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Chat Log List - 2024 04 05 - Bear Went Over the Mountain - Formatted - Story

Chat log with automatic formatting applied

'wyjyoon' connected

'wyjyoon' disconnected

BOB Hello there Wendy

BOB first one in

'wyjyoon' connected

'e2wolfe' connected

Host (v4.5.4) is running different version than client (v4.5.2).

'Carissa' connected

BOB Hey there Eric and Carissa

BOB Eric has a different version than I do but it should not be too bad for you

Claudius : Do I need to update?

BOB nah

e2wolfe (Claudius ): and hello!

BOB Minor things for other rule sets

BOB ours is good

Claudius : ahh ok

'Spring' connected

Carissa: success!


BOB How is everyone doing this weekend?

BOB I tweaked a couple of things

e2wolfe (Claudius ): Great! Just wrapping up a week vacation. How about you?

Spring: Hi y'all

e2wolfe (Claudius ): Hey Spring!

Carissa: hello

wyjyoon (Temperance): Things are pretty good, besides the technical voodoo going on with my laptop. And hello everyone : )

e2wolfe (Claudius ): Hey there!

Ratbone Carder: Congrats on the vacation, eWolf! :-) I hope the voodoo works out in your favor, Wendy

Ratbone Carder: OOC LOL

e2wolfe (Claudius ): :)

wyjyoon (Temperance): So far it's fingers crossed and hoping for the best

BOB Did anyone see the Message of the Day?

BOB I updated the links and images

Spring (Ratbone Carder): I actually did not look at it. I saw a clutter window and closed it.

e2wolfe (Claudius ): I didin't even check Bob...

BOB No worries

wyjyoon (Temperance): My laptop closed it for me without consent

Spring (Ratbone Carder): When I log in, there's a stack of clutter windows three inches thick, so I just start shutting them.

BOB Spring you can go to Options and set a Restore windows on Restart so it remembers what you had open and only opens those when you start up next time

Spring (Ratbone Carder): For some reason, the chat window is always at the bottom of the stack

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Oh I have and I do.

BOB Menu -> Optoins

Spring (Ratbone Carder): But sometimes I have a regular monitor and sometimes I use the laptop monitor, and I think that confuses it.


Spring (Ratbone Carder): Also the sidebar with all the links is always expanded even though I keep it collapsed.

Carissa: okay settled now and no; also saw window clutter and just closed all windows

BOB smiles

BOB brb grabbing a snack

Spring (Ratbone Carder): It still opens up windows I didn't have open. Like when I last logged on, I had 0 maps open. Just now I had 2 maps open.


BOB I wonder if that is because Rat is on one map and the others are on a different one?

BOB Checking

BOB Yes that was it

BOB You have one map now Spring

Image: Uphill Road - South to West curve

Spring (Ratbone Carder): LOL I have 0 map now because I closed them. :-)

Spring (Ratbone Carder): OK opening

BOB They were very worried about harming Parry when you were not here Spring

Spring (Ratbone Carder): AW! we have animated fire!

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Aw! <3

BOB smiles

'Lemon' connected

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Sigh. My desktop is set up but my text is too small so here we go again. Please forgive if I'm unresponsive for a bit ...

BOB Hey there Lemon

BOB So Eric and Spring did you get a chance to look at Wendy's summary?

Lemon (Levi Reed): Hello friends!

BOB to know what you are about to deal with?

wyjyoon (Temperance): Hey Lemon : )

e2wolfe (Claudius ): I'm about 85% done with the log. I forgot there was a summary....

Spring (Ratbone Carder): No, I sure didn't get to

BOB Lemon can fill you in

BOB grins

wyjyoon (Temperance): Oh, I almost forgot, but thank you to whoever updated the party pack. I had rough stuff put up but I didn't know what I was supposed to actually put :)

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Hi Lemon!

Lemon (Levi Reed): Yes, Lemon can

Vee Barlett: hello

Lemon (Levi Reed): (LINK)

<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Carissa (Vee Barlett): ooc

Lemon (Levi Reed): Bam, filled in.

Carissa (Vee Barlett): and you got most of it Wendy, just filled in a few other key points so thank you for updating the pack

e2wolfe (Claudius ): Thank you for that link one sec. Gonna read that quickly

Lemon (Levi Reed): I'm glad people are here, I was like, oh no, is Levi going to have to do two watches by himself? lol

e2wolfe (Claudius ): Bob, how long do I have the walking wounded status?

BOB Until the morning

e2wolfe (Claudius ): ok thanks

BOB then you can start healing

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Hi Carissa!

BOB you are hoping that Temperance can heal you fully

BOB IF she sleeps through watch two and three

Carissa (Vee Barlett): hi spring!

wyjyoon (Temperance): Once sleepytime is done and spell slots are back I'll be welcome to do any healing : )

e2wolfe (Claudius ): Much appreciated!

BOB Are you seeing the same error message but able to do things when you go to the inventory tab of the Party Sheet?

wyjyoon (Temperance): For me Error message yes, I can click on the link for items, but description is gone


BOB Thank you

BOB Can you look at someone else's character sheet now?

BOB and see things there?

wyjyoon (Temperance): ? We had capabilities to do that?

e2wolfe (Claudius ): I'm not sure how to do that

wyjyoon (Temperance): Look into other people's character sheets, I mean

BOB I added an ability to look at more on the sheets, I think

Lemon (Levi Reed): back and forth afk making food

wyjyoon (Temperance): Um, if we can do that I'm not sure how yet

e2wolfe (Claudius ): ditto

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Under the Player menu is an option for Characters

wyjyoon (Temperance): Oh gotcha, so records and then characters?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): oops went the wrong route

Spring (Ratbone Carder): My menu is docked to the side, so it may be structured differently

BOB Or from the Combat Tracker?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): that only shows characters not owned for me

BOB Was trying to make it easier for people to see some things on other character sheets

Carissa (Vee Barlett): main page of party sheet does mostly, or at least more stats and levels now

BOB Between the CT and the Party Sheet

BOB glad for that

wyjyoon (Temperance): Oh, I see what you're saying now

wyjyoon (Temperance): Sorry took me a minute

Carissa (Vee Barlett): the bar showing health is even better

BOB as always TONS of options

BOB Thanks

BOB grins that was a couple of weeks ago but did not mention

BOB on the health bar

wyjyoon (Temperance): How did I miss the thing that was on the main page of the party sheet lol. Thanks! I see what Carissa's seeing too

BOB I am slowly adding in new things

BOB I load an extension and do not activate it

BOB then activate it and not do anything

BOB then tweak settings and see how you feel about them

User has gone AFK. (Spring)

BOB The Inventory and Coins are next

BOB Carissa can you please do an exchange on that? Give some coins to a different character? or swapping?

BOB It should show up in chat now when you do it

'Vee Barlett' is at 'Moderate' encumbrance. Movebase now 6.

BOB To make it easier for the story chat later on

Carissa (Vee Barlett): don't see a way to give to others...

User has gone AFK. (Lemon)

BOB Upper left corner of the Party Sheet?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): oh I closed that already

Carissa (Vee Barlett): clutter remember

Carissa (Vee Barlett): nope still don't see it

BOB My goal is you open things when you want them, close them when you do not need them


BOB and you can put windows etc in your hot bar at the bottom so you can bring things up easier

BOB I have the party sheet to the far right

BOB so I can close it then just click that space or hit F12 to bring it back when I want

BOB and when Lemon is back

BOB I believe that it was Vee and Levi on second watch?

BOB Or did you want to have Ratbone on second with you now that Spring is here?

BOB and Eric Claudius can / should do a watch just has no chance to help other than talking

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Vee was third

BOB no ability checks, skill checks, etc.

BOB thank you Carissa

Vee Barlett: or we can do Ratbone and Vee until Levi gets back for third

BOB yes

BOB up to th egrou

Carissa (Vee Barlett): that works to get things moving

e2wolfe (Gideana): Ok I'll take the last watch so I'm as rested as I can be before my turn

Carissa (Vee Barlett): if you can, perfect or else we'll figure it out

Vee Barlett: So Ratbone, why ya still hangin' around?

Vee Barlett: Ain't mean it in a mean way, just curious.

Ratbone Carder: okay okay

Ratbone Carder: i just hate to miss anything but it's time for bedroll

Vee Barlett: Nah, mate. You're on watch with me now.

Ratbone Carder: oh well nevermind then

Ratbone Carder: i'm hangin' around because i am on watch

Vee Barlett: Levi fainted at the thought of monkeys. Dunno where your brother is at so it's us now.

e2wolfe (): Bob for some reason when I checked on the other character sheet it changed me to I'm not shown in the characters list

Vee Barlett: Nah, I mean why you still taggin' along?

Vee Barlett: Yer brother gave a lame answer so curious to yours.

BOB will check that for you Eric

Ratbone Carder: well i can't go home, what else am i gonna do?

Vee Barlett: Why not?

Ratbone Carder: you know, with the sheep and the neighbors. it's gonna take a LONG time to live it down

BOB There you go Eric you can claim Claudius again

e2wolfe (Claudius ): Thanks!

Vee Barlett: They that uptight??

Vee Barlett: It's just walkin' meat. Who cares?

Image: Uphill Road - South to West curve

Ratbone Carder: I kinda get it, i mean it's our, their, livelihood

Ratbone Carder: but it's not like you can permanently lose a sheep who knows you.

Ratbone Carder: they say the competition is so fierce becasue the stakes are so small and i believe it

Vee Barlett: That's why I'm confused by their anger. If they ain't know their own animals, maybe they shouldn't have them, yeah?

Vee Barlett: Huh. Or maybe that's why they mad. You showed them somethin' about themselves they on't like?

Ratbone Carder: they do, it's about power or reputation or something

Ratbone Carder: authority! it's about authority, probably

Vee Barlett: Still confusin' to me but I didn't grow up in a small town like that. How many were in yer village?

