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Chat Log List - 2023 08 11 - Into the Woods - Formatted - Story

BOB In the Seven Sirens just before leaving

Gloria: Hey Vee! you going to clean up

Vee Barlett: I told you. We're off to shank some monster. I'm happy to help, but that Brendin guy seems... eager to get going.

Toni: Yeah just like some priest, they think they are so high and mighty, then look, go an kick a man after they knock him out

Vee Barlett: laughs

Toni: That is why people hide from them

Vee Barlett: Sea's a good place to do that!

Gloria: Hush Toni, Vee is not part of that

Gloria: Go deal with what you need Vee, just remember you owe me

Vee Barlett: gives her a two finger salute

Vee Barlett: Just keep an eye on my canoe, please!

BOB and that leads to the group out on the road to the Temple

BOB and the IC posting.

BOB and now the four of you are there on the road with Brendin and the rest "one round behind"

BOB You have two miles on the road from Achild up to Agowah and the Temple

Vee Barlett: So a chupacabra, eh? That's.... er, what is it?

Vee Barlett: Some weird land thing?

Vee Barlett: Levi! What's a chupacabra?

Levi Reed: Mythical beast... kind of like a rabbit with antlers or something

Vee Barlett: How do you kill it?

Levi Reed: Stake through the heart

Vee Barlett: Hmm. Not sure my aim is that good on land. It's just so... solid walking here.

Levi Reed: Have a few drinks first, you'll feel just as wobbly as on the sea

Vee Barlett: Smart.

Vee Barlett: glances behind her

Vee Barlett: Except... it's too late. Oh well. I'm sure you've got this.

Vee Barlett: What about the rest of you? Land or sea?

Bredin: Why did you let Jericho go to a bar?

Levi Reed -> Vee Barlett: Did you bring a flask? If so, share. I won't tell anyone

Bredin: That is why we sent you Hyacinth

Ratbone Carder: strummy strum strum

Vee Barlett -> Levi Reed: I gave it to you, numbskull. Did you misplace it again?

Vee Barlett: Is he usually that.... uptight?

Levi Reed -> Vee Barlett: That little thing!? I already finished that

Bredin: Who knows what that man will do

Hyacinth Jeffers: :: blinks :: Woah woah woah... I'm not taking the fall for him here. I tried to leave no less than three times. I was torn between the acolyte's safety and the box

Levi Reed: hands Vee a flask

Bredin: Nods to Hyacinth, I understand

Hyacinth Jeffers: I had to kick away ambushers

Hyacinth Jeffers: I just wanted to do my duty and go home

Bredin: That is why you got sent, instead of others

Vee Barlett -> Levi Reed: You might have a problem. A problem of not enough flasks. Maybe we should get you another next time we're in town.

Ratbone Carder: (singing) Let me tell you my loves, life can be hard, when you are herder with the heart of a bard

Hyacinth Jeffers: I had hair to wash, clothes to dry... and water to tend

Levi Reed -> Vee Barlett: I just need a way to attach them to my body so I don't have to carry them

Bredin: Ava here is good for other things but minding the wayward flocks?

Vee Barlett: Are you church people all.... uptight?

Bredin: Bredin snorts at Vee

Ratbone Carder: shuts up because other people are talking, hee

Ava Bosley: Uptight?

Levi Reed: Oh they definitely are

Levi Reed: That one wouldn't even drink

Vee Barlett -> Levi Reed: Hmm, let me think about it. Maybe rope? But how to make you look good in it?

Hyacinth Jeffers: Ava did fine all things considered. No one anticipated an ambush by hooligans with nothing better to do

Levi Reed: Wouldn't even have one!

Vee Barlett: Not you priestess... what's your name? You threw a good punch.

Levi Reed: When you buy booze you support the church! It's very holy to drink!

Levi Reed -> Vee Barlett: I look good in everything

Ava Bosley: Maybe we would have had a drink if those /men/ hadn't ruined our wonderful day.

Levi Reed: Were they men? Looked like angry monkeys to me

Ava Bosley: Jericho on the otherhand prefers to stay level headed

Levi Reed: My head levels out when it has a drink inside of it

Levi Reed: Working sober is so unpleasant

Levi Reed: Keeps you from being too uptight

Ava Bosley: Well isn't drink meant to be had in celebration of a job well done and with a group you cherish?

Levi Reed: Yes, that's when you have several!

Ava Bosley: OH! And to make new friends. *smiles*

Bredin: I think that sharing a drink is a good thing

Bredin: Hummm, they keep sharing a drink they call loneliness, well it's better than drinking alone

Ava Bosley: It is a good thing... until people get hurt. Which has been happening more and more frequently.

Levi Reed: If you have a good nature, drink just makes you more good natured. If you are an asshole, drink makes you more of an asshole

Levi Reed: shrugs

Levi Reed: Someone just needs to root out the bad apples and feed them to the pigs

Jericho: I enjoy a good party as much as anyone. I can brew a spirit that would taste divine, and strip paint off a freshly painted ship. I just don't like when it devolves into angry drunken brawls.

Jericho: Shrugs

Ava Bosley: *considering if there is a spell that would turn "bad apples" into real apples that she can feed to their animals*

Bredin: So Jericho, what do you have to say about what that barkeep said?

Bredin: That you kicked a man when he was down and uncouncous?

Jericho: Ahem

Jericho: First

Jericho: I tripped over the man

Jericho: I would NEVER

Jericho: Kick a man while he was down

Jericho: Let alone, you know, rifle thorugh his clothes and take money

Glances around at the others who heard the barkeep

Ratbone Carder: blank look

Jericho: Innocently deadpan

Ratbone Carder: Must have been while I was performing

Bredin: I get your young and chaos vibe you are trying to put out

Jericho: Holds up finger

Jericho: I'm gonna stop you right there

Jericho: I don't care

Jericho: We are on our way to fight a Chubacabra

Jericho: And by fight?

Jericho: I don't mean me

Jericho: I heal people, I don't fight people

Bredin: I do not care if you care or not, it is the Seniors who will care

Jericho: Shrugs

Jericho: They shall judge me as they will

Bredin: I have no horse in this race,

Ava Bosley: That's okay, I'll pitch in. Jericho is good at taking care of poeple.

Jericho: I'm sorry, what does that mean?

Ava Bosley: It's good to have balance

Ratbone Carder: strum diddly strum strum

Jericho: What do horses have to do with this?

Bredin: I just run errands, I was not blessed with divine gifts

Bredin: I just know that those who are should not squander them

Bredin: Shrugs, but I am just brining you to the temple so that you can deliver the offerings box like you were supposed to instead of going to a bar

Levi Reed: TAVERN

Bredin: Then you are going to go help the Markin family who had a father kidnapped by the chupacabra

Ava Bosley: Will there also be baby goats there to rescue?

Ratbone Carder: strummy strum strum diddly strum strum

Jericho: Coughs Loudly

Jericho: Hiding a laugh

Jericho: Straining to keep a straight face

BOB And now you are taking the offering box back to the temple as you wanted to

BOB and you as a group defeated the Dragons... hence Dragonslayers and now are heading out to rescue a famer from the chubacabra

BOB Brendin is here to collect you and take you to the Markin family after the Temple

BOB and now you are about a mile along the road

BOB The Temple is in Agowah which is two miles uphill from Achild

Jericho: Well, in Hyacinths case, the fault was with us entirely. She did her job admirably.

