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Chat Log List - 2024 04 12 - Bear Went Over the Mountain - Formatted - Story

BOB So it is morning

BOB Temperance has taken care of everyone who was nice to her

Vee Barlett: Remember that time I was nice to ya, Tempe? 'Cause it ain't a common occurance.

Temperance: chuckles lightly, with a teasing glint in her eye.

Temperance: Much appreciated. I repayed the kindness through healing.

Vee Barlett: And that's how ya do business. Butter 'em up when ya need them.

Lirtimya: Thank you Temperance

Vee Barlett: Anyways, yer hair looks lovely today.

Temperance: her eyes glint in amusement.

Temperance: Learning business from the best. And you're very much welcome, Lirtimya.

Rothuss Carder: is amused.

Temperance: Vee wouldn't have been in a good mood if I left the smartest without healing.

BOB You do know that you will reach the area you think that The Snow Man is in around noon today

Vee Barlett: Hmm, ya learn quick. I can appreciate that.

Vee Barlett: So y'all good to go? Done with yer shits and giggles? Ready to move?

Temperance: Ready when you all are. Just let me know if you need any extra healing again.

MeLange starts to sway his hips

Lirtimya: I earned my healing as well, I told you how to use the staff

Vee Barlett: hands Melange his shield

Temperance: On a serious note, nobody needs to earn healing. I don't mind using spells I have available to heal when necessary.

MeLange: Oh thanks Vee!

Vee Barlett: nods

Temperance: And ah, yes, I do remember that. I appreciate it, Lirtimya.

Vee Barlett: And that gives us incentive to keep ya alive.

Rothuss Carder: But it's so fun to make them beg.

Temperance: gestures to the staff with a smile.

Temperance: And how is that fun?

Vee Barlett: Says the one who keeps flirtin' with death....

Rothuss Carder: I flirt a lot anyways, if you hadn't noticed.

Lirtimya: It's no problem

Vee Barlett: I try not to notice you.

Vee Barlett: Works 'til ya get yer blood on my boots.

Mammal, Small, Monkey 1: I am watching you

Vee Barlett: Who says what?

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [FAILURE by 8] [d20 = 20]

Temperance: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 6]

BOB Hear what?

Temperance: blinks in confusion.

MeLange: Hey anyone seen a hand axe? I seem to be missing one?

BOB Yes Melange is missing one of his axes

BOB He is down to one attack now

BOB Then he gets one attack

Vee Barlett: Dunno thought I heard somethin'

Vee Barlett: Guess it ain't anythin'

MeLange: Hey Ghost Monkey? Any ideas where my axe could be?

MeLange: Not that I'm suspiscious of monkeys but...

Temperance: How odd...

Vee Barlett: Of what? Who ya talkin' to?

Temperance: furrows her eyebrows and looks for her journal.

Vee Barlett: Did Levi give ya some of his "mushrooms" or somethin'?

BOB There is no monkey

Rothuss Carder: Neat! So it is real! Or we're all sharing a allucination.

MeLange: Whoa, feel like I'm taking crazy pills here!

Temperance: scribbles in her notebook "May or may not have heard a voice, could have been the wind?"

MeLange: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20 = 1]

Temperance: [CHECK] Wisdom (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 9]

BOB Melange KNOWS he SAW a monkey overnight but right now? not sure

MeLange: But I also feel very alert!

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 16) [SUCCESS by 15] [d20 = 1]

-> Lirtimya: Lirt is SURE that there was some sort of spiritual thing there but she could not see, only hear and cannot track it now

BOB Melange is definately missing an axe

MeLange: I know I saw a monkey last night... I don't understand

Temperance: There were two live ones on top the wagon during our watch, I believe? One of them took your hand axe.

Rothuss Carder: Hello mysterious bodiless voice! How can we help you?

Vee Barlett: Mushrooms. Drugs. Ya trippin'

MeLange: Thanks Temperance that helps

MeLange: Just feel incomplete without all my axes

Lirtimya: There was some sort of, spiritual thing there but I can't track where

Vee Barlett: Y'all druggies...

Temperance: raises an eyebrow at the mention of "spiritual thing"

Temperance: Hm... interesting.

Ratbone Carder: Well, let

Ratbone Carder: Well, Let's look around for it

Lirtimya: I think this may be time for our priests to do priest things

Temperance: Maybe Levi and Claudius' mumbling about ghost monkeys wasn't entirely untrue...

Claudius : Oh there was a monkey

Ratbone Carder: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 9] [d20 = 4]

BOB and No to finding Melange's axe it is gone

Ratbone Carder: That was to look for MeLange's missing axe

Vee Barlett: rolls eyes and tosses up her hands

MeLange: Thanks Ratbone, I feel less crazy now

Vee Barlett: We gotta get a move on eventually. How long y'all want keep lookin' for this supposed ghost?

Lirtimya: Trust me Vee, something was here

Vee Barlett: Hmm, now YOU I do trust and I know you ain't a druggie. Fine. You take lead.

Vee Barlett: I ain't sense nothin' but I do believe you. But only you.

Ratbone Carder: Sigh. I just sifted all the leaves and twigs. It's just not here.

Lirtimya: Monkeys are known to be mischeivious, maybe it took the axe as a sort of play

Vee Barlett: kicks back and watches them search for the ghost

Lirtimya: If it was, infact, a monkey it could make sense

MeLange: Oh well, Monkeys happen I guess

Vee Barlett: Levi and Claud both claimed they saw one durin' their shift but.... they them.

Rothuss Carder: Hello!! Ghost, are you there? How can we help you?

Claudius : I would have thought it was my head getting knocked if Levi didn't start playing with the damn thing.

Lirtimya: At this point, I'm willing to work with any information, I didn't get a look at it, only heard it

Claudius : Lets just keep our eyes out and head out. I don't think we're going to see it again if it doesn't wan tto be found...

Rothuss Carder: wanders about looking at random behind bushes or trees or the wagon to see if he can find the ghost.

Temperance: Well, Levi and Claudius said they saw it at night... Perhaps we could wait until nightfall and see if they see it again?

Claudius : Not a bad idea... Ghosts and stuff come out at night right?

Temperance: In the meantime, we've business, the Man of the Mountains?

Vee Barlett: Some of you do, yar.

Claudius : Yeah I need to get this kid unloaded.

Vee Barlett: Please do. Ain't just Rothuss that smells.

Claudius : Babysitting isn't really my thing

MeLange: I sit with Levi

Claudius : Though making them...Winks at Vee

Vee Barlett: laughs

Vee Barlett: Alright y'all. Let's go.

Vee Barlett: Hope ya know how to make friends with Snow.

MeLange: hi ho! hi ho!

Rothuss Carder: Come along for the trip, Ghost! It'll be fun!

Vee Barlett: Not that kinda trip, the other kind.

Rothuss Carder: Are you really a ghost monkey? Or just a ghost?

MeLange: <To Vee> Is Rothuss going crazy?

Vee Barlett: nods

Vee Barlett: Always was, just obvious now.

Vee Barlett: So whatcha all want when we find Snow?

MeLange: To party?

Rothuss Carder: I'll come up with something.

Vee Barlett: Only got a few hours.

Rothuss Carder: Not much point coming up with something and it turns out he can't do it.

Vee Barlett: Havin' options is nice versus spendin' ten hours trying to think of them.

Rothuss Carder: That's a change. I thought you were the 'you have to know exactly what you want 10 years in advance' person?

Vee Barlett: Church wouldn't have sent us if he couldn't help y'all out.

Vee Barlett: Problem is ya thought.

Rothuss Carder: Zing. Pow.

