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Chat Log List - 2023 12 08 - Student Loans - Formatted - Story

Chat log with automatic formatting applied

'Spring' connected

'Michael' connected

BOB How are you Spring!

BOB and welcome Michael

Spring: Hi BOB, hi Michael!

Spring: I feel like poopies. How are you two?

BOB Sorry for that Spring

Michael: I feel like Shit

BOB Life is good here

Michael: lol

BOB Michael is not so good

Michael: But I can type quicker then last week, so good enough

Spring: Well that's a little something.

Spring: The committee in my head is arguing over whether to hook up the projector or not.

Michael: I can use the restroom without crying, so life is amazing frankly. The game is just gravy

Michael: Everyting is better with a projector

BOB Nice

Spring: It gets the laptop off my lap anyway.

Spring: Michael, did I tell you what I'm doing with the computer you gave me these days?

Michael: That being said, I will be occassionally go AFK to stretch and stuff.

Michael: No, what you doing with it?

Spring: It's the gift that keeps on giving. It's becoming a community social media server.

Michael: Oh thats great!

Michael: I'm glad it keeps getting life! The more times we can recycle electronics, the better for everyone!

Spring: Once I get the SSL straightened out it will serve message board and chat and a digital library.

Michael: Like...a Sail the 7 Seas type of digital library? Or a media library specific to social media?

BOB Very nice

Michael: Wait, I don't want to know

Michael: lol

Spring: Hahaha. Legit digital copies of literature.

BOB Grins,

Spring: Some of it, ahem, revolutionary. But some of it practical application like agriculture and building things.

Michael: Whew okay. Not that being a Pirate isn't a cool life adventure in this game *cough* just don't tell me about it here

Spring: Hee!

BOB be right back but Spring they did take care of you for training

'TMO' connected

Michael: Spring, I have a Doc in Strategic Security. I'm on probably so many lists it's not even funny

Spring: The idea is if we lose internet to the rest of the world, we can connect in my county.

BOB You get to add 15 points to your thief skills, no more than 10 to any one thing

BOB and hello TMO

BOB and away

Spring: Aw thanks.

BOB whoooooosh

Spring: Hi TMO!

TMO: Hi!

Spring: Oooh I just thought of a logo. It's a poop emoji in an elevator car with the down arrow illuminated.

Michael: That's brilliant Spring. I'm setting up offline servers and snapshots of the internet like Wikipedia so that in internet failure, there are hard-wired access points. I'd like to do a large data-warehouse when I'm a millionare in a future that will never exist lol

Spring: Nice!

Spring: I did read an article about a town doing its own network by linking everybody's wifi together.

Michael: Is you county using WLAN system to connect to specific servers? Or are you using physical cabling?

Michael: LOL! I wasjust asking haha

Spring: As a town, absolutely nothing yet. I'm only just getting started.

'wyjyoon' connected

'wyjyoon' disconnected

'wyjyoon' connected

Spring: Or as a county either.

Spring: Nobody is paying attention to the poop on the down elevator.

Michael: Decentralized knowledge preservation is a good thing.Andpoop on the elevator is...huh

BOB Hey there Wendy

Spring: Hi WEndy!

Michael: Bob, doesyour library participate in preservation systems?

wyjyoon: Hi!

Michael: National Archives and the LDS historical archives are soem of the coolest "bunker" fallout type of knowledge preservation. I love that stuff.

Michael: Hi Wendy!

wyjyoon: Hi Michael!

wyjyoon: National Archives sounds cool

'Shislif' connected

BOB Welcome Sharif

Spring: Hi Sharif!

wyjyoon: Hey Sharif!

Spring: Making some Real Coffee.

wyjyoon: Ah, the fuel of sustenance some days

Sharif: Hello hello :)

Sharif: happy friday

wyjyoon: Much Needed Friday

Sharif: i agree :)

Spring: They are changing my schedule again at work, but I still get Friday off, so yay.

wyjyoon: Do they change your schedule very often? : 0

BOB Nice Spring

BOB Spring and Wendy you have met correct?

'Carissa' connected

Spring: I actually don't think so. I've been erratic.

Sharif: that's nice!

wyjyoon: I think maybe once?

BOB Hello Carissa and yes you did beat Lemon

wyjyoon: But briefly

Spring: Hi Carissa!

wyjyoon: Hi Carissa!

Sharif: don't beat Lemon!

Michael: Hey all! How's the gang doing! Carissa, Lemon, Sharif and CO. wha'ts up?

Sharif: hey hey :)

Sharif: goin to the jungle, gonna eat a lot of peaches

wyjyoon: Hello! It's been a week, but glad to be here!

Sharif: pretty excited

wyjyoon: Peaches, mm

wyjyoon: Sounds nice

Sharif: i agree :)

Michael: I love Peach cobler...

Sharif: yummy

Sharif: great idea

wyjyoon: I've never had peach cobbler, actually

wyjyoon: I need to try it now

Sharif: yes you must

Spring: Oh wow, you are in for a treat.

Sharif: with some ice cream preferably

Spring: Especially served warm with ice cream.

wyjyoon: That sounds amazing

wyjyoon: Is it like a pie?

wyjyoon: Sometimes you put ice cream on pie

wyjyoon: I think

Sharif: similar, like a cousin of pie

Spring: Very much like a pie only less firm.

TMO: AND! AND! AND.... it makes shoes!! It is AWESOME!

Michael: You can technically make whateverthe hell tastes good to you and call it desert. Peanut butter on Pie? Sure, Ice Cream and French Fries? I mean, not my cup of tea but I know a guy...

wyjyoon: I'll ask Lemon if she knows a place

Sharif: lol shoes

Spring: I suspect it was invented by people who didn't have time for fussy crusts.

Michael: lol

BOB Just wow TMO

wyjyoon: It makes shoes?

BOB Peach Cobbler for Wendy to see again

Sharif: but clearly we better run into some peaches in the jungle

Michael: Oh god. So...Cobbler is a shoe maker. Sorry abou that

Sharif: just sayin

Michael: TMO likes math and corny dad jokes ;)

Michael: And we wouldn't have it ANYother way!

wyjyoon: Ah, Cobbler the shoemaker

wyjyoon: Sometimes it takes me a minute to stop buffering

BOB smiles

wyjyoon: Prepare yourselves, I will buffer a lot when brain quits braining

Michael: So just a warning bob.I think I'm getting better, but I'll probably need to pass out about 8 or 9 if I'm pushing it. That's like 10-11? I think

BOB No worries

Spring: I know that feeling. Sympathizing.

Michael: They give me some strong stuff not gonna lie

Michael: Modern Medicine makes my life bearable at the moment haha

BOB everyone is gathering at the Seven Sirens to go head up into the mountains and try to deal with getting this one favor off of your list

Michael: Although, I suppose in the 1800's if you were in pain, they probably gave you enough opium/cocaine that you could'nt feel anything either

Spring: If you had the money for it.

Michael: You mean the favor where I dragged everyone into protecting me sorry ass bob?

Michael: :)

wyjyoon: I heard it was expensive

Shislif: oh also just got flu n covid vaccine double whammy, so just in case I start feeling it later, should be ok till tmrw at least though

'JtomTMO' connected

Michael: You know I hadn't really thought about it. I guess they maybe drank themselves into a Blackout as the next best substitution?

Spring: Crap, I still need to do that. Thanks for reminding.

TMO: I'm overdue as well. Will try to get it next week.

TMO: brb - getting my dinner plate

BOB Welcome JTom

Michael: My sister works with kids and got Covid again. I told her that if she gives it to me again, I will make her life a living hell

'Carissa' disconnected

Michael: Also hey there JTom!!!

wyjyoon: Fingers crossed I don't get anything from the kids at my school, oof

BOB Hmmm to Spring the idea of "I need to do that" right after driniing themselves into Blackout

Spring: My sister the teacher has had it 5 times now.

wyjyoon: I only have two more weeks

Michael: LOL BOB

Michael: jeeze

Michael: That made me laugh harder then it should have

Spring: I fear for Alzheimers for her.

Michael: Alzheimers is pretty terrible. Runs in my Grandmother on my Dad's side. We all are hoping it didn't get passed.

Spring: BOB I think I'll get the shots, go home, THEN drink to blackout. Which for me these days is 2 drinks

BOB smiles

Michael: I don't drink, but wouldn't you need tobe like drinking, IDK Wood Alchohol to get blackout with 2 drinks?

Sharif: was wondering if i should have a drink tonight or not

Sharif: probably not a great idea

Spring: Hi JTom! Sorry I missed your arrival

Michael: Not with the discussion of Blackouts....

Michael: Meanwhile, bob is sipping wine :)

wyjyoon: Hello, JTom! Apparently the discussion has veered into alcohol

BOB So JTom question for you - You had Lirt teach Rthuss how to cast spells, and he has one spell to use now. WHAT format did you teach him to store his spell in? Scrolls? pages in a book? pages paperclipped together? on the back of palm fronds? On sea shells? On lamb skin?

Michael: Tatooed on his forehead?

Spring: Oo can only use with mirror

wyjyoon: Or pools of water

Spring: nods

Spring: I bet you have to have leatherworking to tatoo it into a lamb's skin

'Carissa' connected

Sharif: sounds cool though

wyjyoon: It does sound pretty cool

BOB Oh man Spring, giving JTom the idea that Rothuss has to tatoo every spell onto his skin

Spring: Palm fronds sound pretty temporary.

Spring: Hee!

Michael: Hey, it's pretty cool right bob? Like tribal tatoo with prayers, spells, stuff?

BOB Welcome back Carissa

Spring: "Of course I can't wear bracers?!?! How will I see my spell?!?!"

Sharif: like Memento but magic

wyjyoon: At least those tattoos will be there for a reason

BOB NICE spring

Sharif: magic memento!

Michael: Just in case it needs to be said, not implying anything insensitive about Tribal tatoos, not the way I made that sound

BOB smiles Michael we are all good

Michael: Good

Michael: lol

BOB Also by the way next week there should be a huge update in FG

Spring: We presume an independent culture on the islands, could include tattooing as a cultural form or not.

BOB Yes to Tattoo being a thing in the Island Kingdoms but not full Maori

Michael: I didn't see the update notes bob. Is it a BIG update? or just stability fixes

Carissa: ok finally hello

BOB MANY changes

Michael: And shoot, I gotta go AFK for a minute or so

Michael: And thank you for the update. I'll boot it up early for updates

BOB Smiles with Carissa

wyjyoon: Hi Carissa! And temporarily bye Michael

Sharif: Oh Mel would get some tats for sure

Carissa: I turned my computer on TWO HOURS AGO so not sure why it chose now to be a PIA

BOB FG Updates come out on Tuesdays, then minor fixes during the rest of the week on one like this

Spring: It chose now because you are here.

Spring: Computers are mean.

wyjyoon: Technology works against humans sometimes

Carissa: lol

'Dru5232321' connected

wyjyoon: but I also do admit I am technologically challenged

BOB Hey there Ryan!

wyjyoon: Hello Ryan!

Carissa: hi ryan!

Sharif: hi Ryan

Spring: Hi Ryan!

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Hey howdy hey neighborinos

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Hello!

BOB It is always a night for quotes with Ryan and Sharif

Sharif: no pressure :)

BOB Are you up to speed Carissa?

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Not necessarily good quotes, or memorable ones, or work appropriate ones... but definitely there will be quotes.


BOB For Lemon

Carissa: computer-wise, yes

BOB Excellent

BOB so you are all at the Seven Sirens

BOB Matty is back off of the ship, ready to go walk with you up into the mountains

BOB Vee is ready to go off into the jungles, she is struggling to leave her canoe behind

wyjyoon (Temperance): I actually forgot the canoe dilemma happened

Carissa: she will because maybe I misunderstood and we don't need it and/or we'll just figure it out when we get there

Matthias Crowtooth: Would you like a hand?

Matthias Crowtooth: starts clapping

Shislif (MeLange): she's got a real boner for the canoe

BOB The canoe would be maybe useful once you get up into the mountain rivers and lakes but getting it up there will be a pain

Vee Barlett: To cut off?

BOB That is why you have the mule

BOB LOL with Matty and Vee

Matthias Crowtooth: I mean, sure. If you want. I'll hold MeLange down if you want his

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (but we can make it the whole way with mule as far as we understand, right?)

Vee Barlett: Hmm, temptin' but he's good at rowin'

Rothuss Carder: We got any ship knowing people who can just make a canoe with their bare hands once we get up there?

Vee Barlett: Then again, strong as he is, maybe he can row with just one and still be better than y'all

Matthias Crowtooth: I heard it both ways. "When MeLange be a-rowing, this boat no going."

BOB Yes to the mule being able to make it the entire way that it stays alive

Temperance: Considering we're going off on this journey to prevent demise, I'm not sure we want anyone dying from blood loss before we begin.

MeLange: well I think I could but i rather not

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (then we stick with mule and if we need Vee will show off her new NWP)

Vee Barlett: That's why ya stop the bleeding with flour. Or fire.

Rothuss Carder: Or both, by stuffing toast into the wound

MeLange: geez! feel like that would be worse than cutting it off

Vee Barlett: Eh, we'll consider it for later. But no rush doin' it now.

Vee Barlett: Y'all ready to go? Soon we go, sooner we get back to the sea.

Matthias Crowtooth: If he dies, we could raise him and test if a necrocacy is a legitimate form of government.

Matthias Crowtooth: I'd vote for Zombie MeLange

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): ooc

Vee Barlett: Keep that idea for later, Matty. Might be a good one.

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Oops

MeLange: It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt Matthias

Matthias Crowtooth: fingers his stone dagger in worry

Temperance: pondering on whether if said experiment is worth defying laws of nature

Vee Barlett: New girl! Temp? Whoever you are that I only sorta know because Lirt likes ya, you know the way? You share a map with Lirt?

Rothuss Carder: I think that still sounds like Vee's fun and games.

Vee Barlett: Just 'cause sometimes there's hurt when I have fun don't mean it ain't fun.

User has gone AFK. (Spring)

Matthias Crowtooth: Just remember your safe words, I suppose.

Michael: Alright. I'm back. Getting into Character

Vee Barlett: Thems important.

Temperance: You mean the navigator? I shared as much as I knew.

MeLange: Probably a good idea

wyjyoon (Temperance): Through the woods and over a river, from what I can recall last

Vee Barlett: My first matey, yeah. She's good at readin'g maps. Sure she can read as well on land as on water. Right, Lirt?

Matthias Crowtooth: grips his dagger tightly

Vee Barlett: Alright! Any last things to do before we head out?

Vee Barlett: I'm sure Levi will catch up after her wakes from that drunk stooper.

Carissa (Vee Barlett): *stuper

Jericho: Vee, I won't lie, I'm nervous. The last time we did this with the words of the church...well, it turned otu well, but still

Lirtimya: Maps are maps, land or sea

Jericho: Is there anything I can do at all?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): *stupor??

Vee Barlett: Lead the way, kid.

wyjyoon (Temperance): I think stupor?

MeLange: Don't worry Jericho, it doesn't help anyway

Carissa (Vee Barlett): spelling is hard and annoying

Jericho: Winces

BOB This is the first time the group has gone out without any help from the church

Carissa (Vee Barlett): what help did they offer with the goblins????

Shislif (MeLange): they were helping?

Jericho: Sigh. I don't read maps, and have only a vague idea of where we are going Vee

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): should I use my navigation or cartography skill? or both?

Jericho: I know i'm pretty useless here

Temperance: I believe your healing skills came in handy the last time?

Jericho: Lirt?....

BOB You had official church people this time only Jericho is the one assigned to the Temple of Orange Sunsets

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (roll everything you think!)

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Cartography [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 9]

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Navigation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 14]

User is back. (Spring)

Jericho: And Vee, if you could lend me some of your quick wit and confidence on this journey, that would be nice too

Jericho: just saying

Jericho: Grins

Jericho: Grins

MeLange: don't give it to him Vee, he'll never return it

MeLange: pokes Jericho

Vee Barlett: Nah, wat's the point of lendin' it? Then ya can't learn to use it. Ya gotta pick it up on your own, but you'll get there.

Michael (Jericho): Hey bob, while I'm honored, I have an additional proficiency on my NWP (Investigation), I'll not roll that. Just a heads up

Ratbone Carder: tuning the lute

BOB smiles with Sharif and Carissa

Lirtimya: Examines the map, ready to point the group in the hopefully right direction

Vee Barlett: Got the mule, Melange? You like animals.

Jericho: Okay. Well, "teach" me this confidence stuff. I suck at that, and it looks like I'm the only one from the Church. At least you can all pin it on me if it goes bad

Jericho: What you got for us Lirt?

MeLange: oh right thanks Vee

BOB Upstream then hang a right into the deeper jungle, the Church of the Mist seems to be up and around a quirk in the streams

Vee Barlett: Temp's from the church, yeah? Not sure if it's this one...?

MeLange: [SKILL] Animal Lore [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 17]

Shislif (MeLange): dang it

Lirtimya: We just need to go upstream a bit, then go right after a bit

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol I feel like Melange is that five year who chases animals yelling, "I JUST WANNA BE FRIENDSS!!!!"" while they keep running away from him

BOB Temperance is from A church but not this Temple

Shislif (MeLange): lol accurate :)

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Temperance is from the Church of Asmodeus

BOB and full agree with Carissa and Sharif

wyjyoon (Temperance): The Church of whomst?

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Devil God

wyjyoon (Temperance): Ah

Carissa (Vee Barlett): A nunyobusiness nun.

MeLange to the mule: 'just relax ok? Sheeshj'

Vee Barlett: lends mule some of her animal empathy so it cooperates

Jericho: the mule....talking to you or something MeLange?

Ratbone Carder: strummy strum strum, more tuning

Matthias Crowtooth: Is the mule saying how tasty they are?

