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Chat Log List - 2024 03 01 - Mushroom Man - Formatted - Story

Gared Bizeveron: Good Morning everyone

Gared Bizeveron: I do hope you had a great night here

Gared Bizeveron: How did you sleep?

Vee Barlett: grumbles loudly and throws a pillow at the door

Rothuss Carder: snores

Gared Bizeveron: Ah AH AH, you will want that later

Gared Bizeveron: Picks up the pillow and SMACKS Vee over the head with it

Ratbone Carder: uhnnnnfffffg

Temperance: stretches and opens her notebook

Vee Barlett: Fuck you, P.... Oh, who the hell are you?

Gared Bizeveron: You will be late for breakfast sleepy heads

Vee Barlett: sits up and rubs her eyes

Gared Bizeveron: today is waffle day

Jericho: Sits up slowly, slightly shellshocked

Jericho: Waffle day?

Jericho: Bewildered

Gared Bizeveron: Bacon Sweet Waffles with eggs the way you want

Gared Bizeveron: But you have to move if you want them

Vee Barlett: Waffles good I suppose. Fine.

Gared Bizeveron: The line forms early

Jericho: Grunts and stands up.

Vee Barlett: yawns and gets up to dress and wash her face

Jericho: Grunts and stands up.

Gared Bizeveron: and Mango juice

Jericho: Bacon

Ratbone Carder: oooooo mango!

Vee Barlett: No rum?

Gared Bizeveron: with fresh coconut ice cream shavings for those that have done all their chores

Gared Bizeveron: No rum, that is for downhill people

Vee Barlett: Man, I thought hell was below not up high...

Jericho: Coughs

Temperance: walks out, twirling her pen in her hand

Ratbone Carder: downhill people sound like my kind of people

Jericho: Trying to supress a laugh

Vee Barlett: Whatever. I do like coconut ice cream and we deserve at least a gallon of that.

Jericho: Reaches into pack. Tosses jar at Vee

Jericho: Bad batch. But, it'll do for you

Vee Barlett: debates and puts it in her pack

BOB As you slowly begrudgingly make your way out and down to the second level

Vee Barlett: Bad batch how? Make someone sick?

Jericho: Too strong

Vee Barlett: No such thing. I might got use for this later, though...

BOB The aromas are very enticing

Rothuss Carder: snores

BOB Bacon sizzling, warm cooked dough of waffles then sugar sprinkled on top

Temperance: knocks on Rothuss' door as she passes

BOB Glasses of water and mango juice

Vee Barlett: grabs as much of all of it as she can get


Jericho: Does the same

Ratbone Carder: wet willies her brother

Temperance: blinks at the speed the food is disappearing

BOB Near the end is a large block of ice, with a large bowl carved out of it, in there is shaved ice small wooden scoops

Rothuss Carder: nnghaa! *flails*

Ratbone Carder: dies laughing

Ratbone Carder: that never gets old!

BOB and obviously yes the ice and such is a very strange thing for those from the coast

Rothuss Carder: throws a badly aimed backhand at her leg.

Vee Barlett: takes multiple scoops

Temperance: observes the block of ice with interest

Fiolx of Crazy Arrow Tribe: GRWWWA snatches a handful of bacon slaps it between two waffles and walks out

Ratbone Carder: jumps away

Jericho: Eyes it critically

Jericho: How was this constructed?

Gared Bizeveron: Fiolx! You need to do your chores!

Temperance: Somehow it was kept cold enough to keep it in shape.

Temperance: shrugs her shoulders

Gared Bizeveron: Looks over at Jericho, what was that question?

Jericho: This ice thing

Jericho: How did you do this?

Jericho: Keeps marveling at the ice.

Jericho: Coconut?

Vee Barlett: Weird question, but okay.

Vee Barlett: goes and stuffs her face.

Jericho: Sigh

Gared Bizeveron: Coconut shaved into the ice that we grind up

Jericho: Sigh

Jericho: This is cool

Jericho: no pun intended

Gared Bizeveron: Nice pun

Jericho: Where did you get the ice?

Jericho: Smiles

Gared Bizeveron: All puns are intended

Jericho: chuckles despite himself

Gared Bizeveron: Why would you not take credit for that

Jericho: Too much time with Vee. She might slap me

Jericho: snickers

Temperance: takes a bite of a waffle

Jericho: But this is so creative!

Rothuss Carder: looks around.

Jericho: Eyes Vee with Glee

Rothuss Carder: why am I awake?

Jericho: I just had a wonderful terrible idea

Gared Bizeveron: Would that be a Vee Slap? or a Slap V?

Temperance: If you don't need food you could go back to sleep?

Jericho: Ponders

Ratbone Carder: I think breakfast

Jericho: Well, if we need to name it...

Rothuss Carder: Food? Okay..

Ratbone Carder: and then chores? i think

Jericho: I'd call it a V-Slap

Rothuss Carder: Chores? Is Mom here?

Temperance: Some of these things at the table are interesting.

Rothuss Carder: grumbling, pulls on a shirt.

Gared Bizeveron: Only the chores you think you need to do to deserve breakfast

Jericho: Cocks head

Jericho: Interesting

Vee Barlett: Did them all yesterday.

Jericho: Rothuss, I think you are in the clear for breakfast and the next years breakfast, but that's a personal opinion

Jericho: Smiles warmly

Jericho: You were a hero the last couple days

Gared Bizeveron: Are you staying that long?

Jericho: Jerks head

Vee Barlett: chokes on her food slightly but decides not to say anything

Jericho: Oh sorry Gared. No that I'm aware of

Gared Bizeveron: We get people who need weeks and months here at the Church

Vee Barlett: Who you anyways?

Lirtimya: Stretches and starts to eat the food

Gared Bizeveron: Others who only stay the night

Jericho: Months?

Jericho: Can you tell us about this enclace Gared?

Rothuss Carder: Food. numm...

Jericho: I'm slowly learning the world isn't black and white and so many of us have our own sorts of customs

Rothuss Carder: pulls some food onto a plate zombie-like.

Gared Bizeveron: The Church of the Mists is the last welcoming home on this side of the mountains

Vee Barlett: If being shot at with three arrows is welcomin' then...

Temperance: wipes her hands on a napkin and scribbles some notes in the pages

Gared Bizeveron: The downhill people need us to help protect them, the wilderness comes to us for civilization

Ratbone Carder: chows down enthusistically

Gared Bizeveron: You earned three arrows?

Gared Bizeveron: I knew you were dangerous people

Vee Barlett: Pfft.

Vee Barlett: Ain't y'all fortune tellers or somethin'?

Temperance: raises an eyebrow in interest

Gared Bizeveron: Some are

Gared Bizeveron: I can get one for you later on if you want

Jericho: Gared, I don't know how to say this nicely, but after the last couple of days, I don't kinow how anyone is able to get up here at all. Between the mountain slide and.....horros below the mountain...Honestly, I think it's a miracle we got here at all

Rothuss Carder: Yeah, we're so very ... very.... *zones out sleepily*

Vee Barlett: Yep, would love on.

