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Youtargim: Hello there

Youtargim: So do we get this kind of breakfast every day?

Indigo: I don't eat here every day but yeah I think so

Youtargim: Where do you eat?

Indigo: You don't like it? Better not say that too loud or Jilly might hit you with a spoon

Youtargim: I am not sure of how I fit in quite yet

N'laea: It is good, but... too heavy.

Youtargim: I like this,

Youtargim: strange foreign food is always interesting to try

Bixi Fizzlebang: It's one of my favorite things about when we stay here!

Indigo: You don't have to eat it all

Raelynn: It's soooo good!

N'laea: It is not just the portions, but... just how do you eat so many cinnamon buns? A bite is more than enough.

Youtargim: So that mist sickness thing was horrible

Youtargim: how do you guys get through it?

Youtargim: Is that what this is?

N'laea: The first time is always the worst.

Youtargim: takes a big bite

Bixi Fizzlebang: I could eat cinnamon buns all day

Raelynn: suddenly debating how big of a bite and how many cinnamon buns to eat

Youtargim: You do have interesting meals

Youtargim: almost as good as the palace

Raelynn: What do you normally eat?

Youtargim: Dates, yogurt, and ground grains for breakfast

N'laea: That does not sound bad at all.

Youtargim: Your chef is very good

Youtargim: the Princess will be interested

N'laea: Jilly? She does seem to get compliments often.

Youtargim: So where are you... people? family? what do you think of your selves?

N'laea: Friends. I cannot speak for them, though.

Indigo: I don't understand what you're asking

Indigo: Where are my people?

Youtargim: Where I am from, I work for the Princess

Youtargim: but so far you all seem to work for no one?

N'laea: I work for my god.

N'laea: Followed by my clan.

Tiberius Branadarus: Well I am family

Branwyn: I serve our Queen and am responsible for this estate. But everyone at this table are here because we are friends as N'laea says and we go on adventures together

Branwyn: Of course you are darling

Tiberius Branadarus: Indigo is family

Branwyn: smiles at Indigo

Bixi Fizzlebang: I work to protect nature and right now... I'm not technically WORKING FOR Branwyn but kind of... following? Our goals seem to align a lot, and also I'm writing ghost stories.

Raelynn: And sometimes our gods want us to go where our friends go so it works out!

Bixi Fizzlebang: Ghosts are one of nature's biggest enemies, as far as I can tell right now.

Bixi Fizzlebang: nods confidently

N'laea: That is... an interesting take.

Indigo: Have you ever seen a real ghost?

Tiberius Branadarus: The only ghosts I have seen have been horrible people so yes I agree with Bixi that ghosts are enemies

Bixi Fizzlebang: Not yet, just a lot of half-ghosts so far

Bixi Fizzlebang: Half-ghosts can go either way.

Indigo: What ghosts have you seen Branadarus?

Tiberius Branadarus: Someone told me once that they were misunderstood, that they lost their way on their way to the afterlife

Tiberius Branadarus: but I think a good sword can help them find their way there again

Tiberius Branadarus: OH I fought a ghost in a wheat field once

N'laea: Er, meaning to kill them?

Tiberius Branadarus: It was a horrible vision

Tiberius Branadarus: I kept on slashing and it would not go

Bixi Fizzlebang: takes notes

Tiberius Branadarus: until Otught cast something and made it disappear

Tiberius Branadarus: He said it was absolved of its sins and let free to return to where it should go

Tiberius Branadarus: looks over at the Elves

Tiberius Branadarus: Licornah, N'laea do you have ghosts?

Tiberius Branadarus: So far I have only seen human ghosts

Tiberius Branadarus: but there must be Elven ghosts too right?

Licornah : :: looks up from her journal :: we have spirits... we commune with them and give thanks for their lives

Tiberius Branadarus: OH Indigo! did you have ghosts back home?

Licornah : :: returns to writing in her journal ::

Youtargim: Are you telling me that you regularly deal with ghosts?

Indigo: I don't think so

N'laea: To be rejected from the afterlife has... worse effects than becoming a ghost.

Youtargim: I do NOT know how to communicate with ghosts

N'laea: It is likely why there are few if any elven ghosts.

Indigo: laughs

Raelynn: Oh! I learned how to do that recently!

Licornah : :: looks up again :: I don't know that you deal with them... you just move along and let them go about their path

Licornah : when they want to communicate, they do, even if we can't understand

Bixi Fizzlebang: Can they take the forms of animals?

Youtargim: Do you kill them? Send them on their way?

Licornah : There used to be a bear that was a ghost... he was friendly

Bixi Fizzlebang: smiles

Indigo: Oh wait! That farmer with the houses was a ghost. He was nice too

Youtargim: Bears have ghosts? but not Elves?

Licornah : :: shrugs :: I can't say.. I don't... I let them go their own way

Youtargim: a house ghost?