Vee Barlett: I wonder if they got seahorses... not like, seahorses, but ya know, swimmin' ones that you can just take right on a river...

MeLange: Nah Jericho I just like talking to the animals, maybe they get some of it you know

BOB Hippocampus

MeLange: would be nice if they spoke back though

wyjyoon (Temperance): I don't know if rolling botany for feeding the mule would work

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (that's the word! I want one)

Carissa (Vee Barlett): roll whatever you want for flavor

BOB Paladins get a steed at high level.... rangers do not .....

Jericho: Well....Vee can talk to animals right?

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Nah that's where river beasts go to college

Jericho: She talked to the whale right?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): yeah because they'll just befriend one by now

Vee Barlett: That mule look aquatic? I think not.

Temperance: [SKILL] Botany [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 5]

Jericho: Huh.I didn't know you only did Sea Creatures

Jericho: But makes sense

Jericho: You like the Sea. This is not the Sea....clearly

wyjyoon (Temperance): Now does that apply to mule feed is the question

Jericho: I feel dumb

Jericho: Anyways

Ratbone Carder: (singing) A mer-horse is scarier than Krampus

Vee Barlett: Animals speak lots o' languages. I ain't learned all the common dialects. Yet.

Jericho: interested

Jericho: How many sea dialects are there?

Ratbone Carder: (sininging) Gods save me from a hippocampus

Vee Barlett: shrugs

Vee Barlett: I know the common one. I ain't explored deep enough to discover them all.

Ratbone Carder: shaking head

Ratbone Carder: That's terrible

Rothuss Carder: Nice improv.

Ratbone Carder: strummy strum srum

Jericho: Oh, so like how our islands have different dialects, the sea dialects are based on how deep you can go?

Jericho: That's interesting

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 4]

Vee Barlett: keeping an eye out as they travel

BOB So you have the Items you can pick from the lists, for food, equipment etc

Temperance: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 18]

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (...are we not on the road and equipped already?)

wyjyoon (Temperance): Welp, I tried lol

Jericho: I'm trying to get the site open too. I'ts just hard with my setup. just give me a sec

Michael (Jericho): I'm trying to get the site open too. I'ts just hard with my setup. just give me a sec

BOB I am good with that Carissa

BOB I am just making sure everyone picks what they want to buy before they leave

Carissa (Vee Barlett): unless anyone didn't restock that wanted to?

BOB I am treating this as talking in the bar and moving up the road into the hills

Carissa (Vee Barlett): ok good to know

wyjyoon (Temperance): From what I can recall, we bought a mule?

BOB which brings us to the idea that Ratbone and Rothuss are approaching the area where they came ffrom

Carissa (Vee Barlett): got a mule, but also nice to have torches, flint, rations, all that

BOB Yes you have a mule

Carissa (Vee Barlett): which is an adventure pack

TMO (Rothuss Carder): and dreading every mile of it!

Carissa (Vee Barlett): as long as some of us have at least torches that helps

wyjyoon (Temperance): Ah, and how much coin would that take?

MeLange: tries to pet the mule

Michael (Jericho): fainlly got the web open. Party pack?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): 7 gp - tell Levi he owes you in return for teaching him

Levi Reed: Advanced Effect ['Punching;BSTR: 0;'] -> [to Levi Reed] [by Punching]

Carissa (Vee Barlett): We have party pack funds, too, but that dude is frugal, weasel it out of him :P

wyjyoon (Temperance): Um, can I do that?

Rothuss Carder: Advanced Effect ['Torch;LIGHT: 10/15 torch;Torch'] -> [to Rothuss Carder] [by Torch]

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (open items and drag adventure pack to your character)

BOB grins

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (I'll note it's from the party pack until you convince Levi to pay for it)

TMO (Rothuss Carder): I'm not sure offhand how to use the party sheet (and we probably don't want me to be the main person on a regular basis anyways), but it is pulling from all PCs' Inventory? If so, we have 1 week of rations for one person.

Michael (Jericho): Also, I think i'm looking atthe wrong thing. I'm looking at inventory?

Michael (Jericho): Or am I misunderstanding the interface

wyjyoon (Temperance): I mean, it does fit Temperance to want something in return for the teaching

Michael (Jericho): I'm an idiot. NM

TMO (Rothuss Carder): AH, no, that's 7 days in the parcel. Across the party we have 28 days of food. We might want more for a group this size.

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (only thing I'm keeping track of is party funds and what my characters has - anything else is too much)

'Rothuss Carder' is at 'Light' encumbrance. Movebase now 9.

'Rothuss Carder' is at 'Normal' encumbrance. Movebase now 12.

'Rothuss Carder' is at 'Light' encumbrance. Movebase now 9.

Michael (Jericho): We have an Art ojbect that says [1000] GP. We should be paying attention to sell that kind of stuff. Would have helped pay for traniing

wyjyoon (Temperance): I have no idea what I should be keeping track of

<font color="#000000">Rothuss Carder spent 5 GP on 10 days rations

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (just your character, Wendy)

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (go ahead and buy the adventure pack if yuo want)

Michael (Jericho): No worries Wendy, I'm sometimes thrown off too. You are doing great :)

Shislif (MeLange): we all need to spend 5 gp for 10 day rations i assume?

Michael (Jericho): Ah, that's "Buy"not you "have"

BOB Buy now pay later

BOB The Church's interest rate is just heavenly

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (only items we have left to sell that I know of is the one bottle of 5 year old rum)

wyjyoon (Temperance): Alright, um. How do I do that again?

Michael (Jericho): God, you really are leaning into Student Loans. You offering 8.1 percent interest too? Want a kidney while you are at it bob????

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (Records -> Items -> Adventure Pack drag to your sheet)

<font color="#000000">MeLange spent 5 GP on 10 days rations

'Jericho' is at 'Light' encumbrance. Movebase now 9.

BOB Your kidneys are shot Michael, you need to bring me a new fresh one

Carissa (Vee Barlett): I'll give you my right one for free

TMO (Rothuss Carder): Open up the Items sheet, search for Rations. Pull the ration you want to your inventory, change the count to 10 (or whatever), and then pay for it down below (purchase button in your money section)

Michael (Jericho): Actually, for some reason, my kidneys are holding up better then the rest of me. Beats the hell out of me

Shislif (MeLange): i think i did it

Michael (Jericho): Does it have to be MY kidney bob? I can bring you a fresh one...I know a guy...

BOB Yes thank you everyone for helping each other out on this, the goal is to have this be your own adventure to go out and get what the church wants and also keep what ever else you find for your selves

Shislif (MeLange): are the rations and adventure packs different?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (adventure pack has rations in it and other stuff)

Jericho: Bob, can I assume I already have the Priest Starter Bundle? Not sure how DEEP into this we are going right now

Shislif (MeLange): awesome thanks

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (like torches and all, but Vee has some so not everyone probably sneeds it)

BOB You can always look at the Party Sheet to see what the group has

Michael (Jericho): Bob, can I assume I already have the Priest Starter Bundle? Not sure how DEEP into this we are going right now

BOB YOu can add that yes Michael

Shislif (MeLange): oh only 7 days rations though

Shislif (MeLange): 5 torches nice

'Jericho' is at 'Moderate' encumbrance. Movebase now 6.

wyjyoon (Temperance): Do I also need the Priest starter bundle? Or is that only for specific leveled priests?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): yes you do

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (it has holy symbol in it)

Shislif (MeLange): so we can buy stuff right now?

wyjyoon (Temperance): Roger

Shislif (MeLange): nice

TMO (Rothuss Carder): The Party sheet doesn't seem to update after you buy something though. Rothuss' rations aren't being added to it.

Vee Barlett: (bob has to update it)

The date is Ced____tre, 13th Fey (Winter), 587 SGR

Young Moon's phase is Last Quarter

Old Moon's phase is Morning Crescent

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (or hit refresh or something - we discovered this before with it not updating gold either)

The time is 8:00 AM

The date is Ced____de, 4th Sow (Late Spring), 587 SGR

Young Moon's phase is Waxing Gibbous

Old Moon's phase is Waning Gibbous

BOB The last thing for everyone to deal with

TMO (Rothuss Carder): Thx Carissa - I never messed with it much before, sorry.

BOB You passed New Years while training

TMO (Rothuss Carder): because I'm a terrible person. ;)

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (oh no worries, it was something we discovered earlier and why I decided to use website instead of the sheet)

BOB so some people might have had a birthday

wyjyoon (Temperance): Thanks for the help here too! I'm rying to figure out everything, I promise

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (it's good for items when we think to refresh it, but we go through gold too fast to keep up with it)

TMO (Rothuss Carder): if anyone needs me to, I can get on to Discord call and share my screen to help walk though things

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (among other reasons I dislike it)

<font color="#000000">MeLange spent 3 GP on 3 Rations, Dry, 1 day

BOB and yes to Carissa and that is part of the update coming, once the main program updates, the extension can be updated

'Ratbone Carder' is at 'Moderate' encumbrance. Movebase now 6.

'Ratbone Carder' is at 'Heavy' encumbrance. Movebase now 4.

'Ratbone Carder' is at 'Severe' encumbrance. Movebase now 1.

'Ratbone Carder' is at 'MAX' encumbrance. Movebase now 1.

Michael (Jericho): Im writing down supplementary data in my notes to make sure I "pay up"

Michael (Jericho): Just in case

Michael (Jericho): for myself, not others

Michael (Jericho): just remember you can write down helpful notes in game

'Ratbone Carder' is at 'Severe' encumbrance. Movebase now 1.

<font color="#000000">Ratbone Carder spent 7 GP on

wyjyoon (Temperance): That's a good idea Michael

BOB My hope is you have some money before you leave, but owe two favors and on your trip you find treasure to be able to pay for things in the future

Michael (Jericho): Haha. Bob. If you look at my notes, I have "Tangible asset Debts" and "Non-tangible asset Debts"

<font color="#000000">Matthias Crowtooth spent on 3 Rations, dusty

Michael (Jericho): For money debts, and "Favors" lol

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (it'd be nice to have money and for Vee to stop being a suck up and giving things away :P)

BOB smiles with Ryan

Michael (Jericho): You'd think i was bookkeeping

BOB I put the mule on the Combat tracker for you

BOB as friendly

Carissa (Vee Barlett): P.S. guys don't forget things will try to kill it

BOB Melange is not going to

BOB Rothuss might

Michael (Jericho): I have a level 2 spell I hope to use to help keep it alive

wyjyoon (Temperance): I do remember someone saying we'd have to throw it as bait, if worse comes to worse

Michael (Jericho): I'm not carying shit

wyjyoon (Temperance): LOL Bob

Michael (Jericho): lol

Shislif (MeLange): lol

Carissa (Vee Barlett): sadly only Melange is strong enough to throw is and I don't think he'll do that for bait, lol

TMO (Rothuss Carder): How goat-like is this mule's attitude?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): mules are nicer than goats

Carissa (Vee Barlett): donkeys live up to their name of being asses

TMO (Rothuss Carder): so are bull elephants

BOB JTom did you come up with an idea for Rothuss' spells?

Shislif (MeLange): you never know, he might just do it nicely

Shislif (MeLange): like crying while he does it

Carissa (Vee Barlett): yeah but elephants aren't livestock most deal with :P

BOB giving everyone anothe rmoment then we head up into the mountains

BOB with what is on the sheets

Shislif (MeLange): think a belt pouch would be useful?

Spring (Ratbone Carder): I can't convert GP to SP.

Vee Barlett: packs tissues for Melange... just in case....x

BOB you can also add stuff from your sheets to the mule

BOB brb

Shislif (MeLange): lol

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): If I was assigned homework it got lost in transit Bob

Spring (Ratbone Carder): AUGH so frustrating

Shislif (MeLange): oh do we have rope?

Shislif (MeLange): ohhh you can buy a camel for 50 gp

TMO (Rothuss Carder): Spring - there's a Convert Currency button on the right of you inventory money section

Carissa (Vee Barlett): if someone wants to bring more rope, that's good

Shislif (MeLange): ohhh hunting dog

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Levi has some? He was maybe supposed to give to Melange? Or did not give to him....?

Shislif (MeLange): a cat is just 1 sp?

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Yes but it doesnt include ALL types of currency. I don't need to convert gold to gold.

Shislif (MeLange): so Mel buys a cat will it just follow us on journey?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Nah, not worth it. The Cat Distribution System will find us soon enough.

TMO (Rothuss Carder): My convert has two dropdowns for coin types

Shislif (MeLange): lol what's that?

TMO (Rothuss Carder): so I would pick GP to SP, or something

Spring (Ratbone Carder): The TO doesnt include SPx

Shislif (MeLange): The CDS at it again :)

BOB Cat Distribution Center is an amazing pun for Carissa

Spring (Ratbone Carder): I can't even. I don't care if i eat

TMO (Rothuss Carder): the dropdown only shows 4 items, SP is #5, scroll the list down

Shislif (MeLange): Feel like that has some backstory to it :)

BOB and for JTom, you get to decide how Rothuss has his first spell inscribed, on palm leaves, on shells, on paper, on sheep skin, etc

Spring (Ratbone Carder): I scrolled it as far as it would go. I'm done.

TMO (Rothuss Carder): the scroll bar may not show up well on your interface

TMO (Rothuss Carder): ok, sorry

Spring (Ratbone Carder): So much bollocks

Shislif (MeLange): what's a Capon?

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Isn't that like a tender young chicken?

BOB And I am mildly surprised no one took control of the Party Mule Player Character

Shislif (MeLange): oh yea? you guys wanna get some capons for the trip?

Ratbone Carder: [SKILL] Detect Noise [PERCENT:Detect Noise] (vs. Target 25) [FAILURE by 21] [d100 = 46]

BOB It is on the Combat Tracker for someone to take

Spring (Ratbone Carder): I would have had I known that was an option

Carissa (Vee Barlett): no thanks

wyjyoon (Temperance): What's that?

Shislif (MeLange): apparently a little chicken

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Menu -> Combat Tracker

wyjyoon (Temperance): Oh

Carissa (Vee Barlett): we use that when we have combat

BOB So last goodbyes at the bar

Shislif (MeLange): Camel's the most expensive animal on there, interesting

BOB heading up the road

Party Mule: Screeeeeechh

Vee Barlett: Mules screech?

Vee Barlett: winces

Rothuss Carder: Fear not, faithful fans! Ratbone and Rothuss will return soon!

MeLange: whoa there lil lady!


Spring (Party Mule): I didn't want to play to sterotypes

MeLange: tries to pet the mule

Vee Barlett: curses under her breath

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (lol)

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Did.... BOB just have a stroke?


Vee Barlett: Already hatin' this land trip...

Party Mule: givles MeLange the side eye

Shislif (MeLange): lol

wyjyoon (Temperance): Lol

Carissa (Vee Barlett): I read that as Parry Mule

Carissa (Vee Barlett): can we call him parry

MeLange: oh don't look at me that way

BOB going up the road

Vee Barlett: Temp got him some... grass? Maybe try feedin' it to 'em?

TMO (Rothuss Carder): "A Mule??" *puts on hat* "PERRY THE MULE!?!?"

Parry Mule: sniffs and snorts

BOB from the coast up to the Temple

Vee Barlett: Make friends with it.

Shislif (MeLange): perfect name

'Lemon' connected

Matthias Crowtooth: Rather make steaks with it

BOB Last stop at the temple to pick up Levi who has been praying

BOB Welcome Lemon

Shislif (MeLange): hi Lemon!

Spring (Parry the Mule): Hi Lemon!

wyjyoon (Temperance): Hey Lemon!

Shislif (MeLange): brb

Jericho: Come on Levi! Let's see what trouble we get into this time

Carissa (Vee Barlett): you spelled partying wrong

User has gone AFK. (Shislif)

Jericho: Smiles

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Greetings to the most lemony citrus of them all

Michael (Jericho): and hi Lemon :)

TMO (Rothuss Carder): *cue theme song*

Carissa (Vee Barlett): orange we glad to see you!

Lemon (Levi Reed): I don't think Levi has actually been praying, sorry

Lemon (Levi Reed): But hi everyone!

Carissa (Vee Barlett): As I said, he spelled partying wrong

Lemon (Levi Reed): And yes, Carissa got it

TMO (Rothuss Carder): praying we'd forget to come get him?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): nah, he's going in the jungle - he WANTS to go this time

Lemon (Levi Reed): No way, Levi is psyched for the jungle

Lemon (Levi Reed): So much use for machetes!

Carissa (Vee Barlett): machetes! slashing things! skill use! machetes!

Lemon (Levi Reed): Although also monkeys so it's a toss up

Carissa (Vee Barlett): we're in his territory now

wyjyoon (Temperance): He has two, from what I can recall

wyjyoon (Temperance): Machetes, not monkeys

Carissa (Vee Barlett): shhh don't tell him about the two monkeys, Vee's playing a prank on him

BOB SO leaving the Temple and heading up into the jungles

Effect ['Torch;LIGHT: 10/15 torch;Torch'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Rothuss Carder]

<font color="#000000">[0:0/0/0/587] Demitrius' Birthday

<font color="#000000">[0:0/17/12/586] Shur's Birthday

<font color="#000000">[0:0/22/1/587] Johan's Birthday

<font color="#000000">[0:0/0/0/587] Asamo's Birthday

The date is Ced____de, 4th Sow (Late Spring), 587 SGR

Young Moon's phase is Waxing Gibbous

Old Moon's phase is Waning Gibbous

The time is 10:00 AM

Vee Barlett: smacks Levi on the back

Vee Barlett: Still hung over?

Rothuss Carder: drops back to walk beside Ratbone for a bit

Rothuss Carder -> Ratbone Carder: I'm sure it's been long enough, right?

Levi Reed: I'm never hung over

Ratbone Carder -> Rothuss Carder: Long enough for what?

Levi Reed: Hair of the dog!

