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"But there must be more to your story," said Maya, insistent.

"So embellishments," replied Raelynn, nodding. She paused, before she corrected herself, "Well, details?" As Maya looked on, expectantly, Raelynn continued, "Hmm, okay..."

"So first we had to figure out WHERE it was Rimal ran of to, right? So after you two left, we found the pool you spoke of and looked in it. It was grim," said Raelynn, shivering slightly. "Some bodies hanging off a bridge, a ceaseless wind, a river making everything around it wet, some dwarves hauling who knows what! And darkness everywhere! So, um, yes, more than just simply picking out what earrings to wear for the morning."

"Which you picked out quite a beautiful pair this morning!" said Raelynn in compliment, briefly distracted, before she continued, "But anyways, Branwyn knows a few things more than most of us, and clearly we needed a plan. So we made some cards to communicate with each other, and some harnesses so no one would blow away, but we needed to find where Rimal was since that place looked like a big place with lots of hiding spots. Oh, and earplugs! Wind like that would drive anything crazy."

"After we made our preparations, Branwyn brought us back to that spot so she could scry where Rimal was hiding out. These two, BIG snakes tried to sneak up on us by the river bank, but Bixi," Raelynn looked around, remembered the gnome wasn't there, and shrugged. "Well she's not here not, she decided to stay back at the inn, but she charmed them so they'd leave us alone. But it didn't matter because Branwyn brought us back again because, well, it's really hard to communicate when you can't hear, and none of us can read lips or sign hands, and while we did make cards, they were pretty basic."

"Apparently Branwyn saw Rimal tumbling around, and some dark figure, but couldn't tell much else. I DID say it was really dark there, right? And windy? Anyways, it was enough that we feared Rimal was in trouble so, once we knew we were all ready again, Branwyn managed to bring us to that exact spot! Which was apparently a tower? I think?"

"I don't know HOW Rimal got there, or anything, you'll have to ask Licornah, who we've never met before Pandemonium, but they were in that tower, and those evil dwarves were coming after us, so we had to get out of there. I mean, there wasn't a reason to stay and fight. Make love, not war! Although we did have to fight some of them. We decided to leave before more came, so we grabbed Rimal, and convinced Licornah to come, too," Raelynn lowered her voice some, whispering, "Who wants to be left behind in a dark, dank place anyways? It'll ruin your complexion." Back to normal tone, she continued, "And brought her plus the other cats back home, to the Inn that Namsut went to before."

"And then we, um, came here. That's also from Branwyn. Mage magic and such," finished up Raelynn, waving her hand airily above her. "Did I forget anything?"

Branwyn: I think you covered it very nicely Raelynn. Thank you

Craigh: nods

Raelynn: beams

Licornah : :: pauses to ensure others aren't speaking ::

Licornah : I am Licornah, priestess of Lurue. I was dispatched by the Silvermaiden to protect Rimal. I was told that there was a clear and present danger. I was to use my best abilities to keep him safe and communicate. The other cats with him were a bit "elusive" about why they followed, but they were happy to be there. We were avoiding the duergar, err, umm, dark dwarves who were mining nearby.

Licornah : Rimal and I had a few conversations and I'm afraid there weren't a lot of stories on where he had wandered off to prior to me finding Pandemonium.

Maya: That is interesting, you think that Rimal made friends?

Licornah : :: ponders :: friends is an interesting theory, I'd consider them closer to followers

Maya Maya chuckles

Maya: That sounds like Rimal taking charge

Licornah : Rimal is a faithful creature. I was honored to have made his acquaintance. I am happy to have his story to share with those in my order

Maya: Namsut and him have a love hate relationship

Maya: What order is that ?

Licornah : :: looks at Namsut and then at Rimal and wonders ::

Licornah : :: furrows brows :: of Lurue?

BOB Namsut is in the fountain, a Marid immersed into the water un-visible

Maya: What is Lurie?

Licornah : Lurue, the priestess of Unicorns and beasts.

Licornah : She's not well known in these parts I'm coming to discover

Maya: Unicorns? I thought they were semi-extinct?

Maya: Have you actually seen one?

Licornah : Umm, well, no, but my brother has. He's a Knight of Lurue.

Licornah : And there is a rumor those foul creatures in Thay keep black ones as beasts of burden

Maya: Thay? is that a place or a person?

Licornah : Thay is a place. Run by the Red Wizards.

Maya: I suppose you must be proud of your brother for being a knight

Licornah : Oh yes... it's a huge honor.

Maya: looks over at Branwyn and Craigh, what do you think about the people in Thay?

Craigh: I've never heard of it.

Branwyn: I have never been there or know where it is myself

Licornah : :: makes mental note of their responses ::

Youtargim: Neither have I Princess

Branwyn: When Indigo said he was a knight you asked him if we had many wars. Do you people have many wars Licornah?

Youtargim: Where would this place be?

Licornah : :: ponders :: I'm from the north -- near Silvermoon

Licornah : Perhaps you know Mileikki?

