Chat Log List - 2023 05 19 - Book Return - Formatted - Chat
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The surviving group is at the Inn right after the battle at the Portal to Hell.
Howard Plum: in a corner at the Inn with Branwyn wrapping Johan's body for transport home
Howard Plum: You aren't going to bring Johan back?
Jennevive: I am sorry you lost him
Jennevive: I can bring him back if you want
Raelynn: We lost Craigh, too.
Branwyn: No. Johan has lived a long life and his death was not an accident or a mistake of some sort. He died a hero and I think that is deserving of peace for him
Branwyn: looks up at Raelynn in shock
Jennevive: Nods that is a worthy death
Branwyn: I am well aware of that Raelynn. I can only handle one dead body at a time
Raelynn: Oh, I know, I just...
Jennevive: For Craigh I am not certain he deserves to return?
Raelynn: Sorry.
Licornah: :: looks around :: did anyone else see that unicorn over there? I turned around.. and poof everything else happened
Raelynn: I can do rite if you want. I was already think...
Raelynn: shrugs to Jennevive's question
Lanek Olenak: harrumphs
Jennevive: You lost Craigh, Johan, and who else?
Branwyn: Why would he not deserve to return?
Jennevive: I take it your other devil friend is dead?
Raelynn: Deserves? That's a weird way to put it. It's a question if he wants to.
Branwyn: finishes caring for Johan's wrappings and stands up
Licornah: :: blinks :: I'm so sorry... for the loss.
Jennevive: I do not know your friend Craigh, but I knew Johan and he did good things, he would continue to do them if he was brought back
Jennevive: You would have to say if Craigh deserves such an honor
Branwyn: Fives was taken into Hell Jenn. I need to search for him when we are finished with the pressing needs here
Lanek Olenak: scowling
Jennevive: He was not there when I was there, and I was there shortly after he went there
Branwyn: And Craigh has travelled with the group and helped and risked his life numerous times for us
Jennevive: You know best Branwyn
Jennevive: I will assist as you need
Branwyn: Thank you. I am not sure if that is what he wants though and don't want to make that mistake again
Raelynn: We can ask him when we have time for it. Maybe he'll tell us.
Jennevive: hands over a large iron coin with a triangle cut in the middle,
Jennevive: This is for your favor from your Demon
Branwyn: looks at the coin and turns it over
Branwyn: How does it work?
Jennevive: I think this is something along the lines of a summoning agent, which would not work in The Mist
Branwyn: I'm not sure I need to try to open a gate to the Abyss after opening one to Hell
Branwyn: But thank you?
Jennevive: I am not sure you need to open a gate
Branwyn: smiles
Jennevive: Just use it as a focus
Branwyn: Hopefully I shall need it.
Jennevive: But I will admit that I am not certain how it would work and the chaos it would create would be interesting
Branwyn: laughs
Branwyn: I don't know what I would do if you had not come back to make me laugh
Jennevive: Warm smile I am glad I made it back
Branwyn: Let us see to Craigh and then I want us to sit down and you can tell us what happened to you in Hell
Jennevive: How many years do you have?
Branwyn: The short version?
Jennevive: If I did not have a focus that you gave me, my guess is I would return a decade from now
Branwyn: Strength of mind is everything. It is a force
Jennevive: Grins, yes it is
Branwyn: Raelynn, do you want to try and see what Craigh would want?
Raelynn: I can do that.
Branwyn: Thank you Raelynn
Jennevive: Tell me about Craigh,
Jennevive: I might be able to help if I know more about who he was
Raelynn: Brave, talkative, he liked making books! Umm, one armed, and I never got a chance to get him drunk.
Branwyn: He would tell you he was an archivist and book binder
Branwyn: And he was ... but he also had a hint of Ilero in him. The sneakiness
Lisa (Branwyn): smiles
Branwyn: He began mage studies but stopped for some unfathomable reason
Branwyn: shakes her head
Branwyn: He had a dry sense of humor that I appreciated but was always helpful and there for the group when needed
Branwyn: He never felt sorry for himself and you could almost forget that he didn't have the use of both arms
Branwyn: I liked him and he was a good man. If he wishes to come back then it would be well worth the effort
Raelynn: And he took on Bixi for an apprentice! Because he likes teaching.
Jennevive: These all sound like he was a strong centered person
Branwyn: That is true
Jennevive: Who wants to speak with him?
Jennevive: Do you want me to?
