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Chat Log - 2022 01 14 - Cosmological Quandaries - Home Stories - Formatted - Story

Chat log edited to story format

BOB and SO


BOB suddenly the group is dragged from a dark fortress into the sunshine of the Inn

BOB for Licornah she sees sunshine again, but a roiling drifting mist like fog held just outside the courtyard where you landed

Licornah : :: looks upward hopefully ::

Branwyn: unties rope around her waist and breathes a sigh of relief

Branwyn: Everyone okay?

Bixi Fizzlebang: takes off her first aid fanny pack

Craigh: Ummm... any idea what I should do with this cat?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Which one?

Craigh: is holding one of the sleeping cats for the teleport, and it's nearly bigger than him.

N'laea: Set it down gently?

Indigo: unties himself

N'laea: removing rope from herself as well

Craigh: Yes.. umm... help please?

Indigo: Gerry's gonna be real surprised with all the cats

N'laea: Ah. Right

N'laea: goes to help him once untied

Bixi Fizzlebang: He might be happy. He did say there were rats

BOB Licornah's attention is drawn to Craigh's lack of arm

Indigo: I'm not sure these are the kinds of cats that chase rats

Religion, Elven

Raelynn: [SKILL] Religion, Elven [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20 = 7]

Craigh: Thanks

Raelynn: looking at Licornah's unicorn wand/staff as she unties herself

BOB As everyone unties

Licornah : :: ponders his lack of armage, but thinks it rude to ask him about it ::

Gerry the barkeep: Welcome home!

Gerry the barkeep: You must be hungry

Gerry the barkeep: and

Indigo: Hi Gerry!

Indigo: We have CATS!!

Craigh: waves

Gerry the barkeep: Ahhh who is this? and what, how , Ummm

Indigo: Lots of cats

Gerry the barkeep: How did you get so many cats in 3 days?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Don't worry Gerry, at least one of them will be leaving with us

Indigo: We were gone for 3 days?

Gerry the barkeep: Yes

Gerry the barkeep: I think

Indigo: scratches his head

Gerry the barkeep: I am still having a bit of a hard time with time

N'laea: How can you tell time in here?

Gerry the barkeep: if that makes sense

Indigo: I don't understand all this magicky travel stuff

Gerry the barkeep: But I think it has been three sleeps since you left

Gerry the barkeep: and who is this?

Gerry the barkeep looks at Licornah

Indigo: Licornah the cat keeper

Indigo: grins

Gerry the barkeep: You went to bring back someone to keep cats?

Gerry the barkeep: and brought back cats too?

Indigo: Uhhhh no?

N'laea: We went for one cat and found someone with cats.

Bixi Fizzlebang: The keeper was a bonus

Gerry the barkeep: Well nice to meet you cat keeper

Craigh: You can never get just *one* cat.

Licornah : :: nods :: well met

Gerry the barkeep: Are you friends with the other elves?

Craigh: watches with interest to see how she answers this one

N'laea: You do know not all elves know other elves?

Indigo: Licornah, this is Gerry. He owns this inn

Gerry the barkeep: Really? you all seem to know each other

Gerry the barkeep: You two know Shi,

N'laea: We met her once we got here. We did not know her before.

Licornah : :: looks around :: these elves?

Licornah : I do NOT like dark elves...

Gerry the barkeep: I will go in and get things ready for you, come on in when you need a drink

Bixi Fizzlebang: There's a lot of elves in the world, Gerry, you'll probably have to be more specific

Indigo: I need a drink

N'laea: Neither do we.

Craigh: sniffles

Craigh: sneezes

Branwyn: Licornah, I am Branwyn. I apologize for my curtness. We had a mission in a horrible plane and just wanted to get the cat and leave

Craigh: sneezes again

Bixi Fizzlebang: Craigh are you allergic to cats?

Raelynn: hands him a tissue

Craigh: is turning red.

Branwyn: You are in Dragon Fen in the kingdom of Drillian. Welcome to the Mist free portion of the estate

Craigh: Maybe?