Maya: Is that a Kingdom?

Licornah : Silvermoon? Yes

Maya: Mileikki? is that a neighboring Kingdome to Silvermoon?

Licornah : Silvermoon is a very large city

Licornah : Mileikki is another deity

Branwyn: [CHECK] Wisdom [EFFECTS +1] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 1] [d20-1 = 14]

Branwyn: shakes her head as if Licornah is speaking another language

Licornah : :: ponders :: Perhaps you know Mystara?

Raelynn: [SKILL] Religion, Elven [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 16) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 18]

Raelynn: Mmmm, Mileikki isn't an Elven Goddess, is she.

Licornah : :: furrows brow :: Welll... not entirely, she welcomes all who would follow her teaching.

TMO (Craigh): .... ummm....

Raelynn: Oh, that's fair. I just never heard of her so I know she's not Elven.

Licornah : :: shrugs :: Okay... as you wish

Maya: So it seems that you are a unique piece of the puzzle Licornah

Licornah : Oh, I don't know about that... I'm just a farmer's daughter who is a faithful following of Lurue.

Maya: So many wish to escape farming

Maya: I have always heard that life is hard

Branwyn: It cannot be much harder than for those that work at the kilns here. Manual labor is hard for everyone that must do it I imagine

Licornah : My farmers gave us a good life

Maya: The kilns do burn all day

Maya: and the leather workers with their vats and fumes

Branwyn: nods

Maya: I wonder why Rimal felt drawn to you for help when he was lost in Pandemonium

Licornah : I suppose it's the fact I could speak to him and help keep him safe?

Maya Looks at Licornah speculatively

Maya: You always speak with cats?

Maya: Is that an Elven thing?

Licornah : I speak with animals in general.

Maya Looking at Raelynn

Licornah : :: ponders :: I'm not sure... many in my order speak to animals

Licornah : we seek to keep them and those in need safe

Maya: Perhaps I should have an Elf on my staff to help translate,

Raelynn: I can speak to them with magic, but N'laea can do it without magic. I guess it's an elven thing? But Bixi can, too, and she's a gnome...

Maya looks over at Youtagrim

Youtargim: Laughs

Youtargim: I will always learn another language as you wish Princess

Raelynn: Oh! You like learning languages?

Youtargim: I do not speak gnome... yet

Youtargim: Nor Elven

Raelynn: You sound just like N'laea except she can now speak Gnome.

Youtargim: I have concentrated on the Human languages

Raelynn: opens mouth then closes it

Youtargim: and those of the giants of the northern deserts

Raelynn: Umm, are you human?

Youtargim: Certainly

Youtargim [A Comm]: [Translation] Certainly

<font color="##000000">Certainly

[understood by: ]

Raelynn: Oh, okay. It just the way you said that....

Youtargim [E Comm]: [Translation] Certainly

<font color="##000000">Certainly

[understood by: ]

Youtargim: How many human languages do you understand?

Raelynn: Me? Umm, just the one we're speaking. N'laea's the one who likes learning languages, not me.

Maya: I wonder if you could learn to speak Cat

Raelynn: And Elven but Elven isn't human.

Youtargim: How many languages do cats have?

Youtargim looks at Licornah

Licornah : I know Rimal speaks differently than Nightshade. Chocolate and Brynce seem to understand Rimal without issue

Maya: This gnome you mention, she is not here with you, is something wrong with her?

Raelynn: No, she just decided to stay at the inn. Only some of us could come.

Maya: Interesting

Licornah : so I don't know a number, I just know what I experienced.

Maya: that is too bad for her, I would like to thank her for helping rescue Rimal

Raelynn: We can pass it on for you!

Youtargim: Fascinating, I wonder if there are as many cat tongues as there are human ones

Youtargim: Is like learning to listen to the wind while sailing

Youtargim cocks his head

Youtargim: I hear someone at the gate, I will be right back

BOB He walks away

Raelynn: whispers

Raelynn: I don't think he's human.

Branwyn: Of course he is. Why do you think he is not?

Licornah : nods in agreement with Raelynn

Raelynn: I just don't think he was being honest is all.

Raelynn: I mean, he talked like N'laea does with human this and human that so it was just weird for him to refer to humans that way.

Craigh: If he deals with many non-human languages, he could classify 'human' languages together.

Raelynn: I suppose....

Raelynn: Um, anyways, do we have anything else we need to do here?

Branwyn: Licornah needs to return the locket to Princess Maya

Branwyn: looks over at Licornah

Branwyn: Princess Maya, when we took a look at the scrolls in the tower, we found one describing a quest for the Sphere of Power. Is that still an active quest, do you know?

Maya: Ahh yes, that is something that would be very good for a brave group of adventurers to go pursue

Branwyn: What kind of place is Bralizzar?

