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Chat Log - 2021 11 19 - Cosmological Quandaries - Home Stories - (Formatted)

[Master] ==== Gaming session started: Wed Nov 17 18:51:35 EST 2021 ====

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

TMO has joined the game on Fri Nov 19 19:04:00 EST 2021

Lara has joined the game on Fri Nov 19 19:05:36 EST 2021

[TMO] good evening

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Hey everyone,

[Master] I am here just still distracted

[Master] but quickly for TMO yes all specialty penalties and bonuses apply

Lisa has joined the game on Fri Nov 19 19:11:39 EST 2021

Lemon has joined the game on Fri Nov 19 19:12:03 EST 2021

[Lemon] Hello everyone!

[Lemon] I will also be distracted for a little bit getting dinner etc. but I am here!

[Lisa] Hello all! :)

[Lara] hi folks. I’m having screen issues.

[Master] glad everyone is here

[Lara] test?

[Lisa] yes

[Lisa] sorry I was looking at home base for things I think might be helpful for the trip

[TMO] Thanks, Bob.

Carissa has joined the game on Fri Nov 19 19:17:54 EST 2021

[Lisa] Hi Carissa!

[Carissa] Hi all!

[TMO] hola

[Carissa] I recently read Mountains of Madness by Lovecraft. Never read any of his works before. This one was very focused on the creepy tunnels in the mountains and the eerie wind. It was a timely read.

[Lisa] nice

[Carissa] As long as we also don't fine the things to kill us or drive us mad during our journey :)

[Lara (to Master only)] can you see my chat?

[Master] YEs to Lara

[Master] and yes to Carissa

[Lisa] like that's not going to happen!

[Carissa] lol

[Lara] hi TMO!

[Lara] hi Carissa!

[Lara] hi Lisa!

[Carissa] Hi! Screen works now?

[Lara] hi Lemon!

[Lara] yes, I think I got it.

[Lara] are we are rescuing Rimal? did we figure out who or what Rimal is?

[Carissa] A cat. We're preparing for Pandemonium before we go.

[Carissa] And no, not idea what KIND of cat.

[Lara] ah. got it. cat.

[Carissa] So we should probably first explore the ice tower and see what stuff is inside?

[Lara] what did we check out before? that wasn't the ice tower?

[TMO] Trying to decide what Craigh should scrollify first

[Lara] when we first met Namsut

[Carissa] It was. But we were given it and everything within it. We never fully looked to see what all was within it due to the giant marid in our way :)

[Lara] got it

[TMO] Comprehend Languages, Spider Climb, Change Self

[Master] I will offer you might want to visit the ice tower first before making final decisions on which scrolls

[TMO] sure thing

[Lisa] but we can't get information from the tower until Bob is ready to pay attention

[Master] I am 50% here

[Master] and have full notes to type in just for this problem, grins

[TMO] Lisa, are there any spells you'd like me to add to my list?

[Master] coming back to the Inn

[Master] then Mist sickness

[Lisa] the only time we dealt with noise issues was when we ran into a bunch of sirens. we used wax. not sure that will be strong enough for pandemonium

[Master] then manor

[Carissa] Just tossing out idea for first thing first whether now or when 100% Bob attention.

[Master] then back to the Ice Tower

[Carissa] Also have that scroll to deal with

[Lisa] what scroll?

[Lisa] TMO - whichever spells you want is fine

[Carissa] Summary up for whoever needs it

[Carissa] Red ribbon :)

[Lisa] ohhh that scroll

[Lisa] lol

[Carissa] lol

[Lisa] thought you were talking about a good scroll

[Carissa] LOL sadly no although we might be surprised? but probably not

[Lisa] depends on your idea of good

[Carissa] I'm not Tiberius so likely not good

[TMO] Read the scroll underwater

[Carissa] Lots of swamp nearby to test that

[Lara] @All - going to read summary real quick

[Lisa] Branwyn has a moat

[Master] LOL to Lisa

[Carissa] Probably safer than the swamp!

[Lisa] less leeches

[Carissa] More mice, though

TMO just finished watching a new Pinky and the Brain episode

[Carissa] Oooh forgot those were out. Maybe one day I'll watch

[TMO] Season 2 of Animaniacs on Hulu. Not bad so far.

[Carissa] Always a higher chance I'll watch an animated show. Unfortunately, I do not have someone to steal Hulu from anymore. My brother cancelled his, lol.

[Lara (to Carissa only)] I will give you a profile on mine. I’ve been trying to give one away!

[TMO] that is the largest problem facing our society today: limited access to streaming channels. It'll fix itself in a few years when they start bundling them, but until then...

Carissa Lara Oh seriously?? If you don't mind, lol

[Carissa] ....

[Carissa] oops

[Carissa] Shhh you saw nothing


[Lara (to Carissa only)] - not at all. I would love for someone to use it

[Carissa (to Lara only)] Okay maybe this was the right way...

[Carissa (to Lara only)] Success!

[Lara (to Carissa only)] - what name do you want on the profile? carissa or your discord name?

[Carissa (to Lara only)] And that'd be awesome. Hulu has some great shows on it I haven't watched yet :)

[Carissa (to Lara only)] My name is fine for it

[Lara (to Carissa only)] - I’m watching it is so good. it's about the opioid crisis exacerbated by oxy and the Sacklers---it's very moving

[Lara] I will discord you the password :-)

[Carissa (to Lara only)] Thank you! And I might have to look that one up!

[Master] anyone who wants to leave the Inn and go back into the Mist can make their check


[Lara] wait, I thought we were going to the ice tower, no?

[Carissa] Apparently manor before tower per Bob's suggestion

[Lara (to Carissa only)] - I need 5 movies or tv shows that you like

[TMO] have to re-enter the Mist to get to the Tower

[Master] You are back from the Astral Plane and arrive at the Inn

[Lara] okay. do I make an initiative check?

[Master] you need to leave the Inn to go into the Mist

[Master] then the Manor to rest

[Master] for the people here is has been an hour? for you it has been a full day

[Indigo (Lisa)] Indigo: HEL check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Master] then you sleep and head out to the Ice Tower to reap your rewards

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: HEL check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 [MODIFIED (-1-1)] - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[TMO] mmmm.... rewards...

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] Howard Plum: HEL check: (d20) [1d20=11] 11 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

[TMO] Craigh: HEL check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Carissa] But it's a choice if we sleep here versus the manor?

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald: HEL check: (d20) [1d20=3] 3 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] yay Howard!

[Lemon] Bixi Fizzlebang: HEL check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 12!!

[Howard Plum (Lisa)] and Emerald and Bixi!

[Master] you could make that choice yes Carissa, but not sure that you have the spells to get past the Ice Tower successfully without sleep

[Carissa] N'laea: HEL check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Carissa] Raelynn: HEL check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Lemon] wooo!

[Carissa] well if all my friends are jumping off the bridge, best to join them?

[Carissa] poor elves just want sun, but probably also really really want to make sure their ears are protected

[Emerald (Lara)] (whoo hoo!)

[Lisa] Branwyn has 2 dimension doors memorized

[Lisa] the thing is that it will take a while if everyone wants to go in and the ice tower is still up

[Master] without checking you can guess that the ice tower is still up because of how the body lasted

[Carissa] rest is fine, don't think we have a time concern right now

[Master] you have at least "a week or two" as she tries to heal Maya

[Lisa] Not everyone needs to go into the tower

[Lisa] Indigo would just be standing around doing nothing

[Lisa] for example

[Lara (to GM only)] Character sheet for Emerald modified: Spells - DELETED: null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null. CHANGED: Alter Self -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Blink -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Color Spray -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Enlarge -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Feather Fall -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Knock -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Lightning Bolt -- # Memorized: 1 (2), CHANGED: Metamorphose Liquids -- # Memorized: 1 (+0), CHANGED: Reduce -- # Memorized: 1 (+1),

[Lara] emerald would like to go into the tower

[Carissa] Same with N'laea

[Lara] is it might be find things for indigo to fight?

[Carissa] Well, maybe some interest in some priest spells, but only mild and can be left behind if needed

[Lisa] we already wandered around the tower

[Lisa] the only interesting room was the mage's room

[Lara] @Lisa - that's what I asked earlier @ Carissa indicated that the whole thing is ours...maybe there are parts unknown to us?

[Lisa] emerald can read magic so makes sense

[Lisa] there was one doorway that no one seemed to be able to describe adequately but that is it

[Lisa] they were squatters there - not like it was really theirs

[Lemon] I think I would want to give everyone else dibs anyway, so I can wait outside

[Lisa] but if everyone wants to come in and look that's fine it will just take as long as it takes with the number of spell limitations

[Lisa] I am not wasting weight with my extra characters

[Lara] lemme go look at the chat...which date was it again? seems like 4 IRL weeks ago

[Lara] I know we looked at a lot of boring rooms

[Lara] it might not be worth the time to explore but it seems a shame to let the whole thing go to waste

[Lisa] we're not

[Lisa] we're going in - just Branwyn can't bring in more than 500 lbs. at a time and needs 2 spells to go in and go out again

[Carissa] Talwin isn't here so that means two people per mage, yes? Unless someone is heavier than I think

[Carissa] or 2.5 people with Bixi

[Lisa] why I am leaving Indigo out.

[TMO] Craigh ain't that heavy either

[Lisa] magic users should definitely go in

[Lisa] I'm not saying they shouldn't

[Master] grins at Talwin being extra weight

[Carissa] That's fine. And to save space/trips, N'laea can stay outside with him, hear another one of his stories about being eaten :)

[Lisa] be nice about the extra weight - we will need Talwin to help carry the chests back to Dragon Fen when we're done bringing the good stuff out

[Carissa] lol

[Carissa] Well he mostly carries it in his armor. He could always strip to his skivvies next time

[Master] LOL

[TMO] Raelynn just wants to see his skivvies

[Lisa] I'm picturing Talwin really hating the prospect of that :)

[Carissa] lmao

[Master] LOL

[TMO] what do we do next?

[Lemon] Find the most accomplished earplug maker in the area?

[Master] almost fully here

[Master] you have only Branwyn who is Mist Sick

[Lisa] If people want to do the tower, Branwyn can send in 2 people and then leave and go to sleep to memorize more spells

[Lisa] and Indigo

[Master] if I am followed correctly?

[Master] OK

[Master] but Branwyn needs to go home sleep to cast

[Master] so morning of the 17th

[Lisa] why?

[Lemon] I would also like to sleep so I can fix some spells

Michael has joined the game on Fri Nov 19 20:18:06 EST 2021

[Lisa] Craigh failed too

[Lisa] Hi Michael

[Lemon] Ooooh full house tonight!

[TMO] Craigh also failed his save, unless there was a bonus.

[Carissa] Hi Michael!

[Master] I am thinking that it is best for all to have a chance to fully redo spells

[Lemon] Well, once Spring gets her computer on

[TMO] whops, time to go home!