Licornah : :: nods ::

Licornah : :: ponders how far from home this place is ::

Branwyn: If you walk past those gates, you will enter the Mist and likely get sick

Branwyn: But that is the only way out to other lands other than teleportation

Craigh: wipes his face with the tissue.

Licornah : I am from a town outside of Silvermoon

Branwyn: Silvermoon is an elven kingdom?

Licornah : :: raises eyebrow slowly :: Yes?

Licornah : It's a very large city :: unsure how to explain further ::

Licornah : It's larger than Waterdeep?

Branwyn: I have not heard of it or know how far away it is. I'm sorry

Branwyn: You are in the Small Kingdoms that is west of Terraguard

Licornah : :: shrugs :: The cats are safe... that's the important part

Licornah : Home is here :: points to head ::

Indigo: That's good

Bixi Fizzlebang: But surely it's better here than where you just were?

Craigh: sneezes again

Licornah : I'm not sure... how far are we from the Red Wizards?

Craigh: Gah, sorry. I don't think I've heard of them.

Licornah : Then, this is a better place

Indigo: I wish Wu Sen Cho was still here. He'd probably know where all those fancy places are

Indigo: Maybe if you go to that mage place with Rimal, they will know. I think that's far away, isn't it?

Branwyn: Yes, Indigo. We are taking the cat back to a land in a desert I believe

Craigh: scuse me!

Raelynn: Oh do you need another tissue?

Raelynn: hands him another one

Craigh: hurries into the inn to get some water to wash up with.

Licornah : Desert? ::thinks ::

Branwyn: Hiyal

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Botany [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 14]

Branwyn: So Licornah you are looking to stay here for a time?

Licornah : I, :: fumbles :: I, am meant to stay with the cats until they find their home. It has been willed.

Branwyn: Well I only have a home for one of them. The others? I don't know

Bixi Fizzlebang: stage whispers to Branwyn; Don't forget about the locket

Branwyn: smiles at Bixi

Branwyn: I need to concentrate on the place we need to go to return Rimal so I was thinking we could stay here tonight and leave in the morning.

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): And they all want to go home

N'laea: Teleporting or through the Astral Plane?

Branwyn: You will give us the locket so we may return it with Rimal

Craigh: returns from within the Inn, having washed his hand and face. Even so, he doesn't get too near the cats.

Branwyn: Teleporting. I do not know how to reach Hiyal through the Astral Plane.

N'laea: You have a book to recalibrate that Amulet, yes?

N'laea: And then to find a silver pool to search for her tower?

Branwyn: Yes but I have not tried it yet and we are not going to another plane. We are staying in this one to return the cat

N'laea: I do not know which way is easier, though.

Craigh: What can we do to help until tomorrow then?

Branwyn: Relax and rest. I'll need to concentrate on where Maya is so that when I cast I can have her location rooted in my head.

Branwyn: I can only take some of you though

Raelynn: Oh! Oh can I go? I want to seem them reunited!

Bixi Fizzlebang: Gerry, would your stables be able to be converted to a cat house... at least temporarily?

Branwyn: I can only teleport up to 550 lbs. in a trip and can only go twice a day

Craigh: tries to estimate the weight of the cat

Branwyn: I have no idea how much the cat weighs

Licornah : The cats and I can find a tree to sleep near... we'll be okay

TMO (Craigh): without getting near it

Craigh: I'd think a bedroom might be more comfortable

Branwyn: There is a stable and a guest house if you would prefer a roof over your heads

N'laea: They'll stay with you that long? Cats tend to wander.

Branwyn: I'm not sure Gerry would appreciate all the cats inside the inn, but the guest house is nice

Licornah : It's okay... we understand. :: looks :: they want to be outside and get a fresh meal

Branwyn: I'm not sure there is any game inside these gates. the horse is not a meal option

Branwyn: But Gerry can provide something for them to eat for now

Craigh: I wonder how the animals and vermin around here reacted to the whole time loop thing?