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Bixi is feeling EXTREMELY JUSTIFIED with all her ghost stuff now lol

Youtargim: a ghost in a house? or a house that is a ghost?

Indigo: He was just near the houses

Bixi Fizzlebang: I suspect sometimes they may get to choose to be a ghost, and it seems elves would not choose that?

Bixi Fizzlebang: looks around at the elves

N'laea: Ah yes, didn't those eat Talwin instead of you Indigo? From what I was told.

Youtargim: Why would you CHOOSE to be a ghost?!?!?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Is that a correct assumption?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Unfinished Business, Youtargim!

takes another bite of a cinnamon roll and looks for more

Bixi Fizzlebang: rolls eyes

N'laea: No. It is a grave to be turned away from Aravaith. It warps one soul beyond being a ghost. I would be surprised by any that can stay as a ghost instead.

Youtargim: What is Aravaith?

N'laea: Where we are going. Alive, though. You couldn't get there dead, anyways.

Youtargim: Ummm, you are going where you want to be dead?

Tiberius Branadarus: Cool

N'laea: Because the Goddess of Mysteries resides there and we need to be in touch with her.

Tiberius Branadarus: OH

Tiberius Branadarus: Not dead

Tiberius Branadarus: I am still coming

Indigo: I don't want to be dead

Tiberius Branadarus: Even if they are not dead

Tiberius Branadarus: Indigo, do you think we need to be dead to go there?

N'laea: sighs

Indigo: hope not

N'laea: As I said, even dead, you could not get there. You can only get there alive.

N'laea: It is for elven souls.

Tiberius Branadarus: I mean look at Shi, what happened to her when she was dead and then not dead

Bixi Fizzlebang: But you want to die when you get there?

N'laea: And those with the ability or amulet to get there

Tiberius Branadarus: She was never the same

Tiberius Branadarus: I want to be here

Indigo: I think she's better

Tiberius Branadarus: The kids need a good mom and a good dad

N'laea: .Which is why she is not coming. She... knows she would not return again.

Bixi Fizzlebang: shakes head

Tiberius Branadarus: well a good mom

Bixi Fizzlebang: Elves are confusing

Tiberius Branadarus: Yes they are

Clinks glasses with Bixi

N'laea: shakes her head

N'laea: Not sure why I try....

Tiberius Branadarus: Women are confusing enough, then you make them an Elf?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Hey!

Bixi Fizzlebang: I rescind my clink!

Raelynn: Or are men just dense enough then you make them human?

Tiberius Branadarus: I was saying that women are hard to understand

Tiberius Branadarus: Not like you Bixi

Bixi Fizzlebang: oh, ok

Looks around to make sure he is not in the line of fire from any cutlery

Bixi Fizzlebang: totally accepts that

Raelynn: Um, she's a woman, too!

Youtargim: SO

Bixi Fizzlebang: But I'm not hard to understand

Looking around and seeing that there is only Indigo, Craigh and Tiberius who are male here and the rest are apparently female....

Craigh: Not sure if I'm feeling better or I've died and am in purgatory.

Raelynn: Right, but he shouldn't put one down for the others.

Youtargim: We are going to a place where the dead are

Licornah : :: looks up from journal, thinks about saying something, realizes it wouldn't be worth it and goes back to writing ::

Youtargim: Do we need to stop them?

Bixi Fizzlebang: It's ok to be confusing! You're like a puzzle every day, that's fun!

Indigo: stop who?

N'laea: No. We only need to find the Goddess of Mysteries.

Craigh: leans his head back. Oh, good. It's both.

N'laea: If you mean to attempt to stop the dead from arriving, I would have to stop you.

Youtargim: I do not know

Youtargim: I am confused,

looks at Tiberius

N'laea: thinking clearly

Youtargim: I think that we need to step back and figure out where you are going and why you are going, so I know how to help you

Youtargim: The Princess had me come with you for a reason, and I trust that she knows you better than I do

Indigo: I'm not going to try to understand until we get there

Raelynn: I thought you were going to help us in the desert? But that's not soon.

Raelynn: We have things to return.

Youtargim: Things

Indigo: Yeah you don't need to go

Youtargim: I think I need to

Craigh: Give the man the information to make a choice off of, at least.

Youtargim: Sir Indigo

Indigo: I don't have the information

Youtargim: You seem to be a level headed person.... halfling.... knight....

Craigh: Fair point. I'm not too sure I do either.

Craigh: grins.

Youtargim: you are going there to help with the ghosts?

Bixi Fizzlebang: shrugs

Bixi Fizzlebang: I never know what's really going on, I just try to help where I can

Indigo: We go to the elf dead place and find a goddess and give her a cloak and she should be really happy to get her clothes back

Craigh: I hope she had more than one outfit.