Vee Barlett: For being kids?

Jericho: We stopped in to see if drunken behavior had increased in the area

Ratbone Carder: (singing) the answer is YES

Ava Bosley: *mumbles to self* and to see the sunset by the shore...

Jericho: Do you know anything about the Chubacabra? Was the farmer alive when last seen?

Ratbone Carder: I know about the beasts but not this attack

Bredin: A Chubacabra is a horrible beast

Ratbone Carder: They are SCARY and AWFUL

Levi Reed: Rabbit with antlers. We can handle it.

Jericho: And the Farmer was alive when last seen?

Ratbone Carder: Oh no. No no no.

Ratbone Carder: FANGS and GIANT TEETH!!!

Ratbone Carder: Moves like a badger, only BIGGER!

Jericho: Venomous?

Jericho: Clinicial

Bredin: One of the Markin family children came to the Temple ... thinks... 2 hours ago? sobbing that the Chubacabra had taken their father

Ratbone Carder: gestures like a giant creature

Jericho: I need to know if any antidotes are needed

Jericho: I need to know if any antidotes are needed

Levi Reed: Oh definitely venomous

Vee Barlett: How many you've seen Levi?

Ratbone Carder: Oh I heard your wounds just fester (if you survive) because they have filthy mouths. But it could be venom.

Levi Reed: Oh I've never seen one

Jericho: I know herbs, but not toxins or venoms

Ratbone Carder: Course not!

Ratbone Carder: If you see it, you DIE!

Jericho: Wait what?

Levi Reed: Yep, that checks out

Vee Barlett: So you just kill it before it reaches you.

Jericho: I don't recall that?

Ava Bosley: It's called a Chop-a-carra?

Levi Reed: Close enough

Ratbone Carder: Chupa

Vee Barlett: I thought a caracara was a bird.

Ratbone Carder: Choo. Pa. COBB Rah

Ava Bosley: So it has wings?

Ava Bosley: [SKILL] Local History [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 1]

-> Ava Bosley: WOW amazing roll... so you know that there is DEFINITELY a creature out there that is stealing goat, sheep, pigglets, even sometimes small children. No one knows exactly what it is, too many terrified descriptions

Ratbone Carder: Nah, I don't think wings.

Jericho: Uh, Bredin? Not that I don't trust my compatriots, but can you tell me anything about the beast? I'm not aware of instant death creatures in the close vacinity of the church

Jericho: At the very least, I will need to know the correct anti-venom

Jericho: IF the farmer is even still alive

Levi Reed: I don't know about wings, but I don't see why not

Ava Bosley: We have lost a pig as of late. I heard some whipsers of it being a beast of some kind....

Jericho: We will do our best, but the more information the better

Vee Barlett: You ever leave the church? Plenty venomous around. And poisonous, if you're adventurous.

Jericho: It might suprise you Ms. Vee, but I don't often leave the Church. I heal people, not go gallavanting off for drunken brawls and urban warfare

Vee Barlett: Miss?

Vee Barlett: laughs

Ava Bosley: Hmm, interesting that it's taking people. Quite different than pigs or kids. It must not be scared anymore...

Bredin: IF you had come back to the church on time like you were supposed to Jericho, you would have been there to save him right away instead of letting him languish for hours in the clutches of the Chupacabra

Hyacinth Jeffers: :: glances at the sun :: Perhaps we should get our details from Brenin and get a move on? I'd like to be back before too late...

Jericho: Oh, I'm sorry. Was that Mrs?

Vee Barlett: Whew, kid. You're too much.

The time is 8:00 PM

Vee Barlett: Walking as fast as I can here. I don't have wings.

Jericho: Bredin? You are aware that I shy away from combat. It's something my priest mentor made no secret of. I could have distracted it perhaps, but likely ended up dead regardless.

Bredin: All I know is that you are the duty priest tonight

Jericho: I'm fine taking responsibility for the Tithe delay, but the results would have been similar in the case of the farmer

Bredin: You are lucky Ava is here to help you

Jericho: Uh huh

Jericho: Uh yes, that would be nice of Ava

Jericho: And indeed, despite my irritation with my current compatriots that I have found myself, I am grateful

Jericho: .....

Jericho: for

Jericho: ....

Jericho: Pained grimace

Jericho: their

Jericho: .....

Jericho: Grits Teeth

Vee Barlett: stares at him grinning

Jericho: Assistance

Ratbone Carder: what is happening?

Vee Barlett: Now was that so hard?

Levi Reed: You're welcome buddy

Ava Bosley: Of course I want to help. The Markins aren't just members of the Church - they're family friends..

Jericho: Mumbles some truly horrendous and vile syllabuls under his breath

Ratbone Carder: And this all smells like adventure!

Jericho: Careful not to be too loud

Bredin: Huh, impressed that you are growing Jericho, your friends are rubbing off on you

Vee Barlett: Adventures are fun.

Ava Bosley: If their father is to die... I hope it's at least quick. But if we can do anything to stop it - lets!

Ratbone Carder: deeply inhales

Vee Barlett: HA! He's got a long way yet.

Levi Reed -> Vee Barlett: One of these days I'll get him to drink. Slip something in his water skin while he's sleeping or something. New mission

Jericho: Gags on air, but says nothing at Bredins comment

Jericho: Regardless of my deficienices this evening

Vee Barlett -> Levi Reed: I'm pretty sure that's illegal. The slipping something part BUT I fully support this plan. Offer him your flask? Tell him it's water?

Jericho: Anti-Venin?

Ava Bosley: Ha! My first day meeting Jericho, and you're already quite popular.

BOB The group arrives at the Temple

The time is 9:00 PM

Jericho: Blushes slightly in embarassment

BOB Hyacinth and Jericho drop off the offering box

Jericho: Pulls out a copper from his pocket

BOB and then Ava leads the group (minus Brendin) off to where the Markin farm house is

Jericho: Whispers a prayer of apology for his actions

Jericho: Kisses the coin gently, and inserts into the Tithe box

Jericho: Now!

Jericho: I need some information quick.

BOB Heading off the path towards the Markin Farm

Levi Reed -> Vee Barlett: I'll think about it

Jericho: Bredin, do you, or anyone else nearby who specializes in healing know if I need any specialized medical equipment if he is still alive. For most things, I can handle. But, I need to know about Anti-venoms or Anti-Poisons

Jericho: Please

Jericho: I'm trying here, but I can't go off without knowing. He might be saved but die anyways

Bredin: How would I know? I am not a healer

Bredin: I am a messenger

Bredin: You were supposed to be out there rescuring them hours ago

Levi Reed: Ugh, Jericho, quit stalling, let's just go

Bredin: you want me to go ask one of the senior priests for you? tell them you were in a bar ?

Levi Reed: We'll figure it out when we get there

Jericho: Rolls eyes. "Thank you Bredin. That was remarkably helpful."

Jericho: Yes, where is the senior healers

Jericho: I'm not going to let a man die out of pride

Bredin: I think you should listen to your friends

Jericho: Shakes head

Bredin: go find the missing farmer

Jericho: This will end poorly. I just know it

Jericho: Alright

Levi Reed: No, you're going to let him die by bleeding out because we didn't get there soon enough

Bredin: Yes it will if you insist on interupting some senior priest's sleep

Ava Bosley: It will end as it is meant to end.

Jericho: FINE!

Jericho: Let's go

Levi Reed: You want a drink man? It will calm you down a little. Like, you don't have to get drunk, just a sip won't hurt

Vee Barlett: It's like you don't know how to improv....

