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Chat Log List - 2023 05 12 - Book Return - Formatted - Story

Chat log with automatic formatting applied

'Michael' connected

Host (v4.3.8) is running different version than client (v4.3.7).

'Michael' disconnected

'Michael' connected

Host (v4.3.8) is running different version than client (v4.3.7).

'Michael' disconnected

'Spring' connected

BOB Welcome Spring

Spring: hi hi hi

'Lisa' connected

BOB Hey there Lisa

'Michael' connected

Host (v4.3.8) is running different version than client (v4.3.7).

BOB Hey there Michael, you still did not update, grins

Michael: Wait, what now? I logged in earlier to verify that everything was ready to go. What did I do?

BOB You logged in twice before, it shows me you are one update behind

BOB I am on 4.3.8 you are on 4.3.7

Michael: Rolls eyes. Okay, one moment. I'll verify

'Michael' disconnected

Spring: hehehehe

BOB How is your connection Lisa? and how are the stars?

Spring: hi Lisa, hi Michael

Spring: am i still here?

BOB Yes you are

Spring: oh good

'Michael' connected

BOB Hello Michael and that did work



Michael: Wasn't updating because my credentials weren't valid

'Carissa' connected

Michael: So wasn't highlighting my update button like it normally does I suppose

Lisa: Hello all :)

BOB Hello Carissa

BOB and there is Lisa

Michael: Hi Lisa! Hi Carissa! Welcome to Hell! Literally!

Michael: (Been waiting all week to use that)

Lisa: lol


Spring: hi Carissa! hi Lisa!

Michael: Hi Spring!

BOB and oddball question Carisa, can dogs get tricinosis?

Lisa: Hi! Glad you are here

Lisa: How is the new car?

Spring: love it, warts and all

Michael: Oh MIghty ChatGBT, Can Dogs get the Parasitical organism known as Tricinosis?


Michael: Yes is the answer

Carissa: Hi all!

Michael: While not tricinosis, I just treated my dog for tapeworms

Michael: that was fun

Spring: ugh. chat AIs are like having another Uncle Bubba. they are going to expound on topics whether they know anything about them or not

Carissa: I think so, but it's very rare in the US

Michael: That's why I hate them so much. Exponentially more garbage content then real thought

Michael: Er, ChatGBT, not dogs

Spring: i've been hearing about pharmacies getting refill orders for medications that don't exist but sound plausible

Michael: In my opionion, it's like getting rid of any art or humanity altogether. Why bother to create when an effing computer will do it for you. Why bother having life experiences?

Michael: But let me tell you how I really feel LOL

Spring: they were supposed to do the menial tasks so we could do the art, not the other way around. capitalism.

BOB For Michael, that is what they said about Painters, and Musicians, and and and

Michael: I will not get drawn into another finanical debate with you Bob, I simply will not!

Michael: :D

BOB There will always be at least a niche for live something

BOB grins

BOB Lisa and I have gone around and around with this

Michael: I think it's a brillaint tool that can be dangerous. And I will not budge on this. I dind't get a degree in Strategic Security for fun, let me tell you

Lisa: the only thing I want AI to do is maths

Carissa: lol

BOB launch vectors

BOB grins

Michael: Jesus Bob. I didn't need that right this second....

Michael: LOL

BOB LOL for Michael, you just need to worry about the Portal to Hell that Branwyn asked Jennevive to open up

Michael: Indeed! Been looking forward to seeing how this plays out

Michael: I even popped Popcorn

Michael: Just need to get another diet coke. The first seemed to dissapear without me noticing

BOB Why we have the heat here :)

Carissa: Speaking of, this is the first really good day I've had in a LONG time. DON'T RUIN IT.

BOB Promise to not TRY to Carissa

Michael: Er, I think that is heavily dependend on us, dice luck, and heavinly intervention. AHEM Bob.

BOB and very glad you did have that

Carissa: to not try to ruin it or to not try to not ruin it or.... hmmmm

BOB grins with Michael, did you create a Gate to that plane too?

Michael: Glad you had a good day too :)

Carissa: lol thanks

Michael: And, no, but oh how I would pay money to open one up right accorss from each other

Michael: And with that, back in 30 seconds while I grab another DC

Spring: like those two Maverik (gas stations) in Murray, UT

Lisa: so now we have some big guys here I'm thinking we may want to try talking

BOB yes

Carissa: Yup that's what I was thinking for N'laea turn

Lisa: also maybe back up a bit to make them come into the mist

Carissa: But, you know, try to stale and then let FIVES do the talking

BOB chuckles

Carissa: *stall

BOB brb before we start clicking off time

Lisa: n'laea can talk and Jenn knows infernal too if bob starts before TMO can get here

Michael: Glad you said something, because I was going right into continue to kill mode LOL

Michael: And speaking of Utah Spring, I finally got a house! (under contract so until I am actually living inside it, take that with a grain of salt)

Carissa: She seemed to, but only to a small degree so don't know how useful she is

Spring: oh wow, tentative congrats!

Lisa: what were you living inside before?

Carissa: but she can also glance at Bran and tranlate and be like, "What do I say next??"

Michael: A very nice RV on my land

Carissa: nice!!

Lisa: very good!

Michael: but since I can't get a goddamn contractor to return my calls, I'll live in an actualy house until they want to make money from small people like me

Lisa: i was in a tent the last 2 days and am happy to be back in my house :D

Michael: Really?! Did you at least have fun camping?

Spring: it's really hard getting time from any of the trades these days

Lisa: yes it was fun

Spring: and was it a tent you can stand up in?

Carissa: also nice!

Michael: I know, and i'm not really upset at the guys or anything, just after two years finally gave up lol

Michael: glad you had fun at least :)

BOB back

'TMO' connected

Branwyn: posted a pic on Discord

Michael: checking now lol


Spring: hi TMO!

TMO: hullo!

Carissa: Hi TMO!

Lisa: Hi TMO :)

BOB Now that we all know what the inside of Branwyn'

Brer Necholas: have I missed anything yet?

BOB Nope

Michael: Nope. Just a bunch of discord chilling with you :)

BOB still ticking off person by person

BOB About to start round 3

Lisa: ok

BOB Bixi is up first though

BOB and has a Hell Hound on her

Carissa: She was going to move out of the way....

BOB so was giving Lemon a chance to log in

Michael: Who was in charge of this weeks spotify playlist???

Michael: :)

BOB 2 more minutes then will say that Bixi is holding action

Carissa (Raelynn): So... how's the weather?

Carissa (Raelynn): Fine day, ain't it?

Carissa (Raelynn): That's it. That's all my small talk.

BOB Nice and Misty

Talwin: Beautiful in Utah. But when I go back to phoenix next week for work, I imagine it's close to the temperature in the portals next to us

Carissa (Shi'Nynze): It's weirdly hot here today, but good day for the garden.

BOB Michael did you ever get your medal?

Talwin: Nope. Been keeping an eyes out.

Talwin: Sorry Bob :(

TMO (Craigh): got rain coming in here.

BOB That sucks

Talwin: Through Rain Sleet Snow, and sometimes into the Twilight Zone

BOB For Michael, I do not care if TMO gets rain

Talwin: why? Or did that just sail right over my head?

Michael (Talwin): :)

BOB Too many hailstones on Michael's head

Michael (Talwin): Nevermind. I'm a dumbass

Lisa: should we move licornah to the side or just leave her there?

BOB Leaving her there for now

Carissa (Shi'Nynze): she'd be one round behind so nothing should bother her

BOB but I am ready to start

Michael (Talwin): Cracks Keyboard Knuckels

BOB Everyone is aware of where they are in the order

Michael (Talwin): Let's do this


[TURN] Bixi Fizzlebang - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 4] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

[TURN] N'laea - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 4] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1 | Longsword +1 Flametonge; IFT:type(undead); ATK:3; DMG:3; INIT:3]

TMO (Fives): I have a streamer playing Diablo IV playing in the background, so good sounds for this.

Carissa (N'laea): Oop sorry here one sec

Michael (Talwin): Oh TMO, it is only my love for this group that I am not playing Diablo IV right this very second during the Server Slam

Lisa (Indigo): we appreciate that

Michael (Talwin): LOL.

BOB Yes we do

TMO (Fives): we'll have to friend each other

Carissa (N'laea): (you can thank Amazon that I'm not playing Zelda right now since it's late)

Michael (Talwin): You guys are irreplacable in my life. Games are replacable, Dragon Slayers are not

Michael (Talwin): lolz

BOB Love you too Michael

Michael (Talwin): Haha Carissa. It's sitting next to my Switch. LOL

Michael (Talwin): My control this Friday, is spectacular...

N'laea [Infernal]: [Translation] We seek an audience with the librarian or librarian assistant. We have a book we stumbled across and want to return to its proper place.

<font color="#000000">We seek an audience with the librarian or librarian assistant. We have a book we stumbled across and want to return to its proper place.

[understood by: N'laea, Fives]

N'laea: glances at Fives to take over speaking.

Carissa (N'laea): holding otherwise?

BOB ok

Lisa (Indigo): going to tell us what she said?

Lisa (Indigo): or just a mystery

Carissa (N'laea): Darn I was hoping it's drag to tell you

BOB Building a Mystery

Carissa (N'laea): She told them they want an audience with the librarian or librarian assistant to return a book they stumbled upon to its rightful place. More or less.

Carissa (N'laea): (and she'd tell that to Bran because she is NOT a diplomat)

TMO (Fives): what was the name we know again?

Carissa (N'laea): Ramiel

Lisa (Indigo): Ramiel

Carissa (N'laea): But she doesn't know if they should know that we know his true name

Carissa (N'laea): And before I hit next, anything else Bran wants her to add?

Lisa (Indigo): we summoned him where in the Hell is he???

Carissa (N'laea): lol

TMO (Fives): not the Hell here

Carissa (N'laea): what the hell man

Lisa (Indigo): apparently so

[TURN] Indigo - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 4] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

BOB Quotes Quote

Lisa (Indigo): holding for now

[TURN] Sam Olson - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 4] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Carissa (N'laea): quotes for when I decide to summarize things again

Carissa (N'laea): holding

[TURN] Lanek Olenak - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 4] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Lisa (Branwyn): like Fives said - they like strength so I would only say we should be assertive :)

Spring: oh!

Carissa (N'laea): oh good, she can do that

Lanek Olenak: [SKILL] Musical Instrument [MOD:DEX] [EFFECTS +1] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20-1 = 9]

Lanek Olenak: plays a taunting melody

[TURN] Shi'Nynze - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 4]]

'Lemon' connected

Lisa (Branwyn): do we want to bring the outsoide people closer - if you want to be

Lisa (Branwyn): lol Spring

BOB Hello Lemon

BOB and yes very nice Spring

Spring (Lanek Olenak): hi Lemon!

[TURN] Brer Necholas - [Paladin Aura(SELF); IFT: ALIGN(evil); AC: 1 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 4] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

TMO (Fives): holding

Carissa (N'laea): was trying to move her slightly closer, but it hates me so nevermind

Lisa (Howard Plum): Hi Lemon :)

Carissa (N'laea): holding for her

[TURN] Zayden - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 3] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

[TURN] Craigh - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 3] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1 | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Carissa (N'laea): Hi Lemon!

TMO (Craigh): rope ready if anyone brreaks through, holding

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Hello!

[TURN] Baatezu Least Lemure 4 - [(REGEN: 1) | (RESIST: cold)]

[TURN] Baatezu Least Lemure 2 - [(REGEN: 1) | (RESIST: cold)]

[TURN] Howard Plum - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 3] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Lisa (Howard Plum): holding

[TURN] Hell Hound 3 - [(IMMUNE:fire) | Chant(Enemy); ATK: -1; DMG: -1; SAVE: -1]

[TURN] Baatezu Least Lemure 5 - [(REGEN: 1) | (RESIST: cold) | Chant(Enemy); ATK: -1; DMG: -1; SAVE: -1]

BOB Ok so Bixi Held her actions

Carissa (N'laea): (Bixi wanted to get away from the door)

BOB Hell Hound 4 in in her face

Carissa (N'laea): (to help you remember, Lemon)

BOB and the Lemure behind it is about to go also

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yes, I did want to move back

BOB You can but the Hell Hound will get an attack

BOB You can move then attack, or stay and attck

User has gone AFK. (Spring)

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I mean, my other option is stay here and KEEP getting attacked

Carissa (N'laea): yup

TMO (Fives): glitter bomb!

Michael (Talwin): Yu can try for a parry

Carissa (N'laea): oh damn we should have had one ready!

BOB You will get attacked no matter what, it is where you are when it is over

N'laea: "Welcome to the Prime Planes!"

Lisa (Branwyn): or kill it

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Yeah, I want to be farther away when it is over.

Carissa (N'laea): (move next to Talwin so he can kill it)

Michael (Talwin): sound advice

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Is it my turn now?

Carissa (N'laea): (or near Indigo who has held)

Lisa (Branwyn): yes

BOB So Bixi can move now or wait till later in the round, Bixi held action at the beginning of the round so you can go when you want to go

Lisa (Branwyn): you want to go before they do

Carissa (N'laea): yeah I'd go now if I were you, personally

Hell Hound 1: [ATTACK (M)] Bite [THACO(17)] [EFFECTS -1] [d20-1 = 2]

Attack [2] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Bixi Fizzlebang] [Hit-AC: 15 vs. 10 ] [AC: 15 ] [MISS]

Carissa (N'laea): good!

Bixi Fizzlebang: [ATTACK (R)] Sling (Stone) [THACO(16)] [EFFECTS +2] [d20+2 = 8]

Attack [8] ->[ATTACK (R)] [at Baatezu Least Lemure 1] [Hit-AC: 8 vs. 7 ] [AC: 8 ] [MISS]

BOB SnAPPED at Bixi but missed as she retreated

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Fantastic

Lisa (Branwyn): that should be HH4

Lisa (Branwyn): that was the one next to her and fied on her last week

Lisa (Branwyn): fired

TMO (Fives): what is the clock on Lanek?

Carissa (N'laea): that Spring is AFK

Lisa (Branwyn): HH1 in protecting security

TMO (Fives): ah, ok

TMO (Fives): I thought she had a way to mark Holding the rest of us didn't know

Carissa (N'laea): Nope, but that means she did literally hit the AFK button

Carissa (N'laea): Versus the Zzz next to a name when someone hasn't interacted with FG for some amount of itme

Baatezu Least Lemure 5: [ATTACK (M)] Claw Attack #1 [THACO(19)] [EFFECTS -1] [d20-1 = 1]

Attack [1] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Branwyn] [Hit-AC: 18 vs. 8 ] [AC: 18 ] [MISS]

Carissa (N'laea): (they may not be afk, just haven't clicked FG or something)

Baatezu Least Lemure 5: [ATTACK (M)] Claw Attack #2 [THACO(19)] [EFFECTS -1] [d20-1 = 10]

Attack [10] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Branwyn] [Hit-AC: 9 vs. 8 ] [AC: 9 ] [MISS]

[TURN] Hell Hound 1 - [(IMMUNE:fire) | Chant(Enemy); ATK: -1; DMG: -1; SAVE: -1]

Lisa (Branwyn): if you scratch the book lemure dude, you're paying for it!

Lemon (Daphene): Yeah, for the record, my zzz doesn't always mean I'm not paying attention. I mean, sometimes it definitely does, but not always

Hell Hound 1: [SAVE] vs. Spell [EFFECTS -1] [d20-1 = 12]

Save [12] [Target 16] -> [for Hell Hound 1] [FAILURE]

Carissa (N'laea): good plan! put the fines on someone else!

User is back. (Spring)

Lemon (Daphene): You break it, you buy it!

Hell Hound 1: [ATTACK (M)] Bite [THACO(17)] [EFFECTS -1] [d20-1 = 4]

Attack [4] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Talwin] [DEF EFFECTS +2] [Hit-AC: 13 vs. -2 ] [AC: 13 ] [MISS]

Carissa (N'laea): (same which is why I tried to clarify - usually have chrome open so I can still read chat but checking music or something)

BOB Coughs as it tries to breath fire on Talwin and ends up SNAPPING just short of his leg

[TURN] Baatezu Least Lemure 8 - [(REGEN: 1) | (RESIST: cold) | Chant(Enemy); ATK: -1; DMG: -1; SAVE: -1]

Carissa (N'laea): I do the same when I cough

Michael (Talwin): lol

Baatezu Least Lemure 8: [ATTACK (M)] Claw Attack #1 [THACO(19)] [EFFECTS -1] [d20-1 = 9]

Attack [9] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Fives] [Hit-AC: 10 vs. 3 ] [AC: 10 ] [MISS]

Mithrahn, Golden Eagle: [ATTACK (M)] Claw Attack #1 [THACO(20)] [EFFECTS +2] [d20+2 = 5]

Attack [5] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Fives] [Hit-AC: 15 vs. 3 ] [AC: 15 ] [MISS]

Spring (Lanek Olenak): i just got word the movers are coming early tomorrow to get my mother's plants, so i'm loading and checking the status at the same time. and also working. slow night

Baatezu Least Lemure 8: [ATTACK (M)] Claw Attack #2 [THACO(19)] [EFFECTS -1] [d20-1 = 5]

Attack [5] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Fives] [Hit-AC: 14 vs. 3 ] [AC: 14 ] [MISS]

User has gone AFK. (Spring)

[TURN] Daphene - [(ATK:3,ranged) | (ROD:3; STAFF:3; WAND:3; POISON:3; SPELL:3) | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 3] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Lemon (Daphene): Trying to remember how to tell which weapon is magic

Carissa (N'laea): any with a + next to it

Carissa (N'laea): don't think you need magic yet for these dudes....

Baatezu, Greater, Pit Fiend: Advanced Effect ['REGEN: 2'] -> [to Baatezu, Greater, Pit Fiend]

Baatezu, Greater, Pit Fiend: Advanced Effect ['IMMUNE: bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, !magic +3,!magic +4,!magic +5'] -> [to Baatezu, Greater, Pit Fiend]

Baatezu, Greater, Pit Fiend: Advanced Effect ['IMMUNE: poison, lightning'] -> [to Baatezu, Greater, Pit Fiend]

Baatezu, Greater, Pit Fiend: Advanced Effect ['MR: 50'] -> [to Baatezu, Greater, Pit Fiend]

Baatezu, Greater, Pit Fiend: Advanced Effect ['RESIST: silver,cold'] -> [to Baatezu, Greater, Pit Fiend]

Baatezu Least Spinagon: Advanced Effect ['RESIST: cold'] -> [to Baatezu Least Spinagon]

Baatezu Least Spinagon: Advanced Effect ['MR: 15'] -> [to Baatezu Least Spinagon]

Baatezu Least Spinagon 2: Advanced Effect ['RESIST: cold'] -> [to Baatezu Least Spinagon 2]

Baatezu Least Spinagon 2: Advanced Effect ['MR: 15'] -> [to Baatezu Least Spinagon 2]

Baatezu Least Spinagon 2: Advanced Effect ['RESIST: cold'] -> [to Baatezu Least Spinagon 2]

Baatezu Least Spinagon 2: Advanced Effect ['MR: 15'] -> [to Baatezu Least Spinagon 2]

Baatezu Lesser Osyluth 2: Advanced Effect ['IMMUNE: poison'] -> [to Baatezu Lesser Osyluth 2]

Baatezu Lesser Osyluth 2: Advanced Effect ['RESIST: cold'] -> [to Baatezu Lesser Osyluth 2]

Baatezu Lesser Osyluth 2: Advanced Effect ['IMMUNE: bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, !magic'] -> [to Baatezu Lesser Osyluth 2]

Baatezu Lesser Osyluth 2: Advanced Effect ['MR: 30'] -> [to Baatezu Lesser Osyluth 2]

Lemon (Daphene): Oh, ok

TMO (Fives): I put the plusses in the weapon name if it doesn't have them

Lemon (Daphene): But Daph is a fighter trying to lie about being a fighter, so she should probably go try to stab things, yes?