Vee Barlett: Make this trip somewhat worthwhile. Fortunes are fun.

Gared Bizeveron: Not many like that

Jericho: I mean that respectfully of course Gared. I just...this seems more like a dangerous visitation then a safe haven

Gared Bizeveron: Knowing your future can make it come true

Jericho: Then, I don't want to know mine

Jericho: Shudders

Vee Barlett: If ya believe in it, sure.

Jericho: Afraid of what I might see. Whispers

Temperance: furrows her eyebrows thoughtfully

Lirtimya: Knowing your future or not, it'll always come, it may change, but it'll still happen, time passes

Gared Bizeveron: So what are you all doing here? if you think this is a dangerous place why did you come?

Jericho: Oh

Vee Barlett: jerks thumb at Jericho

Gared Bizeveron: See the young lady knows


Jericho: Were kind of...

Jericho: Conscripted

Jericho: to escort me here and to find out why supplies had not arrived, and escort them back

Jericho: I....wouldn't have made it without them

Jericho: Slightly red

Gared Bizeveron: What supplies are you looking for?

Rothuss Carder: ... dangerous!

Rothuss Carder: shakes his head..

Vee Barlett: Somethin' for the Temple of Orange Sunsets.

Vee Barlett: Brewin' stuff, I think?

Namyriitha Holiilo: (sails into the room with a long scroll in her hand) Hello there my sweets,

Vee Barlett: shrugs and eats another piece of bacon

Namyriitha Holiilo: I have the list of chores ready

Namyriitha Holiilo: what are you able to do?

Temperance: blinks at the length of the scroll

Vee Barlett: Supervise.

Temperance: Lots of writing.

Namyriitha Holiilo: Excellent, what you can be assigned to is the fish pond

Namyriitha Holiilo: There are lots of spawning going on

Vee Barlett: I.... huh, wait fish pond? Now that be interestin'

Namyriitha Holiilo: we need someone to superivse all the fish to make sure they are NOT gobbling up the wrong thing

Vee Barlett: Literal fish pond or yellin' at sparrin' acolytes? Or both?

Namyriitha Holiilo: If you catch my drift

Namyriitha Holiilo: winks

Namyriitha Holiilo: Very glad you are volunteering for that

Vee Barlett: Can do. Seems like a good way to kill time 'til we get goin'

Namyriitha Holiilo: most people feel a bit icky watching fish spurt out like that

Vee Barlett: Most people got weak stomachs and constitutions.

Namyriitha Holiilo: (adds Vee's name to her list)

Temperance: I'd like some accounts if you see anything interesting, Vee.

Vee Barlett: Sure, Brains.

Namyriitha Holiilo: When you finish breakfast go report to the head farmer, he is up river about 40 yards

Vee Barlett: Can I swim it?

Looks her up and down

Namyriitha Holiilo: No

Vee Barlett: Darn.

Namyriitha Holiilo: You are not strong enough

Vee Barlett: Not yet.

Namyriitha Holiilo: Maybe in the summer but not in the spring

Vee Barlett: Stupid freshwater...

Temperance: chuckles a bit at Vee's grumbling

Namyriitha Holiilo: Looking over the rest of the group

Namyriitha Holiilo: Who can help with the digging?

Temperance: continues to scribble notes in her notebook

Vee Barlett: points at Rothuss

Ratbone Carder: looks at her 6 STR arms .....

Rothuss Carder: is staring blankly at the piece of waffle held in his hand.

Namyriitha Holiilo: I have baking and grinding to do also

Vee Barlett: Y'all speak up or I'm gonna volunteer you for the worst tasks.

Jericho: Namyriitha?

Lirtimya: I can do baking.

Jericho: Do you by any chance have something that involves....numbers?

Namyriitha Holiilo: Excellent, your name young lady?

Lirtimya: Lirtimya

Namyriitha Holiilo: Numbers? there is accounting but that is taken

Vee Barlett: Wait, why'd you know my name but not hers?

Namyriitha Holiilo: Thank you Lirtimya

Temperance: I can try grinding the ingredients.

Ratbone Carder: I can handle animals. got animal chores? beyond the fish spawning?

Namyriitha Holiilo: I have heard several of the cleaners complaining about you Vee

Rothuss Carder: Yours is just one letter....

Temperance: shrugs her shoulders as she continues to scribble

Vee Barlett: I ain't tell any of them my name.

Rothuss Carder: yawns

Jericho: I've called you by name a few times...

Namyriitha Holiilo: I think your friends were

Jericho: easy enough to overhere I guess

Temperance: I can also do writing if there's anything that needs to be written.

Vee Barlett: Well I hope I gave them cleaners job security.

Namyriitha Holiilo: Ohh looking at Ratbone, I can use someone who can clean the bird coop

Vee Barlett: grumbles and eats the rest of her food

Namyriitha Holiilo: I am not certain, Vee can you write?

Namyriitha Holiilo: Or do you need someone to take notes for your records?

Ratbone Carder: nods

Vee Barlett: Better left to Brains.

Vee Barlett: Or First Matey.

Ratbone Carder: Ratbone Carder. Bird coop. On it.

Namyriitha Holiilo: Thank you dear

Temperance: Let me know if you see any interesting birds, Ratbone!

Namyriitha Holiilo: Who wants to go out into the hills to look for mushrooms? Would you like that Jericho?

Lirtimya: Finishes her meal

Jericho: ........

Ratbone Carder: nods to Temperance

Jericho: PTSD

Vee Barlett: Levi and Temp know plants best.

Temperance: perks up at the idea of mushrooms

Jericho: If you require it, I will go

Jericho: Nods

Rothuss Carder: Mushrooms? We already found the most interesting ones of those, didn't we?

Temperance: We did find ones that glow, I believe.

Temperance: flips through her copious pages of notes

Rothuss Carder: nods

Rothuss Carder: and punch

Namyriitha Holiilo: Glow? do they cook themselves?

Temperance: nods back

Vee Barlett: If we see those again, I wanna grab some.

Namyriitha Holiilo: that might be interesting

Namyriitha Holiilo: save on a cook

Namyriitha Holiilo: toss them into a pot

Namyriitha Holiilo: OH do you think they boil the water on their own?

Temperance: I could go with Jericho for those mushrooms, unless you want me to stay and write.

Namyriitha Holiilo: no firewood needed

Rothuss Carder: I... didn't see any kitchens down there...

Temperance: I'm not sure, they stuck to our feet and continued glowing for a while.

Agap Pankin: Namyriitha you cannot take all the workers for the day

Agap Pankin: Can any of you swim?

Jericho: Points at Vee

Jericho: She would love nothing more

Namyriitha Holiilo: I have them working already

Agap Pankin: I need two people who can swim

Vee Barlett: Wait wait, but what's the swimmin' thing? More interestin' than fish?

Ratbone Carder: i can swim but i'm on bird duty

Agap Pankin: I will tie a rope to you and you go down under the church and clean the slime off the bottom of the sluice

Jericho: I'm sorry what now?