Rothuss Carder: grins at Vee.

Vee Barlett: does not grace him with a smile.

Temperance: chuckles and shakes her head at the flow of conversation.

Rothuss Carder: And honestly, I don't think the Church really gave a lot of thought to what we could or couldn't use. But it's still an interesting trip.

Vee Barlett: We told 'em what we wanted.

Vee Barlett: So they did give thought 'cause we told them exactly what kinda trainer we were after.

Vee Barlett: I ain't goin' further in the mountains if I ain't sure about the end. Should be obvious.

Vee Barlett: Anyways meant to ask how ya holdin' up Thuskar? Yer awful quiet.

Thuskar: Iam .... not sure Vee

Thuskar: I am very glad that I am alive

Thuskar: I am very grateful to Jericho for saving me

Vee Barlett: Mmhmm....

Thuskar: He seems to need help

Vee Barlett: An understatement.

Vee Barlett: But go on.

Thuskar: I do not know

Thuskar: I woke up and saw him

Thuskar: and KNEW he saved me

Vee Barlett: I ain't gonna argue that even though I could. But how's that makin' ya feel right now? Yer breeches in a bunch?

Thuskar: I am happy to be alive

Vee Barlett: Good start.

Thuskar: I know I was dying

Thuskar: and Now I am alive

Thuskar: I was so close to not being me

Vee Barlett: I hope so. Ain't mean no offense. You mighta been still alive but... different. But dyin' ain't bad alternative to what I thought were bein' happenin.

Thuskar: I do not know

Vee Barlett: You talkin' better now too.

Thuskar: I have been practicing under my breath

Vee Barlett: Oh that what I'm hearin'? Thought it was Jericho muttering not to trip.

Thuskar: I have repeated what Vee and Claudius, and Temperance, and Rothuss have been saying

Thuskar: I did not want to talk like Jericho

Vee Barlett: That's fine under yer breath but don't do that to company...

Thuskar: He might not like it

Rothuss Carder: laughs

Vee Barlett: laughs

MeLange: awkwardly laughs

Thuskar: We are going uphill

Thuskar: I remember that

Thuskar: I need to help Jerico

Thuskar: I am not really sure after that

MeLange: You need some help Jeri?

Levi Reed: I'm not sure he likes ANYTHING, really

Temperance: Perhaps it's just a bit of nerves. Maybe it'll settle with time?

Temperance: shrugs her shoulders.

BOB You are heading uphill

Vee Barlett: heads uphill

MeLange: legs uphill

Rothuss Carder: plays his lute in a duet with Ratbone with a lively tune to aid walking.

Claudius : grumbles about how tall this damn mountain is

Temperance: does her best to keep pace with the others.

BOB So you are moving up the road

Mammal, Small, Monkey 1 : [Translation] I wish I was swimming

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [FAILURE by 8] [d20 = 20]

Vee Barlett: Weird. I thought I heard a fish.

Vee Barlett: Anyone see a lake around?

Temperance: blinks in confusion again.

Lirtimya: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 16) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 17]

Temperance: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 5] [d20 = 18]

Ratbone Carder: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [FAILURE by 6] [d20 = 19]

Levi Reed: Monkey?

Levi Reed: If you're here, give me a sign!

Rothuss Carder: Ah yes, the rare Mountain Fish Ghost!

The date is Lad____de, 3rd Lec (Early Summer), 587 SGR

Young Moon's phase is Last Quarter

Old Moon's phase is Waning Gibbous

The time is 11:53 AM

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 1] [d20 = 16]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Ranger Tracking [2] [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 12]

MeLange: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 8] [d20 = 2]

MeLange: I feel so alive!

BOB any last ideas before you reach there?

Rothuss Carder: We're off to see the wizard!

Wildling 1 : [Translation] Hello there

Wildling 1 : [Translation] Do you want to be part of the forest?

Levi Reed: Um... hello?

Wildling 1 : [Translation] Hello

Levi Reed: DO.... YOU... SPEAK.... COMMON???

Ratbone Carder: gestures - all of us - walking - this way

Wildling 1 : [Translation] Why do you not understand the language of the jungle?

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 12) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 8]

MeLange: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 2] [d20 = 8]

Ratbone Carder: [SKILL] Observation [MOD:INT] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 1] [d20 = 12]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Alertness [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 15) [FAILURE by 3] [d20 = 18]

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Botany [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 4] [d20 = 9]

BOB Vee understands that this is a variant of her understanding the language of sea creatures.... Rothuss Carder: [SKILL] Musical Instrument [MOD:DEX] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 7] [d20 = 6]

Vee Barlett : [Translation] You speak this?

Levi Reed: attempts to use a stick to draw in the dirt... "picture of snowflakes + picture of man on top of a mountain." Then points to the baby, then points to the picture of the man on the mountain he drew

Levi Reed: [SKILL] Artistic Ability [MOD:WIS] (vs. Target 14) [SUCCESS by 12] [d20 = 2]

Wildling 1 : [Translation] You want to steal my love away from me!

Vee Barlett : [Translation] I can't understand yer accent!

Levi Reed: SNOW MAN... WANTS... BABY

Wildling 1 : [Translation] You need to speak a proper language

Vee Barlett : [Translation] What???

Levi Reed: NOT MY BABY (points to MeLange)... BUT... THIS... BABY (points to toddler)

Wildling 1 : [Translation] You need to be smarter

Vee Barlett: DO YOU SPEAK THIS??

Vee Barlett: [SKILL] Sage Knowledge, Island Kingdoms [MOD:CHA] (vs. Target 10) [SUCCESS by 3] [d20 = 7]

Vee Barlett: Dang freshwater things....

Vee Barlett: SPEAK. SLOWER.

BOB Vee understands that this is a forest language similar to a sea language

Vee Barlett: Anyone speak forest?

Vee Barlett: Thuskar? Mirnay?

Levi Reed: I only speak machete

Levi Reed: Well, and common

Rothuss Carder: rustles.

Claudius : Nope just common here...

Vee Barlett: Ghost monkey dude who others think exist?

Avdotya Mirny: I know that you need to be respectful and they might cause you to fall down the mountain

Vee Barlett: Mkay. And how we be respectful? 'Cause different people got different ideas of what respect is.

Levi Reed: By "cause" do you mean "push"?

Avdotya Mirny: I just agree with them and then trade, give them cloth for silver

Vee Barlett: Ya wanna take lead since yer familiar with whatever talkin' to us?

Levi Reed: Oh! What can we give them!?

Levi Reed: looks at toddler

Temperance: [SKILL] Bureaucracy (2) [MOD:INT] [-4] (vs. Target 13) [SUCCESS by 5] [d20+4 = 8]

BOB So Temperance recalls some fables about woodland sprites demanding trade for the treasures of the forest

Temperance: I believe I do recall woodland creatures demand trade for treasures of the forest... but, I've only heard this through tales...

Rothuss Carder: Think they'd be interested in some shells?

Vee Barlett: Mkay so that's two stories that add up.

Temperance: I suppose so? It's an item from a different environment from what they're accustomed to.

Levi Reed: How about a torch? Would they like a torch?

Temperance: Er, I'm not too sure about torches. Since it's flammable? And their home is the woodland?

Vee Barlett: So give it some shells, Rothuss.

Snow Man: Hello there

Vee Barlett: Who you?

Snow Man: Welcome to my domain

Levi Reed: Yeah but like, they must have fires for cooking and stuff, I'm sure they understand how not to burn things down

Levi Reed: Oh, hello there

Vee Barlett: Oh, Snow?

Snow Man: And who are you? why are you here?