BOB Four and a half months for Rothuss and Ratbone

Carissa (Vee Barlett): P.S. Levi spent 7 gold on an adventure pack for Temperance in return for her teaching him botany

Lemon (Levi Reed): Sounds good

Vee Barlett: Barely got any on yuor chest. You need to drink more.

Lemon (Levi Reed): Did someone steal it from me or should I enter that now?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (lol see?? easy!)

Carissa (Vee Barlett): enter it please if you agree

wyjyoon (Temperance): Yay!

Lemon (Levi Reed): The hair genes run in the family. I'd rather not look like a monkey, thanks anyway

Levi Reed: The hair genes run in the family. I'd rather not look like a monkey, thanks anyway

Rothuss Carder -> Ratbone Carder: Oh yeah, definitely long enough. We could've gone back long ago if we hadn't hooked up with this group.

Carissa (Vee Barlett): I told her Levi was frugal and needs to spend his money so he can buy the pack, lol

Parry the Mule: tossing head and braying

Vee Barlett: don't think ya already do?

<font color="#000000">Levi Reed spent 7 GP on buying Temperance.... 's botany skills

Ratbone Carder -> Rothuss Carder: Yeah we COULD. You know theres no way we are forgiven yet

Jericho: He doesn't look like a monkey?

Jericho: Confused

Levi Reed: Debatable I suppose

Vee Barlett: Ya ever seen a monkey? He sure looks like one to me.

MeLange: seems offensive maybe

Rothuss Carder -> Ratbone Carder: Pfft! Why not?

Jericho: Looks at himself.

Temperance: blinks in half bemusement and amusement at the topic of conversation

Jericho: Well...I've never seen him throw his own shit at people

Jericho: You?

Vee Barlett: Well there WAS that one time....

Jericho: NO!

Jericho: Looks scandelized

Vee Barlett: grins

Ratbone Carder -> Rothuss Carder: Oh yeah Mums will have forgiven her perfect widdle man but no way is Da over it yet. Or Grams

Jericho: Looks at Levi.

Vee Barlett: Don't duobt what he has or hasn't done, bud.

MeLange: haven't we all, at one or point or another, thrown our poop at a person?

Jericho: You didn't? Did you/

Jericho: Looks at MeLange.

MeLange: let the person who is poop free throw the first poop, i say

Jericho: No MeLange, I've never thrown my own feces at someone

Vee Barlett: Thinkin' he was thinkin' the same when he tried to fight them monkeys.

MeLange smiles at Jericho

Matthias Crowtooth: looks around for poop to throw at MeLange

Jericho: .........

Jericho: It's been what, a couple hours, and we've already turned to fligning our droppings as conversational starters......I love it

Levi Reed: Hey, eye for an eye, poop for a poop

Jericho: Snickers

Jericho: but chokes it off

Rothuss Carder -> Ratbone Carder: Really? You think so? I don't know why they all got so upset, anyways. WE didn't do it, after all. It was the others.

Vee Barlett: And we ain't even drunk yet. Well, most of us.

MeLange: looks at Levi

Levi Reed: I'm not drunk, just had enough to stave off the hangover

Jericho: Yeah, the last couple months I tried to brew you guys something special for the road, but uh...well...I need more practicewhen I add the berries. I spoiled the batch

Jericho: Sourly

Lirtimya: Just watching the map, carefully keeping them on track

Levi Reed: I'm as clear headed as I ever get

Temperance: You might want to clean your hands afterwards, feces could cause unnecessary illness

Jericho: I made it extra strong for you too

Jericho: Sighs

Vee Barlett: How do you spoil alchohol....? Ain't it just... more alcoholic?

Levi Reed: Explains why those monkeys are so disgusting

Jericho: Ponders.....

Jericho: Well

MeLange: Well well

Ratbone Carder -> Rothuss Carder: And you know I can do no right. I'll be on the bad kids list when hell freezes over.

Temperance: moves in pace besides Lirtimya, attempting to assist when necessary

Jericho: I still have it if you want it. Only a small flask on me, I was trying to taste what went wrong

Jericho: Shrugs

Rothuss Carder: If this is how you all behave on land trips, let's aim for more boat trips. You're less disgusting surrounded by sea water.

Shislif (MeLange): I'm assuming Mel is still 17 18 here lol

Jericho: You can have it if you want. I disposed of the rest

Vee Barlett: Ain't ever gonna disagree with that, Rothuss!

BOB As you go uphill from the Temple you are on the same track as you followed for the Chubacabra....... you can head a bit west and avoid that area but head into where Rothuss and Ratbone came from, or you can veer east into unknown jungle

Vee Barlett: Or at least that we should stick to water.

BOB Yes to Sharif, please pick a birthday so we know how old everyone is

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (Levi! Use your land skills!)

Levi Reed: Look, that was years ago man. We all grow and change

Jericho: Passes a small flask to Vee

Levi Reed: Except for monkeys

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 7]

Jericho: I tell you though, it don't taste right

Shislif (MeLange): ugh fine

Jericho: I need to work on the batch again

Temperance: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 18]

Shislif (MeLange): i just meant to say he's still childish

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20 = 6]

Vee Barlett: Which way, Levi?

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Direction Sense [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 4]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 13]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Trail Marking [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 12] [d20 = 2]

Vee Barlett: It all looks the same. Green, green, gross....

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Botany [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 7] [d20 = 20]

MeLange: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 2]

Michael (Jericho): Thank god we have these people with us. Holy shit

Temperance: [SKILL] Botany [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 6] [d20 = 19]

wyjyoon (Temperance): Welp, I tried

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Distance Sense [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 3]

Rothuss Carder -> Ratbone Carder: Hey, you're by far Grams' favorite, you know? All those personal music lessons weren't just for family honor. She's just a nasty, cranky old lady when she's feeling poorly.

MeLange: Didn't we already go that way for the Chuba?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol no one knows the plants but at least we can figure out a path

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 12]

Matthias Crowtooth: [SKILL] Cooking [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 10]

Matthias Crowtooth: I think I can make some stew with them.

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Weather Sense [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 12] [d20 = 1]

MeLange: [SKILL] Animal Lore [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 12]

-> Levi Reed: Do you want to lead them towards where Rothuss and Ratbone came from? or away from there and into the jungle?

Levi Reed: I think jungle

-> Levi Reed: ok

BOB So heading deeper into the jungle

Ratbone Carder -> Rothuss Carder: Well okay that's true. But when she's disappointed ... And she's REALLY disappointed

BOB you go past the place where you veered west and into the goblin caves

Spring (Ratbone Carder): I don't see where you put a birthday

BOB Levi marks that path now

Jericho: Rememberthat place Vee? Seems like.....well

BOB You can put it in your notes Spring

Vee Barlett: What?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (notes or website)

BOB and remember what day so you know how old you are

Jericho: As cliche as it sounds, it feels like a lifetime ago

Jericho: Shrugs

Rothuss Carder -> Ratbone Carder: I'm sure she's over it. But if you want, we can try to steer clear a while longer.

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): (When is Vee's birthday?)

BOB Levi leads you up into the hills, deeper into the jungle

Vee Barlett: Only a few months.

Jericho: Oh, and were good with weapons, and I vomited all over the ground.

The time is 2:00 PM

Jericho: Not proud of it, but

Ratbone Carder -> Rothuss Carder: Tell ya what. You write her a letter and see.

Jericho: Well, I don't vomit that much now

Carissa (Vee Barlett): SeeOhmDe

Jericho: Small steps right?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): As long as most of 'em are forward, yeah.

Vee Barlett: As long as most of 'em are forward, yeah.

Levi Reed: I'm sorry what?

Levi Reed: Ohhh, now I remember

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (aka 9-9-569)

Jericho: Oh, Levi, I was just reminded of the old cave. You guys were brave, and I was sick at the sight of blood

Levi Reed: Yeah, you were a rube

Jericho: Rolls eyes

Jericho: You know, some might find offense at that

Jericho: Shrugs

MeLange: haha yea i remember that

Jericho: But I know you so eh

Jericho: Par the course

Rothuss Carder -> Ratbone Carder: Ugh! And say what? "Dearest Grams, are the village idiots still wanting to lynch us for their stupidity? Love and kisses, your grandkids in hiding for their lives"

MeLange: par the course?

Levi Reed: I said were

Levi Reed: That's a compliment

Jericho: picked it up from Vee

MeLange: it's true he did

Jericho: right Vee? Par teh course,

Vee Barlett: Party?

Jericho: ship term for following along course

Ratbone Carder -> Rothuss Carder: Yeah that sounds like a good start

Levi Reed: If I said ARE, then that's an insult

Jericho: Snorts at Levi. "Thanks Levi"

Jericho: Smiles

Vee Barlett: We're on land....

MeLange: doesn't make any sense. What's the course? Why would we par it?

Jericho: Smiles

Jericho: ........

BOB quote

Jericho: Look it's just means.....forget about it

Parry the Mule: stomps and flings head back and forth

Rothuss Carder -> Ratbone Carder: Maybe we can get someone here to deliver it for us.

MeLange: oh it means forget about it?

MeLange: Ok I getchya

Vee Barlett: And we ya choose the deeper path Lev? It's all... jungle-y here.

Jericho: No! I.......okay

Jericho: Defeated

Levi Reed: Someone want to talk to Parry here and see if he's ok?

MeLange: hey hey Jericho

MeLange: Par the course man

Matthias Crowtooth: watches in amusement

Carissa (Vee Barlett): LOL

Jericho: I can burn a spell to talk to him Levi, but maybe not right away?

Levi Reed: Yeah, there's a lot of good stuff in the jungle though Vee

Jericho: Looks at MeLange

Vee Barlett: Just lead him along, Melange. He got a good handle on 'em.

Levi Reed: Plus we gotta go through jungle to get to that temple, right Temperance?

Jericho: Sighs

Jericho: I got nothing MeLange

Jericho: Par the course man

MeLange: ok ok I'm trying my best

Lemon (Levi Reed): afk to get food

MeLange smiles

User has gone AFK. (Lemon)

Temperance: From what I know, yes

Vee Barlett: Yeah but you're MAKING a path? That just seems dumb. A good way to get lost, yeah?

MeLange: continues to lead Parry best he can

Jericho: Hesitates. "Should we take a moment to reorient Vee?"

BOB Vee can make an intuition check

Levi Reed: I've been making paths in the jungle for YEARS

User has gone AFK. (Lemon)

Vee Barlett: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 3] [d20 = 17]

Jericho: Skeptical

Vee Barlett: confused by all the greenier and solid land

BOB Vee trusts Levi

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (she's an idiot sometimes so probably does, yes)

BOB So you know you are all doomed

Jericho: You have Levi? I thought you were big on Water, not land

Carissa (Vee Barlett): LOL

Shislif (MeLange): lol

Jericho: Why don't we just take a moment?

Jericho: No real rush. Just a second to reorient

Vee Barlett: A moment for what?

Vee Barlett: Let 'em keep slashin' away. Can't throw him off his groove.

MeLange: yea the sun won't be up forever

Temperance: Considering that moment might depend whether we live or die, I'm not too sure

Vee Barlett: Gods, I ever tell y'all how much I hate the jungle?

Jericho: Deer caught in headlight look, as if debating what they think he means, versus what he said

Rothuss Carder: I wonder if Uncle Rapports is in town?

Jericho: It would take a minute at most to just check the map....right?

Vee Barlett: Is town nearby?

Vee Barlett: Fine, fine. If it hushs you up. Lirt, look at the map?

Temperance: If you'd like to see it, it is in the hands of the navigator.

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Cartography [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 7]

MeLange: fair probably a good idea

MeLange: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 9]

-> Temperance: The Church in the Mists is a place that people talk about but few ever visit so Temperance is unsure exactly where it is and how to get there

Temperance: Like I said, I shared everything I know.

Jericho: hushes? Oh come on, that's low even for you. We all make mistakes, and I make a ton trust me

MeLange keeps an eye on the surrounding while they check the map

TMO (Rothuss Carder): (oocly that was intentionally public, ICly he was still intending to whisper to Ratbone, but accidentally spoke too loud)

TMO (Rothuss Carder): because that's a thing that happens in groups. ;)

Vee Barlett: I just ain't patient. And ya wanna be patient.

BOB smiles

Jericho: Ponders

Jericho: Yep, sounds about right

Ratbone Carder: shrugs at Rothuss

Jericho: Well we can always meet in the middle.

Jericho: Thinks

Jericho: Okay, we can sometimes meet in the middle

Jericho: Mostly when you are calling the shots

Jericho: I admit when I'm out of my league

-> Lirtimya: You are up past any towns, into the jungle now

Temperance: That makes sense as to why there was so little information about it. Thanks for clarifying!

Vee Barlett: If Levi wants to slow, he can slow, but this is his territory so if he says keep goin' we keep goin', yeah?

MeLange: Jericho you know you're gonna have to go all the way to her right?

Vee Barlett: I prefer my left.

Jericho: Wait. this sounds like a trap

Vee Barlett: It's my better stabbin' hand.

Lirtimya: The only towns I see on here are behind us

Jericho: I'm not touching this conversation with a pole

Jericho: Change the subject

Shislif (MeLange): lol

Matthias Crowtooth: I kind of like the subject.

MeLange laughs

Matthias Crowtooth: Tell me more about your stabbing hand, Vee.

Jericho: So far, we've covered feces, course parring, and now Vee's stabbing hand. I'm out

MeLange: everybody knows once starts talking shanks she don't stop

Jericho: I'm playing the quiet game

Matthias Crowtooth: Gods be praised.

Vee Barlett: Well, ya see, I stab better with my left. Easier to twist, yeah? Right one? I can, but it ain't as clean a stab.

Jericho: Mine aint

Jericho: Mutters

MeLange: well you're play terribly Jericho

Matthias Crowtooth: Oh, that was a quick game.

Jericho: Fuck off

Rothuss Carder: do we know how close to home village we're getting? Just vaguely close, quite close, or going thru it?

Shislif (MeLange): lol

Vee Barlett: laughs

MeLange: quiet game Jericho

Vee Barlett: Didn't know ya knew that work!

Carissa (Vee Barlett): *word

Levi Reed: We don't need towns, we need the temple in the mist or whatever

Michael (Jericho): (Ah, sorry, gonna try moderating myself a little better. Dealt with lots of techs today. All swear like sailors. Jeeze)

Shislif (MeLange): lol all good I'm fine

-> Rothuss Carder: You are roughly parallel now, if you just go another hour or so into the jungle you will be farther into the mountains

Vee Barlett: It's like, what, two days? I'd like a town for the night, yeah? If one is nearby.

Vee Barlett: Don't you dare make me camp out here, Levi, or ya ain't ever invited back to Osterhold.

MeLange: hmm temple in the mist? sounds romantic

Temperance: In what sense?

Rothuss Carder -> Ratbone Carder: Looks like we're going past the place anyways. Maybe we can come up with something for the way back.

MeLange: probably the mist part

BOB You know from Temperance and Lirtimya that you need to go about a day and two or three hours to get to the Temple of the Mists

Ratbone Carder -> Rothuss Carder: Yeah maybe so

BOB so you can either camp and get there in the morning or push through the night

MeLange: guess it depends on the temple too though, maybe it's a romantic temple? never know

Levi Reed: I mean, if you want to backtrack and go sleep in a bed fine, but then we're just making the same journey tomorrow

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (Vee will vote camping)

Rothuss Carder: I think we can push on for a little bit longer. I'm not tired, any of you?

Vee Barlett: Gross.

Jericho: ....

Matthias Crowtooth: I'm a little tired from watching Vee carry her canoe, but I am okay to carry on.

MeLange: are thinking there may be trouble at this temple?

BOB 'no canoe

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (she doesn't have it, sadly)

Jericho: I don't know about Jungles. I'm not tired per say, but maybe camping wouldn't be a bad idea?

Levi Reed: No more than usual

Shislif (MeLange): ugh my typing is off

Vee Barlett: Nah, I ain't walkin' through a jungle at night. You know what could be out there?

Michael (Jericho): Mine too

Levi Reed: Temples are always trouble of some kind

Matthias Crowtooth: I'm a little tired from watching Vee carry her massive ego, but I'm okay to carry on.

Jericho: My guess is bad stuff

Matthias Crowtooth: (better?)

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (LOL)

BOB lol

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): ooc

Jericho: So, no need to guess

Vee Barlett: elbows Matty but smiles

MeLange: good point jungle at night can be a scary place

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (second failed attempt at OOC for Ryan)

MeLange: that what I heard anyway

Levi Reed: Only the first half, when things are waking up and hunting

MeLange: when all the creepy crawleys come out and the predators

Levi Reed: After that, everything is pretty chill

Vee Barlett: Can't even see the stars proper to navigate. Sail through the night? Great! But cut through a jungle? No thank you.

Jericho: Yeah Levi,...that didn't help

Rothuss Carder: Whatever you all want, I guess.

Levi Reed: We clear a spot for a decent fire and we're fine. Most jungle creatures aren't stupid enough to come near fire

MeLange: Hey if there's no rush let's camp for the night and show up fresh

Levi Reed: We PROBABLY should watch out for that chupacabra though

Vee Barlett: We take watches then, yeah?

Rothuss Carder: home village isn't actually in the jungle, right? that would seem a silly place to raise goats to me.

Levi Reed: Oh yeah, for sure

MeLange: I could do a watch

-> Rothuss Carder: Correct

Jericho: I'll do watch first

Vee Barlett: No drinkin' on 'em, though.

Rothuss Carder: phew

Vee Barlett: Well, no gettin' drunk.

MeLange: ohhh I'll do watch with Jericho

Jericho: Nods

Vee Barlett: nods

Vee Barlett: You two have fun.

Levi Reed: I'll take middle. I wake up in the middle of the night half the time anyway

Jericho: Thanks MeLange

MeLange nods

Jericho: Before I go to bed though, I want to try talking to our Mule

Vee Barlett: I'll take last. Mornin' is nice sometimes.