Vee Barlett: Ahh that I get.

Ratbone Carder: depends on the season, who comes out of the hills and who comes back home from other villages, but i'd guess 50 to 80

Vee Barlett:

Ratbone Carder: well, it's a village, not a town

Vee Barlett: still confused

Spring (Ratbone Carder): or maybe it is a town and i've forgotten everything

Vee Barlett: Guess that's why ya don't get away with nuthin'

BOB pointing out to Eric and Wendy this is the world building the players do, I have not given Spring or Carissa details about these things, letting people make it up as they want to

Vee Barlett: That sounds.... ugh, ain't pleasant.

Spring (Ratbone Carder): TMO and i made up a bunch of stuff but I've forgotten a lot and can't look it up right now as i'm actually at work

Vee Barlett: So everyone knows everyone's business??

Ratbone Carder: oh heck yeah!

Ratbone Carder: everybody LIVES up everybody's business

Ratbone Carder: with OPINIONS and everything

Vee Barlett: Mm, yeah I'll stick with the cities. Sounds like a nightmare.

Vee Barlett: So is it ya can't go home or ya don't wanna?

e2wolfe (Claudius ): Once I get done bleeding, I'll be more lively

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lol

BOB Quote

wyjyoon (Temperance): Lol

Ratbone Carder: a little of both, but passions gotta cool before we can show our faces again

Vee Barlett: Are we near there? We can visit if ya want.

Ratbone Carder: we are closer than we have been to date, but we prolly better not

Avdotya Mirny: How long do you think you have to wait?

Vee Barlett: nods

Ratbone Carder: months. several of em

Avdotya Mirny: Lucky

Vee Barlett: Why lucky? Ya do somethin' you can't return home to?

Avdotya Mirny: I can.... eventually

Avdotya Mirny: In 5 years

Vee Barlett: 'Cause of Tom or somethin' else?

Avdotya Mirny: Have to stay away until there are no hard feelings, or no chance of me making a scene

Vee Barlett: nods

Vee Barlett: I'd hate that. I might gotta be careful sometimes goin' back to the city, but my dads always happy to see me.

Avdotya Mirny: Why do they like you?

Vee Barlett: Why wouldn't they?

Avdotya Mirny: I always get questioned

Avdotya Mirny: Examined

Vee Barlett: Really? What are yer parents like?

Avdotya Mirny: My mother is dead

Avdotya Mirny: At least my birth mother

Avdotya Mirny: My father is a merchant and needs to make a living

Vee Barlett: I ain't sure where mine be at so we got that in common maybe.

Avdotya Mirny: Cannot have someone who is not helping feed the family

Vee Barlett: But ya can't have family if ya don't treat 'em like family.

Avdotya Mirny: My father calls everyone who works for him family

Vee Barlett: Who yer father?

Avdotya Mirny: says it makes them feel like they have to support them

Avdotya Mirny: Adolphis Mirny

Vee Barlett: Oh, okay. Just checkin'

Avdotya Mirny: You might have heard of him in western provinces

Vee Barlett: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 9]

Avdotya Mirny: He brings things from the mountains down to the lower reaches

Vee Barlett: tries to recall if she has

Vee Barlett: Ain't sure I been that way but good information to keep in mind.

BOB No Vee's experiences is in the Osterhold District

Carissa (Vee Barlett): doesn't means he hasn't heard things :P

Avdotya Mirny: OH if you want to trade things he is the person to see

Avdotya Mirny: at least that is what he says

Vee Barlett: Above board?

Avdotya Mirny: So I was sent out to work the merchant caravans for 5 years

Looks at Vee questioningly

Vee Barlett: poker face

Vee Barlett: So ya gotta prove yerself for him to wanna keep ya as his daughter or somethin'?

Vee Barlett: changing topics

Avdotya Mirny: To be part of the family

Avdotya Mirny: First six months were rough

Vee Barlett: Hmm, yeah that sounds familar. Ain't apply to me but some of them others, sure.

Avdotya Mirny: wagon broke down, lost two loads of wool

Avdotya Mirny: then this last trip with the landslide

Avdotya Mirny: and just

Avdotya Mirny: sighs

Carissa (Vee Barlett): rival mafia boss....


Carissa (Vee Barlett): So ya got 4.5 years to go?

Vee Barlett: So ya got 4.5 years to go?

Vee Barlett: Whatcha doin' once ya get to The Snow Guy?

Avdotya Mirny: But only four years and some months to go, she says brightly

Lemon (Levi Reed): Yeah but land mafia vs. sea mafia? Are they still rivals?

wyjyoon (Temperance): 2 households, both alike in dignity....

Avdotya Mirny: Oh I hope he says that he has something he wants me to help take somewhere

Carissa (Vee Barlett): well we don't know if Vee's family has also expanded to land...

Ratbone Carder: strumming the lute softly, so as not to wake the others

BOB Nice Wendy

wyjyoon (Temperance): Heh : )

Vee Barlett: And if he don't?

Avdotya Mirny: I guess I just wait

Vee Barlett: smiles slightly at the strumming

Lemon (Levi Reed): ahhh, good point

Vee Barlett: You ever met him before?

Avdotya Mirny: No, the Church of the Mists said I should go to him

Avdotya Mirny: They gave me this map

Vee Barlett: You get yer fortune told there?

Avdotya Mirny: Said I shoudl help you

Ratbone Carder: strumming gently a simple tune everybody knows about moonlight

BOB Everybodys dancing in the moonlight

Vee Barlett: quietly to Ratbone, "And this be why I like ya more than yer brother. Good song, good conversation. Feel free to tell 'em."

BOB Such a fine and natural sight

Ratbone Carder: giggles

Vee Barlett: Well maybe the Snow Dude has some answers. I ain't sure what he is or what to expect when we get there.

Avdotya Mirny: I have heard that he is the King of the Mountains

Vee Barlett: So Ms Mirny wants to impress her pa which is understandable and Ratbone just hangin' out 'cause she realizes we cool I get that right?

Vee Barlett: He can keep the mountains.

Ratbone Carder: [singing} a little chickadee in the willow tree with me

Ratbone Carder: a little chickadee with downy feathers

Vee Barlett: I mean, maybe I should know them, but I ain't wanna rule over them.

Vee Barlett: Too solid.

Vee Barlett: But that sea? Gorgeous.

Vee Barlett: stares off at it in the distance

Avdotya Mirny: Do you want to rule over the sea?

Vee Barlett: I'm gonna one day, yeah.

Ratbone Carder: the willow tree was waving in the moonlight i was saving

Avdotya Mirny: It seems really big

Ratbone Carder: in my magic pocket full of heathers

wyjyoon (Temperance): She gonna be Sovereign of the Seas one day

Vee Barlett: Mmhmm. And them depths to it. Gonna be more work than ruling over a mountain, but I can do it

Vee Barlett: Just workin' up to it.

Avdotya Mirny: How do you start that?

Avdotya Mirny: Do you start with a pool?

Vee Barlett: Ya start young like with anythin' else.

Vee Barlett: I ain't givin' away my secrets, but pools are okay. Any water is good water, but salt water is best.

Ratbone Carder: strummy strum strum

Avdotya Mirny: I have only seen the ocean from a distance

Vee Barlett: IMy condolences.

Avdotya Mirny: I have seen the inner sea

Vee Barlett: Inner sea is nice.

Vee Barlett: Ya swim in them?

Avdotya Mirny: Not yet

Vee Barlett: Can ya swim?

Avdotya Mirny: I have just seen it from the road

Avdotya Mirny: Oh no

Avdotya Mirny: that would be dangerous

Ratbone Carder: [singing] the little chickadee set on out to sea

Vee Barlett: Why ya think that?

Ratbone Carder: the little chickadee with downy feathers

Avdotya Mirny: People go into the sea and do not return

Avdotya Mirny: They lose themselves

Avdotya Mirny: or get swalowed up

Avdotya Mirny: I am not sure which it is

Vee Barlett: Lose themselves? Ya meet someone like that?

Ratbone Carder: T

Avdotya Mirny: I have met people who went to sea and never came back

Ratbone Carder: where a briny clam shouted out here i am

Vee Barlett: nods

Ratbone Carder: and i put them in my pocket full of heathers

Vee Barlett: Could be many reasons without knowin' more.

Vee Barlett: She's a tempress alright, but I still love her.

Avdotya Mirny: I think Ratbone has it easier with sheep

Avdotya Mirny: Are sheep tempting?

Vee Barlett: Maybe ya can go to her village and trade sheep.

Ratbone Carder: they tempt me towards mutton chops

Vee Barlett: laughs

Ratbone Carder: nah, they are sweet

Vee Barlett: Good wool jacket nice for that day or two it gets cold.

Ratbone Carder: if they stir any passions you might be a wolf

Vee Barlett: Sheep skin sometimes make good rugs, but I tihnk that was last season.

Avdotya Mirny: I like wool blankets

Ratbone Carder: i like wool lots of things

Ratbone Carder: i used to have this hat .... oh!

Ratbone Carder: such a sad face

Vee Barlett: Yeah, they cozy. My dad gave me one when I was little. I refused to oart with it until I accidentally wore it to shreds.

Avdotya Mirny: What happened to your hat?

Ratbone Carder: i miss my wooly hat

Avdotya Mirny: Did a wolfe get it?

(see what I did there?)

Spring (Ratbone Carder): ha!

wyjyoon (Temperance): Lol Bob

Carissa (Vee Barlett): lI was going to laugh but then you pointed it out

e2wolfe (Claudius ): lol well done

Ratbone Carder: i ... i can't talk about it. wish i hadn't remembered it, sorry

Ratbone Carder: but i've got a skirt!

Lemon (Levi Reed): That is a very emotional hat

Vee Barlett: The one you was wearin' at the church?

Ratbone Carder: like a proper girl and everything

Spring (Ratbone Carder): was i?

Vee Barlett: 'Cause it's definitely old fashion and niche, but you pulled it off well.