Vee Barlett: Give him that letter church gave ya, Tempe.

Levi Reed: Also what do you want with the baby?

Temperance: rummages around for the letter before taking it out of her bag.

Slowly blinks

Temperance: We've received a letter from the Church of Mists.

Snow Man: What are you talking about?

Snow Man: My wife warned me strangers were coming

Levi Reed: We're supposed to give you a baby but I'm not handing it over until I know what you're going to do with it

Vee Barlett: Your wife?

Snow Man: Why do I want a baby?

Vee Barlett: Is that who talkin' to us? I ain't understand her language.

Levi Reed: Couldn't tell you... Claudius?

Temperance: According to Claudius, the Priests of the Church of Mists assigned him to deliver a toddler to you.

Snow Man: I think you need to start at the beginning

Snow Man: you walked into my home

BOB and yes the group looks around and suddenly you realize you walked into a courtyard

BOB Of small stones and trees

Snow Man: who are you

Vee Barlett: Vee.

Vee Barlett: Nice place ya got up here. For bein' a mountain.

Temperance: Temperance, humble priestess of the second circle, learning about the world.

Levi Reed: Levi. And as soon as you assure me you're not going to do anything nefarious with this kid, then I'm willing to talk about whatever

Lirtimya: Lirtimya

Rothuss Carder: bows. "Ratbone and Rothuss Carder, at your service."

Temperance: We apologize if we surprised you by barging in without warning.

Vee Barlett: As Tempe was tryin' to show you, top priestess at Church of Mists sent us to ya.

Temperance: And Claudius here was assigned to deliver a child to you, though we didn't get the full details of that assignment.

Temperance: gestures to Claudius

Snow Man: Looks at Levi, So you thinlk you can tell me how I should be living my life?

Levi Reed: Not that we didn't TRY

Claudius : If you are the snow man then yeah I got this kid for you...

Levi Reed: Absolutely not, but if you bought a kid for slave labor, I'll have no part of that, thanks

Claudius : Gestures to the child. The priests told me to bring him to you. Didn't say why but here he is mate. My debt is paid.

Snow Man: But if I did and your friends were tasked to deliver that child to me, which they say they were, then you have no problem with me taking the child and doing what I want?

Levi Reed: Heck no, I'll take that baby back down the mountain and those priests can get someone else to do their dirty work for them

Snow Man: So it is ok to have someone else bring a child up to me, you just to not want it to be you?

Levi Reed: No, I wouldn't leave this baby there, I'd find it a good home. But those priests would get a good earful first

Levi Reed: I'm sure if they wanted to, they'd get you another one though

Levi Reed: I sure would be shouting complaints to their god though

Snow Man: So you would steal the babe from me and from the church and deliver it to whom?

Levi Reed: Probably my mom

Snow Man: Is she that much better than I am?

Temperance: looks back and forth between the two, looking apprehensive.

Levi Reed: I don't know yet, that's why I'm asking

Snow Man: You have not asked anything you have demanded

Levi Reed: If someone asked you to deliver a baby to a stranger, and you didn't know why, you'd just do it? And NOT demand information?

Levi Reed: I'll never demand another thing from you sir, but I want to make sure this child will be safe with you

Snow Man: I would not have blindly believed anyone

Levi Reed: I tried to break the damn door down to get an answer but the GM, I mean... but they wouldn't let me

Snow Man: Did you ask why this child should come to me?

Rothuss Carder: The Church has a habit of giving quests without bothering to explain the details, and get a bit fussy when you ask questions.

Snow Man: Ahh so you have learned that there is more to life than the Church? (looks at Rothuss)

Levi Reed: All those mysterious church folk suddenly had a mysterious religious event I wasn't invited to

Levi Reed: But believe me, I TRIED

Rothuss Carder: Honestly, the Church isn't even really in my Top Ten. But I'm with this group, and some of them have different lists.

Snow Man: Who are in your bottom 5?

Levi Reed: And I'm still pissed off they wouldn't answer my question! (coughs in a way that sounds like "BOB"... but why someone would cough like that, who knows.)

Rothuss Carder: Probably people I haven't even met yet.

Snow Man: So maybe in your top 12 but not top 10?

Rothuss Carder: shrugs.

Snow Man: STABS a finger at Claudius, and why were you trusted with THIS child?

Levi Reed: We don't know THAT many people yet, but as for me, the more people I know, the lower the church goes on my list. Except for that one on Mizzen. That one was ok.

Rothuss Carder: Sure, why not. I haven't actually codified the list. It's more of a gut feeling than a strict heirarchy.

Claudius : Probably my charm friend

Claudius : shrugs

Levi Reed: mumbles "or the way you don't ask too many questions..."

Snow Man: Which charmed friend?

Claudius : Look I had a debt to pay...This was how I can balance my ledger with the church..

Snow Man: So you will just do what ever the church tells you to do

Claudius : You need a kid...I can be a delivery guy. I don't tend to ask questions.

Claudius : On this issue... yep

Claudius : gets me out from under their thumb

Snow Man: I appreciate that

Snow Man: Looks at Vee, So why in the hell are you here?

Vee Barlett: Excuse you? Why ya already got attitude with me?

Snow Man: Because you have an attitude Ms Barlett

Levi Reed: Ohhhh, you know her?

Levi Reed: looks at Vee

Vee Barlett: Ah, fuck you. Then ya ain't surprised by that, yeah?

Snow Man: Look at her face, it is way too much of a give away

Vee Barlett: My face is gorgeous, thanks.

Snow Man: and If someone else had that face and made it this far they would be scarred too

Vee Barlett: Scarred by what? This damn land?

Snow Man: Your Pa and your Father

Snow Man: But don't worry your secret is safe with me

Vee Barlett: What about them?

Snow Man: You need to learn how to appreciate that water is water no matter the sea or the mountain

Snow Man: Looks over at Rothuss

Vee Barlett: Yeah, yeah keep yer cryptic answers. I can find them elsewhere.

Vee Barlett: mutters to herself, "And he's my DAD. At least get it right."

Snow Man: You on the other hand

Snow Man: have no understanding do you

Rothuss Carder: grins.

Rothuss Carder: Depends on the situation.

Levi Reed: Blah blah blah. You gonna tell me what you want with the kid so I can move on to having a normal conversation with you? Or do I gotta keep being an annoying little shit? Because I can do it for a reeeeeeally long time.

Snow Man: Glances over at Vee, did you ever get a more cryptic answer from your Pa?

Vee Barlett: Ain't any of yer business now ain't it.

Snow Man: Looks at Levi, why are you so worried about this kid when you did not get tasked with it?

Vee Barlett: Also Levi can REALLY be an annoyin' little shit. Best to placate him for everyone's sake.

Levi Reed: Because there's a lot of gray area in the world, but putting an innocent kid in harm's way on purpose is absolutely wrong.

Rothuss Carder: Nothing but sunshine and compliments, isn't she?

Levi Reed: Thanks Vee

Vee Barlett: Better worry about this Snow Man than me right now, Rothuss.

Snow Man: Did you bother to ask why the child was coming here?

Levi Reed: I told you, I tried to knock down the damn door where all the mysterious preists were mysteriously having some kind of mysterious event

Snow Man: Ahh so you did not care enough about this child to actually DO something when you had the chance

Levi Reed: And I tried to stay until it was over, but no one else wanted to, so we compromised. We'll ask you what the plan is, and if it seems sketch, we're out


Snow Man: Now you can either surrender the child to me as foretold

Rothuss Carder: idly strums his lute.

Levi Reed: glares at Claudius

Snow Man: OR you can keep it for your own for the rest of its life

Snow Man: Which do you want to do?