MeLange: No problem Jeri

Rothuss Carder: I'm up for a watch as well. Ratbone, how are you feeling? You should probably get some rest tonight. This is a lot of exertion after being sick.

Jericho: Never spoke to an animal before

Jericho: Jeri?

Lirtimya: I'll either take last or first

MeLange: yea it's like a cute nickname for you

Jericho: ........

Jericho: Don't ever use it again

MeLange: Jericho can be so formal sometimes

Jericho: Sighs

Levi Reed: Maybe call him Cho

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (For Wendy, Watches means only some characters are awake. In dangerous areas, we'll have potential encounters. In less dangerous areas, it's a good chance for your character to RP with who you want)

MeLange: You can call me Mel ifyou like

MeLange: Mel and Jeri, Jeri and Mel, I think it works

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (Spellcasters generally go first or last watch as they need full night sleep to regain spells BUT if you haven't spent any spells, you can do second watch)

Jericho: Ok, YOU can call me that. I do call you Mel sometimes, soprobably fair

MeLange: Oh Cho is pretty cool Levi good one

Vee Barlett: Jerrimel?

Image: Ruined Hut.webp@Map Pack - Jungle I

Jericho: No. Gonna stop that right there

Jericho: Goto bed Vee

Vee Barlett: Rude.

Jericho: You've passed your daily allotmant of being a pain in my ass

Jericho: smiles and winks

Lemon (Levi Reed): Or you can use up spells for funsies before sleeping. But there's always a slight possibility that some sort of fight will wake you up and you may not sleep the 8 hours you need

Jericho: smiles and winks

Vee Barlett: If we go by that, ya shoulda gone to bed hours ago.

Vee Barlett: grins and settles down

MeLange: Ok I'll let you decide, Jeri or Cho?

Jericho: Yeah yeah, my tolerance has been slowly increasing

Levi Reed: If anyone's getting a couple name is me and Jeri

Jericho: Who knows, in a few years I might be able to tune you out completely

Jericho: Snickers

Vee Barlett: Levicho?

Levi Reed: Jeri-vi

wyjyoon (Temperance): Thanks! I honestly think Temperance can watch at any time- so just put her wherever you need her

MeLange laughs

Vee Barlett: from her sleeping spot

Jericho: Levicho?

Rothuss Carder: You all get so grumpy when you have to walk instead of being carried by a boat.

Jericho: Sounds like a spell or something

wyjyoon (Temperance): She's good at getting up in the morning for the most part

Vee Barlett: Wait wait, Jericho what's your last name?

Lemon (Levi Reed): You can say it in character, Wendy, so someone can boss you around

The time is 8:00 PM

MeLange: haha Levicho works

Matthias Crowtooth: Jericho Priestyface?

wyjyoon (Temperance): LOL

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (oh no no no, you put her with whoever you want to talk to, that's half the fun!)

Jericho: In the immortal words of you all, Nunyabusiness

Matthias Crowtooth: Jericho Nunyabusiness

Jericho: Shrugs. It's in church records.

Jericho: Horn

Rothuss Carder: Jericho Nunyabiz?

Matthias Crowtooth: Can I call you Jericho Bustynun?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (Watches so far: (1) Jericho, Melange (2) Levi, ????, (3) Vee, ???? I think Lirt?)

Jericho: Hey man, you do you

Matthias Crowtooth: Rolls off the tongue better than Nunyabusty

Jericho: But no. It's Horn

Vee Barlett: Reedhorn? Huh, that sounds.... wrong.

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Ratbone can take a middle one

TMO (Rothuss Carder): cute name, oocly that is. ;)

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol

Vee Barlett: Horny Reed but that's a different nickname....

Lemon (Levi Reed): Ok, guys, but hold on. So there's this book that used to be at the bookstore I worked at... it was there a lot. It was called "Europe through the backdoor" and the cover was a picture of two nuns, facing away from the camera.

Carissa (Vee Barlett): wow

Shislif (MeLange): lol

BOB Nice

User has gone AFK. (TMO)

Carissa (Vee Barlett): P.S. Following Lemon's story, I recently found out I live near a Book Village??? I'll post it later in Discord. It has EIGHT bookstores! And nothing else.

Jericho: It's JUST Jericho, or Jericho Horn. But please don't call me Jericho Hornyreed. You can come up with better then that good gods Vee

Lemon (Levi Reed): They have since changed the picture on the cover

Shislif (MeLange): must be a translation thing

Vee Barlett: Nah, that's what I call Levi when he gets... well, ya know.

Jericho: Now eff off to dream land

BOB Levi leads the group to an opening in the jungle

BOB with a small island in the middle of a stream

BOB and a apparently ruined home?

Vee Barlett: Oh! Nice! Water! Gods, I missed ya, sweet water.

Michael (Jericho): I'm sorry. a "Stream?" How big is this thing there's an Island???

Shislif (MeLange): I thought we were sleeping for the night?

Matthias Crowtooth: You'll be pooping water all night if you drink any of that.

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 13]

Jericho: Charming

Vee Barlett: captivated by the water and not paing attention to anything else

Carissa (Vee Barlett): *paying

BOB Scale is correct

Temperance: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 6] [d20 = 19]

Jericho: Jericho states dryly as he stares at the ruined home

Matthias Crowtooth: inches up to push Vee into the stream.

Matthias Crowtooth: [SKILL] Move Silently [PERCENT:Move Silently] (vs. Target 20) [FAILURE by 52] [d100 = 72]

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 10] [d20 = 6]

BOB Matty moves up right behind vee

Matthias Crowtooth: thunders up to push Vee into the stream

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (quick test)

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (hmm)

Vee Barlett: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 16]

Michael (Jericho): you're good?

Vee Barlett: Martial Arts: Kidney punch [d20 = 12]

Vee Barlett: [DAMAGE (M)] Punch Result:1 [TYPE: bludgeoning (1d0=1)] [d0 = 1]

Vee Barlett: KNOCK OUT ROLL [TARGET:5] Knockout roll fail! [d100 = 93]

Vee Barlett: attempts to turn around and punch Matty

Matthias Crowtooth: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 3] [d20 = 18]

Shislif (MeLange): lol

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 13] [d20 = 2]

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Kidney Punch. Perfect.

Michael (Jericho): They apparently both fall in

wyjyoon (Temperance): So

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): SLAP FIGHT!!!

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol

Shislif (MeLange): knew that was a bad idea lol

MeLange: he alive?

BOB So yes Vee detects Matty trying to push her in, she Elbows back into his kidney and SMACKS into him but does not do any damage

Vee Barlett: Dumbass.

Matthias Crowtooth: Martial Arts: Elbow smash [d20 = 10]

Matthias Crowtooth: KNOCK OUT ROLL [TARGET:3] The Target is KNOCKED out! [d100 = 1]

Matthias Crowtooth: [DAMAGE (M)] Wrestling Result:1 [TYPE: bludgeoning (1d0=1)] [d0 = 1]

BOB BUT she does not tumble into the water either

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): OH....

Jericho: ......

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Oh, that escalated quickly... That sure escalated quickly

Jericho: Guys? You okay?

MeLange: yea I'm alright thanks

BOB Then Matty SLAPS upward with his elbow and ..... Vee makes a save versus breath weapon to avoid being knocked out

Jericho: Theydon't normally try to kill each other unless they are drunk

Carissa (Vee Barlett): ........

Matthias Crowtooth: looks at the pissed off Vee and pretends to be knocked out

MeLange: probably just bored

Jericho: Should something?

MeLange: think it's over

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (one sec)

Jericho: I mean, that elbow smack looked like it hurt, so....I don't wanna wade in

Matthias Crowtooth: [SKILL] Etiquette [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 13] [d20 = 2]

Temperance: I'm sure they'll settle it at some point.

MeLange: but you love helping people Jeri

Matthias Crowtooth: pretends to be a dignified knocked out

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (did that not roll? ughhH)

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (fg is pissing me off)

MeLange: Matthias may need help

Jericho: They are family, not people

Jericho: There is a difference

Jericho: Sorta

BOB So the two of them smack each other around but ........

Vee Barlett: [SAVE] vs. Breath [d20 = 16]

Save [16] [Target 16] -> [for Vee Barlett] [SUCCESS]

MeLange: is there though?

Jericho: Ponders....

BOB Both manage to keep their feet

Jericho: Huh. Hadn' treally thought about it before

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (how do I put him in a headlock?)

Levi Reed: There really isn't

BOB and simply annoy each other

Jericho: "You guys...uh....done?"

Matthias Crowtooth: ....

MeLange: unfortunately right?

Matthias Crowtooth: dramatic groan

Vee Barlett: glares him down

Matthias Crowtooth: Guys, what happened? I remembered slipping and accidentally elbowing Vee and then nothing...

Jericho: ............

Vee Barlett: Lucky I ain't had my knife on me.

Jericho: Sigh

MeLange: whisper to Jeri: Like sheesh get a room already right?

Jericho: Let me take a look at you before you go to bed. You might have a concussion

Jericho: Sighs

Matthias Crowtooth: You mean my knife?

Jericho: Can't go five minutes around here

Jericho: Grumbles off

Matthias Crowtooth: Looks at Jericho's approaching hands...

Vee Barlett: Nah, mine, yeah? You gave it to me. In a sheath. Might keep it out from now on....

Matthias Crowtooth: Uh.... no thanks

Matthias Crowtooth: glances at his stone dagger.... pouts

MeLange: oh now you guys went and upset Jeri, nice job guys

Vee Barlett: Matty, you on mornin' duty now.

User has gone AFK. (Spring)

Matthias Crowtooth: Fair enough.

Matthias Crowtooth: Bounces to his feet.

Vee Barlett: rolls eyes

Matthias Crowtooth: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 4]

Temperance: For someone who was just knocked out, you seem light on your feet.

BOB So are you going over to the island to sleep?

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): So is Lirt first watch then?

Matthias Crowtooth: You know what they say, lucky on jumping to your feet, unlucky in love.

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (sorry, slap fight what did anyone notice about the house?)

wyjyoon (Temperance): Temperance can do morning watch, whenever that is

Shislif (MeLange): is it safe to swim through the water?

Vee Barlett: laughs

BOB Dex with a plus two to cross the log bridge

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (That puts Temp with Matty, Vee, and Lirt which is fine)

Jericho: So, I vote for not going to the creepy island to sleep. I don't want to swim, wade, walk etc on the water. But, I go with the group. Guys?

Shislif (MeLange): is the idea maybe we sleep in the house instead outside?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (Rat, Roth, and Levi on seoncd then)

Vee Barlett: What house?

MeLange: I say we go for it, house looks nice

Vee Barlett: Oh. How long that been there?

Levi Reed: I mean... less animals going to be hunting you if they have to cross the water but...

Matthias Crowtooth: I like the idea of being on an island where we can hear people approaching.

Jericho: mean the creepy ruined house MeLange? In the middle of a stream?

MeLange: yea it's not creepy... just misunderstood

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (Lirt had a successful Obs, she see anything suspicious?)

MeLange: probably

Jericho: you won't hear them approaching, you'll hear running water Matthias

Jericho: Unless they are us, who are loud boistrous, and usually drunk

Vee Barlett: Might be treasure in there....

BOB I will let Lirt know when it is appropriate, grins

Jericho: Well, we are broke

Carissa (Vee Barlett): ok just making sure it wasn't missed

Jericho: I vote for treasure

Matthias Crowtooth: Spoken like a homebody who can't tell the difference between running water and moving across bodies water

Temperance: I suppose it depends on if the stream can do harm, and whether we'd like to be surrounded when we are attacked.

MeLange: well we won't need to hear because we'll have watches that can look

Vee Barlett: Across the stream we go!

Matthias Crowtooth: Those of us who lived on water can tell the difference.

MeLange: a few of us could go in first, to make sure it's safe

Levi Reed: Everyone knows how to swim, yeah?

Matthias Crowtooth: Hi ho hi ho... Across the stream we go

Shislif (MeLange): what time is it?

Jericho: Take your word for it Matthias. Let's go get riches or a terrible curse. Totes my goat

Vee Barlett: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 13] [d20 = 2]

BOB YUou can just roll your Dex +2 and go to the island

MeLange: let's do this !

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Sea Legs [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 19]

Temperance: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 11) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 8]

MeLange: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 1]

Jericho: Sighs. "I might as well just get ready to be wet."

Jericho: Grumbles. "My balance is terrible"

Shislif (MeLange): got the simcity soundtrack playing in the background, works pretty good

Jericho: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 7) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 2]

Lirtimya: [CHECK] Dexterity [+2] (vs. Target 10) [FAILURE by 2] [d20-2 = 12]

Jericho: Huh

Levi Reed: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 7]

Jericho: Looks suprised at himself

Jericho: Looks suprised at himself

Temperance: Not so terrible, then?

Jericho: How the hell did I manage that?

MeLange: whoa that does look pretty rundown actually

Jericho: Well, a broken clock is right twice a day

MeLange: nice job Jeri!

Lirtimya: Fails at getting across the stream

MeLange: Lirt ok?

Levi Reed: Still, looks like it's got a bathroom, so we won't lose anyone straying out into the jungle with stomach issues

BOB ahh sorry you added the plus 2

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (waiting to see if Bob confirms that...)

Matthias Crowtooth: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 14] [d20 = 1]

MeLange: whoa a bathroom? that's amazing!

Vee Barlett: Ah, shoot! First Matey! Comin'!

MeLange gets excited

Rothuss Carder: [CHECK] Dexterity [-2] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20+2 = 9]

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (or is it a small stream and she just stands up?)

MeLange: follows Vee into the water

Lirtimya: Is Lirt in the water I'm assuming?

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): OOC

BOB Yes in the water

User is back. (Spring)

TMO (Rothuss Carder): well, made it either way, I guess.

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Swimming [MOD:STR] (vs. Target 9) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 5]

BOB Letting Spring and the Mule go

BOB and good for lIrt

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (ok)

BOB Lirt

MeLange: [SKILL] Swimming [MOD:STR] (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 15] [d20 = 3]

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (Spring and Mule, roll DEX)

Shislif (MeLange): oh yea forgot about the mule lol

Ratbone Carder: [SKILL] Swimming [MOD:STR] (vs. Target 6) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 5]

Parry the Mule: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 10) [FAILURE by 8] [d20 = 18]

Jericho: Well shit


MeLange: Come on Parry you can do it buddy!

Carissa (Vee Barlett): good thing Melange already jumped into the water

Jericho: Sighs

Lirtimya: Swims to shore, or wharever the closesnt bit of land is

'wyjyoon' disconnected

Parry the Mule: Braying and thrashing

Vee Barlett: heads over to hold out a hand to help Lirt up

'wyjyoon' connected

MeLange: tries to help Parry cross the river

Matthias Crowtooth: sighs and goes to help

Lirtimya: Takes Vee's help out of the water

BOB Melange can make a new animal handling animal friendship check

Parry the Mule: Panicked thrashing, snapping at the water

BOB Vee and Matty can do what they think will help

Shislif (MeLange): oh I don't have those

Shislif (MeLange): only animal lore

Vee Barlett: uses her Ranger Empathy skills

Carissa (Vee Barlett): ?

Rothuss Carder: helps Ratbone up onto the shore.

BOB sure

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (no way to roll it)

BOB simple d20

Matthias Crowtooth: [SKILL] Swimming (vs. Target 0) [FAILURE by 3] [d20 = 3]

Vee Barlett: [d20 = 13]

Lemon (Levi Reed): If she fails, I'll try?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (well yeah, you'll fail against 0, lol)

MeLange: [d20 = 7]

Matthias Crowtooth: tries guiding Parry in the water

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (you might want to check what that should roll against Ryan)

BOB go for it lemon

Shislif (MeLange): was that what I was supposed to roll?

wyjyoon (Temperance): Had to log back in, sorry

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): (Just because I know that it will end in failure doesn't mean that Matty isn't confident it will succeed.)

BOB Try again Ryan

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): (Although a 3 wasn't a bad roll)

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (no no, I mena your roll is not right. It's rolling against 0 but it should roll against your STR)

Levi Reed: [d20 = 3]

Matthias Crowtooth: [SKILL] Swimming [MOD:CON] (vs. Target 11) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 16]

Matthias Crowtooth: drowns

Lemon (Levi Reed): All you missed is the mule falling in the water

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): kicked in the head by Parry, Matthias drowns in a shallow stream

BOB I will go with the original 3

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (lol)

wyjyoon (Temperance): Oh-

Parry the Mule: thrashing

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): LOL, thanks

BOB and Matty snaggs Parry and helps Vee drag him/her/they over to the island

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (Lemon has Ranger Empathy, too, and no way to roll it)

Carissa (Vee Barlett): and nevermind, didn't need it apparently

Jericho: So next time.....we're not doing that

Levi Reed: You... wanna just swim next time?

Vee Barlett: Whew, that was fun. Glad for an excuse to swim.

Parry the Mule: tossing head, coughing and braying

Vee Barlett: Yeah, maybe.

Shislif (MeLange): Mel didn't help Parry?

Jericho: No, I don't want to have a poor animal almost drown.

Matthias Crowtooth: Keep complaining, Parry, and we will be having you for dinner.

Spring (Parry the Mule): I think real mules swim a lot better than that. Maybe bad current?

Vee Barlett: So what's in the house? Anyone see anythin' interestin?

Jericho: Goes over to Parry

BOB yes Mel helped Parrry get to shore

Jericho: You okay bud?

Shislif (MeLange): yay

Jericho: [SKILL] Veterinary Healing [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 13]

BOB All is good

BOB with Parry

Jericho: He's okay

MeLange: nice healing!