Maya: The Sphere of Power could be very valuable

Maya: I am not certain where or what Bralizzar is

Maya: It may be a place, it might be a person

Branwyn: The scroll says that is where the 5 gold cubes take you

Branwyn: It continues to implore that adventurers come to Bralizzar to undertake a quest to stop the Evil One from breaching his bonds. Place the 5 gold cubes in a particular pentagram arranged in a specific order to create a gateway.

Maya: Yes that is true Branwyn

Branwyn: I suppose I will need to do some research.

Branwyn: smiles

Maya: But that does not tell me if it is a place or a person that will send someone on a further quest

Licornah : [TOWER] [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 16] [d20 = 2]

Branwyn: Good point

Branwyn: But before we go back home, I believe Licornah wishes to return the locket that Rimal had when he had run away

Branwyn: coughs slightly

Licornah : (looks at Branwyn) I believe she means she wishes for me to return it. Rimal never mentioned it belonged to you -- I thought it was Rimal's

Maya: Branwyn, if you are to undertake that quest to find Martek's Sphere of Power then you will need someone to help you.

Raelynn: Um, well then you should return it to Rimal, right? You made at deal with N'laea for returning with us - to return the locket.

Maya Maya looks at Licornah

Licornah : stays silent

Branwyn: I would be happy to return you to Pandemonium if you so desire

Raelynn: Unless your goddess is one who takes the belongings of others, I doubt she'd look favorably upon it.

Licornah : :: turns to Rimal and asks for input ::

BOB Rimal is curled up on Maya's lap purring contently

Licornah : hands Maya the locket

Licornah : Please keep Rimal safe

Maya smiles

Maya Takes the locket and fastens it on Rimal's neck

Maya: Thank you

Maya: This is how I am supposed to be able to track him

Maya: When he does not lose it

Craigh: Or give it away?

Branwyn: Yes. Thank you.

Maya: Or run off to another Plane where it does not work

Maya: He has dropped it before when he does not want to be found

Maya: I will need to look into a better clasp he can not escape

GM: Rimal purrs louder and rolls over smugly

Maya: I am very grateful that you are here

Maya: thank you for all the effort you have done

Maya: You are going in search of Martek's Sphere of Power?

Branwyn: Not for a while. We have some other items that need to be returned first. Who were you thinking of who could help us with the sphere though?

Maya: Youtargim here will accompany you, he knows the languages of the dervishes and can help you find a path through the desert

Branwyn: thinks - we are certainly returning a lot if items right now

Maya: You will have to find the Star Gems to get to the Sphere of Power

Maya: and I have no better assistance than my young translator for you

Youtargim: I will be glad to... assist

Youtargim looks at the group with new interest

Youtargim: We will be sailing there?

Raelynn: Oh! You're willing to send away your assistance?

Raelynn: Don't you need him for translating things?

Youtargim: YEs

Maya: Yes

Branwyn: Thank you! That would be wonderful! We will contact you after we have returned from an elven plane and then hell of course.

Maya: But if you are going into the deep desert in search of the tomb then he will be very helpful for you

Maya: OH not at all,

Maya: I insist

Raelynn: Oh, that's true. But we're not going yet. Don't you need him in the meantime? Although he could learn languages in that time...

Maya: Youtargim, you will accompany my new friends, you will assist them in their travels

Maya: When you are happy that you have helped them as much as possible then you will return to tell me the tale

Youtargim: looks at Rae speculatively

Youtargim She could make me happy

Youtargim: I will be cautiously optimistic that I will be able to help you on your travels to.....?

Youtargim: You said an Elven plane? and to Hell?

Youtargim thinking; of course

Branwyn: Those are the next two stops, yes

Raelynn: That we know of, but who knows where else we might end up going....

Branwyn: smiles at Raelynn

Youtargim: Prior to my service to the Princess I sailed with several crews so it will be interesting to travel with you and see how you manage things

Craigh: Miss Maya, do you have any advice for us and traveling the planes?

Maya: I would say be certain you know where you are going, as I was not

Licornah : ponders what Maya means

Maya: I do have a question about that Mist of yours

Maya: it almost trapped us

Maya: We would have died

Maya: well I would have most likely and I would have lost my love

Maya reaches down to stroke the water of the fountain

Craigh: watches the water curiously for any reaction

Maya: What is it and how does it seem to prevent magic from working?

Branwyn: I do not believe the Mist would have killed you. It would have made you sick and made teleportation impossible

GM: A wave of water comes up to envelop Maya's hand

Maya: It was terrible for Namsut

Branwyn: It makes some magic impossible. Not only teleportation but any divination magic is useless, but other magic is effective

Maya: and I felt a need to flee

Raelynn: clearly happy at the display of affection

Branwyn: I am sorry for that. I thought the most terrible thing for Namsut was her loss of you though

Maya: Will that infect the entire world do you think?

Maya: How do you live with it?

Maya: Why?

Branwyn: It is home and so I suppose I am used to it. But now I know the source of the Mist more clearly and the fact that it is spreading, I am more disturbed at its existence than I was as a child for instance.