Vee Barlett: Eh, fish sounds better for once. At least they conversationalist.

Vee Barlett: And I ain't doin' no chuch cleanin' duties.

Jericho: And free of dangerous potentially evil mushroom creatures

Ratbone Carder: yeah no, i'm not doing the sluice. i'm doing the bird poo

Ratbone Carder: in fact i think you need professionals to do the sluice

Vee Barlett: And people who ain't just been in a cave for too long. Just askin' to give them nightmares.

Levi Reed: None of that sounds very appealing, considering we were just under your church and several of us almost died a couple of times clearing out an army of pod-plant-people for you

Jericho: And we won't be able to stay for long. We were sent specifically to ask for supplies to return to the Temple of Orange Sunsets. We are required to be back at the end of this month and ahead of schedule if possible

Agap Pankin: Well that is easy, we need 12 people to go dig out the landslide that is blocking the path downhill

Agap Pankin: Points to Jericho

Agap Pankin: You are one

Levi Reed: Now THAT one I can do

Jericho: Nods

Agap Pankin: Who else will help

Vee Barlett: I'll stick with fish.

Namyriitha Holiilo: Points to Rothuss He volunteers

Ratbone Carder: looks at her 6 STR arms again

Agap Pankin: Excellent, that is two

Jericho: Rothuss! Did you gain telepathy?

Levi Reed: Also me

Levi Reed: Hello

Temperance: I could try to help with that, but I'm much better at writing.

Agap Pankin: a Third very good

Namyriitha Holiilo: She is writing with that one, points to Vee

Agap Pankin: Fine

Agap Pankin: points to

Namyriitha Holiilo: Nope she is baking

Agap Pankin: Points to Melange

Namyriitha Holiilo: Sure take him, he is quiet

Vee Barlett: Yeah, he can go. He's stupid strong.

Agap Pankin: Then....

Agap Pankin: looking around

Vee Barlett: Like three people in one.

Agap Pankin: I

Agap Pankin: well let's go

Vee Barlett: Y'all play nice and have fun.

Temperance: Don't pull any muscles.

Jericho: Vee! I might need some of that....juice at the end of today. Save some for me

Jericho: Grunts in mock weary resignation

Temperance: blinks at the mention of juice

Jericho: Let's move a mountain I guess

Levi Reed: looks at Jericho suspiciously

Vee Barlett: Only if ya earn it.

Levi Reed: What juice?

Jericho: I never should have given it up

Jericho: Sighs

Jericho: Ya try to be nice to people

BOB So Ratbone, Vee, Temperance, and Lirt are off doing things

BOB Need to know a number of man weeks. It is based on the number of levels PLUS the spells for each spell caster, which is Jericho, so the number of spells he can cast

BOB 3 first level spells is 3 3 first level spells plus 1 2nd level spell is 5

Prokris : [Translation] WHAT THE HELL!

Vee Barlett : [Translation] WHAT?

Prokris : [Translation] WHY ARE YOU WATCHING US FUCK

Vee Barlett : [Translation] GOOD QUESTION

Prokris : [Translation] ARE YOU GOING TO WATCH ALL DAY?

Vee Barlett: Hey farmer, what's our purpose here anyways?

Vee Barlett : [Translation] NOT SURE, I'M ASKING

Fiolx of Crazy Arrow Tribe: What do you mean?

Vee Barlett: The fish ain't happy about us bein' audience to their lovemakin' so why we here? What's our job?

Fiolx of Crazy Arrow Tribe: Who the hell cares what fish think? You need to scoop that spawn out

Vee Barlett: Sure but whatcha gonna do with it?

Temperance: furrows her brows at the farmer's comment

Fiolx of Crazy Arrow Tribe: And how do you know what the fish are thinking?

Vee Barlett : [Translation] I DUNNO GUYS, I THINK THEY'RE WEIRDOS.

Vee Barlett: but stares at Fiolx as she says that

Fiolx of Crazy Arrow Tribe: What is that gobblydee gook mess ?

Temperance: looks back and forth between Fiolx and Vee uneasily

Vee Barlett : [Translation] How ya farmin' with fish?

Fiolx of Crazy Arrow Tribe: You understand that Mistress? (looking at Temperance)

Vee Barlett: How ya farmin' with fish if ya ain't even able to talk to them?

Prokris : [Translation] Farming? you mean making sweet sweet spawning

Vee Barlett : [Translation] Yeah, that.

Temperance: Communicating with fish is her line of specialty, so no, I rely on her to translate.

Fiolx of Crazy Arrow Tribe: What communicating is there? they swim, they spawn, they die

Vee Barlett: So again, what are we doin' here? Whatcha tryin' to accomplish?

Fiolx of Crazy Arrow Tribe: How complicated is it?

Vee Barlett: You breath, you eat, you die.

Vee Barlett: Don't mean ya ain't got thoughts although...

Fiolx of Crazy Arrow Tribe: Are you a witch?

Vee Barlett: Nah, just love the sea.

Vee Barlett: Been called somethin' similar before, though.

Fiolx of Crazy Arrow Tribe: A mermaid?

Fiolx of Crazy Arrow Tribe: I heard they can walk on land until they get someone to kiss them

Fiolx of Crazy Arrow Tribe: I ain't kissing no witch

Vee Barlett: Mermaid ain't rhyme with witch but I do kinda wish I was one, yeah.

Vee Barlett: What happens to the one they kiss?

Temperance: raises an eyebrow at the conversation about mermaids.

Fiolx of Crazy Arrow Tribe: I ain't never heard anything good about them

Fiolx of Crazy Arrow Tribe: Only going into the ocean

Vee Barlett: What?

Fiolx of Crazy Arrow Tribe: Mermaids are in the ocean right?

Vee Barlett: I mean, yeah, they're in the ocean but what happens to the one they kiss?

Fiolx of Crazy Arrow Tribe: and Sirens are in the lake?

Vee Barlett: Sirens I know live in the ocean, but some might live in freshwater, maybe.

Temperance: glances down at the fish in the water.

Fiolx of Crazy Arrow Tribe: Gestures up stream, Up in the mountains, the lakes up there are full of sirens

Fiolx of Crazy Arrow Tribe: If you steal their fur they are yours

Vee Barlett: Good to know. Glad I got me some wax.

Ratbone Carder: That's silkies

Vee Barlett: Hmm, well that's good to know, too, but ya really don't wanna be answer my question about mermaids do ya?

Ratbone Carder: Sirens are the other things

Fiolx of Crazy Arrow Tribe: I just need you to scoop up that spawn

Fiolx of Crazy Arrow Tribe: put it in that bucket

Vee Barlett: But. Why.

Fiolx of Crazy Arrow Tribe: and we take it up over the waterfall to the next pool

Vee Barlett: That the baby pond?

Fiolx of Crazy Arrow Tribe: Yeah then they grow up

Fiolx of Crazy Arrow Tribe: and go back down stream to the ocean

Fiolx of Crazy Arrow Tribe: and them come back in a few years

Fiolx of Crazy Arrow Tribe: and we spawn them again

Vee Barlett: Fine. But next time, if ya don't know an answer to a question, you can just say that, ya know. Not pretend ya don't hear me.