Parry the Mule: weak halfhearted attempt to snap at Jericho

Jericho: Hey, hey. Just making sure you are okay bud

MeLange: hahah Oh Parry

Parry the Mule: suddenly feels better

Jericho: Gives a gently pat

Jericho: Gives a gently pat

User has gone AFK. (JtomTMO)

Temperance: He might start thrashing around for different reasons.

Jericho: Pulls out a Apple from Rations

Jericho: Offers to Parry

Parry the Mule: looks at jericho in a stunned way

MeLange: that's a good lookin apple too

Matthias Crowtooth: It is...

Matthias Crowtooth: reaches for apple

Parry the Mule: sniffs the apple suspiciously but takes it

BOB grins

Matthias Crowtooth: glares at Parry

Jericho: Sorry about the water adventure Parry

BOB fighting over the apple would be the way the party needs healing

Rothuss Carder: Making friends wherever he goes.

Shislif (MeLange): wait is Parry a boy or girl?

Jericho: We'll work it out better tomorrow

Jericho: So, let's look around?

Parry the Mule: [d10 = 10]

BOB or a they? or a gelding and so an it?

Spring (Parry the Mule): Girl

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 17]

Shislif (MeLange): or tru good point

Shislif (MeLange): oh

Michael (Jericho): Well, I just did a vet check, you tell me LOL

Vee Barlett: Goes to look into the house, but has water in her eyes.

Matthias Crowtooth: [SKILL] Detect Noise [PERCENT:Detect Noise] (vs. Target 25) [SUCCESS by 24] [d100 = 1]

Temperance: [SKILL] Bureaucracy (2) [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 13]

Michael (Jericho): Bureacracy?

Temperance: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 5]

Michael (Jericho): What in gods name are you looking for here!?

Michael (Jericho): LOL

wyjyoon (Temperance): I wanted to roll Observation lol

wyjyoon (Temperance): Sorry

MeLange: tries to dry himself off by rolling in some dry grass

Vee Barlett: This water don't quite sting but it's still in my eyes...

BOB Spring too control of the token so they get to decide

Michael (Jericho): Just giving you a hard time, thought it was hilarious

Michael (Jericho): You were navigating our Beauratcic bullshit LOL

Vee Barlett: Jungleboy, whatcha see?

wyjyoon (Temperance): Glad it gave you a laugh

Spring (Parry the Mule): I rolled for it. It rolled Girl

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): And that is how Parry is now a platypus

BOB For Matty and Temperance you quickly check around the house and spot fishing gear

Shislif (MeLange): nice

Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Local History [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 15]

BOB Levi can tell that it has been ... well he is not sure how long since someone has been here

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 10] [d20 = 5]

Matthias Crowtooth: [SKILL] Find/Remove Traps [PERCENT:Find/Remove Traps] (vs. Target 5) [FAILURE by 22] [d100 = 27]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Botany [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 6]

MeLange: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 6]

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): falls in a hole

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Distance Sense [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 9]

MeLange: [SKILL] Animal Lore [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 9]

Rothuss Carder: rolled local history to see if he recognized the hut or who it belongs to. a stretch, but possible

Lemon (Levi Reed): Does distance work for time? Or at least I can see how overgrown it is?

-> Rothuss Carder: nods

wyjyoon (Temperance): It's not Matthias' day today, isn't it

BOB Matty tried moving a broken stool and gets a splinter

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 8]

Lemon (Levi Reed): Anything been here recently?

Rothuss Carder: only made it by 1, so probably knows little

Shislif (MeLange): lol

Shislif (MeLange): poor guy

Carissa (Vee Barlett): generally isn't lol

BOB Levi can tell that no one has spent the night here, no campfires, etc

Vee Barlett: It just a fishin' hut or somethin'?

BOB Rothuss cannot remember any history of ghosts in this area

MeLange: well it just needs to last the night

Temperance: [SKILL] Reading-Writing [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 13]

TMO (Rothuss Carder): well that's good news at least!

Levi Reed: No one's been here for a long time

MeLange: plus a bathroom is always nice

Jericho: You saw fishing gear?

Jericho: Abandoned?

Levi Reed: I see doors to a basement?

Levi Reed: Let's go check that out

MeLange: may as well right?

Temperance: We may need sufficient light to do so

MeLange: I have a torch actually

Temperance: Unless enough natural light reaches the basement

MeLange: I can hold it in my left hand and still use my right for other stuff

Rothuss Carder: How or who can I help?

MeLange: Wanna clear out the basement?

BOB Melange confidently tells Temperance he can do things with both hands

Rothuss Carder: Of course!

Shislif (MeLange): lol

wyjyoon (Temperance): LOL

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Must be popular with the ladies

Levi Reed: What kind of "other stuff"?

TMO (Rothuss Carder): he is multi-talented, our Mel

Shislif (MeLange): lol, he likes to stay humble

Temperance: Congratulations for being ambidexterous

Vee Barlett: Hmm, yeah maybe these are weird conversations today.

Temperance: That's a useful skill.

Temperance: At least from what I've heard.

MeLange: thanks, that actually IS a skill I have

Vee Barlett: That's why he's good at double axin' things

MeLange: My favorite

Temperance: Does that mean you can hold two machetes at the same time?

Temperance: If necessary?

Levi Reed: It's a skill I have too, man, no need to brag

Rothuss Carder: Person behind holds the torch. You want torch or lead?

MeLange: probably

Ratbone Carder: puts away the lute pulls out the quiet bagpipies

Vee Barlett: So who leadin' the way to the basement?

Levi Reed: And yes. I'm very good at double machetes

BOB Coughs at Tempreances two machetes

wyjyoon (Temperance): ?

Jericho: Im' guess the stabby stabby folks go first. I'll back you up

Vee Barlett: Hold the torch then, man.

Levi Reed: Yeah yeah I'll go

MeLange: Well I'm pretty strong so maybe I should go in first in case there's danger?

Vee Barlett: Three of us wanna stabby stabby if we need.

Levi Reed: slowly heads down into the basement

Jericho: Rolles Eyes

Matthias Crowtooth: I'd rather talk things out, myself

Jericho: Fair enough, give me that torch

Lemon (Levi Reed): Too late!

Jericho: Holds Torch

Rothuss Carder: takes the torch and draws his sabre, just in case he has to run someone through the back.

MeLange: for the safety of the gang of course

Vee Barlett: Ain't the impression I got earlier, Matty.

Matthias Crowtooth: draws his dagger in case he has to run Rothuss through the back

Ratbone Carder: falls in behind brother

TMO (Rothuss Carder): (misunderstood Vee, sorry)

MeLange: rubs his hands together in preparation

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (it's fine, he can take it, lol)

BOB Ok so just to draw this to a close move your characters to where you want to be

Carissa (Vee Barlett): someone who doesn't hold two weapons should take it

Matthias Crowtooth: realizes what he is doing, shakes his head, and draws his longsword to... not stab Rothuss in the back

Lemon (Levi Reed): That IS the basement entrance, yeah?

Shislif (MeLange): lol

Shislif (MeLange): hope so

Vee Barlett: notices how crowded it already is getting and waits near the mule

Levi Reed: Maybe someone could check the back of the house?

Michael (Jericho): I'm draggin the troch to Jericho on the Combat tracker, but he just won't hold the damn thing

Spring (Ratbone Carder): it looks like a restroom

Vee Barlett: Hey Matty, ya wanna sneak around back see if anything is there?

TMO (Rothuss Carder): we'll just ignore the mysterious entity that moved 5 ft in the shadows next to the hut

Jericho: Advanced Effect ['Torch;LIGHT: 10/15 torch;Torch'] -> [to Jericho] [by Torch]

Jericho: Advanced Effect ['LIGHT: 10/15 torch;Torch'] removed [from Jericho] [by Torch]

Jericho: Advanced Effect ['Torch;LIGHT: 10/15 torch;Torch'] -> [to Jericho] [by Torch]

Shislif (MeLange): ah i'm too zoomed in

Levi Reed: 10 silver says a damn monkey is napping down there

BOB So as people crowd into the ruins Levi discovers that the broken "doors" are actually broken chests

Michael (Jericho): There. Good god

Carissa (Vee Barlett): basement, doors, chest all the sameeeee

Levi Reed: Whooo

Rothuss Carder: Well... you first, Levi. in you go

Ratbone Carder: puts away quiet bagpipes, gets out knife

Levi Reed: These aren't even doors, dummies

MeLange: are those chests?

wyjyoon (Temperance): So quick question- in order to get characters to hold things do you have to move them to a specific tracker thing?

Rothuss Carder: Let us know what you find.

MeLange: got me all worked up over here

BOB There are some pieces of fishing gear but nothing else

Levi Reed: Just some more fishing gear

Levi Reed: Might be useful, but nothin fancy

MeLange laughs

Vee Barlett: there is a torch effect that's useful so you can see around the fog of war, but that's the only thing to equip really

Carissa (Vee Barlett): there is a torch effect that's useful so you can see around the fog of war, but that's the only thing to equip really

MeLange: fishing gear! What a world

Spring (Ratbone Carder): W I hope not because I haven't been doing it

Vee Barlett: Anythin' in the bathroom?

Spring (Ratbone Carder): I just use text with the CTRL key to say an action i'm doing

Vee Barlett: Just don't let Levi fall in!

wyjyoon (Temperance): Gotcha, thanks for clarifying!

Levi Reed: I'll let Matty or Jeri take the lead on the bathroom

Levi Reed: They seem to need it often enough

Shislif (MeLange): is this when we would eat our rations?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): let's finish exploring first

Shislif (MeLange): how do we know if our guy is hungry or needs rations?

Temperance: What for?

Shislif (MeLange): oh ok

Temperance: Do they possess small bladders?

Vee Barlett: They get the runnin' shits often.

Levi Reed: Ok, I'm going to go check behind the house then

MeLange: thanks Levi!

Lemon (Levi Reed): stupid house corners

Rothuss Carder: I'll go the other way around

Lemon (Levi Reed): Anything interesting?

BOB Trees

Vee Barlett: Melange! What's in the bathroom?

Lemon (Levi Reed): Is that an axe on the ground or a rock?

MeLange: goes in to the bathroom to check it ou

BOB Rock

Lemon (Levi Reed): ah, ok

MeLange: just Rocks!

Levi Reed: Nothing here!

wyjyoon (Temperance): Nature lies where nature takes place, I guess

Levi Reed: Should be safe for the night

MeLange: not even that great rocks

Levi Reed: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 18]

Vee Barlett: Too late for treasure. It was a long shot.

Levi Reed: [CHECK] Intelligence (vs. Target 9) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 5]

MeLange: I mean they were ok, that wasn't nice

Jericho: Well, never hurts to check

Jericho: Smiles

Temperance: Are they sizable enough for throwing or starting fires?

Jericho: Advanced Effect ['LIGHT: 10/15 torch;Torch'] removed [from Jericho] [by Torch]

Lirtimya: With the fishing tools I can maybe catch us some food

MeLange: Well I don't know

MeLange: But I do have some flint and steel

Vee Barlett: Oh nice. I'd like some fish.

Lemon (Levi Reed): Did I find any animal tracks when I did my ranger tracking?

MeLange: for a fire

Michael (Jericho): Think we should drag the logs to our side for the night?

Jericho: Think we should drag the logs to our side for the night?

BOB No to Levi on finding animal tracks that are not obscured by the group walking around on the island first

MeLange: sounds like a lot of work

Levi Reed: I mean, there's also plenty of broken furniture scraps we can use

wyjyoon (Temperance): The logs that we crossed?

Jericho: I guess. Just thought that anyone wanting to cross would need wings or jump really far

BOB Put your faith in what you most believe in, two worlds, one family, trust your heart, let fate decide, to guide these lives we seek

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I put my faith in spam and do its will

Levi Reed: I don't think it's a good idea to destroy the bridge. Just because Parry and Lirt fell off doesn't mean the rest of us need to go for a swim on the way out

Shislif (MeLange): what was that?

BOB Beneath the shelter of the trees, only love can enter here,

Jericho: I didn't mean destroy, I meant....just never mind

Jericho: Go to bed. MeLange and I got this

Levi Reed: Oh, like pull it? Without dropping it in? And how would we get it back to the other side?

Levi Reed: That's a big log man

MeLange: Yea I say we leave it

Jericho: Stand it back upright and let it fall on the opposite bank

MeLange: we're gonna be on watch anyway

Jericho: But yeah, it is a big log

Levi Reed: Now this little dinky tree on the other side, we can get rid of that

Jericho: Okay

Temperance: It might crash on impact

Levi Reed: Less places for monkeys to cross

Jericho: Ok fine!

Jericho: Holds hands up

Jericho: We'll keep an eye on both

MeLange: I could probably take out that little tree

User has gone AFK. (Spring)

BOB The dream is gone, but where's theres hope

Levi Reed: Great, what watch are you on Mel?

Jericho: He's with me Levi

Jericho: First

MeLange: first with Jeri

Jericho: Watch

Levi Reed: Fantastic. You can work on that and I'm going to go pass out

MeLange: picks up the smaller tree

MeLange: [CHECK] Strength (vs. Target 18) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 14]

MeLange: gently places it on the ground

Levi Reed: Nobody step on me while you're headed to the bathroom!

MeLange: gently places it on the ground

Vee Barlett: passes reins to one of the others and goes to pass out, too.

MeLange: night Vee!

TMO (Rothuss Carder): ok, are those voices we're hearing, or is Bob just reciting appropriate poetry?

MeLange: So Jeri think we should hang out around here closet to Parry?

BOB Put your heart in what you most believe in, one world, one family, trust your heart let fate decide to guide these lives we see

Lemon (Levi Reed): I assumed it was lyrics

Jericho: Come on Parry, let's go over here. Less chance you'll get hurt if you are over here

Jericho: (He's singing Phil collins from Tarzan)

wyjyoon (Temperance): It sounds a bit like prayer too

Rothuss Carder: Anybody else hearing whispers?

wyjyoon (Temperance): But maybe that's just me

wyjyoon (Temperance): Oh

Lemon (Levi Reed): See!

Shislif (MeLange): ohh ok

BOB grins

Michael (Jericho): And I knew that because my mother just loves Phil Collins

Shislif (MeLange): lol, I do like phil collins though

TMO (Rothuss Carder): considering I've never seen that Tarzan, nor memorized the song lyrics, I have no clue what he's quoting

Michael (Jericho): Id idn't actually think Tarzan was all that great.

Michael (Jericho): lol


Shislif (MeLange): I've seen it but not remember the lyrics that well, doesn't really compare to lion king

wyjyoon (Temperance): The Circle of Life

TMO (Rothuss Carder): but then again, I rarely get the song lyrics any of you quote. You don't quote from my kind of music. :P

BOB Hunchback, Hercules, and then either Mulan or Tarzan for best musicals

Shislif (MeLange): see everybody knows that one lol

Jericho: Although, apparently I disagreed with most of America, because I LOVED Atlantis the lost Empire. Still do. The first thing I 3d Printed, was the Leviathan

Michael (Jericho): Although, apparently I disagreed with most of America, because I LOVED Atlantis the lost Empire. Still do. The first thing I 3d Printed, was the Leviathan

Carissa (Vee Barlett): No. Mulan THEN Hercules then Tarzan for musicals

Michael (Jericho): Hunchbag is top 5 Disney Soundtracks. Bells of Notre Dame gives me CHILLS

Carissa (Vee Barlett): And actually Lion King before Tarzan

TMO (Rothuss Carder): of those 4 Bob, Hercules is the only one I've watched. There's a big ol' gap in my Disney viewings, between kid and father.

Shislif (MeLange): haven't seen that one in a long time would need a refresher

wyjyoon (Temperance): I did like Mulan and Atlantis

wyjyoon (Temperance): Those were nice

User is back. (Spring)

Shislif (MeLange): brb refill

Michael (Jericho): Great. Gonna log back into Disney Plus. Kinda want to watch the classics again

User has gone AFK. (Shislif)

BOB So on first watch is?

BOB the rest are asleep

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Jericho, Melange

Michael (Jericho): Jericho and MeLange

Michael (Jericho): LOL

TMO (Rothuss Carder): Rothuss can take any spot

Carissa (Vee Barlett): second with Levi and Ratbone

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): JeLange

BOB nice

Rothuss Carder: Something about this little island just seems wrong to me, but I don't know what.

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol

Michael (Jericho): Acutally, I kinda like JeLange

Michael (Jericho): Soundslike upper class whiskey or something

wyjyoon (Temperance): It reminds me of Jello

Michael (Jericho): thanks for that wendy LOL

Michael (Jericho): :D

TMO (Rothuss Carder): all wiggly jiggly?

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): followed by LeBone

wyjyoon (Temperance): You're welcome : D

Lirtimya: Goes to find a place to rest, she needs her full sleep

wyjyoon (Temperance): I think Temperance was with Vee or Lirt, in terms of Watch

Jericho: Gently, leads Parry to a better spot

Michael (Jericho): Sorry bud, just keeping you away from the water

Carissa (Vee Barlett): yes for Temp on third with Vee, Lirt, Matty

Jericho: Sorry bud, just keeping you away from the water

BOB Matty staying near the restroom, it is a guy thing

Matthias Crowtooth: puts his back to a corner and rests, keeping a hand on his sword.

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (first watch has people they can wake if they need)

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (he needs to get his prostrate exam)

Michael (Jericho): prostate?

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Prostate wrestling, yo

Rothuss Carder: tries to recall what some of the dangers of the mountain jungles might be.

Michael (Jericho): LOL

Carissa (Vee Barlett): minus the R

Rothuss Carder: [TOWER] [SKILL] Local History [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20 = 7]

Jericho: Apparently Prostate Exams are a Danger of this Jungle

BOB So it is Jericho and Melange on watch, you can talk and then roll, in which ever order you wish

Michael (Jericho): Who knew!

MeLange: that does sound dangerous

Temperance: lays down, dagger in hand just in case

Carissa (Vee Barlett): no no, I'm saying an overactive bladder is a symptom of prostate cancer and other similar problems

TMO (Rothuss Carder): The Dreaded MonkeyKnuckles!