Branwyn: Licornah, I have been distracted. Everyone has introduced themselves to you?

Bixi Fizzlebang: suddenly remembers her manners

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm Bixi!

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm going to write ghost stories!

Licornah : :: stays silent on time looping ::

Lorie (Licornah ): Nice to meet you, Bixi -- writing is important

BOB Gnome, apparent spell caster

Craigh: waves

Craigh: Craigh, book-maker.

Indigo: I'm Indigo. I'm with Branwyn and a knight and admiral

Licornah : Nice to meet you as well, Crag the book maker - also important

Lorie (Licornah ): (she pronounces it as Craaagggg)

N'laea: N'laea.

Licornah : Indigo... Knight Admiral? Oh my, warring is frequent?

Raelynn: Raelynn, Priestess of Hanali.

Indigo: Well we did have a civil war a few years ago, but not really?

Indigo: I was a knight for helping the Queen and then an Admiral to help with the war

Licornah : :: bows to Raelynn :: Well met Priestess

Licornah : Civil war? It was nice?

Indigo: Nice? Nope. But we weren't there for most of it. We came back at the end

Howard Plum: I am Howard, Branwyn's apprentice

Licornah : I see... what does Hanali serve?

Licornah : :: nods :: Nice to meet you Howard

Raelynn: Um, Hanali is one of the triad? She's about beauty and love and all that.

Licornah : I see... :: thinks of the equivalent ::

BOB Branwyn has the guest house

BOB to do her research etc.

Carissa (Raelynn): N'laea outside in the sun because why not. Rae would be happy with a big plush bed.

Craigh: Craigh will spend his time in the Inn, talking to Gerry and the others (if any)

Craigh: [SKILL] Information Gathering [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 11]

Craigh: just gathering general information on the people and place

Lorie (Licornah ): I'm staying with the cats outside and communing with them

Indigo: So Licornah, are you in trouble? Did someone punish you by sending you to the wind plane? Are you a criminal?

Licornah : :: ponders :: In ... trouble? This is a great honor given to me by the high Silvermaiden herself to protect Rimal and his friends.

Indigo: But Pandemonium is a really bad place. Why did you bring cats there?

Indigo: We know Rimal went by accident but the others?

Licornah : ... to keep them safe from those who would them harm. Pandemonium was not ideal for holidays, this is true.

Indigo: How did you get to Pandemonium? Do you have an amulet like Branwyn?

Licornah : :: ponders :: I stepped through the door and was there

Licornah : and near Rimal

Indigo: That's strange

Indigo: So there's a door in Pandemonium that would take you back to your house?

Indigo: Or was it a one way door

Indigo: grins

Licornah : :: ponders unsure how to answer :: The high Silvermaiden opened the door for me

Indigo: Did she tell you how to get back?

Licornah : She said I would know when to leave

Indigo: frowns

Indigo: Huh

Indigo: You could have been there a real long time. Glad you are out of the place!

Licornah : Those dark dwarves were something

Licornah : They sure liked to hit rocks a lot

Indigo: Did they eat them?

Licornah : Not that I saw but :: shrugs :: who knows?

Indigo: Good dwarves don't eat rocks even though people try to feed rocks to dwarves all the time. Maybe dark dwarves eat rocks

Raelynn: A place like that, what else is there to eat?

Indigo: thinks

Licornah : there were bugs... and I saw large rats

Johan: No one eats rocks

Indigo: Even dark dwarves?

Johan: How would you chew them? and even with cheese they would not taste good

Raelynn: Umm isn't salt a rock? I've heard it called Salt Rock before.

Indigo: I'm sure there is someone or something out there that eat rocks. We've just never seen it

Johan: Salt is a tiny rock that you crush down

Johan: like a diamond

Bixi Fizzlebang: So maybe they crush it down into salt sized pieces

Raelynn: So it IS a rock!

Johan: no one eats salt you use salt

N'laea: It's easier to lick it. The deer prefer it that way.