Levi Reed: I'll take the kid

Snow Man: Fair enough

Vee Barlett: I ain't babysittin' so just give it up.

Snow Man: Good Luck

Claudius : Wait wait wait

Vee Barlett: How ya gonna slice and dice??

Levi Reed: I'm done slicing and dicing, I'm a dad now

Claudius : I was told to give the child to you Mr. Snow

Claudius : Man

Claudius : Hands child to the Snow man

Claudius : There now you can do with it as you see fit sir.

Snow Man: Does not take the toddler from Claudius

Claudius : holds it out awkardly and stands there

Snow Man: you will have to make ammends with your friend here Levi

Vee Barlett: Don't make Claudius be forever in debt, Levi. Unless ya got a deal for him.

Rothuss Carder: increases the tempo slightly in a dramatic fashion.

Levi Reed: reaches out for the baby

Levi Reed: He paid his debt

Snow Man: Who should govern how this child is raise? Myself? Or Your ranger friend?

Levi Reed: He did what he said he would do

Vee Barlett: Ain't my kid to care.

Vee Barlett: BUT

Vee Barlett: We was hopin' you'd train them twins and whoever else. They'd be here long enough to see what ya do with the kids,

Temperance: records in her notebook, looking apprehensive.

Vee Barlett: So why make a decision now, Levi?

Claudius : If you're asking me sir, then I say you.

Snow Man: Waiting quietly

Vee Barlett: You can SEE what Snow Dude gonna do before ya committe to dadhood. Ya know ya can't un-dad yerself, yeah?

Vee Barlett: Like a tattoo. It's forever.

Claudius : You should definately take the child your snowmanship

Levi Reed: See, this is what happened back down the mountain. Y'all convinced me that we could figure it out later, and now we're at later, and look what's happening

Levi Reed: I'm not taking that bargain again

Vee Barlett: You know ain't easy findin' dates as a single dad.

Vee Barlett: And I ain't at ALL a fan of travelin' with a kid.

Levi Reed: Never stopped your dad

Vee Barlett: Yeah, that ain't a convo to have in front of this jerkass. But my point remains.

Vee Barlett: And that's my PA not my Dad. Ain't any of ya gonna get it right??

Vee Barlett: Pa is Pa and Dad is Dad. How hard that to get?

Rothuss Carder: This is fun and all, but why exactly are you pushing poor Levi's buttons like this, Snow Man? Yeah, maybe he was a bit confrontational about it, but his heart's obviously in the right place.

Levi Reed: Vee. My morals are pretty shaky most of the time. I know this. But generally when I'm making shitty decisions, I'm only endangering myself and other people who are capable of deciding for themselves whether they want to be endangered by me. But this kid is too young to do that. I'm not giving it up unless I know why

Ratbone Carder: Strummy strum strum

Claudius : Still holding kid out arms length at the snow man

Snow Man: So Levi did you ask the church why?

Levi Reed: I tried

Levi Reed: The disappeared

Vee Barlett: I know that, man. And I'm sayin' that we gonna be here so you can wait and see what kid does, yes?

Snow Man: But they did not care enough then

Levi Reed: I'm sorry, is common not your first language?

Vee Barlett: Nah, I'll take that fall for him. We paid enough to get the church to deal with us. Ain't wanna ruin that deal when we can come here for that info.

Levi Reed: Maybe you didn't understand when I explained about trying to break the door down to get an answer

Temperance: glances at the uncomfortable way Claudius is holding the toddler, puts away the notebook, and gently attempts to take him until decision is made.

Levi Reed: grabs the toddler, very awkwardly

Snow Man: You have two priests with you, you could have asked them at any time but you did not care enough to do so, you waited until the last minute

Levi Reed: I started asking around THE SECOND I found out

Levi Reed: The church people gave me the slip

Vee Barlett: To be fair, one of them priests struck with the holy shits again.

Snow Man: And why did you not inisist on an answer?

Vee Barlett: You ever try gettin' answer from someone shittin' out their guts? Ain't gonna happen.

Levi Reed: If it was up to me, I'd still be waiting down there until they showed their faces again

Snow Man: So we are at the original reason you came to my home

Snow Man: you need something from me

Levi Reed: So again, maybe you didn't understand. I... TRIED... TO... BREAK... DOWN... THE... FUCKING... DOOR... IN... THE... CHURCH

Snow Man: Tried but failed

Levi Reed: Yep

Snow Man: are you just a failure?

Levi Reed: Kind of yeah

Rothuss Carder: Alright, WRONG!

Claudius : Sits next to Ratbone and watches

Snow Man: Then admitting that is a good first step

Snow Man: and we can help you move forward

Levi Reed: Hey, I got a LOT of faults, we could talk about that for HOURS

Snow Man: I have days to help you discover all your faults

Vee Barlett: Damn, we find a therapist? Group could use one.

Levi Reed: It just so happens that leaving an innocent child in a situation that seems to be dangerous is not one of them


Snow Man: I did

Snow Man: Looks at Rothuss

Snow Man: DId you stop him from bringing the child to me?

Temperance: winces at the raised voice and contemplates whether to try and calm the situation

Rothuss Carder: VEE, if I told the group to do or not do something, how long would you be on the ground laughing?

Vee Barlett: Tryin' not to now.

Levi Reed: If it sounded fun, I'd be in

Snow Man: I would not laugh at you, I would enjoy the conflict of the options

Levi Reed: I mean before I became a dad, anyway

Snow Man: Being a father IS conflict

Levi Reed: pats baby awkwardly on the back

Snow Man: what you want them to do versus what you want them to learn on their own

Vee Barlett: You a dad?

Rothuss Carder: The group was charged with a task, we accepted the task, as a group, with Levi asking some hard questions that they refused to answer. And now that we're here, he tries to get those answers from you, and ALL YOU'RE DOING is judging him for caring enough to try.

Snow Man: I have been a father

Levi Reed: Thanks man!

Rothuss Carder: When you could have just answered the question and finished this long agon

Vee Barlett: Past tense 'cause this ain't yer language or 'cause they passed?

Snow Man: Not so long ago, not so far away

Vee Barlett: What happened to yer kids?

Snow Man: Claudius what are you planning on doing if your friends take this child away from you and keep it for their own?

Claudius : That's on them mate. I like 'em so I'll support it. My debt is paid as far as I'm concerned.

Snow Man: Have you given me the child?

Rothuss Carder: Just to point out, you refused to take it when he tried.

Snow Man: I have not refused, I just have not accepted

Vee Barlett: laughs

Rothuss Carder: you do realize that's the same thing, right?

Vee Barlett: I've heard that one before.

Levi Reed: Yep. Either way, that's your problem, not Claudius's

Rothuss Carder: or is this another language thing?

Snow Man: No that is Levi's

Claudius : I offered him to you. It was your choice to not accept him. I was to bring the child to you. Well there he is... so I did as I was asked

Snow Man: Levi took him from you

Snow Man: before I could accept him

Levi Reed: You had several minutes to take him and you didn't.

Rothuss Carder: rubs his fingers together.

Rothuss Carder: This is the size of the thread your argument is hanging by.

Snow Man: Ahh so you need to make decisions instantaneously or else they do not count?

Levi Reed: I mean, I probably would have tried to stop you, if you had. And maybe I would have died for it. But that's a different story

Vee Barlett: Y'all. We paid good intel to come here for trainin' so how we gonna find middleground? 'Cause we came here for a reason. And this gonna be the first hurdle we get over. And goin' over semantics ain't gonna solve it.

