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Chat Log List - 2023 08 18 - Into the Woods - Formatted - Story

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'Dru5232321' connected

BOB Hello Ryan!

BOB Beating both Carissa and Lemon

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I did not lay a hand on either of them

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I am outraged by the accusation

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): But hello!


Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Hope you have been having a good week

BOB It has been a good week

BOB Hope yours is good

BOB Your weather is decent right?

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Work has been work, but otherwise good. Kids started school this week

'Shislif' connected

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Stormed a few times but it broke up the heat, so it was lovely

BOB School starts here next week

BOB and Hey there Sharif

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Good session. I am pretty happy with everything we accomplished. Too bad no one else showed up

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): We waited forever for them, too

BOB Chuckles

Sharif: hey everybody

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Hi hi hi!

BOB I will be using your story input for the next story arc Ryan

Sharif: nice!

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): BOB: ... and that is why you all joined a doomsday cult that worships sugar as the physical embodiment of the divine.

BOB laughs

BOB Tonight is testing mapping, lighting, spells, combat

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Good times to be sure

Sharif: fun fun

BOB Do either of you have things you would like me to expand on for the campaign area?

'Spring' connected

BOB Hey there Spring

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): And that's why cannibalism is ethical and a moral imperative

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Oh, hey, Spring

Sharif: not especially at this point

Sharif: hi Spring!

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Oi!

BOB grins

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I would prefer to keep these options open, and then Spring them on you as they come up

'JtomTMO' connected

BOB Hey there JTom!

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I feel that it creates greater anger and outrage that I can then feed off of if I complain last-minute that you never built out an area

Sharif: Hi Jtom!

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Hi y'all!

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Hi JTom

BOB and I look forward to seeing what you throw at us Ryan

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Nice to see Matthias looking the right age.

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Ryan, you came up in the team meeting this week.

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Mostly balls of paper. Possibly pens or utensils depending on what I am doing at the moment

'Lemon' connected

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Conversation involving a wood chipper, I can't remember what exactly was said, but someone asked where Ryan is when you need him.

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): The suspicious absence of detail makes me think it wasn't a positive ... oh, yeah, that would do it

Spring (Ratbone Carder): You're sorely missed.

BOB and then finally Lemon logs in

Sharif: finally Lemon!

BOB After Ryan, Sharif, Spring, JTom

Sharif: :)

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): If you missed throwing me into that woodchipper, I can imagine that you would be sore. Especially if you fell in yourself

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Ha!

Lemon: What do you mean finally!? I work until 6 and apparently parents want to delay their kids return home on Friday until as late as humanly possible. Can't say I blame them, but those are your spawn not mine

BOB chuckles

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Haha!

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Says you. I willed my spawn explicitly to you

Levi Reed: Wait, Carissa isn't here yet?

Lemon (Levi Reed): ooc

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): My lawyer was confused who Lemon was, but I am sure that they will work it out.

Sharif: lol just razzin ya Lemon, happy to see ya !

BOB Carissa is not here

Lemon (Levi Reed): Ha!

Lemon (Levi Reed): Somehow success!x

BOB So we have most of you all here now

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): On that note, I've already sent my first apology email to one of my kids' teachers :(

BOB Alexandra will be late

Lemon (Levi Reed): Yikes, I have yet to recieve one of those.

BOB so waiting on TMO and Carissa

Lemon (Levi Reed): But I do get a LOT of really nice guilty-conscience christmas gifts

BOB Not sure how late Lorie will be

Sharif: That's nice, a lot of ppl seem unwilling to admit when they've made a mistake

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): "Sorry that my kid threatened to shiv that other kid. To be fair, I've seen pictures of this kid from past years and I can't say I disagree with that decision."

BOB so you can all make sure your marching order on the Party Sheet and I will translate that to the map

Lemon (Levi Reed): Wowwww, your kids are amazing

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): (Not an actual conversation that I've had to have)

Sharif: lol shiv seems very specific

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): (yet)


Spring (Ratbone Carder): Working for a moment ...

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I encourage my kids to expand their vocabulary at every opportunity

Lemon (Levi Reed): Darn it, I was excited to think that you sent an apology letter saying you thought it was fair to want to shiv another kid

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Hello!

Levi Reed: Hello mini

Lemon (Levi Reed): ooc

Lemon (Levi Reed): Ok, so I have a big um... like most of my desk is covered with thrift store beads that I'm sorting out, so my keyboard is in a weird place, so I will probably have a lot of missed OOCs tonight. Sorry Carissa.

'Lorie' connected

Matthias Crowtooth: She likes it when we say stuff in-character that we meant to have OOC

Lemon (Levi Reed): I can not yet move them without spilling everything everywhere

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): ooc

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Back

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Okay I like the order of march in the party sheet. I do not like getting all the errors.

BOB Hey there Lorie

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Conversely, I like the errors but I hate the order of marching

Lemon (Levi Reed): I'm ok with both

Lemon (Levi Reed): Hi Lorie!

BOB If you get the chance to capture those errors please let me know, I am not seeing them

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Sorry, destressing from the rest of the week makes me juvenile and obnoxious. I apologize that you guys get the brunt of reigning it in when talking people through how to turn on a printer.

Sharif: brb

BOB Thank you Lorie!

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Oi so I wanted a D&D player's handbook to go in the bug out bag for in case of disaster but I didn't want to spend a lot of money, so I went for the cheapest one I could find used.

Spring (Ratbone Carder): That turned out to be 4th edition.

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): I don't think I have access to the map, should I have that?

BOB No to JTom

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Okay

BOB I have not shared the new map yet until everyone was settled on the marching order

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): 3.5 is the one I fell in love with, although I am cheating on her with Pathfinder

Spring (Ratbone Carder): When there IS a map, I can get it by opening up the Combat Tracker under Menus.


BOB and I will share it here too

Spring (Ratbone Carder): That's faster than fooling around with Files.

BOB I live on the Combat Tracker

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Oooo sexy sexy Pathfinder. Srsly I like it too.

BOB So JTom go to Menus -> Party Sheet -> adn then Order

BOB to see the marching order for everyone

Spring (Ratbone Carder): I figured if you are running from wildfires, you might not care that your D&D is 4e.

BOB and you can move Lirtimya where you want her

BOB I can give you a 2nd edition book next month Spring

Lemon (Levi Reed): I mean, he doesn't really have much choice left. It's either the back, or th eway back

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Oh BOB. Right to my heart like that.

Lemon (Levi Reed): Also my error is the same as Lorie's posted one, literally every time I click back to the "order" tab from something else.

BOB Also Ryan and Sharif will either of you be here in person next month?

BOB I am going to check over those to see what extension they are from

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Sorry, can't. I spent all my PTO on my surgery

Lemon (Levi Reed): I hope so. I want to meet the men behind the myths

Spring (Ratbone Carder): :-(

BOB No worries Ryan you can be here in FG the entire time

BOB Friday and Saturday

Lemon (Levi Reed): You can zoom in

Spring (Ratbone Carder): But you are gonna miss out on the cool library tour.

BOB no zoom only zuel

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Only if I can also zoom out

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Unless we zoom that.

Lemon (Levi Reed): You can check out any time you like, but you can never zoom out

Spring (Ratbone Carder): :-D

BOB Nice Lemon

'TMO' connected

BOB and here is TMO

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Also, I promised my mom that I would never meet in person until after the third date

BOB looks up how many games Ryan has been here for

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Hi TMO!

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Hahahaha

Hyacinth Jeffers: Evening TMO

Lorie (Hyacinth Jeffers): (OOC)

Matthias Crowtooth: Looks at the app board....

Lorie (Hyacinth Jeffers): I'll be in FG with you Ryan on Friday and Saturday

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Okay, I guess this is a nice enough place to count as a date

BOB Boooo Lorie

BOB I know not everyone can make it

BOB But was hoping

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Next year, I will try to get down to 115 lbs in time for the meetup, k?

BOB So TMO and Jtom can move to the marching order and then I will organize that on the map

TMO: Hey yall. I'm told there were greetings before I was logged in, so Hi to you too. :)

TMO (Rothuss Carder): where is marching order?

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): We were mostly talking about cannibalism, anoerexia, and woodchippers, actually

Lemon (Levi Reed): Meetup doesn't happen again for another ten years but...

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Oh.... Sorry

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Not five? :-(

BOB Party Sheet and Order

BOB We can do this as often as we want

BOB no reason to wait

BOB Anyone who travels can let me know

Spring (Ratbone Carder): It's so fun bragging to all my nerdy friends.

Lemon (Levi Reed): Oh, is it five? That works better for me, I won't be quite as old in five years as I will in ten.

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I think Lemon is ordering us not to meet for another 10 years

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Which, given what I was told at my last fortune, might be my last chance

TMO (Rothuss Carder): looks like we're at the end?

BOB chuckles

BOB You can be TMO or you can shift others areound

BOB Ava is not here

Spring (Ratbone Carder): I am definitely at the end of the marching order.

Spring (Ratbone Carder): I would feel better if someone a litle more fighty were guarding the rear, but there are only so many of us.

TMO (Rothuss Carder): do you want to swap us Spring?

Sharif: back :)

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Aw Bubba, guarding me and keeping me safe. Hugs.

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): My wife is checking out flights and talking about working remotely. May need to get back to you on stuff

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Ooooooo!

BOB You can get a hotel right around the corner from here with the Marriot discount

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I told her that BOB was sad, and despite not knowing who he was or the context, she started looking up info.


BOB Let us start

Rothuss Carder: is still a bit woozy from his concussion in the barfight, even though it was treated and cured, he's finally acting more like himself and less out of it.

Lemon (Levi Reed): You can also get a tent and sleep in bob's backyard. probably.

Spring (Ratbone Carder): There's an HOA :-P

Image: Hillside cave

BOB and now you have the map

BOB but it should be dark for you

BOB and now you can see the entrance to the cave?

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Oh but it's becoming lighted.

Lemon (Levi Reed): yes to all of that

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Oh we aren't in it yet, okay.

Rothuss Carder: What's going oni?

BOB Right you are there at the entrance

Rothuss Carder: Are we hiding from the cops?

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Oh, so the big shadow took the kid's dad in there.

Levi Reed: Shhh, what if the cupacabra hears you?

BOB Yes to Spring

Spring (Ratbone Carder): We've now sent her back home.

Spring (Ratbone Carder): And we are ready to sneak and/or confront whoever the big shadow is.

Lemon (Levi Reed): I mean, that's what she SAID. But can we trust her?

Lemon (Levi Reed): Kids are notoriously untrustworthy

BOB So you do not have your two priests

Rothuss Carder: whispers, "The what?"

Ratbone Carder: Rumors sayd it is a Chupacabra.

BOB But you are trying to get in and save the Farmer

Ratbone Carder: But footprints say it's something a little more ordinary

Levi Reed: Rabbit with antlers.

Spring (Ratbone Carder): That's jackelope.

Rothuss Carder: frowns in thought.

Rothuss Carder: Yeah, what she said.

Ratbone Carder: strum strum strum

Lemon (Levi Reed): tl;dr for anyone who wasn't here last week and didn't read the ai:

Ratbone Carder: (singing) i should have SUNG all this expoSI-shun!

Lemon (Levi Reed): We followed the drag marks from where the "chupacabra" took someone, but it turned into drag marks, bootprints, and a child's barefoot prints. We found the kid and sent her home.

BOB You have your three best fighters and your top investigator up front

Lemon (Levi Reed): She said a dark shape took her dad into the cave

Lemon (Levi Reed): The end.

BOB then your other bards, mages, and priests

TMO (Rothuss Carder): thanks Lemon!

Spring (Ratbone Carder): brave, brave, sir robin!

Matthias Crowtooth: palms his sword hilt nervously

Rothuss Carder: follows suit and checks to see that he still has his gear.

Ratbone Carder: puts the lute away and gets out the knife

BOB Ryan and Sharif are up front but Melange and Matthias can not see in the dark and the cave looks dark

Shislif (MeLange): one of us carrying a torch?

Lemon (Levi Reed): I thought we solved that last week

BOB Are you? Is it in your inventory?

Shislif (MeLange): isn't somebody torch bearer so Mel can fight double handed?

Matthias Crowtooth: Hands out up to 4 torches

Shislif (MeLange): I do not

Lemon (Levi Reed): I thought someone cast light enchantment on a hankie

BOB Yes to Lemon, Vee (Carissa) has torches and Ava and Jericho have spells but the three of them are not here

Lemon (Levi Reed): At least that's what I told them to do

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): If only of us had thought to buy 5 torches...

Shislif (MeLange): Matthias torch bearer?

Lemon (Levi Reed): If they didn't listen to me, that's their fault and I will hold it against them forever

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): dang, I couldn't even do the burn correctly :(

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I have 5 torches in my inventory that I can give out

Lorie (Hyacinth Jeffers): (I have torches in my inventory as well )

BOB Yes to you telling them that Lemon, but that was during the "get your marching order set first then do other things" portion

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Oooooo!

Lemon (Levi Reed): ah

Lemon (Levi Reed): So what you're saying is YOU sabotaged us :P

BOB We are now at the "do other things" portion

BOB I will pass on the idea of my thoughts on that

BOB but who has a torch?

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I do

Shislif (MeLange): Matthias

BOB You have to have it in your hand to use them

TMO (Rothuss Carder): I only have weapons and clothes, no other gear.

TMO (Rothuss Carder): but I don't think torches would be on his shopping list. caves weren't on his planned itinerary

Lemon (Levi Reed): I'm mostly joking. They probably wouldn't have listened to me anyway

Lemon (Levi Reed): I would prefer not to torch because double machete

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I have no idea how to equip that...

Shislif (MeLange): Yea I think Levi and Mel wanted hands free to fight

BOB That is on me Ryan

BOB setting that up now

Rothuss Carder: I can hold a torch if someone will pass me one.

Lorie (Hyacinth Jeffers): (no torch for me in case I need to try and be useful)

MeLange: Give the man a torch!

BOB Matthias can you see into the cave now?

MeLange whisper shouted

Levi Reed: Give the man a torch and he sees for a day. TEACH a man to torch...

Matthias Crowtooth: Light a man with torch... and he sees for his entire life.

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Yes, I can see

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): For, about three spaces north

Lorie (Hyacinth Jeffers): (Hands a torch to Rothuss)

BOB You should see more than that

Rothuss Carder: whispers, "Aha, Ratbone! You've found us a traveling troupe of comedians. Excellent camouflage!"

'Carissa' connected

BOB Hello Carissa

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Hello!

Lorie (Hyacinth Jeffers): (Evening Carissa)

TMO (Rothuss Carder): hi!

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): If you see any OOC comments from Lemon written in-character, she said that she did that to spite you

Shislif (MeLange): typical Lemon

Shislif (MeLange): :)

Lemon (Levi Reed): Ngl, that sounds like something I would do

BOB Trying to figure otu why the torch is not working like it did all the times previously

Shislif (MeLange): hmm strange

TMO (Rothuss Carder): is it on a DM noly layer maybe?