Raelynn: I can cast. You've probably had a long... er, day? Not day? Trip?
Branwyn: I thought Raelynn wanted to
Raelynn: And if that fails, there's always a seance! But we probably don't need that right now.
Raelynn: Do you want me to just ask if he wants to come back to us, Branwyn?
Branwyn: yes and perhaps how he would like to come back if he does
Raelynn: nods
Raelynn: All right, let's see what he says....
Branwyn: If he wishes to come back then there will be plenty of time to speak with him later
Branwyn: hopefully
Raelynn casts Speak With Dead on Craigh
Raelynn: Hello Craigh! I hope death didn't hurt too much. We would like to know if you want to come back to us here on our plane that you just left?
Craigh: I am enjoying my return to the Elflands, it is allowing me to explore my magic again
Raelynn: Would you like to stay there?
Branwyn: thinks, he went to the Elflands?
Craigh: I wish I could grow my magic, I cannot do that here
Raelynn: looks to Branwyn for a last question
Branwyn: If you could reincarnate and try to be the mage you could be, would you?
Raelynn: Craigh, if you could reincarnate and try to be the mage you could be, would you want to try that?
Branwyn: thinks to herself, it takes a fireball to get you to want to grow in your magic capabilities?
Craigh: If I could be an apprentice mage to Branwyn that would be a chance at achieving greatness
Raelynn: looks at Branwyn as the spell ends.
Branwyn: Sounds like he wishes to come back in another form
Raelynn: You think so? Can he not work on being a mage as he was?
Branwyn: It would be more difficult I believe
Branwyn: Is that possible with the people we have here at Dragon Fen?
N'laea: Reincarnation? You would have to ask Shi.
N'laea: But it is what the fates decide, not the soul.
Branwyn: Gerry, I'm so happy the Inn was unharmed. I will replace the sheets you kindly lent. Can we all have drinks? I know I could use one
Gerry nods and brings drinks
Gerry: That was a spectacle
Branwyn: Thank you!
Branwyn: sinks into a chair with a glass of wine
Raelynn: When will you look for Fives?
Raelynn: I guess at least after one drink...
Branwyn: As soon as I have had a drink and heard what happened to Jennevive
Raelynn: nods
Raelynn: It's just hard to relax when there's still lots to do.
Branwyn: Since when have you become so nagging Raelynn?
Gerry: I am sorry about Mr. Johan
Branwyn: Thank you Gerry
Raelynn: I'm not good at relaxing in situations like this.
Branwyn: Two dead men taken care of and one missing. I need a minute
Raelynn: ummm, not sure I've been in one like this before...
Lanek Olenak: long drink of beer
Youtargim: I think we should go look at the chickens Rae
Youtargim: We could look for eggs, and make sure they are matched up properly
Raelynn: Yeah.... maybe once I see that things are safe, I can relax? I just... don't feel safe yet.
Youtargim: where the roosters are not with too many hens
Lanek Olenak: fourteen
Youtargim: Softly takes her hand and gently tugs to lead her away
Lanek Olenak: don't ask me how I know that but fourteen is the right number of hens for roosters
Raelynn: follows
Youtargim: You can come outside with the trees
Lanek Olenak: coughs
Raelynn: Nothing will sneak up on us? We're really safe and done with all that?
Lanek Olenak: per rooster
Jennevive: I would have thought that everyone around you was used to death by now? looking at Branwyn
Raelynn: Ugh, how horrible today has been...
Youtargim: I will make sure that no one sneaks up on you
Raelynn: nods and leans into him
Branwyn: No one I hope is too used to death
Youtargim: brings Rae into a HUG
Youtargim: It will be ok
Youtargim: We will make it so
Branwyn: It's wearing
Lanek Olenak: addresses his beer mug
Jennevive: You are better able to deal with it
Lanek Olenak: too few hens is a bigger prollem than too many
Branwyn: I don't know that Fives is dead and I just need a minute to move to the next issue
Lanek Olenak: long drink
N'laea: I'd think too many roosters would be more the concern.
Gerry: Brings Lanek a plate of potatoes
Lanek Olenak: oh hey!
Lanek Olenak: digs into the potatoes
Branwyn: So tell us all what happened when you jumped into the portal
Jennevive: Gerry bring me the good wine
Jennevive: the ReALLY good wine,
Branwyn: Am I drinking the bad wine?