BOB hah

Jericho: Looks like his head is about to explode at Levi's comment. A vein pulsing in his forehead, bulging against his skin

Jericho: I'm gonna stop you right there please. I need quiet time for a few minutes

Jericho: While I contemplate an emergency poltice

Vee Barlett: You stick to land, yeah? Probably for the better.

Jericho: Shocked at Vee's words that his voice shudders an octave

Jericho: Land?

Jericho: I hate land

Levi Reed: Then why are you here?

Jericho: I'd rather be on a ship any day

Jericho: This sucks

Jericho: I'm here because this is where I came to learn. How many teaching ships are you aware of?

Jericho: This spot was literally marked on a map that I...came into ownership of

Levi Reed: Sounds like you need to start a teaching ship!

Jericho: Excited at Levi, momentarily forgetting his irritation

Jericho: I want to actually!

Ava Bosley: Jericho! Did you *whispers* take it from someone?

Jericho: A ship that travels island to island to heal people

Jericho: I want a whole fleet one day!

Jericho: Patiently

Jericho: No Ava, I did not steal the map. However it is a deeply personal piece of paper with writing that led me to where I am today

Jericho: I don't usually talk about it

Jericho: I'm sorry

Ava Bosley: Oh ... I'm sorry for assuming ... I just ....

Vee Barlett: The sea isn't a planned mistress. Not sure how you survived it. Unless you had someone else doing it for you.

Jericho: Barks out a quick laugh

Jericho: But smiles at Ava

Jericho: Sorry Ava. I didn't mean to snap at you

Jericho: It's a special map

Jericho: And I literally almost drowned Mrs. Vee. I am here by literally my patron gods intervention

Levi Reed: special like... you sleep with it under your pillow? or...?

Levi Reed: or like something... sexual

Vee Barlett: Nice of him to do that. Still not sure your seaworthiness, but guess it doesn't matter right now.

Vee Barlett: Levi.

Ava Bosley: rolls eyes at Levi

Jericho: No, just a deeply personal piece of paper. Like an important letter...........i'm sorry what? That's....well....Disgusing?

Levi Reed: What!

Jericho: A sexual paper?

Levi Reed: I've never heard anyone with a "special" piece of paper before

Jericho: Closes in a bit again

Vee Barlett: Eh, I mean I guess... teenage boy.....

Levi Reed: Maybe he's a weirdo, we just met the guy!

Vee Barlett: Well he does have something up his butt...

Levi Reed: When you first meet a person, that's the best time to ask the personal questions. Weed out the weirdos.

Jericho: I was not under the impression that I needed a piece of paper to ensure the plumbing was working properly, but okay I guess? If you need a checkup in that area, I don't specialize in that but can recommend a practicioner

Levi Reed: Nah, my plumbing works fine, thanks though buddy

Levi Reed: winks at Jericho

Ava Bosley: Please be careful when speaking about priests. I suppose you don't know our ways and I understand this. But please understand our customs our different... and should be respected.

Vee Barlett: Huh, maybe that's my problem. I didn't ask you those questions when we first met and now I'm stuck with ya, Levi.

Jericho: The comment goes flying over Jerichos head, him not realizing he was being jerked around

Levi Reed: You telling me priests have no sex drive?

Jericho: Wait wait wait

Levi Reed: At... how old are you, buddy?

Jericho: What?

Vee Barlett: Nah, ain't you heard? They have to be chaste until they find the one.

Levi Reed: Same age as me, I assume

Levi Reed: Wait, WHAT

Levi Reed: Yikes, I'm sorry man

Levi Reed: I'll stop tempting you

Vee Barlett: laughs

Levi Reed: winks at Jericho again

Hyacinth Jeffers: :: eyeing the trail and walking along ::

Vee Barlett: You drunk enough to kill a chupacabra, Levi?

Jericho: No I get that, but wordplay is a thing. Chastity is all well and good, but for medical purposes. Besides, I'm in the second circle.

Levi Reed: Probably

Vee Barlett: Wordplay is everything.

Jericho: Flustered over such a dumb conversation

Levi Reed: Don't know what any of that means, but you do what you gotta do

Vee Barlett: But, you know, maybe less... seriously.

Levi Reed: pats Jericho on the back. Maybe sympathetically, maybe patronizingly, who knows

Jericho: This conversation with you people is so......frustrating. how do people stand to be around you. I know why they don't stay around me, but dear Locrin, how the hell can they stand your ...your...rufiian ways

Ava Bosley: *Ahem*

Levi Reed: It's boring being stuffy

Vee Barlett: By not being a tightass.

Levi Reed: Exactly, Vee!

Ava Bosley: Maybe we should be chatting about...

Levi Reed: What do you even talk about?

Ava Bosley: A plan?

Vee Barlett: We go there, we find the chupacabra, we cheer Levi on, I rescue him when he fails, win-win!

Jericho: Nods

Jericho: Yes what Mrs Vee says

Levi Reed: We get there, Mr Priest over here heals the man, if he needs an antivenom someone runs back to get one. Plan done. What's next?

Jericho: That's DR! Mr. Priest to you!

Vee Barlett: Dude, if you insist on being a tightass, it's be Vee, Ma'am. To you.

Darkboon Gaillot: Pacing up and down the path

Levi Reed: There's no way the chupacabra is still around. If it is, I stab it. Problem solved

Darkboon Gaillot: Looking around

Jericho: Shrugs

Jericho: I'm fine with Ma'am

Darkboon Gaillot: Pacing

Vee Barlett: Nah, doctor is a title you gotta earn.

Levi Reed: Ah, well glad to meet you Ma'am Priest

Levi Reed: Priest Ma'am?

Vee Barlett: Ho!

Vee Barlett: waves at Darkboom

Jericho: Ah, I see. You are being perfectly obtuse.

Jericho: Nods

Looks up

Darkboon Gaillot: Spots the priests and breathes a sigh of releif

Darkboon Gaillot: Are you here to save us?

Levi Reed: Yes we are!

Darkboon Gaillot: Thank the Gods

Vee Barlett: Are you the chupacabra guy?

Jericho: Looks at Levi, but Shrugs

Levi Reed: This here is Dr. Mr. Priest

Ava Bosley: And Levi has volunteered to do everything himself

Darkboon Gaillot: No I am not a chupacabra

Jericho: Ma'am

Vee Barlett: No no, he's Sir Mr Priest.

Levi Reed: He'll take care of whatever you need

Ava Bosley: smirks at Levi

Darkboon Gaillot: waht?

Jericho: Fuck the Names!

Darkboon Gaillot: Who?

Jericho: Where is he!

Vee Barlett: I'm Vee. What's going on?

Darkboon Gaillot: Mrs Markin is in the house, she just put the kids to bed

Levi Reed: I can do any animal killing you need... quick so they don't suffer. You need human help, it's Dr. Mr. Priest over here

Vee Barlett: Markin's the one attacked? Where is he?

Jericho: Yes, time is of the essense

Darkboon Gaillot: You are here to rescue

Jericho: And keep alive

Vee Barlett: Mr Sir Priest here can do the healing. The rest of us can do the killin'

Darkboon Gaillot: Who are you people?

Jericho: Instead of arguing, let's Vee take over

Vee Barlett: Vee of the Sea, at your service.