Maya: To grow up in such a place must be agonizing

Branwyn: Perhaps we shall do something about it one of these days

Branwyn: smiles

Branwyn: It is simply what you know and if you know nothing else, there is no pain in it

Licornah : I continue to make note of their comments about the Mist but says nothing -- dreads hearing the V word

Branwyn: But we are very glad you are all home now safe and sound.

Maya: I will be better soon I hope

Maya: and able to summon my spells again

Raelynn: You're with your love. You're already halfway there!

Maya: I wonder if it is a lingering effect of your Mist preventing me from reaching out

Branwyn: I hope so as well. Please let us know if you are ever in need of us. It would be my pleasure to visit or help you again.

Maya: If I'd known I loved her things might have been very different

Branwyn: frowns

Raelynn: Love makes you do funny things, whether you recognize it or not.

Branwyn: Mist sickness should be over in a few weeks so if that is a cause then you should be fine soon

Maya: I would have stayed (If I'd known I loved her) Wouldn't make my greatest mistake (If I'd known I loved her) Wouldn't have my heart go and break (If I'd known I loved her) Night after night Like I can't ever escape, no (If I'd known I loved her) What if I'd known (If I'd known I loved her) What if I'd known (If I'd known I loved her) What if I'd known Would I be so lonely If I'd known I loved her

Licornah : smiles

Maya: I will reach out in some way to you if it is possible

Branwyn: Namsut knows the Inn out of the Mist. That is the best way

Maya: You will treat Youtagim with the respect he earns

Branwyn: Of course

Youtargim: I will pack my bag, I will be right back

Raelynn: Umm, don't make it too heavy!

BOB and back to the Inn

While Rimal was off to Hiyal with Branwyn, Licornah, Raelynn, and Craigh, the others were left at the Inn with the three other cats they'd found in Pandemonium: the smallish elven cat, a black panther, and a leopard. If the felines were still disoriented from the being brought back from Pandemonium, N'laea couldn't tell. They'd each found the perfect spot in the sun to lay in as they waited, but it was something N'laea could at least fully understand. Still, whether or not it was where they wanted to stay was a different question.

She glanced at the panther and the leopard (which one was Chocolate and which one was Brynce? and what was a "chocolate"?) before turning to the cat she'd spoken to before: the little Elvish cat she'd heard Licornah call Nightshade. Whether or not that was what the cat called itself, she did not know, but there was only one way to find out.

Holding off on her spell, instead resorting first to the language she'd been taught, N'laea sat near Nightshade, the Elven Cat, and asked, "You are done tumbling through that darken world. Where do you wish to go now? Is your partner still alive or do you wish for a new one? That Elven Priestess called you Nightshade, if that is still what you want to be known as, and I know she wishes to find homes for you three. What home do you need?"

The Elven cat twitched her ears at N'laea's words but studiously continued to clean her paws and lounge in the sun.

N'laea smiled, as she said, "Unlike your companions, I know you understand me. I do not need acknowledgement. There is plenty worth in simply listening."

"I do not if you are from this plane or another. There are forests, elves, and sunlight here, though, once you pass through this Mist," said N'laea as she opened her travel pack and rummaged through it. "There is a forest nearby with two of those three things as well, or places farther away with all three. There is this group you have met who travels often. There is this inn, as well, although it is not the best spot long-term. There is no room to roam and too few rats to hunt."

N'laea stood up, snapping a branch off a tree with a small note of thanks, and came back near the Elven cat, still eyeing the other two felines as well. Perhaps they could understand, or perhaps not, but she could potentially get attention from them. She took out the twine she found, tied it securely to the branch she held, and flicked the end near the cats, before gently pulling it back towards her.

"You can try to find a place on your own, of course. I half expect it, but you have ones within this group to easily command, who'll do whatever it is you wish them to do to find you a perfect place to live," continued N'laea, casually moving the toy around, seeing whose attention she'd gathered. "Sunlight and afternoon naps are nice, but think of what else you could gain."

As N'laea twitched the string and brnach in front of the Elven cat it's ears perked up to listen to her talking. Stretching and laying on its side feeling safer and more open. As it reached just subtly towards the end of the string...

WHAM a heavy black body slammed into N'laea with a mouth gripping her fist. As N'laea reacted a deep voice called out STOP and the panther released N'laea from it's grip.

N'laea: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 5]

N'laea: Tsk. You play rough.

N'laea: looking around trying to find source of the voice

BOB There are the three cats, a horse, two stable boys

Talwin: voice louder than usual. N'laea

Talwin: Are you okay?

N'laea: I am fine. We were simply playing.

Bixi Fizzlebang: peeks out the door of the inn to the courtyard

Talwin: Grumbles. Did not look like playing to me

N'laea: Although this one may need a bit of a lesson on how to play nicer.

N'laea: But I do wish to know who yelled?

Talwin: Ponders....shrugs. Maybe it was one of the cats

Talwin: Chuckles

N'laea: I thought perhaps the Elvin cat, yes, but she was playing.