[Master] and then go back into the tower etc.

[Lisa] almost - Spring is still booting her computer

[Master] LOL at TMO

[Carissa] well that's not ominous

[Michael] Hey everyone! Been helping paint my parents hourse up in Utah. Hopefully haven’t been gone for too long past start?

[Michael] House. Not horse

[Michael] That would be a paint horse

[Carissa] It thought a hourse was a horses's house

[Lisa] :)

[Michael] @ Carissa, I mean... :)

[Carissa] lol

[Michael] I'm glad to be in tonight.

[Lara] hi Michael!

[Michael] Hi Lara!

[Master] the hearse was painted like a horse

[Michael] and parked in the House

[Lemon] A hoarse horse?

[TMO] pulling a hearse

[Michael] Oh jeeze. Ok

[Lara] could be a horse's arse too

[TMO] welcome back Michael

[Carissa] lmao

[Michael] unless bob's got a YouTube video, find a new one LOL

[Michael] Also high TMO! :)

[Michael] Glad to be back in

[Michael] Been a rough few weeks

[TMO] nope, I'm clean.

[Michael] ....

[Michael] Ok

[Michael] That's what they all say

[Michael] :P

[Carissa] As my old health teacher used to say, "I'm high on life!"

[Michael] Oh boy. Then I got a bad batch

[Michael] this year

[Master] LOL

[Carissa] lol I think most of us did

[Michael] But onwards and upwards!

[Carissa] some more than others

[Michael] Let's make the best of the holidays yeah?

[Carissa] Fingers crossed

[Lemon (to GM only)] Character sheet for Bixi Fizzlebang modified: Spells - CHANGED: Audible Glamer -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Change Self -- # Memorized: 1 (0),

[Michael] Knock on all the wood too

[Michael] And spit over your shoulder three times

[Carissa] But planning now? And/or Bob kind of hinting pushing us to prepare to visit ice tower again

[Lemon] I... the spit is a new one

[Master] brb refilling and emptying and then I am here to type in lots of things

[Carissa] lol I think I'll use salt instead

[Michael] Leave milk on the porch too. Gotta keep the Fae sated and happy

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Carissa] So who all is going into the ice tower? Branwyn, Howard, and Emerald are a given, I assume. Can Emerald Dimension Door?

[Lemon (to GM only)] Character sheet for Bixi Fizzlebang modified: Spells - CHANGED: Mirror Image -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Misdirection -- # Memorized: 1 (0),

Spring has joined the game on Fri Nov 19 20:25:24 EST 2021

[Michael] I certainly will go if you need muscle support

[Carissa] Now a full house! Hi Spring!

[Spring] hi hi

[Carissa] Well I did bring up how Talwin might need to strip to his skivvies for weight concerns...

[Michael] Er. Armor will suck to be missing

[Michael] But I can do it

[Michael] I'm mostly a tank on purpose...

[TMO] My four of a kind still beats a full house

[Lemon (to GM only)] Character sheet for Bixi Fizzlebang modified: Spells - CHANGED: Read Magic -- # Memorized: 1 (0),

[Carissa] lol

[Michael] But I can go in as a Glass Cannon

[Michael] :)

[Lemon] Yay, Spring finally made it :)

[Michael] Hi Spring!!! :)

[Lara] hi Spring!

[Lisa] Hi Spring!

[Spring] hey, I dunno how long the computer will hold out. I can't really afford a new one right now

[Michael] Give me your address spring. I have an extra one

[Spring] so, say a little prayer for CPU

[Michael] Not a power house, but it's a good little machine

[Lisa] Ohh Lanek and Talwin need to make Health checks

[Spring] get out of town!!!

[Michael] No serious

[Michael] I picked up a lot on eBay from an old accounting firm

[Michael] I rebuild most of them

[Lisa] prays to computer gods for Spring's CPU

[Michael] It's yours

[Spring] damn, I’ll drop it in discord where the copy/paste is better

[Michael] Cool beans

[Lisa] Very nice Michael! :)

[TMO] nice

[Michael] It's not that nice LOL. It' just sitting there

[Lemon] Ok, so I'm a preschool teacher, and the kids sing this song, and this made me remind me of it. "I am glad for many things, happy times make my heart sing, I'm grateful for my friends today, it's fun to chat and play!"

[Carissa] Awww

[Spring] hehehehe

[Lisa] sweet!

[Spring] too cute

[Lemon] Y'all are making my heart sing with this rn

[Michael] lol

[Michael] good :)

[Michael] Wait, health checks?

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Michael] What roll is that?

[Carissa] HEL

[Lisa] HEL (L) roll

[Carissa] For mist sickness

[Michael] TY

[Lemon] lol yes, very appropro

[Master] so you go back to the Manor sleep over night, morning of the 17th you head out to the Ice Tower

[Michael] Talwin: HEL check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 12!!

[Master] and then Branwyn and Howard dimension door ??? who through

[Michael] Sigh

[Michael] One day I'll pass that check

[Michael] :)

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Howard Plum modified: Spells - CHANGED: Magic Missile -- # Memorized: 0 (2), CHANGED: Copy -- # Memorized: 2 (0),

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Howard Plum modified: Spells - CHANGED: Dimension Door -- # Memorized: 2 (+0),

[Carissa] Lara does Emerald have Dimension Door? Not sure if I missed your answer or if you missed the question

[TMO] evil daughter made me crave a shake from Sonic. I'll brb, won't take long.

[Carissa] Yumm

[Michael] Get Oreo

[Master] I have Branwyn, Emerald, Howard and Craigh so far in the tower

[TMO] that's what JTom has asked for

[Master] Bixi? and ?

[Carissa] Raelynn would like to go if only to explore that shrine more. She's around 100 lbs. or so

[Michael] Is possible, I’ll take a whack at getting in

[Michael] But they tell me gotta remove armor

[Master] any thieves?

[Carissa] aka Lanek?

[Lemon] I'll go if it doesn't require an extra trip

[Master] and Michael they have insisted that Talwin only goes if he strips down to his skivvies

[Michael] I mean...

[Michael] Do I get a sword at least?

[Michael] Otherwise I'm pretty useless

[Spring] Lanek: HEL check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Carissa] I think it was still a question of if, combined, Branwyn and Howard can bring everyone in

[Carissa] and how many trips

[Carissa] Indigo and N'laea are staying outside at least. Not sure who else.

[Lisa (to GM only)] Character sheet for Branwyn modified: Magical Abilities - CHANGED: 5 -- Current: 3 (4). Spells - CHANGED: Chaos -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Continual Light - Wizard -- # Memorized: 2 (1), CHANGED: Dimension Door -- # Memorized: 4 (2), CHANGED: Enter Dream -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Feather Fall -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Glitterdust -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Identify -- # Memorized: 1 (0), CHANGED: Knock -- # Memorized: 2 (1), CHANGED: Polymorph Other -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Polymorph Self -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Telekinesis -- # Memorized: 2 (1), CHANGED: Teleport -- # Memorized: 0 (1),

[Spring] sorry, I’m lagged and distracted. we need to get into a shrine?

[Master] I would hope that Talwin always has his sword wink wink nudge nudge

[Michael] Inuendo or...

[Carissa] lmao Kel isn't here for that

[Carissa] Into the ice tower to see what was left for us to pillage

[Michael] But yeah, if I can bring one sword, I can be a glass cannon

[Spring] Lanek is up for pillage

[Michael] But will be pretty defenseless

[Michael] I shit Pillage? I'll go in naked

[Michael] without a sword

[Lisa] Branwyn can bring 2 more in

[Master] and that is too funny Michael

[Lemon] I would think it would be relatively safe? Nothing attacked us but Namsut last time?

[Master] did it all go right over your head? or are you just being proper?

[Lisa] naked Talwin and Lanek

[Carissa] LOL

[Michael] Can't it be both?

[Michael] ;)

[Master] Yes it can sir yes it can

[Master] grins

[Master] HUGS

[Michael] :D

[Michael] (Lisa, what is the roll for walking through the door?)

[Michael] (Or is that automatic)

[Master] So Lanek, Rae, Bixi, Craigh, Emerald Howard and Branwyn

[Master] anyone else?

[Lisa] and Talwin

[Master] DOH

[Michael] (I volunteer as Naked Tribute!)

[Master] sorry

[Lisa] so everyone has a character inside

[Carissa] Lanek was naked tribute last week. Only fair Talwin is this week.

[Spring] hahaha

[Lisa] do I need to cast them to burn them or are we ok?

[Michael] LOL

[Carissa] up to you if you want to do an APR roll as well for reactions :)

[Michael] (Do enemies have to roll for confusion at the sight of our nakedness?)

[Lisa] I hope Talwin would get a better reaction than Lanek

[Michael] LOL

[Carissa] lol I'd hope so, too

[Lisa] no offense to Lanek :)

[Spring] I’m sure Lanek is highly satisfied with the reaction he got

[Lisa] LOL

[Carissa] Hahaha

[Michael] hehe

[Lemon] Didn't Lanek have to roll for attractiveness or something? And fail?

[Carissa] That was the APR (appearance) roll, yes

[Carissa] And it was a request by me because you have a vain priestess here. And well, Lanek is Lanek

[Lemon] lol, yes, ok, I remember now

[Lemon] going to make some hot chocolate, because it's cold for Texas today. brb.

[Lemon] I am away from the keyboard.

[Spring] Lanek is very proud of his appearance

[Spring] he takes Rugged to a whole new depth

[Spring] (possible all the way to Ragged)

[Master] grins

[Master] The reason I put you on this floor is because A it is where you know to come in and B if you want to explore anything

[Master] then just tell me

[Master] and we jump to the next floor

Raelynn (Carissa) does not have obs, looks around with interest

[Michael] Getting into Character

Talwin (Michael) Grumbles

[Talwin (Michael)] Ice tower all right.

[Talwin (Michael)] I'm freezing

[Talwin (Michael)] As we go, I'm looking for some clothes

[Lanek (Spring)] I was just gonner ask ...

Talwin (Michael) Walks into Kitchen

[Talwin (Michael)] Talwin: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=13] 13 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

Talwin (Michael) Grumbles again

[Talwin (Michael)] (Going to move to chapel next if anyone wants to do anything)

[Lanek (Spring)] kid, in the kitchen yer gonna find an apron

[Talwin (Michael)] (Or if I need to roll)

[Lanek (Spring)] I don't think that'll warm much

Talwin (Michael) Eyes Lanek

[Talwin (Michael)] I'm a little desperate at the moment. Maybe they'll pass me by as the cook

Lanek (Spring) shrugs

Talwin (Michael) Smiles a little

[Talwin (Michael)] (Bob anything before I keep exploring? Anyone else want to do anything?

Raelynn (Carissa) starts walking towards the chapel

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Raelynn moved 11'11".

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Lanek (Spring)] why did you come here naked? you knew it's an ice tower right?