Youtargim: nods slowly, go find a naked goddess and give her back her clothes

Indigo: just her cloak

Bixi Fizzlebang: Oh I would be so embarrassed if she were naked

Youtargim: Sounds like a plan

N'laea: She is the mother of all elves. You'll need to be respectful.

Youtargim: I can be respectful of a woman without clothes

Youtargim: It is her choice

Bixi Fizzlebang: cringes

Youtargim: well, is it? why do you have her clothes?

Licornah : :: sighs and shakes her head and continues to write ::

Indigo: I wasn't even gonna talk. She wouldn't understand me

N'laea: Or perhaps stop thinking of an all-powerful deity as such? She is the personification of moonlight, illusions, the night sky....

Bixi Fizzlebang: You um... might want to... think of the way in which you phrase things sometimes, Yout

Youtargim: What did I say? Did I get an idiom wrong?

Raelynn: We found one of her gowns somewhere it didn't belong. All we know is we need to return it.

Bixi Fizzlebang: I don't know a lot about elf goddesses, but I'm pretty sure they're very particular about how you talk about them. Just judging from my extremely limited experiences with elves...

N'laea: Raelynn and I must go, and as the one with the Amulet, so much Branwyn. The rest can decide on their own if they wish to join.

Youtargim: I am going I am here to help

Tiberius Branadarus: OH NO, I am going away this time,

Tiberius Branadarus: TWICE you left and had adventures without me

Tiberius Branadarus: I thought you were going to a tower for wizards

Bixi Fizzlebang: What is she the goddess of, specifically?

Tiberius Branadarus: you said it was just a tower in ice

Tiberius Branadarus: and look what happened!!!!!

Raelynn: Mysteries, Moonlight, Journeys. OH! And illusions! It isn't many, but some gnomes actually follow her!

Indigo: Yeah look what happened!

Indigo: GRINS

Tiberius Branadarus: I am going with you Love

Raelynn: Oh and Night Skies. She's the goddess of MANY things.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Oh! I would absolutely love to go then! What an honor it would be!

Tiberius Branadarus: Indigo and I have lots to do

Tiberius Branadarus: and this new guy .... um Youts

Indigo: I don't know if I'm going

Tiberius Branadarus: Yeah we are going with you

Tiberius Branadarus: Yes you are Indigo

Raelynn: She's also one of the Triad that make up another goddess along with Hanali... it's a long story, but they're like, super close!

punches Indigo in the shoulder

Bixi Fizzlebang: That doesn't make any sense to me, but it sounds very nice!

Indigo: Everyone's going to be speaking elvish and we'll just stand around in the corner bowing

Tiberius Branadarus: You need to be there with me to tell me when the Elves are serious

Indigo: They're always serious

Tiberius Branadarus: Yes! Seeeee you need to be there so I have someone to talk to

Bixi Fizzlebang: Indigo, I need you there for solidarity for meal times. I'm guessing they don't eat quite as often as I would like there...

Youtargim: I ,.... Um....

Indigo: Make them tell you when they AREN'T serious

N'laea: There is... one potential problem I do not have a solution to that you all must consider.

Tiberius Branadarus: Sure Yout you can be there too and tell us what they are saying

Tiberius Branadarus: See we have a great group

Tiberius Branadarus: Me, Yout, Indigo, Bixi, Branwyn

Tiberius Branadarus: It will be great

Indigo: Craigh

Raelynn: He said he doesn't know Elvish.

Raelynn : [Translation] Right, Youtargim?

<font color="##000000">Right, Youtargim?

[understood by: Licornah , Carissa, N'laea, Raelynn]

Tiberius Branadarus: Who knows Elvish? That is why we have Rae and N'laea for

Tiberius Branadarus: Or Shi and

Tiberius Branadarus: well I guess those two are not coming,

Tiberius Branadarus: we had good times together didn't we Indigo

Tiberius Branadarus: Wish we could get the two of them together again

Tiberius Branadarus: That was fun

Indigo: Yeah we did

Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm afraid to ask

Indigo: That's not gonna happen. Shi has a new boyfriend

Tiberius Branadarus: WHAT!!!!!

Tiberius Branadarus: Does he know?

Tiberius Branadarus: WOW

Tiberius Branadarus: Do you think we should tell him?

Indigo: Yeah he's lucky Kel hasn't killed him but then Shi would kill Kel so maybe it's okay

N'laea: I have seen all three together. I assume they all know?

Tiberius Branadarus: Really?

Tiberius Branadarus: so like Kel and his magic sword are ok with the other guy?

N'laea: There was... distance, but that is all I will say.

N'laea: I am not a fan of gossip.

Tiberius Branadarus: Shi really liked Kel's magic sword

Raelynn: clearly trying hard to not speak up

Tiberius Branadarus: I have to admit I sort of did too

N'laea: Er, like the one we found?

