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Chat Log List - 2023 09 01 - Into the Woods - Formatted - Story

Jericho: [SKILL] Diagnostics [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 14]

Jericho: [SKILL] Healing [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 17) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 18]

Jericho: [HEAL] Cure Light Wounds [d8 = 2]

Heal [1] -> [to Rothuss Carder] [STATUS: Critical]

Jericho: Sorry bud. Not normally so shaken, and I didn't even do all that much

Jericho: Apologetically

Ava Bosley: [HEAL] Cure Light Wounds [d8 = 5]

Heal [1] -> [to Levi Reed] [STATUS: Critical]

BOB So now everyone crashes here in the ward

BOB very tired from just running running running from before sunset until well after midnight

Jericho: Wearily

Vee Barlett: You never pull an all-nighter before?

Jericho: Come on, we need to get these two to beds if possible

Ava Bosley: Nothing ever causes us to

Jericho: And No. Not like that

Vee Barlett: Not like THAT? Ooh, I hear a story, buddy.

Jericho: Help me get them to the back. There are some beds in the rear

Ava Bosley: Is this a normal night for you?

Jericho: Hell no

Jericho: Grunts

Jericho: Hefting comrades to the back

Ava Bosley: Assists in bringing them to their beds

Jericho: By that I mean not under threat of actual death. Vee is better at that kind of stuff then me

Vee Barlett: Can you walk Levi? Or I need to carry you like a newlywed? Ain't as good as Melange, but I can try.

Jericho: White-faced

Jericho: I just like to heal things. Not hurt them

Vee Barlett: shoots him finger guns

Vee Barlett: And don't forget it.

Ava Bosley: Oh, I was speaking to Vee - she seems to be accustomed to this lifestyle?

Jericho: I'll see what I can do throughout the night. I don't want them to be left alone after all of that. I can't imagine anyone would

Jericho: Nods

Jericho: Trust me, I won't

Jericho: Whispers

Vee Barlett: Well, you know, nights I help Gloria, I've carried a drunk out or two. Sometimes aren't they fight themselves unconscious.

Vee Barlett: Not as smart to do on the water, you know, but it happens.

Ava Bosley: Would those on shift tomorrow be angered to find a few extra people sleeping spare beds, Jericho?

Ava Bosley: smiles weakly

Jericho: Shakes head. "Ill take responsibility"

Jericho: I doubt after last night I'll be in the order much longer anyways

Jericho: We didn't even accomplish our goal.

Jericho: I'm just going to roll up a bedroll here next to these two

Jericho: So I can keep an eye

Jericho: You guys go get drunk or something

Jericho: Rest

Hyacinth Jeffers: If you go first thing in the morning to the farm and get more information I will cover for you for a couple of hours

Jericho: Nods

Ava Bosley: *sigh*

Jericho: Thank you

Ava Bosley: I'll stay with you Jericho.

Ava Bosley: Until morning...

Jericho: Shrugs

Vee Barlett: Nah, ain't you gotta rest for spells?

BOB Everyone can stay here and sleep

BOB the Acolytes will take care of the patients

Vee Barlett: We're in your temple. What do you expect? We can all sleep.

Ava Bosley: sleeps

Jericho: Keeps close, but collapes on bedroll and grunts

Jericho: So Vee, I uh, am not ashamed to admit I wasn't thinking clearly. What do you think would be a good line of questioning here?

Jericho: Speaks into pillow

Vee Barlett: Why wasn't the farmer a zombie? And HOW are there zombie here? Old wives' tales always say there's gotta be magic involved. And here? That's you all.

Vee Barlett: Mr. Markin might know who it was. Or maybe saw his face before he was gagged.

Jericho: Nods

Levi Reed: And was it a real chupacabra that took him?

Jericho: Blurts

Jericho: How do you do it?

Levi Reed: How many antlers did it have?

Jericho: Just looking at the blood made me sick

Jericho: I can't ever do that

BOB The candles grow dim

BOB The soft sounds of prayer echo throughout the chamber

Vee Barlett: We never saw one. Just your dead body next to zombie guts.

BOB Everyone quietly falls asleep

The time is 9:56 AM

The date is Mid____se, 25th Ohm (Early Winter), 586 SGR

Young Moon's phase is Full Moon

Old Moon's phase is Waxing Gibbous

Levi Reed: I wasn't dead

Jericho: Groans, whispering morning prayer into his pillow despite his tiredness

Vee Barlett: yawns

Vee Barlett: Good to know you're still alive, buddy.

Jericho: Sits up, gets up, and checks them over

Ava Bosley: Gets up, kneels beside bed, and prays

BOB and so in the morning, Hyacinth goes off to the Temple and runs interference for the group

BOB as you go back to the farmhouse and gather what ever intel you can

Phatima Markin: Hello there

Jericho: Smiles

Jericho: good morning

Phatima Markin: Smiles

Phatima Markin: You came back

Vee Barlett: Mornin'! I heard you're grounded?

Phatima Markin: SIGHS

Phatima Markin: Yeah

Phatima Markin: Sucks

Vee Barlett: For how long?

Phatima Markin: Till I learn better

Levi Reed: It's not ok, we'll fight this injustice

Phatima Markin: Really?

Levi Reed: Well, I will

Vee Barlett: He's very anti-establishment.

Levi Reed: You were very brave and helped us save your pa!

Ava Bosley: *whispers* It's okay, Phatima. I was grounded for a full moon cycle when I forgot to latch the pig's pen

Phatima Markin: OH WOW

Levi Reed: Bravery and concern for family are good qualities, they shouldn't be punished!

Ava Bosley: Levi! Leave her be.

Levi Reed: What, no!

Ava Bosley: We must respect her family's wishes.

Levi Reed: And have her grow up thinking she should just look the other way any time someone is in trouble?

Jericho: Suit yourself, family sucks

Jericho: mutters

Jericho: quietly

Levi Reed: What kind of world would it be if we all acted like that!?

Ava Bosley: Would you enjoy it if I set your sword against you?

Vee Barlett: When my dads tried to ground me, I snuck on a ship and left for a week....

Levi Reed: points to Vee

Ava Bosley: It's the same as trying to set their daughter against them.

Jericho: You would

Vee Barlett: grins

Levi Reed: See!? This is what happens when you punish someone for something they shouldn't be punished for!

Levi Reed: You want her to turn out like Vee?

Jericho: I think there can be balance

Vee Barlett: I dunno, man. I mean, how long are you grounded for, kid?

Phatima Markin: Till I learn better

Jericho: Concerns for family is good, but we can hopefully lower your sentence to something more....manageable. I hate no firm timelines. Can't work with them

Vee Barlett: If my lil' bro did that, I'd probably have to step in and at least make him, I dunno, make breakfast or something to make up for me worrying.

Levi Reed: Ok, so just go tell them you've learned better

Jericho: Drives me batty

Ava Bosley: *sigh*

Levi Reed: Next time you'll get backup before going into danger

Jericho: Nods happily

Ava Bosley: I'm sure they will only "ground" her for the night. Her father is back. The whole thing will be soon forgotten

Levi Reed: Problem solved

Jericho: Yes, that' satisifes the bargain

Vee Barlett: But yeah, gotta match the crime! Makign your mom worry? I can see that upsetting her, but to ground you forever? Unforgivable.