BOB Ahh so Matty is not just old but is cancer ridden too

Michael (Jericho): No I know, just to Prostrate yourself was funny, whereas a Prostate exam sucks

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Little do you know that Matty sold his bladder for dagger money when he was younger

Michael (Jericho): LOL

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Possibly! That's why he needs to go to a doctor!

Shislif (MeLange): lol

wyjyoon (Temperance): I misread that momentarily as 'dagger monkey'

Jericho: So MeLange, what's up?

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Wait, can you prostate yourself...? Is this in-character knowledge that Jericho has?

MeLange: Oh hey Jericho

Michael (Jericho): Nah, just our Dance Monkey

MeLange: just you know, watching

MeLange: Jungle is a crazy place man

Michael (Jericho): Well, you actually can, but to discuss is disturbing. So we won' tbe doing that here

Jericho: Nods head a couple times

MeLange: you ever been in a jungle before Jeri?

Jericho: Nods head a couple times

-> Rothuss Carder: Rothuss knows of rumors of monkey men in the jungle, they look like large monkeys but steal children to take and raise as their own

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Also, this was the only corner that matty could see that wasn't occupied or had a Vee nearby

Jericho: Yep. Crazy place

Jericho: Although

Jericho: That could just be us

Jericho: Whatya think happened here?

MeLange: you mean we're the crazy ones? Not the place?

Jericho: Waves hand

Carissa (Vee Barlett): smart of matty, she'd have to stab multiple people before reaching him

MeLange: prolly got super windy

Parry the Mule: snorts. settles down for the night

Jericho: Suprised

Jericho: Windy?

Jericho: Why do you say that?

MeLange: yea it got super windy like in a story, huffed and puffed n tore this place down

Rothuss Carder: alrighty

MeLange: storm

Jericho: .......

Jericho: Oh!

Jericho: Hm

MeLange: haha not a story, i'm p retty tired

MeLange: one possibility at least

MeLange: what do you think?

Jericho: Well, in a clearing like this, it would be more exposed ot the weather. I think that's a good assumption MeLange

Jericho: Did you see any ash or anything?

wyjyoon (Temperance): If Vee sleepwalked, would she shank people in her sleep?

Jericho: I didn't get a good look inside

Michael (Jericho): (Is that even a question?)

MeLange: Not that I saw, but I'm not great at observing

BOB No sign of fire

Michael (Jericho): (yes haha)

Michael (Jericho): :)

MeLange: think it was the chupacabra?

MeLange: chubacabra?

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): That's why every night Matty replaces her dagger with a rubber one as soon as she falls asleep

wyjyoon (Temperance): I just ask the thoughts that pop in mind : )

wyjyoon (Temperance): Now the important question is- does she sleepwalk-

Jericho: In all honesty, I got no clue. I'm a healer, not an architect Ji.....MeLange

MeLange: maybe that's what huffed n puffed

MeLange: hey we just talkin

Jericho: Nah, I got that

Jericho: No tone intended

Jericho: I'm still working on that

MeLange: yea we all workin on stuff

MeLange: it's cool

Jericho: Although, I am suprised there was no better bridge

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol

Jericho: I mean, you got some logs here

MeLange: fair point

Carissa (Vee Barlett): maybe her dads kicked her out after she tore up one drape too many sleepshanking

Jericho: But to get the materials over ot the build site, the'yde need a bigger bridge

Jericho: You see any bridge anchors anywhere?

wyjyoon (Temperance): Sleepshaking

MeLange: nope

Jericho: Huh

Jericho: ........

MeLange: well who knows you know

Jericho: Ever thought about what you'd ask a Mule if you could?

MeLange: probably how she's doing

wyjyoon (Temperance): Fair point though lol

Jericho: Wanna see?

MeLange: yea I do

Jericho: Cool. Let's just do a quick check around and then we can ask!

Jericho: Kinda excited to try it out honestly

MeLange: yea didn't know you could do that

Jericho: Be back in five minutes?

MeLange: sounds good

Jericho: Shit, until a couple months ago neither could I

Jericho: Grins

MeLange: I have to go release the kraken anyway

Jericho: Nods Sagely

Jericho: Yeah....This water isn't helping much is it?

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Kraken? More like a goldfish

MeLange: relieves himself in the river

Shislif (MeLange): lol

MeLange: onto the river

Matthias Crowtooth: dreams that he should have let Vee drink from the river

TMO (Rothuss Carder): Leaping Piranha! That's the fish I was thinking of!

Michael (Jericho): I don' thave obs or Alert, so I'm doing my best to patrol and "attempt" to do my job correctly

MeLange: looks around

Vee Barlett: twitches her left hand searching for a knife

MeLange seems fine

Jericho: Hums softly to himself, "I hear, the secrets that you keep, when you walking in your sleep..."

BOB Sharif can make a d20 roll for encounters

Matthias Crowtooth: flinches in his sleep

MeLange: [d20 = 9]

Temperance: rubs her eyes at the shuffling

BOB ALterness checks from Melange and Jericho

Michael (Jericho): No alterness from Jericho

MeLange: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 7]

Michael (Jericho): :(

Jericho: You okay MeLange?

MeLange: Yea I'm good

MeLange: you?

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Congratulations, you passed your alterness check. You are now a male mule

BOB Melange spots some movement in the trees, but as he moves around it goes away

Shislif (MeLange): lol

wyjyoon (Temperance): Lol

MeLange: think I saw some movement, over there in the trees

Jericho: Sorry, youwere looking at the trees,

Jericho: Turns

Jericho: Peers into the Darkness

MeLange: yea you know, 'watching'

Jericho: snorts

BOB and time for them to wake the second watch

MeLange: it's gone I think

Jericho: Nods

MeLange: anyway, 2nd watch problems

Jericho: Time to ask?

Jericho: Just five minutes?

MeLange: oh let's do that real quick

Jericho: Sweet!

Jericho: Translates between MeLange and Parry

Lemon (Levi Reed): brb

User has gone AFK. (Lemon)

MeLange: Hey Parry, how are you?

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Parry: Fine, except Levi is farting up a storm

MeLange asked excitedly

BOB Spring are you there to answer for Parry?

Michael (Jericho): (Sorry, trying to cast Speak wiht Animals)

Spring (Parry the Mule): Uh yeah, you guys are waking her up?

Shislif (MeLange): apparently

Shislif (MeLange): lol

Spring (Parry the Mule): prolly gotta roll for that?

Michael (Jericho): hold on people jeeze

Shislif (MeLange): we wanna wake her up and ask her how she's doing

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I do the same thing with my wife. Wake her up, talk to her for a few minutes until I can go to sleep, and let her stay up for another four hours.

Jericho: Jericho cast a spell NOT memorized.

Jericho: [CAST] Speak With Animals

Effect ['Speak with Animals'] -> [to Jericho]

Shislif (MeLange): lol

BOB Jericho cast Speak with Animals on Parry so Jericho now understands what Perry is saying

BOB and can translate for Melange

MeLange: ask her ask her

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Parry: I DEMAND THE BLOOD OF THE VEE ONE! GIVE ME HER BLOOD!!

Carissa (Vee Barlett): ..........

Jericho: Hi Parry! MeLange want's to know how you are doing?

Michael (Jericho): ...........

Parry the Mule -> Jericho: what?

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): We're having mule for breakfast

Shislif (MeLange): lol oh no

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): lol

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol

Jericho: MeLange, Parry says "What?"

Jericho -> Parry the Mule: ! think he means, are you comfortable? Fed, not feeling well?

MeLange: Ask how she's feeling? if she's ok, like, emotionally, with her place in the world

Jericho: In Common: "I think he means, are you cofmortable? Fed, not feeling well?"

User is back. (Lemon)

wyjyoon (Temperance): I think some herbivorous animals do turn carnivorous when need arises- dunno if mules are that way too

MeLange: yea that works

Parry the Mule -> Jericho: you talk now? i was sleeping. dream, has to be

Jericho: Uh, MeLange, I don't think that concept will work

Jericho: Oh, she thinks it's a dream because I can talk to her

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Are we going to force Parry to become a carnivore? That's..... a thing

MeLange: ok, just tell she's a good girl then

Jericho: Uh

MeLange: and thank her for carrying all our stuff

Jericho: Ok, yeah good idea. Maybe this wasn't so smart of me.

MeLange: Parry probably wants to get back to sleep, don't you you sweat little thing yes you do

Parry the Mule: wakes up a little more

MeLange makes a babyface

Jericho -> Parry the Mule: Oh, sorry Parry. Yeah, this is a dream. we just wanted to thank you for helping us. We have more apples. Hope you rest well

Jericho: Whispers to MeLange

wyjyoon (Temperance): Dunno, the craving of blood made me remember an animal documentary that I watched

MeLange: ok who's on watch 2 again?

Parry the Mule -> Jericho: oh! you the one who makes me feel better. you nice. thank you

Jericho -> Parry the Mule: Sleep well Parry! Have sweet dreams!

MeLange: gotta say we lucked out, Parry is one attractive mule

Jericho: I said: "Oh sorry Parry. Yeah, this is a dream. We just wanted to thank you for helping us." Then, "Sleep well and sweet dreams"

wyjyoon (Temperance): I guess I should've said Parry craving Vee's blood- that didn't look like it translated well.

Jericho: And yes, I fully agree

Lemon (Levi Reed): I'm on 2

Parry the Mule: tosses her head nods, falls back to sleep

Jericho: Parry is a good mule

Matthias Crowtooth: never.... leave 'em.... alone.... Me...Lange.... mule.... ucker....

Jericho: Shakes head

MeLange: Nice, I think that was a good thing to say

Jericho: wait what?

MeLange: excuse you Matthias

Jericho: Did you say parry was an attractive mule?

Matthias Crowtooth: snores

Jericho: and what Matthias?

Jericho: You know what, I don't want to know

Jericho: Next Shift!

Jericho: You up

Temperance: rubs her eyes again at Matthias' sleep mumble

MeLange: sheesh, like one can't appreciate the beauty of an animal anymore without it getting weird

Ratbone Carder: wakes up grumbling

Jericho: Again, not judging not thinking about it

MeLange: Shift 2 you guys are up

Jericho: Probably taken out of context

GM: [4d6 = 17]

Shislif (MeLange): look at that icon though, that is a sexy donkey

Ratbone Carder: yeah alright whatever

Michael (Jericho): LOL

GM: [d100 = 48]

Levi Reed: wakes up groggily

Levi Reed: Anything to report?

MeLange: gets ready for bed

GM: [d20 = 10]

Ratbone Carder: go, we got this

MeLange: oh right

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): What are the remaining shifts again?

Jericho: Yeah, there was some movement in the trees

MeLange: uhhh not really

Lemon (Levi Reed): Not a fan of all this rolling...

Jericho: But nothing happened

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (treasure falls from the sky!)

Jericho: MeLange? Anything to add?

MeLange: oh wait

Matthias Crowtooth: For Lemon's sake, smelting

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): ooc

Ratbone Carder: movement in the trees, check

MeLange: there was like some rustling n some movement by the trees earlier, almost forgot

Jericho: Give em hell 2nd shift.

MeLange: when I went to check it out you know what happened?

Lemon (Levi Reed): lol

Jericho: Falls into Bed

Lemon (Levi Reed): smelt smelt smelt!

Jericho: Falls into Bed

Levi Reed: What?

MeLange: Nothing

MeLange: Night Levi

Levi Reed: I mean, that's normal for jungles

MeLange: scurries to bed

Jericho: Snickers

Levi Reed: Probably a stupid monkey

Ratbone Carder: prolly a toucan or a bonobo or something

Shislif (MeLange): Levi sure don't like monkeys

Jericho: yawns

Jericho: maybe it was a prostate

Ratbone Carder: maybe like 3 billion tiny ants building a bridge

Levi Reed: Toucan would be ok

Jericho: Snores

Levi Reed: Parrot would be better

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Kinda racist of Levi, honestly

MeLange: stretches

Shislif (MeLange): lol

Ratbone Carder: we got any more apples?

Lemon (Levi Reed): I'm sorry what?

Michael (Jericho): (Jericho woudln't mind you taking one)

Shislif (MeLange): brb

User has gone AFK. (Shislif)

Levi Reed: yeah, probably

Michael (Jericho): (just let him know)

BOB Levi and Ratbone on 2nd watch?

Ratbone Carder: looking into the shadows of the trees while eating an apple

BOB Matty, Vee, and Lirt on 2rd?

BOB where is Rothuss?

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Rothuss was on 1st wasn't he?

TMO (Rothuss Carder): Lirt needs to sleep all night, right?

wyjyoon (Temperance): I think I was told I would be with Vee or Lirt- but I'm not sure

TMO (Rothuss Carder): Rothuss is wherever?

BOB So Rothuss now, and Temperance on 3rd

Michael (Jericho): First watch was just MeLange and Jeri

Levi Reed: You want to eat one or wake up the mule?

TMO (Rothuss Carder): sounds good. Your 2rd confused me for a bit. ;)

wyjyoon (Temperance): Ok cool

Matthias Crowtooth: groggily pantomimes stabbing whoever wakes him before realizing his dagger is in his lap.

wyjyoon (Temperance): brb

Matthias Crowtooth: I-I'm up

Spring (Ratbone Carder): i think 2rd is pronounced seconird

BOB Matty on 3rd

Rothuss Carder: Not sure I ever went to sleep. *yawn*

Matthias Crowtooth: grumbles about being woken up before rolling over.

Ratbone Carder: gets him an apple too

Ratbone Carder: here Bubba

BOB Alterness from Levi, Rothuss and Ratbone

Ratbone Carder: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 10]

Rothuss Carder: Thanks. Had weird dreams.

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 8]

Levi Reed: You see anything in the trees?

Rothuss Carder: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 9) [FAILURE by 9] [d20 = 18]

Levi Reed: They said they were moving

Levi Reed: I don't want a monkey stealing our apples

Rothuss Carder: Probably just the wind

-> Levi Reed: Levi feels he is being watched

Ratbone Carder: they said movement IN the trees. i'm looking

Levi Reed: Feels like SOMETHING is watching us though

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 4]

Ratbone Carder: oh that's not creepy at all

-> Ratbone Carder: Ratbone senses something moving in the trees,

Rothuss Carder: rubs his eyes tiredly

Ratbone Carder: sigh, now i feel it too. feels like soemthing moving in the trees

Rothuss Carder: Could always be the giant apes that steal children to raise as part of their tribe. Oh, wait... nobody here is an infant.

Rothuss Carder: Couple of folks act like it occasionally.

Levi Reed: [INIT] [d10 = 3]

Michael (Jericho): lol

wyjyoon (Temperance): Lol

Rothuss Carder: [INIT] [d10 = 7]

Ratbone Carder: [INIT] [d10 = 5]

Cat Great, Leopard: [INIT] [d10+3 = 12]

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Jericho IS getting better

Ratbone Carder: scanning the trees

TMO (Rothuss Carder): yes... invisible initiative dice... not unsettling at all...

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Assuming that is who you are talking about.... right?

TMO (Rothuss Carder): I'm naming no names... yet


Levi Reed: I don't know about giant apes... unless you're talking yetis, but those aren't tropical

Shislif (MeLange): whoa

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Make friends with it Levi!! We need a giant cat friend who wants to eat the mule!

Rothuss Carder: It's one of the stories they tell round here to keep kids out of the jungles.

Shislif (MeLange): hey maybe that's what was rustling the trees :)

BOB Out of the trees a Leopard JUMPS across the stream and goes after Parry

[TURN] Vee Barlett

[TURN] Temperance

Michael (Jericho): You fucking better save Parry

[TURN] Parry the Mule

Michael (Jericho): Pardon Language

Levi Reed: oh no you don't!

Shislif (MeLange): for parry!

Spring (Parry the Mule): hang on

Michael (Jericho): For Parry!

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): JTOM did want to have mule for breakfast...

Michael (Jericho): LOL

Michael (Jericho): I forgot Spring is Mule

TMO (Rothuss Carder): yep, it's all his fault

Shislif (MeLange): hey always hated Parry

TMO (Rothuss Carder): I am laying All The Blame upon my Son

Shislif (MeLange): lol

Lemon (Levi Reed): Any chance we get some initial shots for our great alertness?

Parry the Mule: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [d20 = 12]

Attack [12] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Attack #1) [at Cat Great, Leopard] [Hit-AC: 8 vs. 6 ] [AC: 8 ] [MISS]

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Parry, Parry the platamule

[TURN] MeLange

Shislif (MeLange): is Mel awake?

[TURN] Matthias Crowtooth

[TURN] Lirtimya

[TURN] Jericho - [Speak with Animals; [D: 4]]

[TURN] Levi Reed - [Punching; BSTR: 0]

Shislif (MeLange): oh good thing Jericho already drank that potion

Michael (Jericho): Cast spell, but he is asleep

Levi Reed: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(18)] [d20 = 18]

Attack [18] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Machete) [at Cat Great, Leopard] [Hit-AC: 0 vs. 6 ] [AC: 0 ] [HIT]

Shislif (MeLange): oh ok

Michael (Jericho): only people awake are second watch

BOB No to Mel or Jericho being awake yet

Levi Reed: [DAMAGE (M)] Machete [TYPE: slashing (1d8=5)] [d8 = 5]

[5] -> [to Levi Reed] [STATUS: Light]

Lemon (Levi Reed): lol whoops

Levi Reed: [DAMAGE (M)] Machete [TYPE: slashing (1d8=7)] [d8 = 7]

[7] -> [to Cat Great, Leopard] [STATUS: Heavy]

Levi Reed's health adjusted by +5

Lemon (Levi Reed): I forgot to look up when I get two hits or not

Spring (Parry the Mule): I forgot to ask if Parry gets more than one

TMO (Rothuss Carder): Why is Levi hitting himself?