Branwyn: smiles
Jennevive: and if it it not the good stuff I will start eating your honey
N'laea: drinks a glass of water
Gerry: Harumphs
Gerry goes back behind the bar and brings out a purple bottle coated in dust
Gerry: Sets four glasses out for Branwyn, Licornah, Jenn, and Lanek
Gerry: Pours out a small glass into each of a dark red wine
Gerry: This goes on your bill Aunt Jennevive
Gerry: Looks at Branwyn, Sorry, I have been saving this for a celebration not a wake
Branwyn: Thank you Gerry
Branwyn: And you Jennevive
Branwyn: I am sorry
Gerry: 600 year old
Gerry: Enjoy
Lanek Olenak: ooooo
Jennevive: THIS is a celebration
Lanek Olenak: looks like he might be in the wrong place
Jennevive: WE are alive
Jennevive: Lanek you drink that
Jennevive: It might actually make you smile
Jennevive: don't worry your friends can fix your face after you break it
Lanek Olenak: gives Jenn a dirty glare
Lanek Olenak: I’ll drink it to please Branwyn.
Jennevive: Good
Branwyn: raises her glass “To all of us here still, to Johan may he rest in peace and to Craigh who we shall see soon”
Jennevive: Raises a toast
Branwyn: Thank you Lanek
N'laea: joins the toast
Jennevive: Where do you think he is?
Licornah: :: raises her glass :: Sending Johan off in peace and prayers for Craig's return
Branwyn: Fives?
Jennevive: Johan
Jennevive: We are toasting your friends
Jennevive: Fives is not a friend
Branwyn: I have no idea
Jennevive: Should we ask him?
Branwyn: Well he is a partner and I promised him things if he helped me so I would like to make good on that
N'laea: If Johan is at rest, we should not wake him.
Jennevive: It took you a while to return the book, it is ok to take a while to find the remains of Fives
Jennevive: Craigh was at rest but you annoyed him?
Jennevive: What is different than Johan?
Branwyn: I agree N'laea. I am sure with his good heart that he is in a good place
Branwyn: laughs
Jennevive: Maybe Branwyn wants to visit him there sometime
Branwyn: I can try a seance if I wish to speak with him
Branwyn: But not today
N'laea: We knew Johan's will. We did not know Craigh. If you do not want to be bothered when you die, tell us now if you want to come back.
Jennevive: If I die, it will be for a good reason, likely someone's wife or husband disagrees with what I am doing with their spouse and I will die a happy person, no need to return
N'laea: nods
N'laea: Then we will leave you to whatever afterlife you find.
Licornah: :: makes a mental note to update her will for this plane... ::
Branwyn: Avoiding the Hell subject though
Branwyn: Was the gate scroll wrongly calibrated? I expected it to be at the library and all I could see was a long road
Jennevive: I was in the library
Branwyn: Because you tackled the librarian on the way in?
Jennevive: Did you look at the road?
Jennevive: A road paved with bones
Jennevive: The stories of tens of thousands of lives, stories to fill a thousand and one nights
Branwyn: That is horrid
Jennevive: It is Hell
Branwyn: True
Jennevive: Drinks
Branwyn: Why did it seem like years there? They would not accept the book?
Jennevive: Oh they wanted the book very much
N'laea: He did not talk like it.
Jennevive: They were aching, in pain for the disorganization of their prized library not being just right
Jennevive: They wanted to get their book back with no cost to themselves
Jennevive: TO have their cake and eat it too
Branwyn: And you wanted them to pay
Jennevive: I did not let them off that easy
Jennevive: I demanded that they release their prisoner
Jennevive: and I also demanded that he release all hold on this plane
Branwyn: eyes widen
Bixi Fizzlebang: Well then they shouldn't have attacked us! We would have GLADLY given the book back with no cost to anyone
Branwyn: How did that go over?
N'laea: I'm sure he took that well.
Jennevive: Foolish child at no cost to who? You who cannot imagine being able to damage a single book in their library?
Jennevive: It took me over six years of negotiations to acquire the release of the prisoner, and an additional year for him to release his hold on this plane
N'laea: Why could they not have just killed you to take it?
Jennevive: Then I negotiated the return of their book
Jennevive: I had their book
Jennevive: and I had a story
Branwyn: And the only thing you needed to do was give them the book? You did not give them anything else did you?
Jennevive: I gave them the story of two children growing up to fight evil and to protect those who cannot protect themselves
Branwyn: Two children ...
Jennevive: I gave them a future that if they did not agree with my side that they would suffer
Branwyn: takes another drink of wine
N'laea: You make it sound simple.