Vee Barlett: No shame in not knowin' everything.

Fiolx of Crazy Arrow Tribe: I thought you were a witch and talked to them all the time

Vee Barlett: ALL the time? Nah, fish are fine but not the best for conversations.

Vee Barlett: Dolphins and whales are fun.

Fiolx of Crazy Arrow Tribe: How much could they know?

Vee Barlett: Clearly FAR more than you.

Fiolx of Crazy Arrow Tribe: Go down there and get that spawn

Fiolx of Crazy Arrow Tribe: the water is cold

Temperance: hides her face in her notebook attempting not to chuckle.


Vee Barlett: rolls eyes and goes down there muttering to herself

Prokris : [Translation] I have a hard time when you are watching

Vee Barlett : [Translation] I'll turn my back to you, yeah?

Vee Barlett : [Translation] I'll be quick so you can take yer time.

Prokris : [Translation] Quick and fast gets the spawn

Temperance: scribbles some notes as she watches the fish and Vee in the pond.

Vee Barlett : [Translation] Mhmm, hope y'all are havin' a lovely time. Now just ignore me.

Vee Barlett : [Translation] And feel free to nibble a toe off the other dude. He's an idiot.

Prokris : [Translation] They were a slipping and a sliding, a singing and a sighing

Ratbone Carder: cleands the bird cages, singing to the birds, making bird noises

Vee Barlett: hums along as she works.

BOB and so Vee and Temperance are there with the fish

BOB Ratbone is cleaning cages

BOB Lirt is baking tonight's bread

BOB and the rest are doing math to dig out the landslide

BOB so the four of you are worth 27 man weeks worth of work

BOB and there are 28 weeks worth of work to do, you have three other workers with you. so after 1 week you have cleared the roadway of the rubble, conviently filling in the front of that cave opening

BOB BUT in any case it take one full week to clear the roadway for people to be able to head downhill

BOB The supplies have to be at the Temple, no one said YOU had to be there

Vee Barlett: Yo, Lirt. Think you can teach me them weather patterns when we got a quiet moment? I think I almost got it down.

Lirtimya: Of course Cap'n

Vee Barlett: Awesome, matey. Teacher like you, I know I'll get it down finally.

Lirtimya: I'm glad you have such confidence in my skills

Vee Barlett: First Matey for a reason!

BOB So right now I know your two Bards are in search of thieve training, and hope for spells

BOB Temperance is looking for 2nd level spells

BOB and Levi wants to learn how to knife people in the alleyway

BOB so 5 weeks for Vee to learn that from Lirt

BOB On my side of the ledger is: Train Temperance in 2nd level spells in 1, 2, 3 weeks, give you a contact to train the Carder siblings in their unique skills.... on your side is: ????

BOB so the first week is Jericho, Levi, Melange, Rothuss clearing the roadway

BOB coming back at night to sleep then head out first thing again

BOB During that week Lirt can make copies as well

BOB and you want Temperance trained in two weeks? or three?

BOB so here we go, Wendy, Carissa, Spring, and Jtom get to talk with the Church about training while the rest are out digging then collapsing in bed at the end of the da

BOB So Lirt, Ratbone, Vee, and Temperance are going to talk to them on day two of being here at the Church

Jaane Cinderbreaker: Hello my children,

Jaane Cinderbreaker: I hear you wanted to speak with me

Vee Barlett: Yeah. We thinkin' we need to strike up a deal with ya after all we did.

Vee Barlett: And what we can keep doin' if we're hangin' around here.

Temperance: [SKILL] Bureaucracy (2) [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 8]

Temperance: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 6] [d20 = 10]

Vee Barlett: [CHECK] Charisma (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 8]

Vee Barlett: looks surprisingly a bit more polished as she smiles

Jaane Cinderbreaker: I am Jaane Cinderbreaker of the 7th circle, guide of Gorby, heights of the sky eagle, depths of the were shark

Vee Barlett: Wereshark? Huh, I wanna hear that story one day, but I'm Vee. Nice meetin' ya. Probably.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: I have heard that your group had quite an adventure

Jaane Cinderbreaker: The challenge of the mushroom men

Vee Barlett: Yes, m'am. The one priest said he was gonna get ya a report on it. Didja already?

Temperance: flips through some scribbled notes

Jaane Cinderbreaker: I have a small sampling

Jaane Cinderbreaker: it was suitably redacted

Jaane Cinderbreaker: a third circle and three second circle members of the church no longer with us is not something to spread about

Vee Barlett: Hmm, well, see, since we be hangin' here waiting for the landslide to clear, it'd be nice if we were trained up a bit more, yeah? Temperance here gained another circle or somethin' and I hear that the church helps with that?

Jaane Cinderbreaker: Looks at Temperance

Vee Barlett: Hey, Temp, wanna tell her why we should be all trained up? What we already accomplished?

Vee Barlett: So she can see why it was a shame we couldn't do more without more trainin'

Jaane Cinderbreaker: Do you think you can create a fist of water?

Vee Barlett: bites tongue before giving a smart retort

Temperance: There were a lot of... shall we say, interesting encounters during our journey. I'm not sure how much you're aware of, but it would have been nice to have been prepared to face those encounters properly.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: You seem to be ready for a more in depth learning

Vee Barlett: We saved some people, yeah? And we know the fate of yers most likely. That's worth somethin' especially if ya don't gotta worry about them bein' taken now.

Vee Barlett: Now we couldn't completely root out the rat given our limitations at the time. Shame.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: Are you saying you eliminated the threat from the mushroom men?

Jaane Cinderbreaker: Ahh

Jaane Cinderbreaker: Tell me about what you discovered there

Vee Barlett: We hindered it significantly. Now it could die without the stuff we took. Or not, ain't sure.

Rings a bell

Looks at the entering acolyte

Vee Barlett: But the army they were .....

Vee Barlett: shuts mouth

Jaane Cinderbreaker: Bring in three lunches

Jaane Cinderbreaker: We will not want to be disturbed

Looks back at Vee

Jaane Cinderbreaker: Continue

Vee Barlett: shrugs

Vee Barlett: Cut down most their army, stopped them from addin' soldiers. So yeah, we did a LOT.

Vee Barlett: Y'all went from not knowin' why yers were disappearing to havin' that knowledge AND a... plant man to see if ya can make a cure in the future if the threat is still there.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: Do you believe the threat is eliminated?

Vee Barlett: Well.... look, I ain't shanked the main monster down there 'cause we were on the verge of death, so I can't say it definitely is, no, but don't think it'll bother y'all for a long time. Maybe never, but can't say for sure since it weren't shanked

Temperance: I can say we've made significant progress in terms of... eliminating what we can. But the underground cave has many caverns. We weren't in the position to explore them all.

Vee Barlett: Like woundin' an animal. Will it die on its own or recover? Can't say it's dead unless ya do it yerself.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: Do you think you saw the monster?