N'laea: points to the sheathed flaming sword

Indigo: When we get back we should go find Kel in the wood and go hunting or something with him

Youtargim: So just how many elves are you planning on taking with us on this trip?

N'laea: Those elves are not going for their own reasons

Tiberius Branadarus: So do you think we should take Kell then with us Indigo?

Tiberius Branadarus: How many people should we take?

Tiberius Branadarus: after all it is a Goddess

Tiberius Branadarus: We want to make a good impression

Tiberius Branadarus: Lots of people attending to .....

Tiberius Branadarus: Ummm

Branwyn: No Tiberius. They cannot go

Tiberius Branadarus: who are we attending to?

N'laea: Sehanine Moonbow

Tiberius Branadarus: Yes Love

Branwyn: N'laea you said there was something important to consider before we got sidetracked?

Tiberius Branadarus: Oh I understand that N'laea but we are there to support someone

Tiberius Branadarus: so Branwyn?

Tiberius Branadarus: and she is there presenting you as a sacrifice? and we save you?

Branwyn: laughs

Branwyn: I hope not!

Licornah : :: looks up :: take her favorite things with the cloak and be nice to her attendants, earn their favor to earn hers

N'laea: sighs again

Licornah : :: goes back to writing and sketching a squirrel ::

N'laea: No. Branwyn and I discussed it earlier.

Tiberius Branadarus: OH That is a good idea ..... Licor

Tiberius Branadarus: Huh, I bet people made fun of you when you were a kid huh?

Tiberius Branadarus: Be nice to the attendants is always a good idea

Craigh: looks at Tiberius in confusion. Liquor?

Tiberius Branadarus: Her name

Tiberius Branadarus: When I was a kid we teased a boy who was call Potem

Tiberius Branadarus: Called him Pot

Tiberius Branadarus: or Black

Tiberius Branadarus: Calling the pot black you get it?


Tiberius Branadarus: so Licor

N'laea: You... talk a lot

Tiberius Branadarus: People might have teased her when she was a kid

Tiberius Branadarus: I was thinking


Licornah : I'm sorry, as you asking if I was treated poorly as a child? No... not that I recall

Tiberius Branadarus: My love has just returned home from two I mean three adventures without me

Tiberius Branadarus: I am going to keep her close and take up as much as I can with her

Tiberius Branadarus: and I am happy for you Licor

Tiberius Branadarus: That is a good thing

Tiberius Branadarus: Do you like it here in Dragon Fen?

Looks over at Indigo

Tiberius Branadarus: I might have been spending too much time with Jilly while you were gone

Craigh: chuckles

Licornah : It's, interesting. I'm trying to become more familiar with the area and the fauna

Youtargim: It is good to have you here Licornah

Youtargim: Where are you from? I want to understand where the different people who are important to the Countess are from and their backgrounds so I can help with what I can

Craigh: What's it like where you're from? You've talked about it a bit when we were trying to identify it.

Licornah : Where I'm from is in the north... I'm from an area near a River and to the west is Silvermoon

Craigh: Is it an Elven kingdom, human, or mixed?

Youtargim: North where?

Licornah : Silvermoon... north of, umm, here?

Youtargim: Hallstatt?

Licornah : There are many elves, but there are humans, and halflings, and others...

Youtargim: Keltoi?

Youtargim [C Comm]: [Translation] Do you understand this?

<font color="##000000">Do you understand this?

[understood by: ]

Licornah : :: shakes head :: No sorry, I haven't heard of those...

Licornah : Waterdeep?

Youtargim: Never heard of it

Indigo: They can do this all day

Indigo: grabs a scone

Tiberius Branadarus: OH you mean Wolfspack! The barbarian city to the far east

Tiberius Branadarus: Ok well Licor you are welcome to join us

Tiberius Branadarus: You are an elf

Tiberius Branadarus: so you would want to go to elf places right?

Licornah : I can go to lots of places human, elf, halfling, dwarf. I just don't want to go where the Vampires are.

Licornah : And I'd like to avoid the Wizards of Thay thank you


Tiberius Branadarus: Well Vampires are here

Tiberius Branadarus: No clue about wizards of who ever

Licornah : You should do something about that

Tiberius Branadarus: that is Branwyn's worry

Tiberius Branadarus: My mother was a witch,

Tiberius Branadarus: I let Branwyn worry about vampires

Licornah : :: tilts head :: a scryer?

Tiberius Branadarus: I need to go get some practice in before we leave Love

Indigo: stuffs the rest of the scone in his mouth

kisses Branwyn deeply

Tiberius Branadarus: I will be back later

smiles at the display

Branwyn: smiles

Branwyn: See you later darling

Youtargim: I do want to ask about the vampires?

Youtargim: are you really? are there a lot?

Branwyn: I have no idea how many. One here and there and who knows how many in the Great Swamp

Youtargim: HERE!!!!