Vee Barlett: two finger salute

Jericho: What she said

Jericho: She's good with people

Hyacinth Jeffers: We are here to investigate and assist, I'm Hyacinth

Vee Barlett: Sir Mr Priest there is from the temple with his two friends to help.

Jericho: DR!

Ratbone Carder: (singing) and we are her entourAZHHH

Vee Barlett: Levi can do the tracking. The runt is our musician and.... maybe can attack things?

Ratbone Carder: ahem, sorry

Vee Barlett: Tell us what's happened. We've only heard from a messanger and they ain't always reliable.

Ava Bosley: I am Aviva - from the land over. Do you have details on where the creature took Mr. Markin

Darkboon Gaillot: I know that Danniel .... Mr markin I suppose.... He was minding the fields, trying to plan out where to plant you see,

Jericho: Blood pressure bursts an eye vessle in Jericho's right eye

Darkboon Gaillot: and then he gave out a great call, telling all the workers to go hide that the Chubacabra was hunting, to get inside before it got here,

Darkboon Gaillot: He was yelling and shouting for everyone to run, then he just ..... cut off

Levi Reed: Aviva? I thought you were Ava

Darkboon Gaillot: It was horrible

Jericho: Cut off?

Jericho: As in

Jericho: Dead?

Darkboon Gaillot: Stopped yelling

Darkboon Gaillot: I hope he is not dead

Ratbone Carder: abruptly

Levi Reed: Maybe he just got dragged away. We have to go find out

Jericho: Do you know where exactly he last was? We can attempt to track

Darkboon Gaillot: I went to look and yes!!!! YES!!!!

Darkboon Gaillot: there are drag marks

Levi Reed: Haven't you ever helped anyone before, Priest Dr. Mr.?

Ava Bosley: Sorry, Levi - I sneezed while I said my name. It's Ava.

Jericho: Ma'am

Jericho: To Levi

Darkboon Gaillot: right there in the back field, heading up into the hills

Levi Reed: All the same to me, I'll call you whatever you want

Darkboon Gaillot: I checked, but there is no blood, at least in the fields

Jericho: No blood?

Levi Reed: Ah, then he might still be alive!

Jericho: Pauses

Levi Reed: Great, let's go!

Ratbone Carder: No blood?!? That is different

Jericho: Wait

Darkboon Gaillot: so I sent young Jessie to the Temple to get help

Darkboon Gaillot: and I brought in all the animals

Jericho: There were drag marks

Jericho: And no blood

Levi Reed: Wait! WAIT!?

Darkboon Gaillot: and now you are here

Levi Reed: How long are you going to let this farmer suffer?

Ratbone Carder: Dr. Jericho, it might not be a chupa after all

Darkboon Gaillot: You did take a while but I am happy you are here

Ava Bosley: That happened with many animals that disappeared as well...

Levi Reed: It's the priest's fault we were late

Ava Bosley: Why no bloode...

Vee Barlett: Vampires? They have them here?

Levi Reed: Oh, sorry, Ava, you're a priest too, no?

Jericho: Suffer? I don't know Levi. When was the last time a monster attacked you, but left no blood at all. And then was courteous enough to drag you away

Ava Bosley: Yes, yes I am.

Levi Reed: Yeah, ok. It was this guy's fault we were late. No fault of the lady. She's good people

Jericho: Rolls eyes

Ava Bosley: In all fairness...

Levi Reed: I don't know man, but we don't know what happened to him. He could be suffering

Ava Bosley: it was my fault

Ava Bosley: tears up

Ratbone Carder: Grrrrr can we leave of blaming and get on with adventuring?!?!

Levi Reed: It definitely was not, sweetheart

Ava Bosley: I - I wanted to see the sunset by the s-seaaa

Ava Bosley: cries

Jericho: I'm fine with taking all blame! Despite jackass Levi accusing me of "WAITING" all the gods damed time,I do actually give a shit.

Jericho: You

Vee Barlett: Nah, she's just kid. And if they didn't come, they wouldn't have found us, and you really think Mr Sir Priest Dr Man could handle this on his own?

Levi Reed: awkwardly pats Ava on the shoulder

Jericho: Points at Darkboon

Jericho: Where is the spot. Please lead us there?

Ratbone Carder: Let's go look, right!

Levi Reed: If you give a shit then let's go help this man that's been taken

Vee Barlett: Anyways, where's the tracks? Might as well get going before it gets too dark. Er, darker.

Levi Reed: gods

Ava Bosley: looks up wide eyed at Levi and tears go away

Levi Reed: shuffles away even more awkardly

Vee Barlett: You got a nice light, sir?

Ratbone Carder: plays a sneaky theme on the lute

Ava Bosley: sniffling

Ava Bosley: We should go to the hills

Jericho: One, day, you'll run right into a problem you can't solve because you didn't THINK before you did it. I am perfectly aware of my faults, but let this at the very fucking least be ONE lesson you should learn, because I KNOW it badly. So fuck off on always jumping without thinking. It's not just YOU that can be affected by doing it

Jericho: Sniffles

Jericho: Let's go get him. I can't track worth shit, so lead the fucking way

Levi Reed: Heeey, you ARE capable of emotion!

Ratbone Carder: Duh! Crabby is an emotion, let's go

Jericho: Get moving

Jericho: Grits

Darkboon Gaillot: Here the dragging tracks start here

Levi Reed: Great, point the way Darkboon!

Ava Bosley: Giggles a little at Ratbone

BOB Leads you to the back of the farm

Ratbone Carder: finally, finally puts the lute away

Jericho: To Ava, I don't know if this is a monster attack. It could be, but I've cleaned up enough wounds that this seems odd

Jericho: Stay on your guard

Jericho: Hyacinth? Do you have any thoughts?

Levi Reed: Keep that lute handy, we might need to lull the beast to sleep

Hyacinth Jeffers: I have several...

Ava Bosley: Agreed. It's strange that any animal would leave no blood when taking its prey

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 12] [d20 = 3]

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 11]

Hyacinth Jeffers: :: watches the group trounce off ::

Ratbone Carder: Especially one that is infamous for messy savagery

Jericho: I mean, I'm pretty sure I hear they drink blood, but no struggle at all? That just seems really odd

Jericho: Like, I'm kind of baffled on this

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 12]

Levi Reed: Nah, they take it back to their lair before they eat it

Ratbone Carder: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 14]

Levi Reed: Like spiders. Or squirrels saving up for winter

Jericho: Yeah but....

Jericho: Did he not fight back at all?

Ava Bosley: Maybe it's his pet and he didn't want anyone to know, so he ran off to the hills with it.

Levi Reed: Knocked him unconscious first maybe

Levi Reed: Maybe poisioned him

Jericho: I suppose

Levi Reed: Won't know until we get there

Levi Reed: points at Ava

Levi Reed: Maybe that

BOB Heading into the woods

Jericho: You would know better then me. I'll leave the monster facts to you guys and I'll stick with healing and spirit making

Levi Reed: Spirit making.

Levi Reed: Good one

Jericho: Good one what?

Jericho: Distracted

Jericho: stumbling over obvious logs and rocks

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Trail Marking [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 14]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 11]

Hyacinth Jeffers: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 9]

Hyacinth Jeffers: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 3]

Hyacinth Jeffers: [SKILL] Detect Noise [PERCENT:Detect Noise] (vs. Target 23) [FAILURE by 30] [d100 = 53]

Hyacinth Jeffers: [SKILL] Hide In Shadows [PERCENT:Hide In Shadows] (vs. Target 8) [FAILURE by 38] [d100 = 46]

-> Hyacinth Jeffers: Hyacinith hears birds calling as they settle in from the disturbance of your passing

  -> Vee Barlett:  Vee hears birds calling as they settle in from the disturbance of your passing 

Ratbone Carder: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 11] [ = -3]

Vee Barlett: The birds aren't worried. Guess it can't fly.