Snow Man: We have not discussed training yet

Snow Man: we are still on this point of a child in need

Vee Barlett: Exactly. This child a hurdle before we can even get to that.

Vee Barlett: And semantics ain't help anyone find peace.

Snow Man: Do You or I have the better means of support

Vee Barlett: Yer gonna have to elaborate.

Levi Reed: We don't know anything about you man

Rothuss Carder: That's Question Number 1 from Levi here: is supporting/raising the child your plan? Or are you a sacrificing kind of guy?

Levi Reed: But I can tell you my mom was a good mom, and some of my sisters would probably be good moms, so I got a support system to help me

Snow Man: How? It is an easy question Do you think you have a better means of supporting this child than I do

Vee Barlett: This be what I still propose: ain't make a decision on the child yet 'til after we all get trained IF you agree to train them who wants it, yeah?

Snow Man: AHH so you want to foist the child onto someone else

Snow Man: so you admit you cannot handle it

Levi Reed: No man is an island

Vee Barlett: 'Cause if yer mom says no, Levi, or yer sisters, then yer stuck with it or sendin' it to an orphanage. And thems not always great places. We don't know yet if this might be so we stake it out.

Vee Barlett: And we do NOT have them funds to raise a kid.

Levi Reed: Oh I plan to stick with it. But I'm sure they will help

Snow Man: Looks over at Lirtimya Do you want to raise a child with him?

Vee Barlett: snorts

Levi Reed: It might be that my mom knows a good family who's been trying to have a baby and hasn't been able, and then maybe I could check them out and see if they'd at least tell me whether or not they want to sacrifice the kid or use it for slave labor... but if that's not an option, I'll take this responsiblity myself.

Vee Barlett: What if this be the good family?

Vee Barlett: Yer blindly trustin' them same as church askin' you to do here.

Vee Barlett: Although Mr. Snow didn't tell me what happened to his kids, yeah?

Snow Man: So Levi you are a maybe, you might take care of the child if you cannot find someone else to take care of it, then you might do it your self

Levi Reed: Maybe it is a good family. But you'd think a good family would at least try to assure you that they're going to not sacrifice a fucking baby

Levi Reed: You're twisting my words

Vee Barlett: Nah, ain't tryin' to but you don't think I ain't aware of what bein' a young pa does to a kid?

Snow Man: My other 18 children, 14 of them have done very well, they are sucessful and productive, my other 4 I am sad that I have not been able to help them achieve that they wanted to to do

Vee Barlett: Damn, you either get around OR ya adopt lots.

Rothuss Carder: Maybe you could get a third dad here, Vee.

Snow Man: Why to you think that the Church trusts me to raise a child?

Vee Barlett: Fuck you, Rothuss.

Rothuss Carder: Would give you another father to get angry at.

Rothuss Carder: grins.

Levi Reed: They didn't say you were raising it

Levi Reed: That's kind of the problem here

Vee Barlett: There ya go, Levi. Got him to admit he gonna raise it, not sacrifice it.

Vee Barlett: I ain't angry at my dads.

Rothuss Carder: Granted, that might have been a bit strong of a word. Sorry.

Vee Barlett: Ya should be, but good on ya fer apologizin'

Claudius : Or was it meant like "raise him" like we "raise chicken"

Claudius : Just sayin...

Vee Barlett: Claud, ya ain't helpin'

Vee Barlett: Shush it or yer on diaper duty.

Vee Barlett: AND still in debt.

Claudius : Smiles mischieviously and shrugs

Levi Reed: Nope. Debt is paid

Vee Barlett: Only church can decide that, Lev.

Vee Barlett: And they ain't gonna listen to you. They barely listened to us.

Lirtimya: I doubt the snow man raises humans as we would chickens

Vee Barlett: Tempe and Lirt were there. They know ain't easy negotiatin' with them.

Levi Reed: Well if the church thinks his debt isn't paid then this church is full of morons and he should run away from them

Vee Barlett: Lev. I know yer full-hearted. That's why Melange be takin' a likin' to ya, but ya ain't one to think things through.

Temperance: stops scribbling and blinks at the mention of her name.

Lirtimya: Claudius, what was it the church told you to do with this child?

Vee Barlett: Why you ain't thinkin' my compromise good enough? You can SEE how he be raised before ya stubbornly make this decision that gonna affect ALL of us.

Snow Man: If Levi decides to surrender the child then that would help Claudius complete his debt

Claudius : Oh I don't care what the church thinks. I'm a man of principles and this debt was one I took on myself. I say my debt is paid and to hell with the church as far as I'm concerned.

Vee Barlett: face palms

Claudius : But I do appreciate that Levi

Levi Reed: Because we've BEEN here before, Vee. This is the same conversation we had when you all convinced me to leave the church without knowing why we were delivering a baby to a stranger.

Claudius : laughs

Levi Reed: Everyone was like, "oh, we'll just talk to the guy, I'm sure he's fine"

Levi Reed: And now we're here, and this clown is nothing but philosophy and maybe sacrifices

Snow Man: Thank you for trusting me then Levi

Vee Barlett: I be agreein' to hell with the church BUT until we wield more power than them, ya gotta play it smart and not make enemies.

Claudius : Oh I agree there Vee.

Levi Reed: Oh, I do NOT trust you

Levi Reed: Not yet

Snow Man: Then, not now

Vee Barlett: And now I'm convincin' ya to not make enemies of the church AND to stick around and babysit with Snow and get to know him and his wife.

Lirtimya: Knowing when to pick your battles, is more of the battle than fighting it Levi, fighting the church now won't do you any good

Rothuss Carder: Also in Levi's defense, he could have refused to bring the baby here without the information, and then the Church would have just passed it off onto the next poor saps to come along. This way he gets to safeguard the child and make sure they're in good hands.

Vee Barlett: Maybe she can teach ya that forest language thing so you can talk to ghost monkeys or somethin'

Snow Man: Trusting in an unknown future, is a good thing, that is what the church wants, trusting in the here and now is a very human thing to doubt and question

Levi Reed: Ghost monkeys isn't worth a slave baby on my conscience.

Vee Barlett: Damn, I did pick a good first matey.

Vee Barlett: Levi, ain't know it a slave baby. That's just you gettin' stuck in that mindset so ya ain't listenin' to anything more.

Levi Reed: All futures are unknown

Vee Barlett: Nah, fortune lady did somewhat read the future.

Levi Reed: I'm listening, this guy just isn't SAYING anything

Snow Man: Not all futures are unknown look at Melange

Vee Barlett: 'Cause he needs you to make that decision.

Levi Reed: waves his free hand back and forth

Vee Barlett: But he's said lots to convince ya if ya listenin'

Levi Reed: those fortune tellers are so vague, they could be talking about anything

Vee Barlett: Snow, how many baby humans ya sacrifice lately?

Snow Man: They could tell you the child will be a slave, or he could be a prince, it depends on how you listen to the signs

Levi Reed: Yeah he said he's got 41 kids that he couldn't help to be successful. What does that mean? They all die?

Vee Barlett: Fuck ain't all my Pa's offspring survive, neither, but don't make him evil.

Snow Man: Sacrifice? To the greater good? Or do you mean do spill blood so a god feels better?

Vee Barlett: Blood spillin'

Levi Reed: All I want is assurance that he will do his best to assure that the child doesn't come to any purposeful harm. That's it.

Vee Barlett: Snow Guy, can Levi come back to visit this kid whenever he wants?

Snow Man: Did your mother want you to come to harm Levi? did she protect you from ALL harm? what do you expect a stranger to do with a baby you are a stranger to?