Talwin: I see no one else around

N'laea: glances over at the stable boys

BOB They seem to be training the horse

Talwin: Ponders...Do you ....think they are hungry? We could purchase some food or something. I would rather they be well fed so they don't feed on you

N'laea: I have found many cats do like cheese.

N'laea: looks back over at the Elven cat

BOB They are leading it back and forth giving commands every so often

Talwin: Eyes Cats. I'm going to get some cheese. Don't eat her. Mumbles, As if they understand me. Ive been around the Dragonslayers for too long

N'laea: Was that you or someone else?

Talwin: Walks to Inn to purchase a wheel of cheese

Bixi Fizzlebang: calls out to N'laea; Maybe one of the cats is a cursed ghost! Used to be a human or something!

N'laea: No...

Bixi Fizzlebang: shrugs and takes a note about ghost cats anyway

N'laea: Hello? Who spoke?

[SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 17]

Talwin: nods thanks and leaves appropriate money on counter. Thatnks Gerry

Talwin: Hefts wheel of cheese

Talwin: Approaches slowly. Got your cheese

Talwin: Not sure how you wanna divvy this thing up

N'laea: Thank you. I am trying to figure out who spoke just moments ago.

N'laea: Er, only small pieces. That much will upset their stomach.

Talwin: Shrugs. At this point, it could be the literal gods and it wouldn't surprise me

Talwin: Looks at Wheel. Winces

Carissa (N'laea): ponders and looks up

N'laea: ponders and looks up

Talwin: If it was anyone else. Let me tell you. I have no dagger, so tell the cats not to freak out

Talwin: Pulls sword out and awkwardly tries to cut the cheese into smaller blocks

Talwin: Feel like a proper idiot right now

Talwin: Chuckles to himself

Talwin: Hands over the first few small pieces

Indigo: walks out of the Inn into the courtyard with a mug in his hand

Indigo: Can I have some cheese too?

Talwin: Really?

Talwin: Sighs

N'laea: Plenty to share.

Bixi Fizzlebang: finally deems it safe and enters the courtyard as well

Indigo: Yes. I like cheese

Talwin: Hands over a sizable chunk

Indigo: Thanks!

Bixi Fizzlebang: For a cat that big, doesn't a big piece seem like a small piece?

Talwin: Don't say I never did nothing for ya

Talwin: Grins

Indigo: laughs

Talwin: Sighs

N'laea: takes a small piece and shows it to the Elven cat

Talwin: Your killing me Bixi

N'laea: Who spoke?

N'laea: (to the cat)

BOB The Elven Cat reaches out with a paw to pat at the cheese

N'laea: You will like it, but I wish to know.

N'laea: looks at the panther

N'laea: And if you behave, you will get some, too.

BOB The panther studiously licks it's paw

Bixi Fizzlebang: shrugs. I just think if I was a ghost cat that could talk, I'd hold out for a better bribe.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Although it IS ghost cheese so maybe that's different

BOB And as the panther tries to surprise N'laea again with a SWIPE of it's paw at the cheese N'laea yanks it away before it can be snatched

N'laea: No. I said when you behave.

BOB The Elven cat hiccups as it rolls over

N'laea: See?

Indigo: points at the panther with his wedge of cheese

N'laea: hands a small piece to the leopard that's behaving so well it feels forgotten

Indigo: He's a sneaky one!

BOB The Leopard takes the cheese daintily in it's mouth and pulls back to eat

Bixi Fizzlebang: Maybe he just doesn't understand?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Is it even a he? Do we know?

N'laea: He understands just fine. As does the Elven cat.

N'laea: They are cats. They pretend not to understand.

Indigo: You could look

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'll leave that to the professional

Bixi Fizzlebang: glances at N'laea

BOB The Elven cat rolls over sprawled on its back

BOB spreading its legs

N'laea: Er, they'll tell you themselves.

BOB definitely female

N'laea: nods towards the Elven cat

Indigo: grins

N'laea: and hands her a small piece of cheese

Indigo: There you go Bixi

N'laea: turns back to the panther

Bixi Fizzlebang: cringes

N'laea: You did not take from Indigo, tempting though I'm sure it was. You can have this piece.

GM: SNATCHES at N'laea to NIP her finger and take all of the cheese

BOB (that was the Elven cat)

Indigo: HEY! Bad cat!

BOB The Panther sits and watches

N'laea: No, give them a taste. It will either encourage them to behave or... to steal the rest from you.

Gerry the barkeep: What are you all doing out here? Are these the new pets?

N'laea: Trying to figure out where they wish to live and who spoke earlier. Neither of those objectives are going well.

Gerry the barkeep: Sir Talwin said he needed cheese for cats, but how much can they eat?

Gerry the barkeep: They are cats, they don't speak

N'laea: He shared with us, too. They do not need that much. Indigo, though....

N'laea: smiles

Gerry the barkeep: Where would they want to live?