[Master] nothing here in this room

Emerald (Lara) looks around and sees...

Talwin (Michael) They told me I had to go in Naked

[Talwin (Michael)] "Please god Branwyn tell me it wasn't a joke"

[Lanek (Spring)] oh. "they". hm, I see

[Master] shrinkage

[Lanek (Spring)] (snert)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (lol!)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We meant without your heavy armour Talwin

[Talwin (Michael)] (Oh come on, we were all thinking it)

Talwin (Michael) Bright red

Talwin (Michael) Grumbles again

[Lara] I am away from the keyboard.

Raelynn (Carissa) calls over, "I'm sure someone appreciates it!"

Talwin (Michael) Pointedly ignoring everyone

[Master] and yes someone has a change of clothes for Talwin after the joke is over

[Master] so he can get dressed

Talwin (Michael) Not prancing about but pounding flat footed

[Talwin (Michael)] Hehe

[Talwin (Michael)] (Thank you Bob)

[Talwin (Michael)] Unless it causes something to fail a check....)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Raelynn moved 14'06".

Talwin (Michael) Get's dressed

[Master] You have the kitchen, nothing new then the shrine and then the stairs going up

Talwin (Michael) "Whelp, nothing out of the ordinary eh? Let's go up?"

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Raelynn: Religion - Elf check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

Raelynn (Carissa) double checking the shrine

Branwyn (Lisa) opens the door off the kitchen that no one seems to understand what it leads to

Talwin (Michael) Nods in respect

[TMO] back

[Master (to Carissa only)] this shrine is old to Suomi and definitely water themed

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (they can do the religious stuff and Branwyn will walk off the kitchen for later

[Raelynn (Carissa) (to Master only)] But statue in here, right? Does it look like the being they saw earlier?

[Master (to Lisa only)] the stairs lead down to the ground outside of the tower, this must be the normal original entrance to the tower from the courtyard

[Master (to Carissa only)] yes

[TMO] (cold cellar where foodstuffs are stored? or bodies, as the case may be)

Raelynn (Carissa) smiles and rejoins the group

Raelynn (Carissa) after paying her respects

Talwin (Michael) follows group

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 [MODIFIED (+1)] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 19!!

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (anything there other than dirt?)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (a bit of mud)

Craigh (TMO) looks for hidden things - compartments, treasures, niches, etc.

[Master (to Lisa only)] the ice wall here circles around to keep the ground cold and dry and the walls seem to be kept "fixed" and zero decay

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (ok - I'm good)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn moved 25'02".

[Lara] I am back at the keyboard.

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Lemon] I am back at the keyboard.

Emerald (Lara) looks around the kitchen

Emerald (Lara) stares at the ceiling and sees...

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (a beholder?)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Oh god I hope not)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Going Baldur’s gate up in here Lisa?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (it's a ceiling, let's make it interesting?)

[Talwin (Michael)] LOL

[Craigh (TMO)] (My god... it's full of stars...)

[Lemon] Bixi Fizzlebang: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=17] 17 - ROLL FAILED against 14!!

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (about time someone didn't have a good roll)

[Lemon] Bixi Fizzlebang: Botany check: (d20) [1d20=1] 1 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (and the beholder drops onto Bixi's head)

[Lemon] Any plants in here?

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (never mind)

[Lemon] I will ALWAYS roll botany. Always.

[Master] zero plants

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (some rotting broccoli maybe)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (time for upstairs?)

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] Bixi Fizzlebang: Cooking check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (Is the broccoli still good?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] A flip of the ol' kLoOge.Coin results in: Tails

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (no)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] :)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (lol)

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (lol)

[Master] Branwyn moved 12'05".

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (One day I will have a very important botany revelation, and you will all be sorry for the teasing)

[Craigh (TMO)] (we deplanting on it

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (lol)

[Master] grins

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (you've sown the seeds of hope now)

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] ( groan)

[Craigh (TMO)] (MUCH better than mine)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] ....*sowed? whatever


[Raelynn (Carissa)] yo soy :)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (the day you top my multilanguage puns, TMO, is the day you ascend to the legends)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (or, you know, spell better than me, not hard tonight)

[Lanek (Spring)] (hahaha)

[Talwin (Michael)] We all know bob can outdo us all

[Master] This floor is mostly empty

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (mostly...?)

Raelynn (Carissa) looks around with curiosity

[Master] the large table, etc.

[Master] no banners

[Craigh (TMO)] Craigh: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 17!!

[Talwin (Michael)] Talwin: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 11!!

[Master] no fire in the hearth

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Did they stay here long...? It seems pretty empty even with previous occupants...

[Talwin (Michael)] (Oof not doing too well tonight)

[Craigh (TMO)] (the beholder behind the desk)

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=5] 5 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Talwin (Michael)] Oh god

[Talwin (Michael)] LOL

[Talwin (Michael)] (Careful, we might end up having to face one)

[Lanek (Spring)] (here for your job interview)

[Master] LOL

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=19] 19 - ROLL FAILED against 10!!

[Lanek (Spring)] (so, tell me where you see yourself in 5 years ...)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lol)

[Master] Well Beholder, I see my self as your slave

[Talwin (Michael)] hehe

[Talwin (Michael)] (You chuckleheads)

[Master] and then next level?

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (sure)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that's the good one)

Craigh (TMO) searches for secret stuffs

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] Bixi Fizzlebang: Alertness check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 14!!

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] Bixi Fizzlebang: Botany check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 14!!

Branwyn (Lisa) opens chest

[Emerald (Lara)] (are those beds?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (yes)

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 5'02".

Emerald (Lara) moves over to one of the beds

Emerald (Lara) pulls back cover

[Craigh (TMO)] Craigh: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Master] yes to beds on the north

[Talwin (Michael)] (Oop brb 10 min)

[Master] and east

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (I'm short, I want to check under the beds)

Emerald (Lara) and Craigh sees...?

Lanek (Spring) looks in the fireplace

[Master] there eare the two chests on the south and a bookcase to the north

Lanek (Spring) sighs heavily

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (one used to hold a frozen body)

Emerald (Lara) waiting to see if there is anything under the covers

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek moved 14'01".

Raelynn (Carissa) watching everyone else pilfer the room

Emerald (Lara) lays back down the cover and moves to the bookcase

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald moved 21'07".

[Lanek (Spring)] hrrrmmm if one of these has a corpsicle in it, will openin' it rurn the body?

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 10!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] It was Maya's body in the chest you are in front of Lanek

[Lanek (Spring)] (rurn. rern. ruIN)

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (Nothing under the beds? No one is that tidy.)

Emerald (Lara) looks at the bookcase and sees...

[Lanek (Spring)] oh we already know it's this one?

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek moved 16'08".

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Yes, we watched Namsut take her out of it

[Lanek (Spring)] I musta been sleepy

[Master] so where Lanek and Branwyn is for that chest

[Master] checking it?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (please be a frozen cat so we don't have to go to pandemonium)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I typed she opened it

[Master] and for Emerald over there at the bookcase

[Master] there are 2 and a half spell books and four scroll cases and two other books

[Lanek (Spring)] an I guess if this one's already opened, you don't need it checked or nuthin

Emerald (Lara) turns to Craigh

[Emerald (Lara)] Craigh, didn't you say something about scrolls?

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I assumed they would be safe given the safeguards of the tower itself

[Master] and then for Branwyn yes there is no trap, inside is a large scroll case, a bone of a giant? with two scrolls inside and then a small oblong box next to it

[Branwyn (Lisa)] No one looked in the chest with Maya. I don't know if she was in the chest with anything else

Emerald (Lara) pulls the first, full spell book down and opens it

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald: Reading/writing check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (needs a read magic spell)

[Emerald (Lara)] Emerald casts a spell against : Read Magic: I can read magical writing for (8*2) 16 rounds NOTE: Not available.

[Emerald (Lara)] (guess I didn't choose that one today?)

[Master] Lara you do not show Read Magic as memorized

[Master] so you can do that tomorrow after sleep and choosing new spells

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Craigh?)

[Master] But yes you have the books

[Master] and I will give you a title on the front

[Craigh (TMO)] (I didn't fix my spells before coming here, of course...)

[Master] one says

[Master] Seven Skies of the Universe

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (bran and Howard did)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Lemon?)

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] yes

[Master] one of the others is Science of Metaenchantment Volume I

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (memorize read magic for tower exploration?)

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (Oops, forgot my ( ). But yes, I fixed my spells)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (wonderful - Branwyn respects that)

[Master] there are four scrolls too

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (I think I memorized it for a different reason, but I do think I have it...)

[Master] but you do not know what they are

[Master] plus two more books there on the shelves

[Master] and letting everyone catch up

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (Yes, I memorized one. I should use it now? Or wait until we get everything home where it's safe?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (depends - we can just bring them all home without reading them - Bran is going to read what is in the chest)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (proximity rule)

Branwyn (Lisa) takes out the giant bone scroll case and removes the scrolls

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Branwyn casts a spell against : Read Magic: I can read magical writing for (12*2) 24 rounds

[Master] for Branwyn there are two scrolls one opened already and one not

Branwyn (Lisa) reads open scroll first

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Branwyn doesn't like waiting and it is safe here)

[Master] Aman al-Raqib is saying that he researching into the past have unraveled the mystery of MarRek who died at least 10 centuries ago and it says that his prophesy has merit and the land might be spared the devastation that awaits it if a party of heroes can recover the Sphere of Power

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Ohh a quest perhaps

[Branwyn (Lisa)] We should ask Maya about this

Branwyn (Lisa) reads it aloud to the group

[Master] It continues to implore that adventurers come to Bralizzar to undertake a quest to stop the Evil One from breaching his bonds

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Lanek, can you check this box for traps please?

Branwyn (Lisa) holds out the oblong box

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] But maybe not until AFTER we find Rimal. I'm worried about what Namsut will do if we break that promise

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh yes. After. Of course.

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Well we can't break that promise so that's that.

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (I know Michael doesn't want to anger Namsut lol)

[Lanek (Spring)] Lanek: Find/remove traps check:(d100) [1d100=56] 56 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 70!!

[Master (to Spring only)] there are no traps on that box

[Craigh (TMO)] (but maybe she'd be even prettier when she's mad? ;) )

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (a deeper shade of blue)

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (Lol we've seen her mad. It was very cold)

[Talwin (Michael)] sorry about that. I'm cramming food while we play :)


Branwyn (Lisa) opens and then reads closed scroll

[Craigh (TMO)] Craigh: Read Languages check:(d100) [1d100=28] 28 - ROLL FAILED against 25!!

[Craigh (TMO)] (so close)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (if you were worried about the cold and shrinkage before...)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (

[Lanek (Spring)] so there were no traps on the box

[Craigh (TMO)] (he's already received the cold shoulder)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] Oh good! Would you like to open it?