Carissa (Vee Barlett): (lol up to you)

Ratbone Carder: they call that "classic"

Vee Barlett: Ain't the word dad would use, but I'll let ya believe it.

Ratbone Carder: grins

Ratbone Carder: strummy strum strum

Avdotya Mirny: Does your Dad have a different word for hats Vee?

Vee Barlett: Nah, he has different words for things that ain't fashionable.

Vee Barlett: So I guess it depends on if the hat was fashionable.

Avdotya Mirny: YAWNS

Ratbone Carder: [singing] the little chickadee was perched upon my knee

Avdotya Mirny: Is it ok if I go rest?

Vee Barlett: Yeah, probably time to get next watch up and goin'

Ratbone Carder: the little chickadee with downy feathers

Avdotya Mirny: Ok

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [FAILURE by 6] [d20 = 18]

Vee Barlett: yawns and sees nothing of importance

Vee Barlett: walks over and kicks Levi

Vee Barlett: Get up.

Ratbone Carder: and sang a sweet old song and sang it all day long

Ratbone Carder: i put it in my pocket full of heathers

Vee Barlett: I ain't seen no monkeys so you can take third watch.

Vee Barlett: They ain't gonna getcha so yer gonna be fine.

Claudius : Yawns and rubs his eye that's not swollen

The date is Lad____de, 3rd Lec (Early Summer), 587 SGR

Young Moon's phase is Last Quarter

Old Moon's phase is Waning Gibbous

Ratbone Carder: yawns

Levi Reed: Ugh, I feel like I just did this waking up thing

Vee Barlett: Ya did. But then ya heard there were monkeys and faintd.

Avdotya Mirny: They told me to wake you up

Vee Barlett: Then stared snorin'

Levi Reed: That's called "falling asleep"

Claudius : Ya mate I feel ya... I could have slept the day away I think

Vee Barlett: Was it? Not swoomin'? 'Cause it gets confusin' with you which is what.

Carissa (Vee Barlett): *swoonin

Avdotya Mirny: Points at the ghostly monkey on top of the wagon, is that what you are afraid of?

Vee Barlett: Huh?

Levi Reed: Nahh, swooning is when you faint because someone is so good looking you can't take it anymore

Avdotya Mirny: Good night

Levi Reed: And that's not monkeys

Vee Barlett: Good to know so maybe that ain't one, neither.

Vee Barlett: Have fun with the "ghost monkey"!

Claudius : Wait the what?

Vee Barlett: goes to bed thinking Ms Mirny was making things up.

wyjyoon (Temperance): Love how they point to that monkey apparition and peace out lol

BOB Vee did fail her observation check

Carissa (Vee Barlett): liol exactly

Levi Reed: Ummmmm

Claudius : Did she say a ghost monkey?

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 12] [d20 = 3]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 10] [d20 = 5]

Carissa (Vee Barlett): if ratbone has obs, maybe she can check before going to bed

BOB Yeap right there on top of the wagon is a faint image of a monkey

Levi Reed: What IS that thing

BOB go for anything you want Spring, Carissa,

Claudius : Steps back to get a better look

BOB Claudius has no skill checks or proficiency checks until the morning so he looks but ......

BOB has to go with what Levi tells him

Spring (Ratbone Carder): thing at work sorry

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Vee did obs, failed, and is now laying on her bedroll

Levi Reed: Yeah but he has EYES... eye?

Lemon (Levi Reed): ooc

Claudius : Man....gargoyles, owl bears, hobs, and now ghost monkeys?? You guys really know how to have fun

BOB Yes he does

BOB meaning Claudius can see

BOB grins

Levi Reed: waves at monkey

Levi Reed: Hello?

e2wolfe (Claudius ): Is it moving?

BOB no movement or reaction seems to be watching you

Levi Reed: takes a step closer

BOB apparently was there watching earlier

wyjyoon (Temperance): Ghostly eye in the sky

e2wolfe (Claudius ): Do we have any crackers I could toss at it to see what it does?

BOB up to you

Claudius : Hey there little...ghost monkey...want something to eat?

Claudius : Tosses cracker at it

Levi Reed: Do ghosts eat?

Claudius : Not sure if I can do that if it needs a roll

BOB Weakly tosses it at the wagon and it falls a few feet from his hand

Claudius : Nailed it.

Lemon (Levi Reed): lol

BOB Happy to feed into Levi's paranoia on monkeys

Claudius : Well shit mate I have no clue. Don't have too many ghost monkey experiences to compare it to I guess

Lemon (Levi Reed): We have REALLY bad luck figuring out wtf is goign on with the ghosts in this game

Levi Reed: picks up the food and steps closer to the monkey, holding the food out on his palm

Levi Reed: Are you hungry, ghostie monkey?

Claudius : Try making cooing noises

wyjyoon (Temperance): Levi attempting to disney princess a ghost monkey

Lemon (Levi Reed): Monkeys like pigeons?

Levi Reed: Monkeys like pigeons?

BOB Levi does not see the monkey anymore

wyjyoon (Temperance): OH

Vee Barlett: he is possessed!

Claudius : Aww you scared it mate

BOB Claudius sees it perched on Levi's shoulder

Carissa (Vee Barlett): ooc

Claudius : Uhh you got yourself a buddy

Levi Reed: Normally I hate monkeys, but ghost monkeys... that's a different story

Claudius : points to Levi's shoulder

Levi Reed: tries to pet the ghost monkey

Claudius : Now this will be a proper fun story later. The time you fed a ghost monkey.

Claudius : starts to laugh

Lemon (Levi Reed): What ranger thing do I use to try to befriend an animal?

BOB What level is Levi?

wyjyoon (Temperance): Level 4

Lemon (Levi Reed): 4

BOB He gets animal followers at what level? (I know just want you to know how to look it up)

Lemon (Levi Reed): Level 4

BOB Also there are normal henchman

Carissa (Vee Barlett): befriend is different from follower

BOB grins

Lemon (Levi Reed): Yeah, I thought befriend was baked in

Lemon (Levi Reed): I'm not trying to get a monkey henchman

Class: Ranger

Carissa (Vee Barlett): ranger empathy is what you're looking for

BOB Why monkey no friend?

Lemon (Levi Reed): ah, because it's a ghost?

BOB A puzzle to solve

BOB Give the DM background and he can create all sorts of fun adventures

Claudius : You ever seen a ghost monkey before mate?

BOB But you do still have a couple of hours to get through on yoru watch

Levi Reed: nope

BOB so talking can help your encounter modifier

Levi Reed: Normally I just like, chase monkeys away...

Levi Reed: What do monkeys like?

BOB Spring and Carissa got theirs down to a ghost monkey

Levi Reed: He liked the food...

Levi Reed: holds out some fruit for the ghost monkey

Levi Reed: heeeere monkey monkey monkey

Claudius : Do you see any other in the trees? My eyes are still a little beat up from earlier...

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Direction Sense [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 13]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 4] [d20 = 19]

Lemon (Levi Reed): No idea how I would track ghosts, but might as well try

BOB Levi loses track of the ghost monkey again

Lemon (Levi Reed): Hmm

Carissa (Vee Barlett): and then made it someone elses problem so go us!

BOB Claudius sees it on Levi's shoulder again

Levi Reed: Hey monkey, you want to be friends?

Claudius : Well it seems to like food. You got yourself a friend again

Levi Reed: Monkey, you stick with me and I'll feed you as much as you want

Levi Reed: You're almost as good as a cryptid

Claudius : It doesn't see m to be agressive at all...

e2wolfe (Claudius ): Is it eating the food bob

BOB Hard to tell

BOB Levi offers it up

BOB it seems to slip out of his fingers, like he dropped it

Levi Reed: You got any ghost food man?

Claudius : ahh the little guy can't even eat...

Lemon (Levi Reed): Lol, why do I always get the puzzles? That's BY FAR my biggest weakness

Claudius : Tries to pet it on his shoulder

BOB Claudius' hand caresses Levi's shoulder

Claudius : Plays it off like it was a mistake

Claudius : ;)

Lemon (Levi Reed): Lol

Levi Reed: makes noises that he thinks sound like a monkey

wyjyoon (Temperance): This summary's gonna be an interesting one

Claudius : Well at least we know he can't steal from us...


<a href="">(LINK)</a>

Levi Reed: I mean... we don't KNOW that

Levi Reed: offers the monkey a copper coin

wyjyoon (Temperance): Aw, jungle book : ) Takes me back

BOB Observation check for Levi

Lemon (Levi Reed): I dont' have obs

BOB And Claudius cannot check

BOB so Levi takes a coin out, offers it up, fumbles around and then feels it drop

BOB bends down to pick it up and in the dark cannot find it

Lemon (Levi Reed): Ahhh, ok, so he is taking my stuff

<font color="#000000">Levi Reed spent 1 CP on donation to the ghost monkey

Claudius : You find your coin?

Claudius : LOL

BOB Love that Lemon

Levi Reed: Nah, I think Mr. Monkey pocketed it

wyjyoon (Temperance): LOL "Donation to the Ghost monkey"

Claudius : Oh that littlle shit

Spring (Ratbone Carder): hahaha

Claudius : Checks pockets

Levi Reed: smiles

Levi Reed: I like this ghost monkey

BOB Claudius does not have anything so he is not missing anything

e2wolfe (Claudius ): Yes to poverty

Claudius : You may want to check your pockets mate. This thing might be stealing from you...

Lemon (Levi Reed): lol

Levi Reed: Worth it

Levi Reed: checks pockets anyway

Levi Reed: offers monkey some... idk, what else do I have. nuts?

Claudius : You feed it anymore and it will follow you home....

BOB Does Levi have alterness?

Lemon (Levi Reed): That's the point man!

Levi Reed: That's the point man!