Jericho: She learned better

Jericho: Wordplay is important

Jericho: I'm impressed Levi

Levi Reed: You just call us if you need help again then you don't have to endanger yourself AND you'll've helped save whoever needs savin

Jericho: Grundingly

Levi Reed: Everyone goes home happy

Phatima Markin: You want to come in for Breakfast? Ma made me watch for you just in case

Phatima Markin: She made fritters

Jericho: Stomach rumbles

Levi Reed: Yum!

Levi Reed: I'm always up for a free meal

Ava Bosley: Yes, let's go eat. Thank you, Phatima

Jericho: Nods in appreciation

Jericho: Thank you

Vee Barlett: She did make us breakfast! Awesome!

Vee Barlett: I'll put a fe win my pocket for Melange. I didn't think he'd sleep in knowing there was breakfast...

Levi Reed: I heard he was having some... er... digestion problems

Jericho: Shakes head

Jericho: Yeah, that's what we'll call it

Amara Markin: Welcome to our home

Jericho: It is an honor Ma'am

Vee Barlett: Mornin' Mrs. Markin! How's the mister?

Amara Markin: Thank you for saving him

Amara Markin: It was a horrible thing

Dishing out food in heaping bowls for you

Ava Bosley: Oh my! Our family must return the favor with all this food one day soon

Vee Barlett: Breakfast is really appreciated, m'am! I was looking forward to this. Maybe after we're done, we can talk to your husband?

Amara Markin: Smiles at Ava, the Bosley's have been friends of the town for as long as I have lived here

Jericho: And I'd love to look him over again, check to see how he is coming along

Amara Markin: Certainly he is just cleanign up now, and will be here to eat

Amara Markin: Phatima go fetch your Pa

Amara Markin: It is very kind of you to visit and look after him again

Jericho: Nods gravely. "I get uncomfortable when i can't check up and see how they are doing"

Jericho: Thank you

Farmer Malkin : Coughs

Jericho: Stands up "Farmer Malkin, good morning. How are you feeling?"

Farmer Malkin : I am alive, thanks to you all

Vee Barlett: Happy to help, sir!

Vee Barlett: We got some questions, but you should eat first.

Farmer Malkin : How did you happen by?

Farmer Malkin : Sits at the table and takes up his mug

Farmer Malkin : Drinks deeply, and then tucks into his food

Vee Barlett: Bredin came and got us to help after hearing of the Chupacabra attack.

Jericho: We were tracking what we thought was a Chupacrabra. Someone said someone had been kidnapped and we thought that was you

Jericho: Sorry Vee

Jericho: Smiles wryly

Levi Reed: And your daughter showed us the cave you were in. Might've got there too late if it wasn't for her!

Vee Barlett: Eh, well, he got Jericho, technically, but he needed a bit o' help. Weak stomach and all.

Vee Barlett: winks at Jericho

Jericho: Nods. "She was incredibly brave and we made her promise that she will get help for now on"

Farmer Malkin : (mouth full) nodding along listening

Jericho: A corner of his mouth quirks up at Vee's comment, but keeps his gaze on Malkin

Farmer Malkin : It was good for Bredin to fetch help

Levi Reed: She was very smart... kept herself out of danger but kept close enough to show us where to find you when we got there

Farmer Malkin : I was worried when I head that Phatima tried to come after me

Jericho: How did you hear that?

Jericho: Confused

Levi Reed: Probably his wife

Farmer Malkin : She is brave, maybe more than she should be

Levi Reed: rolls eyes

Jericho: Nods

Levi Reed: Nah, she knew when to hide, too. Very smart kid you got there

Jericho: People like her make the world a better place

Jericho: Smiles warmly

Farmer Malkin : Hmmm

Farmer Malkin : (filling his stomach up)

Farmer Malkin : Did you catch them?

Levi Reed: This might be the most delcious meal I've ever eaten, Mrs. Malkin

Vee Barlett: We found some goblins and zombies, but not whoever made them. You know who it was?

Vee Barlett: Was it even goblins that took you or a person?

Jericho: Nods

Jericho: We are at a loss ourselves on where to go from here

Jericho: Mostly glad we got to you alive

Amara Markin: Zombies!!!! You did not tell me that! And our daughter was caught up in that evil!

Vee Barlett: A loss? Nah, we just want a more solid lead.

Levi Reed: Nah, she didn't get anywhere close to the zombies

Vee Barlett: Nah, m'am. Those were DEEPER in the cave. She didn't go in.

Jericho: Fair enough

Farmer Malkin : Those must be the groans I heard when they put that bag over my head

Farmer Malkin : That tall shape came up from behind

Jericho: They?

Levi Reed: Heck, most of US didn't even get anywhere close to the zombies

Vee Barlett: But the zombies didn't touch you. Why?

Farmer Malkin : Hit me over the head, and I woke up when my head was jolting over the ground

Levi Reed: They were probably saving him for the chupacabra

Vee Barlett: Hmm so it was a person... bet he's messin' with magic he shouldn't be

Ava Bosley: Did you hear any voices when you woke up?

Farmer Malkin : It was like lots of little hands over me

Vee Barlett: Did he say anything?

Farmer Malkin : I remember the dirt, then the cave and water

Farmer Malkin : but they had me tied up

Farmer Malkin : there was chanting or something

Farmer Malkin : and then lots of yelling

Farmer Malkin : and then lights

Farmer Malkin : I guess that was you

Ava Bosley: Do you remember smelling anything?

Farmer Malkin : Hmmm

Levi Reed: Chanting? That sounds creepy

Farmer Malkin : dirt, water, nothing that I remember, why?

Farmer Malkin : some gibberish I did not understand

Levi Reed: Isn't it always?

Ava Bosley: You know this area as well as anyone in the Church. Maybe if you smelled a meal made with a type of crop or even cow pies - maybe we could see if it was anyone in the area?

Levi Reed: Crazy magic types

Vee Barlett: That shadow you saw Ava... was it person shaped?

Ava Bosley: It seemed to be a man... but I couldn't make him out. He was covered by the shadows

Jericho: Frowns

Jericho: Does anyone have any myths or stories about this?

Amara Markin: How can the church let an evil like zombies loose in our lands!

Jericho: I would imagine that is why we are here Ma'am

Vee Barlett: Well, we gotta go back, yeah? Need to burn the bodies if there's still there, see if we see people prints.

Jericho: Nods

Jericho: Has anoyone else gone missing?

Jericho: By any chance?

Jericho: We want to help as many as we can if they have

Amara Markin: What! Phatima! Get your sisters and brothers, they are saying there are more of them!

Amara Markin: GO

Amara Markin: Go hide in the barn

Jericho: I'm sorry, what?

Amara Markin: You said others might be missing

Vee Barlett: Nah, mate. She's asking if anyone else has been attacked by the chupacabra.

Jericho: No, I asked if anyone HAD gone missing. If they have, we would like to be on the lookout for them, like your Husband

Amara Markin: I do not know, I would hope not

Amara Markin: It was horrible enogh

Jericho: Nods

Jericho: Looks at Vee helplessly, as if conveying he has no idea what else to ask these people.

Levi Reed: How are you feeling Mrs. Markin? Have a cup of tea

Levi Reed: You've been through a lot, you could probably use a little relaxation

Amara Markin: Thank you

Vee Barlett: Any other gossips or rumors about in the area?

Amara Markin: Nothing that I have heard, we are all good simple farmers here

Vee Barlett: No sheep missing? Or messed up crops?