Lisa (Branwyn): not for HHs and not when they are in the Mist )I think for the 2nd)

Carissa (N'laea): sure!

Daphene: [ATTACK (M)] Knife +1 [THACO(17)] [EFFECTS +2] [d20+2 = 15]

Attack [15] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Hell Hound (Knee-high)] [Hit-AC: 2 vs. 4 ] [AC: 2 ] [HIT]

Daphene: [DAMAGE (M)] Knife +1 [EFFECTS +1] [TYPE: piercing, magic (1d3+3=5)] [d3+3 = 5]

[5] -> [to Hell Hound (Knee-high)] [STATUS: Moderate]

Carissa (N'laea): And she's a fighter no matter, but she's lying about being a ranger which is a type of fighter ;)

[TURN] Mithrahn, Golden Eagle - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 3] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

BOB Does that make you feel happier Lemon?

Carissa (N'laea): You did see he was knee-high, right??

Lemon (Daphene): lol

Lemon (Daphene): And yes, it does!

Lemon (Daphene): I was about to comment on the knee-high hellhound, but I was busy trying to figure out my stuff

Mithrahn, Golden Eagle: still keeping an eye on things

Lisa (Branwyn): always feels better to stab something

Carissa (Mithrahn, Golden Eagle): lol

[TURN] Fives - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 3] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Lisa (Branwyn): hope that's what you were talking about :)

Carissa (Mithrahn, Golden Eagle): Pleasantly vertically challenged???

-> Fives: Look at the combat tracker

Lemon (Daphene): I was talking about the silly name additions, but stabbing is pretty good too!

Carissa (Mithrahn, Golden Eagle): Oh man, these are great.

Lisa (Branwyn): lol

Lemon (Daphene): The big guy is stringy so I guess when I roll my cooking roll after everything is dead, we won't try to eat that one

Carissa (Mithrahn, Golden Eagle): "Spiteful irascible laugh" is perfect for something from Hell

Fives: pit fiend?

Carissa (Mithrahn, Golden Eagle): Get the "meaty" one

Lemon (Daphene): And "queasy scream" is probably how my characters feel most of the time

Carissa (Mithrahn, Golden Eagle): lol

Lisa (Branwyn): lol

-> Fives: Yes plus the others

BOB Fives is up

Fives [Infernal]: [Translation] Take your slugs, frogs, and dogs and go back to Hell! We called your boss for business, and we'll flay all of you alive and use your skins as cozy blankets if you don't get out of our way!

<font color="#000000">Take your slugs, frogs, and dogs and go back to Hell! We called your boss for business, and we'll flay all of you alive and use your skins as cozy blankets if you don't get out of our way!

[understood by: N'laea, Fives]

Fives: [ATTACK (M)] Shortsword +3 [THACO(17)] [EFFECTS +2] [d20+5 = 13]

Attack [13] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Baatezu Least Lemure (Long-shanked)] [Hit-AC: 4 vs. 7 ] [AC: 4 ] [HIT]

Fives: [DAMAGE (M)] Shortsword +3 [EFFECTS +1] [TYPE: slashing, magic +3 (1d6+5=10)] [d6+5 = 10]

[10] -> [to Baatezu Least Lemure (Long-shanked)] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 1] [STATUS: Dying (0)]

N'laea: nods in understanding

[TURN] Branwyn - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 3] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Carissa (N'laea): (er, or agreement)

Branwyn: RAMIEL!!

Branwyn: taps the book on her chest and then tries to stab the lemure in front of her

BOB cleared out the dead and made sure you can see the blood

Branwyn: [ATTACK (M)] Magic Dagger [THACO(16)] [EFFECTS +2] [d20+3 = 6]

Attack [6] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Baatezu Least Lemure (Queasy scream)] [Hit-AC: 10 vs. 7 ] [AC: 10 ] [MISS]

[TURN] Raelynn - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 3] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1 | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Lisa (Branwyn): it would have been so much better if she hadn't missed

Carissa (N'laea): (can she pull the hood of her cloak up while chanting and grab the back of Yout's shirt? that sounds like something you can do and still chant, right?)

Carissa (N'laea): (put the dead in Bixi's pot to cook later)

BOB Can do her own cloak yes, but not Youtargims

Carissa (N'laea): no no, her goal is to put her cloak on so she's invisible and not targeted BUT have hold of his shirt so he knows where she is

Carissa (N'laea): make sense?

Carissa (N'laea): and doable?

BOB Makes sense, but not needed, and not doable

BOB to grab Youtargrim needs a to hit which breaks the chant

Carissa (N'laea): oooh....welp, she can still go invisible and he can just listen for her

BOB So can EITHER chant or make sure he knows where she is

TMO (Fives): she is chanting, after all.

User is back. (Spring)

BOB Yes voice is not invisible

Lisa (Branwyn): if she is invisible but chanting everyone will know where she is

BOB grins

Lisa (Branwyn): we hear you!

Carissa (N'laea): lol like Zayden

TMO (Fives): *MY* voice is invisible. What are you doing that yours isn't?

BOB That would be the inaudible spell, for those who protest against Amazon

Carissa (N'laea): LOL

Lisa (Branwyn): lol

Spring (Lanek Olenak): hahaha

Carissa (N'laea): I think it's an effect I can add to her... but I'll hit next while I look

Talwin: Tonight is all about philosophy. Amazon, ChatGBT, Heaven and Hell. We got it all!

BOB I will give Branwyn an observation roll

[TURN] Tiberius Branadarus - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 3] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Branwyn: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] [EFFECTS +1] (vs. Target 19) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20-1 = 13]

TMO (Fives): oh, were we talking about ChatGPT? A topic I have interest in.

Michael (Talwin): Dn't get me started lol

Michael (Talwin): :)

-> Branwyn: Branwyn sees more coming down the road towards the Portal.... looking at the combat tracker

Carissa (N'laea): (nope not an effect but she is invisible don't forget! except her voice)

Branwyn: More are coming!!

BOB It won't cost much, just a trifle, all I want is..... your voice

Michael (Talwin): Body Language

Carissa (N'laea): how cna you have something invisible??

Carissa (N'laea): wait... her voice if she doesn't return the book and her voice if she DOES return it?

Tiberius Branadarus: [ATTACK (M)] Rapier [THACO(10)] [EFFECTS +2] [d20+2 = 19]

Attack [19] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Baatezu Least Lemure 1] [Hit-AC: -9 vs. 7 ] [AC: -9 ] [HIT]

Lisa (Branwyn): ok now we get out of the way and let them all run at Lanek and Brer

Tiberius Branadarus: [ATTACK (M)] Rapier [THACO(10)] [EFFECTS +2] [d20+2 = 4]

Attack [4] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Baatezu Least Lemure 1] [Hit-AC: 6 vs. 7 ] [AC: 6 ] [HIT]

Michael (Talwin): wait really?

Tiberius Branadarus: [DAMAGE (M)] Rapier [EFFECTS +1] [TYPE: piercing (1d6+5=11)] [d6+5 = 11]

[11] -> [to Baatezu Least Lemure 1] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 2] [STATUS: Dying (0)]

Tiberius Branadarus: [DAMAGE (M)] Rapier [EFFECTS +1] [TYPE: piercing (1d6+5=9)] [d6+5 = 9]

[9] -> [to Baatezu Least Lemure 1] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 9]

Carissa (N'laea): tell that to Tiberius

[TURN] Baatezu Lesser Kocrachon (Spiteful irascible laughter) - [(IMMUNE: poison) | (IMMUNE: cold, fire) | (IMMUNE: bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, !magic) | (MR: 30) | Chant(Enemy); ATK: -1; DMG: -1; SAVE: -1]

Lisa (Branwyn): if there is a stampede coming and not the librarian why do we want to be the only ones getting hit?

Carissa (N'laea): wait is it a stampede?

Baatezu Lesser Kocrachon (Spiteful irascible laughter): [ATTACK (M)] Bite [THACO(13)] [EFFECTS -1] [d20-1 = 19]

Attack [19] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Fives] [Hit-AC: -6 vs. 3 ] [AC: -6 ] [CRITICAL HIT]

Michael (Talwin): I kind of like them tripping over their dead to be honest.

Lisa (Branwyn): bob cleared them and bran sees more coming but couldn't see how many without looking at the CT

Lemon (Daphene): Who DOESN'T love tripping over their dead

Carissa (N'laea): all talk like you normally trip over your dead?

BOB So the Baatezu has bitten Fives, is knawing through his arm, and Fives is screaming in an unholy way

Lemon (Daphene): Well, they don't exactly move out of your way, you know

Carissa (N'laea): ahh the devil has come out of him

Lemon (Daphene): Can he try screaming in a holy way? That might be more useful here

Michael (Talwin): Well, as I get my turn, I'll try and help

Carissa (N'laea): lol

Carissa (N'laea): I'd say toss holy water, but that might add to his pain

-> Fives: Fives knows if he does not free himself (with a bend bars roll) next round he will be infected with a diesease and die in a matter of days

Baatezu Lesser Kocrachon (Spiteful irascible laughter): [ATTACK (M)] Claw Attack #1 [THACO(13)] [EFFECTS -1] [d20-1 = 14]

Attack [14] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Fives] [Hit-AC: -1 vs. 3 ] [AC: -1 ] [HIT]

Carissa (N'laea): don't trip on any dead on your way over, Talwin!

Baatezu Lesser Kocrachon (Spiteful irascible laughter): [ATTACK (M)] Claw Attack #2 [THACO(13)] [EFFECTS -1] [d20-1 = 0]

Attack [0] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Fives] [Hit-AC: 13 vs. 3 ] [AC: 13 ] [MISS-AUTOMATIC]

Lemon (Daphene): Why, is there salt in holy water?

Baatezu Lesser Kocrachon (Spiteful irascible laughter): [DAMAGE (M)] Claw Attack #1 [EFFECTS -1] [TYPE: slashing,magic +1 (1d6-1=4)] [d6-1 = 4]

[4] -> [to Fives] [STATUS: Light]

[TURN] Baatezu Lesser Osyluth (Beat-up) - [(IMMUNE: poison) | (RESIST: cold) | (IMMUNE: bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, !magic) | (MR: 30)]

Michael (Talwin): LOL carissa, just saw that

Fives: ok

Carissa (N'laea): He's a devilkin, not a slug. I think.

Spring (Lanek Olenak): salt would still be painful though

Lisa (Branwyn): he's hard shell beetle guy I think

Spring (Lanek Olenak): i hate sweating into my injuries

Fives: lovely. 16 STR, 10% chance of success. So much for brute force. :P

Carissa (N'laea): a little salt in the wound? nahhh it's antibacterial!

Carissa (N'laea): sweat in your eyes is one of the most painful things ever

Lisa (Branwyn): Baatezu Lesser Kocrachon 2, a large Beetle-like shelled humanoid with 4 arms and a long proboscis 2

Baatezu Lesser Osyluth (Unusually stringy) [Infernal]: [Translation] You can surrender now and save your self some pain, bow before the power of The Librarian

<font color="#000000">You can surrender now and save your self some pain, bow before the power of The Librarian

[understood by: N'laea, Fives]

Lemon (Daphene): I miss Zayden. I could really go for a cheery tune right about now

Carissa (N'laea): tf would we do that for?

[TURN] Talwin - [Giant-kin, 2-handed sword; DMGX:2 | Punching; BSTR: 0 | Protection from Evil; IFT: ALIGN(evil); AC: 2; [D: 20] | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 3] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Carissa (N'laea): (For Bran, they mentioned the librarian. We gonna have to fight the damn librarian? I think that's how you get arrested)

Talwin: [ATTACK (M)] Giant-kin, 2-handed sword [THACO(12)] [EFFECTS +2] [d20+4 = 21]

Attack [21] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Baatezu Lesser Kocrachon (Spiteful irascible laughter)] [Hit-AC: -9 vs. 2 ] [AC: -9 ] [HIT]

Talwin: [ATTACK (M)] Giant-kin, 2-handed sword [THACO(12)] [EFFECTS +2] [d20+4 = 7]

Attack [7] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Baatezu Lesser Kocrachon (Spiteful irascible laughter)] [Hit-AC: 5 vs. 2 ] [AC: 5 ] [MISS]

Talwin: [ATTACK (M)] Giant-kin, 2-handed sword [THACO(12)] [EFFECTS +2] [d20+4 = 24]

Attack [24] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Baatezu Lesser Kocrachon (Spiteful irascible laughter)] [Hit-AC: -12 vs. 2 ] [AC: -12 ] [CRITICAL HIT]

Carissa (N'laea): yessss

Talwin: [DAMAGE (M)] Giant-kin, 2-handed sword [EFFECTS +1] [x2] [TYPE: Slashing, Large (3d6+8=22)] [3b6+8 = 22]

[22] -> [to Baatezu Lesser Kocrachon (Spiteful irascible laughter)] [STATUS: Heavy]

Talwin: [DAMAGE (M)] Giant-kin, 2-handed sword [EFFECTS +1] [x2] [TYPE: Slashing, Large (3d6+8=30)] [3b6+8 = 30]

[30] -> [to Baatezu Lesser Kocrachon (Spiteful irascible laughter)] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 19] [STATUS: Dying (0)]

[TURN] Youtargim - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 3] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Lisa (Branwyn): I just want what we summoned, not all this garbage we're getting

Daphene: I was going to ask if they have police in hell, but then I realized that was a silly question. Of course they do.

Lemon (Daphene): ooc

Lisa (Branwyn): sucks not knowing what's being said

N'laea: N

Michael (Talwin): Well, on the plus side, I'm sure as we kill more and more, we at least get more interesting

TMO (Fives): sorry, too busy screaming to translate. :)

Carissa (N'laea): (N'laea can translate since she's still holding - once she sees what else is going on)

<font color="#000000">GM [Infernal]: [Translation] Youtargim is hesitating from moving to defend Branwyn because he is defending Rae and so does nothing

<font color="#000000">Youtargim is hesitating from moving to defend Branwyn because he is defending Rae and so does nothing

[understood by: N'laea, Fives]

Michael (Talwin): So, just so we are aware, Talwin is going to be swarmed by the bigass skeleton boi right there more then likely. Can everyone kind of cover the rear with the three live creatures?

[TURN] Jennevive - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 3] | Negative Plane Protection | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Carissa (N'laea): translate: Yout is chosing to protect Rae over Bran

Lisa (Branwyn): talwin killed the guy who was speaking

<font color="#000000">GM [Infernal]: [Translation] No he did not

<font color="#000000">No he did not

[understood by: N'laea, Fives]

Carissa (N'laea): that was not a devli speaking unless we want to start calling Bob that

Michael (Talwin): Wasn't he chewing on an arm?

Michael (Talwin): How did he speak past Fives flesh?

BOB No he did not

Lemon (Daphene): I LOVE that you just called him a "bigass skeleton boi"

BOB Talwin killed the one that was devouring Fives

Michael (Talwin): thank you

Michael (Talwin): just checking

TMO (Fives): the one who spoke is the Unusually Stringy one, not the one noshing on my arm

Carissa (N'laea): lol

Lisa (Branwyn): no sorry - confused security guy spoke

Carissa (N'laea): Stringy one which is "Basically Security!" per Fives last week

Carissa (N'laea): Osyluth creepy dude


Spring (Lanek Olenak): wait, we have a Lank and a Lanek? i object

N'laea: He wants us to surrender to save ourselves pain and bow before the power of the Librarian.

Carissa (N'laea): (sorry realized I loose that in chat if she doesn't translate soon)

Talwin: What why?

N'laea: raises a brow at Bran

Baatezu Lesser Osyluth (Unusually stringy): [SAVE] vs. Spell [EFFECTS -1] [d20-1 = 11]

Save [11] [Target 14] -> [for Baatezu Lesser Osyluth (Unusually stringy)] [vs Jennevive] [TARGET-FAILED]

Talwin: We are giving back their book! Not worshiping them!

Baatezu Lesser Osyluth (Unusually stringy): [MR 30][MAGIC-RESIST FAILED] Attack penetrates magic resistance. [d100 = 75]

N'laea: A question for Fives if he is done screaming.

Talwin: Covered in gore and really pissed off

Carissa (N'laea): (walk it off bud, you're fineee!!)

BOB Jenn tries to cast a spell at the Security Osyluth and it does not make it past his resistance

[TURN] Baatezu Least Spinagon 1 - [(RESIST: cold) | (MR: 15)]

Lisa (Branwyn): it just said it did

Michael (Talwin): Do I get attack of opportunity on that bastard bob?

Carissa (N'laea): Magic Resist Failed. Right there in CAPITAL LETTERS.

Lisa (Branwyn): attack penetrates magic resistance


Michael (Talwin): Or did he fly over me. Can't tell from model

TMO (Fives): read what you expected to see. :) Been there, done that.

BOB Thank you I was reading that from the wrong side

Carissa (N'laea): lol

Lisa (Branwyn): jenn exorcises him good

Talwin: Well that was....anticlimactic

Carissa (N'laea): (and to Spring, we'll save Lank for Lanek. It is only fair. THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE)

BOB Yes she did

Michael (Talwin): (that was IC)

N'laea: That works.

BOB NOW the new creature flies out of the Portal and attacks Branwyn

TMO (Fives): don't worry, there's more)

Baatezu Least Spinagon 1: [ATTACK (M)] Claw Attack #1 [THACO(17)] [d20 = 15]

Attack [15] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Branwyn] [Hit-AC: 2 vs. 8 ] [AC: 2 ] [HIT]

Michael (Talwin): So, AOO on Flying beastie bob?

Carissa (N'laea): oooh that's the thing you were talking about Michael

Baatezu Least Spinagon 1: [ATTACK (M)] Claw Attack #2 [THACO(17)] [d20 = 15]

Attack [15] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Branwyn] [Hit-AC: 2 vs. 8 ] [AC: 2 ] [HIT]

Lisa (Branwyn): hey! does no one have respect for the damned book?

Baatezu Least Spinagon 1: [DAMAGE (M)] Claw Attack #1 [TYPE: slashing (1d4=4)] [d4 = 4]

[4] -> [to Branwyn]

Baatezu Least Spinagon 1: [DAMAGE (M)] Claw Attack #2 [TYPE: slashing (1d4=1)] [d4 = 1]

[1] -> [to Branwyn]

Carissa (N'laea): apparently not

Baatezu Least Spinagon 1: [DAMAGE] Body Slam [TYPE: piercing, 1d4 spikes (1d3=3)] [d3 = 3]

[3] -> [to Branwyn] [STATUS: Moderate]

Carissa (N'laea): they must not be library patrons

Lisa (Branwyn): no one said anything about prying out of her dead hands

Michael (Talwin): How about respect for Attack of Opportunity?