TMO (Rothuss Carder): only

Carissa: (hi all!)

BOB No it is supposed to just be on Matthias and it is not taking it

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): While BOB is figuring that out, I read the pinned posts but any other info I should know about the anniversary game if I were planning on going?

TMO (Rothuss Carder): he does have a small light circle around him

Shislif (MeLange): true he does

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Sorry I had to handle a thing immediately but I'm back

Lemon (Levi Reed): I've heard the food is amazing

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I can probably get a Jayride(?) to/from the hotel from/to the airport

BOB Ryan what do you see now when you click on your character?

Spring (Ratbone Carder): High probability of encountering dogs and/or children at BOB's

BOB No dogs here

Spring (Ratbone Carder): There were before. I think Rob brought Coal?

Ratbone Carder: And one other

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Oops

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): One, nice that you are bringing your dogs, and 2, I don't think Hugh is actually a child, despite his youth

Shislif (MeLange): when is the anniversary game again?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I shared the pics in the #dragonslayers-musings

Shislif (MeLange): September right?

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Weekend of the 15th

Spring (Ratbone Carder): September yes

Shislif (MeLange): nice

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I can get a redeye on the 16th and a redeye back on the 18th

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Whee!

Shislif (MeLange): That's committment!

BOB OK so for the map Matthais is up front

BOB BUT I do need everyone to roll Init please

Levi Reed: [INIT] [d10 = 8]

Matthias Crowtooth: [INIT] [d10 = 1]

Hyacinth Jeffers: [INIT] [d10 = 5]

MeLange: [INIT] [d10 = 4]

Rothuss Carder: [INIT] [d10 = 5]

Lirtimya: [INIT] [d10 = 4]

Ratbone Carder: [INIT] [d10 = 7]

Shislif (MeLange): I'll be getting back from a meditation retreat that THursday, will we still be meeting here online?

Vee Barlett: [INIT] [-1] [d10-1 = 0]

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I'll see if I can work remotely. If I can, I might be able to wing it

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): If not, I may need to fake a medical emergency for my boss, but I might still be fired

Carissa (Vee Barlett): I can make it a real emergency if you want. Are you righthanded or left?

BOB Yes to Sharif for still being online too

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Don't you mean, "Is your boss left or right handed?"

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I said that I was faking a medical emergency for my boss, not for me

Carissa (Vee Barlett): I don't know. Who needs the medical emergency?

Shislif (MeLange): awesome :), I'll be super serene that Friday :)

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Ahh well perfect. Then just clarify that. Or I can just go for the legs. It's all the same.

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): My penmanship is actually better with my legs

'Michael' connected

BOB and here is Michael

BOB And then we can start into the caves

Lorie (Hyacinth Jeffers): (Evening MIchael)

BOB I am changing the map a bit to accomodate the lighting issue

Carissa (Vee Barlett): I'll withhold my comment there

Michael: OK I am here, what can I do to help. is anyone dying?

TMO (Rothuss Carder): giving us all nightvision?

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): So, just to repeat for Michael's benefit, we are agreeing to disband after this game, and will be starting our call of cthulhu game, which Carissa is hosting

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Yeah, it'll be great!

Michael: Really? Sweet! I love COC

Spring (Ratbone Carder): A Situation has cropped up at work.

Michael: Bob going to be a PC?

Shislif (MeLange): huh?

Lemon (Levi Reed): I'm sorry, I thought we decided on Vampire the Masquerade

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Yeah. Minimal planning for him. Thought it'd be a good challenge.

User has gone AFK. (Spring)

Michael: And you are encouraged to be insane in that game because otherwise, if you had sense, you wouln'dt be in a COC game

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I see!!!

Michael: I vote down VtM

Michael: But will consider Shadowrun

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Hey, I was happy to do VM but y'all voted Cthulhu so

Carissa (Vee Barlett): I also tossed up Coyote and Crow but nooooo

Shislif (MeLange): Yea I like VM

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I've been trying to find a VtM group for ages...

Lemon (Levi Reed): So anyways, this cave...

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): which Matthias can see into suddenly

Shislif (MeLange): yea let's get some action, listen to Lemon

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol maybe one day

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): If I wanted action, I'd shut the game off and talk to my wife

Michael (Jericho): Hey let me know when COC is Saturday nights....

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Yeah it's been more than an hour and we aren't inside yet?

TMO (Rothuss Carder): I've only played VtM one session, no modern CoC. Have played old school though

Michael (Jericho): I'm not effing joking either

Michael (Jericho): lol

Michael (Jericho): My fault, I'm late. Sorry!

Shislif (MeLange): I haven't played any VtM but I know the pc gamer was supposed to be good

Lemon (Levi Reed): Ok but would your wife give in to that?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol and really, maybe one day, but life is too busy for me to do anything for now except play D&D

TMO (Rothuss Carder): we had technical issues, we weren't waiting on you

BOB Carissa please roll Init

Carissa (Vee Barlett): I did

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): A man can dream, but no, Lemon. She would not... :(

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Got a 1 and with DEX it made it 0

Michael (Jericho): Uh oh. Have ai irritated bob?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Because I forgot to fix that so did manual -1

Michael (Jericho): He's very formal

Matthias Crowtooth: hisses

Lemon (Levi Reed): Nah, it was me that did it, Michael

Matthias Crowtooth: Goblins ahead

Matthias Crowtooth: Goblins ahead

BOB Ok thank you Carissa we will fix that after

Michael (Jericho): Goblins?

Jericho: Goblins?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): whispers, "Oh, nice. They stab well."

Vee Barlett: whispers, "Oh, nice. They stab well."

Jericho: Hisses back?

Jericho: I thought we were tracking a Chupacrabra!

TMO (Rothuss Carder): hooks his electric guitar up to his amp and fiddles with the volume settings.

BOB You have your marching order there on the map, Matthias then MeLange

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I took 5 points in linguistics, so you will all listen to my Parselmouth

Carissa (Vee Barlett): prepares to stand behim TMO and his guitar

Michael (Jericho): (isn't it parseltoungue?)

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol

BOB so for everyone we are going in Int order so Vee is up first

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I'm Asian. I have no idea about your decadent Western media

Lemon (Levi Reed): oops, sorry

Shislif (MeLange): nice go Vee!

BOB I bring that up so you are paying attention to the combat tracker

Jericho: [INIT] [d10 = 3]

Lemon (Levi Reed): But I AM psyched to learn that Michael is a secret HP nerd

Michael (Jericho): I plead the fifth

Michael (Jericho): lol

BOB so Carissa?

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Went to Harry Potter Land last time I went on vacation. Still have my Lucius wand :)

Michael (Jericho): I was in remedial english until the first book came out. Then I was in advanced english and AP english quickly thereafter

Michael (Jericho): too bad it couldn't fix my math...

Michael (Jericho): I do believe it's the Wonderful Wizarding World of Harry Potter...

Michael (Jericho): Harry Potter Land?

Lemon (Levi Reed): That's awesome. I have yet to go to HP world but one day. One day.

Carissa (Vee Barlett): sorry trying to get food

Lemon (Levi Reed): I'm trying to talk Carissa into going with me

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Ishould have know better um....

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Well she can't do anything in this order so...

BOB We are going slow

Carissa (Vee Barlett): she's holding

Carissa (Vee Barlett): ...okay but

BOB Everyone will make sure that we all understand what is working, etc.

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): She can give Matthias emotional support as he dies

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Beautiful head? Dazzling eyes? Tidy eyebrows?? Is this a beauty parlor??

BOB We decided last week that Passing moves to the end and then re-roll Init for the next round

BOB OR you can hold for the moment and just let the next person go

BOB etc

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Hold for the moment

Michael (Jericho): (only for those who held)

Michael (Jericho): (not the entire group)

Michael (Jericho): (correct?)

Carissa (Vee Barlett): She'll move up when those in front of her move up

BOB Correct just the person who delays

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Since it's such a tight space she can't move around anyone

User has gone AFK. (Spring)

BOB there are two types of delay hold one spot or go at the end

User is back. (Spring)

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Since it is dark, I can't really shoot (two handed action) so I guess I'm going to melee this

Carissa (Vee Barlett): that makes it a lot harder in these situatoins, though

BOB and so I will move Vee down in the Init order?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Because most of us have to hold until the person in front of us moves

Carissa (Vee Barlett): What else cna she do?

Michael (Jericho): Good Point

BOB Spells, missle weapons, etc

Michael (Jericho): I hadn't considered

Shislif (MeLange): oh we can see the goblin

Carissa (Vee Barlett): She doesn't know spells yet. She can only reach over someone to kill. So unless she shoves Levi or Hyacinth aside, she'll hold I guess

BOB There are lots of things you can do when it is your turn to go even if you are not up front,

BOB you just have to pay attention to the map, the order etc

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Wait who has the light?

Shislif (MeLange): like words of encouragement, always nice

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Yes yes I know that

BOB Matthais

Carissa (Vee Barlett): But again, we're in a cave. We have more constraints

BOB all true

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Vee: Matthias, your blood shines so beautifully in the torchlight

Carissa (Vee Barlett): So unless she can pickup a pebble and toss it past him....

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Did Matthias give some other people some of the spare torches?

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I said I did but I don't know that we actually did that or anyone took him up on that

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Question: since she can do two weapons, can she hold a torch in one and use a weapon in the other?

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I have four extras

TMO (Rothuss Carder): Rothuss would have

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Beat me to it

BOB Yes to torch in one hand and weapon in the other for everyone

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Hmm but she can't double wield....

Michael (Jericho): (Remember, Jericho will be casting a Stone to glow in his palm as he is not a good fighter

Michael (Jericho): That will help

BOB If you have two weapons, obviously only one is in your hand, the other has the torch

Carissa (Vee Barlett): So again, can she pick up a pebble and throw it?

Rothuss Carder: Advanced Effect ['Torch;LIGHT: 10/15 torch;Torch'] -> [to Rothuss Carder] [by Torch]

Michael (Jericho): Alternatively, he can cast it on YOU! butyou will be very visable.

BOB Thank you TMO

Matthias Crowtooth: Matthias casts torch on Vee

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Vee screams

Michael (Jericho): LOL

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): OOC

BOB Yes to Vee tossing a pebble

Carissa (Vee Barlett): cool tell me how

Carissa (Vee Barlett): maybe she'll get lucky and blind one

Carissa (Vee Barlett): or confuse them thinking someone is behind

BOB Ahh you want to target a Goblin? you cannot see any yet, Matthais is blocking your view

Carissa (Vee Barlett): *insert eyeroll emoji*

BOB And MeLange

Michael (Jericho): He makes a great door, if a poor window

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): No disgrace, BOB. I also thought she wanted to throw a stone at Matthias

Michael (Jericho): :)

Carissa (Vee Barlett): okay I'm done pulling teeth, she'll hold and reroll I guess

Michael (Jericho): Kinda agree with Carissa on that one. Short of rewriting physics, forget the rules, it's a darn cave

[TURN] Vee Barlett

[TURN] Matthias Crowtooth

Michael (Jericho): If she can't cast spells, or throw, she can whisper words of encourgagement?

Michael (Jericho): :)

Shislif (MeLange): so narrow

Carissa (Vee Barlett): a lot of talk for confirming, nope you cna't do anything really

BOB The Map Scale is correct

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Can I move there?

Michael (Jericho): Feel free to comment on me being a tulip

Michael (Jericho): make me laugh IRL

Michael (Jericho): :)

BOB Sorry Carissa, I was all thinking throw a pebble with light on it, not using a pebble for an attack

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): OH, that would be very useful

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): So, I can hold an action for 1 monster's turn and then go?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): she doesn't have the spell for it or else yes, that'd be great

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (HINT HINT MICHAEL)

BOB Yes anyone can hold for a place in Init... OR you can just hold and go at the end. If you go at the end you re-roll Init, if you just wait wait wait that is where you will go next round also

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Then I will wait until Beautiful head goes, and then stab him in the face

Shislif (MeLange): cool

[TURN] Goblin (Beautiful head)

BOB so Matt slides over to the side to let Melange see the goblin up ahead and he can also move past if you want

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Stab his beautiful head???

Lemon (Levi Reed): How could you???

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (stick it on a pike!!)

BOB Do you like the new tokens?

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): By gripping my sword and thrusting into his face. That's how

Shislif (MeLange): the goblin is attacking?

Goblin (Beautiful head): [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [d20 = 2]

Attack [2] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Attack) [at Matthias Crowtooth] [Hit-AC: 18 vs. 6 ] [AC: 18 ] [MISS]

You have stumbled on a bug in Javin's Action Chat Bubbles extension related to your environment. Please report this to the author along with a screen shot of your chat window when the chat bubble was triggered.

BOB Not very well but yes

[TURN] Jericho

MeLange: Matthias be careful! There's a Goblin!

Lemon (Levi Reed): lol

BOB Jericho is outside the cave still

Matthias Crowtooth: I thought it was Jericho for a second

MeLange: haha!

BOB You are seeing the new animated tokens for the goblin correct?

Shislif (MeLange): yea it's cool

Spring (Ratbone Carder): BOB I like the new tokens.

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Yep, it is delightful

BOB Ok just making sure

Shislif (MeLange): I wish I could have an animated token

BOB Michael is apparently AFK?

TMO (Rothuss Carder): hand't noticed, sorry. I'm zoomed quite a ways out in order to maximize a very cluttered screen

TMO (Rothuss Carder): but nwo that you point it out, yes very neat!

Shislif (MeLange): Looks like a TMNT

Carissa (Vee Barlett): afk or surfing the web and not paying attention

Lemon (Levi Reed): You probably could, but it wouldn't be nearly as sexy as your current token

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Am I able to roll to attack?

BOB Yes to Matt being able to take his attack now

[TURN] Matthias Crowtooth

Matthias Crowtooth: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [ENC: Moderate] [AC: 8 ] [d20-1 = 12]

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Uh....

BOB You did not target

Matthias Crowtooth: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [ENC: Moderate] [AC: 18 ] [d20-1 = 2]

Michael (Jericho): I was AFK. Helping grandfather

Michael (Jericho): I am here now but can hold

BOB We will come back to you Michael

MeLange: Oh did somebody forget how to use their weapon?

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Maybe...

Michael (Jericho): Understood, I should have posted AFK

BOB Matt then MeLange then Jericho

Shislif (MeLange): It's just Mel razzin

BOB Sharif? or who can help Ryan walk through Targeting

Vee Barlett: He's on land. It gets confusing on land!

Shislif (MeLange): oh you just drag the dice onto the icon on the map or the icon in the combat tracker i believe

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Or you can right click and target Klooge style.

TMO (Rothuss Carder): Don't shoot! Don't shoot!

Matthias Crowtooth: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [ENC: Moderate] [d20-1 = 17]

Attack [17] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Main-Gauche) [at Goblin (Beautiful head)] [Hit-AC: 3 vs. 6 ] [AC: 3 ] [HIT]

Shislif (MeLange): oh cool didn't you could do that thx Spring

Shislif (MeLange): know

Carissa (Vee Barlett): oh darn I was working on my special Ryan tutorial IN ALL CAPS but he figured it out so no need

BOB That is a definate hit

Shislif (MeLange): nice!