Amara Markin: We do not have any sheep, the sugar cane is all good

Levi Reed: Even the smallest detail could help us make sure this never happens again

Vee Barlett: And your neighbor's sheep?

Levi Reed: Don't be afraid to tell us something even if it seems silly, or you're worried it's not true

Vee Barlett: Or weird neighbors acting... weirder? Visitors you didn't know besides us coming by?

Farmer Malkin : Nothign like this has ever happened around here

Ava Bosley: Jericho! I have just had a thought

Jericho: Jerks

Vee Barlett: Nothing? But apparently chupacabras are known?

Farmer Malkin : Belches

Jericho: What?

Ava Bosley: Could we use our Spectral Senses to see if there are Zombies in the area?

Jericho: Shrugs

Ava Bosley: M-maybe we could get more clues that way?

Jericho: we can certainly try

Farmer Malkin : Zombies here?

Jericho: Can't hurt

Amara Markin: WHAT!

Ava Bosley: One of us could try here... one could try closer to the cave?

Jericho: Well, if nothing else is apparant, we'll need to make sure you are still safe right?

Levi Reed: I mean, it's unlikely, but if there WERE zombies here, wouldn't you want to know, so we could get rid of em for you?

Jericho: We need answers for the church

Ava Bosley: Levi's right

Jericho: We can't get them by doing nothing

Amara Markin: How could that evil be here in our home!

Levi Reed: Extremely unlikely ma'am

Levi Reed: We just want to make sure your family is safe from that evil

Ratbone Carder: (singing softly) don't don't panic, my dear, my dear

Jericho: Well, how could anything that nothing has ever happened here before happen? It's fate and we should ensure your safety best we can

Ratbone Carder: don't don't panic, no need yet to fear

Vee Barlett: Are there other caves nearby?

Ava Bosley: Mrs. Markin, we just want to be completely sure. Nothing quite like this has happened here before

Ratbone Carder: don't don't panic, now we are here. be calm, be calm, no need to fear

Farmer Malkin : There are caves in the hills, mostly animals use them, sometimes people hiding from their parents, glances over at his wife, but they are up and out of the way from us

Ava Bosley: Hiding from their parents?

Ratbone Carder: (singing softly) still, still, take it seriously

Ratbone Carder: still, still, we may yet need to flee

Ratbone Carder: still, still, please listen to me, be calm, don't panic, but take it serious-leeeee

Farmer Malkin : When I was a youngster, I would... make my self scarce when certain chores were due

Phatima Markin: Quietly listening in the corner

Farmer Malkin : So there are some caves up there

Farmer Malkin : But we do not go there

Ava Bosley: Why not there?

Vee Barlett: Mm, this is a fantastic breakfast.

Farmer Malkin : No need to go hide from chores, it DOES NOT HELP

Jericho: Raises eyebrows

Vee Barlett: So zombies aside, what's the gossip? Small town like this. Who's cheating on who? Or whom? Who ranaway from home? Any fun stories?

Farmer Malkin : Young Ava here is now a priestess in the church,

Ratbone Carder: continues strumming softly on the lute, calming music

Vee Barlett: Yeah! She throws a mean punch1 Well, attempt.

Farmer Malkin : That was big news around these parts

Farmer Malkin : Really now

Ava Bosley: blushes

Vee Barlett: Some lowlifes at the tavern tried to lay hands on her. you know how it goes.

Ava Bosley: And I am proud to be

Phatima Markin: Cooool

Ava Bosley: We delt with it appropriately

Amara Markin: Frowns slightly

Vee Barlett: What's else is going on? Anyone sneaking out at midnight? Collecting candles? Teenage rebellions? Or maybe some grump church member muttering under their breath more than usual?

Farmer Malkin : I have been here at home working

Farmer Malkin : getting ready for harvest time

Vee Barlett: Everyone having a good harvest this year?

Farmer Malkin : Seems to be

Farmer Malkin : They are getting the masher ready

Vee Barlett: Anyone else become a priest recently?


Vee Barlett: drums her fingers on the table

Ava Bosley: Did anything differently happen this season? Or on the day the ... zombies, came?

Phatima Markin: Georgie kissed Francois

Vee Barlett: Hmm, y'all really focused on your harvest and not your neighbors, eh? Maybe my dads are just more into gossip.

Phatima Markin: She was blushing so much

Ava Bosley: hides a laugh

Vee Barlett: I hope she wanted that kiss!

Phatima Markin: That is the only thing I can remember

Vee Barlett: Hear anything else interesting, kiddo?

Jericho: Farmer Markin, how long has your family lived here? You own this land?

Vee Barlett: Or see anyone hanging around home more than normal lately?

Farmer Malkin : We have farmed this land for our whole lives, my grandfather's father

Farmer Malkin : The Bosely's too

Farmer Malkin : Though they have a closer relationship with the Temple

Ava Bosley: And we haven't noticed anything out of our normal season either

Vee Barlett: All y'all farmers have a Temple relationship?

Farmer Malkin : I am hoping that Phatima gets chosen

Vee Barlett: Chosen?

Farmer Malkin : She is brave, she can track things, she might be chosen to be an investigator when she is older

Vee Barlett: What happens when you aren't chosen?

Ava Bosley: I think she has the spirit for it!

Farmer Malkin : You raise a family

Levi Reed: Jericho here could take her on as an apprentice when she gets older!

Farmer Malkin : and hope your children get chosen

Ava Bosley: But wait... that reminds me. Phatima, can you help me check the wather outside?

Vee Barlett: Anyone ever hold a grudge about it that you know of? That wasn't chosen but wanted to be?

Ava Bosley: weather*

Phatima Markin: Phatima comes with Ava

Ava Bosley: taking in the morning breeze

Ava Bosley: it's quite nice out here, don't you think?

Amara Markin: I have a grudge against Theolona, she just will not stop with the bragging about her little Welper, he is cute and all but really now do we need to hear about him every day!

Levi Reed: Is that her sheep?

Phatima Markin: Smiles, it is a nice day today, but it will rain later

Ava Bosley: I think you're right! You are so good at observing things. It makes me wonder, did you notice anyting or anyone when you followed your father to that cave?

Amara Markin: Welper is her son, he is 3, and already can help around the farm moving things,

Ava Bosley: Maybe something you don't want your mother to know... I'd understand not wanting your mother to worry

Phatima Markin: I was just trying to track my Pa

Phatima Markin: Who took him, where

Phatima Markin: I thought the men in the woods were going to punish him

Levi Reed: Maybe give Theolona a taste of her own medicine... you can for sure brag plenty about Phatima

Ava Bosley: What men in the woods?

Ava Bosley: smiles

Phatima Markin: The ones that wanted Pa to give him some of his sugar cane squeezings

Ava Bosley: and why would anyone ever punish your pa

Ava Bosley: They asked for that?

Phatima Markin: They want to get some of his, and he will not give it to them

Levi Reed: Phatima is smart as a whip, strong, saved her pa... heck, depending on what the source of this trouble is, she might have just saved the whole damn town!

Ava Bosley: Do you remember what the mens looked like?

Phatima Markin: No, I have never seen them, just heard about them when Pa talks at night when he thinks I am asleep

Ava Bosley: So the men who asked for the sugar are the ones who took him?

Phatima Markin: No the caves are a different way

Phatima Markin: and there were lots of little feet

Ratbone Carder: like children?