Vee Barlett: I heard mutterin' which is more than anything else made and I saw where it set up a library, but ain't seen it, no. But that mean it didn't see us, neither.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: A library

Vee Barlett: A library.

Temperance: We also encountered many different creatures, so I'm not sure which one "the monster" would be referring to.

Vee Barlett: Got some scrolls and diagrams and stuff from there.

Vee Barlett: Whatever it is ain't human. The chair and desk were weird and the inscriptions were just.. odd. The whole place was weird.

Vee Barlett: Looked too big.

Temperance: I believe there was a strange room with a vat of...

Jaane Cinderbreaker: That is a .....

Vee Barlett: Vat of people changin' juice.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: That is not what I was expecting

Temperance: It appeared a bit like a laboratory.

Vee Barlett: Whatcha expectin'?

Jaane Cinderbreaker: A mad scientist

Vee Barlett: Well, I mean, it felt like that but not a human one.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: Those wizard types tend to go for the change nature to their whims

Jaane Cinderbreaker: Do you believe the lost priests are dead?

Vee Barlett: The lucky ones, yeah.

Vee Barlett: The unlucky ones we didn't kill and are still down there as pod things without a will or maybe even a soul.

Temperance: Their states are rather ambiguous. They seemed as though they were quite mindless in their pod states. I'd say they appeared closest to a vegetative state.

Vee Barlett: Yeah see Thuskar yet? He was halfway to becomin' one and his mind ain't all there.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: I have ministered to your lost soul

Jaane Cinderbreaker: He is recovering

Vee Barlett: Oh? He gonna be back to normal?

Jaane Cinderbreaker: He will never be free of his memories

Vee Barlett: Certainly not, that's what rum is for, but he gonna be fully human again?

Temperance: I'm glad he is in recovery. The ones already lost seemed to react to this... staff.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: May I? holds out a hand for the staff

Temperance: unhooks the staff from her belt and hands it across the table.

Takes the staff, holds it in her hands and casts a couple of spells over it

Hands the staff back over to Temperance after a few minutes

Temperance: receives the staff back.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: This is not a weapon for the battlefield

Vee Barlett: We got some schematics and stuff, too, we can make copies for y'all. Might help us know what it all says and what's goin' on.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: This is a weapon for the mind

Temperance: It did seem to work that way for the pod creatures we encountered.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: What did you do?

Temperance: Out of desperation, I cast a command.

Temperance: It halted their movements for a while.

Vee Barlett: Until we killed them. Halted them permanently.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: It is an interesting item

Temperance: Ah, did it? I was a bit busy concentrating on the cast to focus on the effects.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: Not one I think you were supposed to have

Jaane Cinderbreaker: I wonder if our mythical mushroom man can recreate this

Vee Barlett: You got them schematics, Temp? Show her those.

Temperance: I do have some of them. I believe the others are in Jericho's bag of holding.

Temperance: rummages around her bag of holding for said documents.

Temperance: Ah, here they are. These are pages from the, er... laboratory.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: Looks them over

Jaane Cinderbreaker: These are mostly gibberish to me

Vee Barlett: As I said, ain't human.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: They look like some mad mage

Jaane Cinderbreaker: Gorby would have something aligned to this but these are not of a divine nature

Vee Barlett: Gorby?

Jaane Cinderbreaker: My God

Temperance: Gorby, huh? I've heard some things about the deity.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: The God of Transference

Vee Barlett: Huh, I thought a Church of Mist would follow the other one. Retaw, yeah?

Jaane Cinderbreaker: You were with the fish

Vee Barlett: Yeah, they were entertainin' enough.

Vee Barlett: Oh, transferrin' spawn, that where ya goin' with this?

Jaane Cinderbreaker: You know they came here for their end

Jaane Cinderbreaker: Go off to the ocean to live a life, return to end it

Vee Barlett: If ya asked them, they came here for some lovin' but supposin' it's all the same.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: It is a cherished way of easing their ending

Jaane Cinderbreaker: and to ensure that the cycle will continue

Vee Barlett: They were a lil' more crude with their wordin' but sure.

Temperance: All things come to an end at some point or another. The law of life, to some extent.

Vee Barlett: So what about it?

Jaane Cinderbreaker: So tell me what you seek from the Church

Jaane Cinderbreaker: delivering this staff and papers is not in your own interest

Vee Barlett: We'll start with trainin' and see what yer willin' to give us there first.

Vee Barlett: We'll give ya copies, but not sure we're up to givin' ya the staff and papers.

Temperance: I suppose delivering isn't quite the right word. The staff and papers served as proof of the things we encountered.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: What skills do you want to enhance beyond Temperance here advancing in her growth for her God

Jaane Cinderbreaker: I will require you to leave the staff here with me for further investigation

Vee Barlett: We got some bards hopin' to train up quicker if ya got the staff for it, another priest who wants to learn some administration stuff for some ungodly reason, and ...hmm, didja need anything Lirt?

Vee Barlett: So ya wanna borrow the staff?

Jaane Cinderbreaker: I will be keeping the staff here in the Church for further investigation, it is not prudent or safe to allow you to wander the mountains with it

Vee Barlett: I'll agree with that, but just clarifyin' that we ain't givin' it to ya, and ya don't own it. You can keep it safe for us for now.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: Will you be venturing into the caves again so soon?

Vee Barlett: Ain't have reason for that so that's why we're lettin' ya keep it safe for us, yeah?

Jaane Cinderbreaker: I am glad you see reason

Vee Barlett: And if we do, then yer right next door for us to visit first.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: I have an aquaintence who your bard friends will appreciate

Vee Barlett: nods

Jaane Cinderbreaker: I will give you a letter of recomendation to him, in exchange for those notes

Vee Barlett: After we make copies of them, sure.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: You said you have other things from a library?

Vee Barlett: The other priest out diggin' grabbed some, yeah.

Vee Barlett: And the bard out diggin' grabbed some scrolls.

Vee Barlett: We didn't get anythin' from the bookshelf, givin' it was likely trapped and we was hurtin' by then.

Vee Barlett: You know, 'cause we need more training.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: When I inspect the scrolls we will determine if that is sufficient for your training Temperance

Vee Barlett: Any chance we can toss in a couple healin' potions?

Jaane Cinderbreaker: You want to give me some healing potions?

Vee Barlett: shrugs and grins

Vee Barlett: Can't hurt to ask. Hmm, well, no, it can but I'm askin' 'cause I think it won't hurt here.

Vee Barlett: And you givin' us some, maybe.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: She looks at Vee amused

Vee Barlett: The rest of us gonna hang around while the others train so you can put us to work if ya think we gotta earn them.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: You should be thinking of what you will be doing to help your friends with their training, and not asking for more for yourself

Vee Barlett: Ain't for myself. It was those friend who needed the potions, m'am.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: Oh my aquaintence is not here at the church, he lives up in the mountains

Vee Barlett: sighs

Vee Barlett: 'Course he is.

Vee Barlett: He with them selkies the farmer mentioned?