BOB 2/3 so one attack then two attacks next round

[TURN] Ratbone Carder

Lemon (Levi Reed): Because he's an idiot?

Ratbone Carder: [ATTACK (R)] [THACO(20)] [ENC: Severe] [d20-4 = -1]

Attack [-1] ->[ATTACK (R)] (Knife) [at Cat Great, Leopard] [Hit-AC: 21 vs. 6 ] [AC: 21 ] [MISS]

[TURN] Rothuss Carder

Ratbone Carder: Damn, and there goes my knife

Spring (Ratbone Carder): i dunno why my ammo is still 1. i used ranged

Rothuss Carder: Oh JEEZ!! *caught unawares, he scrambles across the ground towards Parry, trying to grab his sabre from the ground and slash at the cat*

Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Tumbling [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 10] [d20 = 4]

Rothuss Carder: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(19)] [d20 = 1]

Attack [1] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Sabre) [at Cat Great, Leopard] [Hit-AC: 18 vs. 6 ] [AC: 18 ] [MISS-AUTOMATIC]

[TURN] Cat Great, Leopard

Lemon (Levi Reed): YOU GUYS, I just remembered I have bacon. Do I cook it after my watch or save it for tomorrow?

BOB The leopard jumps back across the streams and flees into the jungle

Carissa (Vee Barlett): If you cook it after your watch, third watch will eat it all.

Lemon (Levi Reed): Parting shots?


Lemon (Levi Reed): I'm not sure if you're joking but I definitely meant IRL and I'm not sharing

Carissa (Vee Barlett): LOL

BOB No to parting shots but good idea

TMO (Rothuss Carder): I scared it away!

Shislif (MeLange): nice

Carissa (Vee Barlett): save it for tomorrow then

wyjyoon (Temperance): Nice!

BOB still second watch to discuss

Lemon (Levi Reed): good enough. I didn't WANT to kill it but... with heavy damage, it's chances of survival aren't great

Ratbone Carder: goes to retrieve the knife

Levi Reed: Poor leopard

Rothuss Carder: Did it get Parry at all?

Ratbone Carder: hopefully we dont look like easy prey now and it won't be back

Levi Reed: I don't think so... I hate to wake Jericho up to check if we don't need to

Levi Reed: inspects Parry

Carissa (Vee Barlett): cats have nine lives, it's fineee

Rothuss Carder: [TOWER] [SKILL] Detect Noise [PERCENT:Detect Noise] (vs. Target 20) [SUCCESS by 9] [d100 = 11]

Rothuss Carder: listens

Parry the Mule: snorts, huffing and puffing

BOB Awheem a Whooop a Wheen a whop

Parry the Mule: jumpy

BOB For Rothuss' listening

Levi Reed: I don't see any obvious injuries

Levi Reed: Just scared, probably

Levi Reed: Maybe you can play her a lullabye or something, Ratbone?

Parry the Mule: gets out the lute

TMO (Rothuss Carder): talented!

Levi Reed: Wow, Perry!

Spring (Parry the Mule): LOL

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol

Ratbone Carder: gets out the lute

wyjyoon (Temperance): Musically-inclined, indeed

TMO (Rothuss Carder): joins in

Rothuss Carder: joins in

Rothuss Carder: plays backup

Spring (Ratbone Carder): this is not one i made up

Ratbone Carder: (singing) do not sleep, my starling

Ratbone Carder: sleep, my doe

Ratbone Carder: she is wrapped in curtains, laid in snow

Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Musical Instrument [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 7]

Ratbone Carder: she will bury you inside her fur

Ratbone Carder: do not sleep, she waits for you to sleep

Ratbone Carder: do not sleep, she waits for you to sleep

BOB smiles

Ratbone Carder: [SKILL] Musical Instrument Lute [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 1]

BOB very nice

Lemon (Levi Reed): She just keeps getting better!

wyjyoon (Temperance): Interestingly paradoxical

Rothuss Carder: I think you knocked out Levi too, sis.

Levi Reed: Nah, not yet

Ratbone Carder: shrugs

Levi Reed: But I got a little rum set aside for just that purpose

Rothuss Carder: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(19)] [d20 = 15]

Attack [15] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Club) [at Levi Reed] [AC: 4 ]

TMO (Rothuss Carder): JUST KIDDING

Lemon (Levi Reed): lol

Effect ['Speak with Animals'] -> [EXPIRED] [on Jericho]

The date is Be____de, 5th Sow (Late Spring), 587 SGR

Young Moon's phase is Full Moon

Old Moon's phase is Waning Gibbous

The time is 2:00 AM

Ratbone Carder: (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

BOB Time to wake the third watch

Rothuss Carder: Vee, Matty, and Lirt, was it? I'll get Matty, Ratbone can wake Lirt, and Levi gets Vee.

Levi Reed: gently nudges Temperance

Levi Reed: What, no!

Ratbone Carder: wake up, Lirt

Levi Reed: I'll wake Temperance, and those three can draw straws for Vee

Rothuss Carder: Too late Levi. I already called it.

Rothuss Carder: shakes Matty's shoulder.

Matthias Crowtooth: screams

Levi Reed: Temperance, wake up

Rothuss Carder: grins at him.

Temperance: blinks and rubs her eyes after being nudged.

Matthias Crowtooth: The daggers in the night!

Temperance: Hello

Matthias Crowtooth: THE DAGGERS!

Levi Reed: Your turn

Matthias Crowtooth: Oh, hi Rothuss. Is it time for our shift?

Rothuss Carder: Good, now that everyone else is awake too....

Levi Reed: We scared off a panther coming after Parry, but otherwise nothing to report

Lemon (Levi Reed): leopard, panther, whatever

Vee Barlett: [CHECK] Constitution (vs. Target 16) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 20]

Vee Barlett: sleeps through the screaming

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Did she just poop herself?

TMO (Rothuss Carder): Yes. Absolutely

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Oh, that's what the constitution check was for

Vee Barlett: is ASLEEP asleep

Temperance: attempts to gently shake Vee

Lirtimya: Props herself up at the screaming

Rothuss Carder: Good night, Matty. Watch out for leopards.

Matthias Crowtooth: grabs a wooden plank and hands it to Temperance

Matthias Crowtooth: Here, keep your distance

Ratbone Carder: yeah i was trying to wake you more gently than that

Temperance: blinks at the wooden plank, but accepts and steps back

Carissa (Vee Barlett): you are also free to let her sleep

BOB Night Matty, watch for leopards, might kill you in the morning

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Just yell that there's a boat waiting for her

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (if Vee doesn't get him first)

Carissa (Vee Barlett): See??? First Matey!! She gets it.

Matthias Crowtooth: looks for a pan of warm water he can put Vee's hand in

Carissa (Vee Barlett): oh Matty REALLY wants to be stabbed

Matthias Crowtooth: or dump in her lap if that doesn't work...

Temperance: Captain, I think Matthias is trying to dench you with river water.

Lirtimya: Vee, there's a ship for you outside, so you should probably wake up

Matthias Crowtooth: gets bored and wanders outsdie to take his watch

Vee Barlett: Wha? A ship? A DAMN IT! Is it that shipment of....oh, damn. We still in a Jungle?

Vee Barlett: yawns

Levi Reed: goes to sleep

Ratbone Carder: so yeah in case you didn't hear, there was a leopard. we injured it and scared it off

Ratbone Carder: i'm to bed now.

Lirtimya: Yeah, still in the jungle

Vee Barlett: We'll feed Matty to it if it comes back.

Matthias Crowtooth: wanders outside as well as visiting outsdie, which is a lovely place this time of year, admittedly

Rothuss Carder: leans back against the wall and attempts to go to sleep again.

Vee Barlett: I'm getting up....

Vee Barlett: yawns and goes outside

Temperance: Keeps ahold of the wooden plank and follows

Matthias Crowtooth: wonders if Temperance is going to knock out Vee and stage a coup....

Vee Barlett: At least on sea leopards don't try to attack ya...

Vee Barlett: Whatcha actin' suspicious 'bout Matty?

Rothuss Carder: *cough* eagles *cough*

TMO (Rothuss Carder): *cough* eagles *cough*

Lirtimya: Should I do some fishing for food later?

Michael (Jericho): lol TMO

Lirtimya: Assuming the big cat doesn't come back

Matthias Crowtooth: Trying not to make a lot of noise so anyone sneaking up on us doesn't see me. If that's being suspicious...

Vee Barlett: You can now if ya want, Matey. Help pass the time then maybe we can have some for breakfast.

Michael (Jericho): I don't know, them Sea Leapards are pretty vicious....

Vee Barlett: You just a walkin' ball of suspicion.

Matthias Crowtooth: Paranoia. And it is from being around you all the time.

Vee Barlett: Fair.

Vee Barlett: How you holdin' up, New Girl?

Temperance: Fairly well, thank you. Please don't try to knock each other out again.

Michael (Jericho): Oh my god! They are terrifying!

Michael (Jericho): (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Lirtimya: Grabs some of the fishing gear and tries to find some bait

Vee Barlett: Nah, won't do that. Next time I'll stab him.

Temperance: offers the wooden plank to Matthias

Temperance: Do you suppose you'll need that?

Matthias Crowtooth: Nah, that won't put her down. Need garlic and a wooden stake for that.

Vee Barlett: glares at Matty

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 12]

Matthias Crowtooth: waves

BOB Yes to Lirt to find somethign to use as bait

Vee Barlett: Thinkin' I may downgrade you to loo cleaner.

BOB and be able to fish

Temperance: Alright, alright, if there are any stakes or stabbing, it should be for outside threats.

Matthias Crowtooth: So, invite her outside and then stake her. Got it.

Lirtimya: Prepares the gear and starts to fish for some food

Temperance: We did get reports about a large feline

Matthias Crowtooth: squints at Vee.

Matthias Crowtooth: squints at Vee

Matthias Crowtooth: Don't see it. More of a fish or a reptile than cat.

Vee Barlett: gives him the finger

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Fishing [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 5]

Matthias Crowtooth: tosses back the finger, wondering where she got it from

Matthias Crowtooth: grossed out, wipes hands on pants

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol

wyjyoon (Temperance): Lol

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Lol

BOB She doesn't give you time for questions As she locks up your arm in hers And you follow 'till your sense of which direction Completely disappears

wyjyoon (Temperance): Year of the Cat

Vee Barlett: Oooh! That splashin' I hear? You catch us breakfast, Matey?

Lirtimya: I am, hopefully some very good breakfast

wyjyoon (Temperance): Momentarily wondered if I had to roll bureaucracy to navigate their bickering lol

Vee Barlett: Ya keep provin' why yer first matey here.

Vee Barlett: stares at Matty

Temperance: Do you need some assistance?

Lirtimya: Please don't get me stabbed

Matthias Crowtooth: bats his eyes at Vee

Vee Barlett: He's gonna have to go through me first.

Matthias Crowtooth: I have a sword. I can stab through both of you

Vee Barlett: And I got a long trident. Don't even gotta get up from here to stab ya.

BOB But, the drum-beat strains of the night remain In the rhythm of the new-born day You know sometime you're bound to leave her But, for now you're going to stay

Matthias Crowtooth: It's not the length. It's how you use it.

Matthias Crowtooth: defensive

TMO (Rothuss Carder): Please, please, girls, you're BOTH pretty. Now shut up and let me sleep. :P

Vee Barlett: Eh, it's fine. Great thing is, even if ya somehow win, I know ya'd still die in the end. Ain't no way my dads would let ya live.

wyjyoon (Temperance): Listen, I've been trying to tell them that this whole time : D

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol

Matthias Crowtooth: True, but they will be looking for Matthias Crowtooth, not Martin Eagletalon

Vee Barlett: rolls eyes

Matthias Crowtooth: Eagle...fang? Does that sound better?

Vee Barlett: Nah, they be lookin' for a scrawny giraffe kid.

Matthias Crowtooth: I'm not committed to one name. I am willing to switch it up.

Vee Barlett: Hmm, more like gulltooth.

Matthias Crowtooth: grumbles about mafia princesses and rivers

Vee Barlett: Gullmouth?

Matthias Crowtooth: Matthias Mafiaprincessslayer?

BOB One of these nights One of these crazy old nights We're gonna find out, pretty mama What turns on your lights

Vee Barlett: Martin Gullshit.

Matthias Crowtooth: Fair enough, VIRGINIA

Temperance: raises her eyebrows, committing pieces of information to memory

Matthias Crowtooth: squints again.

Vee Barlett: Nah, it's Violet right now.

Lirtimya: Sighs and just continues to fish

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (how would HE know??)

Matthias Crowtooth: You seem more like a Ginny than a Vee

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (she's never told anyone)

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): (he was threatened by one of your dads)

Vee Barlett: Nah, it's gotta start with a V. And I ain't no Vinny.

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (lol)

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): (Well, both... but only one called you Virginia)

Temperance: approaches Lirtimya

Temperance: Do you require any assistance?

BOB I've been searching for the daughter of the devil himself I've been searching for an angel in white I've been waiting for a woman who's a little of both And I can feel her, but she's nowhere in sight

Spring: Okay I gotta go to work

Vee Barlett: Matty? He needs lots of help, yeah.

Spring: see y'all later

BOB Have a great night Spring

Carissa (Vee Barlett): night spring!

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Bye! Have a good rest of your night!

'Spring' disconnected

wyjyoon (Temperance): Bye Spring!

Lirtimya: If you're any good at fishing, getting breakfast twice as quickly is always better

Michael (Jericho): I think bob is a little lost in the muse tonight :)

Shislif (MeLange): take care spring :)

Michael (Jericho): Bye Spring!

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Goodnight!

Matthias Crowtooth: looks around for fishing gear

TMO (Rothuss Carder): night Spring!

Lemon (Levi Reed): bye spring!

Vee Barlett: Matty can help ya cook it up. I'll help ya eat it.

Matthias Crowtooth: Don't ask what's in the food, though

Vee Barlett: I learnt that long ago.

Lirtimya: I can do cooking, although competent help is always welcome

Michael (Jericho): Hey guys, I'm starting to fade too :(

Michael (Jericho): Anything more I can do to help?

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Get anything sharp away from Vee

Michael (Jericho): lol

Michael (Jericho): anything else?

wyjyoon (Temperance): Lol

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): lol

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Get MeLange away from that poor mule

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol

Lemon (Levi Reed): Yes, Michael, stop injuring yourself

Shislif (MeLange): hey stop picking on Mel :)

Michael (Jericho): Sigh. Love you all! I'll keep up on the Web

Michael (Jericho): :)

TMO (Rothuss Carder): gnite!

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Goodnight!

Shislif (MeLange): night

wyjyoon (Temperance): Night Michael!

Michael (Jericho): Keep your song love through the week bob :) Great picks haha

Carissa (Vee Barlett): night!

Shislif (MeLange): we all calling it a night?

'Michael' disconnected

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): If MeLange threatened to stab Matty as much as Vee did, Matty would probably be nicer

Carissa (Vee Barlett): just those two

BOB It is still third watch

BOB then morning

Shislif (MeLange): ok

BOB want to get to the Church of the Mists so you can start there next week

Shislif (MeLange): ah so Matty responds to mean ppl, check

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Or just skip the threatening and stab Matty outright. He'd understand

Shislif (MeLange): just on the side somewhere

Shislif (MeLange): just a few times

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Matty: "Oh....kay..... yeah... that...s fai.....r...."

BOB Someplace he will not notice

Shislif (MeLange): on the butt cheek lol

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): He will definitely notice if he has a sharp pain in his buttcheek

wyjyoon (Temperance): The fact that he has to be stabbed in the first place

Lemon (Levi Reed): In the knee

Shislif (MeLange): ouch

Lemon (Levi Reed): He used to be an adventurer...

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Matty wakes up to find that the butts of all of his pants have been stabbed repeatedly

Shislif (MeLange): n let that be a lesson to ya!

wyjyoon (Temperance): Moral of the story: watch your backside

Lemon (Levi Reed): lol

Shislif (MeLange): good moral

Lirtimya: Just a-fishin'

The time is 6:00 AM

Matthias Crowtooth: [SKILL] Fishing [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 9) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 10]

Carissa (Vee Barlett): didn't realize his WIS was so low but that explains a LOT

BOB Lirt presents Matty with a nice brace of fish to cook

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Lol

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): His wisdom is a respectable 10. It just seems smaller from this angle

BOB uff

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol

Lemon (Levi Reed): Plus it's cold...

Lemon (Levi Reed): Maybe he went for a swim...

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): very cold

Lemon (Levi Reed): excuses excuses

wyjyoon (Temperance): Lol

Lirtimya: Matty you want some help cooking? I'd say I'm at least decent at it

BOB Does anyone have cooking?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Well, not like any of you are going to see his wisdom ever again

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Matty does

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Lirt

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Lirt has a 16

Carissa (Vee Barlett): oh sweet go Lirt

Matthias Crowtooth: You want to steal my food as well as my job?

Matthias Crowtooth: fingers his dagger

Lirtimya: I caught it

Matthias Crowtooth: And handed it to me

Matthias Crowtooth: sighs dramatically.

Matthias Crowtooth: Fine, I would LOVE to get your help, Lirtimya

Vee Barlett: Play nice, you two.

Lirtimya: Now let's start cooking, the faster we do it the less time you have to spend time helping me

Matthias Crowtooth: We are playing nice. Next, we will be braiding grass into each others' hair.

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Cooking [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 16) [FAILURE by 3] [d20 = 19]

Vee Barlett: Nice. Might make ya smell better.

Matthias Crowtooth: [SKILL] Cooking [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 9]

BOB If two people have the same skill the one with the lower stat can add half of thiers to the other person's to help them pass the check

Rothuss Carder: Aww... my son has his first nemesis....