Ava Bosley: Do you know what your Pa said to the men when he thought you were asleep. Were they very angry? Did they say mean things?

Phatima Markin: I think they were not happy but I did not hear any bad words

Ava Bosley: That's good. We shouldn't use the bad words. What about those feet... did they look like children?

Phatima Markin: Shrugs, small like kids yeah

Phatima Markin: But not really like kids

BOB And Ava is outside where the rest of you are finishing breakfast

Ava Bosley: Did they look like something else?

Phatima Markin: I did not see them

Phatima Markin: only the footprints

Ava Bosley: hmmm, that's interesting Phatima

Ava Bosley: Did I ever tell you how smart you are?

Phatima Markin: Smiles, Thank you

Ava Bosley: Let's go back inside and tell her what you thought of the weather

BOB Everyone is inside now, finishing up breakfast

Ava Bosley: Your mother, that is

Amara Markin: No you are goign to take the morning off

Amara Markin: you need to rest

Amara Markin: you can go check on the harvest this afternoon

Farmer Malkin : Grumbles

Farmer Malkin : I will go work in the barn, make sure everything is sharp and ready

Levi Reed: watches Jericho to see if he's also going to sentence the patient to bedrest

Ava Bosley: Mr. Malkin, I can join you!

Ava Bosley: *coughs*

Farmer Malkin : Nah Ava no reason for you to get dirty

Ava Bosley: Jericho too

Ava Bosley: I am familiar with it. It will be no trouble

Jericho: Nods. "I do want to ensure you still don't have any injuries"

Levi Reed: Maybe they can put some kind of blessing to keep zombies away

Jericho: I can certainly lay a blessing on this home

BOB Goes out to the barn with Jericho and Ava

Jericho: With Ava of course

Levi Reed: So, Mrs. Malkin. How did you meet Mr. Malkin?

Ava Bosley: You know what the church says, two blessings are better than one

Amara Markin: He was quite the charmer

Ava Bosley: laughs at own bad joke

Amara Markin: My father did not like him, said he wasn't worth a lick

Farmer Malkin : Opens the barn doors,

Levi Reed: Fathers never do. I mean, surely you don't think anyone is good enough for your Phatima?

Farmer Malkin : letting the sun in and takes down the sythes lays them out to sharpen them

Amara Markin: Oh I hope we do not worry about that for a long time

Ava Bosley: So, Mr. Malkin... I don't know about you, but for our family, the tithes have been difficult to fulfill lately

Jericho: Nods

Farmer Malkin : Sorry I did not know that, do they need help?

Levi Reed: Oh, of course not. But I'm sure when the time comes, no one will be good enough for such a girl.

Farmer Malkin : I can gather up some others and help them harvest if they need

Jericho: Yes Ava, why have you not said this before

Jericho: obvious concern

Ava Bosley: Yes, at times the Church makes house visitations at night

Ava Bosley: Have you not experienced this, Mr. Malkin?

Farmer Malkin : Not at all

Farmer Malkin : But your family is closer to the Temple

Farmer Malkin : You were destined for the Church

Farmer Malkin : Our family has not been so blessed since my uncle olof

Ava Bosley: Ah, yes. Olof was a blessing. He has done much for the Church

Ava Bosley: I am sure Phatima will follow in his footsteps

Farmer Malkin : Oh I know Phatima does not have that blessing, but she might be a good Investigator one day if she is chosen

Ava Bosley: whispers

Ava Bosley: As I am closer to the Church - I know the stresses of things and how you may not want to pass those stresses on your family

Ava Bosley: Have there been any instances late that you do not want to concern your family with - as you know the things you tell us are between us and the Goddess

Jericho: She is quite smart for her age. I am most impressed. If she ever wants to consider healing or veterinary skills, or potion making, she would be an amazing asset to your family

Farmer Malkin : Amara is a good woman, I have been happy

Farmer Malkin : Nothing has gone wrong around here,

Farmer Malkin : nothing strange either

Farmer Malkin : which is why this whole Chubacabra thing is so strange

Ava Bosley: No men visiting late at night? This is something I have heard as a concern

Farmer Malkin : I have never heard of such a think in these parts, sure up in the mountains but not around here

Farmer Malkin : Oh there are always the odd person on the fringe of the town,

Farmer Malkin : But that is not unusual

Ava Bosley: Oh! Like that one person! What was their name again?

Ava Bosley: i'll do that - do you think detect magic would be a waste? see if he's being influenced?

Farmer Malkin : I don't know, there is a camp out in the woods I heard, but I have no need for their activities

Ava Bosley: i'll do that - do you think detect magic would be a waste? see if he's being influenced?

Farmer Malkin : and they will be moving on soon enough

Ava Bosley: Mr. Malkin, I have a suspition. About a deeper wound on you. May I cast and see if you are afflicted?

Farmer Malkin : If you think it then yes please

Farmer Malkin : I can't be sick

Farmer Malkin : Harvest is coming

Ava Bosley: [CAST] Detect Magic [at Farmer Malkin]

-> Ava Bosley: Nothing about him looks magical, the only thing in the barn that is magical is Jericho's holy symbol (and your own)

MeLange: what's for breakfast?

Levi Reed: Might be a couple fritters left, but mostly you missed it

MeLange: Well I'll take a couple fritters over no fritters i suppose

MeLange: couldn't save any for me Levi?

Levi Reed: You sure your stomach can handle it?

Levi Reed: You were pretty sick last night

MeLange: Was I?

Vee Barlett: pulls some out of her pocket

Vee Barlett: I got you covered, Melange.

Vee Barlett: hands them over

MeLange: Thanks Vee!

MeLange: See Levi, Vee actually cares about other people

BOB Ok so the group gathers up a few things and heads up the path into the hills, this is the time to compare notes on what you learned so far

BOB and what you want to do when you get to the caves

Levi Reed: Yeah, she hides it pretty good though

Vee Barlett: grins

Rothuss Carder: Hey there! Did you get anything out of them? Sorry, had to go see a guy about a thing.

Rothuss Carder: winks at Ratbone.

Ratbone Carder: strums a dramatic flourish

Levi Reed: I hope it was about how to remain conscious

Rothuss Carder: Don't worry, sis, false alarm.

Ratbone Carder: what, me worry? never!

Rothuss Carder: Man, I still got a headache from this last time. Not cool.

Jericho: So Ava, did you get anything? I couldn't tell

BOB also for Angelica, Ava would know that the Church would never allow such a thing, the Temple would avenge anyone who had a problem with undead

Rothuss Carder: [TOWER] [SKILL] Local History [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 13]

BOB Rothuss would know that only a Necromancer (Mage) would create zombies, and yes the jungle voodoo priest/witch doctor might

Jericho: I think the church is innocent

Jericho: The powers would know if there was corruption

Jericho: They couldn't

Vee Barlett: Powers corrupt.

Rothuss Carder: I'd be kinda surprised if you thought the church was involved.

Jericho: Power may corrupt, but that much corruption would twist the fabric of reality before a god let that stand

Vee Barlett: You keep thinkin' that, mate.

Jericho: Nods

Jericho: I will

Vee Barlett: But you're wrong.

Jericho: Shrugs

Jericho: I'm not saying Power doesnt' corrupt

Jericho: Only that for a light priest/prietess to do that would likey be dead long before they twisted that much

Vee Barlett: Not all your gods hate undead. Or maybe they're willing to accept them if it gets them to a certain goal. No one said they are lawful. Just... have goals and different ways to get to them.