Temperance: Do you happen to know how far it takes to trek?

Jaane Cinderbreaker: I am not sure who Snow has near him at any time

Vee Barlett: Mkay, but is it an easy trek or we gonna need those potions?

Jaane Cinderbreaker: There is a path for some of the way, and I will give you directions once you get to the fork in the road

Jaane Cinderbreaker: It should not take you more than two to three days

Vee Barlett: And how long will it take to train Temp?

Jaane Cinderbreaker: I will give my second best person the time to train her

Vee Barlett: Hear that, Temp? You second best.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: If Temperance studies hard she should be using her new powers in two weeks

Vee Barlett: low whistle

Vee Barlett: That's fast.

Temperance: It shouldn't be too difficult if I dedicate the time, then.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: I do not accept those here at the Church who do not fufill their tasks when needed

Vee Barlett: Someone slackin'? I can give them a word.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: warm chuckle

Jaane Cinderbreaker: You might serve Gorby well

Vee Barlett: Hmm, maybe, but Deltan ain't gonna let me go and I'm fine with that.

Vee Barlett: But sure he don't mind me helpin' Gordy for now.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: She will be pleased to see you then

Vee Barlett: gives her a mock salute

Jaane Cinderbreaker: Go assist with the fish

Jaane Cinderbreaker: and bring me those copies by the end of the week

Jaane Cinderbreaker: Or I will withdraw Temperance's trainer to other tasks

Vee Barlett: Alright, but just so you know, yer farmer ain't so good with them. He really don't think they have thoughts and that's rude.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: Who was on duty with you?

Temperance: Someone by the name of Fiolx.

Vee Barlett: That dude from this mornin'? Foilx I think someone said?

Vee Barlett: Oh, Fiolx. Such a tongue twister.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: That sounds like someone from the mountain tribes

Vee Barlett: Mountain tribes?

Temperance: I believe he's one from some Arrow Tribe.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: We bring them in for assistance. They bring us goods or services and we do the same in exchange

Vee Barlett: Oh, so maybe he don't know fish. Guess I can forgive that. Not sure how many fish live in the mountains.

Vee Barlett: He don't know much about mermaids either. Shame.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: So go out and do your tasks

Jaane Cinderbreaker: and at the end of the week I will see if Temperance continues her training

Vee Barlett: stands up and gives her a slight salute

Vee Barlett: On it, m'am. Thanks for lunch.

Vee Barlett: Off to watch the fishes make love again.

Jaane Cinderbreaker: If that is what excites you

Vee Barlett: Not really, nor them, but it's whatcha gotta do for spawn.

Temperance: We appreciate your time. Excuse us.

BOB So tidying up things

BOB Lirt needs a writing check at a minus 2

BOB Temperance needs one also at a minus 2

BOB You are effectively creating a forgery

BOB because you cannot read the writing

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Reading/Writing [MOD:INT] [-2] (vs. Target 17) [FAILURE by 4] [d20+2 = 21]

BOB So the copies made by Lirt are not accurate

BOB Now Temp gets her chance

Temperance: [SKILL] Reading-Writing [MOD:INT] [-2] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20+2 = 6]

BOB So Temperance creates spotless copies

BOB So at the end of the week Temperance turns in her copies

BOB and her training continues

BOB So three weeks later

BOB you have cleared the roadway

BOB trained Temperance in 2nd level spells

BOB made friends

Temperance: glances at the calluses forming on her hand from writing and copying mysterious language

BOB and have a person, a map, and a letter of recommendation to The Snow Man. Who lives in the mountains somewhere up there

BOB Temperance would need to know what language to learn it


BOB I will give Levi an inteligence check at a minus 4

Levi Reed: [CHECK] Intelligence [-4] (vs. Target 9) [FAILURE by 12] [d20+4 = 21]

BOB I will give Levi one more check same modifier

Levi Reed: [CHECK] Intelligence [-4] (vs. Target 9) [FAILURE by 7] [d20+4 = 16]


BOB so at the end of the three weeks

BOB Yes I am going to be entertained by Vee getting a fortune from Jericho and Levi as she is kicking around waiting for her chance with a priestess

Jericho: I foresee great things from you Master Vee. Terrible...Yes....but Great!

Vee Barlett: Fuck you, Jericho.

Vee Barlett: Clearly don't know a fortune from yer ass.

Jericho: Grins and gives Vee a gentle pat

Jericho: I do know alchohol though

Levi Reed: The winds will be at your back and the fish spawn at your feet, and the mermaids will attempt to drown you, and they will be shanked for their effort

Jericho: How's the swill?

Vee Barlett: Do you? 'Cause that batch wasn't great.

Jericho: Well...I did say it was a bad batch

Vee Barlett: That a fortune or a poem, Levi?

Jericho: Look Vee, you want a real fortune?

Levi Reed: Both

Vee Barlett: 'Cause I wanna befriend the mermaids, not shank them, but if they be drownin' me, then yeah, I suppose I'll shank 'em.

Jericho: Snickers

Vee Barlett: Yeah, but ain't gonna come from you numbskulls.

Temperance: chuckles at their antics as she scribbles some notes

Jericho: I'll tell you what, give me a sec. I'll give you a real fortune eh?

Vee Barlett: rolls eyes

Temperance: blinks at Jericho.

Vee Barlett: Ain't see the real fortune teller comin' yet so go ahead.

Temperance: I didn't know you could tell fortunes.

Vee Barlett: Entertain me.

Jericho: Ponders: "I see a fearless, mouthy, grumpy, bad tempered woman who will go on to make friends with mermaids, shank many of foes, and make the world a better place. And my friend. And we'll all be in it for better or worse" Smiles.

Jericho: Better?

Jericho: Oh and much rum shall be consumed

Vee Barlett: No. Who you callin' grumpy??

Jericho: laughs

Jericho: Make your own fortune Vee

Vee Barlett: Gonna shank you at this rate.

Jericho: Don't waste your time on those who might give you one

Levi Reed: It is now, and in this world that we must live

Jericho: Ah, you'd do it but in a year or so, you'd miss me

Vee Barlett: Why? I'm gonna make my own anyways, but I can be entertained.

Jericho: Sigh.

Jericho: Well, I can't entertain worth shit. You need to talk to Ratbone for that

Vee Barlett: Already know my fortune is to rule them seas, but curious what's between now and then.

Jericho: Exaspertated.

Jericho: Vee

Jericho: In all honesty

Jericho: Would it make a lick of difference? I don't think Fate actually can survive a colluision with you

Jericho: What do you care?

Vee Barlett: Good gracious, it that hard to understand?

Jericho: Waves hands

Jericho: Fine. Have it your way

Vee Barlett: Who don't like hearin' a story 'bout themself? Simple as that.

Jericho: Shakes head.

Jericho: I guess

Vee Barlett: And yeah, yer right which is why it entertains me.

Jericho: But after the last fortune I got, I don't want another the rest of my life

Vee Barlett: What fortune was that?

Levi Reed: Ah, the gods have spoken to me, here's a real one

Jericho: The one where if I didn't return with an answer in a month a geas would kill me?