[Master] for Branwyn, place the 5 gold cubes in a particular pentagram arranged in a specific order to create a gateway

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (that's all it says?)

[Master] Yes

Branwyn (Lisa) reads it aloud

[Master] there are specific details of how to do it

[Master] but you have not seen such cubes

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (does it say a gateway to where? I have a guess if we can't choose...)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (does it say a gateway to where?)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] :)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (lmao again)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (maybe the cubes are in the box Lanek is opening)

[Master] going back to the first scroll it seems to imply that it goes to where Al-Raquib needs a group of adventurers to come to

Emerald (Lara) listens to Branwyn read

[Craigh (TMO)] Craigh: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Craigh (TMO)] Craigh: Reading/writing check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 14!!

[Craigh (TMO)] Craigh: Reading/writing check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 14!!

[Craigh (TMO)] (sorry)

Craigh (TMO) searches the room for hidden secrets

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (maybe trying too hard)

[Talwin (Michael)] Talwin: Observation check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 11!!

[Talwin (Michael)] Talwin: Reading/writing check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 16!!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (lemon has a spell memorized. she should pick something to read today)

[Talwin (Michael)] (That's an awesome idea Lisa!)

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (Isn't it like, dangerous to read scrolls?)

[Talwin (Michael)] (It can be)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (only if they release hell hounds)

[Craigh (TMO)] (that's why she's having minions do it)

[Craigh (TMO)] (sorry, *sacrificial minions*)

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (lol, yeah, I'll pass then :P)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (but this is a mage's library - most likely anything you pick up will be harmless)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (sometimes you just need to try)

[Talwin (Michael)] (oh Lisa, I'm sure there's a scroll out there that summons Baphomet or something)

[Talwin (Michael)] :D

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] Bixi Fizzlebang casts a spell against : Read Magic: I can read magical writing for (5*2) 10 rounds

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (you weren't here last week - we got a red ribbon scroll we need to open)

[Talwin (Michael)] (oh...sorry Lemon)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Not helping am I)

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (Ok, well let me look at one of the scrolls on the bookshelf I guess? There were scrolls there, right?)

[Talwin (Michael)] (thanks Lisa, I’ll reread. I mostly skimmed)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] there are 2 and a half spell books and four scroll cases and two other books

[Master] For Lemon I will give you four scrolls Heat Mirage, Sandspray, Jackal Ward, and Fist of the Adder

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (Nice!)

[Master] plus the two spell books that Emerald already has the titles on

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (ooooh those sound fancy)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (can the readers read the "two other books"?

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (Ok, so now what do I do?)

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (Just tell everyone what they say?)

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (Are we going to an Egyptian type place?)

[Master] now you know you have two spells books and four scrolls

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You announce your finds and then we can talk later if anyone wants to try and learn them)

[Master] and as far as you know you are going to Pandemonium

[Master] then you had plans to return a cloak and then a book

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] Heat Mirage, Sandspray, Jackal Ward, and Fist of the Adder. Do those sound useful?

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (as far as we know)

[Master] but sure you now have a full potential desert adventure to go to after that

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (Yeah, but those scrolls sound ancient Egypt-y)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (you said 2 and 1/2 spell books, 4 scrolls and 2 other books - I was guessing other meant non magical)

[Master] Hmmmmm, could that be a new Era?

[Master] and yes to Lisa

[Talwin (Michael)] Oh the desert will be awesome. I've been waiting for six years...

[Talwin (Michael)] that or an ocean

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (is TMO going to guest DM??)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (so anyone who can read can read the non magic ones)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Raelynn: Reading/writing - W Comm check: (d20) [1d20=2] 2 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

[Talwin (Michael)] Talwin can read, but he failed his check :(

[Master] no guest DM from TMO yet.... but that would be in 2022+

[Craigh (TMO)] (whee!)

[Talwin (Michael)] (I call one session in 23!)

Emerald (Lara) waits for Raelynn to tell us the name of the other books

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (Well if nothing else, his extensive knowledge will probably come in handy)

[Master] and the response from Rae on the two books

[Master] Calibrating Entry into the Planes via Amulets

[Master] and Tulip Varieties and where you can find them

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (nice)

[Talwin (Michael)] (LOL)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (LOL)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Oh this looks useful! It says, "Calibrating Entry into the Planes via Amulets"!

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (Um excuse me!?)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Eclectic Collection here)

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] Bixi Fizzlebang: Botany check: (d20) [1d20=18] 18 - ROLL FAILED against 14!!

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (are you kidding me with that roll!?!?)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] Oh and a book on tulips. I mean they ARE nice, but roses are a better symbol of love, I think.

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (I call shenanigans!)

[Talwin (Michael)] lol

[Branwyn (Lisa)] I'll bet they discuss the Lyon Estates in the tulip book

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] Oooh, that sounds interesting!

[Raelynn (Carissa)] I'm sure no one minds if you read it when we get a chance.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] You should take it and read it

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (I wish once I would type faster than Carissa)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] :)

[Master] chuckles

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (LOL I can try to type slower? Might fail, but I can try!)

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (If I read the tulip book, do I get to gain some points in botany? lol)

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (no pls don't. Just funny we always do this)

[Master] so before Lara leaves

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (at least three weeks in a row now; we both owe each other many cokes by this point)

[Master] do you have what you need from Emerald?

[Master] so you can get most things done tonight

[Master] so that next week we CLICK into Pandemonium

[Spring] I am away from the keyboard.

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (we could click off the night and let Emerald and Craigh read the rest of the books)

[Talwin (Michael)] Yay!

[Branwyn (Lisa)] (spread the magical reading around)

[Master] yes to Lisa

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (this is the rest of the tower, right?)

[Master] Yes you have seen the entire tower

[Master] Branwyn has been out that door on the first floor

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (then sure, I'm fine with that)

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (Even the basement?)

[Raelynn (Carissa)] (long as we've pillaged everything)

[Lisa] I did want to talk to the casters about spells. Lara didn't a new spell in our last break

[Master] that was the main point of contention other than this room here

[Master] Lara?

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)]

[Lisa] Not enough time for research but she could learn from one of the books in the library or in these new ones we find

[Spring] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lisa] Lara - if we can identify everything new then maybe you can think about over the week and then come in next week ready to roll for what you want given the time we have?

[Lisa] Learning from a scroll takes a few days depending on level but much shorter time than real research

[Master] IF she is away from the keyboard we can go with your idea Lisa so that first thing next week Emerald makes what ever rolls needed

[Lisa] yes

[Master] and yes to scroll versus learning a spell and also with TMO and Craigh copying spells

[Master] and who has that Copy spell?

[Lisa] depending on what's in here our other mages may want to learn some too

[Master] that allows you to duplicate writing?

[Lisa] Howard and probably Craigh

[Lisa] nope

[Lisa] just Howard

[Talwin (Michael)] I can read and write at a rate of 3 words per second...

[Craigh (TMO)] (that was Marisu's spell - Craigh doesn't have it)

[Craigh (TMO)] (it wasn't listed in the spell books when he went a-learning)

[Emerald (Lara)] (sorry, kitty problem)

[Lisa] (you have to open the links for all the spell books - it is in Howard's)

[Emerald (Lara)] (yes, post what you need appraised in OOC and I will check it)

[Craigh (TMO)] (Bob - can't use scrolls with spells in banned schools - I assume Craigh also can't craft scrolls from banned schools?)

[Master] correct to TMO

[Lisa] no not appraisal - spell learning for Emerald

[Craigh (TMO)] (no making dozens of Magic Missile scrolls for Howard to use)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Banned schools? Need to do some external research. Never head of that. Not that I doubt you, just a new rule I haven't seen before)

[Emerald (Lara)] (I mean I will Appraise it)

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (I also do not know anything about that)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Is that like light mage wont learn dark magic?)

[Lisa] that's okay - the scroll is as powerful as the caster writing it so would be a basic one

[Craigh (TMO)] (he's a specialist wizard, which means he's stronger in his chosen school, but penalized or banned from opposition schools)

[Lara] gnite all!

[Master] Michael certain Specialist mages get bonuses for their own school but then have a banned school they cannot learn

[Talwin (Michael)] Night Lara!

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (Goodnight Lara!)

[Lisa] Goodnight Lara

[Talwin (Michael)] Oh! Thank you Bob

[Craigh (TMO)] (g'nite Lara)

[Talwin (Michael)] That's good to know

[Lisa] I don't think she understood me

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] (Ooohhhh. So can I not learn non-illusionist stuff?)

[Master] I agree Lisa and we will have to correct her

[Lara] no, I don't think I did

[Lanek (Spring)] gnite Lara!

[Talwin (Michael)] (Is there like a gray area? Where you tread between both light and dark? Not really banned?)

[Lara] I’m not gone yet

[Lemon] Luke... give in to the grey side

[Talwin (Michael)] Can we re-explain? Also LOL

[Lisa] You didn't learn a new spell on the last training time. I thought it would be nice if you pick one or two to learn first thing next week from the books or new stuff we just found

[Craigh (TMO)] (a non-specialist wizard can use all schools)

[Lemon] How do I know if I'm a specialist?

[Talwin (Michael)] (So in theory Lara, you have a slot open to learn! It's really cool)

[Lara] yes! I thought you wanted me to appraise things that you found in the Ice Tower

[Lisa] you are a gnome

[Craigh (TMO)] (you choose it when you make the character)

[Carissa] and Bob said you were

[Lisa] gnomes can only be illusionists

[Lemon] Um... how do I find out what I chose?

[Craigh (TMO)] (oh, gnome illusionist)

[Talwin (Michael)] (If you want, you can appraise them. Nothing wrong with that. I just think they mean you could also choose to learn instead?)

[Craigh (TMO)]

[Lara] that sounds great...again, where will the new spells be listed from the books?

[Lisa] so by choosing gnome it chose the magic for you

[Carissa] look at old chats and/or put it on your sheet so you won't forget

[Lemon] Ah, ok, thank you

[Craigh (TMO)] Illusionists add a +1 bonus when rolling saving throws against any type of illusion. Opponents suffer a -1 penalty when rolling saving throws against illusion/phantasm spells cast by an illusionist. These modifiers are only used against illusions where saving throws are applicable.

[Talwin (Michael)] (Bob, answer for Lara?)

[Carissa] the race choses the wizard, Harry

[Craigh (TMO)] An illusionist can memorize an extra spell at each spell level, providing that at least one of the memorized spells is from the school of illusion.


[Craigh (TMO)] An illusionist cannot learn spells from the schools of necromancy, invocation / evocation or abjuration.

[Talwin (Michael)] (Does that require appraisal? Or can she just read?)

[Lisa] Not ones not in the library or Miranda's but everything else


[Lara] thanks Lisa! again, gnite everyone

[Talwin (Michael)] Hey Lara, I’ll tell you what, I can try and learn it for you. If you need to go no problem

[Lemon] That is so much information

[Carissa] night Lara!