Jericho: I have been known to be wrong before, I just am unsure that is the right path to investigate at this time

BOB This is a good point in that Vee and Jericho are both right, the Religion has Dieties that would create undead, the Church (The Temple of Orange Sunsets) would not allow such a thing to happen if they knew about it,

Levi Reed: Maybe they came here from somewhere else

Levi Reed: Not part of our church

Lirtimya: I say we should check anyways, being thorough is a good idea

Jericho: Ofcourse

Vee Barlett: Thinkin' a church can't do wrong is a great way for them to be blind to it, willful or not.

Jericho: There is nothing wrong with being certain, just that I don't know if it's possible

The time is 11:56 AM

BOB And you arrive at the Caves again, this time in the daylight

Rothuss Carder: [TOWER] [SKILL] Local History [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 15] [d20 = 1]

BOB 100% Rothuss has heard dark tales of evil things in the mountains and hills, the jungles are filled with danger, not all of them natural

BOB Rothus would know of tales of Mountain Men, short squat men who live in the mountains, rumored to have treasure but to eat men's bones

Jericho: Vee, a church is run by people. Don't judge a church by it's people, for they will always dissapoint you. Judge a church for the churches teachings

Vee Barlett: Teachings they relay on people to carry out.

Jericho: Voice hardens

Lirtimya: People can twist words into ways not intended

Jericho: Do you think so little of people like me? Who would heal those I hate even though I would love to not to?

Vee Barlett: Exactly, Lirth!

Vee Barlett: Nah, you're making this personal. But I do think the church isn't as perfect as you priest think it is.

Jericho: I never I DID say, that I think a corruption to that extent would be known if it was inside the church becuase I gaurantee we would detect evil long before it got to that point

Levi Reed: I mean, you would hope so, but I don't think there's any guarantees there buddy

Jericho: Look. I'm not going to outright say its impossible, just that it's unlikely.

Levi Reed: Someone could have run off to somewhere far away to hone their dark arts before returning

Jericho: I doubt they would make it past the wards

Jericho: grumbles

Vee Barlett: And I'm sayin' your full confidence is why they can get away with it. Thinkin' it's so unlikely means you won't look for it.

Jericho: I'm here aren't I?

Levi Reed: That too, good point Vee

Vee Barlett: You're here to heal a man from a chupacabra. That's all the church asked you to do.

Vee Barlett: You here now is what YOU want to do, not the church.

Jericho: I don't have to be part of a church to do what I think Locrin would want from me. I follow what he wants, even if it would be against church teachings. I just don't think that he would ever ask that of me

Jericho: I give you my word if that day ever happens, I'll let you know

Levi Reed: I'm going to tell you the same thing I told that uptight wife... Sure it's unlikely, but if it's happening, don't you want to know so you can stop it?

Jericho: For fucks sake. I"M HERE AREN"T I?

BOB Everyone here was raised with the Church around them, Jericho knows some, Ava knows more having been expected to be chosen for the Church

Vee Barlett: That's fine, but you ain't representing the church right now. You're representing Locrin. Two different things, mate. Sooner you realize, the nicer life will be.

Jericho: I always represent the church to the best of my ability, because it would be expected to stand for it's values.

Jericho: Look, this is a dumb argument regardless. All you should care about is I'm going to heal you and make sure you keep stabby stabby

Jericho: Right?

Levi Reed: Hey, you find some evil shit happening and expose it, you'll be a hero!

Vee Barlett: points to Levi

Jericho: I have no desire to be praised or be a hero or fame. I don't care about any of that

Jericho: You can have the fame. I just want to help people

Vee Barlett: Not pointless if we find out something the church wants to hide. Then ya gotta decide what matters more to you.

Jericho: Sighs

Vee Barlett: But we gotta find it, yeah?

MeLange: what do you desire Jericho?

Levi Reed: You'll be a proud respresentive of the church who did their duty to the best of their ability

Levi Reed: How about that

Jericho: This is dumb. Let's go. I'm never afraid to admit when I'm wrong, I'm just not sure I'm wrong about this

Jericho: Shrugs

Vee Barlett: But we gotta find it, yeah?

Levi Reed -> Vee Barlett: I've NEVER known someone this uptight, not even Lila when she decided to start taking over one of dad's boats.

Vee Barlett -> Levi Reed: Either we'll break him in OR he'll run from us. Like Lila does cause she doesn't like us hanging out together.

Levi Reed -> Vee Barlett: If he starts talking about bringing compasses and three copies of the same map, I'm out man.

Vee Barlett -> Levi Reed: Okay but if we ever hit the sea, you know that *I* will want that, yeah?

Levi Reed -> Vee Barlett: Hey, you can do whatever you want, as long as you're not expecting me to be as crazy as you

Vee Barlett -> Levi Reed: As crazy as ME? I think you've already surpassed me there!

Levi Reed -> Vee Barlett: My crazy's different and you know it

Vee Barlett -> Levi Reed: Different is a nice way of putting it.

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 4]

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 10] [d20 = 4]

BOB Vee does her checks and does not find anything other than what looks to be scavengers tracks, rats, racoons, etc going in and out of the caves for the dead bodies

MeLange: [SKILL] Animal Lore [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 7] [d20 = 20]

Vee Barlett: I don't see new tracks. Let's go inside, burn some bodies at least.

Jericho: I can at least agree with that

Jericho: I brought a few torches this time

MeLange: racoons?

BOB so caves

MeLange: we going back in those caves?

Jericho: Yes

Jericho: But let's try to organize better

Jericho: Fighters in front at steady pace?

Jericho: Vee?

Jericho: Is that Okay?

Levi Reed: Why, your tummy still rumbly?

MeLange: don't forget light please

Jericho: I can hold two torches as high as I can

Rothuss Carder: If you don't mind, I won't lead this time.

Jericho: Since that is the good I can do

Jericho: Although, I can help with Turn undead

Jericho: Or Ava

Jericho: But I won't be much good for regular attacks

Jericho: I will need help

Jericho: I nominate Vee for leader

Vee Barlett: I want my hands free this time. Someone else hold the torch!

Levi Reed: I can carry a torch, but uh... still recovering my strength man

Jericho: Grumpily

Rothuss Carder: Who are you carrying a torch for?

Levi Reed: Jericho

Levi Reed: winks

Jericho: Look

Rothuss Carder: Hey, no judgement. To each his own.

Jericho: Sighs

Vee Barlett: I'll take front with Mr. Sexy Back, here. That way you all can admire it.

MeLange: I'm behind Vee

Jericho: Vee, can I be up front with you, and carry a torch

MeLange: good to motivate the masses

Levi Reed: DOCTOR sexy back

Vee Barlett: dramatically sighs

Vee Barlett: I suppose.

Levi Reed: Oh, you mean MeLange

Jericho: I'd like to Turn them if necessary

Jericho: You can attack them

BOB There are no zombies to turn

BOB All of them are dead

Ratbone Carder: I can hang with the next-to-deads and guard them from the baddies.

Vee Barlett: Yeah, have you seen his back? Super sexy. The priest wears too much... robes? cloth? so I doubt it's sexy.

Jericho: Oh, I thought there might be more of them futher in

Jericho: I apologize

Vee Barlett: Let's drag the bodies into a pile outside to burn them.

Jericho: I can do that

Vee Barlett: Unless you saw an opening in the ceiling, probably better outside.