Talwin: Calls out to Gerry. It's kind of complicated. And, I know nothing about cats. Be careful, they are of their own mind and N'laea is trying to get a feel for them.

N'laea: If you know their language, they do.

Gerry the barkeep: in the Jungle?

Gerry the barkeep: Or the barn?

Gerry the barkeep: I know there are swamp cats out there

Talwin: Laughs, They could be wardens of the beer kegs

N'laea: Here, it seems, from their lack of other answers.

Talwin: Grins

Gerry the barkeep: maybe they could live with them?

Talwin: Cocks head. Swamp Cats?

N'laea: I do not know. I only know that priestess wanted to find a home for them so I am trying to find out what I can until they return.

Talwin: N'laea, do you have any idea what a swamp cat is...

Talwin: Clearly feels dumb for asking

N'laea: If it is out there with the swamp cats, I am sure that is fine. But I am certain she'll want to know from them that that is what they do want.

Gerry the barkeep: Cocks in the swamp too Sir Talwin

N'laea: A feline of the swamp? Similar to these, but better suited for swamps.

Talwin: Hits face. It' just a figure of speech....Never mind Gerry

Gerry the barkeep: Well I know there are swamp cats

Gerry the barkeep: at least there were,

Gerry the barkeep: I do not know if they still are

Gerry the barkeep: Indigo? are there still swamp cats?

Talwin Dawn comprehension

Talwin: Oh

N'laea: To be honest, I am more curious about that voice. Cats are cats. They'll do what they wish no matter.

Talwin: Sorry Gerry, I didn't think about it very hard

Talwin Shrugs

Indigo: There are cats everywhere

Gerry the barkeep: Well that settles it for you N'laea... umm sorry Priestess

Michael (Talwin): besides the cat

N'laea: Priestess?

Gerry the barkeep: I thought you were some Elven priestess? or Royalty? or?

Gerry the barkeep Now Gerry is confused

N'laea: I do not serve Rillifane in that specific capacity, no.

N'laea: And my origins are my own to keep.

Talwin Murmurs

Gerry the barkeep Nods carefully

Talwin: Easy N'laea

Talwin: Gerry meant well

N'laea: Simply stating fact.

Indigo: It's her friend that's the priestess Gerry

Talwin: Yeah well, people who care might be a little bit more deserving of a kinder tone

Gerry the barkeep: OH, thank you Indigo

N'laea: Ranger, if you must know that much.

Gerry the barkeep: Ahhh like a tracker

N'laea: Yes.

Gerry the barkeep: finding lost people in the swamps

Gerry the barkeep: that is hard

Gerry the barkeep: I can see why you would not like people talking about it

N'laea: Not quite, but similar.

Gerry the barkeep: cant be very easy to be successful

N'laea: sighs

Gerry the barkeep: The Countess seems to like you

Gerry the barkeep: So you must be doing good

N'laea: Since you seem to not know Elves, just know many do not like to talk about where they are from. There are exceptions, but not from me.

Talwin: Yes well. She's great at what she does. And we all like her

Gerry the barkeep: Keep your chin up, you will do good

N'laea: internal sighing

N'laea: eternal? sighing

N'laea: Thank you?

Gerry the barkeep: Anytime

Talwin Stifles a laugh, clearly red faced

N'laea : [Translation] Humans are so odd....

<font color="##000000">Humans are so odd....

[understood by: Carissa, N'laea, Raelynn]

Talwin Knows N'laea well enough that she's contemplating the world with weary gaze

Gerry the barkeep: Indigo I need to get back in to work on dinner

Indigo: Okay. Thanks Gerry. Great cheese!

Gerry the barkeep: do you know if the Countess will be back here? or will you be heading to the Keep?

Indigo: Think we'll be heading home when they get back

Gerry the barkeep: Thank you

Indigo: You don't want a cat do you?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Or three?

Gerry the barkeep Goes off back to the Inn, nodding to himself about how many new things he needs to learn how the world has changed

Gerry the barkeep turns around

Indigo: Guess not

Gerry the barkeep: OH? Do you think we should keep them?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Maybe if they want to stay here?

Indigo: The elf priest lady probably wouldn't like it

N'laea: Perhaps the leopard. Elven cats can be... mischievous enough. And that panther....

Bixi Fizzlebang: You wouldn't have to worry about rats anymore

N'laea: But if you are willing, we can let her know it's an option.

Gerry the barkeep: What happens if they go out into that,

Gerry the barkeep: would it be like .....

N'laea: They'll likely regret it and return?

Gerry the barkeep trails off not mentioning the others that disappeared

Talwin Nods in understanding.