BOB and now Yes to Michael Talwin can attack it now that it has done its attacks

BOB First

Michael (Talwin): Gotcha. I wasn't sure just needed to know. If it flies, can I attack it?

BOB It flies out of the Portal, zeroes in on Branwyn, CLAW CLAW and then SLAM into her

Lisa (Branwyn): it landed on Bran so yes

Michael (Talwin): Ah, well then

BOB Branwyn gets a save verus breath weapon

Branwyn: [SAVE] vs. Spell [EFFECTS +2] [d20+2 = 17]

Save [17] [Target 8] -> [for Branwyn] [SUCCESS]

BOB Very good

Michael (Talwin): Oh thank god.

Michael (Talwin): Now I'll hopefully take care of it. Not sure

BOB So it SLAMS into her, trying to pin her to the ground and she avoids that

BOB still standing

Michael (Talwin): I think I only get one roll for AOO

Branwyn: spell? i tried breath

BOB NOW Talwin can attack

Branwyn: [SAVE] vs. Breath [EFFECTS +2] [d20+2 = 4]

Save [4] [Target 11] -> [for Branwyn] [FAILURE]

Talwin: [ATTACK (M)] Giant-kin, 2-handed sword [THACO(12)] [EFFECTS +2] [d20+4 = 15]

Attack [15] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Baatezu Least Spinagon 1] [Hit-AC: -3 vs. 4 ] [AC: -3 ] [HIT]

Talwin: [DAMAGE (M)] Giant-kin, 2-handed sword [EFFECTS +1] [x2] [TYPE: Slashing, Large (3d6+8=42)] [3b6+8 = 42]

[42] -> [to Baatezu Least Spinagon 1] [INSTANT DEATH] [STATUS: Dying (0)]

Lisa (Branwyn): ok so there

Carissa (N'laea): You know, even spirtless, Reven is an amazing sword.

Lisa (Branwyn): dice are so tiny

Talwin: Well, that was....

Talwin: Huh

Talwin: Maybe stand over there M'Lady?

BOB There you go, so Branwyn failed, is on the ground, Talwin STABS and misses Branwyn but kills it

Talwin: Grins

Talwin: Turns back to the carnage

Lisa (Branwyn): good thing she ducked

BOB Branwyn is still on the ground, unable to move until her turn next round

Carissa (N'laea): lol

Michael (Talwin): I'll say

Carissa (N'laea): she did get hit to the ground? I thought she saved

[TURN] Licornah - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 3] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

[TURN] Johan - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 3] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

BOB She rolled the wrong die, she did fall

Carissa (N'laea): (oooh I see the fail now)

[TURN] Hell Hound 4 - [(IMMUNE:fire) | Chant(Enemy); ATK: -1; DMG: -1; SAVE: -1]

Michael (Talwin): (Also, that looked kind of assholish to say that to Bran. Just to be clear. Talwin didn't mean it that way. It was more, just stand off to the side to not get hit by odd flying things, not to stay out of the fray. Just hoping to clarify a potentially sticky sentence that might have gotten me into trouble)

Michael (Talwin): (it was meant in good humor and fighting spirit)_

Hell Hound 4: [ATTACK (M)] Bite [THACO(17)] [EFFECTS -1] [d20-1 = 1]

Attack [1] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Talwin] [DEF EFFECTS +2] [Hit-AC: 16 vs. -2 ] [AC: 16 ] [MISS]

Talwin: [SAVE] vs. Breath [EFFECTS +2] [d20+2 = 21]

Save [21] [Target 9] -> [for Talwin] [vs Hell Hound 4] [TARGET-SAVED]

Lisa (Johan): missed what you said - she was going to leave next round - she's waiting for the librarian and doen't know what everyone is saying so didn't know to leave this round

BOB Talwin stands in the face of the Hell Hound and ignores the blast of fire at him

[TURN] Baatezu Lesser Kocrachon 1 - [(IMMUNE: poison) | (IMMUNE: cold, fire) | (IMMUNE: bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, !magic) | (MR: 30) | Chant(Enemy); ATK: -1; DMG: -1; SAVE: -1]

Michael (Talwin): (just making sure I didn't stick my foot in my mouth unintentially. I think things flying out of portals and landing on you probably isn't the best day you ever had :) )

Carissa (N'laea): (Nlaea translated - did you catch that or needa repeat?)

Baatezu Lesser Kocrachon 1: [ATTACK (M)] Bite [THACO(13)] [EFFECTS -1] [d20-1 = 18]

Attack [18] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Talwin] [DEF EFFECTS +2] [Hit-AC: -5 vs. -2 ] [AC: -5 ] [HIT]

Michael (Talwin): (To bowing?)

Baatezu Lesser Kocrachon 1: [DAMAGE (M)] Bite [EFFECTS -1] [TYPE: piercing,magic +1 (2d6-1=5)] [2d6-1 = 5]

[5] -> [to Talwin] [STATUS: Light]

Lisa (Johan): caught that - but other things had been happening

Carissa (N'laea): yes that was what was said

BOB Fives sees the Baatezu BITE into Talwin and shake his arm

Lisa (Johan): and her turn had passed at that point

Fives: same thing Bob?

Michael (Talwin): I mean, i'm kind of being attacked, but if the group wants me to bow I guess

Carissa (N'laea): got it

-> Fives: Yeap

Carissa (N'laea): only other thing was Fives insulting them :)

[TURN] Baatezu, Greater, Pit Fiend - [(REGEN: 2) | (IMMUNE: bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, !magic +3,!magic +4,!magic +5) | (IMMUNE: poison, lightning) | (MR: 50) | (RESIST: silver,cold)]

Carissa (N'laea): I'll save that one for chat to read later

Fives: btw, with mine dead, do I still need to do that roll?

Lisa (Johan): the pit boss is here

-> Fives: Yes

Talwin: [CHECK] Strength [EFFECTS +1] (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 10] [d20-1 = 8]

Fives: lovely

Carissa (N'laea): The? Or a?.... I hope it's The

Michael (Talwin): Rolling that to counter the Bite bob, if you will allow it.

Baatezu, Greater, Pit Fiend [Infernal]: [Translation] You mere mortal dares to summon me to this plane?

<font color="#000000">You mere mortal dares to summon me to this plane?

[understood by: N'laea, Fives]

Michael (Talwin): Not the damag,e but the stat effect


Baatezu, Greater, Pit Fiend [Infernal]: [Translation] so NOW

<font color="#000000">so NOW

[understood by: N'laea, Fives]

Carissa (N'laea): wait wait

Fives: I've been waiting for my turn to talk. do I need to do that, or is talking free?

Lisa (Indigo): wait - Indigo

Carissa (N'laea): A) You had people holding

Carissa (N'laea): B) You're talking like a devil

Fives: with this crowded of a battle I thought it best

Carissa (N'laea): But YAY! Your friend is here!

BOB Now you can do your talking and end of round yelling at each other

Carissa (N'laea): Indigo and N'laea at least still had an action

Lisa (Indigo): indigo can go?

Carissa (N'laea): unless N'laea talking is an action


Fives: Talwin! Get your arm free or you're dead in days!


BOB Anyone with an action can go

Indigo: runs up and pulls Branwyn away

Talwin: Oh I don't know Fives! You could always return the fucking favor!

Talwin: Flings arm out in anger

Indigo: [ATTACK (M)] Shortsword [THACO(12)] [EFFECTS +2] [d20+6 = 17]

Attack [17] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Branwyn] [Hit-AC: -5 vs. 8 ] [AC: -5 ] [HIT]

Michael (Talwin): (rolled Strength, no idea if bob cares though)

Carissa (N'laea): (maybe a mage can help?)

TMO (Fives): he hasn't had a turn yet, btw. so :P

BOB To be clear both Fives and Talwin have Devils clamped onto their arms

Lisa (Indigo): how far can he drag her?

Carissa (N'laea): N'laea will try to shoot him, but I'm guessing called shot

TMO (Fives): and, btw, killing the devil doesn't free your arm

Michael (Talwin): (nah, just shit talking with fives :) )

Michael (Talwin): (I guess not!)

Carissa (N'laea): how do you free it??

TMO (Fives): bend bars, so Fives has a 10% chance of survival. whee....

Michael (Talwin): (I thought the whole point of killing it was to get it know....get it off)

Carissa (N'laea): Any spells that can help?????

BOB Indigo can drag Branwyn back 10 feet

TMO (Fives): but it's not immediate, at least

Michael (Talwin): (I take it it has to be my turn to bend bars to get it off my arm correct bob?)

BOB The jaws are locked in on Fives and Talwins arms

Carissa (N'laea): (well chant might help raise it... 11%? :P)

BOB Yes to Michael

Lisa (Indigo): don't see anyone attached to anyone ...

Michael (Talwin): Can i...can I swing it into other creatures like a club???

BOB We are about to start round 5

Carissa (N'laea): (I'm waiting for Indigo to go then will do Nlaea)

BOB You can Michael if you do not want to try to get it off of you

Michael (Talwin): (that was kind of a joke bob :) but maybe an impromptu shield???)

Carissa (N'laea): We don't really want you both dead in days.

Lisa (Indigo): howard can go too

Carissa (N'laea): go Howard

BOB At the end of this round there are still 5 Devils alive and the Librarian

Carissa (N'laea): oooooh not Ramiel but THE librarian??

BOB At this point you do not know but you can guess it is Ramiel since that is who you summoned

Carissa (N'laea): huh maybe he got promoted

Lisa (Howard Plum): who just killed his boss

Lisa (Howard Plum): so howard can go?

BOB Yes Howard can go

Carissa (N'laea): (yes - trying to find the action for Nlaea)

Howard Plum: [CAST] Magic Missile [at Baatezu Lesser Kocrachon 1]

Howard Plum: [DAMAGE] Magic Missile [EFFECTS +1] [TYPE: force (4d4+5=14)] [4d4+5 = 14]

[14] -> [to Baatezu Lesser Kocrachon 1] [STATUS: Moderate]

BOB and N'laea can go too

Carissa (N'laea): (I know trying to find what I want to do)

N'laea: [CAST] Ring of Mammal Control [at Hell Hound (Knee-high)]

Hell Hound (Knee-high): [SAVE] vs. Spell [EFFECTS -1] [d20-1 = 8]

Save [8] [Target 16] -> [for Hell Hound (Knee-high)] [vs N'laea] [TARGET-FAILED]

N'laea: [CAST] Ring of Mammal Control [at Hell Hound 4]

Hell Hound 4: [SAVE] vs. Spell [EFFECTS -1] [d20-1 = 19]

Save [19] [Target 16] -> [for Hell Hound 4] [vs N'laea] [TARGET-SAVED]

N'laea [Infernal]: [Translation] Get away from her and protect us.

<font color="#000000">Get away from her and protect us.

[understood by: N'laea, Fives]

Carissa (N'laea): (to the hound that failed)

Effect ['Mammal Control'] -> [to Hell Hound (Knee-high)] [by N'laea]

BOB No visible effect

Carissa (N'laea): Hmmm.....

BOB But also it cannot move until its turn so you will not know for certain until then

TMO (Fives): worth a shot, and may work on its turn

Carissa (N'laea): ...imagine she repeats that in ALL the languages she knows. Unless you want me to spam chat.

N'laea: and also mentally.

Carissa (N'laea): that's her turn.

BOB That completes everyone

Carissa (N'laea): OH!

Carissa (N'laea): NO!

BOB Yes?

N'laea: Olson! I forgot he existed.


Lisa (Howard Plum): lol

Carissa (Sam Olson): someone more forgettable than Howard ;)

Michael (Talwin): LOL


Lisa (Howard Plum): that's how he stays alive

Carissa (Sam Olson): lol

Sam Olson: [ATTACK (M)] Shortsword [THACO(18)] [EFFECTS +2] [d20-1 = 0]

Attack [0] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Baatezu Least Lemure (Queasy scream)] [Hit-AC: 18 vs. 7 ] [AC: 18 ] [MISS-AUTOMATIC]

Carissa (Sam Olson): ....that....seems about right

Carissa (Sam Olson): moving on!

[TURN] Bixi Fizzlebang - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 3] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Carissa (Sam Olson): the scream made him queasy

Bixi Fizzlebang: [ATTACK (M)] Club +2 [THACO(16)] [EFFECTS +2] [d20+4 = 11]

Attack [11] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Hell Hound (Knee-high)] [Hit-AC: 5 vs. 4 ] [AC: 5 ] [MISS]

[TURN] N'laea - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 3] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1 | Longsword +1 Flametonge; IFT:type(undead); ATK:3; DMG:3; INIT:3]

N'laea: Branwyn, I believe this is Ramiel.

N'laea: "You mere mortal dares to summon me to this plane?"

N'laea [Infernal]: [Translation] We have a library book to return.

<font color="#000000">We have a library book to return.

[understood by: N'laea, Fives]

Carissa (N'laea): (holding)

Spring (Lanek Olenak): throw the book at him. literally

Lisa (Howard Plum): point at Jenn :D

Carissa (N'laea): LOL

N'laea: glances towards Jenn

Michael (Talwin): At this point, throwing the book might do the book some favors

N'laea [Infernal]: [Translation] Or I should say one of us.

<font color="#000000">Or I should say one of us.

[understood by: N'laea, Fives]

[TURN] Indigo - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 3] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Indigo: runs through the crowd to attack

Indigo: [ATTACK (M)] Shortsword [THACO(12)] [EFFECTS +2] [d20+6 = 15]

Attack [15] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Hell Hound (Knee-high)] [Hit-AC: -3 vs. 4 ] [AC: -3 ] [HIT]

Indigo: [DAMAGE (M)] Shortsword [EFFECTS +1] [TYPE: piercing (1d6+5=10)] [d6+5 = 10]

[10] -> [to Hell Hound (Knee-high)] [STATUS: Critical]

Indigo: [ATTACK (M)] Shortsword [THACO(12)] [EFFECTS +2] [d20+6 = 18]

Attack [18] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Hell Hound (Knee-high)] [Hit-AC: -6 vs. 4 ] [AC: -6 ] [HIT]

Carissa (N'laea): oh no! that was the ring one :(

Indigo: [DAMAGE (M)] Shortsword [EFFECTS +1] [TYPE: piercing (1d6+5=10)] [d6+5 = 10]

[10] -> [to Hell Hound (Knee-high)] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 6] [STATUS: Dying (0)]

Indigo: [ATTACK (M)] Shortsword [THACO(12)] [EFFECTS +2] [d20+6 = 19]

Attack [19] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Hell Hound 4] [Hit-AC: -7 vs. 4 ] [AC: -7 ] [HIT]

TMO (Fives): well, now we'll never know

Carissa (N'laea): :(

Indigo: [DAMAGE (M)] Shortsword [EFFECTS +1] [TYPE: piercing (1d6+5=6)] [d6+5 = 6]

[6] -> [to Hell Hound 4] [STATUS: Moderate]

[TURN] Sam Olson - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 3] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Sam Olson: [ATTACK (M)] Shortsword [THACO(18)] [EFFECTS +2] [d20-1 = 1]

Attack [1] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Baatezu Least Lemure (Queasy scream)] [Hit-AC: 17 vs. 7 ] [AC: 17 ] [MISS]

Carissa (Sam Olson): LOL he is really living up to his name

[TURN] Lanek Olenak - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 3] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

N'laea: says a small prayer for the potential hound that was maybe under her control

Spring (Lanek Olenak): can i please be moved onto the map? do i have enough movement for that? the bait thing doesn't have a clear path

Fives [Infernal]: [Translation] Somehow, the damned Infernal Heirarchy kinda forgot to publish the proper ritual for returning your damned library books! So we went to the source. If you don't like it, publish your damned rules!

<font color="#000000">Somehow, the damned Infernal Heirarchy kinda forgot to publish the proper ritual for returning your damned library books! So we went to the source. If you don't like it, publish your damned rules!

[understood by: N'laea, Fives]

Lisa (Howard Plum): yeah too much action at the gate - come up and play

Spring (Lanek Olenak): any movement left to do stuff or did that take all?

BOB There you go Spring, that is just over half of his movement so no attacks but can say something

Carissa (N'laea): LOL


Michael (Talwin): "reinforcements have arrived"

Carissa (N'laea): Translation: Fives cuses out the librarian.

[TURN] Shi'Nynze - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 3]]

BOB LOL with TMO and quote for those who will have to read the chat afterwards

Lisa (Howard Plum): he was hired to negotiate - he is getting paid nothing if all he is going to do is egg them on

Michael (Talwin): (I think this is the demon version of negotiation)

Michael (Talwin): (It starts with insults and death)

TMO (Fives): this is negotiating

Michael (Talwin): (and MAYBE, goes further)

Michael (Talwin): See there you go :)

Michael (Talwin): All in a days work :)

BOB Shi is up

N'laea: yes it is negotiating just... in his way

Carissa (N'laea): (oops sorry)

TMO (Fives): round 1 was 'survive the wave'; round 2 is 'initial discussion'

[TURN] Brer Necholas - [Paladin Aura(SELF); IFT: ALIGN(evil); AC: 1 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 3] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Michael (Talwin): is roung 3 haggling or renegotiation?

TMO (Brer Necholas): holding in the background

[TURN] Zayden - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 2] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

[TURN] Craigh - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 2] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1 | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

TMO (Brer Necholas): depends on how round 2 goes

Michael (Talwin): round 4 is the fake breakdown in discussions where we survive another wave

TMO (Craigh): rope still at the ready

[TURN] Howard Plum - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 2] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

TMO (Craigh): holding

Michael (Talwin): round 5 we pretend we are best buds

[TURN] Baatezu Least Spinagon 2 - [(RESIST: cold) | (MR: 15)]

BOB Howard can go

BOB was testing

Lisa (Howard Plum): was trying to target both lemures and havng trouble

Michael (Talwin): Round 6, we form some sort of concessionary trade agreement that really means nothing, but appeases both our populaces while we profit off of something

Lemon (Daphene): Round 6: ????? Round 7: Profit

Lisa (Howard Plum): can't get both of them so just split it please

Michael (Talwin): Exactly

Howard Plum: [CAST] Magic Missile [at Baatezu Least Lemure (Lank)]

BOB ok

Michael (Talwin): Maybe around round 21 we'll have a revolution

Howard Plum: [DAMAGE] Magic Missile [EFFECTS +1] [TYPE: force (4d4+5=19)] [4d4+5 = 19]

[19] -> [to Baatezu Least Lemure (Lank)] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 10] [STATUS: Dying (0)]

Michael (Talwin): but it depends

Lisa (Howard Plum): so 10 and 9

Carissa (N'laea): if we hit 21 rounds, I'll be revolting before that

Baatezu Least Lemure (Lank)'s health adjusted by +9

Michael (Talwin): "The enemy of my enemy is my enemies enemy"

Baatezu Least Lemure (Queasy scream)'s health adjusted by -9

Spring (Lanek Olenak): the enemy of my enemy is useful fodder

Baatezu Least Lemure (Lank)'s health adjusted by -10

Michael (Talwin): So the damn thing is still attached though, correct bob?

Michael (Talwin): And yes Spring :)

BOB Yes to Michael

Michael (Talwin): Will it affect regular attacks?