Levi Reed: That's why I said "purposeful"

Levi Reed: People get hurts. It happens

Vee Barlett: Like my head hurts from this convo...

Levi Reed: But as long as you promise me you're not going to purposefully hurt this kid, then I'm good giving it to you

Snow Man: I would say that if Levi owes me a favor then yes I would accept him to vist and see how his child is doing

Levi Reed: And I don't mean in a philosophical sense

Levi Reed: We all got trauma and whatever

Levi Reed: I just want to know you aren't going to like, stab this kid

Vee Barlett: Probably less chance of it here than with us.

Snow Man: Will you owe me a favor if I promise you to treat this child the way you hope it is treated?

Levi Reed: Heck no

Vee Barlett: internally screams

Levi Reed: If you can't promise me basic human decency then you're an ass

Vee Barlett: How would you treat it if he don't owe ya a favor?

Snow Man: I am not certain YOU can treat this child with basic human decency

Levi Reed: No but I'm willing to try

Levi Reed: Which is more than you're saying right now

Snow Man: AHH you want me to promise with no restraint, but you will only do what you are willing to try to do

Levi Reed: You're talking in circles

Levi Reed: I'm not a smart man, you're going to have to dumb it down for me

Vee Barlett: Well that's obivous...

Snow Man: Will you sacraifce yourself for this child

Levi Reed: And I didn't say promise

Levi Reed: YOU said promise

Levi Reed: All I want is for you to tell me you don't intend to purposefully harm this child

Vee Barlett: You willin' to sacrifice yerself, Snowman?

Snow Man: I am insisting that you do not Unintentionally harm the child because you do not know better

Vee Barlett: Oh, sorry, I should clarify I don't mean that as a threat.

Levi Reed: I'd rather take my chances on unintentional than intentional

Vee Barlett: Levi. Ya gotta read between the lines.

Levi Reed: I'm not saying I'm NOT willing to do a favor for you, don't get me wrong. But I"m not willing to bargain for this child

Snow Man: I would rather please the Church by taking on the responsiblilty that I agreed to than let you maybe fufufill a potential agreement

Levi Reed: Children aren't barganing chips

Vee Barlett: Yer bargain' for visitation, numbskull.

Snow Man: Ahh THIS child is YOUR bargaining chip

Vee Barlett: You can give kid up and not ever visit then ya don't owe a favor.

Levi Reed: Nope

Levi Reed: You're twisting my words again

Snow Man: Or else you would have given it to me

Levi Reed: What good does visitation do me if he murders the kid after I leave?

Vee Barlett: Revenge.

Levi Reed: Hmmm, that's fair

Snow Man: Gestures to Vee and Rothuss, see, he believes I would murder a child

Levi Reed: I don't know you

Levi Reed: Here's my counter offer

Vee Barlett: Ya didn't know Claudius or the kids much longer, neither.

Lirtimya: And he does not know you Levi, you two know nothing about each other, and this is a human life you're going back and forth over

Levi Reed: I keep an eye on things while we're here, you assure me you will not INTENTIONALLY cause unnecessary harm to the child, and if I come back and you didn't fulfill that bargain, I get to do to you whatever you did to the child

Snow Man: Looks over at Claudius, I hope you are very good friends with him, that he is defending you and willing to step in and take on your debt

Vee Barlett: For the sake of Gorby, please accept it or we gonna be here all day.

Claudius : Oh yeah mate, Levi is the best like that

Levi Reed: I know he doesn't know me, but should say something about my character that I want to protect the kid

Levi Reed: I might mess it all up but at least I'm trying

Snow Man: Do you accept that the Church wants me to watch over this child Levi?

Levi Reed: Oh yeah, I accept that

Snow Man: Then that is the enter of our agreement

Snow Man: If you return here and think you can challenge me to how I have raised this child you are free to do so

Levi Reed: Now you're finally saying something

Levi Reed: What's the kid's name?

Claudius : I called him Kid

Levi Reed: Snow Man, you know the kid's name?

Snow Man: I do not care what the child's name is

Levi Reed: What are you going to call it?

Snow Man: I do not know

Vee Barlett: Maybe it'll come to him after he sees how the child be.

Snow Man: That will come after it learns and is a person

Rothuss Carder: Do you want suggestions?

Lirtimya: Do the names you are given up here reflect the person?

Levi Reed: Ok. You can have the kid for now. But if it looks like he's going to be a slave or something like that, I reserve the right to change my mind

Snow Man: They are based on who they interact with and who they want to become

Snow Man: You have no reservations

Levi Reed: Of course I do, that's why I put the caveat

Snow Man: So many people think they know better

Levi Reed: But it's hard to be absolutely certain about anything

Snow Man: then they decide that other things are more important

Levi Reed: That what happened to this kid's parents?

Levi Reed: holds the baby out for the snow man to take

Snow Man: So now that we have decided to clear Claudius' debt

Lirtimya: The kid might be an orphan

The time is 12:53 PM

Levi Reed: Not anymore

Vee Barlett: breathes a sigh of relief

Snow Man: What can I do for you

Vee Barlett: Them twins want trainin' for sure and maybe some of them others. They can speak for themself.

Claudius : Got any ale? Grog? Rum? I'm not picky

Snow Man: What do you want for your Pa, Vee Barlett?

Vee Barlett: Oh, always want somethin' but ain't nothin' from you right now that I know about.

Rothuss Carder: Kinda depends what he's qualified to train us in. So far it's mostly been nitpicking and judgement, but hopefully he has a few more skills than that. I'm not overly interested in either of those.

Levi Reed: I already got what I wanted

Snow Man: Very smart of you to undestand you do not know what you need

Rothuss Carder: grins and strums a few notes on the strings.

MeLange: snorez

Snow Man: Rothuss Carder

Snow Man: you are in need of learning

Rothuss Carder: Yup.

Snow Man: You THINK you know but you do not KNOW

Vee Barlett: Ain't arguin' that...

Rothuss Carder: Oh goody. more judgement.

Vee Barlett: His main flaw, yeah.

Vee Barlett: Rothuss, to be exact.

Snow Man: Talk to me

Lirtimya: I can take him with me to my next library raiding if he wishes, as long as he keeps quiet while I read

Snow Man: Tell me what you think you need and why?

Snow Man: Take who where?

Rothuss Carder: Sure, I can give you a wish list, if you want.

Lirtimya: Well, you said he's in need of learning

Vee Barlett: Don't be burdenin' yerself with that Lirt. That's what Snow is here for.

Rothuss Carder: I'm currently working on climbing walls, but magic is probably the top of my list. Then prestidigitation.

Rothuss Carder: after that, I mostly just need to practice a bit more on some stuff I already got.

Snow Man: But is he smart enough to understand what you are teaching him Lirtmya?

Lirtimya: Shurgs

Vee Barlett: She got things she wanna learn, too.

Rothuss Carder: I'll just wait over here until you're all done talking about me, shall I?

MeLange: shrugs in his dream

Vee Barlett: Melange, didja have a wishlist?

MeLange: startles awake

Snow Man: You two trusted in the church to help you

MeLange: hmm? Oh no I think I'm good, I don't have wishes

Snow Man: The Carder siblings from the hills

Snow Man: Then you have a small vision of the future Melange, you should also have a wish for a star you might find

MeLange: Oh alright

MeLange: well in that... geez lemme see here

Vee Barlett: Oh, his fortune? It be an interestin' one.

Wildling 1 : [Translation] Why are you wasting your time with these boring people

Vee Barlett : [Translation] I don't speak LAND.

MeLange: Maybe I guess, between you and me...