Youtargim: WHAT!

Branwyn: Not right here! Calm yourself

Branwyn: And if you met one you might actually like them

Youtargim: I ahh

Youtargim: Ummm

Youtargim: You KNOW a vampire?

Branwyn: A few

Youtargim: I ... you said THEM

Youtargim: WAIT

Youtargim: what

Youtargim: I mean

Youtargim: sorry Countess

Craigh: You work for a genie. How is this unusual for you?

Youtargim: If you tell me to ignore vampires I will do that

Youtargim: Genies are normal

Craigh: Wrong.

Youtargim: Ghuls are horrible

Branwyn: laughs

Youtargim: The Deep Desert has horrors that many cannot survive

Branwyn: I have no doubt

Youtargim: Which is why the Princess has assigned me to you I suppose

Branwyn: Because you can survive such horrors?

Raelynn: So besides speaking languages... what else can you do?

Youtargim: Sail

Youtargim: fight

Youtargim: trade

N'laea: Fight how?

Youtargim: I was a merchant before the Princess took me into her employ

pulls out his scimitar slightly and then re-sheathes it

Youtargim: I can hold my own in a sea battle

Youtargim: I was in command of four ships

N'laea: nods

Craigh: So you know seas and deserts?

Youtargim: yes

Craigh: Interesting. I wouldn't have thought those two would go together.

Bows deeply

Youtargim: Thank you

Youtargim: I traded up and down the seas from far Kaparimtia to the jungles of Malatra

Youtargim: and now I am here to serve your Countess until she sees fit

Branwyn: So why did you stop. It sounds exciting and profitable

Youtargim: The Princess valued my skills and hired me and my fleet

Youtargim: my crew is at the quay waiting for orders

laughs sadly

Youtargim: that may not come if I am not successful in helping you

Craigh: How long ago?

Youtargim: I last sailed.... 5? 7? days ago?

N'laea: She hired you that recently?

Youtargim: I returned with spices and woven goods

Youtargim: I have worked for the Princess for 7 years

Youtargim: I take the idea that she sent me with you as a sign of great respect of her belief in my abilities

Youtargim: and of her belief in your skills and need of my assistance

Youtargim: We have no fate but the fate we are given

Branwyn: smiles

Bixi Fizzlebang: snorts a little

Craigh: Branwyn, do you think Howard and Johan would be willing to create a few scrolls for us to take with us?

Craigh: I've been going through the library, looking for useful things.

Branwyn: I don't see why not. Feel free to talk with them about it

Craigh: I will, thanks.

Branwyn: Certainly

Craigh: As soon as I can move again....

Branwyn: I am sorry you were so ill. Are your allergies better at least?

Craigh: nods.

Craigh: Yeah, that tea of Bixi's is pretty good.

Branwyn: Good!

Craigh: She makes a good apprentice.

Craigh: grins

Bixi Fizzlebang: laughs

Bixi Fizzlebang: Ok, so when Craigh leaves the room, I want to cast an illusion of a disembodied arm holding a note that says,

Bixi Fizzlebang: that says; I miss you

Phantasmal Force

Branwyn: Licornah, is there anything you think we should know before we go?

Licornah : :: ponders :: Well

Licornah : Besides the cloak, have you prepared her tribute?

Branwyn: I haven't. Isn't that something you all would do or should we all bring gifts?

Licornah : I'm not certain, but normally goddesses prefer a thank you for seeing them where I'm from

Licornah : I'm pretty sure any goddess, even if she's not an elf

Licornah : tributes might look different to you -- a keg of ale or a basket of flowers or even a box of fruit

Branwyn: I can see that. Really I am more of a ... carriage driver on this trip. I am counting on you and N'laea to take the lead here

Bixi Fizzlebang: I wonder if she would like some of those special allergy herbs

Bixi Fizzlebang: do goddesses get allergies?

Branwyn: Probably not. But I am sure we can find some things that will be nice

Licornah : Perhaps a moon or star representation? Do you paint or draw? Carve or work with metal?

Licornah : Something handmade and personal might be better received?

Bixi Fizzlebang: What about Gerry's never ending cheese wheels? Those are pretty special!

Branwyn: N'laea warned us against feywine and that we could perhaps get enraptured by elven cities

Branwyn: laughs

Licornah : :: shrugs :: I'm not sure... where I'm from, it's simple tributes. Cheese is usually not on the list, but perhaps?

Craigh: What is normal?

Licornah : In Silvermoon, they leave silver balls or harps in her honor... where the others are from, I cannot say what they use

Licornah : My father and mother often put out a silver ball near the harvest season

Branwyn: This is very helpful. Thank you

Craigh: Do we have a silversmith in Dragons Fen?

Branwyn: We can send word to Snee about a smith

Craigh: Yes, I was thinking if Licornah would write up a short description of them, if there's anything special about them, we can get those ordered.