BOB Both Talwin and Fives have a dead body with jaw clenched and attached to their arm

Michael (Talwin): Yes

TMO (Fives): bend bars to get it off you. your strength is higher than mine, so you should have better odds

BOB Yes you cannot use that arm and with a two handed sword......

BOB You have this round and one more to get it off

Michael (Talwin): Well, I CAN, but probably not really well. I didn't spend all this time doing grandmaster stuff so I could never swing with just one arm :(

TMO (Fives): oh, thought you told me one round. misunderstood

Michael (Talwin): But yes, understood

BOB THis round if you get it off no permanent effects

BOB if you get it off next round some effects but you live

BOB If you fail that you die

Michael (Talwin): Good to know. I'll try to get them off this round and with Fives

Lisa (Branwyn): they have to tell us to help them - bob disappeared the one on Fives

Michael (Talwin): I do have decent bend bars

Michael (Talwin): and on me

Lisa (Branwyn): I don't know this is happening

BOB The dead ones are there, just made blood splatters to keep the map easier to see

Lisa (Branwyn): could Tiberius help for instance

BOB If one of them calls out for help and he gets there before they go

TMO (Fives): Fives yelled it at Talwin, but it is in the middle of combat and there's a pit fiend over there. Y'all probably kinda distracted. :)

Lisa (Branwyn): but when you say one of the dead will permanently injure a group member, making it invisible and no one saying IC makes it hard for us to help

N'laea: freezing on me a lot tonight

Talwin: and hard to understand that is actually what fives was telling me cause Id idn't get that at all

BOB I hear you Lisa, but Fives and Talwin have to yell for help

Michael (Talwin): I had no idea that was the actualy effect that would happen

BOB and yes to Michael, it is hard

BOB Yeap

TMO (Fives): sorry, I thought I was being pretty clear

Michael (Talwin): Well, it's not my turn, but I'll try asap

BOB That is why I clarified at this point in the round

BOB before either of you go

'Carissa' disconnected

Michael (Talwin): Can we yell it out while not our turn?

BOB Yes you can Michael

Talwin: Indigo! Fives warned these are deadly. Can you pry this off? Tiberius! Fives needs help!

Fives: GET! THE DAMN! FROGS! OFF IMMEDIATELY! Or you will die!

Michael (Talwin): That was clear for future reference :D

'Carissa' connected

Fives: is prepping to use his foot and sword as a pry bar

Baatezu Least Spinagon (Mountain-high): [ATTACK (M)] Claw Attack #1 [THACO(17)] [d20 = 2]

Attack [2] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Branwyn] [Hit-AC: 15 vs. 8 ] [AC: 15 ] [MISS]

Baatezu Least Spinagon (Mountain-high): [ATTACK (M)] Claw Attack #2 [THACO(17)] [d20 = 13]

Attack [13] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Branwyn] [Hit-AC: 4 vs. 8 ] [AC: 4 ] [HIT]

Baatezu Least Spinagon (Mountain-high): [DAMAGE (M)] Claw Attack #2 [TYPE: slashing (1d4=4)] [d4 = 4]

[4] -> [to Branwyn]

[TURN] Baatezu Least Spinagon (Mountain-high) - [(RESIST: cold) | (MR: 15)]

Lisa (Branwyn): how far away can he claw??

TMO (Fives): sorry, that is honestly what I thought I said last time

Baatezu Least Spinagon (Mountain-high): [ATTACK (M)] Claw Attack #1 [THACO(17)] [d20 = 7]

Attack [7] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Jennevive] [Hit-AC: 10 vs. 10 ] [AC: 10 ] [HIT]

Baatezu Least Spinagon (Mountain-high): [ATTACK (M)] Claw Attack #2 [THACO(17)] [d20 = 13]

Attack [13] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Jennevive] [Hit-AC: 4 vs. 10 ] [AC: 4 ] [HIT]

Lisa (Branwyn): wait there are more! thought it was the pit boss

TMO (Fives): Me Failed At Englishh

Baatezu Least Spinagon (Mountain-high): [DAMAGE (M)] Claw Attack #1 [TYPE: slashing (1d4=1)] [d4 = 1]

[1] -> [to Jennevive]

Michael (Talwin): Well unforutnately I can do no more AOO until this is off my arm, but I'm getting there! :)

Baatezu Least Spinagon (Mountain-high): [DAMAGE (M)] Claw Attack #2 [TYPE: slashing (1d4=3)] [d4 = 3]

[3] -> [to Jennevive]

Lisa (Branwyn): was scrolling to see about the fives thing

Baatezu Least Spinagon (Mountain-high): [DAMAGE] Body Slam [TYPE: piercing, 1d4 spikes (1d3=3)] [d3 = 3]

[3] -> [to Jennevive] [STATUS: Moderate]

Baatezu Least Spinagon (Mountain-high): [DAMAGE] Flame Spikes [TYPE: piercing (1d3=1)] [d3 = 1]

[1] -> [to Jennevive]

BOB So Branwyn takes some damage from the first one that flies out

TMO (Craigh): Craigh would like to use his Held Action

BOB then Jenn takes damage from the second one, and it sets her on fire

TMO (Craigh): Craigh would like to use his held action

TMO (Craigh): test

TMO (Craigh): yeesh

TMO (Craigh): laaaaaagggg

BOB Craigh can go now

Lisa (Branwyn): she is literally on fire right now and not just fire dmg?


Craigh: Rope of Entanglement on both those flying devils

BOB go for it

Craigh: [ATTACK (M)] Rope of Entanglement [THACO(17)] [EFFECTS +3] [d20 = 6]

Attack [6] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Baatezu Least Spinagon (Mountain-high)] [Hit-AC: 11 vs. 4 ] [AC: 11 ] [MISS]

Craigh: [ATTACK (M)] Rope of Entanglement [THACO(17)] [EFFECTS +3] [d20 = 12]

Attack [12] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Baatezu Least Spinagon 2] [Hit-AC: 5 vs. 4 ] [AC: 5 ] [MISS]

Carissa (N'laea): good lord FG just isn't happy - are we doing anything for Fives and Talwin that I missed?

BOB Not yet Carissa

TMO (Craigh): ok, back to obscurity for him now

Michael (Talwin): yes, you are getting the things off our arms so we don't die

Michael (Talwin): :)

Carissa (N'laea): did we figure out how to help tho?

BOB Daphene is up now

[TURN] Daphene - [(ATK:3,ranged) | (ROD:3; STAFF:3; WAND:3; POISON:3; SPELL:3) | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 2] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Michael (Talwin): pry the frogs off our arms with Bend Bars check

Carissa (Raelynn): and others can help?

Michael (Talwin): yes

Daphene: [ATTACK (M)] Knife +1 [THACO(17)] [EFFECTS +2] [d20+2 = 22]

Attack [22] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Baatezu Least Spinagon (Mountain-high)] [Hit-AC: -5 vs. 4 ] [AC: -5 ] [CRITICAL HIT]

Michael (Talwin): keep in mind, neither fives or I can attack until they are off

BOB There are two attacked Branwyn and Jenn

Carissa (Raelynn): ok and Jenn is on fire?

Daphene: [DAMAGE (M)] Knife [EFFECTS +1] [TYPE: slashing, piercing (1d3+2=4)] [d3+2 = 4]

[4] -> [to Baatezu Least Spinagon (Mountain-high)] [STATUS: Moderate]

BOB Yes Jenn is on fire too

Carissa (Raelynn): well you both better run over here so we can help

Spring (Lanek Olenak): i guess nobody has pepper to make them sneeze

[TURN] Mithrahn, Golden Eagle - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 2] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Spring (Lanek Olenak): oh wait they are dead

Spring (Lanek Olenak): i am so distracted

TMO (Fives): Talwin's is still alive

Carissa (Raelynn): sorry taking a minute to get my windows open again

Michael (Talwin): For two rounds at least :)

[TURN] Fives - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 2] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Michael (Talwin): Next round will suck though

Carissa (Raelynn): none of my characters have gone yet if you want their help

Michael (Talwin): Try to get yours off before I use an action on you TMO

Spring (Lanek Olenak): probably gonna have to shatter the jaw to remove the devils

Carissa (Raelynn): (all holding - especially as I try to get situated again)

Fives: props his foot on the dead devil's lower jaw and uses his sword as a pry bar to lever up the top jaw

Michael (Talwin): I'll spend my actions to do those

Fives: [CHECK] Bend Bars [EFFECTS +1] (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 4] [d100-1 = 6]

Carissa (Raelynn): NICE!!!!


Lisa (Branwyn): YAY!!

Michael (Talwin): Whew, Good Job.

Michael (Talwin): Help the others, I'll try to do my own


Lisa (Branwyn): lol

Fives: boots the dead frog over onto its side

TMO (Fives): I assume that was his action?


Michael (Talwin): (Er, don't you get an action and a action?)

Michael (Talwin): (That's it?)

Michael (Talwin): Oh my god. LAAAAAG

[TURN] Branwyn - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 2] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Fives [Infernal]: [Translation] Right! Librarian! Do you want this book or not? If not, feel free to just turn around and get on home! We won't bother you again.

<font color="#000000">Right! Librarian! Do you want this book or not? If not, feel free to just turn around and get on home! We won't bother you again.

[understood by: N'laea, Fives]

Michael (Talwin): Okay, back

BOB I hit next for you TMO

TMO (Fives): I'm talkin' here!


Branwyn: cantrips a pitcher of water pouring over Jennevive

[TURN] Raelynn - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 2] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1 | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Carissa (Raelynn): not sure if it helps Jenn, but she should still have negative plane protection cast on her

Raelynn: is chanting invisiblly.

BOB Yes she does

[TURN] Tiberius Branadarus - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 2] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Tiberius Branadarus: [ATTACK (M)] Rapier [THACO(10)] [EFFECTS +2] [d20+2 = 6]

Attack [6] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Baatezu Least Spinagon 2] [Hit-AC: 4 vs. 4 ] [AC: 4 ] [HIT]

Tiberius Branadarus: [ATTACK (M)] Rapier [THACO(10)] [EFFECTS +2] [d20+2 = 21]

Attack [21] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Baatezu Least Spinagon 2] [Hit-AC: -11 vs. 4 ] [AC: -11 ] [HIT]

Tiberius Branadarus: [DAMAGE (M)] Rapier [EFFECTS +1] [TYPE: piercing (1d6+5=9)] [d6+5 = 9]

[9] -> [to Baatezu Least Spinagon 2] [STATUS: Heavy]

Tiberius Branadarus: [DAMAGE (M)] Rapier [EFFECTS +1] [TYPE: piercing (1d6+5=8)] [d6+5 = 8]

[8] -> [to Baatezu Least Spinagon 2] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 4] [STATUS: Dying (0)]

Branwyn: Thank you my love

Tiberius Branadarus: Love you too

[TURN] Baatezu Lesser Osyluth (Beat-up) - [(IMMUNE: poison) | (RESIST: cold) | (IMMUNE: bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, !magic) | (MR: 30)]

Branwyn: It would be nice to get off the ground soon

Branwyn: smiles

Talwin: Well you know what they say, stop drop and roll

Michael (Talwin): OOC. I'm sorry

Lisa (Branwyn): don't think she's had the chance to stand yet

Carissa (Raelynn): lol but I hope he said that out loud.

Lisa (Branwyn): she's not on fire

Baatezu Lesser Osyluth (Beat-up): [CAST] Wall of Ice [at Fives]

Michael (Talwin): I don' tneed Jenn settging me on fire, so pretend I didn't say that

Michael (Talwin): lol

Baatezu Lesser Osyluth (Beat-up): [DAMAGE] Wall of Ice [TYPE: cold (3d10=9)] [3d10 = 9]

[9] -> [to Fives] [STATUS: Moderate]

Carissa (Raelynn): lol

Carissa (Raelynn): I feel like maybe Fives needs to... move back? Or something?

Carissa (Raelynn): Did Jenn get rid of the string bean or just make him small?

Lisa (Branwyn): yes make these guys get in the mist

Michael (Talwin): He was kind of busy removing a death frog

BOB SMASHES a wall of ice down on Fives

[TURN] Talwin - [Giant-kin, 2-handed sword; DMGX:2 | Punching; BSTR: 0 | Protection from Evil; IFT: ALIGN(evil); AC: 2; [D: 19] | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 2] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Talwin: Roars

N'laea [Infernal]: [Translation] Something tells me that isn't the first time you've had that happen./

<font color="#000000">Something tells me that isn't the first time you've had that happen./

[understood by: N'laea, Fives]

Michael (Talwin): cause why not

BOB Now can Talwin break that hold of the jaws

Lisa (Branwyn): like hitting him with a block or is he trapped in one or what?

TMO (Fives): dropped an ice cube on me, I think

Michael (Talwin): Hm. I don't see bend bars

Michael (Talwin): That's odd

BOB a wall of ice smashes over him shattering and causing the damage

TMO (Fives): it's in your Strength bar

BOB I will check Michale

TMO (Fives): farthest to the right

Talwin: [CHECK] Bend Bars [EFFECTS +1] (vs. Target 25) [FAILURE by 8] [d100-1 = 33]

Lisa (Branwyn): I thought he was exorcised too

TMO (Fives): so close

Michael (Talwin): Thank you TMO. Not that it mattered LOL

Carissa (N'laea): damn it

BOB That was a different one Lisa

Michael (Talwin): Well, it's your turn to help guys :)

Carissa (N'laea): get someone to help you, you got plenty around you

Michael (Talwin): Is that my only action bob?

BOB Yes to Michael

[TURN] Youtargim - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 2] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

TMO (Fives): btw, Bob - Fives is 3/2 with his attacks, but I assume the Bend Bars reset him back to the beginning of the cycle?

Lisa (Branwyn): so we need somone to help with a STR check on him or a bend bars on him?

Michael (Talwin): (To be fair, he already called out for help. He can do it again if it would help)

BOB Yes to TMO

Michael (Talwin): (If it was strength, I think Talwin could do it. Bend bars is the unfortuante qualifier)

TMO (Fives): drat, but I thought so. it'd have been fun to double-whack this guy

BOB and for Lisa, Anyone can run up to help but has to suceed on their own bend bars check

Carissa (N'laea): (not sure Nlaea can make it through the throng of people to help him?)

'Shislif' connected

Lemon (Daphene): Just shove red-shirt out of the way

Michael (Talwin): Well, I look at it as Talwin gets slammed with a negative affect next round.

Branwyn: Johan will try to help Talwin

Youtargim: I am staying to protect you Rae, they will not come near you as long as I live

Michael (Talwin): So I would rather Someone try

[TURN] Jennevive - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 2] | Negative Plane Protection | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Raelynn: nods invisibly while chanting.

Lisa (Johan): where is bend bars?

Carissa (N'laea): (main page on the same line as STR)

Carissa (N'laea): (and Nlaea will help if she can reach you - a question for Bob)

Sharif: Hi everyone! lil slow to load in

Johan: [CHECK] Bend Bars [EFFECTS +1] (vs. Target 10) [FAILURE by 11] [d100-1 = 21]

TMO (Fives): called 'Bars' to the right of Strength

TMO (Fives): close again!

Lisa (Johan): he had 16 STR so thought he had a shot

Youtargim: Jenn is going now

Carissa (N'laea): he's a mage with 16 str?!

Michael (Talwin): Hey, I'm just grateful he tried

Lisa (Johan): he was a smithy that decided to be a mage during a mid life crisis

Jennevive: [ATTACK (M)] Scourge [THACO(20)] [EFFECTS +2] [d20+2 = 13]

Attack [13] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Baatezu Least Spinagon (Mountain-high)] [Hit-AC: 7 vs. 4 ] [AC: 7 ] [MISS]

Lisa (Johan): did Bran put the fire out?

[TURN] Licornah - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 2] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Carissa (N'laea): oooh that's right

[TURN] Johan - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 2] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Lisa (Johan): didn't get a result on cantrip

[TURN] Hell Hound 4 - [(IMMUNE:fire) | Chant(Enemy); ATK: -1; DMG: -1; SAVE: -1]

Youtargim: Yes Branwyn doused the fire, Jenn slashed with her scourge and missed

Lisa (Johan): thx

Youtargim: could not cast this round from the earlier attacks

Sharif: gonna restart brb

'Shislif' disconnected

Hell Hound 4: [ATTACK (M)] Bite [THACO(17)] [EFFECTS -1] [d20-1 = 11]

Attack [11] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Talwin] [DEF EFFECTS +2] [Hit-AC: 6 vs. -2 ] [AC: 6 ] [MISS]

Hell Hound 4: [CAST] Fiery Breath [at Talwin]

Talwin: [SAVE] vs. Breath [EFFECTS +2] [d20+2 = 17]

Save [17] [Target 9] -> [for Talwin] [vs Hell Hound 4] [TARGET-SAVED]

Youtargim: The Hell Hound snaps and missed again and Talwin shrugs off the fire breath again

[TURN] Baatezu Lesser Kocrachon 1 - [(IMMUNE: poison) | (IMMUNE: cold, fire) | (IMMUNE: bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, !magic) | (MR: 30) | Chant(Enemy); ATK: -1; DMG: -1; SAVE: -1]

Michael (Talwin): Well, good to know that as he is poisoned and dying he can at least waft in the pleasant heated breeze

Michael (Talwin): lol

Carissa (Shi'Nynze): lol

Baatezu Lesser Kocrachon 1: [ATTACK (M)] Bite [THACO(13)] [EFFECTS -1] [d20-1 = 10]

Attack [10] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Johan] [Hit-AC: 3 vs. 10 ] [AC: 3 ] [HIT]

Baatezu Lesser Kocrachon 1: [DAMAGE (M)] Bite [EFFECTS -1] [TYPE: piercing,magic +1 (2d6-1=5)] [2d6-1 = 5]

[5] -> [to Johan] [STATUS: Moderate]

Baatezu Lesser Kocrachon 1: [ATTACK (M)] Claw Attack #1 [THACO(13)] [EFFECTS -1] [d20-1 = 9]

Attack [9] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Johan] [Hit-AC: 4 vs. 10 ] [AC: 4 ] [HIT]

Lisa (Johan): thought he was biting Talwin?

Baatezu Lesser Kocrachon 1: [ATTACK (M)] Claw Attack #2 [THACO(13)] [EFFECTS -1] [d20-1 = 11]

Attack [11] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Johan] [Hit-AC: 2 vs. 10 ] [AC: 2 ] [HIT]

Baatezu Lesser Kocrachon 1: [DAMAGE (M)] Claw Attack #1 [EFFECTS -1] [TYPE: slashing,magic +1 (1d6-1=5)] [d6-1 = 5]

[5] -> [to Johan] [STATUS: Heavy]

TMO (Fives): ummm.. isn't that the one biting Talwin?

Baatezu Lesser Kocrachon 1: [DAMAGE (M)] Claw Attack #2 [EFFECTS -1] [TYPE: slashing,magic +1 (1d6-1=3)] [d6-1 = 3]

[3] -> [to Johan]

BOB No the one with its jaw locked on Talwin is dead

BOB this is the only living one left

Lisa (Johan): OK wait

TMO (Fives): I thought there were only 2

BOB Two in the first wave

Carissa (Shi'Nynze): (nlaea hasn't gone)

Lisa (Johan): can you please NOT disappear creatures that are affecting play?