Talwin: Ah Gerry. I follow

Talwin: Well I can say for certain if they leave this place, it will be much more dreary and sunless then the current locale

Talwin: The mists are a blanket over this area

GM: a heavy sigh from one of the cats

Talwin: At least here, they could sun themselves, feel the world as I think it was meant to be

N'laea: looks to see which cat

Talwin Turns to Cat

Talwin: Well it's true. Go see for yourself. Trust me, you have it made at the Inn

Talwin: And there's cheese

BOB Two of the three (the Elven cat and the Leopard) are curled up next to each other, the panther is watching the gate

Talwin Follows Gaze

Talwin: What are you looking for?

Talwin: Or at?

N'laea: This is why we're offering you help.

N'laea: to the panther in Woodland

BOB The panther LEAPS and SNATCHES a rabbit that was nibbling on the edge of the gate


Talwin Cheerfully

N'laea: So careful not to cross that line...

Talwin: Never mind. That's what it was looking for

Talwin: Shrugs

GM: crack, wet sounds

Bixi Fizzlebang: ew

Talwin: I can escort them to the Jungle. After this adventure of ours is over I'm asking bran for a sabbatical. There might be some to the south of the desert lands

Talwin: No promises that they'll listen or even follow me

N'laea: If that is what they want, but still, they do not tell us.

Talwin: It's like you said. Cats are weird

BOB The Elven cat purrs contently

N'laea: Well, when the others get back, at least we can let them know the cats do appreciate cheese. I suppose we did accomplish something.

Talwin: I had a War dog once. Died of old age ironically enough. It would do anything for my attentions. A cat demands the exact opposite

Talwin: Er, what should I do with the rest of the wheel? I don't suppose

Talwin: I should give it to Indigo?

N'laea: It depends on the cat. Many are like that, yes, but some Elven cats are quite affectionate. This one... may or may not be one of them.

N'laea: smiles

Talwin Looks at Elven Cat with Skepticism

N'laea: I'm sure he'll appreciate it, too.

Talwin: Right, well.

N'laea: I'm sure he'll appreciate it, too.

Talwin: I'll leave this triangle here.

Talwin Walks back to Inn

Talwin: indigo, got a present for you!

Talwin The heavy block lands on the nearest table to Indigo.

Indigo: What?

Talwin: All yours buddy

Indigo: looks up

Indigo: I'll wrap it up. We'll need it later likely

Indigo: Thanks

Talwin Smiles

Talwin: Sounds good. But you know, help yourself. Your always hungry I swear

BOB back to the group in the courtyard in Hiyal?

Youtargim Comes back from the Palace with a knapsack over his shoulder

Youtargim: Where do we sail for?

Raelynn: Dragon Fen! Er, but not sailing.

Branwyn: Sail? We are teleporting back to our home

Youtargim: Oh

Youtargim: sort of seems like cheating

Youtargim: no sailing?

Youtargim: storms?

Branwyn: Teleport - Range: Touch, AoE: Special, Duration: Instantaneous, Cast Time: 2, Save: None

Youtargim: pirates?

Raelynn: You'll get plenty of that, I'm sure. We don't usually teleport.

BOB and with a WHOOOSH everyone returns back to the Inn of the Lost Eagle

Talwin Sighs in Relief

Talwin: Everyone okay?

Raelynn: We're back! And we brought someone with us!

Branwyn: Yes, everyone this is Youtargim from Hiyal

Youtargim: Hello

Branwyn: Princess Maya allowed him to come and travel with us

Talwin Side-eyes Bran

Talwin: Er...Ahem. Pleasure to meet you!

Youtargim: I gather you need someone to help with languages?

Branwyn: This is Talwin, N'laea, Indigo, Howard and the cats

Youtargim: I see,

Branwyn: And Bixi!

Bixi Fizzlebang: And Bixi!

Talwin: We could always use that!

Raelynn: He likes learning languages. That's N'laea over there. She does, too.

Raelynn: points

Lorie: goes to the cats and sits with them

Youtargim: The Cats are a group by them selves

Raelynn points

Talwin: I like to kill things and swing a sword

Youtargim: Do you take them many places with you?

Indigo: Careful Licornah! The cats just ate a lot of cheese

Indigo: grins

Talwin: Er. Us or the Cats Youtargim?

Youtargim: I am not sure?

N'laea: They seem content as they are now. We could not get much from the cats on if they want a home elsewhere.

Youtargim: I am here to help you, I heard you are going to hell?

Talwin: ....

Talwin: I mean

Lorie: nods to N’laea

Talwin: If you want to, you're welcome to go?

Youtargim: I am not familiar with what is spoken there but I am willing to help

Talwin: Eyes Bran

N'laea: What do you speak?

Branwyn: Yes we need to return a library book

Youtargim: I do think I can be of much more help in the deserts

Talwin: He does know what Hell entails right?

Youtargim: A library book

Branwyn: If you do not wish to come you stay at my home while we go there

Youtargim: How mean is that librarian?

Talwin: Oh boy

Branwyn: laughs

Craigh: Devilishly mean.

Talwin: Is to die for

Branwyn: The book was taken from hell and it was on our plane. I made the mistake of opening it and now demons are after me

Branwyn: I am hoping that returning it will end this mess

Youtargim: Better than Effreets

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): He seems to be really nudging us to this desert thing...