Licornah : :: turns :: Do you have your speech prepared for Sehaine and her attendants? About why it's taken so long to return the cloak?

Licornah : Do you have a justification for presenting non-elves to Sehaine?

Indigo: We can wait outside. It's okay

N'laea: Do you know if she even has a palace? Many of the Seldarine roam. It is more likely she will find us.

Indigo: Unless it's all outside ...

Indigo: scratches his head

N'laea: It could easily be.

Licornah : :: Nods ::

Tiberius Branadarus: The Elves really like to be outside

Tiberius Branadarus: But I am not sure they mean Outside Outside instead of Outside outside

Tiberius Branadarus: if you know what I mean

N'laea: Outside outside?

Licornah : :: thinks :: I don't believe she does have a formal temple

Indigo: Outside of the outside where the elves are

Tiberius Branadarus: Sorry you Elves seem to have the idea that there is an Outside where only Elves understand

Tiberius Branadarus: where Indigo and I go out and play outside and it is just fine

Licornah : In Silvermoon, it's more a shrine -- but, I'm not sure in other places, it could be larger or more formal

Craigh: I got the impression somewhere, maybe a book in my old master's library, that the outer planes were nearly infinite in size. Is it really going to be that easy to find a god there?

N'laea: Ah. Yes, certainly far from any cities. It is preferrable.

Indigo: It's a nice place, right? Not like Pandemonium. You can do divination stuff and ask people without getting having to fight them

Licornah : What about where you're from, do they have a formal temple for her?

Raelynn: She has a temple in Loosend, and I know Hanali has her own crystal palace she resides in in Arvandor, but I don't know about Moonbow...

N'laea: It is our final resting place. Or parts of it. I am not sure which, but it is the greatest reward to a fulfilling life.

Youtargim: All these names and all these places, are you sure we can go to all these places?

N'laea: But... as I was attempting to say earlier, it may overwhelm non-elves. It will be beautiful beyond belief. It can be hard for many to handle.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Don't we have to try?

Bixi Fizzlebang: I mean if it's not really OURS the least we can do is TRY to give it back

Tiberius Branadarus: YES

Tiberius Branadarus: See Bixi gets it

Tiberius Branadarus: It is an Adventure!

N'laea: Yes. And she is the Goddess of Journeys. She may be watching over our journey to return it to her.

Tiberius Branadarus: Oooooo

Indigo: Should we make a sign?

Tiberius Branadarus: So we need to prepare properly

Tiberius Branadarus: make sure we are set for a long journey

Tiberius Branadarus: That is good to know

Tiberius Branadarus: You are smart N'laea

Tiberius Branadarus: So much smarter than Kel was

N'laea: Thank you?

Tiberius Branadarus: he has a sword, that he thinks talks to him

N'laea: Ah... well, apparently swords like that exist.

Craigh: Hummmm.. Do we need to bring some blindfolds, if someone does swoon over the architecture?

Tiberius Branadarus: Architecture?

N'laea: I do not know. Perhaps? I am also wondering if you need to be careful of eating there...

Tiberius Branadarus: Really? swooning over that?

Bixi Fizzlebang: Or some kind of herbs to counteract the wine?

N'laea: I imagine all the food there would be like our feywine here.

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SKILL] Botany [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 6]

Tiberius Branadarus: I mean I can see some goddess almost being as beautiful as Branwyn

Tiberius Branadarus: but seriously a building?

Craigh: I've heard myths of people being blinded by gods merely for accidentally glimpsing them.

N'laea: Not a building. The whole plane.

Raelynn: Well we DO know Hanali is more beautiful than you can ever imagine!

Tiberius Branadarus: I don't know I can imagine quite a lot

Bixi Fizzlebang: Us specifically or everyone?

Raelynn: Although... I don't think she'd blind you for seeing her. She's not vengeful.

Bixi Fizzlebang: That would be pretty rude

Tiberius Branadarus: I think that Indigo and I can handle it

N'laea: The Seldarine in general are not, but they are still gods. There is no telling.

Raelynn: Handle what?

Tiberius Branadarus: Being charmed by goddesses

Raelynn: How exactly do you plan to fight beauty? Using a sword? You can't fight everything with a sword.

Tiberius Branadarus: Indigo charms lots of people

Craigh: I hope we don't have to do any fighting at all.

Raelynn: I mean that would definitely guarantee you'd be blinded.

Raelynn: If not killed...

Bixi Fizzlebang: I feel very confident that you would absolutely not be able to handle it, Tiberius.

Tiberius Branadarus: laughs

Tiberius Branadarus: I will rely on you and Indigo to guard me Bixi

Bixi Fizzlebang: Hey, I don't think I can help you much if you upset a goddess

Indigo: laughs

Craigh: Is the goddess notoriously vain? Perhaps she would enjoy a silver mirror if so.