[Lisa] Emerald is specialized so you would need to make sure you can learn what you pick

Lara has left the game on Fri Nov 19 22:02:16 EST 2021

[Master] so Bixi is an Illusionist and cannot learn Necromancy Nivocation and Evocation and Abjuration spells

[Carissa] You already have that all on your sheet, Lemon. We gave you the extra spells and such.

[Lemon] The problem is that we always do this at night, and then I sleep and wipe most of it out of my brain immediately

[Lisa] wow that was bad typing

[Lisa] Nivocation? :)

[Master] so Lemon wants to move the game to 7 AM instead of 7 PM

[Master] and yeah laughs with Lisa

[Carissa] LOL It's definitely contagious tonight

[Lemon] Lol, I literally didn't even notice until you pointed it out

[Talwin (Michael)] Friday or Saturday for 7 AM...

[Lemon] My brain made the corrections automatically

[Lemon] Yes, 7am works for me lol

[Talwin (Michael)] (Bob, contemplating the monster suggestion he just made... :) )

[Spring] ugh that's 6 AM my time

[Carissa] 7 AM EST or UTC or...?

[Lemon] Everything is always in EST

[Talwin (Michael)] Uh, AZ Time is where it's at. I never have to mess with Clock

[Spring] I’m not gonna be any more awake at 6 AM than I am now, I guarantee

[Lemon] Somehow after I moved out of EST I made a lot of friends in EST

[Talwin (Michael)] LOL

[Master] LAUGHS with Spring

[Spring] even though my workplace is headquartered out of Texas, we operate in EST

[Craigh (TMO)] what kind of specialist is Emerald?

[Talwin (Michael)] (I know what's like sometimes Spring :) )

[Lisa] think she is alteration so she can't do necromancy or abjuration I believe

[Craigh (TMO)] correct


[Spring] Mountain is like the least represented time zone ever

[Spring] well, in the US

[Spring] well, I guess Atlantic exists ...

[Craigh (TMO)] everyone always forgets Atlantic

[Spring] yeah f those people

[Spring] :-P

[Lisa] ok :)

[Lemon] What even is Atlantic? Is that like the middle of the ocean where only seals and Canadians live?

[Craigh (TMO)] I think Puerto Rico is in it

[Lemon] That makes more sense

[Craigh (TMO)] parts of Canada are too

[Craigh (TMO)] there's also Alaska and Hawaii zones

[Lisa] so were the cubes in the box?

[Master] yes to Lisa

[Craigh (TMO)] transport cubes!

[Lisa] can we read the 2.5 spell books tonight or we'll never be ready to go

[Master] Yes

[Lisa] 3 hours and we've read a couple scrolls

[Lisa] sorry

[Carissa] haha that's fine

[Carissa] might be useful

[Lemon] Do we read them or skim the contents page or how does it work?

[Lisa] if we say we read them - Bob gives a spell list

[Lemon] Ah, so reading them is what gives us the contents page

[Lisa] like when you read the scrolls

[Master] Yes

[Lemon] How many rounds has it been? I volunteer to read the half a book since I'm half the height of everyone else

[Lisa] because then we have to figure out if we are learning any before we go to pandemonium

[Master] yes to Lisa and time is not important at the moment Lemon because you are taking all of this back to the Manor and Branwyn's library

[Master] that will be the night of the 17th

[Master] and then on the 18th + you learn spells etc.

[Lemon] Well, ok, but my magic reading only lasts 10 rounds, that's why I ask

[Lemon] I'm fine with taking it back for later, I'm fine with reading it now. Whatever y'all want to do

[Lisa] we have the casters to get these read whether it is today or we click to tomorrow

[Craigh (TMO)] How many spells have we identified so far? I remember seeing 4.

[Lisa] I am thinking more of real time if Bob honestly wants us to transport to pandemonium before the end of the night next week at the rate we are going

[Master] I am trying

[Lisa] we don't have a full spell list, a plan or keeping us from going deaf

[Lemon] I'm ready to leave or read any time

[Lisa] packing

[Talwin (Michael)] (I'm having fun trust me, but does anyone want me to do anything, do some research? Anything?

[Talwin (Michael)] )

[Talwin (Michael)] (Just want to be useful :) )

[Lemon] same

[Talwin (Michael)] (I'm not a spellcaster so...)

[Carissa] we can always open that scroll for you

[Lemon] lol

[Talwin (Michael)] (I'm fine opening Spells if you want)

[Lemon] I thought we were going to the moat for that

[Craigh (TMO)] (I think we're trying to keep it in character when there's no need to.)

[Master] The Seven Skies of the Universe spell book contains Wriuen by Cas;mur, his spell book contains gust ofwi"d. whbpering wind. rainbow pattern, precipi/( liion. c/olulbut'St. and wind wall.

[Master] sigh

[Carissa] LOL

[Talwin (Michael)] (Uh)

[Lisa] how freaking drunk are you?

[Carissa] Wind Woll sounds amazing. Nearly as good as Ruinoow.

[Lemon] wow

[Talwin (Michael)] (That's almost my level or illero's level :) )

[Master] Gust of wind, whispers wind, rainbow pattern, precipitation, cloudburst and wind wall

[Lemon] I need more information about ruinoow pattern

[Master] that is the drunk level of Adove

[Carissa] Ah. Those sound less impressive

[Master] Adobe

[Lisa] adove

[Talwin (Michael)] (I thought he was going for exotic naming myself)

[Lisa] lol

[Carissa] Can't even say you aren't fully drunk

[Master] that is the fun over 20 hours crash my computer twice OCR of the books

[TMO] Wow - for a minute there I thought I was being called drunk for saying we were in character when we didn't need to be. :)

[Lemon] I'm sorry, but Carissa you are wrong. Rainbow pattern sounds amazing, whatever it is

[Talwin (Michael)] (What are you using to OCR? I can recommend a few professional programs I use at our digitization center. I can LDD it too if you want?)

[Carissa] We haven't NOT accused you of also being drunk

[Lisa] no I was picking on Bob's lack of typing coherently :)

[Talwin (Michael)] LOL

[Lemon] Michael said TMO was high earlier

[Master] Adobe Creative Cloud full version that in 8 days gets charged to my card

[Talwin (Michael)] high on life!

[Talwin (Michael)] Holy crap really?

[Master] it sucks

[Talwin (Michael)] That subscription!

[Talwin (Michael)] Let me go get my list

[Talwin (Michael)] (Remember when you could just buy a program and not pay a subscription for it?)

[Lisa] next book?

[Talwin (Michael)] (Pepperidge Farm Remembers)

[Spring] I know right?!?!?!

[Spring] pay once and you own it, oh man!

[Lisa] It is very sad

[Lemon] (lol the pepperidge farm reference. <3)

[Lemon] Double lol forgot I wasn't IC

[Master] and for the other spell book

[TMO] I think I put all the known stuff in Discord

[TMO] so we don't have to search for it

[Lisa] Once I format the chat it will be added to the library

[Master] Science of Metaenchantment 20+ spells about meta magic

[Lisa] boring

[TMO] howly fark

[Lemon] that's so meta

[Master] Extension I, extension II, Extension III, Permanency, Sense Shiting, Alacrity

[TMO] yep, he's drunk

[Lisa] sense shiting?

[Lisa] LOL

[TMO] careful Zuckerberg will be after you Lemon

[Carissa] wtf is Meta Magic?

[Master] ALamari's Fundamental Breakdown Augmentation I, far reaching I, minor malison, squaring the circle, dilation I,

[TMO] magic that affects magic

[Lisa] It's magic that affects how magic works

[Carissa] huh go figure

[Carissa] and this is why I've still not played a mage

[Lemon] Ugh, he is not allowed to take the phrase meta. I refuse to allow it

[Lisa] It really is a lot of work

[Carissa] I prefer to leave that work to the gods

[Master] divination enhancement far reaching II, greater malison, minor spell turning, mordekainen celerity, unluck, far reaching III, khasid's procurement , lower resistance

[Master] We will have full spell corrections next week apparently

[Carissa] although there are some fancy cool spells

[TMO] you could do it the Craigh Way: stop at first level so you never have to worry about more than 1 or 2 spells

[Carissa] like Squaring a Circle, Geometry 102

[Lisa] ok how about the 1/2 book?

[Master] no clue

[Master] the cover is in tatters, and the remains of the book are wet, sodden, disaster

[Master] looks to be ruined

[TMO] Craigh: Bookbinding check: (d20) [1d20=10] 10 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 13!!

[Lisa] give it to Craigh

[Lemon] Or could a magical water being repair it?

[Lemon] Oh hey, I have bookbinding too! Can we stack our efforts?

[Master (to TMO only)] Craigh thinks that this was volume two of that meta magic spell book, maybe a spell or three could be save with careful work on it

[TMO] At last! An apprentice of my very own!

[Carissa] LOL

[Lisa] lol

[Craigh (TMO)] Hmm... might be able to salvage a few pages from it. Maybe more meta magic stuff? Hard to say for sure.

[Lisa] ok - I'll look at spells over the week and decide what I want my guys to try to learn

[Craigh (TMO)] (Come Apprentice Bixi! To the Book Cave!)

[Lemon] Bixi Fizzlebang: Bookbinding check: (d20) [1d20=8] 8 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

[Lemon] Bookbinding PROS!

[Carissa] (I think your apprentice is already better than you...)

[Craigh (TMO)] (Hush Carissa)

[Carissa] :)

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] I might be able to help

[Talwin (Michael) (to Master only)] (I've not used individual licenses and we have constant customer support. We also utilize others, but you might find this helpful? I'd definitely try the free trial first...!&text=Kofax%20has%20only%20a%20one%2Dtime%20payment.

[Craigh (TMO)] Well, you know what they say. "Many hands makes light work."

[Talwin (Michael)] (Constant support)

[Talwin (Michael)] (It's a one time purchase)

[Master] Thank you Michael

[Carissa] (for the joke or for making you feel better about your typos...?)

[Master] grins

[Talwin (Michael)] LOL

[Craigh (TMO)] Here, carry this.

Craigh (TMO) hands Bixi the book.

Talwin (Michael) (I just wanted to add that little disclaimer because I’d feel like shit if you didn't like it and I didn't say anything :( )

[Talwin (Michael)] shoot. I can't type just to master without screwing this up

[Talwin (Michael)] Sorry guys

[Lemon] (Um, why would you make the short person carry things?)

[Master] no worries

[Carissa] Oh no worries. Scroll up and see I did the exact same thing tonight, lol

[Master] and One arm versus short person?

[Craigh (TMO)] (so we've got a 2' gnome and a one-handed man trying to figure out who carries the ruined book?)

[Carissa] *One arm versus short-handed

Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon) glances at Talwin wondering if he will offer to be the muscle

[Craigh (TMO)] (besides, Bixi is probably stronger than Craigh)

[Talwin (Michael)] "I can be the Muscle!"