Levi Reed: You are very independent and are constantly in search of freedom; so much so that you reject a conventional lifestyle and pursue your own path. As the penultimate zodiac sign Aquarius, you are like real chameleons thanks to your adaptability and creativity. You also shine thanks to your originality, curiosity and unpredictability.

Vee Barlett: That weren't fortune. That was truth tellin' unless ya heard it before the geas.

Jericho: Shrugs

Jericho: It was payment for the Fortune

Vee Barlett: Hmm, thank, Levi. Makes me feel nice 'bout myself.

Jericho: We had to leave the city immediately to catch Ruffus apparently

Vee Barlett: That at the wacky church Levi was ravin' about?

Jericho: Indeed it was. The cathedral

Vee Barlett: Not the wacky church I meant, but guess they fit, too.

BOB Any interruption of the training sessions, while adventuring or in normal circumstances, will extend the time needed to complete the learning process. For every day missed an extra day is added to the end of the training period. This applies only to the first 9 missed days. After this each missed day requires two days of additional work.

BOB Only ones committed is Jericho, Rothuss, Melange, and Levi as they are working on the road. The rest of the group has two weeks for training, (Temperance) and can do 2 of the 5 weeks of Lirt training Vee. Then at the end of that two weeks you go off to find Snow

BOB Vee is relaxing after a day with the fish, she comes back to the third floor of the church

BOB to find her bed

BOB as she relaxes she hears footsteps on the roof

Vee Barlett: goes to investigate

Vee Barlett: grumblings all the way

BOB When she looks around there is no obvious way up there

BOB until she goes back out to the stair case on the outside of the Church, there is a ladder attached to the wall

Vee Barlett: climbs it quietly as she can

Vee Barlett: [CHECK] Dexterity (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 12] [d20 = 3]

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 10] [d20 = 2]

BOB Vee slips up the ladder silent as a thief

BOB goes onto the roof and then spots two people sitting across from each other on a blanket

Vee Barlett: just quietly watches for a moment to see what they're doing

BOB She can see that they are using some sort of lenses to shine down onto a smaller silk covering

BOB (It is the evening of the 8th) Vee looks up to see both moons high in the sky, clear night, both at half moon

Vee Barlett: keeping her voice low to not startle them, "Whatcha doin' up here?"

BOB a musical voice

Chalsarda Starnar: Oh hello there

she smiles

Vee Barlett: Hi?

Chalsarda Starnar: Are you here to see your heart?

Vee Barlett: I'm here seein' what's makin' noise above my bed, but maybe that's the same thing? You priest talk funny enough it could be.

BOB and Melange follows Vee up to the roof to see what she is doing

MeLange: Hey Vee! What ya doin?

Vee Barlett: Melange! I thought all that diggin' woulda worn you out. I'm seein' who's makin' noise on the roof.

MeLange: Oh ok. I am pretty worn out though, now that you mention it

Chalsarda Starnar: Come over and join us

Vee Barlett: Well let's see what all this is about first, yeah? Then you can sleep.

Vee Barlett: walks over and joins them

Vee Barlett: Mystical priest stuff can be interestin'

Haats of Smelly Hill Tribe: Hey You said it was my night

MeLange: sleepily follows Vee

Chalsarda Starnar: Haats, you know you are always welcome

Chalsarda Starnar: but so are those who need guidence for other things

Chalsarda Starnar: You can stay to watch

Vee Barlett: Not sure what yer watchin' but sure? Sorry for interruptin'

Haats of Smelly Hill Tribe: Grumps, I guess

Chalsarda Starnar: Come Come sit

MeLange: Some people like to watch...

Vee Barlett: Haats is a nice name, for what that's worth.

Vee Barlett: sits down

Haats of Smelly Hill Tribe: Snorts, yeah, thanks

Haats of Smelly Hill Tribe: Me da gave it to me

Chalsarda Starnar: You must be two of our new guests

Vee Barlett: My Pa gave me my name so more respect for yer name!

Chalsarda Starnar: What are your names?

Vee Barlett: Vee.

Vee Barlett: That's Melange.

Chalsarda Starnar: Urging her on, Vee.....

Vee Barlett: Barlett.

MeLange smiles and waves

Chalsarda Starnar: warm smile

Chalsarda Starnar: and you are Melange.....

MeLange: Yes maam, nice to meet you

Vee Barlett: looks at Melange, questioningly.

Vee Barlett: Do you have a last name Melange?

Vee Barlett: Guess I never asked...

Chalsarda Starnar: Everyone has three names

MeLange: I don't actually, my adopted family never gave me, so just first name for me

Vee Barlett: Three?

MeLange: Three?

Chalsarda Starnar: Your family name, your given name, and the name you give yourself

Vee Barlett: Hmm, yeah, makes sense.

MeLange: I can get behind that idea, especially the ones we give ourselves

Chalsarda Starnar: So Melange, you have a family name, you simply do not know it?

MeLange: I suppose that's true, technically

Chalsarda Starnar: Is that what you are here for? to find your family name?

MeLange: Sometimes, but I don't want to disappoint myself either

MeLange: when I get to thinking about it too much I get sad for days, so I try not to think about it

Vee Barlett: Now I remember why I never asked...

Chalsarda Starnar: I think that thinking can make us sad

Chalsarda Starnar: And feeling can make us think

MeLange: hmm...

Chalsarda Starnar: She looks up at the moons and adjusts her lenses

MeLange: Guess that's why I prefer to do, and avoid that cycle

MeLange: best I can at leasts

Vee Barlett: And you do damn good

Chalsarda Starnar: So what fortune are you looking for Melange Unknown?

MeLange: probably the good kind

MeLange: if I could choose

Chalsarda Starnar: All fortunes can be good, it depends on how you feel them

MeLange: But I suppose knowing where I came from, for better or worse, would be something worth knowing

MeLange: good point

Chalsarda Starnar: so sit here with me

MeLange: Ok

Chalsarda Starnar: scootch over Haats

MeLange: sits next to Chalsarda

MeLange: have Haats scootches

Haats of Smelly Hill Tribe: Shifts over off of the blanket to give them room

MeLange: thank you

Haats of Smelly Hill Tribe: Uh sure

MeLange: this is a nice blanket

Vee Barlett: Nice night to sit on one.

Chalsarda Starnar: [d12 = 9]

MeLange: nods in agreement

Chalsarda Starnar: Hold out your hand, palm up

Chalsarda Starnar: here in the circle

MeLange: holds out his right arm, palm up

Vee Barlett: watches the moons while they interact

MeLange gets a little nervous

Chalsarda Starnar: She takes his wrist and guides him to the center, then twists it a bit until both half moons are on his palm clearly

MeLange observes

Chalsarda Starnar: Then she slowly pushes his hand down until it lands on the silk

Chalsarda Starnar: Keep it there

Chalsarda Starnar: Stay steady

Chalsarda Starnar: she lets go of his wrist

Vee Barlett: shifts to watch what's going on

MeLange keeps his wrist in place

Chalsarda Starnar: and then refocuses the lenses again until they are back in alignment with both half moons on his plam again

Chalsarda Starnar: Now you can take your hand away

MeLange: pulls hand away from the silk

MeLange Thinks the silk felt really nice

Chalsarda Starnar: She looks up at Melange, You came from far away.