Lemon (Levi Reed): yes

BOB go for it

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 14] [d20 = 1]


wyjyoon (Temperance): That's some crazy level of alertness

Lemon (Levi Reed): I mean, he wants a pet ghost REAL BAD

BOB So Levi suddenly looks around like Wait a minute we forgot we were on watch

Lemon (Levi Reed): Even if it is a monkey

Carissa (Vee Barlett): he doesn't slack around monkeys

Lemon (Levi Reed): lol

Spring (Ratbone Carder): hahahah

Carissa (Vee Barlett): where's Indigo when you need him??

Carissa (Vee Barlett): who will they eat??

BOB out of the bushes come three giant frogs

BOB LOL quote for Lisa

Levi Reed: what the fuck

BOB Someone can tag her later

Levi Reed: Watch out man

BOB and yes to Levi

BOB Only person on watch who can react

Claudius : Aww hell man...

BOB what do you do, what do you do

BOB Claudius is first, then Levi then the frogs

Carissa (Vee Barlett): can the walking wounded wake the others?

BOB so you have that at least


e2wolfe (Claudius ): I'll shout to wake the others

Carissa (Vee Barlett): is parry awake?

Vee Barlett: [CHECK] Constitution (vs. Target 16) [FAILURE by 3] [d20 = 19]

Lemon (Levi Reed): Try to let Temperance sleep

Lemon (Levi Reed): We might need those spells

Vee Barlett: hears shouting and rolls over in her sleep

Claudius : Wake up everyone! We got company

BOB So before that happens

Ratbone Carder: [CHECK] Constitution (vs. Target 8) [FAILURE by 7] [d20 = 15]

BOB Making sure that Eric understands

Carissa (Vee Barlett): yeah... you might have to kick us awake instead, lol

BOB if you shout and wake everyone Temperance has a chance to wake up

Claudius : ahhh forgot about that

BOB which will mean she does not get any spells tomorrow

BOB so

Carissa (Vee Barlett): kick us awake instead

BOB If you go over to one person and shake them they get a plus four to their Con to wake up

Claudius : Ok who can I all shake awake this round?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): with those rolls ONLY temp will wake it you shout, lol

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Vee can fight

Lemon (Levi Reed): lollll

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Ratbone is a bard

wyjyoon (Temperance): Lol Temp is for sure a light sleeper

BOB One each round

e2wolfe (Claudius ): LOL

Spring (Ratbone Carder): and hasn't collected a spell yet, so unmagical

BOB So round one Claudius goes over to Vee and attempts to wake her

wyjyoon (Temperance): Yep, so she needs her sleepytime if you guys want to heal :D

Claudius : Gently shakes Vee and whispers "gonna need your help out here"

BOB Then Vee gets to make a Con check

Carissa (Vee Barlett): at -4 or +4 or...?

Vee Barlett: [CHECK] Constitution [+4] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20-4 = 13]

Carissa (Vee Barlett): I scrolled up

BOB Claudius to Vee, we have a ghost monkey on top of Levi but we have giant frogs attacking Levi

Lemon (Levi Reed): And a real monkey?

Vee Barlett: Giant frogs? Ugh, fine.

Claudius : Your ghost monkey called in friends

Levi Reed: Leave my ghost friend alone, but go ahead and murder whatever else you want

BOB Shhhh you are not suppose to notice that

Vee Barlett: [INIT] [d10 = 1]

wyjyoon (Temperance): Real monkey out of line of sight rn

BOB So next up is Levi

BOB Three giant frogs in front of him

BOB OR go for the monkey behind him

Lemon (Levi Reed): Ok, so if I don't see the other monkey, I guess I'm going for the frogs, even though I really want to go for the other monkey

Lemon (Levi Reed): That one probably stole my baby's axe

BOB Levi is up

[TURN] Levi Reed

Lemon (Levi Reed): Do I notice the monkey or not?

BOB Would need another check

Lemon (Levi Reed): And waste a turn?

BOB But he always thinks there are monkey around

BOB yes

Carissa (Vee Barlett): frogs have long sticky tongues

BOB It's gonna take some time this time to get myself in shape, I really fell out of line this time....

Levi Reed: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(17)] [d20 = 14]

Attack [14] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Machete) [at Giant Frog 2] [Hit-AC: 3 vs. 7 ] [AC: 3 ] [HIT]

Levi Reed: [DAMAGE (M)] Machete [TYPE: slashing (1d8=4)] [d8 = 4]

[4] -> [to Giant Frog 2] [STATUS: Moderate]

Lemon (Levi Reed): Two because ambidextrous? Or no because I moved?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): first round so one

BOB yes to two attacks

Levi Reed: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(17)] [d20 = 12]

Attack [12] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Machete) [at Giant Frog 2] [Hit-AC: 5 vs. 7 ] [AC: 5 ] [HIT]

Levi Reed: [DAMAGE (M)] Machete [TYPE: slashing (1d8=7)] [d8 = 7]

[7] -> [to Giant Frog 2] [STATUS: Critical]

Carissa (Vee Barlett): bob your throwing me off again

BOB because two weapons and only moved 5 feet

[TURN] Avdotya Mirny

Carissa (Vee Barlett): yes and even then you always had it 1/2 even with ambi

BOB Next round IF specialized woudl get three, but Rangers cannot specialize

Carissa (Vee Barlett): your killing me smalls

Carissa (Vee Barlett): you forced n'laea to do 1/2 even as ambi too

BOB Fighters like Mel would get two then three next time

Carissa (Vee Barlett): so I need clarity: ambi is always two?

[TURN] Giant Frog 3

Giant Frog 3: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20 = 17]

Attack [17] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Attack #1) [at Levi Reed] [Hit-AC: -1 vs. 7 ] [AC: -1 ] [HIT]

Giant Frog 3: [DAMAGE (M)] Attack #1 [TYPE: slashing (1d6=2)] [d6 = 2]

[2] -> [to Levi Reed]

BOB IF you have two weapons, and Ambi, and two weapon style (which is a given for Rangers) then yes two attacks each round

BOB If you are secilized you get two then three then two then three

Carissa (Vee Barlett): then we should have been doing that the last four levels

BOB Is not a level thing

BOB that is on top of that

Carissa (Vee Barlett): no I mean this wasn't clarified earlier

Carissa (Vee Barlett): so we were always focused on what attack amount each round when it was always two

Carissa (Vee Barlett): going back to previous campaign


Carissa (Vee Barlett): Nlaea and Vee are both ambi rangers. But it was always a specific amount of attacks per round never always two

BOB Depends on the weapon also

Carissa (Vee Barlett): well it's in writing, again, now, for clarity, again so mark this


BOB missle weapons versus melee etc

Carissa (Vee Barlett): and Vee will now always do two attacks

Carissa (Vee Barlett): well yes I know that too

BOB If she has two weapons

Carissa (Vee Barlett): she always has

BOB when she uses her harpoon for example gets 1 then 2

Vee Barlett: she does not have harpoon

BOB Trident sorry

Carissa (Vee Barlett): yes and when we built her we talkked about duel wielding them

BOB Trident is 1 then 2 one then 2

BOB BUT if she has one in each hand then yes

Carissa (Vee Barlett): these small things are a matter of life and death, man

BOB She uses her daggers

BOB like she has been

BOB she does two each around

BOB which you have been doing

Carissa (Vee Barlett): she doesn't use daggers usually except in close combat

Carissa (Vee Barlett): it's mostly been trident

Carissa (Vee Barlett): so when she did do daggers it was because it was the "correct" round

Vee Barlett: that is why it seemed correct but was not

BOB also Tridents are mostly a two handed weapon so only 1/2

BOB I think you have gotten all the attacks you should have

Carissa (Vee Barlett): then I was mislead making her

BOB But in this case right now Frogs are going after Levi

[TURN] Parry the Mule

BOB and who wants to control Parry?

BOB I cleared it for someone to use

Lemon (Levi Reed): I mean, I feel like Parry is Spring's whenever they're here, but if they're busy then I understand

BOB Eric could as he cannot do anything with Claudius

BOB and Spring is AFK

Claudius : Sure I haven't used a 2nd token yet...

BOB Characters and take control of Parry

BOB and you can use Parry during combat

BOB To go stomp on some frogs

Spring (Ratbone Carder): yeah there's a work thing going on, please feel free

e2wolfe (Parry the Mule): two attacks?


Parry the Mule: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [AC: 7 ] [d20 = 13]

BOB hoof hoof

Parry the Mule: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [d20 = 1]

Attack [1] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Attack #1) [at Giant Frog 2] [Hit-AC: 19 vs. 7 ] [AC: 19 ] [MISS-AUTOMATIC]

BOB Remember to roll them onto the right target

Parry the Mule: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [d20 = 2]

Attack [2] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Attack #2) [at Giant Frog 2] [Hit-AC: 18 vs. 7 ] [AC: 18 ] [MISS]

Parry the Mule: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [2 = 2]

BOB You can roll again for the second attack

Parry the Mule: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [d20 = 4]

Attack [4] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Attack #2) [at Giant Frog 2] [Hit-AC: 16 vs. 7 ] [AC: 16 ] [MISS]

BOB So Eric does not have the Parry magic

[TURN] Giant Frog 2

BOB grins

e2wolfe (Parry the Mule): Eric has shit luck

BOB Frog 2 tries to flee

Lemon (Levi Reed): Awwww

Lemon (Levi Reed): I didn't have good Parry luck either

BOB Parry and Levi can get at attack of opportunity on it

wyjyoon (Temperance): Spring brings the Parry luck I guess

Parry the Mule: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(20)] [d20 = 15]

Attack [15] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Attack #1) [at Giant Frog 2] [Hit-AC: 5 vs. 7 ] [AC: 5 ] [HIT]

Parry the Mule: [DAMAGE (M)] Attack #1 [TYPE: bludgeoning (1d2=2)] [d2 = 2]

[2] -> [to Giant Frog 2] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 1] [STATUS: Dying (0)]

Lemon (Levi Reed): nice

Levi Reed: Good job Parry!

wyjyoon (Temperance): Stand corrected

e2wolfe (Parry the Mule): woo hoo

BOB Well Parry does not like frogs it seems

[TURN] Giant Frog 1

e2wolfe (Parry the Mule): frog stompin

wyjyoon (Temperance): Parry got sharp hooves

Giant Frog 1: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(16)] [d20 = 4]

Attack [4] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Attack #1) [at Levi Reed] [Hit-AC: 12 vs. 7 ] [AC: 12 ] [MISS]

[TURN] Temperance

[TURN] MeLange


[TURN] Ratbone Carder

[TURN] Vee Barlett

Temperance: blissfully asleep through this whole frog ordeal

Vee Barlett: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(17)] [ENC: Moderate] [d20+1 = 14]

Attack [14] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Trident) [at Giant Frog 1] [Hit-AC: 3 vs. 7 ] [AC: 3 ] [HIT]

Vee Barlett: [DAMAGE (M)] Trident [TYPE: piercing (1d6+2=5)] [d6+2 = 5]

[5] -> [to Giant Frog 1] [STATUS: Moderate]

[TURN] Thuskar

[TURN] Jericho

[TURN] Claudius

Parry the Mule: Wakes Ratbone

BOB STOMPS on her hand

e2wolfe (Parry the Mule): LOL i just saw that...Parry is kinda like Mr. Ed

Ratbone Carder: [CHECK] Constitution (vs. Target 8) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20 = 3]

BOB That is a sign of just how old you are Eric.....