Lisa (Johan): I thought that was the one on Talwin - you are making this needlessly confusing

BOB The only ones that I took off that are affecting anyone are the two that locked in on Fives and Talwin

BOB They are both dead

Lisa (Johan): well stop that!

Carissa (Shi'Nynze): So is Kocrachon 1 not biting anyone?

Lisa (Johan): that's what I'm asking

Carissa (Shi'Nynze): or is that one biting Talwin?

BOB Yes it is biting Johan and is locked on him now

Lisa (Johan): if a corpse is affecting game play then KEEP them on the board

Carissa (Shi'Nynze): damnit so there were three? did not realize that

BOB just stop and let me explain it would be easier

Lisa (Johan): See???

BOB FIVE of them you killed them before anyone got bitten

'Shislif' connected

TMO (Fives): I scrolled back, it was Korachan 1 that bit Talwin

BOB Do you want me to explain or not

Lisa (Johan): that's what I thought

TMO (Fives): sorry, I'll stop

Johan: ok

Shislif (Zayden): we having a good time ?

Michael (Talwin): test?

BOB So you had a total of five of these creatures come out so far, you killed two of them before they could attack anyone, one attacked Fives and locked its jaws on him, another one attacked Talwin and locked its jaws on him, the last one attacked Johan and locked its jaws on him

BOB Fives and Talwin both killed the ones that are locked on to them

BOB but they are still locked there after death

BOB Fives suceeded with his Bend Bars roll and is free

BOB Talwin did not suceed and is not free

Shislif (Zayden): nice job Fives!

Shislif (Zayden): Bummer for Tal

BOB and Johan just got bitten and has not had a chance yet to free himself or anyone to help him

BOB and now the Librarian gets to go after everyone else has gone on round 4

Lisa: what I'm saying is that we can't see that and there is a LOT going on in this combat. It would be helpful to keep the corpses that directly affect life or death of characters on the map - that is all that I'm asking

Carissa (N'laea): (so Nlaea cna now go?)

BOB Yes to Lisa I will not take anymore off

BOB Yes to Carissa

Lisa: talwin's creature is invisible

Carissa (N'laea): thank you and yes please

Michael (Talwin): So everyone. Talwin and Johan have immenent death approaching. Maybe sacrifice your round to get the damn things off

Michael (Talwin): Invisibile or not

BOB Yes, I took them off because you cannot hit them, do damage etc. only bend bars to remove the jaws

N'laea: [ATTACK (R)] Shortbow [THACO(11)] [EFFECTS +2] [d20+7 = 19]

Attack [19] ->[ATTACK (R)] [at Baatezu Least Spinagon (Mountain-high)] [Hit-AC: -8 vs. 4 ] [AC: -8 ] [HIT]

N'laea: [DAMAGE (R)] Shortbow [EFFECTS +1] [TYPE: piercing (1d6+1=7)] [d6+1 = 7]

[7] -> [to Baatezu Least Spinagon (Mountain-high)] [STATUS: Critical]

N'laea: [ATTACK (R)] Shortbow [THACO(11)] [EFFECTS +2] [d20+7 = 8]

Attack [8] ->[ATTACK (R)] [at Baatezu Least Spinagon (Mountain-high)] [Hit-AC: 3 vs. 4 ] [AC: 3 ] [MISS-AUTOMATIC]

Carissa (N'laea): ouch

Carissa (N'laea): so close

BOB Zayden can go

BOB Mithral can go

Carissa (N'laea): maybe Zayden wants to be on the action map?

Shislif (Zayden): I thought the librarian was gonna go?

Michael (Talwin): and removing arm parasites

Carissa (N'laea): (he goes after those who held)

Lisa: Hi Sharif! Sorry you logged in the middle of my Bob rant :)

BOB Laughs

Carissa (N'laea): (Zayden can distract, try to help free Talwin, kill the thing by Jenn, or whatevs)

Shislif (Zayden): No worries felt like poor timing on my part lol

Michael (Talwin): Okay. One moment

Shislif (Zayden): can i try to blend into the shadows first maybe then I can backstab somebody?

Carissa (N'laea): so Mithrahn can do a swoop attack? Swoop, smack,, and fly back same round? Or fly back is next round?

BOB Yes to Carissa, no to Sharif

Shislif (Zayden): dang it

Lemon (Daphene): I probably should have tried to help Talwin... sorry Michael. I get stuck in a one-track kind of thing during these

Carissa (N'laea): lol with this crowd it'll be hard to backstab

Michael (Talwin): Of course, anyone can do anything they want on their turn. However, the last time I will say this. NEXT round, Talwin will suffer a serious penalty, and then die the next round. Perhaps, and I know this is crazy, we kindly suggest that we remove the creatures killing people, before we suggest killing other things. Respectfully, of course

Carissa (Mithrahn, Golden Eagle): guess he'll see if he can finish off Nlaea's prey

Carissa (Mithrahn, Golden Eagle): somehow. He has no weapons. Whatcha want me to roll?

Shislif (Zayden): Should I got help Tal or try to distract with a song?

Michael (Talwin): For fucks sake!

Michael (Talwin): lol

BOB I removed the creatures from the map because there was nothing you could do to the corpses

Shislif (Zayden): lol

Michael (Talwin): Zayden, please kindly roll abend bars check on Talwin

Michael (Talwin): holy shit

Mithrahn, Golden Eagle: [ATTACK (M)] Bite [THACO(20)] [EFFECTS +2] [d20+2 = 3]

Attack [3] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Baatezu Least Spinagon (Mountain-high)] [Hit-AC: 17 vs. 4 ] [AC: 17 ] [MISS-AUTOMATIC]

BOB NO to Zayden

Carissa (Mithrahn, Golden Eagle): welp nevermind he missed and flies back up

Shislif (Zayden): I assume the line of sight in the map is accurate? So like I could throw a dagger at the monster without hitting Tal?

Lisa: but when most of us have targets attacking us - it is nice to know there is still danger elsewhere - it helps me

Shislif (Zayden): No to which?

Michael (Talwin): I'm going to step away for just a moment. BRB

Shislif (Zayden): or to me asking questions in general?

Carissa (Mithrahn, Golden Eagle): Sharif, the thing on Michael is clamped on his arm. Nothing left to killl. It's dead. He needs help removing it from his arm.

BOB No to trying a bend bars

Shislif (Zayden): oh ok

Lemon (Daphene): Zayden can't try to bend bars?

BOB Not from 30 feet away he cannot

Shislif (Zayden): I don't think zay bends that way

Lisa: he would have to run up to him

Shislif (Zayden): ugh fine

Lemon (Daphene): But he could move up there and do it?

Carissa (Mithrahn, Golden Eagle): he can't run up AND bend bars?

Lisa: he can ...

Shislif (Zayden): too far to do both?

BOB and if you are telling him to go in and do that I think that you should point out that three other creatures get to attack him on the way in

Lisa: oh no

Lisa: he ran in from the other map this round I think

Shislif (Zayden): good point

Michael (Talwin): Back

Carissa (Mithrahn, Golden Eagle): I see the imp thing by Jenn, the dog, the frog.... and skeleton man.

Lemon (Daphene): No one was telling anyone anything, we are seeking clarification

Michael (Talwin): Yeah, if there is no realistic way, I get it, but for fucks sakes guys

Carissa (Mithrahn, Golden Eagle): Well Zayden can try to attack imp thing, ya?

BOB Also to be clear, Johan is in the same situation as Talwin

Carissa (Mithrahn, Golden Eagle): Yeah but we love Talwin more


Carissa (Mithrahn, Golden Eagle): No offense, Johan.

Shislif (Zayden): The in front of Jenn?

Carissa (Mithrahn, Golden Eagle): Yes that thing in front of Jenn needs to die.

BOB and no one has even touched the one on Johan so it gets to do more damage next round too

BOB it is not dead and hanging there

Michael (Talwin): Fine, I give up

Shislif (Zayden): I'll try to flank it and throw a dagger at it

Lisa: n'laea wounded it

BOB No he does not Michael, this ALL happened on round 4

Shislif (Zayden): like from there

Michael (Talwin): Bob. I may be incorrect. But Talwin was latched, LAST round

Lisa: can't a potion of health help?

Shislif (Zayden): Do I have enough points to throw a dagger?

Michael (Talwin): Johan therefore, has one extra round before BAD effects. Correct?

BOB Yes Zayden can throw the dagger

BOB No to Michael

Carissa (Mithrahn, Golden Eagle): we have people near Talwin to try to unclamp him next round before it's his turn

Lisa: we'll help talwin first - no worries

BOB I will go over it all after we are done

BOB We are STILL on round 4

BOB with the people who held

Lisa: I know this is hard but we know you are next to get help

Zayden: [ATTACK (M)] Dagger [THACO(17)] [EFFECTS +2] [d20+2 = 4]

Attack [4] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Baatezu Least Spinagon (Mountain-high)] [Hit-AC: 13 vs. 4 ] [AC: 13 ] [MISS]

BOB THEN the librarian gets to go

Spring (Lanek Olenak): zayden was able to get a lot closer than lanek

Shislif (Zayden): Age before beauty

Spring (Lanek Olenak): i feel like i wasted a lot of movement

Lisa: I'm sorry :(

Shislif (Zayden): do I need to roll a dmg die now?

Carissa (Mithrahn, Golden Eagle): maybe, maybe not. maybe the librarian will try to yell at us, but instead yells at you to STOP THAT DAMN MUSIC LET ME TALK!

BOB So far tonight in just over 2 hours we have walked through 1 round and most of a 2nd round

Shislif (Zayden): oh did I miss?

Lisa: Zayden missed - no dmg sorry

Shislif (Zayden): dang it

Shislif (Zayden): end turn?

Shislif (Zayden): I thought that was a good roll lol

BOB I did that for you Sharif

Carissa (Mithrahn, Golden Eagle): no you want high not low :)

Shislif (Zayden): lol thx!

Shislif (Zayden): Appreciated but also not necessary, don't wanna hold you guys back or anything happy to hop on whenever :)

Lisa: maybe the librarian will make a bend bars check

BOB Now I am pausing to go back and confirm for Michael when Talwin was bitten

Shislif (Zayden): oh ok

BOB and I believe (the chat is too long will not let me scroll all the way back up) that Fives was bitten in Round 3, then Talwin was bitten in Round 3, and in round 4 Fives broke the lock, in round 4 Talwin failed to break the lock and in round 4 Johan got bitten and jaws locked on him

Michael (Talwin): So. Johan therefore has one extra round, before ill affects hurt him. Whereas, Talwin is fucked next round. Am I correct, or incorrect

BOB So what happens is if at the end of Talwin's spot in the round the jaws are not unlocked his suffers a signficant damage,

Michael (Talwin): OK.

[TURN] Baatezu, Greater, Pit Fiend - [(REGEN: 2) | (IMMUNE: bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, !magic +3,!magic +4,!magic +5) | (IMMUNE: poison, lightning) | (MR: 50) | (RESIST: silver,cold)]

Baatezu, Greater, Pit Fiend [Infernal]: [Translation] Why do you dare summon me to this plane? If you owe the library a debt you should pay it without trying such annoying gestures

<font color="#000000">Why do you dare summon me to this plane? If you owe the library a debt you should pay it without trying such annoying gestures

[understood by: N'laea, Fives]


[TURN] Bixi Fizzlebang - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 2] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Lisa: speak English dammit! :P

Carissa (N'laea): LOL

Michael (Talwin): WOW! :D

Bixi Fizzlebang: [CHECK] Bend Bars [EFFECTS +1] (vs. Target 2) [FAILURE by 36] [d100-1 = 38]

Carissa (N'laea): Oh come ONNN

Lemon (Daphene): Can I... move back out of the way?

BOB Nope

BOB that is your turn

[TURN] N'laea - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 2] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1 | Longsword +1 Flametonge; IFT:type(undead); ATK:3; DMG:3; INIT:3]

Lemon (Daphene): Sorry everyone

Michael (Talwin): (You good fam)

Michael (Talwin): (Thought that counts)

N'laea: He asks why we dare summon him to our plane, says if we owe the library a debt we should pay it without "trying such an annoying gesture".

Lisa (Indigo): oh but we live to be annoying

Talwin: Tell him to go fuck himself!

Fives [Infernal]: [Translation] By opening the book, she was cursed to return the book, and that is what we're trying to do. All you did was send hell hounds out to attack her. No one ever tried to collect the book. This was the only way we could determine how to return it. Do you want it?

<font color="#000000">By opening the book, she was cursed to return the book, and that is what we're trying to do. All you did was send hell hounds out to attack her. No one ever tried to collect the book. This was the only way we could determine how to return it. Do you want it?

[understood by: N'laea, Fives]

Carissa (N'laea): LOL to both

Lemon (Daphene): Yeah, but I'm also now in the way. But... I'm small, maybe people can just climb on top of me

Carissa (N'laea): do we wanna tell him about the demon? or just play ignorant?

Fives [Infernal]: [Translation] I should also point out that she's not the original borrower. It was in a human library far from here.

<font color="#000000">I should also point out that she's not the original borrower. It was in a human library far from here.

[understood by: N'laea, Fives]

Lisa (Indigo): you can see what your odds are on the char sheet you would have to roll a 1 or a 2

Lisa (Indigo): it's a hard roll for anyone to make

Lisa (Indigo): you have to be superman to bend bars :)

Michael (Talwin): Could always sever the lower jaw

N'laea: [ATTACK (R)] Shortbow [THACO(11)] [EFFECTS +2] [d20+7 = 13]

Attack [13] ->[ATTACK (R)] [at Baatezu Least Spinagon (Mountain-high)] [Hit-AC: -2 vs. 4 ] [AC: -2 ] [HIT]

N'laea: [DAMAGE (R)] Shortbow [EFFECTS +1] [TYPE: piercing (1d6+1=3)] [d6+1 = 3]

[3] -> [to Baatezu Least Spinagon (Mountain-high)] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 1] [STATUS: Dying (0)]

Carissa (N'laea): (can she use her second shot on another? I forget?)

Lemon (Daphene): Bixi often gets lucky on her strength checks so... I thought I'd give it a try

Lisa (Indigo): is cutting the jaw off an option Bob?


Lisa (Indigo): ok

BOB I mean yes you can cut it off

Carissa (N'laea): Is cutting HIS arm off an option?

Michael (Talwin): lol

BOB But that does not release it from his arm

BOB and so the damage will still happen

Carissa (N'laea): releasing his arm from him releases it....

BOB It just removes the jaw from the dead creature

Michael (Talwin): Gee, thanks Carsissa

Lisa (Indigo): and keeps him from using his 2 handed sword

N'laea [Infernal]: [Translation] lol just thinking outside the box - we can find him a prosthetic!

<font color="#000000">lol just thinking outside the box - we can find him a prosthetic!

[understood by: N'laea, Fives]

TMO (Fives): there is magic to replace limbs... ;)

Lisa (Indigo): him and craigh can be one armed besties

Carissa (N'laea): oops that was to Michael not the devil. We don't want to find him a proestethic

Carissa (N'laea): LOL

BOB grins

BOB Is N'laea done?

Carissa (N'laea): so before I hit next, question again: can she use her second shot on a different target?

BOB Yes she can

Carissa (N'laea): okay couldn't remember thanks

BOB they are grouped close enough together

N'laea: [ATTACK (R)] Shortbow [THACO(11)] [EFFECTS +2] [d20+7 = 20]

Attack [20] ->[ATTACK (R)] [at Hell Hound 4] [Hit-AC: -9 vs. 4 ] [AC: -9 ] [HIT]

BOB cannot spread them out too far

N'laea: [DAMAGE (R)] Shortbow [EFFECTS +1] [TYPE: piercing (1d6+1=3)] [d6+1 = 3]

[3] -> [to Hell Hound 4] [STATUS: Heavy]

[TURN] Indigo - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 2] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Lisa (Indigo): do you want indigo to bend bars to try to chop talwin's arm off?

Lemon (Daphene): Aaaaand Bixi just thought of a new prank to play after we are all back home safely

Carissa (N'laea): LOL

Michael (Talwin): Uh, chop the arm off? No

Michael (Talwin): I'll take my chances

Lisa (Indigo): ok just checking

Carissa (N'laea): but he can rip the jaw off. probably

Indigo: tries to help Talwin

Michael (Talwin): Which would do no good

TMO (Fives): you know you want a magic metal arm...

Indigo: [CHECK] Bend Bars [EFFECTS +1] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 12] [d100-1 = 1]

Carissa (N'laea): we could cover it in glitter....

Michael (Talwin): If you got one handy, sure

Carissa (N'laea): NICEEEEEE

Lisa (Indigo): AHHHHH

Michael (Talwin): Thank you! Now I can help Johan

Spring (Lanek Olenak): whew

Carissa (N'laea): Indigo IS MAD at it!

TMO (Fives): rip splat tear!

Lemon (Daphene): Yaaaay

Indigo: wow wow

Michael (Talwin): Permission to throw the corpse at the librarian bob?

[TURN] Sam Olson - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 2] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Carissa (N'laea): kill the thing attacking Johan at the least or someone should

Michael (Talwin): I'll take a penalty just to do it

BOB sure for Michael

Carissa (Sam Olson): alright Olson, time to shine....

Talwin: Thanks Indigo!

Talwin: Hurls the corpse at the Librarian


Sam Olson: [CHECK] Bend Bars [EFFECTS +1] (vs. Target 2) [FAILURE by 80] [d100-1 = 82]

Carissa (Sam Olson): .....poor Johan

Shislif (Zayden): lol nice

[TURN] Lanek Olenak - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 2] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Michael (Talwin): (I'm hoping I can help Johan this round)

TMO (Fives): you were only 1 digit off! good try!

Carissa (Sam Olson): maybe he should have pulled Fives away. Or just... stood close to be a target.... is he at least comic relief?

Carissa (Sam Olson): (lol!)

Carissa (Sam Olson): Question: free him OR kill it first so it can't try to clamp someone else?

Michael (Talwin): I gaurantee if you free him, Talwin can kill it

Carissa (Sam Olson): at least we have another round for him

[TURN] Shi'Nynze - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 2]]

[TURN] Brer Necholas - [Paladin Aura(SELF); IFT: ALIGN(evil); AC: 1 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 2] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Lanek Olenak: mutters clusterin around the doorway like a buncha teenagers

Lisa (Howard Plum): lol

Shislif (Zayden): brb

User has gone AFK. (Shislif)

Lisa (Howard Plum): if we could get a break for 2 seconds we would back up

Michael (Talwin): Is brer coming up?

TMO (Fives): nothing has broken through the lines

Michael (Talwin): Does he want to do anything?

TMO (Fives): sorry, totally missed it was his turn!

Michael (Talwin): NP, just keeping you honest :D

TMO (Brer Necholas): holding action

[TURN] Zayden - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 1] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

[TURN] Craigh - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 1] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1 | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

TMO (Brer Necholas): you're ... keeping ... *the paladin* ... honest???

BOB When Sharif is back

Michael (Talwin): (LOL TMO_

TMO (Craigh): hold action


[TURN] Howard Plum - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 1] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Carissa (Sam Olson): lol

TMO (Craigh): going to be a few until Fives' next turn - y'all okay if I run out and get a drink real quick? 5-10 min at most.