Levi Reed: Some birds are just idiots

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Direction Sense [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 12]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Distance Sense [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 19]

Jericho: [SKILL] Herbalism [2] [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 16]

Hyacinth Jeffers: [SKILL] Find/Remove Traps [PERCENT:Find/Remove Traps] (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 5] [d100 = 5]

-> Hyacinth Jeffers: Hyacinth spots a branch trip/fall a branch pulled back designed to swing out and SMACK someone on the trail when they cross a tripline

Hyacinth Jeffers: :: Puts her hand up to stop people :: Hold up

Hyacinth Jeffers: :: points at the branch ahead ::

Jericho: Squints

Jericho: It's a ....tree?

Levi Reed: Throw a stick at it?

Vee Barlett: It is a stick.

Levi Reed: I mean, yeah, but she seems like she's worried about it

Vee Barlett: I thought that was her thing? To worry?

Jericho: Oh! Right.

Jericho: Embarassed slightly

Jericho: What's wrong with it?

Hyacinth Jeffers: It's designed to thwack us in the head

Jericho: So.....

Levi Reed: I mean, they do that, but they're not DESIGNED that way. That's just trees

Jericho: I'm at the Point I don't think a Chupacabra is involved?

Hyacinth Jeffers: :: shrugs :: Okay... fair enough

Vee Barlett: So can you undo it?

Hyacinth Jeffers: Yes

Jericho: Nerviously

Jericho: But willing

Hyacinth Jeffers: but since Levi doesn't think it's designed to do what I said, maybe he should?

Jericho: Do you need assistance with it?

Vee Barlett: rolls eyes

Vee Barlett: If y'all take him seriously, you're in trouble.

Levi Reed: If that's not just a branch, then maybe you should explain

Hyacinth Jeffers: I don't know him to take him anywhere, but here we are

Levi Reed: If you're so all-knowing, please enlighten the plebians

Hyacinth Jeffers: We don't have time for long-winded explanations... just avoid it and let me move it out of the way

Jericho: I know I'm not exactly a paragon of the great outdoors Levi, but she's telling it is''s a trap

Levi Reed: bows at Hyacinth

Hyacinth Jeffers: :: makes a shoo hand motion ::

Hyacinth Jeffers: We're here to rescue, not argue... get on with it

Levi Reed: Then she should just say that instead of speaking in riddles

Jericho: Sighs

Levi Reed: Yeah if you say "Hey I see a trap there" then I'm not gonna argue with you

Jericho: i know I'm not your favorite person vee, but please tell me Levi hits your shit list at least once in a blue moon

Levi Reed: If you just point at a branch... I mean, there's a lot of mystics in the city but I ain't one of them, I can't read your mind

Jericho: Follows after Hyacinth to keep momentum going, but doing his damnest to watch for any other traps that could lop his head

Vee Barlett: Levi IS my shit list, dude.

Jericho: Oh good, then it's not just me

Jericho: Smiles wryly in the dark

Vee Barlett: But you learn to love 'em!

Levi Reed: See? Vee just says it like it is. This is why we get along

Levi Reed: I don't care if I'm your shit list, but at least come out and SAY it

Vee Barlett: grins

Hyacinth Jeffers: [SKILL] Find/Remove Traps [PERCENT:Find/Remove Traps] (vs. Target 10) [FAILURE by 68] [d100 = 78]

BOB WHAM the branch SNAPS across the trail and slaps Hyacinth across the chest for [d2 = 1] points of damge

Ratbone Carder: Ow!

Levi Reed: Ouch! You ok?

Jericho: Snaps Upright, Cold dead eyes, Clinical

Hyacinth Jeffers's health adjusted by -1

Ratbone Carder: Dr Jericho!

Jericho: Are you hurt, and which limbs specifically

Jericho: Running up

Hyacinth Jeffers: :: If looks could kill, Levi would be in need of a revive :: I'm fine... can you please just keep moving?

Jericho: Let me see

Jericho: Whinces slgihtly

Hyacinth Jeffers: :: shoos him :: let's get on with the rescuing already...

Jericho: Winces slgihtly

Vee Barlett: Nah, she's right keep moving. If it's a trap, something is waiting for you to stop.

Levi Reed: She said she's fine! You going to let this farmer wait for you even LONGER Healy Dr Mr?

Jericho: No, you will at least assure me your ribs are not cracked, or we will carry you

Vee Barlett: Nurse Dr Sir Man, let's go.

Jericho: Fuck the Farmer Levi

Jericho: I care more about Hyacinth

The time is 9:36 PM

Hyacinth Jeffers: I assure you your ribs are not cracked... and you will not carry me

Vee Barlett: That's fine. Walk and check. It's getting darker by the minute.

Jericho: Your ribs are not cracked?

Jericho: Nods

Jericho: Okay

Hyacinth Jeffers: We're on a mission... let's do this one correctly so I can get off guard duty

Jericho: Nods again. You will inform me if a crinkling sensation is spreading when you breath

Levi Reed -> Vee Barlett: You think she got a concussion? She just told the idiot that HIS ribs aren't cracked?

Rysdan Runebraid: Who goes there!

Vee Barlett: HO! You set this trap?

Jericho: Sigh

Vee Barlett -> Levi Reed: Maybe. Them church types are special, aren't they?

Rysdan Runebraid: Who are you?

Levi Reed: I'm going to tell your priest in charge that you said fuck the farmer. (quietly, to Jericho)

Vee Barlett: Just some folks going on a stroll, looking for a missing farmer. You ain't him, are ya?

Jericho: Shrugs. "Who's the tattler now?"

Rysdan Runebraid: No farms out here

Jericho: You said you would rather me say it like it is

Rysdan Runebraid: You are lost

Vee Barlett: No no, farmER. As in a missing guy who's wife is waiting for him to come home.

Vee Barlett: You wife isn't waiting for you, is she?

Rysdan Runebraid: Who wants a wife?

Rysdan Runebraid: They just tell you not to do things

Vee Barlett: Not if you find the right one!

Vee Barlett: Then they do things with you!

Rysdan Runebraid: You looking to tell me to do things?

Vee Barlett: Nah, mate. I'm looking for a missing guy. You seen him or what?

Rysdan Runebraid: No one missing here

Vee Barlett: Sure, sure, but you SEEN anything?

Rysdan Runebraid: Ahhh

Rysdan Runebraid: I am no snitch

Vee Barlett: Not looking for a snitch. I'm looking for a missing farmer.

Vee Barlett: What you do is your business.

Levi Reed: nods at Jericho

Jericho: Shrugs

Rysdan Runebraid: No farmers around here

Vee Barlett: Right, see, and I want to believe you, but the tracks lead this way.

Jericho: She's right, Whispers to Levi

Rysdan Runebraid: I would say you should go back down the path and look a different way

Ava Bosley: Perhaps I can ask...

Hyacinth Jeffers: :: laughs ::

Rysdan Runebraid: What tracks?

Vee Barlett: And I WANT to believe you're right, but I know my tracks. My friend REALLY knows his tracks. We know he was dragged this way.