BOB Does anyone else remember Mr Ed?

Lemon (Levi Reed): yep

BOB Maybe Spring?

Ratbone Carder: MOTHER PUS BUCKET!!

Lemon (Levi Reed): A horse is a horse, of course of course

e2wolfe (Parry the Mule): Ooof dated myself with that comment

Lemon (Levi Reed): I can sing the whole theme song

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Oh yeah i've seen Mr Ed

BOB grins

Lemon (Levi Reed): I'm not even that old

Lemon (Levi Reed): Nick at Night was a THING

Spring (Ratbone Carder): how injured am i?

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Parry can't swim, maybe he can't stomp either

BOB People who know Mr Ed and Twilight and GoT and Leave it to Beaver because they have seen them all in the last year

BOB Rathbone can make a Con check to wake up

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Already did, right after the stomp

BOB It was Claudius waking you

BOB so no damage

BOB Just teasing Eric

Lemon (Levi Reed): lol

[TURN] Mammal, Small, Monkey 2

[TURN] Mammal, Small, Monkey 1

[TURN] Lirtimya

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Am I awake?

[TURN] Rothuss Carder

[TURN] Levi Reed

e2wolfe (Parry the Mule): Still working on that whole swapping characters

Levi Reed: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(17)] [d20 = 15]

Attack [15] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Machete) [at Giant Frog 1] [Hit-AC: 2 vs. 7 ] [AC: 2 ] [HIT]

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Didn't Con checks used to check if you stay asleep?

Levi Reed: [DAMAGE (M)] Machete [TYPE: slashing (1d8=4)] [d8 = 4]

[4] -> [to Giant Frog 1] [STATUS: Critical]

Levi Reed: [ATTACK (M)] [THACO(17)] [d20 = 16]

Attack [16] ->[ATTACK (M)] (Machete) [at Giant Frog 1] [Hit-AC: 1 vs. 7 ] [AC: 1 ] [HIT]

Levi Reed: [DAMAGE (M)] Machete [TYPE: slashing (1d8=6)] [d8 = 6]

[6] -> [to Giant Frog 1] [DAMAGE EXCEEDS HIT POINTS BY 3] [STATUS: Dying (0)]

[TURN] Avdotya Mirny

BOB Yes to Spring, you make a Con check and if you make it (roll low) you sleep, if you fail you wake up, help from someone helps you wake up

BOB So Ratbone is sleepy and happy to stay in their tent and dream

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Oh i forgot to do a modifier for him shaking me

BOB even with Claudius trying to shake them awake

[TURN] Giant Frog 3

BOB and Frog 3 flees seeing its buddies crushed

Spring (Ratbone Carder): smarter than the average attacker

BOB Parry can go after it and try to attack it

BOB If not is go off into the jungle and escapes

Levi Reed: offers Vee a high five

e2wolfe (Parry the Mule): I'll let it run off

[TURN] Parry the Mule

Lemon (Levi Reed): So what did the monkey steal this time?

BOB grins, and the new color for blood for different creatures

Spring (Ratbone Carder): fun

e2wolfe (Parry the Mule): Claudius isn't in the character list again Bob

Lemon (Levi Reed): Ok so what was the situation with looting? Can anyone do it? I remember there was serious discussion before

BOB fixed

e2wolfe (Parry the Mule): Thanks

Spring (Ratbone Carder): poor Claud

wyjyoon (Temperance): I think what we discussed last time, it was anyone can look around and take things

BOB Looting is a specific NWP

BOB and yes to Wendy

e2wolfe (Claudius ): lol he's fighting a little above his weight class

wyjyoon (Temperance): But looting is like... an expedited, efficient version of that


Carissa (Vee Barlett): oh they all ran off?

Levi Reed: looks around the dead frogs and takes things

BOB She knows what is going on

Vee Barlett: grumbles and heads back to bed

BOB Nothing from frogs

Lemon (Levi Reed): I figured as much, but doesn't hurt to try

BOB There is one dead one there

BOB you could see if it swallowed anything

BOB But other than that

Carissa (Vee Barlett): like a halfling

Lemon (Levi Reed): Um.

wyjyoon (Temperance): You have a rogue take a Looting NWP and they can just identify whether an item is worth anything or not, or identify which item is worth the most

BOB Or a monkey

BOB I think this is a thing of two different people Carissa

Vee Barlett: like the body of your ghost pal

Levi Reed: Hey, Claudius, you think we should slice this thing open and see if it ate anything good?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): ooc

wyjyoon (Temperance): Temp would've loved to cut a frog open

Claudius : Always mate

Levi Reed: If nothing else, frog legs for breakfast?

BOB This garbage disposal does bones... like a femur or a finger? there is a difference... Or chickens? Oh is this a thing of two different people

Levi Reed: attemps to do a good job of butchering up the frog legs for eating, and attemps to slice open the stomach to check for things to steal

e2wolfe (Claudius ): Is that damn ghost monkey still there?

BOB Roll percentage dice Levi, 5% or less and you get something valuable other than that just bones, and misc digested things

Levi Reed: [d100 = 32]

Lemon (Levi Reed): ah well

e2wolfe (Claudius ): worth a shot

BOB and yes the ghost monkey is still there on top of your wagon

Lemon (Levi Reed): hey, don't talk about my ghost friend like that

e2wolfe (Claudius ): lol

Levi Reed: How you doing buddy?


Levi Reed: offers ghost monkey a chunk of frog

Claudius : Thanks for the help Vee... You can crash again.

Vee Barlett: has already crashed

e2wolfe (Claudius ): lol

The date is Lad____de, 3rd Lec (Early Summer), 587 SGR

Young Moon's phase is Last Quarter

Old Moon's phase is Waning Gibbous

The time is 7:08 AM

BOB Good Morning

Carissa (Vee Barlett): does not say who said that

Claudius : Begins to wake the others

BOB So everyone wakes up

Levi Reed: Rise and shine! Delicious fresh giant frog legs for breakfast!

Temperance: rubs her eyes and stretches

Ratbone Carder: ugh

BOB Wendy this is where you need MATH

wyjyoon (Temperance): Oh no

Levi Reed: And I have a new friend!

Levi Reed: points to ghost monkey

Spring (Ratbone Carder): can everybody see the ghost monkey?

BOB You need to meditate and regain spells, it takes you ten minutes per spell level per spell to regain them

BOB So yes you get all your spells back but I want to take the opportunity for you to figure out how long that actually takes

wyjyoon (Temperance): Let me get my brain noodles together

BOB and No no one sees the ghost monkey

Claudius : That damn monnkey is just stealing from you mate. Mark my word. I know a con when I see it. I just can't quite tell how he's pulling this off..

BOB Claudius and Levi saw it but no one else ever did

Lemon (Levi Reed): Is it gone?

BOB feel free to question their sanity

wyjyoon (Temperance): So for 2nd level spells it's 20 minutes per spell?

BOB Exactly Wendy

wyjyoon (Temperance): Ok cool

Ratbone Carder: looks at the others like what is he talking about

Lemon (Levi Reed): Can I still see it, or did it leave?

BOB No one can see it

Claudius : So why didn't you guys tell us there was a ghost monkey?

Lemon (Levi Reed): Not even Levi?

BOB No one can see it

wyjyoon (Temperance): 110 minutes total, which is 1 hour and 50 minutes

Ratbone Carder: what ghost monkey?

BOB thank you Wendy

Levi Reed: Well... maybe it's gone now. But it was here!

Vee Barlett: You already drunk?

Levi Reed: Maybe it only comes out at night

BOB so you can see how when you get to higher level this might be an issue

Levi Reed: I wish, Vee. I wish.

wyjyoon (Temperance): The reason why I have calculators

Lemon (Levi Reed): The problem with calculators is you still have to know what to DO with the numbers

wyjyoon (Temperance): And yes to BOB I don't want to imagine Level 10 Temperance taking forever to restore spells


wyjyoon (Temperance): We will cross that bridge when we get there

Claudius : No but maybe I should be... You guys didn't see the little ghost monkey? Levi was feeding the dang thing and I swear it stole a copper off him.

Levi Reed: I GAVE it to him

Ratbone Carder: GHOST monkey! who HAUNTS me!

Vee Barlett: I didn't know you drank, too.

Levi Reed: That's not stealing

Temperance: frowns at the discussion of ghost monkeys


Ratbone Carder: [singing] WHY you gotta gotta STEAL from me?!?!

Claudius : Of course love... Always have a bit of grog or rum on me.