Rothuss Carder: ooc

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol

TMO (Rothuss Carder): Aww... my son has his first nemesis....

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): (Uh.... 13)

wyjyoon (Temperance): Lol

Lemon (Levi Reed): I'm sorry what? Was this always a thing?

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Oh come on, it just barely didn't land on the 3

BOB So Matty adds 6 to Lirts check which means it suceeds

Carissa (Vee Barlett): right? we need to do that for obs and alertness!

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Oh nice

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Wait, Lirt has higher than a 13 on cooking?

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Lirt has a 16

wyjyoon (Temperance): I think it was 16 right

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Mother of pearl....

BOB Yes that was always a thing BUT then you only get the one check not two or three for alterness

TMO (Rothuss Carder): oddly... that means Ratbone should be aiding Rothuss with music. He's 1 higher.

Matthias Crowtooth: grumbles but helps Lirt to not burn the food

BOB It does not apply to everything but

Lemon (Levi Reed): I mean... call me crazy, but it seems like sometimes it would be more useful to have a guaranteed alertness rather than take teh chance?

BOB You always fail on a 1 or a 20

Carissa (Vee Barlett): good to know with navigation and such, too

BOB yes to Navigation

BOB Also it only worked because Matty suceeded

Lirtimya: Cooking the fish with Matty

Vee Barlett: Aww, y'all ARE playin' nice!

BOB It is morning on the 5th

Vee Barlett: comes over to grab some breakfast

Matthias Crowtooth: blinks at the morning sun

Matthias Crowtooth: Come and get it before the third shifters eat it all!!

Matthias Crowtooth: proceeds to eat it all (not really)

BOB I've been searching for the daughter of the devil himself I've been searching for an angel in white I've been waiting for a woman who's a little of both And I can feel her, but she's nowhere in sight


Temperance: Perhaps the smell of food eased them into camraderie


BOB Fish don't fry in the kitchen; Beans don't burn on the grill. Took a whole lotta tryin' Just to get up that hill. source: (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Levi Reed: yawns and stretches

Levi Reed: Parry ok?

Rothuss Carder: does not move

MeLange: yawns

Vee Barlett: Who?

BOB No one checked on Parry

MeLange: stretches

MeLange: twists left and right

Levi Reed: The mule?

BOB I did clear ownership

Matthias Crowtooth: grabs the wooden plank and goes to poke Rothuss

Matthias Crowtooth: Wakey-wakey, fish and bakey

Vee Barlett: Oh. It was sleepin' I think.

Levi Reed: She

Vee Barlett: Sure.

Rothuss Carder: [CHECK] Constitution (vs. Target 9) [FAILURE by 6] [d20 = 15]

Vee Barlett: Feel free to check on her.

Rothuss Carder: rolls over

MeLange: goes to check on Parry

Levi Reed: Don't you have some kind of animal skills or something?

Levi Reed: Until Jericho gets out of the bathroom, anyway

MeLange: [SKILL] Animal Lore [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 9]

Vee Barlett: Same as you, yeah?

Matthias Crowtooth: shrugs, grabs some warm water and puts it in a bowl

Vee Barlett: You like them land critters better.

BOB A female mule that has oestrus cycles, and so could, in theory, carry a foetus, is called a "molly" or "Molly mule", although the term is sometimes used to refer to female mules in general. A male mule is properly called a "horse mule", although it is often called a "john mule", which is the correct term for a gelded mule. A young male mule is called a "mule colt", and a young female is called a "mule filly".[4]

Matthias Crowtooth: puts Rothuss' hand in the warm water

Matthias Crowtooth: wanders off to look for the mule

Vee Barlett: Oh, looks like Melange got it. He's good with them animals.

Shislif (MeLange): was that from animal lore?

TMO (Rothuss Carder): I will accept this chain of events if you can explain a) where you got the bowl from, and b) where the hell you got warm water from

Shislif (MeLange): nice!

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (fire from cooking the firsT)

Carissa (Vee Barlett): *fish

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): We were cooking, which implies a fire. The fact that we are near a stream means that we have water, and we presumably boiled it to clear it of disease

MeLange: hows our little mule filly doing eh?

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): If we have one pot, we probably have a second, which would be used as the 'bowl'

TMO (Rothuss Carder): totally off topic, btw... does anyone actually have fire starting?

Shislif (MeLange): Mel has flint and steel

BOB Only need that if you want to light something during combat,

TMO (Rothuss Carder): ah, okay then

Shislif (MeLange): oh ok

BOB everyone can start a fire eventually on their own

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): If we ate the fish raw, then I will retract the statement about tryin to get Rothuss to pee his pants

Carissa (Vee Barlett): we cooked it over a fire, Vee supports that trick on people who are not her

BOB ahhh Matty and Vee bonding

Carissa (Vee Barlett): typical sibling bonding

Vee Barlett: you fight but then team up to cause mischief

Lemon (Levi Reed): If we ate raw fish, none of us is going to be up for the rest of the journey today lol

Lemon (Levi Reed): We'll be fighting over the bathroom

wyjyoon (Temperance): Not trying to knock each other out, thankfully

Carissa (Vee Barlett): only sometimes

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Bathroom is whatever patch of ground gives you privacy from everyone else

BOB Some other people

Lemon (Levi Reed): This house has a bathroom!

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I'm a man, and I don't need a bathroom when I am outside

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I'm a man, and that means I don't need a bathroom, rather

Rothuss Carder: grumbles awake and staggers off to the stream on the other side of the hut.

Matthias Crowtooth: continues playing with Parry

BOB fresh spells for everyone

Lemon (Levi Reed): But there's one RIGHT THERE

Matthias Crowtooth: Who is a good alibi. You are... yes, you are

BOB Everyone is fully healed

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Next you will be asking me not to pee on the toilet seat....

Carissa (Vee Barlett): you better put the seat down or so help me

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): How else will I pee on it?

Lemon (Levi Reed): It doesn't look like this one has a seat

Shislif (MeLange): haha someone else peeing on stuff for once

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Drat. Now neither Vee nor Matty are happy

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol

Lemon (Levi Reed): lol, Sharif

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): BOB, I hope you appreciate it. You have no idea how hard it is to come up with quotes for you


wyjyoon (Temperance): No pressure

BOB So after a bit of breakfast and cleanup you head uphill

BOB towards where you think the Church of the Mists is

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Cartography [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 3]

Matthias Crowtooth: [SKILL] Navigation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 11) [FAILURE by 9] [d20 = 20]

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Navigation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 15]

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 11] [d20 = 1]

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Distance Sense [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 16]

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 8]

Temperance: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 12]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 0] [d20 = 15]

Matthias Crowtooth: Guys, I think that the Church of the Mists is this house we were just in.

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Botany [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 7]

Shislif (MeLange): lol

Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Etiquette [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20 = 7]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Direction Sense [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20 = 6]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Distance Sense [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 9]

Temperance: [SKILL] Botany [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 10]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20 = 6]

Vee Barlett: That was smoke from the fire, not mist.

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Weather Sense [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 14]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Trail Marking [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 6]

Matthias Crowtooth: [SKILL] Climb Walls [PERCENT:Climb Walls] (vs. Target 60) [SUCCESS by 21] [d100 = 39]

Matthias Crowtooth: [SKILL] Cooking [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 5]

Matthias Crowtooth: [SKILL] Dancing [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 2] [d20 = 17]

BOB lol

MeLange: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 10) [FAILURE by 3] [d20 = 13]

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): I saw dice and wanted to participate

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol

Shislif (MeLange): me too

Levi Reed: Mel, you think you could find me a parrot who wants to be my pet?

BOB Ok so you are moving uphill, cutting a trail

BOB need two encounter rolls d20

Vee Barlett: Levi is a happy man. Look at him go.

MeLange: wish i could, but pretty sure i'd take it as a pet first though

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): At least I did get my cartography, so I can map

Vee Barlett: [d20 = 14]

Lirtimya: [d20 = 15]

Levi Reed: We can each get one, and they can be best buddies

Levi Reed: Just like us

MeLange: I love that idea!

BOB The group goes through the jungle where it is less dense

MeLange: just gotta figure out how to tame a parrot

Matthias Crowtooth: Mel, if you are getting us parrots, can you get me one that repeats rude things about the people I'm talking to?

BOB You loop up and around an outcrop

BOB and then in a small clearing you spot an opening where there is a clearing in the jungle

Temperance: We could technically get them to carry messages across distances, if we train them properly

BOB As you approach the clearing you hear the rushing of water

Levi Reed: Probably just gotta feed em real good

Levi Reed: That's how they tame me

Vee Barlett: Oh sweet melody.

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 12] [d20 = 4]

MeLange: hear that water? sounds like its rushing

BOB Lirt leads the way

BOB and brings you to a small ledge

Matthias Crowtooth: [SKILL] Move Silently [PERCENT:Move Silently] (vs. Target 20) [SUCCESS by 12] [d100 = 8]

BOB overlooking a pool of water

BOB with a water fall on the upper side

Matthias Crowtooth: looks around

BOB and the collums of a Church up in the middle of the water fall

Lirtimya: Points at the collums

Levi Reed: See! I told you this was the way!

Levi Reed: attempts to look like he was certain all along

TMO (Rothuss Carder): nope, I refuse to look at collums. Only columns. :P (sorry, had to)

Vee Barlett: Didn't doubt you for a second. Except a few times. Or more.

BOB grisn with TMO

Lemon (Levi Reed): The collum speaks... "my preeeeciousssss"

BOB There is no apparent way up there

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): climbing?

BOB and the path you were following seems to end at this clearing

Matthias Crowtooth: [SKILL] Climb Walls [PERCENT:Climb Walls] (vs. Target 60) [FAILURE by 2] [d100 = 62]

Lemon (Levi Reed): Well into the waterfall, obviously

Carissa (Vee Barlett): time to build a boat???

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): WTH climbing? You keep failing me

BOB Matty falls from the tree

TMO (Rothuss Carder): helps Matty

Rothuss Carder: helps Matty

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Matty only flails

Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Climb Walls [PERCENT:Climb Walls] (vs. Target 50) [SUCCESS by 17] [d100 = 33]

Matthias Crowtooth: Son... of a motherless goat!

BOB and you can debate and come up with ideas so that next week everyone gets to find a way into The Mist

Carissa (Vee Barlett): uhh I don't get it

Carissa (Vee Barlett): so are we across the pond from the door that's up a waterfall?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): brain not computing

TMO (Rothuss Carder): I gave Matty half my skill, so he made it. is that the way it works?

Lemon (Levi Reed): Everyone knows there's always something hidden behind the waterfall

Lemon (Levi Reed): Either that or... did Lirt take Levitation?

BOB Essentially yes to Carissa, you are on ledge/opening/shelf on a pool below a waterfall with the church up top

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): No, I got one spell and I chose Melf's Acid Arrow

Carissa (Vee Barlett): so we need to get across the water AND up a cliff/waterfall, right?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): and/or behind the waterfall?

Shislif (MeLange): nice spot for a church

BOB At this point you do not know

Shislif (MeLange): told ya it would be romantic

Lemon (Levi Reed): Oh, I thought you got two for some reason

Carissa (Vee Barlett): ok

BOB But yes, either through the water fall or on top of the water fall make the most sense

Lemon (Levi Reed): Well, my vote is obviously check behind the waterfall first

Carissa (Vee Barlett): we need to get across the water first

Shislif (MeLange): yea Last of the Mohicans style

Carissa (Vee Barlett): I mean we could also attempt to swim

Levi Reed: build a raft?

Lemon (Levi Reed): ooc

Carissa (Vee Barlett): duh she's gonna

Lemon (Levi Reed): How deep is the water?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): only one way to find out

Lemon (Levi Reed): How rushing is the water?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): pushes matty in

BOB grins

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): drowns

Carissa (Vee Barlett): looks deep

Lemon (Levi Reed): Are we done with IC or can I check that now?

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): sinks to the bottom

BOB You get to look at skills, spells, gear, and come up with ideas over the week

BOB Want you to have everyone here for more fun

Shislif: i'll try to do website stuff since i won't be in next week

BOB Plus your primary priest is afk

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): And one of your rogues just murdered the other one

Lemon (Levi Reed): Ok well my first idea is stick a long branch in the water as far out as I can reach, to see if I can figure how deep it might be

BOB and your new priestess ...... maybe is not sure of you

Lemon (Levi Reed): And then raft

Carissa (Vee Barlett): you mean us scuffling didn't win her over??

User has gone AFK. (Dru5232321)

BOB chuckles

User is back. (Dru5232321)

Carissa (Vee Barlett): and constantly threating to kill each other?

Lemon (Levi Reed): Or swimming if the current isn't crazy or the waterfall too poundy

BOB It was a fun night

Carissa (Vee Barlett): can Levi stick a branch in first?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): I mean... that seems doable before we wrapup

BOB sticks a branch in and it hits bottom in 6 inches next to the ledge

Lemon (Levi Reed): Surely I can reach farther than 6 inches

BOB then goes BLOOOP into the water just another couple of feet out

Lemon (Levi Reed): Ah there we go

Carissa (Vee Barlett): so shapr drop, got it

Lemon (Levi Reed): Caulk the wagon and float it across the river

Carissa (Vee Barlett): so boat building! yay!

Carissa (Vee Barlett): nah, just let the ox wade through

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): What good is our priestess if she can't make us walk on water?

Lemon (Levi Reed): No, Parry will die!

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Parry is a mule not an ox, she'll be fine!

[130 XP] -> Vee Barlett

[130 XP] -> Lirtimya

[130 XP] -> Rothuss Carder

[130 XP] -> Levi Reed

[130 XP] -> MeLange

[130 XP] -> Temperance

[130 XP] -> Ratbone Carder

[130 XP] -> Matthias Crowtooth

[130 XP] -> Jericho

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Ooooo, thank ye

Shislif: woohoo!

Carissa (Vee Barlett): yay points!

JtomTMO (Lirtimya): Wooo xp

wyjyoon (Temperance): Oh cool, what's this?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): either end of night, writing prompts, or both

wyjyoon (Temperance): Ah

Lemon (Levi Reed): It better not be both

Shislif: hope it's not both

Rothuss Carder: *gobbles up the XP*

Lemon (Levi Reed): Or I demand a raise

Shislif: lol

BOB I awarded writing prompts earlier this week

Shislif: oh ok

Carissa (Vee Barlett): thumbs up emoji

wyjyoon (Temperance): If I had that ability, then I don't know if I'd give it to anybody else. I feel as though Vee and Matthias would try to swordfight while walking on water

BOB 4 of you are over 4,000 now

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Knife-fight. It is more personal that way

Lemon (Levi Reed): lol

Carissa (Vee Barlett): West Side Story. On ice. That's melted.

Lemon (Levi Reed): Yes, what they need is to get more personal

wyjyoon (Temperance): Yeah, I'm not going to enable more chaos

wyjyoon (Temperance): Although it is amusing

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): No, but your god will

Carissa (Vee Barlett): and you may or may not get that ability when you can start casting 3rd level spells which is like level 5 or 6?

Lemon (Levi Reed): One day you will embrace this chaos.

BOB When you're a Jet if the spit hits the fan You got brothers around, you're a family man You're never alone, you're never disconnected You're home with your own when company's expected You're well protected Then you are set with a capital J Which you'll never forget till they cart you away When you're a Jet, you stay a Jet

Carissa (Vee Barlett): it is inevitable


Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Hot take. Jets were in the wrong the entire movie and the Sharks were blameless

Carissa (Vee Barlett): IT IS YOUR DESTINY

Carissa (Vee Barlett): I don't know if I agree or not. I should watch it again one day.

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): #bernarddidnothingwronganddidn'tdeservetodie

BOB It is your Density

Lemon (Levi Reed): That's more of an ice cold take but ok

Carissa: I haven't seen it in like a decade

wyjyoon (Temperance): I'm assuming this is from West Side Story

Matthias Crowtooth: The new one put the blame more firmly on the Jets but the older one also mentioned that the Jets jumped Bernard on day one

Carissa: then it sounds like Jets are to blame

Matthias Crowtooth: Or I could be lying to you and Bernard was shown by secondary and tertiary evidence to be a monster

Lemon (Levi Reed): Fun fact, in college I had a MASSIVE crush on this guy who played um... the main white guy... in our college production. And we started chattin gone day and I asked him if he wanted to have lunch sometime, and he told me he was busy for the rest of the year. It was like February.

Carissa: lol maybe

Lemon (Levi Reed): tony! He played tony!

Lemon (Levi Reed): Tony was the white guy, right?

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): That's when you track down his dorm, barricade the doors, and burn the entire building down

BOB Puerto Rico my hearts in devotion Let it sink back in the ocean Always the hurricanes blowing Always the population growing And the money owing and the sunlight streaming

Carissa: lol

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): At least, that's what my first wife did to me

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): After that, I didn't have a place to live and I HAD to say yes to a date

JtomTMO: Goodnight everyone

Dru5232321 (Matthias Crowtooth): Night!

BOB Night everyone

Carissa: night!

Lemon (Levi Reed): Goodnight mini!

BOB have a great week

'JtomTMO' disconnected

wyjyoon (Temperance): Night Jtom!

Lemon (Levi Reed): Oh, ok, goodnight everyone I guess

Levi Reed: gets kicked out of the chat

Shislif: night everybody :)

Carissa: jumps ships

Matthias Crowtooth: steals ship

Lemon (Levi Reed): BOB might as well play "closing time"

Carissa: dies

Matthias Crowtooth: CAPTAIN AT LAST!!

Carissa: and goes to bed

BOB lol

'Shislif' disconnected

Carissa: until next time.... Davy Jones will rise again.

Carissa: Nightttttt!

'Dru5232321' disconnected

TMO (Rothuss Carder): gnite

'Lemon' disconnected

'TMO' disconnected

'Carissa' disconnected

'wyjyoon' disconnected

Database cleaned up: 4 entries were removed