BOB Rothfuss and Levi got sleep and healed to walking wounded cannot take more until tomorrow, everyone else is at full HP

Jericho: I've handled dead corposes before, just never killed anyone

Levi Reed: You're right Vee. He does look a little... squishy

Vee Barlett: A little squish and pink. I don't think he sees the sun often.

Jericho: Rothfuss, Levi? You are still technically in my care. Could you please stay near the Entrance and take care of yourselves?

Levi Reed: This might be his first time

Jericho: Take it a little easy?

MeLange: so we're picking up bodies then?

Rothuss Carder: As you command!

Levi Reed: You know what would help me recover?

Levi Reed: A good stiff drink

Vee Barlett: Lirth! Twins! Want to start building a pyre?

MeLange: 2nd

Jericho: Yeah, I've given up there. But maybe when we get back yeah?

Ratbone Carder: hear hear!

Vee Barlett: Yeah, yeah, once we finish up here Gloria'll have drinks for us.

Jericho: Shudders

Vee Barlett: two finger salute to Ratbone

BOB Vee, MeLange, Ava, Jericho go into the caves

BOB the rest start building a pyre to burn the corpses

Vee Barlett: Thank ya, m'am.

Jericho: How do you drink that paint stripper

Jericho: Grumbles

Ratbone Carder: My brother cannot build a pyre and I have to guard him.

Ratbone Carder: And this other guy.

Matthias Crowtooth: grumbles at being left behind

Jericho: Snorts

Vee Barlett: Yell if you need us! Watch out for shadows!

Matthias Crowtooth: tosses down a branch and stalks off into the cave

Matthias Crowtooth: Good luuuucckkkkk

Matthias Crowtooth: Wait for me!

Vee Barlett: Hurry up, Matty!

Matthias Crowtooth: Not all of us have horse legs like you do.

Matthias Crowtooth: I need to take more steps than you do.

Rothuss Carder: Hey, I don't know what his problem is. If he'd let me by back in the cave instead of just standing there in my way, I wouldn't have had to jump 'em and get knocked out.

Vee Barlett: You got the neck, just not the legs. Sorry, buddy.

Matthias Crowtooth: neighs in deadpan

Vee Barlett: laughs

Jericho: Rubs Mint paste under his nose

Jericho: Hands some to Vee

Vee Barlett: looks confused

Lirtimya: Let's build ourselves a pyre

BOB So you go into the caves and drag out the dead goblins

Jericho: Shrugs

Jericho: Smells better then rot

Levi Reed: Who knows with that guy

MeLange: ooh, dead goblins do not smell great

Vee Barlett: Huh. I could barely smell anything, but mint is nice. Guess I'll try some. Thanks.

BOB Then you go back in deeper to get the dead zombie goblins

Matthias Crowtooth: Can't tell the difference between dead goblins and live ones, honestly

The time is 12:56 PM

Jericho: You know, I kinda agree with you Matt

BOB about an hour later you have all the bodies gathered up

MeLange: imagine a zombie goblin couple, happily married

Jericho: Gags

Jericho: I'd rather not thanks

MeLange: an interesting prospect

Jericho: I do believe Marriage is punishment enough, no need to make it into undeath too

Matthias Crowtooth: Is that what happened? Did we kill a happy zombie family that was just trying to get by?

Vee Barlett: Just moaning, "Brainsssss!" to each other as they look lovingly into their dead eyes?

Jericho: Frowns

MeLange: Oh no I doubt it Matthias

MeLange: why I said "imagine"

Jericho: Do...the dead speak? At least those who are not vampires?

Jericho: Confused

Vee Barlett: I'd prefer more out of a relationship, but who am I to judge?

MeLange laughs

Matthias Crowtooth: "Just one more brain and then we can retire, sweet Chutchut"

Jericho: Shudders

Vee Barlett: "Brainnnnnssssss"

Jericho: Would you stop that

Jericho: Creeping me out

MeLange: hey it's their wedding vows!

Matthias Crowtooth: "Yes, indeed... my darling.... One more braaaaaiiiiinnnnn..."

Jericho: Rolls eyes

Jericho: Bitches in a whisper under his breath

Jericho: and whines about crazy

MeLange: so what's next?

Vee Barlett: makes a weird happy zombie groan noise

Jericho: A nice fire?

Jericho: I'd like to search the caves if possible

Rothuss Carder: I think if you pile that body on top of the other one, it'll burn better. You've got it off to one side.

BOB Burning making lots of smoke

Vee Barlett: Go for it, bud.

Jericho: Gotta be some clue to I don't know, something

MeLange: you gonna investigate?

Vee Barlett: That'd be the shadow. If we can go look wherever Ava saw it, we'll probably find footprints.

Jericho: Sigh. I'm not the best at this type of skill. Does anyone suit to searching caves?

Jericho: or noticing finer details?

Vee Barlett: Too bad Levi isn't steady. He could sperlunk the shit out of this place.

MeLange: Levi, always taking it easy

Ratbone Carder: (singing) OH!we are having a roast. a roasty toasty roast

Matthias Crowtooth: [SKILL] Detect Noise [PERCENT:Detect Noise] (vs. Target 25) [FAILURE by 55] [d100 = 80]

BOB Matt does not hear anything

Matthias Crowtooth: I hear nothing, everyone!

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [FAILURE by 8] [d20 = 20]

BOB No for Vee too

Ratbone Carder: for we have to char the BOD-eees!

Rothuss Carder: Whatcha listening for?

Vee Barlett: Just look at all these rocks. Rocks, rocks, oh! Mushroom! And another rock...

Vee Barlett: Land is so boring.

Ratbone Carder: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 8]

BOB Ratbone looks over the dead bodies, and notices that the dead zombie goblins look more beat up than the dead goblins, likely just because they were alive, then dead, then undead but there is a difference

Jericho: Okay, stand back please

Vee Barlett: Why?

Jericho: [CAST] Detect Evil

BOB and for Jericho nothing evil inside the caves

Jericho: I'm checking for remnants

Jericho: of evil

Jericho: Maybe we missed something

Vee Barlett: looks at him funny but let's him do his thing

Matthias Crowtooth: immediately hides behind Vee as soon as Jericho says he's looking or evil

Ratbone Carder: Um, neat

Ratbone Carder: so the zombie bodies are more wrecked

Jericho: The Power of Locrin compells you!

Ratbone Carder: i mean look, that foot is like torn half off

Jericho: Always wanted to say that

Jericho: Grinning

Jericho: but nothing

Jericho: It's empty

Jericho: as far as evil is concerned

Jericho: Sigh

Jericho: What do we do guys?

MeLange: sorry Jericho, I'm sure you'll find evil someday

Jericho: I don't want to give up, but we're chasing shadows

Vee Barlett: Keep trackin' after the bodies burn.

Ratbone Carder: Heh there is no "let". Spring sings. That's it.

Jericho: Nods

Jericho: It's a start

Vee Barlett: No we now go CHASE the shadow.

Jericho: Goodie

Matthias Crowtooth: If you're looking for evil, I can introduce you to people

Jericho: Look

Jericho: I'd rather not

Jericho: But if I ever do, I'll need to hide behind people like you guys

Jericho: I just patch people up

BOB You burned the bodies

BOB You did not find any additional tracks

MeLange: you know I love burnin up dead bodies as much as the next guy, but what next folks?

Matthias Crowtooth: I don't really want to burn folks. Seems morally ambiguous.