Johan: See

Johan: even animals do not eat salt

Johan: Dwarves are not animals

N'laea: Although I am certain that purple worm eats rocks. Whether or not it is an animal is a different discussion.

Bixi Fizzlebang: But you can crush it down and then eat it if you want, right?

Bixi Fizzlebang: It's a lot of work, but you could do it

Johan: A purple worm? isn't that what swallowed Brer?

Johan: and Brer is not a rock

N'laea: And how else did it tunnel through if it did not consume what was in front of it?

Bixi Fizzlebang: But how did it get through the rock if it didn't chew its way through? It doesn't have arms...

Johan: Well Brer might have rocks for brains

Johan: You are the nature person,

Johan: If you say worms eat rocks I am going to say yes

Johan: Worms in the garden eat dirt

Bixi Fizzlebang: Well then, as an expert, I can tell you with absolute certainty that there's probably something that eats some kind of rock

Indigo: Yes!

Indigo: Thanks Bixi

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm more of a plant expert, unless I can talk to an animal directly, but I stand by what I said.

Johan: So what do rocks have to do with cats?

Johan: and Her? points at Licornah

Indigo: Ummm ... nothing

N'laea: Dwarves chasing her.

Johan: Then it is good we do not have any dwarves around here

Johan: She will be safe

Bixi Fizzlebang: Maybe they grow mushrooms

Licornah : The dwarves weren't chasing me... until you all appeared

Licornah : We were safe in that house

Johan: Indigo has a way of getting into trouble

Johan: Of finding adventures

N'laea: You were trapped in that house.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Did you ever leave that house, Licornah?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Did you see anything that might have been a mushroom?

Bixi Fizzlebang: is really distracted by the idea of food

Indigo: It wasn't my fault

Licornah : I remember rocks... a stream and smoke

Licornah : I don't recall any mushrooms, herbs, or foliage in general

Bixi Fizzlebang: Oh, a stream! They probably ate weird fish

Johan: Why weird fish? why not normal fish?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Mystery solved... hey didn't Gerry say he had some food for us?

Bixi Fizzlebang: You think there are NORMAL fish in Pandemonium?

Bixi Fizzlebang: looks at Johan like he's crazy

Indigo: Yeah Gerry said we could come in when we wanted a drink

Gerry the barkeep: (as you enter the Inn) Hello there, are you staying the night? or going back to Skull Church?

Indigo: We have to stay the night so they can return a cat tomorrow

Raelynn: No no, I need a soft, fluffy bed and there isn't one at the church.

Gerry the barkeep: I have two rooms open still, there is a merchant group in the near two rooms, but the far two are open still

Bixi Fizzlebang: Gerry, do you have anything to eat? I'm suddenly starving

Gerry the barkeep: Or the great room if you like

Gerry the barkeep: I have soup and bread

Raelynn: What's the great room? Who are the merchants? You have visitors now?

Craigh: New patrons, passing through? Not your old crew?

Gerry the barkeep: The cook has the night off

Bixi Fizzlebang: That sounds delicious

Gerry the barkeep: People are starting to use the road again it seems? or maybe they always have but are now stopping in?

Raelynn: Oh that's exciting!

Gerry the barkeep: The Governor has been good

Gerry the barkeep: So far it is mostly small caravans

Gerry the barkeep: a handful of pilgrims came and I sent them to the Church

Branwyn: Do they know they're gonna get sick when they leave?

Bixi Fizzlebang: plonks some coins down on whatever surface Gerry is nearest to

Gerry the barkeep: the Pilgrims?

Branwyn: Pilgrims?

Bixi Fizzlebang: No hurry, but whenever you have a chance, I would love that soup and bread

Branwyn: sighs

Raelynn: Umm... are these pilgrims... ill?

Branwyn: Pilgrims to Skull Church I take it?

Gerry the barkeep: Yes

Branwyn: Oh well then getting sick shall bring them great joy

Raelynn: I'll stay in whatever room they were NOT in, please.

Gerry the barkeep: Why would they be sick?