Lemon (Levi Reed): In a loud voice on purpose, in case the ghost monkey is nearby

Vee Barlett: laughs

Temperance: blinks with a questioning look on her face.

BOB Someday we'll find it the rainbow connection, the lovers, the ghost monkies and me

Vee Barlett: Well might be tainted if ya both hallucinatin' monkeys.

Ratbone Carder: GHOST monkey, who is HAUN. TING. ME!

Vee Barlett: And if Levi is actually tryin' to befriend one.

Temperance: Er... I don't think I have a spell to heal mental faculties...

Vee Barlett: That or he's a Hazlenut Doppleganger.

Levi Reed: Ghosts transcend species

Levi Reed: Oh shit, Vee!

Vee Barlett: I'd ask if ya smell nutty, but yer words tell me enough.

Levi Reed: I didn't even think of that

Ratbone Carder: You're stealing all my coppers away away FROM ME!

Vee Barlett: Mmm, the real Levi would.

Temperance: scribbles in some notes about "Ghost Monkey???"

Ratbone Carder: invents the punk genre

Ratbone Carder: just for the occasion

Levi Reed: You're right, there's somethign wrong with me

Levi Reed: Temperance, can you check and see if I went crazy?

Vee Barlett: Well whatever. Cashew Nut or not, you still got my back so that's fine.

Claudius : Love the tune Ratbone...Really catches the feel of the moment

Lemon (Levi Reed): lol spring

Temperance: blinks and attempts to look him over

wyjyoon (Temperance): What check do I use to see if someone is crazy or not lol

Ratbone Carder: i feel like i need a different instrument for this song

BOB grins, what do you have that you think might work for Temperance?

BOB There are spells but if you have them, and if you want to use them

wyjyoon (Temperance): I mean... I'd go for observation, but sanity isn't something tangibly observable... unless it's behavior

Carissa (Vee Barlett): how would you normally check someone in real life?

Lemon (Levi Reed): Lol, yes, do not waste a spell on it

wyjyoon (Temperance): I want to heal Claudius first before I use any spells : D

Carissa (Vee Barlett): Vee wouldn't mind a little healingi f you have extras

BOB Why do ghost monkeys appear suddenly when ever you are near, just like me, they long to be next to you

Lemon (Levi Reed): Unless we're about to sleep for the night, then go ahead and waste a spell on it

Spring (Ratbone Carder): somehow not as poetic

wyjyoon (Temperance): I'll come back to checking sanity in a minute :D

BOB grins

Temperance: Temperance cast a spell NOT memorized.

Temperance: Temperance cast a spell NOT memorized.

Temperance: [CAST] Cure Moderate Wounds

Temperance: [SAVE VS] Cure Moderate Wounds

BOB Wait

wyjyoon (Temperance): Hang on I forgot this is a touch spell

Claudius : I could use a little help over here love if you're done praying

BOB Before you cast

wyjyoon (Temperance): Yes

wyjyoon (Temperance): Waiting

BOB remember out of combat so Orison gives you X number of points of healing automatcially

wyjyoon (Temperance): OH yeah

wyjyoon (Temperance): I guess since the ghost monkey isn't aggressive, we are out of combat now..

wyjyoon (Temperance): So if I'm casting orison is it the same way I cast Cure Light, where I just take the dice and move it to everyone's icon?

BOB you tell me how many per person and I apply it

BOB How many do you heal per orison?


<a href="">(LINK)</a>

wyjyoon (Temperance): Checking

wyjyoon (Temperance): So it says 2nd level Priests can memorize five, because three +1 per level

BOB We are going slow and calm so everyone understands

Lemon (Levi Reed): Lol, I don't care what you say, I will never understand orison

Levi Reed: brb

Lemon (Levi Reed): ooc

User has gone AFK. (Lemon)

wyjyoon (Temperance): So for 3rd level priests, it's a maximum six memorized orisons?

BOB Correct for Wendy

BOB so you can heal for 5 HP for every Orison you cast

BOB Each one counts as a first level spell

BOB OR you can cast a Cure Light Wounds at first level and get a d8 worth of healing

wyjyoon (Temperance): Ok, so to heal Claudius back to full HP, that would be 2 orisons, because 5 HP per orison

User has gone AFK. (Carissa)

BOB which is why Orison is the normal thing to do

BOB because you have a specific number rather than take a chance at rolling a 1 or 2

BOB Ok so two orisons for ten points of healing

Temperance: Understandable. I just forgot that I could use orisons out of combat :)

wyjyoon (Temperance): Yes

Claudius 's health adjusted by +9

BOB 9 to Claudius leaves 1 more to spend on ?

wyjyoon (Temperance): Um, Vee, and then I'll double check and see if I want to cast another orison for her

BOB He is still down 1

Vee Barlett's health adjusted by +1

BOB So that one to Vee

BOB Claudius down by 1 Vee down by 12 right now

BOB You can see on the party sheet

BOB etc

wyjyoon (Temperance): Yep I can see it : )

Claudius : Oh that feels better. You have my thanks.

BOB grins glad I added that

Temperance: smiles back and nods in return.

Temperance: Not a problem, the least I can do after a full evening of rest.

BOB So far two 1st level spells down

wyjyoon (Temperance): I've used 2 first level slots so far, yes

BOB grins

wyjyoon (Temperance): I think I can use another one for Vee then

BOB 5 more to her?

wyjyoon (Temperance): Yes please : )

Vee Barlett's health adjusted by +5

BOB Done

BOB so three 1st level spells used already today

wyjyoon (Temperance): Well worth it for sure

Claudius : absolutely! Healing me is always a good idea

BOB warm smile, I am just making sure to track things, letting you decide who deserves to be healed :)

wyjyoon (Temperance): And since I have more spell slots, I can use them all on healing if I so wish :D

BOB yes you can

wyjyoon (Temperance): Does Parry need special animal healing to heal her or can I heal her with any normal healing spell?

BOB 26 points total among the rest of the group other than Parry

BOB Parry is down by 7

BOB regular healing can help Parry

BOB By spell or sleep

BOB I am adding that to everyone now

BOB sleeping gives 2 more points

Vee Barlett's health adjusted by +2

Jericho's health adjusted by +2

wyjyoon (Temperance): Nice!

Rothuss Carder's health adjusted by +2

Levi Reed's health adjusted by +2

Parry the Mule's health adjusted by +2

wyjyoon (Temperance): So is Parry down by 7 after the two or before the two?

Temperance's health adjusted by +2

MeLange's health adjusted by +2

BOB NOW everyone has the overnight healing and the first three rounds of healing by Temperance

wyjyoon (Temperance): Oh nvm it just changed :D

e2wolfe (Claudius ): Can we adjust our wounds or do you do that Bob? I can't clear the 1 HP

BOB 15 total down other than Parry

BOB I handle the HP other than spells that the Priests grant you

e2wolfe (Claudius ): Gotcha

BOB Temperance has decided so far to leave Claudius at minus one

BOB Maybe he should be nicer to her

wyjyoon (Temperance): Wait what

BOB grins

wyjyoon (Temperance): Oh he has one hp left?

wyjyoon (Temperance): for me to heal?

BOB Only down by one

wyjyoon (Temperance): : ) He can bribe her with good food and she'll think about it

Lemon (Levi Reed): Yeah, one isn't worth a spell

BOB Levi is down by 6

BOB Parry down by 5

BOB Vee down by 5

BOB grins with Wendy

BOB this is how Priests get people to donate to the church

wyjyoon (Temperance): I have two first level spell slots that I can use for orisons if anyone wants to be fully healed

wyjyoon (Temperance): If not we can just move on if that's what we're doing :D

Lemon (Levi Reed): Yeah, let's wait and see what happens, is my personal opinion

wyjyoon (Temperance): What I figured as well : )

BOB So you have your healing settled

BOB Is Levi just leaving his ghost monkey behind?

Lemon (Levi Reed): Heck no, he yelled to the monkey that if he follows them and shows himself again he gets another copper

Levi Reed: holds out some more food "Got breakfast for you Chunky Monkey!"

BOB and HAH I cannot delete your tents

BOB Oh well

Levi Reed: Stick with us and there's more where that came from!

BOB You pack up your tents in the wagon, and hitch Parry to the traces

Temperance: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 16) [FAILURE by 3] [d20 = 19]

Temperance: rolls wisdom to check for sanity, but fails

Lemon (Levi Reed): Temperance thinks Levi is the sanest one here

BOB is SOOOOO appropriate with Levi

Lemon (Levi Reed): lol

Temperance: scribbles in her notes, "Levi's headspace to check for unaccounted levels of sanity"

Lemon (Levi Reed): lolll

[117 XP] -> Temperance

[117 XP] -> Vee Barlett

[117 XP] -> Levi Reed

[117 XP] -> Jericho

[117 XP] -> MeLange

[117 XP] -> Rothuss Carder

[117 XP] -> Ratbone Carder

[117 XP] -> Claudius

[114 XP] -> Lirtimya

Awarded XP to the Party. (1050)

e2wolfe (Claudius ): nice!

[100 XP] -> Vee Barlett

[100 XP] -> Ratbone Carder

[100 XP] -> Levi Reed

[100 XP] -> Temperance

[100 XP] -> Claudius

'Claudius ' applied '217' experience to Fighter.

'Jericho' applied '486' experience to Cleric.

'Levi Reed' applied '641' experience to Ranger.

'MeLange' applied '486' experience to Fighter.

'Ratbone Carder' applied '441' experience to Bard.

'Rothuss Carder' applied '541' experience to Bard.

Lemon (Levi Reed): Do we get more xp when we fight stuff? Or is it always pretty even?

'Temperance' applied '706' experience to Cleric.

'Vee Barlett' applied '641' experience to Ranger.