Jennevive: I managed to get them to agree that they would reacquire this book, that the demon who was their prisoner would be free, and if anyone ever needed that book again there would be one place to come to request it
Bixi Fizzlebang: But what about Fives?
Jennevive: Very simple for an Elf who lives a thousand years, I do not
Jennevive: Who cares about that half devil child, he is dead, or lost it does not matter
Branwyn: Yes, it did take seven years
N'laea: shakes head, “I mean you make what you did sound simple. It is a compliment.”
Branwyn: Thank you Jennevive
Jennevive: Pauses, then nods and raise a glass, Thank you
Branwyn: And where does one go if one wants to request the book at a later date?
Branwyn: smiles
Jennevive: The library of the Countess of Dragon Fen
Branwyn: You didn't?
Jennevive: The Mist protects this Estate
Jennevive: there is no way that any Devil or Demon can make it to your personal library
Jennevive: Takes a deep drink and empties her glass
Branwyn: You didn't happen to bring anything back so I can get into Hell with the medallion did you?
Jennevive: You have everything you need to get to Hell if you need, but why would you?
Branwyn: sighs
Branwyn: I told you. I need to bring Fives back
Jennevive: He must be dead, he was not there when I got there
Branwyn: That security creature teleported him. They could have gone anywhere
Branwyn: Can't let you have all the fun of Hell. I was supposed to go you know
Jennevive: Laughs
Branwyn: Tiberius blocked me
Jennevive: stops and then laughs harder
Jennevive: Oh I do love that man
Jennevive: He is almost as good at Toybin
Branwyn: He's better than Toybin if you ask me
Jennevive: Warm smile
Jennevive: My brother in law is very impressive
Jennevive: I wonder what it would be like to see the two of them at odds
Jennevive: Hmmmm
Jennevive: takes a drink, her glass is empty, holds it up for Gerry
Branwyn: Toybin is out of practice. Gone soft with his consortship I would imagine
Jennevive: LAUGHS
Jennevive: OH you are so good for me
Jennevive: I do love you Branwyn the Mysterious
Branwyn: smiles
Branwyn: And in a unbelievable way, I love you too
Jennevive: Warm smile and raises a toast
Branwyn: But now, I must fetch the crystal ball and see if I can find Fives without succumbing to madness in the effort
Branwyn: I'll be right back
Branwyn: hurries up the stairs to get her things
Jennevive: I look forward to a corner of the Estate to set up a church and be able to do so many things
Jennevive: Looks at Bixi and N'laea
Bixi Fizzlebang: Gross, not interested
Jennevive: Are you two ready to have another church created by Branwyn the Church Builder?
Jennevive: Poor Bixi, are you the only one who Branwyn does not think is worthy of a church?
N'laea: shrugs
N'laea: It matters not to me.
Jennevive: OH no, that is right she only favors one Elf
Jennevive: Shi captured her thoughts and now poor N'laea is on the outside
N'laea: That is fine.
Youtargim: Rae you need to be quiet for a time
Youtargim: Can we go off to the woods there? would that make you happy?
Raelynn: Quiet for a time??
Youtargim: If we go into The Mist maybe that would muffle things for you?
Raelynn: Or do you mean I need quiet time?
Raelynn: Ugh, no I'll get Mist Sick.
Youtargim: I will be there to care for you
Youtargim: What did you want to do about Craigh?
Youtargim: he seemed like a nice person
Raelynn: I've never thought of the Mist as somewhere... comfortable.
Raelynn: Well he wants to be Reincarnated, I believe. I can't do that, but I heard a story that Shi did once so we'll probably have to ask her.
Youtargim: The Mist has always seemed to me to be a thing to dampen feelings, to make the world simple and grey
Raelynn: But sometimes you need to feel your feelings!
Raelynn: Dampening them doesn't help you process them.
Youtargim: But if you leave the courtyard and go into The Mist will you be able to get Shi and come back in time for Craigh?
Raelynn: It's like getting drunk to forget you're sad and then suddenly you're hung over and VERY sad!
Youtargim: When I am drunk I am never sad
Raelynn: Yes but once you're NOT drunk you get extra sad.
Raelynn: shakes head
Raelynn: It's, like... a whole thing.
Raelynn: I mean we probably should tell her.
Youtargim: What do we need to do for Craigh then
Raelynn: I suppose we need to talk to Shi. And then she can do preparations for tomorrow.