Howard Plum: [CAST] Magic Missile [at Baatezu Lesser Osyluth (Beat-up)]

Michael (Talwin): (Go for it dude)

Michael (Talwin): (Get me some ice cream while you are out)

Howard Plum: [DAMAGE] Magic Missile [EFFECTS +1] [TYPE: force (4d4+5=13)] [4d4+5 = 13]

[13] -> [to Baatezu Lesser Osyluth (Beat-up)] [STATUS: Heavy]

Michael (Talwin): (I need to stress eat)

[TURN] Daphene - [(ATK:3,ranged) | (ROD:3; STAFF:3; WAND:3; POISON:3; SPELL:3) | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 1] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

User has gone AFK. (TMO)

Lemon (Daphene): I'm debating. Do I try to free Johan or try to kill something?

Carissa (Raelynn): I had a cupcake. I was only going to eat half of it because it was a big one, but I ate it all....

Carissa (Raelynn): Hell Hound is almost dead if you want to try ot kill it.

BOB The one attacking Johan has not been hit yet at all

Lemon (Daphene): Can I even reach that?

Lisa (Branwyn): yes it has!

Carissa (Raelynn): Or the skeleton guy. Or try to hit the frog thing

BOB Yes sorry Lisa

Lisa (Branwyn): he is miderately wounded

Michael (Talwin): Keeping GM honest

Michael (Talwin): :D

BOB All three of them have taken damage

Carissa (Raelynn): pretty much feel free to hit anything except maybe the librarian

BOB LOL Michael

Michael (Talwin): At this point, I woudln't even be upset if you hit the damn librarian

Lisa (Branwyn): you could probably end that hell hound

Lemon (Daphene): Can I get close enough, with everyone standing around in my way?

Michael (Talwin): But yes, that hellhound has been annoying for the last three rounds

BOB Yes Daph can attack over Indigo

Lisa (Branwyn): pretend licornah isn't there - why I wanted to move her earlier ...

Michael (Talwin): She's one round behind and therefore in Twilinght Zone

Daphene: [ATTACK (M)] Knife +1 [THACO(17)] [EFFECTS +2] [d20+2 = 12]

Attack [12] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Hell Hound 4] [Hit-AC: 5 vs. 4 ] [AC: 5 ] [MISS]

Lisa (Branwyn): she is meditating

Lemon (Daphene): WHAT

[TURN] Mithrahn, Golden Eagle - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 1] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Lemon (Daphene): I call shenanigans

[TURN] Fives - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 1] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Carissa (Raelynn): hell hound is in the sunlight, right?


Michael (Talwin): We are holding Fives for now

Michael (Talwin): TMO is out

[TURN] Branwyn - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 1] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Michael (Talwin): Knock em dead

Lisa (Branwyn): branwyn holding after she tells Tiberius to get that thing off Johan

Branwyn: Tiberius, can you get that thing off Johan's arm please?

[TURN] Raelynn - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 1] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1 | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Raelynn: still invisibly chanting, starting to dance to herself a little.

[TURN] Tiberius Branadarus - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 1] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Tiberius Branadarus: [CHECK] Bend Bars [EFFECTS +1] (vs. Target 25) [FAILURE by 19] [d100-1 = 44]

Lisa (Branwyn): he has a 25% chance? wow

Michael (Talwin): (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Lemon (Daphene): So polite, even in the midst of battle. That's how you know the relationship is solid.

Michael (Talwin): That is for Rae :)

Michael (Talwin): It's a good link, promise

Carissa (N'laea): lol

Carissa (N'laea): loading...

Tiberius Branadarus: Johan!!!! GROANS as he tried to break the lock,

Carissa (N'laea): yes! pretty much what she's doing, lol

Tiberius Branadarus: and his hands slips

[TURN] Baatezu Lesser Osyluth (Beat-up) - [(IMMUNE: poison) | (RESIST: cold) | (IMMUNE: bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, !magic) | (MR: 30)]

Baatezu Lesser Osyluth (Beat-up): [CAST] Teleport Without Error [at Fives]

Lisa (Branwyn): shit - I thought TMO would be back before he went

BOB We will come back to visit that one when TMO is back

[TURN] Talwin - [Giant-kin, 2-handed sword; DMGX:2 | Punching; BSTR: 0 | Protection from Evil; IFT: ALIGN(evil); AC: 2; [D: 18] | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 1] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Carissa (N'laea): ........wut

Michael (Talwin): Well actually, I kind of need to know what happened there

Lisa (Branwyn): can we go back and have bran kill it

Michael (Talwin): Really really need to know

BOB Talwin cannot attack it, it will not be there

Carissa (N'laea): Fives couldn't attack it before that happened??

Michael (Talwin): Sigh

BOB He can attack the hell hound, or the one on Johan

Michael (Talwin): Fives "held" because TMO is gone

Lisa (Branwyn): WAIT

Carissa (N'laea): (for Rae): (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

User is back. (TMO)

BOB waiting

Carissa (N'laea): speak of the devil(kin)

Michael (Talwin): I will wait until TMO is back as well

BOB Very good for TMO

TMO (Craigh): was I gone longer than I expected, or were you fast?

Lisa (Branwyn): can you do that to a player who just stepped away for a second?

BOB and laughs with Carissa

BOB TMO what happened is Fives turn came up

BOB we held his action

Carissa (N'laea): hit the damn skeleton guy or you're going ....somewhere

Michael (Talwin): by we, I did say you were gone, so we would hold instead of waiting

Michael (Talwin): I'm sorry man, it's my fault

BOB Branwyn held, Tiberius went, then the Security Guard hit you

Carissa (N'laea): no I'm with Lisa on this - doing an action on a PC when they're gone is... not nice, especially if they had a chance to go

BOB so Fives gets a chance to go now

BOB before the Security Guard goes

Carissa (N'laea): hit him! kill 'em! run into the Mist and away!

TMO (Craigh): what did security do to him?

Lisa (Branwyn): I held because I didn't know bob would teleport you! - thought maybe if he had it go it would toss some more ice at him

Michael (Talwin): Teleport him

Carissa (N'laea): teleport him... somewhere

BOB You do not know yet because Fives did not go yet

TMO (Craigh): oh, okay

Carissa (N'laea): Our combined psychic powers foresee him trying to teleport you away

TMO (Craigh): question #1 - is Fives even *able* to help Johan? It looks like the Osyluth and Johan are both in the way

Lisa (Branwyn): he should be hitting it anyway

Carissa (N'laea): don't worry about Johan, worry 'bout yourself

BOB Yes Fives could help Johan, or attack the Osyluth in front of him

Michael (Talwin): This is an area we should define for future rule scenarios. When a player clearly lets the table know they are stepping away, does this mean they become "one round behind" and forfieght the round? Its' just a housekeeping thing

Carissa (N'laea): it's okay, he's letting Fives go... and now we know what his next move could be.

TMO (Craigh): it's heavily wounded, I think killing it is more useful than a 10% chance of helping Johan vs a 90% chance of accomplishing nothing

Carissa (N'laea): but yes discussion for later

Michael (Talwin): Yes, I am glad bob is letting Fives go, but it's a dicey gray area that is kind of weird

Lisa (Branwyn): this is gonna be like the Kenna kidnap thing and we would have to chase Fives down if he gets teleported

Fives: [ATTACK (M)] Shortsword +3 [THACO(17)] [EFFECTS +2] [AC: -2 ] [d20+5 = 19]

Carissa (N'laea): well you DID want to go to Hell....

TMO (Craigh): I set the target... why didn't it target?

Michael (Talwin): Or a Lightning Bolt that I never want to remember

BOB I do not see a target

Carissa (N'laea): yup or the almost sword death.... lots of examples to draw off we don't want to repeat :)

TMO (Craigh): redo, or take the AC -2 hit?

BOB redo

TMO (Craigh): drat. :P :D

Lemon (Daphene): Ok, or MAYBE he gets teleported to the library, he politely tells the librarian we're ready to give the book back but the late fees aren't our problem, we didn't check out the book, and the librarian agrees, they teleport back together, take the book, and then we're done!

Fives: [ATTACK (M)] Shortsword +3 [THACO(17)] [EFFECTS +2] [d20+5 = 11]

Attack [11] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Baatezu Lesser Osyluth (Beat-up)] [Hit-AC: 6 vs. 3 ] [AC: 6 ] [MISS]

Carissa (N'laea): this is the librarian..... well the pit guy is

Michael (Talwin): My brother, please tell me you can swing twice?

Lisa (Branwyn): lol Lemon

TMO (Craigh): disaPOINTED!

Carissa (N'laea): up to three times, yes?

Carissa (N'laea): if that's your choice weapon, you're a fighter you either are at two or three attacks this round

TMO (Fives): also didn't realize I was talking as Craigh

Michael (Talwin): So.....Is fives gone?

TMO (Fives): he only had 1 attack

Lemon (Daphene): I'm sorry, what? Does Daph get multiple attacks with certain weapons?

BOB That is what I was waiting for, letting TMO break the news

Carissa (N'laea): With that weapon? I thought with chosen weapon he could do two....

Lisa (Branwyn): you have to be at a certain level -

TMO (Fives): oh, right - I'm a ditz. I hit end turn, even though it's not his turn. sorry

Lemon (Daphene): ah

Michael (Talwin): Sigh

BOB and with that Fives STABS at the Osyluth, and missed

Carissa (N'laea): we use his first roll, right??

TMO (Fives): Fives gets 3/2, and this was the 1 attack round

Carissa (N'laea): *facepalm*

BOB Then the Osyluth, GRABS Fives by the wrist and they both disapear back into Hell

Carissa (N'laea): well at least we know where he went

Michael (Talwin): Great. Tmo I'll go in and try and get you

Michael (Talwin): Whatever it takes

TMO (Fives): sorry, you really caught me off guard by being past me when I got back, threw me off balance

BOB Now Talwin is up

Carissa (N'laea): (librarian then rescue mission - you'll likely need protection)

TMO (Fives): well, that solves all of that.

Lisa (Branwyn): you have no clue what plane they went to - don't jump in the portal

Lisa (Branwyn): what hell level I mean

BOB There you go Lisa

TMO (Craigh): N'laea, just complete the negotiations, return the book, and all is good.

Carissa (N'laea): maybe he's gonna meet his dad!

Michael (Talwin): Shrugs. I'm not letting Tmo's character die without trying.

Carissa (N'laea): pressure

Michael (Talwin): I would hope you guys would do the same...

BOB Grins, yeap Fives would just love a family reunion

Carissa (N'laea): Yes, but with a plan. Like with Kenna.

TMO (Craigh): depends on which character you're talking to Talwin. :)

Lisa (Branwyn): I said it was going to be like the Kenna thing - it will need work and can't be done now

Talwin: [CHECK] Bend Bars [EFFECTS +1] (vs. Target 25) [FAILURE by 5] [d100-1 = 30]

Michael (Talwin): For fucks sake!

Lisa (Branwyn): no one is saying forgetting him

Michael (Talwin): Talwin is like, goddam strongman and can't pry this demon off?

Michael (Talwin): Sigh

TMO (Craigh): forget who? who are we forgetting? :)

[TURN] Youtargim - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 1] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

[TURN] Jennevive - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 1] | Negative Plane Protection | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Carissa (N'laea): Olson, probs

N'laea [Infernal]: [Translation] We came to return your BOOK. Not for you to take one of ours. Do you want it or not?

<font color="#000000">We came to return your BOOK. Not for you to take one of ours. Do you want it or not?

[understood by: N'laea, Fives]

Jennevive: [CAST] Music of the Spheres [at Baatezu, Greater, Pit Fiend]

Baatezu, Greater, Pit Fiend: [SAVE] vs. Spell [d20 = 14]

Save [14] [Target 8] -> [for Baatezu, Greater, Pit Fiend] [vs Jennevive] [TARGET-SAVED]

Baatezu, Greater, Pit Fiend: [MR 50][MAGIC-RESIST FAILED] Attack penetrates magic resistance. [d100 = 86]

Carissa (N'laea): it failed but didn't?

Lisa (Johan): so still half dmg?

BOB The spell Jenn cast got through the magic resistance, but then the Librarian saved against it

TMO (Craigh): I figured there was a 1 in 3 chance Fives wouldn't survive this mission.

Carissa (N'laea): ahh got it

Carissa (N'laea): it's a charm spell, if I remember right, not damage

Michael (Talwin): Thats....well I don't know what that is, but we aren't giving up on him TMO

BOB Right, prevents him from attacking

Michael (Talwin): I certainly am not

[TURN] Licornah - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 1] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

[TURN] Johan - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 1] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Johan: tries to free himself

TMO (Craigh): well, it'd be funny if after this group retires and we start a new one, for Fives to just show up randomly some day. :D

Johan: [CHECK] Bend Bars [EFFECTS +1] (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 7] [d100-1 = 3]

Lisa (Johan): AHAAAAAA

Michael (Talwin): Thank god, now we can kill everythign in sight

BOB laughs delightedly

Michael (Talwin): Although, how the hell he did that is beyond me

Carissa (N'laea): lol

Carissa (N'laea): Foirmer Blacksmith, remember?

Michael (Talwin): I do now

TMO (Craigh): you loosened it for him

Carissa (N'laea): Because I definitely remembered... when Lisa reminded me earlier tonight, lol

Johan: I was saying low low low low low low in my head while holding the dice before release

Carissa (N'laea): Ahhh that's the key!

Lisa (Johan): both times

N'laea [Infernal]: [Translation] I hope he broke it's jaw so it can't try again

<font color="#000000">I hope he broke it's jaw so it can't try again

[understood by: N'laea, Fives]

[TURN] Hell Hound 4 - [(IMMUNE:fire) | Chant(Enemy); ATK: -1; DMG: -1; SAVE: -1]

Carissa (N'laea): I hope he broke its jaw so it can't try again

Carissa (N'laea): (that was OOC)

TMO (Craigh): Fives is still hearing the conversations apparently

Hell Hound 4: [ATTACK (M)] Bite [THACO(17)] [EFFECTS -1] [d20-1 = 16]

Attack [16] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Talwin] [DEF EFFECTS +2] [Hit-AC: 1 vs. -2 ] [AC: 1 ] [MISS]

Carissa (N'laea): I mean... unless we want threats? Do we want threats??

Hell Hound 4: [CAST] Fiery Breath [at Talwin]

Talwin: [SAVE] vs. Breath [EFFECTS +2] [d20+2 = 20]

Save [20] [Target 9] -> [for Talwin] [vs Hell Hound 4] [TARGET-SAVED]

TMO (Craigh): released Fives so I can no longer understand Infernal

Hell Hound 4: [DAMAGE] Fiery Breath [EFFECTS -1] [TYPE: fire (1d0+3=3)] [d0+3 = 3]

[1] -> [to Talwin] [HALF]

Talwin: DAMN DOG! Just give up and roll over allready!

[TURN] Baatezu Lesser Kocrachon 1 - [(IMMUNE: poison) | (IMMUNE: cold, fire) | (IMMUNE: bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, !magic) | (MR: 30) | Chant(Enemy); ATK: -1; DMG: -1; SAVE: -1]

Carissa (N'laea): Why? Maybe he's right behind the door!

Talwin: You are just pissing me off!

Baatezu Lesser Kocrachon 1: [ATTACK (M)] Bite [THACO(13)] [EFFECTS -1] [d20-1 = 6]

Attack [6] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Talwin] [DEF EFFECTS +2] [Hit-AC: 7 vs. -2 ] [AC: 7 ] [MISS]


Michael (Talwin): lol

Carissa (N'laea): be my guest!

Baatezu Lesser Kocrachon 1: [ATTACK (M)] Claw Attack #1 [THACO(13)] [EFFECTS -1] [d20-1 = 18]

Attack [18] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Talwin] [DEF EFFECTS +2] [Hit-AC: -5 vs. -2 ] [AC: -5 ] [HIT]

Baatezu Lesser Kocrachon 1: [ATTACK (M)] Claw Attack #2 [THACO(13)] [EFFECTS -1] [d20-1 = 1]

Attack [1] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Talwin] [DEF EFFECTS +2] [Hit-AC: 12 vs. -2 ] [AC: 12 ] [MISS]

Baatezu Lesser Kocrachon 1: [DAMAGE (M)] Claw Attack #1 [EFFECTS -1] [TYPE: slashing,magic +1 (1d6-1=1)] [d6-1 = 1]

[1] -> [to Talwin]

BOB any held actions?

Johan: not again

Lisa (Johan): yes Bran

TMO (Craigh): quick question - did the Osyluth teleport, or drag Fives physically through the gate?

BOB Teleport

TMO (Craigh): interesting

Michael (Talwin): Er, Fives was in the mist bob

BOB Neither of them are visible anymore

TMO (Craigh): but the Osyluth wasn't

Branwyn: [CAST] Magic Missile [at Baatezu Lesser Kocrachon 1]

Branwyn: [DAMAGE] Magic Missile [EFFECTS +1] [TYPE: force (1d4+2=3)] [d4+2 = 3]

[3] -> [to Baatezu Lesser Kocrachon 1] [STATUS: Heavy]

Lisa (Branwyn): huh?

BOB Ummm

Lisa (Branwyn): dmg is screwed up

Michael (Talwin): Fives was in the MIst. The bone man was not

Talwin: I thought he dragged him through the portal

Michael (Talwin): I thought he dragged him through the portal

Carissa (N'laea): Oooh yes, come on lawyer points....

TMO (Craigh): I'm okay with it, I was just being curious

Michael (Talwin): You tried a Spell Teleport?

BOB Roll more damage Lisa

Branwyn: [DAMAGE] Magic Missile [EFFECTS +1] [TYPE: force (1d4+2=4)] [d4+2 = 4]

Carissa (N'laea): (but it is something worth asking - even if you're okay with it for our own knowledge)

BOB You did not drop that on him

TMO (Craigh): indulging in a little cat killing, so to speak

Branwyn: [DAMAGE] Magic Missile [EFFECTS +1] [TYPE: force (1d4+6=7)] [d4+6 = 7]

TMO (Craigh): better!

Branwyn: [DAMAGE] Magic Missile [EFFECTS +1] [TYPE: force (5d4+6=21)] [5d4+6 = 21]

[21] -> [to Baatezu Lesser Kocrachon 1] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 5] [STATUS: Dying (0)]

BOB that is good

Lisa (Howard Plum): that's right

BOB So the real damage was 21

BOB did 14 too much with the rolls

Lisa (Branwyn): yes - not sure how it got messed up

Baatezu Lesser Kocrachon 1's health adjusted by +14

BOB so not dead yet

BOB I'm feeling better

Lisa (Branwyn): 11 too much only

BOB Will take 3 more off

TMO (Craigh): Branwyn has upgraded her spell from Magic Missile to Magic Ballista


Lisa (Branwyn): no you were right

Carissa (N'laea): lol

BOB ok

BOB thank you

BOB Carissa? anything?

BOB Spring?

Carissa (N'laea): can you answer the Mist question?

BOB The Security Guard was not in The Mist

Michael (Talwin): But Fives was

BOB He grabed Fives and teleported

Lisa (Branwyn): is it attached to talwin now?

Michael (Talwin): So, he dragged Fives across the Border?

Lisa (Branwyn): you just have to touch to teleport

TMO (Craigh): monstrously strong, wouldn't be surprised

Carissa (N'laea): That's what I'm asking. I know Security was not, but Fives was in the Mist. So the Mist could not protect him as long as the spellcaster was in sunlight?