Tiberius Branadarus: OH didn’t we have that mirror against the Medusa?

Lisa (Indigo): we keep getting all these reasons for none of us non elves to even go

N'laea: mutters to Craigh, Maybe we should blindfold him.

Indigo: That was Ilero

N'laea: You do not fight the gods. If that is your plan, perhaps it is better you stay behind.

Raelynn: Hanali? Vain? Mmmm, not really? She's more concerned about love and beautiful things, not her beauty herself even though she is VERY beautiful.

Bixi Fizzlebang: If Tiberius gets taken hostage by the goddess, I'm not going to try to rescue him. Just for the record.

N'laea: Just... be respectful. That is all.

Indigo: I'm respectful

N'laea: I do not worry about you.

N'laea: looking directly at Tiberius

Indigo: He's a prince. He's used to dealing with important people. He'll be fine

Bixi Fizzlebang: I just want to go in there, say; hello, here is your cloak that we found, it's very beautiful, we hope you're happy to have it back, here's some presents thank you for letting us give your cloak back, bye; and then go home for some cheese.

Bixi Fizzlebang: I do not want to do rescue missions

N'laea: Yes. There should not be reason to linger provided we find her quick enough.

Craigh: nods

Bixi Fizzlebang: looks pointedly at Tiberius

Raelynn: Ummmmm

Raelynn: But.......

Raelynn: bites her lip and whispers

Raelynn: Your version of quick isn't the same as... other people.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Oh no, is there a time traveling half ghost in elf god lands?

Raelynn: No no no. It's just.... elves can be... elves.

Raelynn: I, um, I'm better at.... time, but um, not.... all of us... are.

N'laea: frowns

Bixi Fizzlebang: I don't even know what that means, so I think I must be part of the; not all of us;

Raelynn: No. You're good at time. It's just... MOST elves are... not.

Bixi Fizzlebang: I will trust the elves to know best in this situation and follow directions

Bixi Fizzlebang: looks pointedly at Tiberius again

Raelynn: So quick might not be.... quick. And the gods might... not let us find them quick.

Raelynn: Because... um, well, ...elves.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Well that's fine. As long as it's not OUR fault for upsetting someone

Bixi Fizzlebang: stares at Tiberius

Indigo: If we can find her house and she's not home we could just leave it with a note or something

N'laea: I will not leave until I hand it directly to her. You may, but I cannot.

Bixi Fizzlebang: Would it be safe to just leave a cloak?

Indigo: You haven't see Branadarus with the Queen and stuff. He'll be fine

Indigo: Right?

Indigo: looks at Branadarus

Tiberius Branadarus: I have never met a Goddess before but how much more important can they be?

Tiberius Branadarus: I grew up with a witch for a mother

Craigh: Dear Goddess, found your robe, had it dry-cleaned, here it is. Bye!

N'laea: tries to emphasize it this time

N'laea: She is the mother of all elves.

N'laea: ALL elves.

Craigh: Metaphorically, or literally?

N'laea: There are precious few as important as her.

Tiberius Branadarus: See I know how to get along with mothers

Indigo: That's why I said we could wait outside outside

Raelynn: She really is! We sprang from her and Corellon! Um, depending who you ask is how it happened, but it happened!

Tiberius Branadarus: yes outside outside instead of OUTSIDE outside

Bixi Fizzlebang: I worry that we would be waiting... a LONG time

Indigo: But if you are half elf so her and someone else?

Tiberius Branadarus: OOOOO

Raelynn: bites her lip again

Raelynn: It's still important to me.

Tiberius Branadarus: Raelyn has a secret past

Indigo: I know

Tiberius Branadarus: Wow

Tiberius Branadarus: I never knew

Bixi Fizzlebang: Who doesn't?

N'laea: How could you not?

Indigo: I don't have a secret past

N'laea: The little gypsy girl says you're the one who told her how to tell if someone is an elf or not.

N'laea: Something about ears.

Tiberius Branadarus: I always thought you could tell an elf by the ears

Tiberius Branadarus: OH

Tiberius Branadarus: YES!!!!

Tiberius Branadarus: Indigo!

Tiberius Branadarus: that is how we solve it

Indigo: Ears?

Tiberius Branadarus: when we get there we just ask to see their ears!

Craigh: waits to see where this conversation is going.

Tiberius Branadarus: THAT will prove who gets the cloak

Bixi Fizzlebang: buries her face in her hands

N'laea face palm

Indigo: sighs

Indigo: They're all elves! We're the only ones that won't be

N'laea: Perhaps, as Branwyn says, you should let us take the lead here. For... all our sakes.

Indigo: No point

Tiberius Branadarus: I thought all elves has pointy ears Indigo?

Raelynn: Um, well mostly. But they have allies that aren't elves that might also be there.