Levi Reed: Yeah, Vee, let someone nicer take a crack at this

Vee Barlett: elbows Levi

Ava Bosley: Sir, may I ask if you know any local tellings of the cuppa-barra?

Vee Barlett: whispers, "No names, idiot."

Levi Reed: That's not a name, that's a letter

Rysdan Runebraid: SHUDDERS that is an evil thing young lady, you should not say such things

Vee Barlett: opens mouth to argue then shrugs since he's right

Vee Barlett: We agree. And we think it took our missing farmer.

Ava Bosley: Oh, pardon. What has made this an evil thing in your land?

Rysdan Runebraid: Who knows where it comes from, a great hairy beast slavering jaws

Levi Reed: Hey, Q (to Vee), let R take a crack at it. She's doing way better at this

Vee Barlett: shrugs

Rysdan Runebraid: It haunts these hills

Ava Bosley: Do you by chance know where the creature dwells?

Jericho: To Levi: Can't we just like?, Why is this man stopping us? I don' tparticualry care if he's sniffing salts, we might have a missing farmer that is in trouble"

Jericho: Clearly Frustrated

Rysdan Runebraid: It lives in the hills I hear, I have never seen it thank the Gods

Ava Bosley: Ah, thank you kind sir. We have a friend who has gone missing by the creature. It's he we're trying to find.

Rysdan Runebraid: If you are trying to get into the hills you need to go back and turn up the trail

Rysdan Runebraid: This one ends... I mean to say there is nothing up this way

Ava Bosley: slight head bow

Ava Bosley: This is of help, thank you.

Vee Barlett: You sure the tracks went this way, Levi?

Vee Barlett: whsipers

Ava Bosley: Do you know, from the stories you have heard, if anything troubles the creature. Or if there is anything it fears?

Levi Reed -> Jericho: You didn't give a flying fuck about the farmer two minutes ago, chill

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 19]

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 14]

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 4]

BOB Vee can see that there are no tracks in this area, but she does spot near where the trap was a second trail

Vee Barlett: points to second trail

Rysdan Runebraid: It is a horrible beast just stay way far away from it, you are a nice young thing, just go back to the church and stay away

Ava Bosley: small smile

Ava Bosley: Unfortunately, it is one from the Church that is in danger. But I do wish blessings by Dimere on you for your assistance. Thank you.

Rysdan Runebraid: Glad for the blessings, but you won't tell anyone you came by will you?

Vee Barlett: Tell them what?

Rysdan Runebraid: Thank you young lady

Vee Barlett: salutes and walks off

Ava Bosley: Oh!

Ava Bosley: To the group --- Well, that was of help... but strange.

Vee Barlett: Don't think twice about it. Let's follow the trail we missed.

Levi Reed: People are all different, let him be

Ava Bosley: Follows Vee, and waves to Rysdan

Jericho: Grunts

BOB heading back to the branch in the trail

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 6]

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [FAILURE by 7] [d20 = 19]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 8]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 11]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Direction Sense [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 12] [d20 = 3]

Ratbone Carder: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 9]

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [FAILURE by 7] [19 = 19]

-> Levi Reed: Levi spots several footprints and drag marks

-> Vee Barlett: Vee can spot more tracks here, at least five sets of foot prints now dragging a body

-> Vee Barlett: They all seem human but make a wisdom check

Vee Barlett: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 9]

-> Vee Barlett: at least four or six smaller than mansized, two man sized, and something dragged

Levi Reed: Vee, look. More drag marks

Levi Reed: points

Vee Barlett: Hmm...

Levi Reed: And footprints

Vee Barlett: Hmm...

-> Vee Barlett: at least four or six smaller than mansized, two man sized, and something dragged

Vee Barlett: Chupacabras don't have feet like humans, do they?

Levi Reed: Maybe someone already came looking for the farmer

Vee Barlett: Some of these are smaller than man, two are definiteily a man, and something was dragged...

Levi Reed: No, I already told you. Rabbit with antlers

Vee Barlett: Don't be surprised if that's not what we see.

Vee Barlett: stands up

Levi Reed: I mean, maybe it's a bigger than average rabbit, but it's definitely not human feet

Vee Barlett: Keep your guard up.

Levi Reed: Doesn't wear shoes

Vee Barlett: Levi. Shhhh. Let's hunt.

Levi Reed: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 12] [d20 = 2]

-> Levi Reed: Some of those footprints are barefeet, some have shoes on

Levi Reed: Hey, Vee... some of these are definitely human and NOT wearing shoes. Why would someone not wear shoes in the jungle?

Vee Barlett: You're the land, man. Why do you think?

Vee Barlett: Probably quieter and easier to move without them, ya?

Levi Reed: I don't know. Priests, any ideas?

Ratbone Carder: If their feet are really tough they might not need shoes

Vee Barlett: Makes them feel closer to the earth therefore closer to their god, maybe?

Ava Bosley: Perhaps it's a were-Chuppicapra?

Vee Barlett: I'm wondering if a chupacabra is even real now.

Levi Reed: Tree-whisperer? Any ideas? (directed at Hyacinth)

BOB For anything in particular Michael?

Ratbone Carder: Oh they are real

Ratbone Carder: But no, this can't be one.

Vee Barlett: Might be why there was no blood. Kidnapped by people, not a folklore.

BOB You would know if there was anything obvious as you work through the various farms around the Temple, this family grows both sugarcane and additional vegttables

BOB Nothing comes to Ava's mind that they are anything than a normal helpful family, working for the church

Vee Barlett: Maybe he saw somethin'

Ava Bosley: Oh no... sometimes people come on ships, noting the success of the Church and wish to make similar profit on things such as sugar cane...

Jericho: Vee, I do not like admitting this, but I am so far out of my league. I'm a doctor, not an investigator. You and Hyacinth are experts right now. What do we do?

Ava Bosley: Could this be a person trying to take the sugar away from the Church?

Vee Barlett: Well, Levi is actually better with the land stuff. I'd say let's keep following the trail.

Vee Barlett: But keep your eyes and ears open.

Vee Barlett: And if anyone sees something that is a danger to US, then say something. Otherwise we saw nothing.

BOB Heading up higher into the hills and Into the Woods

BOB you go up a rise, around a curve

Hyacinth Jeffers: [SKILL] Detect Noise [PERCENT:Detect Noise] (vs. Target 23) [FAILURE by 64] [d100 = 87]

Hyacinth Jeffers: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 18]

Hyacinth Jeffers: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 5]

Ratbone Carder: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 7]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 12] [d20 = 3]

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [FAILURE by 7] [d20 = 19]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 13] [d20 = 1]

-> Levi Reed: As I tell the others about what they hear, you spot a set of foot prints that go off the path and into the bushes

BOB Hyacinth and Ratbone both hear a young girl crying

Levi Reed: Some of the footprints go off this way...

Levi Reed: points to the bushes

Ratbone Carder: Shhhh listen

Hyacinth Jeffers: do you hear that?

Ratbone Carder: Yeah, sounds like crying

Hyacinth Jeffers: :: listening ::

Ratbone Carder: A kid?

Hyacinth Jeffers: :: Nod :: sounds like a girl crying... I think

Ava Bosley: A goat's kid or a child?

Ratbone Carder: Yeah I think you're right, a girl

Vee Barlett: Hostages?

Vee Barlett: Can one of you sneak closer?