Michael (Talwin): Hm. Regardless of touch, the hand would have passed into the mist. He would have become Mist Sick correct bob?

BOB You can shot spells from The Mist into the Courtyard and vice versa

TMO (Craigh): CSI after you're done fighting for your life!!! *rofl*

Carissa (N'laea): Also good for us to know because maybe everyone needs to back up more if we underestimated what protection the Mist can give us if we don't need to be in it

Carissa (N'laea): ...yes but you said you can't do that with Divination or similar spells

Michael (Talwin): Spells are one thing. Divination and Teleport is another


BOB Fives was not entirely in The Mist

BOB He was in the gateway

BOB Just like Talwin is now

TMO (Craigh): he had just tried to attack the Osyluth, remember

Michael (Talwin): So............what percentage of his body. Frankly, this is kind of important not just for this battle, but from a world rules perspective

Lisa (Branwyn): at this point we want the spell to have succeeded and not just have his leg teleported or some other appendage

Carissa (N'laea): Ok that is the information that we need to know. Gateway is not safe.

Carissa (N'laea): (ehhh, but how else will he bond with Craigh?)

BOB Since this is the only location where The Mist has such a fine line it will not have any effect beyond this battle

Lisa (Branwyn): put your left leg in ...

TMO (Craigh): I do not wish for Fives and Craigh to bond.

Carissa (N'laea): But still something we need to know for this battle.

Lisa (Branwyn): lol TMO

Carissa (N'laea): Because we were playing it as if that was a safe spot.

Michael (Talwin): Alrighty then. Everyone in the doorway is fodder for teleport. The rules have been defined

Michael (Talwin): Moving on


Carissa (N'laea): Teleport and similar spells.

Lisa (Branwyn): if the frogs hadn't attached to the people at the line none of us would be that close

BOB any other actions?

Carissa (N'laea): no

BOB Sharif is back?

Michael (Talwin): (Actually Lisa I still would have been LOL. I thought I was in the clear unless they dragged me over) But now I know

Lisa: did you answer my question? is frog now attached to Talwin since it hit him?

Spring (Lanek Olenak): sorry, super busy night at work

Michael (Talwin): Frog missed

BOB Zayden can attack the Hell Hound

BOB and no it missed Talwin

Michael (Talwin): But we should kill the damn thing

BOB with the bite

Shislif (Zayden): is my turn?

BOB Yes for Zayden

BOB and for Lanek as well

Lisa: missed hit and missed

Shislif (Zayden): where's the hell hound?

Shislif (Zayden): the frog thing?

Spring (Lanek Olenak): what is for Lanek?

BOB The hit was a claw, (bite, claw claw attacks)

Lisa: ok good

BOB Zayden can see the hell Hound next to Indigo and Talwin

Spring (Lanek Olenak): what is for Lanek?

BOB Lanek can see the other creature next to Johan

Shislif (Zayden): oh ok I got it

Spring (Lanek Olenak): oh okay thanks

Shislif (Zayden): should i try the spear?

Lisa: kill the fire puppy!

Shislif (Zayden): or stick with the safe dagger?

Zayden: [ATTACK (R)] Spear [THACO(17)] [EFFECTS +2] [d20 = 1]

Attack [1] ->[ATTACK (R)] [at Hell Hound 4] [Hit-AC: 16 vs. 4 ] [AC: 16 ] [MISS-AUTOMATIC]

Lisa: ouch

Shislif (Zayden): dang it i roll super low numbers n they still miss

BOB Spring you want to attack?

BOB Giving her a moment

Lisa: yes don't teleport her :P

BOB Ok so guessing as she is afk she got busy again

Michael (Talwin): So, perfect example, do we now define this as one round behind and forfeit next round?

Lisa: don't like that circle

Lanek Olenak: sorry

Spring (Lanek Olenak): looking

Michael (Talwin): Oh my god! He's casting MIST!

Spring (Lanek Olenak): no idea what Lanek can do to that cluster of folks. pass


Carissa (N'laea): .......

Baatezu, Greater, Pit Fiend: [CAST] Fireball

Baatezu, Greater, Pit Fiend: [SAVE VS] Fireball [HALF ON SAVE]

BOB I will let everyone make their own saves

Spring (Lanek Olenak): well that's fun

Carissa (N'laea): ...and here I thought we spread out enough

Talwin: [SAVE] vs. Spell [EFFECTS +2] [d20+2 = 7]

Save [7] [Target 11] -> [for Talwin] [FAILURE]

Raelynn: [SAVE] vs. Spell [EFFECTS +3] [d20+3 = 9]

Save [9] [Target 12] -> [for Raelynn] [FAILURE]

Youtargim: [SAVE] vs. Spell [EFFECTS +2] [d20+2 = 19]

Save [19] [Target 13] -> [for Youtargim] [SUCCESS]

Branwyn: [SAVE] vs. Spell [EFFECTS +2] [d20+2 = 8]

Save [8] [Target 8] -> [for Branwyn] [SUCCESS]

N'laea: [SAVE] vs. Spell [EFFECTS +2] [d20+2 = 9]

Save [9] [Target 11] -> [for N'laea] [FAILURE]

Daphene: [SAVE] vs. Spell [EFFECTS +5] [d20+5 = 6]

Save [6] [Target 16] -> [for Daphene] [FAILURE]

Lanek Olenak: [SAVE] vs. Spell [EFFECTS +2] [d20+2 = 8]

Save [8] [Target 11] -> [for Lanek Olenak] [FAILURE]

Michael (Talwin): Well, I MAY survive the initial blast. By sheer health points. Or, I may just poof into dust

Bixi Fizzlebang: [SAVE] vs. Spell [CON +3] [EFFECTS +2] [d20+5 = 23]

Save [23] [Target 10] -> [for Bixi Fizzlebang] [SUCCESS]

Shislif (Zayden): Go Bix!

Indigo: [SAVE] vs. Spell [CON +3] [EFFECTS +2] [d20+5 = 10]

Save [10] [Target 10] -> [for Indigo] [SUCCESS]

Carissa (N'laea): Remember Bob, I AM HAVING A GOOD DAY DON'T RUIN IT

Daphene: Smelting the dice down, forging new ones, and giving them a test roll! [10d4+10d6+10d8+10d10+10d12+10d20 = 330]

Shislif (Zayden): 2nd

Carissa (N'laea): oh good lord I thought that was a damage roll

Michael (Talwin): Huh, well see ya folks when we are rooling up new characters

Howard Plum: [SAVE] vs. Spell [EFFECTS +2] [d20+2 = 22]

Save [22] [Target 10] -> [for Howard Plum] [SUCCESS]

Johan: [SAVE] vs. Spell [EFFECTS +2] [d20+2 = 11]

Save [11] [Target 10] -> [for Johan] [SUCCESS]

Michael (Talwin): Oh....yeah, don't do that

Lisa (Johan): whew!

Carissa (N'laea): my heart nearly stopped

Tiberius Branadarus: [SAVE] vs. Spell [EFFECTS +2] [d20+2 = 10]

Save [10] [Target 10] -> [for Tiberius Branadarus] [SUCCESS]

Jennevive: [SAVE] vs. Spell [EFFECTS +2] [d20+2 = 17]

Save [17] [Target 11] -> [for Jennevive] [SUCCESS]

Craigh: [SAVE] vs. Spell [EFFECTS +3] [d20+3 = 5]

Save [5] [Target 12] -> [for Craigh] [FAILURE]

Carissa (N'laea): Oh same!

Sam Olson: [SAVE] vs. Spell [EFFECTS +2] [d20+2 = 8]

Save [8] [Target 13] -> [for Sam Olson] [FAILURE]

Carissa (Sam Olson): expected

Lemon (Daphene): I rolled a one! I had to take action!

TMO (Craigh): character concept... what should it be?

Michael (Talwin): Mine is totally a Priest Healer!

Lisa (Johan): bran's moderately wounded so ...

Carissa (N'laea): .... I'm not ready for a new character.

BOB That looks like everyone rolled

Spring (Lanek Olenak): i'm thinking a tank next time

Carissa (N'laea): (Bird did not because he's high in the sky so figure he's okay?)

Baatezu, Greater, Pit Fiend: [DAMAGE] Fireball [TYPE: fire,magic +4 (10d6=35)] [10d6 = 35]

Lisa (Johan): ok

Michael (Talwin): Ow

BOB I will walk through and apply one by one

Michael (Talwin): Whos alive. Sound off

Carissa (N'laea): Ok.... not quite as bad as that stupid dragon turtle.

Lemon (Daphene): Not Daph, and I'm ok with that

Lemon (Daphene): Bixi made her save

Michael (Talwin): Also fuck the book now. I'm just gonna go out in a blaze of glory with this asshole

Talwin's health adjusted by -35

N'laea: N'laea is still alive. And can curse the hell out of him for the sake of Fives and everyone else.

Raelynn's health adjusted by -17

Carissa (N'laea): Lemme go take my meds while Bob does damage first

Youtargim's health adjusted by -17

User has gone AFK. (Carissa)

Lisa (Indigo): did he burn up the book? the whole thing of wearing the book was to prevent fireballs

Branwyn's health adjusted by -17

Lisa (Indigo): if the book is toast then we can close the portal and say goodnight

N'laea's health adjusted by -35

Michael (Talwin): And then take turns wizzing on the book

Daphene's health adjusted by -35

Lanek Olenak's health adjusted by -35

Bixi Fizzlebang's health adjusted by -17

Indigo's health adjusted by -17

Howard Plum's health adjusted by -17

Johan's health adjusted by -17

Lisa (Branwyn): he must not really want the book

User has gone AFK. (Shislif)

Tiberius Branadarus's health adjusted by -17

Jennevive's health adjusted by -17

Lisa: any conbustibles are supposed to go up in flames

Craigh's health adjusted by -35

Sam Olson's health adjusted by -35

Lisa: cries at the tombstones popping up

BOB That is all of them for his go this round

Michael (Talwin): One second bob on question

Michael (Talwin): Was that an area of affect spell?

User is back. (Carissa)

TMO (Craigh): only 4, definitely could have been worse

Carissa (N'laea): Ooof

BOB Yes, it was a fireball

Lisa: what is the state of the book? and is librarian sitting on the portal like he looks like he is?

Michael (Talwin): Did his own minions take damage from it?

BOB No they are immune to fire


Lisa: hell hound just got fed

Lemon (Daphene): ...As a RL OOC person, I do not mind losing Daph. Bixi, however... knows that Daph's mom is going to be PISSED.

Michael (Talwin): Hey, they could be from Frostscape for all we know

Carissa (Sam Olson): Can we bind wounds on fireball victims provided they aren't at -10?

Michael (Talwin): Yes

BOB You wanted me to wait before telling you what happened

Michael (Talwin): That was my only quesiton

BOB I can do that when you are ready

Lisa: who wanted what?

Lisa: lol

Lisa: ok tell us

Carissa (Sam Olson): sure

BOB So everyone on your side went on round 5. Then the Librarian, cast Fireball on the group

BOB Brer, Shi, and the eagle were not in the blast

BOB Everyone else made or failed their saves

BOB The book is just fine, no damage at all,

Lisa: how???

BOB The other two creatures are there as well

Carissa (Sam Olson): book from hell

Lisa: it's from the abyss

Lisa: but anyway go on

Michael (Talwin): (maybe you could close the portal and it will cut the fucker in half?)

BOB Daph, Johan, and Sam are dead

Carissa (Sam Olson): Really? Huh, I'm confused on that point, but yes sorry to interrupt

BOB Everyone took damage

Michael (Talwin): Dead dead?

BOB They are at some point of negatives

TMO (Craigh): Daph appears to be salvageable

Carissa (Sam Olson): So can bind wounds?

BOB and I am about to click to round 6

Michael (Talwin): Well, sam aint binding wounds

BOB if you want to use your action to check on someone you can

[TURN] Baatezu, Greater, Pit Fiend - [(REGEN: 2) | (IMMUNE: bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, !magic +3,!magic +4,!magic +5) | (IMMUNE: poison, lightning) | (MR: 50) | (RESIST: silver,cold)]

Carissa (Sam Olson): Sam is right at 0, but is obviously a last resort.

Carissa (Sam Olson): LOL


[TURN] Bixi Fizzlebang - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 1] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Carissa (N'laea): (Lemon, Daph is fully dead once she hits -10. If you bind wounds and she is NOT at -10 yet, she can live)

Carissa (N'laea): (But someone needs to do that action)

Lemon (Daphene): Ok, so as much as I as a person don't care, pretty sure Bixi would panic and save Daph. So how do I bind wounds?

Carissa (N'laea): Just state it that you're doing it

Michael (Talwin): Declare you are binding wounds and pass

BOB move over to her and do it

Lemon (Daphene): She's only at -3 as far as I can tell

Lemon (Daphene): Ok, I'm doing it

Michael (Talwin): Yes, but its near enough to death that it takes precedence

[TURN] N'laea - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 1] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1 | Longsword +1 Flametonge; IFT:type(undead); ATK:3; DMG:3; INIT:3]

Lisa: craigh is exactly -10 I think so can or can't be helped?

Michael (Talwin): TMO is not losing two characters in one night or so help me....

TMO (Craigh): Howard can try, don't know if it'd be successful



[understood by: N'laea]

BOB No at -10 is dead

Michael (Talwin): Really?

Lemon (Daphene): Oh no, I didn't see that Craigh was dead! No, Bixi has a prank ready for him!

TMO (Craigh): at the funeral! :D

N'laea: [ATTACK (R)] Shortbow [THACO(11)] [EFFECTS +2] [d20+7 = 16]

Attack [16] ->[ATTACK (R)] [at Hell Hound 4] [Hit-AC: -5 vs. 4 ] [AC: -5 ] [HIT]

TMO (Craigh): make it a FUNeral!

Lemon (Daphene): It will just be poor taste at the funeral

Michael (Talwin): Sigh

N'laea: [DAMAGE (R)] Shortbow [EFFECTS +1] [TYPE: piercing (1d6+1=4)] [d6+1 = 4]

[4] -> [to Hell Hound 4]

Carissa (N'laea): ...did that kill it?

Lemon (Daphene): Well there go all my one-armed pranks. I'm a little bit devastated, ngl

BOB nope

Carissa (N'laea): ok normally says something

N'laea: [ATTACK (R)] Shortbow [THACO(11)] [EFFECTS +2] [d20+7 = 18]

Attack [18] ->[ATTACK (R)] [at Hell Hound 4] [Hit-AC: -7 vs. 4 ] [AC: -7 ] [HIT]

N'laea: [DAMAGE (R)] Shortbow [EFFECTS +1] [TYPE: piercing (1d6+1=7)] [d6+1 = 7]

[7] -> [to Hell Hound 4] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 2] [STATUS: Dying (0)]

TMO (Craigh): Brer only has one eye. will that do?

[TURN] Indigo - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 1] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

TMO (Craigh): well, technically the 2nd one still exists

Michael (Talwin): Does indigo want to come up here with me for battle? Or bind wounds?

Lisa: sorry - debating getting out of his line of sight and making him come out or if someone's going to close portal

Michael (Talwin): To be frank, Talwin is just going to walk right up to it

Michael (Talwin): So that's the general plan from his perspective

Lisa: thing with spells and line of sight etc

Lisa: don't you want it to come into the mist and lose its natural abilities?

Michael (Talwin): At this point? Would it really matter? I don't think it's exactly stupid

Carissa (N'laea): that would be nice

Lisa: if fireball is natural and not spells then you walking up is suicide

Lisa: how many can you take?

Carissa (N'laea): (the frong thing is still alive)

Lisa: let him come into the mist too

Michael (Talwin): Er, well, from how many just died, I'd rather try and take this guy with me. Tmo just lost two characters. I kind of threw in the towel at that point

Lisa: not going to stand there

[TURN] Sam Olson - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 1] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Sam Olson: gurgling

[TURN] Lanek Olenak - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 1] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Lemon (Daphene): Correct me if I'm wrong, but TMO, weren't you kind of feeling tired of Craigh anyway? And we are going to try and rescue Fives.

BOB I deleted the three of them off of the Combat Tracker

Carissa (Shi'Nynze): you deleted Sam?? But he could be saved.... not sure anyone wants to save him, but he could be!

BOB I am sorry I thought you said not to

BOB I can put him back

Carissa (Shi'Nynze): up to the group, I don't care either way, but he's fodder

BOB There you go

TMO (Craigh): I'm not crushed one way or the other.

BOB Spring?

BOB Did Lanek want to bind wounds on the young kid?

Spring (Lanek Olenak): I used to know how to attack, but apparently i can't do it anymore

BOB Or you can attack that remaing creture

Spring (Lanek Olenak): I'd like to throw an axe but i can't target or anything

TMO (Craigh): death was always a very serious possibility for Craigh - he is/was just *way* too frail

Lemon (Daphene): Great, so Michael, take a deep breath, count to ten, do what you gotta do, and then DON'T let Talwin die, too

BOB On the Combat Tracker just drag the attack onto the creature you want to attack

TMO (Craigh): indeed - no dying Talwin.

Lisa (Howard Plum): could bind wounds on Sam?

Carissa (Shi'Nynze): agree

BOB no need to target

Spring (Lanek Olenak): oh i thought the young kid was a goner

Spring (Lanek Olenak): he vanished off the board

Carissa (Shi'Nynze): not yet, you got ten rounds until he is

BOB The kid is out and bleeding but not dead yet

Carissa (Shi'Nynze): he's exactly at 0

Spring (Lanek Olenak): `yeah i dragged the attack several times and a die dropped but nothing else happened

BOB I can do it for you if you like

Spring (Lanek Olenak): nah, f it, i'll bind the wounds

[TURN] Shi'Nynze - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 1]]

Shi'Nynze: yells out over the winds, "MAKE THE BASTARD DANCE!"

Spring (Lanek Olenak): wait what happened now?

[TURN] Brer Necholas - [Paladin Aura(SELF); IFT: ALIGN(evil); AC: 1 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 1] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

BOB I clicked done for you Spring

Shi'Nynze: the kid lives! I thought... he disappeared fromt he map

BOB you are binding his wounds

Spring (Lanek Olenak): he disappeared twice

Shi'Nynze: stops gurgling

TMO (Brer Necholas): holding action, but ready to charge in

Sam Olson: stops gurgling

Spring (Lanek Olenak): i don't really, it doesn't matter

Lisa (Howard Plum): can Bran tell if it was a spell or innate ability?

BOB What did you want to happen Spring?

BOB no to Lisa, can make a spell craft check on her turn

Michael (Talwin): This will probably be me last round for the night

Spring (Lanek Olenak): an understandable progression between cause and effect, but it's not important, please continue

BOB Ok sorry Spring

BOB and it is for everyone Michael

BOB TMO? Anything for Brer?

TMO (Brer Necholas): he's holding, ready to charge in, was waiting for conversation

Effect ['Bless;ATK: 1;SAVE: 1;CHECK: 1'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Zayden]

[TURN] Zayden - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Shislif (Zayden): just gonna back up here

BOB ok

Michael (Talwin): Can you bind Daph wounds?