BOB Roll damage

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I spaced on the top menu, especially since the target thingie wasn't lit up. Sorry

Matthias Crowtooth: [DAMAGE (M)] Main-gauche [TYPE: slashing (1d4=2)] [d4 = 2]

[2] -> [to Goblin (Beautiful head)] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS] [STATUS: Dying (0)]

MeLange: Nice job Matthias!

BOB For this combat I am removing the dead and leaving the splatters

Carissa (Vee Barlett): thanks

Matthias Crowtooth: If you guys want to keep ahold of the beautiful head, feel free.

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Why was the roll to hit a -1 for Matt?

MeLange: Levi loves heads, so I hear

BOB Because he is encumbered for all the stuff he is carrying

Vee Barlett: Tempting.... think Gloria would let me hang it in the tavern? Or is that too crass?

Lemon (Levi Reed): Ok but let's not forget to loot the bodies

MeLange: oh it's crass, but too crass?

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Okay

MeLange: I'm not so sure

Lemon (Levi Reed): We're young and broke

BOB Now MeLange is up

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Ooooh, blood stains

Vee Barlett: A very good question, MeLange.

[TURN] Lirtimya

BOB Wait JTom

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Oh, uh, sorry

BOB Melange and Jericho first

BOB You did right Ryan

BOB It is just all the people at that Init have not gone yet because of your delay

MeLange: Matthias old pal, could you hand me a torch? I'll explore further while you enjoy your victory

Matthias Crowtooth: considers tossing the lit torch

Matthias Crowtooth: hands over an unlit torch and lights it with his torch

MeLange: Thank you good sir

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (I considered that too for my turn, but didn't think you wanted to be set on fire)

BOB Actually that would be a full action

Shislif (MeLange): oh my bad

Matthias Crowtooth: Rewinds time to take back the torch

Michael (Jericho): (Well, now oyu have a lit torch :) )

BOB Handing the lit torch and Mel can move still further in

TMO (Rothuss Carder): take Matt's torch when you pass him?

Shislif (MeLange): takes his thanks back

Michael (Jericho): LOL

BOB OR you can take a torch and light it

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Is lighting MeLange a half-turn action?

BOB chuckles

Michael (Jericho): LOL

Shislif (MeLange): I guess I'll take a torch, light it, and continue down the cave for as long as I have action points left

Michael (Jericho): He gives me a good moment after he's lit

BOB If you pause to light a new torch that ends it

BOB Mat and Mel are blocking the cave though so no goblins can get out

Michael (Jericho): I am taking notes on Torch mechanics. I don't quite remember this, but makes sense.

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I'm not stuck here with the goblins. They're stuck here with me

BOB Lighting a torch takes a full move action

Michael (Jericho): Thank you bob :)

BOB Handing somethign to someone is a half move action

Michael (Jericho): Passing is free?

Shislif (MeLange): ok Mel take and Lights a torch

Michael (Jericho): Just the lighting?

Michael (Jericho): Ah

Michael (Jericho): Thank you

Shislif (MeLange): so lighting the torch is end of turn?

Michael (Jericho): for claryifying

Michael (Jericho): because it was also passed

BOB Yes to Sharif

MeLange: cool

BOB and then Jericho is up

Shislif (MeLange): OOC

Michael (Jericho): OK.Standby

Shislif (MeLange): I pressed the end turn button...

'Carissa' disconnected

BOB Yes for Sharf

Shislif (MeLange): ok thx

Michael (Jericho): Ah, here are my notes

Michael (Jericho): Pulling up my onenote

BOB Jericho is up

Michael (Jericho): Bob, how long is 6 rounds

Michael (Jericho): that is only question

BOB 6 rounds

Michael (Jericho): Er

BOB not understanding the question

Michael (Jericho): Bless lasts 6 rounds


Michael (Jericho): Is it just rounds, or limited by time as well

Shislif (MeLange): brb gonna grab a snack

BOB Rounds

Michael (Jericho): TY

User has gone AFK. (Shislif)

Jericho: Jericho cast a spell NOT memorized.

Jericho: [CAST] Bless

BOB Check your range

BOB and you need to target first Michael

Michael (Jericho): Target myself?

BOB No target the tokens you want to cast Bless on

User has gone AFK. (Dru5232321)

BOB then you drag the Effect to each Token

BOB for the Bless

BOB if they are in range

Michael (Jericho): It's area affect

Michael (Jericho): 60 yards

Michael (Jericho): centered on me

Michael (Jericho): All friendly targets

Michael (Jericho): Sorry, how should I do this?

BOB So you drag the effect to each friendly Token

BOB and then if any of them go outside of the 60 yards it comes off of them

Effect ['Bless;ATK: 1;SAVE: 1;CHECK: 1'] -> [to Matthias Crowtooth] [by Jericho]

BOB Exactly Michael

BOB that is how you shoudl do it

Michael (Jericho): It does say that those leaving the area of affect are still affected by it. That's for castingp urposes

BOB You can target multiples then drag the effect and it should go to all of them

Michael (Jericho): Want to clarfy?

Effect ['Bless;ATK: 1;SAVE: 1;CHECK: 1'] -> [to MeLange] [by Jericho]

Effect ['Bless;ATK: 1;SAVE: 1;CHECK: 1'] -> [to Levi Reed] [by Jericho]

Effect ['Bless;ATK: 1;SAVE: 1;CHECK: 1'] -> [to Hyacinth Jeffers] [by Jericho]

Effect ['Bless;ATK: 1;SAVE: 1;CHECK: 1'] -> [to Vee Barlett] [by Jericho]

Effect ['Bless;ATK: 1;SAVE: 1;CHECK: 1'] -> [to Ava Bosley] [by Jericho]

Effect ['Bless;ATK: 1;SAVE: 1;CHECK: 1'] -> [to Ratbone Carder] [by Jericho]

Effect ['Bless;ATK: 1;SAVE: 1;CHECK: 1'] -> [to Rothuss Carder] [by Jericho]

Effect ['Bless;ATK: 1;SAVE: 1;CHECK: 1'] -> [to Jericho]

Effect ['Bless;ATK: 1;SAVE: 1;CHECK: 1'] -> [to Lirtimya] [by Jericho]

BOB It is an area effect surrounding Jericho, 60 yards out from him, so if someone goes outside of that range the Bless does not reach them

Michael (Jericho): Reading description, can I get a second opinion?

Spring (Ratbone Carder): aye aye

Michael (Jericho): sing, however, affects only those not already engaged in melee combat. The caster determines at what range (up to 60 yards) he will cast the spell. At the instant the spell is completed, it affects all creatures in a 50-foot cube centered on the point selected by the caster (thus, affected creatures leaving the area are still subject to the spell's effect; those entering the area after the casting is completed are not).

BOB and yes now if for example Lirtimya looks at your sheet you can see the Effcts there

BOB Yes to Michael, it affects those in the area around the caster

Michael (Jericho): Ok

Michael (Jericho): now

Michael (Jericho): for the other part

Michael (Jericho): targetingis done?

Rothuss Carder: where is it on our sheet bob? I don't see it on mine

User is back. (Dru5232321)

TMO (Rothuss Carder): that was ooc, I held Alt

Michael (Jericho): And I'm going to need to relearn some of this. I never target, just drop dice on people

BOB Ok I see that now Michael and yes I agree

'Carissa' connected

Spring (Ratbone Carder): I see it on combat tracker

TMO (Rothuss Carder): I see it on the combat tracker

Michael (Jericho): OH! I found a flag for target friendlies. I see now

BOB It does affect them if they leave but not if they come in later

BOB sorry for that

Michael (Jericho): OK. Thank you for lettign me check

Michael (Jericho): was confused

Michael (Jericho): Now, only one spell per turn if no momentent?

Michael (Jericho): If yes, I'm done

BOB Correct to Michael, you can cast for a full round action or move but then no casting

Michael (Jericho): Gotcha

BOB Now JTom is up with Lirtimya

BOB There are no goblins currently visible

Michael (Jericho): Hm. Not letting me complete turn. Sorry about that

Michael (Jericho): Next round, is lighting up a stone if someone wants one

Shislif (MeLange): I'll take a light stone

BOB Mel just lit a torch

BOB Do you want to wait another round for a light rock?

Michael (Jericho): Dammit. AFK for five minutes. GRRRRRR

Michael (Jericho): Family emergecny

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Is that a good place to move?

Shislif (MeLange): oh sure yea that makes sense

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Then that's all I'll do

BOB That looks good Jtom

BOB Now click Next on the bottom left of the Combat Tracker

[TURN] Goblin 2

BOB Also you can take that arrow and drag it down to your hot bar so it will always be avaiablel too

Rushes forward to block the narrow point of the cave, looking up at the horrible humans venturing into it's lair

Goblin 2 : [Translation] LEAVE NOW OR WE WILL EAT YOUR BONES

<font color="#000000">LEAVE NOW OR WE WILL EAT YOUR BONES

[understood by: ]

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (yeah our eyebrows are NOT tidy)

[TURN] Rothuss Carder - [Torch; LIGHT: 10/15 torch; Torch; [D: 30] | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 6]]

Michael (Jericho): Sigh. Back. Sorry about that

Rothuss Carder: rushes forward to the cavern edge with his torch and peeks in. "Do you see the chupacabra?"

Lemon (Levi Reed): You're good

Lemon (Levi Reed): Families happen

[TURN] Hyacinth Jeffers - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 6]]

[TURN] Ratbone Carder - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 6]]

Ratbone Carder: goggles. what the heck is my brother doing

Spring (Ratbone Carder): oh already?

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Gonna hold to the end, from back here my character would have no idea what's happening

[TURN] Goblin (Dazzling eyes)

Carissa (Vee Barlett): is Hyacinth not going?

[TURN] Levi Reed - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 6]]

BOB Hyacinth moved up

Levi Reed: Did it have anything good at least?

[TURN] Ava Bosley - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 6]]

Carissa (Vee Barlett): ahhh sorry I only saw the chat

Vee Barlett: wish it put it in chat

Lemon (Levi Reed): If I can loot it, I want to, but doesn't look like I can reach yet

BOB You cannot see where the body is yet

[TURN] Goblin (Tidy eyebrows)

[TURN] Goblin (Colossal)

[TURN] Goblin 1

[TURN] Goblin (Mangled cyan chaps)

[TURN] Goblin (Diffident conscientious giggle)

[TURN] Goblin (Dramatic anchor beard)

[TURN] Goblin (Flannel top)

[TURN] Farmer Malkin


[TURN] Vee Barlett - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 6]]

Spring (Ratbone Carder): So we passed the end, but I still don't see anything to do yet, so I pass altogether

Carissa (Vee Barlett): so If see this right... Vee can just... shove past people to be up near Levi?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): looks like an opening

BOB yes

Carissa (Vee Barlett): if we keep inching it'll take forever, so she'll do that :)

[TURN] Jericho - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 5]]

Michael (Jericho): One moment, navigating sheet

BOB Remember Michael you have used two spells so far

BOB Water back at the bar and now the Bless

Michael (Jericho): Yes, out of 4

Michael (Jericho): My concerns

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (meaning you cna only heal twice now)

Michael (Jericho): (Ah, thank you for clayifying)

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (it's okay to hold or grab a torch or whatnot)

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Water and Bless. Sounds like a fantasy cure for a hangover

Michael (Jericho): (I'm just worried if I dont' do enough up front, we may never get to taht point. It's a stupid cocnern haha)

Michael (Jericho): I'll hold a torch

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol ryan

Michael (Jericho): :)

Jericho: Pass me a torch? I can help light the way

Carissa (Vee Barlett): we only did round one

BOB and click next

Michael (Jericho): So...

BOB You asked for a torch

Michael (Jericho): Not to push bob, but I'll assume I got the torch and held it up high?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (not sure who had one back there)

BOB It will be up to the people who go after you

Lemon (Levi Reed): I'm wondering if, besides two up front, if the rest of us should single file it while it's so narrow, in case someone needs to run away?

BOB Someone has to do that on their turn

Michael (Jericho): OK, well, people make sure to pass me a torch

[TURN] MeLange - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 5]]

Carissa (Vee Barlett): good thought Lemon

Michael (Jericho): :)

Shislif (MeLange): hey I'm back, sorry fazed out there for a bit

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Vee will shove Levi in front of her then instead of by her ;)

Carissa (Vee Barlett): perfect timing! your turn

Michael (Jericho): And remember, if there is something you think I can do to help let me know. As a essential non-combatant, this will be tricky without input

BOB Mel can move forward into the caves now

Michael (Jericho): *essentially

Shislif (MeLange): can I put my torch away and grab my 2nd axe?

Michael (Jericho): I'm not essential LOL

BOB You can drop the torch on the cave floor

BOB leaving it there

Shislif (MeLange): ah i see thx

BOB Or you can carry it with you and use only one ax

Michael (Jericho): (Jericho will pick it Up)

Carissa (Vee Barlett): I think I would want to know if he's completely against combat? with Rae, she'd sometimes at least use her sling if needed to at least do something

TMO (Rothuss Carder): hot foot for the person behind you

Michael (Jericho): Since he just said to pass him one

Shislif (MeLange): yea I guess mighta as well hold on to it then lol

Michael (Jericho): (At first, while there will be "some" growth, Jericho would let someone lop his head off before he raised a weapon)

Michael (Jericho): (that should be the expectation)

BOB He can move a bit more forward to attack that goblin if he wants

Shislif (MeLange): ok

BOB you are going down in the cave

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (then we'll wait until he gets attacked and realizes sometimes he needs to raise a weapon :) )

Michael (Jericho): (then it will be rerolling a character haha)

Shislif (MeLange): woops I may have messed something up in my inventory

BOB I see your hand axes

BOB Ask away, help each other out

Shislif (MeLange): I was trying to grab the dice from my hand axe is that not correct?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol that's fine, we caninstead have it as Vee yelling at him to DO something or something. We'll figure it out

BOB Leaving it to the group to advise on which is the best option on the player side

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Drag the RED BOX next to the ax to the Combat Tracker icon

Michael (Jericho): I agree it's going to be a PITA, trust me :) I'm glad we are sorting this out now for reference though. the sacrifice of non-combatant was truly to pump up his healing as a Medic. He'll keep ya alive, but die in just about every other scenario

Shislif (MeLange): in inventory? there's no red box?

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): If we don't get seriously hurt, Matthias can light someone on fire so Jericho feels more useful

BOB Actions not Inventory

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Go to Actions -> Weapons tab

Carissa (Vee Barlett): LOL ryan

Shislif (MeLange): ohhh ok thx

TMO (Rothuss Carder): ^ what she said

Shislif (MeLange): sorry yea it's been a while!