BOB It is not about fighting it is about solving

Lemon (Levi Reed): Well we solved two of those frogs pretty good

BOB I give you the same XP if you kill the frogs or if you manage to avoid doing anything with them

e2wolfe (Claudius ): lol

Lemon (Levi Reed): ah, ok

BOB Or if you find treasure in the owlbear cave etc

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Alas, I gotta go

Lemon (Levi Reed): And everyone gets that xp?

BOB If you are on the road and have a hobgoblin ambush but sneak past I give you the full XP as if you had killed them

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Thanks for the XP!

Lemon (Levi Reed): Like, I don't care, I'm just curious

Spring (Ratbone Carder): Bye Y'all!

BOB Things that go to the party everyone shares in

'Spring' disconnected

wyjyoon (Temperance): Bye Spring! Thanks for joining us tonight! :D

Lemon (Levi Reed): I mean, I care a little, but I mean I'm not here to argue it, just wondering

Lemon (Levi Reed): Bye spring!

e2wolfe (Claudius ): bye Spring!

BOB Or if you choose one person to have a particular item that character gets the XP for it

Carissa (Vee Barlett): bye spring

BOB So right now the treasure items from the owlbear etc are there in the party pack

BOB but if you give that Ax to someone they get the XP for it

BOB Or if you sell it then everyone gets a share

Lemon (Levi Reed): oh, neat

BOB The group benefits for group things

BOB and if there is a specific thing like a Trident of controlling Sharks, then Vee gets the XP

Lemon (Levi Reed): I just never thought about it before, because I never wanted Bixi to level lol

BOB chuckles

Lemon (Levi Reed): I was afraid when she got xp

BOB For example Claudius is just under halfway to 2nd level

e2wolfe (Claudius ): On my way

BOB Temperance is almost 4th level

Lemon (Levi Reed): Wooo, go Claudius!

wyjyoon (Temperance): ? She is?

BOB grins

BOB 1st to 4th is pretty quick

BOB then it goes slower

BOB Vee is the closest to 5th level

Lemon (Levi Reed): woooo, go Vee!

BOB Well Rothuss is already there but Thieves go up faster

BOB and he is only halfway to 6th

BOB and only trained to 2nd level

wyjyoon (Temperance): Vee supershanking her way through those levels

BOB Yeap

BOB and this is why you need the Snow Man to help train Rothuss and Ratbone

BOB to help them get the skills they earned

BOB of course with all training there is a cost

BOB Student Loans afterall

wyjyoon (Temperance): Lol

wyjyoon (Temperance): Is making it to the Snow Man something we can do within this session?

wyjyoon (Temperance): I'm not sure if they were journeying or not

BOB You can head farther uphill

BOB next session will be meeting him, so everyone can be here and experience it

wyjyoon (Temperance): Fair

wyjyoon (Temperance): So head further uphill?

e2wolfe (Claudius ): I'm ready

wyjyoon (Temperance): Take the Chunky ghost Monkey with us?

BOB You do still have Claudius and Levi to quiz about ghost monkeys and why Levi has changed his mind about liking monkeys

BOB and Thuskar and Avdotya to talk to if you want

Lemon (Levi Reed): Yes please to the monkey

wyjyoon (Temperance): Do I have to roll wisdom for Claudius' sanity too

BOB and exploring the uphill road

BOB You can

BOB But you do not know him very well yet

BOB you should talk with him and learn more

BOB maybe he sees ghosts a lot

wyjyoon (Temperance): Fair point

wyjyoon (Temperance): In exchange for healing, information : )

BOB What is your quest?

BOB What is your favorite color?

Claudius : First time I've ever seen a ghost anything. I've heard stories about ghosts... but I never thought I'd see one...

Claudius : But it was there. The damn thing jumped from the wagon to Levi.

Vee Barlett: So he's possessed.

Temperance: raises an eyebrow and scribbles in her notebook

Temperance: Interesting...

Claudius : Not sure how you all didn't see it earlier. I thought it was a head injury until Levi saw it too.

Claudius : I've seen that stuff you know. Wack a person in the head hard enough and they can see stuff like that..

Levi Reed: Nah, it's a pet

Carissa (Vee Barlett): ....well then

Levi Reed: Look, if it was a live monkey, I would have probably murdered it, or at least chased it away

Claudius : It made a coin disappear, but again I was still a bit woozy last night. So maybe I just imagined it.

BOB Is that an invitation for Vee to wack people?

Levi Reed: But I'm not giving up the chance to get to know a ghost

Carissa (Vee Barlett): no it keeps showing commands not what i typed

Temperance: I'm not sure if the capabilities to observe a supposed apparition of a monkey is considered norm enough to ask why we couldn't see it.

Temperance: If anything, it's rather interesting that you could.

User has gone AFK. (Carissa)

Claudius : Ya can't tell you why but I swear it was there.

Temperance: I suppose things disappearing from palms isn't considered the norm either...

Claudius : Ya'll have more experience exploring this place. Has anyone seen one of these before?

Temperance: looks a bit conflicted as she scribbles in some notes.

Levi Reed: Never been here before, buddy

Temperance: It's all a bit new to me as well.

Levi Reed: Rothuss and Ratbone are probably the only ones who have been anywhere near here before, and they're busy over there doing... whatever they're doing

Levi Reed: pooping probably

'TMO' connected

BOB WOW that is one way to summon him

BOB Rothuss and Ratbone are probably the only ones who have been anywhere near here before, and they're busy over there doing... whatever they're doing

BOB pooping probably

wyjyoon (Temperance): Summon whomst?

BOB WOW that is one way to summon him

wyjyoon (Temperance): OH

BOB 'TMO' connected

wyjyoon (Temperance): LOL

TMO: 'ello m'friens

e2wolfe (Claudius ): lol

e2wolfe (Claudius ): Hey there!

TMO: I have been summoned?

Lemon (Levi Reed): lol, hello TMO

BOB TMO did you see what I just posted for you?

wyjyoon (Temperance): Hey TMO

Lemon (Levi Reed): Glad it worked?

TMO: no sir. this is mere coincidence

BOB WOW that is one way to summon him

BOB Rothuss and Ratbone are probably the only ones who have been anywhere near here before, and they're busy over there doing... whatever they're doing

BOB pooping probably

BOB 'TMO' connected

TMO: I *did* see the pooping comment, but not the first part

BOB The very small nutshell, Levi and Claudius think they saw a ghost monkey and they think it is following you now

Rothuss Carder: stretches as he comes out of the woods.

BOB It is morning and you are mostly healed

BOB and heading uphill

Lemon (Levi Reed): We DID see a ghost monkey and HOPEFULLY it is following us

Rothuss Carder: Do NOT go back there!

Claudius : lol

Vee Barlett: We can smell it from here. Doncha know to cover it?

Rothuss Carder: That *is* covered

Vee Barlett: Then let's get movin' and you can stand in back

Vee Barlett: Hope ya wiped.

Rothuss Carder: Whoever cooked last night, please don't do it again.

Levi Reed: You sure it wasn't the frog legs from this morning?

Rothuss Carder: Somebody slipped me frog legs? No wonder I cramped up like that.

BOB Temperance can consult with the wise Rothuss on the ghost monkey hypothisis

Lemon (Levi Reed): Slipped? They were huge man, there was no "slipping" there

wyjyoon (Temperance): They were pretty sizable frogs, yes


Temperance: Bowel movements and frog legs aside....

Levi Reed: Slipped? They were huge man, there was no "slipping" there

Lemon (Levi Reed): mean that to be ic

Rothuss Carder: No way would i have knowingly eaten frog, man.

Temperance: Levi and Claudius claim that they are wtinessing an apparition of a monkey. Have you seen them before, Rothuss?


BOB Levi and Claudius? Of course I have seen them, have you heard how loud Levi snores?

wyjyoon (Temperance): LOL

BOB Rothuss has no clue on ghost monkies

Rothuss Carder: [TOWER] [SKILL] Local History [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 8]

Lemon (Levi Reed): lol

BOB Rothuss has never heard of such a thing

Rothuss Carder: Sounds totally like hallucinations brought on by frog legs.

e2wolfe (Claudius ): I'm going to keep my eyes open for this monkey

BOB exactly

Claudius : Oh no the monkey was before the frog legs

Temperance: I... see. Shame that Ratbone is indisposed at the moment. I would like her thoughts on this as well.

Rothuss Carder: *gasp* Frog legs so bad they poisoned you in the past?

Claudius : I t was hopping fom the wagon to Levi.

Temperance: muffles a chuckle.

Temperance: Sometimes you say the silliest things.

Rothuss Carder: Is the ghost monkey on Levi right now?

Claudius : Maybe it was just the ass kicking I took yesterday

BOB Did the ghost monkey hurt you? show me on the doll

e2wolfe (Claudius ): Do I see any ghost monkey?

Claudius : LOL

Levi Reed: I think they only come out at night

wyjyoon (Temperance): Oujia board the ghost monkey

Levi Reed: That's my working theory


Rothuss Carder: Alright, so, joking aside... seeing ghosts is rarely a good thing. Usually it's an omen of some kind, usually bad.

Vee Barlett: And yet he wants to "befriend" it

Rothuss Carder: Sometimes though, it can be a fetch, trying to bring you somewhere. Either treasure, or a trap.

BOB LOL I am crying... Monkey Seance

Rothuss Carder: Or a warning, to stay away from an area.

Temperance: From what they've been telling me, Levi has been feeding it food and giving it copper coins.

Rothuss Carder: Is the monkey doing anything odd in your visions?

Rothuss Carder: Does it have a little red hat and red vest?

wyjyoon (Temperance): Looking for spells for this monkey seance

Claudius : Just watching and then it takes things when offered was all

Claudius : Or at least it looked like it did. Things fell through its hands...but they were gone before they hit the floor

Rothuss Carder: Interesting...

Rothuss Carder: strikes a thoughtful pose

Claudius : But I was still a little loopy so maybe it did take the items and I just imagined it falling through its hands.

Rothuss Carder: Which way did the monkey come from?

