point

[Master] which might very well be why you found it here inside of The Mist

[TMO] random teleports are very dangerous, just fyi

[Lisa] Johan the Apprentice casts a spell against : Slow: Up to (6) 6 creatures in a 40' cube must save vs spell or be slower for (3+6) 9 rounds. NOTE: Not available.

[Lemon] Well, yeah, the last one landed someone inside a manticore

[Lisa] why didn't it take my changes!

[Master] what is wrong with that?

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Johan the Apprentice modified:

[Lisa] that is a half useful description

[Lisa] be slower?

[Master] 45% chance of randomly teleporting someplace and not ending up too low (in rock) or too high (in mid air)

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Johan the Apprentice modified: Spells - CHANGED: Slow -- # Memorized: 2 (0),

[Lemon] yikes

[Lisa] Johan the Apprentice casts a spell against : Slow: Up to (6) 6 creatures in a 40' cube must save vs spell at -4 or move and attack at half normal rates for (3+6) 9 rounds. Penalty of +4 to AC and -4 to attacks. Range: 90 yds + 10 yds/lvl.

[Lisa] there we go

[Master] that is better LIsa

[Master] So everyone has improved characters and updated sheets

[Lisa] at morning meeting - we can hand out stuff

[Master] yes

[Lisa] does N'laea want to roll her ego check now?

[Master] you will be starting the morning of Mid Fall

[Carissa] Oh sure

[Carissa] (d20) [1d20=7] 7

[Lisa] does N'laea want to roll her ego check now?

[Master] That is good

[Carissa] for the check

[Lisa] great

[Lemon] I thought that was a joke. That's a real thing?

[Carissa] High wis so anything lower than 20

[Carissa] No. Magic sword. If she rolled 20 it'd be able to possess her

[Carissa] Need good wisdom to have a good chance to overcome. Someone else would possibly have less chance.

[Lemon] Ohhh, ok. I was just like, wow, didn't know N'laea had to work so hard to keep her ego in check... where was the jerk mage's ego check?

[Master] LOL

[Carissa] lol

[Master] anything else?

[Carissa] What were the details again? I'll add to her sheet.

[TMO] bag of holding with a dozen random magic items inside?

[Master] Will have to check on that Carissa

[Master] it is on the site obviously

[Carissa] was hoping it was immediatealy handy

[Master] no

[Master] my abiltity to function or spell is descreasing by the moment

[TMO] more wine will help

[Carissa] lol didn't mean you

[Master] chuckle

[Carissa] ok long sword

[Master] I am actually done for my night unless someone needs something right now?

[Carissa] all I need for tonight

[Lemon] lol, I don't know, but I am fading fast.

[Carissa] TMO can help fix it in klooge for me later for other details :)

[TMO] of course

[Master] yes

[Master] and I am home this weekend

[Carissa (to GM only)] Character sheet for N'laea modified:

[TMO] A lot of my Sunday is full, but any other time

[Lemon] So I'm good to go to sleep now?

[Master] yes to Lemon

[Master] Yes to TMO

[Lemon] Fantastic. Goodnight friends!

[Master] Yes to Carissa

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Spells - CHANGED: Lorlovelm's Shadowy Transformation -- Expression: A creature or object (up to 1*$L cu ft) is turned to shadow for {1d4+$L} rounds. Touch spell. Can't attack as shadow; can only be hit by +1 or higher magic weapons. Most undead ignore a shadow. People can walk through a shadow object or a shadow can slip through holes and cracks but cannot fly. (A creature or object is turned to shadow for {1d4+$L} rounds.), CHANGED: Lorlovelm's Shadowy Transformation -- # Memorized: 2 (0),

[Master] goodnight

[TMO] g'nite!

[Carissa] Once Bob is functional and can give whatever other details need to be added, I'll bug you TMO

[Carissa] At least have long sword on there now

Lemon has left the game on Fri Sep 24 23:35:38 EDT 2021

[Lisa] Branwyn casts a spell against : Lorlovelm's Shadowy Transformation: A creature or object (up to 1*12 cu ft) is turned to shadow for (1d4+12) [1d4=3] 15 rounds. Touch spell. Can't attack as shadow; can only be hit by +1 or higher magic weapons. Most undead ignore a shadow. People can walk through a shadow object or a shadow can slip through holes and cracks but cannot fly.

[TMO] oooo

[TMO] neat

[Lisa] I liked that one

[Master] will be fun

[Master] I need the restroom and then bed

[Lisa] ok

[TMO] g'nite all

[Lisa] Goodnight!!

[Carissa (to GM only)] Character sheet for N'laea modified:

[Master] night all

Lisa has left the game on Fri Sep 24 23:36:39 EDT 2021

TMO has left the game on Fri Sep 24 23:36:43 EDT 2021

[Carissa (to GM only)] Character sheet for N'laea modified: Weapon Proficiencies - DELETED: Sword, Flaming, 1.

Carissa has left the game on Fri Sep 24 23:36:56 EDT 2021

XP awarded