Youtargim: But Shi is in The Mist?
Raelynn: Gather what help she needs and stuff, I guess. I don't know.
Raelynn: sighs loudly
Youtargim: So we need someone out there to go get her?
Youtargim: Wasn't that strange man out there still?
Raelynn: She's just over there talking to Brer. I suppose we can go into the Mist briefly.
Youtargim: NO
Raelynn: Brer Necholas? He is strange.
Raelynn: Um?
Youtargim: We just call them
Youtargim: Or I go and you stay here
Raelynn: looks around
Youtargim: I do not want you sick again unless it is for us to go spend time at the Estate
Raelynn: You sure it's over?
Youtargim: No I am not sure, that is why I want you to stay here with me
Raelynn: I thought you wanted to go into The Mist?
Youtargim: I was saying that I will be with you where you go
Raelynn: Oh, well I'd prefer the sunshine.
Youtargim: But if you need to be here to help Craigh, then I will be with you
Raelynn: Sun always makes me happier.
Youtargim: Warm smile
Raelynn: And yes, Shi might need more priestly support.
Youtargim: I would be happy on the sea
Youtargim: but that is a long way from here
Raelynn: I don't think you'll find one close to here...
Youtargim: I hope I get to show you that one day
Youtargim: the salt air
Youtargim: the waves
Raelynn: I don't know. You didn't convince me to love the River...
Youtargim: Dips his head to smell Rae's hair
Youtargim: You will love the open water
Lanek Olenak: finally finishes daintily sipping the good wine and picks up another beer
Raelynn: looks at him dubiously
Raelynn: With no safety of land nearby? Wind to make my skin dry? Monsters??
Youtargim: You will love Dolphins
Raelynn: Dolphins?
Youtargim: I promise
Youtargim: very smart fish, they know everything that happens in the seas
Raelynn: Well if they're cute or beautiful....maybe
Youtargim: They dance on the waves
Raelynn: Hmm, well I DO love dancing...
Youtargim: and can bring you such joy
Youtargim: It makes me smile just to remember them
Raelynn: Enough to forget I'm in the middle of the water where I can't swim?
Youtargim: I will protect you and teach you how to swim
Raelynn: No jabbing.
Youtargim: Promise only the jabbing you enjoy
Raelynn: rolls eyes
Youtargim: and so
Raelynn: sighs
Youtargim: We need to find a way to help Craigh
Raelynn: Let's tell Shi the plan so she can get whatever she needs ready. Bring people here, whichever...
Youtargim: and maybe I guess Fives
Raelynn: Sorry, I'm just still a little in the dumps.
Youtargim: and yes
Raelynn: But thank you for trying to cheer me up
Youtargim: SCOOPS up Rae and carries her into the guest house
Youtargim: You do not need to worry about anything
Raelynn: Oh!
Raelynn: Um
Rae and Youtargim exit stage left
As the stable boy called out for Shi and Brer for assistance
Branwyn: comes down the stairs with a shawl and the crystal ball
Jennevive: You do have the best toys Branwyn
Branwyn: I try
Branwyn: lays out the shawl and puts the crystal ball on top and sits before it
N'laea: watches with interest
Jennevive: You really should ask your elf friends for help with those wounds
Tiberius Branadarus: I fixed everything upstairs and wanted to join you
Tiberius Branadarus: Uses his hip to SHIFT Jennevive over a bit
Branwyn: looks at Tiberius “Thank you. I need to find Fives first”
Branwyn: Indigo, when I look into the ball, drink two tankards of ale. Like a normal person! And then tell me so I don't stare too long please
Tiberius Branadarus: Too Long
Indigo: I am a normal person!
Branwyn: You know what I mean. No fancy drinking tricks
Jennevive: Just tell me what I am expecting to see
Jennevive: Yawns
Jennevive: It has been a long... decade?
Jennevive: Did you know that they do not sleep in Hell?
Tiberius Branadarus: He is one of us, of course, we need to find him, are we going to Hell now?
Tiberius Branadarus: I can go get my swords
N'laea: You should heal before that. And sleep, apparently.
Tiberius Branadarus: I do not need sleep
Tiberius Branadarus: I can handle this
Tiberius Branadarus: If my love says we go we go
N'laea: Overconfidence is not healthy.
Tiberius Branadarus: Then I have never been healthy, laughs with N'laea
N'laea: I will not argue that.