Claudius : It was on the wagon when I took my watch

Claudius : I didn't see it come or go.

Rothuss Carder: How well have we searched the wagon?

Temperance: scribbles the information in her notebook as she walks.

'OldGuy59' connected

Temperance: Er.. we found some items in the wagon before camping, with the Owlbear, I believe?

Temperance: I'm not sure how thorough of a search we did before the Hobgoblins.

Rothuss Carder: Has anyone looked under where we parked the wagon?

Rothuss Carder: Maybe we parked it on a pirate treasure.

Claudius : I wasn't in any shape to go investigating..

Temperance: During my watch, the only thing I noticed were live monkeys.

Temperance: So I didn't think to search.

Rothuss Carder: Were any of them on the wagon? Or only the ghost monkey?

Vee Barlett: Maybe ghost monkey was the boss of them.

'OldGuy59' disconnected

Claudius : really? We didn't see any live monkeys

Levi Reed: We DID find that alter in there

Temperance: Yes, there were two monkeys settled atop the wagon when I saw them.

Rothuss Carder: walks over and vaults up into the wagon.

Temperance: I tried a throwing stone spell but they leapt off with one of Melange's hand axes before I could aim properly.

Rothuss Carder: Where were all the monkeys, live or ghost?

Temperance: Atop the wagon.

Temperance: At least the live ones were settled on the roof.

Levi Reed: Only one was a ghost

Levi Reed: The rest I think were pretty solidly alive

Rothuss Carder: Front or back?

Rothuss Carder: prowls around the wagon, looking for clues.

Temperance: I can't recall accurately because it was dark and they were rather swift in moving away, but I believe they were in the middle

Temperance: climbs into the wagon and looks around.

Temperance: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 9]

Rothuss Carder: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 9) [FAILURE by 7] [d20 = 16]

Temperance: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 10] [d20 = 6]

BOB Temperance does not find anything she did not expect to

BOB Rothuss looks around and does spot where there was a scuffle but cannot tell who fought who

Rothuss Carder: hangs over the side of the wagon with his head upside down and legs stretched out for balance, and looks at the underside of the wagon and the ground beneath.

Temperance: Nothing unusual within the wagon...

Temperance: Do you see anything unusual over there?

Rothuss Carder: bangs on the bottom of the wagon.

Temperance: looks incredulously at Rothuss hanging upside down.

wyjyoon (Temperance): Also the wagon is moving right? Or have we stopped?

TMO (Rothuss Carder): Rothuss wouldn't care if it was stopped or not. ;)

BOB You stop as Rothuss dangles off

BOB then you start again as his head is not in the middle of the wheels

Rothuss Carder: It looks like you'd expect the bottom of a wagon to look.

wyjyoon (Temperance): I mean, true, but Temperance used a healing spell on him so she'd rather not have him go through any mishaps : )

Rothuss Carder: pulls himself back up into the wagon and drops into a seat.

[100 XP] -> Rothuss Carder

'Rothuss Carder' applied '100' experience to Bard.

Temperance: Hm... interesting. Levi said something about the altar earlier. I don't have enough information about this specific one to know whether it can connect to supposed apparitions.

Temperance: scribbles in her notebook.

Temperance: Well, I suppose as long as it doesn't try to harm any one of us, it should be fine?

Claudius : Just keep an eye out for it is all. I don't trust that thing

The date is Lad____de, 3rd Lec (Early Summer), 587 SGR

Young Moon's phase is Last Quarter

Old Moon's phase is Waning Gibbous

The time is 9:53 AM

Temperance: Fair enough, it doesn't bode well to trust too quickly.

Levi Reed: It's just a harmless ghost friend

Rothuss Carder: Hopefully.

'Shislif' connected

Vee Barlett: It's a monkey-shaped one. More reason to distrust it if you want to befriend it.

BOB Welecome Sharif

Temperance: It's rather interesting that you got attached to it so quickly, Levi. From what I've heard, I thought you despised monkeys.

Temperance: Does it look particularly adorable?

wyjyoon (Temperance): Hey Sharif : )

Lemon (Levi Reed): Yay, I got my babyback babyback babyback

Shislif: Hi hi :)

Carissa (Vee Barlett): hi sharif

Shislif (MeLange): we stil playing?

Lemon (Levi Reed): Yes

Shislif (MeLange): nice

Lemon (Levi Reed): I found a ghost monkey and maybe befriended it but no one else saw it but Claudius and they don't believe me

BOB Temperance and Rothuss and Vee are trying to understand how Levi and Claudius saw a ghost monkey and they did not

Shislif (MeLange): cool!

wyjyoon (Temperance): We saw live monkeys too, along with Forest Frogs, but yeah, that too

Shislif (MeLange): alright lotta nature tonight

Rothuss Carder: If you see the monkey again, lemme know.

BOB and you are moving uphill towards Mr Snow's lair

BOB and no one has really talked about what you will offer him for training

BOB etc

wyjyoon (Temperance): We camped in a forest too, so naturally... nature gives what it wants : )

Shislif (MeLange): we could talk about that when we done with IC stuff mayhaps

Shislif (MeLange): or not too

Carissa (Vee Barlett): that's for those getting trained to figure out

Lemon (Levi Reed): Exactly

Shislif (MeLange): true true I don't think Mel is getting trained anyway lol

BOB Lots of things can be done

BOB want to give you a bit of space to work out

BOB because next week you arrive there at Mr Snow's place

BOB Palace, etc

Shislif (MeLange): oh btw haven't posted to website yet but I'll be able to attend full session next week

BOB Avdotya knows the way there

BOB Nice

Carissa (Vee Barlett): so TMO and Michael can discuss it

Carissa (Vee Barlett): and whoever else is training

Shislif (MeLange): Parry?

TMO (Rothuss Carder): Training the mule!

Shislif (MeLange): Make him a level 2 pack mule :)

BOB grins

wyjyoon (Temperance): She'll have shinier, sharper hooves to stomp with

TMO (Rothuss Carder): Rothuss is not getting trained, I think. he's still in the midst of training himself in Climb Walls

TMO (Rothuss Carder): but I'd be happy to help anyone who is come up with ideas.

wyjyoon (Temperance): I faintly recall something about Lirt wanting to be trained though

wyjyoon (Temperance): Dunno if that's still a thing or not

TMO (Rothuss Carder): Lirt is looking to learn Research NWP

BOB Rothuss can get training, Mr Snow can speed things up for him

TMO (Rothuss Carder): but I think she's training someone else, and can't learn until she's done with that.

TMO (Rothuss Carder): that'd be nice Bob

e2wolfe (Claudius ): I just need to deliver this baby to pay off my debt.

e2wolfe (Claudius ): or child not baby

BOB Is the group going to offer gold? treasure? or owe favors?

Carissa (Vee Barlett): thing

wyjyoon (Temperance): Oh yeah, I forgot about Toddler Boy for a second

Carissa (Vee Barlett): ok if we're planning and no one even knows why we're heading there or anything, I think this is when I dip out

Carissa (Vee Barlett): night all

'Carissa' disconnected

Shislif (MeLange): Night Carissa!

wyjyoon (Temperance): Good night Carissa : )

e2wolfe (Claudius ): Yeah I need to call it a night as well. Had fun tonight!! Thanks Bob.

BOB Talk it out on the site

'e2wolfe' disconnected

BOB so next week when you arrive people have a better story, grins

TMO (Rothuss Carder): can do. sorry I had to be very late. wife's bday, we're going to see Dune 2 tomorrow, so we family watched Dune 1 tonight

wyjyoon (Temperance): All cool TMO, you let us know you probably weren't gonna make it : )

BOB Fully understand

Lemon (Levi Reed): Yeah if no one is taking training there then there's no reason to plan what we're trading

BOB Just a slight delay this week as you approach but will be good to know who is doing what next week when you meet Mr Snow so you know what to ask for

Shislif (MeLange): Levi isn't training in anything?

BOB you know the thief training is avaialbe based on previous conversations

Shislif (MeLange): ohh that sounds fun

BOB The reason you are going there is FOR training

Shislif (MeLange): So Mel could still train too theoretically?


BOB yes

BOB yes

Shislif (MeLange): all caps means we gotta do it

wyjyoon (Temperance): Cool, but Temperance just trained for her spells

Lemon (Levi Reed): I can remember if I could pick up knives yet or not

wyjyoon (Temperance): I don't mind more training opportunities though : )

wyjyoon (Temperance): I thought you could?

Shislif (MeLange): that sounds good, maybe Mel could use somethig sneaking, could help in a fight for that surprise factor

BOB There should be one encounter in the mountains then arriving at the Snow Man

Shislif (MeLange): are they snowy mountains?

BOB and then you can ask/negociate about trainign for what ever you want

BOB You are in the tropics in summer

BOB BUT you are also up in the mountains

BOB where none of you have been before

Shislif (MeLange): cool

BOB any other ideas? questions? problems to solve?

Shislif (MeLange): so next week is all about training?

Shislif (MeLange): or other stuff too?

BOB First is getting ther

BOB there

BOB Then negociating with Mr Snow

Shislif (MeLange): right

BOB then organizing training

BOB and how you will pay for it

BOB then the adventures based on that

Shislif (MeLange): sounds good

wyjyoon (Temperance): Side note there was some heated discussion about safety of Toddler Boy being delivered, so I guess we'll find out why toddler is being delivered too

Shislif (MeLange): oh yea that should be fun, probably an Omen type thing

BOB Wendy spoiling all the things

wyjyoon (Temperance): : ) comes with being a Priest I guess

BOB grins

BOB Have a great night everyone

TMO (Rothuss Carder): gnite

Shislif (MeLange): night :)

wyjyoon (Temperance): Yes I am sleepy, but it was fun, good night : )

'wyjyoon' disconnected

'Shislif' disconnected

'TMO' disconnected

Lemon (Levi Reed): Oh, ok, goodnight

'Lemon' disconnected