Indigo: Yes and where we go they will all be elves

Tiberius Branadarus: I guess N'laea is right we should listen to Branwyn

Raelynn: Oh! No it's a forest so there'll be animals and stuff too!

Tiberius Branadarus: She is much smarter than I am

Raelynn: And meadows and crystals and stuff!

Bixi Fizzlebang: Oooh, the animals might be able to help us find them quicker!

Bixi Fizzlebang: Will I be able to cast spells there? Is there a mist or anything?

N'laea: shrugs

N'laea: We've never been. I cannot say.

Tiberius Branadarus: Huh, animal you say? should we take the leopard?

Tiberius Branadarus: Or the Elven cat?

Indigo: The Mist is from vampires so unless there are vampires there I don't think there will be Mist

N'laea: I... hmm, I do not even know if the other cats are coming.

Tiberius Branadarus: Bixi said we should take animals

Bixi Fizzlebang: Isn't one of them an elven cat?

N'laea: I will offer it to them. They may.

Bixi Fizzlebang: I did not!

Indigo: Demi and Dahlia are going to get sad if you take everyone away from them. I would leave the cat with them to play with

Jilly: It is almost lunch time

Jilly: Did you want fruit? or bread?

N'laea: I am still full.

Indigo: Fruit please

N'laea: Ah! Jilly, I was told you met a unicorn once?


Jilly: yes I did

Licornah : :: turns and listens quietly ::

N'laea: nods towards Licornah

Bixi Fizzlebang: Bixi's eyes widen

N'laea: She is a unicorn priestess.

Jilly: ooooo

Jilly: Don’t you just love their coats

Jilly: they are so soft and warm

Licornah : :: looks down :: I have only seem them from afar... I hope one day to get close enough

Jilly: and then their manes are just sooooo flowery and so dreamy

Craigh: chuckles picturing a horse wearing a thick winter coat

Jilly: Oh I am sorry

HUGS Licornah

Bixi Fizzlebang: Jilly, how did you get so close to one?

Licornah : I am so happy for you... it's quite an honor.

Jilly: You will get to see one

Jilly: I hope

Licornah : Are you a Silvermaiden?

Jilly: Not that I know of

bounces her baby on her hip

Jilly: I was just trying to save Branwyn, she gets in trouble

Jilly: and someone has to save her

Licornah : What an honor for you ...

Jilly: so I went off into the woods

Jilly: and went to the bugbear keep to see if I could find her

Jilly: but then Billy was there and took care of the problems

Jilly: and so I was able to save Branwyn

Jilly: and here we are

Jilly: smiles

Raelynn: quietly to Bixi

Indigo: Jilly used to save everybody

Raelynn: They say if you've, um, had relations, you'll never meet one.

Jilly: Used to?

Bixi Fizzlebang: blushes

SMACKS Indigo with her spoon

Indigo: You're a mom now

Indigo: HEY!

Indigo: OWWW

Indigo: You save me from starving?

Indigo: grins

Jilly: Silly Raelynn, there are no unicorns in the Valoris Wood, Acien would know

Jilly: and you are always starving Indigo

Jilly: No one can save you from your hunger


Raelynn: Oh. I didn't think there were any. I just was told how to meet one, or, um, why you might not.

Indigo: Not always!

Jilly: BUT I have a strudel for you for dinner tonight

Indigo: Good! Thank you!

Jilly: Raelyn, silly I know what you mean

Jilly: If you do not believe in them you will not see a unicorn

Jilly: I believe in them

Jilly: They just do not live near here

Licornah : :: nods in agreement ::

Raelynn: Oh. Hmm. I only know the rumors around the temple...

Jilly: Where are you going this time?

Jilly: I need to know how much to pack for Indigo

N'laea: The Elven plane.

Craigh: I think we may need more food than normal, if foraging for local food is going to be a problem.

Jilly: Did he ever tell you about the time I had to go with him all the way south and I ended up buying more cooking gear because he lost all of our things?

N'laea: Oh, foraging is likely fine. It is cooked meals I am unsure about.

Jilly: OH Craigh, you think I need to come with you to cook?

Jilly: That would be fun

N'laea: Hunting is... dependent.

Jilly: I have not been on an adventure in

Raelynn: points to the baby

Raelynn: Isn't that why?

Jilly: She can come with

Jilly: or I can leave her with the nanny

N'laea: I do not think we need so many to return a single item.

Youtargim: I am happy to come along but I do not want to be a baby sitter, sorry Countess

Bixi Fizzlebang: From the sounds of things, Jilly, we might be gone for a long time, and Tiberius might get us in trouble with some goddesses.

Raelynn: We shouldn't bring a baby with us anyways. That seems wrong.

Bixi Fizzlebang: I don't think you'd want to risk that with the baby so young still

Branwyn: looks up from her book at Youtargim

Branwyn: No one asked you to