Branwyn: closes her eyes and pictures Fives without his helmet and with it, his expressions, his voice and tries to capture what she knows of his essence in the front of her mind. When she is sure and focused she opened her eyes and says “Now!” looking into the crystal ball
Branwyn: looks into the ball and waits for an image to form
Indigo: starts drinking
Indigo: Like a normal person - muttering
Branwyn: I sense him. He is alive but not? I can't see him
Branwyn: focuses on his attitude, his insults, his humor, who she knows he is without his physical appearance
Branwyn: Oh no!!
Branwyn: turns away from the crystal ball
Lanek Olenak: that does not look like good news
Branwyn: I'm sensing him, but not him. Like one of those lemures, a worm writhing and groveling.
Branwyn: It's him but not as we know him
N'laea: Is he being tortured or turned into something else?
Jennevive: The base creatures of Hell
Bixi Fizzlebang: Um... is he... happy?
Bixi Fizzlebang: Should we summon him to put him out of his misery?
N'laea: Unless his soul is still destined for Hell...
Jennevive: He is a devil kin, of course he is destined for Hell
Branwyn: Yes, if his soul is bound to Hell, I believe he will return there no matter what we do
N'laea: Perhaps that is why Jennevive did not see him.
Branwyn: As if we needed to hear any more bad news this day
Branwyn: This is awful
N'laea: What can be done for him?
Jennevive: I do not care
Jennevive: He was not important
Branwyn: I'm not sure anything can be done
Jennevive: I give you that Craigh was important to you
Branwyn: Oh Jenn please be quiet on this
N'laea: You do not need to care. It is not your conscious that will be bothered.
Jennevive: but just
Jennevive: Very well
The group decides there is nothing to be done about Fives’ fate, at least for now and turns their attention to healing and making plans for Craigh’s reincarnation.
Three days later Rae, N'laea, Shi, and Licornah gather in the small orchard at the Inn to try to Reincarnate Craigh
The elven priests uplift Shi’s powers and Shi casts Reincarnate on Craigh successfully
Craigh comes back to life as a .........
The group will have to wait and see.
After that is done the entire group, minus Gerry, but plus Brer gathers at the Manor House
the kids are there, Ilero is there, Jilly is distributing desserts
A successful party to celebrate Craigh's return as a .... and everyone returning from Hell, the burial was last night for Johan in the small cemetery outside of Otterville
Jilly Ognorn: SMACKS
Jilly Ognorn: DEMI! I told you to put the silver plates on the right side
Branwyn: His right or your right Jilly?
Jilly Ognorn: Drops a plate with two berry pies on Indigo's plate
Jilly Ognorn: Waves a spoon at Branwyn, I know what side, he should too!
Indigo: Thanks Jilly!
Bixi Fizzlebang: That's a lot of pie
Indigo: Can't have too much pie
Bixi Fizzlebang: I'm not judging, I'm just envious
Jennevive: This makes me so happy I do not have children
Lanek Olenak: drinks up up up
Branwyn: clinks a spoon against her glass
Tiberius Branadarus: You really need to try it sometime Jenn
Tiberius Branadarus: They are very chaotic
Tiberius Branadarus: Oh
Tiberius Branadarus: sorry
Branwyn: Before we get too carried away I'd like to make an announcement
Branwyn: Tiberius, Indigo and I have been talking and we've decided ...
Tiberius Branadarus: soft nod
Branwyn: That we will be staying with the family for the foreseeable future
Tiberius Branadarus: Warm smile
Branwyn: Leaving you all to go on adventures independently
Branwyn: The children are getting older and we will be taking them on adventures suited to them so they will learn what they need to know
Branwyn: We'll be helping Jenn build her church
Tiberius Branadarus: Whispers Goblins
Branwyn: smiles
Branwyn: Yes, goblins
Branwyn: And we can travel. We can take the children to RiversBend to see the regattas, Indigo can help Toybin and the Queen
Branwyn: And you all? Can do whatever is in your heart to do
Tiberius Branadarus: Takes and squeezes Branwyn's hand
Branwyn: My library is available to anyone that can use it and I have released much of the wealth and items to the group for your use
Branwyn: The only things you cannot have are my daggers
Branwyn: grins
Tiberius Branadarus: Grins
Branwyn: Jilly can show you where everything is
Jilly Ognorn: Taps her spoon against her palm
Branwyn: I love you all with all my heart and wish you nothing but the best
Branwyn: You will be fine and have wonderful adventures
Jilly Ognorn: Mutters and I do not have to chase after you again