Jericho: Well Ava?

Jericho: Could you perhaps show us where you saw our shade though?

BOB She can point to the spot above the cave

Jericho: We already are here

Vee Barlett: goes to that point

Jericho: Please be carefull, I'd hate to heal a broekn leg

Matthias Crowtooth: Imma climbing

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 10]

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20 = 5]

Matthias Crowtooth: [SKILL] Climb Walls [PERCENT:Climb Walls] (vs. Target 60) [SUCCESS by 31] [d100 = 29]

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Rope Use [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 10]

BOB Vee and Matt clammer up around the rocks and they find a small lookout post, with a small horn that was left behind

BOB There are man sized boot prints also

BOB but they disapear farther up into the rocks

Matthias Crowtooth: quietly draws his sword

Vee Barlett: grabs the horn to pocket

Jericho: Anything?

Jericho: Calls to Vee

Jericho: Vee? Matt?

Jericho: Calls

Jericho: Worried Tone

Jericho: Are you okay?

Rothuss Carder: What'd you find?

Matthias Crowtooth: [SKILL] Detect Noise [PERCENT:Detect Noise] (vs. Target 25) [FAILURE by 65] [d100 = 90]

Matthias Crowtooth: hears Jericho and Rothuss

Vee Barlett: Lookout post, some trinket, and some prints we're gonna check out.

Vee Barlett: I can toss a rope down if ya wanna climb up here.

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Rope Use [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 20]

BOB and the rope falls to the ground

Rothuss Carder: I'm good, thanks

Jericho: I can try, but I'm not much good at that sort of thing

Vee Barlett: Oops. Huh, thought that tree was sturdier...

Jericho: Well

Jericho: Uh

Jericho: huh

Matthias Crowtooth: sighs

Jericho: Yeah don't think I'll be making it up there

Jericho: Any hint of danger, just come back to us okay?

Vee Barlett: I got more rope. It's fine. We'll be quick.

BOB There is no clear path upwards

BOB maybe some handholds, but that would be it, looks all natural nothing worked or built

BOB Like someone was standing here and then ...... flew away?

BOB Or went back down or climbed up? that makes more sense but you did not see anything down below and no clear path up

Vee Barlett: looks up at the sky

Vee Barlett: Hey Levi! Can chupacabras fly?

Matthias Crowtooth: Uh..... yeah, sure.

Levi Reed: Not sure, maybe the queens

Matthias Crowtooth: Do chupacabras wear boots?

Levi Reed: Nah, no boots

Matthias Crowtooth: cuz I see bootprints

Vee Barlett: Well maybe someone knows what this tricket is.

Vee Barlett: Ready to go down?

MeLange: [SKILL] Animal Lore [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 2]

Matthias Crowtooth: [SKILL] Climb Walls [PERCENT:Climb Walls] (vs. Target 60) [FAILURE by 39] [d100 = 99]

GM: [d6 = 2]

Matthias Crowtooth: Sure.. Climbing dowwwwwww-

BOB Matt hits the ground with a THUD

BOB and takes 2 points of damage

Rothuss Carder: Don't fall. Lookos like it'd be a nasty one.

Rothuss Carder: Yep.

Rothuss Carder: Just like that

Jericho: Also let me take a look at the shoulder Matt

Matthias Crowtooth: I....I'm okay.... Lu-luckily.... the ground.... broke... my... fall...

Jericho: Sighs

Vee Barlett: Uh, yeah. I'll try... the rope again?

Jericho: [SKILL] Diagnostics [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 15] [d20 = 3]

BOB No broken bones for Matt

Rothuss Carder: Yep.

Jericho: I'd say a small bruise

Jericho: Please be more careful

Jericho: And a beer tonight

Rothuss Carder: If you'd flapped a bit harder, maybe you'd have flown

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Rope Use [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 12]

Vee Barlett: graceful climbs down with a rope

Jericho: He's being sarcastic right?

Jericho: Whilspers to Matt

BOB everyone is back down and good to go

Jericho: Please tell me he's not serious about the flight comment

Vee Barlett: gathers up her ropes and lightly pats Matty on the back

Vee Barlett: You almost looked magestic.

Jericho: Hey lay off him

Vee Barlett: Just a friendly pat. You need a drink tonight, bud.

Jericho: I don't drink

Jericho: But him yes

Matthias Crowtooth: laughs slightly

BOB Now back to the traveling from the caves back to the Temple

Jericho: Would you all be willing to stand witness for a few moment?

Jericho: I would appreciate it greatly

Jericho: Nods

Vee Barlett: As in you want us to just.. stay back here and wait? Sure.

Jericho: It will show they were dedicated and honorable

Vee Barlett: Who?

Jericho: Levi and Rothuss of course

Jericho: They almost died to help others

BOB Everyone will be there, just two people to speak for the group

MeLange casually sits on a bench

Levi Reed: Sure that sounds good

Vee Barlett: You want them to talk?

Rothuss Carder: Well, of course we are. Never doubted it for a minute

Jericho: Ava? Would you like yourself or me to give witness? We could do it together, or ask another to bear witness. I makes no difference to me

Ava Bosley: We know these people but perhaps you should go with another who has outside experience

Levi Reed: We all know it will be bad if I talk

Jericho: Nods

Jericho: Vee?

Jericho: Would you like to come with me?

Jericho: Anyone?

Jericho: I'll buy you a drink

Jericho: As recompsnese of course

Rothuss Carder: Nah. You don't wanna boost yourself like that.

Matthias Crowtooth: Me going... probably wouldn't go well

Vee Barlett: Eh, I suppose. Especially for a free drink.

MeLange yawns

Jericho: Grins

Jericho: Of course you would

Jericho: Respectfully approaches the Investigator

Vee Barlett: leans over, "I actually owe Levi a drink so you're paying off my debt to him!"

Rothuss Carder: whispers to Levi, "Just look honest and humble."

Levi Reed: Wouldn't know how, Rothuss

Jericho: in Service of Locrin, I offer platitudes to the Father, and your supplication for your servant below. I offer a report to your ears.

Jericho: Kneels on both knees in supplication, head bowed

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: Jericho stand up

Jericho: Stands

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: Who is your Friend here?

Jericho: Keeps head lowered respectfully

Vee Barlett: Vee. Nice meeting ya.

Jericho: This is Vee, a erm....well she's a friend

Jericho: And witness

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: Smiles at Vee

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: You look much drier than you like to be

Jericho: In drink or on water

Jericho: Thinks to hiimself

Vee Barlett: grins

Jericho: Despite himself

Vee Barlett: Definitely feel like it. I'm longin' for a dip in the sea after this.

Jericho: A quirk of the lips

Jericho: At his own dumb joke

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: Good, a long swim will do you well

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: Now I have spoken with Hyancinth earlier this morning

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: She said you were cleaning up some details and getting more information for us

Jericho: Nods

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: What did you discover?

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: We sent you out to find out what sort of trouble was happening

Vee Barlett: giving Jericho time to reply first

Rothuss Carder: bounces on his toes a couple of times.

Jericho: Unfortuanately not too much. We returned to burn the undead, and searched the caves where we found them. We trited to investigate the nearby hamlet farm for more information, but they didn't seem to know much in this regard. We had heard Chupacabra, but found no sign of the beast. Vee here did find tracks above the cave as a lookout post.