Branwyn: When they leave the Inn to return to the Mist they will feel ill

Gerry the barkeep: Ahh I have not been out there into that

Branwyn: Sometimes mildly and sometimes quite strongly

Gerry the barkeep: Not sure I need to yet

Raelynn: I personally do not recommend it without VERY good reason.

Gerry the barkeep: What reason do you have?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Plus with the time stuff, who knows how you would react

Gerry the barkeep: The Countess has her Keep

Branwyn: manor house

Licornah : Is the mist a curse?

Gerry the barkeep: I did not think of that Bixi

Bixi Fizzlebang: Maybe you would get extra sick, or not sick at all, who knows.

Raelynn: My own. But I appreciate the sunshine when I can get it.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Or maybe if you came back you would come back to a different time... hmm

Bixi Fizzlebang: mumbles; Half Ghosts in the Mist...

Branwyn: The Mist is a curse and a blessing to some. It protects Drillian from attack from outside forces. But it was created by vampires by the blood of dwarves and it is spreading so it is also a curse

Licornah : Vampires?

Branwyn: Yes

Branwyn: Powerful vampire mages

Branwyn: The Mist protects them

Licornah : Someone should do something about them

Craigh: Funny you should say that.

Craigh: There is an order of knights trying to do that. They've been at it for a while. The Mist is still expanding.

BOB It is getting towards evening

BOB and for Branwyn all she gleans from her studies, research, etc. is Hiyal About 360 miles northeast of golden Huzuz, at the rim of Suq Bay, lies the gray, industrious city of Hiyal. Set in the low valley of the river Al-Wahl, Hiyal is cloaked in the smoky stench of its foundries and kilns. The shroud seems to nurture the clandestine, for in the city's dark alleys and back rooms the deals of smugglers, thieves, and unscrupulous power brokers are made.

Licornah : I'm communing and hoping for some guidance on where to go next...

Licornah : and wondering why this group lives so close to Vampires

Branwyn: [CAST] Teleport

Raelynn: [CAST] Bless [at Branwyn]

Branwyn: [d100 = 33]

BOB Yes the teleport works well

BOB and you are safe

BOB BUT your group lands in a courtyard

Youtargim [A Comm]: [Translation] Hello, How are you?

<font color="##000000">Hello, How are you?

[understood by: ]

Branwyn: startled

Branwyn: Hello?

Youtargim [A Comm]: [Translation] Hello

<font color="##000000">Hello

[understood by: ]

Branwyn: Princess Maya

Craigh: looks at the others to see if anyone understands it.

Branwyn: Namsut

Branwyn: Rimal!

Branwyn: points at Rimal

Craigh: pulls out a scroll out of a case on his belt.

Youtargim slight bow

Youtargim: Hello there

Raelynn: Hello! Who are you?

Youtargim: You are far from home

Licornah : :: gives a low bow ::

Branwyn: I can understand you now! Thank you

Youtargim: I have not heard your tongue in years

Craigh: slides the scroll back into the case while doing a bow.

Raelynn: And I haven't heard yours, um, ever, I think.

Branwyn: We have come to return Rimal to Princess Maya

Youtargim: You are from the far wilderness,

Youtargim: The Princess will be most grateful

Raelynn: I didn't think the city was that wild...

Branwyn: Is the Princess well?

Youtargim: If you would please forgive me as I go to fetch the Princess

Youtargim: Please relax here at the fountain

BOB The young man leaves you in the courtyard

Raelynn: This place seems nice.

Raelynn: looks around

BOB there is a fountain with water flowing over the center down into a pool with a wide bench around the outside of the pool

Branwyn: Thank goodness he spoke Common. That could have been difficult

Craigh: I have a couple scrolls of Comprehend Languages on me.

BOB He was a young human, perhaps 18 or so,

Branwyn: From what I have read, many parts of the city here are not so nice. But then you can say that of most cities

BOB there is a bright blue sky above, with slight white clouds high above

Raelynn: blinks and looks up at the sky

Raelynn: Oh, I'm sure, but at least there's sunshine here!