BOB Bixi already did

Michael (Talwin): KK

Michael (Talwin): TX

Effect ['Bless;ATK: 1;SAVE: 1;CHECK: 1'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Howard Plum]

[TURN] Howard Plum - [Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Zayden: [SKILL] Musical Instrument [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 11) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 3]

Lisa (Howard Plum): might want to move out of line of sight

Carissa (Raelynn): yes

Lisa (Howard Plum): holding

Shislif (Zayden): oh i already ended turn lol

Effect ['Bless;ATK: 1;SAVE: 1;CHECK: 1'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Daphene]

[TURN] Daphene - [(ATK:3,ranged) | (ROD:3; STAFF:3; WAND:3; POISON:3; SPELL:3) | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Carissa (Raelynn): or hit him so he can't cast again

Effect ['Bless;ATK: 1;SAVE: 1;CHECK: 1'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Mithrahn, Golden Eagle]

Effect ['Bless;ATK: 1;SAVE: 1;CHECK: 1'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Branwyn]

[TURN] Mithrahn, Golden Eagle - [Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Raelynn: at least a spell

Michael (Talwin): Or hit the frog, so it doesn't latch on to Talwinz

Carissa (Raelynn): Owwww!! Owow oowowowow.

Raelynn: Owwww!! Owow oowowowow.

Lisa (Howard Plum): we don't know if it is a spell

Shislif (Zayden): lol

Carissa (Raelynn): (I know, but I'm saying he might have spells)

Raelynn: I'm moving, oowwww, back some, Yout.

[TURN] Branwyn - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Michael (Talwin): Try ripping out a page of the book. Maybe it will distract or enrage him.

Michael (Talwin): lol

Carissa (Raelynn): (took her hood off so he could watch her move back)

Branwyn: Tiberius move away!

Branwyn: [CAST] Many Jaws [at Baatezu, Greater, Pit Fiend]

Branwyn: [DAMAGE] Many Jaws [EFFECTS +1] [TYPE: Piercing (10d4+1=24)] [10d4+1 = 24]

[24] -> [to Baatezu, Greater, Pit Fiend] [STATUS: Moderate]

Baatezu, Greater, Pit Fiend: [SAVE] vs. Spell [d20 = 10]

Save [10] [Target 8] -> [for Baatezu, Greater, Pit Fiend] [vs Branwyn] [TARGET-SAVED]

Baatezu, Greater, Pit Fiend: [MR 50][MAGIC-RESIST SUCCESS] Attack has no effect. [d100 = 10]

Carissa (Raelynn): ...................

Lisa (Branwyn): save for no instead of half?

Baatezu, Greater, Pit Fiend's health adjusted by +24

Lisa (Branwyn): now would be nice for tiberius to carry his wife to safety

BOB He made his magic resistance roll so nothing got through

TMO (Brer Necholas): does the many jaws also attack the Frog, or only 1 target?

Lisa (Branwyn): only reason I stood there

User has gone AFK. (Shislif)

Lisa (Branwyn): no one target

Lisa (Branwyn): no, one target

TMO (Brer Necholas): wasn't sure if it was target only or AoE

TMO (Brer Necholas): thought one, but was hoping. ;)

Lisa (Branwyn): no they are under her command so technically they are floating there in front of his face

Lisa (Branwyn): until he blasts her

TMO (Brer Necholas): Suck Plant Evil-Doer!

Carissa (Raelynn): maybe he'll try to swat them away

Michael (Talwin): Happy to distract him if someone will kill the damn frog

BOB Branwyn is done?

Effect ['Bless;ATK: 1;SAVE: 1;CHECK: 1'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Raelynn]

[TURN] Raelynn - [Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1 | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Lisa (Branwyn): sorry

Carissa (Raelynn): (yeah just notice she took the birds turn, oops)

Effect ['Bless;ATK: 1;SAVE: 1;CHECK: 1'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Tiberius Branadarus]

[TURN] Tiberius Branadarus - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Tiberius Branadarus: [ATTACK (M)] Rapier [THACO(10)] [EFFECTS +1] [d20+1 = 19]

Attack [19] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Branwyn] [Hit-AC: -9 vs. 8 ] [AC: -9 ] [HIT]

BOB Branwyn can make a dex check

Branwyn: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 8]

Tiberius Branadarus: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 8]

Branwyn: yes darling sweep me off my feet!

Lisa (Branwyn): lol

Carissa (Raelynn): lol

BOB Tiberius steps up in front of Branwyn, pulls out his Rapier and SLASHES down

Lisa (Branwyn): not carrying her away?

BOB Slicing the straps that hold the book up, he catches the book, shoves it at Jenn then pushes Branwyn down to the ground to cover her

Carissa (Raelynn): LOL

Lisa (Branwyn): oh nice

BOB Which they both matched rolls,

BOB so now it becomes a strength check, wry grin

Tiberius Branadarus: [CHECK] Strength (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 13] [d20 = 5]

Branwyn: [CHECK] Strength (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 12]

BOB Which Branwyn wins

BOB and she stays standing

Lisa (Branwyn): give me my book!

Effect ['Bless;ATK: 1;SAVE: 1;CHECK: 1'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Talwin]

[TURN] Talwin - [Giant-kin, 2-handed sword; DMGX:2 | Punching; BSTR: 0 | Protection from Evil; IFT: ALIGN(evil); AC: 2; [D: 17] | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

Lisa (Branwyn): no!

Michael (Talwin): So if Talwin backs away, frog gets yet another attack chance to bite is this correct?


Lisa (Branwyn): his margin was much better

BOB Closest without going over

Michael (Talwin): REALLY wish someone would have kiiled this damn thing

Carissa (Raelynn): N'laea was working her way over, sorry. She got the hound tho!

Spring (Lanek Olenak): Lanek tried

Lisa (Branwyn): jenn has the book though

Spring (Lanek Olenak): blame FGU

Talwin: [ATTACK (M)] Giant-kin, 2-handed sword [THACO(12)] [EFFECTS +1] [d20+3 = 6]

Attack [6] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Baatezu Lesser Kocrachon 1] [Hit-AC: 6 vs. 2 ] [AC: 6 ] [MISS]

Talwin: [ATTACK (M)] Giant-kin, 2-handed sword [THACO(12)] [EFFECTS +1] [d20+3 = 13]

Attack [13] ->[ATTACK (M)] [at Baatezu Lesser Kocrachon 1] [Hit-AC: -1 vs. 2 ] [AC: -1 ] [HIT]

Talwin: [DAMAGE (M)] Giant-kin, 2-handed sword [EFFECTS +1] [x2] [TYPE: Slashing, Large (3d6+8=34)] [3b6+8 = 34]

[34] -> [to Baatezu Lesser Kocrachon 1] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 20] [STATUS: Dying (0)]

Spring (Lanek Olenak): congrats

Talwin: And since I can't move, I point the sword at the Librarian and say "You are a disgrace to the American, er, Hell Library Association!"

Shislif (Zayden): lol

Effect ['Bless;ATK: 1;SAVE: 1;CHECK: 1'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Youtargim]

Effect ['Bless;ATK: 1;SAVE: 1;CHECK: 1'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Jennevive]

[TURN] Youtargim - [Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

BOB hah

Craigh: *smoulder*

Raelynn: cries

Michael (Talwin): Now prepare to catch Talwin's corpse. I'm already researchign my character. Tmo we'll be brothers in arms :)

BOB Youtargim backs up slowly to cover Rae's retreat

[TURN] Jennevive - [Negative Plane Protection | Chant(Friendly); ATK: 1; DMG: 1; SAVE: 1]

TMO (Craigh): y'know, don't think Fives would have survived that Fireball either. This way there's a chance he might still survive. just hold onto that.

Carissa (Raelynn): .....oh darn, I thought librarian disappeared but no, it was line of sight

Carissa (Raelynn): silver lining!

TMO (Craigh): yupyup. that doesn't get you out of continuing our conversation though.

Carissa (N'laea): well given it was with Brer, and he's still alive....

Carissa (N'laea): and N'laea is... hopefully going to remain alive

TMO (Brer Necholas): sadly waves goodbye to Jenn

BOB Jennevive RUNS into the portal and slams into the Librarian

Lemon (Daphene): But also... SEANCE!

Carissa (N'laea): she REALLY wants that church

TMO (Brer Necholas): lol

Carissa (N'laea): oooh seance! another silver lining!

Branwyn: it closed?

BOB Gone

Carissa (N'laea): now we have two to rescue??

TMO (Brer Necholas): anybody know Jenn's True Name? Can summon her probably.

Talwin: Well......never thought Jenn would be gone like that. But, let's start the rescue planning

N'laea: curses in multiple languages

Talwin: Looks sadly at fallen comrades

Talwin: Looks sadly at fallen comrades

Talwin: At least, we can hope they are alive still

Craigh: smokes

N'laea: She is not an idiot. Or she is but wanted to protect Branwyn.

Talwin: Fusiously kicks the toad over and over before picking it up and bashing it into the gates over and over and over as blood flies and he turns bright red with rage

Tiberius Branadarus: That is not what I thought would happen

N'laea: But she has another gate scroll.

TMO (Craigh): c'mon Johan! let's smoke together!

Carissa (N'laea): LOL

Lisa: Me either

Raelynn: Ughh. Yout, are you okay?

Tiberius Branadarus: I thought giving her the book would make her the target instead of you

Talwin: Venting his rage on the dead meat before tossing the mangled leg away and returnign to the group

Talwin: What do we do Bran?

Lisa: sighs

Lemon (Daphene): Frog legs for dinner, anyone?

Lisa: We see what we can do for the dead and wounded.

Michael (Talwin): It would be very good for me to not come across any frogs for the next foreseeable month

Lisa: Do we know what Craigh would have wanted?

Carissa (Shi'Nynze): (IC Lisa ;) )

TMO (Craigh): only 2 dead, that's not really that bad.

Lisa: We can take him to Kenna

Talwin: Croaks out

Carissa (Shi'Nynze): you release your Bran

Talwin: I knew him, but I never asked

Talwin: I left a will

Talwin: Did he?

Lisa: I'm ... sorry

Michael (Talwin): (TMO, would Craigh leave a will for resurecction?)

Youtargim: Hugs Rae, It was bad but it looks like we won

Lanek Olenak: sits down on the ground

Branwyn: sorry - forgot I was ooc

Talwin: A phyrric victory Yout

Talwin: Darkly

TMO (Craigh): I will have to think about that.

Raelynn: Did we? We lost so many, and we have two who might still be alive but need to be rescued.

Lisa (Branwyn): seance for craigh unless TMO says absolutely not

Raelynn: rests her head on his shoulder

Raelynn: Ugh, what a mess.

Michael (Talwin): (I think all of us are at the point where a will would have been drawn up.)

Michael (Talwin): (But I could be mistaken)

Branwyn: I need to go in inside and see if I can locate Fives and Jenn

Youtargim: We should go into the Inn and get things cleaned up

Talwin: Nods solumnly

Lanek Olenak: checks to see if he can figure out Sam's pulse, amateur-like

Raelynn: nods in agreement.

Talwin: Moves over to Daph and gently picks her up

TMO: honestly not sure he's even *capable* of being resurrected. His Con is on the low side

Raelynn: I ain't dead....yet.

Branwyn: Bixi can you bring Daphene and Sam around?

Sam Olson: I ain't dead....yet.

Sam Olson: coughs

Talwin: Let's get you fixed up

TMO: not for lack of trying

Lanek Olenak: snorts

Lanek Olenak: well good

Lisa (Branwyn): they need cure lights?

BOB yes a cure light for each will work

Carissa (Shi'Nynze): (Daph does... can't remember for Sam since he was 0?)

BOB make them walking wounded

BOB Yes to Sam too

Lisa (Branwyn): he is unconscious at 0

Shi'Nynze: Thank ya, sir.

Shi'Nynze: Thank ya, sir.

Lisa (Branwyn): hey Carissa didn't kill a guilder!

Shi'Nynze: GOOD LORD

Bixi Fizzlebang: [CAST] Cure Light Wounds [at Daphene]

Michael (Talwin): Then after that I guess Talwin will gently deposit Daph on the ground if we are doing walking wounded lol

Sam Olson: Thank ya, sir.

Bixi Fizzlebang: [HEAL] Cure Light Wounds [d8 = 4]

Heal [1] -> [to Daphene] [STATUS: Critical]

Bixi Fizzlebang: [HEAL] Cure Light Wounds [d8 = 2]

Lemon (Daphene): Who else? Sam?

Talwin: Well Daph, I think you've seen better days

Bixi Fizzlebang: [HEAL] Cure Light Wounds [d8 = 4]

Heal [1] -> [to Sam Olson] [STATUS: Critical]

Branwyn: Thank you Bixi

Branwyn: You and raelynn can help the wounded. there will be no more fighting today.

Bixi Fizzlebang: What would I have told her mother?

Branwyn: You can leave me until tomorrow

Brer Necholas: comes up to the group and helps them get to the Inn courtyard.

TMO (Brer Necholas): (doesn't leave the Mist though)

Branwyn: bran should have the crystal ball in her room at the Inn

BOB Brer does not go into the Courtyyard

Brer Necholas: I will stand guard out here, just in case there are any others or they try to come back.

Lisa: Brer, you are not coming with us?

Talwin: Talwin hesistates

Brer Necholas: shakes his head. "I would prefer not to leave the Mist, thank you."

Lisa: Thank you for helping

Brer Necholas: I'm sorry for your losses.

Talwin: Talwin moves back to the main gate to stand sentinel with Brer

Talwin: Talwin moves back to the main gate to stand sentinel with Brer

Lisa (Branwyn): sorry I'm too tired - will fix in editing story chat

TMO (Brer Necholas): yes ma'am

N'laea: We will not let it be in vain.

Talwin: I'm not losing any more friends today

TMO (Brer Necholas): I honestly almost forgot about him. ;)

Talwin: Sits heavily down at the gate

Talwin: I'll sit here with you

Brer Necholas: You should go rest, friend. I'll be fine. You're within shouting distance.

Talwin: Just shakes his head

Spring (Lanek Olenak): wtf mate

Carissa (N'laea): .......I hope that isn't something we forgot to kil

BOB I will give Branwyn an Intuition check

Brer Necholas: You do realize that right now you're more likely to die than I am? They need you right now more than I do.

Branwyn: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 15]

Carissa (N'laea): WAIT do we just have to think maybe someone is watching us to need that roll?

Talwin: ignores Brer

Tiberius Branadarus: [TOWER] [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 9) [FAILURE by 8] [d20 = 17]

Lisa (Branwyn): we are out of the mist so we can be seen and heard if people want to

Tiberius Branadarus: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 7]

Lisa (Branwyn): and hell knows us now

Michael (Talwin): goody

Lisa (Branwyn): Tiberius is more intelligent than Branwyn is wise :)

Carissa (N'laea): lol

Tiberius Branadarus: We finished in less than the half hour you promised

Branwyn: looks up at Tiberius and bursts into tears

Branwyn: That wasn't ...

Branwyn: what I meant

BOB As you are organzing things, at the half hour mark

Branwyn: I'm so so very sorry

BOB A portal opens up in the Courtyard,

Lisa (Branwyn): of course she is standing on the portal ...

BOB The Blue and Grey of Branwyn's cloak

TMO (Brer Necholas): *sound-effect: 'BLOOP'*

Lisa (Branwyn): nice mirror btw

Talwin: Talwin yelps, and struggles to his feet again

Brer Necholas: draws his sword.

Jennevive: Countess Branwyn the Mysterious

Talwin: Oh it's Jenn

Talwin: Sits heavily back down

Branwyn: Jenenvive!

Jennevive: I call upon you to bring me to The Inn of the Lost Eagle

Brer Necholas: holds his stance.

Jennevive: Holding out a hand

Lisa (Branwyn): sorry I am extremely tired from trip - she means Bran needs to jump in now

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): It's a trap!

Michael (Talwin): My thoughts Exactly

Carissa (N'laea): no it's what Bran was going to do if stuck in hell... reach out for Talwin

Michael (Talwin): Ah

Branwyn: I love you Tiberius

Carissa (N'laea): could be a trap, yes, but could be the normal plan

TMO (Brer Necholas): sounds like she wants you to pull her through to here

Branwyn: reaches out for tiberius and Jenn at the same time

Branwyn: We go together

Carissa (N'laea): pull her to us!

Tiberius Branadarus: [CHECK] Strength (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 7]

Branwyn: [CHECK] Strength (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 7]

Tiberius Branadarus: Holding on tight

Lisa (Branwyn): can they pull Jenn out or have to jump in?

Carissa (N'laea): hopefully pull

Michael (Talwin): And with that, I'm off to bed. Night. I'm brain dead. TMO, we'll get fives back or figure this out somehow. I'm so sorry man. Type up Craighs Will for the site so we know to resurrect him or not. Hugs

BOB You can grab her hand

Carissa (N'laea): well that's not ominous

TMO (Brer Necholas): cliffhanger!

Lisa (Branwyn): said she was going to grab them both

'Michael' disconnected

BOB and then YANK

Lisa (Branwyn): Jenn on one and Tiberius on the other - an unholy threesome

Carissa (N'laea): LOL

TMO (Brer Necholas): TMI

Lisa (Branwyn): lol

Jennevive: Thank you

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): I'm sure Jenn would be into that

Jennevive: I am very glad you remembered

TMO (Brer Necholas): yes..... remembered.... >_>

Branwyn: You are safe

Carissa (N'laea): there's a reason she didn't call you TMO ;)

Branwyn: And the book?

Lisa (Branwyn): next week pls

BOB Jenn stands there with red and grey hair, she looks much more worn

Jennevive: I will tell you about it after a good bath

Carissa (N'laea): welll yeah, she's lost what, a decade off her life now???)

TMO (Brer Necholas): any chance of Brer sneaking an Eye check? ;)

Branwyn: come inside. I will take care of you

Jennevive: They have their book, and you have a demon who owes you a favor

Jennevive: leans on Branwyn and Tiberius

TMO (Brer Necholas): subtlety, the hallmark of the Paladin class

Jennevive: and I have a church to build

Branwyn: Yes you do

Shislif (Zayden): hey sry forgot to say doing dinner stuff

Carissa (N'laea): maybe that demon can get Fives for us

Shislif (Zayden): eating

BOB Brer can try but others can spot him too

User has gone AFK. (Shislif)

TMO (Brer Necholas): He will actually scan the area, to make sure no invisibles came through. He might see if she's possessed, but expects her to register as evil anyways.

BOB and with that we are at a good closing spot

Raelynn: I brought my lotions and bath gels! Let's all wash up.

Lisa (Branwyn): lol

-> Brer Necholas: Boooo, spoil all the fun, yes one did make it through and stayed

Brer Necholas: What can I say? He is Good after all.

Brer Necholas: He can point it out next session

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): Leave it to Rae to be like "y'all are gross. take a bath. we can worry about the dead people after everyone else is clean."

BOB Have a great night everyone

Lisa (Branwyn): goodnight!

Carissa: let's just say she was certain everyone would need a good bath afterwards

Carissa: night all!

'Lisa' disconnected

Carissa: thank you for not fully ruining my good day

TMO: g'nite!

TMO: only partially. :)

BOB warm chuckle

Carissa: lol

'Carissa' disconnected

Lemon (Bixi Fizzlebang): goodnight!

Spring: good night

BOB night

'Lemon' disconnected

'Spring' disconnected