Jericho: I apologize, but I have not met expectations in this regard. I have however brought Vee as expert witness as a combat specialist

Vee Barlett: and this lil' tricket of sorts

Vee Barlett: pulls out horn and holds in palm of her hand

Vee Barlett: They were up at a lookout post above the caves, but no easy way to get up OR down that we could find.

Vee Barlett: The twins said them zombies were beat up pretty bad. Not sure if it's from them being dead or if they had to be beat up before being zombified. Mr. Markin was all bruised up when we found him.

Rothuss Carder: looks at the horn to see if he can identify anything about it from a distance.

Jericho: I did verify he was healing properly and will make a full recovery

Jericho: Respectfully quiet tone

Vee Barlett: And Ava said their little girl said... someone was giving them trouble? Sorry, I was eatin' breakfast. Maybe Jericho heard it.

Jericho: Nods

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: I told you they would search in different places than the regular Investigators

Jericho: There was a girl who was noticing more then her parents I think

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: See Michel, they talked to everyday people

Jericho: I have a suspciion there were either children or goblin feet where she noticed an encampent

Jericho: But the child was preoccupied

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: So starting with the idea of did you actually rescue the person who was kidnapped?

Lemon (Levi Reed): That's all I remember too

Jericho: Yes

Lemon (Levi Reed): Something about angry people talking to her dad at night?

Vee Barlett: Mr. Markin? Sure. He's back home with his family.

Jericho: We brought him home and looked over his injuries

Jericho: That at least I could do

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: Did you find and defeat who ever stole him?

Vee Barlett: Mrs. Markin makes some good breakfast fritters.

Jericho: No I did Not

Jericho: Honest

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Smiles, see they work on what is important

Vee Barlett: Well, somewhat. Not the original kidnapper, but the goblins who helped? Yeah.

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Well, maybe not everything

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: That is a good mark then

Vee Barlett: Burned the bodies, too, so the undead stay dead this time.

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: You do understand that you are not here to evaluate my questions? You are here to evaluate your charges? (Looking at Hilde)

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: Burning the evil from the land is a very good choice

Vee Barlett: Lirth is great at remembering things like that.

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: From what I am gathering here, you were sucessful at tracking down the missing person, you rescued him, you defeated the evil creatures, and everyone is home safe and sound?

Vee Barlett: Yes, m'am.

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: And they had an extra breakfast

Vee Barlett: smiles

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: ALso for the record, only Ava, Jericho and sometimes Matthais are my charges, the rest are just.... companions

Vee Barlett: We don't know who is at the bottom of it though, not yet. Hopefully we can figure something out from the horn. But Mr. Markin is safe and the goblin won't be botherin' people from that cave, at least.

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: It is like they want to work for you Michel

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: We will see

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: I am satisfied with this outcome

Vee Barlett: I follow Deltan, m'am. I focus on saving the sea life, appreciatin' the mayflies, all that for him.

MeLange lays down sideways on the bench and closes his eyes, hands hot dogged between his muscular thighs

Jericho: I am disappointed we did not find the one respnisble

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: Hilde, give your charges and friends a just reward and meet me in the rookery, I have several messages to send out

Michel Chelcein, Mistress of the third circle....: Walks out

Jericho: Winces slightly, but used to the gruffness

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Well that was fun

Jericho: Sighs in relief as she leaves, ever so slightly

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Now young Ava,

Ava Bosley: Yes?

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Tell me, why did you not speak and have miss... Vee speak for your group?

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: It is hard enough to keep Jericho quiet so I understand that,

Jericho: Confused, wanting to step in and eyes Ava if he wants him to interject on her behalf

Ava Bosley: I believe it is important to not only gather information from the perspectives of those like us, but also those who have different points of view

Ava Bosley: There are some who may have different perspectives... and just by speaking to some of our own today... I thought that may be of importance

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Nods

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Turning to Vee

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: And how do you feel about being put on the spot like this?

Ava Bosley: smiles in thanks to Jericho

Vee Barlett: shrugs

Vee Barlett: It's fine.

Vee Barlett: If it helps, it helps. I know I saw things they didn't so I was sure it'd help.

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Good

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: I am pleased with that

Rothuss Carder: hums quietly to hiimself.

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Ava seems to have made some new friends, which is a good thing, she has been working with the Church for a long time, all of her life that I remember

Ava Bosley: gives slight bow

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: For the rest of you I will give you each 5 Gold as a reward and if there is any healing you need we will do that at no expectation of further thithing

Vee Barlett: Thank you, m'am.

Rothuss Carder: nods his head.

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: For Matthais, Jericho and Ava I will give you each 8 gold, but remember to account for your own thithing

Rothuss Carder: Thanks much, your holiness.

<font color="#000000">Vee Barlett added 5 GP on from the church(Hilde) as a reward

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Now you all go watch up

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: Clean up and go enjoy a swim

Ava Bosley: A thanks to you below and to the sun above

Jericho: Bows

Jericho: Thank you

Hilde Finn - Mistress of the fourth circle, believer of sunsets, greeter of the sunrise, tangled as the mangrove, depth of the banyan root: The holidays are coming go get something nice to wear

Vee Barlett: grins and salutes her

Jericho: Puts aside the requisite Tithe, puts a single gold coin in his pocket, and give the rest to the group

<font color="#000000">MeLange added 5 GP on from church

<font color="#000000">Levi Reed added 5 GP on from church lady

Jericho: I have no need of money at this time, and I am alive for your efforts. I thank you

Jericho: I tithe, and will save one for my own uses, but the rest is for you as thanks. Use it how you will

Jericho: Smiles

Vee Barlett: Nah, mate. You owe me a drink, right? You need that money to buy it.

Vee Barlett: grins

<font color="#000000">Rothuss Carder added 5 GP on from the church

Levi Reed: I swear to all the gods Jericho, if I have to lend you money in the future I'm going to be so angry

Jericho: If you do not take this Vee, I will drop it on the floor

Jericho: Surely you would not let such a coin go to waste?

Vee Barlett: shrugs and takes it

Jericho: Nods in satisfaction

<font color="#000000">Vee Barlett added 1 GP on from Jericho

Jericho: That being said, you can buy your own damned drink

Jericho: Grunts

Jericho: But smiles

Vee Barlett: Fine, but ya gotta come with us.

Jericho: Deal

Vee Barlett: You can't let Levi and the one twin drink too much while injured still, ya?

Vee Barlett: smiles

Rothuss Carder: I mean, I wouldn't turn it down.

Jericho: I can still put aside the tithing and keep one gold and give the rest in smaller increments

Jericho: I view their services to the church as honorable in my own way

MeLange gets up and stretches

MeLange: Nothing like waking up to gold

Vee Barlett: Next time we're at a Deltan temple, I'll be givin' him some. Or tossed in the sea before a trip. He takes it that way, too. Safe voyage, you know?

Jericho: Smiles grimly. Now if I recall, don't you own a bar or something?

Jericho: I need a water and some food

Vee Barlett: Gloria is gonna be THRILLED to see us.

Ava Bosley: On my way out, I reach out to Mistress Finn for a hug, then place 1.6 gold in her hand.

Jericho: Oh dear gods, please don't spend it all in one place.

Jericho: Whines softly

Jericho: That's a ton of alchohol

Jericho: Winces

Jericho: Places the total tithe amount (as the total of what was given, not what was left), into Mistress Finns hand (i'll do math later), bows, and murmers sincere thanks.