[Talwin (Michael)] (hehe)

[Craigh (TMO)] (oh, most definitely stronger)

Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon) grins

Talwin (Michael) Beams that he can be useful at last

[Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon)] Thanks Talwin!

Talwin (Michael) Takes the load

Bixi Fizzlebang (Lemon) hands over the book

Talwin (Michael) Nods happily

[Lemon] I might be TMO's apprentice, but I am not his pack-mule.

[Craigh (TMO)] We can work on it in my whop.

[Craigh (TMO)] shop

[Craigh (TMO)] my whoppin-shop

Spring grins

[Craigh (TMO)] The one-stop whoppin-shop

[Master] grins

[Master] you have everything from the tower it seems

[Craigh (TMO)] (You're not, Lemon? *pout* Guess I'll put the bridle and pack saddle away)

[Master] dimension door out

[Master] and back to the Manor / library

[Talwin (Michael)] (I mean, unless we want to take the beds, pews, and the rug)

[Master] that would be afternoon on the 17th

[Master] you can always come back

[Master] it is in Dragon fen

[Craigh (TMO)] (until the meteors come)

[Talwin (Michael)] It can be a perfect hideout for Iller TMO

[Talwin (Michael)] A place to store loot

[Talwin (Michael)] Base of Operations

[Craigh (TMO)] (brb)

[TMO] I am away from the keyboard.

[Lisa] except he can't get in there

[Master] Time of Day: 05:04 PM. Day 17 Ko ___ tre, Bel {Mid Fall} 17th, 351 SKR.

[Lisa] only mages with dimension door can get in

[Talwin (Michael)] (...I bet we could find an interesting way. We could have a door open long term?)

[Talwin (Michael)] (No idea if that would work)

[Talwin (Michael)] (It could be Brans bolt hole if needed?)

[Talwin (Michael)] (Sorry, just having fun)

[Carissa] (could always tell the gnomes to try to dig a tunnel under and in)

[Lisa] so wax drowned out sirens or harpies or whatever - will that work for the winds?

[Lemon] I could illusion a door so that he walks face-first into a wall

[Lisa] LOL

[Carissa] lol

[Lisa] good magic

[Talwin (Michael)] hehe

[Carissa] earplugs but also we needed more light sources, right?

[Master] you can guess wax etc. would help?

[Carissa] cotton with wax over that?

[Lisa] that is simple. can cast to make a continual light object for everyone so no one can say they don't have one

[Carissa] perfect

[Lisa] we also have the continual dark medallion - I want to bring that

[Lisa] perfect to hide in

[Spring] one day somebody's gonna go nuts and sast continual light ON somebody and there’s gonna be Problems

[Lisa] lol

[Lisa] do we want to bring everyone on this?

[Carissa] so Raelynn does have a silencing spell that can be cast on an object, but it isn't permanent

[Carissa] not sure if we have a scroll or some way to make a permanent silencing spell

[Lisa] I think the wind over the whole landscape would probably be too big a target for a spell

[Carissa] Everyone meaning don't leave Howard behind? Poor Howard.

[TMO] I am back at the keyboard.

[Master] Deafen is a spell like Blindness not sure who might have it

[Lisa] well there is Howard, Johan, Tiberius

[Carissa] It's a radius spell and it works against things like Harpy songs, etc.

[Carissa] I mean also means no spell casting from within, but details!

[Lemon] I have Deafness but not Deafen

[Lisa] do people have to stay in the radius for it to work?

[Carissa] Believe so. Radius is 15'

[Craigh (TMO)] Hah! I wonder what Marisu's Sound Bubble (whatever) spell would do in Pandemonium?

[Master] grins with TMO

[Lisa] so realistically she would have to cast it a couple times or we all walk in a very tight group

[Carissa] Also have Cure Deafness or Blindness than can be reversed to cause it

[Carissa] Let's see...

[Carissa] (and TMO reminded me I think I have a second spell but let's finish looking at this one)

[Lisa] we can't go until we figure it out or we arrive and go deaf

[Carissa] It only lasts 12 rounds. She can cast it five times.

[Carissa] No component listed.

[Carissa] "Upon casting this spell, complete silence prevails in the affected area. All sound is stopped: Conversation is impossible, spells cannot be cast (or at least not those with verbal components, if the optional component rule is used), and no noise whatsoever issues from or enters the area."

[Lisa] Those whose ears are unprotected are rendered temporarily deaf after exposure for one round, and permanently deaf after exposure for one turn. Ear plugs or similar devices negate this effect, but the noise is still mind-shattering.

[Talwin (Michael)] (Again, I'm sorry if we covered this, but is wax a viable option? )

[Carissa] So it's not a perfect solution, and we'll still want earplugs at minimum, but it's a backup unless we can find a way to make a permentant one

[Talwin (Michael)] Jeeze

[Talwin (Michael)] huh

[Talwin (Michael)] Amulet of Silence?

[Carissa] Ooof missed the mind-shattering part

[Master] for Michael


[Talwin (Michael)] (Thank you bob)

[Carissa] and the other spell is just a way to charm people with music so less useful

[Lisa] depending on where we have to go - The noise is shriller in the layer of Cocytus, so that those who are exposed to it for a single turn must save vs. spell or be insane for 10d10 turns.

[Talwin (Michael)] ...

[Carissa] Ughh and we saw what happened with that troll thing in the caves driving us insane

[Lisa] any divination spells to locate this cat would be good. The faster we find it the better

[Lisa] Anyone with talk to animals or make friends with animals?

[Carissa] We can do Augury. Probably should have before leaving the inn

[Lisa] this cat doesn't know us even when we do find it

[Master] The intent of the first story arc is to introduce you to how the Planes are very different, story arc two introduces the ideas of planing for hostile environments, etc.

[Craigh (TMO)] not here, those would be useful. :)

[Carissa] N'laea has ranger abilities, and if it's a mammal, her ring of command

[Lisa] think we will have to wait until we get there

[Master] Then you have story arc 3 for the elves and story arc 4 for the book

[Lisa] usually cannot do divination for another plane unless spell says you can

[Master] Lisa is correct

[Talwin (Michael)] Huh. Good to know

[Lisa] planing or planning for hostile environments?

[Craigh (TMO)] But if we go through to Pandemonium, and *then* scry?

[Carissa] Makes sense, and Augury is for immediate future so might not have given us answers

[Master] grins both Lisa

[Lisa] that might be the only option

[Craigh (TMO)] then come back to the Astral, and then back thru the pool to the right spot

[Lemon] Whoops sorry, I was reading all my spells

[Lisa] not sure how the medallion works - might be able to concentrate on a place to land

[Lemon] I have the animal ones

[Master] With your Amulet of the Planes you can go straight to Pandemonium, but you have to envision where you want to go

[Carissa] Let's see. Also Locate Object although not sure if we know enough about the locket for it to work...

Lisa concentrates on the nicest place in pandemonium

[Master] laughs

[Master] which is why you now know about how to use Color Pools

[Lisa] this is going to be hard

[Carissa] Annnnd that's about it. Oh except maybe Locate Animal.

[Master] and a convenient guide book

[Lisa] with the ear plugs we will have trouble talking to each other as well

[Master] with a large red button - wink

[Carissa] A guidebook for this?

[Craigh (TMO)] Don't Panic

[Carissa] Oh! If we polish our earplugs with that cloth, does that give us earplugs +1? :P

[Master] Calibrating Entry into the Planes via Amulets

[Master] and if you want to try you can with the cloth

[Carissa] I mean we did say we'd try with objects at some point

[Carissa] Simple test. Ear wax without. Polish. Put them back in, see if more sound is drowned out?

[Master] and thank you TMO

[Craigh (TMO)] happy to help

[Carissa] Okay note says it's probably still time-limited, but still may help. Wanna test?

[Carissa] Unless we have some magic way to make our own enchanted item

[Master] So the three key things to solve: How to communicate with each other with your ears plugged, Where to go on the Plane of Pandemonium, How to rescue the cat

[Michael] We could read and write?

[Master] who can do that?

[Michael] Any spell of mental communication?

[Michael] I can def. Do that

[Michael] Craigh can

[Michael] I'm sure all our Mages can

[Carissa] Only Rae can

[Michael] Hm. Well, it's the easiest solution I can think of for now

[Lemon] Bixi Fizzlebang: Reading/writing check: (d20) [1d20=12] 12 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 16!!

[Master] and which languages

[Michael] Common for me

[Carissa] W Common and Elvish for the half-elf

[Michael] anyone else?

[Lemon] I don’t' even know

[Michael] LOL.

[Michael] Sorry. I'm not laughing at you Lemon

[Craigh (TMO)] Common

[Master] no need for a check unless it is difficult such as reading a letter with the wind trying to snatch it from your fingers

[Master] etc.

[Craigh (TMO)] no useful skills from Craigh

[Michael] I'm worried about Rae though

[Lemon] I think that was one of the things where Carissa was like, "We'll need to ask BOB about that" and then I never did

[Michael] Bullshit TMO

[Master] Or read while the room is on fire

[Lisa] we also would be in a lot of wind - while Bran breaks out a quill, an inkpot and some parchment :)

[Michael] He's been incredibly helpful

[Carissa] lol

[Craigh (TMO)] I meant for the silent communication

[Master] and yes to Lisa

[Michael] Hey LOL. Just trying to through out ideas. I can't sign language although that would be awesome

[Michael] Maybe a series of prewritten notecards?

[Carissa] Well at minimum, we should make sure we're keeping track of each other whether by rope or site or... probably rope if it goes dark suddenly

[Michael] Just shuffle and pull out the one you need?

[Master] Talwin XP award: 100. Next level in 15728.

[Lisa] HELP

[Lemon] I have worked with people who did not speak the same language as I did... you can communicate a lot through hand gestures and facial expressions

[Carissa] and food

[Spring] wouldn’t it be nice if there were a Lip Reading spell

[Craigh (TMO)] notecards is a good idea

[Lisa] yes

[Michael] I mean, the basics we understand. If we are getting attacked, attack back

[Master] Lip Reading is a Non Weapon proficiency

[Michael] Don't need a notecard for that I'm assuming

[Lemon] But our usual strategy of "try to talk to everything first" might not work as well

[Lisa] yes - more like Talwin rolls Obs on something and discovers this great thing that he has to try to convey to the rest of the group

[Craigh (TMO)] Craigh has Acting

[Lisa] yes to Lemon

[Master] CHARADES!

[Craigh (TMO)] Craigh: Acting check: (d20) [1d20=15] 15 - ROLL FAILED against 13!!

[Michael] A note that says "cool things?" or "Come here"

[Carissa] But does he?

[Lemon] lol

[Lemon] We'll just make notecards for things that could potentially attack that say "Do you like us? yes/no/maybe Circle one"

[Spring] hahahahaha

[Craigh (TMO)] Yes. Absolutely. Definitely.