MeLange: I'd wish for a family, knife to my head scenario

Snow Man : [Translation] My love they are not boring, they are just lacking in understanding

Vee Barlett: Ain't that Levi?

Vee Barlett: Well not to rush y'all or nothin' but he a good start.

Snow Man: You want a knife to your head?

MeLange: Levi's my partner

MeLange: my partner in life

Vee Barlett: Er, maybe it's his kink?

Levi Reed: Wow, I mean, we didn't really talk about that commitment level yet

MeLange: but it's not like a Mom and a wife and kids and grandpa

Levi Reed: And did you just say something NICE about me, Vee? You ok?

Levi Reed: feels Vee's forehead

Vee Barlett: Nah, not nice when it's statin' facts.

Vee Barlett: And you touch me again, I'm gonna punch ya.

MeLange: Well family don't usually need to talk about being family, see my point

MeLange: they have like birthdays

MeLange: and dinners at a table

Vee Barlett: Be dependin' on the family. Ain't all of us blessed with AMAZING DADS *glares at Snow* so those who ain't gotta find and choose them.

Temperance: I suppose it depends on what subjective definition of family is.

Snow Man: Melange, Levi, You are always welcome to dinner at our family table

Vee Barlett: Well damn, that'd be kinda sweet.

MeLange: Oh that's nice!

MeLange: Thank you Mr. Snow Man

Snow Man: Levi already committed to visiting every so often to check on the child

Levi Reed: I'm not saying I'm AGAINST that committment, man, just... you know, thought it would be a private conversation first

MeLange: I would build you in a heartbeat

Snow Man: It is not that much more to give you dinner once in a while

MeLange: mmm chile

MeLange: We can talk Levi, he just asked about my wish n so I told him, wasn't telling secrets or nothing

Snow Man: So other than the child coming to live with me what else do you need? I understand that Rothuss wants to negociate for some help with some skills

Vee Barlett: Lirt, speak up now if ya want somethin'

Vee Barlett: I can't be always speakin' for ya.

MeLange: Oh wait!

MeLange: I'm sorry is my turn up? Can I ask one more thing?

Snow Man: You can always put that mouth to use

MeLange: ummm

Levi Reed: Hey, don't hit on my baby like that

Vee Barlett: rolls eyes

Lirtimya: There's always things I want, things to work on, I could try to be better at my research, at reading omens, at being more alert, to be able to bind books,to be better at my magic.

MeLange: no just I was wondering if you happened to have...

Levi Reed: Apparently we're in a committed relationship now

Rothuss Carder: Absolutely no offense intended whatsoever, but if I'm going to have to negotiate, think we could do it *without* the judging and nitpicking? Rather not feel like I'm making a deal with the devil for helping out the Church.

MeLange: an extra hand axe about, I'm down one

Vee Barlett: Yeah, but weren't there somethin' you was lookin' at skill wise to improve lately?

Vee Barlett: Researchin', yeah? Maybe ya got tips fer her.

Rothuss Carder: pretends to read a book.

Lirtimya: Learning to research first seems like a good course of action

BOB No priest of Mage NWP available for training here, but others are, particularly Thief abiliities, for Lirt she might get her request as it is not a Spell type thing

Rothuss Carder: "How to find out what the deal is with the Hermit living on top of the mountain before hiking up there yourself."

Levi Reed: Doesn't seem like a hermit to me, man. He's got a wife and used to have 41 kids and then however many were successful

Snow Man: If I take this child from Claudius, then his debt for the church is free, I will commit to that

Levi Reed: So.... you wanna do that now or? My arms are getting tired

Snow Man: If you put additional restrictions on that then we will negociate if that fulfills his requests

BOB So we are at the point of Rothuss and Ratbone negociating for training

BOB and Lirt wanting more skills

BOB The Snow Man looks like a very tall Yellow Hair male, someone who is NOT part of anyone's every day life

BOB The other voice you have heard is not clear, it is part of the trees

BOB He has a blonde beard, blonde hair, tall, Viking male, unlike anything else on this island

Rothuss Carder: cracks fingers.

Temperance: Just an inquiry out of curiosity, but do you happen to know if you encounter spiritual beings within the area?

Snow Man: Always

Snow Man: If you are part of nature then you are already encountering the spirtual

Temperance: Hm.... how often are they spirits or ghosts, if you don't mind me asking?

Snow Man: Spirits are part of the natural world

Snow Man: Those that do not make their way to where their spirit wants to rest

Rothuss Carder: Something I've always wondered.. what's the unnatural world?

Snow Man: The undead

Vee Barlett: Like them goblin zombies.

Snow Man: Those that want to live after death

Rothuss Carder: Oh, yeah. Makes sense. Thanks.

Snow Man: So Rothuss, let me see how talented you are

Snow Man: gives him a bag

Snow Man: open this lock

MeLange: Rothuss got skillz

Vee Barlett: Ain't sure about that...

Rothuss Carder: puts away his lute.

MeLange: Ratbone give us a beat

Rothuss Carder: whistles while he inspects it.

Ratbone Carder: beatboxes

MeLange: For Rothuss to work to

MeLange: yeahhh

Ratbone Carder: brrrt brrt BOP brrt brrt brrt BOP

Rothuss Carder: You got a key?

Rothuss Carder: shrugs and pulls out his main-gauche and slits the top off the bag.

Snow Man: That is not what I had anticipated but it does the job

Rothuss Carder: hands it back.

Snow Man: What sort of skills did you look to improve?

Rothuss Carder: I'm guessing the Magic is off the board, right?

Snow Man: What type of magic?

Rothuss Carder: spells of some sort that I maybe could learn.

Snow Man: Looks over at Ratbone, Do you need magic to accomplish your tasks?

Ratbone Carder: me too!

Ratbone Carder: Not my current tasks, but I could do better tasks if I had it

Rothuss Carder: Ah ah ah! I never said *need*. "Want" is the word we're using here.

Ratbone Carder: I need to learn and grow, right? Stagnation is retrogression.

Snow Man: Want is a powerful aphrodisiac something that draws you in, closer and closer, but can you walk away?

Ratbone Carder: giggles he said aphrodesiac

Rothuss Carder: Damn good thing we live by words, because I think you just broke a few brains with that sentence.

Snow Man: Excellent

Snow Man: so you want to climb walls? you want to juggle things?

Rothuss Carder: So, to clarify in Simple Words, spells would be nice, if you can teach us something. If not, I've currently been working on climbing. After that maybe pockets.

Ratbone Carder: Definitely pockets for me.

Snow Man: Slipping a hand in and out of spaces is a very good skill for you to learn

Rothuss Carder: Prestidigitation is a goal, but the teacher at school is a wizard, so I'm guessing you don't have that.

Snow Man: I have a student who is good at slight of hand and obscuring where something comes from

Snow Man: There are few magical writings here, but I will explore those options for you

Rothuss Carder: As that's not something I can improve myself, that'd be my preference.

Snow Man: Once can always take care of themselves, it is much better to have someone help you complete

MeLange: I much rather some else help me to completion

Snow Man: The two of you

Snow Man: Need some assistance

Snow Man: I have students who can help y ou

Temperance: Magical writings....

MeLange: whoa

Rothuss Carder: You have a whole school up here?

Snow Man: I am happy to do this for you, because you will be happy to help me afterwards

Levi Reed: Will we, though?

Vee Barlett: Ain't nothin' free.

Snow Man: If you are happy to help me, I will be glad to help you

Levi Reed: Do you mean "happy" or do you mean "begrudingly willing"?

Rothuss Carder: Are you going to give any hints about this task that we'd love to help you out with in advance?