BOB And then the occasional darker lower cloud that comes from the many fires here in the city

Raelynn: Better than Pandemonium. Not that that's hard to do.

BOB after a half hour or so

BOB Namsut comes out pushing Maya in her wheelchair

Craigh: prowls around the room, just looking and poking.

Raelynn: enthusiastically waves

Maya [A Comm]: [Translation] My sweet girl, you are such a naughty thing, why did you run away

<font color="##000000">My sweet girl, you are such a naughty thing, why did you run away

[understood by: ]

Raelynn: You two are SO cute together.

Maya: Rimal

Craigh: bows to them.

Maya [A Comm]: [Translation] You are a very naughty cat

<font color="##000000">You are a very naughty cat

[understood by: ]

Maya looks up at the group

Maya: Thank you so much

Maya: How did you find her?

Maya: I want to hear the story

Namsut slips over the wall of the fountain and into the basin

Raelynn: Um, well Branwyn found her through her crystal ball, and then we teleported to the tower where we found Rimal and also her.

Branwyn: Namsut helped with the description and I have a crystal ball I used to locate her.

Raelynn: points to Licornah

Branwyn: When we arrived in Pandemonium we found she was being taken care of by Licornah here

Licornah : I was sent to her by the high Silvermaiden to protect her and her friends.

Maya looks up at Licornah

Maya: Her friends?

Maya smiles

Licornah : :: motions at the smaller cats ::

Maya: I am so happy that you are friends with my little Rimal

Craigh: More cats.

Licornah : Well, she had made friends who have not made the journey with us... they got on well

Licornah : Rimal is a happy creature -- enjoys the outdoors

Maya: Yes she likes to stalk and pounce

Youtargim [C Comm]: [Translation] and scratch and bite

<font color="##000000">and scratch and bite

[understood by: ]

Branwyn: I believe Licornah has the locket ...

Maya: There must be more to the story than a simple look and find?

Raelynn: Sometimes the simplest love stories are the best.

Maya: It takes me more time to find the right earrings in the morning

Craigh: I'm not sure where the dwarves fit into the whole thing, to be honest.

Maya: Please sit and tell me the tale

Maya: The last I saw you I was freezing again

Maya: then I was here with my love

Branwyn: How are you feeling now?

Maya reaches over and touches the surface of the water

Branwyn: sits down by the fountain

Raelynn: Oh, you want more embellishments? We can tell you how dark and windy it was or how smelly and angry the dwarves were, but we really weren't there long.

Maya: I am feeling stronger

Maya: I cannot cast yet

Maya: But I hope soon

Raelynn: Has a priest looked you over to make sure you're healing well?

Branwyn: Oh. That must be so hard, but I am glad you are getting better

Maya: What dwarves did you see?

Maya: I am healing, I do not need any priest

Raelynn: Oh, um, okay...

Branwyn: Only one dwarf. We left before we saw more.

Licornah : They were dark dwarves, duergar. Not the friendliest

Licornah : And they are noisy, always digging and tunneling

Craigh: Was it in one of their strongholds you were hiding in? Or were they just nearby?

Branwyn: But yes, it was not so simple. We needed to land in Pandemonium in an unknown location to even be able to use the crystal ball to try to find Rimal.

Maya: I have not seen such, there are the dwarves that live in the mountains of course but the Yak Men often are confused with them

Raelynn: Oh! Where two snakes almost got us! But Bixi saw them before they did any harm.

Branwyn: There were terrible winds. We had to protect our ears to keep from going deaf or insane. We saw corpses hanging in the wind by a river. Rimal is lucky to have found such a good protector during her time there

Maya: Warm smiles

Branwyn: What are Yak Men?

Maya: Thank you all very much for such valiant efforts

Maya: High in the Yemel the YakMen live

Maya: they are wise but violent people

Craigh: An odd combination

Maya: almost as barbaric as your people are

Craigh: How terrible.