[Carissa] lol

[Craigh (TMO)] finished season 2 of Animaniacs

[Craigh (TMO)] made a nice background

[Lisa] Branwyn: Lower Plane Knowledge check: (d20) [1d20=14] 14 [MODIFIED (+1)] - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Lisa] does that help with anything?

[Master] checking

[Lisa] This proficiency gives the character some knowledge about a particular lower plane; who lives there, what's needed to survive or get there, etc. The character doesn't have automatic knowledge of spell keys, but he does have some knowledge of what kinds of magic may be affected with a successful proficiency check.

[Master] Checking which planes it applies to

[Lisa] your webpage talks about magic and verbal components of spells etc.

[Craigh (TMO)] meta magic can be used to get rid of the verbal component, I believe

[Lisa] seems like it only matters if your words need to reach a target

[Lisa] Spells that rely on sound reaching a target {holy word, the power words, and shout for example) do not function beyond 10 feet.

[Lisa] Like a Command spell

[Craigh (TMO)] Okay, awkward question time... Is Bixi going to blow away in the wind?

[Michael] (test. sorry)

[Lisa] not sure it necessarily means all spells that are verbal

[Carissa] probably

[Lisa] depends on where we are

[Carissa] to Bixi

[Craigh (TMO)] (we see you Michael)

[Michael] (thanks. The map is constantly loading, but the chat is ok. Just making sure)

[Lemon] hahahahaha

[Michael] :)

[Lemon] I'm ok with that

[Craigh (TMO)] Do we need a backpack so Bixi can ride on Talwin's back?

[Master] only spells that specify V are verbal spells

[Michael] (Also, bob, do you mind if I turn in? I'm happy to do anything else, but uh...not really my forte for spells :)

[Craigh (TMO)] as the heaviest of us, he's the least likely to blow away

[Michael] (I'll carry Bixi no problem)

[Michael] (Want to help)

[Master] and for Lower Plane Knowledge I am ruling that yes Pandemonium applies

[Lisa] the huge caverns (hundreds of miles across and high) are filled with continual wind, which at its lowest point tugs at the clothing as a strong breeze and at its highest (10% chance per 10 turns) can lift up to 100 lbs. in the air and carry it for 1d6 miles (damage on landing is 4d6

[Craigh (TMO)] Craigh: Leatherworking check: (d20) [1d20=4] 4 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 17!!

[Lemon] Bixi is not going to let anyone carry her unless she breaks a leg

[Craigh (TMO)] series of straps that can be used to attach Bixi to a willing steed

[Lemon] She'll fly away in the wind first

[Lisa] Agathion is the deepest of the known layers of Pandemonium. It is without tunnels. Instead, the plane is solid rock dotted by great spherical bubbles. In those bubbles that have barriers to the next layer, the wind swirls in circles, forming massive windstorms capable of flinging creatures of up to 400 pounds in weight around for 1 d6 points of damage per round.

[Master] so if there are additional questions about a particular spell before you try it Branwyn can make a check and will know an answer with a success

[Craigh (TMO)] lol Lemon

[Lisa] we really need to figure out where the cat is

[Lisa] the cat couldn't survive in many of these places

[Lemon] Maybe it's a magical cat?

[TMO] probably

[Master] For Branwyn's skill Nine Hells, Gehenna, Hades, Tartarus, Abyss are the lower planes

[TMO] changecat that will try to eat our faces

[Lisa] yippee

[Master] with less known about Pandemonium and Acheron

[Master] but still applies to those

[Lisa] thanks

[Lisa] so for ear plugs we combo cotton and wax, right?

[Lisa] so that is done

[TMO] we don't seem to be coming up with any other options.

[Carissa] Yes. Did we want to test if we can enhance them or not?

[Michael] (Still be mind shattering though right? Wont that disrupt spellcasters?)

[TMO] I can make some headpieces to help hold them in place

[Lisa] Michael volunteered to make flash cards for us?

[Michael] (I can do that)

[Michael] (Can we post messages to use on the discussion board later?)

[Michael] Sorry. been at work too long. On the website?

[Master] of course

[Lisa] Indigo and Tiberius can't read

[Michael] (not discussion board. We're not using planner cards. lol)

[Lisa] but that's ok

[Michael] (We can draw shapes?)

[Carissa] We can add pictures?

[Lemon] Yeah, what EXACTLY does "mind-shattering" mean?

[Michael] (Swords for attack?)

[Carissa] Raelynn: Artistic Ability check: (d20) [1d20=16] 16 - ROLL FAILED against 15!!

[Carissa] Crude ones

[Lemon] Oooh, and arrows for which way we want to go

[Michael] (We can walk him through the shapes)

[Michael] (Right)

[TMO] usually we can just point

[Carissa] As long as we can see each other

[TMO] even the one-armed man can point. :)

[Michael] (I won't lie though. The mind shattering thing will be really bad for our sanity. Bob, is there penalties as we go if we are subject to that?)

[Lemon] oh. duh

[Carissa] unless he's holding something in that hand, like Bixi so she doesn't float away!

[Lemon] lol thanks tmo

[TMO] LOL, my pleasure

[Lemon] I am overthinking now

[Lemon] Or underthinking

[Lisa] I just have this feeling that kitty went to a place with creatures rather than a wind tunnel

[TMO] that's okay, I got into it at first. "We only need one arrow, we can just turn it the way we want to go" was my first thought

[Lisa] the bugbear hell place or is playing with Loki

[N'laea (Carissa)] (or a place to try to escape the noise; think of those poor sensitive kitty ears)

[Lisa] that's just my guess

[Lisa] or a new place that isn't on the webpage

[N'laea (Carissa)] (lol most likely)

[TMO] we're going to return either with a mega-monster or a cat skeleton

[Lisa] I think we need to get to the calmest place we can - do divination and come back

[N'laea (Carissa)] (a skinny mega monster cat)

[TMO] agreed Lisa

[Lisa] then go to the place we see for real

[N'laea (Carissa)] (our divination choices are limited, though)

[Lemon] What if the one-armed man is carrying something? Like a weapon? Then we will REALLY have problems communicating

[N'laea (Carissa)] (*spell choices)

[Master] The Planes are places that exaggerate the good or the bad of a normal space

[TMO] He's not carrying you Bixi, get over it

[Master] and LOL

[Lisa] lol

[Master] brb restroom

[N'laea (Carissa)] (lol)

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

[Michael (to Master only)] Hey bob, not trying to be a pestering ass, but what penalties might apply to midshartering effects of pandemonium

[Lemon] lol, carissa already said that too, I'm so not with it right now

[Lisa] everyone needs to be carrying a magic weapon I think

[N'laea (Carissa)] (think we all do now, yes?)

[Lisa] I hope so

[Spring] no

[TMO] btw, Lemon, Bixi and Craigh are also both Illusionists, as well as Bookbinding Bros.

[Spring] Fairly sure Lanek's weapons are ordinary

[N'laea (Carissa)] (Lanek has magic skivvies)

[Lemon] Oh wow, we need a club name

[Lisa] Lanek has the +3 short sword that makes Indigo so jealous

[N'laea (Carissa)] (and the nicest leather boots)

[Lisa] not sure where he got it but it's on his sheet

[Lemon] Should we take some kibble to shake around to lure the kitty with?

[N'laea (Carissa)] (TMO roll maybe from original creation?)

[Spring] orly?!

[TMO] excellent idea. Raelynn, you're the animal person, right?

[Lisa] Emerald doesn't - we need to get her something

[Spring] I totally don't remember that

[N'laea (Carissa)] N'laea is

[TMO] so we'll need her to tame the kitty

[N'laea (Carissa)] (Raelynn is love and charm and talking to people)

[Lisa] neither do I but you used it in the Astral and it said -3 in the formula

[Lisa] Lanek: Attack: Short Sword: ((19-(d20+0))-3) [1d20=10] 6 [MODIFIED (-3)]

[Carissa] She's got track, locate animal spells, befriend animal spells, ring to control mammals of specific categories. So should hopefully be good.

[TMO] I don't recall generating magic items for my followers

[Lisa] It's on the sheet

[Michael] Well dammit, you better remember PDQ! :)

[Carissa] Oh and invisibility TO animals if kitty gets scare and runs so we can sneak up on kitty if needed

[Lisa] If we had found it in group Indigo would have asked to trade for his magic pick

[TMO] I just don't remember where it came from is all.

[Lisa] so must have been there originally

[TMO] I may have rolled it and just don't remember it

[Spring] maybe that’s a hook for a future adventure

[Spring] "just how did this magic sword get into my stuff"

[Lemon] I feel like I have a magic weapon that TMO had to do a lot of math for

[Carissa] yes he did

[Lisa] lol

[TMO] sounds like I had fun

[Lisa] Craigh is carrying the spear

[Michael] So I’m having a blast, but I think I need to turn in for the night. Thanks all for such a wonderfully fun and relaxing evening. It means a lot to me !!

[TMO] g'nite Michael!

[Lisa] we need to give Emerald something

[Michael] I'll be here next Friday!!! :)

[TMO] I'll make sure your Bixi-bag fits properly

[Lisa] Goodnight Michael!

[Lemon] Goodnight Michael!

[Michael] LOL TMO :)

Michael has left the game on Fri Nov 19 23:23:43 EST 2021

[Lisa] Howard and Johan don't have any magic weapons but they can just cast or hide

[Carissa] (belated night Michael!)

[TMO] Yeah, Craigh's problem magic-wise is no offensive spells.

[TMO] they're all in opposed schools

[Lisa] Lord Tiberius: Attack: Thorn: ((12-(d20+2))+2) [1d20=3] 9 [MODIFIED (+2)]

[Lemon] *watches BOB make a note to have first encounter in a wide open space with nowhere to hide*

[Lisa] Tiberius sword says +2 magic ?

[TMO] I just noticed that. that's a penalty

[Lemon] Sorry friends, I am not much help here

[Lisa] sigh

[Master] I am back at the keyboard.

[Lisa] we should fix him

[Master] yes Tiberius has a magical sword

[Lisa] but the math is wrong

[Master] I will check that

[Master] and fix

[Lisa] thx

[Master] and I missed Michael asking about what Mind Shattering means

[Master] and the chance to tell him.....

[Master] you do not know

[Master] but can guess it is like being stunned at a minimum

[Carissa] shocked at your answer. SHOCKED I say.

[Master] thank you, bows

[Lisa] do we get save v breath weapon?

[Master] That would be a good guess

[Lisa] yay

[Lisa] can mages use maces or spears?

[Master] You did get lots of new information tonight too

[TMO (to GM only)] Character sheet for Craigh modified: Spells - CHANGED: Change Self* -- # Memorized: 0 (1), CHANGED: Disawareness* -- # Memorized: 1 (+0), CHANGED: Spider Climb -- # Memorized: 1 (0),

[Lisa] otherwise Emerald would need to parry or just use magics

[Master] and yes they can use them, but if not proficient in them they are a big minuses

[Carissa] I do want to try that cloth to see if it makes earplugs better before we finish up tonight

[Lisa] this plane is like astral in that we need magic weapons only?