Chalsarda Starnar: That is an albatros, they fly over long stretches of water

Vee Barlett: mumurs, "Oh like Mr. Ross"

Chalsarda Starnar: The triangle could be several things

Chalsarda Starnar: It is the sign of building

MeLange: like a specific building? Or like buildings in general?

Chalsarda Starnar: I think a specific building

MeLange: oh ok

MeLange: Does the building have any identifying marks? Something to help me know what to look for?

Chalsarda Starnar: It is a building far away that is your name

MeLange: oh really?

MeLange: Family name on a building? Interesting

Chalsarda Starnar: I cannot tell anything more here tonight, but if you come back on the first of Spring we can try again when both moons are full

MeLange: That would be great! Thank you so much, although it would be nice to have a hint so I know what type of building to look for

Vee Barlett: In the meantime, we'll keep an eye out for buildin' with names on them if we travel that way, Melange.

Chalsarda Starnar: Smiles up at Vee

Chalsarda Starnar: Did you want to hear a fortune?

Vee Barlett: Oh, yeah! I've been askin' around.

Chalsarda Starnar: Yes Melange unknown

MeLange: Thanks Vee, Thank you Chalsarda

Vee Barlett: Whatcha need me to do?

Chalsarda Starnar: What is your question? what do you seek?

Vee Barlett: Hmm...

Vee Barlett: I ain't completely sure? Some interestin' event comin' up? Maybe a big break? Feel like I'm just followin' the tide lately rather than settin' my own sails, ya know?

Chalsarda Starnar: Come sit

Vee Barlett: is already sitting so shimmies over closer

Chalsarda Starnar: She picks up her silk cloth and shakes it out, twists it and runs it through a large silver ring

Chalsarda Starnar: Spinning it around

Vee Barlett: watches with interest

Chalsarda Starnar: She slows it down and lets the ring fall off of the cloth onto the blanket

Chalsarda Starnar: She then lays the silk cloth over the ring

Chalsarda Starnar: Holding out a small bag she offers it to Vee

Chalsarda Starnar: Pull out what you want and drop it onto the cloth

Vee Barlett: nods, reaches into the bag blindly, and drops something on the cloth.

BOB Vee feels several small coins and a couple of rings inside the bag

Vee Barlett: grabs one of the rings

Chalsarda Starnar: Watches the ring drop and bounce on the cloth

Chalsarda Starnar: then she slides her hand under the cloth to take the other ring in one hand

Chalsarda Starnar: and pinches the cloth around the other ring Vee dropped

Vee Barlett: keeps watching with interest

Chalsarda Starnar: She lifts both hands and the silk cloth slides through the larger ring until it it stopped by the small bunched portion around Vee's chosen ring

MeLange: also watches, with somewhat less interest

Chalsarda Starnar: Pulling harder on the silk cloth and rapidly turning it over

Chalsarda Starnar: Causing the silk to drop to the ground with the large ring highlighting a ship and a triangle

Vee Barlett: perks up at seeing a ship

Chalsarda Starnar: Then she slowly opens up the bunched cloth and a bird appears

Vee Barlett: sighs

MeLange 's eyes widen

Vee Barlett: You gonna tell me I'm gonna do what I already expected?

Chalsarda Starnar: I think this will make you feel

Vee Barlett: Feel what?

Chalsarda Starnar: You will have a ship, you will have a home? a building?

Chalsarda Starnar: But you will have to stop traveling for that to happen

Vee Barlett: raises a brow

Vee Barlett: Why would I stop travelin'? Sea is my home. I hate bein' away from it.

MeLange: it's true, she does

Chalsarda Starnar: Perhaps it is you have to travel to get them? I know you would feel that more, but the traveling was caught, stopped, and it seems to be something that ......

Chalsarda Starnar: As I said when we feel it causes us to think

Vee Barlett: You sure it ain't just tellin ya that I'm gonna be helpin' Melange with his buildin' problems?

Chalsarda Starnar: It could be that you continue traveling and until you stop that you will not have your home

Vee Barlett: frowns

Vee Barlett: That don't make sense.

Chalsarda Starnar: That seems more poetic than fortune

MeLange: they say to the Nomad, the land is their home

Vee Barlett: Maybe I shoulda asked a better question. This is just all kinds of not clear.

Chalsarda Starnar: If you were one of the flying folk I would say it meant you were home traveling

Vee Barlett: Well I don't fly but I got a bird that does.

Chalsarda Starnar: Think about this

Chalsarda Starnar: you came on an auspicous night

Vee Barlett: Mkay...

Chalsarda Starnar: It means something

Vee Barlett: Mkay......

Chalsarda Starnar: if it was easy or clear the Gods would not keep these gifts to only a few

Vee Barlett: Mkay........

Chalsarda Starnar: I will leave it to you to think on what the omens could mean

Vee Barlett: Are all omens bad?

Chalsarda Starnar: Not at all

Vee Barlett: Is this one bad?

Chalsarda Starnar: Haats was asking about the spring foaling season

Chalsarda Starnar: I do not think yours is bad, but it depends on how you feel about it

Vee Barlett: Well, it's remindin' me I ain't on the sea right now and I'm supposin' that makes me not happy to hear that'll happen again, yeah?

Vee Barlett: No offense to you. I appreciate ya tryin' to clear up the murk for me.

Chalsarda Starnar: If you have the chance share this with others who might help clear it up for you

Vee Barlett: I'll think about it, but ain't sure yet if I will.

Vee Barlett: Thank ya, priestess.

Chalsarda Starnar: Thank you Vee Barlett

Vee Barlett: yawns and stands up

Vee Barlett: Alright, time for bed, Melange. We both need it.

MeLange: but I'm not sleepy!

MeLange yawns

Vee Barlett: Nice meetin' both of ya. Good luck with the foalin' Haat.

Haats of Smelly Hill Tribe: Could it be she will not stop traveling?

MeLange: a shark stops moving... it dies...

Chalsarda Starnar: Smiles

Vee Barlett: Hmm, I'll go to bed thinkin' maybe that's what it is.

Chalsarda Starnar: I cannot say

Chalsarda Starnar: But I do feel you thinking on this will be good for you

Vee Barlett: Yeah, unless it sours my mood then I'll stop thinkin' about it for a bit.

Vee Barlett: smiles

MeLange: hey, feeling leading to thinking

Vee Barlett: And rum stops that thinkin' when it gets too much. Might need to stock up on some more....

Chalsarda Starnar: She starts to pack up her gear

Chalsarda Starnar: Good night

Vee Barlett: Night, Priestess. Haat.

MeLange: gets up

MeLange: good night Prietess, it was a pleasure to meet you

BOB And you make your way back down the ladder and into the dorms on the third floor