BOB It has been that is why we are doing this

MeLange: [ATTACK (R)] [THACO(20)] [EFFECTS +1] [d20+2 = 15]

Attack [15] ->[ATTACK (R)] (Hand Axe) [at Goblin 2] [Hit-AC: 5 vs. 6 ] [AC: 5 ] [HIT]

BOB that is a hit now damage

Carissa (Vee Barlett): It was easier with Rae being full support since she was a higher level, but even then, sometimes I did sling just to give her stuff to do. But it'll be fun for you to figure out that balance for you

Michael (Jericho): No worries man, this past two sessions have been the first time I've cast a spell in 4 years

Michael (Jericho): I think

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Drag one of the damage boxes now to the icon

Carissa (Vee Barlett): It'll read 1d6 or something directly next to the red box

MeLange: [DAMAGE (R)] Hand Axe [TYPE: slashing (1d6+2=6)] [d6+2 = 6]

Carissa (Vee Barlett): perfect

Shislif (MeLange): that correct?

BOB Need to drag it onto the token

Shislif (MeLange): oh srry ok

BOB for it to apply the damage

MeLange: [DAMAGE (R)] Hand Axe [TYPE: slashing (1d6+2=3)] [d6+2 = 3]

[3] -> [to Goblin 2] [STATUS: Heavy]

Carissa (Vee Barlett): aw lost a point

Shislif (MeLange): dang it

Carissa (Vee Barlett): which might actually matter with us low level, lol

BOB smiles

BOB and then click done

BOB Lower left arrow down

BOB Sharif

[TURN] Matthias Crowtooth - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 5]]

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Lighting a torch and dropping it is a full action, right?

BOB Exactly

BOB and for Matt no

BOB LIghting a torch is a full move action

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Vee is directly behind you to hand to it

Michael (Jericho): Hey, remember the days when we swung a sword and a goblin died? Pepperridge Farm Remembers :)

BOB dropping a lit torch is not

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Melange has a lit torch, right?

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): MeLange

BOB Yes both Matt and Mel do

TMO (Rothuss Carder): and Rothuss, yes?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): so torches are: Matt, Mel, Rothuss?


TMO (Rothuss Carder): keener beaner

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): So, I could drop my torch here, and move up to support MeLange, but not take any other action?

BOB You can drop your torch, move up to half and get one attack

Vee Barlett: (can he hand it to Vee rather than just... dorp it and hope it stays lit?)

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): No

BOB Handing it takes an action

Carissa (Vee Barlett): ahhh I see what you mean

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Oh, I was being sarcast.... I mean, I knew that

Carissa (Vee Barlett): better to kill it

Vee Barlett: LOL


TMO (Rothuss Carder): but tossing it in their general direction is a free action. They just have to use a full action to catch or dodge it. ;)

Lemon (Levi Reed): I know that was a typo, but I'm now imagining Vee saying "don't dorp it" and it's very funny

Carissa (Vee Barlett): It's fine, Levi can pick it up

BOB Point to TMO

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol I did like that typo so I wasn't going to correct it

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Matthias hands the torch over to Vee and moves up behind MeLange, taking no other action...?

Lemon (Levi Reed): You think Levi is going to be thinking about picking up torches? Absolutely not.

BOB That works

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Levi can run up and rescue MeLange

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): TOOOOO LAAAATTTTTTTEEEEE

Carissa (Vee Barlett): I mean he's likely finek, but it's almost dead why give it a chance?

[TURN] Lirtimya - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 5]]

Shislif (MeLange): did MeLange even hit the goblin?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (so Vee has a torch?

BOB Yes to Sharif you did damage, just did not kill it

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Yep! Heavy damage. So it's nearly dead.

Shislif (MeLange): oh ok cool

Michael (Jericho): Wait, I'm compiling a rule set for torches. You can toss a lit torch at someone for free?

BOB Yes to Carissa Vee has a lit torch now

Matthias Crowtooth: MeLange, next chance you get, if you move to the side, we can double-team him

Vee Barlett: What am I supposed to do with this???

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): I'm just going to delay

BOB No to Michael, you can DROP a torch for free

Lirtimya has delayed their turn until the end of round.

[TURN] Goblin 2

MeLange: Yes sir

Carissa (Vee Barlett): *dorp

Michael (Jericho): Thank you! That was sparking worries

Lemon (Levi Reed): Wow, could you please NOT toss a lit torch at me? thanks

BOB You can hand it to someone next to you for a half move action

Matthias Crowtooth: I gave it to you to light Levi on fire. Go ahead!

Shislif (MeLange): Mb i shoulda moved to the side before ending turn

Vee Barlett: Sweet! Thanks!

Michael (Jericho): Thank you. The rule wiki for my OneNote will be glorious :)

Goblin 2: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [d20 = 6]

Attack [6] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Attack) [at MeLange] [Hit-AC: 14 vs. 3 ] [AC: 14 ] [MISS]

You have stumbled on a bug in Javin's Action Chat Bubbles extension related to your environment. Please report this to the author along with a screen shot of your chat window when the chat bubble was triggered.

[TURN] Rothuss Carder - [Torch; LIGHT: 10/15 torch; Torch; [D: 29] | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 5]]

TMO (Rothuss Carder): (I was being fascetious Michael. Mine would probably be an attack roll. ;) )

BOB Laughs with TMO

Michael (Jericho): No I figured you probably were pulling my chain, but that was too big to not clarify haha :)

Rothuss Carder: looks in the cavern, torch held up high to light the way.

Rothuss Carder: What's going on?

[TURN] Hyacinth Jeffers - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 5]]

Vee Barlett: looks at dead body in front of her

Vee Barlett: Goblins, it looks like.

Hyacinth Jeffers has delayed their turn until the end of round.

[TURN] Ratbone Carder - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 5]]

Rothuss Carder: Not chupacabra?

Ratbone Carder: skippity skippity skip

Ratbone Carder: Hey weenis, what's happening up here?

[TURN] Goblin (Dazzling eyes)

Vee Barlett: Maybe it's in further? Go look. You know what they look like.

BOB (Ava mutters to herself where no one can hear her... why are there goblins so close to the farms?... That will have to wait until the chat log is gone through perhaps)

Goblin (Dazzling eyes): [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [d20 = 15]

Attack [15] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Attack) [at MeLange] [Hit-AC: 5 vs. 3 ] [AC: 5 ] [MISS]

You have stumbled on a bug in Javin's Action Chat Bubbles extension related to your environment. Please report this to the author along with a screen shot of your chat window when the chat bubble was triggered.

BOB The rock sails past Mel and hits the wall behind him

[TURN] Levi Reed - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 5]]

Carissa (Vee Barlett): he took my idea!!!

Carissa (Vee Barlett): damn his dazzling eyes!


Lemon (Levi Reed): Is someone going to loot the body or does Levi have to be THAT GUY

Carissa (Vee Barlett): we can loot coming out?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): like... after we kill things

Lemon (Levi Reed): Uggggh, fiiiine

Carissa (Vee Barlett): who loots in the middle of combat??

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Unless Levi is that guy

Michael (Jericho): (I was going to say, he going anywhere?)

Lemon (Levi Reed): What if we forget?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Let Jericho, lol

Michael (Jericho): (Pinky Promise, I will remind you LOL)

Shislif (MeLange): I think Levi wants to be that guy

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Or Lirth. They have limited spells. That'll give them more things to do!

Michael (Jericho): (Jericho is about to do some storytelling when he walks by the man)

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Yeah I think he does want to be, lol

Michael (Jericho): (Just FYI)

Lemon (Levi Reed): Is there room next to MeLange for me or no?

BOB No you cannot get past Matt

BOB You can get up next to him but not past him

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): You. SHALL. NOT. PAAAASSS!!

[TURN] Ava Bosley - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 5]]

BOB Point

Shislif (MeLange): lol sry team!

[TURN] Goblin (Tidy eyebrows)

Shislif (MeLange): can they range attack?

BOB Mel is doing what he is supposed to do, be the strong fighter protecting and blocking everyone

Lemon (Levi Reed): Someone check the dang corpse! What if he's got good rum!?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Vee can reach past one person, but not more, lol. Levi might have better range attacks, but cave. We can just... be more aware next goblin

Goblin (Tidy eyebrows): [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [d20 = 4]

Attack [4] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Attack) [at MeLange] [Hit-AC: 16 vs. 3 ] [AC: 16 ] [MISS]

You have stumbled on a bug in Javin's Action Chat Bubbles extension related to your environment. Please report this to the author along with a screen shot of your chat window when the chat bubble was triggered.

Levi Reed: Someone check the dang corpse! What if he's got good rum!?

Shislif (MeLange): sounds good

[TURN] Goblin (Colossal)

[TURN] Goblin 1

[TURN] Goblin (Mangled cyan chaps)

[TURN] Goblin (Diffident conscientious giggle)

[TURN] Goblin (Dramatic anchor beard)

Vee Barlett: Fine, fine. But I'm keeping it if so!

[TURN] Goblin (Flannel top)

MeLange: 2nd goblin!

[TURN] Farmer Malkin

[TURN] Lirtimya - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 5]]

Jericho: Corpse?

MeLange: prepare yourselves!

Jericho: Squeeks

[TURN] Hyacinth Jeffers - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 5]]

Matthias Crowtooth: GRINS


[TURN] Vee Barlett - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 5]]

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] [EFFECTS +1] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20-1 = 3]

Vee Barlett: checks corpse

Lorie (Hyacinth Jeffers): (I'm going to continue to hold... can't see and narrow passage)

Carissa (Vee Barlett): we're all moving to the side so people cna move in

BOB Ratty clothing, stone knives, small sack at its waist

Vee Barlett: takes the sack and knives

[TURN] Jericho - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 4]]

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (spending her turn looting since y'all up there)

Vee Barlett: You need a new shirt, Levi?

[TURN] MeLange - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 4]]

BOB Not rolling anything until the end of combat,

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (I figured, that's fine!)

BOB Just in case you do not make it out alive ;P

Shislif (MeLange): can I attack and then move to the side?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): .....don't you dare jinx us or I quit

BOB No you can move then attack

BOB warm laugh Carissa

Shislif (MeLange): fine


Levi Reed: Nah, this one's still good for a few more goblins at least. Then it might start to smell

MeLange: [ATTACK (R)] [THACO(20)] [EFFECTS +1] [d20+2 = 14]

Attack [14] ->[ATTACK (R)] (Hand Axe) [at Goblin 2] [Hit-AC: 6 vs. 6 ] [AC: 6 ] [HIT]

BOB You did not target

Shislif (MeLange): I didn't? dragged it on to the icon but I'll do again

Carissa (Vee Barlett): on Combat Tracker. It does not always work if you drag ot map

BOB It does not show the name of the token so that means it did not roll against it

MeLange: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [EFFECTS +1] [d20+3 = 11]

Attack [11] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Hand Axe) [at Goblin 2] [Hit-AC: 9 vs. 6 ] [AC: 9 ] [MISS]

BOB that worked correctly but was a miss

Shislif (MeLange): oh I get this message too

Shislif: You have stumbled on a bug in Javin's Action Chat Bubbles extension related to your environment. Please report this to the author along with a screen shot of your chat window when the chat bubble was triggered.

Shislif (MeLange): bummer

[TURN] Matthias Crowtooth - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 4]]

BOB That is something that we are going to add later, Javin's Chat Bubbles gives extra flavor in the chat for hits, misses, spells, etc.

BOB We need to create the tables with the responses

Michael (Jericho): like "DARN" when you missed.

BOB but right now it is showing us that it works

Shislif (MeLange): oh cool, just wanted to let ya know just in case

Michael (Jericho): As if we couldn't add better flabor

Michael (Jericho): Pff

Michael (Jericho): :D

Shislif (MeLange): it's a flavor party!

Matthias Crowtooth: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [ENC: Moderate] [EFFECTS +1] [AC: 7 ] [d20 = 13]

TMO (Rothuss Carder): we "could", but we "aren't". :P

BOB That is the goal Michael, for everyone to add their own flavor

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I clicked target, and then selected the goblin...

BOB same thing Ryan, did not target the icon

Michael (Jericho): I was joking bob. I just thought Chat flavor is funny. As long as we have "Beautiful Head" Goblin and "Chaps" Goblin, I think we are good :)

BOB On the combat tracker it does not show anyone targeting Goblin 2

BOB Now it does

Matthias Crowtooth: [INIT] [MOD:Main-gauche] [d10+2 = 6]

Matthias Crowtooth: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [ENC: Moderate] [EFFECTS +1] [d20 = 19]

Attack [19] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Main-Gauche) [at Goblin 2] [Hit-AC: 1 vs. 6 ] [AC: 1 ] [HIT]

Matthias Crowtooth: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [ENC: Moderate] [EFFECTS +1] [d20 = 14]

Attack [14] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Main-Gauche) [at Goblin (Dazzling eyes)] [Hit-AC: 6 vs. 6 ] [AC: 6 ] [HIT]

BOB Yes that is a hit

BOB both times

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Ignore that Initiative roll. YOU SAW NOTHING

BOB so two damage rolls

Matthias Crowtooth: [DAMAGE (M)] Main-gauche [TYPE: slashing (1d4=4)] [d4 = 4]

[4] -> [to Goblin (Dazzling eyes)] [STATUS: Critical]

[4] -> [to Goblin 2] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 2] [STATUS: Dying (0)]

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Vee saw everything. She holds the LIGHT

Matthias Crowtooth: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [ENC: Moderate] [EFFECTS +1] [d20 = 20]

Attack [20] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Main-Gauche) [at Goblin (Dazzling eyes)] [Hit-AC: 0 vs. 6 ] [AC: 0 ] [CRITICAL HIT]

BOB Damage not to hit

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Isn't it dying anyways?

Matthias Crowtooth: [DAMAGE (M)] Main-gauche [TYPE: slashing (1d4=3)] [d4 = 3]

[3] -> [to Goblin (Dazzling eyes)] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 2] [STATUS: Dying (0)]

BOB There you go

Carissa (Vee Barlett): it is now

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Did Rothuss hold action?

Matthias Crowtooth: stabs the corpse, then spins his blade with a flourish

[TURN] Ratbone Carder - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 4]]

Vee Barlett: Damn, man. Where'd you learn that?

Matthias Crowtooth: Uh.... from Vee, actually...

Matthias Crowtooth: From you, rather

BOB The key thing is... Dying means it is at Zero or below.... but if you walk on by letting it be there, in theory it could get help and not die


BOB Rothuss

TMO (Rothuss Carder): that's Ratbone

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): (I read wrong and thought that MeLange was asking, my bad)

BOB Rothus got skipped

Spring (Ratbone Carder): I was asking if Rothuss held action

TMO (Rothuss Carder): so sorry, totally missed it

Rothuss Carder: Rothuss will follow Vee into the cavern

Ratbone Carder: sweeping bow in invitation

BOB and there was damage applied to the wrong goblin and I deleted it before noticing it was the wrong number

BOB So you killed an extra one that round

Vee Barlett: Huh, I AM a good teacher, aren't I? Nice.