Michael (Talwin): Man...We've had that thing for....jeeze almost as long as I first started

Branwyn: But that is after we return a cloak to an elven goddess

Branwyn: That trip will hopefully be more pleasant

Youtargim looks over at Rae at the mention of Elven goddesses

Raelynn: Mmmhmm! It's very important she gets it back!

Youtargim: Are you a goddess?

Craigh: It's certainly a lot more interesting than I expected it to be when I decided to come out here, I'll say that.

Raelynn: laughs

Raelynn: I could never match up to Hanali, but I try my best!

Lisa (Branwyn): yes it will be good and we now have a translator for it

BOB the bit of In Character is when Licornah walks out of the courtyard of the Inn and into The Mist

Raelynn: sighs

Raelynn: I hate this part.

Branwyn: I know. perhaps it won't be so bad this time.

Raelynn: I'd stay here if I could, but all the things I need to do right now are out... there.

Craigh: stands nearby, slinging his pack over his right shoulder.

Raelynn: I don't know if it's better or worse to want to keep coming back. It's nice here, but then you have to deal with that more often. There's just no happy medium!

Raelynn: takes a deep breath

Raelynn: Ok. I'm just going to go from it.

Raelynn: steps outside the gate

Branwyn: [CHECK] Constitution [EFFECTS +1] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20-1 = 1]

Craigh: hums cheerfully to himself and follows the others through the gate and back into familiar gloom.

Indigo: [CHECK] Constitution (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 11]

Craigh: [CHECK] Constitution (vs. Target 9) [FAILURE by 8] [d20 = 17]

Howard Plum: [CHECK] Constitution (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 19]

Bixi Fizzlebang: [CHECK] Constitution (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 10]

N'laea: [CHECK] Constitution (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 8]

Raelynn: [CHECK] Constitution (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 6]

Licornah : [CHECK] Constitution [-4] (vs. Target 11) [FAILURE by 4] [d20+4 = 15]

Raelynn: takes a deep breath

Raelynn: Okay. That wasn't too bad.

Raelynn: Are you coming, Youtargim? It'll probably be unpleasant. Ummm like Licornah is finding out....

Youtargim: [CHECK] Constitution (vs. Target 9) [FAILURE by 10] [d20 = 19]

Craigh: takes a deep, satisfied breath to be back in the Mist, seems to choke for a moment, then sags to the ground.

Raelynn: Oof. Like that.

Raelynn: goes over to check him

Raelynn: Hmm, we can either let him sleep it off or... try again?

Indigo: We can carry him back and put him to bed

BOB and Licornah loses her access to spells

Raelynn: I think we'll need to carry Craigh, too...

Craigh: mmm fine... itlll passss...

Raelynn: I mean I did this before. He can just go back into the sun, then back into the Mist. It works, er, provided he can handle entering the Mist again.

Licornah : stumbles and struggles

Raelynn: Well, that might actually work for both Youtargim and Licornah?

Raelynn: Or they can just... feel miserable for awhile.

Bixi Fizzlebang: blinks, stretches, and smiles a little bit

Licornah : struggles as she tries to communicate with animals around her and hears nothing. The silence is oddly discomforting

Bixi Fizzlebang: I feel ok!

Craigh: mumbles something unintelligible

Branwyn: [CHECK] Wisdom [EFFECTS +1] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20-1 = 10]

BOB Branwyn can guess by the fact that Licornah still being alive if Mist Sick means she is not from the past even if she does not seem to be from anywhere/when that Branwyn has heard of

BOB Or she would have disappeared like the other people from different times did when they crossed the barrier out of the Inn and into The Mist

BOB so you are bundling up the mist sick people into the wagon

BOB and the three cats come strolling out to join you

BOB the panther sniffs the edge, then LEAPS up onto the wagon to sit on the bench

BOB stretches out to perch and guard

Indigo: They probably smell the cheese

N'laea: We may need to get more...

Indigo: I still have all that from Talwin

Indigo: pats his pack

BOB The Leopard comes out, and staggers a bit as it enters The Mist

N'laea: How long do you think it'll last?

BOB Sits down and then back up

BOB and sits down again

Indigo: I dunno. Till we get home. Here you can feed them

BOB the Elven cat watches and seems concerned

N'laea: goes to grab the cat and put it on the wagon

BOB Cautiously the Elven cat steps out into The Mist and shudders a bit

Lemon: Bixi is keeping her I told you so to herself for now

BOB but is walking stiffly, fur raised, but stalking stiffly forward

BOB to go to N'laea

BOB and rub up against to be picked up

N'laea: There you go. It'll wear off soon. And once you feel better, you can have some more cheese.

N'laea: picks her up

N'laea: offers choice of wagon or to be carried

Craigh: [CHECK] Constitution (vs. Target 9) [FAILURE by 6] [d20 = 15]

BOB Wagon

N'laea: places on wagon