-> Ratbone Carder: Off to the right of the path under some bushes

Jericho: Uh, I can try?

Jericho: I'm not exactly stealthy Vee

Levi Reed: Gods, Jericho, please don't. You will get us all killed. No offense

Vee Barlett: Not you, Mr Priest Nurse Man.

Hyacinth Jeffers: [SKILL] Move Silently [PERCENT:Move Silently] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 18] [d100 = 31]

Hyacinth Jeffers: [SKILL] Hide In Shadows [PERCENT:Hide In Shadows] (vs. Target 8) [FAILURE by 73] [d100 = 81]

Ratbone Carder: This way

Ratbone Carder: pointing off to the right under some bushes

Vee Barlett: The thief one, maybe. Or Levi if he's sobered up.

Vee Barlett: Or the runt.

Phatima Markin: Crying quietly, sobbing into her arms

Ratbone Carder: Okay if nobody is going to sneak, I'll go ..

Vee Barlett: Apparently not.

Ratbone Carder: speaks quietly

Ratbone Carder: Hey, Hey, it's okay

Ratbone Carder: We're here, you're safe

Phatima Markin: Sniffling, crying

Jericho: Itching to come check on his patient

Jericho: Like an ADHD Squirrel Junkie

Levi Reed -> Vee Barlett: I'm sorry, is she safe? With THIS crowd?

Ratbone Carder: You can come out. We're from the church and the village, we're here to help

Levi Reed -> Vee Barlett: I don't want to scare the poor thing more, but I don't trust those priests as far as I can throw them

Phatima Markin: Heaving sobs, I failed, I can't

Ratbone Carder: Oh, baby, what happened?

Vee Barlett -> Levi Reed: The runt know what she's doing. Keep an eye, out, though. I don't like this.

Jericho: What the blazes is she going on about?, Whispers under his breath. Is he okay? Oh gods, I can't see if she's bleeding or not

Jericho: Getting visibly more anxious

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 14]

Vee Barlett: Calm down, light steps, go see. We'll keep an eye out.

Phatima Markin: Sobs and SNORTS

Ratbone Carder: Breathe honey

Phatima Markin: Heaves

Jericho: Nods

Jericho: Gets slowly up

Phatima Markin: It is all my fault

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 11]

Ratbone Carder: Oh honey, breathe for a minute

Jericho: Carefully watching, goes to approach the girl

Ratbone Carder: She's really upset, go gently

BOB No one can see her excetp Ratbone

Hyacinth Jeffers: [SKILL] Information Gathering [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 5]

BOB She is hidden in the bushes

BOB But yes to those checks for Lorie

Phatima Markin: Deep shuddering breath

Jericho: Whispers quietly. Ratbone, is there someone there?

Ratbone Carder: Good, breathe a little more

Jericho: Is that a girl?

Phatima Markin: Swallows hard,

Phatima Markin: SOBS

Ratbone Carder: And then tell us what happened

Phatima Markin: I can't go home

Phatima Markin: I can't

Jericho: Listening

Phatima Markin: they will hate me

Jericho: [SKILL] Diagnostics [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 11]

Phatima Markin: Sobbing and crying again

Ratbone Carder: pulls out the lute

Jericho: Checking for Trauma, Shock, Mental Stability

Ratbone Carder: strummy strummy strum strum

Ratbone Carder: (sing) Forlorn, forlorn, no home for me

Ratbone Carder: (singing) shame on my face, for all to see

Ratbone Carder: (singing) i cannot return, so don't try to make me

Ratbone Carder: (singing) i blame, i blame, i blame only me

Ratbone Carder: [SKILL] Musical Instrument Lute [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 12) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 17]

BOB so not an overwhelming performance but you do calm

Jericho: Although not the best composition he's ever heard, Jericho's temper softens slightly

Phatima Markin: Sniffs

Ratbone Carder: (singing) i'm an exile, i live all the while, forlorn, forlorn, may be

Phatima Markin: See you say I am

Phatima Markin: oh

Ratbone Carder: That song is about me

Phatima Markin: oh

Ratbone Carder: So I know a few things about those feelings

Phatima Markin: Can I be in exile with you?

Ratbone Carder: We'll have to see

Ratbone Carder: I'm in exile because I started a war by accident.

Ratbone Carder: What would you be in exile for?

Phatima Markin: I couldn't save my Pa

Phatima Markin: I let them take him

Ratbone Carder: nodding

Ratbone Carder: i see. because you are SO much bigger than whoever took them?

Phatima Markin: No, there was this dark shape

Ratbone Carder: The dark shape was bigger than you?

Phatima Markin: Way way bigger

Ratbone Carder: Hm, oh but it's your fault because you are SO much stronger than the shape?

Phatima Markin: No I tried to follow but it was....

Phatima Markin: it was

Phatima Markin: Cries

Ratbone Carder: don't forget to breathe

Phatima Markin: I cound't

Phatima Markin: I heaves I couldn't

Phatima Markin: I chased

Phatima Markin: There was a cave

Phatima Markin: and I tried

Phatima Markin: I tried

Phatima Markin: But I

Phatima Markin: cries, I got scared

Phatima Markin: sobbing

Phatima Markin: It is all my fault

Ratbone Carder: too scared to go in the cave?

Phatima Markin: nods

Phatima Markin: sniffling

Ratbone Carder: but if you went in the cave, you might not come out alive. the way it is now, you can guide people TO the cave to help your dad

Ratbone Carder: sooo, you are actually doing the BEST thing right now

Phatima Markin: I don;t know

Phatima Markin: I am scared

Ratbone Carder: sometimes it's best to be scared

Ratbone Carder: fear warns us of real danger

Phatima Markin: SHUDDERING sigh

Phatima Markin: Breating

Phatima Markin: Deep in

Phatima Markin: Deep in

Ratbone Carder: that;s right

Ratbone Carder: just like that

Phatima Markin: What can you do?

Ratbone Carder: see my friends have lots of abilities

Ratbone Carder: some of us are great at caves and some of us are great at beating up monsters

BOB Spring? what do you want the others to do? you have Hyacinth and Jericho there and then Levi and Ava too

BOB Do you want them up closer? draw her out from under the bush? so far only Ratbone has seen her but the others have heard much of the conversation

Ratbone Carder: so, if you could let us know where the cave is, we could go look for this scary shape and your father

Levi Reed: Ask her if the shape looks like a rabbit!

Ratbone Carder: did you hear that? my friend wants to know if the shape was rabbit shaped

MeLange: I love taking down monsters, the bigger the better

Ratbone Carder: did you heat that? my friend is ready to kick butt and save your father

Phatima Markin: It was big and dark and scary

Levi Reed: And I love that about you, Mel

MeLange: Thanks Levi, I love that about me too

MeLange smiles

Ratbone Carder: when you are feeling a little more steady, will you come out?

Phatima Markin: Sniffs,

Phatima Markin: Yes

Phatima Markin: I'm scared

Ratbone Carder: need any more big breathing? need a hanky?

Ratbone Carder: anybody got a hanky? i don;t

Jericho: I do

MeLange: How about a hug Phatima? That always makes me feel better when I'm scared

Levi Reed: You would

Vee Barlett: Melange gives great hugs.

Ratbone Carder: this is Dr. Jericho, the fellow with the hanky

Jericho: Pulls out a lengtch of sanitized cloth

Levi Reed: Is it sprinkled with holy water too?