Shislif (MeLange): nice!

Spring (Ratbone Carder): And Ratbone will follow Rothuss

[TURN] Levi Reed - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 4]]

TMO (Rothuss Carder): torch and sabre in hand

Vee Barlett: points to the goblin corpse by her foot

Vee Barlett: Don't trip.

Shislif (MeLange): dog

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Whoops, didn't mean to overlap icons

Carissa (Vee Barlett): oh no

Carissa (Vee Barlett): I got the Spring curse

TMO (Rothuss Carder): Bob - are goblins common on the islands, or really rare?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Ah frick. Spring did you figure out how to solve this or did you have to restart?

BOB Do you have Local History?

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Oh where you can't click something?

Rothuss Carder: [TOWER] [SKILL] Local History [MOD:CHA] [EFFECTS +1] (vs. Target 16) [FAILURE by 3] [d20-1 = 19]

Vee Barlett: Yeah, I accidentally minimized window. It threw the map at the top. Now I can't move the map to see half of it

TMO (Rothuss Carder): as a matter of face, I do. :)

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Gotta scaleui a lot smaller, drag the thing you can't click out of the area, then scaleui bigger again

TMO (Rothuss Carder): *fact

BOB Rothus remembers lots of stories about short mountain men who invest the hills and kills large swathes of sheep and goats and devour children

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Oh, oh wait. I found a spot to click. Phew. What a mess. Thank you!

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Things in frames, you have to carefully drag by the edge of the frame. Hate that.

Rothuss Carder: dips his torch down low to get a good view of the goblin corpse, and to makes sure Ratbone can see it too.

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Yup. And no way to lock some of these. I don't like that

BOB One thing is do not maximize your window, leave it in resize mode and just drag it bigger

[TURN] Ava Bosley - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 4]]

Carissa (Vee Barlett): I always maximize it. It was accidentally minimizing that screwed it up.

BOB Unity and Maximized windows does not work well together for some reason, it is not a FG thing

[TURN] Goblin (Tidy eyebrows)

Shislif (MeLange): brb

User has gone AFK. (Shislif)

Michael (Jericho): Man, short moutnain men investing in the hills. Better be some gold up in here

Michael (Jericho): :)

Michael (Jericho): Read that like three times haha

Goblin (Tidy eyebrows) : [Translation] Hello, My name is Tidy Eyebrows, you killed father, prepare to die

<font color="#000000">Hello, My name is Tidy Eyebrows, you killed father, prepare to die

[understood by: ]

Goblin (Tidy eyebrows): [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [d20 = 2]

Attack [2] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Attack) [at MeLange] [Hit-AC: 18 vs. 3 ] [AC: 18 ] [MISS]

You have stumbled on a bug in Javin's Action Chat Bubbles extension related to your environment. Please report this to the author along with a screen shot of your chat window when the chat bubble was triggered.

[TURN] Goblin (Colossal)

[TURN] Goblin 1

[TURN] Goblin (Mangled cyan chaps)

[TURN] Goblin (Diffident conscientious giggle)

[TURN] Goblin (Dramatic anchor beard)

[TURN] Goblin (Flannel top)

[TURN] Farmer Malkin

[TURN] Lirtimya - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 4]]

BOB Also Quote for Lemon, just saying

[TURN] Hyacinth Jeffers - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 4]]


[TURN] Vee Barlett - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 4]]

Lemon (Levi Reed): What the goblin said?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): sorry ignore

BOB Will let you find out

Lemon (Levi Reed): I mean is that the quote you're talking about?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): she got a trident purposefully to reach past people so she can get behind Matt and stab it, yes?

BOB Yes Vee can do that

Vee Barlett: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [ENC: Moderate] [EFFECTS +1] [d20+2 = 22]

Attack [22] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Trident) [at Goblin (Tidy eyebrows)] [Hit-AC: -2 vs. 6 ] [AC: -2 ] [CRITICAL HIT]

Carissa (Vee Barlett): STABBY STABBY

BOB and again

Vee Barlett: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [ENC: Moderate] [EFFECTS +1] [d20+2 = 11]

Attack [11] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Trident) [at Goblin (Tidy eyebrows)] [Hit-AC: 9 vs. 6 ] [AC: 9 ] [MISS]

Vee Barlett: [DAMAGE (M)] Trident [TYPE: piercing (1d6+2=6)] [d6+2 = 6]

[6] -> [to Goblin (Tidy eyebrows)] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 2] [STATUS: Dying (0)]

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Matthias gurgles, half-turns to look at Vee. Managing a strangled, "Whhyyy...." he topples to the ground

Carissa (Vee Barlett): she didn't want to show up Matt after he did so good, kill his enthusiasm, you know? so had to miss the second one

Carissa (Vee Barlett): for his ego

[TURN] Jericho - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 3]]

Vee Barlett: Looks, more for you to look, Levi!

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (lol)

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Matthias appreciates your concern for his ego.

Vee Barlett: You missed on, Matthias. Good thing I'm here.

Vee Barlett: *one

Matthias Crowtooth: Whatever would I do without you...?

BOB and the group learns about polearm ranges this combat too

[TURN] MeLange - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 3]]

Vee Barlett: Easily be a lost little fish at sea!

MeLange: no more goblins?

Michael (Jericho): Sorry passed because coudn't figure out how to help right now

Matthias Crowtooth: laughs

Vee Barlett: Dunno. What's up there?

BOB You do not see any

Vee Barlett: holds torch a little higher

MeLange: well let's find out then

Shislif (MeLange): I believe Mel should still be holding a torch

Carissa (Vee Barlett): yup

Shislif (MeLange): or at least I didn't drop it

BOB Correct to Sharif

BOB you should be able to see down the cave

BOB Not sure why it is not working

Shislif (MeLange): oh yea it's not lighting up on my map

Levi Reed -> Vee Barlett: I hope this cave opens up soon. I haven't even had a chance to show off my machete skills

Shislif (MeLange): should i end turn?

Vee Barlett -> Levi Reed: Down low, too slow! Gotta catch up, man. I looted a body AND killed one!

Shislif (MeLange): oh cool

Levi Reed -> Vee Barlett: You have your silly pointy stick though, that isn't fair.

Shislif (MeLange): Do I have more walking points left?

BOB Levi is up

Shislif (MeLange): oh ok

[TURN] Rothuss Carder - [Torch; LIGHT: 10/15 torch; Torch; [D: 27] | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 3]]

Vee Barlett -> Levi Reed: It is a TRIDENT. A proper weapon. Something that properly stabs things!

Levi Reed -> Vee Barlett: Excuse you. Mr. and Mr. Stabby Machete both stab things JUST FINE

Rothuss Carder: mvoes up behind Levi, holding his torch up high

[TURN] Matthias Crowtooth - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 3]]

Vee Barlett -> Levi Reed: Do they? I thought you just sliced and diced with those things. So... landbased.

Levi Reed -> Vee Barlett: Slicing, dicing, stabbing... it's all the same.

Matthias Crowtooth: lights another torch

[TURN] Ratbone Carder - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 3]]

Vee Barlett -> Levi Reed: No finess. A sloppy as your drinking.

Ratbone Carder: quiety singing creepity creep creep

[TURN] Levi Reed - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 3]]

Lemon (Levi Reed): Looks like we're at an impasse?

Lemon (Levi Reed): I mean me, not the people up front

BOB Correct

[TURN] Ava Bosley - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 3]]

Spring (Ratbone Carder): you could use your turn to thunk sombody

Carissa (Vee Barlett): or loot

Carissa (Vee Barlett): you got bodies right here

Spring (Ratbone Carder): oh i'm firmly in the loot on your way out camp

[TURN] Goblin (Colossal)

[TURN] Goblin 1

[TURN] Goblin (Mangled cyan chaps)

[TURN] Goblin (Diffident conscientious giggle)

[TURN] Goblin (Dramatic anchor beard)

[TURN] Goblin (Flannel top)

[TURN] Farmer Malkin

[TURN] Lirtimya - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 3]]

Lemon (Levi Reed): I can't reach!

Lemon (Levi Reed): Vee's big butt is in my way

Carissa (Vee Barlett): rude

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): should I juist go forward in the line or take time to loot this body?

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): 0_0

Carissa (Vee Barlett): that one was already looted but we have three more up here when you get here!

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Okay

[TURN] Hyacinth Jeffers - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 3]]


[TURN] Vee Barlett - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 3]]

Carissa (Vee Barlett): she can move past right? or is that corner in her way?

BOB The caves turn but continue to go down deeper

BOB She can move past

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Spelunking [MOD:INT] [EFFECTS +1] (vs. Target 7) [FAILURE by 3] [d20-1 = 10]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] [EFFECTS +1] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20-1 = 10]

Matthias Crowtooth: shifts his big butt so Vee can get past

Carissa (Vee Barlett): oh smart

BOB That would happen on Levi's turn and it is a full move action if you want to do it

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] [EFFECTS +1] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20-1 = 9]

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] [EFFECTS +1] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 2] [d20-1 = 16]

Lemon (Levi Reed): Oh, I didn't realize we were still in combat

BOB Very much so

[TURN] Jericho - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 2]]

Jericho: Uh oh

Jericho: Up

Jericho: No

BOB Jericho (and Ava) are still outside of the caves

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Vee is moving out of the way, but will let MeLange keep lead since he's strong man strong

Jericho: Turns and Vomits

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (and harder to hit)

Jericho: I think

Jericho: He's dead

Jericho: Upchucks again

[TURN] MeLange - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 2]]

Vee Barlett: mutters, "Sounds like someone needs to get a priest for the priest."

Carissa (Vee Barlett): What is an anchor beard???

MeLange: Goblin

Carissa (Vee Barlett): and how does it become dramatic????

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): A beard that is grown in the United States allows illegal immigrants to stay in the US indefinitely.

-> MeLange: Mel sees the stream there crossing the path, and then on the other side a goblin that is grey skin, not healthy and moving very slowly

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Oh, according to Google, he's Johnny Depp got it

TMO (Rothuss Carder): it's a beard style, I think.

Michael (Jericho): LOLOLOL

Michael (Jericho): That's my quote of the night Carissa LOL

Carissa (Vee Barlett): :)

MeLange: Hold up, this goblin seems different, perhaps we could talk to him

MeLange: anybody speak goblin?

Matthias Crowtooth: My sword does

Vee Barlett: Maybe it speaks Common?

MeLange: 2nd goblin, keep your guard up, but let's see if we can talk

MeLange tries to initiate conversation with the grey goblin

Shislif (MeLange): should I end turn?


[TURN] Rothuss Carder - [Torch; LIGHT: 10/15 torch; Torch; [D: 26] | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 2]]

-> Rothuss Carder: Grey Skinned Goblin does not sound normal

Shislif (MeLange): brb

TMO (Rothuss Carder): how do I wait for Matthias to go before me?

User has gone AFK. (Shislif)

BOB You can hold action, and then speak up when you want to go, OR you can just pass and go at the end of the round

TMO (Rothuss Carder): He's right after me. Can I change my Init to a 7?

BOB I can

[TURN] Matthias Crowtooth - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 3]]

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I meant to move to the space to the north so others could also pass

TMO (Rothuss Carder): oh, it's Levi in front of me. How did I get those two confused??

[TURN] Rothuss Carder - [Torch; LIGHT: 10/15 torch; Torch; [D: 26] | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 1]]

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Thank ye

TMO (Rothuss Carder): Can Rothuss squeeze past?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): both big butts?

BOB No Levi is blocking that narrow passage

Lemon (Levi Reed): I'm going to move as soon as I can!

TMO (Rothuss Carder): alright, I guess drop me to a 9 then. sorry for the mistake

[TURN] Ratbone Carder - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 2]]

Spring (Ratbone Carder): well heck if it's an option, please make me 10 so this works

[TURN] Levi Reed - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 2]]

Spring (Ratbone Carder): pretty please?

Spring (Ratbone Carder): thanks

BOB Levi is up

Effect ['Bless;ATK: 1;SAVE: 1;CHECK: 1'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Rothuss Carder]

[TURN] Rothuss Carder - [Torch; LIGHT: 10/15 torch; Torch; [D: 26]]

Rothuss Carder: carefully steps over the next body and moves forward.

Rothuss Carder: What did it say? It sounded weird.

Vee Barlett -> Levi Reed: I thought you wanted to slice and dice. Why you hiding behind me?

[TURN] Ava Bosley - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 2]]

[TURN] Ratbone Carder - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 1]]

Ratbone Carder: (singing) let's ... step ... gingerly. around ... the ... dead ... bodeeees

Levi Reed -> Vee Barlett: I kind of want to get that uptight priest up here

[TURN] Goblin (Colossal)

Matthias Crowtooth: looks over at Ratbone in surprise and laughs

Vee Barlett -> Levi Reed: Is that who I heard hurling? I thought I heard hurling.

Levi Reed -> Vee Barlett: Probably

Lemon (Levi Reed): There is room to go past me now, yes? I figured someone with languages might want to get a bit closer

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Ratbone is a lot more autobiographical than i intended

Vee Barlett -> Levi Reed: He might stay at the entrance. Maybe bring him back a head as a trophy?

Goblin (Colossal) : [Translation] Siiiigggggghhhhh

<font color="#000000">Siiiigggggghhhhh

[understood by: ]

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (....does anyone have languages? one of the bards maybe?)

Levi Reed -> Vee Barlett: Ha! I like the way you think

[TURN] Goblin 1

[TURN] Goblin (Mangled cyan chaps)

[TURN] Goblin (Diffident conscientious giggle)

[TURN] Goblin (Dramatic anchor beard)

[TURN] Goblin (Flannel top)

Vee Barlett -> Levi Reed: And that's why we're friends.

[TURN] Farmer Malkin

[TURN] Lirtimya - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 2]]

[TURN] Hyacinth Jeffers - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 2]]

[TURN] Lirtimya - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 2]]

Levi Reed -> Vee Barlett: I mean, also my charm and my great company, but sure

BOB Lirt then Hyacinth

Spring (Ratbone Carder): no other languages for me yet

Vee Barlett -> Levi Reed: .....yeahhhhh sure.......

[TURN] Hyacinth Jeffers - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 1]]


[TURN] Vee Barlett - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 2]]

Vee Barlett: Ho! Any of you speak Common?

Lemon (Levi Reed): I could have sworn someone had some kind of languages ability?

[TURN] Jericho - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 1]]

Matthias Crowtooth: I do!

Vee Barlett: sighs

Vee Barlett: This whole time? And you didn't tell me??

BOB So that you understand, Mel is up front, there is a stream and on the other side of the stream there are two grey skinned goblins that are moving very slowly

Spring (Ratbone Carder): I can READ languages and get a fragmen of the meaning. But not for listening.

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (I miss Nae :( )

Shislif (MeLange): are they on the other side of the stream? It seems like they're right down the path there

Lemon (Levi Reed): Maybe that's what I was remembering

Matthias Crowtooth: You never asked!