Rothuss Carder: I'm not saying no, mind you. But I'm aware of the Pig in the Poke scam.

Ratbone Carder: I want to learn how to escape

Snow Man: What do you want to escape from?

Ratbone Carder: Ropes and other bindings.

Snow Man: I am certain that I can find those who would like to bind you, so that you can practice avoiding such things

MeLange: kinky

Ratbone Carder: Heh kinky lovers are a dime a dozen. Ahem, I hear.

Snow Man: I do not have dozens here

MeLange: hey, a dime a dozen is like a buck twenty

Snow Man: but I can help you with a limited set of actions

Rothuss Carder: covers his ears so he doesn't hear about this side of his little sister.

Snow Man: In a few weeks I can see how we can help you achieve your goals

Temperance: Er, I heard you say there were magical writings available. It would be helpful to get some assistance on these... documents we found as well, if we can.

Snow Man: I do not understand magical whistlings, and ramblings

Snow Man: There may be others in our mountain lake community

Temperance: Ah, well, it was worth an ask. I appreciate it.

Snow Man: My wife may be able to assist you with that

Temperance: brightens at the thought of discovering what the writing might say.

Temperance: That would be helpful, if she wouldn't mind sparing some of her time.

Wildling 1 : [Translation] What do you expect me to do with such people who will not learn?

Snow Man: I can try to convince her to spend some time with you

Temperance: Yes, I'd appreciate that very much. Perhaps I can do my best to learn her language as well. I do not want to be disrespectful.

Temperance: looks a little lost at the foreign tongue being spoken

Snow Man: I see that you need two people who have training needs

Snow Man: I will call my students to our house so that you may meet them at breakfast

Ratbone Carder: Thank you so much!

Rothuss Carder: bows again.

Snow Man: and you can negociate with them what they need in exchange for your requests

Rothuss Carder: I'm sure it'll be interesting for all.

Snow Man: You can rest in our home for this afternoon, this evening I will invite my friends from the mountains to join us for dinner.

MeLange: friends from the mountains?

Vee Barlett: Ain't any water nearby to relax at, is there?

Snow Man: I would like to go spend some time with my wife to hear what she thinks of you

Lirtimya: He said there was a lake somewhere

Rothuss Carder: He did say mountain lake.

Snow Man: Just down the hill there is the Lake

Vee Barlett: Then that's where you'll find me.

Vee Barlett: salutes

Snow Man: You might want to be careful,

MeLange: ummm, did he just propose a threesome?

Vee Barlett: Selkies? Sirens? Neither? Both?

Snow Man: Many things that you might not think about

Snow Man: I would suggest spending some time near the house before venturing down hill again

Vee Barlett: Fine. Ya got a shower to start?

MeLange: Thanks Mr. Snow Man

Lirtimya: Do you have many books up here that I could borrow to learn from?

Wildling 1 : [Translation] She can use a shower

Vee Barlett: I'm gonna take a LONG shower or bath to make up for that then.

Temperance: Books do sound nice.

Vee Barlett : [Translation] WATER FOR THE WIN.

Snow Man: I will let you spend time later on

MeLange: I find they don't make many sounds

Snow Man: For now enjoy the forests and the mountains

Levi Reed: Anywhere specific we should spend our time? I don't want to roam around if you don't want me roaming

Vee Barlett: mutters, "Ugh, land."

MeLange: Lion gonna roam Levi

Temperance: Perhaps we can explore some of the plant life here.

Levi Reed: That sounds super fun, but I think MeL and I might need to have a conversation first

BOB He has left you on your own

BOB apparently trusting? a test?

BOB He did not indicate where you are sleeping but it is a large manor house

MeLange: Sure thing buddy!

Lirtimya: He didn't tell me if they have a library

Lirtimya: Sighs

Temperance: Take your time, I'm accustomed to solitary exploration.

Vee Barlett: And I need a shower. A long one.

Temperance: smiles indulgently

Rothuss Carder: What d'you think, Ratbone?

MeLange: <To Levi> That doesn't actually sound fun right?

Levi Reed: He said we could roam, no reason not to go looking for a library

Rothuss Carder: Real or skeezy?

MeLange: Vee... you don't smell great

Vee Barlett: Same as y'all.

Temperance: I wouldn't mind looking for a library.

Vee Barlett: Rothuss still smells like what came out his back end so he beats us all.

Rothuss Carder: I won't say no to going first.

Vee Barlett: Just too dry up here. What a miserable place to live.

Ratbone Carder: What do I think about which?

Levi Reed -> MeLange: So... uh... are we exclusive or...

Lirtimya: Well, that's where I'll be, I wonder if they have any good books on the formation of ocean trenches

Rothuss Carder: Our Host. Is he legit, or a snake oiler?

Vee Barlett: goes off to shower while they chatter

Vee Barlett: Too dry...

Ratbone Carder: He kind of comes off as too er earnest

Lirtimya: Starts walking through random rooms to try to find a library of some sort

Ratbone Carder: I mean I think he's legit but there's like more to the picture

Ratbone Carder: Pretty sure we don't want to be on his bad side

Rothuss Carder: Alright, I'll go with your gut. He ticked me off, so I'm not reading clearly right now.

Rothuss Carder: goes to wait his turn with the shower.

Temperance: decides to wait her turn to freshen up as well before exploring the plant life.

Vee Barlett: taking her sweet precious time

Temperance: sits and records whilst she waits goodnaturedly because she's patient.

Lirtimya: Decides she'll freshen up last, gives her more time trying to find these books

Vee Barlett: takes so long you wonder if she drowned

Rothuss Carder: sits outside the shower area and plays on his lute.

Temperance: assumes she's alright because she's Vee Barlett.

Vee Barlett : [Translation] I'm singin' in the rain, just singin' in the rainnnnnn

MeLange -> Levi Reed: (So Anyway) Exclusive? What do you mean exclusive?

Levi Reed -> MeLange: You know like... do we go on dates with other people too, or only each other?

MeLange -> Levi Reed: Ohhhhh I get ya yea ok, that's a thing. Well whatever we've been doing up until now I feel like is working, cause I'm happy here with you just knowing you're here, nearby, I can rely on you

Levi Reed -> MeLange: I mean, I don't want to like, BE with anyone else, but I still like to flirt. I just want to make sure you won't get jealous. You'll always be my number one

MeLange -> Levi Reed: Hey, as long as your nearby and not being a dick, we're good. You feel like you wanna have the exclusive talk, we'll do that. But I think we're still in fun days, so have fun

Levi Reed -> MeLange: Sounds good!

MeLange -> Levi Reed: I like that we can talk this way, feels so weird to be fully honest with a person

ice%MeLange: pecks Levi on the cheek

Levi Reed -> MeLange: I mean, yeah, this is super creeping me out. But my top priority is making sure I don't hurt you

MeLange gratuitously flexes his muscles

MeLange -> Levi Reed: yea that's right, hurt this

BOB%BOB Things BOB noticed. 1 - you never asked about his wife, 2 - you never asked what his real name is 3 - you never asked why he has other people living there, 4 - you never asked why he is living here, 5 - you never asked what his assoication with the church is 6 - you never asked (or got an answer) about why he is taking in orphans

BOB Glad to have that disussion over dinner

BOB I would like to do that at the start of next session, after you all have formally laid out what you are requesting for training

BOB I have Ratbone and Rothuss definately for thief skills

BOB and I know LIrt wants things

BOB He seemed to indicate that he has several students who can train you in what you want but you have to negociate with them about training costs

BOB next session is picking up your training packet and signing the loan documents

Rothuss Carder: cracks knuckles.