[Master] remember the cloth only has so many uses

[Lisa] does it?

[Carissa] It does?

[Lisa] :)

[Carissa] ooh faster than me this time!

[Master] most of the Outer Planes are that way for needing magical weapons

[TMO] bravo!

[Master] and cloth wears out

[Master] so when it does it no longer functions

[Carissa] We never rolled to see how worn out it was or was not

[Carissa] Shoot now it seems even more useless with such short time durations

[TMO] I'm afraid I don't remember the cloth

[Carissa] maybe if we cut it up and put THAT in our ears...

[Master] and rubbing a cloth along the edge of a sword......

[Lemon] Is it magic cloth?

[Master] LOL

[Spring] yeah a polishing rag

[Lisa] we can use Identify to see how charged up it is for a guess

[Carissa] "Cloth of polishing -- anything polished with the cloth gains a plus 1 for the next turn or hit, or a cup is now magical for ten rounds (need testing, not sure what that would do)"

[TMO] interesting

[Carissa] Sure might as well

[Carissa] Unless Bob means more how we use it. Might last forever polishing silver. Less so on sharp swords.

[Master] I am only working Monday and Tuesday so I will be able to answer things on the site during the week

[Lemon] Can we like, enchant some regular cloth somehow?

[Master] I am getting my booster shot Tuesday after work

[TMO] got mine today yay!

[Master] and yes to Lemon

[Lisa] making a magic item is a very complicated spell

[Carissa] Yes, but it's key on permanent enchantment versus temporary

[Master] now that you know such a thing exists you can attempt to recreate it

[Master] but as Lisa says, it is complicated

[Carissa] Awesome! I got mine just over two weeks ago. Barely better than second booster. Still got sick.

[Lemon] I tried to get mine but I was sick. :(

[Spring] I got mine last Saturday

[Master] nods I was waiting to have the extended time off if needed

[Carissa] :(

[Lisa] Will get mine next month

[TMO] I wonder if Wind Wall would stop the winds in Pandemonium while it was up?

[Carissa] Woo!

[Carissa] Ooh that's a interesting though

[Carissa] ...t

[Master] yes to TMO

[Master] a good thing to try

[Lisa] yes I will be going through spells this week

[Carissa] So if the wind stops, the noise stops?

[TMO] There's also whispers Wind, which I presume would allow us to communicate using the wind?

[Carissa] So sounds like yes, more mages this trip is good

[Master] there is a spell that travels over the wind that would work much longer and better here yes

[Master] mages and priests

[Master] depending on the spells available

[TMO] there's also a Divination Enhancement spell

[Carissa] Mages seem to have more spell choices that are useful :)

[Master] your goal is to get in, get the cat and get out

[Master] not to stick around and explore

[Carissa] Yeah think we realized that after reading the page, lol

[TMO] yes and no, Carissa. More choices, BUT you have to find them, AND you have to prepare them in advance

[Master] chuckles good

[Carissa] So here's the downside. Y'all need to delay next Friday because I'll be late.

[Master] how late?

[Lisa] we never start on time first of all

[Master] This is true

[Carissa] I'm going to try to sneak onto my laptop while talking to relatives, but no clue.

[TMO] Lisa, Permanency might have some fun applications as well. :)

[Lisa] second we need to roll some spells

[Carissa] Going to aim for 10 PM at the latest, but 'tis family so no idea.

[Master] KLoOge will be up for people to use to roll

[Carissa] Shh no Bob. They need to use that time Friday to delay. Did you just read what I wrote? :)

[Master] LOL

[Carissa] Or have ideas without the animal tracker available which seems, er, like a potentially important person here.

[Lisa] yes but probably only me or maybe TMO will have spell choices picked before Friday

[Master] As pointed out earlier Yes this is an in and out mission but I am anticipating 3 or 4 sessions for it

[Lemon] I have animal spells also, but probably not as good as Carissa's

[TMO] My choices are severely restricted by level and school

[Carissa] .....welp guess that cat is lost forever.

[Master] LOL

[Carissa] And you do have locate animal to start, Lemon. That may be of use

[Lisa] I can't wait to find out what kind of cat we are dealing with

[Carissa] Sphinx

[TMO] Sea Lion

[Lisa] Bob - did the red scroll survive going past the Mist gate?

[Carissa] Lil Bub

[Master] Yes to Lisa

[TMO] oo, good question

[TMO] drat

[Master] the scroll is intact

[Master] not open

[Lisa] so we can do that first thing next week to delay

[Master] 'ok

[Carissa] lol there you go

[TMO] encase it in ice?

[Master] Do you want to do that with fresh spells? start on the 18th?

[Lisa] well yes

[Master] will mean one day clicked off so far


[Lisa] any free day over the week we are prepping at home is fine

[Master] ok

[TMO] Put it in the catapult and attach the ribbon to the pult, so when it throws it it will open and whatever comes through will be flung a mile away

[Carissa] LOL

[Master] WOW

[Lisa] lol

[Lisa] and the farmers come complaining that their farm just got taken out by a fire elemental that dropped from the sky

[Spring] hahahaha

[Master] hah

[Carissa] Dragon Fen just got a lot more deadly to live in

[TMO] empty out the Room Scroll, untie the scroll just as you close the room, and then we'll see what happens when you run out of oxygen?

[Carissa] Does the magic room run out of oxygen...?

[Master] yes

[Carissa] Ah, well then yes, another good options.

[TMO] I am truly devious

[Carissa] lol

[Carissa] Also if it's another day....

[Carissa] Raelynn: Artistic Ability check: (d20) [1d20=6] 6 - ROLL SUCCEEDED against 15!!

[Carissa] There. Better drawings on the notecards!

[Carissa] Whatever those notecards will be.

[TMO] put the Room Scroll on the floor, fill it with water, drop the scroll in as you open it and close the room.

[Master] only works on a wall

[TMO] floors are just horizontal walls

[Master] chuckles

[Lisa] we could just open it and kill whatever is inside

[Master] Escher agrees

[TMO] pshaw!

[Carissa] too simple!

[TMO] boring, Lisa!

[Lisa] lol

[TMO] besides, my ideas are all about killing it, just with less effort

[Lisa] you don't know what it is. It might be something new

[Carissa] and/or killing others and making it their problem, apparently

[TMO] pfft... "others"

[Carissa] Take it to the Astral, open it as you toss it in a portal?

[Carissa] Sorry not as devious as TMO


[Lemon] Making it someone else's problem sounds like a good survival skill. I'm already learning so much from you, TMO

[TMO] chuckle

[Spring] hahahaha

[Carissa] ...I don't know what I'm watching

[TMO] we probably need to figure out how Bixi and Craigh are going to get along, since they have such similarities

[TMO] see if there's any synchronicities we can exploit. :)

[Lisa] very well?

[TMO] or hate each other

[Master] It seems like you are on the right track

[Lisa] can't see Bixi being a big hater

[TMO] nah, Craigh's pretty easy going too

[Master] there is a plan

[Lisa] yay

[Lemon] Bixi is too busy trying to make everyone else think she's cool enough to hang out with them

[Lemon] She doesn't have space to be a hater

[TMO] booy, has Craigh got the spell for you

[Master] and you can be ready to leave to new Planes by the end of the night next week

[TMO] Craigh casts a spell against : Janne's Impressive Demeanor*: Similar to the change self spell, Jannes’ Impressive Demeanor alters the appearance of the caster. The transformation is subtle, however, and does not disguise the caster. Instead, the caster simply looks much more impressive, causing all onlookers to react with a certain amount of respect or awe (adding elements of phantasm to the basic illusion). Any intelligent (3 or higher intelligence) creature within the ‘Detail’ visibility range (10 yards under a clear daytime sky) who looks at the caster must make a saving throw vs. spells or be awed by the caster. This awe is manifested in a desire to avoid angering or upsetting the caster, and a reluctance to initiate hostilities against this impressive figure. NOTE: Not available.

[Carissa] she's willing to go to a dark, tunnel and noise filled plane with them. That has to count for something

[Lemon] lol that's amazing

[Carissa] PlaneS? More than one?

[Master] not sure yet what you will do

[Carissa] This is an extradimensional jumping cat? Or maybe the locket it carries?

[TMO] Orion's Belt

[Master] grins

[Carissa] Orion doesn't like wearing it :(

[Carissa] But absolutely why I named my cat Orion

[TMO] lol

[TMO] a good choice

[Carissa] lol thanks

[Spring] love it

[Master] OK so everyone has their homework

[TMO] yep

[Spring] uhm, what's my homework?

[Carissa] I do? But it's going to be breakkkkk

[Spring] oh receive computer in the mail, that's the one

[Master] I will be available to do things much easier except for Monday, Tuesday and Tuesday

[TMO] among other things, I've been picking out the illegal drugs for my campaign.... I hope that didn't put me on any lists

[Master] every other day I am off

[TMO] I'm off W/Th/Fr, but not sure how busy family will be. They do love their Thanksgiving holiday here

[Lemon] Tuesday AND Tuesday? That's too many work days.

[Carissa] lol

[Master] Dinner at friends on Sunday night and at the Park on Thanksgiving

[Spring] I’m only off Thursday, but that's an improvement, as I usually work the major holidays

[Master] but Off Sat Sun Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun Mon

[Lisa] that's confusing

[Master] only working 2 of the next 8 days

[Lemon] This is my first year NOT working retail or food service, so I totally understand Spring.

[Master] yes to Lemon and Spring

[Master] hope we all get to relax and enjoy this year

[Carissa] Wow nice

[Carissa] All righty then. Goodnight for now?

[Lisa] think so

[Lemon] Yes please. I'm falling asleep

[Lisa] Goodnight!

[Carissa] lol

[Carissa] Goodnight!

[Spring] gnite!!!

[Lemon] Goodnight friends!

[Master] yes

Spring has left the game on Fri Nov 19 23:53:36 EST 2021

[Master] night

Lisa has left the game on Fri Nov 19 23:53:42 EST 2021

[TMO] took us a bit to really get moving, but we made good progress tonight

Carissa has left the game on Fri Nov 19 23:53:44 EST 2021

Lemon has left the game on Fri Nov 19 23:53:53 EST 2021

[Master] I think so

[TMO] ciao

[Master] and yes the "Egyptian" things are for after this Era

[TMO] sweet

[Master] but you have them now

[Master] and as you saw time in the Planes is different

[TMO] I've been trying to look up Egyptian themed ideas for mine, even if they work exactly the same as existing items

[Master] I think it will be fun for everyone

[TMO] cool

[Master] looks like we have things to keep us busy through the full year plus

[Master] have a great weekend

[TMO] you too!

TMO has left the game on Fri Nov 19 23:56:30 EST 2021

XP awarded