BOB Yes other side of the stream

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (she was super language master, yes)

Shislif (MeLange): oh sorry i see the stream there now needed to zoom in

Vee Barlett: Ugh, well next time I will!

Matthias Crowtooth: And when that happens, I will say, "Yes, I speak Common!"

Vee Barlett: I'm guessing you don't speak Goblin, do you? Any of you?

Rothuss Carder: Nah.

MeLange: no maam

Vee Barlett: And none of them are responding to Common?

Vee Barlett: Try again maybe, Mel?

MeLange: I could try, but if we're not speaking the same language...

BOB Michael? Jericho is up

MeLange: there's a stream between us

Ratbone Carder: No Goblin, sorry

Michael (Jericho): I apologize, was following Conversation and thinking about language.

Michael (Jericho): I want to check a language spell real quick

Vee Barlett: Hmmm....

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (what's to the north? can Mel see?)

Carissa (Vee Barlett): is it just a pond?

Michael (Jericho): Damn, not at this level. Also fair warning guys, Bless is wearing off

'Lycanangel' connected

BOB To the north that passage looks like it ends in a short bit, there seems to be a pool of water aong with the colorful fungi along the floor and walls

[TURN] MeLange - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 1]]

BOB and Welcome Angelica

Michael (Jericho): Hey!

Michael (Jericho): Welcome welcome :)

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Hello!

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Hi Angelica!

MeLange waves

Lorie (Hyacinth Jeffers): (Evening Angelica)

MeLange: hellooo

Lemon (Levi Reed): Hello!

Carissa (Vee Barlett): ....where is Bixii when youneed her??)

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (Hi Angelica!)

MeLange: Hi Angelica !

Carissa (Vee Barlett): I feel like those might be people who are undead or.... fungi poisoned? or something???

Lycanangel: Hi hi

Lycanangel: ^_^

-> MeLange: Mel can see that the goblins across the stream are grey, sickly skin, slow moving, not seeming to be aware of him on the that side of the stream

BOB Someone can give Angelica the nutshell story

BOB and then Mel can say what he has seen

TMO (Rothuss Carder): we're invading a goblin lair looking for chupacabra

Carissa (Vee Barlett): We killed three goblins. Now we're trying to figure out what's going on with these weird ones.

MeLange: Alrigh these guys are dazed or sick or something, they don't pose much of a threat for now at least

Vee Barlett: So we need a priest?

MeLange: they need a doctor

BOB Angelica Ava is on the Combat Tracker, we have just skipped her turn, she is guarding the entrance to the caves as everone else has gone inside

Vee Barlett: I don't want whatever they caught.

BOB 5 goblins

MeLange: we can continue along the stream

MeLange: or try to help them

Michael (Jericho): (Well, when Jericho gets up there he can take a look)

MeLange: whispers to all

Lycanangel (Ava Bosley): yesss look at us, killing goblins and stuffs

MeLange: or kill them

Jericho: I can't see anything

Jericho: So I have no idea what's wrong

Lycanangel (Ava Bosley): okay, would you all like support in the cave or should I remain by the entrance

MeLange: well get up here then

Jericho: Sighs

Jericho: Make way

Jericho: Squeezes

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (you can't cut through walls, lol)

MeLange: there you go your majesty

Michael (Jericho): Watch me

Michael (Jericho): :)

Carissa (Vee Barlett): FG won't let you lol

BOB It is Mel's turn

BOB Jericho already went this turn

BOB round

Michael (Jericho): OK. So, when he finally gets there. Until then, you are outta luck :)

MeLange: moves up to get a better view of the surroundings

Carissa (Vee Barlett): so we all shuffle out of the way

Shislif (MeLange): ok I think that's it right?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Ava hasn't gone so maybe she can diagnose? Not sure her skills yet

BOB To be clear for everyone look on the Combat Tracker

[TURN] Matthias Crowtooth - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 2]]

BOB Angelica Ava is on the Combat Tracker, we have just skipped her turn, she is guarding the entrance to the caves as everone else has gone inside

BOB and pause here Ryan please

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Sure

Carissa (Vee Barlett): I'm looking at Combat Tracker, as you said, and it shows her after Rothuss :P

BOB Matt moves up to the stream

BOB So making sure everyone including Angelica who just showed up understands where you are

BOB Your two fighters are up front at the stream

BOB they have two grey skinned goblins on the other side of the stream, they have not moved forward, etc. to seem to notice your group

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Angelica, we're meeting Vee's future in-laws, and they are not receptive to the upcoming nuptuals.

Michael (Jericho): spews diet coke on my keyboard

BOB Everyone can see on the map how the group is ordered, which is NOT how the Combat Tracker goes, but we are moving in the order of the Combat Tracker

Lycanangel (Ava Bosley): XXXXD that's amazing

Lycanangel (Ava Bosley): I wonder why they're not

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol

BOB Points to Ryan which brings up a totally different point but I will stop and talk about it now

Michael (Jericho): I almost think that in situations like this, we should reorder ourselves to the Combat tracker

Michael (Jericho): Or, Combat tracker to us

BOB I have been giving out XP at the end of the night to everyone who participates in the Roleplay

BOB We used to give out a RP of the night XP to a player as deemed and voted by the other players

BOB we can do that again

BOB Up to the group

Carissa (Vee Barlett): does everyone who did RP still get it and the voted person gets extra? to clarify

BOB also to Michael's idea on the Combat Tracker you can do that by just passing Int to each person

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Depends. Do we really want Carissa to end up 5 levels ahead of everyone else by our 10th session?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): :D

Lycanangel (Ava Bosley): lmfao

Lemon (Levi Reed): That's what I was thinking, Ryan

Jericho: Believe it or not, I copy Ryan's sentiment

Jericho: Believe it or not, I copy Ryan's sentiment

BOB Yes to Carissa, everyone gets XP for participating but if people feel there is a good example for the night I am happy to give out extra XP to that character

Carissa (Vee Barlett): LOL

Michael (Jericho): Believe it or not, I copy Ryan's sentiment

Michael (Jericho): Because I can try, but I'll never match the wit of the others

Michael (Jericho): It would just become disheartening after awhile

Lycanangel (Ava Bosley): the question is, who isn't rp-ing?

BOB It is not about Quantity, it is about Quality

Carissa (Vee Barlett): I think so. Mostly so Vee can keep dramatically sighing and saving Matthias and Levi!

BOB That is my point Angelica, EVERYONE gets XP every night for participating

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Oh, if it is about quality, then I will just quietly sit in the corner until people start leaving

Michael (Jericho): Right, but if I put in a bunch of what I think it quality, but others don't, that just encourgages me not to putin the effort

Lycanangel (Ava Bosley): yay ^_^

Michael (Jericho): which, kinda sucks as a thought, but it does happen

Michael (Jericho): (*Others don't think it it is quality)

Michael (Jericho): (Typed that too fast)

BOB I am not saying we will do it, just bringing up the idea, it was something we did years ago and got out of the habit,

Michael (Jericho): (sorry)

Carissa (Vee Barlett): I think in a particularly good session, we cna say, "Hey, I really loved how Melange punched that guy and then the siblings sang a song! Give them 10 XP extra!" but not necessarily every session

Lemon (Levi Reed): Yeah, I'm personally not into the competitive vibe, I think it's ok for BOB to be the decider on xp at the moment

Lemon (Levi Reed): But if others prefer the voting thing, I will definitely do it

Michael (Jericho): (I have enough competition that I just want to join up with my friends and not worry about the bullshit)

Lycanangel (Ava Bosley): ^ agreed

Lemon (Levi Reed): Question: Can we vote for ourselves?

BOB Both Carissa and Lemon have good points

Lycanangel (Ava Bosley): same as lemon

Michael (Jericho): (no offense Carissa, and I think you are great, I just would get tired of it)

BOB and yes

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Also Lemon lies. She's the one who made logging in competitve!!!

Lemon (Levi Reed): I have changed my mind

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Same for me. I like the occasional lets-boost-our-amazing-friend thing, but I wouldn't want to turn it into a source of irritation.

Shislif (MeLange): yes I'm again competition stuff

Lemon (Levi Reed): I think voting is great and we should all do it

Lemon (Levi Reed): Vote for Lemon!

Shislif (MeLange): against

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I really love how Vee stopped in the middle of combat, seconds after two of her friends were stabbed by a goblin, to loot another goblin

BOB grins

BOB ok so tabling the bonus XP for now

Carissa (Vee Barlett): And then she came and killed a goblin with a fantastic criticalhit! It was great, I agree.

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): YAY Vee!

Lemon (Levi Reed): But no, for reals, I'm not super into it, but definitely willing

BOB Angelica do you have any idea on what is happening

Michael (Jericho): And bob, I am sorry, Ijust have so many people who want to cutthroat me in real life, I just want to have fun with friends.

Michael (Jericho): I'm sorry guys

Lycanangel (Ava Bosley): determining how to distribute xp and how hard to RP im guessing lol

BOB warm chuckle

BOB there is that

TMO (Rothuss Carder): Rothuss is mostly just curious about what's going on. This is a fun little adventure, even though he has no real idea what's happening, since last session is still quite vague for him. It's not every day you get to explore a cave.

Carissa (Vee Barlett): How about, give Michael XP for hurling THEN I'll stab him in the back?

BOB but I actually meant the caves and goblins and such

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Make it nice and even and cancel each other out

Michael (Jericho): I think the end of year Bonus for all the extra stuff that Carissa does is still totally awesome and we all can appreciate that, it's just a night after night thing that it might become a touch frustrating

Lemon (Levi Reed): Could we do a compromise? Like if anyone feels like someone really went extremely above and beyond in the RP in a particular session, they could nominate that person for a bonus?

Michael (Jericho): Hell, I'd give her at least a level every year for the crap she and Lemon do

Lycanangel (Ava Bosley): OH! So I know I am waiting outside of the cave. And a few goblins are dead. If i'm truly role playing, i wouldn't know what happened in the cave - but lol IRL i don't really know what happened in the cave either

BOB I hear you Michael, we will shelve it for now and come back to it later

Michael (Jericho): Sure

Spring (Ratbone Carder): I second Lemon

Michael (Jericho): I'm down with that Lemon

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Yes, and we don't have to do it every night. So we don't have to stress about it every night.

BOB and yes to Lemon

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Er, every week

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I agree with Michael. Carissa might eventually have a nervous breakdown from being TOO awesome and the expectations that come therein

Michael (Jericho): LOL

Carissa (Vee Barlett): LOL

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Jokes on you. That's actually what I'm doing each time I say I'm late!

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Not easy being witty. We don't understand the pain of being funny, but we still care.

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol

Lemon (Levi Reed): Like, for me, if someone solves a crazy puzzle or something, then I might want to give that person a bonus. Or like if they smash a time-turner. You know, normal stuff.

BOB and so we are back to Matt moving up to next to Mel at the edge of the stream and then Ryan clicking done

[TURN] Levi Reed - [Punching; BSTR: 0 | Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 1]]

Michael (Jericho): The problem is I think I'm witty, but as soon as it leaves my bubble and enters yours, I'm not very witty LOL

Michael (Jericho): :)

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Or hint at their HP love while making a point....

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Could be worse. Could be a Ryan and just be obnoxious all the time

Michael (Jericho): You do it very well tho :)

Lemon (Levi Reed): Can I move up and make a roll for a skill check? Just wondering if I might be able to figure out anything about those mushrooms with my spelunking ability

Carissa (Vee Barlett): No, remember the gif I posted? We're all in this together. FOR BETTER OR WORSE.

BOB You can make a half move but then the skill check will have a negative, or you can not move and get a normal roll

Lemon (Levi Reed): Can I see the fungi from where I'm at?

BOB But there are things on the floor walls right there too

Vee Barlett: mean it's not just colorful mapmaking and might actually matter??

BOB grins

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (OOC to me)

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Spelunking [MOD:INT] [EFFECTS +1] (vs. Target 7) [FAILURE by 2] [d20-1 = 9]

Lemon (Levi Reed): WHAT!

Carissa (Vee Barlett): too bad he wasn't blessed

Lemon (Levi Reed): Well, I chose the not move thing but I guess that didn't help any

BOB Levi looks around and thinks, This is a normal cave, nothing special about it

Lemon (Levi Reed): So that's no new information?

Rothuss Carder: Want me to try talking at 'em?

Lemon (Levi Reed): Lol, ok

[TURN] Rothuss Carder - [Torch; LIGHT: 10/15 torch; Torch; [D: 25]]

Vee Barlett: Mgiht as well.

Levi Reed -> Vee Barlett: I bet we could eat these mushrooms

Vee Barlett: Maybe sing a lil' song or something? I don't know. Do goblins like songs?

Vee Barlett -> Levi Reed: You do know bright colors usually mean things are poisonous, right?

-> Ava Bosley: Upon Ava's turn.... she is outside, and she spots a large dark shape along the hillside, watching the cave entrance

Rothuss Carder: shrugs.

Rothuss Carder: Not a clue what to sing to 'em anyways.

Ava Bosley: Can I make a perception roll?

Levi Reed -> Vee Barlett: You're right. Mr. Dr. Man is VERY bright and also extremely poisionous. Good point.

Matthias Crowtooth: I know that some dwarves like to sing songs about breaking halflings' dishes or some sort.

Vee Barlett -> Levi Reed: Exactly!

-> Ava Bosley: On your turn ask that in chat

Matthias Crowtooth: Maybe goblins are the same...?

Ava Bosley: Thank you!

Vee Barlett: Who likes what?

Ratbone Carder: withering glance at her brother

Rothuss Carder: steps forward to behind the fighters.

Levi Reed -> Vee Barlett: And I don't mean bright in the smart way

Matthias Crowtooth: Baggins or something.

Levi Reed -> Vee Barlett: Like, I can see him glowing from around the corner here

Vee Barlett -> Levi Reed: Do you think maybe he ate one? That's why he's hurling?

Michael (Jericho): BRB, grabbing aspirine. Sudden headache darn it

Rothuss Carder -> Ratbone Carder: Watch my back, wouldja?

BOB and yes everyone needs to read the chat afterwards

BOB Many different conversations going on

Ratbone Carder -> Rothuss Carder: You got it, snotface. :-)

Matthias Crowtooth -> MeLange: I just want to be included so I am whispering to you.

Levi Reed -> Vee Barlett: I mean, normally I just assume too much drinking... but with that one... I don't know. Maybe a light glistened off a strem and hurt his eye

Rothuss Carder: mentally reviews the sounds he heard from the goblins earlier, and tries to reproduce them as exactly as he can.

MeLange -> Matthias Crowtooth: Lol that's cool, I'm not exactly sure what's going on

Matthias Crowtooth -> MeLange: LOL, yeah

Vee Barlett -> Levi Reed: He really doesn't leave that church much does he? He'd never last on sea. First wave and HURL.