MeLange: Thank you Vee

Ratbone Carder: oo nice one! you're not getting it back, you know

Jericho: Can you come here sweetheart? I can't see you in the bushes. My eyesight isn't the best

Ratbone Carder: (singing) forlorn, forlorn

Hyacinth Jeffers: [SKILL] Detect Noise [PERCENT:Detect Noise] (vs. Target 23) [FAILURE by 36] [d100 = 59]

The time is 11:05 PM

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 13]

Phatima Markin: crawls out of the bushes

Ratbone Carder: there ya go, how about that hanky?

Jericho: Smiles

Ava Bosley: shocked

Phatima Markin: Blows her nose on it

Ava Bosley: Phatima?

Jericho: [SKILL] Diagnostics [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 17]

Jericho: [SKILL] Healing [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 17) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 18]

Phatima Markin: Sniffs

Phatima Markin: yes

Jericho: Checking for visible signs of injury and hurt

Ava Bosley: Oh, I am so happy you are okay. Your father and our family know each other well.

Ava Bosley: We are here to help.

Phatima Markin: Sniffs

Phatima Markin: Who are you?

Ava Bosley: I am Ava Bosley. I tend the land a small way over from you.

Phatima Markin: You are one of those church ladies?

Ava Bosley: We brought you the piglets to play with at the church four seasons past.

Ava Bosley: Yes!

Ratbone Carder: See? Told you we are friends.

Phatima Markin: OH Archie!

Phatima Markin: Archie was fun

Phatima Markin: we ate him last spring

Ava Bosley: Mhm, he was delightfully tender.

Phatima Markin: Looks up at Ratbone

Phatima Markin: Are you in the church too?

MeLange: they ate a person named Archie?

Ratbone Carder: No, but I'm friends with these who are

Vee Barlett: No, no. A pig. I think.

Ratbone Carder: Not a person. A pig.

MeLange: oh alright

MeLange: that's a relief!

Ava Bosley: Jericho here is from the church and Hyacinth is here as well.

Phatima Markin: Oh hello

Ratbone Carder: And I'm in exile

Phatima Markin: Are you going to save my Pa

Hyacinth Jeffers: :: waves ::

Ava Bosley: The others are our friends. They want to help too. Right, friends?

Ava Bosley: smiles at everyone

Phatima Markin: I guess I am going to exile too

MeLange: I'm just tagging along looking for monsters to slay

Ratbone Carder: My brother is in exile too, but he's dawdling back down the path

Ava Bosley: Why would that be, Phatima?

Phatima Markin: I was too scared to save my Pa

Phatima Markin: So I will have to go away

Jericho: Looks to me like you are a hero Phatima

Ava Bosley: Oh, no, Phatima.

Jericho: You found the monster all by yourself

Ava Bosley: Jericho gets scared too

Jericho: Nods

Ava Bosley: he is not exiled.

Vee Barlett: We'll save him so you don't have to go. MeLange is ready to tackle whatever took him.

Jericho: Terrified

MeLange: You did the right thing Phatima, if you approached the monster he likely would've taken you as well.. or worse

Levi Reed: He's scared of everything, actually

Jericho: Rolls eyes

MeLange: The smart move isn't always the heroic move

Ava Bosley: I will tell you something, Phatima

Ratbone Carder: What he said

Levi Reed: Ouch, Mel. Ouch.

Ava Bosley: Jericho and I are known in the church. Just as your father is. And your family.

MeLange: well it's true isn't it?

Ava Bosley: We will make sure you are not exiled.

Ava Bosley: By special request

Phatima Markin: Really!

Levi Reed: Stab me in the heart why don't you

Phatima Markin: Oh

Ava Bosley: winks at Jericho

Phatima Markin: Oh

MeLange: I've seen far too many a young hoping hero perish with foolish bravery

Jericho: Smiles warmly

Ava Bosley: Yes

Jericho: Feels his face crack

Phatima Markin: Maybe

Ratbone Carder: Ooo nice. Wish MY priest were that cool

Ava Bosley: smiles

Phatima Markin: Maybe I can go home?

Ratbone Carder: He was more like,

Vee Barlett: Yeah, I haven't met one yet.

Ratbone Carder: Don't let the door hit you

Jericho: where the good lord split ya?

Ava Bosley: Yes, you may absolutely go home. In fact. I order it. Right, Jericho and Hyacinth?

Levi Reed: Was that a... joke, mr dr?

Ratbone Carder: Right. Anyway yes I bet you can go home, since you didn't actually do a wrong

Jericho: Coughs

Jericho: Healer Humor

Vee Barlett: Er, maybe AFTER we find her Pa?

Levi Reed: Yeah, sounds like you're a really brave girl, Phatima

Ava Bosley: nods

Vee Barlett: And... is it safe for her to go alone?

Levi Reed: You're going home either way, but let's try and save your Pa too, what do you think?

MeLange: Yea Levi let's worry about the after pa stuff after pa

Phatima Markin: It is a scary cave

Ratbone Carder: In the meantime, the two bravest things you could do are 1. show us where the cave is and 2. go tell your mother what's happening

Levi Reed: Oh heck no, we are escorting this brave lady back to her home, where she will be welcomed as a hero, I'm sure

Ratbone Carder: or that

Levi Reed: We can send her back with your brother, maybe

BOB Yes you can hand her off to Matthias to watch over her or Rothuss

Jericho: Levi? Would you like to escort her with a hero's honor? We can see if we can check on her pa?

Vee Barlett: Remember how the priests were annoyed we took too long? How about about we.... not take long?

MeLange: good idea Levi

Jericho: Or Matthias or Rothuss

Ava Bosley: Yes, Phatima. You must keep guard out of the cave. If we do not return, run back to your mother

Vee Barlett: Let the other two watch her while we find Pa.

Jericho: Nods

Jericho: You were good Phatima

Vee Barlett: Levi loves caves. We need him here.

Jericho: You have a scrape on your knee though

Phatima Markin: Ma kisses them better

Levi Reed: Yeah, but that can wait, RIGHT JERICHO

Phatima Markin: Can you do that Priest lady?

Jericho: Keeps voice calm while smiling at Phatima

MeLange: He loves caves a little too much I think

MeLange giggles to himself

Vee Barlett: laughs

Levi Reed: Let's go save Pa first and then fix the lady up

Ava Bosley: Goes wide eyed

Jericho: Yes, Levi, that can wait, but she should watch her knew on the way back. Okay young lady?

Ava Bosley: y-yes, I can.

MeLange: maybe give her a weapon?

Levi Reed: Nah, Mel, it's just that this priest can't stop dilly-dallying, and we need to save Pa

Ratbone Carder: strumming action music

Ava Bosley: kisses knee

Ava Bosley: gasps

Phatima Markin: shy smile thank you

Jericho: Well don't let us hold you up Levi, go on in

Ava Bosley: Look at that! all better!

MeLange: Oh I agree Levi, I was just making fun of your proclivities

Levi Reed: Well, I would make fun of yours, but there is a lady present

Jericho: Okay young lady, be safe on the way back!

Phatima Markin: The cave is up there, points up the path

MeLange: well fine then

Jericho: Thank you!

Jericho: Nods at the others

Jericho: Ready?

Levi Reed: gives Phatima a copper

Levi Reed: For your services

MeLange: geez Levi you make her sound like a waitress or something

Phatima Markin: grabs onto Matthias's hand,

Phatima Markin: Why do you have all these rings?

BOB as they are back down the path