Rothuss Carder: [TOWER] [SKILL] Voice Mimicry [2] [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 12] [d20 = 4]

Levi Reed -> Vee Barlett: And he says he wants a boat

Levi Reed: chuckles quietly

BOB Rothuss manages to accurately mimic the sounds of the other goblins he heard

Vee Barlett -> Levi Reed: Not just a boat. A fleet! Which is already ridiculous. I don't go to sea to be near others. Just want my own boat to sail away.

BOB Not that he knows what he is saying but he can repeat it

TMO (Rothuss Carder): Exactly! :)

Levi Reed -> Vee Barlett: Until you start to miss me

[TURN] Ava Bosley - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 1]]

Vee Barlett -> Levi Reed: Nah. If you're going to make me go SPERLUNKING of all things, I'm dragging you with me. Eye for an eye, buddy.

Ava Bosley: The hairs on the back of Ava's neck stand as she sees a shadow

Levi Reed -> Vee Barlett: Hey, I didn't invite you

Lycanangel (Ava Bosley): may i do a int roll or otherwise

Vee Barlett -> Levi Reed: You did. Because we both know you can't take care of yourself and you need me here to save you.

BOB You have an Init already, that is why it is your turn, do you have Observation? or other skill you think might be relevant?

Lycanangel (Ava Bosley): no lol - unless it's an animal's shadow or it comes from local lore or the leaves allow me to see it's shape

Ratbone Carder: (singing softly) Rothus the intrepid. He's gonna try some weird words. Like maybe tiered curds. Because HE DON'T KNOW what they mean! Hmm hmm hmm?

BOB From Rothuss to the other goblins

Lycanangel (Ava Bosley): i'm not investigate-y

<font color="#000000">GM : [Translation] Hello, my name is Bright Feathers, you killed my father, prepare to die

<font color="#000000">Hello, my name is Bright Feathers, you killed my father, prepare to die

[understood by: ]

BOB For Ava

BOB Make an Int check

Ava Bosley: [CHECK] Intelligence [EFFECTS +1] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 5] [d20-1 = 18]

BOB So Ava feels a chill, spots a shadow lurking on the hillside above the cave, and she DUCKS inside of the cave out of instinct

Lycanangel (Ava Bosley): yay!

BOB and now she can get her normal move

BOB Jericho is there at the end of the line of the rest of the group

Lycanangel (Ava Bosley): how far can I move my tile toward the others

'Dru5232321' disconnected

BOB 60 feet and still do something, or 120 feet for a full move

'Dru5232321' connected

Ava Bosley: runs blindly into the cave and bumps into Jericho

Ava Bosley: Oh! I'm so sorry... I just-

BOB As you move there is an arrow that tell you how far you went

BOB you can move your own token

BOB So you saw that was 25 feet

Lycanangel (Ava Bosley): yes

Ava Bosley: to Jericho

Ava Bosley: Why have you all stopped?

BOB and then on the Combat Tracker you can click Done/Next when you are finished

Effect ['Bless;ATK: 1;SAVE: 1;CHECK: 1'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Ratbone Carder]

[TURN] Ratbone Carder

BOB Michael is AFK right now

Lycanangel (Ava Bosley): okay! Thanks for the guidance, BOB!

Ratbone Carder: (singing) watching his back, yes i am

[TURN] Goblin (Colossal)

[TURN] Goblin 1

[TURN] Goblin (Mangled cyan chaps)

[TURN] Goblin (Diffident conscientious giggle)

[TURN] Goblin (Dramatic anchor beard)

[TURN] Goblin (Flannel top)

[TURN] Farmer Malkin

[TURN] Lirtimya - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 1]]

Effect ['Bless;ATK: 1;SAVE: 1;CHECK: 1'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Hyacinth Jeffers]

[TURN] Hyacinth Jeffers

[TURN] Lirtimya - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 1]]

Ratbone Carder: (singing) watching his back, heck yeah, yes ma'am

BOB No acknowledgement from the grey skinned goblins on the other side of the stream that you exist

TMO (Rothuss Carder): Dearest Sister, you've rotated

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol

BOB Lirt then Hyacinth

[TURN] Hyacinth Jeffers

Spring (Ratbone Carder): I'm standing back to back with you. :-)

Michael (Jericho): Apologies. Helping family with restroom. Back


Hyacinth Jeffers: (I'm headed out ... have a good night)

Michael (Jericho): Wasn't my turn though right?

[TURN] Vee Barlett - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 1]]

'Lorie' disconnected

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Although it really looks more like I'm lying down

BOB Night Lorie

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Aw gnite Lorie!

Michael (Jericho): Night Lorie! Glad to see you :)

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Goodnight!

Lycanangel (Ava Bosley): night Lorie!!

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] [EFFECTS +1] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20-1 = 8]

Shislif (MeLange): good night :)

Vee Barlett: looking at the mushrooms closer

BOB and what you missed Michael was Ava coming up behind Jericho and asking why.what everone was doing

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] [EFFECTS +1] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20-1 = 5]

Jericho: Whispering to Ava "I have no idea. I think there is something up ahead. I'm moving up to see what is medically wrong. It sounds like there is a question about some poison or fungus?

Jericho: "

Carissa (Vee Barlett): since y'all just clogged up the passage again, Vee will do her limited investigating

-> Vee Barlett: Vee can tell that here was at least one man sized creature dragged through here, and that the walls of this cave have some sort of fungus on them

Michael (Jericho): Yeah, remember Jericho was going up to Diagnose what was wrong with these guys

Ava Bosley: Did someone get poisoned?

Jericho: Srhugs

Jericho: You know as much as I do

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Sorry, my brother's back trumped everything

Vee Barlett: All these land things look alike....

Jericho: These caves are so damn narrow I can't see a thing and only hear odd inflections from voices

Vee Barlett: But someone WAS dragged through here so we're on the right track...

Ava Bosley: Oh... uhm. I believe I should tell you - I saw a dark shape by the entrance.

Spring (Ratbone Carder): But I should have got a little more north, sorry

BOB This is where Michael and Angelica explore how to interact with the Combat Tracker, the line up in the cave, and how to balance the two to be in the spot they want to be to do things, remembering that also some things take a full round action to do a skill check on

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Whoa, whoa! Youcan't say that, Vee. Saying all land looks alike is landphobic

Rothuss Carder -> Ratbone Carder: At least I didn't make it worse, eh?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): missed Lorie logging off, is her tokin being moved off board? otherwise she's blocking the way

Carissa (Vee Barlett): *token

Michael (Jericho): Bob, that is going to take some time because you just spouted witchcraft at me

Ratbone Carder -> Rothuss Carder: Nopes, they didn't take it as an insult or anything.

Carissa (Vee Barlett): ty

Lemon (Levi Reed): Nah, we are all young and should be doing things badly. I would be disappointed in us if we were well-reasoned and thoughtful teenagers

Michael (Jericho): I know how to do one thing on the Combat Tracker (End Turn)

Lemon (Levi Reed): No offense...

Rothuss Carder -> Ratbone Carder: I was hoping they'd take it as an invitation to start talking or something.

Effect ['Bless;ATK: 1;SAVE: 1;CHECK: 1'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Vee Barlett]

Effect ['Bless;ATK: 1;SAVE: 1;CHECK: 1'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Jericho]

Effect ['Bless;ATK: 1;SAVE: 1;CHECK: 1'] -> [EXPIRED] [on MeLange]

Effect ['Bless;ATK: 1;SAVE: 1;CHECK: 1'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Levi Reed]

Effect ['Bless;ATK: 1;SAVE: 1;CHECK: 1'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Ava Bosley]

[TURN] Jericho

Carissa (Vee Barlett): WAIT

Michael (Jericho): Ye are Mortal!

Ratbone Carder -> Rothuss Carder: Same, it looked like a great idea.

Lycanangel (Ava Bosley): (trying to earn my RP points) as a youth, I am VERY offended


Michael (Jericho): I am waiting

Carissa (Vee Barlett): okay nevermind carry on

Michael (Jericho): :)

Michael (Jericho): ....

Michael (Jericho): so....

Michael (Jericho): good?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): was checking something but alas, FG worked as it is supposed to and that +1 was applied earlier

Carissa (Vee Barlett): yes carry on!

Carissa (Vee Barlett): thank you for waiting for my neuroticness

Michael (Jericho): Bashing people aside

Michael (Jericho): apparantly

BOB Jericho cannot go that far

Michael (Jericho): May I ask why?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): only one in your way now are the twins :)

BOB He can get to where Ratbone is

Carissa (Vee Barlett): who are just siblings but my brain wants them to be twins

BOB But those two are blocking the path there

BOB and until they move you cannot go past that spot

Michael (Jericho): Whelp, no point in wasting my checks. So, I'll just waltz up to where I can

Vee Barlett: But really, this fungus look weird to anyone? Or is it just my sea-eyes? Ay?

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Geez, those two. Always in the way. :(

[TURN] MeLange

BOB So that is a half move for Jericho

MeLange: Find I'll just get out of the way then

BOB and now Mel

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Just singing and dancing and blocking the way

Ratbone Carder: Definitely looks weird

Jericho: Just so everyone is aware, Ava says there is a shape out front the cave

Jericho: We may have visitors

Shislif (MeLange): anything else I can do?

Michael (Jericho): I have done my duty

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Don't worry, I'll scooch a bit north on my turn and stop blocking

BOB Mel is in a good spot out of the way of everyone

Michael (Jericho): :P

[TURN] Matthias Crowtooth - [Bless; ATK: 1; SAVE: 1; CHECK: 1; [D: 1]]

Shislif (MeLange): there we go

Matthias Crowtooth: So.... we aren't fighting them?

BOB It is ok Ratbone now Jericho is blocking anyone else from moving up

Carissa (Vee Barlett): he has a torch so why is there still fog of war by Mel?

Michael (Jericho): Nope, I didn't start this mess. Nice try bob

BOB And Ava is alone back in the caves

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Once i move, jericho will be able to get closer to his, ah, patients

Michael (Jericho): You've been in traffic, it's always teh dude up front

Michael (Jericho): :)

BOB Next round Jerhico can move

Michael (Jericho): I'm just an innocent road rage citizen

Michael (Jericho): :P

Carissa (Vee Barlett): it's fine, Levi is in the back of the line now, too, and can save the day

BOB This is why you have to consider delaying your action, or wiating until the end

BOB But Matt is up

BOB Standing there at the stream

Michael (Jericho): Well bob, that's just to hard for me to mentally keep track of, but will keep in mind if anyone want's to tell me how to organize

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Matt just asked the group what they want to do about the goblins

BOB two grey skinned goblns across from him

Vee Barlett: Kill them? They may move slow, but they still trying to kill you, ya?

BOB Michael, just look at the Combat Tracker when it is your turn, then check the map,

Ratbone Carder: PerPLEXion!

Levi Reed: Well if those aren't a threat, we should maybe check out this shadow thing first?

Ratbone Carder: I dunno, I don't know!

Matthias Crowtooth: shrugs but keeps his eyes on the goblins

Ratbone Carder: They could be high?

[TURN] Levi Reed - [Punching; BSTR: 0]

Vee Barlett: Maybe they ate the mushrooms.

Vee Barlett: side eyes Levi

Ratbone Carder: nodding

Michael (Jericho): Yes, you have said taht. But I'm confused on what information you are trying to convey about it. Nevertheless, I'm not going to stop a game to figure that out right this second. We have been in the same place for two hours of RL, which is why I'm not fussing over the particulars

Lirtimya: Maybe that's what happens if you eat these mushrooms?

Levi Reed: See! I told you we could eat them!

Rothuss Carder: Mebbe they're not goblins?

Vee Barlett: No dimwit. You become gray goblins. Or goblin-like! I don't know which it is. They're up there.

Rothuss Carder: I mean, they look a bit different.

Vee Barlett: See? Lirth gets it. You eat them, you become grey.

Levi Reed: mumbling "They're probably just happy"

Vee Barlett: Maybe even GRAY!

Rothuss Carder -> Ratbone Carder: How did we wind up with this bunch again?

Vee Barlett: You can't pull off grey locks yet.

Levi Reed: I can pull of anything I want to!

BOB Levi is up

Ratbone Carder -> Rothuss Carder: I think Auntie Bell cursed us, after the uh you know

Vee Barlett: Yeah? Pull off this.

Vee Barlett: rude gesture

Rothuss Carder: considers it for a moment, then shrugs.

Levi Reed: laughs

Rothuss Carder -> Ratbone Carder: I didn't think she was that mad at us.

Ratbone Carder -> Rothuss Carder: Oh Auntie Coca probably bullied her into it. SHE was definitely that mad at us.

BOB waiting on Levi to click next

Carissa (Vee Barlett): unless you got that magic botany roll!

Lemon (Levi Reed): Oh, shoot, sorry

Michael (Jericho): I have herbalism and diagnostics. Don't waste that spell please

Lemon (Levi Reed): No, but I think I'm at least going to go check out what's going on by Ava

Carissa (Vee Barlett): good ide

Carissa (Vee Barlett): a

Rothuss Carder -> Ratbone Carder: Auntie Coca is always mad at everyone, including Auntie Bell.

[TURN] Rothuss Carder - [Torch; LIGHT: 10/15 torch; Torch; [D: 24]]

Ratbone Carder -> Rothuss Carder: Fair, yeah that's fair, mon frere

Rothuss Carder: Alright. I'm gonna try that again.

Rothuss Carder: mimcs the sounds again, then gestures at himself and says "Rothuss"

Lemon (Levi Reed): I clicked the next!

BOB Yes and Rothuss is up

Rothuss Carder: moves to where they can see him

Lemon (Levi Reed): But my move didn't go through

BOB There is no indication that they are paying attention to Rothuss

[TURN] Ava Bosley

Rothuss Carder: thinks about it

Lemon (Levi Reed): Thank you!

Ava Bosley: *loudly whispers* Jericho! Wait-

Ava Bosley: Oh, hello Levi!

Ava Bosley: There was a dark shadow by the entrance so I ran in

Lycanangel (Ava Bosley): can I do a botany or herbalism or agriculture check on the surrounding mushrooms if i can see any by me?

Rothuss Carder: how to I whisper to Bob?

TMO (Rothuss Carder): oop

Levi Reed: Good! It's probably just a wild animal but you never know

Spring (Ratbone Carder): slash w space GM

Ava Bosley: Should we stay here or do they need us farther down the cave?

Rothuss Carder: Rothuss is going to spend the time until his next turn making sure these are actually living things and not just statues

Lemon (Levi Reed): What is Ava again? Priest?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (apparently all those purple things are mushrooms bny you so probably!)

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (do all of them!)

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (at most, Bob just ignores it, lol)

Lycanangel (Ava Bosley): yes!

Michael (Jericho): I think, that as soon as possible, if everyone can hold there turn next round until Jericho can get to the front of the line and diagnose what is going on with these two, we will speed up the round much quicker.

Levi Reed: You might want to go ahead a little bit, see if you can cure those goblins they're trying to figure out. I'll keep guard

-> Rothuss Carder: Make an Int check

Michael (Jericho): Can we agree? At least knock that part of the two part problem out fo the way

Lycanangel (Ava Bosley): doing a botany check! if i shouldn't have, please ignore

Rothuss Carder: [TOWER] [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 6]

Ava Bosley: [SKILL] Botany [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 12]

Michael (Jericho): That would be great! But you have to be up here with them don't you?

Lemon (Levi Reed): I think the goblins are a red herring

Michael (Jericho): I think they can be whatever they want, but I really want to be out of the cabe before we end tonight :D

BOB So Rothuss determines that these are real moving goblins, grey skin and very slow movement not withstanding

Carissa (Vee Barlett): so kill

BOB Ava determines that this fungus is not harmful, it can be used as food, but has no special properties

Michael (Jericho): Hell, if I can diagnose them, we can just leave them alone. They aren't even attacking (thus far), let's just ignore them

Lemon (Levi Reed): The dark shape is what took the dad, and if that's about to come in here for us, that sounds like the main fight here

Carissa (Vee Barlett): the mushrooms were the red herring!!

Ava Bosley: Alright. Uhm, please be careful, Levi. All my instincts told me to run. Bad omens...

BOB and Ava clicks Next on the bottom left of the combat tracker

Michael (Jericho): why kill them when we can just move along

Lemon (Levi Reed): I very much could be wrong, but that's my thinking right now

Carissa (Vee Barlett): ...why not kill them? They either die a miserable death so we do them a favor OR they get better and go back to killing livestock and children

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Because they exist and are xp farms

Carissa (Vee Barlett): also that, yes

[TURN] Ratbone Carder

Michael (Jericho): Okay, that's fine, everyone who isn't Jericho start killing lol

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Wooooo!!

BOB Exactly Angelica

Ratbone Carder: (softly singing) I'm getting out the WAYayayay. So you can GET AROUND in a CAVE today. Getting OUT the WAY!

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Well, now that we have your permission....

Matthias Crowtooth: sharpens his blade

Michael (Jericho): At a certain point, we are just standing around figuring out a combat tracker and that's no fun at all

Michael (Jericho): LOL

[TURN] Goblin (Colossal)

BOB Also for everyone again, you can drag any thing you want to do on a regular basis down to the dice/hot bar at the bottom,

Carissa (Vee Barlett): my only question is.... is that stream deep and fast?

Lemon (Levi Reed): Excuse you, I happen to think Combat Tracker is an EXCELLENT mini game

BOB So regular checks you do, or the Next button etc

Michael (Jericho): Jump in and let me know :D

Michael (Jericho): :P

[TURN] Goblin 1

[TURN] Goblin (Mangled cyan chaps)

[TURN] Goblin (Diffident conscientious giggle)

[TURN] Goblin (Dramatic anchor beard)

[TURN] Goblin (Flannel top)

[TURN] Farmer Malkin

Effect ['Bless;ATK: 1;SAVE: 1;CHECK: 1'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Lirtimya]

[TURN] Lirtimya

Carissa (Vee Barlett): :P

[TURN] Hyacinth Jeffers

[TURN] Lirtimya

BOB sorry JTom went too fast

BOB Lirt is up

Lirtimya: is standing against the wall, staying out of the way

Lirtimya has delayed their turn until the end of round.

[TURN] Hyacinth Jeffers

[TURN] Lirtimya


[TURN] Vee Barlett

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Document, document, document, Lirt! Vee is counting on you as her alibi.

BOB hah

Vee Barlett: Anything over there Levi? I can't see what's up front 'til Dr Priest Dude Man moves outta the way.

[TURN] Jericho

Michael (Jericho): One check bob?

Vee Barlett: lol wrong way

BOB Jericho can make a wisdom check

Michael (Jericho): No skill check?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): ahhh checking their condition before Maathias kill 'em?

BOB What skill were you going to do?

Michael (Jericho): Diagnostics/Herbalism. One at least

BOB That is a touch so you are going to cross the stream and go over next to them?

Michael (Jericho): Descriptions for Herbalism does not say touch?

BOB It is about checking over someone for poisoning

BOB hard to do that from 18 =feet away

TMO (Rothuss Carder): Nah, Herbalism is Taste. Diagnostics is by Touch. :)

Michael (Jericho): Wait wait wait

Michael (Jericho): One second

TMO (Rothuss Carder): Go lick the goblins

Spring (Ratbone Carder): LOL

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Licking the goblins is the only way to be sure. DO EET

Michael (Jericho): I can't copy and paste text. I legitimatley need a rule help

BOB I wanted to give you a Wisdom check

Michael (Jericho): And I appreciate that

Michael (Jericho): I need to know for future

Michael (Jericho): I am reading the FGU Herbalims descriptions

Michael (Jericho): If these mechanics are in play, can they be added to Descripton?

Michael (Jericho): I can identify all sorts of stuff

Michael (Jericho): Fungus surely is in the cabes at least

BOB Herbalism: Those with herbalist knowledge can identify plants and fungus and prepare nonmagical potions, poultices, powders, balms, salves, ointments, infusions, and plasters for medical and pseudo-medical purposes. They can also prepare natural plant poisons and purgatives. The DM must decide the exact strength of such poisons based on the poison rules in the DMG. A character with both herbalism and healing proficiencies gains bonuses when using his healing talent (see the Healing proficiency).

Michael (Jericho): not just on the Goblins

Michael (Jericho): Right. So....

BOB You are not looking at the fungus on the walls, you are trying to loot at the goblins 18 feet away across the stream

Michael (Jericho): Fair enough

BOB If you want to look at the walls you can do that

Michael (Jericho): So, this is a Touch skill

Michael (Jericho): correct?


Michael (Jericho): can that be added to description?

Michael (Jericho): these matter

BOB I will look at that later on

Michael (Jericho): I knwo it sounds anal retentive, but I make decisions on what I am reading.

Michael (Jericho): My bad guys :(

Michael (Jericho): I'll do Wis

BOB Hard to think that you could look at something from 18 feet away

Jericho: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 19) [SUCCESS by 17] [d20 = 2]

Carissa (Vee Barlett): you're fine, we're going slow this session for a reason!

Michael (Jericho): Hey bob, it's a matter of how real you wanna be. I've played games that were WAAAAAY out there

TMO (Rothuss Carder): by torchlight

-> Jericho: Jericho looks at the grey skinned gobins, and realizes that they are Undead, zombie goblins,

Jericho: Um

Jericho: Those are dead

Jericho: Those are zombies

Carissa (Vee Barlett): it is undead! called it!

Jericho: You can kill them

Rothuss Carder: Nah, they're still moving!

Matthias Crowtooth: Oh, so we can kill them without guilt

Jericho: Disgues evident

Ratbone Carder: oh HELL noOOoo

Vee Barlett: Was it with guilt before?

Jericho: You could kill them without guilt to begin with Matthias

Jericho: Smiles a rare smile at Vee

Jericho: Smiles a rare smile at Vee

Matthias Crowtooth: I... didn't expect to hear that from you, but I'm not going to complain.

BOB Also Ava and Jericho have Turn Undead as an ability

Michael (Jericho): (Ability? Not spell?)

Vee Barlett: Just hush and stab, Matty!

MeLange: are you sure you won't catch anything if you get too close?

Jericho: Shakes head

BOB Correct, there is no spell for that

Jericho: Stabbing undead is less effective, I would bludgeon them

Vee Barlett: Set them on fire...?

Jericho: [SKILL] Diagnostics [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 17] [d20 = 1]

Michael (Jericho): To know that fact

Michael (Jericho): Bludeon

Vee Barlett: gestures with her torch, hopefully

Michael (Jericho): not stab

BOB It is an ability some priests get, which happens to be all of the priests in the Keldorian Pantheon

BOB What is the Diagnostics roll for?

Michael (Jericho): Or, we could just kill them? Does anyone want me to turn undead?

Michael (Jericho): To know that Bludeioning them is better then stabbing undead right?

BOB It is not

Michael (Jericho): Or I'm just high out of my mind and I am tired

BOB It depends on the type of undead

Michael (Jericho): OK. Don't listen to this doctor everyone, I'm about to peace out LOL

BOB and that is not what Diagnostics is about

Michael (Jericho): Exhuasted and bob is going to punish me :)

Lemon (Levi Reed): I mean, if we turn them, don't they just become regular goblins we have to kill anyway?

BOB Right now Jericho has done everything he can

[TURN] MeLange

Carissa (Vee Barlett): skeletons have lots of empty space between bones so you smash, but goblins with rotting flesh sitll have flesh so stab

Carissa (Vee Barlett): turn makes them go the other way away from us, kind of like fear

BOB Mel is behind the three of them at the stream and cannot get past them

Shislif (MeLange): can Mel explore northwards a bit along the stream?

Michael (Jericho): Actually, it is indeed pretty late. I'm gonna check out. Peace everyone! See ya next week!

BOB Cannot get to the stream

'Michael' disconnected

TMO (Rothuss Carder): I at least left room for folks to pass. :P

Carissa (Vee Barlett): already?? okay, nightttt

Shislif (MeLange): night!

BOB and now he left while his character is blockign the way

Shislif (MeLange): lol

Carissa (Vee Barlett): kids these days!

Rothuss Carder: trips Jericho and rolls him into the stream. (not really)

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Night!

Shislif (MeLange): so we dead set on killin these goblins then?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): but doesn'that mean Melange can now go up there? :)

Lemon (Levi Reed): Youths!

Carissa (Vee Barlett): yes kill 'em

Carissa (Vee Barlett): They need to get off my lawn!

Shislif (MeLange): well I dunno, but ok

BOB Ok so lets pause here

TMO (Rothuss Carder): this is your lawn?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): it is now

MeLange: plus gotta cross that stream

BOB At this point you know that you have undead zombie goblins on the other side of the stream

Shislif (MeLange): OOC

BOB I will give Matt an Int check

Shislif (MeLange): oh but I won't be in next week most likely

Carissa (Vee Barlett): okay so we convince Bob to let you go THEN we pause

Shislif (MeLange): i'll be taking a trip to Calgary

Matthias Crowtooth: [CHECK] Intelligence [EFFECTS +1] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20-1 = 9]

BOB So Matthias realizes that the zombie goblins have not done anything yet, because no one has crossed the stream

BOB and one last bit for Rothuss can make a hear noise check

Matthias Crowtooth: I think they may be sentries. They aren't moving because no one has crossed the stream.

Vee Barlett: How wide is the stream? Maybe I can stab them from this side.

Rothuss Carder: [TOWER] [SKILL] Detect Noise [PERCENT:Detect Noise] (vs. Target 20) [SUCCESS by 15] [d100 = 5]

Shislif (MeLange): why you never cross the streams

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol

Spring (Ratbone Carder): hahaha

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): LOL

BOB and Rothuss can tell Matt (and Jericho) that he hears a human groan, like in pain from somewhere past that portion of the caves on the other side of the stream

Rothuss Carder: There's someone over there. Sounds hurt.

Lemon (Levi Reed): Dang it! So the SHAPE is the red herring!

BOB So that gives you some more information to work on over the week

Carissa (Vee Barlett): all of it is!!

Carissa (Vee Barlett): wait wait but how wide is the stream???

BOB blue and yellow no red that I can see

Shislif (MeLange): sounds good

BOB the stream is about 5 to 8 foot across

Ratbone Carder: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 8]

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Ok good I think I can stabby stab if needed. Brainstorming done.

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I have a bow

TMO (Rothuss Carder): how high are the cavern walls?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Melange has a torch. If you won't be in next week ytou can hand it off to someone

BOB 6 foot tall

Carissa (Vee Barlett): So that way we still have lights

BOB Yes Mel can hand the torch over to Rat

Shislif (MeLange): sure who wannts a torch?

TMO (Rothuss Carder): ahem. Ratbone!

MeLange: hands over torch to Rat

BOB grins

Shislif (MeLange): lol

Carissa (Vee Barlett): So torches now: Rat, Vee, and I forget

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Rot

TMO (Rothuss Carder): RATBONE

Shislif (MeLange): lol lol

Ratbone Carder: Gimme gimme

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Rat and Rot

Ratbone Carder: and it's RatBONE

BOB It was a good night, I think that everyone learned good things

Ratbone Carder: accept no truncations!

Carissa (Vee Barlett): The twins and Vee all have torches three.

Shislif (MeLange): i think so

BOB Remembered how to do things etc.

Vee Barlett: i can't promise that.... it's just... why keep typing after Rat? Or Rot??

Lemon (Levi Reed): Levi did literally nothing, so that's about right for him

Carissa: lol

Ratbone Carder: Okay we can scrap later

Carissa: he talked shit and did nothing, fits

Carissa: deal

Carissa: Alrighty then, night all!

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Night!

Shislif (MeLange): night everyone!

Levi Reed: Goodnight friends!

Spring: gnite!

'Carissa' disconnected

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Was a fun night. Thanks, all

Lycanangel (Ava Bosley): night all!!!

BOB Have fun

'Spring' disconnected

'Lemon' disconnected

'Shislif' disconnected

BOB any questions?

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I think I'm good

TMO (Rothuss Carder): g'night

Lycanangel (Ava Bosley): I think I've got it - undead goblins just discovered.

'TMO' disconnected

BOB yes to Angleica

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Goodnight

BOB Night JTom

'Dru5232321' disconnected

Lycanangel (Ava Bosley): ^_^ thanks to all for helping me get caught up

BOB You did well

BOB and there is lots to read in the chat also

BOB lots of whispers that few people saw

BOB etc

Lycanangel (Ava Bosley): I'll go back and read lol

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Do I have two skill slots still available Bob?

'TMO' connected

Lycanangel (Ava Bosley): until then, night!

BOB I will double check but it looks like yes

'Lycanangel' disconnected

BOB have a great night

BOB You still here Jtom?

BOB I am going to restart this

[100 XP] -> Lirtimya

[100 XP] -> Vee Barlett

[100 XP] -> Hyacinth Jeffers

[100 XP] -> Rothuss Carder

[100 XP] -> Levi Reed

[100 XP] -> Jericho

[100 XP] -> Ratbone Carder

[100 XP] -> MeLange

[100 XP] -> Matthias Crowtooth

[100 XP] -> Ava Bosley

'Ava Bosley' applied '100' experience to Cleric.

'Levi Reed' applied '100' experience to Ranger.

'MeLange' applied '110' experience to Fighter.

'Hyacinth Jeffers' applied '100' experience to Thief.

'Lirtimya' applied '100' experience to Sea Wizard.

'Ratbone Carder' applied '100' experience to Bard.

'Jericho' applied '110' experience to Cleric.

'Matthias Crowtooth' applied '100' experience to Thief.

'Rothuss Carder' applied '100' experience to Bard.

TMO: one sec

TMO: we were identifying the 2 nwps for him to grab

TMO: he's done

TMO: night!

'Vee Barlett' applied '100' experience to Ranger.

TMO: fishing, weather sense

BOB No worries

BOB glad

'TMO' disconnected

BOB those are good

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): goodnight 2.0!

'JtomTMO' disconnected

BOB Grins with Jtom Night